КАК СОХРАНИТЬ СВОЮ ПСИХИКУ ЗДОРОВОЙ | Лев Вожеватов - Duration: 5:58.-------------------------------------------
3 тайных желания каждого мужчины! Что мужчина хочет от женщины - Duration: 12:00.-------------------------------------------
Wranglerstar and Gillette Toxic Masculinity - Duration: 8:04.so a lot of people have been talking about this new Gillette commercial that
is focused on toxic masculinity now you guys have probably seen this commercial
because it's playing absolutely everywhere and everybody's talking about
it right now but it basically features a lot of scenarios where there's guys
doing really crappy stuff and it has this message about how the culture needs
to change and then towards the end of the video it shows a bunch of guys
correcting other guys and really I'm trying to get them not to do those
things but also really emphasizing that message that right now kids are watching
little children are watching what the adults are doing and sort of your
behaviors gonna impact that next generation so this video has garnered a
lot of controversy it has gotten support from some folks it's being absolutely
trashed and vilified by others and I was actually just watching YouTube and I
watched a guy that I used to really like his videos and watched fairly regularly
Wranglerstar and he just posted a video about his point of view on it and I
gotta say I'm really disappointed here is take on the whole thing now now there
are a lot of really good reasons to be skeptical about this Gillette commercial
there's so many good reasons to be skeptical about a large corporation
practically animal that is using a major topical issue to garner attention and an
attempt to sell more products because at the end of the day whether you like the
message or you despise the message that you're less putting out there right now
the message is ultimate goal and ultimate measure of success is did it
help them sell more razor blades and now I know I might be a little bit cynical
because I used to work in the advertising industry but I really would
push you all to recognize the fact that corporations are driven by profit is
absolutely their ultimate goal particularly publicly traded
corporations they are driven to act in the benefit of their shareholders as
their primary concern that means that you know Gillette or the parent company
Procter gamble they are essentially trying to use the
issue to draw attention to their brand and in doing that draw potentially
favorability to their brand and drive sales forever and that that is a fact
but that issue alone wasn't enough to make me want to flip on the camera and
record this and post it it was really Wrangler stars awful awful take on the
subject that inspired me to do this you know Wranglerstar really got into
this idea of you know they are saying masculinity is toxic and oh look at this
ad they're you know trying to position things that men have been doing for
years as toxic and awful and they're saying masculinity in general is awful
and actually that's not what the message of the commercial was if you actually
wash it you actually pay attention you know recognize that there is a
difference between saying that there is toxic masculinity versus saying
masculinity is toxic there's two different things
toxic masculinity is a real thing it is a real problem and it's something that's
been going on for a lot of time and the fact that we as a society are just
starting to grapple with it I think is important to know and I personally hope
that it brings about some good change but it does make me say how insecure are
you to say that when you hear toxic masculinity you're hearing that idea
that masculinity is toxic there I mean there are plenty of things about
masculinity that are great and I hope still long continue but you know sexual
harassment sexual abuse bullying you know that type of a stuff isn't good and
so why would you want that to be an element of masculinity in the first
place and so if this whole rant about toxic masculinity wasn't enough to make
me say wait a minute why am I subscribing to this guy on YouTube you
know Wranglerstar then proceeded to make the whole commercial about race and
an assault on the white man and he even goes to that tire tire Lynam oh I've
worked with people of lots of different backgrounds and you know this softens
like I work with Chinese people and I work with Filipino people and I work
with people from Africa of anybody like how are you using that
as your definer of you not being a racist in fact I would argue that people
who are using that as their definer of not being racist are most likely a
racist most likely most likely now the commercial goes through a number of
different scenarios showing a number of different men both acting badly and
doing the right thing and correcting those who are acting badly it shows them
coming from a number of economic backgrounds and it shows them coming
from a number of racial backgrounds but for whatever reason the one scene where
there's a black guy who corrects the bad actions of a white guy and says hey dude
you shouldn't be doing that that was the scene that that absolutely
triggered Wranglerstar made him feel like he was under assault that term
snowflake gets kicked around an awful lot but you know what I've gotta say I
think it might actually be appropriate here look as a white guy I would like to
say to Wrangler star another white guy that we have historically the United
States of America is white guys been in a position of power and while we've been
on this trajectory as a society towards greater racial and gender equality or
far from there and I believe you should be using your position of privilege to
help those who may not have a voice and you shouldn't be using it to try to
preserve some sort of crumbling status Club look nobody likes to be scolded and
nobody likes to be called out for not doing the right thing but Wranglerstar
sorry I gotta say I don't think you did the right thing here I don't think your
message is helping us as a collective Society in fact I think it's hurting us
and making it more divisive you come from a position of power like it or not
you have more than a million subscribers on YouTube there are a lot of people who
listen to what you say on a regular basis and if you use that platform and
you use that voice to to try to drive greater wedge amongst people in society
I gotta say shame on you dude come on you better than that I mean the only
reason I'm even making this video because I feel this connection in Kenya
with you from watching your videos over the years and I I actually found you to
be one of those people that really motivated me to get up off the couch and
change my life and move out to the middle of nowhere and try to start a
farm and and you using your voice in this way it just disappoints me it
doesn't it doesn't bring good to the world and so I really wish you'd get
back to showing me which $9 axe on Amazon actually works the best and and
get out of this mindset where everybody's against you as the white man
in society it's kind of ridiculous and I just think it makes you look foolish if
you want to have a conversation about this - I'd be happy to and I'm not
talking you know doing it over comments or whatever I'm talking about having a
real conversation because it just as a fan it disappoints me and I know you'll
probably write me off and I write this off and you probably wouldn't even see
this video and you're a couple of your fans will see it call me some dumb
social justice warrior but believe me I'm furthest thing from it I'm just a
guy who's out here trying to say to you man you gotta use your platform for good
you've got to use your platform to make this world a better place and I think in
the message you're really starting to spread more and more about this weird
persecution complex that you have you're not doing that and in fact I think
you're making the worst place it disappoints me
Проверь свои отношения! 5 сценариев любви, какой из них твой? - Duration: 11:33.-------------------------------------------
ПРАВДА ЛИ, ЧТО ДЕНЬГИ ПОРТЯТ ЛЮДЕЙ? ЗАДУМАЙТЕСЬ О ТОМ, КАК ВЫ ОТНОСИТЕСЬ К ДЕНЬГАМ - Duration: 10:03.-------------------------------------------
นิรันดร์ feat.PALMY - bodyslam「Official MV」 - Duration: 5:40.-------------------------------------------
Как познакомиться в интернете с успешным мужчиной - Duration: 10:07.-------------------------------------------
Good Morning, Polar Night (yukkedoluce) /ダズビー COVER - Duration: 5:08.-------------------------------------------
bruce & selina — silhouette. (+5.03) - Duration: 2:32.Unlike you,
I know who I am.
She's not that kind of girl.
I don't need anyone to tell me.
You scared, Bruce?
Of course I'm scared.
He almost killed you.
Why'd you do it?
I'm gonna do it MY way.
You wanted to do it, too.
You just didn't have the guts.
You sided with them.
Who's side are you on, Bruce?
I won't lose you.
I'm not yours to lose.
Everybody got out.
You didn't.
I had a reason to stay.
There's a line, Selina.
Selina, drop the gun.
I guess that's where we're different then.
That's not true, we're the same!
In what universe are we the same?
Mistletoe can be deadly if you eat it.
But a kiss...
Can be even deadlier if you mean it.
There isn't a single part of Bruce Wayne's life that we don't know about.
His joys.
His disappointments.
We do this together, Selina. That was the deal.
You didn't have to hurt him like that.
He was trying to kill me, Bruce.
So as far as I'm concerned...
He got off easy.
What are we waiting for?
ANAVY Intimate - Nové látkové vložky / ANAVY Intimate - new cloth pads - Duration: 3:27.
Hello, I'm Ivana, the founder of Anavy.
And today, I would like to show you a new product,
this time, something for women.
A brand new type of cloth pads.
These new pads are incredibly thin and comfortable
and stay perfectly in place thanks to the unique
hourglass shape, providing real security.
Wider front and back provides better protection
than the usual straight shape.
Also the wings are now slimmer so they
are not bulky after snapping on underwear.
We used water repellent fleece for the back
the top facing your body is made of 100% cotton.
