Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 11, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 24 2017

This video is part of an exciting collaboration with second thought.

Make sure you watch their video after this one.

The heart is a vital organ in the body.

Usually people are pronounced dead when their heart stops beating.

So, what if we didn't have one?

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, I am Rebecca Felgate and today

we're asking, can you live without a heart.

Before we jump into this big biological answer for you, I want to check that you guys are

subscribed to our channel and if you are, then have you clicked that notification bell?

If you haven't, click that big beautiful bell and make sure you're the first to hear

answers to our Life's Biggest Questions.

Hearts keep humans and most animals alive.

We breathe in Oxygen which is diffused into our blood from cells in our body.

The heart works by pumping oxygenated blood around the body, keeping it alive and healthy.

It also works to pump away all of the carbon dioxide produced when we breathe in too, pumping

deoxygenated air to the lungs, which is defused in the walls of the alveoli, ready to be exhaled.

Our heart is crucial control centre in the natural machine that is our body.

Without it, the body would have no way of transporting blood and oxygen, which would

mean organs, including the brain, would die and our blood would congeal.

The longest we can survive without the heart pumping blood around the body is approximately

4 minutes.

This is the amount of time the brain can go without oxygen before brain cells start dying.

This is why some people revived after 4 minutes live, but suffer severe brain damage.

In short, we can live without a heart for little under 5 minutes….


Well… that is the big unless ladies and gentlemen, because once again science makes

the impossible possible…there is a small handful of people who have lived without heart.

The concept of artificial hearts has been discussed and experimented on by scientists

since 1937 when an artificial heart was inserted into a dog by Soviet scientists.

More recently, Doctors started testing a continuous flow device in a number of cows.

This was a heart like contraption that used blades to control and circulate blood flow.

In 2011, this device was installed into a very ill patient, Craig Lewis, who was suffering

with a heart condition and was told he was about to die.

When the Continuous Flow Device was installed into 55 year old Lewis, he became the world's

first heartless man.

When Doctors listened to his chest he had no pulse, but blood was being pumped around

his body allowing him to live.

Sadly, he did die after 5 weeks, but this was as a result of underlying health issues.

A bigger success story, while waiting for a heart transplant, fitness model Andrew Jones,

had an artificial heart and pacemaker in a backpack.

Not only was he living without a heart, he managed to maintain a fit body, which is incredible.

He once said "I'm pretty much the best looking zombie you'll ever see."

Similarly, a 25 year old American called Stan Larkin lived with an artificial heart for

almost 2 years before receiving a heart.

There are some species that don't need hearts.

Jellyfish, for example, don't have hearts, nor do sponges, or flatworms.

These animals have other circulatory systems, but as humans do not work in this way.

So, in answer to our question, humans can indeed live without hearts so long as they

have a heart like device that is able to pump blood in a way that a heart would do however

at the moment these seem only temporary fixes for people awaiting transplants.

Although, as with all medical advancements, who knows what the future of science may hold.

Perhaps one day we will create an artificial heart good enough to allow us to live without

a real one.

So, that is one big question answered for you.

What would you like to ask us next?

Our Patreon members are able to suggest new videos for us to make, so there is a link

to that in the description box below.

Thanks for tuning into this video!

I am Rebecca Felgate, I'll catch you in the next video but for now make sure you like

this video, and of course, stay curious, stay alert and never ever stop questioning.

Thanks for watching to the end of this video!

Why not check out our playlist the biggest what ifs and the most popular uploads.

For more infomation >> Can Humans Live Without A Heart? - Duration: 4:36.


Are Standing Desks Overrated? - My 1 Year Experience - Duration: 5:39.

I've been using standing desks for well over a year now.

But do I think they are overrated?

In my opinion some standing desk solutions aren't really worth it.

The health benefits of standing is highly debated and probably not that beneficial.

And I strongly believe a good office chair is a better investment for your money.

But considering all of that, I would still buy another standing desk if I had to make

the decision all over again.

Hi I'm David these are of thoughts and experiences with Standing Desks

I really enjoy switching from sitting to standing whenever I'm feeling sore from sitting for

too long.

Even in the most expensive and fanciest of chairs, I'll still get a little antsy or


So switching between sitting and standing helps alleviates that problem for me.

Sure if you don't have a standing desk, just stretching or taking a water break regularly

is going to be good enough.

But if I'm deep in some work, standing at my desk lets me stretch my legs and pace around

and still keep focused on my work.

Even when I'm not working having a standing desk at home makes it a lot more convenient

to jump on and off the computer to change a song, google something or respond to some

email that can sporadically occur throughout the day.

But I'll be honest, I still probably still sit for about 80% of my day.

Since sitting at my desk is just as important as standing at my desk, I really don't like

permanent standing desks or any manual standing desks that require a lot of effort or time

to adjust.

Sure you could use a high chair with a permanent standing desk but getting good ergonomics

out of a high chair can be quite challenging.

Manual crank standing desks do allow you to switch between sitting and standing and are

usually quite a bit cheaper.

But I personally found the process of cranking, slow and a burden that resulted in me being

lazy and not bothering to switch as much.

Tabletop risers are also an option, and are probably the only solution for those stuck

in cubicals where you can't switch out to a new desk.

But it's definitely not my preferred option as they are bit clunky, take up lot of desk

real estate, and don't really allow you to do anything else standing up other than

use your keyboard and mouse.

So I think for most people, if you want to get a standing desk you should probably save

up for a fully electric motorized standing desk.

The good thing though is that budget electric standing desks are pretty widely available

these days.

Though there are some key things that I'd look out for before you go and just buy the

cheapest thing available in the market.

Like memory buttons.

Definitely get a desk with a memory button if you can.

One click to stand, One click to sit.

Simple, no fuss.

And completely worth it.

2 memory buttons is good enough for a single user but more is better especially if have

multiple people using the same desk and need different heights.

Next, check height range for the desk.

I guess I'm on the shorter side at 5'7, so the standing height has never really been

a problem for me, but I find the minimum heights, usually around 27 inches, is often are too

tall for me, so I end up needing to use a foot rest with a desk at this minimum height.

But if I had to look for one again I'd try to find one that can go a little lower to

accommodate my shorter legs.

Checking the stability of the desk is a little more challenging.

I think at the highest height most electric desks will have some sway to them if you try

to shake them.

But honestly I've never really have an issue with stability while just typing or using

a mouse on a computer.

If you're sensitive to shaking, much taller than I am, or just doing more vigorous tasks

that require the desk to be super stable.

You could look for a desk that has a crossbar underneath but I tend to hit those with my

knees or legs.

Or you could find a four legged version of a standing desk but those can get pretty pricey.

So I think for most people you really won't notice issues with stability on anything half

decent during regular use.

Standing on your feet will be tiring especially if you're not used to it.

Even standing on carpet gets pretty tiring on the soles of my feet.

Most people will recommend getting an anti-fatigue mat which is a good idea.

But you will need to constantly move it in and out of place when switching from sitting

to standing, which is pretty annoying for me, so I personally don't use one.

Instead I'll just use some supportive sandals or shoes when standing and while I could probably

stand longer if I also had an anti-fatigue mat.

I'm fine just sitting back down when my feet and legs are feeling a little tired.

Next let's talk about noise.

Using a standing desk at home for personal use, noise for the motors really isn't an

issue for me unless someone happens to be sleeping while I'm working.

At the office on the otherhand, in open concept, and a sea of employees raising and lowering

their desks throughout the day.

I'll probably feel a little different about the noise.

Maybe I would get used to it but I can imagine myself going a bit crazy hearing a bunch of

noisy desks moving up and down all day long.

And finally the tabletop.

A lot of companies will sell their motorized legs and tabletops separately.

So if you find the tabletops ridiculously expensive or just not in the color you want,

buying the legs on their own and then grabbing a tabletop from IKEA is my preferred option.

The IKEA Gerton is a really nice option: solid wood, good sized, and fairly affordable at

only $90.

Or IKEA Kitchen Countertops can also work really well and are available in pretty much

any color and design you would want.

Considering all of this, for me at least the standing desk wasn't a fad that I eventually

got bored with, and I still very much continue to switch between sitting and standing regularly.

While I could go back to a regular sitting desk, and I'd definitely recommend investing

in a good chair first if you don't already have one.

If I had to make the decision today I'd still definitely spend the extra cash to get

another electric standing desk all over again.

But hope you guys enjoyed this one.

You know what to do.

And I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Are Standing Desks Overrated? - My 1 Year Experience - Duration: 5:39.


Things About Mean Girls You Only Notice As An Adult - Duration: 4:15.

Love it or hate it, Mean Girls is a pop culture icon.

But there's a huge difference between watching a movie about high school when you're in high

school, and watching it as an adult.

While you may now be able to fully appreciate the satire, some things aren't quite as funny.

Speaking Swahili

For someone who grew up in Africa, Cady seems absurdly out of touch.



Her assumption that the black students speak Swahili is the sort of casual racism you'd

expect from someone who doesn't know there are an estimated 1,500 to 2,000 languages

spoken in all the countries of Africa.

Nevermind the fact that Cady automatically assumes the black students are, in fact, African

in the first place.

Racial segregation

There's a lot of racial diversity at Cady's high school.

"Here, this map is gonna be your guide to North Shore."

But did you notice that many of the cliques are divided by race?

Yes, it's a satire, but it's pretty disturbing — and a little too cartoonish — to see

Asian-American students and African-American students in the film only hanging out with

people of the same skin color.

Trendy on top

It's a pretty well-established fact that Cady has zero fashion sense.

"You can't wear a tank top two days in a row.

You can only wear your hair in a ponytail once a week.

So I guess you picked today."

Yet somehow, when she puts her hair down, we see that it's cut in trendy layers.

The hairstyle Cady is rocking was one of the most trendy haircuts of the 2000's.

Ms. Norbury's story

Not only has Ms. Norbury just gone through a divorce, but she's also working two other

jobs in addition to full-time teaching.

"Oh my God that's Ms. Norbury."

"I love seeing teachers outside of school.

It's like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs."

In real life, many teachers are underpaid and teacher salaries are slipping.

With wages significantly lower than that of other college-educated professionals, more

and more people are opting for more lucrative career paths which is leading to a shortage

of teachers.

Those who do join the education workforce often have to pick up a second job just to

make ends meet.

Kevin vs. the Plastics

Yeah, Kevin's rap was a little risque.

"Ugh, Kevin G"

But it's nowhere near as bad as the dance routine the Plastics performed.

Kevin's suggestive lyrics got him kicked off the stage, while the Plastics were allowed

to complete their entire routine.

In 2016, BuzzFeed gave Rajiv Surendra another chance to perform Kevin's rap — without

a shirt.

Needless to say, fans ate it up.

Piano skills

We know that Ms. Norbury's second job is working as a bartender, and judging by her piano skills,

a music-related job is likely her third.

When Gretchen kicks over the CD player with the Plastics dance music on it, Cady starts

singing and Ms. Norbury immediately jumps in on the piano with a flawless, unrehearsed

rendition of "Jingle Bell Rock."

Bad at math

The fact that Cady's crush and Regina's boyfriend, Aaron Samuels, is bad at math is a significant

plot point in the movie.

In order to convince him to tutor her, Cady pretends to be even worse at math, leading

to her calculus grade totally dropping.

"How'd ya do?"

"Not so good.

Y'know I think I need a tutor."

But as math-savvy adults will notice, it's pretty clear that Aaron isn't just bad at

math — he's awful, especially for his grade, and he probably needs a tutor himself!

Handwriting on the wall

Regina implicates Cady, Gretchen, and Karen in the burn book scandal by writing terrible

things about herself in it so that the only people not mentioned are the other Plastics.

