Pearypie: NIKKO #Pearypiearoundtheworld - Duration: 8:29.Hey! what's up?! where are we right now?
we're in Japannnnnn!!!!!!!
why are you soooooo cute?
Kaitun can dance ,see!
Eyyy! We're on a road trip yayyyyy!
Niinuii is driving so how are you feeling?
I'm so excited!
where are we going Niinuii ??
We're heading to Nikko nue~
Nikkooo yesss
Dango! This one is soy sauce flavour
and this one is Miso and Sesame
Super yummy!
Kampai Des~
I just ordered hot soba with spinach topping on it
but it turned out to be spring onions
Isn't this cute? Strawberry snacks
but the best of the best is tadaaaa!!
Pearypie or Chinese pear tart and it says "Precious Memory"
We're here , this is gonna be like my pre-wedding~
I got all the stuffs for shooting with me
let's forget about Nikko haha to see Pom Pom
which is actually the main goal for this trip!
Pom Pom I'm coming for you~
(crying) we're here ,it's not what we expected
It is supposed to be hills full of POMPOM!! But it's all gone since we are a month late and autumn has passed.
Hope we still can get few pictures there though.
I'm on a plane heading back home now.
See ya on the next trip of #pearypiearoundtheworld
I hope you guys enjoy!
yay yay! (bye bye)
I'll show you how to drink Sake my way
This is the normal size for the cup
but no I go for this size.
Kampai des~~
#IMO: We Will Lose Our NHS - Duration: 8:24.so it's pretty fair to say that Jeremy
Hunt is a disaster as Secretary of State
for Health he's hated by doctors by
journalists by much of the public at
he has to run away shamefully from
journalists on the streets of
Westminster as they beg him to ask
questions about why the NHS is in
freefall I think he should resign as the
Tory secretary of State for Health and I
think that the crisis that now afflicts
the NHS is far bigger than "oh it's
winter it's cold" or "oh people have gotten
older" yes they have and yes it is winter
but that's nothing new that happens
every year people have been being getting older
for a while
it's a problem of underfunding not
enough resources stretching staff to do
more with less in the long term clearly not
possible so today I'm going to outline
4 key indicators as to why the NHS is
failing and why Jeremy Hunt should resign
number 1 ambulance emergency
response times so ambulances need to get
to critically injured people people who
could be facing death potentially within
8 minutes
that's the target ok there are 13
ambulance trusts in England Wales and
Northern Ireland 13 how many of those
trusts do you think made their targets in
getting to critically injured people
within 8 minutes
13 trusts how many made it 1
in 2016 1 million people
weren't seen within 8 minutes who were
in really serious danger 1 million
people who are critically injured
weren't seen as quickly as they should have been
1 million 35% so if you were
hit by a bus or in a serious incident you
could be in real big trouble there's a
one-in-three chance you wouldn't be seen
as quickly as you're meant to be by an
ambulance now that's obviously going to lead
to avoidable deaths now this isn't to
blame paramedics or ambulance services
they're not farting about they're not
lazy it's because when they take people
into hospital when they take people
A&E they have to stay with them
until those people are enrolled into the
system now because there aren't enough
beds that can often be for two three or
four hours sometimes more before they go
back out again so people are dying
because of this because of this lack of
beds avoidably right and that's not
just me saying this a coroner last year
said that since 2010 35 people
have died when they shouldn't have
because ambulances did not get to them
quick enough
now clearly the number will probably be much much higher
but that number of 35 is indisputable so to
so to recap this is a really bad statistic
1 out of 13 ambulance trusts is meeting this target
and its leading to avoidable deaths you
can solve it guess how more paramedics
more money more hospital beds number two
ambulance emergency waiting times this
is the one everybody is talking about
right so there's another target here
with A&E services 95%
of people go to A&E should be seen
within four hours that's the target 95%
Dr Taj Hassan of the Royal College
of Emergency Medicine has said in some
departments last month well actually in
many departments nationwide it was fifty
to sixty percent were being seen within
four hours so there's a huge problem in
regard to A&E people having to wait
longer and those targets aren't being met
in the words of Dr Taj Hassan himself
now just look at this
graph ok the tories come to power in
the summer of 2010 there's tens of thousands
of people that are not being seen
within the 4 hours
where is it by January 2016 it's over
200,000 so between summer 2010 January
2016 it's up by over 500% percent
500% percent increase people
having to wait four hours or more in A&E
ok that's not a year on year thing the
trend's obvious it goes beyond one year
it goes beyond people getting old or it
being cold and guess what
in the last 12 months things have got
a hell of a lot worse ok so you'll probably be
seeing between summer 2010 and the next
general election what
at this rate something like 1000%
increase and people not being seen
within four hours at A&E unsustainable and
just like with paramedics and ambulances
it means people are dying when they
shouldn't be because there are not
enough resources in the NHS
number 3 treatment waiting times
ok so this is not dealing with avoidable
deaths like numbers one and two but it's
still very very very important so
referral to treatment treatment being
things like cataract removals hip
replacement knee replacement
the target is 18 weeks from referral to
treatment of 92%
92% of people who are
referred for treatment in regard to
these things
pretty bad things but not life-threatening
right should be seen
within 18 weeks that target is being
more people are not being treated within
the 18 weeks than ever before and guess
how long the waiting list is remarkable
3.9 million people waiting for a regular
