Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Mar 30 2017

Classifying living things is kind of like Pokemon.

It appeals to our instinct to collect and identify.

And the fact that we have a classification system is super useful for scientists.

I mean, it shows how every type of organism we know of is connected to all the others.

We've mapped out all of life in one giant chart.

It's amazing, when you think about it.

But deciding how to classify a new type of organism often isn't simple — especially

when it comes to assigning it a species.

In some cases, it's obvious when two things should be separate species.

A jellyfish is clearly very different from a jaguar.

But the more similar organisms get, the harder it can be to sort them.

There's no one rule that will always tell you whether two organisms should be in the

same species.

So, different taxonomists use different rules in different situations.

The most widespread definition of a species is called the biological species concept, or BSC.

It was popularized by evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr in 1942, and he continued to refine

the idea over the next several decades.

According to the BSC, organisms are part of the same species if they can produce offspring

that can also breed.

If they can't produce fertile offspring, that means they belong to separate species.

The BSC hinges on the idea of reproductive isolation, where something separates two species

to the point that they're just not compatible anymore.

That separation could be time, or geography, or behavior, or physiology.

Alder and Willow flycatchers used to be considered part of the same species, because they meet

up in the wild, they look the same, and it seems like they should be able to breed.

But ornithologists eventually realized that they're totally different species.

They sing different songs to attract mates, so an Alder flycatcher never tries to mate

with a Willow flycatcher.

They're reproductively isolated.

A species is therefore basically a gene pool, one that doesn't overlap with the gene pools

of other species.

That's a good, rigorous scientific definition.

It can be tested and observed in the wild.

But there are lots of cases where it doesn't work — like with microorganisms.

Bacteria, for example, don't reproduce sexually.

They can share genetic material with each other, but that's not part of their reproductive process.

So reproductive isolation is totally irrelevant, and a scientist looking to classify a new

species of bacteria can't rely on the BSC.

Instead, they might look at genetics, at the shape of the microorganisms and the way they

grow, and at their evolutionary relationships to other organisms.

You also can't use the BSC to classify fossils, since you can't exactly observe the mating

behavior of a skeleton preserved in rock.

Sometimes you get unbelievably lucky and two specimens are preserved while they're mating,

but that's way too rare to be definitive about which animals mated with which other ones.

That's why paleontologists usually use morphology, or the physical characteristics of a creature,

to classify it.

Then there's the issue of hybrids, where creatures that should be part of separate

species mate.

When two species hybridize, there are a number of things that can happen.

Often, even if they produce offspring, the offspring are sterile.

That's what happens when you cross a female horse and a male donkey, for example.

The offspring are mules, and mules can't breed.

But sometimes two species can produce fertile offspring.

And biologists have found that animal species hybridize way more often than we used to think.

If the offspring go on to mate with their parental species, that's called introgression.

It provides a means for gene flow between two species, meaning their gene pools aren't

totally isolated.

So, does that mean you have to revoke their status as separate species?

Scientists haven't settled that question yet, but some think the barriers between species

are much leakier than the biological species concept allows.

Sometimes this leakiness can lead to two groups being classified as subspecies within a single species.

Subspecies give you a little wiggle room.

Sometimes organisms overlap geographically, and can share genes.

In cases like these, subspecies means we know they can share genes, it's just that they

usually don't.

Then there are ring species.

In California, for example, there's a species of salamander that lives in overlapping populations

of subspecies on either side of the San Joaquin Valley in a big, elongated ring.

Those subspecies can all interbreed — except for two.

At the southern part of the ring, two subspecies can't interbreed.

So, according to the BSC, those two subspecies should actually be separate species.

But even though they can't interbreed, genes can still flow between them through the other subspecies.

Where does that put them?

You can't answer that question with the BSC.

So, having a hard and fast definition of species that you can test and demonstrate is useful

— like in conservation, when you're looking to protect a species and its habitat.

But the biological species concept isn't an absolute rule that scientists are bound to.

It's a tool, and scientists try to select the best tool for the job.

That might be the BSC, and it might not.

It depends on what you're studying.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow, which was brought to you by our patrons on Patreon.

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For more infomation >> What Makes a Species a Species? - Duration: 4:42.


Riverdale 1x08 Sneak Peek #2 "The Outsiders" (HD) Season 1 Episode 8 Sneak Peek #2 - Duration: 0:44.

Pretty handy with that wheelbarrow, Archie.

You know if the whole music thing doesn't pan out,

you can always have manual labor as a fallback.

Don't even joke, I did this all Summer long, remember?

My dad loves this kind of work.

And I love him, but...

I know, I know. You dad's path is not for you.

Trust me, I get it.

He works his ass off for me, bro.

Never asks for anything, always has my back, even when I mess up.

So if having his back means I gotta haul some rocks, then bring it on.


My dad's got my back too... More than some people.


Riverdale, all-new tonight at 9/8c on The CW.

For more infomation >> Riverdale 1x08 Sneak Peek #2 "The Outsiders" (HD) Season 1 Episode 8 Sneak Peek #2 - Duration: 0:44.


The 7 STRANGEST Secret Societies - Duration: 11:00.

The Bilderberg Group, The Freemasons, The Mickey Mouse Club - when it comes to bizarre

and perverse practices, these are the secret societies most people think of almost immediately.

But did you know there are many more hidden groups whose activities and entry requirements

are far stranger and way more interesting than a bunch of guys in business suits?

We've got a group of stoned assassins, some crazy Russian eunuchs, and a bunch of Indian

guys who know how to build flying saucers.

So let's take a look at these weirdos and more in our list of the seven strangest secret


Number 7: Ordo Templi Orientis Ordo Templi Orientis or Order of the Temple

of the East is a secret religious society which began in a similar fashion to the Freemasons.

But, rather than gathering in lodges and making grand plans to control the world, the members

of the Ordo Templi Orientis are instead content to worship the penis and teach the magic of

self pleasure.

Fair enough, some people want a new world order, others want to fiddle with their bits,

who am I to judge?

Much of the group's lore and philosophy was composed by famed English occultist and Hot

Topic poster-boy Aleister Crowley, with his influence helping to craft Ordo Templi Orientis'

focus on self-improvement through occult ritual.

Although, judging by the requirements of initiation ritual eleven, which implores members to interact

with excrement, blood and mucus to recreate Crowley's dream of giving birth to, and I

quote, "a mass of blood and slime", I'm not sure how improved I'd feel in my self after


Meh, I'll give it a shot anyways.

Number 6: The Hashshashin When you think of the word Hashshashin what

kind of image does it conjure up?

Perhaps some weird group of stoner assassins who Scooby Doo their way from one contract

killing to another?

If so, then you're pretty much bang on.

Also known as the Nizari, the Hashshashin were a mysterious group of 13th Century Muslim

assassins who tried to set up their own country and undertook missions involving espionage,

sabotage and assassination; all the while being stoned out of their minds.

The term Hashshashin vaguely translates as "hashish user" and this is where we derive

the modern term "assassin" from.

But if you think these Middle Eastern, Medieval, Mary Jane loving Muslims were a bunch of bumbling

morons then think again - they were cold hearted killers and nothing less.

Richard the Lionheart was one of their most famous clients, with the Hashshashins performing

many contract hits for him during the Crusades, and it was only the combined might of the

Mongol Hordes which finally put an end to this bizarre group's reign of toke-filled


Number 5: Ashoka's Nine Unknown Men Formed in 270 BC by Indian King Ashoka of

the Maurya dynasty, this secret society contained only nine men, but was believed by some to

be one of the most powerful groups in the world.

And why?

Well the men involved were chosen based on their expert knowledge of an individual field,

and each was required to compile their expertise into a book, which could then be used to control

and influence the world's population.

These books are rumoured to still exist today, with the information contained within supposedly

updated to reflect our modern world.

The first book is a guide on how to use psychological techniques to create propaganda, with the

second and third books covering microbiology and human anatomy.

The fourth book is a study into alchemy and metal work, but after that things start to

get a little weird.

Book five tells you how to communicate with extra-terrestrials, book six is basically

a "how to build your own spaceship" guide, book seven is about time travel, and book

eight details how man can manipulate the speed of light.

The final book covers sociology and the evolution of human societies, but after all the time

travel and alien stuff, I imagine this last one's not much of a page-turner.

Number 4: The Order of the Occult Hand Have you ever experienced that weird feeling

you get when you suddenly learn a new word or phrase, then you can't stop seeing it everywhere

for days, weeks or even months afterwards?

That's called the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, and one group who seem to love provoking this

feeling are the Order of the Occult Hand.

This secret society is mostly comprised of print journalists who have one single goal;

to insert the phrase "it was as if an occult hand had" into newspapers, magazines and other

printed publications.

This odd ritual began in 1965 when the friends of police reporter Joseph Flanders were so

amused by his use of the phrase that they decided to smuggle it into as many articles

as possible.

The Order was exposed in 2004 when a killjoy reporter at the Chicago Tribune wrote a piece

about them, but this hasn't stopped their fun one bit.

Because in 2006 leader Paul Greenberg, a Pulitzer prize-winning editor, announced that a new

phrase had been chosen by the group, one which remains undiscovered to this day.

Number 3: The Society of the Horseman's Word This British society was basically a club

for 19th Century horse whisperers, with its members required to be employed in the care

of horses, to keep the secrets of handling horses, and be willing to shake hands with

the devil during the group's acceptance ritual - albeit a devil whose arm was made from a

fur covered broom.

But still, if you're blindfolded you're always taking a risk by holding out your hand to

grab something long, hard and furry.

While much of the Horsemen's activity revolved around sharing and retaining the knowledge

needed to care for horses, some members were known to take their horse love to a weirdly

spiritual level.

At the time, horses were seen as somewhat mystical animals, and those who controlled

them were thought to have magical powers.

In some parts of the UK, Horsemen were even known as Horse Witches, and this reputation

wasn't helped by their use of a secret word known only to their members.

Each chapter of the society would have its own individual secret word, and those who

spoke it were supposedly able to control horses and women at will.

But some Horsemen societies were known to use just one single statement as their secret

word, with that phrase being "Both in One".

I'll let you draw your own conclusions as to what that means.

Number 2: The Giga Society Remember that Indian group with only nine


Well the Giga Society is even more exclusive, consisting of just six or seven members in

total, depending on which randomly Googled source you'd like me to believe.

The Giga Society is pretty vague on what its members get up to and how elaborate their

super secret handshake is.

But since membership to this group is based on intelligence, I'd guess very.

The Giga Society comprises solely of individuals who can demonstrate an IQ higher than 195.

