Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 1, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 20 2017

There is something about physics

that has been really bothering me since I was a little kid.

And it's related to a question

that scientists have been asking for almost 100 years,

with no answer.

How do the smallest things in nature,

the particles of the quantum world,

match up with the largest things in nature --

planets and stars and galaxies held together by gravity?

As a kid, I would puzzle over questions just like this.

I would fiddle around with microscopes and electromagnets,

and I would read about the forces of the small

and about quantum mechanics

and I would marvel at how well that description matched up

to our observation.

Then I would look at the stars,

and I would read about how well we understand gravity,

and I would think surely, there must be some elegant way

that these two systems match up.

But there's not.

And the books would say,

yeah, we understand a lot about these two realms separately,

but when we try to link them mathematically,

everything breaks.

And for 100 years,

none of our ideas as to how to solve this basically physics disaster,

has ever been supported by evidence.

And to little old me --

little, curious, skeptical James --

this was a supremely unsatisfying answer.

So, I'm still a skeptical little kid.

Flash-forward now to December of 2015,

when I found myself smack in the middle

of the physics world being flipped on its head.

It all started when we at CERN saw something intriguing in our data:

a hint of a new particle,

an inkling of a possibly extraordinary answer to this question.

So I'm still a skeptical little kid, I think,

but I'm also now a particle hunter.

I am a physicist at CERN's Large Hadron Collider,

the largest science experiment ever mounted.

It's a 27-kilometer tunnel on the border of France and Switzerland

buried 100 meters underground.

And in this tunnel,

we use superconducting magnets colder than outer space

to accelerate protons to almost the speed of light

and slam them into each other millions of times per second,

collecting the debris of these collisions

to search for new, undiscovered fundamental particles.

Its design and construction took decades of work

by thousands of physicists from around the globe,

and in the summer of 2015,

we had been working tirelessly to switch on the LHC

at the highest energy that humans have ever used in a collider experiment.

Now, higher energy is important

because for particles, there is an equivalence

between energy and particle mass,

and mass is just a number put there by nature.

To discover new particles,

we need to reach these bigger numbers.

And to do that, we have to build a bigger, higher energy collider,

and the biggest, highest energy collider in the world

is the Large Hadron Collider.

And then, we collide protons quadrillions of times,

and we collect this data very slowly, over months and months.

And then new particles might show up in our data as bumps --

slight deviations from what you expect,

little clusters of data points that make a smooth line not so smooth.

For example, this bump,

after months of data-taking in 2012,

led to the discovery of the Higgs particle --

the Higgs boson --

and to a Nobel Prize for the confirmation of its existence.

This jump up in energy in 2015

represented the best chance that we as a species had ever had

of discovering new particles --

new answers to these long-standing questions,

because it was almost twice as much energy as we used

when we discovered the Higgs boson.

Many of my colleagues had been working their entire careers for this moment,

and frankly, to little curious me,

this was the moment I'd been waiting for my entire life.

So 2015 was go time.

So June 2015,

the LHC is switched back on.

My colleagues and I held our breath and bit our fingernails,

and then finally we saw the first proton collisions

at this highest energy ever.

Applause, champagne, celebration.

This was a milestone for science,

and we had no idea what we would find in this brand-new data.

And then a few weeks later, we found a bump.

It wasn't a very big bump,

but it was big enough to make you raise your eyebrow.

But on a scale of one to 10 for eyebrow raises,

if 10 indicates that you've discovered a new particle,

this eyebrow raise is about a four.


I spent hours, days, weeks in secret meetings,

arguing with my colleagues over this little bump,

poking and prodding it with our most ruthless experimental sticks

to see if it would withstand scrutiny.

But even after months of working feverishly --

sleeping in our offices and not going home,

candy bars for dinner,

coffee by the bucketful --

physicists are machines for turning coffee into diagrams --


This little bump would not go away.

So after a few months,

we presented our little bump to the world with a very clear message:

this little bump is interesting but it's not definitive,

so let's keep an eye on it as we take more data.

So we were trying to be extremely cool about it.

And the world ran with it anyway.

The news loved it.

People said it reminded them of the little bump

that was shown on the way toward the Higgs boson discovery.

Better than that, my theorist colleagues --

I love my theorist colleagues --

my theorist colleagues wrote 500 papers about this little bump.


The world of particle physics had been flipped on its head.

But what was it about this particular bump

that caused thousands of physicists to collectively lose their cool?

This little bump was unique.

This little bump indicated

that we were seeing an unexpectedly large number of collisions

whose debris consisted of only two photons,

two particles of light.

And that's rare.

Particle collisions are not like automobile collisions.

They have different rules.

When two particles collide at almost the speed of light,

the quantum world takes over.

And in the quantum world,

these two particles can briefly create a new particle

that lives for a tiny fraction of a second

before splitting into other particles that hit our detector.

Imagine a car collision where the two cars vanish upon impact,

a bicycle appears in their place --


And then that bicycle explodes into two skateboards,

which hit our detector.


Hopefully, not literally.

They're very expensive.

Events where only two photons hit out detector are very rare.

And because of the special quantum properties of photons,

there's a very small number of possible new particles --

these mythical bicycles --

that can give birth to only two photons.

But one of these options is huge,

and it has to do with that long-standing question

that bothered me as a tiny little kid,

about gravity.

Gravity may seem super strong to you,

but it's actually crazily weak compared to the other forces of nature.

I can briefly beat gravity when I jump,

but I can't pick a proton out of my hand.

The strength of gravity compared to the other forces of nature?

It's 10 to the minus 39.

That's a decimal with 39 zeros after it.

Worse than that,

all of the other known forces of nature are perfectly described

by this thing we call the Standard Model,

which is our current best description of nature at its smallest scales,

and quite frankly,

one of the most successful achievements of humankind --

except for gravity, which is absent from the Standard Model.

It's crazy.

It's almost as though most of gravity has gone missing.

We feel a little bit of it,

but where's the rest of it?

No one knows.

But one theoretical explanation proposes a wild solution.

You and I --

even you in the back --

we live in three dimensions of space.

I hope that's a non-controversial statement.


All of the known particles also live in three dimensions of space.

In fact, a particle is just another name

for an excitation in a three-dimensional field;

a localized wobbling in space.

More importantly, all the math that we use to describe all this stuff

assumes that there are only three dimensions of space.

But math is math, and we can play around with our math however we want.

And people have been playing around with extra dimensions of space

for a very long time,

but it's always been an abstract mathematical concept.

I mean, just look around you -- you at the back, look around --

there's clearly only three dimensions of space.

But what if that's not true?

What if the missing gravity is leaking into an extra-spatial dimension

that's invisible to you and I?

What if gravity is just as strong as the other forces

if you were to view it in this extra-spatial dimension,

and what you and I experience is a tiny slice of gravity

make it seem very weak?

If this were true,

we would have to expand our Standard Model of particles

to include an extra particle, a hyperdimensional particle of gravity,

a special graviton that lives in extra-spatial dimensions.

I see the looks on your faces.

You should be asking me the question,

"How in the world are we going to test this crazy, science fiction idea,

stuck as we are in three dimensions?"

The way we always do,

by slamming together two protons --


Hard enough that the collision reverberates

into any extra-spatial dimensions that might be there,

momentarily creating this hyperdimensional graviton

that then snaps back into the three dimensions of the LHC

and spits off two photons,

two particles of light.

And this hypothetical, extra-dimensional graviton

is one of the only possible, hypothetical new particles

that has the special quantum properties

that could give birth to our little, two-photon bump.

So, the possibility of explaining the mysteries of gravity

and of discovering extra dimensions of space --

perhaps now you get a sense

as to why thousands of physics geeks collectively lost their cool

over our little, two-photon bump.

A discovery of this type would rewrite the textbooks.

But remember,

the message from us experimentalists

that actually were doing this work at the time,

was very clear:

we need more data.

With more data,

the little bump will either turn into a nice, crisp Nobel Prize --


Or the extra data will fill in the space around the bump

and turn it into a nice, smooth line.

So we took more data,

and with five times the data, several months later,

our little bump

turned into a smooth line.

The news reported on a "huge disappointment," on "faded hopes,"

and on particle physicists "being sad."

Given the tone of the coverage,

you'd think that we had decided to shut down the LHC and go home.


But that's not what we did.

But why not?

I mean, if I didn't discover a particle -- and I didn't --

if I didn't discover a particle, why am I here talking to you?

Why didn't I just hang my head in shame

and go home?

Particle physicists are explorers.

And very much of what we do is cartography.

Let me put it this way: forget about the LHC for a second.

Imagine you are a space explorer arriving at a distant planet,

searching for aliens.

What is your first task?

To immediately orbit the planet, land, take a quick look around

for any big, obvious signs of life,

and report back to home base.

That's the stage we're at now.

We took a first look at the LHC

for any new, big, obvious-to-spot particles,

and we can report that there are none.

We saw a weird-looking alien bump on a distant mountain,

but once we got closer, we saw it was a rock.

But then what do we do? Do we just give up and fly away?

Absolutely not;

we would be terrible scientists if we did.

No, we spend the next couple of decades exploring,

mapping out the territory,

sifting through the sand with a fine instrument,

peeking under every stone,

drilling under the surface.

New particles can either show up immediately

as big, obvious-to-spot bumps,

or they can only reveal themselves after years of data taking.

Humanity has just begun its exploration at the LHC at this big high energy,

and we have much searching to do.

But what if, even after 10 or 20 years, we still find no new particles?

We build a bigger machine.


We search at higher energies.

We search at higher energies.

Planning is already underway for a 100-kilometer tunnel

that will collide particles at 10 times the energy of the LHC.

We don't decide where nature places new particles.

We only decide to keep exploring.

But what if, even after a 100-kilometer tunnel

or a 500-kilometer tunnel

or a 10,000-kilometer collider floating in space

between the Earth and the Moon,

we still find no new particles?

Then perhaps we're doing particle physics wrong.


Perhaps we need to rethink things.

Maybe we need more resources, technology, expertise

than what we currently have.

We already use artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques

in parts of the LHC,

but imagine designing a particle physics experiment

using such sophisticated algorithms

that it could teach itself to discover a hyperdimensional graviton.

But what if?

What if the ultimate question:

What if even artificial intelligence can't help us answer our questions?

What if these open questions, for centuries,

are destined to be unanswered for the foreseeable future?

What if the stuff that's bothered me since I was a little kid

is destined to be unanswered in my lifetime?

Then that ...

will be even more fascinating.

We will be forced to think in completely new ways.

We'll have to go back to our assumptions,

and determine if there was a flaw somewhere.

And we'll need to encourage more people to join us in studying science

since we need fresh eyes on these century-old problems.

I don't have the answers, and I'm still searching for them.

But someone -- maybe she's in school right now,

maybe she's not even born yet --

could eventually guide us to see physics in a completely new way,

and to point out that perhaps we're just asking the wrong questions.

Which would not be the end of physics,

but a novel beginning.

Thank you.


For more infomation >> How we explore unanswered questions in physics | James Beacham - Duration: 15:55.


Cities Are Forcing Animals To Evolve Faster Than Normal - Duration: 3:59.

Well, it's finally happened.

My cat evolved.

He wants me to call him Steve, can you believe that?

Steve is obsessed with vinyl, coffee shops and wants best burrito in the city.

Did I say evolved?

Hello evolved primate animals of the family great ape, Trace


You're watching a science show, so I'm assuming you know what evolution is… slow

change over time by random mutation, right?

It usually takes generations to observe evolution in action.

As Darwin wrote in On the Origin of Species, "Natura non facit saltum" -- nature makes

no leap, but perhaps Darwin was looking in the wrong place, and in cities, "natura

salit" … nature jumps!

Normally, in "natural and non-urban" systems, evolution takes about one million years, but,

in urban systems -- evolution might work completely differently.

From 2000 to 2030, human cities will nearly triple in land area; adding another 1.2 million

square kilometers or about the whole of South Africa.

This will obviously affect the evolution of animals that we share this planet with, and

a new study in the January 2017 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has found

just that.

Rapid human urbanization screws with the evolution of species, causing evolution to happen not

in a million years, but in just a few decades…

As humans build cities, we displace and severely alter the natural environment; causing animals

to adapt (slash mutate) or go extinct.

Say we cut down a forest and put up buildings over a few years.

Without the forest, migratory birds have to adapt to be able to stop and rest in this

new environment.

That might seem easy, but birds don't think buildings and trees are similar.

Buildings might not provide the cover from predators birds evolved to seek out!

Buildings don't have tasty bugs living on or near them to eat!

