Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 11, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 26 2017

When the bike appeared it was a simple device

But man always wanted a brand new

For example, not to pedal

Or to ride not on the road, but on rails

But in any case, the bicycle of our time

It's not just a bicycle, it's a way of life

And let them say "Do not reinvent the wheel"

And we will twist our pedals and enjoy life

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For more infomation >> Удивительная техника, Самоделки и Изобретения #34 #Amazing Homemade Inventions #Сделано руками - Duration: 5:38.


[포토] 캐딜락 ATS-V, 튜닝파츠로 무장한 스포츠카【24/7 카】 - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> [포토] 캐딜락 ATS-V, 튜닝파츠로 무장한 스포츠카【24/7 카】 - Duration: 2:06.


Semiya Kheer || Semiya Kheer Recipe in telugu - Duration: 3:26.

Semiya Kheer

Semiya Kheer

Semiya Kheer

For more infomation >> Semiya Kheer || Semiya Kheer Recipe in telugu - Duration: 3:26.


LetterSchool handwriting app Brasil Portuguese ABCDEFGHIJ Alfabeto Zaner-Bloser UpperCase letters - Duration: 33:30.

For more infomation >> LetterSchool handwriting app Brasil Portuguese ABCDEFGHIJ Alfabeto Zaner-Bloser UpperCase letters - Duration: 33:30.


Lord of the Rings: Mordor - Duration: 11:28.

After the defeat of Morgoth at the end of the First Age, his lieutenant Sauron fled

into the east and established himself as the Dark Lord of Mordor.

These lands were very well protected from outside attack, surrounded by the mountains

of Ered Lithui in the north, as well as Ephel Duath in the west and south.

The only entrance large enough for an army to pass through from the west, was found in

the valley of Udun, which led into the treeless wasteland of Dagorlad.

Once passed the Black Gate there was a second heavily foritified entrance known as the Isenmouthe.

Sauron held his seat in the great fortress of Barad-dur,* at the foothills of the northern

mountains, but his true prize was the great mountain of fire called Mount Doom.

This was the primary reason for settling the area, as he would use the fire that welled

there from the heart of the earth in his sorceries and his forging.

Gathering Orcs, trolls, ringwraiths and other monstrous creatures he raised massive armies,

and kept them supplied by using slaves to mine the jagged hills of Gorgoroth, where

his armies raised their encampments and patrolled the passing roads.

Other slaves were used further south in the lands of Nurn, working soil enriched by volcanic

ash and irrigated by the sad water from the sea of nurnen.

In the east, there were the ash laiden plain of Lithlad and beyond that the lands of Rhun

, Khand and Harad, where Sauron had great influence, deceiving, coercing and corrupting

their people, so they might serve as his allies providing him with slaves, soldiers and further

resources to fuel his western campaigns.

Sauron thrived in the black lands, ruling his own dark kingdom.

Yet he was not the first to settle the area, as Shelob the great spider, last child of

the Ungoliant, had long before made her way into the mountains of Ephel Duath, after escaping

the destruction of Beleriand at the end of the first age.

Living off the blood of Elves, men and later orcs who passed nearby, she grew bloated and

fat weaving webs of shadow.

Although she consumed many of her own offspring, those who were able to escape her hunger spread

throughout the western lands of middle earth.

The pass leading to her lair became known as Cirith Ungol and when Sauron arrive around

the year 1000 of the second age, he allowed the creature to remain, as she was the best

possible guardian for the passage through the mountains.

Treating her as his cat, he sometimes sent her prisoners to feast upon, and found amusement

in hearing the tales of her ferocity.

Occasionally she would devour some of his orc soldiers but Sauron did not mind as he

had plenty to spare.

From the lands of Mordor, Sauron began plotting his rise to power, appearing before the Elves

of Eregion, while posing as Annatar, an emissary of the Valar.

Feigning friendship, he worked with them to forge 16 rings of power, while in secret forging

another in the fires of Mount Doom.

The One ring of power as it became known, could be used to influence the others.

Fortunately Celebrimbor, Lord of Eregion quietly fashioned 3 more rings of power, naming them

Vilya, Narya, and Nenya and because Sauron had no hand in their creation, they were free

from his corruption.

When Sauron completed the one ring and put it on his finger, his deception was revealed

to the Elves, and so they held back the others, refusing to give them up.

Celebrimbor then sent word to Gil Galad asking for reinforcements, and so an army was sent

led by Elrond the half elven.

Arriving in 1697, they were too late, finding Eregion sacked and burned.

The Dwarves of Khazad Dum, who were allied with the Elves had marched forth to help defend

them, but when the battle was lost retreated back into their mountains.

With Celebrimbor captured, tortured and killed, Sauron was able to seize most of the rings

of power.

However the 3 crafted in secret were never taken, instead sent away into the west, to

be kept hidden by Elven Lords.

The arriving forces tried to defend against the armies of the dark Lord, but they too

were defeated, with Elrond forced to flee North, founding the city of Rivendell as an

elven refuge.

This event was the beginning of the War of the Elves and Sauron, seeing the vast armies

of Dark Lord spreading chaos throughout the west.

Of the rings of power, nine were given to kings of men, while 7 were given to dwarven


Although the Dwarves were resistant to the power of Sauron, the rings made them ever

more greedy and paranoid, ultimately leading many of them to ruin.

Yet the fate of the nine kings was far worse, as they became slaves to the will of Sauron,

eventually turning into ringwraiths.

However as time went on, word reached the mighty Numenoreans, they sent their armies

to aid their elven allies who under Gil galad desperately fought to defend the Grey Havens.

By sailing their armies both into the north and south, the Numenorians were able to trap

Sauron's forces, defeating them in the battle of the Gwathlo.

Furious and humiliated, the dark lord retreated to Mordor, and once more began to rebuild

his strength.

Yet it was not a total loss for the Dark Lord, as he had dealt tremendous damage to the lands

of Elves and Men, and with the Numeneorians returning home, the lands of the west were

left vulnerable.

Over the next thousand years, Sauron recovered some of his former strength and once again

expanded into the west, with reports reaching Numenor that he was pressing down upon the

cities by the coasts; and had taken the title of King of Men, declaring he would destroy


The ruler of Numenor, Ar-Pharazon was outraged by Sauron's proclamation of supremacy, and

so sailed east with his armies.

However the forces of the Dark Lord were no match for the Numenorians, resulting in many

of Sauron's soldiers deserting his cause.

Knowing he could not defeat Ar-pharazon, he allowed them to march unchallenged to Mordor

where he submitted to the king.

Not trusting the word of their ancient enemy, he took the dark Lord as his captive when

they returned to their island.

Yet Sauron was not altogether displeased, as he now saw an opportunity to finally rid

himself of these powerful kings and their people.

Using his skills, knowledge and cunning he made himself useful to the king, so that rather

than be kept as a prisoner, he was made an advisor and allowed freedom within the court.

Using this to its full advantage he started a cult dedicated to his master Melkor, converting

many of their people to his wicked ways.

Eventually he convinced the king to sail his armies west and invade the Undying lands,

where it was forbidden for men to travel.

As a consequence the Valar collapsed a part of the Pelori mountains , trapping the army


This violation was so grievous that Eru, the lord of all creation split the world in two,

and curving the half with Middle earth to make it round, thereby eliminating the chance

of this action ever being repeated.

Numenor itself sank into the sea, killing nearly everyone who populated the island.

Sauron, who remained on Numenor during the upheavel lost his physical form, and so his

spirit made its way back to mordor to recover.

Although he'd successfully orchestrated the demise of the Numenorean kingdom, his

spirit was greatly weakened, but with the power of the one ring, his strength would

eventually return, and so he started gathering his armies once more.

Unfortunately for the dark lord, not all the numenorians were lost with the island, as

many of those who remained faithful to Eru were sparred and sent on ships to Middle Earth

where they founded the kingdoms of gondor and arnor.

In 3429, Sauron decided to at last launch another attack against the west, this time

sending his forces to capture Minas Ithil and burn the White Tree.

Isildur son of Elendil managed to escape and reach his father seeking reinforcements, while

Anarion successfully defended Osgiliath.

Over the next few years, the Last Alliance was formed by Gil Galad and Elendil, which

included the armies of men, elves and dwarves to battle the forces of mordor in the battle

of Dagorlad.

Victorious in the fighting, the Last Alliance then chased Sauron into Barad Dur, where he

remained hidden for seven years.

Eventually, he stepped out his fortress and fought both leaders of the Alliance, who died

in the battle but also vanquished the Dark Lord, allowing for Isildur to cut the one

ring of power from his finger.

With the fall of Sauron, Middle Earth entered the third age and for a thousand years the

lands of Mordor were guarded and patrolled by the men of Gondor, in order to keep the

dark creatures within from escaping.

To help them in their mission, they garrisoned Minas Ithil, the Towers of the Teeth, the

Tower of Cirith Ungol and the forteress of Durthang in the north.

Yet as the years went by and the power of Gondor waned, these towers became abandoned

and were taken up by the armies of Sauron who were reforming.

Although the dark lord was defeated after the war of the last alliance, his spirit lived

on as the One Ring of Power was never destroyed.

Spending some time in the east as well as in Dol Guldur, the dark lord once again began

plotting his conquest of Middle earth.

While he waited for his strength to build and Mordor to return to its former glory,

he used his lieutenant the witch king of angmar to destroy the lands of arnor.

And while Angmar was eventually destroyed as well, the Witch King had completed his

mission and so returned to mordor to continue serving his dark master.

The Nazgul then captured the city of Minas Ithil, and made it there home, renaming it

Minas Morgul in the year 2002 of the third age.

Among the many captains and champion's of Mordor, the ringwraiths known as the Nazgul

were perhaps the best known.

Yet aside from these terrifying creatures, there was also the Mouth of Sauron, a Black

Numenorean who served as Sauron's ambassador.

Gothmog the "lieutenant" of Minas Morgul, and Grishnákh captain of Barad-dûr.

In the year 2941, the White Council finally realized Sauron was hiding in Dol Guldur and

so confronted the dark lord, forcing him to flee and return to Mordor.

But by this time, the nazgul and his other servants had prepared the dark kingdom for

war, and it was heavily fortified with vast armies under it's influence.

Once again in a strong position, ready to conquer middle earth, all that Sauron needed

to ensure his victory was to recover the one ring of power, which he learned had been rediscovered.

And so the Elves, Dwarves and men of the west once again had to organize and ally together,

fighting to defend their lands and prevent Sauron from recovering the one ring.

Meeting his armies in the battle of the pelennor fields, the battle of dale and many others,

they had a final confrontation at the black gate of mordor.

However, as important as these battles were, victory or defeat would be decided by a pair

of hobbits, named Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee, who were tasked with sneaking the

one ring of power back into mordor so it could be destroyed in the fires of mount doom.

Although they considered passing through the black gate, they soon realized it was impossible,

and so managed to make their way into the pass of Cirith Ungol, encountering Shelob

and nearly failing in their mission.

But eventually they reached the crack in the side of mount doom, and the one ring was destroyed,

diminishing sauron's spirit to such an extent he could no longer interact with the world.

With the dark lord defeated, the orcs and monsters that survived fled, leaving the lands

of mordor behind.

The men of Gondor then freed the many slaves who formerly worked the lands and left the

area for them to settle as freemen.

For more infomation >> Lord of the Rings: Mordor - Duration: 11:28.


Peru Taste Test ft Ashens - Duration: 17:18.


