Puff Pastry
Chicken Pot Pie Recipe. Refer to our previous recipe.
Melted Butter
Garlic Powder
Italian Herbs
Bake 200ºC / 392ºF for 15 minutes
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"Your Eyes" Performance | RENT - Duration: 1:26.-------------------------------------------
"Take Me Or Leave Me" Pt. 2 Performance | RENT - Duration: 1:26.-------------------------------------------
Exatlón | Exatlón Estados Unidos, Capítulo 6 | Telemundo - Duration: 23:47.-------------------------------------------
"Take Me Or Leave Me" Pt. 1 Performance | RENT - Duration: 1:31.-------------------------------------------
"Without You" Performance | RENT - Duration: 1:31.-------------------------------------------
馬來西亞以色列互懟!馬哈蒂爾怒斥以色列人「來自犯罪的國」! - Duration: 10:34.近日
馬方總理馬哈蒂爾毫不諱言稱:「以色列人 『來自犯罪的國』」,
」 宗教分歧是永恆的話題 眾所周知
務實為根基 制衡是關鍵 老將馬哈蒂爾在本次事關民間色彩的國際殘奧會上
於公於私 懟你無疑 拋開國內國際的複雜局勢
包括中國在內的其餘12個國家統統躺槍: 暫停與這12個國家的外交關係!外事兒對此第一反應是
以色列這是要搞事啊! 到底是什麼原因
甚至決然地要和全世界作對? 最淺層次、
"Finale B" Performance | RENT - Duration: 0:35.-------------------------------------------
Dlaczego już nie piję alkoholu? 🍷 POWER PONIEDZIAŁEK #50 - Duration: 9:13.-------------------------------------------
CBS2 11 p.m. Weather Forecast - Duration: 3:07.-------------------------------------------
Trest za autonehodu? Lucie Gelemová vystřídala v rodině Dádu Patrasovou - Duration: 2:54.Královna dětských srdcích Dáda Patrasová nezažívá zrovna nejlepší období. Manžel se od ní definitivně odtrhává, dává přednost milence před rodinným krbem a nebojí se to veřejně přiznat
Do toho se zjevně ozvaly její dlouholeté problémy s alkoholem, které málem skončily obrovskou tragédií
Pořád si ale Dáda asi říkala, že má rodinu, děti, které za ní i v hodně smutných situacích pořád stojí
Jenže teď přišla rána jako z čistého nebe. Nejenže se od ní dcera Anička distancovala, když maminka tvrdila, že se „nacamrala" u ní doma, a ona o ničem nevěděla
Ale teď se zdá, že jí i s bratrem Felixem došla trpělivost. I když Dáda už nebyla s Felixem, který žil s milenkou Lucií Gelemovou, vždycky je doprovázela na akce, kde její manžel a děti vystupovali společně
Ale zdá se, že těm dnům je konec a vystřídala ji mladší sokyně v lásce. Na honosném plese Czech Top 100 na pražském Žofíně vystupovala celá její rodina, ale Dagmar nikde
Přitom nikdy nesměla chybět, aby viděla své milované pohromadě. Kdo ale nechyběl, byla Lucie, která se tam nosila jako páv, protože ona je „ta od Slováčka"
Že by snad dětem s Dádou došla trpělivost a ony vzaly na milost Gelemovou, která jim rozbila rodinu? Lucie vypadala, že by snad i do slavného klanu patřila
Felix s Aničkou se s ní sice neobjímali, ale vypadá to, že už není tak nenáviděná jako dřív
To by mohla být pro Patrasovou ta poslední rána. Anebo naopak konečně ten pravý signál, aby se sebou začala něco dělat a nenechala se v rodině zastoupit arogantní Gelemovou
Dostane ji tohle varování na léčení?
Direksiyon sınavı Araba sınav güzergahı Karaman 2 bölüm - Duration: 16:11.-------------------------------------------
West side crook caught on camera checking door mats for keys - Duration: 2:14.-------------------------------------------
#1 Cochran Sports Showdown: Jan. 27, 2019 (Part 3) - Duration: 5:00.-------------------------------------------
Sarah Huckabee Sanders was on fire in an interview on CNN.
Host John Berman made the mistake of bringing up the ridiculous standard the Robert Mueller
investigation is using to arrest people like Roger Stone, the former Trump adviser.
Mueller is running around arresting people for allegedly lying to the FBI, so Sarah wanted
to know when is it Hillary Clinton's turn?
But that's not all.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Hillary Clinton Before dawn on Friday morning, Robert Mueller ordered
the FBI to bust into Roger Stone's Fort Lauderdale home and arrest him like he was a felon fleeing
"At the crack of dawn, 29 FBI agents arrived at my home with 17 vehicles, with lights flashing,
when they could have contacted my lawyer," Stone explained after a court appearance Friday.
"But the FBI agents were extraordinarily courteous."
Stone's attorney added that the arrest was a "Spectacle."
"A SWAT team, searching the house, scaring his wife, scaring his dogs-it was completely
unnecessary," Stone's attorney said.
"A telephone call would have done the job, and he would have appeared.
Mr. Stone has nothing to hide."
The double standard is ridiculous.
Democrats commit actual crimes and get away with it, Republicans linked to President Donald
Trump who have done nothing wrong get arrested over trumped up charges just to so Mueller
looks like he really has something on the president.
Poor Sarah drew the short stick among Trump's staffers to appear on CNN Friday morning right
after the Stone arrest.
No one on Trump's staff wants to do CNN.
They know they will be treated like crap and bombarded with fake news that they then have
to comment on.
Of course, CNN thinks Stone is somehow connected to Russia and will be the smoking gun to bring
the president down.