Like all our products, the pads come in beautiful prints.
The pads are fastened with snaps, as usual,
but there has been one change, though.
These snaps are very flat, so you will barely feel them.
The pads are available in 5 sizes,
that vary in length and absorbency.
The shortest and thinnest SLIP pad is 19 cm.
The largest and most absorbent NIGHT PLUS pad is 30 cm.
The snapped width is the same in all sizes.
The smallest pad is really thin,
you will barely notice it.
is very absorbent
and provides excellent protection during the night.
Another novelty are these practical pouches
that the pads will be sold in.
We do not use any single use packaging, that everyone
throws away immediately, so we have been thinking
about a way to package the pads nicely and safely
without using any paper boxes or plastic bags.
The result is this pouch, that solves two issues:
it serves as a perfect sales packaging
as well as an essential
everyday accessory for the pads.
The pouch is large enough
for two pantyliners or day pads
or for one night pad.
The pad is made of waterproof fabric
and it is very easy to open it.
When out and about, you can use it to store a clean pad
and after you change, the used pad
and carry it discretely in your purse until you get home.
We recommend a wetbag
to store the pads before washing.
The perfect solution is our size S wetbag.
The pads are then washed on 60 degrees,
in your favorite washing detergent.
You can line or tumble dry the pads.
For line drying, you can save space
by snapping the pads in a chain like this.
You can also iron the pads, if you like to,
but only from the print side,
because the fleece would melt.
If you have any questions or comments,
write us an e-mail at obchod@anavy.cz
and we will be glad to help you.
Thank you for watching this video and keep following
our social media because we will announce
a giveaway very soon!
See you in a next video!
🎮ИГРОВЫЕ ПРИКОЛЫ №108 [18+] THE BEST GAME COUB | Баги,фейлы - Duration: 10:11.-------------------------------------------
【 志祺七七 】爸媽進軍IG啦!暨臉書逃亡浪潮後,身為小孩的我們到底要不要按下追蹤...? - Duration: 7:00.-------------------------------------------
Michael Strahan is Jealous of Tom Brady's Super Bowl Wins - Duration: 6:39.-I want to start by asking you this.
Obviously, a lot of attention was paid to the fact
that when Clemson went to the White House,
they were served fast food.
You commented on this on "Good Morning America."
You had something to say to those players.
-You know, I said -- You know what?
I watched the game.
Everybody expected Alabama to win.
What a great win for Clemson. Dominating.
You go to the White House and you get burgers?
Like, you get fast food? -Yeah.
-So, I was thinking, you know what?
I would buy those kids lobster, man.
They deserve a great meal. -Yeah.
-For a great game, for a great season.
-Did you ever -- Have you ever --
Were you ever lucky enough to have a meal at the White House?
Did you ever? -Oh, we won the Super Bowl.
I got -- [ Cheers and applause ]
Yeah. Thank you. Thank you.
-Famously. Famously.
-We stacked it with Giants fans. Thank you very much.
[ Cheering ]
But when we won, I had already made plans
for, like -- for an event. -Yeah.
-And they made the day that we went to the Super Bowl
the same day as the event, and I was trying to be
a man of my word, so I skipped the White House
so that I didn't upset the people who I committed to.
-Sure. That makes sense. -Yeah.
-Do you know what the Giants were served?
Did you hear?
-I have no idea, but it wasn't fast food.
-Yeah, no -I can tell you that.
It was better than that, man. But I was --
I just saw this meme the other day, which I loved.
It was the President dressed up like a Hamburglar.
I don't know if you saw that. -Yeah.
-And it said, "I'm gonna make Taco Bell pay for it."
[ Laughter ]
In front of all the burgers, and I'm like, that's --
-That's good. -Internet's undefeated.
-That's some good meme work.
So, this is a very -- Obviously, it seems as though
we ended up with the four most exciting teams this weekend.
Would you say that's true?
-We have the four best offenses in the league.
I think it's the first time ever the four best offenses.
-Highest-ranked. -Highest-ranked have made it
to this point in the season. It's gonna be exciting.
People like points. -Yeah.
-Like, now, they don't want to see defensive guys,
like myself, hit quarterbacks anymore.
-Yeah. -Now you touch one --
boop! -- flag. -Absolutely.
Absolutely. It's tough.
I mean, I grew up -- You know, and I want
to talk about being a Steeler fan,
but this was -- much like the Giants,
these were often teams built on defense.
This is a different era we're living in right now.
-It's a different era.
You have to be able to score 30 points a game to win.
But I do think the best defense of all four of these teams
is probably the Saints. -Yeah.
-Yeah. Probably the Saints.
It's funny. People say, "Who's gonna win?"
I think the Saints are hard to beat in New Orleans.
Just hard to beat. On any other game,
Kansas City, talent-wise, is the better team,
but for some reason, it's like Brady and Belichick
have this voodoo on you. -Yeah.
-It's amazing that they keep winning.
I'm like, "How does this happen?"
-Well, it's hard when you have more talent if the other team
made a deal with the devil. Like, that is --
[ Laughter ]
-Can't win, man. -Historically --
And I say this -- I want to make it clear
that I -- I -- all my criticisms of the Patriots
comes from a place of deep jealousy.
Like, I want them to know I'm being petty
because I want what they have.
You played against Tom Brady,
and now who's just an absolutely lovely guy.
It breaks my heart to say that. [ Laughter ]
You are partnering with him on a sports media company.
What's it like sitting across from Tom Brady in a meeting?
-It's great. It's not as comfortable
as laying on him on the football field.
-Yeah. [ Laughter, cheers, applause ]
But it's great. You hit it on the head.
When we're on the field, we are like this, man.
-But when it's over, it's the ultimate respect.
I have so much respect for him,
and to be in this situation that he's in now,
and as many Super Bowls that's he's been in
in his career, I'm jealous.
Took me 15 years to get to two. -Yeah.
-And lose one. This guy's been in --
He's won like five, and he's been in like eight
or something like that.
-He goes to Super Bowls in the summer.
[ Laughter ]
He has extra Super Bowls that are happening --
-I got some spare time. Let me go to a Super Bowl.
But the guy, he's absolutely amazing.
He's a great business partner, because as hard as he works
to be a great football player,
he works that hard off the field, as well,
in our business, which is called Religion of Sports,
and we do all these great documentaries
and a lot of branded content.
We did "Tom versus Time," was something we did last year,
but we followed last season for him because he is 41 now.
-Yeah. -Like, the clock is ticking.
But this guy continues to defy age.
-Yes. He is a well-made clock.
It's a bummer. -But there's nothing
like hitting a quarterback like Brady, man.
-Yeah. -Whoo! Gisele, I see why, girl.
I see why! [ Laughter and applause ]
-Just contact. How --
It seems -- If there was a positive in the Giants' season,
and there were a few, Saquon Barkley.
-Yeah. -There was some criticism.
How do you not take a quarterback
in last year's draft? It seems like this is a pick now
that you can stand by and say this was the right choice.
-You can stand by and say he was the right choice.
I mean, the kid is phenomenal.
And the quarterback, it's a hit-or-miss thing.
I think he was pretty much a hit from the beginning.
-Yeah. -You knew what you were getting.
This year, there are not as many quarterbacks in the draft,
but I do think you can find somebody, possibly,
to sit behind Eli most of the year.
-And hopefully maybe free agency or something like that.
But I think if you protect Eli, he can get you far enough
to blend somebody else in to take over eventually.
-I'm heartbroken. We talked a little backstage.
The Steelers had a year --
Any time they don't make the playoffs, I'm very sad.
I'm sad most of the time if they don't win a Super Bowl.
But they had this drama with Le'Veon Bell all year.
Finally get past it, and now there seems to be
this new drama with Antonio Brown.
There's been no player I've enjoyed watching more
in the last decade on the Steelers than him.
-Yeah. -But this seems --
Is it safe to say this is a marriage
that is not going to end well?
-I think if you're gonna root for Antonio Brown,
you'll be rooting for another team.
'Cause I just don't think he's gonna be there next year.
Too much of a distraction. -Yeah.
-And they've had enough of it with Le'Veon Bell,
and he decided he didn't want to come back,
and they kind of moved on.
Too much to do that year after year
and expect your team to compete.
-Were wide receivers always like this?