- Yeah.


- No, that's good.

- Hey, folks, welcome to actually sunny London.

- Sunny is one word for it, Barry.

- Yeah, sunny.

- Yesterday, my life was filled with pain.

- We've just finished filming Barshens,

we're a little tired, but we're doing

a bonus video for my channel.

Thank you, Stewart, for joining me.

- You are most welcome.

- Nice to meet you.

Today we are gonna be tasting some Peruvian treats.

- Indeed.

I thought you said some perverted treats,

I was quite excited but--

- That's a separate video altogether.

I've been sent some treats from Peru,

but the only thing that I could think of

with us being in London, Paddington

originated in Peru, my daughter told me that.

- It's entirely true, it is from deepest, darkest Peru.

- I thought it was just a bear that liked marmalade

that lived in a train station, where's the Peru thing?

- He was born in Peru.

That was easy.


- Well, why is his name Paddington, that's quite British?

- Because he was named after the station where he was found.

- So he's an immigrant.

- Yes, for his original name was something like (growls).

- So shall we peruse, hey, Peruvian banter

over these treats, I've got a letter, first of all.

- Well, this is nice, look, a handwritten card.

- Dear Barry, I'm telling you know

your bank account is over, um, from the bank, sorry.

Wrong one.

"Hello from Peru, I'm a big fan of your channel.

"I remember the first time I saw it."


Really nice kind words.

Thank you, Alexandra, for these delightful treats.

They all look really nice.

- They genuinely do.

- A rarity for us.

- It definitely is.

- We eat food that we don't really know

where it's come from, which is probably the case here,

to be fair, but it's all sealed.

Shall we peruse?

- Let's.

- Let's dive.

The first thing we've got.

I'm gonna show this here to the camera.

Inka Corn.

They look like bits of earwax, don't they?

- That's a nice thought, earwax.

I do like corn, this is very big corn.

- This is, yeah, I think I like these too.

They're very crunchy, they got a salty tang.

- Let's see if I can translate anything from it.

It's been fried in some giant fried corn.

- Nice, corn fried in corn.

- Yes.

- Cornception.

- Corn squared.

I'm quite looking forward to this.

- I'm gonna give you the first smell, of my Peruvian box.

- All I can smell is Vaseline.


- We did a video earlier today and I literally

layered my hands with, like, I basically a tub of Vaseline.

I am petroleum jelly.

- Somebody's gonna be.

- Tangy.

I think I got a little bit of Peru up my nose.

- I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

- Try one.

- Thank you.

- They do look like little toes.

- They're really nice.

- They are.

- They're not very spicy.

I'm surprised, it's those spicy chiles.

- It's not very chilli picante.

Chilli picante.

They're all right.

Though they do look like little toes.

Look at that toenail sticking out.

You could imagine that on a little Paddington Bear figure.

- Thanks Barry.

- That really helps it go down.

This is quite interesting.

- That's chocolate isn't it?

- Yes.

Discover Cacao Sujo.

That sounds like a nightclub.

- It does, a good nightclub at that.

One of those ones where the bouncer

isn't rude to you when you go in.

- No cause he's been fed chocolate.

Cacao sujo.

Cacao sujo, the best kept secret of the Incas.

- The best kept secret of the Incas?

I don't think that's chocolate.

The best kept secret of the Incas nobody knows about it.

- Cause it's a secret.

40% Cacao quinoa crunch.

Quinoa, quinoa?

They used to call it kee-no-wah.

It's like someone who knows about keys.


True story.

- Kee-no-wah.

That's like some character on the Matrix.

- Or from the bible, Noah.

- Maybe.


- He knew all about the keys.

This marvellously nutritious whole grain of the Incas

known as quinoa, is lightly roasted.

Deliciously complimenting our 40% pure cacao milk chocolate.

- So this is the posh version of dairy milk crunch

with the cocoa puffs in it.

- I sincerely hope so.

Shall we peruse?

- Yes.

Has it got a sacrificed human being's heart in it?

- Hang on, (grunts).

- There's an image I can't unsee.

- Sorry mum.

- If you think that's gold I'm slightly worried about you.

- Oh it's kind of like a poor mans pound.


- The other side, baby's diarrhoea colour.

- Yes.

Or leftover curry.

- Not much difference between the two.

Not in my fridge anyway.

- I know, give babies curry sometimes, it's nice.

- Keep them quiet.

- I feel like Charlie in the Chocolate Factory,

there's a golden ticket, ooo.

- I've got a golden ticket, this is really melted.

- Slightly mangled.

- Mess.

- It's so mangled, look at the state of that.

That used to be lovely gorgeous blocks of Inca...

- Has that been through a microwave and then a goat?


- Should we have a little smell?

That smells deep, you know?

That's like Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

turned up to 11.

And you can see the pieces of quinoa.

- Yes, yep.

Yep, posh dairy crunch.

- There's not much to it is there?

- It's alright.

- Like eating mud.


- It's better than like...

- The secret of the Incas.

It was mud.

- Mud all along.

- There's a crunch there now.

- Yeah, it's not that great a chocolate though.

It's not that sweet, but it's not dark enough

to have a real sort of cocoa kick.

It's ended up a bit sort of nothing.

- It's like a confused chocolate where they just sort of

just chucked in the leftovers at the end of the day.

But it's nice.

- Which would explain the shape of it as well.

- Let's switch back to something savoury.

This should I think be served quite hot.

- Oh good.

- Now obviously, - In my armpit for a while?

- Yeah sort of like a hot water bottle sort of styling.

Yeah can you do that?

I'm gonna read the story.

Papa la juanca potato sala ha juancina is a typical dish

from (laughs) sorry.

Is a typical dish from the coast and highlands of Peru.

It was created using the construction of train tracks, what?

And workers were given a potato dish

served with a sauce made with cheese and yellow pepper,

the sauce is normally served over boiled potatoes

then topped with hard boiled eggs and olives, sounds nice,

the sauce despite it's creamy and

rich consistency is sneaky spicy.

It's also served with cocktail potato,

over pastille, or used as a dipping sauce

for celery sticks, carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes.

Now I just wanna take the cheap option

and just grab a carrot from a fridge.


- I thought we were gonna make a snowman.

- We could do.

- I've worked out it's basically a cheese and something

cream, juancina, rich flavour of the house or something.

- Oh nice.

- Shall we open it up?

- Yeah, actually I've got a bowl here ready.

- It looks, from the front of it,

it looks quite like custard.

- Imagine that.

But it's Peruvian custard carrots.

What's it smell like?

- Interesting.

- Oh crikey that's cheese isn't it?

- Yeah.

Slightly worried about this one.

- Lush.

- Nice.

- Now I don't wanna take it all out,

cause I'm gonna let you have some for your trip home.

To Normanshire.

Now we might have to, oh you snapped the carrot for us.

- Yup.

If I see a carrot I snap it, you know me Barry.

- They don't call him Stewart carrot snapper for nothing.

Right carrot snapper?

- Oh yeah you know it my friend.

- If anyone's wondering what Stewart does in his spare time,

he just snaps carrots.

- I'm slightly worried about this.

It looks like toxic mustard.

- You made a little Donald Trump there.


I want to lick it first, like a lolly.

- Okay.

I'm gonna do the same.

- I should've shave my carrots, sorry.

- It's alright.

It's quite, it tastes very, Mediterranean vegetably

very much like peppers or something.

- No that's cheese.

There's some cheese I don't like to it.

That is...

- I like the cheese element, not so much the pepper element.

It's slightly spicy as well.

- I have to eat this like a rabbit I'm sorry.

Oh it's mustardy or something.

- If it wasn't for the flavour of the peppers

I would really like that.

- It's okay, if you like cheese.

Not a fan of it.

How was eating Donald Trump?

- It was, the best, just the best,

all others aren't as good, sad.

- Nothing like washing down your carrot Donald Trump

with a nice Wong.

- Good bit of wong.

- Chew on the donna pepper, went to school with her.

Wong mas calidad, suave tradition.

- A typical desert eaten everywhere in Peru.

- So my fear when I saw this box,

was oh my gosh this is like a cake we gotta maybe make this.

And to be honest I haven't researched

it any further than that, so it could just be that.


Sorry bout that.


Isn't that a Christmas song?

Mas calidad feliz navidad?


- Ah there's quality yes.

- There's a story there you go.

- (speaking foreign language) is the typical desert

eaten everywhere in Lima during the purple month.

And even though it can now be found year round

in big stores it was originally prepared only in October.

And still is sold mostly in this month,

like cream eggs, as the story tells,

(speaking foreign language) was a slave

who had a strange disease that paralysed her arms,

this is because she ate this cake, no,

this disease freed her from slavery

but at the same time left her unable to earn a living.

She started attending the processions to ask

for her health back which she eventually did get.

- Thanks for having my health back.

- Who took it?

Who was hiding it?

Was it in a jar? - Paddington Bear.

- And as a thank you gift she created this sweet.

So far so good.

Where the story starts becoming psychedelic

to be honest, pretty psychedelic already,

just look like the look of this candy covered desert

is in the part where she raised the desert

with her arms in one of the processions

and the lord of miracles smiled back at her

and blessed the offering.

- Wow.

- She passed the tradition of preparing todon

for this special time of year to her daughters,

granddaughters and generations to come.

So during the purple month, the lord of miracles

will bless your cake.

- What month is that?

- October.

- Obviously October's gone, but look.

It's a cake in a box.

- Cake in a box, cake in a box.

- Cake in a box, I've got a Peruvian cake in a box.

- It's very messy how we gonna eat it?

- And it's called wong which sounds wrong.

- Hey if that's wong I don't wanna be right.


Let's try and have a bit that hasn't touched the cheese.

That's not a euphemism.


- Right there's a wrapper on it.


I don't think we should eat this bit.

- Yep, there's a wrapper on it.

There's a picture of Dr Dre on a cake.

- Look at this.

- This is amazing.

It's also the stickiest thing since the lord of miracles.

- Should we leave that like a holder.

Do Lady and the Tramp style, do you wanna take one side?

- You go first.

- I'm gonna put some really slow intimate music on this.

- Ready?

- Oh we're gonna do it at the same time?

- Oh yeah.

- Don't go too much to the left or right, oh my god.

- Ready?

- Yeah.

I can't do that.

That suddenly felt so wrong, but so right.

- It's not that great.

It does taste like it's been in the box for a while.

- Tastes like wood.

That tastes like sawdust.

The sprinkles are nice.

That's just like eating flour or powder or something.

- It's kind of half made, do you know what I mean?

- Maybe that's the other step that we've gotta do.

Well it was a lovely story.

- Not unpleasant at all but it's

not something I would go for myself.

- Bit like myself.

This thing is wrapped in a pink cloth or tissue.

And it looks like a poop.


I can't disguise it guys it looks like a pecan poo.

- Looks more like a yeah let's not get into that.

- Pecan Toffee.

That's it.

- That sounds amazing.

Do you want a, uh?

- Oh yeah, can you um,

- I'll attack the Pecan Toffee.

Remove the poo. - I think this be really nice.

- Yeah it sounds amazing.

I like pecans, I like toffee, and that's what it is.

Oh it's very soft this.

It's a soft poo, I can't tell what they've been eating.

Oh pecans!

That makes sense.

- Yeah and we're eating a stool sample effectively right.

Oh my god, that's beautiful.

- Yeah that's really nice.

- I'm Paddington Bear, surfing, on a taste bud,

on the sea, in a Peruvian ocean.