treatment like cataracts operations or
a knee replacement now you might not
think that such a big deal but 3.9
million people who potentially can't
work potentially can't care for one of
their parents or grandparents
potentially can't look after their
children can't earn a living decreased
quality of life perhaps suffering mental
health issues because they can't
exercise this is serious okay and it's a
lot of people like I said nearly four
million people it will be more than four
million people next year again that kind
of waiting list that kind of failure
with people having to wait for treatment
hasn't really been seen for the last six
years all of these kinds of things just
like with A&E waiting times just with
ambulance response times they'd gone
down and guess what they're going up
again over four million people next year
will be waiting for pretty regular easy
to do treatment this is a pandemic of
inadequate care in our national health
service again very easy to sort out more
money more doctors more resources it's a
question of political will not the fact
that people are getting older or because
it's the winter I'm really sorry Jeremy Hunt
number four the NHS is understaffed last
summer there were 23,440 vacancies for
nurses in the NHS guess how many there were in 2013
12,500 so you're almost seeing a doubling of
vacancies for nurses in the NHS by the
way that 23400 figure guess what
that's nine percent of all the nurses in
the NHS there is a chronic shortage of
nurses in the NHS but it's not just nurses it's
also doctors there were 2,900 vacancies
for doctors in 2013 now there's 4600
vacancies there's a huge huge shortfall
and actually just a commons report a few
months before we had this humanitarian
crisis as the Red Cross called it in the
NHS a few months early last winter said that
3,000 more doctors were needed in NHS A&E
departments otherwise there would be a
crisis in A&E oh well guess what happened
so 3,000 more doctors needed
NHS England A&E departments need
around 8,000
doctors to make ends meet to cope
currently we have around 5500 so you need
about a 50% increase in the
number of doctors in A&Es just to
make ends meet now all this was
presented to Jeremy Hunt to the
government to everybody in the House of
Commons just a few months before those
two people tragically died in Worcestershire
a fortnight ago so they knew all this
was happening it was laid out very clearly
in front of them and they did nothing
about it and by the way guess what the
biggest risk of a seven-day NHS is that's
right staff shortages overstretching
people asking them to do more and more
with less and less and by the way guess
what another interesting statistic NHS
nurses taking more time off than ever
not enough of them the ones that are
working more stretched more distressed
more anxious more ill because they're
being asked to do an impossible task
it's not good for them physically or
mentally if you want to destroy the
National Health Service guess where you
start you destroy it's staff
so I've just outlined 4 key measures where I think
the NHS is failing I could do so many more
ambulance response times A&E waiting lists referral to
treatment staff vacancies which of course
denotes not enough people in the system
to make it function effectively I could
do so many more cancer treatment waiting
times massive failure there too this is a
political failure these failures not
just this year last year there over the
last six years and they're getting worse
over time and if the next year six
years are as bad as the last six years we
won't have much of an NHS left
how do we sort it out well more resources
you pay people more you stop the
outsourcing you stop the privatization
that's easy enough right but it requires
political will
first things first we need to get
Jeremy Hunt to resign
Jeremy Hunt please just fuck off
thank you
4 Pronunciation Errors You Don't Wanna Make (Explicit) - Duration: 9:02.Aww yeah, Global Citizens, I'm Justin, your Fluency Guide from RealLifeGlobal.com, where
we help you not just learn English, but to live it.
To start with, I have a very important, but delicate pronunciation question for you
Have you ever mistakenly pronounced the word BITCH, when you really meant to say the word BEACH,
or maybe you said SHIT, when you were trying to say SHEET, or quite possibly you said FUCK
when you really wanted to say FORK?
Garçom (Waiter)?
Yes Madam.
Can I have a fork ("f*ck") please.
Thank you.
I'm afraid it's not that kind of club.
Or maybe PISS when you were trying to say PEACE - like a PIECE of toast.
Did people laugh at you?
Did you laugh with them?
Well either way if you don't know how to pronounce these delicate, critical
words in English, every time you open your mouth it's like walking through a mine field.
Well after today's lesson, NEVER AGAIN, because I'm going to teach you
the CORRECT WAY to pronounce these delicate words,
But first we're going to laugh our butts off at exactly what NOT TO DO with the most
hilarious, famous bad pronunciation video that you will ever watch: The Italian Man
Who Went to Malta.
But first, to make sure that you practice and really perfect these sounds, I really
recommend that you download the Power Pronunciation Activity to accompany this lesson.
You can find the link in the description, or right here.
This activity contains a PDF breakdown of this entire lesson, plus links to top resources,
and an MP3 that gives you the chance to practice along and imitate.
If you're a teacher, you can even share this with your students.
One day I´m gonna to Malta to a big hotel.
In the morning I go down to eat a breakfast.
I tell the waitress that I wanna two pieces of toast.
She brings me only one piece.
I tell her "I want two piece". ("piss")
She said "Go to the toilet".
I said "You no understand.
I wanna piece on my plate".
She said "You better not piss on the plate you son of a bitch!"
I don't even know the lady and she called me a sun of the beach.
Later, I go to eat at a bigger restaurant.
The waitress brings me a spoon and a knife but no fork.
