Hey Bo, do you like that Minion?
Like that minion buddy?
Show me the ding ding
Show me the ding ding
This one's retarted
MÓJ POKÓJ / MY ROOM (ENG SUB) - Duration: 6:10.Hello buddy.
I'm Rembol
And today I want to show you my room.
Bed on which I sleep
My work place
Anyway, you will see
And I wanted to say that everyhing that is in this room
I did by myself
I mean no, Szymon and Kuba helped me to paint walls
Thanks for that
Everything else is my HARD work
So let's go.
My knees
I'm old as some grandfather
Truth is I had no idea where to start, so we will start from the most important part
In my room
That's right that's my doors, this way I'm going in this way I leave
I hanged there a super hyper christmas tree, cordialy greet and recommend.
As you can see there are also mine portraits, drawn exactly by YOU.
Hello Buddy.
Stefek is here of course, my christmas tree, which of course kindly greets you.
and my stereo tower, because of which I will most likely lose my hearing at the age of 50
So that's how, more or less looks a part of my room
Of course - cabinets, drawers, this cabinet is for sports stuff.
This one for clothes, t-shirts, trousers etc.
Blue christmas lights - of course I couldn't forget about these
Here we have a CREEPER
and TNT, Minecraft is life
aaaand coal
To my second part of the room we can include
Damn... I forgot to hide teddy bear
As you can see here I have a bed, a wall, a painting.
With microphone which I hope fits well in my room.
And of course christmas string
Thank's for 100,000 subscribers buddies.
Here we have fanarts from you guys, really there are tons of them, they are beautiful
Even those rembolderki (fan made Rembol Kinder Chocolate) - buddies
One of my favourite fan arts, from Masza - Ja pier kwacze ( Holy Fu-Quacks)
There is Michael Jackson and Rembol, just really epic.
Here I keep my underwear, I won't show it.
Here I keep my damn super documents
Whatever, other papers.
Notebooks of course to to to to school.
In this drawer I keep headsets, accessories for cameras
And there some other oddments, cabels etc
And of course dumbbell and some weights to crunches
Good option.
As you can see here I have backgrounds which I use often in my episodes.
This is me and my sister :D
Some cd's - MINECRAFT of course.
This is my shelf with cd's and other accessories.
And what do I have in this chest? Warning!
Those are just guitar picks, chill out buddies I don't keep any treasures in here.
Here as you can see "Born to be a gamer" sticker
New Testament, Passport and Bible
I'm firmly believing person, so I really like reading stuff like this - kindly recommend.
And of course lettering - REMBOL!
Here are some accesories, pens, thank's x-kom for awesome cup
And now something that will change your life!
That's right! Rembol isn't just a youtuber which sit's in front of PC and does nothing in his life!
Just look at my scribbles.
Some sports gymnastics, Penalties Top Scorer 2007
First place in Provincial League K-P ZPN kind greetings to my teammates!
My captain's armband.
One of the biggest trophy
Yeaaa really biggest...
Second part of my room, my lovely
Here we have a fan, of course how couldn't I?
Softbox which illuminates me.
Here are guitars, you know that I love playing guitars.
And my super sponges
Ow yeaaaaaaaah
They are looking really good, mask the sounds, there were a lot of work with them but really it pays of.
Here is my MX throught which you are hearing me now and mine
I sit on it whole days.
On those speakers I listen to Beethoven - whole days.
That's right.
Keyboard, mouse - Roccat thank you for awesome gear!
And my two screens, here I play, watch, record, and other stuff and here is my webcam
Which I use while doing livestreams and record some episodes.
And here please appreciate my hard work, because I was doing it 40 minutes!
My fan suddenly turned on...
Haunted or something
Laptop to work outside.
So my lovely this is my room. If you like it please, click the Like Button
And you can show me yours rooms, work places, because it really interests me how are you living.
You can do photos and send me on my fanpage in private message or on my group.
So as you can see this is how i'm living, here I'm working.
Ooh and one important thing here is tripod on which is my camera whole time
So I put it here and this is the view of my room which you can see in games and other vlogs.
If you enjoyed this video, please leave a Like, some comment, because maybe you don't like something
So please write me.
Why the hell you put fan in here, why have you done this?
And don't forget to subscribe channel and turn on bell which is near Subscribe Button.
Otherwise my videos won't show up in your newsfeed.
But of course you cannot miss Maciek's episode.
Carles Castillejo Cooks with top Chefs from Barcelona | Transform My Meal - Duration: 10:42.Meet Carles Castillejo, Spain's most famous top flight marathon runner
-a major Olympic contender whose tasty track record leaves his rivals eating dust.
The only athlete in the history of Spanish athletics
to collect the titles of 5,000 and 10,000 in track and cross running,
10 km in road running, half marathon and marathon.
But, to be at the top
he knows he has to be prepared to make sacrifices on and off the track.
Starting with... his meals. Urrgh...
Luckily help is at hand and today the spanish chefs Oriol Puig and Eduard Xatruch,
heirs to Ferran Adrià, are about to turn Carles' diet round.
Welcome to... TRANSFORM MY MEAL!
To me, running means freedom, I feel free when I run.
It's an intimate moment, my moment.
At that moment there are no phones, there's nothing,
only myself doing what I like most, which is running.
Athletics is the supreme sport once every 4 years
and I'm part of that.
I'm also part of the top event in the supreme sport,
so I feel privileged.
I sincerely believe that for any athlete to be in the Olympics is a dream,
and I've been lucky enough to have been in it 4 times.
And having learned, and having grown up under the Olympic spirit,
I think that, if you don't mind me saying, it's cool.
I think my diet is a typical sportsman's diet,
but I don't give it much attention.
We live under the Mediterranean diet, which is rich and varied,
you have to make the most of it.
I'd like to learn the flavours or even textures
from a highly qualified chef.
Things that may be easy when somebody shows you how.
Weighing in at 60 kg and measuring 1.71 meter,
Carles Castillejo has dedicated the last 14 years to running, covering an amazing 100.000 kms.
Marathon running is an endurance test,
an aerobic sport that has a very powerful impact on all aspects of the body.
During the more than 40 kms that he runs in a little over 2 hours,
Carles can sweat up to one and a half litres of liquid an hour,
losing 2% of his total weight in the process of the race.
In an exhausting race in which they are pitted against themselves,
marathon runners can suffer cramp, dizziness and even vomiting.
To alleviate these symptoms,
during the race runners need to know how to replenish their body's glycogen and electrolyte stores
by eating carbohydrates in the form of gels or fruit,
and drinking liquids that provide the necessary doses of sodium to prevent them flagging.
Carles has to consume some 2,800 to 3,800 calories a day,
and during training sessions he has to keep hydrated,
drinking between 500 and 700 ml of liquid an hour
and stocking up on carbohydrates with fresh or dried fruit or gels.
His daily diet must be packed full of carbohydrates and proteins,
as well as high doses of iron
to protect against the risk of anaemia from the repeated impact of his feet on the ground.
His regular diet contains a lot of oranges, kiwis, cereals, pulses, olive oil
and -of course- lots of foods rich in iron, such as cockles and mussels.
That's all very delicious in theory,
but the sad reality day after day... after day looks more like this...
Yuk, Poor Carles!
But no worries, because in the heart of Barcelona,
two culinary champions of contemporary Mediterranean cuisine
are going to pimp Carles' pasta by giving it a superchef makeover!
Let's find out more about today's meal transformation experts!
To surprise Carlos we thought that,
as he has to follow a diet rich in carbohydrates and with little fat,
we're going to make some different macaronis, aren't we?
Oriol and Eduard recently opened their new restaurant
that celebrates modern mediterranean cuisine in succulent style.
These talented chefs are renowned
for their winning combination of amazing technique and constant innovation.
We want our customers to leave
feeling that they've had a unique and personal experience.
Oriol and Eduard's challenge today is:
to turn Carles's diet from "Yuk" to "Yum".
Forget that boring diet, Carles...
It's time for you to enjoy, rather than endure your food!
And now we come to the part where we enter the heart of the restaurant,
which is where we work, where you'll cook later on.
We'll work together here, eh?
-You'll work here, you'll work here. -I'll work there, I'll work there.