Sarah was asked about the 24-page indictment that alleges that Stone worked to obstruct
the House Intelligence Committee's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election
by making false statements to the committee.
Sanders continued, "Will we see the same people we know have all made false statements?
Will that same standard apply?
That's a question we'll see what happens on that front."
When CNN's host tried to go on about collusion with Wikileaks, even though Stone wasn't charged
with collusion with anyone, Sarah blasted Berman.
"Does that mean CNN is guilty of collusion?"
The truth is if Barack Obama was held to the same standard as what Mueller is trying to
hold to President Trump, the former president would be charged with colluding with Iran.
Wall Street Journal columnist Lee Smith asked that very question and concluded that Obama
would be locked up by the same standards Mueller and his deep state rats are using to judge
He pointed out: "Then for 18 months in 2014-15, the Obama White House gave the Iranians $700
million a month in sanctions relief.
In January 2016, Mr. Obama sent Iran another $1.7 billion in cash.
The administration also had a habit of leaking news of Israeli strikes on Iranian arms convoys
and depots in Syria."
Yet, there was no investigation into Obama, was there?
"Mr. Trump's Russia policy has been as hard-line as that of any post-Cold War administration,
including Mr. Obama's.
The FBI's motive for investigating Mr. Trump looks more like pure politics," Lee Smith
This conclusion isn't coming from a Trump supporter.
Thank God for Sarah Sanders and those who are loyal to President
his administration.
舞力全開 愛妮雅化妝品【第326集】人小舞藝高 幼兒國標爭霸賽&明星熱舞大賽 - Duration: 1:07:59.-------------------------------------------
Co-stars, Fans Remember Penny Marshall At 'Laverne & Shirley' Marathon - Duration: 2:04.-------------------------------------------
Mexican Cartel Dumps Tortured Bodies Along U.S. Border - Duration: 1:34.-------------------------------------------
10 BEAUTY HACKS USING APPLE CIDER VINEGAR ( BAHASA ) with eng sub - Duration: 7:38.
How are you? I hope you're all doing well
Why did I just ask that? lol
In this video, I'm going to give you some tips using app, app, app, app...
I'm going to give you some tips about apple cider vinegar
You must know that apple cider vinegar has many uses
There's alot of videos about apple cider vinegar
But in this video, I'm going to give you the 10 best tips using ACV
The tips in this video are real and they really work for me
Before we start, don't forget to SUBSCRIBE..
If you want to know the tips, stay tuned and don't forget to subscribe and like this video
Comment if you have a request or idea for a video
There's alot of things you can do with ACV
If you want to buy ACV from market or online,
make sure it has the "Mother"
You can see the difference in color
I have another ACV without the "Mother"
This ACV is without "Mother". It looks clear
The "Mother" makes the vinegar look cloudy
You don't have to buy ACV from this specific brand
The important thing is buying ACV with "Mother"
This is important
Because if you buy ACV without it, like this bottle,
you can't use it for beauty tips/hacks
Because the "Mother" is so important for any beauty tips or hacks
For beauty or hair,
so let's start it
Add 1 Tbsp ACV
Mix with 1 cup of water
I recommend that you use cold water
So you don't get any harsh taste when you drink it
But if it tastes weird,
I have an idea!
Just add some honey
So when you drink it,
It tastes good!
For quick pimple fix,
Dip a Q-tip in ACV and rub it on your pimples
You can see the difference the next day
This is one of my favorite tips
Add 2 Tbsp ACV
Into warm water
This is optional. You can add more salt
If you like
Soak for 10-15 minutes
Before you do your nails,
This tip is so important for you
You can help fix toenail fungus and also foot odor
Add 2 Tbsp of baking soda
Mix with 2 Tbsp ACV
Mix well
Stir until thick. See?
Apply to your nose
Or your T zone
Wait 10-15 minutes
Until it's dry, then rinse
You can just mix ACV with cotton pads
And water
Like when you are using toner
But DON'T rub on your sunburn!
Gently dab onto your sunburn
Because I know how much sunburns hurt, so please be careful!
This is also one of my favorite tips
If you have oily skin, this mask is so important
Add equal parts ACV and water with a couple cotton pads
For this tip, I am using 2 Tbsp of each
Peel the pads apart so you can save more money hahaha
And apply to your face
Just add some lotion
I recommend you use a lotion that smells nice
It helps cover the smell of vinegar
Add 1 Tbsp ACV
And apply to your cellulite area
You can give a little massage
Add 1 Tbsp ACV
Into 1 glass of water
It's so easy. Just brush your teeth
And after brushing, you rinse your mouth with the ACV water
Rinse your mouth, but remember don't drink it
For the best results, you have to make it as your daily routine
1 glass of water and mix with 1 Tbsp ACV
It's so easy. Right after you shampoo your hair,
Rinse, then rinse again with ACV water
In a bottle, add equal parts water and ACV
1 : 1
Ready to use
For this ACV toner,
You have to be careful
You can try it 50/50 first
If you feel your skin is too dry,
you can add more water and less ACV
You have to find the mix that works best for you
If you want to buy ACV
but you're also scared it won't work for your skin,
I'll give you a solution
There are alot of shops on Instagram
Who sells shares of a bottle
Okay that was my video
I hope you liked it!
Don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE!
"Finale B" Performance | RENT - Duration: 0:35.-------------------------------------------
INSTANT POT STEAMED SHRIMP and Ordering VEGETABLES SEEDS || បង្គាចំហុយនឹងអូឌឺគ្រាប់ដំណាំទុកដាំ 4K CC - Duration: 22:54.Naly help Baby not to cry.