- Bizarre image.

- With my hat going like that, like yeehaw cowboy,

eating that in the other hand, going,

yeah this is better than marmalade whatever it is.

- That's really nice.

- That's gorgeous.

You can have that with your cheese and carrot.

- Chocolate macano.

- Chocolate macano yes, it's like a nut or bolt?

Macano costa, that's it, that's all it says on the back.

- It looks like it's full of caramel or something?

- I hope so.

Oh no it's perished.

- No.

- It's merged into a slab.

Unless it's not, that looks like it's got,

- That has, it's melted into a slab.

This must've got hot at some stage.

- I think so, Peru is quite hot right?

So I snap it, we've got a little bit of,

I think those holes there would've been where...

- Oh yeah, shape of macano.

- Smells good though.

- Nice.

- Nice, yeah.

- Nothing wrong with that.

- This is good.

I now wanna visit Peru.

So we got two king kong san rockes things whatever they are.

- Made by the real king kong?

- I think so yeah, made by monkeys.

So there's one there, layers of cookie.

And then there's layers of cookie with a lukuma?

Caramel filling.

- They're very keen on the history, they've also

got photos of the people who founded the company.

- The story begins in late 1920's in the street san rocke

in the town of laboricky, there an avid baker

by the name of Victoria Major made a popular desert

at the time with a twist, instead of just using one filling,

she wanted to include other traditional

flavours people would enjoy.

Her new creation was made in a rectangular mould

and it was much larger than a traditional circular one.

It was a success.

- Brilliant, well done.

This did get the superior taste award.

- Oh, the desert was enormous.

Each desert weighed over 4.4 pounds.

The witty citizens didn't take long to compare the

giant alpha jaw to the main character of a popular film

at the time, featuring a great ape, named King Kong.

- That makes sense.

- Is it vacuum sealed?

- It literally is.

- Is that a wrapper again?

- Yeah I was about to eat that.

- Oh my gosh.

- No it isn't.

- Oh you got yours off.

I've got a second sheath on mine.

- That's weird, I only have a primary sheath on mine.

Oh not there is a second one sorry.

It just wasn't all the way around it.

- Oh wow look at it.

It's like a confused sort of lego set or something.

- We've had macano, now we have lego.

- That smells like poo.


- Mine smells like caramel more than poo.

- Oh yeah caramel poo.

- Marvellous.

- Oh that's alright.

Tastes like a cracker that doesn't wanna be a cracker.

- A cracker with aspirations.

- Yeah.

It wants to be an accountant,

but really it's just a cracker.

What happened?

- I don't know, the fruit taste or something is here.

It's faintly sour milky.

- Yeah, but I don't even know what lacuma is.

Lacuma matada, such a wonderful poison.

- Oh there's something deeply unpleasant

about the aftertaste of this.

- Really?

Let me try it.

- Can we swap?

Do a classic comb swap?

- I know what you mean, kind of like

the aftertaste of an exhaust pipe.

A little smokey.

The last thing we've got to taste...

- Purple corn.

- Purple corn purple corn.

- That was Prince's foot disorder.

- Was it?

- No.


- Chips de maize mordo.

- Purple corn chips.

- Purple corn chips these go great with guacamole,

salsa, or any of your favourite dips really.

So we could try it with that cheesy dip?

- No your favourite dips Barry.

Not your least favourite.

- Smell.

- Quite good.

- Yeah?

Smells like corn.

And there it is.

- This is literally called Peru Nachos I just realised.

- Are they really?

Chips de maize morado.

- Somebody shot a hole in this one.


- It got a gunshot wound while it

was trying to get out of customs.

Bit of saltiness.

- I really like this.

- Tastes a bit like eating a crispy, dry skinned dead arm.

Kind of thing, like, you know?

- You have more experience to that than I do to be fair.

- Yeah tastes like dead skin.

- Like you scratched a bit of dead skin off your leg.

And had a bit of a munch on it.

- Like really, casual little wiff when you aren't looking.

- Nice.


- And munched on it.

- These are really nice, I like these.

- You do?

Well congratulations, you won them.


- Finally.

- Well my favourite thing out of all of it

I think was that um, the poo bar.

- Yeah the poo bar was good.

- Absolutely sensational.

- My favourite thing is actually this then the poo bar.

- Why don't you have both together?

- Because that wouldn't work Barry.

- Oh yeah that's true.

Alright so, thank you so much Stewart for joining me

in this Peruvian taste explosion.

- You're welcome I'm just crunching loudly

to annoy the people listening in on the microphone.

- Make sure you get a good crunch on

that mic so I can try and edit out.

If you got any treats from around the world,

wherever you are, I've done like, 35 of these now,

I'm not good at counting.

Yeah I've done crazy countries like England and Wales.

- Crazy man.

- So if you wanna send me a box, get in touch,

and I'll talk to you over adult message, alright?

For more infomation >> Peru Taste Test ft Ashens - Duration: 17:18.


Yoga For Digestion | Yoga for When You Overeat! | Yoga With Adriene - Duration: 13:44.

- Hey everyone and welcome to Yoga with Adriene.

I'm Adriene and today we have

another yoga for digestion.

Or yoga for when you've just eaten too much.

Life is good, it's all good.

And guess what?

The tools of yoga and your pal Adriene,

we're here to help.

That's the beauty of at home yoga practice.

So before you get all caught up in your head

and go down that rabbit hole.

Let's just tend to the body with some breath

and some good vibes and balance it out.

Hop into something extra comfy.

I highly recommend draw string pants. (laughs)

And let's get started.

(bright music)

Alright, buds, let start in a nice comfortable seat

of your choice.

It's all good, man.

Life is good and you know what's better?


We're so lucky, grateful that we even get food.

So if you're starting this practice

feeling hard for yourself,

let's try to shift that into a, gratitude.

For the gifts that we have received and also,

for food on the table, period.

And we'll just slowly try to shift our perspective.

Find what feels good.

A really quick, easy breezy today.

So sit up nice and tall.

We'll start with just a little pranayama.

A little moment of meditation of pause.

To just really soften through the belly.

And sit up tall.

Lengthen through the neck.

Your hands just rest wherever they fell naturally.

And I just want to keep it real

it happens,

you know we get the best of ourselves sometimes.

We have regrets.

The best way to shift anything, in my opinion, (laughs)

is to think about

being graceful.

And also, grateful.

So the two G's here to the rescue.

And yeah, we're gonna do some

digestive health stuff, of course.

But, start with the two G's.

And just find a little grace,

so make sure you're not clinching anywhere.

Especially in the lower belly.

Let your belly just hang.

Be loose.

And then, seriously, tap into the gratitude.

What are you thankful for?

And give thanks for the things that

you have and the nourishment that you receive.

And (mumbles) a little mindfulness here on the mat.

Grace and gratitude.

♪ Gracefully and with gratitude. ♪

Moving in slow circles, inhale.

Come forward.

Chest, hearts move forward.

Exhale around and back.

Notice how slow we're moving, inhale come forward.

You gotta bring the breath though,

and exhale around and back.

And now depending on how full you are,

just see if you could really move from your center.

Whatever that means to you,

maybe you picture your navel and drawing a big circle.

Maybe you like that image of the coffee grinder,

shout out to Ben.

And then reverse your circle if you haven't already.

Go the other way.

And start to wake up the body even more.

So find some extra movement here on this circle.

Alright and bring it all back in.

Spiral it all back in.

Bring the hands together at your heart.

Grace and gratitude.


Bow the head to your heart, grace and gratitude.

Feel that deep stretch in the back of the neck. (breathes)

Keep it soft and easy today. (clears throat)

Excuse me.

And here you go, left hand's gonna come down to the ground

and right finger tips gonna shoot over towards our left.

And we're just gonna alternate back and forth.

And you can reach out diagonally,

you can reach out to the side

or you can take the classic, traditional side bunny stretch.

But just find the little back and forth movement

that feels awesome.

And try to keep your belly soft and the breath full.

And the next one when you're over to the right,

go ahead and find your twist.

So you'll inhale, lengthen and exhale, gentle twist.

And then really brings home

the broccoli or the bacon here.

That was dumb.

It is the breath,

so breathe down into the belly

with this directional breath breathing down.

And then keep it smooth even as you breathe out.

Calming any stress or anxiety that might have come,

might have lead you to this practice.

Yeah and then with nice easy, breeziness,

just back to center and we'll take the same thing

on the other side.

Super chill, inhale with the chest,

and exhale with the twist.

Breathe downward into the belly is as you breathe in.

And then it comes up and out as you breathe out.


Come back to center.

And then we repeat.

Hands come to the thighs and knees,

we're gonna move in a circle.

Different kind of breath this time.

(deep breath)

see if you can find a breath that really is deep

and synchronizes with the movement

in any way that feels good,

so there's no right or wrong here.

Just move with your body.

(deep breaths)

Move with your belly and if there's any other sounds

or expressions come out, go ahead and let them.

Hey-yo sorry for the people

that you're practicing with, though,

in case it's gas.

And reverse your circle.

And if you're practicing this alone,

just get all like, all freaky-deaky.

And if you're practicing this with friends or family,

just go ahead and say hello to them right now, "Wha' sup?"

So how we're doing this together.

Bring balance to the body.

Yeah, Benji.

Alright, and then bring it back to center

and easy twist to the right.

Tuck the chin, roll up through the spine, big inhale,

soft belly (deep breath) exhale, twist (breathes).

Big inhale,

exhale twist, oh yeah.

One more inhale,

exhale twist and then come back to center

and take it to the other side.

And tuck the chin, roll up through the spine.

Make sure you're not leaning back, so sit up nice and tall,

lift your sternum up.

Inhale and exhale.

And so your, the breath is active here.

Inhale to lift and lengthen, create space,

and exhale to twist.

Never underestimate the power of breathing deeply

and consciously in the twist.

(deep breaths)

After three cycles of breath, at least.

Go ahead and bring it back to center.

Bring the palms together, once again, grace and gratitude.

Inhale, exhale bow your head to heart.

Awesome, come to lie on your back.

Nice and easy, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah.

Sounds are welcome in this practice,

this is an at home yoga, man.

Come all the way down your back

and when you get there snuggle your shoulder blades

underneath your heart space.

Get comfy, feel supported by the earth.

And then here we go.

We're gonna hug both knees into the chest.

Take your time, scoop the tailbone up.

And hold onto your right knee and send the left leg

out long, all the way, let your heel kiss the ground.

Then squeeze your right knee into your chest,

take big old breath in

and then as you exhale, slowly peel your nose

up towards your knee.

Breathing deep.

Try to get the skin on the face soft.

You can rotate the right ankle one way

and the other if you want.

Oh yeah, can you hear my stomach?


And exhale to release.

Great, release the right foot down,

hug the left knee into the chest.

Next we're gonna extend the right leg out long.

Wind relieving pose, squeeze the left knee in.

I'm not playing, dude, this is in the books.

This isn't like some weird Adriene stuff,

this is in the books.

Squeeze, inhale.

Slow exhale, slow peeling of the head,

neck, shoulders up. (deep breathing)

Nose towards the knee.

Keep the skin of your face soft, breathe.

So we're creating compression now on the left side.

Stomach, you always want to do right knee up

to the chest first,

in case you're doing this freestyle, willy-nilly,

on your own without me.

Which I support, inhale.

Exhale to release, oh yeah.

Bring the left foot to the ground, right foot to the ground.