-They're divas, man! -Yeah.
[ Laughter ] Even in your era.
-Like, you know, and that's why you need a player on the team
who can go up and grab them and say, "Hey, get it together."
-Yeah. -You know, "You got to
get it together. You're hurting us."
-The problem is, Antonio's so fast, he's impossible to grab.
[ Laughter ]
Even when they try to grab him and tell him that, voom!
-You lock the locker-room doors, he ain't going nowhere.
[ Laughter ]
-Well, I'll be heartbroken to see him leave,
but it certainly doesn't seem very positive right now.
Always great to see you. -Always, my friend!
-Thank you for being here.
Funny Babies Drink Fails - Fun and Fails Baby Video - Duration: 10:34.Hello everyone! Thanks for watching! Wait to see more new video everyday on Fun and Fails!
Princess Charlotte's last name: Things you didn't know about the princess - Duration: 3:41.-------------------------------------------
Penn & Teller Show Off a Poker Game Card Trick - Duration: 4:01.-You're going to be at the Rio at least until 2022,
which is incredible.
-They reupped us. We are -- You --
You were a little bit wrong in your introduction.
-Not the longest-running headliners in Vegas,
but the longest-running headliners in Vegas history.
-Oh, gotcha, the history part. [ Cheers and applause ]
I missed the history. -And now --
And now we're going longer if we can get over one problem.
-What's the problem?
-We're playing Vegas,
and we have the Penn & Teller Theater --
it's at the Rio --
but Teller has a gambling problem
that we're trying to deal with. -Oh.
And Teller has the worst gambling problem
you can have in Vegas... -Okay.
-...which is Teller always wins. -Oh, yeah.
-And the casino does not want him there.
So we told them we'd come on the show tonight
and we would lose in a hand of poker to you --
Teller would lose... -Okay.
-...and then we would have our contract up through 2022.
-Great. -So, all you got to do --
You know how to play poker, right?
-Sure. -You won Celebrity Poker.
-Yes, the lowest level. -Yeah, remedial poker.
[ Laughter ] -Yeah.
-And, so, we're gonna have you do just one hand of poker.
All you got to do is win. -Okay, great.
-And don't do -- We're not gonna use --
See, this one -- We can't use these cards.
Do you know how to check for marked cards?
-No. -You don't?
-It's called "going to the movies."
-And what you do is you flip the cards.
If I can get this right on the camera --
You flip the cards,
and if anything moves around on the back --
can you see that? --
anything moves around on the back...
[ Laughter ]
...that means the cards are marked.
-Gotcha. -'Cause if they were uniform,
you'd see nothing there. -Right.
-So we're not using --
Also, you have these two aces on the bottom, ace on the top.
These are how to do bottom deals and...
-Okay, gotcha. -So, we're gonna...
We want to be sure he loses here.
-All right, great.
-So, we've got a deck of cards that is harder to palm.
-Now, my hands are bigger than Teller's,
and I don't think that I would be able to palm these.
-Okay. Gotcha. -And so, we'll use --
we'll use these.
And, you know, actually,
if he handles them, he could still do --
so why don't you just count off 10 cards?
-All right, 10 cards? -Two hands of poker.
-Okay. -Yeah.
-All right.
-Just -- No, no, no, right on top of each other.
-Okay. Gotcha. 1, 2, 3? -Okay, yeah.
-4, 5, 6... -Yeah.
-...7, 8, 9, 10.
-Oh, now, give me -- give me those.
-Okay. Gotcha. There you go.
-You got to get rid of these. -Thank you.
[ Laughter ] -And what we're gonna do is --
all you got to do is win a hand of poker...
-Great. -...and we'll be fine.
Then we have to -- we get the whole deal there.
-All right. -Here we go.
He's gonna deal them out here.
And, actually, I don't feel good about Teller dealing.
-Okay. -I don't feel good about that.
So why don't you tell -- He dealt this one to you
and this one to him. -Okay.
-But you tell us -- which one do you want?
Do you want to go with the one he dealt you?
-I'm gonna take Teller's. -Okay.
Pull that over for yours... -Okay, great.
...and put that over for Teller. -All right.
-Now this next one,
you'll pick either of the two cards you want.
We're gonna put two cards down. -Okay.
-Pick either one. Which one do you -- Which one --
-This one. This one. -Okay. Pull that one over.
-All right, great. -Pull that one over.
Now, we'll give you another chance.
Pull -- Pick the one you want for this one.
-I'll take this one. -Okay.
-All right? -Okay. Okay. Those two work.
Now, this one for Teller -- these will be the stinky ones.
Pick the worst card here. Put that over in Teller's pile.
-That's one's the worst card. -Put it in Teller's pile.
-All right. There you go. -Yeah.
Now we'll give another bad one for Teller.
-Now, you're making all the choices.
-Okay, gotcha. So that's a bad one for Teller right there.
-Bad one for Teller. -I'll put it over in Teller's.
-Right there. Good. -There we go.
-And we'll do another good one for you.
-Okay. I'll take this one as the good one.
-Good. Take it. -All right, great.
-Now do another bad one for Teller.
-That's the bad one right there.
-Okay, put it right over there. -All right. There we go.
-And now we're gonna do something
that's never been done... -Okay.
-...'cause you got to win, Seth.
Look at your cards. -Okay.
-'Cause you're gonna decide what card you want.
-You got two cards to choose from here.
What do you got here? You got a...
-Okay. -...9 of hearts, king of spades.
-All right. -Which do you want?
-I'm gonna take the 9 of hearts.
-You're sure? -Yes.
-You had a choice, now, on every card that went there.
-I had a choice. Okay. -Okay, all you got to do is win.
-Okay. -And what does that end --
What do you end up with there? -I have a very strong hand.
I have a -- I have a full house. -Oh. 9s back with aces.
[ Cheers and applause ] -Yeah. Yeah.
-Yeah, there's no way. -Yeah.
-Okay. We'll be able to do -- 'cause Teller doesn't even --
yeah, he doesn't have two that match --
doesn't even have a match. -Okay.
-They're -- They're -- They're all different.
It's just a royal flush.
[ Laughter ]
-[ Laughs ] [ Cheers and applause ]
So, um...
we'll be -- we'll be in Vegas,
but probably at the David Copperfield Theater.
-Yeah, probably. -I don't know.
-Give it up for Penn & Teller, everybody!
[ Cheers and applause ]
【韓国旅行】チーズたっぷり!チーズマクチャン(ホルモン)が本気で美味しい!おすすめ!【モッパン 】 - Duration: 14:22.-------------------------------------------
【サーカスTCに薪ストキャンプ】瀬戸内海での正月【後編】 - Duration: 14:01.New Year in Setouchi【The latter part】
Osumikaihin park camp ground Ehime Prerecture
A very pleasant place where you can see the islands of "Seto Inland Sea" and "Shimanami-Kaido"
I also visited in the spring three years ago
April 2016
The wind is strong
"Shikoku Karst" came three years ago
I was planning to stay a tent at the campsite
Because of the strong wind, I remembered that I was staying in the car
It's okay here
This area is famous for the oysters that grew up in the Seto Inland Sea
Japanese eat a lot of rice cake in New Year
It is "OSHIRUKO" which contains rice cake in sweet boiled beans
What sound?Trumpet shell?