-Do you eat much pasta or not? -Well, fortunately or unfortunately yes,
because for the kind of sport that I do, running marathons, it's our fuel.
So, almost every day there have to be some carbohydrates in the food.
-The good thing is that I love them. -And al dente or half-cooked?
-Al dente. -Al dente. That's a good approach.
Here are some macaroni that we cooked with a ham bouillon
to which we added some gelatine and brought it to the boil.
I'll explain a little how we've adapted this dish with you and all athletes in mind.
We're going to make the bacon butter with bacon and olive oil.
Then we're going to make a carbonara foam,
but we're going to make it using a skimmed cream, bacon, virgin olive oil instead of butter,
egg yolk and a little bit of chantana.
Then we have here the pasta that we've made of rice.
You can make it with what you like. Today we find all kinds of pasta made from rice.
Now I see it's more feasible for me.
Then you can show off and please even the athletes who come to eat at your house.
-Well, the person I have to please is my wife. -Okay, okay.
Ok, let's get down to business!
-We're going to cut this bacon. -I see that you don't remove any fat or anything.
In this case I don't remove either the fat or rind
because it's a slightly smoked bacon.
As I'm avoiding fat, I often remove it.
You could do that here.
-We're a bit... you can see our stomachs are fatter, no? -Okay, okay.
-Well, we're more or less the same. -No, no. You're in shape.
But you can also escape one day to have a party and have a big feast...
once or twice a year, no? And then burn it. -That won't kill anyone.
We add a little chopped bacon, add all of the oil, and leave this to cook.
-Medium heat, right? -Yes.
I'm curious to know, what time do you arrive here?
Well, here I think we arrive at 9 in the morning
because it's a very elaborate cuisine and requires a lot of labour.
And then in the evening? What time do you finish?
Well, we finish at the end of service and at half past 1,
at 1 at night, we can leave.
That day's more of a marathon than mine.
Well, people don't see it but the profession of chef is a hard one.
Well folks, let's start with the carbonara sauce.
After boiling the pasta Carles adds milk to the fried bacon.
They then sieve the milk and bacon mix.
We've released all the flavour
and now what we'll do is to finish this carbonara sauce.
We'll add another egg yolk, add this chantana
and now we're going to blend it with the blender.
That's the carbonara sorted -so what's next?
The bacon has been given a blast on the burners to get it nice and crispy.
A little bit of fat, a little, so we can watch our diet.
We pamper the athletes.
And would you eat this in the Olympics or not?
What are the Olympics like?
Fantastic. It's the best experience an athlete can have.
You walk down the corridor and you'll meet Pau Gasol,
or with Rafa Nadal, or with swimmers...
For me that's what makes an Olympics special,
to be able to live together with so many athletes,
and for the time that you're there
you live and breath pure and hard sport.
The meal's almost ready -it just needs one more magic top chef touch.
And then, the magic touch,
what is it? -The foam.
Now, now, we have it in a bain marie.
UUUU, that's high tech, Oriol!
-We shake it well. -Okay.
If you want you can put it on.
-Are you sure? -Yes.
-Shall I carry on? -Okay. Put another here.
Carles' tastebuds are going to love what Oriol has got in store
-a special one-off carbonara mousse.
And now we'll finish it off with a little bit of grated parmesan on top.
It's really fantastic.
And with his magic touch Oriol has given this Olympic running machine
a tastetastic masterclass in pasta improvement!
Before, Carles thought that the same old food was par for the course.
But thanks to our chefs
he has learnt how to cook a really tasty carbonara.
Now he's ready to enjoy a perfect combination of protein and carbohydrates
that will take him to the winner's podium!
On your marks, get set... Enjoy!
-How are you? How did it go? -Good...
-Well, it looks it went... -Does it look good?
-It's very good. Okay, you start, go on. -Go on, go on.
-This is with the Parmesan... It's very good. -If you don't mind I'm going to copy you
and have some more.
It's very good.
Things that may be simple to do
but won't come naturally to someone who's not used to doing them.
How to Paint Grapes With Oil - Narrated - Duration: 4:58.Hello my friends and welcome to the last tutorial of the year!
I am Leonardo Pereznieto and today we will paint grapes
with oil.
We begin by mixing a very dark green.
I use the oxide of chromium green and a dark brown called sepia extra.
With this, an a hard bristle brush I sketch the vessel or the container.
Previously, I had already toned the canvas and it is already dried.
We will also mark where the shadows go.
And I make it a little bit bigger, like this.
Now we paint the grapes.
And we shade it.
I don´t like painting directly on the white canvas
because it is harder to see the colors.
That one is using.
I fix the upper side over here…
and then I shade the grapes as well.
Basically, I´m laying down the painting just in black and white for right now.
It's not really black, but you get the idea.
I mix the color for the background with some more oxide of chromium
some viridian green and some ultramarine blue.
With this we paint the background.
Adding some reds here and there.
And some white.
Let´s also paint the surface where the container is standing.
A little darker than the rest.
I don´t want the background to be even.
Let´s add a light, over here in this area.
WIth some yellow.
By the way I will upload a long version of this tutorial,
to my Patreon account.
I leave you the link below the video,
in case you want to subscribe!
With the sepia I do some of the darks of the vessel.
And then with a light blue, the lights.
The list of materials that I am using also will be in the information below the video.
This is the last tutorial of the year.
Next Tuesday we will be on 2017, that´s unreal [laughter].
It´s time to set some good artistic goals, for this coming year.
We paint the dark part of the grapes with a dark purple.
And then we add some cadmium red and some orange.
And at the tip, some bright yellow because I want these grapes
to be shinning.
The light is coming from the top-left so the top-left of each grape
I paint a cold light.
Very white!
But the light goes through the grape and at the bottom-right will be the yellow
illumination, maybe I exaggerated a little bit
the light on them, but I think that will look
pretty nice!
Is not totally how they look in reality but that´s an artistic license that
we can take, to make it even better.
The yellow-orangy light that is on the right is warm, so it contrasts nicely with
the other one.
I think I am missing grapes [laughter].
Let´s paint some more behind them. We sketch them as before.
And we paint the shadow part.
Here will be a fallen grape.
That will be closer to us.
This of course for composition purposes.
I should do a video tutorial on composition.
On how to make the drawing or painting look better by the arrangement of things.
We pull some lights to reflect on the vessel and also paint some
grapes as a reflection on it.
Let´s not forget the cast shadow of the container.
I like how it is coming along.
I love painting so much!
Let´s do the stem, we do a light brown and then place a shadow, for it.
Then some red on the grapes.
I will not paint so much light on these back grapes, precisely
because they are on the back and they should stay there [laughter].
I want to wish you a super 2017!
The last touches and it´s ready!
If you enjoyed it, please give it a LIKE!
share it to your friends and subscribe to Fine Art-Tips
and to Patreon.
You know where to follow me, the links are below.
And I will see you, on Tuesday :)
Subtitled by Grethel Trejo
Wolverine Stabs Rogue | X-Men (2000) | 4K ULTRA HD - Duration: 2:47.Logan?
Logan! Logan, wake up.
Help me!
Somebody, help!
Scott, grab a pillow.
It was an accident.
- Logan? - What happened?
Is she all right? - She'll be all right.
What did she do to me? - When Rogue touches someone,
she takes their energy, their life force.
In the case of mutants, she absorbs their gifts for a while.
In your case, your ability to heal.
It felt like she almost killed me.
If she'd held out any longer, she could have.
If she'd held out any longer, she could have.
Quincy Jones: 'I wanted to be a gangster' - Duration: 1:56.-------------------------------------------
Welsh football team equals Ajax world record - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
Xmas Shopping with Trump's Secretary of State Pick! | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:38.>> CONGRATULATIONS, MR.
[ENG] LuHan's New Year Wish from KFC - Duration: 0:09.My 2017 is amazing!
Eat all fried chicken, and start a journey without
burdens toward the New Year with Manager Lu
noora & william | no angels - Duration: 1:04.Call me what you want.
Then I choose to call you, asshole.
Say you don't like me, and I'm gone.
I swear.
I don't like you.
Unless you'll say that you don't want to be with me...
You need to have the fucking guts to say it.
I do want to be with you!
I'm not in love with you.
2015-2017 F-150 CGS Motorsports Stainless Cat-Back Exhaust (2.7L EcoBoost) Sound Clip & Install - Duration: 4:34.What's up, everybody?