Take a breather, hands on your belly,

you're gonna walk the feet as wide as your yoga mat

and then bring your knees into touch

so that you can soften through your belly.

Breathe deep, just breathe.

Close your eyes, we're almost done.

Allow the body to go through its different stages.

That ain't never gonna change.

So don't beat yourself up and don't be too hard

on yourself, be grateful, be graceful.

And keep creating grooves and patterns.

That just keep bringing you back to what feels good.

Alright, press up off the tippy toes.

And lift the knees into the chest.

One final diddy, we're gonna take the knees

over towards the left and then you're gonna open

your elbows up to cactus arms

or football, post-Thanksgiving,

if you're doing this in real time, then this is appropriate.

Football goal post arms, if that ain't your thing,

cactus arms, breathe into your belly.

I feel like turn onto your right ear.

Close your eyes.

(relaxing breaths)


Exhale bring it back to center

and take it on to the other side.

Last one, you've got it.

Try bringing your left shoulder to the ground

as you turn onto your left ear,

breathe down into your belly.

And then back to center.

One more time, squeeze the right knee in.

Right side, left leg out, you can also do left leg

on the ground.

I mean left foot on the ground.


And then right leg out, left leg in.


Both knees in, squeeze.

And exhale to release everything to the ground.

Corpse pose, yes, rock this corpse pose.

Inhale lots of love in,

find the little smile, it's all good, baby.

And then exhale just to relax everything.

Way to go for taking time to do this video.

Take some more time for yourself.

You'll bounce back, your body will balance out.

The best thing that you can do for yourself

is be graceful and grateful and enjoy every second

of all the gifts that life is bringing you.

Even the ones that feel a little (negative groan)

you know it's all a gift, it's all a tool.

It's all an opportunity to learn.

And tomorrow's a new day, deep breath.

And exhale.

My stomach's making noises.

Bring the hands together.

And we say, namaste.

(bright music)

For more infomation >> Yoga For Digestion | Yoga for When You Overeat! | Yoga With Adriene - Duration: 13:44.


Angel Card Reading NOVEMBER 26- DECEMBER 2 with Elizabeth Harper - Duration: 10:26.

Welcome I'm Elizabeth Harper and I'm here with this week's Angel Messages.

What I'd like you to do is place one or both of your hands over your heart

just take angel wings invite your angels to guide you to either message one two

or three a message that comes from their heart to yours. What you can also do is

move your cursor along until you intuitively feel you need to stop and

right there is an extra special message from your angels. Just ask them to guide

you to that message. All right so we're using my big stack of four different

angel cards just give them one shuffle I already shuffled them. There are Archanged

Gabriel, Archangel Michael the Archangels and

daily daily message cards. So see if you can intuit which card is gonna

come up first, second, third. All right I'm gonna move my hand down the stack and

see where I want to pick the stack up I feel like it's there.

Well now that's interesting there is a rogue card in here. It's a color card

I'll keep that right there's a reason for it.

Alright so now the second card I feel like I want

to go right to the top I feel like it's a top card. You get that all right second

card third card rather it feels like it's right

there and it's actually one that's facing up. I think we have used that before.

Okay so our first card is this bright yellow card which actually comes from my

aura soma deck. So take a look at that beautiful energy you see there is a

woman that's dancing and then on the other side two, four, six, eight, nine all

right. You know about the Tarot that's the nine of cups the nine of cups

is the wish card. Now that yellow vibration to me is Archangel Jophiel is

that beautiful Jophiel beauty, light, exuberance, love. This love energy thats

there because of happiness and joy. So that yellow is saying that you have a

fabulous week ahead of you. You have a fabulous time ahead of you. There is so

much joy, there is so much happiness. However with this yellow vibration with

this yellow energy it's also connecting to your solar plexus right? That solar

plexus energy is it's your power, it's your self-esteem, it's your

confidence and it's also your fear. So you may find that this area is a little

bit sensitive or it could be that you're feeling a little bit tight in that area

and that could relate to some fear that's coming up. So now is the time to

start focusing on that and healing it and really affirming that you are

confident, that you are safe, that you are secure, that you are wonderful,

etc. This yellow energy with the nine of cups the wish vibration is saying that

you have everything you need in order to create and manifest your wishes in order

to make them come true. So now is a good time to ask for what you want and maybe

call on Archangel Jophiel to guide and support you right now

Alright our next card our next two cards are Archangel Gabriel. So the first card is

pay attention to your dreams so this says need it further away from me my

goodness. "You are receiving divine guidance while you sleep even if you

don't remember your dreams. The answers are in your unconscious mind where they

appear in order to help you." So this is a good point because when you go to sleep

if you've got a question on your mind then you can be guided to receive the

answer in that state where you're not really thinking about it or you're not

really trying to make it be what you want it to be because sometimes the

answer is so simple but we can make it complicated because we're trying to make

it how we want it to be how how we want that answer to be but the answer could

be something very simple that you're not able to see because of that because of

that need because of that desire for it to be what you want it to be. So when

you're in your dream state you get that left brain that ego out of the way and

in its place you got this amazing wisdom that can come through you can get this

in your in your waking State as well but you know sometimes when you ask

questions like you really need the answer I want that answer what is the

answer so in your dream state this is the perfect time to get the answers to

your questions. You can get those answers from your own wisdom you can also ask

your guides and angels during your sleep state to guide you to the answers and

what would be a good idea is have a journal next to you a dream journal

write a question in that dream journal so it's fresh in your mind just before

you go to sleep and then as you wake up write whatever comes to you whatever

came to you in your dream state even if you think there was nothing as soon as

you wake up just write the answer to that question all thoughts that come

for you as you focus on that question as soon as you wake up because then you

don't have lots of other things going on in your mind. You're clear you have more

clarity and as I'm talking about this I'm seeing lots of sparks all around me.

So try that because I feel that the answer is coming for you a question you

have on your mind any question just focus your dreams to guide you to the

answer I like that. All right so then our final card we had

this just recently it's classes and this says "Learning and teaching is a part of your

higher calling." So isn't that interesting? I have to say that my focus here is on

those numbers right there I was just looking at something and thinking about

something this morning around numbers and adding those numbers up and looking

at the numerology that's coming in for our 2018 for that next year. So for me

this is saying it's a learning period that's coming up for you. You're gonna be

seeking again it's linking in with those questions and answers you're gonna be

seeking a way forward and it's something to do with either your numerology or your

looking at your finances and just adding things up. How am I gonna make this

happen? What do I need to do in order to get from here to there? And it all seems

to be numerologically based or financially based looking at that that

ability to move from here to there using numbers. I also feel that because of this

black and white the blackboard and the white chalk that's on it it's gonna be

very clear so you're going to understand. As soon as you make a list you write

down ABCD or 1 2 3 4 etc but it's going to help you to get from get you from

where you are now to where you want to be and I feel that this is very much

over this next six months. You know this is not just about this time period this

is about this next six months and I feel like you're going to be learning a lot

over this next six months. It's almost like

I feel almost like this little building blocks you're going to be putting

together and you're gonna figure things out and then another building block

comes in and then another one comes in and they feel almost as if in six months

time you'd be looking back and thinking, 'Wow! I've come a long way.' and then you'll

be doing this again. There's a sense of strategy that's coming in for you and

it's very it's logical there's a logic that's to it however theres an intuitive

vibration that's there and as I'm looking at this note that the children

I'm sure I've pointed this out before yellow and pink to me are about

awakening. It's a birth so there's some kind of birth that's coming up for you.

It could be a rebirth or it could be an awakening of a new direction for you and

to me it's very exciting but there's logical steps that move towards it and

beyond. Okay that's it for this week's angel messages I hope you enjoyed them.

Do make sure to get my Archangel Gabriel prayer it's a new prayer you'll see a

link in the description above or below especially if you chose message two and

three Archangel Gabriel obviously wants to come through for you at this moment. If

you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up let me know in the comments

below of the messages resonated for you and please this video with your friends

I'm sure they would love to have an Angel Message.

I will see you next week and lots of angel blessings to you. Bye!

For more infomation >> Angel Card Reading NOVEMBER 26- DECEMBER 2 with Elizabeth Harper - Duration: 10:26.


#FIXChallenge: Truth or Drink feat. Reza Chandika - Duration: 15:02.

Can you hear me? -- Yes

Hold on...

Why you playing with 'em titties?

I'm not!

Apa kabar Mothefixers ?!

Do we really have to speak english?

Like.. Calm down!

Yesterday Putra and I played Truth or Drink

That's right!

But today we're inviting a guest over

The one and only...

Fix's all time favorite guest

Why cant't you guys make me your permanent employee?

The problem is that you're moving a lot

Melbourne, Japan…

So Nicole and I as Fix

Will ask him some questions

Any if he refuses to answer them

He has to drink

And if Reza will ask either one of us

Let's say Nicole

And if Nicole doesn't feel like answering the question

We both have to drink, cause we're in the same team

Racun lo apa?

Tentu aja…


You have to say it like that huh

And Jagërmeister is not French

Of course not!

I'm not that stupid

We can clearly see there…

From Pantai Gading right? (Ivory Coast in Bahasa)

What is that?

If someone tells a joke, you gotta respond damn it!

You have to be good at geography

Say "I surrender Tuan Takur" say it!

Say it!

Nicole racun lo apa?

Racun gw…

I don't wanna be close to you…

Oh is that so?

No no no of course I would !

I came all the from Ciputat, come on!

Chicks at Seven Eleven

This is the least expensive vodka you could find in Jakarta

So yeah...

There is one that is cheaper

What is it?

Topi Miring (Indonesian brand)

But that is not vodka, Put

Iceland vodka is cheaper

Iceland vodka, vodka enak!

People have been asking me "Why do you like to drink so much?"

I mean... Who doesn't?


And for those who don't drink...

This is not us like encouraging you or anything

I mean, you do you

Go ahead

And this doesn't mean that...

This is something that...

What was I gonna say?

Minumlah dengan bijak

Dan dengan tanggung jawab

Where's my glass

I have to mix it

Do you guys know how to make Jager...

I know...

Yeah something like that

I'll make one for you after

Here is for our suc...

Let's try that one more time

Here is for our success in Paris

What about Cinaneng?

Who wants to go first?

Let's do rock paper scissors

The Indonesian one right? -- Yes!

One, Two, Open!

One, Two, Open!

One, Two, Open!

One, Two, Open!


First question...

Your the host at Joox, right? -- Yep

I bet you've met so many celebrities...

You've met so many celebrities...

Actors... Musicians

And so on...

Who is the most annoying guest...

That you never wish for them to come back on your show

Tell us their name!

Who is it?


So here is the thing...

I will drink

And I will share a tiny bit of story

Of this person

So is that okay? -- Yeah up to you!

Do it while you drink

So there is this...

Youtuber, That...

Okay I'll admit that you're smart

But I think that Intelligence will fade

When you're arrogant

I know exactly who this person is!

Don't say it!

He drank...

Yeah, I was just saying that I know who you were talking about

So, I just wanna say one thing...

For the youtubers out there...

To both the newbies and the seniors

You can be yourselves

But one thing you should have is

A good manner

This person name must be Nicole

Giliran gw...


Fix Productions is also usually has guests

Dang it! This is the revenge

Not so much of a guest...

More like friends

Who is your friend...


Has been in one of your videos

And they got the most hate from the people of the internet

Like... "Why are they here?!"

The most hated guest?

Yes, and people are not feeling them being in your videos

But there are your friends...

Yes there is!

And I know who you are thinking!

