Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 11, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 22 2017

Hey, Ben, how about playing the intro card for us, huh?

[swoosh / music plays] We got more packages from some of

our subscribers so it's time for me to open them up and see if I can

guess what's in the mail. Just so you know, this is going to be

the last time we'll do this segment for a while so if you're ready,

Ben Churchill, what's the first package.

BEN: Dear Tommy. My name is Derek. I wanted to send things that are intangible.

I give you these items not due to my high coin in my pocket.

I give them to you for the true appreciation of

priceless items. TOMMY: This has a great feel to it. It's solid.

[gasp] I feel like this opens. This is knife.

What else does it do? I feel like it does more. A little nail file.

I think that's a regular. That can't be for your nails.

Oh my go, it's pliers. This is a great device.

BEN: Do you know what that's called. TOMMY: No I have no idea what you call this?

BEN: But what would you describe it as? TOMMY: It's a Swiss Army Knife.

Like a tool kit. BEN: Like a multi tool kit. TOMMY: A multi tool kit.

BEN: What they call that is a Leatherman.

"Because you need a great sharp knife," he says.

TOMMY: Thank you, Derek. I do. BEN: Next.

TOMMY: This, again, it's a solid piece.

It's very solid. It's heavy. BEN: Do you want a hint? TOMMY: Yes, please.

BEN: As of now, you would never need this. TOMMY: I would never need this.

I'll say magnifying glass.

Oh no, there's a button. It's a light.

There's a button on the bottom. This is a light, like a flashlight.

BEN: That is correct. TOMMY: Thank you.

BEN: Derek says, "The flashlight is for when science gives you your sight?

TOMMY: Aw, thank you, Derek. BEN: What is that?

TOMMY: This is really nice stuff. This first piece

I know exactly, you know what this is?

This is called a kelly clamp. They use this in

surgery to clamp veins... at least they used to.

This is another clamp. This is a kit of some sort.

I feel like it may be surgical stuff. BEN: It's called a

Minor Surgery Kit. TOMMY: And what does it say? BEN: You said you don't know

what we look like inside. Once you learn biology of the human

it doesn't change so if you had to do surgery

it's the same as a professional surgeon. It is 98% feel

and touch. TOMMY: Derek, man! That's great!

BEN: Alright, this is from Remi.

Dear Tommy. I actually met you one time in a local bar.

And was too shy to say anything. I hope you

like these. They feel really different.

If you can't guess, they are... TOMMY: Okay, stop right there.

TOMMY: Wow. I don't --- well, obviously

these things are made of rubber. It almost feels like carpeting.

You know, sorta indoor/outdoor carpet. And then there's another

texture on sort of this end here. But they have handles on them,

which I assume, I assume that's a handle.

They're not things to take caps off of bottles, right?

It's too small too do that. Oh! Unless... hold on

a second... could you maybe hang things with these?

Like these parts maybe suction to the wall.

And maybe this part peels off?

Yeah, I'm going to guess that you hang things on the wall with these. Like a picture or something.

BEN: That's incorrect. TOMMY: Oh!

BEN: I hope you like these. They feel really different. If you can't guess...

they're called facial scrubbers. Hope you enjoy them.

Hello Tommy. I have heard you say that

you would like to see the drawings you drew.

I have printed a few off an made indentations on the lines.

Can you guess which one is which?

TOMMY: Oh my god. Okay.

Oh, boy. I am a tremendous artist.

Very boxy. Box and circle.

Like a rectangle and a circle. And then this one

has a rectangle with sort of a dot here. Dots on either side.

I'm going to... I don't know.

is this the New York City skyline? BEN: That's incorrect.

TOMMY: Is it the car? BEN: That's correct!

TOMMY: Hey! Wow! Neat. I'll take this one next.

Okay, so let's examine the drawing here. It's got nice

shape here. it sort of goes...

Could this be a cloud that I drew? BEN: That's incorrect.

TOMMY: No. Okay. It's not the burger. It's not me.

Oh, no, no, no...

This isn't the New York City skyline. Now I'm just going through my drawings and trying to remember

every thing that I've drawn for you. I like this though. This is really neat.

I like how this feels. I like this part here off

to the side that's not connect to anything. Is that kitty?

No, maybe. Yeah, I'm going to say... is that the cat?

BEN: That is correct. TOMMY: Hey! Wow!

He is ferocious. That's his tail.

[gasp] Okay. One more.

This one's cool. I love the texture of

this already. And it's so funny because it almost feels like there's braille

in here in weird places but it's not.

I'm going to guess that this is my drawing of what

I think clouds look like. I remember drawing them and I kinda remember

filling in them in and making them sort of... I drew three different kinds.

BEN: That is incorrect. It;s yourself.

TOMMY: That's me. Oh, that's horrible.

How did I? Oh, I'm the worst. That's just terrible.

Now I know why people say it's so abstract.

So speaking of those drawings. You know what? They're back.

Yeah, you guys have been requesting them. And now you can get them

on T-shirts and stickers too. We're offering the

Kitty Cat that I drew. The self portrait. And of course

the car. And they're available right now for

the next 7 days so if you'd like them, the link is right there in the description

for the video. [music plays\

There are two items in this package. This... wow... what the heck

is this thing? Okay, there's a wheel on it that turns.

There's like a needle on it or a pointer.

Huh, you know what this is? This is like a replica

record player. BEN: You sound pretty convinced. TOMMY: I do. I feel like this is

the tone arm here. BEN: Incorrect! TOMMY: Go on!

Really?! Oh, I thought I had it. Let's look at this.

Let's look at this edge here. It's a very rough surface.

This feels like a connector of sorts because there are four pins so it

feels like something would go into those four pins. May I have hint, pleae?

BEN: Yes, I'd say you use this thing many

times a week. TOMMY: Could it be a controller

for, I don't know, like a DJ controller. But there's only

one sort of thing here. BEN: If you look at the other thing, does this

help you get an idea of what you're looking at? TOMMY: This feels

to me like a series, again, like a series of connectors

almost... like you could almost plug things into this.

And I use this thing several times a week.

BEN: Yep. It might be a slightly different shape or size.

TOMMY Yep. BEN: But I definitely know you use this

kind of thing and so do I. TOMMY: It's not a radio.

It's nothing for the phone. I wouldn't

cook with this. This is a hard one. BEN: Okay, let's go back to

the other thing. What's the main property of it that you...

TOMMY: The main property, I feel like, is the thing that turns. This sort of

platter that spins. BEN: Right. What spins?

TOMYM: Uh, like a radio dial. The plate on the bottom

of a microwave oven but I don't use that anymore.

A compact disc player! BEN: You're very close.

TOMMY: A DVD player! Is it for a computer. Is this inside

of a computer? Is this like... is this what

a hard drive looks like? BEN: That's correct.

TOMMY: Shut up. Really? Wow.

That's cool. BEN: And the other thing

if you don't have this on your computer, then you

wouldn't be able to broadcast your radio show.

TOMMY: This is a sound card. Holy smokes.

I never seen the inside of any part of a computer before.

It's fascinating.

BEN: This is from Australia. Hey Tommy. TOMMY: G'day.

BEN: I've been watching your videos for a few months and they often make me smile.

So I decided to send you something. Enjoy. Robby Green.

Before I open it up, I feel like it's a boomerang. I don't know why. I feel like I felt one before

as a kid. And I feel like it's got this sort of a triangle feel to it.

[plastic bubble pop sound] Ooh, pop pop goes the bubble wrap, yo.

It's wooden.

It feels like wood. Does it smell like wood? It's all treated.

That's wood. I'm going to still say that this is a boomerang.

BEN: That's correct. TOMMY: How about that? Huh?

TOMMY: There are a thousand things in here so I'm just going to dump them out...

on to the table like this. BEN: Hey Tommy. I think I have ben

subscribed since 10,000 subscribers. TOMMY: Wow. Thank you.

BEN: I've had this video idea for a while. Seeing if you can guess what animal a Littlest Pet Shop

is. I've included 12 different animals with a label for Ben to tell

you what the animal is if you can't figure out. Your biggest fan, Lilly.

TOMMY: And how many do we think I'll get out of 12. BEN: 2.

TOMMY: I'll say 3. BEN: Now, just a side note, Tommy,

she did make a video introducing all the different items

that she sent to you, explaining what they are and why she thought they were good

choices. We'll put a link for that in the description.

TOMMY: We got one out already. Okay. Oh, I like how this is made.

It turns around, nice. Okay, so it's got big

long ears. NOw is that facing forward? Yeah, so this is...

not much of a face on him. But these big giant ears make me think

instantly bunny rabbit. BEN: There you go. Correct.

TOMMY: Nice. Hey! Next item. Let's have a look.

Uh huh.

So I'm noticing sort of a thing in the front here.

And this part in the back so with that... there's not really

much information to go on here. Oh wait!

There's two eyes right here. I feel like this is a beak

in the front. And I feel like this could be like a plume on the top of the head.

So I will say that this is a bird.

BEN: What type of bird? TOMMY: Oh, you're kidding me. I'll say

it's a peacock. BEN: That's incorrect. TOMMY Ohhhh!

Chicken. BEN: Not a chicken. TOMMY: A rooster.

BEN: Also not a rooster. TOMMY: What is he? BEN: It's a woodpecker.

TOMMY: A woodpecker! Alright, here's the next one.

Okay, this has more... I feel like this has more

to it than the others. This has a head.

I don't feel eyes although I feel things on both sides of the face.

The tail is a little tail that sort of points to the left which I find

very strange... um....

it's a Democratic tail. The back I don't get much from, but I feel like

the feet... there's four feet here.

The thing on the top of the head is what's sort of throwing me here.

I'm going to say it's a kitty. BEN: That is incorrect. TOMMY: That's not correct.

BEN: That's an iguana. TOMMY: An iguana?!

BEN: Okay, next one. TOMMY: Okay, this is a

taller fella. Big giant ears on you.

Right up the top. Nice eyes. Texture...

a soft... very soft. It's almost

furry. There's four feet on the bottom though.

And a tail. I'm going to say a dog. BEN: That's a cat.

TOMMY: Oh, that's a kitty. Okay. Yep.

Yeah, I get that now with the ears. Sure.

Next one. Wow, this has a giant... there are many

things coming off of this. There are two things on the back.

I'm going to go with um... wow... they wouldn't do

two, would they? Yeah. This is another bird.

BEN: That is not a bird. TOMMY: Ohhhh.

Land or sea creature. BEN: Sea. TOMMY: Sea creature.