The trio gets into trouble after copies of the burn book are distributed throughout the

school, and are then accused of writing it, even though they insist Regina is the culprit.

But somehow, despite the fact that the book is completely written by hand, it never occurs

to anyone to check the handwriting in it against Regina's.

Probable cause

After the burn book is revealed, Ms. Norbury is investigated by the police because of an

accusation that she is a drug pusher.

"I gotta say, watching the police search my house really was the cherry on top of a fantastic


But it's highly unlikely that the police would have been able to obtain a search warrant

for her house, based on a rumor started by high school girls.

By law, there must be probable cause in order to issue a warrant and the burn book is hardly

a credible source.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> Things About Mean Girls You Only Notice As An Adult - Duration: 4:15.


Baking Biscuit | Season 1 Episode 1 - ( Baking online Show ) - Best choco chip cookies - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> Baking Biscuit | Season 1 Episode 1 - ( Baking online Show ) - Best choco chip cookies - Duration: 6:16.


Cắn exp like à boss :v Bật phụ đề lên nhé - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> Cắn exp like à boss :v Bật phụ đề lên nhé - Duration: 4:41.


The Most Honest Q&A Ever! | CatPusic - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> The Most Honest Q&A Ever! | CatPusic - Duration: 3:52.


Learn Colors Doll Bath Time Number Ball For Children Kid Educational Video - Duration: 3:53.

Thanks for watching video !

Please SUBSCRIBE to BeeKids Learning TV!

For more infomation >> Learn Colors Doll Bath Time Number Ball For Children Kid Educational Video - Duration: 3:53.


Push Pull Flirting Method - Techniques, Examples, and Does it work? - Duration: 7:37.

push poll is one of the most stimulating flirting techniques out there but how

effective is it our brains love contradiction I mean even the opening

line of this video was a contradiction posed as a question

strangely enough many women are great at the push-pull technique without even

trying but because many guys come off desperate or even needy it takes some

practice to become even adequate at this technique so push-pull is defined as

saying something nice and dovetailing it with something mean or saying something

mean and then dovetailing it with something nice so in this video I'm

gonna teach you how to show interest which is also called the pole and then

how to show this interest which is also called the push I'll also give you some

examples and explain some expert opinions on the effectiveness of it many

people think the push-pull technique is just a style of flirting where you can

just memorize lines but to effectively attract a girl through interest and then

this interest you must cater to the style of the girl that you were using it

on which means you must do some research or already have a good foundation of

attraction which you can learn from taking my psychology of Attraction

course link in the description push-pull is a very difficult skill but a very

simple process which can make you lose the girl entirely so we need think about

using any one of these be sure that it won't come off as if you're an idiot

think of this style of flirting as hanging a toy in front of a cat if you

hold the toy in front of the cat they won't go after it in fact if you lay it

on the ground they won't even look at it twice but if you dangle it and pull it

back right when they swat at it creating movement they'll go crazy and want the

toy even more leave a like for my new kitten so let's move on to ways to show

interest or how to pull in a girl so you can do it physically you can obviously

compliment her in a physical manner say something about her hair her smile the

dress that she is wearing something about how she looks the catch to this is

that it's very surface level but it's also very easy anyone can compliment

someone based on their physical appearance the next thing you can pull

in a girl is by talking about the characteristics that you have noticed

maybe you already did your research and know that she likes to dance then ask

her for a dance perhaps she's really good at mixing drinks or is amazing at

decorating cakes so you got to know something about the characteristics of

her to compliment her on those this is a deeper level than just physical but you

should probably have met her once or twice a cool psychological trick is to

mention something that you both like to do because we automatically like people

who like the things that we like something I explained in full

my new course maybe she likes to ride horses say you grew up on a farm and you

loved riding them too the third way to pull someone in is to mention that maybe

you have seen her before or maybe have heard of her from a friend are you that

girl that won first place in the marathon are you related to John Doe and

maybe even my friend said you could paint better than anyone he's ever seen

is this true basically you can pull someone in by relating to their world

find a connection between you two and execute on it to go in for the approach

and pull now there are some nonverbal ways to pull someone in obviously open

body language there are nonverbal cues to pull a girl in keep your body

language open which means you don't cross your arms make sure your feet stay

pointed towards her and stay close in proximity basically give her the

opportunity to approach you number two is eye contact eye contact is probably

the most important nonverbal cue simply because one seven second glance is

sometimes the most attractive thing you can literally do there's a whole bunch

of studies that prove this just look at her and smile if she looks back hold the

eye contact for just a little bit longer than when you start to feel awkward and

boom attraction will happen I explain why and I get more details in my course

but just to keep it short just remember eye contact is super

important and one more nonverbal pull is a lesser known cue is to simply look at

the girl you're trying to flirt with and make the come here motion with your

hands this is literally pulling her in an alternative is to look at her and

make a phone out of your hand like you're saying call me so let's move on

to disinterest you can show disinterest by pointing out something physical about

the person you're talking to this is hard because you can offend someone

super easily you know something like this I think you're cute but it's too

bad that you're not my type high heels I mean really I would avoid using these

lines but I'll give some examples in a little bit another way to push her away

is to add a time restraint this is basically just limiting the time you are

in conversation with her by saying that you have somewhere else to be say you're

in a good conversation but you have to interrupt it I told my friends I'd meet

them five minutes ago I have to leave or something like as fun as it is talking

to you I really need to go switch my laundry by pulling away from her you

were essentially pushing her away by committing to an alternative activity

the third way to push someone away is called restricted request is basically

asking her to do something by adding a clause or a string to the gesture I'll

give you my phone number but you have to promise not to text me right away or

call me a whole bunch another example is

do you want to go to a concert tomorrow you have to promise not to embarrass me

though I've heard that you can be pretty wild

the idea is to ask for something but at a relevant joke or restriction to the

asking that pushes her away also there's some ways to push someone away using

nonverbal communication one simple way of pulling away is just to look away

look at something else look over your shoulder like there's something else

that you're interested in or maybe look outside or even at someone else and the

second way is closed body language it's easy to push her away with just your

body language point your toes away from her and towards the closest exit if

you're in a building cross your arms like you're upset and maybe even make

the anger microexpression if you missed my video on it make some space between

the two of you and even grab something to create a barrier alright so I'm gonna

give you some examples one of them is that you can hug her and then after you

hug her say okay that's enough while you physically like push her back a little

bit another example is to say get away from me I can't have you around you're

way too cute and tempting see that one actually pushed first and then pulled

the third one can actually be used as a pick-up line

if I was into brunettes I'd be all over you number four is I get the feeling you

spend a lot of time in the library number five is something like if if she

starts to cut you off or interrupt you all you have to do is say did you just

cut me off I'm gonna have to teach you some manners and the last one is just

telling someone that they blink a lot so I want to talk about why it might come

off rude many girls will say that this method is rude and not authentic

according to my own personal survey reddit comments and many other sources

remember that if you do end up picking up a girl with this method she might

have a tendency to need attention because girls who respond well to this

type of flirting enjoy attention otherwise they wouldn't chase you when

you push them away imagine if someone did the same to you you're in a business

situation and the guy goes well we think we can pay you this year but we also

need a new copy machine it happens all the time not that rude but it's actually

really effective in negotiations but also how does it make you feel in the

relationship what if a girl did this to you you're cute you look like my brother

well that's okay you might say but what if she said my brother also killed three

women in his currently serving life in prison but you definitely have a smile

see there's a line and if you cross it you can kiss your chance goodbye instead

of kissing her in a study titled the ups and downs of dating researchers found

that fluctuations of security in the early days of a new relationship was

really really bad basically stated individuals who

exhibited greater fluctuations in the repeated satisfaction ratings were more

likely to be in relationships that eventually ended and also they had

relatively lower commitment basically you may be able to get her using

manipulation specifically using the withdraw of affection but you won't be

able to keep them so I'd say long-term push-pull doesn't work it doesn't

attract the people that you want to date and it also doesn't last very long I'd

say it's best to keep this style of flirting as a teasing method if you want

to learn more about attracting girls and some pick up methods that are actually

really helpful and lay a foundation of a great long-term relationship

check out my psychology of Attraction course in the description we're going to

psychology of attraction calm hope you guys enjoy this video and learn

something thanks for watching and subscribe for more

For more infomation >> Push Pull Flirting Method - Techniques, Examples, and Does it work? - Duration: 7:37.


LetterSchool German 1 to 10 handwriting app Snow D'Nealian numbers Die Zahlen 1–10 schreiben - Duration: 12:46.

For more infomation >> LetterSchool German 1 to 10 handwriting app Snow D'Nealian numbers Die Zahlen 1–10 schreiben - Duration: 12:46.



President Donald Trump, in the latest demonstration of increased tensions on the Korean Peninsula,

placed North Korea back on the list of state sponsors of terrorism.

Trump announced the move Monday during a public meeting with his Cabinet at the White House

and said the Treasury Department will announce new sanctions against North Korea on Tuesday.

Trump said that North Korea has "repeatedly" sponsored acts of terrorism, including "assassinations

on foreign soil." Amid escalating tensions , we look at a US

weapon which could play a vital role in a conflict with North Korea.

In this video, Defense Updates analyses WHY A SINGLE AGING B 52 IS ENOUGH TO CRIPPLE NORTH

KOREAN MILITARY ? Lets get started.

The Boeing B-52 Stratofortress is an American long-range, subsonic, jet-powered strategic

bomber. The B-52 was designed and built by Boeing, which has continued to provide support

and upgrades. It has been operated by the United States Air Force (USAF) since the 1950s.

Superior performance at high subsonic speeds and relatively low operating costs have kept

the B-52 in service despite the advent of more advanced aircrafts, including the variable-geometry

B-1 Lancer, and the stealth B-2 Spirit. After being upgraded between 2013 and 2015,

it is supposed to serve into the 2040s. The B-52s are expected to reach the end of their

service lives by 2045, and be replaced by B-21 Raiders.

B 52 are powered by Pratt & Whitney turbojet engines.

The 8 engines of the B-52 are paired in pods and suspended by four pylons beneath and forward

of the wings' leading edge. It has typical combat range of more than 8,800 miles (14,080

km) without aerial refueling. The massive range enables the B 52 to perform strategic

bombing. The powerful engines also enable B 52 to carry

up to 70,000 pounds (32,000 kg) of weapons. This makes it apt for use against North Korea,

since multiple high value targets can be taken out in a single mission.

North Korean air defense and fighter jets are primitive in nature and lack of resources

mean that most of these are not operationally available.

For example, North Korea has a mix of old Soviet era Surface-to-Air missiles (SAMs),

which includes the S-75, S-125, S-200 and Kvadrat.

All these systems are outdated and represent technology that is 2 to 3 generation old.

The overwhelming majority of Pyongyang's fighter jet arsenal is made up of 1950s and

1960s vintage machines, which even includes Chinese derivatives of very old fighters like

Mig 17 and Mig 19.

The MiG-29 is the Korean People's Army Air Force's (KPAF) most modern fighter and it

operates approximately 40 of these. Even these are not equipped with modern air to air missile.

U.S satellite intelligence will mean that B 52 will be guided to the target through

the safest path , as well it must be noted that these could also be escorted by fighter

jets like F 22 Raptor , F 35 lightning which will clear the path by taking out North Korean assets.

The B 52 is capable of carrying both conventional as well as nuclear weapons.

The ability to carry upto 20 AGM-69 SRAM nuclear missiles was added to G and H models, starting

in 1971. To further improve its offensive ability, air-launched cruise missiles were

fitted. After testing of both the Air Force-backed

Boeing AGM-86 and the Navy-backed General Dynamics AGM-109 Tomahawk, the AGM-86B was

selected for operation for the B-52.