This would make you smarter than 99.9999999% of the population, but if you miss the cut-off

point you can always try the Mega Society, who require an IQ of 172 to join their 26

member club.

Too dumb to be Mega?

Then join Prometheus; if you can hit their 160 IQ target.

or Triple Nine if you're only able to scrape above 146.

An IQ of 135 will get you into Intertel, and it only takes a 130 IQ to join Mensa's 110,000


Anything less than that and you'll be lucky to get into Chuck E Cheese.

Number 1: The Skoptsy The Skoptsy are by far the most gruesome secret

society on this list, as rather than celebrating human sexuality like Aleister Crowley and

his pals, this brutal Russian sect would castrate men and mastectomise women in the belief that

genitals and breasts were sinful.

Founded in the 18th Century by two peasants, the Skoptsy thought that genitals and breasts

only appeared after Adam and Eve consumed a piece of forbidden fruit.

Interesting theory.

I wonder what other cool sexy junk we'd have if they'd eaten their five a day?

But for the Skoptsy one pair of boobs or balls was one pair too many, and with no anaesthetic

or surgical implements, members would often resort to carving them off with primitive

shaving knives.

These folks sound pretty crazy right?

But at one point there were over 100,000 Skoptsy living and presumably bleeding in Russia,

with many of its members including high-ranking officials and generals.

Their numbers have dwindled of late, but there are still a rumoured 200 Skoptsy followers

to this very day, with their most famous member being one Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Ha, just kidding.

But now I think about it, that would explain a lot.

So did you enjoy our video?

I hope so, because we probably don't have many left with Putin's death squads now on

their way to poison my burrito.

But if you'd like to know more about peculiar people and their perverse practices, then

take a look at our recent video on the ten strangest mating rituals.

None of which the Skoptsy are capable of enjoying.

For more infomation >> The 7 STRANGEST Secret Societies - Duration: 11:00.


Chapter 3 / 3.Kısım '' The Truth'' End Part 7 / Son Bölüm 7 ML Comic / Çizgi Roman - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Chapter 3 / 3.Kısım '' The Truth'' End Part 7 / Son Bölüm 7 ML Comic / Çizgi Roman - Duration: 0:55.


Jim McHugh - Hall of Fame - Duration: 2:30.

The track team was really just a big family.

Brothers and sisters and the coaches are your parents, keeping you in line.

We would travel together, spend close to 40 hours a week together.

The track team was very large.

I think we had about 40 guys and the same amount of women.

We'd travel to meets with 60 or 70 athletes.

We'd bring to a national meet, we brought probably 15 guys and 15 girls.

Yeah, my relationship with Coach Lumberg was really strong.

He recruited me to Hillsdale, but he's a distance coach, cross country coach.

We have a field events coach who was going to be my coach, it's Coach Teft.

He's really the one who was able to mold me into the athlete that I became.

We spent a lot of time together, but there's a lot of trust that has to happen.

I trust what they're doing.

Thank goodness Coach Teft had a lot of experience.

He would give me all the advice that I needed to change my workouts or keep them the same

or change my steps.

It was a great working relationship, because these guys are so easy to get to know, easy

to work with and they just love everyone they work with, as long as you're willing to put

in the work and the time.

The success that I had as a collegiate athlete was coupled with failures as well.

The failures that I had were mostly during the season trying different things, but it

was an experiment that Coach Teft and I and Coach Lundberg were working to figure out,

what was going to be the best to prepare me for the big dance, which is the Nationals.

In my freshman year, I was fifth in the country in the high-jump.

I have eight times as an All American, I feel like I represent the teams of the early '90's.

We had a great string from '91, '92, '93, '94.

We lost the first year of the GLIAC championship, but we never lost after that.

I represent Coach Teft, Coach Lundberg, Coach Martha, and I'm just the guy who gets to get

inducted for the Hall of Fame for them.

I just feel like I'm their representative.

For more infomation >> Jim McHugh - Hall of Fame - Duration: 2:30.


Cristiano Ronaldo's Statue Looks Nothing Like Him | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:25.











>> OH, MY GOD!


























For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo's Statue Looks Nothing Like Him | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:25.


Rep. Schiff: Profound concern over documents - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Rep. Schiff: Profound concern over documents - Duration: 2:30.


The Young and The Restless - Next On Y&R (3/31/2017) - Duration: 0:21.

>> Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

>> Abby: Honestly, I feel I'm on the outside.

And I'll never fully be accepted by either side.

>> Victoria: You don't have to feel obligated to give her a

role in the company just because she's your daughter.

>> Sharon: Paul is your best bet.

If you want the truth, that's the only way.

For more infomation >> The Young and The Restless - Next On Y&R (3/31/2017) - Duration: 0:21.


The Bold and The Beautiful - Don't Fight It - Duration: 3:47.

>> Sally: I really don't want to do this.

>> Shirley: Do you have any other, uh, plans?

'Cause I'd like to hear them.

All righty then.

Let's get this puppy up and running.

Saul, what's taking so long?

>> Saul: Almost there.

I just need to log on.

>> Sally: Wait!

Okay, give me one more day.

I will come up with something else -- a plan.

Just anything but this.

>> Shirley: What are you fixing to do?

Uh, design another whole collection that can be panned by

Jarrett in the morning?

[ Sighs ] Sally, don't fight it.

We have to be true to ourselves.

We have to borrow from the Forresters.

>> Saul: All right.

We're ready.

>> Shirley: Here we go.

♪♪ [ Gasps ] Look!

>> Saul: It's working!

>> Shirley: There's R.J.

What's he got?

Oh, lord, please let it be something good.

>> R.J.: Yeah, my dad's latest designs are in here.

Totally top secret.

>> Shirley: Come on!

Come on, come on!

Stop your yammering, R.J., and open those babies up!

[ Cellphone rings ] >> Sally: It's Thomas.


>> Thomas: Hey, did I, uh, catch you at a bad time?

>> Sally: No.

No, not at all.

>> Thomas: Well, I'm just checking in, seeing how you're

doing after the flight.

>> Sally: Yeah, uh, it's -- it's a bit crazy being back home.

Little bit of an adjustment, going back to work and


I really wish we were there longer.

>> Thomas: Yeah, me, too.

>> Sally: It was really amazing just forgetting about life and

getting to hang out with you.

Thanks again for inviting me.

>> Thomas: Well, thank you for surprising me.

Sally, you were the best part of the whole trip.

>> Sally: Look, I have to get back to reality, but, uh, thanks

for checking in.

>> Saul: I can't handle the suspense!

Open it already!

>> R.J.: All right.

>> Coco: No way.

>> R.J.: Yep.

>> Coco: Wow. I'm -- I'm dying.

The -- The -- The chiffon and the pleating and, like, the way

it gathers at the waist.

>> R.J.: Not bad, huh?

>> Coco: It's so gorgeous.

>> Shirley: Hot dog!

Will you look at that?!

>> Saul: That's a Ridge Forrester original!

>> Shirley: [ Squeals ] We have hit the jackpot!

>> Saul: [ Chuckles ] >> Shirley: Saul, you have done


You are a genius!



Sally, you should see this beauty.

This is how we are gonna survive.

This is our future.

This is how we get C.J. and Shifty off our backs.

>> Sally: Grams, I -- >> Shirley: No! No, no, no!

I will not let you chicken out now!

Do not let Thomas' family get to you!

You need to fly the pirate flag and strike!

We are a knockoff house!

We are going to make your Aunt Sally proud, but you have

to be all in!

No more hemming and hawing!

It's now or never!

For more infomation >> The Bold and The Beautiful - Don't Fight It - Duration: 3:47.


CS:GO - SHROUD AUG ANNIHILATION! ft. CRAZY HILLBILLY! (Funny Moments!) - Duration: 13:32.


For more infomation >> CS:GO - SHROUD AUG ANNIHILATION! ft. CRAZY HILLBILLY! (Funny Moments!) - Duration: 13:32.


The Young and The Restless - Smoking Gun - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> The Young and The Restless - Smoking Gun - Duration: 1:01.


TIN MỚI 31\3 - Donald Trump GÂY CHẤN ĐỘNG Với Âm Mưu ĐƯA IVANKA lên CẦM QUYỀN ở Mỹ - Duration: 12:55.

For more infomation >> TIN MỚI 31\3 - Donald Trump GÂY CHẤN ĐỘNG Với Âm Mưu ĐƯA IVANKA lên CẦM QUYỀN ở Mỹ - Duration: 12:55.


MAKING THE BATMOBILE | Batman v Superman | Featurette [+SUBTITLES] - Duration: 5:00.

how does that even begin?

Always, the first thing for me is you have to sit down with the director

and get a sense of what movie he's making.

So I had a quick talk with Zack.

And then I went out and started to do a bunch of little doodles,

like this one.

So that's your first sketch.

-Which I'm keeping really safely. -(McCARTHY LAUGHS)

MASEKELA: Yeah, I think this might be worth money one day.

'Cause it looks a lot like what I'm seeing behind me.

-I love that it's on a napkin. -TATOPOULOS: Yeah.

Were you in a restaurant or something?

I was at a coffee shop.

-MASEKELA: No way. -Yes.

I mean, it's important to get somewhere very quickly.

The director looks at this and says, "You know, I get it. That's coo|."

Basically, my role in this was to take Patrick's original vision

and the original sketch,

and bring it to a realization.

I think, first and foremost, with any car, is to establish the stance,

which Patrick did from day one.

You could see how the rear end is really much higher than the front end.

And this gives it the aggressive and intimidating first impression.

HIURA: What I was able to do was extract Ed's 3D model

and bring it into my software.

And then start checking for any problems that might occur.

With some math and some science, you could actually predict

how it's going to work, somewhat.

Yeah. You could do a full compression on the shocks

and then turn the wheel and recognize that

there's gonna be an issue with the hood.

We actually took a little trip to the Warner Bros. Museum

to see the other Batmobiles,

just to see how ours would differ.

-We can do that. -Yeah, exactly.

McCARTHY: Some of the key elements are obviously power.

We want to have a bunch of horsepower. So there's about 550.

Placement was a big factor with this car.

You look at it, there's no room for an engine in the front.

You can't have the motor hanging out the back.

So the motor's actually behind the driver's compartment,

-mounted backwards. -The motor's flipped around?

Motor's flipped around, exactly.

We used what's basically a monster truck transfer case,

a gigantic, four-gear hunk of aluminum

that sits right behind the passenger seat

that redirects the power back to the rear end,

which is another task

because the ring gear has to rotate different directions.

So there's a lot involved in putting that thing together.

RISLEY: Mainly, we're just looking at how it handles,

how the shocks work, how the tires react to bumps.