I'm Justin with americanmuscle.com.
And this is my detailed review and install of the CGS stainless steel cat-back exhaust
system available for your 2015 and newer 2.7-liter EcoBoost-powered F-150.
This quick review is gonna cover my thoughts on the sound you can expect when bolting up
the CGS to your EcoBoost-powered ride, what you're gonna be seeing as far as construction
and materials, and then, finally, we'll even talk through the install here with this system.
And right on the surface, I'm gonna tell you, SuperCrew, SuperCab F-150, this is a 100%
bolt-on job, no cutting, no permanent modification needed.
So let's call it one out of three wrenches on the difficulty meter.
And I will have a little bit more detail later on.
So the full stainless CGS system that we do have in this video should appeal to the truck
owners out there who really don't wanna drop a huge sum of money for an aftermarket cat-back
but would still like to get a noticeable bump in sound while still maintaining a great build
in that full stainless steel material.
Now, with that said, if that sounds like you, let's dive a little deeper into the system.
And sound would be a great place to start here with the CGS system, so let's dive right
And in my opinion, guys, you heard the sound clips, I think, for the price, the CGS produces
a very decent tone overall.
Now, to be completely honest here, the aluminized steel version and the stainless steel version
sound identical to my ears.
And that's not really a bad thing in my opinion.
You're looking at a middle of the road, three out of five here on my one to five "I wanna
wake the neighbors" scale.
It's definitely a little louder than stock, but it's not gonna drive you crazy.
The tone is deep.
It's not raspy at all.
You picked up a little bit more turbo noise over stock.
And that interior noise, while noticeable, again, isn't gonna drive you crazy on long
With the sound aside, let's talk about how this system kind of comes to life hearing
it all surrounds around the CGS high flow muffler.
It is a chamber design single inlet, single outlet all going through the three-inch mandrel
bent tubing, exiting out the four-inch double wall slash cut tip.
I will say the tip in this kit is much nicer than the one that is included with the aluminized
steel version.
But, again, you're looking at a full stainless steel build throughout here with this particular
And as such, it is backed by a limited lifetime warranty.
And we have mentioned that this is an affordable option in the land of full stainless systems.
And it is.
It's just north of 400 bucks here for the full stainless option from CGS.
Your only other options on the site currently in that price point are the pipe systems and
also the XP Series from MBRP.
But let's talk about the install as promised earlier in the video.
And as I mentioned earlier in this video here, if you have a SuperCrew or SuperCab F-150,
you're in for a very easy day in the shop or garage.
One out of three wrenches on the difficulty meter, maybe an hour or two before you're
making some noise.
Again, this is a very simple bolt-on job.
There's no cutting or permanent modification needed.
So if you have a basic set of hand tools and a little bit of mechanical expertise, you're
gonna be able to knock this one out.
Now, when it comes time to start wrenching, obviously, that factory system will need to
be removed first before you can install the CGS system here.
So get that out of the way using your basic socket set.
And an extra set of hands would definitely be helpful here as that factory system can
be a little big and a little cumbersome.
With that out of the way, you can start hanging the new CGS system.
I would recommend starting from front to back, get the entire system on the truck, and then
save your final tighten up to the very end, and you should be good to go.
While the CGS brand or name might not be as big or recognizable as some of the other options
in the category, I was very impressed with not only the sound but also the build and
materials, given the very affordable price.
So that's my review of the CGS full stainless cat-back for your EcoBoost F-150, which you
can grab right here at americanmuscle.com.
Montréal-style casserole (BuzzFeed Tasty parody) | That's What Sheena Said - Duration: 2:30.♪
Okay so I've heard that Montreal is a foodie town,
and I think y'all know that I'm a foodie.
Poutine, oh yeeeah.
'Scuse me.
Steamies, I'm gonna get ya.
Oh wow, there's a weiner dog.
Montreal style bagels!
Bagels, nom, nom, nom!
La crepe si vous plait!
Smoked meat!
Vegetables, fuck you!
Now I'm gonna show you guys
how to make a traditional dish here,
and this one's called the Montreal casserole.
You need a few layers to do this,
now let me show you how it's done.
The first layer that you want to use
is gonna be the poutine.
Now, Quebec, they are famous for their poutine.
And you're gonna mash it in.
Now we've got the steak sandwich
and what you're gonna wanna do is gently massage this
into the casserole.
And don't be afraid to use a hot dog.
Now, a lot of people don't like cooking with hot dogs.
It should always be your number one ingredient.
Now a lot of people are afraid to do the salty and sweet
do not be afraid to do the salty and sweet.
Now, every good recipe if you do it correctly
you want to have a nice garnish on the top.
Now I've chosen a Montreal bagel.
Bagels are famous here in Montreal, in Quebec.
A lot of people eat these bagels.
And a lot of people like to use basil
as their garnish on the side, not me.
Just a little sprinkle guys, you don't need a lot.
Actually let's put the whole bottle in.
Now, once you've got these ingredients set
and put in their place
what you wanna do is put this in the oven at 350 degrees.
Now enjoy!
Montreal, I'm gonna eat ya!
Fuckin eat it, just fuckin eat it!
YILBAŞI ŞARKISI YAPTIM! - "2017" - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
Tuesday Tip #11 Which products can you use with your Genius Ultra? - Duration: 2:29.Hi and welcome to the Tuesday Tip!
We are in the middle of the gift giving season.
Have you treated your loved ones or yourself
to a Genius Ultra? How rewarding would it be
to give your mom, your sister,
your brother or your best friend
the gift of beautiful,
youthful-looking skin in 2017?
Today's Tuesday Tip
is about which products work
best with your Genius Ultra and
which ones to avoid.
The good news is that most Arbonne skincare
products are perfect pairs
to use with your Genius Ultra.
Here on my left are some
products we recommend you use
with the Genius Ultra. You'll see some
RE9, some Calm
some RE9 Advanced for Men
and some body products!
You're good to go!
There are so many products outside of
just what is here that you can use
with your Genius Ultra.
Now on my right is a different story.
These are products we recommend you not
use together with your Genius Ultra.
And I'll tell you why
Don't use with products that contain SPF.
This is
any day cream or moisturizer
which says SPF on the
front panel. The efficacy
of the SPF can be compromised
if used together because of the chemical
or mineral sunscreen composition.
However, we do recommend
using an SPF after
you finish the Genius Ultra
during the day. Just don't use
them together.
Then there's acne products.
This include the entire Clear Future Collection.
Because this collection
includes the active
salicylic acid, it's recommended that
you not use this together with your
Genius Ultra.
Last but not least, are products
you would normally use with water.
This includes cleansers, shaving creams,
rinse-off masks.
The Genius Ultra cannot be submerged
or put under running water.
So it's best to steer clear when using
these types of products with your Genius Ultra.
Now, if you're hesitant
about how your skin will react
to the Genius Ultra with specific
Arbonne products, we
recommend you test them together
on the inside part of your forearm.
Wait 24 hours
and check for any adverse reaction.
If there's no reaction,
then you're probably safe to use these products
together with your Genius Ultra.
I hope this helps clear up
any questions that you had.
I'll see you, back here, next Tuesday
for the last tip of 2016!
Chapter 2 / 2.Kısım ''Complicated Love'' Part 2 / Bölüm 2 Miraculous Ladybug Comic / Çizgi Roman - Duration: 1:17.-------------------------------------------
Kids toy | How to build a bridge for cars | Car for kids. - Duration: 5:46.Kids toy | How to build a bridge for cars | Car for kids.
Habb-e-Jaryan | Mani ke Qatre Ana | 21 Din May Jeryan Khatam | Ala Tanasul Leek Huna - Duration: 1:30.Habb-e-Jaryan | Mani ke Qatre Ana | 21 Din May Jeryan Khatam | Ala Tanasul Leek Huna
Why are we so attached to our things? - Christian Jarrett - Duration: 4:35.After witnessing the violent rage shown by babies
whenever deprived of an item they considered their own,
Jean Piaget, a founding father of child psychology,
observed something profound about human nature.
Our sense of ownership emerges incredibly early.
Why are we so clingy?
There's a well-established phenomenon in psychology
known as the endowment effect
where we value items much more highly just as soon as we own them.