I help Eli not to cry.
Look, look at Eli.
Look, he's so cute!
Eli is so cute.
you're not talking Baby.
It's OK Baby. It's OK. Don't be mad.
Oh, he still want's Mum-Mum.
He still.
I eat all the chicken (egg) in there.
I eat it all. I eat it all in my mouth.
I'm learning to bake again.
This time I am learning to make this.
The flour and all ingredients are in the box
so there's no need to add.
I've already bake the crust on the bottom
The instructions say to mix the topping.
It's a lemon flavor.
Here's the image.
So I just mix the lemon flour filling
pour it on top and bake it again
and that is it.
Let me smell.
Here, go ahead and smell it.
Oh it's good! It's good. It's caramel.
Put it in, it's good.
Keep a lot to love..
Lot to love.
to love.
It's now all set.
According to the instructions on the box
I have to bake it from 24-26 mins.
A little bit more, a little bit.
A little bit more?
OK. Some left.
A little bit more.
There's no more.
OK no more.
Someone request to dance to this song.
Oh! Daddy exercise song.
All the friends dance.
The time is now up.
Let me take it out.
Mommy you cook already?
Yeah. It's cook and it smells good too.
It's not moving anymore?
Yeah, it's good.
Where? Let me see.
Mommy, it doesn't move.
Move it and if it moves OK?
Turning off the oven.
It says to wait until it's cool so it's easier to cut.
Because if we cut it when it's still hot, it will be in pieces.
Let me check the instructions on the box again.
Mommy one more egg?
No, let's see what they put.
You put Mum-Mum (milk)?
It says if you want to make cutting easier, to put it in the fridge
1 hour.
Mommy! Put it in the fridge?
- Yeah, wait a little bit. - Mommy, I have some.
Look I have a little bit.
I will give it a taste after dinner.
Will see how it is.
See my bird?
It's mine.
Where is my bird?
Go put it away.
I got some money.
Daddy, give Naly more.
OK, wait.
I need some.
Don't rub it, it might get in your eyes.
These swirly just keep it on.
I put it back.
Oh star!
Mommy, my star.
Look, my favorite.
Put it here!
Put it in the bag.
That's cool, it comes in one piece.
Don't remove it. Daddy will do it.
There's no need to flatten it so it fits?
Oh, actually needs to be wrap.
Oh, wrap it so it's tight together.
See you next year Naly.
Bye New Years.
Bye Christmas tree.
Bye Christmas tree, bye.
Do you remember the other day when I was frying fish
and I said I will try to marinade it with lemongrass paste
so today I tried it.
When I tried frying it, it's not good
because when frying it just burns the lemongrass
as you can see here.
It's nice and brown but not cook yet.
The lemongrass is floating in oil, it burns quicker.
Now I am going to grill it some more
since I have to grill pork too.
These pork I got from Costco
some I use to make Caramelized Pork and Egg
and some to marinade.
I can eat it anytime.
Marinade and keep it in the freezer.
When it's time to get it's well marinaded.
I am grilling some now.
As I mentioned, I prefer the pork ribs more.
But the slice meat can be used in several dishes.
Like cutting into pieces and mix it with Banh Soung.
The other day i fry it.
Since it was dark outside and cold.
Today I grill it outside.
It seems a lot now but when it's cook it shrink.
These fat will melt
it will all shrink.
Also, I might as well grill a lot
because I can reheat it in the microwave.
My husband take some to work
and I save some to eat at home tomorrow.
Some are already done.
Lately, it's meat, meat, meat often.
I am picky eater when it comes to vegetables.
Not just picky,
but the dish has to be like 'tuk kroeung'
or the butter grill,
or hot pot, clay pot,
then I can eat a lot of vegetables.
But if I use it for stir-fry, not as much.
Check out the fish. It's nice and crispy.
It looks pretty tasty
but wait til I taste it to see how much flavor there is
since the lemongrass paste fell off of it.
Here is the pork I just grilled.
Cut into bite size pieces.
And the fish,
The Caramelized Pork from the other day.
Here is my dessert for this evening.
I'm now due for my shot again.
Let's see.
Your chunky thighs
The last shot he had a fever for one night
did not poop for 4 days
Will see this time.
By the time the doctor comes
Eli would already taken one bottle shot.
Is it yummy?
One more, one more.
Let's go.
It's now almost 8PM
I just have a chance to hustle dinner tonight.
This morning I was busy taking Eli in for his shot.
Then do this and that
Just started cooking
Swing by the store and got chicken
to make chicken rice porridge tomorrow
some bean sprouts,
and Chinese donut.
The plan was to buy crab but they ran out of crab
so we got shrimp instead.
This is herb for pairing.
This is lemongrass stalk and lime
that I already used and sliced it up
and save for steaming stuff to cut down the smell.
Right now it's dark at night so I am lazy to go outside
and cut lemongrass and pick kaffir leaves
These are chili and garlic to make the dipping sauce.
Like usual, I am going to use the Instant Pot to steam it.
It quicker and does not smell as much
because it's air tight.
there is only smell when you open the lid once done.
There's no smell while it's cooking.
It's very easy.
Just add them in
spread the shrimp, but I am going to rinse it a bit
spread it around and add some water, that's it.
Here's the shrimp that I've already clean and rinsed.
Water was added to the bottom to add steam
but the shrimp also has some moisture
so I am not afraid of the pot being dry
or the bottom burns
Whao it's pretty heavy, I have to lift with two hands.
OK, all set.
It's a little over 4 lbs.
Close the lid.
Seal the vent.
Then set
I never steam shrimp before
used to steaming crab
The crab has a harder shell and I set it to 3-4 mins
so I am going to set it at 2 mins
to prevent overcooking or it's chewy.