I tell her "I wanna fork" ("fuck"). She tell me "Everybody wanna fuck!"
I tell her "You no understand.
I wanna fork on the table!"
She said "You better no fuck on the table!
You son of a bitch!"
So I go back to my room in a hotel, and there is no sheets on the bed.
Call the manager and tell him "I wanna sheet" He tells me to go to the toilet!
I said "You no understand.
I wanna sheet ("shit") on my bed".
He said "You better not shit on my bed, you son of a bitch"
I go to the check out and the man at the desk said "Peace on you" and I said "Piss
on you too, you son of a beach".
I´m gonna back to Italia, 'Arrivederci11'
Well, hopefully nothing that painfully embarrassing has ever happened to you with your English
pronunciation, but just to make sure that it never does, let's take a really good
deep look at the subtle, but critical difference between these two sounds, as well as the mouth
movement, and muscles of articulation.
So to really avoid the embarrassing mispronunciations that we just went through, you really have
to master the difference between these two critical sounds, the Short I, the "IH"
sound, "IH," and the long E, the "EE" sound, "EE."
So just to give you a few examples- feel free to listen and imitate, to repeat, grab a recorder
and even listen to yourself and listen back.
So the IH sound, the short I, we have LIVE, IT, FILL, BITCH, SHIT, PISS
and the long E sound, we have LEAVE, EAT, FEEL, BEACH, SHEET, and PEACE.
Now we're going to do a minimal pairs exercise and compare them really quickly.
I'm still gonna give you a chance to repeat.
So we have live-leave, it–eat, fill–feel, bitch–beach, shit–sheet, piss–peace.
Okay excellent, the sound is really gonna help, but now let's have a look at the mouth
movements, the muscle of articulation, which, for most people will be really helpful in
mastering these sounds.
So here we have a profile diagram of the mouth and the organs of articulation, which I'm
going to use to show you the main differences between these two sounds.
The three things that distinguish these sounds occur in:
The movement of the tongue, the lips, and the jaw.
Let's take a look at the long e, or the "ee"-"ee" sound, present in the words
When you make the EE sound, while the tip of the tongue stays down, the front part of
the tongue lifts toward the roof of the mouth without touching- this is the roof of the
mouth here- another more common meaning of ROOF is the roof of a house.
So there should be a small space here between the front part of the tongue and the roof
of the mouth.
When making the EE sound, the lips will often open up
to stretch horizontally as you can see in this picture.
It's good to exaggerate this when you practice EE - EE, almost like you're half smiling.
So just to review, the long EE sound—EE- EE is made when the lips stretch open horizontally
and the front part of the tongue lifts, or curls, toward the roof of the mouth, leaving
just a little bit of space between the tongue and the roof.
Keep in mind that the jaw does not move.
Give that a try at home— it really helps to do it, to feel it.
Leave- Eat- Feel- Beach- Sheet- Peace.
So the EE sound causes a horizontal opening of the mouth, from side to side- now compare
this to the IH sound, on the other hand- IH, IH in words like LIVE, IT, FILL, BITCH, SHIT, and PISS
you see, it does NOT open horizontally,
but instead it opens in a slight vertical way.
This is because the IH sound- IH- causes the jaw to drop down, which leaves more space
between the tongue and the roof of the mouth.
So to review, the short I, or the IH sound is made when jaw drops a little bit – causing
the lips to open vertically, and the tongue to lower and give more space between the front
of the tongue and the roof of the mouth.
Let's give that a try at home and really feel it in our mouths- IH, IH, IH.
Aww yeah, I hope you enjoyed today's lesson, that it helped your pronunciation, and that
this embarrassing mistake never ever happens to you.
If you haven't yet, feel FREE to download the free power pronunciation activity, which
includes a PDF that covers this entire lesson, links to the top resources for these sounds,
as well as an MP3 so that you can practice on your own at home.
If you haven't already, please give this channel a subscribe, if you like this video
give it a thumbs up, we would really love that, and finally I have one more thing that
I want to ask of you, a new activity that I'm just trying out: question of the day.
So my question for you is what's the most embarrassing pronunciation mistake that you
have ever made.
I'm gonna share my answer in the comments below and post it on top.
I would love it if you shared yours, cuz really it's the best thing when we can laugh at ourselves
when we can have fun, and recognize that it's part of the process.
Aww Yeah!
¿La nueva POTENCIA petrolera de LATINOAMÉRICA? - VisualPolitik - Duration: 8:40.-------------------------------------------
Internetden pul qazan YENI! 2017 (internetden para kazan ) - Duration: 11:35.-------------------------------------------
ALL IN [ENG SUB] 6 серия Ва-банк - Duration: 1:00:25.Get out of the way!
Come on!
Stop right there!
Get him!
- You bastards! - Stop there!
- Stop! - Stop right there!
Follow them!
You bastards!
Go and get them!
Are you okay?
What are you going to do now?
He doesn't seem too easy
One of you has to die before this fight is over
Are you going to run away from him for the rest of your life?
- How's going? - We missed them, sir
You jerks!
I don't want to see any one of you. Get out, all of you!
It's me, Dae-Soo. Is Sang-Man there?
It's me. You know Yoo Jong-Ku, right?