In one famous demonstration,
students were given a choice between a coffee mug
or a Swiss chocolate bar
as a reward for helping out with research.
Half chose the mug, and half chose the chocolate.
That is, they seemed to value the two rewards similarly.
Other students were given a mug first
and then a surprise chance to swap it for a chocolate bar,
but only 11% wanted to.
Yet another group started out with chocolate,
and most preferred to keep it rather than swap.
In other words, the students nearly always put greater value
on whichever reward they started out with.
Part of this has to do with how quickly we form connections
between our sense of self and the things we consider ours.
That can even be seen at the neural level.
In one experiment, neuroscientists scanned participants' brains
while they allocated various objects either to a basket labeled "mine,"
or another labeled, "Alex's."
When participants subsequently looked at their new things,
they're brains showed more activity
in a region that usually flickers into life
whenever we think about ourselves.
Another reason we're so fond of our possessions
is that from a young age we believe they have a unique essence.
Psychologists showed us this by using an illusion
to convince three to six-year-olds they built a copying machine,
a device that could create perfect replicas of any item.
When offered a choice between their favorite toy
or an apparently exact copy,
the majority of the children favored the original.
In fact, they were often horrified at the prospect of taking home a copy.
This magical thinking about objects isn't something we grow out of.
Rather it persists into adulthood while becoming ever more elaborate.
For example, consider the huge value placed on items
that have been owned by celebrities.
It's as if the buyers believed the objects they'd purchased
were somehow imbued with the essence of their former celebrity owners.
For similar reasons, many of us are reluctant to part with family heirlooms
which help us feel connected to lost loved ones.
These beliefs can even alter our perception of the physical world
and change our athletic abilities.
Participants in a recent study were told they were using a golf putter
once owned by the champion Ben Curtis.
During the experiment,
they perceived the hole as being about a centimeter larger
than controlled participants using a standard putter
and they sank slightly more putts.
Although feelings of ownership emerge early in life, culture also plays a part.
For example, it was recently discovered that Hadza people of northern Tanzania
who are isolated from modern culture
don't exhibit the endowment effect.
That's possibly because they live in an egalitarian society
where almost everything is shared.
At the other extreme, sometimes our attachment to our things can go too far.
Part of the cause of hoarding disorder is an exaggerated sense of responsibility
and protectiveness toward one's belongings.
That's why people with this condition find it so difficult to throw anything away.
What remains to be seen today
is how the nature of our relationship with our possessions
will change with the rise of digital technologies.
Many have forecast the demise of physical books and music,
but for now, at least, this seems premature.
Perhaps there will always be something uniquely satisfying
about holding an object in our hands and calling it our own.
Police identify officer involved in Pikesville shooting - Duration: 0:22.OFFICERS SHOT HIM WHEN HE
LES SIMPSON - BART FAIS DES BÉBÉS - (HD) FRANÇAIS ★ - Duration: 17:04.-------------------------------------------
Compare Loom & Leaf-------------------------------------------
My Kitchen Rules on FOX-------------------------------------------
B*stards of the Bible Belt - Duration: 24:06.-------------------------------------------
Новый байк BMW замена ИЖ Юпитер 5? Обзор BMW Motorrad Vision Next 100 на русском - Duration: 4:11.-------------------------------------------
Habb-e-Jaryan | Mani ke Qatre Ana | 21 Din May Jeryan Khatam | Ala Tanasul Leek Huna - Duration: 1:30.Habb-e-Jaryan | Mani ke Qatre Ana | 21 Din May Jeryan Khatam | Ala Tanasul Leek Huna
Well That Is A ROADTRIP | EP 3 | Tour de Madagascar - Duration: 7:17.At first, we were following other cars but we lost them along the way.
At the point we found the way, this driver rode as fast as he could.
So close to
this petrol station, we
ran out of fuel.
The driver took a bus, public transport, to get
fuel here.
Another motor driver got some fuel as well and after
refueling we could get to the petrol station here.
We lost more than an hour because of this incident.
Solid driver by the way: He can drive very fast.
So this is the room?
- Where is my suitcase?
Top 10 Smallest People In The World | Top 10 Shortest People - Duration: 3:41.top 10 smallest people in the world top 10 shortest people
top 10 smallest people in the world top 10 shortest people
top 10 smallest people in the world top 10 shortest people
Suono Della Natura Per Rilassarsi - Leggere - Studiare - Dormire Bene - Duration: 1:06:24.-------------------------------------------
Yemek Arsızı Hayvanlar 😍😍😍😍 / Komik Hayvanlar #21 / Komik Videolar #65 - Duration: 3:47.-------------------------------------------
Love Ciara?-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Love Ciara?-------------------------------------------
LEGO® Star Wars™-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> LEGO® Star Wars™-------------------------------------------
Az ezerfejű szörnyeteg a Cinemax2-n - Duration: 0:39.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Az ezerfejű szörnyeteg a Cinemax2-n - Duration: 0:39.-------------------------------------------
A zsémbes a Cinemax2-n - Duration: 0:43.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> A zsémbes a Cinemax2-n - Duration: 0:43.-------------------------------------------
Don't Call It A Comeback: Crash Return With N. Sane Trilogy - Duration: 2:45.While I was excited about Marvel vs Capcom Infinite coming to the Playstation 4 next
year it was another little gem caught my eye.
When it came to platformers, least be honest, I sucked major ass never getting pass the
beginning levels, oh man the Super Mario 64 flashbacks are coming back, but that didn't
stop me anyway.
I probably should of just stuck with Pokemon or something simple like that.
Truly a blast from the past when platformers were king.
Crash Bandicoot was one of those games alongside Banjo-Kazooie, Spyro, and Mario to put jumping
on the map.
I guess you could add Sonic to that list too.
I mean his game was all about speed though.
Well, you should of seen how fast my jaw hit the floor when N. Sane Trilogy was announced.
Its a collection of remakes of the first three games in the Crash Bandicoot series; Crash
Bandicoot, Cortex Strikes Back, and Warped, which all see the titular Crash Bandicoot
traversing various levels in order to stop the evil Dr. Neo Cortex, wait Neo Cortex like
part of the brain.
How am I just realizing this now!
I must be stupid.
His head was freaking huge that should of been my clue dammit.
I'm glad they didn't stray too far from the game roots you can't always trust Activision.
Just like in the original games, in the remake Crash will be spinning and using jumping techniques
to defeat enemies, smashing crates, and collecting items such as Wumpa Fruits, extra lives, and
protective Aku-Aku masks.
Ya know I really could go for some Wumpa Fruit.
The title's renaming was revealed as the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy at the PlayStation
Experience event, which also revealed that it will release in 2017.
I can't wait, man.
Vicarious Visions, A+ plus name, coined the term "remaster plus" in describing whether
or not the N. Sane Trilogy is a remaster or a remake.
They said that they do not consider it a remake, because they did not "fully remake them".
They said that they used Naughty Dog's original level geometry to rebuild the Crash gameplay
from scratch.
As the levels were coming together, they also added their own art, animation, and audio.
Alright I'm a little concerned about that part, but I going to have faith because the
trailer looked amazing.
All in all this a pretty good sign.
Maybe if these games sell well enough they'll remake Spyro the Dragon, too.
Because in my humblest opinion Skylanders is a fate worst than death.
For more infomation >> Don't Call It A Comeback: Crash Return With N. Sane Trilogy - Duration: 2:45.-------------------------------------------
A várakozás a Cinemax2-n - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> A várakozás a Cinemax2-n - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
IRL - Tiny Whoop First Week - Duration: 3:46.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> IRL - Tiny Whoop First Week - Duration: 3:46.-------------------------------------------
Victor Socaciu - Nucul - Duration: 6:33.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Victor Socaciu - Nucul - Duration: 6:33.-------------------------------------------
Pokémon Lune #20 - ROUTE 6 & RETOUR À HO' OHALE ! - Duration: 17:05.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Pokémon Lune #20 - ROUTE 6 & RETOUR À HO' OHALE ! - Duration: 17:05.-------------------------------------------
'La La Land' Trailer-------------------------------------------
Funny Cartoons for Kids-------------------------------------------
noora & william | no angels - Duration: 1:04.Call me what you want.
Then I choose to call you, asshole.