A total of 194 B-52Gs and Hs were modified to carry AGM-86s, carrying 12 missiles on

underwing pylons, with 82 B-52Hs further modified to carry another 8 missiles on a rotary launcher

fitted in the bomb-bay.

The AGM-86 is a subsonic air-launched cruise missile built by Boeing. This missile was

developed to increase the effectiveness and survivability of the Boeing B-52 bomber as

the missile can be fired from standoff ranges. In combination, the missile dilutes an enemy's

forces and complicates air defense of its territory.

All variants of the AGM-86 missile are powered by a Williams F107 turbofan jet engine that

propels it at sustained subsonic speeds and can be launched from aircraft at both high

and low altitudes. The missile deploys its folded wings, tail surfaces and engine inlet

after launch. Sophisticated guidance makes the missile very accurate.

The missile deploys W80 thermonuclear warhead. It has a range of 1,100 to 2,400 km depending

on variant. This enables the B 52 to launch it far off from the target.

As stated earlier a single B 52 can launch upto 20 of these missiles. Hence, an enemy

force could have to counterattack more than one missile at a time, making defense against

them costly and complicated. The enemy's defenses are further hampered by the missiles'

small size and low-altitude flight capability, which makes them difficult to detect on radar.

North Korea has no air defense system which is capable of taking out this missile.

The W80 is a thermonuclear warhead in the U.S. nuke stockpile with a variable yield

of between 5 and 150 kt of TNT. It is specifically designed to be used by AGM-86 as well as the

BGM-109 Tomahawk. It is essentially a modification of the widely deployed B61 weapon, which forms

the basis of most of the current US stockpile.

The W80 is a powerful asset , to give viewers a perspective here is a the comparison.

Trinity Test in New Mexico in July 1945, which ushered in the nuclear age, had a yield of

20 kilo tons. Hiroshima's "Little Boy" bomb had a yield

of 13-18 kilo tons whereas Nagasaki's "Fat Man" bomb had a yield of 20–22 kilo tons

of TNT.

Depending on variant G or H , B 52 will be able to launch 12 or 20 of these W80 warheads

carried by AGM-86 missile . This means a single aircraft has a destructive capacity of

12 * 150 that is 1800 or 20 * 150 that is 3000 kt tons of TNT.

This is enough to obliterate major North Korean military assests and bring it to its knees.

For more infomation >> WHY A SINGLE AGING B 52 IS ENOUGH TO CRIPPLE NORTH KOREAN MILITARY ? - Duration: 7:56.


YouTube Strategy for 2018 — 3 Tips (Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sale) - Duration: 9:46.

For more infomation >> YouTube Strategy for 2018 — 3 Tips (Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sale) - Duration: 9:46.


Storyville with Diplo (feat. Kanye West) | TBS - Duration: 2:52.

- So, I've known Kanye for 20 years almost

I got a text from him, and he was at the Mercer Hotel.

It was during this whole Watch the Throne sessions

he had rented the whole hotel out

because that's what you do, when you're Kanye West.

So I got invited over there, I was like

wow, this is a big deal, this is cool because it means

you're like, what's happening right now, am I right?

I'm going to Kanye's thing, and Jay-Z's there too

so I'm like cool, they're gonna pick one of my beats

I'm gonna be famous, producer of the year

it's gonna be the best year of my life.

So I go to the Mercer Hotel.

There's like three rooms, there's Kanye

there's Jeff Bhasker, who's out doing everything

and there's the guy from Fun, "♫tonight," whatever that

I don't know what he was doin' there.

Some guy was cuttin' Kanye's hair.

There was a guy rollin' weed.

He's all, "oh, Diplo, I like that song you with the

(strange warble noise)" like a little

I don't know what I did, a Chris Brown song or somethin'

had come out, but he kept sayin' to me, like, what, Diplo

I want you to deep some of your cool beats

but not the clown sounds.

So he was like, I gotta job for you

let me take you to this other room real quick.

So I'm like, ah, cool, Kanye's got a job for me

this is gonna be dope.

He's like "look, Diplo, come to this room

I got this other guy from Africa here

You guys just do this what you do,

and I want you to make this song awesome.

Also, I'm bringing Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen over too

because they're like my thermometer

for what White girls listen to, I guess."

Which is what's was the strange part of the whole thing.

So Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen was there

and I was sittin' with this guy named Don Jazzy

who's like a Nigerian producer

and he was just like Twitter going on, tryin' to work

on the beats, but he was just doin' tweet stuff

even though I really wasn't doin' anything good

I was kinda nervous, very cas'

the Olsens breathin' down my neck, Kanye kept showing up

at one point he came with Kim Kardashian in there

and this was when she was still married to the guy

that looked like Blake Griffin, forgot his name


And she was really pretty actually, I thought

that's 'cause Kanye's such a cool guy

and I was just sittin' there by myself

and thinkin' like, man this is a failure

I'm not really gonna get producer of the year

for this song at all, and this African guy hates me.

Went back to my hotel, came back the next morning

I had a flap I wanted to go check on the song

and then T-Pain was there

and everybody was like, T-Pain's here!

But T-Pain kicked everybody out of the room

'Cause he had these auto-tune settings that

everybody was tryin' to steal

and that he just did it secretly and Kanye came back

he opens the door, I'm packin' my bags up tryin'

to get out of there just fast as I can 'cause I had this

I failed at this whole session, and he says

"Guys, I'm gonna marry Kim Kardashian

I'm gonna be President one day

I'm gonna be a fashion designer."

That was my Kanye story.

For more infomation >> Storyville with Diplo (feat. Kanye West) | TBS - Duration: 2:52.


STAR WARS Santander Contest! - The Force Is Good - Win Star Wars goodies!! (Kids Fun Parody) - Duration: 6:41.

For more infomation >> STAR WARS Santander Contest! - The Force Is Good - Win Star Wars goodies!! (Kids Fun Parody) - Duration: 6:41.


New Bangla Funny Video | এ কেমন বাবা Again | Bangla Funny Video | Multi Talented Club | 2017 - Duration: 7:44.

For more infomation >> New Bangla Funny Video | এ কেমন বাবা Again | Bangla Funny Video | Multi Talented Club | 2017 - Duration: 7:44.


The Most Useless Superpowers - Duration: 5:16.

What does it take to be a superhero?

Is it leaping tall buildings with a single bound, or is it a matter of bravery against

all odds?

Maybe you just need a superpower….

no matter how hilariously terrible that superpower may actually be.

For every all-purpose hero like Iron Man, there are a hundred lesser-known heroes who'd

never stand a chance in the Avengers.

Here are just a few of those hundreds of forgotten, useless heroes and their crappy superpowers.

Glob Herman

For a while, it didn't seem like there was much of a downside to being a mutant in the

Marvel universe… aside from being hated, hunted, and feared by people who built giant

purple murder robots made of racism.

Until the early 2000s, mutants were mostly beautiful.

That all changed when the creative team of Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely arrived in

2001 to create New X-Men.

As a result, we ended up with some really, really ugly messes.

One of these misbegotten characters was Glob Herman, a rotund teenager whose skin was not

only transparent, but also composed of a substance like paraffin wax.

Unfortunately for Glob, paraffin wax is pretty flammable.

That's something that he might've wanted to consider before joining in with a student

riot at Xavier's and purposely getting set on fire.

It turns out that being a giant wax-covered skeleton that's easy to set on fire isn't

exactly a great asset for the X-Men's action-packed pursuits.

He survived and, surprisingly, is still kicking around the Marvel Universe.

Just not with the Human Torch.

Kite Man

It takes a lot of confidence to commit a crime in Gotham City.

Odds are that you'll get multiple concussions from a guy dressed like a spandex vampire

who's so good at karate they let him into the Justice League.

But maybe you really think you've got the edge, whether it comes from your freeze gun,

your fiendishly clever riddles, or, if you're Charles Brown, your mastery over….


Yes: Kite Man's actual name is Charlie Brown, named for the comic strip character who famously

can't keep a kite in the air for more than two seconds.

And if that wasn't insulting enough, the official guidebook to the DC Universe describes him

as, quote, "a poor leader and an even poorer hand-to-hand combatant."


Kite Man has been revived in modern Batman comics, getting a new catchphrase — "Kite

Man, hell yeah!" — and a darkly hilariously origin story that involves his kite-loving

son being poisoned.

None of this makes him better at not getting punched half to death by Batman and everyone

around him.

Ulysses Solomon Archer

Writer Al Milgrom and artists Herb Trimpe and Frank Springer were fully aware that they

were doing something ridiculously goofy when they put together Marvel's U.S. 1.

They had to be.

U.S. 1 was, after all, a licensed toy comic that was meant to tie into a remote-controlled

big rig.

"How'd you like to get behind the wheel of a 10-ton truck?

Now you can!"

They did the only thing they could and created Ulysses Solomon Archer, a kind-hearted trucker

who got a metal plate in his head after a crash — and gained the incredible ability

to telepathically control his 18-wheeler.

He couldn't control every semi truck, just his.

And he wasn't even the first Marvel hero with truck powers; the generally-forgotten Razorback

also had a remote-controlled big rig pal.

The weirdest part is that there's one issue in the comic's 12-issue run that's narrated…

by the truck.

It's even hinted that the truck might be self-aware.

Still, it's a good enough superpower to give him occasional cameos in the wider Marvel

Universe, showing up any time someone needs a trucker who can drive in outer space.

Which, believe it or not, comes up surprisingly often.

Hum Dinger

Spidey Super Stories provided no end of truly weird, amazing villains for Spider-Man to


It was, after all, a title for young readers where even characters like Dr. Doom were presented

as goofballs with wacky schemes… and that's a guy who skinned his old girlfriend to make

magical armor.

Case in point: Hum Dinger, a would-be musician whose bad memory led him to hum onstage.

While this initially went over pretty well with his audience, who were clearly very drunk

or easy to please, his fame quickly went sour, and he decided to hum for evil.

That's it.

He wasn't, like, supernaturally good at humming or anything, he was just really, really annoying,

and people gave him money to make him go away.

It's not exactly the kind of situation that you'd think would require intervention from

Spider-Man, but hey, the '70s were a weird time.

Missing Man

As the co-creator of characters like Spider-Man, the Question, and Doctor Strange, Steve Ditko's

contributions to the history of comic books are both important and pretty well-chronicled.

His later creations, however, not so much.

Because they got really, really weird.

The Missing Man, who made his full debut 1982's Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #6,

is one of those weirdos.

In his handful of increasingly surreal appearances, his name is variously given as Syd Vane and

Syd Mane, and he battles crime with the uncanny power to not have a torso.

He's just a pair of spindly arms and a couple of cartoony legs capped off with an unfinished

face and big glasses.

If you need more information than that, well... there isn't any.

It seems that along with a body, the other big missing piece of Missing Man was any explanation

whatsoever for what his entire deal was.

Oh, well.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Most Useless Superpowers - Duration: 5:16.


THETA Tutorial - How to shoot & publish a 360° picture - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> THETA Tutorial - How to shoot & publish a 360° picture - Duration: 1:28.


Evanescence News: Episode 2- "Speak To Me" (CC Spanish) - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Evanescence News: Episode 2- "Speak To Me" (CC Spanish) - Duration: 3:44.


Анонс карты дополения Кобольды и Катакобмы - Duration: 2:06.

Legends tell of a vast underground world and the countless treasures that lie in store

for worthy adventurers

Hello everybody guys

Today we going to fascinating and dangerous traveling in catacombs

The main thing in this business find as many treasures as possible and as little trouble as possible

Hey! Give back the candle!