I am online to look for seeds for planting this year.
I saw this website, which I never ordered before
but it was shared on facebook.
The seeds are affordable.
I want to try and order from them.
The seeds that I've choose
are these cucumbers
the small crunchy cucumbers.
It's only $0.99 and each packet has 30 seeds.
That's one
the other one is
this kind.
It's also $0.99 but I don't know how many seeds.
This one is carrot
I want to try growing carrots.
I see other plant them and it looks easy.
These are the small carrot
so it does not take a lot of space.
The other one is
cilantro, this one says it is slow to flower.
$0.99 for 100 seeds
they also said it takes 55 days so 1 month and half
then you can use it.
The next one I have are pepper
These are the pepper that Mexican use often
they are small not the jalapeno kind.
I already have the Asian chilies so I want to grow these.
It's 50 seeds, 75 days and also $0.99
And the other one
this is green tomato
The reason,
I like to use green tomato as a pairing for dips
or in soup
I already have seed for the red variety
The little round ones to make papaya salad
I think I will use these green ones more often
There's 25 seeds, also $0.99.
The last one is long bean.
The regular long bean
each packet has 20 seeds, $0.99.
That's it.
They have other types of seeds too
but the seeds that I am interested
in getting from this website are just these.
They don't have a lot of Asian vegetable seeds
mostly American vegetable seeds
and the price is reasonable.
Some place sells each packet for $2-$3
plus the cost of shipping
but it contains as many as 300-400 seeds.
I don't need that much.
I want to grow a little bit of each to have a lot of variety.
When I need it I have it.
The shipping cost for all of these is only $2.85.
If I were to add more seeds
the shipping would still be the same.
So it's affordable.
Like lettuce I used to plant
and I think it's worth it because
I can pick what I need.
I pick as needed.
When I buy it from the market
sometimes I don't get to use in time so it goes bad.
I end up tossing.
When going to the store I said I only need to get lettuce
when I leave with 2-3 basket full.
Anybody else like me?
Just need to get 1 stem or 1 bunch of herbs.
I come out with $30-$40 worth.
That one and the other once is cucumbers.
This variety of cucumbers I use very often.
I think if it does produce I can pick and use it fresh.
Pick 2-3 at a time. Enough for one meal.
That's also worth it.
Let me see what else.
Long bean.
To me I do not eat it often.
I don't buy it often.
I think if I have it I can use it to make long bean salad
or to mix with papaya salad.
What else?
There's never too much pepper but I can save it.
And herbs.
Yeah, these are the seeds I've selected.
On another website, I ordered
watercress seeds.
Other vegetable seeds I already have.
I need to make a chart on what and where I plant
so it's not all over the place.
All of these cost $6.93.
Just like you see here.
Shipping is another $2.85.
It's still reasonable.
Dash Wilder Posts Cryptic Message After WWE Royal Rumble Loss - Duration: 1:15.Hi Friends welcome to C4E Wrestling News Dash Wilder Posts Cryptic Message After WWE Royal
Rumble Loss The Revival requested their WWE release a couple of weeks ago and they were
denied As far as we knew it looked like The Revival might be getting a push and were told
that they would be the faces of the new tag team division that WWE plans on focusing on
However things might have changed because Dash Wilder just posted something pretty strange
The Royal Rumble kickoff show saw Scott Dawson tag with Rezar of The Authors of Pain with
Dash Wilder at ringside So Wilder didn't even get to wrestle Dawson and Rezar lost
their match to Bobby Roode and Chad Gable Then Dash Wilder posted an emoji that universally
means goodbye This is very strange indeed We will keep you posted as new events unfold
in this still developing story Friends what are your thought about this Have your say
in the comments section below
Lars Sullivan Is in a Good Place & Apologizes for Disappointing Everyone - Duration: 1:25.Hi Friends welcome to C4E Wrestling News Lars Sullivan Is in a Good Place & Apologizes for
Disappointing Everyone There is a lot of question regarding Lars Sullivan It seems like WWE
is carrying on with plans for Sullivan according to Triple H but we still don't know what
will happen with him next He reportedly went home after suffering from what is believed
to be an anxiety attack instead of making his main roster debut Lars Sullivan's social
media representative William Christensen has spoken on Sullivan's behalf before and he
recently sent out a message to address The Freak's recent situation There has been
a lot of speculation about Lars recently It's true he went missing several weeks ago and
I was just able to contact him this morning Lars wants everyone to know he is in a good
place and is sorry to everyone he's disappointed This really felt like a genuine apology to
us If it makes him feel any better we forgive Sullivan Now we will have to wait and see
when WWE pulls the trigger on Lars Sullivan's debut Friends what are your thought about
this Have your say in the comments section below
F-16与F-35详细比较,F-35战机曾被虐 - Duration: 6:35.F-35"闪电II"是美国空军中最新的多用途攻击机
F-35战机曾被虐-雪花新闻 首先来看F-16背景
F-35战机曾被虐-雪花新闻 F-16A是的最初的型号
其主要的变化是F-16 A
F-35战机曾被虐-雪花新闻 再看F-35"闪电II"
F-35战机曾被虐-雪花新闻 F-35对阵F-16
美国空军将军Mike Hostage曾说:"参与混战的F-35飞行员要么犯了错误
F-35战机曾被虐-雪花新闻 F-35对比F-16速度
F-35战机曾被虐-雪花新闻 F-35与F-16噪音对比
N. Korea and China strengthen ties ahead of second Pyeongyang-Washington summit - Duration: 2:04.Ahead of another big summit between North Korea and the United States,... Pyeongyang
and Beijing seek to boost their ties once again, this time through a North Korean arts
performance in China.