That jerk serving Sang-Du in prison, remember?
Yes, find out where he is hanging around
Just find out where he is. What's the problem with you?
I don't care how you do it. Find out where he is
What's all this? What happened?
In-Ha came by
Then where is he now? Where is In-Ha?
He was being chased by the White Bear gang
What? Where is he now?
He ran away
Run away?
Oh my god!
It's not my day!
You are so good
Here. Have some soup
I don't need it
What's the matter with you?
Don't drink so-ju alone. It's not good for you
You are the only one who cares about me
I don't think I could live much longer
Get out of here!
I bet you will live longer than anyone else I know!
Even if I die
I don't think In-Ha could take care of my funeral
If I die, could you cremate my body and send me away in Kanghwa-do..
And send your ashes away in Weipo-li seaside?
I've already heard it 78 times
I don't have anything to give you
I was suppose to tell you this later on
I held an insurance for my ex-wife
I am thinking of giving the money to you
How much would I get then?
I paid 21,000 won every month
I don't know how much it would add up to
Wait here I will find out
What the... What's the matter with her?
One day, she's going to regret..
It's for you, Mr. Kim
A call for me?
This is Kim Chi-Pal speaking
In-Ha Where are you?
Is everything okay? Are you alright?
Yes, I am okay Don't worry
Man... Why did you come here?
I don't want to see you again
Don't ever come near here Do you understand?
Are you really not going to see me anymore?
Of course, man!
Let's just break our relationship right now
I know my fate well enough
I don't expect you to prepare my funeral when I die
You are no good to me
Let's just break up for sure
And about my property
I am giving everything to Hyun-Ja
Do you understand?
You don't have any property
All you have is an old stack of Korean playing cards
I don't even want that
Man, you don't know what you are saying
You will regret what you just said
You miss me, don't you, uncle?
When the gang calm down abit I will visit you again
Don't hang up! In-Ha... In-Ha!
I asked Soon-Jung's about that insurance
It's more than I thought
If you are ill from cancer we'll get 10 million won
And if you die, I will get as much as 30 million won!
Isn't it fabulous?
Do you really like the idea of it?
No, I mean the money
What's this? Isn't this rat poisoned by any chance?
In-Ha, I really wanted to climb mount Halla
- Visit us whenever you want to - I will
I heard Dae-Soo, Yim got lot you again
That's not true
We are not that weak, you know
I am sorry
Nothing happened, really
Hey, In-Ha!
It's been such a long time!
- How have you been? - Fine
I guess it's nice to live in Jeju Island, is it?
You look good
In-Ha serves him as his "Big Brother"
Introduce yourself
I see
Hello, I am Tae-Joon, Park
I am a detective in crime violence department
Don't worry
He's as bad as the rest of us
Stop it, man
I didn't know you had a brother to serve
He was the head prisoner at In-Ha's prison
Yes, I was
I heard you and Dae-Soo got into a fight
I have to get that bastard somehow
He doesn't seem to get caught in any cases
I am going to get him soon Don't worry about it
Please take good care of In-Ha
Have some drink
Yes, thanks
Come on, bro
Don't be nervous
If you are a bro to In-Ha then you are the same to us
But this is the first time we met
Don't worry
Be comfortable to us Treat us like little brothers
Is it really okay? Have some too
I just get nervous when I see cops
Please, call us detectives
I know you are our big bro but don't ever use that word
Of course Of course
Do you all remember that boy?
He got beaten up because he used the wrong word
Stop it, man
Cop is not such a bad word
Sir, Mr. Jung-Won, Choi is here to see you
Come in
Sit down!
I read your management rationalization plan
You compared the trend of the global casino industry
and the present situation of the domestic very well
I will promote the plan according to your report
You take care of the practical work
Yes, sir
Mr. Sohn, help Mr. Choi with his new plans
Yes, sir
And the undertaking the Jeju Sea World Hotel casino
We decided to take it Start the promotion work
Why is it so quiet?
Why isn't everyone getting ready for business?
What are you all doing here?
Is it a national day or something?
Hey, Mr. Kim!
Come and stand here
What's going on?
The new boss is coming
I didn't know Who is the new boss?
He's one of the heads of the gangsters
Be quiet
Bow to the boss!
Welcome, sir
What's your position?
I am a waiter, sir
I can call the laundry and get my uniform right away
How old are you?
I am 49
I mean, 54... I was born in the year of the mouse
Soon, I will get rid of all the old ones
and employ new and fresh looking waiters
Hey, Do-Chi
Yes, sir
Are you going to get rid of me too when I get old?
No, sir
I am sorry, sir
Keep up the good work
Yes, sir I will do my best, sir
He really is a gangster
Hey, I won!
Look at this
- Hyun-Ja! - What?
This is not fair
What do you mean?
He has so many ribs in his soup
All I have is radish
This isn't a beef-rib soup This is a radish soup
Give it back if you don't want to eat it
Who said I don't want to?
Just don't show your affection too much
I don't know what you are saying
Why should I feel anything about him?
He's too old and he's even a single father
This rib tastes nice, right? Do you want some more?
No, thanks
She's giving me more ribs cause i am too old
What's bothering you?
Are you angry again?
