Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 11, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 20 2018

Your skin is pale white, you have a permanent smile. I know what you are.

Say it.



A sadistic killer.


A psychopath who thinks murder and torture are funny.


Unpredictable homicidal maniac who loves chaos and won't stop

until everyone's dead or just as crazy as he is.

Are you afraid?



Are you serious?

You won't hurt me.

You just pointed out that I could KILL you at any minute.

Hell, I'm thinking of killing you RIGHT NOW--

I trust you.

For more infomation >> Jevil and Ralsei [DELTARUNE // MEME] - Duration: 0:42.


Water wheel - Duration: 2:51.

Water wheel

For more infomation >> Water wheel - Duration: 2:51.


Diaper Genie Complete Diaper Pail - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:00.

(rhythmic piano music)

- Hi, I'm Latham Thomas with What to Expect.

This is the Diaper Genie Complete by Playtex.

This is your Cadillac of diaper pails.

It's antimicrobial, has an airtight seal,

and a carbon filter to really lock in the odor.

It's tall, it's lean, it can fit into really small spaces.

I love that it has a foot pedal,

so for those of you who do not like to handle diapers,

this one's for you.

So unlike its sister pail, the Expressions,

it doesn't come fully customizable,

but you can find it in different color ways.

So the Diaper Genie Complete only holds 36 diapers,

and it does have its own special seven-layer plastic bag,

which is a little bit more on the expensive side,

but it's a great option for the practical parent

who doesn't mind changing a diaper pail

a little more often than usual.

(upbeat electronic music)

For more infomation >> Diaper Genie Complete Diaper Pail - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:00.


GOP Gerrymandering: Democratic Votes Not Matched By Seats Gained | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC - Duration: 7:42.

For more infomation >> GOP Gerrymandering: Democratic Votes Not Matched By Seats Gained | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC - Duration: 7:42.


COSTCO SHOP WITH ME - Duration: 12:42.

all right I'm taking you guys shopping with me but grocery shopping kind of

pasta was like everything right it's not just groceries kind of everything we are

out running around at the Sunday before Thanksgiving and I have a ton of

groceries to pick up for the week not just for Thanksgiving but I make all of

my coming baby food I wish there was a way to hold this matter I'm so bad at

vlogging but I'm gonna do a little bit of her shoe shopping for Thanksgiving

for the week for us ahead and then also to make McKinley's baby food and I'm

gonna show you guys exactly what my favorite things to buy at Costco is his

favorite things are are bad bad grammar I did a blog post last year about my

favorite things to buy at Trader Joe's and you guys loved it and I got it was

like one of my most commented blog posts ever and I got so many awesome ideas

from you and I had a ton of requests on I think with my baby food video that I

did a couple months ago on YouTube because I mentioned that I buy my

produce at Costco that you guys wanted to see a Costco video and like what we

typically buy there and like my favorite things so that's exactly what I'm gonna

do my take you shopping with me and then afterwards I'm gonna show you at home

what it is that was in my haul that I typically buy and one of my favorite

things from there do you want to say hi

why are you rocking the Falcons didn't they lose today yeah but they're my team

the bronze were your team really quickly do you want to tell a dad joke - peanuts

were walking down the road one was assaulted this is what I live with

I couldn't even be bothered to put on makeup today I dressed really cute my

officer liked you but no makeup but anyways okay we're gonna go into Costco

I'm gonna show you my favorite things to buy and I'm probably gonna discover some