So the birds might just fly on by…

But, birds with mutations enabling them to adapt to these conditions go on to survive,

while others don't.

Evolution by human natural selection.

This is similar to the idea of human harvesting, or human selection.

We take an animal out of the natural order and guide its evolution in a favorable way

to us.

Think farm animals or pets.

And the built environment isn't just about sidewalks and buildings.

Transmission towers for cell phones and radio are often made of zinc-coated steel, because

zinc doesn't rust.

But, zinc can be toxic to some plants, causing necrotic lesions, and chlorosis (reduction

of green color).

Plants with mutations to resist zinc can thrive on or near towers, while others die out.

Evolution by human selection.

Even when we try and help, by building fish ladders to provide a path for spawning species,

like we did in 1966, at a dam in Norway, human activities still affect their natural evolution.

By 2003, the brown trout that were too large or too small to use the ladder had pretty

much died out, leaving only the middle-size mutants behind.

Who cares, amirite?

Well, lots of other species rely on the trout, either to eat, or to BE eaten!

Different trout can change the whole ecosystem.

Just like with the bird and plant examples, we have no idea the ultimate cost or benefit

to these human-selected mutations thanks to our urbanization.

Of course, urbanization has been connected to global warming as well, but we also have

to consider overfishing, overhunting, land use, habitat destruction, and of course -- human

harvesting of animals from an environment.

All of these things have an effect on evolution.

There was a time when a human could stand on a desert plain and know we are but a speck

on a speck, the power of the Earth is the ultimate authority.

That's still true, but now Earth has a middle manager, and we are really changing how things

work around here… maybe not always in the best way.

How does this make you feel?

Let us know down in the comments.

Can evolution reverse?

Can we make it all better?

Watch this video to find out.

And please subscribe so you get more DNews.

For more infomation >> Cities Are Forcing Animals To Evolve Faster Than Normal - Duration: 3:59.


Quit Your Job & Come Work For Censored Gaming! - Duration: 2:26.

Do you make YouTube videos?

Or maybe you haven't picked up the microphone yet, but are already experienced in the practise

of writing articles?

Or perhaps you're completely new, but think that if you gave it your best shot, you'd

be able to do things just as good if not better than the rest?

Well, today Censored Gaming would like to announce that it's looking for members to

help it really become the true "definitive resource for censorship".

I'm looking for people who will be able to create news reports on gaming's recent censorship-related


You will need to do everything from start to finish, but under the supervision of myself.

I will advise you prior to each story and then edit your written script and make sure

it's not missing any important details.

These videos will then be uploaded to the Censored Gaming YouTube channel and you will

earn a fair 40% of each videos ad revenue for the first 3 months - this means as Censored

Gaming grows, so will your income!

Everything will be made very easy.

All you'll have to do is pick one of the available stories from Censored Gaming's Google Drive

document, which I maintain on daily basis.

All team members will also have access to a team chat room to discuss everything over

or to just hang out.

If you're interested in this opportunity then please send in a video example to Censored

Gaming's email address.

This video will need to be a news report about anything that's gone on recently in the gaming


Objectivity and detail are key here.

Please do not add in any opinions or bias, instead substitute these for even further

information and context.

When it comes to your voice, accents aren't at all an issue - just please make sure you

speak up and sound confident.

Also, with the video editing - try and keep everything moving.

This is a video, not a slide show after all - so please try to use a lot of video clips

and, when it comes to images and text, try to make sure they stay animated.

Successful applicants will be responded to within a week of submission.

If unsuccessful, please feel free to try again at a later date.

Hopefully I'll see lots of people interested in this opportunity.

It will mean big things for both Censored Gaming and everyone involved.

If you think you've got what it takes, then please, don't delay and send in your submission

as soon as possible.

For more infomation >> Quit Your Job & Come Work For Censored Gaming! - Duration: 2:26.


7 Tricks For A Man To Fall Madly In Love With You - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> 7 Tricks For A Man To Fall Madly In Love With You - Duration: 3:28.


Donald Trump Presidential #inauguration Live - Duration: 3:23.

Hey there losers, how do you do?

I was busy preparing an awesome 4+4 years for you guys.

For any kind of news that you would say "God Forbid",

you'll be able to see in 4K during my presidency.

We'll shoot an American movie full of action, war, and terrorism in your area.

If you are lucky enough, you may see it in 3D.

I'll fix the U.S.A.'s image while I am the president, bro.

Even our allies don't like us anymore.

The U.S. is the least favourite country in the world.

…What are you doing?

Why? Because they are jealous, that's why.

We beat the Nazis, we blew up Japan!

They are jealous of our A-Bomb.

We invented the goddamn Coke, they envy us.

They can't stand that we were on the moon.

They are shitting themselves now that we have toys on the Mars.

They are jealous of our army.

They are jealous of our movies.

They are even jealous of our electric chairs.

We invented Facebook, they keep poking.

Stop poking us man, clear the way for the U.S.A!

No worries though, your big brother Trump will lead the way.

Mark my words, we will kick the asses of those Mexicans.

So help me god, I will make Turkish Lira lose its' value against U.S. Dollars more than any other currencies.

May God be my witness, I will level the whole Middle East with the ground.

I'll be damned if I don't drop 13 more times bomb per hour than Obama's rule.

Dear poor people of the earth:

Golden era of the U.S. begins!

Ready to taste Uncle Sam?

For more infomation >> Donald Trump Presidential #inauguration Live - Duration: 3:23.


Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Trailer: Single Player Gameplay [US] - Duration: 5:54.

Hello everyone.

My name is Dominic Butler, and I'm the lead game designer

on Ghost Recon Wildlands.

This video is a short version of our new solo walkthrough.

You can click here to check out the full version right away.

At this point a developer from the team

has unlocked the final mission of Espiritu Santo.

He is infiltrating a large Santa Blanca camp deep in the jungle.

His objective is to extract a cartel VIP, La Senterra.

Right now, the player is sneaking up on the camps cartel

manager to interrogate him.

You have five seconds to tell me what I want to know.

I don't get paid enough for this shit, cabron.

I'll tell you.

Thanks to this intel, all weapon and equipment cases

in the province are now highlighted on the player's tac


Interrogations are one of the ways

to uncover intel for secondary objectives,

such as supply raids or rebel ops.

This is a good vantage point for the player

to set up a sync shot with his teammates.


I copy.

When playing solo, you'll be able to manage your three AI

teammates with the command wheel.

Target acquired.

Got the target.

Target marked.

The teammates can execute the sync shot

on the player's command.

You guys ready?


While they will adapt their actions to your playstyle,

the teammates can be spotted as well.

So you need to take this into account.

The resources you gather will allow

you to upgrade your player character

and find new and exciting abilities.

The player was very close to being detected.

So he used a silent take down to incapacitate the enemy.

Unidad bird on patrol.

Watch out.

This is a Unidad helicopter patrolling the area.

Unidad is a military faction collaborating with the cartel.

If they spot you, they will start hunting you.

But there are ways to incite interfaction war between them

and the cartel.

Target's down.

The player has now reached the upper part of the camp

and is nearing la Senterra's position.

There are four enemies ahead of the player.

This is a good opportunity to perform another sync shot.

This time however, the player will engage the fourth target


Tangos down.

The experience the player earned here

allowed him to level up.

Switching to the Skills menu, you

have five different categories to customize your Ghost.

Using the newly earned skill point and resources,

the player will unlock and equip the explosive drone.

Explosive drone in the air.

There's an SUV with heavy weapons and armor plating.

OK, eyes on target.

Here she is.

The explosive drone is a good way to create a diversion.

But if you want to know more, check the long version

of this walkthrough here, or on

For more infomation >> Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Trailer: Single Player Gameplay [US] - Duration: 5:54.


Donald Trump sworn in as 45th US President - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump sworn in as 45th US President - Duration: 1:24.


How America Changed Under Obama [A Data Analysis] - Duration: 5:33.

In 2008, Barack Obama was the change candidate.

This is a data-driven look at how much America transformed during his eight years as our


Pause or rewind the video if you need more time with any of the data.

After spiking during the Great Recession, the unemployment rate is below 5% today.

And the stock market has more than doubled.

Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act, plunged the percentage of adults without health insurance

to the lowest level in history.

While the share of income going to the top 1% has continued to increase, average Americans

saw the biggest jump in their household income ever in 2015, and the biggest drop in poverty

since the great society programs of the 1960's.

The violent crime rate is down almost 20% from when Obama took office.

America's image abroad was lifted as President Obama turned away from the policies of George

W. Bush and toward a more active pursuit of diplomacy to solve problems.

Today, there are less than 15,000 troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, compared to the 175,000

when he took office.

But this was coupled with Americans themselves becoming more wary of international engagement.

On energy, the Obama administration has reduced carbon emissions by 9.4%, greatly expanded

wind and solar power, and cut America's dependence on foreign oil by more than half.

In 2015, for the first time since at least 1980, the number of inmates in federal prisons

actually declined.

8 states have now legalized marijuana and - for first time - a majority of Americans

overall support legalization.

A majority of Americans also favor the Supreme Court's ruling that essentially legalized

same-sex marriage nationwide.

Culturally, the biggest change came when Apple released the first iPhone during Obama's

campaign for the democratic nomination in 2007.

In the decade since, smartphone use has exploded and about half of all Americans now own a

tablet too.

But all that technology has led to a constant stream of stories and images of violence and

victimization, especially at the hands of police, seen all over the social media feeds

of many Americans, that's led to a widespread perception that race relations have deteriorated.

Millennials are now the nation's largest living generation and the biggest potential

voting block.

For the first time in 2013, the majority of newborn babies were racial or ethnic minorities,

and a record-high 12% of newlyweds married someone of a different race.

Despite some people's perception, the past seven years has seen little change in the

number of unauthorized immigrants living in the United States, there was actually a net

loss of over 100,000 immigrants who went back to Mexico.

The biggest religious trend during Obama's presidency is the rise of those claiming no

religion at all--a group now making up a quarter of the population, and 35% of millennials.

As you can see from President Obama's approval ratings among democrats and republicans, modern

America has never been so divided along partisan lines.

Far more democrats than republicans now say immigrants strengthen the country; and when

it comes to guns, far more republicans now think we should prioritize gun rights over

gun control.

For various reasons, both democrats and republicans have much less faith in government.

Most Americans didn't think the government's actions after the financial crisis helped


On national security, after the horrific terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, for the

first time since 9/11, the government's job rating on terrorism turned negative.

And, driven by the campaign of Donald Trump, Republicans have suddenly become anti-free

trade and globalization.

As you can see, Democrats' views have remained roughly the same.

Only one-third of Americans used social media in 2008, but by 2015 that rate was 75%.

Obama was also the first Internet video president, as this media genre came of age during his

time in office.

YouTube now has over a billion users.

In 2016, more American adults learned about the presidential election through social media

than through print newspapers, with seven-in-ten getting their news through a mobile device.

Seven-in-ten adults also say the media has a negative effect on the way things are going

in the country.

However, eight-in-ten thought it was the media's job to fact check the candidates during the


Nearly two-thirds of Americans believe robots and computers will do much of the work currently

being done by humans in the next 50 years, (32) but the same survey shows that 80% think

their current jobs will still exist in their current forms in 50 years.

So it's clear whether it's electing the historically unpopular Trump, or grappling

with the lighting-quick speed of technology, or accepting the slow but inevitable browning

of our fellow citizens, America is struggling mightily with the changes that are taking


In less than 40 years, the U.S. will not have a single racial or ethnic majority group,

and by 2065 one-in-three Americans will be an immigrant or have immigrant parents, compared

to one-in-four today.

To underscore how Americans are struggling with how to deal with these changes, during

the election, Clinton and Trump supporters said that they couldn't even agree on basic


So it's pretty obvious that Americans, but especially the supporters of Donald Trump,

are very anxious about where the country is, and where it's heading.

So that's where we're at the end of Obama's time in office, the big question is where

we'll be at the end of Trump's, and when that end will come.

Thanks for watching.

Like this video to help it spread.

Until next time, for The Daily Conversation, I'm Bryce Plank.

For more infomation >> How America Changed Under Obama [A Data Analysis] - Duration: 5:33.


Cookie's Fashion Evolution | Season 3 | EMPIRE - Duration: 1:32.


Cookie, you look stunning.

Cookie's look in season three-- I think she knows what works,

and she knows what she likes.

There's always that street vibe, but

there's this fashion element.

So there's a lot of ways we can go with her.