"YAMABUSHI" People austere training in mountains
Let's eat
Hair seems to disturb camera shooting
Развивающие песенки с Сина и Ло - Автобус - Детские песенки - Duration: 14:45.-------------------------------------------
Trois B - Restaurant de boulettes - PARIS 19 - Duration: 1:58.-------------------------------------------
Poszukiwany mężczyzna, który zaczepiał dzieci w B-stoku - Duration: 2:24.-------------------------------------------
ZULA'YA GELECEK YENİ SİLAHLAR !! ( M249 & GYROJET ) - Duration: 1:55.-------------------------------------------
Australian Open: Tennis world in meltdown over Alex de Minaur's performance against Rafael Nadal - B - Duration: 5:13.-------------------------------------------
If You Are Happy & You Know It |+More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - Emmie The Elephant | BabyToonz - Duration: 2:40.If You Are Happy & You Know It |+More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - Emmie The Elephant | BabyToonz
BioFitCaps Funciona? Suplemento Para EMAGRECER - BioFitCaps - Duration: 2:08.-------------------------------------------
羽賀研二受刑者と元妻逮捕、賠償逃れ偽装離婚の疑い - 事件・事故 : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 4:16.詐欺などの罪で服 中の元タレント羽賀 二受刑者(本名・当 美喜男=57)が1 日、再び逮捕された 詐欺被害者への賠償 免れるため、元妻に 産を譲渡したように せかけたとして、沖 県警は18日、羽賀 疑者と元妻の当真麻 容疑者(41=会社 員)を、強制執行妨 と電磁的公正証書原 不実記録の疑いで逮 した
県警は賠償を免れる めの偽装離婚だった 能性もあるとみて、 付けを進めている。 捜査2課によると、 賀容疑者と麻由容疑 の逮捕容疑は、羽賀 疑者の不動産に強制 行がかかると予期し 2人は共謀し、17 1月11日、法務局 麻由容疑者に所有権 移転して譲渡したよ に装った疑い
県警は2人の認否は らかにしていない。 羽賀容疑者は13年 実刑6年の判決を受 、沖縄刑務所に収監 のところを逮捕され 。麻由容疑者は羽賀 疑者の家政婦だった 、06年に結婚
不動産管理会社の代 で、沖縄・北谷の自 で逮捕された。不動 は沖縄本島中部にあ た。2人は戸籍上は 婚しているが、県警 賠償を免れるための 装離婚だった可能性 あるとみている
羽賀容疑者は01 、大阪市の知人男性 、医療コンサルタン 会社の未公開株を実 の3倍の価格で買わ 、代金など計3億7 00万円をだまし取 、返済を求められた め、06年に元プロ クシング世界王者ら 共謀し、男性を脅し 請求を断念するよう ったとして詐欺と恐 未遂の罪に問われた
羽賀容疑者は法廷で 罪を主張し、1審の 罪判決から2審で逆 有罪判決となり、1 年に最高裁が上告を 却。懲役6年の実刑 決が確定した。 被 男性が羽賀容疑者に 約3億9000万円 返金を求めた訴訟で 、大阪地裁が16年 0月に全額支払いを 令
大阪高裁は17年5 、1審判決を支持し 羽賀容疑者の控訴を けていた。 今回の 件は、被害男性の関 者が県警に相談し、 覚した。 ◆羽賀研 (はが・けんじ) 961年(昭36) 月21日、沖縄県生 れ
81年デビュー。8 年からフジテレビ系 笑っていいとも!」 いいとも青年隊で人 に。NHK大河ドラ 「北条時宗」(01 )にも出演。90年 に梅宮アンナと交際 ペアヌード写真集も 売したが、約5年で 局
アンナが借金を肩代 りしていたことも明 かになった。身長1 3センチ。血液型B
FO4 Review - Tiền Vệ Radja Nainggolan TT | Arturo Vidal TT | N'golo Kante TB - Duration: 10:05.Đừng quên Like và đăng ký kênh của mình để cập nhật được những Video mới nhất nhé! Cảm ơn tất cả các bạn!
For more infomation >> FO4 Review - Tiền Vệ Radja Nainggolan TT | Arturo Vidal TT | N'golo Kante TB - Duration: 10:05.-------------------------------------------
SS-N-27 '클럽-K' ...北 발사한 단거리 미사일, 컨테이너로 변신? - Duration: 14:44.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> SS-N-27 '클럽-K' ...北 발사한 단거리 미사일, 컨테이너로 변신? - Duration: 14:44.-------------------------------------------
AUREVOIR LES ALLEMANDES, L'INFINITI Q50 HYBRID V6 MET TOUT LE MONDE D'ACCORD ! - Duration: 17:38.friends, what is interesting is that (the sound of the 364 hp V6 engine)!
here in a few seconds we wait the 130km / h is impressive!
the raises are perfect, with 546 Nm of torque, acceleration from 0 to 100 km / h in 5.4 seconds
250 km hour in max speed and 364 horses that's the performance
of this infiniti 50 s sport
Here is the infiniti Q50 but it's not
any Q50 is Q50 s the hybrid version of 364 horses and
especially a gasoline engine of a v6 that develops 364 horses associated with a
small electric motor that gives some small performances and
sensations will follow me to the old like at mercedes and americans
here the handbrake like this I start contact
and there you hear a little bit the v6 noise
good friends I took advantage of the port of perros guirec (Brittany) to show you a
little bit his rims the rims of 19 inches 245 40 they are big rims
really and maybe it's a disadvantage in the braking of
braking endurance because the car still makes more than 1800 kg
hybrid cars necessarily there is the battery weight go it's gone on
continue the road trip in Breton jack and Greek rose
the big surprise friends is at 8 liters to 100 necessarily but 709 km
autonomy is still not bad for a v6 alas the full of
voice about 60 euros gold friends I was wrong about the
car she does not 1800 did more from 1900 which will house the 1930 kg yes that
weighs it starts to weigh 1 for a sedan of this category that
will necessarily compete head-on German ie the mercedes
class c the bmw series 3 and audi a4 and why not the latest volvo
volvo s60 who are also of the same category in premium sedan category
premium so actually there is the competition on this niche and infiniti
qx56 streets still not bad since it offers a motorization
noble a 6 cylinder a v6 to be more precise a hybrid v6 had worry
an electric motor that propels 3,164 horses 0 to 100 hang in 5
seconds 4 ea Latin easily the 250 km hour here is powerful efficient
efficient anyway since we arrive at an average conso two roughly 8
hundred liters if you have the foot very very very hard on the accelerator
but you can easily overcome the 10 liters to the hundred but cons
you still have beautiful sensations with this pretty infiniti that
50s hybrid sport here in sport finish premium
technology we are on 62 thousand euros know that price bar prices
with good dad badly of equipment and the goods optioned this car to 52 thousand
euros as much to tell you that it stays a very very nice case on the sector
premium sedans a German gets will pay easily 8000 euros more expensive
with maybe a 4-cylinder hybrid so it's not really noble as
motorization here you have a real premium sedan with a noble engine
certainly the technology is below what could we expect the Germans
do better of course then the dog here wonders why the car
do not make noise look at her attitude and well yes my little guy this is
a hybrid it does not make you go there we leave again
go get a Breton creperie Guys go I think it's parra
if you have then you have a adaptive cruise control
you have a lot of things as much you say yes the German competitors
even volvo today propose good teams that are still a little
more superior especially here with a gps which seems a little outdated at the level of
the display and largo nomi sweets at the true even a central double screen
and you still have a beautiful interior presentation that really
worthy of a premium finish and it's also a real alternative and ben face
to the Germans then actually the Germans we will count ten thousand
even fifteen thousand euros more expensive for the same benefits
the finishes may be in below from audi pasco says these are
the best actually in terms of finish that was perceived but one
has the advantage if inside this infiniti to have if you want a
presentation that differ and that seems much more fluid of the shot much
more profiled than the Germans if you do you want to have some counterports
leather that are really very very good nicely designed you have to
aluminum here it is really between chic and sport
this infiniti of 50 and especially with this v6 gasoline engine
2 2 364 ch vote press you on the pedal
that's just happiness and today for 50000 euros
is a german able to do that I do not believe and besides
I think the Germans in hybrid are not even in motorization v6
but only in 4 cylinders so it's a crush really
for the motor side and sensations and especially at a premium finish at the
height unfortunately the sunroof emmanuel yeah it will avoid breakdowns
electric but hey it's still
when really nice years she was able to be called engine and engines
gasoline and we have a cost enough impressive in stimulus 546
newtons-meters it's really very nice to double revive the
evian car there are phases acceleration we are really stuck to
seat 13 may - but it's a real pleasure whether on highway
and even in town actually it's a pleasure in everyday life means that the
car is here on the road you go activate the mode this is the mode
sport to make you happy and here is the car is still pretty
nice especially on the reminders you really hear the engine the if
a long time anyway yet the exit exhaust is not really
work but we hear it and that's it that pleases every acceleration
the deal then you have that's the way eco mode if you want and you have
the standard mode but the eco mode if you want to favor rather the
here are the reminders on the engine electric is in view as much tell you