Well, Now I have to stay home and show you new card

So soon we are waiting for new expansion Kobolds and Catacombs

We will see few new mechanics

Legendary weapons, spellstones,

unidentified cards


And new solo mode

I represent you new mage secret

already familiar to us 3 mana

Secret: After your opponent plays a minion, deal 6 damage to it

and any excess to their hero

First part we know from Hunter's card Snipe

To tell truth there was 4 damage for 2 mana and it wasn't popular

Here at the expense of increased damage and the ability to inflict damage to the face

Card looks more interesting and I think It will find place in some archetype

For example in tempo mage

Many players used to play around Mirror Entity and play weak minion

We can change it to new secret, kill weak minion and deal damage to face

Also it will work with spell damage cards

For example with Thalnos it will deal 7 damage

So I will wait with you for remaining new cards and expansion release

For more infomation >> Анонс карты дополения Кобольды и Катакобмы - Duration: 2:06.


Light Packing for Winter - Sweaters & Snow Pants | Helpful Tips from Iceland Travel - Duration: 9:56.

Hello good people! You guys have been requesting a light packing video for

winter wardrobe for a long time so here it finally is I'm gonna show you what I

packed for my trip for Iceland and I only traveled in a carry-on it was a

week-long trip but if I was staying longer it would be pretty much the same

that I would pack so let's get to it! Okay so when you're traveling to winter

destinations you have to be more practical when it comes to clothes and

what you're packing it's also more challenging because the clothes is

bulkier and you're gonna have to fit a lot of air into your tiny little

carry-on so just let's get started I'm gonna start out with what I would

actually wear on the plane because number one tip is: wear the bulkiest

items on the plane if you can! Some items, it does not make sense

but if you can get away with it wear it on the plane and it does not take up

space in a carry-on so on your feet bring one pair of really warm winter

boots I did not bring anything else just this one pair I wore them all the time

and I did not need any fancy shoes because it's Iceland, it's really cold it's

freezing and if you're not wearing practical Footwear you're not having fun

so one pair of boots and I wore them on the plane so they don't take up space in here

I only brought one pair of pants I'm wearing them right now and they

don't go in the suitcase so one pair of pants this was my regular setup like

just a normal long sleeve t-shirt not fancy at all but then I have this

knitted sweater that my mother-in-law knit for me and it is so warm it's the

warmest wool and I love it for this kind of travel so I was wearing this because

this sweater is really bulky, so I was wearing that on the plane

I was also wearing my jacket

It was wintertime in Denmark so having to go to the airport

and sit at the airport and bring the jacket was not a problem if you're

flying from a warm climate to a cold climate it can be an

issue but I'm just assuming that it's kind of wintery wherever you are so I

just wore my jacket I didn't have to pack it I also wore my scarf and my hat

So everything that I'm wearing on the plane is on the floor now and this is

what I need to fit into here it's really not that bad I did bring one warm

sweater but that was mostly for exploring so I also brought a nice warm

sweater so to go out to restaurants and eat and still keep warm I'd like to

bring something different and I only brought one like a dress-up shirt I

think we went out to eat probably twice maybe three times and I just wore this

one every single time sometimes this one and sometimes this one on top I felt

like I had enough variety and it was just for a week if I was staying longer

I probably added one more but that's about it

I also brought one more t-shirt just to wear under stuff and switch out keep in

mind it is possible to wash when you're traveling find a washing machine

somewhere and just wash whatever you need washed if you're run out that's

really the worst that can happen and how bad is that? Not too bad!

When you travel to cold climates you're gonna need gloves mittens

whatever I brought these, they're really warm they're for skiing and I just knew

it was gonna be cold and windy I went to Iceland in February and it was really

cold so bring something like this you might feel stupid walking around and

carrying it around but it's a whole lot better than really cold fingers

I also brought a pair of tights to wear under my pants it was too cold if I

brought a skirt I could also just use that to change it out with the pants I

just use these underneath I like to use packing cubes for my socks and my

underwear so those things always go in here it makes it easy to pack in the

suitcase and things don't go flying everywhere which I'm a big fan of

Toiletry wise I just pack what I normally pack one thing that I do add in

is chapstick you have to remember to pack this if you have any kind of issues

getting dry lips fast so I always pack this somewhere preferably in my pocket I

need it all the time I'm the kind of person who can't fall asleep at night if

my lips are cracked, so I need this! I also always travel with ear plucks and

a sleep mask because when you rent a room somewhere you don't know how loud

it's gonna be or if there are any curtains at all so I just always bring this as standard

Bring you converter plug if you need that for wherever

you're going if not that's great I booked an air B&B and those places most

of the time they have towels if it doesn't say clearly on there and I just

I'm assuming that they have towels then sometimes I just bring this small little

micro towel it's big enough that it actually works it takes up a lot of

water and it's just in case I need it I probably won't need it but sometimes I

like to bring it it's so small and the space it takes up for me compared to the

hassle of actually not having a towel it's worth it to me I always bring this

Eagle creek super lightweight packing cube as a laundry bag it weighs nothing

and I can just use it as I go. I always pack that.

And I have pyjamas and it's the long sleeve and long pants pajama version not the short one -

- unless you're like a really warm sleeper something that might seem a little

random is the swimsuit in Iceland they have actually have a lot of hot springs

so I knew that we were going to the Blue Lagoon and hopefully some other places

as well so I needed to bring this and just go through your destinations see if

you might need it you might be going to a spa a hot spring, whatever

just think through your trip and see if you actually need it because being in

Iceland where everything is expensive it's really annoying to have to go out

and buy one when you travel to colder destinations and you're spending time

in your airBnB, maybe a fancy hotel I don't know but I find I always

need warm socks at night unless I want to sit on my bed the whole night my toes

they get freezing I can't wear my winter boots inside so pack the pair these are

maybe your slippers that you use at home and also Airbnb they do not always have

hair dryers when you trying to cold climates walking outside after you have

a shower with your hair all wet it gets really cold you might not think of it

ahead of time but bringing a hairdryer if you're not absolutely certain that

the hotel or the Airbnb has one because I'm pretty sure you're going to need it

I always bring mine I'm always annoyed because it's bulky but when I'm there I

really appreciate it so bring a hairdryer if you think you need it

I do video so I need to transfer my files to my computer I always bring it - you might not need to

My camera by the way I always carry it on me I carry it with me in a separate

bag when I go on a flight so it does not need to fit in here now for one last

thing and that is something that people often ask about and I would assume that

you would do the same thing with your bulky jacket if you're flying in from a

warm climate but these vacuum bags are really practical when you're

traveling to a cold destination so how they work is that you put your bulky

items like these like snow pants that have needed for Iceland

It's the same if you're going skiing or something you might need something that's really bulky, so..

You just fit it in here you can get them in different sizes and then you

just zip it locked up here and then you roll the air out

You have to make sure when you get these vacuum bags that you get the one where

you can roll the air out instead the one where you have to use a vacuum cleaners

because vacuum cleaners they change a lot in how they look in different

countries so you might not be able to use them everywhere and also you might

not have a vacuum cleaner available when you're going back home so you can't

squeeze the air out anyway so get the ones where you can roll the air out that

has a zip log on one end so you can reuse them many times and wherever you are

Now I've sucked the air out of this one and it's really thin and it's easy just

to pack in my suitcase and it hardly takes up any space

That's it for this video guys I fit everything for a week's worth of travel

maybe two weeks if you add in one more sweater or a few more socks I really

recommend you get a vacuum bag so you can vacuum the air out of fluffy items

and I recommend you don't skimp on the warm items because you are really gonna

need them don't think that you can just layer up forever because that just gets

impractical so bring one or two really warm sweaters wear one on the plane put

the other one in here maybe in the vacuum bag with snow pants bring a

hairdryer and some warm woolen socks and you'll be good to go I'll try and leave

links in the description down below for the vacuum bag the laundry bag that I'm

using the small towel all these kinds of things so check the description down

below I hope you like this video let me know if you have any questions I'll be

happy to do a lightweight Q&A whatever leave them down in the comments share

this video with your friends if you found it helpful in any way give it a

thumbs up and I'll see you guys next time, bye!

For more infomation >> Light Packing for Winter - Sweaters & Snow Pants | Helpful Tips from Iceland Travel - Duration: 9:56.


[Tutoriel] Démonter et remonter une Gear Box V2 - Duration: 7:15.

Airsoft Entrepot TV - How to disassembly a V2 Gear Box

Hello everyone and welcome to this new video !

Today, we'll see how to disassembly and reassembly a M4 type V2 Gear Box


First, be sure to have the right tools (in a good shape) and a clean, spacious table to work on

At first, don't hesitate to regularly take pictures of the Gear Box, so you can easily remember where goes each part

For a standard V2 Gear Box, be sure that the main spring isn't tensed (shoot a few times in semi auto to be sure)

Remove all the screws of the Gear Box ; note that they're not all the same size so remember where goes each one of them

When you remove the last screws, be sure to firmly maintain the Gear Box with your hand

Keep pushing on the Gear Box and then, put a pin push through the spring guide

You need to do that in order to not let the spring guide and the spring get all over the place

You can then remove the shell of the Gear Box ; you can also push the cylinder in order to maintain the pneumatic part in place

Remove the spring and spring guide

Push up the tappet plate spring (right side)

Push up the whole pneumatic assembly (with the tappet plate as well)

Remove the piston from the cylinder, and the cylinder head

Unscrew the piston head (be careful about the ball bearings if you have some on it)

Remove the gears

Note how the shims are located ; keep them on the gears if you don't need to remove them ; remove the anti reversal latch

Remove the trigger and its spring

Unscrew the cut off lever

Remove the switch spring ; unscrew and remove the switch

Remove the cut off lever

And the selector plate

You can remove the safety lever if you want to ; just pull out those parts from both sides

If you want to remove the bushings (or bearings), you can use a punch pin and a hammer


Now that the easiest part is done, let's do the reassembly !

Put back the selector plate and the safety lever (if you have removed it)

Put back the switch in the right location ; screw it back and put its spring back ; don't forget the cut off lever !

Put back the middle gear (the spur gear) and the piston gear (the sector gear)

Screw back the piston head on the piston

And put the piston back in the cylinder

Put back the cylinder head (don't push it too far) ; put back the nozzle and the tappet plate

Put the whole assembly back in the Gear Box

The cylinder head hole must fit the pin of the Gear Box shell

Be sure that the tappet plate is rightly placed on the mobile part of the switch

Be sure that the piston is in its own rail as well, and that the teeth of the piston are oriented toward the sector gear

Put the tappet plate spring

Be sure that the sector gear tooths are oriented downward

Maintain the pneumatic assembly and try to move the nozzle : check everything move accordingly

Put the spring on the anti reversal latch and put it back

Tense it (with your fingers or a small tool) and put back the motor gear (the bevel gear)

The anti reversal latch makes sure that your gears won't turn in the wrong direction

Put the trigger spring back on the trigger and put the trigger back in the right location

Be sure that the long bar of the spring is inside the Gear Box

Maintain the trigger and pull it ; you'll see that it does activate the mobile part of the switch

The hardest part hasn't been done yet ! Put the main spring back on the spring guide, put a pin punch through it and put the whole thing back inside

Don't hesitate to firmly maintain all parts with your hand

The spring guide wings need to be put in the right location on the gear box shell

Gently close the Gear Box (be sure that gear axes and the anti reversal latch are in the right location ; check the motor wires as well)

Screw the shells back

Finally, don't forget the selector plate spring : it's done !