One of the first things we learned watching with our suspension cam,

that it had some wheel hop.

MASEKELA: How do you figure out what's causing the wheel hop?

RISLEY: Well, it was a combination of things.

One, we had to add more valve into the shock.

There is some external adjustment to the shock

that we could do right there at the test.

There's basically bypass tubes where you can limit the oil flow.

That helped, so we knew that we were on the right path.

Then the other thing that was really fighting us

was just the sheer weight of these tires.

<i>This is before we actually cut rubber off of 'em.</i>

To give me some perspective, what do these tires weigh

-before you cut the rubber off? -About 500 pounds a corner?

MASEKELA: Five hundred pounds... RISLEY: Wheel and tire, yeah.

MASEKELA: ...a tire. RISLEY: Very heavy.

And it's unsprung weight, so...

McCARTHY: Yeah, it's massive amounts of unsprung weight.

I mean, the wheels are quarter-inch thick steel.

So when you cut that rubber off...

Yeah, we dropped 150 pounds or so from one of the rear tires.

And that made a huge difference. Adding about 60% more valving

to the shocks internally fixed the problem.

What did the day-two testing consist of?

McCARTHY: Well, this was a pretty big moment

<i>'cause this is the primary body piece</i>

that's basically been installed on this car.

So, you're starting to get a feel for what this thing's gonna look like.

HIURA: That was a big moment for me. McCARTHY: It really was, yeah.

You kinda start feeling the scale of it.

McCARTHY: This was really just such a plus for us all the way around,

was to be able to have this time

at the Chrysler Proving Grounds in Detroit.

This is when the car really just starts looking so cool, I mean...

This is Mike Justus behind the wheel coming through cones.

So this is basically mimicking roads in Detroit

<i>that we'd be filming on later.</i>

Tim would set him up. He would time him.

He'd come through those cones, and obviously,

if he hit a cone on the proving grounds,

he was hitting a wall somewhere in downtown Detroit.

Tim Rigby, he recorded all the data.

Every time we went out, he would record pressure in each air bag,

tire pressure, brake system pressure, temperatures, everything.

So there was a constant log.

You can see in a couple of those shots, how the car reacts, the suspension works,

you can see him doing a little S-turn and correcting.

I think that's what really made the whole project such a success.


When we talked with Zack, he said, "The machine gun, I want it to be out."

He wanted to see it all the time.

So we talked about a plate that would have been replaced.

- This is a typical... - So this is like a repairjob.

And I thought that was a great take from Zack.

Now, this particular detail in the hood,

it's a way of introducing the bat motif

without being so literal like the previous Batmobiles

and we're using negative space to create that.

Inspired by American muscle cars.

-Yeah? -Hemi Cuda. '66 GTO.

It's basically a one-off air bag over a bypass shock system.

So we can alter the ride height on the fly while the car's in motion.

The car weighs 8,500 pounds.

<i>- We needed tremendous braking power. -(TIRES SCREECHING)</i>

Brembo was kind enough to step up and build some eight-piston calipers for us,

some gigantic rotors, a ton of steering angle on the thing,

so you can recover from any situation you might get yourself into.

It has about two feet of front suspension travel.

MASEKELA: Two feet of travel?

McCARTHY: Two feet of travel, yeah. They're gigantic front "A" arms.

Like I said, it's all built with the same theory that you would build a race car.

For more infomation >> MAKING THE BATMOBILE | Batman v Superman | Featurette [+SUBTITLES] - Duration: 5:00.


Do You Know Why We're Censored Because 'Someone Might Get the Wr - Duration: 5:59.

Do You Know Why We're Censored? Because 'Someone Might Get the Wrong Idea'

Recently, I was a guest on a radio show. At one point, I cited a mainstream journal review

I have mentioned many times � the famous 2000 Journal of the American Medical Association

revelation by Dr. Barbara Starfield, which concluded that the US medical system kills

225,000 people a year in the US.

The interviewer asked whether mentioning this could dangerously convince people not to go

to a doctor, when they should see a doctor.

I hadn�t heard that gem in a long time.

� Maybe you shouldn�t talk about this, because it could give people the wrong idea

I said people could get the wrong idea from many statements.

Getting the wrong idea is a chronic condition. It pops up all the time.

If you refrained from saying something because people might get the wrong idea, you could

decide to say nothing. Ever.

There is no limit to what you could say that someone might interpret in his own peculiar


Further, what happened to the idea that you should speak the truth?

I guess that�s out. Too dangerous.

Of course, in my radio interview, the host was just playing the devil�s advocate. He

was presenting �the other side.� For �balance.� He knew what he was doing.

Actually, I�m glad he made his point. It gave me a chance to talk about people �getting

the wrong idea.�

These days, there is a wider problem. We didn�t get to it on the radio show. People complain

that something you say triggers them. Boom. Their problem becomes your problem.

You uttered the word �girl.� And that initiated their cascade of reaction. Therefore,

you committed a sin.

It�s a form of psychological warfare. You shouldn�t say X because X might trigger

somebody. Welcome to the victim culture. Idiot�s delight.

Here�s another angle. Since the education system doesn�t teach anyone how to think

logically, you shouldn�t speak or write logically. If you did, you would be confusing

and/or offending untold numbers of people. You must cater to them. If you use logic,

you�re an elitist.


�An �antiracist� poster in a college writing center insists American grammar is

�racist� and an �unjust language structure,� [and the writing center is] promising to prioritize

rhetoric over �grammatical correctness�.�

�The poster, written by the director, staff, and tutors of the University of Washington,

Tacoma�s Writing Center, states �racism is the normal condition of things,� declaring

that it permeates rules, systems, expectations, in courses, school and society.�

��We promise to emphasize the importance of rhetorical situations [?!] over grammatical

�correctness� in the production of texts,� announces the poster. �We promise to challenge

conventional word choices and writing explanations�.�

Maybe someone can explain why the author of that college proclamation used English grammar

to defame English grammar.

Why didn�t the author write, �Use grammar bad because why tradition and nobody should.�

Much better.

Stop all grammar. It could give people the wrong idea. It could make them think their

own ignorance of the subject reveals �a lack of education.� They could fall into

a funk and think something is wrong with them. They could be triggered.

Here�s a proposal for a university study: seek out and find the one person on the planet

who has the very lowest understanding of logic and grammar, who can�t read a word, who

is triggered by the greatest number of utterances.

Political Correctness � A Rothschild Invention of Language Control

Find that person, and then recommend everyone on the planet adjust their utterances to please

that one person�

So that person won�t get the wrong idea.

Then society will improve.

Then we will reach new heights of share and care.

Then we will be humane.

Then we will bow down to that one person.

She/he will become the standard.

She/he will lead us.

She/he will teach us all, in the fullness of time.


When that person dies, we can preserve his/her brain and keep it ticking, as a reference

for future generations:

Utter nothing that might give that brain the wrong idea.

Utter nothing that might make that brain think it is inferior or lacking in any way.

Rather, encourage that brain. Pump it full of messages that confirm its god-like status.

Award it trophies. Feed it photos and video showing sprawling centers built in its name.

Then we can feel secure. Then we can feel safe.

No one will get the wrong idea.

For more infomation >> Do You Know Why We're Censored Because 'Someone Might Get the Wr - Duration: 5:59.


Sufficient Grace for Humbling Circumstances, Part 1 (2 Corinthians 12:7-10) - Duration: 1:00:39.

I want you to open your Bible to 2 Corinthians chapter 12, and I want to read a passage to

you that is going to be the focus of our discussion together...2 Corinthians chapter 12 and verses

7 through 10.

We begin in verse 7, as the Apostle Paul writes, "And because of the surpassing greatness of

the revelations, for this reason to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a

thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, to keep me from exalting myself.

Concerning this I entreated the Lord three times that it might depart from me.

And He has said to me on each of those three occasions, by the way, 'My grace is sufficient

for you, for power is perfected in weakness.'

Most gladly therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses that the power of Christ

may dwell in me.

Therefore, I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions,

with difficulties for Christ's sake for when I am weak, then I am strong."

Now if ever there was a passage in direct opposition to the prosperity message, that's


There is nothing here about success and wealth and comfort and ease and having it your way

and seeing the fulfillment of all your dreams and desires and longings.

This is about suffering and suffering is the path to spiritual victory.

I want you to focus on the very familiar statement in verse 9, and that's where we're going to


"My grace is sufficient for you."

My grace is enough, My grace is all you need no matter how difficult the issue you face.

We're very familiar with the concept of grace, very, very familiar.

We talk about it, we sing about it, we use it repeatedly in our prayers and in our Christian

conversation and we even go to a church named Grace Community Church.

This is perhaps the most used theological term in the New Testament.

It is a magnificent word that appears 155 times, as a matter of fact, in the New Testament.

This Greek term, grace, the word is charis, it means basically a generous benefit given,

a favor bestowed.

And in the sense of the New Testament and New Testament theology, it is a generous benefit

given, a favor bestowed to someone who could never earn it.

This defines our relationship to God.

We are awakened from our spiritual sleep and our spiritual death by a work of God that

could only be called a work of grace, undeserved favor.

We are redeemed, regenerated, adopted, justified, converted, born again, pick whatever term

you want in the panoply of terms related to salvation and you will always be able to attach

by grace because we have no merit by which to earn any of God's favors given to us in

our salvation.

We are even sanctified by grace because we are now no more able to earn our way to spiritual

maturity than we were to earn our way to salvation, that too is a work of grace.

And our glorification in the future is a work of grace so that throughout all eternity the

great wonder of all wonders is that we will be in heaven where God will pour out the fullness

of His grace upon us forever and ever and ever and ever and we will never get over the

fact that all of this is by grace.

It is favor, it is benefit, it is blessing unearned and undeserved.

Now the New Testament talks about this.

As I said, you have the word 155 times and it tells us so much about grace, we are familiar

with it in the general sense.

Let me help you get a little more specifically familiar with it as we look at this passage.

It needs to be said, as we contemplate the big picture of God's grace, that God does

not skimp on His grace.

In fact, we are reminded in Ephesians chapter 2 that God blesses us according to the surpassing

riches of His grace.

God's grace, you might say, is superabundant.

Every benefit that we experience spiritually is by grace.

One of the most wonderful statements made about our Lord was that inspired word from

John in John 1:14 who said of Jesus Christ, "He was full of grace."

The wondrous fact of His being full of grace was followed in John's gospel by an even more

thrilling reality, "For of His fullness have all we received and grace upon grace."

It is basic to say God is a God of grace, that God is gracious, that Christ is gracious,

being full of grace and bestowing that fullness on us, grace upon grace, or grace after grace

after grace after grace.