Say you don't like me, and I'm gone.
I swear.
I don't like you.
Unless you'll say that you don't want to be with me...
You need to have the fucking guts to say it.
I do want to be with you!
I'm not in love with you.
YILBAŞI ŞARKISI YAPTIM! - "2017" - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
TMNT 2016 🐢🍕 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Season 7 Episode 21 Leo Membership Drive - Duration: 41:31.I've always kind of thought my brothers
and I were magnet for trouble and I'm
right we are but we're nothing compared
to superheroes
take the Justice force they can lift a
finger without trouble finding them they
need a new member to simple enough right
wooden added superhero weekly hang a
Help Wanted sign outside your
impenetrable fortress of super too
score some new teammates easy sorry true
nothing's easy when you're a super
the Justice forces membership drive test
went to shell
the only question is am I gonna survive
long enough to submit my application
reaction I'd never ladder backyard
the wise guy
don't know tell me
county there's no one like out for
incoming communication
Stockman what do you want a new piece of
alien wreckage from the invasion has
been uncovered from the report it could
be a Power Core most of the space debris
has long since been cleared away
this could be the earth Protection Force
is last chance to find something of
value take a commando unit retrieve the
peace and report back
it's always a pleasure doing business
with you agent Bishop
you put what in the trunk
jet engines every taxi in New York
should have it's also got retractable
armor incorporated a lot of atoms idea
he would have loved working on this
we interrupt this program for breaking
news we now go to the scene that the
superhero team known as the Justice
force in expanding have been confirmed
Channel 6 News has just learned that
while the team has recently added two
new members they plan to continue that
ride with hopes of inviting several more
heroes into their ranks are you thinking
what I'm thinking I'm thinking it might
be a good idea to talk to the Justice
force about the shredder I was thinking
that mikey is gonna freak out when he
hears this be all the next member of the
Justice force the new improved turtle
tight in and I was ranked Mikey the
Justice force could be powerful allies
against the shredder they're not going
to take us seriously if you're goofing
around but come on how cool would it be
me a member of the Justice force
I'm finishing up the taxi and wraps up
blowing off steam with casey but if you
guys want to get to the Justice tower in
superhero style
I've got just the thing
strapped down your shells and prepare
yourself for the sewer sled
agent Bishop will be furious this is
useless completely burnt out what a
waste of my time my talent huh
that's this fall's look further
let's have a closer look shall we
no but bring out the particle collector
we're bringing something back
you think you got what it takes to be a
well think again you Punk's got invited
to come for an interview with the
Justice force
well look what he do you think that toy
years makes you a hero arrow boy and you
molecular you break you really think
pushing that little button on your belts
gonna help you in a fight tiny stand up
straight boy Garlett you think you're
special because of those powergloves you
think you can slug it out with
supervillains tough guy huh yeah I think
you're ready just give me something to
fight anything anyone i'll show you the
turtle type has arrived a supervillain
attack you picked the wrong place at the
wrong time
is it the new costume seriously if
you're not taking the new threads
I'm open to suggestions look there's
been a misunderstanding
we're not here to fight Oh Leonardo and
Michelangelo come to sign up have you
nice we're here to talk to the Justice
force about a serious threat
well then you young fellas had better go
on up
gee thanks CL I hate lying cutters these
superheroes today
simply amazing
they don't seem to be triceraton
Federation and origin and the only human
really enough to create this kind of
technology is me
are you certain you can reprogram them
Polly's the control chip i'm placing on
one of the nanobots will send my
programming out to each and every one of
millions of metal box under my control
the possibilities are endless all under
my control dr. activate them up of
course agent Bishop family the family
were you aware that it was intelligent
no no I from programming detected taking
over terror weapons protocol no escape
what are you doing to my life been
the nanobots are reconfiguring our
technology rebuilding it too
you I don't care
which isn't possible house in resisting
my programming
tell me doctor this is your idea of
control i'm beginning to understand why
your former employer kept relieving you
of body parts
no seriously we got these mystical
abilities down i got super speed
whoa this place is so cool
can I say that justice chair
nobody wrapped our let me be the first
to welcome you to the Justice force i'll
be there if you need me your invitation
honors me century will i'll be turtle
type Leonardo what brings you to the
Justice force did you come to sign up
well actually no we've come to warn you
about a creature of great evil and power
it calls itself the shredder world waits
with bated breath as the Justice force
continued celebration
get away error must obey justice for
dedicating their lives to the defense of
life keeping the world safe from
villainy and harm a facility in horror
the Justice force can help me
error error Stockman control obey error
with this protocol weapons online attack
our process
confirmed destroy Justice force
so we get to fight right i want to fight
i can handle anything that comes my way
destroyed Justice force that's a
supervillain i think i forgot to fill up
some membership paper must destroy
Justice force and then we were
transported back to New York the demon
shredder could be resurrected at any
he may be here already
justice force will be at your disposal
when the time comes haha wow so if you
should notice anything weird going on in
the city i'm noticing something right
come on come on fight
no stay back must avoid justice force
destroy Justice force you want to take
down the Justice force you'll have to go
through bowmaster first
he'll stop body
give it up giant robot the Justice force
is here you gotta admit leo
that sounds pretty cool
you know maybe I'll join the judges for
some other time
it's troy Justice force
justice force please help
there are multiple targets
eliminate threats no Mikey that voice
that face
yeah no everyone stop
we have to get away from technology
bonanza get out
Manos not your run-of-the-mill giant
killer robot warning warning
security breach firewall failure
it's taking control of like dog box
I'm not get out of it
this doesn't make any sense why would
nano attack the Justice force
yeah he always seen by such a
well-adjusted little rampaging robot
target metalhead
now that's justice watch rescue
no not like Josh
oh my favorite statue
enanta you can communicate with machines
right talk to it started a no control
you're right there's a control chip on
one of the nano box is spreading a
foreign program through its system i
consent but it's blocking me
the trip will have to be destroyed the
source but it's nano small how the shell
are we supposed to do
wait we oh I so have a plan
trust me it better be a quick one can't
believe I'm doing this
come on how hard can it be
alright we've got to find the nanobots
with the control chip
me out i think it might find us
Amanda lookout
now to finish this feed no it's okay
i've been in communication with him he
doesn't want to fight he's not evil
yeah man I was a good kid he just fell
in with a bad crowd
he's been manipulated his whole life but
you guys you can help him
Thank You Justice force and thank you
turtle creatures my programming is about
too much since my previous encounters
with you I apologize for my lack of
maturity that was some good thinking
there mikey way to go
it's just your classic good robot under
evil control force to attack superhero
scenario no biggie
now let's talk about my membership
the addition of this mysterious nano the
Justice force completed their membership
no no don't ask what's the matter my key
didn't make the cut in your dreams you
want to be the turtle Titan is an
official member of the Justice force of
course i'm only on duty every third
wednesday of every fourth month and
februari 29 when there is one
at last the shredder the spread or is
I live now that the world travel
30 actions never ladder
there's no one like out for sure
where are you
what a nightmare I dreamed about karai
she was reaching out to me
yeah that was my dream the city was
cracking up into a million pieces and
then she was at the mercy of the
shredder I saw that too and then New
York transformed into a horror show
sort of like an alternate universe but
yeah and the shredder was there the
ancient big broo douche redder acting
all king of the world
whoa whoa you're telling me we all had
the same dreams
looks like your gun clacks are walking
them know yokel back
yes it would seem that you are connected
to forces beyond time and space through
your subconscious in English please
senses and you know all about helping
out well your amulets your weapons your
training with the tribunal it is all
connected you to the shredder in some
way after all that was the Tribunal's
goal was it not to take the four of you
along with Adam joy Laura and virology
and transform you from acolytes
into fasters hi
daddy's the ninja tributyl had hoped to
force you into the ultimate woman
capable of compassion evil on both
physical and mr.