that it is practically feasible to drive 30 km / hour only in electric and
that's really the most zen side of the car with the logo is transformed into
in devil with the v6 engine and then behind a very economical car with
his electric motor he in town makes really the job since clearly she
she can really ride in electric you really have to measure well
the accelerator to just enjoy the full potential of the engine
electric it's here it stays that that remains a small electric motor with
some small batteries placed in the trunk
but behind that you really have the approval of an electric car
and then behind when you need you accelerate you had and motor
thermal the v6 of 375 horses is triggers and there you really have this
side is the pleasure to the ear that sounds and that's really positive to
all levels it's a real pleasure clearly to roll over 50
ben brik here are the friends the challenge it is to enter alone a safe
must say that the safe it is a bit small for the category
necessarily if a hybrid car 400 liters of cargo volume so
necessarily it reduces a little capacity in load volume necessarily but
we will be able to fit everything interior
see that he is very very deep nothing hop alas here it's the batteries in
a whole battery of batteries that allows to benefit from the engine
electric I repeat myself with the electric but
finally hybrid mode there is mode electric
it's really nice the stage side the side is silent we do not hear the
engine is really great we salute herself played with the day j
reloading costs curb the white gauge thing that allows
precisely the power gain that you have theirs unfortunately this little game
lasts only a few kilometers after necessarily batteries run out a
little and so suddenly it's the engine electrical that resumes I will try
to make you see a little bit of all this here it is here you see we are sure we
arrives at the battery reserve she is very very limited that's the damage
it would be interesting on the future hybrid cars that's really
to really develop this this battery a bigger battery has more
mileage capabilities that would allow really to take more pleasure and
I'm not really a fan of all-electric cars but the
hybrids for me that's really the future the automotive future rather
electric we put everything on the electric it does not really work
autonomies that are 400 km autonomy
here you still have more than 700 km autonomy and especially in case of failure
electric in case of battery failure down you still have the cayla engine
which makes it possible to compensate for this breakdown
and here is always an alternative for me it's really the future it takes
really that builders are betting on this kind of car the hybrids
for me it's still his place unfortunately governments do not
prejudges any more this kind of car they are really focus and only
on the electric it's my little shot mouth and it really should be here
governments are moving to can do something about
hybrid cars already the bonuses to the broken
crimes to buy on cars hybrids should be increasing and
not down and builders too would be favored to develop more
this hybrid technology here by against what is practical with a
hybrid actually on deceleration braking phases
aaaliens all the energy that comes feed if you want it to be in
braking phase really just game decelerates there comes all the energy of the
car comes to power if you want the batteries so there the batteries are
full almost nothing of the recharge
but on the other hand that's when these are unloaded it allows precisely
load them correctly here you go the gasoline engine has resumed but know
that there is for a kilometer I rolled as I just lead you the
see I roll in electric issa desire young people consume it's rocard office that
that's the problem is that it's so sensitive that as soon as I want
accelerate rap I switch to engines thermal and there I consume necessarily
a little more yes to go down
so sometimes friends can that be can you happen to a sensor by
example to the advanced before who walk not and suddenly you can not put
regulator and adaptive regulator you have our solution it's these
limiters simply you limit your speed what do you want the blow the
TV wrongly this block I myself 1 131 davidas blocked at 131 against that
need to always have your foot on the accelerator but it can be a
alternative on a lot of things here in particular to a dysfunction of
sensors on the regulator or any you simply do not have a regulator
exactly the limiter it can be nice and it can be practical as big
just made me a safe path and like you can see it at steady speed
at 130 kilometers an hour I have a score of 7.5 7.7 liters per cent
of consumer to know that can be amazed some as a yes that's
maybe a consumption certainly a little elevated to you but know when
even we have a v6 engine of 3,164 horses under the hood and that necessarily
regards a little bit so you have to know for the little story that this v6 this six
cylinders in line is precisely you engine of the famous engine of the nissan
370z a sporty car the tiber of the v6
listen anyway if it's fun to still have a v6 combines an engine
electric here you are either turn into a super-economical car or
if not a sportier car with this v6 who still sings despite
that he is still frustrated we still hear 6 1 the product
is located in the towers from 2500 turns or 3000 turns it sings a lot
still and that's nice in a car
of today then the problem actually like all hybrids
the problem is when you are at 130 km on the highway
well finally it's just the engine thermal that just act on
the transmission and blow the engine electric it recharges via the motor
thermal and suddenly bah we have a battery that plate full by here
you can see it a same here on this nice graphic see
that the battery is full but only serves nothing on the highway since it does not
not come to feed if you want the transmission on the wheels and that's
a pity that we do not win in highway consumption then a
7-speed automatic transmission who really does the job entirely
in eco mode in standard mode or in sports mode frankly the box and
reactive especially it's really I want to say it's more like the v6 engine
which is very responsive and suddenly the box superfluid reporting
are very very performant and friendly so it's very fluid overall
while at home it's a car also flange and so in electric mode
and at low speed of the blow it is the electric motor and so suddenly the
car emits a small signal like the construction machinery
precisely to prevent and avoid everything danger coming from the back told
you see a little 360 camera so beware it's not a hd quality
that can be found on other cars german premium
far from it is also the little default of this car is also charming
it must be said but it is true that technologically speaking there is a slight
delay a parent in relation to German you see I'm in
electric and there it is really really very very nice we are driving
zen really no engine noise from blow we evolve really smoothly in
the city sees the friends they are trying to this infiniti q5
it's really admirable in every respect some details like the appearance
info entertainment maybe will have to be improved on future versions
nevertheless frankly this infiniti then 50's worth there is an alternative
premium because of German or at Swedish
motorbike and versatile fart is mostly wonderful with this six-cylinder in
line in six cylinders in v rather than a truly mesmerizing sound a little
felted but when you type in the turns you really hear the engine
that's really nice as noble as you want but
ambitious whenever the cativen engines you are the ones
first to tell you that it is not worthy premium and I agree with
your opinion here we have perceived a wrinkle
six at 164 ch repeat them as and when
it's really a motorization that really gives the banana the smile the
driving friends really bravo infiniti for this pretty model far from perfect
sure but really it remains a alternative he repeats in the face of
German so if you hesitate do not hesitate
is this car that you wide space towers at 7 aces service
she says friends later for others
video adventure and thank you for saying ciao
For more infomation >> AUREVOIR LES ALLEMANDES, L'INFINITI Q50 HYBRID V6 MET TOUT LE MONDE D'ACCORD ! - Duration: 17:38.-------------------------------------------