As long as we live and it will be forever, as long as we live in the realm of grace and

salvation, we will accumulate grace upon grace upon grace upon grace forever.

Luke said about the early Christians that they were experiencing abundant grace, Acts


Paul informs us in Romans 5:2 that we all stand in grace.

We live in the environment of grace.

It's the atmosphere that we breathe spiritually.

And in Romans 5:17 he adds that God bestows upon us as we stand in the realm of grace

an abundance of grace.

No matter what you might think of that grace, no matter how great you think it is, no matter

how grand you think it is, no matter how lavish you think it is, no matter how superabundant

you think it is, James adds, "He gives a greater grace."

It is greater than you think, it is greater than you can comprehend.

Peter chimes in, not wanting to be left out, and in 1 Peter 4:10 he says, "We have all

received...what he calls...the manifold, or multi-faceted, or multi-colored grace of God."

It is lavish.

It is rich.

It is unending and God's supply is undiminished and He gives it to us in such a way as to

be defined by grace upon grace, upon grace, upon grace, manifold and multi-faceted.

God is not stingy when He gives out His grace, He is lavish.

He delights to give us abundant grace, it brings Him joy, it brings Him satisfaction

and it brings Him honor and worship and praise from those who are the recipients of that


And when you think about the grace of God, typically, you probably think about the grace

of God related to salvation.

But that's a very limited view.

In 2 Corinthians chapter 9 and verse 8, this is what Paul writes: "And God is able to make

all grace abound to you," all grace, meaning stretching across all categories.

It's not just saving grace.

Of course it all fits into the realm of saving grace, but it can be more narrowly defined.

God is able to make all grace abound to you.

Again, the language is always extravagant when it comes to grace.

"So that always you will have all sufficiency in all things."

In fact, you will have an abundance for every good deed.

This pulls all the superlatives together.

God gives all grace, God makes all grace abound so that you always have all sufficiency for

all things and an abundance for all good deeds.

This is lavish grace.

This is profuse grace.

We're given grace to repent, we're given grace to believe, grace to be saved.

We are given grace to understand the Word of God.

We're given grace to wisely apply the Word of God.

We're given grace to overcome sin.

We're given grace to defeat temptation.

We're given grace to endure suffering, disappointment, pain.

We're given grace to obey the Lord.

We're given grace to serve Him.

We're given grace to use our spiritual gifts which are gifts of grace.

This Paul calls in 2 Corinthians 9:14, the surpassing grace of God that operates in you.

What an amazing gift God has given us in this grace.

And it is always grace which means it is not the result of our own efforts and earning.

Job was correct when he said, "Man is born unto trouble as the sparks fly upward."

Life is trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble.

You need grace.

Even as a believer you need grace for every issue in life.

Paul said in 2 Corinthians 3:5, "Our sufficiency is from God."

That's true.

God is the only sufficient source of power that can come to our aid in every single situation

we will ever face in life and He does that by dispensing grace.

We all know that life is filled with trouble, life is filled with disaster.

And if we're not in the disaster, we're on the edge of it.

Life is filled with strong temptation.

Life is filled with attractions to sinful things.

Life is filled with struggles to cope with the disappointments and the pain and the suffering

that comes into all of our experience.

Life is filled with all of these things, including our efforts at evangelism, our efforts at

Christian ministry that are often met with resistance and lack of understanding, lack

of interest.

We live in a fallen, decadent, corrupt world and we live in fallen, decadent, corrupt flesh.

So we face incessant trouble, even in endeavoring to serve the Lord.

We need grace for everything.

The question is, is such grace available?

Is there a source of sufficient grace to help us in every situation?

You know, there are some benefits to being old.

There really are.

One of the benefits to being old is you've been around long enough to see the right things


And one of the things that I've been so pleased to see disappear is the encroachment on the

church from the realm of human psychology.

It wasn't too many years ago when the church was being consistently being told and was

buying into the lie that if you really wanted to solve your problems, you needed the help

of psychology and psychiatry.

This was...this was a massive invasion into the life of the church.

I've lived long enough to see it fade away.

It was a dry well.

It was bankrupt.

It was unnecessary.

It is fast proving to be so not only inside the church but even outside the church.

It's not necessary to use human ingenuity, human methodology, and human technique to

change God's people.

God does that by means of His Spirit and grace.

And you can't change the people who aren't God's people because psychology can't do a

heart transplant in the spiritual realm.

But for many years the church bought into the lie that the problems of Christians are

beyond the realm of the spiritual and call for psychological techniques that have been

developed for decades.

Thankfully that all has gone away, tucked its tail and stolen off into the night.

And we come back to the great reality of 2 Corinthians 3:5, "Our sufficiency for everything

is from God."

Everything comes to us from God.

Everything comes to us by grace.

That's why whenever you go to God to pray, you're going to what the Bible calls, the

book of Hebrews, the throne of grace.

You can't ever go to God and say, "I'm going through a problem, give me, God, give me deliverance

because I've earned it.

I'm ill, I'm struggling, I have a disease.

God, take it away because I deserve to have it taken away.

Lord, look, bless my ministry, may it have a great impact, may I be highly honored and

revered by all who hear me because I deserve it."

That's just absolutely bizarre.

When you come to ask the Lord for anything, you come always to a throne of grace where

God pours out benefits and blessings and people who don't deserve them.

But it is, nonetheless, the place of power.

Now with that in mind, let's go back to the text.

And I want to help you to understand what's in this text and there is a lot here...a lot.

This is, I think, one of the most potent texts in the whole New Testament.

This entire section from chapter 10 to chapter 13 in this epistle may be the most emotionally

charged section in all the writings of the great Apostle Paul.

It is powerful stuff.

It is penetrating.

It is personal.

It is filled with passion.

It is heart-wrenching because in 2 Corinthians chapters 10 to 13, he lays his heart open,

wide open.

He is in the middle of being assaulted and attacked in the very domain where he had sacrificially

given his life and preached the gospel.

His integrity has been called into question by his enemies.

His loyalty has been attacked.

His ability to lead has been demeaned.

His decisions have been questioned.

He has been accused of having a secret life of shame, of lying about his apostolic credentials,

of lying and falsifying the record of his ministry.

His love is doubted and even denied.

He is being reinvented in some kind of revisionist history being conducted in Corinth by false

teachers so that he is emerging as an anti-hero, a bad guy, a hypocrite, a deceiver.

This on top of all the other things he suffered.

Go back to chapter 11 and let's get a running start on this text.

He says in verse 23, "Are they servants of Christ?"

Talking about his accusers who claim to be the true prophets of God and are accusing

him of being a false prophet, false apostle.

"Are they servants of Christ?

I speak as if insane," I'm making this concession for the sake of argument.

"Let's compare credentials.

Are they apostles of Christ?

Are they servants of Christ?

Slaves of Christ?

I more so.

Here's my proof.

In far more labors, in far more imprisonments, beaten times without number, often in danger

of death, five times I received from the Jews 39 lashes, three times I was beaten with rods,

once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, a night and a day I spent in the deep.

I have been on frequent journeys and dangers from rivers, robbers, countrymen, Gentiles,

in the city, in the wilderness, on the sea and among false brethren.

I have been in labor and hardship through many sleepless nights, in hunger and thirst

often without food in cold and exposure.

And apart or beyond and above, more painful than all of that, that's external, is the

internal pain, the daily pressure upon me of concern for all the churches.

Who is weak without my being weak?

Who is led into sin without my intense concern?"

He knows the terrible, terrible heart-wrenching experience of his people in whom he has made

such a great investment, falling into weakness and sin.

So he has the external suffering all through his life, he has the internal suffering of

people that he's invested in defecting and showing up sinful.

He knew about suffering.

He knew about shipwrecks, floggings, beatings with rods, narrow escapes for his life, terrors

of all kind, pain in stocks, in prison, filthy stinking jails with foul food, torture, all

of it.

And he knew what agonies were basically part of being connected to people.

It was intrinsic in your life if you invested in people that they would disappoint you,

reject you, fail, wound you, betray you, misunderstand you and even turn on you.

All of which the Corinthians have done.

Now I think this takes us to the deepest point of pain in Paul's life.

And it really comes out in this whole letter.

He even says in chapter 7 that he was depressed.

He had reached a point of personal depression, so depressed was he, he says in chapter 2,

that when a door was open to preach the gospel in Troas, he had no heart for it and no interest

in it even though the Lord had opened the door because he was just too broken hearted.

People had finally broken him, he was crushed...he was crushed.

You can take a lot of shipwrecks.

You can take a lot of beatings.

You can take a lot of scourging.

You can take a lot of danger.

The severest pain comes from what people do to you and especially the people in whom you've

made the greatest investment of your life.

The deepest pain, the greatest trouble in human experience, apart from your own personal

sin and personal guilt is the pain that is inflicted on you by other people.

Read the biography of Jonathan Edwards, maybe the greatest mind in the history of America.

Pastoring twenty years in North Hampton, and for 20 years of the most erudite, profound,

God-honoring preaching, his congregation voted him out as pastor.

They voted him out, they turned on him.


Because he insisted that before you take the Lord's table, you should have made a public

confession of faith in Christ.

Not exactly a fringe doctrine.

After 20 years of the Great Awakening, the greatest revival in American history, twenty

years of profound preaching, they turned on him.

They not only threw him out of the church, they did everything they could to destroy

his reputation so that no other church would take him.

And he wound up for a brief time ministering with fifteen Indians way beneath his capability,

but he ministered to them faithfully and humbly.

Finally the College of New Jersey called, tried to pull him out of the pit that he was

in and invited him to come and be the president, the College of New Jersey eventually became

Princeton University.

He denied them his presence at first, saying that it was too great a task for one such

as him.

Eventually he agreed to go, went, was there a brief time and died.

And you ask, how could people do that to Jonathan Edwards?

Hey, I remember many years ago and I'm nobody, walking into my office up there one day and

I had a staff of five men that I had invested my life in and I walked in and said, "I want

to tell you how much I love you and how grateful I am that you minister alongside of me."

To which one of them said, "If you think we're your friends, you've got another think coming."

And the mutiny was on.

They had a plan to remove me from this church.

By the grace of God that never came to fruition.

It shocked me.

It jolted me.

I couldn't comprehend how it could happen.

I went one time to preach at the Moody Bible Institute, founders week, seats four thousand

and it's always full and it's a great opportunity to preach there.

And as I was coming up to the Moody Church and it was dark at night, it's always in the

winter and it's cold and dark.

I was brought in from a a car down at the Holiday Inn where I was staying and

came up to the front, got out with a borrowed overcoat and made my way toward the great

Moody church for this great event.