My favorite outfit for Cookie is this amazing ADIDAS track pant,

and I put it with this pale pink bodysuit,

with little tiny silver studs on it.

Just super simple, very easy, but we used this as a workbook,

and I went crazy with the jewelry.

Huge gold and rhinestone hoops.

And this is the first time we've done

a nameplate necklace on Cookie.

I love to just pile it on.

This was sort of, like, a little harajuku, Japanese street pop

kind of look.

You know the emoji with the big ol' eyes?

-Yeah. -That's-- that's-- that's me.

I'm also really lucky with Taraji.

She'll get that earring in, she puts the shades on,

she holds the bag up.

Those things let me do more with Cookie each episode.

Well, I might like that.

(SINGING) We're gonna stand up strong, all my girls.

Very proud.

Run this world.

For more infomation >> Cookie's Fashion Evolution | Season 3 | EMPIRE - Duration: 1:32.


FAQ #34: What does it take to maintain a 160 gallon reef tank like the BRS 160? - Duration: 4:05.

Today on the 52 FAQ we're talking what it takes to maintain a tank like the BRS 160.

Hi, I'm RT your host of BRSTV's 52 FAQ where we answer all kinds of reefing questions

from our popular series 52 weeks of reefing.

Recently, we ran a contest where you, the reefing community, asked a question for the

chance to get it featured in a 52 FAQ Today we're answering Kenneth M's question

that he submitted, "What is the maintenance schedule for the BRS160 like?

For example: What parameters are checked and how often?

How large and frequent are the water changes?

How often are the pumps and other equipment cleaned/replaced?

How often are the various media changed and how do you know when to change them?"

Fantastic question Kenneth!

With the BRS 160, there are a variety of daily, weekly, monthly, and even yearly tasks that

we perform to keep it running in tip-top shape.

This starts with the aquarium's chemistry parameters.

One of the more honest and truthful pieces of advice I've heard in my years as a reefer

is that when you are keeping a reef tank, you are actually working towards keeping pristine

water in a glass box.

The corals and fish are just a reward of that ability.

The components that allow us to gauge the quality of our tank's water are known as

parameters – and we monitor quite a few in the BRS 160.

One of the most important parameters in the reef tank is salinity since it's level has

a bearing on the concentrations of everything else that is part of your tank's water.

We measure before and after water changes, and also use the salinity probe on our Neptune

Apex that will alert us of any fluctuations during the course of a week.

It's worth noting here that while the salinity probe is super nice to use, and works great

to show fluctuations in the tank, I wouldn't use it as your sole method of monitoring your


We monitor alkalinity daily with the dKh checker from Hanna, since it has such a large impact

of the health and growth rate of our corals in the tank.

With the checker it takes just over a minute to do, and It's amazing how much more aware

with the changes and subtleties you are in your tank when testing alk daily.

If you're not, and growth and overall health is a goal for you, I would recommend giving

it a trial run yourself.

Additionally, we check calcium with the Red Sea Pro kit weekly, magnesium with the Red

Sea Pro Kit monthly, and nitrate and phosphate if we notice a color shift in the tank, or

abnormal algal growth.

On the BRS 160 we are running the Zeovit system, and it's pretty strict on certain parts

of maintenance, particularly water changes.

The 160 receives weekly water changes of 20 gallons, without fail.

Since Zeovit is more or less designed to control nitrate and phosphate in the tank, these water

changes are designed to replenish elements, rather than export nutrients.

We simply use a python water changer attached to our sink in the studio, to drain the tank,

and then use our water storage station to refill the aquarium.

Cleaning pumps is a pretty integral part of keeping everything running shipshape, and

extending the pump's life.

In our case, we clean them bi-monthly.

We use Tunze's citric acid mixed with RO/DI water generally mixed in a ratio of 1 tablespoon

to 8 oz of water, and soak the pumps in them over night.

This acidic solution softens and breaks down carbonate growth from precipitation, coralline,

and other encrusting algae, snails, or critters.

After a day you can simply use a brush to scrub off the deposits with ease.

As far as the various medias in the tank go, we really only utilize three different types.

First, is the most important part of the Zeovit system, and that is the Zeovit media.

It performs a large part of the filtration in the system, and needs to be replaced every

6-12 weeks depending on the tank's nutrient load.

We replace ours every 10 weeks.

Second, we replace another large component monthly, and that is the Zeovit Carbon.

The carbon is in place in the sump in a mesh bag and kneaded daily, around the same time

that we pump and shake the Zeovit reactor.

Lastly, is the roller mat filter roll.

This roll sometimes needs to be changed more or less depending on the amount of detritus

or particulate matter in the water column in a given time period.

In most cases however, we replace it every 2 to 3 months once it has been used up.

If you are interested in learning more about tank maintenance do yourself a favor and checkout

Week 42 of 52 weeks of reefing: Reef Tank Maintenance – 5 minutes a day can transform

your tank.

Don't forget answering your questions is what the 52 FAQ is all about on so ask us something

you want to know in the comments area below.

See you soon with the next 52 FAQ.

For more infomation >> FAQ #34: What does it take to maintain a 160 gallon reef tank like the BRS 160? - Duration: 4:05.


Donald Trump: We will get the job done - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump: We will get the job done - Duration: 1:24.


What Is a Lightworker and How to Find If You Are One - Duration: 8:24.

What Is a Lightworker and How to Find If You Are One.

by Edward Morgan.

Do you feel different from everyone else?

Do you have a nagging feeling there is a purpose you came to earth for?

It could be because you are a Lightworker.

Many people feel like they are different from the general population.

They are bemused by the world and wonder what the point of it all is.

They have a deep feeling that there is something they should be doing, but they just can�t

quite grasp what it is.

If you feel like this, chances are you are a Lightworker.

Lightworkers, also known as Starseeds, Indigos or Crystal children, are people who came to

this earth with a mission to change the energy of the planet.

They are here to overthrow negative energies and to foster light and love in the world.

Being a Lightworker is not an easy destiny.

In a world that is not quite ready for this energy yet, Lightworker�s often feel misunderstood

and isolated.

But you are not alone.

There are many people in the world right now who long to bring light and love into the


Lightworkers came to this world with a mission.

Unfortunately, once we enter the matrix of this physical manifestation, we suffer some


We can�t quite remember why we came and what we are meant to do.

But the deep feeling of having a purpose in this lifetime remains inside us like a seed,

waiting patiently for us to water it and nurture it into bloom.

If you are one of these special people, you will probably recognize the following 7 signs:


You don�t feel part of society

You may feel you don�t fit in with your society, community, and even your family.

Lightworkers don�t understand popular preoccupations with money, material possessions, and competition.

Deep inside you know the planet has resources enough for all to live in abundance and you

can�t understand why society does not make this happen.

You cannot stand selfishness and greed and have lost all hope in politicians� ability

to create a fairer world.

You are frustrated that society seems to be so slow in moving towards fairness and equality.


You have longings you cannot explain

There seems to be something missing from your life.

It�s like nostalgia for something past or homesickness for somewhere you can barely


You know that you belong somewhere and you are constantly searching for a place where

you will be understood.

Sometimes you might meet someone who you just click with and you know that you have been

together once before and this develops into an incredible friendship or relationship.

But often, you feel frustrated that you can�t quite find a place where you belong.


You know you have a job to do

Deep inside, you know you have a mission here on earth.

It�s like a word that is on the tip of your tongue that you just can�t grasp.

You have probably read many books about science, philosophy, and spirituality, but you just

can�t find the answer to the questions you have.

You may eventually realize that the answers are not in books or talks or even in articles

on the internet � they are deep inside you, you simply need to learn to tune into a way

of thinking and feeling that speaks a different language.


You have a deep desire to be of service to others

Lightworkers are often very sensitive and highly empathetic.

They feel others� pain and have a deep desire to heal.

If you are a Lightworker, you may be frustrated when those you love are in pain but can�t

seem to see what you are showing them.

You long to pull them out of the delusion of the matrix and show them the love and light

of the world, but they can�t yet see the way.

You may foster this need to help into a creative pursuit such as writing or painting, or you

may work at being of service in a more traditional way, as a medical professional, counselor

or alternative therapist.


You are a seeker

As a Lightworker, you have probably always been drawn to spiritual practices and from

a very young age, you have been interested in different ways of thinking.

Lightworkers often start with their own family religion but then expand their reach in search

of answers.

Lightworkers often suffer from depression, anxiety or other mental health problems.

Frequently this is caused by feeling there is something missing in your life and that

you are different and don�t fit in.

You have worked hard to make yourself good enough.

However, you always were good enough.

You are not sick; you just exist on a different energetic level than most people in society.

It�s not always an easy place to be because you are a pioneer in a world that mainly misunderstands

these things.


You may have physical signs of difference

Often Lightworkers have unusual eyes, perhaps of a startling color, or different colors.

You might also have birthmarks or other distinctive features.

These marks were often called witch marks in the past.

You may also have problems with vision or hearing or a long-term health condition.

Many of these issues are caused by trying to fit into a world that isn�t quite what

you were designed for.

It can be hard to be so intuitive and sensitive in a world that honors the material above

all else.

Alternatively, you might have very highly developed senses.

An acute sense of taste or touch is very common among Lightworkers.

You may also have a very strong sense of intuition and psychic abilities.


You believe in things you cannot see

Lightworkers understand that there is more to this universe than mere matter.

Your scientific explorations may have validated these beliefs, as even physicists now understand

that there are forces that we cannot measure affecting our universe.

You understand that energy is as important as material things.

You know that this is not a clockwork universe and you are open to the possibilities of beings

and energies that you cannot touch.

Lightworkers often feel guided by these energies, either in the form of thoughts and intuitive

guidance, or in the form of higher beings, or angels.

You are open-minded and understand deeply that there is more to this world than meets

the eye.

What it means to be a Lightworker

Being a Lightworker is difficult and you need to take seriously the need to take care of


You must protect yourself from negative and draining energies and spend time recharging

your own energy to allow your inner light to shine and make a much-needed difference

in the world.

If you recognize several of these signs, the next step is to find out more about your life


You probably already have an underlying sense of what this is.

This may be a lifelong dream or a vision that has recently developed.

If you need more help discovering your job here on earth, you might like to develop a

meditation routine or other ritual to help you connect with your inner self.

Other ways to discover your higher purpose include journaling, writing with the non-dominant

hand or shamanic journeying.

It can also help to connect with others who have light worker energy.

There are plenty about and we can support each other on a journey to bring more light

and love into the world.

Remember that every interaction you have is an opportunity to share your light and raise

the vibrations of the world.

So do all you can to keep your vibration high so that you can spread the light.

For more infomation >> What Is a Lightworker and How to Find If You Are One - Duration: 8:24.


Margo Price on Austin City Limits "Hurtin' on the Bottle" - Duration: 5:06.


- Thank you for listening.


("Hurtin' (On the Bottle)" by Margo Price)

♫ I put a hurtin' on the bottle

♫ Baby now I'm blind enough to see

♫ Been drinking whiskey like it's water

♫ But that don't touch the pain you put on me

♫ I was veering for the white line of the shoulder

♫ Oh, faded lights all cast upon the wall

♫ Baby I know we've been getting older

♫ But you're never too old to learn to crawl

♫ I put a hurtin' on the bottle

♫ Baby now I'm blind enough to see

♫ Been drinking whiskey like it's water

♫ But that don't touch the pain you put on me

♫ I met you with your thumb out in the alley

♫ I know no one ever comes around here no more

♫ Been looking for a peak inside the valley

♫ Been searching for a key outside your door

♫ I put a hurtin' on the bottle

♫ Baby now I'm blind enough to see

♫ Been drinking whiskey like it's water

♫ But that don't touch the pain you put on me

♫ I've been riding high on low expectations

♫ It's like singing loud with no one left to hear

♫ I've been drinking from the well of inspiration

♫ But it's all falling on these wasted ears

♫ I put a hurtin' on the bottle

♫ Baby now I'm blind enough to see

♫ Been drinking whiskey like it's water

♫ But that don't touch the pain you put on me

♫ I put a hurtin' on the bottle, bah, bah, bah

♫ Baby now I'm blind enough to see

♫ Been drinking whiskey like it's water

♫ But that don't touch the pain you put on me

♫ Been drinking whiskey like it's water

♫ But that don't touch

♫ The pain you put

♫ On me


- Thank you Austin!

I've got a few, God bless y'all.

All right.

("Hurtin' (On the Bottle)" by Margo Price)

(applause and cheering)

For more infomation >> Margo Price on Austin City Limits "Hurtin' on the Bottle" - Duration: 5:06.