BEN: What would have the curvy tail in the back? TOMMY: A shark.

BEN: Close. TOMMY: A dolphin. BEN: No.

TOMMY: A whale? BEN: There you go. TOMMY: Oh, he's giant. Yeah, look at the size of him.

How would you get a whale in a pet shop? Next one!

Oh, he's a furry one. I like the furry ones.

Has a cute little nose and mouth. The ears...

You're going to kill me in the comments. I'm going to say this is a dog now.

This has got to be a dog. BEN: Think about your answer.

TOMMY: Alright. I've never really touched one but is a mouse furry.

I'll say a mouse. Is it a squirrel?

Squirrel's tails aren't furry. I'll go with a squirrel.

BEN: You said squirrel? TOMMY: Yeah! BEN: That is incorrect.

TOMMY: Ohhhh! BEN: It's a lion. TOMMY: That's a lion.

BEN: That's a big furry mane. TOMMY: Wow, ferocious.

BEN: Next item. TOMMY: Next item. It's very small. Like the eyes

are giant. I don't really see any ears. It's got sort of

bumpy head but I don't really feel like there's a tail.

Two - four feet. Two face out and

two face forward. That's very strange. I'll say it's a duck.

BEN: That's incorrect. TOMMY: Is it a bird

of some sort like a goose maybe? BEN: No.

That's a frog. TOMMY: That's a frog! BEN: This is going well.

TOMMY: I'm doing great at this. I think next time somebody is

going to send in a bunch of photographs and have me guess what

they are. [laughs] BEN: Here we go. Next one.

TOMMY: Next one! Wait a minute. Two sort of things sticking off the head.

I feel like those are antennae almost. Like an insect

of some sort. Feel like it's an ant.

A grasshopper. Doesn't a grasshopper have

antenna. No! A cricket! Is it a kangaroo?

I'll go kangaroo. BEN: That is incorrect.

TOMMY: Ahhh! Of course it's incorrect. What is this? BEN: It's a hermit crab.

TOMMY: I don't think I've ever --- I've only felt one of those

bite my foot. BEN: Next item.

TOMMY: Okay. Wow. Big giant thing this one is. Big ears.

A happy face. A cute little nose.

Maybe those are two sort of feet in the front.

The ears. I like the ears a lot. Not furry though

so... BEN: What about the back?

TOMMY: This part here is just sort of a flat thing. It doesn't feel very tail-y to me.

I feel like this could be a fin of some sort. So with that

being said, I'm going say it's a shark.

BEN: That.....

is in correct! TOMMY: Of course it is!

What is it? BEN: It's a beaver!

TOMMY: A beaver?! Where are the teeth? BEN: That's the tail on the back. And there's two

little buck teeth in the front underneath the nose.

TOMMY: [sigh] There's... BEN: Feel it? TOMMY: Yep.

BEN: Next one. TOMMY: Let's have --- oh boy.

I like how they all sort of wobble though. Nice big giant

ears on you. I feel like there two feet on the bottom right there

in the front. A little tiny tail perhaps

in the back. BEN: How many feet is it standing on?

TOMMY: It's standing on two feet. A bird has two feet. A monkey

stands on two legs. A monkey or a gorilla

or a chimpanzee or and ape or anything like that from that family.

So I'll say it's a little monkey. And monkey

is incorrect! TOMMY: Wrong! Of course it's wrong!

BEN: That's a kangaroo. TOMMY: That's a kangaroo?!

Where's the pouch? Alright, another one.

Oh, fuzzy. Very fuzzy this time. I don't feel like

there's much of a tail. It's just a big old head.

But the whole body is furry. So I'm going to say rodent.

But like no ears.

I'm going to say a hamster. BEN: That is incorrect.

TOMMY: Of course it is. What is it? It's a mouse.

BEN: That is a seal. TOMMY: What kind of pet shop is

this with a whale and a seal? BEN: Next and final one.

TOMMY: Again, huge ears. There's feet.

There are two feet. Not really much of a tail.

But the face and the huge ears. The nose

looks like a big giant nose. TOMMY: You want a hint first?

TOMMY: Yeah, please. BEN: I can find it on a farm.

TOMMY: I can find it on a farm. I'm going to say cow. BEN: That's a pig.

TOMMY: That's a piggy. Oh, boy.

Well, listen... I got 1 out of 12.

I started out strong. I got the first one and it was

all done hill from here. Which was nice. It was a nice

ride down hill. [music plays]

[music continues]

[music stops]

For more infomation >> Guessing Objects I Got In The Mail #4 - Duration: 14:56.


LiL PEEP Best Songs of All Time Mix | Rip LiL PEEP 1996 - 2017 - Duration: 31:04.

LiL PEEP Best Songs of All Time Mix | Rip LiL PEEP 1996 - 2017

For more infomation >> LiL PEEP Best Songs of All Time Mix | Rip LiL PEEP 1996 - 2017 - Duration: 31:04.


The Man Who Created World Adoption Day - Duration: 7:29.

- There's donut day, there's pizza day.

- 2013 was the International Year of Quinoa.

- What?

- And I love quinoa.

- I BB too!

- A whole year?

How do you even celebrate that?

(upbeat music)

- I've always been inspired by regular people

who decide to follow their passion,

and then doing so, end up having a positive impact

on the world, bigger than they could've ever imagined.

One of those people is my friend Hank Fortener.

You started a holiday.

- Yes. (laughs)

- Tell me about that.

- It actually came about only because it didn't exist.

I think, sometimes, making an impact feels a lot for people

like, "I wanna be a part of that, I wanna be part of that,

"I wanna be part of that."

You can't stand out just by looking

where nobody's paying attention to it,

what does everybody thing is hard at being done.

I had a big personal experience with adoption.

After three of us biologically, my parents fostered 36 kids,

over a seven-year period.

We had an amazing family unit, that focused on

taking care of kids that didn't have a family.

Family never had anything to do with last names or blood,

or color, or DNA, it was always who was in our home,

that we were taking care of, that's who family was.

We kinda slammed our face into the system,

which is not serving kids well.

I had a little brother for three years, his name is Robbie,

and just an unbelievable, unbelievable kid,

and we bonded super super fast,

he was with us for three years.

Then, we got a phone call and within 24 hours,

the police and a social worker came

to take him out of our home.

So, take a six-year old, three-year old, four-year old,

into the system,

send them to different sets of parents and families.

You don't remember every house, you just know,

"The world is gonna use me and pass me around."

They turn 18, they're handed trash bags to hold their items.

Most of the times, sometimes it's great programs,

the YMCA and YWCA created some really great programs,

but for a minority of these kids.

Most of them end up unemployed,

most of them end up in prison.

That part of the journey was super difficult for me,

and which is part of the reason what shifted our family

into a permanent adoption.

So, we had seven years of foster care,

and they pursued to do 10 years of adoption,

and we adopted eight kids from six different countries.

- Wow.

So, we see where your drive

for adoption comes from. - For sure.

- And then, from that, you started a organization

called AdoptTogether.

- Yeah.

AdoptTogether was started as a platform,

that helps families fundraise for their adoption.

- Okay.

- When we realized it's so expensive,

it could be towards $40,000, $50,000 to adopt domestically.

If you're a teacher or a cop,

if you make 50 or 60 grand a year, they're like,

"I'll take a year's salary in cash."

You know, what's the percentage of people that have that?

- Yeah.

- 86% of people who considered adoption,

they just bail.

So, we hope that people might look at the price tag and go,

"It's a sign I shouldn't adopt."

But they look at AdoptTogether and go,

"Okay, it's a sign we should adopt."

- And from what point, after starting your foundation,

did you realize,

"Hey, let's turn this thing into a holiday?"

- I'm a friend of Scott Harrison, who started Charity Water.

Been an amazing support, and also a mentor in the process.

And every time I would tell him about what I was doing,

he would always say, "Throw a party."

As it turns out, you need basically cool parties

to raise money in the world.

So, we're about to hit our $5 million,

just a massive success,

for us, that was like way beyond what we'd imagined.

So, we started that in 2012, and then, in 2013,

we were like, "We gotta figure out how to celebrate.

"We gotta throw a party."

We'll do something around World Adoption Day.

And we're sitting in a room, talking about the party,

and I finally said, "Hey guys, somebody Google

"when World Adoption Day is,

or we'll just do our own adoption day,

'cause it has to be a World Adoption Day."

- There has to exist, right?

- They're sitting there, "Can't find it."

I'm like, "Okay, could I have the computer?

"Let me show you how the internet works."


And I'm looking, and I make a fool of this person,

and then I'm standing there and the pressure is cooking,

'cause I'm like, "I could not find World Adoption Day."

And I was like, "We know what to do now.

"We're gonna create World Adoption Day."

And then, I looked at the guys,

"Find out if the domain is available,"

which, of course, there's no such thing,

so yes, the domain was available.

So, we started the domain, got one of the guys at the table,

"Hey, I'm gonna build a site."

We built the site that night, drew everything up,

rocked it and just said, "Alright, we gotta do it."

I started calling people and saying,

"Hey, we're gonna create World Adoption Day,"

and one of the guys was,

"I think you should touch base with the UN,

because they sort of do that."

- Yeah.

- And I was, "Definitely, I should do that."

- That was on my list.

- So, I called the UN and I just said,

"Hey, I'd like to submit a day for international observance,

which I was super proud of myself

for knowing how to say that statement,

and he said, "Are you an ambassador?"

"You better believe it.

I'm an ambassador for World Adoption Day."

And he's like, "No, are you a delegate?"

"Yes, I have delegated myself

to make this phone call to you,"

and the guy's like, "That's not how this works."

He gives me this line about how hard it is,

and how long it takes, and you gotta meet these people.

I go, "Cool, then I'm just gonna do it,

"'cause we've already picked a day,

"which I was gonna tell you about, it's November 9th."

He's like, "Okay, yeah, if you can do it,

"but it won't be real."

Then I was, "No offense, but this is the

International Year of Quinoa,

and I'm the only person that I know who knows that."

- Yeah (laughs).

- "So, if I can make it real, then you and I work out

the logistics later," and he's like,

"Fine. Good luck."

So, we needed some activation,

we needed some way to communicate to people,

they were celebrating, give people a way to celebrate.

A lot of ideas came up and I love a lot of art history,

and how art has impacted culture.

And there's a story of a guy named Harvey Ball.

Harvey was an artist 50 years ago,

who created the Smiley Face.