And a man handed me a piece of paper and he was handing paper...there were people all

around passing out these sheets of paper to everyone who came in, about four thousand-plus


When I got into the light, I looked at it and it basically...the title of it was, "The

Heresies of John MacArthur," and it was single spaced because I have a lot of heresies, single-spaced

on both sides.

And, of course, by the time I got in there, everyone was reading all my heresies.

It made for a very volatile and interesting evening.

I went on to preach the Word of God without commenting on it, only later to find out that

this was all printed up and distributed by a man, a father, of a young man to whom I

had given a scholarship to the Master's College.

You scratch your head and you say, "So that's the gratitude you get?"

Look, you learn not to expect too much and then you're not really too disappointed in


It's not easy.

Look at the Apostle Paul who stands head and shoulders far above us and ask how a congregation

of people could be brought to faith in Jesus Christ, taught, instructed, nurtured by this

man, and then turn on him?

They did.

There's no external punishment.

There's no persecution.

That is as painful as rejection, false accusation, misrepresentation, betrayal by the people

who are the ones in whom you've invested the most.

It's a Judas kind of thing, isn't it?

Betrayed by your own friends.

The wounding of our souls by other people exceeds the wounding of our bodies.

And so, we come to Paul in chapter 12 at the deepest point, I think, of his trouble.

This is the worst time for him.

He is feeling the greatest attack, the most violent assault, the deepest pain of his ministry.

He's suffering through rejection by the Corinthian church.

He is unloved by many in that church.

He is unappreciated.

He is not trusted.

His ministry is maligned.

His affection is unrequited.

His integrity is questioned.

His fruitfulness denied.

His honesty is regaled.

His sacrificial service rejected.

His credentials scoffed at.

And his authority disregarded.

And all of this was being led by some false teachers who had come in to the Corinthian

church and done everything they could to destroy people's confidence in him.

They said things about him, he's unimpressive, his speech is contemptible.

They said he is below the acceptable level of those who speak publicly.

They mocked him, this dear, sacrificial, humble, selfless Apostle who had already been battered

and beaten physically and emotionally as well.

Given almost two years of his life to this church and this is the gratitude that he gets?

And when you pour your life into people and when you make this level of investment in

people's lives and they turn on you, when you've been unselfish, when you've been sacrificial

and you get hatred in return and betrayal in return, it is a kind of pain for which

there is little balm in this life.

The wounds are too deep.

No stocks that he was ever in were this painful.

That's how we find him when we come to this text.

And he's dealing with this issue.

As we approach this text, here's what I want you to see.

How Paul dealt with the deepest pain of his own ministry...the deepest trouble of his

life because how he did it is how we can do it as well.

I don't know where your pain is coming from, but we all have those physical things that

come upon us, but I am sure the deepest most wrenching pain in your life comes in relationships,

it comes because people disappoint you, people turn on you, people reject you, people don't

return your life, people misrepresent you, lie about you, gossip about you, give false

reports about you, turn on you, try to undermine you.

That's where Paul was.

How are we to approach the deepest pain of life, the pain inflicted on us by people,

especially those we care about?

I'm going to give you some lessons you can learn from Paul.

Lesson number one, God uses suffering at its deepest level to humble His children.

He uses suffering at its deepest level to humble His children.

Verse 7, "And because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason to keep

me from exalting myself there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan

to buffet me, to keep me from exalting myself."

Twice he says it.

God's purpose in this is to humble me.

He had surpassing revelations.

What does this mean?

Is he talking about the revelation of the gospel that was given to him after his conversion

of which he speaks in Galatians chapter 1?

Is that what he's talking about?


Certainly he did receive the revelation of the gospel given to him by God directly, not

through any other teacher after his conversion.

He spent fourteen years in Nabatea and Arabia, having that revelation refined and confirmed

to him.

Then he came forth, exposed himself to the Apostles and went on to preach to the Gentiles.

We remember reading that.

He also had thirteen revelations that make up the thirteen epistles of the New Testament

that he wrote.

But it is not those of which he speaks.

These are surpassingly great revelations.

These are revelations that are unique and uncommon and absolutely extraordinary.

And, in fact, the Apostle Paul had personal appearances of Jesus Christ in his life on

four occasions.


Plus, one trip to heaven.

Go back to verse 1 of chapter 12.

"Boasting is necessary although it's not profitable."

He says I hate being put in this position.

You are forcing me to defend myself by your attacks.

You are forcing me to defend my credentials by your assaults.

The false teachers were forcing Paul to defend himself.

He had to defend himself not for his own sake but he had to defend himself as the true Apostle

of Christ, the true representative of the Word of God because if the people turned from

him to the false prophets, they would be turning from the truth to lies.

And so for their sake he defends himself though he hates to do it.

He says, "But let me go on to visions and revelations of the Lord.

I know a man...he's referring to Christ who fourteen years ago," and we don't

have any indication in the book of Acts as to what this occasion was, all we know is

what he says here.

We don't know when he happened, but it was fourteen years before this.

"I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago whether in the body, I don't know, or

out of the body, I do not know, God knows, such a man was caught up to the third heaven."


There were four personal appearances to him in his life by Jesus Christ.

The first one on the road to Damascus.

There were three after that.

One of them in particular happened in Corinth when he went there originally to preach the


It's recorded in the eighteenth chapter of Acts verses 9 and 10.

Another one of them happened when he was in prison.

He says, "I actually was caught up to the third heaven," that's the heaven where God


The first heaven is the heaven of the air we breathe.

The second is the stellar heaven in a simple sense.

And the third heaven is the domain of God where God lives.

I was caught up to the third heaven and I know how such a man whether in the body or

apart from the body," for the second time he says it, "I don't know, I can't define

it, don't ask me the details, I don't know whether it was physical or spiritual, I don't

know that.

I know I was caught up into paradise and I heard inexpressible words which a man is not

permitted to speak."

Don't ask me what I heard because I couldn't understand it and it's not for human proclamation,

I went to heaven, that's all I know.

This is not repeatable.

This is not verifiable.

This is not defensible.

So it's really not helpful for me to talk about it, I'll just leave it at that.

Suffice it to say, if you're wondering whether I have a special relationship to God or not,

I'm just going to tell you, I've been to the third heaven.


That could give you some leverage, couldn't it?'re in a committee meeting with Timothy and Titus and Timothy says, "I've

got a great idea for an evangelistic strategy."

Titus says, "Hey, I've got a great idea for an evangelistic strategy too."

And Paul says, "I don't think either of those will work, here is what I feel we need to


And Timothy and Titus say, "Hey, we think you're wrong," to which Paul replies, "Really.

Either of you been to heaven?"

It's a lot of leverage...a lot of leverage.

You could even become so proud that that would become your trademark.

You would bill yourself as the man whose been to heaven and back.

Oh how many false testimonies to that effect have paraded themselves through the Charismatic


People have been to heaven and back, been to hell and back, none of which, of course,

is true.

This is.

And when you have had the revelation that he had, the revelation of the gospel after

his conversion, the revelation of the epistles that the Lord was in the process of giving

him in the New Testament, more importantly the four personal appearances of Jesus who

came to you individually, not that you were in a room when He showed up but it was only

you and Him.

And then you had your own private trip to heaven.

That could make you proud, could it not?

"For this reason...he keep me from exalting myself."

God wants His servants humble...humble.

Humility is the number one Christian virtue.

It's so hard to achieve.

I remember a young seminary student said to me, one time, "Dr.

MacArthur, how did you finally overcome pride?"

"Oh," I said, "it happened years ago.

I haven't worried about that for a long, long time."

That's a naive question, isn't it?

How do I...I have to deal with pride just like you every day.

Paul can't even imagine what a temptation to his flesh all these revelations, personal

appearances of Jesus, trip to heaven, humility is what God seeks.

So, let's go back to the text.

"Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason to keep me from

exalting myself, there was given me."

Now stop right there for a moment.

The object here is the thorn in the flesh.

The verb is "there was given."

The subject is implied and the subject is God.

"There was given me by God because only God is concerned about my humility.

Satan would like me to be...what?...proud and the prouder the better."

What defines Satan himself is pride, is that not true?

Was not he lifted up as the anointed cherub?

And did not he say, "I will, I will, I will, I will, I will," five times as the Old Testament

prophets said?

And it was his self-will and pride that got him thrown out of heaven.

"There was given me by God a gift...if you humble me."

By the way, it was a gift unsolicited.

Paul didn't ask for it and when it came he didn't want it.

In fact, he wanted to get rid of it.

It is a gift that Satan wouldn't want him to have since it produced humility, not pride.

What was this that God gave him?

Look at it.

"It was given me a thorn in the flesh."

And when you read the word "thorn" I know exactly what you think of, a rose bush...right?

Exactly what you think of, this little tiny needle that sticks you in the finger when

you're trying to cut the roses for the dining room table.

That's not the idea.

The Greek word here for thorn is stake...stake, a shaft of wood sharpened at one end to be

used in battle to impale someone...a sharpened wooden shaft to impale someone.

This is not a minor little oops, look what happened to me.

This is a stake to be driven through someone.

There was given a stake for the flesh...for the flesh, to control

the fleshly tendency to be proud, to control the fleshly tendency to boast.

The Lord is going to humble him by driving a stake right through his otherwise proud


What is the stake?

What is this thorn?

He tells you what it is...a messenger of Satan.

That's not a further adjectival description, that's the substantive statement.

What is the thorn in the flesh?

That's the metaphor, that's the symbol, the reality is a messenger of Satan.

It's simple to understand this.

What is a messenger of Satan?

The word messenger is angelos, angel...angel, always means a person...always means a person...either

a human or an angel.

It can be a human messenger, can be an angel if it's intended in the context.

So, the Lord gave Paul to drive a stake through his otherwise proud flesh, a satanic angel.

What's another name for a satanic angel?


You say, "Wait a minute, you telling me Paul was demon-possessed?"

Not hardly.


Well what in the world is he saying here?

The explanation of this, the one that makes sense in the context is pretty simple.

False teachers had invaded the Corinthian church.

They were a huge part of his life.

Only in Ephesus had he spent more time than he spent in Corinth.

That it is to the Corinthians that he writes these two long letters because they occupy

so much of his mind and heart.

And there are two other letters, one before 1 Corinthians and one between 1 and 2 Corinthians

that he also wrote and refers to that are not in the Scripture, four letters nearly

two years massive occupation of his mind and his heart.

It is into that church that he loved and which he invested so much of his soul that false

teachers have come and false teachers are always led by demons because they always advocate,

1 Timothy 4, doctrines of demons.

They are the hypocritical liars who spout demon doctrine.