We both know who this person is...

But that doesn't mean that we stopped inviting them over

We still enjoy working with them

They are still good people

And for us, kita sih ngga peduli

And who this person is?

You say one, I say one

Satu, Dua, Tiga!

Kamal -- Boy William

Beneran? -- Iya...

There has been several comments...

Oh maybe because that the contents are just ordinary

Yeah, that could be it

But for Kamal...

Even before we posted the content...

That have been people commented on our Instagram account

Saying... "Why Boy William?"

Isn't that because he is you're ex?

Please note this...

Boy William is not my ex!

Maybe just a one night stand

Oh you were thinking Kamal...

Cause our first video was with Kamal...

No that was our second video

And he was just saying that he doesn't like the food

And people were like hating on him real hard

But for us, Kamal is so funny!

That's why we keep inviting him over

Kamal, if you're watching this...

If I were you, I'd be like...

Is it my turn again? So fast!

Ja... -- Hmm?

Dammit! I'm so nervous

I am nervous for you!

Let's talk about sex...

Here we go again...

Why do we have to go there, Putra?

At what ag e, did you touch your self for the first time?

Since we are going down that road...

I'll Putra...

Cause I think Nicole would never do this

What is the name of your female friend...

For more infomation >> #FIXChallenge: Truth or Drink feat. Reza Chandika - Duration: 15:02.


Bangla News 26 November 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla - Duration: 15:34.

Bangla News 26 November 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla

For more infomation >> Bangla News 26 November 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla - Duration: 15:34.


Comment bien démarrer sur YouTube ? Les abonnés ont la parole ! - Duration: 9:06.

For more infomation >> Comment bien démarrer sur YouTube ? Les abonnés ont la parole ! - Duration: 9:06.


ZHASK OR HELCURT ? Who Would You Choose? Who is Better? (Mobile Legends Experiment) - Duration: 11:54.

Hello Friends back again with Vincent here. This time I will make experiment

about zhask and helcurt, the new hero that has not Released on the normal server, for the zhask will be Released

on this Tuesday is 28nov17, for answer some of your Question, so

in this video i will create content about zhask vs helcurt and you can choose

which hero is worthy and must you buy so you do not regret for the future

so maybe with this video you can little can know about which one should be

bought so as not to regret later xD because it is not easy to find 32k BP

within 2 weeks, especially for players who are not very active, may have to be more selective.

EXPERIMENT 1: Same 2 Level 4 with the amount of gold and build items that are not too much different.

from here we can see the damage of hellcrust is very spicy, and also its passive male opponent silenced

very useful for self-defense because the enemy will silent 1.5sec every 3Seconds coolldown

here it looks I use a helcurt somewhat a little late to remove the ulti so it must be

killed first by that Zhask's ultimate, and ultimate helcurt is also immune to stun opponent.

This hellcrust is an assassin with a low movement speed according to me. because basic

movement speed is only 255 compared with another hero assassin having 260 MS.

so to use this hero must wear an emblem that has a movement speed

high and combined with shoe items or items with Movement speed.

WAR KE 2: With item and amount of gold not too significant + full skill test.

and it turns out the hellcrust is still outdone by zhask in the early game due to every mage for sure

can master the game even though the item is still not so completely. and here we can see

skill 2 of his hellcurt when max stack (5) demage which is very remarkable. because according to

I own only skill 2 of this zhask that can relied on to kill his opponent as well

with his 1st skill to harras his opponent as he can silent and slow his opponent.

For Ultimatenya itself is also very useful when there will be a war group, as it can

causing his opponent to lose sight for 3 seconds, not just the enemy in

near the helcurt that could be affected by its ultraviolet effect but all enemies can also be affected

Its ulti effect though it is out of reach helcurt in other words ulti area 1map, sadistic !!!

actually hellcurt is not a suitable hero for 1 on 1 because every hero of assassin is sure

has thin blood, as it does with This helcurt is also a kidnap hero like

his sister is natalia, hero assassin kidnapper is very scary for the pros with this hero.

one of the advantages of helcurt ulti besides make blind also increase the speed of hit and movementnya

within 3 seconds, yapz that ulti similar to the skill that is owned by roger who is also still countryman

with the helcurt with its sharp claws and ready to rip its prey cruelly and

and inhumane, so if you meet hero this is the ulti fast you are hiding, so as not to be clawed

WAR TO 3: With no gold comparisons too far and with some finished items

here helcurt can be slightly superior because of in terms of items and levels so that damage

generated already large. while the zhask itself is a hero early game where he is very

useful in terms of push tower and survive but if when the late game this hero will be

a little defeated if against the enemy already so item2 buildnya. so can we say that

zhask is a terrible hero when in early game with its very useful active skill2

to harass or to survive from attack his opponent. Zhask is indeed

hero is very OP on the first time he was released. thus making many players complain

and ask for it immediately in nerf (unloaded) his skill status, because the hero is deeply imba

facing his opponents, although he has to fight 1 vs 5 also still able to face

all the opponents very easily because this zhask has 3 active skills and 1 skill ult

which was terrible in his time, so on when I met the same zhask immediately run

terbirit2 like dikejar2 debt collector, can imagine not how horrible this hero.

WAR KE 4 : dengan perbedaan level yang tidak terlalu jauh berbeda dan dengan beberapa item.

yapz as has been said before zhask is a hero early game and will

helpless when it comes to late game because he will not be able to withstand damage

a very big one from his opponent, so he will more quickly killed before he can kill

his opponent, because zhask here does not have disable or stun skill that can be used for

escape from the pursuit of the enemy, he can only rely on the ultimate skill that has

damage is great and also if not wrong also can stun when 2 times shoot his enemy

so the 3rd shot will cause stun to the target in a few seconds, this is very useful for

defend yourself and turret while being attacked, and also for his 3rd skill that can

reduce the enemy's movement speed by 80% well this is useful when we pursued pursuit

which was terrible in his time, so on when I met the same zhask immediately run

But is the zhask now still overPower? The answer: yes if you know how or

his techniques when using this hero, but zhask which now is not the old zhask anymore

because it has received 2x nerf process on the server advance on patches 32 and 34, sadistic really ya up

2x in nerf, wah means mobile legends is doing a little mistake on this hero, but luckily

there is an advanced server like this, its function for test new heroes before in lyrical on ori server

WAR KE 5: Already Started Log in Late game with Items are almost finished

Can be seen here zhask can not avoid helcurt attacks even inside

For more infomation >> ZHASK OR HELCURT ? Who Would You Choose? Who is Better? (Mobile Legends Experiment) - Duration: 11:54.


Pierwszy Gruz - BMW E36 325 Drift-Car - Duration: 9:31.

For more infomation >> Pierwszy Gruz - BMW E36 325 Drift-Car - Duration: 9:31.


"SAVE YOU." [TRIGGER! WARNING] - Duration: 10:13.

I can't even remember when it started.

The first thing that happens is..

I wake up feeling I'm drowning.

So down that I don't want to wake up.

Don't want to get up.

Don't want to do anything.

I feel that I am ugly.

No charm.

No friends.

Not popular like others.

At lunch when everyone's eating,

I don't feel hungry.

Every evening I will feel sad for no reason.

Loser, why are you such a loser, Boo?

Everyone's disappointed in you.

Everyone despises you.


Why were you even born?



The only thing that kind of helps..

is feeling pain.

It's the only thing that somewhat helps relieve the distress

You shouldn't have gotten these easy questions wrong

Your physics score is coming out today, right?

Your score has slipped.

You used to do better than this.

Why was I born this way?

I just want to be happy like other people.

Why is it so hard?

Shit! Someone sees us!

He's just a student. Not a guard.

As for me.. Simon.


I am Boo.

Wanna try?

C'mon. It won't bite.

Turn, turn

Not bad.

How's it? Fun, huh?

This is my skateboard.

Didn't know you can skate, Dr Boo.

What the hell are you doing?!

I said it's mine.

Next time when you ride,

try placing your hand on your right knee.

It'll be easier.

All of a sudden Boo got mad. Aoe didn't do anything

Don't let me catch you.

Boo's gone mad.

You're the problem.

Nobody loves you.


Stop troubling people, can you?



The world would be better off without you.

Why were you born?

There's nothing good about you.

I'm really disappointed in you.

This board is mine.

You have to give it back to me.

You want a skateboard that badly?

You can do it.

Success starts with believing in yourself.

God helps those who helps themselves.

You can do it.

You can do it. It's easy.

Give it back.

Take it back.

My son doesn't ride this kind of stuff

and doesn't hang around with this kind of people.

From now on, I forbid you to skateboard ever again.

And no more hanging around with those punks.

I will be cured, right?


Let me give you a hug.

I'm sorry.

Mon, please talk to me.

You can yell at me if you want.

What do I have to do for you to forgive me?

Go and do the jump for me.

I've got to suffer like this

And I can't even blame the one who caused it all.

Isn't it fucked up?

I'm sorry

What kind of doctor are you?

How could you let him get hurt?

Just so you know

I've already filed a complaint with the hospital.

From now on, you've nothing to do with my son.

I had a younger brother.

If he were still alive, he'd be around Boo's age.

So, Boo reminds you of your brother, huh?

I understand.

Get out of my face.


Please don't blame her.

She didn't do anything wrong.

Please don't hurt her

Don't cry. I'm okay.

I'm cool.

Boo has gone from the hospital.


I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry.

If you can't believe in yourself

then believe in me

who believes in you then.

For more infomation >> "SAVE YOU." [TRIGGER! WARNING] - Duration: 10:13.


MUST DO in China!! | HelloRasmus - Duration: 10:53.

It's finally..

The sun is shining for the first time -

- while we're here and it's nice -

- and now we're gonna go get some breakfast..

I feel like every time I'm vlogging I'm eating -

- and I'm not sure if that's because -

- I vlog every time I eat, or if I eat all the time..

Okay, crossing the street without dying!

I survive!

So guys..

Don't honk when I do the vlogging thing!

Right now, we are going to a very cool place..

I'm standing outside of a building -

- that is very important to me..

You maybe have noticed that I like to wear -

- colorful clothes, matching outfits, weird stuff, like this..

Well.. -

- one of the reasons I started doing that -

- was because I was in Shanghai 3 years ago -

- and I went into this place -

- and maybe it doesn't look like much -

- but this is a huge fabric market!

In here they have like -

- thousands and thousands -

- and thousands and thousands..

They have a lot of fabric in here -

- and also there's a lot of tailors who make clothes that -

- fit perfectly to you and -

- so when I was in China -

- I actually had a bunch of clothes made -

- that I've been wearing ever since and you've probably -

- seen me in many of these outfits and now -

- hopefully I can go back in here -

- and get some new stuff..

Guys check it out -

- and it just keeps on going and there's like 5 stories..

There's so much fabric..

You need a wedding dress Sara?

Yeah, maybe..


I just need a man first..

I could wear one of those..

I don't know what to.. how to choose..

How do you pick what to wear?

There's a thousand different things and also -

- I brought some of my own clothes -

- that I maybe want them to copy -

- because it fits me well..

This place is actually my tailor from 3 years ago..

This is Sonian and she's gonna make the clothes -

- and I think what I want to make is -

- long pants and a shirt and maybe a jacket because -

- check this jacket..

This here..


- and this is super soft because it's cashmere wool..

So what you do is you just browse through here..

You find the fabric that you want -

- or you can just go out there and pick the fabric, buy it -

- and then come here and they make it -

- and we don't have a lot of time here -

- but we asked Sonian if she can make it for tomorrow -

- and she said yes..