And I remember that story and remember those pieces,

when somebody said, "We need a visual, we need an icon,

"we need what is World Adoption Day."

For me, having come from a world where adoption

was such a tragic story to begin with,

you don't come to adoption

because everything is going smoothly.

- Yeah.

- You come to adoption because a birth mother

tragically is either not well or not capable or able

of her own volitioncess,

"I know I cannot give this child life."

So a child and their mother are separated,

that's where adoption starts, which is tragic.

What adoption does is redeems that broken feeling,

it brings a healing and hope, joy and a celebration.

So I said, "Let's draw a smiley face on people's hands,

"and have them post a selfie and say,

Happy World Adoption Day."

I wanted to raise-

- I love that, it makes you feel good,

as soon as you see it, you're smiling.

- Yeah, everything can suck around you,

but if for one day, everybody's gonna say,

"Hey, family is everything, every child deserves a family,"

and we're gonna boost morale around this conversation

that has, otherwise, been taboo or awkward or uneasy,

and you get to celebrate people.

We got Shaq to post, so it got people pumped and excited,

since this we've had Ellen and Charlize Theron,

and so many people whose lives have been touched,

and they posted a smiley face.

It's 100% participation, anybody can participate

and vote for families and vote for kids to have a home.

I wanted to change the way people imagined family,

and the amount of people who posted this,

who said, "Hey, I'm adopted, I've never told my story,

"I've never told my family how grateful I am for them."

People posted and said, "I have a little brother

"who's adopted, I've never told people that."

It's just extraordinary for me to go,

even though all these stories begin with tragedy somewhere.

- Yeah.

- For one day, we're just gonna celebrate that

because of those tragedies.

I have my brother Brendon, and Matthew, and Hope, and Gab.

I have these people in my life because of that tragedy,

and for one day, I'm gonna celebrate it.

- You basically started a movement.

- Hopefully. (laughs) Hopefully.

(inspiring music)

For more infomation >> The Man Who Created World Adoption Day - Duration: 7:29.


NBA Daily Show: Nov. 21 - The Starters - Duration: 22:27.

For more infomation >> NBA Daily Show: Nov. 21 - The Starters - Duration: 22:27.


Self Diagnosing Yourself On The Internet [CC] // aGirlWithLyme - Duration: 8:52.

[Intro Music. Vincent Tone - New Summits]

Hi guys, in today's video I am going to talk about a bit of a controversial subject -

self diagnosing yourself on the Internet. This is a bit of a taboo subject to talk

about, and it might be a bit more shocking coming from someone with a

Chronic Illness and a Disability. Before I get started with this video I want to

make it clear that just because you think you have a certain illness based

on your internet research, doesn't always mean you have it. You really can't just

go around saying you have Lupus or MS, without having the proper testing for it

first. You still need to get the lab tests done, and have a doctor confirm

your hunch. I am not advocating that self diagnosing yourself on the Internet is

the way to go, or the best thing to do, or that it should be done by everyone. I

think the Internet can be a helpful tool for narrowing down your diagnosis when

you do have a Chronic Illness, and you're still not certain what it is. First up, I

know this is a very, very controversial subject with doctors - most doctors will

tell you to not Google your symptoms because there are a lot of things that

look like cancer, and sometimes people google things and they end up thinking

the worst instead of something that's simple. Many doctors are told to listen

for horse hooves, not zebra. I went undiagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease

for two years. The area in which I live is a known Lyme Disease hotspot. The

problem was I was not presenting with the classic symptoms of Lyme disease, and

many doctors in 2008, really did not know much about Lyme disease, or to even think

to look for it. I had a very wide range of symptoms. I had stomach problems so

then I and see a gastroenterologist, I was

experiencing dizziness so I went and seen ear, nose, and throat doctor. I went

to pediatricians, random ER doctors - all looking for a diagnosis.

I had become abruptly ill and we could not find the cause of what was making me

ill. Of course it takes time to see doctors, there are waiting lists, and waiting

rooms, and sometimes it can take months to years to see a doctor. So while I was

waiting I was getting sicker, and sicker and developing more symptoms. I had seen

so many different doctors, who practiced so many different branches of medicine,

and none of them could figure out what was wrong with me. This went on for two

years, I was a very sick thirteen year old.

During this time my mom googled my symptoms on dial-up internet, which you

can imagine took some dedication, and some patience, and a whole lot of time.

She read about different diseases, different illnesses, different syndromes,

and my mother helped to find a diagnosis for me. I was eventually diagnosed with

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Fibromyalgia, and Multiple Chemical

Environmental Sensitivities. None of these diseases, or syndromes had a test

that could tell me definitively that this is what I had. In an appointment

with my pediatrician he then did raise the possibility of me having Lyme

disease, after my mom had mentioned that I've had been bitten by a lot of ticks

when I was younger. She thought I may have it considering I had a lot of similar

symptoms that people with Lyme Disease get.

Luckily my paediatrician had experience with dealing with Lyme disease patients

in New York, so we sent my blood off for testing twice with the ELISA test and

both times it came back negative. But I was convinced, and my mom was convinced that Lyme

Disease is what I had. She did even more googling, and more research. She

researched Lyme Disease, all the other Co infections, the symptoms, and what to do,

how to get tested, how to get treated. Lyme is usually a clinical diagnosis, so

I did a checklist of symptoms and I had many, and based on a clinical diagnosis I

had Lyme disease. It was only by chance one night when we were watching TV that

a documentary came on the CBC. The documentary was about Lyme disease in

Canada. While watching this documentary it was then that I knew without a doubt

that Lyme disease is what I had. The patients featured in the documentary had

symptoms that were very similar to mine, and their stories were nearly identical

to what I had gone through as well. We ended up contacting the family doctor

that was on the program, and he luckily happened to be practicing in my province,

so I was able to see this doctor. When I got there I did the checklist of

symptoms - which is the clinical diagnosis, and then I had my blood sent to a lab in

California called Igenex, and that test came back positive for

Lyme Disease and some Co Infections. I know that was a bit of a long story

but the moral of the story is that my mother's persistence in researching

different illnesses and symptoms, led ultimately to me getting the proper

diagnosis. I know of many other people with very similar stories to mine where

they have gone online and researched, and researched, and researched, until they

finally found an illness that sounded similar to what they might have. Then

they got tested by their doctors, and it turned out that their hunch was right.

Researching your symptoms on the web, especially when you have

Chronic undiagnosed Illness and you don't know what is going on - I don't

think it's the worst thing in the world. Um, I think that you really can't rely on

doctors all of the time to be diagnosing you, even though that's their job. Many

doctors will definitely miss certain diagnosis, and in my opinion the worst

thing that you can do is completely trust your doctor. If I had trusted the

doctors and everything that they said, I would probably be diagnosed with a dozen

different Mental Health conditions, and not Chronic Lyme Disease. When you have a

Chronic Illness you definitely have to be proactive with your health, you have

to fight for it, you have to fight for the right testing, you have to fight for

the right doctors to see, and you have to fight to get the proper diagnosis. If

you think something is off, or you feel that you may not have the correct

diagnosis then, you shouldn't be ashamed for challenging your doctor's opinion.

They are human, and they get things wrong. It's okay to Google your symptoms, it's

okay to ask patients of the condition in which you think you have - some questions.

Go get a second, third, and seventh opinion, get your doctors to listen to

you, and hopefully when they do, you get the right testing, and your hunch comes

back being positive, and then hopefully you can get treatment. I hope no one

takes offense to this video. But I know what it's like to be undiagnosed for

years at a time, and not have any help or any answers. And I will say it again

you should never label yourself with an illness you think you have if you

haven't had the proper testing done, and have it confirmed by a doctor. I think

the Internet is a wonderful tool for those of us who have Chronic undiagnosed

health issues, to possibly help us figure out what could possibly be going on

inside our bodies. Sometimes all it takes is the right doctor to help us with that.

I hope you guys enjoy this video. In the comments below, I want to know your

thoughts on this subject - do you think it's okay to use the internet as a tool

to help you diagnose your undiagnosed chronic health issues? Or do you think it

should just be left to the doctors? I'm also currently taking video suggestions,

so if there's a video that you would like to see me make then please be sure

to leave it in the comments below, and I'll be sure to add it to my list of

videos to make. Please be sure to give this video a thumbs up. Subscribe if

you're new. Please be sure to hit the notification button down below to get

notified when I upload new videos. All my social media links will be in the

description below, and I hope to see you guys next time, Bye!

[Outro Music. Vincent Tone - New Summits]

For more infomation >> Self Diagnosing Yourself On The Internet [CC] // aGirlWithLyme - Duration: 8:52.


Nachh Lain De | Punjabi Folk Music | Wedding Songs | Live Performance By Neelam Sharma | USP TV - Duration: 3:29.

Ni mainu, ni mainu

Ni mainu deor de vaah vich nach lain de

Ni jeenu jhooth-jhooth kainde ne o sach lain de

Ni mainu deor de vaah vich nach lain de

Ni mainu deor de vaah vich nach lain de

Ni mainu deor de vaah vich nach lain de

Ni jeenu jhooth-jhooth kainde ne o sach lain de

Ni mainu deor de vaah vich

Gutt khul gai ehnu hor ni khinda deyo

Gutt khul gai ehnu hor ni khinda deyo

Naag ki ve killa mainu jogan bana deyo

Naag ki ve killa mainu jogan bana deyo

Ni mainu, ni mainu

Ni mainu gidhe vich saheje saheje nach lain de

Ni jeenu jhooth-jhooth kainde ne o sach lain de

Ni mainu deor de vaah vich

Kaashni dupatta ni main shonk naal rangeya

Kaashni dupatta ni main shonk naal rangeya

Haaseyan nu rok-rok mahi kolo langiyan

Haaseyan nu rok-rok mahi kolo langiyan

Ni mainu, ni mainu

Ni mainu agg de pambhutte vangu mach lain de

Ni jeenu jhooth-jhooth kainde ne o sach lain de

Ni mainu deor de vaah vich

Vehda keinvein goonj da te kannda keinvein gaundiyan

Vehda keinvein goonj da te kannda keinvein gaundiyan

Pind sara ghume vajan pind vichon aundiyan

Pind sara ghume vajan pind vichon aundiyan

Ni adiyo, ni adiyo

Ni adiyo nurpuri gajje-vajje vajj lain de

Ni jeenu jhooth-jhooth kainde ne o sach lain de

Ni mainu deor de vaah vich nach lain de

Ni mainu deor de vaah vich nach lain de

Ni mainu deor de vaah vich nach lain de

Ni mainu gidhe vich saheje saheje nach lain de

Ni mainu agg de pambhutte vangu mach lain de

Ni jeenu jhooth-jhooth kainde ne o sach lain de

Ni mainu gidhe vich

For more infomation >> Nachh Lain De | Punjabi Folk Music | Wedding Songs | Live Performance By Neelam Sharma | USP TV - Duration: 3:29.