I think what Paul is talking about here is the demonic leadership of the Corinthian false


Go back to chapter 11 for a moment.

In verse 13 he identifies them.

He says they are false apostles, they are deceitful workers, disguising themselves as

apostles of Christ and no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light,

therefore it's not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as serpents of righteousness

whose end shall be according to their deeds.

False teachers always represent Satan.

They are disguised as angels of light.

They are, however, motivated by, driven by Satan and demons.

The ringleaders of the Corinthian conspiracy against the Apostle Paul, the attempt to undermine

the church and undermine the gospel in that needy city was being led by a demon.

But the work of the demon in the Corinthian church was killing Paul's pride.

Now if you're a minister of a church and a pastor of a church and you've made this great

investment, you want to be able to say, "Look, I gave my life, I gave almost two years there,

all the thought since then, all the prayer, all of the anxiety, the letters, the correspondence,

the agony in waiting when I send Titus with a letter waiting for him to come back and

give me a report, all of the experiences that were tied up with that Corinthian group from

the time first ever he went there and preached the gospel, all of that was important to Paul

because he didn't want to labor in vain.

In fact, he expresses this fear in this very letter.

At the end of chapter 12, verse 20 he says, "I'm afraid that perhaps when I come I may

find you to be not what I wish."

How sad.

"And you'll find me not to be what you wish either.

I'm afraid I'm going to come and find strife and jealousy and angry tempers and disputes

and slanders and gossip and arrogance and disturbances."

That's heart-breaking to one whose invested so much.

Verse 21, "I'm afraid that when I come, again my God may humiliate me before you and that

I may mourn over many of those who have sinned in the past and not repented of the impurity

and immorality and sensuality which they've practiced."

Wow, you're really cutting in to his heart.

He's afraid that he's going to come back and find sins of disunity and find sins of impurity.

In fact, it was such a deep-seeded fear that he didn't even want to go there.

He says in chapter 2, "I'm afraid to come, I don't know if I can take the sorrow."

If you've poured your whole life into people, you don't want to look back and say, "It was

all for naught, it was all for nothing, it was all in vain."

And to have these demonized false teachers come in and wreak havoc in your church, drives

a stake through your otherwise proud flesh.

It's a humbling thing.

It's a humbling thing.

But do you know what?

Think of it.

The Lord is so concerned that His servants be humble that if need be He will turn a demon

loose in their church.


That's what makes chasing demons so foolish.

People do that today.

They tell Satan to leave their church.

Really, how do you know God didn't send them?

Furthermore, what makes you think you can tell him what to do and he'll do it?

You mean to tell me that the humbling of a servant of God like Paul is so important to

God that He would allow demonized false teachers to disrupt for a period of time the ministry

of that church for no other reason than to humble that man?

The answer to that question is, Paul was not finished serving the Lord, there was much

work that needed to be done and it needed to be done by a man who was humble...who was


And God always gives grace to the humble.

"So, there was given me by God a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to buffet


That's a strange English word, isn't it?

Same as buffet...big difference.

How did they ever put those together?

Unless you overdo the buffet and become buffeted by it, I suppose.

But buffet is an interesting word.

I don't know what that word conjures to you, just the idea of buff sounds kind of soft,

doesn't it?

Like puff.

It would be better, instead of using buffet, buffet me, it might be lash me, or shattered

me, or devastated me.

But the word actually in the Greek means torment...torment in a very physical way.

The word is used in Matthew 26:67, it's used in Mark 14:65 of the soldiers beating Christ

in the face with their fists.

This thing that's going on in my beloved church in Corinth is crushing me, it's driving a

stake through my otherwise proud flesh, it's like taking blows in my face.

Paul uses the same word, 1 Corinthians 4:11, to speak of being physically abused.

There's a stake being driven through his otherwise proud flesh.

It's as if God has allowed the enemy to smash him in the face.

And by the way, the word in its root is derived from a Greek term meaning knuckles, the hardest

part of the hand that can deliver the most devastating blow.


Why does God allow this?

"To keep me from exalting myself."

It has a humbling purpose.

And, beloved, I need to tell you this because this is what Paul is saying.

That's the first place you always go when you come into the midst of a trial.

Trials have many, many purposes....many.

Before you think about running to fix it, before you blame God for letting things deteriorate

to this level, understand this that if you want to share His holiness, you must share

His suffering.

That the path of spiritual maturity is the path to humility and the way to humility is

paved by suffering.

Sure trials have all kinds of purposes.

They test our strength, they wean us from worldly things, they enliven our eternal hope

of heaven.

They reveal what we really love.

They teach us to value the good times.

They enable us to help others who suffer.

They produce endurance.

But mainly, trials humble us...they humble us.

And God wants His people humble to the degree that God would even allow Satan to torment

His children if it assisted in their humiliation.

It's Peter...we're going to get to that in Luke 22...Jesus says to Peter, "Satan desires

to have you that he might sift you like wheat."

If I was Peter, "Well You told him no, right?"

The Lord says, "No, I told him yes because when you're converted you're going to be a

different man."

The Lord let Satan go after Job.

The Lord let Satan go after Peter.

And the Lord let a messenger of Satan go after Paul, in the end, to humble that man to make

him even more useful.

You know, when we get into trouble, the first thing we want to do is get out as fast as


You want to run to somebody to fix it.

Run to the pastor, get some quick counsel.

You know, run to the bookstore, get a book on how do I get out of this, right?

How to solve all my problems, how to eliminate trouble from my life.

Turn on one of those TV prosperity preachers and start thinking good thoughts and maybe

you could create a good world in your imagination.

Instead of doing that, bless God for what humbles you.

Bless God for what humbles you.

And know that He gives grace to the humble.

Well, that's one point.

There are many more for next time.

Lord, what a wonderful evening we have shared tonight, singing simple songs of praise and

thanks and hearing again testimonies of Your power, fellowshiping, giving.

And again the Word being open to us produces such blessing.

Whatever it takes, Lord, to humble us, do it.

Whatever it takes to humble me, do it.

Whatever suffering is necessary, bring it on.

Whatever disappointment is necessary, let it happen in order that sufficient grace may

be displayed and power perfected in weakness.

We embrace the suffering, we embrace the humbling, just as Paul did.

We know that our good is Your goal and part of getting us to that place where we honor

You, living righteously is pouring us through the crucible of suffering that we not be crushed

and broken and disappointed at the most intimate level.

We've all been wounded by the ones we love the most.

We've all been hurt deeply by the ones in whom we have invested the most defection and

the most concern and the most effort.

And we would see it as a bad thing and yet we now have a different view.

Even the worst imaginable thing, demons as it were, running loose trying to undo our

efforts could be from You as You humble us for greater usefulness.

Satan is Your devil, he's Your Satan, he only does what You let him do.

No demon can step one step out of the realm of sovereign will, they can only do what You

let them do.

And even the demons serve Your purposes, sometimes for the humbling of Your people.

We have been singularly blessed here in this church.

We have had, as it were, in some sense, many revelations, exposed to so much truth, so

much blessing.

We could easily be proud, we need to be humbled.

Humblest us all, whatever it takes, that we might be more useful to You, that we might

be delivered from the disabling power of pride.

And we'll thank You in the Savior's name, who humbled Himself and we want to follow

His example.


For more infomation >> Sufficient Grace for Humbling Circumstances, Part 1 (2 Corinthians 12:7-10) - Duration: 1:00:39.


Advantages of Pellet Grills & Smokers | Easiest Way to Smoke, Bake, BBQ & Grill With Wood Fire - Duration: 2:24.

There's a lot of talk about Pellet grills these days...

I'm Frank with, today we are taking a look at the benefits of pellet grills.

If you want to be able to smoke, bake, barbecue & grill with wood fired flavor with the just

the push of a button, pellet grills are definitely worth considering.

With pellet grills, your fuel & smoking wood are one in the same.

Simply choose from a wide range of 100% natural wood pellet flavors, and fill the hopper of

the grill.

Cooking on a pellet grill is just as easy as using an oven.

All you have to do is set your target temperature & let your grill do the work.

Once your temperature is set, the auger at the bottom of the hopper transports the exact

amount of pellets needed to reach & maintain your target temperature to the fire pot at

the lower portion of the grill.

If you were using a charcoal grill, you would have to manually adjust your airflow to maintain

a steady fire temperature.

With a pellet grill, your combustion airflow is automatically controlled by fan forced


This circulation of air creates a convection cooking environment, and forces smoke to roll

evenly over your food, before exiting the grill.

Most pellet grills have only one fan, but some top of the line pellet grills feature

two fans, one for airflow & one dedicated to even heat distribution, for an increase

in overall efficiency.

Another advantage of pellet grilling is that you can cook with indirect heat across the

entire surface of the grill.

You will notice pellet grills use a flame taming panel over the fire pot at the base

of the grill.

With this setup, you never have to worry about your food burning from flare ups.

This panel also catches the drippings while you grill, vaporizing the moisture & smokey

flavor back toward your food.

It is worth noting that if you want the option to grill over direct heat, some pellet grills

offer slide plates or direct flame inserts that give you the ability to sear over the

wood fire.

When shopping pellet grills, you should also consider the quality of construction.

Most are made with some form of painted steel, but there are several top of the line models

that are made with 304 stainless steel for maximum longevity.

Top quality pellet grills will also feature a double lined hood, this will allow you to

get more cooking time per Lb. of pellets in your hopper.

Thanks for watching, if you need any help finding the perfect pellet grill for your

backyard..give us a call.

Remember.. at, we smoke.. the competition!

For more infomation >> Advantages of Pellet Grills & Smokers | Easiest Way to Smoke, Bake, BBQ & Grill With Wood Fire - Duration: 2:24.


Faith in Action - Duration: 3:08.

Faith without action is fruitless, it is

dead. The Apostle James wrote in James

chapter 2 verse 28:"For just as the body

without the spirit is dead so also faith

without works is dead." Many people say

that they believe in Jesus Christ, many

confess that they have come to faith in

Jesus but there was no action. Nothing

happened. If you really believe in Jesus

Christ then there will be action. You

will take action. You will obey Jesus

Christ, if you really believe in Jesus

then you will obey His words, you will

repent. You will immediately stop sinning.

You will turn away from your senseless

existence, from running after the desires

of the flesh. You will stop sinning and

you will stop going after your own

desires. You will seek to do the will of

God. You will obey Jesus and you will be

baptized in water, immediately you will

start testifying for Jesus Christ,

because you believed in Him and He

became a reality to you. If your faith

did not produce any action, then your

faith is dead. If it did not change you

from a sinner into a child of God, then

you never believed and then your faith

cannot save you. Then your hope of

salvation is useless, because faith

without works is dead. If you do not take

action after hearing the gospel of Jesus

Christ and believing in Him then your

faith was absolutely useless. Did you

change after you believed in Jesus

Christ? Did you take action?