Steep: Made in the Alps #6 - Events & Tournaments - Duration: 2:26.

Steep was really designed to be a live game from the very beginning,

to make it long-lasting and to be able to adjust it according to feedback from the community.

So we have several features planned for this: there are Community Events,

there are Branded Events, and we also have a Tournament system.

On a regular basis, we're also going to introduce seasonal events

for the Easter, Halloween and Christmas holidays. This will be an opportunity

for players to discover Steep's open world from a different angle, and to get

special equipment (possibly for a limited time) that might change slightly

the way they play or the way they approach the game.

The game isn't static, and with the player being connected he'll always have

a new experience.

Each day, he'll have things appear, things disappear,

which is what we're trying to create: a living world that the player wants

to come back to in order to discover new things.

Every player can share a challenge with friends.

We'd like to expand this feature and give him even more visibility

by picking from the pool of challenges that are created by the community on a daily basis.

It's possible that by sharing a challenge with his friends, a player can be thrust into

the limelight because we found his challenge to be interesting and engaging.

The point of the Community Challenges is to show the rest of the community

how extremely talented players are.

The Steep Tournament is our major competitive feature.

It will be a feature that everyone can participate in, but competition being competition,

only the best will make it to the end.

For more infomation >> Steep: Made in the Alps #6 - Events & Tournaments - Duration: 2:26.


Watch Donald Trump takes oath of office to become president - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Watch Donald Trump takes oath of office to become president - Duration: 0:51.


Austin City Limits Web Exclusive: Margo Price "Four Years of Chances" - Duration: 4:44.

- Alright, we're gonna pick it back up.

This is what I like to call country funk.

♫ I waited four long winters

♫ Yes I waited in the sun

♫ I was crying all alone

♫ While you were out havin' fun

♫ I gave you four years of chances

♫ But you threw 'em all away

♫ I gave you 1,461 days

♫ I gave you four years of chances

♫ To try to be your wife

♫ I cleaned your shirts and cooked up your supper

♫ But you never did treat me right

♫ I gave you four years of chances

♫ To try to build a home

♫ But now one more may as well be a million and one

♫ Now you know you lost me darlin'

♫ And you can't get me back

♫ Ain't that just like a man to change so fast

♫ Because you want what you can't have

♫ So now I'm gonna say it slowly

♫ Before I go away

♫ You had me 1,461 days

♫ I gave you four years of chances

♫ To try to be your wife

♫ I cleaned your shirts and cooked up your supper

♫ But you never did treat me right

♫ I gave you four years of chances

♫ To try to build a home

♫ But now one more may as well be a million and one

♫ Well I found myself a good man now

♫ You know he treats me like he should

♫ We live in a shack by a railroad track

♫ He's out back choppin' wood

♫ And no we don't have have too much money

♫ But I'll tell you why that's okay

♫ He loves me every moment of them 365 days

♫ I gave you four years of chances

♫ To try to be be your wife

♫ I cleaned your shirts and washed up the dishes

♫ But you stayed out late at night

♫ I gave you four years of chances

♫ To try and build a happy home

♫ But now one more may as well be a million and one

♫ But now one more may as well be a million and one

(crowd cheering)

For more infomation >> Austin City Limits Web Exclusive: Margo Price "Four Years of Chances" - Duration: 4:44.


Trump: America first and only America first - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Trump: America first and only America first - Duration: 1:21.


Thursday, January 19, 2017 (Full Episode) - Duration: 22:38.

[ Rhythmic clapping ]

Tonight on "Desus & Mero"...

I can't talk.

...Amanda Nunes is here!

Ray Romano, I'm coming for you, brother!

Ungh! Aagh!

[ Laughter ]


I was gonna sing Boyz II Men,

"It's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday."

Why? Because today is the last day...

♪ Damn, it's the final day ♪ ...of Obama.

♪ Last 24, we're gonna miss you, Barry ♪

Is that an original compilation?

Yes, it's all originals from now on

'cause apparently we can't clear music.

Every other channel got... Kiss doing --

Gene Simmons doing live renditions.

And we can't clear shit.

No! What's really good?

All our stuff come from GarageBand. ...outta here.

Royalty-free loops. Come on, son!

Today is the last day we'll have Obama

and his beautiful black family

running the halls of the White House.

You know what I'm sayin'?

Doing Vines and shit, hanging out.

Doing the Nay Nay. All that.

Joe Biden looking out the window with the burner just in case.

Just in case. Smoking weed out the window like...

[ Inhaling, exhaling rapidly ]

"Joe, let me know if Michelle's coming."

"Let me know, let me know.

"Barry, put it out. Put out the loud.

Chill, chill, chill. Malia's coming back."

Put the towel on the door."

Oh, man. We're gonna miss you, Barry.

We love you, bro.

We know the next president coming in

is not as qualified as you

and also is close to your skin color.

We don't understand how that works, but it's all good.

So, Barry, in his last day, he was talking to us. Mm-hmm.

And just like when your father leaves to go to the store

to get cigarettes and he knows he's not coming back...

"It's okay. You'll be all right. It's okay.

...he said to the American people...

You'll be okay. ..."You'll be okay.

You'll be okay. Just hang in there.

You'll be all right. You're the man of the house now, by the way."

Take it easy. You know what I'm sayin'?"

This is not just a matter of No Drama Obama.

This is what I really believe.

It is true that behind closed doors,

I curse more than I do in public.

And sometimes I get mad and frustrated

like everybody else does.

But at my core, I think we're gonna be okay.

...outta here. Thank you, Obama.

See? That was always Obama. Barry, the huge Xanie bar.

He came in classy. He left classy.

It would not have been on-brand

for him to have been like, "Yo, y'all niggas is...

"My guy. Let me tell you."

You out there in America, you guys are fucked."

You see this motherfucker coming in? I'm off this."

Aww. Look at Michelle Obama.

Aww. What's their dog's name?

I know it's a Spanish water poodle or some shit like that.

Portuguese Water Dog, which are non-allergenic

in case you have a little kid that wheezes a lot.

You know what I'm sayin'? Do they have to give them up now?

Like, are they part of the White House?

No. Those are their dogs. They're not, like, the White House dogs.

[ Laughs ]

If those were the White House dogs,

Donald Trump would have them both executed

as soon as he moved in. "Kill them.

First of all, they're black." "Get 'em outta here.

Steve Harvey, you do the job, my nigga.

Here. Take the .45. Take 'em out back."

He's like, "Oh, dear.

Nigga's all buttoning his shit, mad-nervous.

"24, 25, 26."

Now, my favorite Obama moment, by far,

was when he visited the island of Jamaica

and did the traditional greeting of my people.

Greetings, massive.

[ Laughter ]

Wah gwaan, Jamaica?

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Laughs ] Yo! Yo!

We're never getting that from Donald Trump.

I don't even want to know what Donald Trump's

gonna say when he goes to Jamaica.

Yo. Shit like this is not gonna happen for the next four years.

There's not gonna be no swag. There's gonna be controversy.

Donald Trump's gonna come there like, "What's going on, bumbaclots?

"Yo, what's good? Suck your mudda.

Is that what you guys do? That what you say to each other?

Suck all your mamas."

All your mothers are suckable.

I love 'em. Amazing. You talk about suckable women.

I love them all. To suck. Yes."

[ Rhythmic clapping ]

Listen. The inauguration is not going as smooth

as it's gone for other presidents, which is weird.

You would think a reality star such as Donald Trump

would be able to throw the best inauguration we've ever seen.

But, no, he's not getting good entertainers,

not getting good bands.

He has 3 Doors Down performing.

Chrisette Michele decided to perform, losing her 15 fans.

It's very sad. Yeah.

We had the opportunity to have plenty of A-list celebrities,

which is what the issue was.

And the directive of the president-elect was simple.

Make it great. Make it for the people.

[ Coughing ] Bullshit.

And we have three of the greatest celebrities

in the world here already.

We have President Obama,

number-one celebrity in the world as it exists today.


We have this, Washington, D.C.,

which is a stage that...

Nah, nah, nah! You're reaching.

We have the president-elect, Donald Trump.

This is "Space Jam" level reach.

Certainly on everybody's list

as one of the top celebrities in the world.

He said D.C. is one of the special guests.

Yeah. Yo. Fam.

I've been to D.C., dawg.

Like, I love D.C. It's not a guest.

Yo, D.C. just crashes the party.

They're not invited. You know what I'm sayin'?

Also, you can't claim Bar--

You was flaming Barry for the whole election.

Now you're like, "He's one of the guests.

He's one of the biggest celebrities in the world."

Just admit it -- no one wants to come to your wack party.

This shit is wack, nigga.

3 Doors Down is like, "Are they coming? Anyone coming?

We'll pack some Kryptonite."

Does they have the whole original band

for the inauguration?

[ Laughter ]

Who would check? Who would even know?

Like, no one's in the audience like...

"He didn't play bass on the album!

That's not the original bassist. No way."

..."Where's Dwight?!"

[ Laughs ] Yo, get the...outta here.

"I loved 3 Doors Down when they were more underground.

They used to play Williamsburg."

"Iris" is a way better song from them.

[ Laughter ]

Oh, shit.

Oh, shit. My guy out here.

Oh, shit. "Fashion Report."

"Blacks make racial slurs and commit hate crimes too!!"

Yeah! Exclamation points. Two of them!

Two of them, nigga, so you know it's serious.

That fire. This looks like an inauguration invite.

Look at him. He's just looking at the --

He's looking. He's like, "Yeah, we got D.C. back."

Yeah. It's MAGA Man.

This is available at

"It's MAGA Man! I'm here!"

And, you know, this happened on the timeline yesterday.

Everyone was like, "Yo, this is wild. I can't believe this."

This guy -- This is not the first time rocking this shirt.

This guy is dedicated to this shirt.

We first spotted him at a Donald Trump rally back --

Look at him. Look at him. He's out here.

Look at him pose for the camera.

"Yas, bitch. "Yas, bitch. Work, bitch.

Look at that pose." Yas, bitch. Yas, bitch."

And he is apparently a veteran of some sort,

from his veteran hat... Vietnam?

...which proves, unlike what Tomi Lahren says,

some veterans and troops are dickheads.

You know what I mean?

That's his formal shirt, too. Like, that's what he wears to --

I want to see what he wears on a regular Tuesday,

'cause he can't just wear racist shirts all the time.

And is that the same shirt? That's what I'm saying.

Does he have multiple ones?

Does he just pack nothing but 10 of them? Is he like Beetlejuice?

Does he open up his closet, there's 28 of these shirts?

He's just like the Steve Jobs of racism.

He's like, "Why wear different outfits?

I'm just gonna wear my turtleneck and my jeans."

"It's just my look."

If that's the same shirt, then he needs, like,

some type of laundry-detergent endorsement

'cause that shit is wearing very well.

Nah, he got multiple ones. He got a box of them.

I'm sure when he got them delivered, though,

he was like, "You better not send them UPS

'cause their trucks are brown."

[ Laughs ] Yo.

Y'all had to think about that one, though. It was worth it.

What can Brown do for you? "Nothing!

"Nothing! The can get out of my country and pull their pants up!"

Get out of here! God damn it."

[ Rhythmic clapping ]

Wash Fest took place last night.

No, we're not talking about the inauguration.

We're talking about Russ and the Thunder

getting washed by Durant and his Warriors again.

So, Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook

were best friends, BFFs, for 10 years.

They balled together. They crawled together.

They boned hoes together. Allegedly.

Really? You didn't hear that?

But then Kevin Durant was like,

"No, I'm having fun with you boning hoes, allegedly."

But I want a ring." So he went to the dark side.

Not really the dark side, 'cause they have a lot of light-skinned people.

But he went to the Warriors.

So they met once, and Russ got Molly-whopped.

So they met up again for round 2.

The reason why they got washed -- little things like this.

Your man, Russ, halfway through the game,

decided that he was just gonna take a walk and clear his mind.

Yeah, yeah.

Damn, dawg.

One, two, three, four.

I know the ref was like, "Yo, fam."

"Yo, yo, yo. This is basketball, my G.

What are you doing?" He's like, "What?"

He don't care. He's the man on that team.

He don't even know the names of all the niggas on the team anymore.

Did Russ lose the team? We'll never know.

But this might be telling, because Zaza Pachulia

fouled your man, flavorly in the game,

and nobody on the team came to his aid.

No one backed your man up.

No one stuck their chest out for him.

Come on.

Announcer: They have a foul to give.

Ohh! Bamboozled you.

He just stood over him like...

"Yeah, what's up? I am the mountain.