Ray Allen Was Catfished By a Man Pretending To Be Multiple Women - Duration: 2:08.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

///// You would think that Ray Allen had learned his lesson when it comes to taking L's online.

Back in 2009 he sent a tweet that was definitely supposed to be a DM and it's probably one

of the cringy-est athlete fails of all time.

But alas, Allen is in the middle of another embarrassing scandal, one that involves a

man pretending to be multiple women online.

According to court documents obtained by TMZ Sports, the former NBA star reportedly met

the "women" in different online forums and exchanged information with them.

However, he eventually realized that he was being catfished and ended his talks with them.

After Allen cut ties, the man reportedly started posting things about Allen online and tagging

his family members in the posts.

He even started showing up at Allen's wife's restaurant in Orlando.

Eventually Allen got him to sign a confidentiality agreement, but now he is accusing the catfisher

of breaking that agreement and continuing to use his personal info against him.

The story takes a stranger turn when the catfish had the audacity to actually accuse Allen

of stalking him, and got a restraining order, which was granted.

However Allen claimed it was unnecessary since he doesn't want anything to do with the guy

and Allen filed a restraining order of his own.

Allen has yet to speak publicly about the catfish but his lawyer gave a statement to

TMZ sports saying,

Ray Allen was the victim of an online scheme to extract money and embarrass him by someone

who appears to be troubled.

The person who perpetrated this scheme has now started to stalk him and make threats

against Ray and his family.

Ray has taken legal action to put an end to the threats and to expose his manipulation

and wrongdoing.

Ray regrets ever engaging with this person online and is thankful they never met in person.

This experience has negatively impacted Ray, and he hopes that others might use his mistake

to learn the dangers of communicating online with strangers.

Hopefully Ray Allen learns from being too trusting online and the whole situation works

itself out.

//// That's your news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe

to Complex on YouTube.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> Ray Allen Was Catfished By a Man Pretending To Be Multiple Women - Duration: 2:08.


Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 - Falas interativas - Zamasu, Goku Black e Zamasu Gattai - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 - Falas interativas - Zamasu, Goku Black e Zamasu Gattai - Duration: 4:52.


[ENG SUB] Stray Kids EP6 - Bang Leader's Daily 24 Hours Aren't Enough~♬ - Duration: 2:50.

BC: its already 1:40 am

BC: haa... its tiring

BC: but I have a lot to do so I should quickly do it

(starts by arranging the vocal team's song)

BC: Im trying to arrange it with a dark feeling to it

BC: I think I have to first slow down the tempo a bit

(Chan is changing the fast feeling of the song to suit them more)

(Blackpink's 'As If Its Your Last' has a very fast tempo with a disco element)

BC: if we were to do it just like that it wouldn't match our (stray kids) image at all

BC: I tried to arrange it so that it matched our darker concept

BC: How do I do Matryoshka now?

BC: for now, I'm going to go to the dorms~

(at the tome for everyone to sleep, he works on the arrangement at the dorms as well)

BC: if I just edit the rap teams Matryoshka with just the MR for now

BC: if I do just that for now then ill be able to go to sleep

(and like that life biggest rival, sudden sleepiness)

(did he like this...?)

(as if the track was a lullaby, he goes right to sleep)

(eventually goes into a deep sleep)

JS: almost every day, Channie-hyung works until 5 am

JS: and then he starts working at probably 10 am again

JS: if it was me, I would have fainted right away, really

JS: he's really an amazing hyung

(and like this he lives his life early in the morning)

(to achieve good outcomes, leader Chan works harder than anyone else)

CB: Channie-hyung has to go the arrangement,

CB: he has to do all of the music editing

CB: and since he's our leader, if our choreography doesn't match,

CB: he always has to take that in as well

CB: Channie-hyung is the busiest out of all of us

BC: I'm tired I'm tired

BC: but there is a lot that I still have to do

(leader who has to carry all of the weight of the burden with him)

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] Stray Kids EP6 - Bang Leader's Daily 24 Hours Aren't Enough~♬ - Duration: 2:50.


How I Became A Professional Screenwriter by Christine Conradt - Duration: 6:06.

Film Courage: I'm wondering if we can start out [this interview] where you were working

[before starting as a professional screenwriter], was it at the YWCA?

Christine Conradt: YMCA…

Film Courage: YMCA…okay.

And it sounds like you were doing fantastic and they wanted to promote you again.

And we can start out on that story because it's so fascinating?

Christine Conradt: Yes, absolutely.

So this is a lot earlier (obviously) in my career.

I graduated from film school.

I went to USC.

I kind of thought (like everybody does) when you graduate from film school that you're

going to graduate with like a three picture deal and that really isn't how it works.

And so while I was in college I had worked as a lifeguard and kind of as an aerobics

instructor at a YMCA and they kept promoting me.

And someone would quit and they would say "Do you want to learn how to do this job."

And I always said "Yes."

So eventually I worked my way up to program director and ultimately…Senior Program Director,

which is right under the Executive Director.

The Executive Director heads up a branch and then there's a Senior Program Director or

two and then all the program directors under that person.

I had been working there and I mean it was fine, it wasn't what my degree was in.

At one point finally I thought well…I had a lot of school debt.

Going to USC obviously…I think I was about $60,000 to $70,000 in debt at that point.

And my executive director came to me and said "You know, we'd really love to give you

your own branch.

But we need a five year commitment from you to do that."

And they were going to pay me over $100,000 dollars a year and that would have been great

going toward my debt.

And so I said "Let me think about that."

I went home that night and I really thought about what I wanted to do with my life.

I had gone to film school and I really hadn't given it the chance that it deserved.

So I thought "Well I'm this much in debt anyway, I'm going to take the chance on

being a screenwriter."

I went back the next day and I thanked the Executive Director for the offer and I said

"I can't accept it, so I have to put my 2-week notice in because I need to take 6

months off and I'm going to take out a loan to live on and I'm going to live my life

as a writer.

And if it doesn't work, I can come back and I'll let go of that dream forever.

But if it does work, I owe it to myself to give myself a chance to actually become a


So I did exactly that.

She was not happy that I was leaving [Laughs].

Film Courage: Wow…

Christine Conradt: But I did put my notice in and I did take out the loan to live on.

During that time I wrote 2 screenplays.

I never sold either of them but they both got me work.

And they got me work, and then those got me work, and it actually ended up being really

the beginning of my career as a screenwriter.

Film Courage: Wow!

So many questions.

Christine Conradt: I know, right?

Film Courage: And there are so many little interesting parts to that [time in your life]

and scary parts, too.

And I've known a few people who have been stuck with the debt [having done] something


So I know that is a risk.

Christine Conradt: It's a huge risk and I would never encourage anyone to emulate

that in any way.

For me, it worked.

And I think because I had already spent the 4 years in school kind of gearing myself up

towards this career and I think also I needed that time, it was such a distraction to be

working full-time.

I needed that time every day to truly be writing.

And I spent every moment of that 6 months furthering my career.

Going to networking events, watching a different movie every day and breaking it down and doing

an outline so I could understand the structure of it, all of those types of things.

And actually writing, spending time writing and reading.

For me it worked, but like I said, I've known people also where it didn't work.

But if you are going to do something like that, you really have to make use of that


It can't be one of those things where you're going to figure out what you want to do creatively

because I think you just end up treading water in a way.

You've got to have a plan and you've got to execute that plan.

Film Courage: Fascinating.

I want to hear more about the 6 months, but just one quick question or two quick questions

(actually) and that is did you already know (and forgive me if this is too personal),

did you already secure this loan so you knew…or you knew if you could get it?

Christine Conradt: Trust me…when you are $60,000 in debt (let me just explain something

to you), you get so many credit card offers that you can pay $20,000, "Here's an additional


They all want you!

You are like the best customer ever, right?

Because they know you carry debt and I was making the minimum payments.

But again, you are going further in debt by doing that.

But you are sort of like the golden child for the credit card companies.

So I had plenty of offers.

I knew I could take out additional loans and lines of credit on my credit card.

Film Courage: Ah, so it wasn't if, it was which one?

Christine Conradt: Exactly.

Film Courage: Got it.

And then my other question is while you were working at the YMCA, were you also writing

on the side (aside from having gone to film school)?

Christine Conradt: Yes.

I thought I was going to but I think at the level where you become the Senior Program

Director, I mean you are working so many hours…and I think I had about 45 people working under

me at that time.

And so when they don't show up you have to cover [for them].

So you come home and you're not in any place to really be creative.

So for me (at that time) I found that I wasn't at that time.

I had really just put all the writing on the back burner and that was it.

Even on the weekends, I would get a few hours in, but that's not enough to make a career

out of writing.

For more infomation >> How I Became A Professional Screenwriter by Christine Conradt - Duration: 6:06.


Tooz Got The Blues - Fight of the Living Dead: Paradise Calls (Ep 5) - Duration: 22:28.

For more infomation >> Tooz Got The Blues - Fight of the Living Dead: Paradise Calls (Ep 5) - Duration: 22:28.



Hey bitches so I have decided to leave everything else on my channel alone and become a


candle vlogger because who the hell does not love winter candles when Bath & Body Works and

By the way since when is it called white bard? I do not even know where new Alban e oh hi

Oh is but they have apparently changed their candle selection into this white barn, and I did not know about that

but I went through the other day, and I was

obsessed with the things that I found you guys and

Why are you becoming a candle blogger um?

Who doesn't love a candle candles over there no cameras over there? Oh my god? Oh Joe?

I have my camera hooked up to my television in front of me so I can see when it's like autofocus again all that kind

Of stuff how much you guys went about the autofocus is still gonna get me in I can't see so I went there

it's bit like almost $200 on freakin candles and

Wallflowers and all that kind of stuff, but the one that I went there for you guys was this one

This candle right here Bath and Body Works this used to come in a soap this needs to come in a car scent this needs

To come in laundry detergent this needs to come in in innama

Anything that you want to put this sent into I would love to have it because champagne toast you guys

Can you even see the joy and the beauty?