the shredders evil Harold Wood had to
the ninja tribunals lands were destroyed
and your training
we can only hope that what you have
learned already will be enough
after all your nightmares have confirmed
what the ancient one and i have dreaded
meditations have shown that terrible
things I mean judge I few knows what he
has come true he seen the shredder
brought to a nice shredder back
no way and soon he will shake the world
into a back chaos it will not be pretty
but first from what your dream suggest
he will destroy karai well at least we
got something to look forward to
maybe they'll do each other in sounds
good right we'll be back
yes there is something here something
I sense that somehow we must warn
quraían perhaps even try to rescue her
but sensei she'd sooner destroy us and
yet your dreams would indicate that she
is reaching how to you
we must not so readily turn our backs on
saving a life even in all drivers
venture for survey
what a pleasure it will be
to hear the screams when I remake the
world in my own image
this island is the perfect place to
begin the most small side make it easy
to defend master there is first the
matter of the use of she dares to call
herself a stretcher very existence marks
people you must first deal with her
I must
I must do whatever I please
yes okay master you amuse me
and so my destroying this your supper as
once that's all testing saver i will
bring a reign of chaos on to this world
forgotten 1m resource entertainment this
world is
what memories they springs back the yeah
the destruction the agony I feel truly
inspired now just go give our regards to
guys still working some of the kinks out
of the turtle taxi no problem i wanted
to see my lunch again anyway remember
the plan
we're leaving one of our shells at the
foot building this is just a drop and go
no fighting right then we call cry up
and say lady get out of town
please tell me that's not who I think it
that's exactly you think it is the
original shredder and he's got those
mystics that destroy the tribunal with
they're heading for cries it's too late
to Warner now he'll be there in minutes
can we go around pass them somehow maybe
if I can clear a path through this
wreckage and I here I might have just
the thing
hang on
try that way Johnny don't be a backseat
turtle Mikey
you turtle Donnie guys I maybe the
turtle but he's the shredder
what an annoying horseless carriage
someone should wash it like a bug
and I think it will be me
jet engines in the truck
never leave home without it
where's big ugly and evil
he's already forgotten about us and he's
almost at karai's will never get past
him which means no warning cry
wait maybe we still can karai has a
surveillance van parked outside
April's place remember yeah it's keeping
tabs on April's in case we happened to
drop by
maybe it's time for a visit
the classic it s done
oh this is a good idea
what you have a lot of nerve using this
line your insolence is just one reason
that I will hunt you down cry after top
top per minute and listen we're trying
to warn you there's a hot what a ghost
coming to get me a boogeyman I am fully
aware of the old reading that approaches
and i am prepared to fight him
you can't fight it you don't understand
you've got to run
he's not just some old relic he's mr.
mondo bad evil guy a very powerful demon
there ain't no way you can take him
do you forget to whom you speak
I am the daughter of oo KU sake i am the
shredder and the next time I see you I
will be your girl that went well
Donnie patches into the lair
quite attractive idiotic contraption you
already did ancient 10 Master Splinter
horizon listening
she's going to fight the shredder yeah
that's the end of her then we must try
to save her from her own folly she has
some comic role to play in all of this I
am sure of it
continue as we planned we must get her
out of their ancient one and i will meet
you at the appointed place avoid
confronting the shredder has been care
for my son's avoid confronting the
shredder he says no
is is that your servers fortress
expected to find warriors here not
school children go home to your mother's
little in Jack
last a chance to display some real power
when these teams must not be allowed to
this tries my patience
is there no one here that can percent
even the slightest challenge
through our initial defense mistress
deploy the tech ninjas with chaplains No
mystic defense armaments we shall
attempt to slow him a little mistress
the mayor's on line three connect us
I can't keep my people back much longer
is sake it's mayhem over at your place
I'm sort out my own affairs but I need
more time I am counting on you mr. mayor
there will be an extra deposit in your
swiss account
oh well take as much time as you need
I'll think of something
whoa this looks worse than your room
Mikey her eyes forces have been crushed
time's running out
lets rule
cry it is time to face the one true
back today's pleasures all mine
Selinda and I may share some of your
pathetic lives
Paula tricks but it won't be nearly
enough to stop mail
comments containing set all little
cosmic generators and match problem
show yourself cry now
get me dr. Jackie
status report doctor I'm just making
some last-minute calibrations on the
weaponry mistress happen we have had
months to prepare you should be finished
this is delicate work
nobody's ever tried this kind of magic
deck before taking some time time is one
thing we do not have ready your men and
get here
the fight is upon us
will you hide forever karai from Redick
your time passed long ago
go crawl back into the grave where you
belong with every word you call upon
yourself but never more terrible fate my
fate will not be determined by you cry
wait fighting run dispose of those
I have business with the imposter
tell me again why saving Christ such a
good idea to be honest rap i'm not so
sure that it is anymore now acolytes
John your beloved tribunal in the ass
How Does the Mediation Process Work? Find Out from a Georgia Attorney Who Handles Cases Nationwide - Duration: 1:35.You have basically the insurance company or their representative and then you have the
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And basically you have two separate rooms, so there's never a situation where you're
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Instead you have a third-party, a neutral who's a mediator and they walk back and forth
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Get the vocab - Learn English with The Big Bang Theory! - S01E11 - Duration: 6:35.Hello guys! My name is Riccardo and welcome back to
SPIKA presents: "Get the Voc...
<Sorry, sorry, sorry! I'm late! I know I'm late!>
it's my turn today... <sorry!>
OK, cheers! Bye!
So as I was saying...
welcome back to SPIKA presents: "Get the Vocab!"
The show that teaches your English using TV series!
In every video we talked about the keywords of a specific episode
remember to watch our video first then
download the PDF file and then you can
go ahead and watch the episode
and when you're done, you can come on our website
and check out some amazing stuff that we have for you
but now let's get started
with season 1 episode 11 of the "Big Bang Theory"!
Right, the first word of this episode is:
This verb comes from the word "suit"
which is this
To be suited for something
it means to have a propensity for
as in vanessa is well-suited
for the part of the co-protagonist
<Oh! Thank you, love!>
Right back at you, honey!
the next word is
This word describes the place where something lives
for example:
penguins live in a cold environment
I love penguins!!!
Anyway... it's also used to describe a situation
for example:
"Oh! I don't like that school environment for my child"
as in, maybe I don't like the people or the area
"To bend over" describes the movement you do
when you try to take something off the floor
so you are "bending over"
for example:
I went to the doctor the other day and he asked me to bend over
for my prostate exam...
it wasn't a good day...
but you know who can't bend over?
Have you ever seen one trying to bend over???
I love them!!!
This verb means not to draw any attention
so to be sure that no one sees you
for example:
Oh, Love!
What are we going to do?
Don't worry baby! We just need to lay low for a few days and everything will be all right!
Oh, Clyde!
Oh, Bonnie!
The word "Doom" means destruction or death
so when someone says "they're doomed"
it means that there is no way to escape
and they're about to get into serious
the Rocky Mountains I gotta warn you
you're DOOMED!
you're DOOMED!
You're DOOMED... You are all DOOMED...
now this verb is irregular and it goes
very easy and he has two meanings
literally speaking,
to shut something down
it means to turn it off, as in:
"Hoy, Skipper! Don't forget to shut down the computer when you're done!"
Good boy!
metaphorically speaking
"To shut SOMEONE down" means to refuse or decline an invitation
As in: "I asked Vanessa if she wanted to watch a marathon about Marvel movies,
but she shut me...
<That's not true, man!>
No, it's okay! I 'm going with skipper, that's it!
Do you know that feeling you have when your head is
spinning and everything around you
becomes black and you can't remember what happened?
Well... You're PASSING OUT!
now, for example:
"On Easter Monday, Skipper ate so much he passed out!"
This word is originally from farming
and it's used to describe that period of the
year where farmers take all the fruit and vegetables
For those of you who are familiar with buying things online,
you might already know this word
for those of you who are not,
"To ship" means to send the mail or post
now "To SHIP OFF" is just an expression that
means to send the mail, as in:
"I shipped off my bags last Friday!", so I sent them
Now this is an expression coming
from USA and it's very complicated to understand the meaning
so i'll try to make it easy for you...
well it means...
No! It just means "no"...
I don't know why they use the world
"Jose" really... I think it's just because of the sound...
so when you don't want someone to do something, you pretty much say:
"No way, Jose!"
and you look good..
Last but not least:
"To Crawl" just means the action of moving
on your hands and knees,
like a soldier!
For example:
"before babies can learn how to walk
they need to learn how to crawl"
Even baby penguins!!!
<That is scientifically inaccurate, you know?>
I can do this!