Have some drink
That's enough
I heard the new boss came
He might be a boss but he looks like a assistant waiter
He doesn't look like a boss
I heard that he lives with his fist
Everyone lived with his fist in the old days
If I had used my fist to succeed
I bet you I would have been a CEO by now
Oh, really?
Sir! Sir!
What is it?
Sang-Du of the Mercury gang took over the New Star Hotel nightclub
And Hyesung tourism hotel and the casino as well
And also the Shinjin hotel casino
Let's drink
Yes, sir
Congratulations, sir
Take good care of the club Understood?
Yes, sir
Bottoms up!
You have such a fit body, sir
Let him in
Yes, sir
You are that kid, aren't you?
My name is Yim Dae-Soo, sir
What brought you here?
I want to serve you as my big brother
This wouldn't mean a lot you
but I want you to take over my district
If you serve me, your boss Yang-Tae might become angry
I heard you served Yang-Tae, right?
That's not true, sir
I only served him when I was in prison
He's got nothing to do with me now
Wake up, Soo-Yeon
You are late, wake up!
What time is it?
Seven thirty
Why didn't you wake me up earlier?
Here's your bag
I told you that you were late
I am so sleepy especially in the mornings
- Here's your coat - Thanks
Lipstick Can I borrow your lip stick?
Anything else?
Mine got a hole in it Can I borrow a black one?
Then what? Do you have your underwear on?
I have never seen anyone sleep so much in the morning
If I weren't so lazy I would have become a nun
What do you mean?
I was going to be a nun
I got kicked out because I dozed off every mass at dawn
I felt sorry to all the men A pretty girl like me being a nun
That's why I gave it up
Stop it
Yes, yes, sir
Yes, sir
Choi Jung-Won from the Planning team will be there
You'll hear everything from him
If we undertake the Sea World Casino
you will have to take over the management
Find out what you need to do
And... You know, Mr. In-Ha, Kim
Sorry? Yes, sir
Yes, sir
Tell Ms. Jang to come to my office
Yes, sir
Go to the director's office
I don't know They just said hurry
Come in
Mr. Jang
Get him a private dealer and teach him
every game you need to know in the casino
Why to you want to teach a security man?
It's an order from the chairman
Yes, sir
- How long have you been here? - A month and a half
Have you ever played casino before?
Before you learn the games you'll have to know the organization
Each table has a dealer to proceed the game
Behind the dealer is the floor person pit boss and shift manager
What floor person or pit boss has to do in the casino is
is to watch the game proceed
and when the player wins the majority of the games
exchange the dealer to cut the flow of the game
It's an important role in the casino
I will get you a private dealer to teach you
It will take at least a week
to learn all the games in the casino
You don't have to work in the hall from today
Teach Mr. In-Ha, Kim all the rules of the casino game
Black jack, baccarat, roulette, taisai everything you know..
You have to learn quickly as you can So concentrate on the lessons
Yes, ma'am
He's a beginner at casino games
It'll take at least a week to learn all the rules
Until then, don't worry about the hall Concentrate on the teaching
Yes, ma'am
What happened?
I don't know They just told me to learn the rules
Hey Jin-Hee, Suh
Can you get us two cups of coffee?
Why do I have to?
What's your problem? A senior wants come coffee
I didn't become a dealer to do errands for the seniors
Do you have someone backing you? Why are you so dignified?
Did you hear that?
I used to wash my senior's uniform
Each one of us were selected from 30 other candidates
Who do you think you are?
Don't show off about how you got in
What's going on?
I was just teaching her a lesson She was being too rude
It's funny to hear that from you
You are more rude than anyone I know
Soo-Yeon won't be able to work in the hall for the next week
Take her name out from the rotation
That's none of your business
Some big players from Taiwan will be arriving
Ji-Young and Hee-Sun you take the main baccarat room!
Yes, ma'am
Why are you ordering me around?
Have a seat
It's not much but this is for you
Don't think too much about it
I wanted to be friends with you
Get out of here
Why do I have to be friends with you?
Detective Park
Do you want to quit your job?
Shall I write a letter to your boss about you?
I am just doing this for boths of us
Take the money
Hello Yes, sir
It's brother Sang-Du
Yes, sir
Yes, sir
I am on my way
I have to be going now
Let me do you a favor
It won't be too difficult
I will give you a list of people Catch them and send them to prison
I am not saying you should catch any nice people
They all have criminal records if you look into it
- What's with the drinks? - Hi, sit down
Is everything alright?
Of course
Let's drink!
Sang-Gu! You said you needed money, right?
Here, take this
- Tae-Joon - You know what?
I am going to quit being a detective
What's the matter?
It looks like you've had a bad day
Drink this and forget about everything
Hey, Tae-Joon!
You succeeded the most out of all of us
You are our hope
Do you think this is success?
You know what?
I want to earn lots of money
I really wanted to earn a lot
I wanted to help my disabled friend Si-Bong get married
And In-Ha who went to prison at an early age..
I really wanted to make him happy
I can't become rich being a detective
Even if I get bribe or anything
That's all petty cash
But one thing I know is that
I'll catch Dae-Soo for sure before I quit
I promise I will
Who do you think you are?
Get him!
Let's start with black jack
I haven't seen you around for few days Where have you been?
To Seoul
Have you been fighting again?