This candle has had me for three years people go into the store and buy this candle in pallets

Why can I never get my hand on a pallet? I don't know but uh?

Sell it it smells so freakin amazing

It says that the scent of this one is bubbly champagne sparking berries and juicy tangerine

I am obsessed oh my god

I know I was gonna throw it behind you

But I'm not I'm not GG gorgeous so I have another one right here of champagne toast

Maybe this one will go into a giveaway. I don't know because I am going to be getting more

They said they're ordering more. I think I walked in the day that these came out and these were the only two left Oh

Cest which they obeyed us they gave me like a bunch of the white barn matches which is great even though

I don't use matches

They she gave me a white barn lighter because I am scared to death of matches that are this tiny

So I also got I had the coupon that came in like a little magazine that says like free item up to

1350 with $10 purchase

Jean yes although so I got this little

Wallflower thing right here because the ones that have like snowman which I really wanted they were not

Under their king today, they right doll they were so cute though. It's kind of chic. This is really chic

you know I don't maybe she whatever all of their fall stuff was on sale, so I got this leaf to stick I

Think that candle over there

I'm gonna put on it that one I got from Cracker Barrel all of their fall stuff is on sale 40% just so you guys

Know that's funds hmm, and this is really cute. I think this is adorable for fall this

was only

650 and you guys take me amount next thing that I got was this

Bell know vet super sandalwood this was in the fall selection you can see the banding, huh?

Hey you take up is focused I don't get it and this one is obviously sandalwood it also says

Craigers notes as the different grass and velvety sandalwood and warm musk

This smells exactly like a candle that I got at HomeGoods. It's over there

I was burning it yesterday because it smells like fall to me as well

And this one will be getting burned that went back there smells like

Just everything thank you one in a fall candle

they also have one that comes in with like a marble lid at Bath & Body Works and

I'm gonna be getting it

The next one that I got was spiced apple toddy. This is camp winter

These are so cute like how do you think this is about some really pretty red on the screen?

If this is what a spiced apple toddy

Spiced apple time smells like I am going to be drinking that this winter because this is amazing is my lip

Good and shiny. I don't know and this one says that it smells like

cinnamon and clove essential oils and a note of apple brandy

Will be going to the store buying some brandy and we will be drinking that all winter long everyone join if you're about 21

The last candle that I got is

Cinnamon and clove buds, maybe the essential oil is bath and biocentric remember

This is so

Fall it does, but it can you read me the crystal kettle guys has the bear on it?

I don't know, but this is definitely fall. This is amazing oh

My god this one is

centering leaf in clove essential oils, okay, so these two are basically the same except for a little bit of alcohol tomorrow, so

next what I got is more mattress I

Had to buy these you guys

Who wants a champagne toast?

Giveaway let me know in the comments right now because I can make that happen for you. I got six of


Champagne toast obviously, I'm not going to give you these champagne toasts, because these are mine

but I will be getting more and then you never know Christmas coming so I got six of the champagne toast and The Wallflowers I

Don't think The Wallflowers were out last year. I don't believe they said they were but

These are amazing I'm actually going to

Pump one in right now. I was waiting to sit down and record this video for you guys so I could

Um I wanted this one as a nightlight. I don't believe it does I

don't think it does but

It's amazing

It is literally the fragrance that you have to have in your house follow your lungs

So that is it for my white barn, I did not know that they call it white barn now

We do we learn together and that's it

Do you want a champagne toast give away a bath and body?

Where's let me know down in the comments definitely thumbs up this video and subscribe if you haven't already

I love you guys, and now I'm going to go just fall asleep with a bunch of candles on my bed bye guys

For more infomation >> ANGELA THE CANDLE VLOGGER IM COMING FOR YOU!!!! - Duration: 6:03.


THE FLASH Season 4x07 "I Am" Promo Trailer (2017) The Flash 4x07 Preview Trailer HD - Duration: 4:15.

where were you four years ago on the night of January seventh honestly mr.

Allen I have no idea how far back does this investigation of yours go I'm not

at liberty to discuss that with you also do you ever use public transit

we're like the subway I mean imagine me in a wheelchair or

like a bus is this really necessary I'm just being thorough fine

I prefer lifts they will chair friendly honestly mr. Allen how my vehicle option

is important what a date I can hardly remember I'm just trying to establish a

timeline solve a mystery mysteries are for novelists and archeologists you were

supposed to be ruling me out as a suspect

instead it seems like you've got your guy oh no this is just procedure

feels like persecution no can I get back to you or do I need to accompany you

downtown no of course not

just email me and again I'm sorry to bother you what can I say I got the girl

cheers hi rusty your big day

good just to be away from it all I can't believe you're really doing this

I can have my happy ending so can you I'm supposed to be the online mentor


thank you showing me how to love again

showing me that love is the most important thing we


we got incoming Nazis I hate

this what a get her I did not cease from 1945 when a crashing the wedding crab

lives delicious visitors from another earth oh there are more than one there

52 actually there's a 53rd earth and it's called aura thanks they want

someone to bounce abortion to mean we're to restock reading its ruling buddy

if you're gonna show these people that this earth will on to us will not

surrender we will not back down we will keep fighting so get the hell off our

earth when you still

thanks for help we're not done helping yet our enemies are still on your earth

Olli don't call me that give it time I'll get through that

crusty exterior no you really want so I was talking to you

races on earth s crossover event starts Monday November 27

For more infomation >> THE FLASH Season 4x07 "I Am" Promo Trailer (2017) The Flash 4x07 Preview Trailer HD - Duration: 4:15.


Pit Sereywat - Key to make profits fast from real estate | Success Reveal - Duration: 16:22.

Pit Sereywat

Pit Sereywat WHP

Key to make profits fast from real estate

Success Reveal

For more infomation >> Pit Sereywat - Key to make profits fast from real estate | Success Reveal - Duration: 16:22.


What's that red thing on a turkey? - Duration: 5:39.

(electronic tone ringing)

- Hi, it's Doug.

So my friend Amy is letting me borrow this.

It's a feather that she got from a turkey.

She's an artist.

And she likes to paint turkeys.

I asked her, why do you like to paint turkeys?

And she said she loves how colorful they are.

Look at her artwork, isn't that incredible?

They really are colorful.

Someone named Nikita has a question about turkeys.

Let's give him a call now.

(electronic tone ringing)

- Hi Doug.

- Hi Nikita.

- I have a question for you.

What's that red thing on a turkey?

- That's a great question.

Here's an actual turkey seen in the wild.

You can see all that weird-looking red stuff on its head.

Let's get a closer look.

There, what is this stuff?

Well, it's made of loose skin.

This part right here has a name.

It's called a wattle.

And then you probably notice this other

funny-looking part hanging over the turkey's beak.

It has a name too, it's called a snood.

I promise I'm not making these names up.

A wattle and a snood.

But now check this out.

Here's an entire group of turkeys.

What do you notice?

Go ahead and pause the video

if you wanna try to figure it out.

Okay, you ready?

Well you might have noticed that not all of the turkeys

have that red brightly-colored skin on their heads.

Only some of them have it, here's the difference.

This turkey is a girl turkey, a female.

This one is a boy turkey, a male.

It's only the male turkeys that have that red wattle

and the brightly-colored skin on their head.

In fact the males also have shiny feathers on their body

and tail feathers that have stripes.

The females, they don't have that, they look more plain.

Why are the male turkeys more

brightly-colored than the females?

Well here's one clue.

This is a male turkey, watch what the male turkey does.

There, you see that?

Here's another male turkey doing this.

The male turkeys puff themselves up to look big

and they show off all those colorful features they have

like that red wattle on their head

and all those striped feathers on their tail.

Scientists have figured out that the reason the male turkeys

do this is because they're trying to impress the female.

It's a behavior that's called a display behavior.

It might seem weird, but there are actually

lots of birds besides just turkeys where

the male looks more fancy and tries to show off.

Like chickens, for example.

You can probably guess which one of these is the male.

It's this one, a rooster.

You might have noticed before that a rooster,

a male chicken, has this thing on top of its head.

Look, it also has a wattle on its neck,

just like a turkey does.

Roosters even puff themselves up and do a display.

Here's another one you might know, it's a peacock.

This is the male, and here's the female.

You notice how she's more plain looking?

The male peacock doesn't have a wattle,

but it does do a display, and it has some

of the fanciest tail feathers of any bird.

Check out its display.

Or look at these.

These are mallard ducks.

It's only the males that have the fancy green heads.

The females are the more plain-looking ones.

Now it might not seem fair that the males look fancy

while the females look plain,

but with many of these examples,

it's usually the female that sits on the nest with the eggs.

Remember, the males are more colorful.

If they stayed on the nest with the eggs,

it'd be easier for a predator to find the nest.

But that said, it's not always the males that look fancy.

This kind of bird is called a phalarope.

And with phalaropes,

the female is more colorful than the male.

And guess what.

The male phalarope stays on the nest.

And it's the female phalarope that tries to impress the male

by doing a fancy display in flight.

- So in summary, the red thing on

a turkey's neck is called a wattle.

Only the male turkeys have them.

Males display for females.

And wattles are one of the fancy features

that they use to show off.

Lots of birds have either a a male or a female that looks

colorful and fancy while the other one looks plain.

That's all for this week's question.

Thanks, Nikita, for asking it.

Now for the next episode, I reached into my question jar

and found three questions submitted to me

that I'm thinking about answering.

When this video's done playing, you'll get to vote on one.

You can choose from:

How do worms eat?

How does a light bulb glow?

Or, what is the moon made of?

So submit your vote when the video's over.

I wanna hear from all of you watching.

There are mysteries all around us.

Stay curious, and see you next week.

(turkey warbling)

(turkey warbling)

(turkey warbling)

For more infomation >> What's that red thing on a turkey? - Duration: 5:39.


David Paulides 2017 - Missing 411 November 22, 2017 | Podcast - Duration: 2:22:52.

David Paulides 2017 - Missing 411 November 22, 2017 | Podcast

For more infomation >> David Paulides 2017 - Missing 411 November 22, 2017 | Podcast - Duration: 2:22:52.


Barron Trump Back In The Spotlight For White House Holiday Events - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Barron Trump Back In The Spotlight For White House Holiday Events - Duration: 3:14.


GH 11-21-17 Liz / Franco / Jason (3/3) - Duration: 1:51.

once upon a time not so long ago,

you were Jake Doe. You were penniless.

You were hardworking. You were a decent guy.

And then when you remembered that you were Jason Morgan,

you didn't just fall back in line as Sonny's sidekick

or Carly's go-to enabler.