You can check that the nozzle moves correctly ; you can also check that the piston moves correctly with a tool

Depending of the brand, a few little details may change, but the logic stays the same

About QD Gear Boxes

QD Gear Boxes (Quick Detach) have a system that allow the user to easily remove the spring guide and the main spring

The disassembly procedure is the same, except that first, you have to remove the spring guide and main spring (which makes it easier)

The spring guide and main spring on this Gear Box will also be the last things to reassembly

Disassembling and reassembling your Gear Box can be frightening at first !

Just remember to keep calm, and don't hesitate to ask for help if you need to

We will soon make a video concerning V3 Gear Boxes !

Don't hesitate to like this video if you liked it

It was Diane for Airsoft Entrepot TV ! See you next time and until then : good games !

For more infomation >> [Tutoriel] Démonter et remonter une Gear Box V2 - Duration: 7:15.



President Donald Trump, in the latest demonstration of increased tensions on the Korean Peninsula,

placed North Korea back on the list of state sponsors of terrorism.

Trump announced the move Monday during a public meeting with his Cabinet at the White House

and said the Treasury Department will announce new sanctions against North Korea on Tuesday.

Trump said that North Korea has "repeatedly" sponsored acts of terrorism, including "assassinations

on foreign soil." Amid escalating tensions , we look at a US

weapon which could play a vital role in a conflict with North Korea.

In this video, Defense Updates analyses WHY A SINGLE AGING B 52 IS ENOUGH TO CRIPPLE NORTH

KOREAN MILITARY ? Lets get started.

The Boeing B-52 Stratofortress is an American long-range, subsonic, jet-powered strategic

bomber. The B-52 was designed and built by Boeing, which has continued to provide support

and upgrades. It has been operated by the United States Air Force (USAF) since the 1950s.

Superior performance at high subsonic speeds and relatively low operating costs have kept

the B-52 in service despite the advent of more advanced aircrafts, including the variable-geometry

B-1 Lancer, and the stealth B-2 Spirit. After being upgraded between 2013 and 2015,

it is supposed to serve into the 2040s. The B-52s are expected to reach the end of their

service lives by 2045, and be replaced by B-21 Raiders.

B 52 are powered by Pratt & Whitney turbojet engines.

The 8 engines of the B-52 are paired in pods and suspended by four pylons beneath and forward

of the wings' leading edge. It has typical combat range of more than 8,800 miles (14,080

km) without aerial refueling. The massive range enables the B 52 to perform strategic

bombing. The powerful engines also enable B 52 to carry

up to 70,000 pounds (32,000 kg) of weapons. This makes it apt for use against North Korea,

since multiple high value targets can be taken out in a single mission.

North Korean air defense and fighter jets are primitive in nature and lack of resources

mean that most of these are not operationally available.

For example, North Korea has a mix of old Soviet era Surface-to-Air missiles (SAMs),

which includes the S-75, S-125, S-200 and Kvadrat.

All these systems are outdated and represent technology that is 2 to 3 generation old.

The overwhelming majority of Pyongyang's fighter jet arsenal is made up of 1950s and

1960s vintage machines, which even includes Chinese derivatives of very old fighters like

Mig 17 and Mig 19.

The MiG-29 is the Korean People's Army Air Force's (KPAF) most modern fighter and it

operates approximately 40 of these. Even these are not equipped with modern air to air missile.

U.S satellite intelligence will mean that B 52 will be guided to the target through

the safest path , as well it must be noted that these could also be escorted by fighter

jets like F 22 Raptor , F 35 lightning which will clear the path by taking out North Korean assets.

The B 52 is capable of carrying both conventional as well as nuclear weapons.

The ability to carry upto 20 AGM-69 SRAM nuclear missiles was added to G and H models, starting

in 1971. To further improve its offensive ability, air-launched cruise missiles were

fitted. After testing of both the Air Force-backed

Boeing AGM-86 and the Navy-backed General Dynamics AGM-109 Tomahawk, the AGM-86B was

selected for operation for the B-52.

A total of 194 B-52Gs and Hs were modified to carry AGM-86s, carrying 12 missiles on

underwing pylons, with 82 B-52Hs further modified to carry another 8 missiles on a rotary launcher

fitted in the bomb-bay.

The AGM-86 is a subsonic air-launched cruise missile built by Boeing. This missile was

developed to increase the effectiveness and survivability of the Boeing B-52 bomber as

the missile can be fired from standoff ranges. In combination, the missile dilutes an enemy's

forces and complicates air defense of its territory.

All variants of the AGM-86 missile are powered by a Williams F107 turbofan jet engine that

propels it at sustained subsonic speeds and can be launched from aircraft at both high

and low altitudes. The missile deploys its folded wings, tail surfaces and engine inlet

after launch. Sophisticated guidance makes the missile very accurate.

The missile deploys W80 thermonuclear warhead. It has a range of 1,100 to 2,400 km depending

on variant. This enables the B 52 to launch it far off from the target.

As stated earlier a single B 52 can launch upto 20 of these missiles. Hence, an enemy

force could have to counterattack more than one missile at a time, making defense against

them costly and complicated. The enemy's defenses are further hampered by the missiles'

small size and low-altitude flight capability, which makes them difficult to detect on radar.

North Korea has no air defense system which is capable of taking out this missile.

The W80 is a thermonuclear warhead in the U.S. nuke stockpile with a variable yield

of between 5 and 150 kt of TNT. It is specifically designed to be used by AGM-86 as well as the

BGM-109 Tomahawk. It is essentially a modification of the widely deployed B61 weapon, which forms

the basis of most of the current US stockpile.

The W80 is a powerful asset , to give viewers a perspective here is a the comparison.

Trinity Test in New Mexico in July 1945, which ushered in the nuclear age, had a yield of

20 kilo tons. Hiroshima's "Little Boy" bomb had a yield

of 13-18 kilo tons whereas Nagasaki's "Fat Man" bomb had a yield of 20–22 kilo tons

of TNT.

Depending on variant G or H , B 52 will be able to launch 12 or 20 of these W80 warheads

carried by AGM-86 missile . This means a single aircraft has a destructive capacity of

12 * 150 that is 1800 or 20 * 150 that is 3000 kt tons of TNT.

This is enough to obliterate major North Korean military assests and bring it to its knees.

For more infomation >> WHY A SINGLE AGING B 52 IS ENOUGH TO CRIPPLE NORTH KOREAN MILITARY ? - Duration: 7:56.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 AMBITION / NAVIGATIE / AIRCO ECC / LMV / ZEER LAGE KM STAND!! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 AMBITION / NAVIGATIE / AIRCO ECC / LMV / ZEER LAGE KM STAND!! - Duration: 1:00.


Ford B-MAX 1.6 TI-VCT TITANIUM - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.6 TI-VCT TITANIUM - Duration: 0:43.


5 Best Coffee Hair Mask Recipes For Hair Problems | How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster - Remedies One - Duration: 3:22.

you know how your days feel incomplete without your daily dose of coffee

well what if we tell you that even your hair sometimes needs that pick-me-up

which can only be provided by coffee it's true today's video will discuss

five amazing coffee hair mask recipes for common haircare problems before you

watch this video please take a moment to subscribe our YouTube channel by

clicking the subscribe button then tap the bell icon so you will be the first

to know when we post new videos daily because we

love giving you great beauty advice we have listed five benefits that a cup of

coffee can provide your hair and also some ways you can incorporate this

lovely ingredient in your haircare routine

five ways to use coffee for hair care problems one prevents hair loss male

pattern baldness is a common condition in men where they start losing hair as

in effect of weak hair follicles slowly the growth cycle of the hair gets

affected leading to slow but short balding coffee powder for hair contains

caffeine which helps prevent this as it stimulates hair follicles triggering

stronger growth wash your hair with brewed coffee twice a week to restore

hair in no time to coffee for hair growth caffeine blocks the effect of DHT

which has been proven to induce baldness and damaged hair follicles in both men

and women washing your hair with coffee significantly increases follicle

stimulation which leads to faster hair growth 3 improved hair texture coffee

for hair strengthens them from within improving the overall quality and

texture of it caffeine when applied to hair directly is absorbed by the

follicles making them softer and shinier instantly procedure just draw the palm

full of coffee into your scalp and rinse it thoroughly keep for 15 minutes and

then rinse it off with a mild shampoo and conditioner

we'll help seal the nourishment within the hair and also give it that added

softness for improved scalp circulation a great stimulant for both skin and hair

coffee oil helps improve the circulation in your scalp making your hair grow out

faster and healthier procedure choose your favourite hair oil and roast in it

a quarter cup of coffee beans at low heat for about eight hours making sure

to stir it occasionally so it doesn't burn sip the oil store it in a jar and

use once a week 5 exfoliate scalp whenever you feel that your scalp is

feeling really oily and grimy a coffee hair mask is all you need it scrubs off

the dead skin cells and also keeps your scalp clean and fresh Plus every time

you scrub away the dead skin new cells will push out thicker stronger hair have

you ever know the benefits of coffee for hair let me know in our comment section

below if you like this video give it a thumbs up and share with your friends

for more daily tips subscribe to our channel below thank you

For more infomation >> 5 Best Coffee Hair Mask Recipes For Hair Problems | How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster - Remedies One - Duration: 3:22.



Jimmy:We go upside the hill?


What's up my little grasshoppers

welcome once again to my channel

today I bring you a new gameplay in CQB Troken

a field full of possibilities

today's objective is quite easy

capture the flag game

today I wanted to explore the upside part of the field

and not to play too much short range

you will se I will be playing this whole game in the open field

where there are new structures added recently

and step by step they are improving the field, the other part is pure CQB

where is enough range for sniper

but I preferred not to play

too much CQB

as the pistol was not working properly

so I will stop annoying you with my voice

sorry for the head cam position

I will be fixing it in the next minutes!

You see this one there?I hit him from here before

In the helmet!

And this is what happens when you understimate your enemies

you focus on the front players

thinking they cannot reach you (In fact they can't)

but you don't watch out your right flank

where there was a sniper around 40m away

there you go, to the respawn!

Dani:Is not worth it

Jimmy:If they hit me here I will go down

There a lot of green players (Enemies)

Mate, who's there? From our team?

No no, They are green for sure!

yes yes

Friendly:We cannot reach them from here

But you have line of fire?

Friendly:Yes but my bbs don't reach them

Ok, but you can see them

Friendly:If front of you!

Yes, yes, but I cannot shot him yet, I cannot see him

An sniper has me in his sight

Watch out, no no no, he is shoting you, look at me!

he is shoting you from there!

From the poster, get out, he is going to hit you

"Tactical stuff"

"More tactical stuff"

Watch out this part

see how the bb almost hit me

Got him

He saw me, shot him!

Good work guys!

Ok,I'm super exposed now

Friendly: Be carefull there are 3 enemies

He is hidding

Friendly: One down

Friendly: This guys is not calling his hits

Wait until I shot him...

Ok he is down

Honestly in this part

I don't know If I hit him, up to you!

Only one up

Friendly:You tell me I didn't hit them?

Nope, I'm watching you can't reach them

Nop, your bbs drops before

Go 5 meters forward and you will reach

Okay guys, this is everything for today

It was a video larger than I expected

if you want more please subscribe

Do not hesitate to comment in case you have any doubt I always try to answer you guys

(with the few subscribers I have is quite easy!) is the minimum I can do!

For more infomation >> SNIPER SCOPECAM - A WINDY DAY [ES/EN SUBS] #1 NEW SERIES - Duration: 13:25.


MJ Lee: Genesis 3:1-16 ( english sub) - Duration: 5:13.

Now the serpent

was more crafty than

any of the wild animals

the LORD God had made.

He said to the woman,

"Did God really say,

'You must not eat

from any tree in the garden'?"