While celebrating decades of diplomatic ties, the two countries could also have coordinated
strategies for the upcoming Pyeongyang-Washington summit.
Oh Jung-hee reports.
North Korea and China are forging stronger ties once again ahead of the North Korea-U.S.
According to Chinese media outlets, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with North Korea's
Ri Su-yong in Beijing on Sunday and watched a performance by a visiting North Korean art
A group of about 280 North Korean artists went to the Chinese capital last week after
being invited by China's ruling party... and Ri Su-yong, who heads Pyeongyang's International
Department, led the group.
This was the first performance by North Korean artists in China since December 2015.
Pyeongyang and Beijing celebrated their 70 years of diplomatic relations, while exchanging
messages of (quote)"cordial greetings" and (quote)"profound friendship."
But while showing their strong ties, Chinese President also took the opportunity to say...
that Beijing will pursue an active role in denuclearization talks.
Mentioning he's had four summits with the North Korean leader since 2018, Xi highlighted
that Beijing is ready to work with Pyeongyang in achieving world peace and stability.
The concert comes three weeks after Kim Jong-un crossed over to Beijing for the fourth time
earlier this year to discuss strategies on nuclear negotiations.
And it also comes a month before the second North Korea-U.S. summit, expected to be held
in late February.
Pundits believe Kim Jong-un and Xi Jinping could have exchanged opinions once again on
the upcoming summit to coordinate strategies... through the visiting North Korean delegation.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
For more infomation >> N. Korea and China strengthen ties ahead of second Pyeongyang-Washington summit - Duration: 2:04.-------------------------------------------
Kan Jurassic Park al in het echt ? - Duration: 15:12.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Kan Jurassic Park al in het echt ? - Duration: 15:12.-------------------------------------------
Pour mettre la finance au service du climat - plus de 70.000 personnes à Bruxelles - Duration: 6:08.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Pour mettre la finance au service du climat - plus de 70.000 personnes à Bruxelles - Duration: 6:08.-------------------------------------------
Se libérer du stress s'apprend ! - Duration: 11:16.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Se libérer du stress s'apprend ! - Duration: 11:16.-------------------------------------------
門倉有希 女の漁歌 cov(●^ o ^●)🎶M - Duration: 4:29.-------------------------------------------
雪わり草 / 渡哲也 cov(●^ o ^●)🎶M - Duration: 3:46.-------------------------------------------
Mailbag Monday #50 - Duration: 25:04.Hey everybody guess what time it is? It's mailbag Monday time
And I've just noticed that this is in fact the 50th mailbag that I've done
Wow amazing, how time flies
Start with the traditional opening we have beer from stone angel brewing in Winnipeg red-handed Irish red ale
four and a half percent alcohol
When no.22 IBUs, I'm not too bitter
ingredients berry water and hops I
Already kind of did the opening a little bit
Stone angel brewing began production in 2017 specializing in easy drinking euro style beers
I'm not gonna read all that you can go to the web page and read it if you want look there's a web address there
Hmm I don't like the color of that
Interesting flavor
not not super multi, you like the south supporters, but
Not crazy lightweight either I like it
All right, let's start with this guy one plastic sheet and five modules
Wonder what plastic sheet really is this time?
As it's never actually plastic sheet is it
Everybody gets stuff that oh
It's a bunch of spools of wire. Okay?
So what do we got here?
These guys call themselves
0.1 millimeter jumper wire are they all the same? Yes, they are
They look like they're enameled wire
Which means?
You can wind inductors and magnets and whatnot out of them
So if they're enameled they've got a thin enamel insulation on them, so I should not
be able to get
continuity across them and
I'm not
That's great. So
Wonder why there's Oh
looks like there's only really a
couple of layers
On the spool there
So it's not huge amounts on each spool, okay. Well that's that's something
Let's go take a look at the listing for that one and then we'll come back and take a look at this
five pieces one millimetre copper soldering solder PPA enameled repair real wire
currently selling for at over 58 or a buck 19 American I paid at over sixty six way back when so
You'll get a deal
Maybe unless the price changes again free shipping. Of course one roll of point one millimeter enameled wire
length about 15 meters
So is that 15 meters for each roll or?
divided by the five rolls
Mm-hmm can be used to connect fly line jump wire
Okay, so they're suggesting using it as bog wire basically
I suppose or I could use it for winding inductors the coils or pickups or things like that
which is I think why I probably bought it but
Yeah, you could definitely use that as bard where it's insulated
okay, and the other thing that is in here is
0.6 milliliter the finest-quality solder
64 percent tin 37% OLED
1.2 percent
40 grams worth though
Just says the same thing on the other side
The high pure degree does not need though I of soldering in Queen silk
Quality first reputation first so the reason that I got this other than that's always handy to have solder around
He's oh that's nice and fine too. Okay, is that last couple of kids
You may have noticed that I've been using this monsterous stuff
Which is one point five seven millimeters 60% lid oh
This is 37% lid
Okay, that could be a bit of a pain in the ass disorder with actually
And I'd I'd lost this piece which is a little bit thicker than that, but I don't have much of it left
So I figured I'd better order some more before I complete you ran out
So that's what that is. I
Guess I should try it out. That's fairly soft. Yeah. That's what the same as that
Let's go see what I paid for it and then all fair soldering iron and
Just see how it behaves
soldering wire tin lead rosin core solder
1037 LED 0.6 milliliter 40 gram 1.2
unspecified units
from GC supermarket
Actually, it's currently going for 264 Ora Buckman United American. I paid 277 for it back when I bought it
What do we say down here?