Let's begin Concentrate
First, the dealer gives two cards to the player
The dealer opens one and hides the other card
I know
I know how to play
I watched the game through the monitor
I could learn quite easily
That's not enough
This is not just a game It deals with money
You will lose if you don't know perfectly
I am confident I won't lose
Let's see then
Just a game?
Don't we have to bet on anything?
It's not fun to play a game for free
Let's promise
The loser have to do as the winner says
Okay Bet now
I don't want it
Put your hands like this and say "stay"
If you want another card say "hit"
Thirteen, twenty three Bust
Twenty one
Twenty one. Win
Do you want to play more?
No, I lost
You lied that you were a beginner
Did you already know how to play?
No, all I did was learn through the control box
And I heard a little about it from someone I know
That's enough with black jack Let's play baccourat
I know how to play that too
I know how to play roulette and taisai too
How do you do that?
I don't know if this is a good thing but..
That's the only talent I have
Since I was young it didn't take long
for me to learn any kinds of gambling
Why didn't you tell the manager?
How can I say that? It's embarrassing
I don't want to show off about being a born gambler
Let's get out of here!
To where?
You promised, didn't you?
You have to do as the winner says
- Where are we going? - To have fun
But this is the working time
They allowed us to spend time together, didn't they?
I don't think we should be doing this
Don't worry
That's Angela!
Angela! Angela!
How have you been?
Hi, Duk-Gu You've grown so much!
Yoo-Jin, how are you?
Fine, are you okay, too?
Of course Didn't you miss me?
- I missed you so much - Me too
What a nice surprise!
I thought you had few days left before your day-off
Something came up
Man! Can't you kick properly?
Who are you? Why do you hang around with Angela?
I am her boy friend
Don't be silly
Angela would never go out with
a person like you
Concentrate on football, boy!
His name is In-Ha, isn't it?
I've seen him once
It was about 2 months ago
I saw him just before I met you in the Seoul cathedral
I was playing the piano in the choir's section
he just came upstairs
Come to think of it now...
I think he was looking for you, Angela
Think again You've seen him before that
Long time ago... when dad passed away
The boy who got caught near the river?
You've been keeping touch since then?
No, we met again not long ago
I once saw "Doctor Zhivago" in the cinema I used to work in
Omar Sharif, the main role
was nearly freezed to death and his face was all blue
He even had icicles in his beard
And he came to meet Lala
Yes, I remember
In-Ha was like that when I first saw him
He looks tough outside
but to me, he looked cold and lonely
I hope you two
don't end up like Lala and Zhivago
My eyes sting!
They sting!
Naughty boy! Stand still!
You are finished
This is perfect
When I become rich
I am going to buy this land and build a house here
What for?
What do you need a house for? To live, of course
I could give you a room Would you like to live with me?
Forget it then
I bet you won't be able to build that house
Why not?
All you do is hang around and get into fights
How would you ever get rich?
Are you saying if I build a house you will live with me?
Well... I will think about it!
When did you arrive here?
I came here in the morning I visited the Sea World Hotel Casino
Are you busy?
I heard that you are going to take over the casino
How did you know?
I heard it from my dad
I will be managing our casino soon
I don't know if I would do it well
Your dream is to become someone like Steve Win, right?
If... This is an if...
If your dream and my foundation added up
wouldn't it make it easy for you to succeed quicker?
You want to be my business partner?
It's more than that
I really like you, Jung-Won
Suh Seung-Don is undertaking
the Sea World Hotel casino
Jung-Won is taking care of the practical work
That's interesting
Are you just going to leave Jung-Won alone?
Why don't you make him stop and have him work for you?
Let him do whatever he wants
He will come back some day
That boy
He always hated me and disagreed on all the business I did
Even though he doesn't like me he is still my son
He will live like I want him to live someday
Let's wait and see
If... This is an if...
If your dream and my foundation added up
wouldn't it make it easy for you to succeed quicker?
You want to be my business partner?
It's more than that
I really like you, Jung-Won
Are you asleep?
Where were you in the afternoon?
You weren't in the lesson room
I was just
You know that man you are teaching
what's going on between you two?
What do you mean?
You two know each other, right?
I was right, wasn't I?
I knew it
You two looked at each other with that special looks
Be careful of him
What for?
His eyes are too deep
I read it in a book
people with those eyes go through many hardship
And he makes it hard for people around him
Where is Mr. Kim In-Ha?
He's in the casino lesson room on the fourth floor
Hi, there
What are you doing here?
I don't know
Don't you recognize him?
He's the son of the Kyungsung cinema owner
He used to watch movies even after the cinema closed
Do you remember me?
It's been long time
Hello, Min Soo-Yeon speaking
Yes, ma'am
He finished the lesson, sir
So? Have you learnt it perfectly?
Yes, sir
Give him a test
Yes, sir
Sixteen, twenty six Bust
Card for player, Card for banker. Player's. Bankers
Player's it's a Eight
Banker's, seven Player win
Sale report
This is the sale report of Sea World Hotel casino
The number of the guest room at Sea World Hotel is far too small
It's too small to attract foreigners from Japan or Taiwan
If we undertake the casino, we need to maximize the operation
It is necessary to construct a new building in the hotel
Construct a new hotel?