He's like, "What's up?"

I am Mount Zaza. Respect me."

Listen. If we're playing in a park

and you do this to one of my mans, I got to duff you.

At least. At the minimum.

He just stood over him like, "Yo..." Like, come on, son.

You're not gonna at least give him,

like, a nice, little, hearty shove?

"Now I am the captain." Nothing.

Your mans can't even stood up and was like,

"Yo, why you do that for?

Disrespect. He's like, "Yo, white genocide is real."

Look, look. Look at your man Kanter come over like,

"Yo, chill. Yo. I don't want no beef. Chill, chill."

He's like, "Yes..."

He's like, "Yo, chill, chill, chill.

He came over like, "Yo, chill, chill, chill."

Chill. Don't touch him. Don't touch him."

He's like, "What do you mean?"

"If he dies, he dies."

[ Laughter ]

And Russ at the end of the game. You know what I'm sayin'?

He was telling one of his teammates

don't talk to Kevin Durant.

And he used colorful language that I won't repeat here.

I'll let the video do it, and then I'll repeat it afterwards.

Announcer: Utah Jazz coming up on Monday.

Thunder will be in Salt Lake City to play the Utah Jazz.

Ooh! Whoo!

He said, "Don't say 'what's up' to that bitch-ass nigga."

[ Laughs ] Talking about Kevin Durant.

Don't say 'what's up' to that bitch-ass nigga!

Is he mad 'cause he left the team?

He did. You know what I'm sayin'? Listen.

Let's not open up that can of worms again, but your man --

He bounced to get with the winning team

and abandoned his mans.

He joined on the opps. You know what I'm sayin'?

You can't be switching sides like that, my guy.

Where's the loyalty, man? Come on, son.

Blood in, blood out.

It's not like I'm gonna leave here and go join Jimmy Fallon.

[ Laughs ]


Have him sitting with the little funny sunglasses like,

"Yeah, Jimmy!

I'm gonna have a guitar like, "Yeah!"

Yeah, Jimmy! Ha ha! That was funny as hell!"

Go ahead. Play with Donald Trump's hair again."

[ Laughs ]

[ Rhythmic clapping ]

If you've been watching the show,

you know the fight of the century is coming up.

Say no more. You know what I'm sayin'?

It's your boy. Young Bicep. You know what I'm sayin'?

We gave you three days to answer, Ray Romano.

You know what I'm sayin'? You haven't said much, B.

It's real quiet, real quiet. You know what I'm sayin'?

Listen. He's training.

My man, you know, he's already in the physical-fitness --

He's got the dad bod. You can't beat -- Look at this.

Look at that. Straight...muscles.

But to get him further to the next level,

we've brought in a professional trainer.

You know what I'm sayin'? Getting trained out here.

Not the first time someone pasted a white-guy beatdown.

What?! Give it up for Amanda.

You know what I'm sayin'? Don't worry. She's back there.

Yeah, we really got her.

Yeah. You think it's a game.

Hey! Hey!

Yeah! Yeah! We out here.

Squad! We out here! Yo, Ray, you in trouble now!

Now you're getting jumped, my G.

You know what I'm sayin'? She's going in first.

You remember her? She might have knocked out somebody.

What was the name of that person you knocked out?

Ronda Rousey! Clocked the shit!

You was talking cat shit in the intros, on Twitter.

You know what I'm sayin'? I got you.

She was talking crazy. You know what I'm sayin'?

And what happened? You got your shit rocked!

How did it feel when that first initial...?

I know.

The first jab that I landed, I know right away she's done.

Ahh! Ha ha ha!

Talk that spicy talk. You know what I'm sayin'?

But if she wanted a rematch, would you fight her again?

Oh, yeah. Sure. Yeah?

You'd beat her ass again? 100%.

Oh, shit, nigga! We talking crazy out here!

Talk that shit!

So, listen. Now I got to fight Ray Romano.

You know what I'm sayin'? This is not a wash.

Is there anything that I should do

in particular to take him out?

-What's, like, the first move? -You know what I mean?

Yeah. You want to choke him out?

How do I choke him out?

Yeah. You want me to show you?

Yeah. Go ahead. You know what I'm sayin'?

Almost lost my ass right there. You know what I'm sayin'?

Okay. You be standing like this. You talk to him.

If he want to put his hand on you...

Like, "Yeah, yo, you mad-pussy, son, aah!

Your show's wack. Aah!"

I go in like this.

Oh! Oh! Yo!

Yo. Look at that.

[ Laughter ]

Gonna be you, Ray!

Yo, Ray! [ Laughs ] Squad.

Thank you for coming out.

Thank you, guys, for having me. Thank you.

Thank you, thank you. Thank you, guys.

Yo, this is not even easy to carry.

She's just throwing it over the shoulder casually.

You got to earn this. You got to earn this.

You know what I'm sayin'? Give it up for Amanda.

She coming for the title, Ray.

Thank you, guys.

Ray Romano, we're coming for you!

Coming for you, B! She got me!

Yes! She'll punch you straight in your chest.

Yeah! [ Laughter ]


You ever use NHS over -- The National Health Service?

Maddix: [ British accent ] Yeah.

How much does it cost to have a baby over there?

Nothing. Got you tight!

You see how he said it? He was like, "Nothing.

Nothing, really. It's nothing.

You go to hospital, you have a baby."

But how do you -- You pay to have a baby?

Like, once you have the baby,

they're like, "Oh, that was worth..."

Yo. It's like if I overpay for sneakers, I'm like, "Damn."

I feel like that's the thing.

Like, are you putting a monetary value on my child?

No, I'm not putting a monetary value on your child.

But you have to pay for it. That's what I'm saying.

I thought you were confronting me on your choices.

I was like, "Whoa, guys."

"Are you labeling my baby?!"

I'm like, "No, bro. I never thought about your baby."

I haven't met your baby to stay if it was worth thousands of dollars.

Once I meet your baby, then I can be like --

Then you can be like, "Yo, I don't...with you."

Yeah, yeah. I might be like, "That baby weren't worth 2 G's."

[ Laughter ]

Yo. But I don't know yet.

Give it up for our guest and our VICELAND brother.

He's the host of "Hate Thy Neighbor,"

premiering on VICELAND January 23rd.

Be sure to check that out. Be sure to check it out.

It'll probably come on before or after our show,

so you can be like, "Both y'all shows suck."

Give it up for Jamali Maddix. Whoo!


So you're Jamaican, British, and Italian?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. What part of Jamaica?

Well, Kingston and Montego Bay.

Tribe-related. Yeah. Watch your asses.

Probably. Probably.

When you meet two Jamaicans,

you don't go too far back in the background

'cause, like, his primal kin were cousins or some shit.

What's your last name? I don't say it on here.

Oh, sorry.

[ Laughter ]

Don't worry. Jamali ain't my...real name, either.

Don't worry about it.

I'm sliding in here, baby.

Visa's looking sticky.

I got four passports.

The visa ain't looking strong right now.

I'm sure it was confusing when people would meet you

'cause they're probably like, "You're black,"

and you're like, "I'm actually..."

A lot of people thought I was Arab.

Like, when I met the National Socialists, the NSM,

they were calling me, like, sand nigger and stuff like that.

I was getting wrong slurs.

Do you correct them when you get wrong slurs?

No, no, no. When I heard it, there was like --

Surprisingly enough, there was

more pressing things at hand that they said.

Like, calling me a sand nigger was, like, the least of it.

Like when they bring up --

when they say so much other kind of shit.

You ever hear the Irish slavery stuff?

What's the most common --

I had one guy tell me that.

He goes, "The reason black people were put into slavery

is because black people put white people

into slavery first, and that was our payback."

"You did it first!"

Yeah. They're like, "We're putting you in slavery."

And I said to him, "When did that happen?"

And he goes, "Oh, it happened."

And I was like, "But when?"

And he was like, " happened."

He goes, "You don't know about it, but I know about it."

I go, "Can you tell me when?" And he goes, "Not right now."

[ Laughter ] When did this happen?!

And I researched it 'cause then I got a load of...shit from it

from Twitter.

People were sending me these links.

And the links they were sending me

was it was the fact that it was the Ottoman Empire

enslaved Europeans, which did happen.

But the Ottoman Empire was, like,

Turkish people, Arab people.

It was like a multicultural slavery, if anything.

You know what I'm sayin'?

People came together to do slavery.

You know what I'm sayin'? Unity.

You know what I mean? It's a more beautiful slavery.

It's a coinciding slavery.

We're together. We can do it!

It's the type of slavery of the future.

They crowd-sourced it.

Yeah, they crowd-sourced it.

It's like the Airbnb of slavery.

Here's the weird -- But he was adamant.

He was like, "No... White pe-- It was payback."

Have you hung with the Hebrew Israelites?

-Do I have a problem with them? -No, have you hung with them?

Oh, yeah. I thought you said do I have a problem with them.

Yeah, I hung with them. But I'll be honest with you.

Most people that done the film,

they're the ones that like it the most.

They're pretty cool.

Yeah. They will talk to anybody that's listening.

If you bring a camera? Ooh! They're going out.

They're the one dudes, I think, if I saw them,

they'd be like, "Oh, what's up, Jamali?

What's up, man? What's up?"

So, out of all the groups that you've met,

which one were you like, "All right, they're racist.

They might try to kill me, but they're all right"?

Probably Israelites. Yeah, they're pretty cool.

And they were like -- And it's probably --

They were probably the funniest people I've met in a long time.

Like, I've never heard someone say "the white man is the devil"

in so many different, like, tones of voice.

You know what I'm sayin'?

'Cause normally you say it just like on the off,

like, "Oh, the white man's a devil,"

and you go, "Yeah, yeah."

But it's the way that he does it.

He'll lean his head back and go, "The white man is the devil!"

And you just go... Yo!

Like, I don't believe it, but...that was cool.

You know what I'm sayin'?

And then they kept on trying to make me say it.

And, like, I would say it in conversation.

So I'd be trying to be all...journalistic and shit

and trying not to laugh, and I'd be like,

"So, you know when you say the white man is the devil..."

And they would say, "Everyone give him a round of applause.

He said the white man is the devil."

And they'd give a round of applause.

"Yeah, the white man's the devil."

As I said to the leader, General Yahanna --

I said to him, "How often do you say the white man's the devil?"

And he looks me in the eye, and he goes,

"Jamali, I wake up in the morning sometimes,

and I just go, 'Mmm! The white man is the devil!'"

I can't lie. I went home and I...tried it.

And it started my day pretty good.

[ Laughter ] I tried it.

I don't believe it, but...I'll give it a crack.

It's like stretching your back.

Sometimes you gotta say shit you don't believe in sometimes.

All right, dawg.

[ Laughs ] Yo!


What do you want your rainbow to say?

Yeah, you get a rainbow. Oh..."Wu-Tang Forever."

Aw, shit! Yeah!

Wu-Tang! Wu-Tang!

You know what I'm sayin'?


What's the name of it? Do you want me to say it?

I mean, it's your show.

Yeah. Sorry.

This is your show. You gotta hold this.

This is my show, but this is your show.

This is our show, but this is your show.

You got to say it with your chest.

Say it again. "Hate Thy Neighbor."

Say it the way you would say "the white man is the devil."

Oh... "Hate Thy neighbor."

You know what it is? I got a British accent.

Everything sounds proper. That's the problem.

You know what I'm sayin'?

'Cause I sound... English as shit.

I only realize how English I sound when I'm around them.

Yeah. [ Laughs ]

"Hate Thy Neighbor." I can't help but sound...posh.

"Hate Thy Neighbor." "Hate Thy Neighbor."

-Shout-outs! -Shout-outs, you fucking dick.

Sometimes your girl is like, "Yo, get the...outta here.

I'm not banging with you no more."

And you got to just keep it moving.

My man right here -- no such luck.

Man: [ Crying ] Please! Please!

This guy's girl left him, and he's such a worm burger

that the police had to come to pry him away from shorty.


"Please, yo!

I bought you those pink slippers and those Uggs, ma!

Please! No!"

This is like when I drop my kid off at daycare for the first time.

"No, please!"

Not like this! No! Please! Don't treat me like this!

"Why you block me on Twitter?!

She know she got that good box.

Yo, chill."

She knew it was fire 'cause she called the cops immediately

like, "Yo, I'm about to dead this dude.

Y'all need to show up. Bring backup this time, please."

She got him hooked. You know how it is.

Come on. Pussy be yankin'. You already know what time it is.

"Yeah, we got a 4-20 pussy be yankin'.

Call it in. We need backup."