Good wettability conductivity thermal conductivity easy to climb on the tin
Climb tin with good speed and a few residues no, not and winding, right?
Ah there 1.2% flux now that make sense
Okay, let's play with this solder. I've got my
iron set for about
420 or so
That melts fairly easily
Well, not quite as easily as this old solder which is probably more leaded
So I got a couple of things on here I got a
couple pieces of stranded wire and I've got an LED
down here, so
We'll do the stranded way or the standard way is not tinned or anything
So I'll do that with that solder and wait the iron tip off nice and clean and
Do it at this with this sort at the same temperature you need to push a lot more in
Okay, well that I
Mean, it's it's a little bit higher temperature. I'm gonna bump my iron up or is it now? It's
About two-thirds of the way between 400 and 450, but before it was one-third or so
So clean the tip again do this side of the OED with my ancient solder
Between the tip again do this side of the led with the new solder
Again it's taking a little bit longer to melt
So I'm probably gonna have to run at a higher temperature that I'm used to but let's see what we got here
So the two on the right of the new solder and the two on the laughter the old
Higher-ed sardars
It works it's not quite as bright and shiny maybe if I crank my iron up just a little bit more to 450 focus
Wow Rita nori whit those
Yeah, it's not quite as shiny is it I guess that's the higher tin and warhead content oh
well, it was only a couple of bucks and
It's Sauter's and it's not a complete waste of time
Maybe I'll pick something else up and try that too
okay, the next thing is
I'm told that's a jewelry term for just odd little bits and pieces that you for making jewellery
This isn't the first time I've seen an eBay seller call it Nicole something of finding
elastic band is
This it's a bunch of little circuit boards. Oh
Okay, you know what, these are these are a little capacitive touch sensor. I
Don't know why I even bother trying to get these gently out of the bag I'm gonna put them in a component drawer
Anyway, yeah
These are these little capacitive touch sensors don't think that I've used a whole bunch of them on my railroad not that long ago
A link that video up there
It's I built a control panel for my model railroad or part of my model railroad using these guys
Hidden just behind a layer of
paper for the graphic
So that I control some switch machines
Just looking closely at them so that a and B jumper pad jumped one or the other
one of them's for momentary or
toggle and the other one is for normally higher normally low I output I think and
This pad up here is for putting a capacitor on
To change the sensitivity of it. It's a really small
picofarad value I think
but anyway
These work pretty well just ground and five volts and then the output I think was higher low
depending on what you've got that to a jumper set for
What 10 pieces TP 2:23 capacitive touch switch button self walk module four do we know?
from good jewelry
$8 97 for the 10 of them or door 49 American
free shipping, of course
Power, you know, it'll range between two and a half and five and a half volts
so it'll run either on a 5 volt Arduino or on a
3.3 volt thing like Raspberry Pi or
Esp8266 or stuff like that
So here's those two jumpers that I was talking about
you know, they have soft walk or no lock which is
latching or momentary and you can have either a high or a low TTL output high being
essentially VCC and a low being zero
You can choose between any permutation of those two things
Okay, next let's look at this big guy this actually was shipped to me by Canada Post from
Mississauga, Ontario
Even though the order I'm pretty sure said China
And also for some reason it says from Mississauga, but it's got a YVR code which is Vancouver
Strange. Oh
It's a crimping tool
Got here
professional crimping tool for the best
technicians the best electricians tools
So this one is
For sleeve type terminal. Oh
is that for those feral things I
Did order one of those that's a neat way that those jaws go in
Sorry, doesn't they square krimpets? This is zoom. You know that
So it comes from all four sides and crimped in a square crimp and then it's a latching crimper
Get all the way down and then it opens back up again. Cool. I
Know I ordered some of those Ferrell's but I don't have them yet
Here's another cheap crimper that I got. And again, it's a latch. You know, it's
It's for the dupont style connectors or other small
Connectors and again it ratchets Ian. So it doesn't reverse until it's crimped as tight as it claims
that is the
But this is a completely different action this one sort of
squishes it
It doesn't prayer prevents it from going sideways instead of squishes it between the hammer and the anvil whichever one a switch like that one
That before we actually pretty cool. Oh
And it's got some serration, can you see that
There's some serrations inside the jaws to
That's needed
Okay, so what happens we put some serious thickness in there
Okay, it's still
crunches down pleat tight onto them
But I think there's some kind of spring action behind. Oh, yeah, look at the
Serrations that it puts into there. That's slick
self adjusting ratcheting ferrule crimper player HCSC 8
6-4 a whatever that means
Point to five to six millimeters squared or a WG 23 up to ten wire. I
Got this from comfy lifer who no longer sells it
From him I paid 16 dollars and eight cents
This random seller that I found is currently selling it for 1744 Canadian or 1316 American
So a capacity like it's set up above
0.25 up to 6 millimeters squared or 23 up to 10 AWG
23 is nice and tiny 10 is that's like heavy house AC wiring good for
One in the 30 amp range or something crazy like that
So there's a couple of different versions of it
This one up here with 4 jaws is the one that I got looks like there is also a 6 jaw version available
So just be careful when you're ordering you get what you want
self adjusting to the size of the wire in ferrule size easy operation
Ok, and crimping pressure has been set precisely in the factory. Well, that's good to know
What is next one times driver
Motor driver LED driver
Car and driver
Mmm, what do we have on the board? We have an inductor and a capacitor?