I'm trying to find something..


Would this make me look like a clown?

Some tips for going to the tailor in China -

- or anywhere basically..

Number 1, make sure you know what you want..

- so maybe bring a shirt that already fits you or -

- some shorts or pants so you can show it to -

- to the people making the clothes -

- and they kind of know what style you want..

Lesson number 2, make a good bargain..

Never, never go with the first price they say..

You can always get it a bit cheaper -

- and then when you get it to a price that you like -

- then it's step number 3, which is don't buy one thing..

Buy more things because you probably are gonna get -

- some stuff that you like..

If something doesn't work out..well -

- you have the other thing -

- and also I'm pretty sure you're gonna love it..

It's gonna be very cheap.. cheaper than -

- you would ever find in a store in Europe..

So yeah, you're probably gonna love it forever..

Lesson number 4, make sure to find -

- someone that you like..

It's just better that you have a good communication -

- because maybe you get some of the clothes back -

- and they need to change it..

It's too long or too short, and then it's just much more -

- fun to have someone that you can talk to..

Lesson number 5..

Make sure that you're not in a rush -

- because look at all this fabric..

You want to have time to pick out your favorite ones -

- and I mean there's not just one shop like this..

There's like maybe a hundred..

So lesson number 6..

Just pick something..

Uum this..

Can I buy this?

Wear it outside, you want to wear a sweater or shirt..

Hmm, we're making a coat -

- even though I said before coming here -

- Sara don't make me make a coat..

Now we're making a coat..


I think pink or yellow is good..

A yellow..

This is even brighter?


Okay, we're gonna make a very yellow coat for me..


Guys we're making..

This this is gonna be a shirt and some shorts..

Do you normally make like crazy clothes?

Some people order..

Yeah, some people?


Okay, I'm not special..

That's enough shopping for today..

They will have all the things we bought, two jackets -

- a shirt, shorts and two pants for Sara..

They'll have it already on Saturday..

That's in two days..

That's crazy, but they will make it and I know they will -

- make it and it's gonna be very very good quality -

- and someone will kill me now if I don't stop looking..

Okay, no more vlogging for now it started to rain -

- which is kind of crappy, but I will see you guys later!

Whoa.. I'm still here, but now it's all gone..

Now we are gonna film a video that includes me -

- getting a foot massage, oh and I love massage -

- So we're gonna do it in here..

45 minutes..

86 RMB..

That's cheap!

How much is that, it's uuh it's uhh.. I don't know -

- it's uuh, it's uhh, it's 60 pounds?

No, no, no, not 60 pounds..

Not 60..

6.. 6 pounds..

It's 6 pounds..

Two plus two is four, minus one that's three, -

- quick maths..

I'm really excited because I love massages..

Hello! What's your name?

My name is Yama..

Yama, very nice to meet you -

- and we got some tea..

- put my feet in the water?


Okay, no socks..

It's very good..

I didn't even know my feet were on my shoulders..

It's good..


Very very nice..


Okay, don't cut off my foot..

Don't cut off my foot..

Oh, oh that's kind of nasty..

Guys, this is tickling so much..

This was a good idea..

Kind of disgusting to look at..


But I'm gonna get baby feet..

I'm sorry, that was maybe the nastiest clip -

- you will ever see on my youtube channel..

Probably not

You look so grossed out!

I'm super super super relaxed..

If you ever come to China get yourself a foot massage -

- or any massage..

It's incredible..

Guys, I'm gonna enjoy the rest of this massage -

- without the camera, so I'll see you later!

I should stop saying I'll see you later, because -

- you're watching this video..

You're not going anywhere..

I'll be back..

Hey guys, I'm at dinner with my best Chinese buddies..

Oooh, Hi Etta..


How's it going?

- and Grace.. say hello..


They're taking us out to dinner..

We're having hot quad..

Is this embarrassing?

Uum, a little bit..

This is Lauge!

Hey, good to meet you!

You're not Chinese..

No, I'm come very much not Chinese I mean..

You're Danish..

Are we gonna eat like some crazy food like -

- chicken and chicken feet or pig noses?

Why is chicken feet crazy?

Why chicken feet are crazy?

It's crazy for Europeans and Western people..

We never eat feet of anything..


Yeah it's like jelly..


You start chewing the feet, and you just like -

- suck the what's like between the skin and the bones..

Inside the chicken feet..

Okay, I have to taste that..

We have to try that..

Is it good? You like it?


Everyone likes it!

Okay, let's get some chicken feet guys!

It's water!


Where is it?

No no!

Soya sauce..

We put it in the mouth..

Wait wait wait..

Very special cooking lesson with Hello Rasmus..

Wait, wait like this?


Wauw that's really good..

It's so tender!..

I love this..

Are you happy?

I'm so happy now -

- I mean seriously you know before I came to China -

I never knew what spices was..

This is so great!


Etta tells me that this Is a very strong chili..

She says that I will die if I eat it..

I don't believe her, so now I'm gonna try..

Not all of it..

I'm not an idiot..

I'm just gonna eat one piece?

This piece..

Are you ready?


Am I ready?

Is this a stupid idea?


Do you have to chew it?




I'm gonna survive..


Your face is red..

My face is kind of red..

On a scale from 1-10?

From a scale from 1-10?

I think it's an 8..

I think it's gonna hurt tomorrow when it gets out..

It's still burning -

- and I'm getting all like..

The water is running..

Etta you have to end the video..

Say it..

Bye byee..

Did you like that video?

Of course you did!

Now go watch another one or do your homework..

You pick and remember to subscribe..


For more infomation >> MUST DO in China!! | HelloRasmus - Duration: 10:53.


Accessori TECH sotto i 25 € - BEST tech under 25 € - Duration: 8:33.

For more infomation >> Accessori TECH sotto i 25 € - BEST tech under 25 € - Duration: 8:33.


⚠️ BÜYÜK İSKELET SEVİYELERİ! - Minecraft ⚠️ - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> ⚠️ BÜYÜK İSKELET SEVİYELERİ! - Minecraft ⚠️ - Duration: 10:02.


Origami Christmas Tree Cardmaking tutorial with Elizabeth Craft Design - Duration: 11:49.

hi welcome to Hedgehog Hollow it's Sunday stamping time with Elizabeth craft

designs and today we can be making these gorgeous origami trees I love how they

look we've got three different variations to share with you so let's

get started

today we're going to be making origami Christmas tree cards and I've got a few

variations to share with you this is one idea that I had I left the points so

there's lots of dimension that you can see there in those points I put piles on

here and I put smaller pearls on each of these points as well I've used a strip

of brown cardstock which we'll be doing - this was a piece of 12 by 12 paper

from Elizabeth craft some of their soft finish cardstock and so I scored it at

four inches all the way along it's five and a half tall and then I'd I cut a

circle just using some basic circle dies that I have here from scrapbook comm and

then I used the moder scrap it's Christmas time paper I put adhesive all

over this panel here and popped it on there and then I die cut the circle on

that middle panel so there was a piece this side and a piece this side and I

put the paper in the middle this flap I then folded under which is what I've put

the tree on and I used the candy cane wishes from the Elizabeth crafts

sentiment set called holiday cheer because everything will be linked

underneath the video for you as well then for another idea I did this one

here I put a red bow around a piece of Desert Storm cardstock in gold hair it

says all is calm all is bright and then I made the same tree and I used some

glue dots to glue down the points of the trees has a little bit better if it's

going through the mail this is great for a hand-delivered card or maybe you want

to put it in a card box you try to paint a regular envelope that's a really great

way to go and then I've put my die Monte's here one at the top one on each

of those points and on here again that brown piece and then I die cut some

ovals again using the nested ovals from the scrapbook comm and for this I use in

the mode of scrap white Christmas collection paper and again on this one I

show I should just show you I put a star on the top with a green pearl on the top

there now we are going to be doing the same tree we're going to be using the

mode let it snow and for each of these you need four squares of paper now I use

two co-ordinating papers you could do it all out one paper or you

could do it in four different papers so if you want to do it in two papers in

your first design you're going to make a 3x3 square and you're going to make a

2x2 square in your second paper you're going to making a two-and-a-half inch

square piece and a one and a half inch square piece so we have three and three

inches square two inches square two-and-a-half inches square one and a

half inches square as well now for each of these you're going to want to fold it

in half lengthways and I have my bone folder and after much trying out I do

prefer the Teflon bone folder I prefer the fold it makes and I don't seem to

get any marks or anything on my card and this one I think is one that I got from

Ellen Hudson and I'll link that up for you as well and then we're going to do a

both diagonals so to do it one way and this you want to be quite precise with

so you want a good paper trimmer my favorite one is the cutter P which will

be in my favorite craft supplies for 2017 and I have it in the smaller and

the larger size so again and now you're going to do the same thing on all four


so now we have these put together we can make our treat pieces so you want to

fold it in half on the straight fold and then when we have these two pieces here

you're gonna fold that inward so you then get the point so again I'm just

gonna kind of push that up and then just push that piece in and then you want to

fold these pieces back so that this straight piece is along that Center fold

there you'll have one piece down here and then again on this piece here and

then just grab your bone folder and firm those folds up so let's do the next one

so again we have a straight fold we're gonna push that piece in here and we're

gonna push that piece in there then we're going to take our piece I just

layer and you're gonna fold in again I find it easier if I put my nail on that

point at the top it helps me fold that paper in the Elizabeth craft paper is

really nice it's not quite a cardstock and it's not a really thin paper it's

got a really nice thickness to it and out of one piece of 6x6 you could get I

reckon three cards using the coordinating method so two different

ones if you are using all the same paper out for 6x6 I would think you could get

one and a half from it at least if not a little bit more as well so you can make

a lot that a one pack of paper and they have some beautiful Christmas papers

here and so you can see how quickly these come together and I think they

look so effective if you've been card-making for a long time you may have

made these a few years ago they were really fashionable for a time and I

found one in my drawer and I thought I must make one of those again I've got so

many pretty papers from Elizabeth crafts so there's our four pieces for our tree

so now we can assemble our tree together and for that I'm going to use my

Elizabeth craft double-sided tape I prefer the slightly thicker one for

doing this and I tend to just tear off a piece like this and then I start by

sticking it on here at the bottom and fold it back

then we're going to take our second one and I'm going to put it in the pistol

pocket here so then we pop our second one in here and it depends how far apart

you want them but you want your lines here to line up all the way that's the

important piece then I'm going to make sure I've just caught that second one

and we'll put the third one on this catch that one fold it back and again

the same all the way up to the top and then it's really easy to just tear this

off off on this side so that's all completed tree I also have pre-cut my

card base half a piece of Neenah solar white trimmed in half into my base I

pre-cut another piece out of that let it snow

paper and I cut that using the my favorite things stacks the really great

basic set that I have there just a fun little detail but there are lots of ways

as you can see that I have put these together pictures will all be on the

blog as well as the end of the video so you can pin those on to your Pinterest

boards and of course they'll be on the Hedgehog holo boards as well whenever I

mount up I open up my piece of card stock and then I pop this is springy I

have a smaller piece cut as well I put some foam on the back of all ready to

give it some extra dimension and so will layer up that too

and now we want a piece of our brown this is just a one inch strip and I'm

just trimming a little piece off to make our tree stump again I'm gonna take some

of that Elizabeth craft tape perfect to just

tear along the bottom there and we want to pop this inside of our tree like so

and then we're going to stick our whole tree it down like this so there's our

tree stuck on I'm gonna leave this one as a dimensional but if you want to go

with the method that I used on this one if you're putting it through the mail

and I don't want the extra postage on there then just put some glue dots under

each of these bottom tips so just open it up here pop a glue dot on here you

can see there and then you'll be able to stick each one of these down for this

I'm just going to take my bone folder and just firm up those folds even more

but I really like the dimension that you get particularly the way sort of jumps

off the card and really feels like a lovely snowy piece I'm going to add some

gems on I have a sheet of gems here and I put one at the top of the tree so you

could either die cutter star as I did on one of the previous ones or you can pop

a gem on the top like this you could do a colored Jam I like the look of the

silver particularly on here so I'm going to just go down each of those edges

popping a gem on Thanks

and the same down the other side just a little bit of added bling

and I'm also going to add still up the gems in the middle lab just press the

piece down and pop the gem on like so so there's our finished Christmas tree and

here are our other two as well all the pictures as I say available to pin on

the blog and on the aircraft designs blog as well so do check those out plus

full supply lists or below the video and on the blogs as well thanks so much for

joining me here today for another installment of sunday stamping we love

being here with elizabeth craft designs and we'll be back with you again next

month for some more inspiration don't forget to hit that subscribe button or

stamp it if you prefer and I will see you again very soon

happy stamping bye

For more infomation >> Origami Christmas Tree Cardmaking tutorial with Elizabeth Craft Design - Duration: 11:49.