婚約指輪・結婚指輪専門店輪-RIN-(群馬県高崎市)大人でマットな☆つや消しデザイン - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 婚約指輪・結婚指輪専門店輪-RIN-(群馬県高崎市)大人でマットな☆つや消しデザイン - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
Come sostituire molle di sospensione anteriore su VW TOURAN 1 (1T3) [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 9:21.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Come sostituire molle di sospensione anteriore su VW TOURAN 1 (1T3) [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 9:21.-------------------------------------------
Zo wordt Hanne Decoutere ballerina in "Hanne danst" - Duration: 3:07.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Zo wordt Hanne Decoutere ballerina in "Hanne danst" - Duration: 3:07.-------------------------------------------
3 RÉFÉRENCES À L'HORREUR DANS AQUAMAN - Duration: 3:03.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 3 RÉFÉRENCES À L'HORREUR DANS AQUAMAN - Duration: 3:03.-------------------------------------------
鳴影品/第一次拍網劇,拍到被金馬影帝欣賞 - Duration: 4:15.這網劇《N世代》的導演叫做 姜寧。
雖然這只是他第一個導演作品 ,
平均1集的製作費才花了30 萬元台幣,
卻默默在網路上發酵;原本在 酷瞧、播吧等平台播出,
接著上了愛奇藝台灣站;如今 再度賣到friDay影音 、Hami Video、 MOD、myVideo等 平台上架,
這些能見度都靠導演一個人四 處去敲門推銷。
能把一齣看來好像只不過有堆 漂亮美眉和帥哥的網劇,
在沒啥人會做賠本生意的前提 下,
《N世代》主要在描述台北夜 店文化,
如此切身打滾夜店20多年經 歷,
甚至還出過一本書叫《夜店之 王》,
自然能拍出相對真實的「成人 遊樂園」,
」 所以這戲,
於是必須分出「綠茶婊」、「 心機婊」、「高傲跩」、「 天然呆」、「壁花派」、「 真心傻」各式各樣,
要懂得分辨什麼是真小開或假 小開?甚至細到告訴你:香 檳跟氣泡酒是有差別的。
導演姜寧抓緊現在正流行的「 直播」、「網紅」元素,
但不只是放進幾個情節或台詞 唸一唸帶過,
描述某電視台為了抵抗網路直 播節目熱潮,
想搞個以夜店為背景的直播節 目,
於是那些花枝招展的網紅或女 模、演員們,
然後跟著的就是男性消費者的 「精銳盡出」蜂湧而至。
他真的找上全球有1億用戶的 「Uplive直播」合作 ,
除了廣告行銷推廣、也邀來其 中人氣直播主參演,
這齣劇絕對不會是「公視人生 劇展」的等級,
至少是值得被消遣的選擇之一 。
你也許能從這劇裡看你只想看 的顏值美貌,
你也可以從中得知一些你去夜 店沒注意的背後隱藏系統如 何運作。
或者你就只是看了這篇文章而 已,
他因緣際會認識了金馬影帝李 康生,
劇裡演給你看那些小模和小演 員們怎麼往上爬;戲外也示 範了在網劇、甚至YouT ube自製節目多到泛爛的 時代,
這位導演怎麼朝他想要的目標 前進。
For more infomation >> 鳴影品/第一次拍網劇,拍到被金馬影帝欣賞 - Duration: 4:15.-------------------------------------------
Connaissez-vous le nombre de marches pour être efficace?|LSF TV - Duration: 4:02.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Connaissez-vous le nombre de marches pour être efficace?|LSF TV - Duration: 4:02.-------------------------------------------
'용왕님 보우하사' 이소연, 교통사고 구해준 재희에 "스토커냐" - KN Channel - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> '용왕님 보우하사' 이소연, 교통사고 구해준 재희에 "스토커냐" - KN Channel - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
Mazda CX-5 2.0 GT-M 4WD | Navigatie | BOSE | Leder | Schuif-/Kanteldak - Duration: 1:24.-------------------------------------------
Colour Mixed AcryGel Camo / Camouflage Nail Art - Duration: 15:40.-------------------------------------------
Nightcore - [ Naughty Naughty ] (Lyrics) feat - Porcelain Black - Duration: 3:37.Naughty, naughty, naughty We like to party
I know you hate it 'cause I flirt with everybody
Naughty, naughty, naughty We just wanna party
Naughty, naughty, naughty We like to party
I know you hate it 'cause I flirt with everybody
Naughty, naughty, naughty We just wanna party
It's all about fun and games Until I hurt somebody
Definitely not an angel But I'm not that evil, you know
I'm just so addicted To beautiful people, uh oh
I'm getting sucked into the night I'm out ahead and losing control (Oh no)
Get me wrong and get me right You know that I can never say no (Oh no)
Naughty, naughty, naughty We like to party
I know you hate it 'cause I flirt with everybody
Naughty, naughty, naughty We just wanna party
It's all about fun and games Until I hurt somebody
So whatcha gonna do about it
So whatcha gonna do about it
Definitely kissing a stranger Then leave his ass later, you know
Can't help that I'm attracted to danger You can't be my savior, uh oh
I'm getting sucked into the night I'm out ahead and losing control (Oh no)
Get me wrong and get me right You know that I can never say no (Oh no)
Naughty, naughty, naughty We like to party
I know you hate it 'cause I flirt with everybody
Naughty, naughty, naughty We just wanna party
It's all about fun and games Until I hurt somebody
So whatcha gonna do about it
So whatcha gonna do about it
I know I said that we'd stay home
Kiss and watch a boring show
Oh hell no, I gotta go
Ha Ha Ha !
Naughty, naughty, naughty We like to party
I know you hate it 'cause I flirt with everybody
Naughty, naughty, naughty We just wanna party
It's all about fun and games Until I hurt somebody
So whatcha gonna do about it !
So whatcha gonna do about it !
So whatcha gonna do about it !
So whatcha gonna do about it !
M・ウォールバーグを大好きすぎて4回起用!P・バーグ監督「組まない理由がわからない」 ! 最新ニュース - Duration: 2:18.マーク・ウォー バーグへの信頼 語った (C) MXVIII TX Prod ctions, LLC. Al Rights Reserve .
[映画.com ニュース] 「 ランスフォーマ 」シリーズのマ ク・ウォールバ グが主演する映 「マイル22」 公開中)から、 ーター・バーグ 督のインタビュ 映像が公開され 。本作で4度目 タッグを組んだ ォールバーグの 力について熱く っている。
危険物質が何者 に盗まれ、その 方を知るリー・ ア(イコ・ウワ ス)が重要参考 として保護され 。ノアが国外へ 脱出を条件に情 を提供すること 約束したことか 、ジェームズ・ ルバ(ウォール ーグ)率いるC Aの機密特殊部 は、アメリカ大 館から空港まで 22マイル(3 .4キロ)にわ り護衛するミッ ョンに挑む。
バーグ監督とウ ールバーグがタ グを組むのは、 ローン・サバイ ー」「バーニン ・オーシャン」 パトリオット・ イ」に続いて、 作で4度目。「 とマーク(・ウ ールバーグ)は 出会った日から い関係が築けて る。『なぜマー と仕事し続けて んだ?』と聞か ることがあるが 僕からしたらし い理由がわから い。僕らはウマ 合うんだ。なる く一緒にいて幸 を感じ、笑いあ て、考えさせら る人間と一緒に たい。ストレス いらだちを覚え 相手ではなく」 、ウォールバー への信頼を明か 。
サウナについて語っちゃうよ!【ハローキティの好きなもの Vol.3】 - Duration: 5:26.Soooo hot... This is Kitty.
It's the Hello Kitty channel! Here we go!
Now that New Year's vacation is over.
Don't you feel exhausted and worn out?
I do.
Sometimes you're still in vacation mode…
Or you just don't feel your usual self…
At times like that, there's a place I always go to.
Yes, the sauna.
Well when I say things like this, people might comment "Kitty is like an old man".
I don't care anymore if people say Kitty is like an old man.
I don't like when they say that…but today I really want to tell you about the charms of the sauna!
People often misunderstand me which is like what happens with the sauna.
Maybe you have an image of a "sauna room" in your mind?
This is wrong for a start. The word "sauna "refers to the moment when you feel good after bathing in water.
The etymology of "sauna"…
I really want you to know this.
The word "sauna" in Finnish means "going back and forth between life and death"
It's very spiritual.
I have squeezed my clothes and my titles, everything, into the locker.
I am just me in my own skin when taking a sauna bath.
I am who I am in the sauna. My real true self.
Did you get an image of being in a sauna?
Well, now let me talk about how to take a sauna bath.
Are you ready?
Hmm? Ready for what? Ready to move into another world!
First, bathe in water. Can you go in? In such cold water.
Actually, the purpose of the sauna room is to warm yourself.
So, first you go into the sauna room to warm you up before bathing in the cold water.
Your entire skin surface is warmed up in the sauna room.
So it's easy to bathe in the water.
First, let's dip your toes...or maybe up to your knees in water.
Well, after a while, your body gradually cools down.
Then you come to want to warm yourself again.
The sauna room is just by your side.
Let's go in.
It's warm and feels good.
But after a while, you come to feel kind of hot and steamy.
"I want to cool down" "I want to go to a place to cool my body"
The water bath is just at the side.
It's easier to step into the water than before.
Because it's your second try. You've got used to it a little.
Well, this time you sink to your waist. You gradually feel cold.
Then let's go to the sauna to warm up.
It's your second round trip. Then you take a sauna bath for the 3rd time.
You feel warm again.
Soon you start to sweat.
You already miss the water bath.
That ice-cold water to cool you down.
Maybe you can sink to your shoulders next time.
Let's go in. You've got more used to it than before.
Come on! Up to your shoulders.
Let's stay here for a little while. It's a strange feeling.
You may feel cold at first.
But as your body has already been warmed up in the sauna…
The temperature of the water in contact with your skins surface
goes up to an intermediate temperature.
Therefore, even though you are in a cold water bath,
you feel nice and warm.
Even so, your body gradually cools down.
Well, then, it's time to come out from the bath.
But this time, you don't go to the sauna room right away. You wipe your body.
Let's put on sauna clothes, if you're in the sauna room.
And sit down on a chair like this for a while.