Oh, you ever been sick like that over a girl?

Physically holding your stomach like, "Aah!

Aah, call me back! Why you ain't answering me?!

She don't love me!

Oh, my God. She's in Miami with some other nigga!

I'm sick!"

Start looking at her Snapchat.

You got to screenshot it 'cause it's some random dude in there.

Like, "Yo, who is that?! That's not your cousin!

"Why you screenshotting me, though?

Like, you're not even my man. Why you sweatin' me, like, O.D.?

Oh, my God. Nigga so thirsty, yo.

I'm gonna have to call the police to come get this nigga

'cause he's O.D. thirsty."

She come to your city, don't even tell you.

Be, like, a screenshot that says "New York."

You be like, "Well..."

She's like, "JFK Airport." "Oh, you in town?"

"No, I just left yesterday, thirst-ball."

Bro, shout-out to these...bros just bro'ing out, bro.

Just bro'ing out on the brocean, dude.

Just bro'ing. We're bros, dude!

[ Laughter ]


...shark, bro!

Dude, that's a...shark, dude!

Brah! That's a...shark, brah.

I don't know what's happening, but either

someone's gonna put their nutsac on the shark...

Oh, dude. It's a...shark, dude!

...shark flipped in the air, dude!

Man: I got it on video! I got it!

Oh...shark, dude!

My God!

I got it on video!


Oh, my God!

Whoa, dude!"

[ Laughs ] They're loving this way too much.


Dude! This is...sick!

Yo, my man is two completely different shades.

They haven't been this excited

since they learned the "Lock Her Up" chant. Yo.


Why you still rocking with the avi, though?

-Like, that looks terrible. -He thinks that's a great photo.

He looks wild-dusty.

That's like when you got someone online.

They have taken one good photo,

and they use it for like 10 years.

We all have our friend that's doing it.

That's like when you pregame with your girls

and y'all do your makeup after y'all get drunk.

You know what I'm sayin'? O.D. with the highlighter.

He's going hammer with the eyeliner.

Look at your man's eyes, B.

This nigga's doing, like, reverse smokey eye.

What's happening here?

He's like smizing, but not really.

Yo. Nigga's smowling.

He's frowning, shrowning?

God damn. His eyes look like mouths.

His lips look like a tight punani.

Brah. [ Laughs ]

Well, shout-out to this guy.

On Monday, he'll be president, and we can't roast him anymore.

We have to be respectful because you can't roast the president.

That's disrespectful.

Psych! We'll be on that ass for all four years, boy!

Ha! Ha-ha-ha!


For more infomation >> Thursday, January 19, 2017 (Full Episode) - Duration: 22:38.


This is How You Know China's Pollution is Bad | China Uncensored - Duration: 4:43.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

when getting away from it all means,


Run for your life!

Hi, welcome to China Uncensored.

I'm your host Chris Chappell.

You know,

I don't talk often enough about

the natural beauty of China.

That's partly because it's hard to see...

...when it covered in thick blankets of air pollution.

In December,

China saw some of the worst smog ever.

That's because the smog was pretty much

the only thing you could see.

It was so bad that hundreds of flights across the country

were delayed or canceled.

In Chengdu,

a group of activists held a protest and did this:

The local authorities had a good laugh.

Followed by a long cough.

And then they sent in the riot police.

That last part's not a joke.

Although in this case,

it's not entirely the riot police's fault.

Apparently they thought the statues were those street artists

who cover themselves in spray paint

and haunt tourist sites around the world.


there was no such confusion in Xi'an,

where pollution masks appeared on stone lions.

800 of them.

Well, at least statues can protest pollution.


China's Meteorological Administration

eventually solved the problem.

They notified local bureaus

to immediately stop issuing smog alerts,

and start calling it, "fog."

They've also punished windows

for spreading false rumors about pollution.

Smog—or "fog"—

is not by any means a new problem in China.

The country routinely has crippling outbreaks.

And the worst kind of smog is PM 2.5 particles.

These are the tiny particles that get into your lungs

and can cause cancer.

China measures this type of pollution

on a scale of zero to 500.

In 2013, in the northeastern city of Harbin,

it reached 1,000.

The World Health Organization's recommended safe standard

is 25.

They should have just filmed this Stephen King movie there

and saved on their special effects budget.

Fortunately, the great and glorious Communist Party

is taking steps to ensure these red alert pollution situations

don't keep happening—

by raising the threshold

for what constitutes a red alert.

And also ordering air quality monitoring apps

to not display readings past the official government cutoff point.

I mean, Chinese citizens don't really want to know

what they're breathing, right?

And now, Beijing's latest move:

Creating a new environmental police force!

Yes, Chinese police:

Not just for beating up dissidents anymore!

So amidst all this smoggy mist,

wealthy Chinese citizens—

and the companies that want to sell stuff to them—

have come up with a brilliant idea:

"lung cleansing trips."

Yes, this is really a thing.

And they're even traveling as far as Antarctica.

I remember when I took a trip to Antarctica.

It can get pretty boring,

so I'd recommend bringing

a chess-playing computer.

Also a flamethrower.

But seriously,

Antarctica makes sense

as a Chinese tourist destination.

Ok, there's no Gucci - yet,

but it's one of the least-polluted places on earth.

At least until the Communist Party

decides to claim it for themselves

so they can tap its pristine oil and coal reserves.

According to a report called "Smog Escape Travel Ranking,"

Chinese travel service, Ctrip,

says online searches in China for "smog escape,"

"lung cleansing" and "forests"

have tripled during the latest pollution nightmare.

But for many Chinese,

this is a matter of life and death.

A recent study found that more than 4,000 people

die every day in China because of air pollution.

But hey,

a little "fog" never hurt anyone.

Although, if nothing else,

won't the government please think of the pandas?!

So what do you think?

And where would you travel

for your next lung cleansing vacation?

Leave your comments below.

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

And please consider supporting our own lung cleansing vacations

by contributing to China Uncensored's Patreon campaign.

The link is below.

Once again I'm Chris Chappell,

see you next time.

For more infomation >> This is How You Know China's Pollution is Bad | China Uncensored - Duration: 4:43.


Breaking News , President Donald Trump being sworn in - Trump inauguration - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Breaking News , President Donald Trump being sworn in - Trump inauguration - Duration: 2:31.


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Star Finger Family Song

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How to Customize Document Layout in Fade In - Duration: 2:49.

In this video I'll show you how to adjust your document layout in Fade In.

Hi, this is Bela from the Writer's Territory, and today, I'll talk a little bit about how

you can easily adjust the page layout in Fade In using page numbering, entering dates automatically

but also other information like titles and revisions with placeholders.

In general, document layout in Fade In is pretty easy.

There's not much to do, since the screenplay format is somewhat rigid.

Your page layout will be the same for the entire script.

You can adjust it if you go to "Document - Page Layout".

Measurements can be entered in inches or centimeters, and are displayed according to your preference


More's and Continued's

If your dialogue goes over a page break, Fade In will by default add "(MORE)" to the dialogue

at the end of the page and "(CONT'D)" to the top of the next page.

You can change this setting under "Document - More and Continued".

You can define page numbering in the header and footer settings.

Go to "Document - Header and Footer".

There you have several symbols you can use to define what kind of information you want

to have displayed in your header and footer and how.

You can use: - The "#" pound symbol for the actual page

number - The "*" asterisk symbol for the name of

the current page revision - Two "**" asterisk symbols for the current

document revision - The "@" at symbol for the current date.

To add the placeholder symbol itself instead of what it represents put a backslash "/" before


You can also use field placeholders in brackets.

The field placeholders will be replaced with the information you entered on your title


These are the placeholders you can use: - {Title}

- {Subtitle} - {Writtenby}

- {PageRevision} or {PageRev} - {Revision}

- {Page} - {Pages}

Additionally, you can use several different formats:

- {yy-mm-dd} - {d-m-yyyy}

- {mmm. d, yyyy}

You can also adjust scene numbering in Fade In, but since that topic has to do with Fade

In's production features it is covered in more depth in another video about locking

pages and scenes.

If you want to learn more about different Fade In tools and functions, look for more

articles and videos on or on my YouTube channel.

If you're missing something, drop me a quick message and tell me what you've been looking

for that I should include in future articles and videos.

If you like this article and you're here for the first time please subscribe to my newsletter.

I want to help you find the perfect writing software for you and help you with problems

and questions you might have about the software you already own, so you can go back to your

writing as quickly as possible and spread the important stories and messages you want

to share with others and hopefully enrich other peoples lives.

If you want to get in contact with me, the links are down below, just drop me a message

and I'll respond as quickly as I can.

Have fun writing everybody.

See you.


For more infomation >> How to Customize Document Layout in Fade In - Duration: 2:49.


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New Barbie™ Movie

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bypass remove google account on any samsung (new way) - Duration: 14:38.

url is :

url is :

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⭐KÉVIN PETALBOARD⭐ - 💪MUSKU MUSKU 💪- VICTIME #14 - Duration: 1:07.

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Bob The Train

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FAQ #34: What does it take to maintain a 160 gallon reef tank like the BRS 160? - Duration: 4:05.

Today on the 52 FAQ we're talking what it takes to maintain a tank like the BRS 160.

Hi, I'm RT your host of BRSTV's 52 FAQ where we answer all kinds of reefing questions

from our popular series 52 weeks of reefing.

Recently, we ran a contest where you, the reefing community, asked a question for the

chance to get it featured in a 52 FAQ Today we're answering Kenneth M's question

that he submitted, "What is the maintenance schedule for the BRS160 like?

For example: What parameters are checked and how often?

How large and frequent are the water changes?

How often are the pumps and other equipment cleaned/replaced?

How often are the various media changed and how do you know when to change them?"

Fantastic question Kenneth!

With the BRS 160, there are a variety of daily, weekly, monthly, and even yearly tasks that

we perform to keep it running in tip-top shape.

This starts with the aquarium's chemistry parameters.

One of the more honest and truthful pieces of advice I've heard in my years as a reefer

is that when you are keeping a reef tank, you are actually working towards keeping pristine

water in a glass box.

The corals and fish are just a reward of that ability.

The components that allow us to gauge the quality of our tank's water are known as

parameters – and we monitor quite a few in the BRS 160.

One of the most important parameters in the reef tank is salinity since it's level has

a bearing on the concentrations of everything else that is part of your tank's water.

We measure before and after water changes, and also use the salinity probe on our Neptune

Apex that will alert us of any fluctuations during the course of a week.

It's worth noting here that while the salinity probe is super nice to use, and works great

to show fluctuations in the tank, I wouldn't use it as your sole method of monitoring your


We monitor alkalinity daily with the dKh checker from Hanna, since it has such a large impact

of the health and growth rate of our corals in the tank.

With the checker it takes just over a minute to do, and It's amazing how much more aware

with the changes and subtleties you are in your tank when testing alk daily.

If you're not, and growth and overall health is a goal for you, I would recommend giving

it a trial run yourself.

Additionally, we check calcium with the Red Sea Pro kit weekly, magnesium with the Red

Sea Pro Kit monthly, and nitrate and phosphate if we notice a color shift in the tank, or

abnormal algal growth.

On the BRS 160 we are running the Zeovit system, and it's pretty strict on certain parts

of maintenance, particularly water changes.

The 160 receives weekly water changes of 20 gallons, without fail.

Since Zeovit is more or less designed to control nitrate and phosphate in the tank, these water

changes are designed to replenish elements, rather than export nutrients.

We simply use a python water changer attached to our sink in the studio, to drain the tank,

and then use our water storage station to refill the aquarium.

Cleaning pumps is a pretty integral part of keeping everything running shipshape, and

extending the pump's life.

In our case, we clean them bi-monthly.

We use Tunze's citric acid mixed with RO/DI water generally mixed in a ratio of 1 tablespoon

to 8 oz of water, and soak the pumps in them over night.

This acidic solution softens and breaks down carbonate growth from precipitation, coralline,

and other encrusting algae, snails, or critters.

After a day you can simply use a brush to scrub off the deposits with ease.

As far as the various medias in the tank go, we really only utilize three different types.

First, is the most important part of the Zeovit system, and that is the Zeovit media.

It performs a large part of the filtration in the system, and needs to be replaced every

6-12 weeks depending on the tank's nutrient load.

We replace ours every 10 weeks.

Second, we replace another large component monthly, and that is the Zeovit Carbon.

The carbon is in place in the sump in a mesh bag and kneaded daily, around the same time

that we pump and shake the Zeovit reactor.

Lastly, is the roller mat filter roll.