Did you clean up your life? Did you change

your ways? Did you go after Jesus? Did you

do everything in your power to get

baptized and to be filled with the Holy

Spirit, and do you go after Jesus with

all your power? Do you seek to hear His

voice and do you obey Him? Do you follow

Him every day? What action has your faith

produced? Is your faith real.

May Jesus bless you.

Jesus Christ is alive and hell

is real, I am here to introduce you to

Jesus Christ so that you can know Him

and follow Him and have eternal life.

Subscribe to my channel to learn more

about Jesus. May Jesus bless you.

For more infomation >> Faith in Action - Duration: 3:08.


Expert: Russia meddling in US politics - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Expert: Russia meddling in US politics - Duration: 3:35.


The Best Of Maxwell | Season 1 | KICKING & SCREAMING - Duration: 1:28.

I hope I have a really good partner

to do like 90% of the work for me, I'm going to be honest.

So do you camp?

No, I'm not-- like, I'm an indoor cat.

I live like the most like dirty life ever.

Like, I'm just full of chemicals and bad decisions.

I'm in Fiji in some kind of swamp

where everything looks like an outhouse a little bit.

This is like the most I've ever peed in my whole life.

Please, please, watch the champagne.

Tamara, she looks like if, like, an earth goddess and, like,

Lara Croft had a baby.

I think I surprise people that I'm agile for my size.

I should have gone with the big guy, sorry.

It's fine, just stop talking.

Against the other novices, I think

I'm probably more intelligent.

They're like toddlers and I'm like an associate professor



It's been seven days since I ordered takeout,

and I wonder if the delivery driver thinks I'm dead.

I've never hit such a low point where I was

hungry enough to eat a worm.

I see you.

Come out of there.


I am surprised.



Is it dangerous to use your knife to clean my nails,

or is that really ridiculous?

I've never been so thirsty for champagne in my entire life.

I'm definitely missing the luxuries of life.

I would literally do anything for a cigarette and a shower

in that order.

[birds chirping]

For more infomation >> The Best Of Maxwell | Season 1 | KICKING & SCREAMING - Duration: 1:28.


Beamline for Schools 2017 experiment proposal - Team JDP - Duration: 1:00.

We are the team GDP (correction: "JDP") from Bassano del Grappa,

and we are, today, in a treatment chamber at the Proton Therapy Centre in Trento, Italy.

Very excited to be here! Thanks to prof. Marco Schwarz!

Teresa: Bye! Davide: Bye!

We got interested in proton therapy, which works because a particle beam

loses most of its energy at the end of the course inside a material, reaching the Bragg peak.

The depth of the Bragg peak depends on several factors,

such as the density of the material and the energy of the beam.

[Prolepsis passes]

Our purpose is to verify that the theoretically calculated

and experimentally observed Bragg peaks match.

[Davide gets hit by a proton beam]

For more infomation >> Beamline for Schools 2017 experiment proposal - Team JDP - Duration: 1:00.


VW Passat - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> VW Passat - Duration: 1:03.


VW Passat - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> VW Passat - Duration: 1:09.


The 7 STRANGEST Secret Societies - Duration: 11:00.

The Bilderberg Group, The Freemasons, The Mickey Mouse Club - when it comes to bizarre

and perverse practices, these are the secret societies most people think of almost immediately.

But did you know there are many more hidden groups whose activities and entry requirements

are far stranger and way more interesting than a bunch of guys in business suits?

We've got a group of stoned assassins, some crazy Russian eunuchs, and a bunch of Indian

guys who know how to build flying saucers.

So let's take a look at these weirdos and more in our list of the seven strangest secret


Number 7: Ordo Templi Orientis Ordo Templi Orientis or Order of the Temple

of the East is a secret religious society which began in a similar fashion to the Freemasons.

But, rather than gathering in lodges and making grand plans to control the world, the members

of the Ordo Templi Orientis are instead content to worship the penis and teach the magic of

self pleasure.

Fair enough, some people want a new world order, others want to fiddle with their bits,

who am I to judge?

Much of the group's lore and philosophy was composed by famed English occultist and Hot

Topic poster-boy Aleister Crowley, with his influence helping to craft Ordo Templi Orientis'

focus on self-improvement through occult ritual.

Although, judging by the requirements of initiation ritual eleven, which implores members to interact

with excrement, blood and mucus to recreate Crowley's dream of giving birth to, and I

quote, "a mass of blood and slime", I'm not sure how improved I'd feel in my self after


Meh, I'll give it a shot anyways.

Number 6: The Hashshashin When you think of the word Hashshashin what

kind of image does it conjure up?

Perhaps some weird group of stoner assassins who Scooby Doo their way from one contract

killing to another?

If so, then you're pretty much bang on.

Also known as the Nizari, the Hashshashin were a mysterious group of 13th Century Muslim

assassins who tried to set up their own country and undertook missions involving espionage,

sabotage and assassination; all the while being stoned out of their minds.

The term Hashshashin vaguely translates as "hashish user" and this is where we derive

the modern term "assassin" from.

But if you think these Middle Eastern, Medieval, Mary Jane loving Muslims were a bunch of bumbling

morons then think again - they were cold hearted killers and nothing less.

Richard the Lionheart was one of their most famous clients, with the Hashshashins performing

many contract hits for him during the Crusades, and it was only the combined might of the

Mongol Hordes which finally put an end to this bizarre group's reign of toke-filled


Number 5: Ashoka's Nine Unknown Men Formed in 270 BC by Indian King Ashoka of

the Maurya dynasty, this secret society contained only nine men, but was believed by some to

be one of the most powerful groups in the world.

And why?

Well the men involved were chosen based on their expert knowledge of an individual field,

and each was required to compile their expertise into a book, which could then be used to control

and influence the world's population.

These books are rumoured to still exist today, with the information contained within supposedly

updated to reflect our modern world.

The first book is a guide on how to use psychological techniques to create propaganda, with the

second and third books covering microbiology and human anatomy.

The fourth book is a study into alchemy and metal work, but after that things start to

get a little weird.

Book five tells you how to communicate with extra-terrestrials, book six is basically

a "how to build your own spaceship" guide, book seven is about time travel, and book

eight details how man can manipulate the speed of light.

The final book covers sociology and the evolution of human societies, but after all the time

travel and alien stuff, I imagine this last one's not much of a page-turner.

Number 4: The Order of the Occult Hand Have you ever experienced that weird feeling

you get when you suddenly learn a new word or phrase, then you can't stop seeing it everywhere

for days, weeks or even months afterwards?

That's called the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, and one group who seem to love provoking this

feeling are the Order of the Occult Hand.

This secret society is mostly comprised of print journalists who have one single goal;

to insert the phrase "it was as if an occult hand had" into newspapers, magazines and other

printed publications.

This odd ritual began in 1965 when the friends of police reporter Joseph Flanders were so

amused by his use of the phrase that they decided to smuggle it into as many articles

as possible.

The Order was exposed in 2004 when a killjoy reporter at the Chicago Tribune wrote a piece

about them, but this hasn't stopped their fun one bit.

Because in 2006 leader Paul Greenberg, a Pulitzer prize-winning editor, announced that a new

phrase had been chosen by the group, one which remains undiscovered to this day.

Number 3: The Society of the Horseman's Word This British society was basically a club

for 19th Century horse whisperers, with its members required to be employed in the care

of horses, to keep the secrets of handling horses, and be willing to shake hands with

the devil during the group's acceptance ritual - albeit a devil whose arm was made from a

fur covered broom.

But still, if you're blindfolded you're always taking a risk by holding out your hand to

grab something long, hard and furry.

While much of the Horsemen's activity revolved around sharing and retaining the knowledge

needed to care for horses, some members were known to take their horse love to a weirdly

spiritual level.

At the time, horses were seen as somewhat mystical animals, and those who controlled

them were thought to have magical powers.

In some parts of the UK, Horsemen were even known as Horse Witches, and this reputation

wasn't helped by their use of a secret word known only to their members.

Each chapter of the society would have its own individual secret word, and those who

spoke it were supposedly able to control horses and women at will.

But some Horsemen societies were known to use just one single statement as their secret

word, with that phrase being "Both in One".

I'll let you draw your own conclusions as to what that means.

Number 2: The Giga Society Remember that Indian group with only nine


Well the Giga Society is even more exclusive, consisting of just six or seven members in

total, depending on which randomly Googled source you'd like me to believe.

The Giga Society is pretty vague on what its members get up to and how elaborate their

super secret handshake is.

But since membership to this group is based on intelligence, I'd guess very.

The Giga Society comprises solely of individuals who can demonstrate an IQ higher than 195.

This would make you smarter than 99.9999999% of the population, but if you miss the cut-off

point you can always try the Mega Society, who require an IQ of 172 to join their 26

member club.

Too dumb to be Mega?

Then join Prometheus; if you can hit their 160 IQ target.

or Triple Nine if you're only able to scrape above 146.

An IQ of 135 will get you into Intertel, and it only takes a 130 IQ to join Mensa's 110,000


Anything less than that and you'll be lucky to get into Chuck E Cheese.

Number 1: The Skoptsy The Skoptsy are by far the most gruesome secret

society on this list, as rather than celebrating human sexuality like Aleister Crowley and

his pals, this brutal Russian sect would castrate men and mastectomise women in the belief that

genitals and breasts were sinful.

Founded in the 18th Century by two peasants, the Skoptsy thought that genitals and breasts

only appeared after Adam and Eve consumed a piece of forbidden fruit.

Interesting theory.

I wonder what other cool sexy junk we'd have if they'd eaten their five a day?

But for the Skoptsy one pair of boobs or balls was one pair too many, and with no anaesthetic

or surgical implements, members would often resort to carving them off with primitive

shaving knives.

These folks sound pretty crazy right?

But at one point there were over 100,000 Skoptsy living and presumably bleeding in Russia,

with many of its members including high-ranking officials and generals.

Their numbers have dwindled of late, but there are still a rumoured 200 Skoptsy followers

to this very day, with their most famous member being one Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Ha, just kidding.

But now I think about it, that would explain a lot.

So did you enjoy our video?

I hope so, because we probably don't have many left with Putin's death squads now on

their way to poison my burrito.

But if you'd like to know more about peculiar people and their perverse practices, then

take a look at our recent video on the ten strangest mating rituals.

None of which the Skoptsy are capable of enjoying.