The woman said to the serpent,

"We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,

but God did say, 'You must not eat fruit from the tree

that is in the middle of the garden and

you must not touch it,

or you will die.' "

"You will not certainly die,"

the serpent said to the woman.

"For God knows that

when you eat from it

your eyes will be opened,

and you will be like God,

knowing good



When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree

was good for food

and pleasing to the eye

and also desirable

for gaining wisdom

, she took some and ate it.

She also gave some to her husband, who was with her,


he ate it.


the eyes of both of them were opened,

and they realized

they were naked

so they sewed fig leaves together

and made coverings for themselves.

Then the man and his wife

heard the sound of the LORD God

as he was walking in the garden

in the cool of the day

and they hid

from the LORD God

among the trees of the garden.

But the LORD God

called to the man,

"Where are you?"

He answered

"I heard you in the garden,

and I was afraid

because I was naked, so I hid."

And he said

"Who told you that you were naked?

Have you eaten from the tree

that I commanded you not to eat from?"

The man said,

"The woman

you put here with me

—she gave me some fruit from the tree

and I ate it."

Then the LORD God said to the woman,

"What is this you have done?"

The woman said,

"The serpent deceived me

and I ate."

So the LORD God said to the serpent,

"Because you have done this,

"Cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals!

You will crawl on your belly

and you will eat dust

all the days of your life.

And I will put enmity between you and the woman,

and between your offspring and hers;

he will crush your head

and you will strike his heel."

To the woman he said,

"I will make your pains in childbearing very severe;

with painful labor you will give birth to children.

Your desire will be for your husband,

and he will rule over you."

For more infomation >> MJ Lee: Genesis 3:1-16 ( english sub) - Duration: 5:13.



Jimmy:We go upside the hill?


What's up my little grasshoppers

welcome once again to my channel

today I bring you a new gameplay in CQB Troken

a field full of possibilities

today's objective is quite easy

capture the flag game

today I wanted to explore the upside part of the field

and not to play too much short range

you will se I will be playing this whole game in the open field

where there are new structures added recently

and step by step they are improving the field, the other part is pure CQB

where is enough range for sniper

but I preferred not to play

too much CQB

as the pistol was not working properly

so I will stop annoying you with my voice

sorry for the head cam position

I will be fixing it in the next minutes!

You see this one there?I hit him from here before

In the helmet!

And this is what happens when you understimate your enemies

you focus on the front players

thinking they cannot reach you (In fact they can't)

but you don't watch out your right flank

where there was a sniper around 40m away

there you go, to the respawn!

Dani:Is not worth it

Jimmy:If they hit me here I will go down

There a lot of green players (Enemies)

Mate, who's there? From our team?

No no, They are green for sure!

yes yes

Friendly:We cannot reach them from here

But you have line of fire?

Friendly:Yes but my bbs don't reach them

Ok, but you can see them

Friendly:If front of you!

Yes, yes, but I cannot shot him yet, I cannot see him

An sniper has me in his sight

Watch out, no no no, he is shoting you, look at me!

he is shoting you from there!

From the poster, get out, he is going to hit you

"Tactical stuff"

"More tactical stuff"

Watch out this part

see how the bb almost hit me

Got him

He saw me, shot him!

Good work guys!

Ok,I'm super exposed now

Friendly: Be carefull there are 3 enemies

He is hidding

Friendly: One down

Friendly: This guys is not calling his hits

Wait until I shot him...

Ok he is down

Honestly in this part

I don't know If I hit him, up to you!

Only one up

Friendly:You tell me I didn't hit them?

Nope, I'm watching you can't reach them

Nop, your bbs drops before

Go 5 meters forward and you will reach

Okay guys, this is everything for today

It was a video larger than I expected

if you want more please subscribe

Do not hesitate to comment in case you have any doubt

I always try to answer you guys

(with the few subscribers I have is quite easy!) is the minimum I can do!

For more infomation >> SNIPER SCOPECAM - A WINDY DAY [EN/EN SUBS] #1 NEW SERIES - Duration: 13:25.


13 grandi benefici del succo di guava - Duration: 7:30.

For more infomation >> 13 grandi benefici del succo di guava - Duration: 7:30.


Tech News #2 | Link Your Aadhaar With SIM | जल्दी से कर लें अपने सिम कार्ड को आधार कार्ड से लिंक 🔥 - Duration: 2:34.

Thanks For Watching :))

For more infomation >> Tech News #2 | Link Your Aadhaar With SIM | जल्दी से कर लें अपने सिम कार्ड को आधार कार्ड से लिंक 🔥 - Duration: 2:34.


Entertainment News 247 - ポスト春香クリスティーンだ!トラウデン直美、慶大法学部合格 - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Entertainment News 247 - ポスト春香クリスティーンだ!トラウデン直美、慶大法学部合格 - Duration: 3:40.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Depuis que j'ai découvert cette astuce, je n'ai plus de mouches à la maison ! - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> Depuis que j'ai découvert cette astuce, je n'ai plus de mouches à la maison ! - Duration: 6:00.


For more infomation >> Depuis que j'ai découvert cette astuce, je n'ai plus de mouches à la maison ! - Duration: 6:00.


[N초점]이효리, 1년간 '짧고 굵은' 활약 후 계약 해지한 까닭 - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> [N초점]이효리, 1년간 '짧고 굵은' 활약 후 계약 해지한 까닭 - Duration: 2:33.


For more infomation >> [N초점]이효리, 1년간 '짧고 굵은' 활약 후 계약 해지한 까닭 - Duration: 2:33.


Zoom sur Denis Podalydès / Le Comte Ory - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Zoom sur Denis Podalydès / Le Comte Ory - Duration: 3:14.


For more infomation >> Zoom sur Denis Podalydès / Le Comte Ory - Duration: 3:14.


remède naturel avec ,Remède au persil pour les paupières gonflées - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> remède naturel avec ,Remède au persil pour les paupières gonflées - Duration: 6:48.


For more infomation >> remède naturel avec ,Remède au persil pour les paupières gonflées - Duration: 6:48.


BEAUTIFUL RELAX | Magic Moments in Nature | Respected Force - A New Life (Dino's Song) NATURE 4K - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> BEAUTIFUL RELAX | Magic Moments in Nature | Respected Force - A New Life (Dino's Song) NATURE 4K - Duration: 6:08.


For more infomation >> BEAUTIFUL RELAX | Magic Moments in Nature | Respected Force - A New Life (Dino's Song) NATURE 4K - Duration: 6:08.


THETA Tutorial - How to shoot & publish a 360° picture - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> THETA Tutorial - How to shoot & publish a 360° picture - Duration: 1:28.


For more infomation >> THETA Tutorial - How to shoot & publish a 360° picture - Duration: 1:28.


Musique de relaxation avec chant des oiseaux - Duration: 1:01:11.

Relaxation music with birds singing.

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Do not forget to subscribe to this channel. New videos every week. Thanks

For more infomation >> Musique de relaxation avec chant des oiseaux - Duration: 1:01:11.


For more infomation >> Musique de relaxation avec chant des oiseaux - Duration: 1:01:11.


Soulager les douleurs causées par une blessure aux tendons - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Soulager les douleurs causées par une blessure aux tendons - Duration: 3:21.


For more infomation >> Soulager les douleurs causées par une blessure aux tendons - Duration: 3:21.


Before Thanksgiving dig-in a...

For more infomation >> Before Thanksgiving dig-in a...


BMW 3 Serie 328i M Performance 245 PK - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 328i M Performance 245 PK - Duration: 1:01.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 350 EDITION Automaat Navi Leder - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 350 EDITION Automaat Navi Leder - Duration: 0:59.


Nissan Pixo 5-drs airco l.v m.2013 23dkm! nw.apk boekjes - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pixo 5-drs airco l.v m.2013 23dkm! nw.apk boekjes - Duration: 0:57.


Light Packing for Winter - Sweaters & Snow Pants | Helpful Tips from Iceland Travel - Duration: 9:56.

Hello good people! You guys have been requesting a light packing video for

winter wardrobe for a long time so here it finally is I'm gonna show you what I

packed for my trip for Iceland and I only traveled in a carry-on it was a

week-long trip but if I was staying longer it would be pretty much the same

that I would pack so let's get to it! Okay so when you're traveling to winter

destinations you have to be more practical when it comes to clothes and

what you're packing it's also more challenging because the clothes is

bulkier and you're gonna have to fit a lot of air into your tiny little

carry-on so just let's get started I'm gonna start out with what I would

actually wear on the plane because number one tip is: wear the bulkiest

items on the plane if you can! Some items, it does not make sense

but if you can get away with it wear it on the plane and it does not take up

space in a carry-on so on your feet bring one pair of really warm winter

boots I did not bring anything else just this one pair I wore them all the time

and I did not need any fancy shoes because it's Iceland, it's really cold it's

freezing and if you're not wearing practical Footwear you're not having fun

so one pair of boots and I wore them on the plane so they don't take up space in here

I only brought one pair of pants I'm wearing them right now and they

don't go in the suitcase so one pair of pants this was my regular setup like

just a normal long sleeve t-shirt not fancy at all but then I have this

knitted sweater that my mother-in-law knit for me and it is so warm it's the

warmest wool and I love it for this kind of travel so I was wearing this because

this sweater is really bulky, so I was wearing that on the plane

I was also wearing my jacket

It was wintertime in Denmark so having to go to the airport

and sit at the airport and bring the jacket was not a problem if you're

flying from a warm climate to a cold climate it can be an

issue but I'm just assuming that it's kind of wintery wherever you are so I

just wore my jacket I didn't have to pack it I also wore my scarf and my hat

So everything that I'm wearing on the plane is on the floor now and this is

what I need to fit into here it's really not that bad I did bring one warm

sweater but that was mostly for exploring so I also brought a nice warm

sweater so to go out to restaurants and eat and still keep warm I'd like to

bring something different and I only brought one like a dress-up shirt I

think we went out to eat probably twice maybe three times and I just wore this

one every single time sometimes this one and sometimes this one on top I felt

like I had enough variety and it was just for a week if I was staying longer

I probably added one more but that's about it

I also brought one more t-shirt just to wear under stuff and switch out keep in

mind it is possible to wash when you're traveling find a washing machine

somewhere and just wash whatever you need washed if you're run out that's

really the worst that can happen and how bad is that? Not too bad!

When you travel to cold climates you're gonna need gloves mittens

whatever I brought these, they're really warm they're for skiing and I just knew

it was gonna be cold and windy I went to Iceland in February and it was really

cold so bring something like this you might feel stupid walking around and

carrying it around but it's a whole lot better than really cold fingers

I also brought a pair of tights to wear under my pants it was too cold if I

brought a skirt I could also just use that to change it out with the pants I

just use these underneath I like to use packing cubes for my socks and my

underwear so those things always go in here it makes it easy to pack in the

suitcase and things don't go flying everywhere which I'm a big fan of

Toiletry wise I just pack what I normally pack one thing that I do add in

is chapstick you have to remember to pack this if you have any kind of issues

getting dry lips fast so I always pack this somewhere preferably in my pocket I

need it all the time I'm the kind of person who can't fall asleep at night if

my lips are cracked, so I need this! I also always travel with ear plucks and

a sleep mask because when you rent a room somewhere you don't know how loud

it's gonna be or if there are any curtains at all so I just always bring this as standard

Bring you converter plug if you need that for wherever

you're going if not that's great I booked an air B&B and those places most

of the time they have towels if it doesn't say clearly on there and I just

I'm assuming that they have towels then sometimes I just bring this small little

micro towel it's big enough that it actually works it takes up a lot of

water and it's just in case I need it I probably won't need it but sometimes I

like to bring it it's so small and the space it takes up for me compared to the

hassle of actually not having a towel it's worth it to me I always bring this

Eagle creek super lightweight packing cube as a laundry bag it weighs nothing

and I can just use it as I go. I always pack that.