6 Beautiful ladies from India Who won Miss world crown - miss world 2017 - Duration: 2:42.

6 Beautiful ladies from India Who won Miss world crown - miss world 2017

For more infomation >> 6 Beautiful ladies from India Who won Miss world crown - miss world 2017 - Duration: 2:42.


Lil Peep - WitchBlade (feat Lil Tracy) на русском (by Саша N.G) - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Lil Peep - WitchBlade (feat Lil Tracy) на русском (by Саша N.G) - Duration: 2:48.


McCarthyism (B) "It was wrong" - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> McCarthyism (B) "It was wrong" - Duration: 5:16.


Queen B'Z - Seul Yi Koo- cover/BTS /Blood,sweat&tears- English subtitles - Duration: 1:40.

Seul Yi Koo

My blood, sweat and tears

My last dance

Take it away

My blood, sweat and tears

My blood, sweat and tears

Even my blood, sweat and tears

Even my body, heart and soul

I know that it's all yours

This is a spell that'll punish me

Peaches and cream, sweeter than sweet

Chocolate cheeks and chocolate wings

But your wings are wings of the devil

front of your sweet

Kiss me, I don't care if it hurts,

Hurry and choke me

So I can't hurt any more

Baby, I don't care if I get drunk, I'll drink you in now

Your whiskey, deep into my throat

My blood, sweat and tears

My last dance

Take it away

My blood, sweat and tears

My cold breath

Take it away

My blood, sweat and tears.


For more infomation >> Queen B'Z - Seul Yi Koo- cover/BTS /Blood,sweat&tears- English subtitles - Duration: 1:40.


Hello Kitty and Friends at Changi Airport Singapore - Duration: 5:25.

Hello Kitty and friends are at Changi Airport, Singapore. 17 November 2017 - 5 January 2018

Located in Changi's Mystical Garden at Terminal 3 Departure Hall Level 2

This is the first-time ever Changi Airport indoor drone show

Drones formed shapes such as fireflies and festive formations with Christmas music as background

Drone Show is daily at 7.30 pm and 9.00 pm

People are queuing to take picture with Hello Kitty

Redeem these exclusive Sanrio plush toys when you shop at Changi Airport

Thank You for Watching Please Like & Subscribe to support the Channel

For more infomation >> Hello Kitty and Friends at Changi Airport Singapore - Duration: 5:25.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Data suggest N. Korea will conduct WMD tests in December: CSIS - Duration: 2:13.

North Korea has remained quiet for over two months now, with no new ballsitic missile

launches or nuclear tests.

But a leading U.S. think tank has used big data analysis... to show that there are elevated

chances of provocations within the next 30 days.

Our Lee Jeong-yeon explains.

Speculation is rising about when the next provocation will come from North Korea.

The Center for Strategic and International Studies predicts that there is a greater chance

the regime do something involving a weapon of mass destruction within the next two- to

four-week window.

The think tank, based in Washington, says its big data analysis shows the likelihood

of a provocation in the next 30 days... on a rolling basis... has been breaking records

in the past couple of weeks.

Just last Tuesday it reached the highest level since the start of September.

And the likelihood of a provocation in the next 14 days has also been climbing every

day since November 15th.

This means that a ballistic missile test could be expected on or around the 17th of December,

the date of the previous leader Kim Jong-il's death.

This prediction comes amid a rather quiet two months from the regime despite new international

sanctions and joint military drills between South Korea and the U.S..

Two factors could be behind this.

The first are the technical limitations of tests in cold weather.

According to analysis, the North has only conducted three tests in the last two months

of the year... in the 5 years Kim Jong-un has held power.

In 2015, North Korea fired a submarine-launched ballistic missile once each in November and

December,... and in December 2012 it launched the Unha-3 ICBM.

Another reason could be that the regime conducts annual military exercises in December which

take up all its time and resources.

But historical trends aside, observers are watching the regime closely as the end of

the year approaches,... to see whether its behavior is affected either way by Washington's

pressure or the recent visit to Pyongyang by an envoy from China.

Lee Jeong-yeon, Arirang News

For more infomation >> Data suggest N. Korea will conduct WMD tests in December: CSIS - Duration: 2:13.


For more infomation >> Data suggest N. Korea will conduct WMD tests in December: CSIS - Duration: 2:13.


L'utilité des rêves (87) - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> L'utilité des rêves (87) - Duration: 0:52.


For more infomation >> L'utilité des rêves (87) - Duration: 0:52.



Welcome to Lisbon





Les remèdes naturels pour soigner les petits maux de l'été-remede naturel - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> Les remèdes naturels pour soigner les petits maux de l'été-remede naturel - Duration: 5:39.


For more infomation >> Les remèdes naturels pour soigner les petits maux de l'été-remede naturel - Duration: 5:39.


Lil Peep - WitchBlade (feat Lil Tracy) на русском (by Саша N.G) - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Lil Peep - WitchBlade (feat Lil Tracy) на русском (by Саша N.G) - Duration: 2:48.


For more infomation >> Lil Peep - WitchBlade (feat Lil Tracy) на русском (by Саша N.G) - Duration: 2:48.


How to treat cough/cold in babies |बच्चों की सर्दी-जुकाम के घरेलू उपचार (Hindi) - Duration: 14:58.

For more infomation >> How to treat cough/cold in babies |बच्चों की सर्दी-जुकाम के घरेलू उपचार (Hindi) - Duration: 14:58.


For more infomation >> How to treat cough/cold in babies |बच्चों की सर्दी-जुकाम के घरेलू उपचार (Hindi) - Duration: 14:58.


Nonstop Remix 2018 ,បទថ្មីឆ្លងឆ្នាំ​ Club NEw Countdown Remix 2018 By S Remix Club Thaiᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 14:27.

Nonstop Remix 2018 ,បទថ្មីឆ្លងឆ្នាំ​ Club NEw Countdown Remix 2018 By S Remix Club Thaiᴴᴰ ♥

For more infomation >> Nonstop Remix 2018 ,បទថ្មីឆ្លងឆ្នាំ​ Club NEw Countdown Remix 2018 By S Remix Club Thaiᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 14:27.


For more infomation >> Nonstop Remix 2018 ,បទថ្មីឆ្លងឆ្នាំ​ Club NEw Countdown Remix 2018 By S Remix Club Thaiᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 14:27.


Comment bien démarrer sur YouTube ? Les abonnés ont la parole ! - Duration: 9:06.

For more infomation >> Comment bien démarrer sur YouTube ? Les abonnés ont la parole ! - Duration: 9:06.


For more infomation >> Comment bien démarrer sur YouTube ? Les abonnés ont la parole ! - Duration: 9:06.


Un cantante chileno acusó de plagio a Disney por la canción de Frozen - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Un cantante chileno acusó de plagio a Disney por la canción de Frozen - Duration: 1:50.


For more infomation >> Un cantante chileno acusó de plagio a Disney por la canción de Frozen - Duration: 1:50.


Ghosted - Only On FOX

For more infomation >> Ghosted - Only On FOX


MUST DO in China!! | HelloRasmus - Duration: 10:53.

It's finally..

The sun is shining for the first time -

- while we're here and it's nice -

- and now we're gonna go get some breakfast..

I feel like every time I'm vlogging I'm eating -

- and I'm not sure if that's because -

- I vlog every time I eat, or if I eat all the time..

Okay, crossing the street without dying!

I survive!

So guys..

Don't honk when I do the vlogging thing!

Right now, we are going to a very cool place..

I'm standing outside of a building -

- that is very important to me..

You maybe have noticed that I like to wear -

- colorful clothes, matching outfits, weird stuff, like this..

Well.. -

- one of the reasons I started doing that -

- was because I was in Shanghai 3 years ago -

- and I went into this place -

- and maybe it doesn't look like much -

- but this is a huge fabric market!

In here they have like -

- thousands and thousands -

- and thousands and thousands..

They have a lot of fabric in here -

- and also there's a lot of tailors who make clothes that -

- fit perfectly to you and -

- so when I was in China -

- I actually had a bunch of clothes made -

- that I've been wearing ever since and you've probably -

- seen me in many of these outfits and now -

- hopefully I can go back in here -

- and get some new stuff..

Guys check it out -

- and it just keeps on going and there's like 5 stories..

There's so much fabric..

You need a wedding dress Sara?

Yeah, maybe..


I just need a man first..

I could wear one of those..

I don't know what to.. how to choose..

How do you pick what to wear?

There's a thousand different things and also -

- I brought some of my own clothes -

- that I maybe want them to copy -

- because it fits me well..

This place is actually my tailor from 3 years ago..

This is Sonian and she's gonna make the clothes -

- and I think what I want to make is -

- long pants and a shirt and maybe a jacket because -

- check this jacket..

This here..


- and this is super soft because it's cashmere wool..

So what you do is you just browse through here..

You find the fabric that you want -

- or you can just go out there and pick the fabric, buy it -

- and then come here and they make it -

- and we don't have a lot of time here -

- but we asked Sonian if she can make it for tomorrow -

- and she said yes..

I'm trying to find something..


Would this make me look like a clown?

Some tips for going to the tailor in China -

- or anywhere basically..

Number 1, make sure you know what you want..

- so maybe bring a shirt that already fits you or -

- some shorts or pants so you can show it to -

- to the people making the clothes -

- and they kind of know what style you want..

Lesson number 2, make a good bargain..

Never, never go with the first price they say..

You can always get it a bit cheaper -

- and then when you get it to a price that you like -

- then it's step number 3, which is don't buy one thing..

Buy more things because you probably are gonna get -

- some stuff that you like..

If something doesn't work out..well -

- you have the other thing -

- and also I'm pretty sure you're gonna love it..

It's gonna be very cheap.. cheaper than -

- you would ever find in a store in Europe..

So yeah, you're probably gonna love it forever..

Lesson number 4, make sure to find -

- someone that you like..

It's just better that you have a good communication -

- because maybe you get some of the clothes back -

- and they need to change it..

It's too long or too short, and then it's just much more -

- fun to have someone that you can talk to..