You have a bunch of diodes and we have a little chip. That's an LED driver
If the rest of the components weren't to give away
That right there is it says l DB output
Pretty sure we saw something almost exactly like this a week or two ago on another
Mail bag, so I'm not gonna go too deep into these things
5 pieces 10 watt LED drivers 850 to 900 milliamp power supply for 9 watt 10 watt LEDs elect lamp bulb
I bought it from
electronic - firms and I
Paid door 84 the five of them at an auction
But electronic doctor firms, it doesn't sell it anymore
so I had to go and take a
Search around and here's a random seller pan-pan and supermarket have dealt with them before and they have it there
but when we got here input voltage 9 to 24 volts waterproof not
Output 8 to 11 current 850 milliamps up to 900 it said in the listing
Yeah for 110 watt LED
3 in series and 3 in parallel, which is how they are laid out on those little Cubs
and the last thing for today LED quantity 20 development board quantity 5, ah
That sounds like fun if I don't cut through them
Nothing else in there
Well packaged
Bubbles upon bubbles and in anti-static bags
Ok, so we do have 5 things here
And they're probably all the same it is a relay module
So we have a 5 volt DC coil on it
You have three screws over here, which are labeled with Chinese characters. Ah
But they are also labeled with a pictorial over here. So
normally closed
Contact common contact and normally open contact normal being the de-energized estate. So with as it sits right now
These two pins are connected if you energize the relay coil these two here
The switch flips over and these 2 will be connected
but the reason for the module is that you can
Connect. Well, the coil of this is going to draw way more current than an Arduino pin or any microcontroller pin and can provide so
there is a we transistor in here which sits in between so that input
Will go to the base of the transistor or the gate of the MOSFET
these resistors will bias it properly that diode will be
across the coil of the
Backwards in parallel to it but backwards so that basically when it
Gets power normally through its in the normal clarity. Nothing happens when the really drops out
So the transistor shuts off that really drops out
Magnetic field in that coil of the relay is going to collapse and while that's happening. It's going to induce a current
backwards through the circuit so that
reverse biased diode is going to clamp that voltage down to it's
it's forward voltage was gonna be about 0.6 volts unless it's a Schottky and
That will protect the rest of the circuit from a massive voltage spike. Nice. And then we've got two LEDs here. I assume
One is power and one is energized
and VCC and ground in
five pieces one channel DC 5 volt really switch module 4 Arduino Raspberry Pi thick arm AVR are
your shop - are sold it to me for
Well, he's selling five of these now for six dollars and 32 cents Canadian. I paid five eleven
He's not listing any other currencies, so you'll have to do the translation for yourself
Not much to see down here that hasn't already been said 5 volts one channel relay interface board
Standard interface directly connects to microcontrollers. Ah, the red LED is
for power on and the green LED is for
indicator for really the switch
so there and I was a little bit hasty in
Tossing out that packaging because he's buried in
The bubble wrap I found this when I was cleaning up before
This little order they call them piranhas style LEDs. I think they are
Looks like but 20 of them. Hmm
If I remember correctly these things were stupidly bright, okay, I got the power supply set for 5 volts and current limiting
at about 20 milliamps
so it looks like
soom doing this
So it looks like these two pins are common and these two pins are common. So
Guess if that's oh there we go. Oh, well, that is a very bright red
Weight to balance it off here
There's the color a nice bright red, so these are those subtle piranhas are super flux
Also from our your shop - r is for pinning red piranha. Fuck's the wide angle bright LEDs
They're not selling them in 20 packs anymore
but here's their price for a thousand so their price for Tanner for a hundred would be
470 price for 10 would be 47 cents, so
Yeah, not too bad. I paid a dollar 38 for the 20 that I got
And these things are LED crystal-clear 5 milliliter. I thought the ones that I got were 3 no regardless
Anyway a 2 point 2 volts
622 625 nanometers is the way waiting for the light 30 degree view angle
And we're over here. Yeah
It doesn't matter if there's three or five millimeter
there's still two - two point two volts like most red LEDs these days and the different colors have a different forward voltage is
Just all totally common and normal for LEDs
Alright here. Is everything from this mailbag?
Usual a very wide range of stuff just because I can to order kind of randomly
So how long do these things take to get here?
The crimpers took 21 days because they shipped from canadian warehouse belong to one of these Chinese companies
That's interesting
Instead find it interesting these LED drivers took six weeks to get here the solder and the enameled wire
Took two months eight weeks
These touch sensors took nine weeks to get here
And these led these prana LEDs. Well, maybe that's why they called piranhas get off
the pronto LEDs and the
Relays took 4 and 1/2 months to get here
speed winner
slowpoke of the month
So as I think I mentioned off the top this is my 50th mailbag and
I wouldn't keep doing these things if it wasn't for the encouragement from you guys. Thank you so much and
as usual and extra special thanks to the
To the people over on patreon for kicking a buck or so into the tip jar every month helps me not go broke doing this
I'm having fun doing it. So I'm gonna keep on doing these so about every second week throughout the year
Maybe some extras on long weekends and stuff. I
have a playlist of all my
Mail bags if you go to my main page or if you just stick around to the end of the video
You know in minute or so. There'll be a link to the playlist of all my mail bags
the other thing
overrun reddit I've got
I've got a subreddit that I'll link down in the description of
Mailbag videos in general not just mine, but any of the channels that I watch that do mail bags
I've got them all well as many as I can anyway linked from there
Now if any of you guys do mail bag videos on your own channels, feel free to drop a link in there on reddit
Take some load off me and even if you know of other mailbag videos, they don't have to be electronics
Absolutely, drop them in there the more the merrier, right? There's not a lot of followers right now, but
You never know any little bit of publicity helps, right?