This roll sometimes needs to be changed more or less depending on the amount of detritus

or particulate matter in the water column in a given time period.

In most cases however, we replace it every 2 to 3 months once it has been used up.

If you are interested in learning more about tank maintenance do yourself a favor and checkout

Week 42 of 52 weeks of reefing: Reef Tank Maintenance – 5 minutes a day can transform

your tank.

Don't forget answering your questions is what the 52 FAQ is all about on so ask us something

you want to know in the comments area below.

See you soon with the next 52 FAQ.

For more infomation >> FAQ #34: What does it take to maintain a 160 gallon reef tank like the BRS 160? - Duration: 4:05.


Chicken Pox!?!? | VLOG #132 - Duration: 26:07.

For more infomation >> Chicken Pox!?!? | VLOG #132 - Duration: 26:07.


R1 Warr: "Story of my WoW" | (Special Video) - Duration: 15:23.

Hi and hello everyone this is Chili speaking here.

And today I just wanted to make a quick update video.

That is the titles got fixed today meaning I got my Glad title, but at the same time it

appears that I would have gotten yet another R1 if I actually sat my raiting.

Because I heared that R1 cutoff was way lower then to be expected.

I will explain this why in a second and as well I wanted to share with you my short road of career as

a higlhy ranked WoW PvP & PvE player.

It is the story that I wanted to tell you a long, long time ago but the "Title issue"

and the "Arena Junkies" topic gave me back all the memories and reminded me more then

half of my life span story.

Ok, so let's begin by saying that It is not the first time I was about to lose my PvP


The story starts in (S6) when one of my close friend's friend Teqilowsky, introduced me

to the PvP scene In Wrath of the Lich King expansion.

He was a really good Resto/Elemental Shaman with high experience from private servers,

and then to put into contrast, I was somewhat decently geared PvE Wrrior with a lot of AP

stuff which was highly demanded back then, because yea it is the "Golden Era" of WoW

where PvE items actually mattered in PvP.

So again we tryharded a lot where Teqilowsky became my PvP tutor, just like a "Jedi Master",

you know.

Showing me my mistakes so they could be neglected and and increase my overall skill cap each


Just to recall I was in secondary school back day, meaning I had a lot of free time to be

spend, on nothing else but World of Warcraft.

We were playing a lot.

First I got 1.750 achievement, then 2k and finally I was struggling for the 2.2 one.

It was all going good untill a DK named Saub from my guild got the "Betrayer of Humanity".

A 2h axe from Kel'thuzad in 25man raid Naxxramas, that I was supposed to get, basically stole

my arena partner.

Next season (S7) the "Relentless", again I was playing somewhat round 2k, but it all

has finally changed in Wrathfull (S8).

So I successfully kept on slaying dragons to get even MORE gear.

I had the Death's Briner Will, and all that important stuff except Shadowmourne as I was

3rd in the queue for it and didn't manage to get it untill the next expansion.

I finally broke the limits of 2k experience and got the 2.4 raiting in 2's playing with

Greek Resto Druid named Marraxus, who was always playing from the internet cafe with

tons of background noise as u can imagine.

We were somwhere in the top of 2's ladder on our BG (among with another good Warrior

- "Robswife", playing the same comp).

Since the apetite comes with eating, It was not enough for me.

I started playing 3s where I also got around 2.4 as a TSG, where I had S2 weapon, and my

DK actually had Shadowmourne itself.

On top of that I started playing 5s as: Elemental, Warlock, Warrior, Holy Paladin and Discipline

Priest) where we got 2.3+.

So this season was huge for me, I got my "Duelist" title and gained tons of experience making

me ready to hit the next expansion, like never before.

New expansion, new hopes so I transferred to Auchindoun from Burning Blade and changed

factions at the same time, to Alliance, due to my raiding guild's requirements.

I was enjoying myself slaying dragons, untill I found I'm having less and less time to PvE.

Season 9 began with a fresh new 10v10 bracket, the hype was real and RBG groups started forming.

I had a pleasure to play as a Flag Carrier with the best team on our server leaded by

2 brothers - Orkoo (rogue) and Gila (boomkin) claiming the 1st new PvP title.

It was the season where firstly Fury, then Arms warriors became insane.

Also Swifty invented his fameous "One shot" macro.

As well as a season of huge diasspointment for me as I lost my 1st glad title, how you

may ask?

Well, let me tell you.

So I was playing TSG with some Paladin names I don't recall and a DK named Kohza.

After an OK 3v3 session on around 2.8mmr the DK asked me to give him the 3s leadership

for a second.

I was like "Yea sure" - I gave him the leader and guess what happened.

I got kicked out of the team where in my place surely a top warrior back then named Swack

was invited.

It drove me crazy, I can't deny it.

So in the end they managed to get Glad ofc, while I was sitting in the corner crying,

being teamless.

Time flies and so on, a new season 10 was there.

With a lesson from the past as well as new achievement to link in the trade channel - 2.7

one that is I was able to find new partners to do arenas with.

I managed to encourage R1 Wrathful Gladiator Warlock - Corrupter, to play with me.

I was really excited as I knew what that guy was able to do last season.

We played WLS with his shaman, and did pretty well.

I have to admit that I was carried hard back then.

I mean all I had to do is listen to do was listen to Corrupter's commands and tactics.

Season was about to an end, we had 2370, where 2420 was the Glad cutoff.

Again I was really exicted and motivated to claim the highly prestigous PvP reward, and

finally accomplish my goal.

So it was going really promising as you can guess untill Corrupter said he has fly to

Afghanistan on a mission, as he was in the Army.

Yea, basically said a farewell to him and my title, yet again.

Season 11.

I will begin by saynig that this was by far the hardest season for Warriors among with

S13, from what I recall.

So why is that again you may again?

Well the trick here was the RMP and RMD PvP dominated setups along with 3x DPS run by

Retri, Hunters and Rogues.

Where we had both legendaries for those teams avialble that is - the Legendary staff for

casters and Legendary daggers for rogues.

So I found a KFC team, playing with Skatilla and Holy Paladin named Kaco.

Even though warriros were in such a bad statement we managed to almost pull it off.

Why almost?

Listen carefully.

With all those triple dps and legenary "heroes" it was quite hard to climb the ladder.

We even managed to beat Hydra on his stream making us really proud, you couldn't probably

imagine back then.

Again my team was striving for the 3's title and did it's best to get them.

Were we successful?

No we weren't, but here's why.

So we had 2420 and cutoff was 2450, putting us 30 points behind.

Because of the wintrade actions in the 1st 7 teams out of 9 getting title, with Paladin

named Supapala being behind it, Blizzard has actually cared for the PvP community once,

and banned them all!

The only problem was that of course noone knew about it before the season end, meaning

all the teams kept playing - including us.

We lost some raiting and decided to remake the team and never climb that high again.

Now the funniest thing is that we actually could be rank 3 team on our BG.

I couldn't believe it back then, and even now I can still barely comprehend it.

So the battlegroup I was playing, and we are speaking of right now - is Vindication.

By many claimed the easiest, or one of the hardest BG's out there, why?

Well, there are two main reasons for that.

First we had very little gladspots as oppose to Rampage or Cyclone, and then because and

then because of it being considered as an easy group, we actually had tons of really,

really good players transfering there like Swack mentioned before.

And as you just heared we had many wintrading teams for the titles.


So all of these almost made me quit the game for good but a new expansion "Mists of Pandaria"

kicked in.

This time I said it's enough of this bullsiht and did transfer to Sylvanas server on Rampage

to claim my first Glad title.

With all the experienced gained even though I was gladless, I proved my worthy to the

PvP community and played with Zionsfall, in my opinion on of the best Hunters out there.

Warriors were really, REALLY strong putting us in a comp advantage above most of the teams.

We climbed and climbed the ladder, untill the momemnt that we were stuck for the rest

of the season.

I mean we got to around 2.6 and became, I don't wanna lie here, but somewhat around

5th team, meaning we could either farm lowbies or keep queuing into the best teams on our


It was Trille with Hividipenge (playing Kitty Cleave), Joes's WMD, Healingstats's & Bananasplit's

God comp + I belive Tunnelme's Enhancement - Destro team.

Which was a really though competition to summarise.

So it happened, there was this one afternoon where we got farmed by the WMD team and couldn't

break the raitings anymore.

I was offered by my teamates to transfer to another, yet "easier" Battlegroup and go for

the R1 shot instead.

Well as you can imagine, I just wanted my 1st glad title and didn't really care for

anything else - I simply denied them.

I was left in the team at exactly 2.5 raiting, while they were playing on a different server

already, making their road to R1.

The only thing left for me, was looking at my lonely team droppin' it's place in "Glad"

spots competition as the season was ending.

Imagine that I was the last - 22nd, again almost loosing it, by playing and dropping

the raiting unnecessarily.

Zionsfall and the paladin Deathrow - indeed got their R1 title with his team.

Another thing worth mentioning, is that I was actually playing 5's pretty hardcore again

- with Daiz, Healingstat, Banana and the Rest Druid named Flexxlol.

Getting us to R3 team where we couldn't beat Craze and Trillerbartom's R1 team.

Anyway, this was a very succesfull season for me, as I finally managed to get my glad


After which I transferred back to my "home" Auchindoun to keep raiding with the guild.

Then I pushed to the limits and claimed the R1 title with Elmezz and Pancake, actually

being the top KFC world, beating Bloodx's and others like it was no others business.

Also feeling confident enough I've decided to create this YT channel.

Next year I was the best Polish WoW player according to the website and became chosen

as a caster for Polish community at "2014 Arena Tournament" thanks to our Polish R1

Hunter Lapeane.

In season 15 I got ditched by Pancake for the R1 "Tyrranical Gladiator" Russian Enhance

scipter as well us interrupt hacker - ending our good relationship forever.

Also since I was forced to queue another comp I was a bit pissed to see a new warrior becoming

the "shiny star" named Jaime as I played with him the "Thunder Cleave" (he was the Elemental),

and then he rerolled Warrior, to proove how "easy" that class is and claimed season 15

"R1 title" with an interrupt hack.

So yea, gg.

We are coming slowly to an end but we have another interesting story, in the Warlord's

1st season.

So Arms warriors at the start were in a really bad state, but consistently getting buffed.

I decided to to switch "Fury", and started rocking it hard with an Enhance named Bakpao.

Believe me or not but in a single night we reached 2.6 being above the R1 cutoff.

Also to my surprise (because as we said Arms was bad back then) one of the harderst teams

we queued against was Zhrey's KFC.

So big props for making this shit work well at the high raitings.

As one of the "Turbo" originators I only queued that comp for the rest of the expansion to

claim titles.

Ok we are about to season end of Warlord's where I found new 3's partners, that is - Maggiesmith

and Snowtea to play our best.

We played this "Turbo" getting around ~2950 raiting at peak, and then dropping it to 2850

or so, making us far below R1 cutoff range, right?

So the next season monks weren't that strong so I started playing with Maggie and Resto

Druid named Sivax.

We were pushing the whole season hard, only to get disappointed as FUCK at the end.


As I got DDOS'd many times including the time I met Swack giving us no chance to get our

raiting back.

I have possibly lost my second R1 shot title there, but nevermind.

If it's not your fault then I trully apologize you Swack.

So even though the "bad" things happaned to me according to Swack.

I actually admire him for being one of the best Warriors out there.

He was for sure the person I was looking up to back in the days.

Since he was just incredible in what he did, also whenever he was absent I was allowed

to take his spot and play with E-heroes RBG team.

So this is what I'm thanful for.

Because in the end playing with the best and being a part of the team is an unforgetable


So now after all of this, I'm here - in Legion, where Blizzard made a mistake and "blessed"

us with Duelist titles.

By fixing the adressed issue I received a Gladiator title.

The whole situation with titles's distribution, as well as Arena Junkies's post.

Just reminded me of all the stories to my losses that almost made me quit the game.

Yes a game.

I know it's just a game, or is it?

It should be atleast, but I have spent so much time and put that much effort, yet only

being disappointed every next time I tried so hard.

So the moral of the story is - Don't be delusional and never give up because one day you will

get there anyway.

Therefore it is my pleasure to be helpful.

On behalf ot the occasion I would like to thank everyone that made the game fun to me

and kept me going through good, as well as bad stuff.

I wish you good luck in accomplishing your WoW and life goals, just like I did with mine.

Don't let your dreams fade away and remember that "cleaving - is believing".

See you on the arenas.

For more infomation >> R1 Warr: "Story of my WoW" | (Special Video) - Duration: 15:23.