I just need to keep crawling
Honey! Did you find the keys?
<I'm trying!!!>
Alright, so that was it for today,
now that you know the important words
you can go ahead download our PDF file,
and then watch the episode if you liked
the video make sure to put a big like on
our Facebook page and subscribe to our
YouTube channel for more videos like this
and that's it for now, from SPIKA!
<CUT!! Good one!!>
Yellow, it's your turn!
Is Jesus a Myth? - Duration: 2:34.The unique thing about Christianity is that it rises or falls
with Jesus. If Jesus is just a myth, as many skeptics
assert, than Christianity is false. It's that simple! So is
there any evidence that Jesus was a real historical
person? The answer is yes. First, we have the four
Gospels, and Paul's epistles which were
written within 30 to 60 years after Jesus' life
Unfortunately though, skeptics are not likely to accept
this evidence because it's Christian sources.
While it's not fair to rule out Christian sources just
because they're Christian, let's concede to the objection
for argument's sake and provide some non-Christian
sources. Consider the first century Jewish historian
Josephus, who, in his history of the Jewish people
called, "Antiquities of the Jews," refers to Jesus
twice. Book 20 contains a quick, indirect reference, when
Josephus writes about James, the brother of Jesus. In
book 18, however, Josephus names Jesus, describes
him as a wise man, a doer of startling deeds, and a
teacher, and affirms his crucifixion under Pontius Pilate.
Now, while this passage in book 18 contains additions
by Christian copyists, the elements mentioned are
considered historical. Howabout Cornelius Tacitus, a
Roman historian of the first century? In his work
"Annals," he refers to a group of people called "Christians," and
describes their founder and leader as Christus,
who was put to death by Pontius Pilate,
procurator of Judea in the reign of Tiberius. So with
evidence from both Christian and non-Christian sources
we can be sure Jesus was not a myth, but was
a real historical person. If you want to learn more about
this topic and others like it, visit our website at
catholic.com. For Catholic Answers, I'm Karlo Broussard.
Thanks for watching.
Is Jesus a Myth? - Duration: 2:34.The unique thing about Christianity is that it rises or falls
with Jesus. If Jesus is just a myth, as many skeptics
assert, than Christianity is false. It's that simple! So is
there any evidence that Jesus was a real historical
person? The answer is yes. First, we have the four
Gospels, and Paul's epistles which were
written within 30 to 60 years after Jesus' life
Unfortunately though, skeptics are not likely to accept
this evidence because it's Christian sources.
While it's not fair to rule out Christian sources just
because they're Christian, let's concede to the objection
for argument's sake and provide some non-Christian
sources. Consider the first century Jewish historian
Josephus, who, in his history of the Jewish people
called, "Antiquities of the Jews," refers to Jesus
twice. Book 20 contains a quick, indirect reference, when
Josephus writes about James, the brother of Jesus. In
book 18, however, Josephus names Jesus, describes
him as a wise man, a doer of startling deeds, and a
teacher, and affirms his crucifixion under Pontius Pilate.
Now, while this passage in book 18 contains additions
by Christian copyists, the elements mentioned are
considered historical. Howabout Cornelius Tacitus, a
Roman historian of the first century? In his work
"Annals," he refers to a group of people called "Christians," and
describes their founder and leader as Christus,
who was put to death by Pontius Pilate,
procurator of Judea in the reign of Tiberius. So with
evidence from both Christian and non-Christian sources
we can be sure Jesus was not a myth, but was
a real historical person. If you want to learn more about
this topic and others like it, visit our website at
catholic.com. For Catholic Answers, I'm Karlo Broussard.
Thanks for watching.
Как создать почтовый ящик @gmail com Почта Gmail Аккаунт Гугл Google - Duration: 2:20.-------------------------------------------
TMNT 2016 🐢🍕 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Season 7 Episode 22 Raph New World Order - Duration: 41:31.well here we are the shredders Harold's
bearing down and their master waiting in
the wings
looking back I think the tribunal
trained us to prepare very work but i'm
not sure even they
the original straighter is risen from
the dead
greatest to ever walk the earth walks
the Mystics blast their way into foot
and his newest victim is destined to be
crying but she thinks she actually has a
chance against using some sort of
weapons technology based on magic and
mysticism that she and her people have
been working on but with the games that
the shredder infiltrated her stronghold
it's clear she doesn't have a prayer
he's going to wipe her out
don't let him run and after that you're
chain reaction never ladder racks
the wiseguys
oh crap
there's no one down lie down for
shrenger 123
he created coast they do not think I
would be prepared for your arrival i
developed weaponry that will destroy you
that's so sweet
you show not into fear is operable paid
for her reference you have to file my
name long enough
cry with not for her after all you are
want to see on paint what the shell are
you talking about
have you not yet realized without you we
could never have three the shredder for
it was you read us
mr. ninjas know when I took that crystal
from try on behalf of agent show you set
us free
no now
yes you set a chain of events in motion
that led to our masters
we're stopping it here
on your feet little I am done with you
get chaplain where are you Kevin
I need you yeah now we're almost ready
mistress karai i'll be there promise
only aesthetic romantic always seek want
retching him pasta you want nothing
spineless weakling
what is this weapon no don't please show
me see you are finished
good riddance diamond
my child father
I few more such fun to toy with
it's almost a shame i have to destroy
nice we've got to help cry
awkward guess that means no thank you
you are warned not doing to me
it will not happen again
that last just three of us
like fire with mystic fire I say
and stop here come the other two
you collide with it be the cause
refuse to stay still
then i'd just have to force you
such a course some woman I wonder
someone well-mannered looks really thats
perhaps I should let you live after all
you would make a fine slave
let her go little serving your
ladyship's to the very end
how noble the only thing we're serving
as your cronies on a plate
well done
those are the lowest of my minions
I had essentially is to amass my army
from this world
soldiers and our screens of the ancient
past rise and serve your master once
let the entertainment be care
guys next I want to complain bitterly
hey we must work together to slay these
monstrosities oh now you're all anybody
have all the time be well then let's get
to work
today maybe we actually got it
or maybe not
mistress karai i'm here sorry I took so
long but i had to recalibrate the
ectoplasmic ionic pulse modulator and
not job weapons are you know plasmic
parameter sets prepare fire watch this
monkey chattering about i'm talking
about giving you a taste of what science
can do when applied to magic competed
prepare to be torn limb from limb
weapon it was just a matter of creating
a special chemical elixir that could
polarize the Arcadians flux of them can
i tell you the rest over dinner
obviously believe you can minute true
magic with your toys
never forget our time together
don't you want
you care
star-crossed lovers bad
so tragically
karai yeah
shredder garage and other magical weapon
technology man we're all alone and here
comes big dark and scary
there's no way we've got a chance now
you no likey
I'm not sure we ever did
no what happened to our plan Jake crime
get out that's what we're doing it just
got a little complicated is all come on
let's go for yourself
watch it
come on guys remember what the ninja
tribunal taught us this isn't about how
much power you commit it's about the
strength you have inside we have to
Leo's right remember our training
well I didn't read all the books for
nothing i guess i didn't even read any
of those books
it's okay Mikey just focus got it bro
farewell regions
we're focusing just like on told us why
to unleash your spirit
what's happening don't ask just keep
if you are
it will now present as a writer
nothing to see here move
there's nothing to see
dispatch you got to see this
no this is not possible
all of them
there is no reason for these tiny
that was awesome
what just happened I don't know what I
come on let's grab cry and go it's not
too late to save her think are right
knows where to find us while we gave up
big enough signal flan April ready for
they have escaped with karai I am
finished with dr i have grander plans
than our this world is very different
from the one I once knew but I will not
change the suit it will change to suit
me soon the glory days of my beautiful
Empire will be restored soon this city
shall be my Citadel and I shall change
all the world into a dark chaos
looks like a storm's it is already here
after tortured years i think force
plumber i have a walk-in to find this
world wanting
boisterous filthy and worst of all a
breeding ground for weakness pathetic
ruler of this place the mayor lives here
a silly little puppet of the rabble he
knows nothing of true power but it is my
pleasure to educate you
as the native scholars is better suited
to fall into the ocean and hold the
throne of the Emperor
does a unique appeal there is great
power here power which I shall use to
remake this world in my own image
shakes all shredded dynasty begins and
you today
ladder racks
yeah yeah
I'm happy to