Thanks for watching. I'll talk to you later
野營熱水澡 Hot Camping Shower Anywhere - Companion AquaCube Digital - Duration: 15:17.-------------------------------------------
Bernie Sanders 2020 Parody - Bernie Sanders Presidential Campaign, Bernie Sanders Impression - Duration: 1:55.Hello, I am Bernie Sanders
And this is Bernie Sanders 2020 - 2020 - 2020
We live in the future!
People say that the Democratic field is too crowded
Well, let me tell you - there are no -
stop it - other - stop it - progressive - stop it
candidates - stop it - that - stop it - could - stop it
do - stop it - the - stop - job.
Only Bernie Sanders!
People say - Bernie, you're too old!
Not true! I'm young!
You're only as old as you feel, so I am 12!
Also, despite the United States BROKEN HEALTHACRE SYSTEM
There have been many medical advances
I recently watched a documentary where a man
was mostly robot and had laser swords!
People say I'm a one issue candidate - that's not true.
I have many platforms!
The one percent has too much wealth
The 99% does not have enough wealth -
The 1% should give some of its wealth to the 99%
So eventually we can be the 50%
The math checks out!
I am criticized for having a negative primary campaign
That is not true!
SuperPAC! SuperPAC!
Excuse me I have a cough.
People say I cannot get the votes of people of color
well here is my rebuttal
I rest my case.
So I hope you will support me for my 2020 run
Or I will run again in 2024 as Cyborg Sanders!
I'll be back
Subscribe and share!
Video giới thiệu xe Ford Everest 2019 màu đỏ - Ford Everest Titanium - Duration: 12:40.-------------------------------------------
Epik High (에픽하이) - It's Cold (춥다) (KVaux Remix) - Duration: 4:02.The four seasons don't suit me well, I'm a cold person
My hard personality is like the skin-cutting winter,
The cold wind. You all know.
I feel so cold
It's like the winter sea.
Send a boat off and you will see. I am an iceberg, not an island
Spring and...
flowers bloom
Summer comes and ...
memories melt
Spring and...
flowers bloom.
Summer comes and...
and memories melt.
...the wind blows
Spring comes but I'm standing at end tip of fall.
My memories stopped in the winter. The warmth is gone in between my dried heart.
Memories are trapped inside a frozen river.
It holds onto me and doesn't let go of my hand.
After a cold farewell, the blooming spring doesn't come anymore.
Spring and...
flowers bloom.
Summer comes and ...
memories melt.
Summer comes and...
flowers bloom.
Summer comes and...
memories melt.
DAEGU!!!? - Duration: 14:54.Good morning guys
For the episode of How To Seoul
We're not gonna shoot in Seoul
Where are we going today?
Damn face
?? Just close it
Look at them face
Alright , so....
..today is Saturday
What time is it now?
5 something
Hmmm kay
Weather is so damn cold
5.50 AM
Now we are on our way to
Seoul Station
Gonna head to Daegu
To visit Keimyung University
This is what we call early bird
Where are we now?
Sicheong (idk why he speaks like that)
Sicheong Station
Now we have to change to line 1
To reach Seoul Station
Yeah , yeah (again idk why)
(Damn hot)
Yun The Barber (for inquiries go to description)
Now we are already on our way
to ?
Daegu (aegyo)
Yes , to Daegu
They say this train
is the slowest train in Korea
I think its the same as Malaysian ETS
Some outside view (yes i know u cant see a thing)
Okay you can't see anything
cause it's nigh.... early in the morning
We just arrived in Daegu
So what now?
Heyyyy (gibberish)
Okay so we just arrived in Daegu
So now we are going to meet
Representative from Keimyung Uni
To pick us up
So what now?
Now we gonna head to
Keimyung University
We're gonna learn
how to drink tea
Jimmie ma boi
We just arrived in Daegu
It took us 5 hours from Seoul to Daegu
The back pain is no joke
Damn right
But twas fun
Get to experience new thing
Keimyung Daebak
Yeah we just arrived in Keimyung University
So Man ( Pronounce : "month")
So how was it?
This university is beautiful af
If u wanna go to Korea
you have to come here
If i were to rate this University...
I would give 12 out of 10
The best
(Sumpah halal)
(Adam's Chapel)
Okay today im gonna tell u guys a bit about Camelia tea
Okay years ago people used the this to make tea
to drink ofc
Camelia tea is good for muscle sore
After they make the tofu and stuffs
They gonna take a handful of these leaves
a bit of the flowers
and poof they make tea
It was so damn good
Camelia tea and Chamomile tea is different (ofc u idiot)
(Disclaimer : It's not true)
Okay if you have watched the Mr. Sunshine K-Drama
This is where they shoot
This is the Museum
(You can ignore this guy)
Okay Fatd say something
Aiman and his weirdness
(Yo nani??!)
Now go in the middle and pose
Okay here we can see the beautiful scenery
this spot is very popular
Almost all foreigner will come here just to take pictures
Especially in...
Spring Season
And we can also make our own bags here (later in vid)
(Eco bag and mug making)
(Here comes the cringe)
Okay we have 4 pose
(Still can't dance)
(Why is it when something happens it's always you three)
(Rave aggressively)
So we done a lot of activities
We just learn how to do the Kpop dance
So now it's 5.24 PM
We are on our way to?
83 Tower
Or in korean
pal-ship-sam Tower
So let's GO!!
So where are we going to now?
Gonna go to 83 Tower
So let's get it
(We're going on a trip in our favourite rocketship)
(Zooming through the sky....)
(...Little Einsteins)
(inaudible conversations)
(Daegu's E-World)
So this is their love letters
Kinda like love message
So let's read one
Let's date happily in the future, eat good food and get married.
(Cringe level intensifies)
So we're all worn out
Let's call it a day
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