And I have pyjamas and it's the long sleeve and long pants pajama version not the short one -

- unless you're like a really warm sleeper something that might seem a little

random is the swimsuit in Iceland they have actually have a lot of hot springs

so I knew that we were going to the Blue Lagoon and hopefully some other places

as well so I needed to bring this and just go through your destinations see if

you might need it you might be going to a spa a hot spring, whatever

just think through your trip and see if you actually need it because being in

Iceland where everything is expensive it's really annoying to have to go out

and buy one when you travel to colder destinations and you're spending time

in your airBnB, maybe a fancy hotel I don't know but I find I always

need warm socks at night unless I want to sit on my bed the whole night my toes

they get freezing I can't wear my winter boots inside so pack the pair these are

maybe your slippers that you use at home and also Airbnb they do not always have

hair dryers when you trying to cold climates walking outside after you have

a shower with your hair all wet it gets really cold you might not think of it

ahead of time but bringing a hairdryer if you're not absolutely certain that

the hotel or the Airbnb has one because I'm pretty sure you're going to need it

I always bring mine I'm always annoyed because it's bulky but when I'm there I

really appreciate it so bring a hairdryer if you think you need it

I do video so I need to transfer my files to my computer I always bring it - you might not need to

My camera by the way I always carry it on me I carry it with me in a separate

bag when I go on a flight so it does not need to fit in here now for one last

thing and that is something that people often ask about and I would assume that

you would do the same thing with your bulky jacket if you're flying in from a

warm climate but these vacuum bags are really practical when you're

traveling to a cold destination so how they work is that you put your bulky

items like these like snow pants that have needed for Iceland

It's the same if you're going skiing or something you might need something that's really bulky, so..

You just fit it in here you can get them in different sizes and then you

just zip it locked up here and then you roll the air out

You have to make sure when you get these vacuum bags that you get the one where

you can roll the air out instead the one where you have to use a vacuum cleaners

because vacuum cleaners they change a lot in how they look in different

countries so you might not be able to use them everywhere and also you might

not have a vacuum cleaner available when you're going back home so you can't

squeeze the air out anyway so get the ones where you can roll the air out that

has a zip log on one end so you can reuse them many times and wherever you are

Now I've sucked the air out of this one and it's really thin and it's easy just

to pack in my suitcase and it hardly takes up any space

That's it for this video guys I fit everything for a week's worth of travel

maybe two weeks if you add in one more sweater or a few more socks I really

recommend you get a vacuum bag so you can vacuum the air out of fluffy items

and I recommend you don't skimp on the warm items because you are really gonna

need them don't think that you can just layer up forever because that just gets

impractical so bring one or two really warm sweaters wear one on the plane put

the other one in here maybe in the vacuum bag with snow pants bring a

hairdryer and some warm woolen socks and you'll be good to go I'll try and leave

links in the description down below for the vacuum bag the laundry bag that I'm

using the small towel all these kinds of things so check the description down

below I hope you like this video let me know if you have any questions I'll be

happy to do a lightweight Q&A whatever leave them down in the comments share

this video with your friends if you found it helpful in any way give it a

thumbs up and I'll see you guys next time, bye!

For more infomation >> Light Packing for Winter - Sweaters & Snow Pants | Helpful Tips from Iceland Travel - Duration: 9:56.


nodar msuqani xar - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> nodar msuqani xar - Duration: 0:26.


Like Christmas, just different | Semester Abroad in Nepal | English Vlog 01 - Duration: 8:04.

Good morning, afternoon, evening or whenever you're watching this video.

It's Tihar!

So let's start with the video!

Tihar ist the second most important festival in Nepal

and because my guest family did not celebrate the most important one, this is now the most


What exactly will happen, there?

I hav no idea, actually.

Only: Today is the main day.

Yesterday we prepared lots and lots of food.

The whole family comes together.

Everyone dresses really fancy.

I even was extra shopping for this purpose.

And there are presents!

Actually this whole festival kind of reminds me of christmas:

Lights are put up all over the city, that's really beautyful.

Kids are coming to dance and sing.

When the nepalese pop music was playing, everybody was just dancing

and suddendly i was right in the middle of it.

That was really cool and a lot of fun.

And even the 87-Year old Grandpa danced with us.

In the last few days there were a lot of kids to do this

and they get some money and sweets for it.

So yeah, its a lot of christmas vibe, exept it was still like 30 degrees yesterday.

As I said, today is the main day of the festival.

There will be a lot of food and also presents, but i have no clue what else will be going on,

so i'll just change quick and then we'll find out.

Okay, so glammed up you wont see me very often, but the dress is just so chic.

And I tried some kind of dread style for the first time

I'm quite happy with it.

So, lets go!

On the fifth and last day of Tihar, the Connection in between

Brothers and Sisters is celebrated.

My guest sister Sikuma does the traditional ceremony, called „Puja" with

me here.

Also her aunt is doing the same with my Guest parents.

I'm taking part ath the brother here, but mostly its not seen that strict anymore.

The sister circumambulates the brother for three times, while she

pours water from a vase to the floor.

In between she gives the brother some of the water to drink.

Then the brother gets showered with flowers.

Yes, literally showered.

Next, the sister dapples oil to the brothers ear.

Jep, it was kind of awkward.

Then the sister puts the so-called „Tikka" in the seven colours of the rainbow

onto the brothers forehead.

The colors are a fine powder, in the western world also known as „Holi-powder".

The so-called „Ragnoli" in front of the house

is made fro the same powder.

Beside the Tikka on the forehead the sister also put colors to the brothers

ears and neck.

Then she gives two flower garlands to him.

The orange one is made from fresh marigold and the huge amount of pedals shall represent

the huge amount of connection that the siblings have.

The purple garland is made from dried amarath flowers and therefore very long

durable and the connection shall be just as durable.

Then the brother gets a present from his sister, that traditional also contains food.

Then its the brothers task to put the Tikka to

his sisters forhead and also to her ears and neck.

Then she recives a present or money from him.

Later i did the ceremony again, this time I've taken the sisters part

for the older brother of my guest mum.

It also was really cool and was definitly a lot of fun.

Bevor we ate, a walnut was crushed in front of the house

to symbolise the crushing of the devil.

Then we had the before prepared lunch, which i did not film, because i was so hungry.

It contained a variation of different vegetable stews

and so-called „Sel roti" with you can see here.

In the afternoon we just played some cards with Sikuma's cousin brother and her cousin sisters.

We even played for money, which is in Nepal allowed only on

the biggest two festivals, Dashain and Tihar.

Nomaly gambling is prohibited.

Thats why on the festivals the Nepalis gamble a lot.

Okay, so now its almost four and most of the guests are gone.

It was really nice, the ceremony was pretty cool

and i like the thought of celebrating the connection of siblings.

So that kind of was my substitute christmas at 30 degrees.

Leave me a comment, which uncommon festivities you celebrated

so far and see you next time!


For more infomation >> Like Christmas, just different | Semester Abroad in Nepal | English Vlog 01 - Duration: 8:04.


Trump Only Needed Three Words to Tell US Military Exactly How He Feels About Them in Thanksgiving - Duration: 4:22.

President Donald Trump sent a special Thanksgiving message to members of the U.S. military on

Thursday, telling armed forces representatives around the world, "We love you."

Trump spoke to the troops from his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida via satellite, The Daily

Caller reported.

"It's an honor to speak with you all and to give God thanks for the blessings of freedom

and for the heroes who really have this tremendous courage that you do to defend us and to defend


So we want to thank you all very much.

Very, very special people.

It doesn't get more special," Trump said.

Trump addressed a representative for the First Brigade Combat Team of the 82nd Airborne in

Kandahar, Afghanistan.

"I have to say, just directly to the folks in Afghanistan, everybody is talking about

the progress you've made in the last few months since I opened it open.

We opened it up.

We said go ahead, we're going to fight to win.

We're not fighting anymore to just walk around.

We're fighting to win," Trump said, referring to his change in the strategy for troops based

in Afghanistan.

"And you people are really — you've turned it around over the last three to four

months like nobody has seen.

And they are talking about it.

So, thank you very much — brave, incredible fighters," Trump said.

In speaking to Direct Support Team Golf of the Marine Corps Special Operations based

in Iraq, Trump said, "what you're doing with ISIS is, again, being talked about.

We're being talked about again as an armed forces.

We're really winning.

We know how to win, but we have to let you win.

They weren't letting you win before; they we're letting you play even.

We're letting you win."

Trump also praised the work of the 74th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron from Incirlik Air Base in


"The fight against ISIS, it's coming our way — coming our way.

Big, big difference.

A lot of things have happened.

They say we've made more progress against ISIS than they did in years of the previous

administration, and that's because I'm letting you do your job," Trump said.

"You're performing more than 1,000 missions over the skies of Iraq and Syria in the last

four months.

We're very, very proud of you.

And believe me, everybody in this country is watching and they're seeing, and they're

seeing positive reports for a change, instead of the neutral and negative reports.

It's all positive," Trump said.

Trump addressed the sailors aboard the USS Monterey and the Coast Guard cutter Wrangell.

"For each of you, I know it's very hard to be away from home at this time of the year,"

Trump said, later adding that he hoped the members of the armed forces know the depth

of the support they have at home.

"I know I speak on behalf of all Americans when I say that we totally support you.

In fact, we love you — we really do.

We love you.

And this is a thanksgiving that you won't forget.

You're in a very different part of the world than you were used to, but, boy, are you doing

a job there.

And thank God for you.

Thank God for you," Trump said.

Trump also mentioned those who wait for their family members to return.

"We also want to give thanks to our loved ones — our amazing military families.

I know they miss you, and they miss you so deeply and so badly.

They're every bit as important as every else you work with because they put up with

so much.

They put up with the time away and all of those things that they have to endure.

And they endure it because they love our country and because they love you.

And believe me, I know so much about military families.

They respect and appreciate what you're doing for this country, and they respect and

appreciate what you're doing for them, as a family.

So your families love you and they miss you," Trump said.

Trump then closed the public part of his video conversation in true Trump style.

"And again, I'm going to now — I'm surrounded by reporters and press, and I'm

going to ask them to leave, and we're going to have very confidential, personal conversations.

We're set up for that.

You know, it's really wonderful what technology can do.

So I'll ask the press to get out, and I'll say, "You're fired."

And, by the way, media, Happy thanksgiving, I must say.

Have a good Thanksgiving in Palm Beach, Florida.

Thank you all for being here.

I appreciate it," Trump said.

For more infomation >> Trump Only Needed Three Words to Tell US Military Exactly How He Feels About Them in Thanksgiving - Duration: 4:22.


Are Standing Desks Overrated? - My 1 Year Experience - Duration: 5:39.

I've been using standing desks for well over a year now.

But do I think they are overrated?

In my opinion some standing desk solutions aren't really worth it.

The health benefits of standing is highly debated and probably not that beneficial.

And I strongly believe a good office chair is a better investment for your money.

But considering all of that, I would still buy another standing desk if I had to make

the decision all over again.

Hi I'm David these are of thoughts and experiences with Standing Desks

I really enjoy switching from sitting to standing whenever I'm feeling sore from sitting for

too long.

Even in the most expensive and fanciest of chairs, I'll still get a little antsy or


So switching between sitting and standing helps alleviates that problem for me.

Sure if you don't have a standing desk, just stretching or taking a water break regularly

is going to be good enough.

But if I'm deep in some work, standing at my desk lets me stretch my legs and pace around

and still keep focused on my work.