Then you feel your blood rushing in your veins. Because the veins expand in the sauna room.
They contract in the cold water bath.
This pumping movement of the veins makes the blood flow circulate around your body.
Blood contains lots of oxygen. It reaches to your brain.
Then your brain gets filled with oxygen.
At that moment, you feel extremely good and your brain produces some kind of liquid.
Give in to the feeling.
Please sit back in the chair.
Your body feels numb and your senses increasingly get kind of paralyzed.
But keep giving yourself up to such a feeling because you're feeling extremely good.
Then you can easily float off into space.
Now you're in good shape!
Well, how was it? Could you get an image of a sauna?
I'm not going to say much more today. Let's meet at the sauna!
Subscribe to my channel!
นิรันดร์ feat.PALMY - bodyslam「Official MV」 - Duration: 5:40.-------------------------------------------
Chef Dale | Celebrity Chef | EveryWoman Expo Perth - Duration: 0:48.- Hi I'm Chef Dale.
Come down and see me at the Every Woman's Expo
located at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre,
it's on this weekend.
I start around 10:15, I go to about 3:30.
Some of our major sponsors supporting is Bodhi,
we're in the Bodhi celebrity kitchen.
Also we're supporting the National Heart Foundation,
so all the funds that we raise go straight to them.
Some of the dishes I'll be doing,
I'm doing a Yorkshire pudding,
but I'm turning it into a tart with some fruit
and some yoghourt.
We're doing some grilled Japanese style salmon
with some ultra grains.
We're doing some pancakes
and we're doing some fresh fish.
We're doing stews, we're doing anything about cooking.
So come down and join me.
If you have any questions,
please go straight to the website.
All the information's there.
I'll see you down this weekend.
A Place Further Than The Universe | Your Mind On Anime - Duration: 7:56.
In my life there have been various anime and manga that touched me deeply.
Be it the story, characters, soundtrack or the just the animation itself.
There are many aspects that can make me emotional and feel connected.
But for an anime to move me this much and to actually make me tear up, is very rare.
"A Place Further Than The Universe" managed to do exactly that.
It is an anime that combines dreams with hopes, youth with adulthood, the past with the future and most importantly
gives us a reason to look forward to something in our life.
"A Place Further Than The Universe" or "Sora Yori Mo Tooi Basho" is an anime by Studio Madhouse
It has 13 episodes and aired in the Winter Season in 2018..
It is an anime about a high school student called Tamaki Mari, who wants to make the most out of her youth
She wants to do something special and something where she can explore the world and do things no one else is doing.
But she is too afraid to actually do the step forward and reach her dreams and goals.
When she meets a girl called Hirase Kobuchizawa, she finally finds the motivation and the needed support
to actually fulfill her dreams and do something special.
Together with Hirase and two other girls, called Hinata and Yuzuki
they are planning to join an expedition that's headed toward the Antarctic.
What a premise for a show.
Having a bunch of high school girls come together and have them visit the Antarctic, is a very interesting idea.
In a way, it kinda screams like the very common "cute girls doing cute things" trope,
and that's certainly not a wrong way of describing certain events.
But to just limit the show to that, would be underselling the creativity, meaning and ambitions the show is portraying.
Right at the beginning, the show is starting with our main character Mari,
who wants to do something with her life
I'm sure this is a feeling that many of us can relate to, no matter the age.
I'm not a high school student anymore, but this feeling is something that I also felt before
and actually still feel.
Wanting to break out.
Wanting to just leave home and see a different side of the world.
But what's stopping us from doing exactly that ?
Why am I not actually meeting these dreams and thoughts that I have in my head ?
It's probably a combination of many different things.
You are starting to remember the reality of your situation.
Maybe you don't have enough money,
maybe you have a family and friends waiting for you.
What I believe is the biggest reason that is stopping us,
is simply fear.
The fear of being in a situation that we are not familiar with
Being surrounded by places and people, you simply do not know.
It's a scary thought.
Mari was also feeling like that.
She had many dreams that she wanted to pursue,
but whenever the time and chance came to actually do that
she backed off.
At the end of the day, she was too scared to actually take the step into the unknown future.
But this changes when she meets a girl called Shirase.
Shirase is planning to go to the Antarctic, in order to look for her mother,
who went missing during an expedition.
This was the needed support and push that Mari needed
to actually decide to fulfill her dreams.
Going to a place, she never went before.
During their planning they meet Hinata and Yuzuki who join them on their goal to visit the Antarctic.
This part of the story would have been interesting enough to make a fun show.
But "A Place Further Than The Universe" isn't just about the journey,
it's about characters and emotions.
Each character has their own motivation and reason for visiting the Antarctic
and they are reasons that are understandable
Each character is given their own character arc,
that describes their problems and personality.
This way, each character gets the chance to be written properly
and just radiate with personality.
You get to know them better and better as the show is progressing
and you never find a moment that feels wasted or out of place.
What I found remarkable, was also the care that was put into the side characters of the story.
Characters that were introduced later in the show got enough attention,
to not make them feel like strangers.
One of the big reasons why this worked so well,
was also thanks to the character interactions.
I admire it, when the staff manages to make the characters feel like actual humans.
Of course I'm aware that this is a fictional story and the main focus, even in this anime,
is not necessarily to be as realistic as possible.
But when I talk about realism, I'm not comparing it to the real world,
but the realism in the world the fictional story is playing in.
Seeing characters having different conversations and dynamic with each character is beautiful to see and feels real.
It gives me a reason to actually care and take them seriously.
It also gives me a reason to look forward to certain character interactions.
And it wasn't just happy times,
there were also conflicts.
Not big conflicts, that the authors had to make happen, to make the series more interesting.
No, it was often just small moments of arguments and silly conversations.
But that's exactly what a show like this needs,
to help to build a world that is believable.
The girls had multiple fights, some serious and some less serious
but that's all part of growing up.
It just shows the flaws of their characters and how inexperienced they are.
But that's the beauty of growing up.
You cry, you laugh, you fight
but you always gain more experience
You never stop growing up,
no matter if you are a child, a teenager, an adult
Growing up is always part of our life, and that's why I believe, this series to be relatable to people from all ages.
This being an anime, a huge part to determine the quality of a series is always going to be the animation itself.
Madhouse has a fantastic reputation, when it comes to animation and their art style.
For me personally, Madhouse wasn't as good as they used to be, in recent years.
Some of their recent projects had rather disappointing animation, and also the choice of their projects was not something that I enjoyed.
But they absolutely nailed it with "A Place Further Than The Universe".
It's even more impressive, considering that this an anime original, meaning that this is an Studio Madhouse original.
There were a lot of talented people working on the project, like Ishizuka Atsuko, Hanada Jukk, just to say a few names.
But not only does it have a great story and fantastic characters, the animation is consistently great.
I personally haven't noticed any off models, and aesthetically, they really manage to maintain the atmosphere that this series needs.
The color palette of this show mainly consist of lighter colors,
with a huge focus on using the light itself.
Be it the the white outline that is frequently used on the character designs
or just the amount of camera angles that focus on the sunshine,
this series obviously feels very bright.
That's something that fits the series very well that is about hopes and dreams.
I also loved the backgrounds, and especially the use of real life locations and structures.
We even get to see the popular Merlion Park from Singapore, that really caught me off guard.
Even the ship itself is clearly based on the real Shirase Icebreaker Ship.
While the animation itself does a fantastic job of setting the atmosphere for this series,
what really makes it perfect is the soundtrack.
The soundtrack consist of mainly cheerful and happy songs,
that are a great way to show what the series is about.
The songs are being used in great moments, to build up anticipation or just joy.
Both Opening and Ending are also extremely enjoyable to listen to
"A Place Further Than The Universe" is a great title for this anime,
because that's exactly what the message of the anime is about.
Enjoying your life to the fullest and getting to this place, that is so far and yet in our reach.
This is an anime that moved me so much, that it actually managed to make me cry.
Something that rarely happens,
but the emotions that this show managed to create is fascinating and makes me respect it a lot.
I haven't seen every anime of 2018, but from the anime that I have seen, 123 00:07:46,760 --> 00:00:00,000 this is definitely my Anime of the Year 2018.
bruce & selina — silhouette. (+5.03) - Duration: 2:32.Unlike you,
I know who I am.