You reinvented yourself.

You built a life that works for you.

Are you gonna get to that point?

My point is that you are Jason Morgan

and everything that identity comes with.

You have this whole life.

Don't -- Don't let anybody take that away from you.

You know what, Franco?

Yours is the only opinion I don't give a damn about.

Okay. That was good, good talk.

It was nice to chat.

It was a nice try.

I -- I do try.

I have my moments.

Yes, you do.

But not with Jason.

Why would you reach out to him?

Because he's important to you and to Jake.

You're very important to me.

You are always surprising me.

And I love you.

On a day of giving thanks, I'm thankful for that

'cause you do.

Despite all the circumstances, despite logic,

you do.

Just so you know,

I love you, too.



For more infomation >> GH 11-21-17 Liz / Franco / Jason (3/3) - Duration: 1:51.


Hundreds enjoy Thanksgiving meal at Steelbridge Ministries - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Hundreds enjoy Thanksgiving meal at Steelbridge Ministries - Duration: 0:43.


How To Connect ConvertFox To WordPress The Right Way - Duration: 7:23.

In this video to show you the best way to connect to your WordPress based website with

ConvertFox and ConvertFox is a software service where you can get live chat on your website

you can use it to replace email marketing systems is a very powerful tool that I made

a couple videos about a week ago and in this video I just wanted to share with you the

best way to connected to your WordPress WordPress based website hi my name is Adam from

were I really said ton of content to help you get better results faster with WordPress

anything I talk about will be linked in the video description below if you're new here

consider clicking the subscribe button and if you would like notifications click on the

belt to make sure you don't miss anything right I'm actually using this service ConvertFox

on my website I happily been using it and I really and get a lot of use out of it this

weekend this weekend is Black Friday that's the big sales go on and a lot of people have

a lot of questions in fact if you go to my website actually don't have ConvertFox on

my homepage I have it everywhere but my homepage but if you go to say this black Friday page

I put together with all the various discounts you'll see the little chat bubble there on

the bottom right when you click on it you got me there what I like about the live chat

is it doesn't have to be live you can ask me something and if I can't get back to you

in a couple hours ConvertFox will actually email the visitor that live in chatted me

so let's get to the best way to connect this to your WordPress based website know when

I first started using the service I use this little snippet of code it gave me and I put

it in my theme and then I switch to using the WordPress plug-in that they built and

I was blown away by something so right now I don't have it capturing email addresses

except if someone enters it in the chat box so I logged into my ConvertFox dashboard and

I saw there was hundreds of people information it had collected on people their names their

emails and all that I was kind of surprise how that happened and I found out that if

you are using the WordPress plug-in for ConvertFox if your website has people maybe register

and log in at the point of registration at the point of logging in their information

will be captured into ConvertFox all for you automatically and I was very blown away by

that so for example earlier this year I came out the whole video series on something called

learn a whole the whole video series on how to create an online course using something

called LifterLMS and LifterLMS charges hundred dollars to have the MailChimp add-on or hundred

dollars they have the convert to add-on so that when someone registers that info goes

to those services but if you have the free convert flock Fox plug-in it will automatically

do that for you and they are exploring ways of getting past email content from your WordPress

user database into ConvertFox but right now any new registrations or logins so someone

registered a year ago but they login today that info is going to get captured by ConvertFox

the second benefit is for the speed optimization of your website it's going to ConvertFox loan

something was him and visit your site and it's going to be loaded in a more optimal

way if you're using the WordPress plug-in okay that was a happy mouthful so here is

the plug-in right here it's in the WordPress dashboard just go to add new and type ConvertFox

and you plug it in it's super easy to configure in fact here is the documentation on it so

just goat and you're out I was already know how to install WordPress plug-in but then

when you login to ConvertFox there is that little icon with your your your project on

the bottom left you can click on that to look at your project and then there's a actually

here I should just show you okay I'm back I just logged in and so when you log in and

you hover right here it says projects when you click on it it's can show you the projects

that you have but just click on project list and then when you click this right here next

to the trashcan when you click on that it's going to show you the little snippet of code

and it's also going to give this little bit of information you need to add to the WordPress

plug-in after you install it it's gonna show you this manual and then word present when

you click on WordPress it's going to give you this little bit of code right here which

is your project ID you just need to copy that and then when you're in word WordPress where

the plug-in settings are you just gonna paste it right there and then click on this checkmark

to enable the tracker and then you are off to the races now when someone registers the

logs and then impose going straight into ConvertFox no additional work on your part needs to be

done and it will also load in a more optimal way so this is really the ideal way I know

for guessing and I don't want to add another plug in love just toss the coded but then

when I realize that if I went the plug in route it has his benefit of automatically

capturing information but then also the speed optimization I immediately switched to the

plug-in so if you bought ConvertFox definitely in your using WordPress go this route it's

gonna work out much much better for you if you're thinking of getting ConvertFox you

like and doesn't integrate with LifterLMS or doesn't integrate with this MemberPress

or doesn't integrate with this tool I use it when people log into my website well you

don't have to do anything it's automatically going to do that for you if you don't have

ConvertFox and are interested in it I'll have a link in the video description to the video

that I have a tutorial on it and also have a video explaining how it all works is a special

offer going on that's can expire in a few days it's really worth looking at all to you

that or you can go straight to ConvertFox's website by visiting

one word ConvertFox it'll take you straight to this special deal page that I have set

up with them so that's it for this video if you are using ConvertFox and you have any

questions about it you can ask me in the comment section down below will be very happy to answer

it I've been using this on my site since October and I have been using the chat extensively

for last week and 1/2 and I know right right now with the Black Friday so much try fixing

to come to my website so much Travis Brandon come to your website if you're selling anything

you you it's nice to have that chat there so you're available to answer people's questions

right away so that's all I have you in this video thanks for watching and I'll see you

in the next one

For more infomation >> How To Connect ConvertFox To WordPress The Right Way - Duration: 7:23.


Afghanistan and Iraq engravings on the Marine Corps War Memorial | Marines - Duration: 0:54.

Well, Marines we're here at the Marine Corps War Memorial in Arlington

and today through the generosity of a private citizen, Mr. David Rubenstein,

the names of Iraq and Afghanistan were added to the monument.

So now when you come down here, if you served or are serving now in those campaigns,

you'll be able to see those names.

For more infomation >> Afghanistan and Iraq engravings on the Marine Corps War Memorial | Marines - Duration: 0:54.


M नाम के अक्षर वाले लोगों का कैसा रहेगा वर्ष २०१८ - Duration: 8:57.

For more infomation >> M नाम के अक्षर वाले लोगों का कैसा रहेगा वर्ष २०१८ - Duration: 8:57.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Volkswagen Transporter 2.0 TDI L1H1 T800 DC, Airco / Cruise Control / Parkeersensoren / Trekhaak / N - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Transporter 2.0 TDI L1H1 T800 DC, Airco / Cruise Control / Parkeersensoren / Trekhaak / N - Duration: 0:57.


For more infomation >> Volkswagen Transporter 2.0 TDI L1H1 T800 DC, Airco / Cruise Control / Parkeersensoren / Trekhaak / N - Duration: 0:57.


Owl City - "All My Friends" Mu...

For more infomation >> Owl City - "All My Friends" Mu...


I'm A Star - Lil Uzi Vert feat TK Kravitz - Duration: 3:07.

Uncle MIKE

For more infomation >> I'm A Star - Lil Uzi Vert feat TK Kravitz - Duration: 3:07.


BMW X5 3.0D HIGH EXECUTIVE, 245PK / M-pakket / Comfortstoelen / Keyless entry / Camera's / Trekhaak - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> BMW X5 3.0D HIGH EXECUTIVE, 245PK / M-pakket / Comfortstoelen / Keyless entry / Camera's / Trekhaak - Duration: 0:59.


M नाम के अक्षर वाले लोगों का कैसा रहेगा वर्ष २०१८ - Duration: 8:57.

For more infomation >> M नाम के अक्षर वाले लोगों का कैसा रहेगा वर्ष २०१८ - Duration: 8:57.


NUGG Beauty Lip Mask HOLIDAY LIP TREATMENT Set HOW TO prep lips for MATTE Lipstick - Duration: 8:12.

Hey Guys! Ashley Elizabeth here with AEHM artistry and today I'm going to try this new

Nugg Beauty Holiday Lip Set that they sent me over.

I'm so excited to try it. If you're a

liquid lipstick wearing gal, like myself, then you know sometimes they look

dry and flaky and ugh.

I'm not having the worst day, but I can tell after just

putting it on that in like an hour I will be crusty and gross. So, you

definitely need to prep your lips.

Thought it would be a good time to show

you guys how I like the Nugg lip scrub and lip mask!

This holiday lip scrub set

from Nugg Beauty, retails for $15 and you can pick it up on their website.

I'll link that down below for a quick access.

And full disclaimer this video is NOT

sponsored, even though it probably feels a little bit weird, you know. But I was

sent this product to test out and try, and I love filming videos for you guys.

So, I thought two birds one stone. I know that's probably like an awful saying...

If you didn't know I already reviewed a Nugg mask on my channel and

actually Nugg Beauty reached out to me because they liked my video so much and

they wanted to send me some other things to try. But what I really liked about

that company is they are preservative free, free of mineral oils, petroleum oils,

all that really nasty bad stuff. They are cruelty free and this product is vegan

as well! So, I'm super excited.

They also sent me a little kit of masks. So I will

be either trying those out right here on the tube or I will do them on my

Instagram stories or on my Instagram. So, make sure to follow me there!

Enough jibber jabbering, if you're interested in the product you can

definitely go and research some more, and I'll leave some information down below

as well. But let's see if the product actually works, okay? I'm here telling you

guys all about it but I haven't actually tried it yet!

So let's try it. Okay?

Take off this...

and you might notice I've done my eye

makeup, I haven't done my face makeup cuz the lip mask your supposed to leave on

for 20 minutes, so I figure I'll beat my face while the mask is going.

Okay, these little guys are so cute!

Oh man they're so adorable and little! But they did say

on the box that it's supposed to be good for 30 uses. So even though they look

really tiny hopefully a little goes a long way.

Let's start with the

exfoliating lip smoother because that's what you're supposed to do.

"Apply on your lips and gently massage in circular motion motions, gently dab

off remaining granules, and leave to disperse naturally" ohhh.

So cute!

Take a little bit.

Has more stick than all the other scrubs do, so that's nice.