there's no one that blackout shredder
father know the shredder is i where am i
am I your krishna no more like my
patient we weren't too sure if you were
gonna make it
you saved me but why
if it were up to me I might not have but
for guys i care for very very much seem
to think there's something about you
that's worth saving but if you try
anything I'll slam you so fast it'll
curl your hair sister huh Jo april i
found this bozo sneak around back trying
to break in
Oh mistress you're all right we have to
get out of here out of the city maybe
even off the planet the resurrected
shredder has made his move and there
doesn't seem to be any way of stopping
things are about to get very bad here
my son's terrible nightmares have played
me for some time now
who is it the one where you have a
killer map test and you show up late and
you're not wearing your shell how forgot
to be silent
it's not a food they're open your mouth
and be--you'll
in the dream it is always night the
coldest night i have ever felt the
shredder right that demon horse through
our twisted woods somewhere in ancient
Japan we are his prey in the face of his
we can only run
and the helpless to stop him
as he slays each one of you myself
as he comes for me my master Yoshi
appears as though she
but before he can act the shredder
I had hoped the dreams would stop but
instead they are getting worse
the dreams in japan right well this is
New York City so it's all good right
hey April everything ok no Leo it's not
better get over here right away
what the shell is that
it is the end of life as we know it
the shredder dark magic is in developing
the city quickly we must get to April's
anybody want to tell me what's happening
then inject tribunal always said that
the evil should transform
I one for the team
no well
so you see the shredder has begun that
dreaded transformation of that CD and
it's a safe bet he won't stop until he's
changed the entire planet
not without additional energy the
ancient one and i have meditated on this
we have felt massive fluctuations in the
city's ley lines ley lines
yes you see ley lines are hidden condoms
of mystic energy that run throughout the
planet they are the essence of the
Earth's very spirit an uncommon member
of those lines converge in New York yeah
yeah and yeah the Keystone's check tell
them what we discovered when the mystic
ninjas escaped cries control we did a
lot of research into their magic and
what they've been up to on the sly
we learned that for decades the
shredders mystics blackmailed city
officials into installing three key
stones around the ship one of the Statue
of Liberty one of the United Nations
building and one at mannys meets in
northern Manhattan great chops these key
stones are magic amplifiers of solid
elemental ectoplasm but now seeing that
the key stones are set on junctions of
ley lines whoever controlled them would
have control over the mystic energies of
the whole planet in our training with
the ninja tribunal we learned that
energy is neither good nor evil if the
shredder could make use of the
Keystone's then couldn't we
if we were to access the Keystone's
before the shredder and focus our energy
into them
perhaps we can reverse the spell and
crippled shredder in the process
whatever we're doing we better start
alright got very procurement teams one
for each Keystone now let's sound off to
make sure we're all online check Mike
and I are on the way down here with
splinter wish we could give you more
data on what these key stones look like
but we just don't have any
however we do know this when we find
them we've got a blast them with
everything we've got at the same time
Roger that Donatello chaplain and I are
online and ready to coordinate the
timing from here
ripping un April will let you know when
we locate that Keystone
we're almost at the Statue of Liberty
broke will call in once we found the
Keystone i am still unsure as to why i
am here first and foremost so that I can
keep an eye on you after what you've
done to me and my family
I'm not exactly in a trusting room
secondly I've had a dream about you that
made me think that Master Splinter was
right when he says that all the
shredders are connected on some level of
I don't pretend to understand it
correctly but if you can help us fight
the demon shredder then you're going to
help us we're going to need every
advantage we can get
do you sense it as well brothers the
reptiles the old one and the rat and
that wretched cry all approach the
we tell the master and suffers flat for
the starving and years we must deal with
them ourself
and that's a week award
ok rump and we're almost managed means
no April will coming up on the third
Keystone or at least we're supposed to
I've heard of black magic
this is black magic wow what a stench
more like Manny's moldy meets i think
i'm gonna go vegetarian
well they ain't you once said when we
got close enough we feel it
yeah and I think it's beyond us to that
this was a sec Jake this is gonna be so
you and your big mouth
well here we are now to find the
there's nothing here
at least nothing out of the ordinary
Thank You motor normally at all and I do
we're about to have company as well
that Keystone should be around here
whoa i'm guessing this is in harness its
energy hurry i said maternal
Sensei any advice
yes my son hit it very very hard
how we doing on time chaplain if my
calculations are correct we have one
minute and forty two point five seconds
until the shredders dark energy reaches
the Keystone's that's not long
guys guys we've only got a minute and I
have to do this is everyone in place
yeah in place and about to be slammed by
a way warden
yeah well guess the good news is i'm
back to where the kidzone is
course the bad news is we're gonna get
crushed if we stand still long enough to
start the whole magic energy thingy
that's nice
yeah yeah
first we have to get back to test plate
and extinguish the fire
finishing move times if I can just get a
two-second breather
I will distract the Beast Donatello get
yes that is right over here now
go unleash the living
now Mikey give them your finishing move
now go in
given shell my ride
ly 3 rap boy
not good he's got us cornered
I am so glad we have a truce temporary
fight with the fire of the Dragon King
guys hurry the shredders dark energy is
going to reach you in 16 seconds
when I made gold focus everything you
have into that
done it's almost at the UN it's now or
you've got to do exactly what Leo did
Mikey wrap your
you get it
it's working way to go everyone
what have you done something is blocking
my power
what is happening did not wish to
disturb the turtles they found the key
stones and discovered the Keystone's and
you chose not to tell me
shall punish you later
first my powers being threatened this
little not
Master Splinter what just happened
we have lost this battle come let's
regroup we must find another way to
fight the shredder
to think that they can actually stand
against me
do they not realize why i am this city
is mine and soon the world
Don't Call It A Comeback: Crash Return With N. Sane Trilogy - Duration: 2:45.While I was excited about Marvel vs Capcom Infinite coming to the Playstation 4 next
year it was another little gem caught my eye.
When it came to platformers, least be honest, I sucked major ass never getting pass the
beginning levels, oh man the Super Mario 64 flashbacks are coming back, but that didn't
stop me anyway.
I probably should of just stuck with Pokemon or something simple like that.
Truly a blast from the past when platformers were king.
Crash Bandicoot was one of those games alongside Banjo-Kazooie, Spyro, and Mario to put jumping
on the map.
I guess you could add Sonic to that list too.
I mean his game was all about speed though.
Well, you should of seen how fast my jaw hit the floor when N. Sane Trilogy was announced.
Its a collection of remakes of the first three games in the Crash Bandicoot series; Crash
Bandicoot, Cortex Strikes Back, and Warped, which all see the titular Crash Bandicoot
traversing various levels in order to stop the evil Dr. Neo Cortex, wait Neo Cortex like
part of the brain.
How am I just realizing this now!
I must be stupid.
His head was freaking huge that should of been my clue dammit.
I'm glad they didn't stray too far from the game roots you can't always trust Activision.
Just like in the original games, in the remake Crash will be spinning and using jumping techniques
to defeat enemies, smashing crates, and collecting items such as Wumpa Fruits, extra lives, and
protective Aku-Aku masks.
Ya know I really could go for some Wumpa Fruit.
The title's renaming was revealed as the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy at the PlayStation
Experience event, which also revealed that it will release in 2017.
I can't wait, man.
Vicarious Visions, A+ plus name, coined the term "remaster plus" in describing whether
or not the N. Sane Trilogy is a remaster or a remake.
They said that they do not consider it a remake, because they did not "fully remake them".
They said that they used Naughty Dog's original level geometry to rebuild the Crash gameplay
from scratch.
As the levels were coming together, they also added their own art, animation, and audio.
Alright I'm a little concerned about that part, but I going to have faith because the
trailer looked amazing.
All in all this a pretty good sign.
Maybe if these games sell well enough they'll remake Spyro the Dragon, too.
Because in my humblest opinion Skylanders is a fate worst than death.
Victor Socaciu - Nucul - Duration: 6:33.-------------------------------------------
21 day sugar detox / 21 day sugar detox - the program to lose weight - Duration: 1:41.21 day sugar detox
21 day sugar detox
21 day sugar detox
21 day sugar detox
21 day sugar detox
21 day sugar detox
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