She's not that kind of girl.
I don't need anyone to tell me.
You scared, Bruce?
Of course I'm scared.
He almost killed you.
Why'd you do it?
I'm gonna do it MY way.
You wanted to do it, too.
You just didn't have the guts.
You sided with them.
Who's side are you on, Bruce?
I won't lose you.
I'm not yours to lose.
Everybody got out.
You didn't.
I had a reason to stay.
There's a line, Selina.
Selina, drop the gun.
I guess that's where we're different then.
That's not true, we're the same!
In what universe are we the same?
Mistletoe can be deadly if you eat it.
But a kiss...
Can be even deadlier if you mean it.
There isn't a single part of Bruce Wayne's life that we don't know about.
His joys.
His disappointments.
We do this together, Selina. That was the deal.
You didn't have to hurt him like that.
He was trying to kill me, Bruce.
So as far as I'm concerned...
He got off easy.
What are we waiting for?
HOW TO FIND SICK FPV SPOTS - Duration: 23:51.-------------------------------------------
GERÇEK KARDAN ADAM EVİME GELDİ !! (Kardan Adam) - Duration: 10:13.-------------------------------------------
Failed Stop Motion Video Compilation +「Turn on CC for Commentary」 - Duration: 2:15.-------------------------------------------
Top 60 áo kiểu nữ đẹp thời trang Y13 - Duration: 8:03.-------------------------------------------
DreamTime Project | Youth Empowerment, Holistic Framework | EveryWoman Expo Perth - Duration: 0:47.- Hi, my name's Sylvia Giacci,
I'm the founder of the Dreamtime Project.
We're here today at EveryWoman's Expo
and we've just finished putting on our fashion parade.
The Dreamtime Project is a programme
which engages young Aboriginal women and girls.
We take the girls through all different types of workshops
from the fashion side of it,
the catwalk, modelling, hair and makeup,
right through to doing modules on public speaking
and assertiveness.
Performing today at EveryWoman's Expo
is really important for my girls
because it gets them to get out in the public eye
and to gain experience,
and it helps them with their confidence as well.
So we're really happy to be here today.
Zubias Threading | The Lash and Brow Experts | EveryWoman Expo Perth - Duration: 0:43.- Hi, I'm Kaci from Zubias Threading,
The Lash and Brow Experts.
We're here at the Every Woman Expo.
We've got our seats full,
threading some fantastic ladies, even gentlemen.
We've got free demonstrations on,
during the Women's Expo.
The lovely Rivjinda now is doing threading.
What threading creates, is it creates perfect crisp lines,
a beautiful shape to the eyebrow, and just an overall
sharp perfect look, leaving your eyebrows feeling amazing.
Come on down and see us at the Every Women Expo,
we're here all weekend.
Thank you.
『ミスター・ガラス』ウィリスVS.マカヴォイ!本編アクションシーン公開 - Duration: 2:48.拡大写真 ス パーヒーローは実 するのか? 禁断 研究の結果は! C)Univer al Pictu es 映 『シックス・セン 』などで知られる ・ナイト・シャマ ン監督の最新作『 スター・ガラス』 ら、同作で共演す ブルース・ウィリ とジェームズ・マ ヴォイのバトルを えた本編映像が公 された
シャマラン監 が2000年に発 した代表作『アン レイカブル』の後 譚(たん)となる 作
悪を察知する力と 死身の肉体を持つ ン(ブルース・ウ リス)と、高度な 能と繊細な肉体を つミスター・ガラ (サミュエル・L ジャクソン)、多 人格者ケヴィン( ェームズ・マカヴ イ)が集められた る施設を舞台に、 断の研究が描かれ
マカヴォイふ するケヴィンは、 じくシャマラン監 が2016年に発 した『スプリット に登場
数多くの人格のな でも、超人"ビー ト"となった時の は人間離れしたパ ーを誇り、不道徳 若者をいけにえと て手にかける
公開された映像は そのビーストのい にえとして捉えら た少女たちを、ダ が救出する場面
巨大な机を軽々と げ合うなど、互い 怪力を誇る超人同 のバトルが展開す 。
『ミスター・ガラス』ウィリスVS.マカヴォイ!本編アクションシーン公開 - Duration: 3:37.拡大写真 ス パーヒーローは実 するのか? 禁断 研究の結果は! C)Univer al Pictu es 映 『シックス・セン 』などで知られる ・ナイト・シャマ ン監督の最新作『 スター・ガラス』 ら、同作で共演す ブルース・ウィリ とジェームズ・マ ヴォイのバトルを えた本編映像が公 された
シャマラン監 が2000年に発 した代表作『アン レイカブル』の後 譚(たん)となる 作
悪を察知する力と 死身の肉体を持つ ン(ブルース・ウ リス)と、高度な 能と繊細な肉体を つミスター・ガラ (サミュエル・L ジャクソン)、多 人格者ケヴィン( ェームズ・マカヴ イ)が集められた る施設を舞台に、 断の研究が描かれ
マカヴォイふ するケヴィンは、 じくシャマラン監 が2016年に発 した『スプリット に登場
数多くの人格のな でも、超人"ビー ト"となった時の は人間離れしたパ ーを誇り、不道徳 若者をいけにえと て手にかける
公開された映像は そのビーストのい にえとして捉えら た少女たちを、ダ が救出する場面
巨大な机を軽々と げ合うなど、互い 怪力を誇る超人同 のバトルが展開す 。
[Gamehay] Top 5 Game Mobile cực hay để cày Tết - Duration: 19:11.-------------------------------------------
News24 - Solskjaer rules out Scott McTominay exit amid Celtic interest - Duration: 2:04.Manchester United boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has categorically ruled out Scott McTominay leaving the club this month
The midfielder had emerged as a potential target to help Celtic's bid for the Scottish Championship this week and United were understood to be considering sanctioning a loan move
However, Solskjaer has removed any such deal off the table after confirming McTominay will stay put this month to provide cover after Marouane Fellaini was ruled out for up to a month with a calf problem
The United boss, speaking at a press conference ahead of Saturday's clash with Brighton, said the Scotsman remains in his thinking despite his only appearance under his reign coming in the final minute of Sunday's win at Tottenham
Solskjaer said: 'Scott is working hard, he's a young boy I still believe in, we're working on his contract
'With the injuries of Fellaini as well and the squad we have I'm not sure we're going to see any movement
'The 22-year-old's potential move to Celtic was always dependant on Fellaini's future being clarified, with the Belgium international linked with a hosts of clubs, including AC Milan
It is now apparent both players will not be leaving the club this month with United reluctant to do any business in the January window
Solskjaer also made it clear that it is highly unlikely United will make any additions to the squad
Man Utd news: Ole Gunnar Solskjaer reveals Alexis Sanchez frustrations - Duration: 2:40.Sanchez has struggled since joining United 12 months ago, and has scored just four goals across all competitions for the Red Devils
The Chilean has been limited by injury since Solskjaer has come in as caretaker boss, appearing just twice in the six games
Solskjaer replaced Jose Mourinho as manager with the former Chelsea boss sacked after a disappointing first half of the campaign
Solskjaer has led Manchester United to six wins from six ahead of the visit of Brighton tomorrow (3pm)
Sanchez missed the win over Tottenham last weekend with a thigh issue sustained during the FA Cup victory against Reading
But the former Arsenal man is back in training and could be involved against Brighton
And Solskjaer has praised Sanchez for not letting his injury frustrations get him down
"A player loves to play football, doesn't matter who you are," Solskjaer said. "He's been hindered by injury, I know how frustrating that can be and how eager you are to get back
"Maybe in the Reading game at half-time he should have told me to come off because the next 15 or 20 minutes were a setback
"But he's champing at the bit in training. "His attitude has been fantastic in training and I'm looking forward to seeing him, I've got loads of good players to choose from
" Solskjaer had previously admitted he'd spoken to Sanchez to try and help the former Barcelona man find some form
"Of course, he's got high standards himself that you demand from yourself," Solskjaer said
"When it doesn't work for you, as it clearly hasn't and he's had some injuries, then it's difficult to suddenly click and put that confidence on
"So [we've had] individual chats but, of course, it's a fresh start for him with me and Mike [Phelan] coming in – it's a new lease of life for him maybe
"Hopefully we can see the best of him because he's a top, top player."
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