Because some lip scrubs kind of like fall all over the place as you use them.

Like the Yes To coconut lip scrub, that I really like that comes in the little lip

set, that one's really nice but the sugar kind of falls everywhere.

It smells super good too!

Kind of like coconut-y. But not an intense coconut, if you don't

like coconut you might not be repulsed by this!

Kind of like a jojoba-like

coconut-y smell. It's very light.

Alright that feels pretty exfoliated.

Easier to remove

than other ones too.

Not left with anything else.

Let's do the lip mask! '

So the lip mask they said to apply generously and leave on for 20 minutes.

So I'm gonna put my lip mask on, let you know how it feels, and then I will go

ahead and beat the rest of my face, and then we will finish this up.

Here's number two

Ok, lip mask time!

Also, says you can use this overnight.


kind of feels like a really really thick like rich night cream. If you ever felt

one of those before. Not lip balm-like at all.

Oh! Woo!


Rush of peppermint oil!

Oh my goodness!

It's kind of like peppermint mocha!

Oh my gosh, I love peppermint mochas!

Oh yeah slather that on.

Okay, so how it does it feel? Yes, it feels burn-y,

in a good way, like a peppermint oil would. Lind of like a lip plumper would

feel, like a lip gloss lip plumper. I want to finish talking cuz that looks really

gross. It feels like if I have to talk like I could. But it just kind of gathers

around the inside. So best to be Zen and to not talk. I can definitely see using

this as a multi mask treatment as long as it works! So let's keep it going.

Ok, time to wipe away!

That just says "gently remove remaining product". So let's

just take it off with this damp little tissue. I don't want to disturb my


Alright, my lips feel nice and clean. I don't feel like they have

any residue or anything.

Now if I was going to bed, or something, I would put a

lip balm on now and just let it soak all up. But you can sleep with that overnight,

so remember it does say that.

Let's apply our lippies, shall we? And see how they

fair. So I'm gonna start with my lip liner. This is Berry from Too Faced. I'm

gonna do a nice kind of holiday berry color to get ready for the holiday


Alright, and today for my holiday lips I'm going to go in with the Stila stay

all day liquid lipstick this shade is in Aria. You can actually get it in the

star-studded holiday lip set or you can get the full sized version. But it's a

really pretty, really beautiful, color for all year round. But I specifically love

it for the holidays!

Going on so smooth!

Ok, you guys and you can probably already tell, let me zoom in just in

case. That the lips look much more hydrated and plump than they did before.

Yeah, no cracking or peeling or anything going on and it was a much smoother

application than before. I didn't have anything prepped. I know that I used lip liner

this time and I didn't use it the first. But lip liner is like more drying than

the liquid lipsticks, so if it does good with both of them...then it's a good to go

for me!

Let's go ahead and take this one step further and use the smashbox

legendary in the shade...

this doesn't say. I'll have to look up what shade this

is and I'll link it down below. But it's a really pretty metallic red. Let's take it

on a little lip brush and I'm going to pop it right in the center of the lips.

Tap it out!

So pretty!

Okay you guys that is it for this little, you know, demonstration of the Nugg lip

set for the holidays!

I believe they have them at least

individually year round, if you can't snag one before they are all sold out for

the holidays. And if you were interested in them, this holiday lip set is

available on for $15 US dollars. So pretty good value, it seems.

They say they have a 30 uses per [set].

I inspected my lips really

closely in the mirror, and I really like the smooth finish and my lips don't feel

dry or anything. And I notoriously have dry flaky, peel-y lips, and I do have

sensitive skin. So I really really like this, so far. I'm super stoked on it!

If you're looking for a good lip scrub slash masks than definitely check them


Thank you guys so much for watching!

Before you leave, I would really really

love it pretty pretty please go down and hit that SUBSCRIBE button.

I'm having so much fun growing my community here. And you guys have been connecting with me

and talking to both myself and each other in the comments!

That's so much fun just to gab about beauty products!

So, thank you guys so much for your support!

And you guys have a great lovely day! XOXO

For more infomation >> NUGG Beauty Lip Mask HOLIDAY LIP TREATMENT Set HOW TO prep lips for MATTE Lipstick - Duration: 8:12.


When Hormones Control Your Brain - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> When Hormones Control Your Brain - Duration: 2:08.


Modern Shakespearean Sonnet 26. On First Being Introduced to The Waste Land, by Andrew Barker - Duration: 1:19.

Hi, I'm Andrew Barker. This is "Modern Shakespearean Sonnet Number 26:

On First Being Introduced to 'The Waste Land." They are the Alps and you will have to go/

A long way to avoid them. Tread with care./ They take some getting used to but you owe/

It to yourself to climb them . . . 'cos they're there./

Appealing first to ear, then mind, then brain,/ Acoustics and intelligence combine/

Forlorn hope for the modernist campaign/ Against the metronome and length of line./

I couldn't understand a fucking word/ Eyes treading through those peaks of timeless snow/

Where meaning meant much less than I believed/ The impact of each image

thrilled me though./ Still, 'bats with baby faces' sticks with me,/ Through all the

world's competing imagery./ Thank you. I'm Andrew Barker. That was Sonnet 26 from

"Joyce is Not Here: 101 Modern Shakespearean Sonnets." if you enjoyed

that please Comment, Like, Subscribe.

For more infomation >> Modern Shakespearean Sonnet 26. On First Being Introduced to The Waste Land, by Andrew Barker - Duration: 1:19.


Self Diagnosing Yourself On The Internet [CC] // aGirlWithLyme - Duration: 8:52.

[Intro Music. Vincent Tone - New Summits]

Hi guys, in today's video I am going to talk about a bit of a controversial subject -

self diagnosing yourself on the Internet. This is a bit of a taboo subject to talk

about, and it might be a bit more shocking coming from someone with a

Chronic Illness and a Disability. Before I get started with this video I want to

make it clear that just because you think you have a certain illness based

on your internet research, doesn't always mean you have it. You really can't just

go around saying you have Lupus or MS, without having the proper testing for it

first. You still need to get the lab tests done, and have a doctor confirm

your hunch. I am not advocating that self diagnosing yourself on the Internet is

the way to go, or the best thing to do, or that it should be done by everyone. I

think the Internet can be a helpful tool for narrowing down your diagnosis when

you do have a Chronic Illness, and you're still not certain what it is. First up, I

know this is a very, very controversial subject with doctors - most doctors will

tell you to not Google your symptoms because there are a lot of things that

look like cancer, and sometimes people google things and they end up thinking

the worst instead of something that's simple. Many doctors are told to listen

for horse hooves, not zebra. I went undiagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease

for two years. The area in which I live is a known Lyme Disease hotspot. The

problem was I was not presenting with the classic symptoms of Lyme disease, and

many doctors in 2008, really did not know much about Lyme disease, or to even think

to look for it. I had a very wide range of symptoms. I had stomach problems so

then I and see a gastroenterologist, I was

experiencing dizziness so I went and seen ear, nose, and throat doctor. I went

to pediatricians, random ER doctors - all looking for a diagnosis.

I had become abruptly ill and we could not find the cause of what was making me

ill. Of course it takes time to see doctors, there are waiting lists, and waiting

rooms, and sometimes it can take months to years to see a doctor. So while I was

waiting I was getting sicker, and sicker and developing more symptoms. I had seen

so many different doctors, who practiced so many different branches of medicine,

and none of them could figure out what was wrong with me. This went on for two

years, I was a very sick thirteen year old.

During this time my mom googled my symptoms on dial-up internet, which you

can imagine took some dedication, and some patience, and a whole lot of time.

She read about different diseases, different illnesses, different syndromes,

and my mother helped to find a diagnosis for me. I was eventually diagnosed with

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Fibromyalgia, and Multiple Chemical

Environmental Sensitivities. None of these diseases, or syndromes had a test

that could tell me definitively that this is what I had. In an appointment

with my pediatrician he then did raise the possibility of me having Lyme

disease, after my mom had mentioned that I've had been bitten by a lot of ticks

when I was younger. She thought I may have it considering I had a lot of similar

symptoms that people with Lyme Disease get.

Luckily my paediatrician had experience with dealing with Lyme disease patients

in New York, so we sent my blood off for testing twice with the ELISA test and

both times it came back negative. But I was convinced, and my mom was convinced that Lyme

Disease is what I had. She did even more googling, and more research. She

researched Lyme Disease, all the other Co infections, the symptoms, and what to do,

how to get tested, how to get treated. Lyme is usually a clinical diagnosis, so

I did a checklist of symptoms and I had many, and based on a clinical diagnosis I

had Lyme disease. It was only by chance one night when we were watching TV that

a documentary came on the CBC. The documentary was about Lyme disease in

Canada. While watching this documentary it was then that I knew without a doubt

that Lyme disease is what I had. The patients featured in the documentary had

symptoms that were very similar to mine, and their stories were nearly identical

to what I had gone through as well. We ended up contacting the family doctor

that was on the program, and he luckily happened to be practicing in my province,

so I was able to see this doctor. When I got there I did the checklist of

symptoms - which is the clinical diagnosis, and then I had my blood sent to a lab in

California called Igenex, and that test came back positive for

Lyme Disease and some Co Infections. I know that was a bit of a long story

but the moral of the story is that my mother's persistence in researching

different illnesses and symptoms, led ultimately to me getting the proper

diagnosis. I know of many other people with very similar stories to mine where

they have gone online and researched, and researched, and researched, until they

finally found an illness that sounded similar to what they might have. Then

they got tested by their doctors, and it turned out that their hunch was right.

Researching your symptoms on the web, especially when you have

Chronic undiagnosed Illness and you don't know what is going on - I don't

think it's the worst thing in the world. Um, I think that you really can't rely on

doctors all of the time to be diagnosing you, even though that's their job. Many

doctors will definitely miss certain diagnosis, and in my opinion the worst

thing that you can do is completely trust your doctor. If I had trusted the

doctors and everything that they said, I would probably be diagnosed with a dozen

different Mental Health conditions, and not Chronic Lyme Disease. When you have a

Chronic Illness you definitely have to be proactive with your health, you have

to fight for it, you have to fight for the right testing, you have to fight for

the right doctors to see, and you have to fight to get the proper diagnosis. If

you think something is off, or you feel that you may not have the correct

diagnosis then, you shouldn't be ashamed for challenging your doctor's opinion.

They are human, and they get things wrong. It's okay to Google your symptoms, it's

okay to ask patients of the condition in which you think you have - some questions.