If you make up the decision we can get an investment
by cooperating with the Mirage group in Las Vegas
Let's think about that
Kim In-Ha... How is he doing?
Yes, sir
We've taught him everything as you ordered
He learnt all the game rules perfectly
from black jack, roulette baccourat to taisai
He proceeds the game like a professional
Why don't you promote him to a pit boss?
Sir, pit boss is the director of the department
He's only been in the casino for 2 months
It's such an unprecedented promotion
Let's see how well he do it
Hey, In-Ha!
Hey, man
What is it?
You became a pit boss
The chairman appointed you as a pit boss
Go to Mr. Han's office quickly
I can't believe this
Big news! Big news! Did you hear that?
Hear what?
You know the security man Soo-Yeon gave lessons?
Soo-Yeon! What's his name any way?
In-Ha, Kim
He's promoted to a pit boss
What? He's not been here that long!
You have to have at least 10 years experience to be a pit boss.
That's what I mean!
That can't be
How can he?
Everyone is talking about him
What happened?
I don't know why the chairman chose you
Anyway, it's good for you that he's recognized you
This is a chance you'll never get
Good luck
Come in
Have a seat
Do you know what pit boss is?
Yes, but
I don't think I could do it well
Try it first Let's see how you get along
What floor person or pit boss has to do in the casino is
is to watch the game proceed
and when the player wins the majority of the games
exchange the dealer to cut the flow of the game
It's an important role in the casino
This is the first opportunity to escape from the bottom of life
It just came to me without any preparation or expectation
I didn't want to lose this opportunity
That's a good looking horse!
How much is this one?
It would cost millions of dollars
That's pretty expensive
This is a stallion
It even costs hundreds of dollars just for interbreeding
The boss will see you now
What are you talking about?
Who are you to order me to sell my quota?
I know the situation of the Sea World Hotel casino
It wouldn't do you good even if you keep the quota
You don't know what you are saying
Not anyone can have the quota of a casino
even if you have enough money
If I was going to give them up I am going to give it to
chairman Suh Seung-Don of the Oasis group
Get out of here at once!
I don't think this would work
We should frighten him a bit
If you allow me I will teach them a lesson
What are you? A bully?
If you act before you think you are only going to be a bully
Haven't you seen that movie?
The movie starring Marlon Brando
Don't you know "The Godfather"?
I haven't seen it
It will be a guidance for a person like you
It tells you everything you need to know
What gang is, what revenge is and how to frighten people
I've seen it about 20 times. Make sure you do too!
Yes, sir
Can you park my car for me? I am sorry about that
I am sorry
Where is In-Ha?
He went to the casino hall
SOARÉ – podpora ľudí a komunít - Duration: 2:14.-------------------------------------------
Bars and Melody - I Love You (polskie napisy w ustawieniach) - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
Oggy and the Cockroaches Special Compilation # 102 cartoon for kids огги и тараканы новые серии 2017 - Duration: 20:02.Oggy and the Cockroaches Special Compilation # 102 cartoon for kids огги и тараканы новые серии 2017
Oggy and the Cockroaches Special Compilation # 102 cartoon for kids огги и тараканы новые серии 2017
Oggy and the Cockroaches Special Compilation # 102 cartoon for kids огги и тараканы новые серии 2017
SON DOES MOMS MAKEUP W/ ENG SUBTITLES | SMINKAR MIN MAMMA - Duration: 12:04.Hello youtube fam and welcome to my channel, hope everything is great with you guys
Today I have a special guest and it's my mom
We're going to do hers makeup today cuz we're going to the city (Gothenburg)
So we need to glam her up
I'm not that glam?
Ofc you're but we still can glam up more
I trust you, let's try it
See ya later
Let's start with putting her the contact lens
I usually use contact lens when I got time
And this contact lens is blue
It doesn't looks blue as mine
And this contact lens are brand new
I haven't seen my mom wear a contact lens before
I need a mirror
It's sticking on my fingers
I can hold the mirror
They are bending
One eyes done
I haven't used the lenses for awhile
And now for the second eyes
I have a purple one before
I look like I was sick
I have with a prescription, and my moms lens doesn't
Why don't I have with a prescription
Cuz I don't know your prescription
How will I be able to drive the car now?
Take this one
I'm going to do this
Let me do this by myself
Don't touch cuz I'm going to make your makeup
Don't take to much
Close your eyes
(Speaking thai can't translate)
Primer done
Let's go for the concealer
Hide those black marks
This concealer is kinda to light for her but we do it anyway
But we have a foundation that will cover it
I'm just gonna make a bun
(Speaking thai can't translate)
What kind of foundation do you use the most?
Is this one?
Or this, it kinda same
This is darker but I can use this light one
This is way to light for you
No it doesn't
We're not going to promote the stuff cuz we aint got paid by them
(Speaking thai can't translate)
Okay it's time for contouring
I'm going to look fat
You have really dark skin tone than me
On my face?
No thanks!
(Speaking thai can't translate)
This is the sketch I have draw
That's how my mom supposed to look like
It's basic, not to much
Do you know what we miss?
It's to quiet
I'm only hear the cats running around
Red color
What kind of red?