Lesson number 5..

Make sure that you're not in a rush -

- because look at all this fabric..

You want to have time to pick out your favorite ones -

- and I mean there's not just one shop like this..

There's like maybe a hundred..

So lesson number 6..

Just pick something..

Uum this..

Can I buy this?

Wear it outside, you want to wear a sweater or shirt..

Hmm, we're making a coat -

- even though I said before coming here -

- Sara don't make me make a coat..

Now we're making a coat..


I think pink or yellow is good..

A yellow..

This is even brighter?


Okay, we're gonna make a very yellow coat for me..


Guys we're making..

This this is gonna be a shirt and some shorts..

Do you normally make like crazy clothes?

Some people order..

Yeah, some people?


Okay, I'm not special..

That's enough shopping for today..

They will have all the things we bought, two jackets -

- a shirt, shorts and two pants for Sara..

They'll have it already on Saturday..

That's in two days..

That's crazy, but they will make it and I know they will -

- make it and it's gonna be very very good quality -

- and someone will kill me now if I don't stop looking..

Okay, no more vlogging for now it started to rain -

- which is kind of crappy, but I will see you guys later!

Whoa.. I'm still here, but now it's all gone..

Now we are gonna film a video that includes me -

- getting a foot massage, oh and I love massage -

- So we're gonna do it in here..

45 minutes..

86 RMB..

That's cheap!

How much is that, it's uuh it's uhh.. I don't know -

- it's uuh, it's uhh, it's 60 pounds?

No, no, no, not 60 pounds..

Not 60..

6.. 6 pounds..

It's 6 pounds..

Two plus two is four, minus one that's three, -

- quick maths..

I'm really excited because I love massages..

Hello! What's your name?

My name is Yama..

Yama, very nice to meet you -

- and we got some tea..

- put my feet in the water?


Okay, no socks..

It's very good..

I didn't even know my feet were on my shoulders..

It's good..


Very very nice..


Okay, don't cut off my foot..

Don't cut off my foot..

Oh, oh that's kind of nasty..

Guys, this is tickling so much..

This was a good idea..

Kind of disgusting to look at..


But I'm gonna get baby feet..

I'm sorry, that was maybe the nastiest clip -

- you will ever see on my youtube channel..

Probably not

You look so grossed out!

I'm super super super relaxed..

If you ever come to China get yourself a foot massage -

- or any massage..

It's incredible..

Guys, I'm gonna enjoy the rest of this massage -

- without the camera, so I'll see you later!

I should stop saying I'll see you later, because -

- you're watching this video..

You're not going anywhere..

I'll be back..

Hey guys, I'm at dinner with my best Chinese buddies..

Oooh, Hi Etta..


How's it going?

- and Grace.. say hello..


They're taking us out to dinner..

We're having hot quad..

Is this embarrassing?

Uum, a little bit..

This is Lauge!

Hey, good to meet you!

You're not Chinese..

No, I'm come very much not Chinese I mean..

You're Danish..

Are we gonna eat like some crazy food like -

- chicken and chicken feet or pig noses?

Why is chicken feet crazy?

Why chicken feet are crazy?

It's crazy for Europeans and Western people..

We never eat feet of anything..


Yeah it's like jelly..


You start chewing the feet, and you just like -

- suck the what's like between the skin and the bones..

Inside the chicken feet..

Okay, I have to taste that..

We have to try that..

Is it good? You like it?


Everyone likes it!

Okay, let's get some chicken feet guys!

It's water!


Where is it?

No no!

Soya sauce..

We put it in the mouth..

Wait wait wait..

Very special cooking lesson with Hello Rasmus..

Wait, wait like this?


Wauw that's really good..

It's so tender!..

I love this..

Are you happy?

I'm so happy now -

- I mean seriously you know before I came to China -

I never knew what spices was..

This is so great!


Etta tells me that this Is a very strong chili..

She says that I will die if I eat it..

I don't believe her, so now I'm gonna try..

Not all of it..

I'm not an idiot..

I'm just gonna eat one piece?

This piece..

Are you ready?


Am I ready?

Is this a stupid idea?


Do you have to chew it?




I'm gonna survive..


Your face is red..

My face is kind of red..

On a scale from 1-10?

From a scale from 1-10?

I think it's an 8..

I think it's gonna hurt tomorrow when it gets out..

It's still burning -

- and I'm getting all like..

The water is running..

Etta you have to end the video..

Say it..

Bye byee..

Did you like that video?

Of course you did!

Now go watch another one or do your homework..

You pick and remember to subscribe..


For more infomation >> MUST DO in China!! | HelloRasmus - Duration: 10:53.


'No-Makeup' Makeup Look (Philippines) | Maria Garret Eds - Duration: 2:47.

moisturized** i'm so sorry:(

For more infomation >> 'No-Makeup' Makeup Look (Philippines) | Maria Garret Eds - Duration: 2:47.


"SAVE YOU." [TRIGGER! WARNING] - Duration: 10:13.

I can't even remember when it started.

The first thing that happens is..

I wake up feeling I'm drowning.

So down that I don't want to wake up.

Don't want to get up.

Don't want to do anything.

I feel that I am ugly.

No charm.

No friends.

Not popular like others.

At lunch when everyone's eating,

I don't feel hungry.

Every evening I will feel sad for no reason.

Loser, why are you such a loser, Boo?

Everyone's disappointed in you.

Everyone despises you.


Why were you even born?



The only thing that kind of helps..

is feeling pain.

It's the only thing that somewhat helps relieve the distress

You shouldn't have gotten these easy questions wrong

Your physics score is coming out today, right?

Your score has slipped.

You used to do better than this.

Why was I born this way?

I just want to be happy like other people.

Why is it so hard?

Shit! Someone sees us!

He's just a student. Not a guard.

As for me.. Simon.


I am Boo.

Wanna try?

C'mon. It won't bite.

Turn, turn

Not bad.

How's it? Fun, huh?

This is my skateboard.

Didn't know you can skate, Dr Boo.

What the hell are you doing?!

I said it's mine.

Next time when you ride,

try placing your hand on your right knee.

It'll be easier.

All of a sudden Boo got mad. Aoe didn't do anything

Don't let me catch you.

Boo's gone mad.

You're the problem.

Nobody loves you.


Stop troubling people, can you?



The world would be better off without you.

Why were you born?

There's nothing good about you.

I'm really disappointed in you.

This board is mine.

You have to give it back to me.

You want a skateboard that badly?

You can do it.

Success starts with believing in yourself.

God helps those who helps themselves.

You can do it.

You can do it. It's easy.

Give it back.

Take it back.

My son doesn't ride this kind of stuff

and doesn't hang around with this kind of people.

From now on, I forbid you to skateboard ever again.

And no more hanging around with those punks.

I will be cured, right?


Let me give you a hug.

I'm sorry.

Mon, please talk to me.

You can yell at me if you want.

What do I have to do for you to forgive me?

Go and do the jump for me.

I've got to suffer like this

And I can't even blame the one who caused it all.

Isn't it fucked up?

I'm sorry

What kind of doctor are you?

How could you let him get hurt?

Just so you know

I've already filed a complaint with the hospital.

From now on, you've nothing to do with my son.

I had a younger brother.

If he were still alive, he'd be around Boo's age.

So, Boo reminds you of your brother, huh?

I understand.

Get out of my face.


Please don't blame her.

She didn't do anything wrong.

Please don't hurt her

Don't cry. I'm okay.

I'm cool.

Boo has gone from the hospital.


I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry.

If you can't believe in yourself

then believe in me

who believes in you then.

For more infomation >> "SAVE YOU." [TRIGGER! WARNING] - Duration: 10:13.


My Official Fursona - Duration: 0:19.

It hurts


It hurts


Have to...


Like this...

Song: Hyperventilation Dance by Nashimoto P ft. the one and only, overrrated Hatsune Miku

English Subtitles by thisendlessforest (link to channel in description.) English translation by BerrySubs (link to channel in description.)

Link to PV with English Subtitles in description, too.

For more infomation >> My Official Fursona - Duration: 0:19.


Volkswagen Passat GTE Connected Series 1.4TSI/218PK · DSG · Trekhaak · Executive Plus pakket - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat GTE Connected Series 1.4TSI/218PK · DSG · Trekhaak · Executive Plus pakket - Duration: 1:01.


Aloo Bread Toast || Tasty Snack || Recipe in Tamil - Duration: 4:16.

Welcome to Bhagavathy Kitchen.

Today I am going to show you how to make Aloo Bread Toast.

It will be more tasty as well as crispy.

The ingredients required are.

Here,I have taken a White Bread of 5 Slices

Here,I have taken a White Bread of 5 Slices if you need

Here,I have taken a White Bread of 5 Slices if you need,you can take

Here,I have taken a White Bread of 5 Slices if you need,you can take brown bread also.

2 Potatoes Boiled.

Green Chillies


Coriander Leaves


Sesame Seeds

Chilly Powder & Garam Masala


Now Let's see the preparation.

Take a bowl.

In a mixing bowl,

Mash the Potatoes finely.

Except Sesame seeds.

Put everything in it and mix it well.

Chilly & Garlic.

Chilly Powder.

Garam Masala.


Put everything.


Mix it well.

If required,lemon can be sqeezed in it.

It is optional.

Now cut the Bread Slices.

Cut like this.

Spread the Potato Mixture over the bread.

Over this

Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds should

Sesame seeds should be

Sesame seeds should be spreaded

Then it will be crunchy.

In a Tava,Pour the Butter.

Place the Bread Slices over it and toast it.

Stove should be kept in medium flame.

Flip it Slowly.

Otherwise,it will break.So flip slowly.

Due to the addition of butter, it will transform into golden brown.

Flip it slowly.

It will be tasty.

Can be provided as a lunch to children.

Children will like this more to eat.

It will best to serve as evening snack.

It will be crunchy because of Sesame seeds.

Almost it is completed.

That's all.

Look at this,colour has changed.

Now take the toasted bread slices in a plate.


Tasty Aloo Bread Toast Ready.

If you like this recipe

Like and comment on our video and don't forget to subscribe to our channel.

Thank You!

For more infomation >> Aloo Bread Toast || Tasty Snack || Recipe in Tamil - Duration: 4:16.


[ENG CC] [RECIPE] how to make boiled pork belly with coke 이제이레시피/EJ recipe - Duration: 4:36.

Please make raddish kimchi first.

Julienne the peeled raddish into the size of fingers.

Add salt and starch syrup to the raddish and marinate it for 2 hours.

Cut the chives into the same length as the raddish.

Squeeze the marinated raddish, add 1/2 of the prepared pepper powder,

and mix it with other seasonings.

Add sesame oil and sesame seeds.

Put pork belly into the cold water for 30 minutes to remove the blood.

Add onion, spring onion, bay leaf, and pepper and pour soy sauce and coke.

The ratio of soy sauce and coke is 1:3.

When the soy sauce starts to boil, add the pork and keep boiling them.

I cooked this over medium heat for 40 minutes.

Cut the meat after cooling down.

The meat breaks down when you cut it when it is too hot.

I thought this recipe is really interesting because I could make bossam (Korean boiled pork dish) with coke.

I couldn't taste the coke though. It was not that sweet.

The meat was really tender because of the carbonic acid and the scent was great too :)

I really like the raddish kimchi too and it is really simple to make, and I also make that a lot for me.

This is a great combination! Bossam and raddish kimchi~ I hope you enjoy!

I'll see you in my next video! Bye :)

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