For more infomation >> The 7 STRANGEST Secret Societies - Duration: 11:00.


For more infomation >> The 7 STRANGEST Secret Societies - Duration: 11:00.







Message pour votre nuit. 30 Mars - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Message pour votre nuit. 30 Mars - Duration: 1:23.


For more infomation >> Message pour votre nuit. 30 Mars - Duration: 1:23.


$2.5M in cash seized during synthetic marijuana bust in Berks County - Duration: 1:19.





































For more infomation >> $2.5M in cash seized during synthetic marijuana bust in Berks County - Duration: 1:19.


M. Asam VINOLIFT Skin Tightening Cream 3.38 fl. oz. - Duration: 11:38.

For more infomation >> M. Asam VINOLIFT Skin Tightening Cream 3.38 fl. oz. - Duration: 11:38.


WOT cz - SU-85 - M - 4 - 1243 HP - 931 XP - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> WOT cz - SU-85 - M - 4 - 1243 HP - 931 XP - Duration: 5:51.


WOT cz - AMX 105 AM 47 - M - 3 - 1246 HP - 802 XP - Duration: 7:59.

For more infomation >> WOT cz - AMX 105 AM 47 - M - 3 - 1246 HP - 802 XP - Duration: 7:59.


BMW 3 Serie Gran Turismo 320i High Executive M-Sport Automaat-8 Leer/Sportstoelen/Elec.Trekhaak - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Gran Turismo 320i High Executive M-Sport Automaat-8 Leer/Sportstoelen/Elec.Trekhaak - Duration: 1:01.


BMW X3 3.0d xDrive High Executive M-Sport Automaat-8 Sportstoelen/Navi-Pro/Camera - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> BMW X3 3.0d xDrive High Executive M-Sport Automaat-8 Sportstoelen/Navi-Pro/Camera - Duration: 1:00.


BMW 3 Serie Gran Turismo 320d High Executive M-Sport Automaat-8 Panoramadak/ Elektrische Trekhaak/ S - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Gran Turismo 320d High Executive M-Sport Automaat-8 Panoramadak/ Elektrische Trekhaak/ S - Duration: 1:03.


BMW 3 Serie Touring 320i Executive M-Sport Automaat-6 Prof. Navi/ Sportstoelen/ Xenon - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 320i Executive M-Sport Automaat-6 Prof. Navi/ Sportstoelen/ Xenon - Duration: 1:05.


BMW 5 Serie 530i High Executive M-Sport Automaat-8 Sportstoelen/Navi Pro/Leer - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> BMW 5 Serie 530i High Executive M-Sport Automaat-8 Sportstoelen/Navi Pro/Leer - Duration: 1:03.


BMW 5 Serie 520d High Executive M-Sport Automaat-8 Comfortstoelen / Navi Pro. / Dealerondrh. - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> BMW 5 Serie 520d High Executive M-Sport Automaat-8 Comfortstoelen / Navi Pro. / Dealerondrh. - Duration: 1:03.


BMW 5 Serie 525d M-Sport High Executive Automaat-8 Sport stoelen/ Prof. Navi/ HIFI - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> BMW 5 Serie 525d M-Sport High Executive Automaat-8 Sport stoelen/ Prof. Navi/ HIFI - Duration: 1:06.


BMW X5 3.0d xDrive High Executive M-Sport Automaat-8 Comfort stoelen/ Panoramadak/ Head-Up display - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> BMW X5 3.0d xDrive High Executive M-Sport Automaat-8 Comfort stoelen/ Panoramadak/ Head-Up display - Duration: 0:54.


Opel Astra Cabriolet 1.6I Leer Electrische Kap Stoelverwarming Lichtmetalen Velgen Apk t/m 26-2-2018 - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra Cabriolet 1.6I Leer Electrische Kap Stoelverwarming Lichtmetalen Velgen Apk t/m 26-2-2018 - Duration: 0:59.


CS GO - Knife Deploy Times - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> CS GO - Knife Deploy Times - Duration: 2:30.


Dead Girl Walking (Heathers: The Musical) Animatic (GOTHAM HIGH AU) - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Dead Girl Walking (Heathers: The Musical) Animatic (GOTHAM HIGH AU) - Duration: 3:23.


InForm Fitness Podcast - Slow Motion Intense Exercise and Nutrition Training - Duration: 2:05.

Hi I'm Adam Zukerman the owner of

inForm Fitness I am really excited to

launch my brand new podcast called 20

mins with Adams and friends

joining me in this podcasts are going to

be my general manager and good friend

Michael Rogers he's been a trainer with me

for about 12 years now my general

manager and good friend Sheila in my

Burbank location and of course our

producer Tim who's also a client to

InForm Fitness out in the Burbank

location in this podcast we're going to

discuss my original vision for how we

started InForm Fitness and where I want

InForm Fitness to go and where we think

exercise should go in the future it's

nice to see that my original intuition

like over 20 years ago has been

validated some by some recent science

and I want to talk about that so we're

gonna bring on some scientists in this

industry some cutting-edge people are

doing a lot of work on this I'm going to

be bringing in some great testimonials

from clients have experienced this and we

bring in musicians and very interesting

people bodybuilders talking about how

little they actually work out it's going

to shed some light on some very

important topics no one listens to this

podcast I'm going to be crushed it's

like having a part of the no one shows

up to... you know I have it this a big fear

of mine so

it will get better as we get it'll give

the podcast get better if you can get

through the first couple of podcast it

gets better we get better at it as a

team you know yeah you know what the

content is good all right you know

Mike's a little annoying Sheila has a

really cool voice it's really hot sexy voice

and that helps you know you know I might

talk a little bit too much but you know

there's good stuff there


For more infomation >> InForm Fitness Podcast - Slow Motion Intense Exercise and Nutrition Training - Duration: 2:05.


DIY Fluffy Slime! - Duration: 8:25.

EWWWWWW! It's Daniel! :(

EW he's eating gummy's and he stuffed them all in at once...

For more infomation >> DIY Fluffy Slime! - Duration: 8:25.


M. Asam VINOLIFT Remodelling Serum - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> M. Asam VINOLIFT Remodelling Serum - Duration: 7:25.


BMW R1200R short review, test ride and specs - Duration: 9:18.

Hey guys, Albe here

the other day a BMW R1200R cought my eyes

so today I decided to go down to

BMW motorcycles of Ricerside and take one out for a test ride

let's see how it goes....

Ok we are here at BMW motorcycles of Riverside

let's get on with it

let's get on this R1200R and see what's this boxer engine is all about

So one of the coolest features of this bike

other than being super-comfortable and looking good

is the proximity key

the key stays in the little pouch over there, then you push the ignition button and

the screen booths up.

as the screen booths up everything is displayed

and just like any other bike, you push the starter button and it goes

so we're gonna start in road mode and in road suspension

this bike has dynamic suspensions and has also different engine modes

first thing this is the ride by wire throttle

so they give you rider modes

I think on this one is, rain, road, dynamic

this is gonna tie in not only how throttle responsive it is but also

how early the ABS and traction control kicks in

so rain is going to be a little deader response

dynamic is going to allow a little rear wheel spin

so you can play around with it, you can change it on the fly or when you stop

so if the bike is not moving

like you are stopped at a light or right now, it will change automatically

if you are riding and you want to change it

you'll toggle up to where you want to be

and then the cluch engages it

so roll off the throttle pull the clutch and it will engage

so first thing to note is

the riding position

it's pretty straight up and very comfortable

the ergonomics are actually spot on with me

my knees are not too bent

they are in a comfortable position

I'm not hyper-extended forward and

I'm pretty comfortable all around.

oooh is got some grunt

and it can brake

so how much power this thing has

well....let's check it out


now, the bike has quick shift

this also has the gear assist pro

that allows you to up-shift and down-shift without using the clutch

if you want to play with it

just stay on the throttle, no clutch

shift, shift, shift, shift

and then for down-shifting as you decelerate

you can down-shift and it will rev-match

which is one of those features that once you try it is hard to go back from it

it's lighter than I thought it would be

considering the 1200cc engine


all and all I'm actually liking this thing a lot

so... let's play around with the modes

this is actually one of the cool things on this

do you see where it says style 0, they are referring to

this display

style #1 we get a different look, right,

so now you know the mode you are in, there is a tac.

gear indicator, that's about it, nothing fancy

and this one is even more simple, style #2

basically a digital speedo

what road mode am I in , what gear am I in and you go

so dynamic is supposedto.......oh this thing sounds so good

does it have an exhaust on it?

probably not, no

the regular exhaust sounds pretty good

there is a user mode so you can actually set up how you like things

when I'm in my user mode, I like to be in road but I like the suspension to be dynamic or whatever

so we are in dynamic mode, is very subtle

but you can tell

the throttle is a little more peppy and the suspensions

are a little sportyer

listen to this thing

and look at it go!!!


I'm plesently impressed with it

they really got the fueling right on this 1200 boxer

now, the bike comes with dynamic suspensions

the suspension is here, is dynamic electronic suspensions

and basically on this we have road and dynamic

I think road is gonna be a little softer for you

so you can play around with that

you can change that on the fly

you can also change the preload

and other than looking pretty good with this white

white and red paint scheme

which shouldn't be a surprise that I like it

in the end my F800 it's

it's about the same

it's white and red

now the bike also comes with

cruise control

and a whole bunch of arrays

of cool things

heated hand grips

when I go slow I kind of like to use the clutch

to shift even if...

even if I have

the quick shift on it

I don't know

in conclusion I believe the R1200R

is incredibly under-appreciated

if we think about BMW motorcycles, we all think about the GS line up

we all think about the S, S1000, S1000RR

but saldomly we think about the R1200R

when this bike is

a superbe bike, it's incredibly comfortable

as a cool factor of 11 on a scale to 10

I mean, look at it

single sided swing harm, those cylinder heads popping out of the side

the red frame

those golden forks

it looks uber cool

so it looks great

it performs amazing, 125 horses


a consumption of only 60MPG

which is incredible

the only negative side of this motorcycle is the price

as tested this bike is $18,500

but if you can afford it this is a bike to have

I wish I could afford to buy it right now cause the bike is very impressive

I had a bawl on this test ride even if it was short

do you ever look at all those other models

that BMW has? Leave a comment down below

and, tell me what you think about thi bike in particular

but most of all, if you own one

let us know how you like it

let us know if this bike is as good as I thik it is

other than thet , if you guys liked the video, like!

if you guys loved this short review

I highly recommend to subscribe

and, I can't say "DIRT ON" on this one cause we are on tarmac so...

"ROAD ON" and I'll see you next time!!!!

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