Even when I'm not working having a standing desk at home makes it a lot more convenient

to jump on and off the computer to change a song, google something or respond to some

email that can sporadically occur throughout the day.

But I'll be honest, I still probably still sit for about 80% of my day.

Since sitting at my desk is just as important as standing at my desk, I really don't like

permanent standing desks or any manual standing desks that require a lot of effort or time

to adjust.

Sure you could use a high chair with a permanent standing desk but getting good ergonomics

out of a high chair can be quite challenging.

Manual crank standing desks do allow you to switch between sitting and standing and are

usually quite a bit cheaper.

But I personally found the process of cranking, slow and a burden that resulted in me being

lazy and not bothering to switch as much.

Tabletop risers are also an option, and are probably the only solution for those stuck

in cubicals where you can't switch out to a new desk.

But it's definitely not my preferred option as they are bit clunky, take up lot of desk

real estate, and don't really allow you to do anything else standing up other than

use your keyboard and mouse.

So I think for most people, if you want to get a standing desk you should probably save

up for a fully electric motorized standing desk.

The good thing though is that budget electric standing desks are pretty widely available

these days.

Though there are some key things that I'd look out for before you go and just buy the

cheapest thing available in the market.

Like memory buttons.

Definitely get a desk with a memory button if you can.

One click to stand, One click to sit.

Simple, no fuss.

And completely worth it.

2 memory buttons is good enough for a single user but more is better especially if have

multiple people using the same desk and need different heights.

Next, check height range for the desk.

I guess I'm on the shorter side at 5'7, so the standing height has never really been

a problem for me, but I find the minimum heights, usually around 27 inches, is often are too

tall for me, so I end up needing to use a foot rest with a desk at this minimum height.

But if I had to look for one again I'd try to find one that can go a little lower to

accommodate my shorter legs.

Checking the stability of the desk is a little more challenging.

I think at the highest height most electric desks will have some sway to them if you try

to shake them.

But honestly I've never really have an issue with stability while just typing or using

a mouse on a computer.

If you're sensitive to shaking, much taller than I am, or just doing more vigorous tasks

that require the desk to be super stable.

You could look for a desk that has a crossbar underneath but I tend to hit those with my

knees or legs.

Or you could find a four legged version of a standing desk but those can get pretty pricey.

So I think for most people you really won't notice issues with stability on anything half

decent during regular use.

Standing on your feet will be tiring especially if you're not used to it.

Even standing on carpet gets pretty tiring on the soles of my feet.

Most people will recommend getting an anti-fatigue mat which is a good idea.

But you will need to constantly move it in and out of place when switching from sitting

to standing, which is pretty annoying for me, so I personally don't use one.

Instead I'll just use some supportive sandals or shoes when standing and while I could probably

stand longer if I also had an anti-fatigue mat.

I'm fine just sitting back down when my feet and legs are feeling a little tired.

Next let's talk about noise.

Using a standing desk at home for personal use, noise for the motors really isn't an

issue for me unless someone happens to be sleeping while I'm working.

At the office on the otherhand, in open concept, and a sea of employees raising and lowering

their desks throughout the day.

I'll probably feel a little different about the noise.

Maybe I would get used to it but I can imagine myself going a bit crazy hearing a bunch of

noisy desks moving up and down all day long.

And finally the tabletop.

A lot of companies will sell their motorized legs and tabletops separately.

So if you find the tabletops ridiculously expensive or just not in the color you want,

buying the legs on their own and then grabbing a tabletop from IKEA is my preferred option.

The IKEA Gerton is a really nice option: solid wood, good sized, and fairly affordable at

only $90.

Or IKEA Kitchen Countertops can also work really well and are available in pretty much

any color and design you would want.

Considering all of this, for me at least the standing desk wasn't a fad that I eventually

got bored with, and I still very much continue to switch between sitting and standing regularly.

While I could go back to a regular sitting desk, and I'd definitely recommend investing

in a good chair first if you don't already have one.

If I had to make the decision today I'd still definitely spend the extra cash to get

another electric standing desk all over again.

But hope you guys enjoyed this one.

You know what to do.

And I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Are Standing Desks Overrated? - My 1 Year Experience - Duration: 5:39.


Gefüllter Schweinebauch vom Broil King Gasgrill / pork belly (filled) engl. Subtitles - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> Gefüllter Schweinebauch vom Broil King Gasgrill / pork belly (filled) engl. Subtitles - Duration: 10:02.


Colby Covington reacts to Tyrone Woodley negotiating deal with Nate Diaz for $15 million + MMA News - Duration: 2:56.

Nate Diaz's coach went on submission radio and said that Nate is demanding $15 million

dollars to fight Tyrone Woodley.

The UFC is not in agreement with the asking price.

Woodley heard Nate's request and suggested that Diaz and him each get 5 million and the

winner gets an additional $5million.

Colby Covington quickly caught wind of the negotiation and said Can you believe #twofacetyrone

just set the record for the least amount of strikes thrown in a title fight & now this

clown shoe is demanding 5 million to show and 5 million to win against a LIGHTWEIGHT.

You're an embarrassment to this sport Tyrone.

And then he said this turkey will not be pardoned.

Tyrone Woodley misunderstood what Kelving Gastelum said in an interview about still

feeling a little salty over his loss to Woodley in 2015.

Woodley wrote super "salty" that's why he missed weight by 10lbs.

Got whipped and complained after.

If you cut 10lbs less shouldn't you feel better?

Ufc fighters have lost their minds!

Gastelum told him that he respects him as a champion and person but still wants a rematch.

Sometimes I feel Woodley just looks for reasons to complain.

I don't understand why he took it that way when He knows that Kelvin is a good guy according

to every person that's interacted with him on a personal level.

Something to factor in as well is that Woodley declined 30% of Gastelum's purse for missing

weight after the fight, which was the equivalent of $9,000 that he gifted to him.

That was very commendable by Woodley.

So Gastelum has no reason to have ill will toward Woodley.

It's just natural for an athlete to be competitive and avenge his losses.

Am I out of line with my logic here?

Or is gastelum being a hater?

OSP has thrown his hat into the mix as a possible replacement to Volkan Oezdemir if he doesn't

happen to win his legal battles and show up to fight Daniel Cormier.

OSP: "Sup everyone this is OSP I heard Volkan is out of his fight due to legal problems.

DC I heard you're looking for a fight.

You know I'm quick to take a fight.

So, definitely been wanting to fight you anyway.

There's a particular reason I jumped on the cage when I knocked out Corey Anderson,

but, whenever you want to make this happen let's make it happen."

But I don't think it's a possibility as DC posted this poll that shows Volkan as the

fight everyone wants to see followed by Gustaffson.

Bellator just made the Heavyweight grand prix tournament official.

Chael Sonnen Vs Rampage Jackson will be the first bout taking place on the 20th of January

in LA.

Don't forget UFC shanghai is on tomorrow at 7AM Eastern time again that's 7AM Eastern



We're gonna go heckle idiots at best buy, parked out, camped out trying to get the best

deals not enjoying their thanksgiving.




Go spend time with your families loser's! haha ahehehe hahah udhhfadh.

For more infomation >> Colby Covington reacts to Tyrone Woodley negotiating deal with Nate Diaz for $15 million + MMA News - Duration: 2:56.


Design project of a country house - Duration: 3:58.

Interior Design Studio of Yulia Sheveleva

presents you a design project of a country house with an area of 214 sq.m.

The interior of the house is designed in light French classics,

with elements of modern style.

Kitchen-dining room - the main room in the house.

On the background of the general beige-black color palette, the floor is highlighted.

This is the Spanish factory of tiles Peronda.

Blue as an accent is very organically blended into the overall style.

This color is present not only in the tile, but also in pillows, decor and furniture upholstery.

Initially, the architect was offered a layout that did not quite suit the hosts.

During the design, the room space was radically redrawn,

made a more functional arrangement for the intended purpose.

All rooms on the 2 nd floor are in the same scale and decoration.

During the design we decided not to allocate

and somehow especially personalize each room and its owner.

The desire of the clients was to fulfill everything in a common harmony and style.

For more infomation >> Design project of a country house - Duration: 3:58.


위대한 개츠비 THE GREAAT GATSBY 1차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> 위대한 개츠비 THE GREAAT GATSBY 1차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:29.


위대한 개츠비 THE GREAAT GATSBY 2차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> 위대한 개츠비 THE GREAAT GATSBY 2차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:34.


위대한 개츠비 THE GREAAT GATSBY 3차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> 위대한 개츠비 THE GREAAT GATSBY 3차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:49.


행오버 3 THE HANGOVER Part III 1차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> 행오버 3 THE HANGOVER Part III 1차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:06.


프란시스 하 FRANCES HA 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> 프란시스 하 FRANCES HA 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 1:57.


Trump Sends FEDS To Make Massive Arrests In Muslim Michigan What They Found Is...| Global News Today - Duration: 3:56.

President Trump Sends FEDS To Make Massive Arrests In Muslim Michigan- What They Found



– A Mexican national arrested in Wyoming, who has a prior conviction for fourth-degree

child abuse and two convictions for child neglect, is among the 33 foreign nationals

taken into custody during a four-day operation conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs

Enforcement (ICE) this week in western Michigan, targeting at-large criminal aliens, illegal

re-entrants and other immigration violators.

Among those arrested were:

A 37-year-old Liberian male with a conviction for the offense of criminal sexual conduct,

3rd Degree.

He was ordered removed from the United States in 2011, and will remain in ICE custody pending

removal of the United States.

A 22-year-old Mexican female with convictions for operating without a license, two counts

of child neglect, and child abuse, 4th degree.

She will remain in ICE custody pending the outcome of her removal proceedings.

A 20-year-old Salvadoran male with convictions for destruction of property, larceny, and

false identity to law enforcement.

He will remain in ICE custody pending the outcome of his removal proceedings.

The just concluded operation targeted public safety threats, such as convicted criminal

aliens and individuals who have violated our nation's immigration laws, including individuals

who re-entered the country after being removed, other immigration violators, and immigration

fugitives ordered deported by federal immigration judges.

"Operations like this one demonstrate ICE's continued focus on the arrest of dangerous

criminal aliens as well as those who enter the United States illegally," said Rebecca

Adducci, field office director for ERO in Detroit.

"I'm grateful to serve with the men and women of ICE who selflessly put themselves

in harm's way to protect the communities we live and work in."

Some of the individuals arrested during this week's enforcement action will be presented

for federal prosecution for re-entry after deportation, a felony punishable by up to

20 years in prison.

Those not being criminally prosecuted will be processed for removal from the country.

Individuals who have outstanding orders of deportation, or who returned to the United

States illegally after being deported, are subject to immediate removal from the country.

The arrestees (28 men and five women) included nationals from four countries, Mexico (22),

Guatemala (7), El Salvador (3), and Liberia.

ICE deportation officers conduct targeted enforcement operations every day in locations

around the country as part of the agency's ongoing efforts to protect the nation, uphold

public safety and protect the integrity of our immigration laws and border controls.

During targeted enforcement operations, ICE officers frequently encounter additional suspects

who may be in the United States in violation of federal immigration laws.

Those persons will be evaluated on a case by case basis and, when appropriate, arrested

by ICE.

ICE continues to focus its enforcement resources on individuals who pose a threat to national

security, public safety and border security.

ICE conducts targeted immigration enforcement in compliance with federal law and agency


However, as ICE Acting Director Thomas Homan has made clear, ICE does not exempt classes

or categories of removable aliens from potential enforcement.

All of those in violation of the immigration laws may be subject to immigration arrest,

detention and, if found removable by final order, removal from the United States.

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