A Musical Liddy Livetweets - Duration: 6:39.

For more infomation >> A Musical Liddy Livetweets - Duration: 6:39.


10 Awesome Things To Do in Reykjavik | Travel Better in... ICELAND! 🏙✈😊 - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> 10 Awesome Things To Do in Reykjavik | Travel Better in... ICELAND! 🏙✈😊 - Duration: 2:29.


P Steve Officiel - Bibo Pibo (Audio) - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> P Steve Officiel - Bibo Pibo (Audio) - Duration: 3:37.


Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI HIGHLINE Executive+ 105pk DSG Xenon, Navig - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI HIGHLINE Executive+ 105pk DSG Xenon, Navig - Duration: 1:33.


Volkswagen Golf Plus 1.2 TSI TRENDLINE 105pk DSG - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf Plus 1.2 TSI TRENDLINE 105pk DSG - Duration: 1:14.


Our Issues Milwaukee - January 21, 2017 (Part 2) - Duration: 12:21.

Welcome Back to Our Issues Milwaukee.

I'm your host Andrea Williams.

This morning, it's all about positive young people who are truly making a difference right

here in our community.

So many times, the negative things happening with today's young people is what gets the

most attention, but today our goal is to remind everyone that there are a lot of young people

doing great things right here in Milwaukee.

My next guest is Elizabeth Coggs who serves as the Regional Vice President for WestCare

Wisconsin, and beside her is Devin Davis, who is the President of the Youth Action Council

for Westcare Wisconsin.

Good morning.

Good morning.

It's a pleasure to be here.

Thank you both for being here.

Thank you.

And really, Elizabeth, we want to start off talking about WestCare Wisconsin and what

it is you do.

Yes, we do a lot of different things.

We work with young people in getting them job-ready and job placement, and a very active

youth action council.

We also are the only entity in the state that making low-income veterans home owners

out in the Woodlands area, a.k.a used to be The Meadows.

And so we're working out there.

We're doing community organizing.

We're doing youth services.

And we're also very strong in the Harambe neighborhood.

WestCare Wisconsin came to Wisconsin four years ago on the leadership of Dr. James White,

who has gone on to glory, and in his work he brought WestCare in to save Harambe Ombudsman


So when you look at Harambe Ombudsman program and WestCare Wisconsin, we have been in the

Harambe area for 50 years now.


Yeah, the Reverend Dr. James White was formerly the President and CEO of the Johnson Institute



And there is quite a bit of history there when you talk about WestCare.

Yes, there is.

Because the Harambe community mission and vision actually came about following the aftermath

of the riots that happened following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

And with that eruption, you spend 40 plus years rebuilding the Harambe community to

be what it is today, so it's good stuff that's happening there at WestCare.

So what i wanted to mainly talk about is the fact that you have young people like this

young man, who are really making a difference in the community.

How do you go about bringing them into the organization?

Well, Devin here came through WestCare through the Employ Milwaukee program.


We've been working with him and a variety of young people with job readiness, mentoring

and then placement with the Make Milwaukee Work contract that we have with Employ Milwaukee.


And he came in, and you see the dazzling smile.

Yes, yes.

And he has an awesome personality, and he has awesome, awesome skills.

And he just grew into a leadership role, becoming the President of the Youth Action Council.

I love it.

Now Devin, this is your chance to tell us more about yourself.

We hear how you kind of got involved, but what is it that you do at WestCare?

And the Youth Council, what is it that you guys do as a whole?


Well, I'm the president, of course you mentioned that.

What we try to do is bring about different initiatives that would help our youth that

don't have anything to do on the weekends, on Spring Break, Winter Break, Summer Break,

and we try to keep them out of trouble, keep them away from the violence, because I was

once like that too.

I was always into trouble about two years ago when I was 16.

And somehow I was able to make a turnaround.

Ms. Beth here, she helped me a lot.

She did a lot for me, and so did all the other employees at WestCare Wisconsin.

They showed us that they cared about us.

And so I was able to break free of the troubling shell I was trapped inside of, and I was able

to help them do great things, and they helped me do great things.

Yeah, and see when you talk about once being in that shell, what would you say, I know

you can't speak for other young people, but what would you say for those other kids who

we see and hear about on a daily basis who are in trouble stealing cars, whatever the

case may be, what is it that you think is maybe missing that we as a community can do

to help those kids as well?

Well, what we're missing is leadership, and we're missing people who can relate to those

problems that they were going through.

Like I said before, I was going through the same thing, but I saw things that made me

change my ways.

Things I didn't want to see.

I had no business seeing.

And you know it opened up a whole new chapter for me.

It made me realize and made me appreciate life more.

It made me appreciate others around me more.

I love that.

Thank you for sharing it.

And Elizabeth, there are several different programs that are set up to help meet the

needs of the community with WestCare Wisconsin.

You have what's called Face Forward, which is a juvenile justice re-entry program, and

that's sponsored by the Labor Department which is really important when you talk about young

people who may have made some mistakes and would like to have an opportunity to get on

the right track.


Exactly, exactly.

You know, we all deserve another chance, and I can think of being young and being old too,

making mistakes.

You know what i mean?

That is the truth.

Better preach, girl!

And you just gotta…I always think of Donny Mulkirkin, we...we...we get back up.

We fall down and we get back up.

That's right.

And that's what it's all about.

And we're doing some amazing work.

The young people are doing some amazing work, and just working with them.

You know, it takes a village, and we're all working together to break down those silos

to see how we can partner and have a greater impact in bringing a positive community in



Few of the other programs is community organizing, neighborhood improvement project.

family crisis prevention services, and something else that's really important when it comes

to young people, expelled students projects.

So it's just...

There's a lot of expelled students, and an idle mind is the devil's workshop, so we've

worked in the past to do cognitive behavior therapy, changed those behaviors, modified

them into what Mr. Devin is talking about here.


That's what it's all about.

And what's most important is your latest initiative because I saw this on the news and I thought,

well that is pretty amazing.

You guys, including President Devin here, you have what's called the Love Up, Lock Down

Public Safety Violence Prevention campaign.

tell us more about that and what you guys are doing within that campaign.

Well this campaign is based on, mostly based on the youth and how easy it is for the youth

to get to guns.

And even if you put a gun up, even if you put it on safety, it's still not safe.

What isn't lost can easily be found, and you know I try to remember that daily on a daily

basis, and I try to know...let others know that those who have guns, those who own guns,

to try to lock your guns up and keep them away from the young'uns.

And also to not use them when you have ill intentions, or don't run to a gun.

There's other ways to take your anger out.

Amen to that.

And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, they say that seven children die each day

in the U.S. from gunshot wounds, and just this last spring in Milwaukee a mother was

killed by her own two-year-old child.

And logically we all would think, well a two-year-old wouldn't be able to pick up a gun and fire

it, but obviously it is possible, so these are the type of scenarios that you're trying

to prevent.

Yes, ma'am.

So you guys are going door to door.

Yes, ma'am.

And you are not only handing out these gun locks, but you're kind of spreading this message.

What are you saying to people when you knock on their door?

Well we try to get our first point across which is to love up, lock it down.

Show some love for life.

And to...if you don't...even if you don't own a gun, if you know someone who owns a

gun, to keep it put up.

To keep it out of the way.

Keep it away from those with ill intentions on using them.

Yeah, so even like you could say a young person who knows their parents have a gun, they have

a little conflict in the street, they go back and get their parents' gun.

But if it's locked up and they don't have the key, then that's an incident that gets


Yes, ma'am.

And we even have our gun locks.

Comes with a key here.

We have our gun lock instructions on the inside.

And you guys give these out free.

Yes, ma'am.


Yes, ma'am.

I love that.

What is the response when you're knocking on doors and giving this message?

Most...most of the time it's a positive response.

We have had some complications with those who didn't want them.

They felt some type of way about the gun lock.

But that just influenced us to go harder and push more.

That's right.

I love it.

And this here program that...that we introduced is really been a blessing.

We've been doing some surveying with it, and I just kind of stand on the sideline and look

at them work.

I have been a little amazed sometime at the age group that is getting a gun lock, and

it's really made me say wow.

You know, wow.

And it is...comes from a grant from the Greater Milwaukee Foundation, and it is a pilot, but

it is been just an awesome footprint to put in the community.

All right.

I love it all, and that particular grant is the Reasons For Hope MKE Fund, and that came

about after the uprising in the Sherman Park neighborhood this past summer.

Just another example of all the great things that the Greater Milwaukee Foundation is doing.

We have quickly run out of time, but I just want to really thank you both.

Thank you.

For coming by.

And I'm guessing you brought me that.

And we brought you something.

We brought you a care package.

A WestCare package.

A WestCare package.

I love that.

So I get this gun lock.

Yes, ma'am.

And also a beautiful...

Ad we've been passing those bracelets out to...for the little ones to put on their wrists

that has that whole saying of Love Up, Lock It Down.

That said Lock Your Guns Down.

That's what it says.

Thank you both for coming by.

Thank you.

I really, truly appreciate you both, and you keep up the good work.

Yes, indeed.

Elizabeth Coggs is the Regional Vice President of WestCare Wisconsin and Devin Davis, he's

the President of the Youth Action Council for WestCare Wisconsin.

For more information on anything that we've discussed, you can logon to their website

at or call 414-372-4523.

That's going to do it for today's show, I'm your host Andrea Williams.

As always thank you for watching and I hope you join us again next week as we take another

look at Our Issues Milwaukee.

Have a great day.

For more infomation >> Our Issues Milwaukee - January 21, 2017 (Part 2) - Duration: 12:21.


2017 Bentley Continental GT V8 S convertible VS 2017 Mercedes AMG S63 Carbiolet - Duration: 4:28.

dad bought a new cadillac eldorado

convertible in 1976 GM touted it as the

last of the big dropped off a majestic

parting shot seemingly designed to

transport prom queen Grand Marshall and

ball hog types into an increasingly

dystopian gas ration future dress and

triple red with every option including

fuel injections automatic high-beam how

everything and a hard-on overrated boots

comedy at 18 dot seven-foot me too large

weight 5231 times and with motivated

finally named dr. Zee's rb8 underhood so

long you can't land and airbus a380 no

one can say that Cadillac left

convertible go gently into that good


what no one could have imagined back in

1976 was the big convertibles would

exist at all 40 years later too much

less 500 + HT chariot for the same

well-to-do neighborhood that Cadillac

one stone in a world of two dollars and

fifty cents gasp and ever growing stock

portfolios the parade car has returned

and using a big thirsty open-air sled to

clear I am reaching deserved it is again

possible without having to resort to the

classic car market after a four-decade

hiatus Mercedes back to building

full-size convertible save your letters

we re not counting the class-based

1993-95 cabriolet because it did not

achieve true fortresses in no dimension

except maybe build quality doesn't

measure up to this is class derived for


available in three flavors Merck has

convertible is a leather packed bulletin

squarely at the Bentley Continental GT

convertible constant updates has kept

the now 12 year old continental as

relevant to any car costing more than

two hundred dollars large incredibly be

admittedly when conducting a comparison

of cars this ludicrously expensive logic

is trumped by baser stuff Cadillacs

certainly Washakie thinking logically

when it built is a top two liter v8 just

as with old stars that grow so large

they collapse upon themselves Cadillac

500 cubic inch supergiant's in its final

year make just 190 horsepower 215 with

fuel injection and 350 pound feet of

torque numbers that Mercedes can now

match with a two dot one liter turbo

diesel but with two turbochargers and

more than 500 horsepower the modern v8

and certainly result that Cadillac



For more infomation >> 2017 Bentley Continental GT V8 S convertible VS 2017 Mercedes AMG S63 Carbiolet - Duration: 4:28.


President Trump takes over @POTUS Twitter feed from former President Obama - Duration: 1:06.

The President Trump Twitter handle is now live — and ready to roll.

Just as Donald Trump took the oath office in Washington on Friday, the @POTUS account previously held by Barack Obama now featured a photo of a stern-looking Trump.

55 photos view gallery

Donald Trump sworn in as 45th President of the United States

"45th President of the United States. Working on behalf of the American people to make our country great again," read the description on the social media page.

President Trump, who has relentlessly tweeted in recent years from his personal @realDonaldTrump account, has yet to post anything on the brand-new @POTUS page. The new President has said that he will continue to tweet from his personal account.

Trump's new White House Twitter page already has more than 3.5 million followers, and the numbers are climbing fast.

In addition, Melania Trump has taken over the First Lady @FLOTUS page from Michelle Obama. Mike Pence takes over the @VP account from Joe Biden.

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