Go get a second, third, and seventh opinion, get your doctors to listen to

you, and hopefully when they do, you get the right testing, and your hunch comes

back being positive, and then hopefully you can get treatment. I hope no one

takes offense to this video. But I know what it's like to be undiagnosed for

years at a time, and not have any help or any answers. And I will say it again

you should never label yourself with an illness you think you have if you

haven't had the proper testing done, and have it confirmed by a doctor. I think

the Internet is a wonderful tool for those of us who have Chronic undiagnosed

health issues, to possibly help us figure out what could possibly be going on

inside our bodies. Sometimes all it takes is the right doctor to help us with that.

I hope you guys enjoy this video. In the comments below, I want to know your

thoughts on this subject - do you think it's okay to use the internet as a tool

to help you diagnose your undiagnosed chronic health issues? Or do you think it

should just be left to the doctors? I'm also currently taking video suggestions,

so if there's a video that you would like to see me make then please be sure

to leave it in the comments below, and I'll be sure to add it to my list of

videos to make. Please be sure to give this video a thumbs up. Subscribe if

you're new. Please be sure to hit the notification button down below to get

notified when I upload new videos. All my social media links will be in the

description below, and I hope to see you guys next time, Bye!

[Outro Music. Vincent Tone - New Summits]

For more infomation >> Self Diagnosing Yourself On The Internet [CC] // aGirlWithLyme - Duration: 8:52.


Healer's daily routine healing Aura I want to be healed Welcome - Duration: 2:47.

Healer's cat daily healing session

Hello, I am Tantan.

By watching this video

I am healing daily routine of Tantan and Mammy

You can see and feel.

I can not say it anything

I'll give you a gentle auror

You will feel comfortable

I am enthusiastic and have a healing session

until the end Please enjoy

I have lived with mammy for over seven years

My routine is

When Mama enters the bed at night

Go to bed right away

To stay just beside her

Since my first night

Never miss a part of us communication

I love the enormous energy from Mama's right hand

And I Today,mammy was playing so hard

To shrug off with Mama

Leave my stomach to Mama

I emit soft from my stomach

Give up healing energy rays

Then we Exchange energy

mammy goes to sleep

Mama is getting a deep sleep

Try to reach the soul's village

I am helping that Needless to say

Well, if Mama falls asleep

I stopped Mum session

Enter free time of action

Because I am a free Healar Cat

And the next morning

Mommy is slumping

At the timing when she is sleeping Also go to bed

Let's not cook Make a co losing fun

Of course I will lend my stomach again

Then, Mom returning from the soul village

Slowly return from hypnosis

This is our daily routine Nyan

Do you believe the power of the mystery of a cat?

Thank you for listening until the end

I'm really thankful to you.


For more infomation >> Healer's daily routine healing Aura I want to be healed Welcome - Duration: 2:47.


TALK ON PHONE IN MY NATIVE LANGUAGE (Part 2) - Duration: 9:21.

So now I want to make a call to my dad.

And I will talk in my native language "Sungai"

(Sungai mean river)

"Missed called"

(My sister call me back)




What happen to this mobile?

Why?/Pa' take it

Hello Pa'

Who are you, Arminah?

I am Arminah not Arninah

I can't really hear you

Oh noo...

You can't hear it, Pa'?

Papa can't really hear

I can't really hear it

So how are you?

I still can't hear you

"How are you?" She said...

I'm doing good

(I didn't get what he said)

Ninah, "I can't really hear" Pa' said

He said, he can hear it now

So...Ninah can you hear me then?

Check, can you hear it now?

I can hear it now

I must sing "rumandawi" so that you can hear my voice

I will make noise alone in this office

Are you in the office?/Yes

Inside the church's office?/Yes

So when is your holiday? It is on November?

Yes on November

My holiday is on November

On 20th, I will be arrive at Sandakan


Are you direct come here, or you will be in KK 1st?

I will direct go to Sandakan till 23rd

Opss no, till 24th


Oh ok

On December I will not going back

What do you mean? It's mean you will not join for the family thanksgiving?

No I can't join this year

If you join for the family thanksgiving

I want to give an advise to all of you/What is that?

I want to give an important advise are not saying that too early

I have to give an advise

because I'm getting old now

So I have to tell you all

Not to forget God/Oooh

No I will not forget our God


You have to pray hard

I am

You have also pray for my hearing problem

I will/And

You have to pray

Ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit/I will

So that you will know all the lies of this world and the works of the darkness too

Who know, maybe you didn't notice the lies happen to your life

Opss, your disappear

I am here

Ok continue

All the lies of darkness maybe you didn't realize it/Ok

Ask the Holy Spirit to give you knowledge

of all the evil's works and lies of the darkness

so that you have an understanding on it, ok./Ok

I will continue to pray

Don't forget us in your prayer too

Because we also never forget you in our prayer

I am

I've pray for all of you too


How is in Thailand?/Good

Any improvement of the believers in Thailand?

I believed there additions in numbers of the believers every year here

I just do my part to work faithfully

But let's God do His work to add more people

My job is just to obey God

and continue to evangelize people around here

but it's God, who add and bring people to His Kingdom

So keep praying to God so that He will help you

to add more Thai's people

Yes I will

So that you can bring more people in God's Kingdom


That's my desire too

We will be join the prayer meeting

Which prayer meeting, it is in Telupid?

It's a prayer meeting in Berkat /Oh ok

Because they're prayer meeting very less members/Ok

Because they said after Christmas then will discuss more


So I was thinking that, maybe this is God's way

to involved me to serve here in Berkat

Oh yes, who know God's plan for us

Where ever we go, where don't know

how God will lead us

Maybe it's God plan for you

to lead the prayer meeting in the church/That's right

And also to help them


That's all?

What?/That's all?

Yes I think that's all for now

I will remember/Your sister also

Maybe your sister want to bring her phone with her

She will going to church

Oh, she is going to church now?/She go for practice

Oh ok

They have a practice at church

So it's ok/She want to go to church now

It's ok, I will remember your advise just now

Ok/Will pray

So' that's all

Ya/God bless you

Bless you too


I bought a new camera

What type of camera?

It is a real camera?/Can you see?

So where is the old one?

What old one?

I mean your old camera


No, you have the old camera isn't?

That's one I borrowed from my friend

It's Canon

She lend it to me

Because she has a lot, so she lend it to me

Why she don't just give it to you if she have a lot?


That's depends on her favor to me

if she want to give it to me, also can

LOL/If she want to give it to me earlier

I will not buy the new one

Why did you buy an expensive camera?

Why not buy the good smartphone

with a good quality camera?

Of course I have a reason for that, I will tell you soon


Actually, there one day

Because if I use my smartphone

to record a video

and there any call came in, my recording will be stop

So this new camera can record?

Of course can, I can record and also take a picture

I will bring it back on my holiday

For more infomation >> TALK ON PHONE IN MY NATIVE LANGUAGE (Part 2) - Duration: 9:21.


Date A Live Rinne Utopia (PS4) - Studying With Origami and Rinne (English Subtitled) - Duration: 10:15.

...In the end we couldn't come up with a good idea...

Either way, since tests were coming up and I had briefly mentioned studying, we ended up visiting the home of Origami: Raizen High's very own honor student.

Come on in.

C-Coming in...

So this is your apartment.

It seems like you've been keeping it nice and tidy.

I at least put things back to where they belong.

Must be tough living by yourself...

...It's okay, I've already gotten used to it.

Anyway, you can take it easy while you're here.

O-Okay...Thanks, Origami.


What's the matter, Origami?

...It's nothing.

I'm probably just imagining things.


Wait here.

I'll prepare some tea once I get changed.

Oh, yeah, no problem...

...? Origami was acting a little strange there.


...Shido? Is something wrong?

Eh...? Ah, no...nothing's wrong. L-Let's make ourselves at home and sit down for now.


Help yourselves.

Thank you.

Thank you.

H-Hey, Origami...

What is it?

This is going to sound like a weird question but...Is this the first time we've studied together for a test?

...I was thinking of asking you the same thing.


Have you been feeling the same deja vu as I was?

...This might be more important than we think.

You might have a point...There may be something about our deja vu that makes them different but...

We've studied here together before.

Yeah, most likely...

Hey, guys? What just happened to you two?


Tobiichi-san went through the trouble of making tea for us, so why don't we start drinking it and have a little chat...okay?



I was being a little rude.

O-Origami? Where are you going?

To pick some flowers. bad.

Don't worry about it...


Yesterday, and today too, weird things have been happening a little too much. Maybe something happened earlier? might be connected to that barrier Kotori mentioned.


Are you feeling alright?


Wha-! Wai-! W-W-W-W-W-What's wrong, Rinne!?

You...weren't looking so good, Shido.

Your face looks red...

...I thought you might have had a fever.

E-Eh...!? What are you talking about? I-I'm fine! I don't have anything like a fever! What's gotten into you all of a sudden!?

Hehe...What do you mean what's gotten into me?

We used to press our foreheads together a lot to check for fevers back then...remember?

W-We did...?

...Did you forget...?

No...We might have. But doing it when we're in high school now feels-

I'll be done soon, okay?

Just play along, and close your eyes...

No! I mean, think about it!...O-Origami's going to come back soon, and who knows what she's going to say-

Besides, if I close my eyes now won't it look like we're about to kiss each other!?

Don't worry, Tobiichi-san won't be back for a while...


So come on...please?

Ah... I feeling...?

It's cold...My head...feels like it's settling down. Like I could just let it slip away-



...What are you doing?

No! This is-!

...Shido wasn't looking very well,

so I was checking his temperature.

I see... looks like he doesn't have one, which is good.

You don't want to have to try and get over a real cold, so don't push yourself too much.



...Sorry, Shido, I just remembered that I have something to do.

I feel bad about it, but I'll be heading back before you.

Huh...? I-I see. Well, if you have things you need to do then it can't be helped.

Sorry to you too, Tobiichi-san. And we were just getting started, too.

It's no problem.

It's also my fault for not doing my job of being a host right.

No, that's not true. The tea was really good.

Anyway, I'll be excusing myself. I'll see you at school, okay?

And I'll see you later, Shido.


Huuu...Right then, how about we get to studying...?

...What kind of studying?

Eh...What do you mean by what kind?

Studying for ordinary tests?

Or studying for something else?

Something else?

How to make ki-

Y-You don't have to say it! We're studying for ordinary tests!

I see. That's too bad...

L-Looks like being alone with Origami is pretty dangerous for my body after all...

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