(Speaking thai can't translate)
(Speaking thai can't translate)
The color is not that red on you
Look up
"She speak thai with my cats"
Apparently my camera decided to shut down
And that's the result
I'm kinda happy with it
How do you feel?
It looks good
Next time my mom gonna make my makeup
When we see eachother again
If you like this video then give me a thumbs up
And don't forget to subscribe and we'll see eachother soon again
Have a nice weekend
Thai Green Papaya Salad (Thai Food) / ส้มตำไทย / Som Tum Thai - Duration: 1:13.Thai Green Papaya Salad
Papaya 2 cup
Carrot 1/2 cup
Chili 5
Garlic 3
Yard long bean 1/3 cup
Palm sugar 1 ½ tbsp
Fish sauce 2 tbsp
Tamarind juice 1 ½ tbsp
Lime 3 tbsp
Tomato 1/4 cup
Dried shrimp 1/4 cup
Toast peanut 1/4 cup
ThiEYE T5e action camera - Lion Dance - Chinese New Year 2017 - Melbourne - Duration: 5:51.-------------------------------------------
Why Marketers Should Focus On Instagram Advertising - Social Media Minute - Duration: 2:02.Hi, I'm Jan Rezab, this is Social Media Minute on Instagram.
When we pull data, data rarely surprises me.
But when we pulled data for a recent conference Engage Bali,
I was quite shocked.
We pulled data on the top 500 brands on Facebook and top 500 on Instagram,
we organized them by engagement and looked at which performed better,
and we were like wait a minute.
These Instagram numbers look better than the Facebook numbers.
This is shocking, this is top pages on Instagram and Facebook.
This is apples to apples according to those communities.
We know Instagram is on the more engaging side on per reach basis.
But still it shocked us that looking at those top 500,
Instagram outperformed Facebook, which is owned by the same company, two times.
It started a year ago when it was about the same,
and Instagram engagement has doubled since then.
That would imply reach has as well of these branded pages. That's massive.
For marketers that means clearly focus a lot more on Instagram.
Especially with its feed algorithm not being chronological anymore,
with them being selective, you need to keep focusing on quality storytelling.
This also shows that the top marketers do focus on quality storytelling.
And really Instagram is a brand platform for amazing pictures.
And you know for the future,
this shows us clearly that Facebook owns
a very dominant part of the social media world.
With both owning Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp Experiences.
I mean they're set up for good here.
Thank you very much. Keep watching next week. Monday again.
סבא ישראל - תפילה בדקה - Duration: 0:57.מתי יבא הגאולה
אוי ווי
מה זה גאולה מה זה גאולה
כולם אומרים רוצים גאולה גאולה
מה זה גאולה סבא
זה תחתוך
זה גאולה
נו שמעת מה זה תפילה
Кореянка в ЛЕНТЕ ! ЛЕНТА ! ЭтоРАЙ ! |러시아 이마트 탐방기 |минкюнха|Minkyungha|경하 - Duration: 5:46.-------------------------------------------
Gok Wan for Tu: 1 shirt, 3 ways - Duration: 2:16.-------------------------------------------
Fallen Angel Türkçe Çeviri(ALTYAZILARI AÇIN) - Duration: 3:09.-------------------------------------------
Making a Cup Coaster with Wooden Sticks - Duration: 2:35.Hello, and welcome to Handcraft TV
We are going to make a coaster out of wooden sticks.
By subscribing to Handcraft Tv you can see our works.
A Marseille, au secours des mineurs isolés - Duration: 2:54.-------------------------------------------
Disney's Moana-------------------------------------------
Ford B-MAX 1.6 TI-VCT TITANIUM AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:39.-------------------------------------------
Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost Titanium - Duration: 0:48.-------------------------------------------
Ford B-MAX 1.6 TI-VCT TITANIUM AUTOMAAT. - Duration: 1:44.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 Ambition Automaat Nightpakket Panoramadak - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
MODEUGE 17 | Q/A med INs moderedaktør Louise Amstrup - Duration: 1:16.-------------------------------------------
Queen of Katwe-------------------------------------------
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Vanishing Oatmeal Cookies-------------------------------------------
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Volkswagen Passat Variant 1.6 TDI COMFORTLINE BLUEMOTION | Upgrade n - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
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For more infomation >> CVLF - Velouté de châtaignes à l'AIDE - Duration: 3:32.-------------------------------------------
Chronique | COMANCHERIA | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Chronique | COMANCHERIA | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Disney's Moana-------------------------------------------
The Space Between Us-------------------------------------------
Fiat Grande Punto 5-DR 1.3 M-JET ACTUAL | AIRCO | TREKHAAK | ELEKTRI - Duration: 1:41.-------------------------------------------
Undertale : Megalovania Vietsub (cc) - Duration: 3:18.-------------------------------------------
Cities Skylines | YT Fun | Time Lapse - Duration: 6:50.-------------------------------------------
Marco Van Basten Plans To Change Football - No Offside, No Penalties! - Duration: 8:16.-------------------------------------------
Кореянка в ЛЕНТЕ ! ЛЕНТА ! ЭтоРАЙ ! |러시아 이마트 탐방기 |минкюнха|Minkyungha|경하 - Duration: 5:46.-------------------------------------------
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Lady Selling Street Food At Night
Street Food Tour
Cooking Skill
Street Food
Street Food At Night
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