new things because every time I go to Costco I find something new so let's go

we're currently circling the Costco parking lot because is there ever a time

that you go to Costco and there's parking never but I was just singing to

Matt it's so crazy that it's always so packed but the lines always moved so

fast like chick-fil-a fast it's crazy but also I was just laughing because

we're driving through the parking lot and I just saw a woman in a poplar coat

like a full-on puffer coat and I go what's the temperature right now he goes

75 I was like that time you know you're in LA 75 degrees it's time to break out

the winter jacket that's the money right there

oh okay so this makes me really excited this is the best steamer in the entire

world it's Conair and it's only 29 sorry no

it's $39.99 here I think it's 50 at the back and beyond

I use this every time that I need to steam our iron because I hate irons and

this actually it's so good you know they also carry t3 which is

really exciting I love t3 I haven't tried their straightener but I do have a

t3 hairdryer and I love it so much $99.99 with a great price okay so

something that I didn't realize that they carry oven Roasters okay so I just

bought one of these on Amazon for my turkey on Thanksgiving but also instant

pots man I love my instant pot so much the price isn't as good as Amazon though

well I got it on prime day for $99.99 pulled a spot in the joint and the

prices are so good you get three pounds for $4.99

one of our favorite things that cost reversal their meat is incredible but

their salmon was a basil pesto butter oh my gosh is so good we love her prepared

judicious to everything we've ever tried from here is just fantastic the basil

pesto oh my gosh this is so good and actually talked about the region that

this is from in salt that a sativa and then we love these oh my gosh okay

another thing that we come to Costco for is diapers because you can't meet the

prices of diapers at Costco and tequila and he's eating snacks right now because

I had to bribe him to get him through that's what you come to come before me

so--but be here right now I'm gonna play literally living in mine

but we're gonna have girl with camera key put that down

we'll burn with a little crazy I don't even want to see with the damages what

do you think what's your guess we're four four hundred and it's four hundred

we'll see okay we are home that was the longest trip effort to Costco ever what

do you think it's mostly because I think it was a Sunday before Thanksgiving and

like it was just everybody had the same idea that they're going to get all their

shopping done I set this right here and see if though nope it doesn't work

that's too low okay well that's not going to work it's

really hard for me to show you what I got and hold you at the same time couple

of things I got at Costco that are like totally necessary is alkaline water it's

actually still in the car but the Costco brand alkaline water is the absolute

best because the price is just so good and it tastes really good

another thing that I like to get there is my better than bullion this is my

favorite bullion for making soup it's just it's so good it's just got a really

rich taste to it which is really nice let's open the fridge and see what else

I've got in here a lot of produce like I said that's where we mostly get our

produce because that's where I like to get everything to make baby food this

light is like so blue it's kind of crazy and I didn't realize how about I looked

without makeup but you know on the Shelf so that I can show you guys a couple of

things that we picked up so something that we got that I've never tried before

and I'm excited about is the steel cut oats powerbal coconut milk cranberries

almonds toasted coconut and flax seed so it's basically the things that I would

already put in my oatmeal so that's really exciting salmon with pesto butter

oh my gosh I talked about this in store this is our favorite we're gonna grill

that and the best another thing that they have there that we absolutely love

is their soups their soups are so that their broccoli cheddar is incredible

another one that we love this one's actually it's already in our fridge from

another previous trip but this is their chicken tortilla it's really good

we tried their coconut chicken soup today actually we bought that so I don't

know how good that's gonna be I've got a huge pack of drumsticks chicken legs

like I need to show it to because it's like

so math I can't even imagine no it's probably about six pounds but I will

probably use most of it because I make chicken noodle soup it's my mom's recipe

I make a huge pot of it Masum feeling like he's coming down with

a little cold I'm not convinced that it's a cold I think it's allergies but

just in case I'm gonna go ahead and make him some so ever chicken soup and this

is the basil pesto I was talking about in store so this is actually made in the

Liguria Liguori Liguria is a high onset region of Italy if you haven't seen salt

fatty acid heat that is my favorite documentary to date and it's on Netflix

and it's a four-part documentary docu-series and it's all about cooking

and it just really makes you fall in love with the art of cooking and just

food got a bunch of veggies because I really am trying to make more vegetable

based baby food for her versus the sweet because like whenever you buy baby food

I've noticed like when I go to Whole Foods they look at baby food everything

has a sweet base and I think that that's so frustrating because it's just

teaching her that every meal that she eats needs to have sweet in it and

that's just not that's not a healthy be realistic she likes green beans but

they're not her favorite so I might have to mix them with a little I'll put a

little butter in them maybe a little garlic a little salt and pepper I'm just

talking about what I got it and hope is so that's the green beans I bought a

huge bag of broccoli that's for me I loved eating raw broccoli like as a

snack and like I don't even need anything on it like I love broccoli and

not things I'm like a freak because of that Oh another thing that I absolutely

love at Whole Foods is their little granola bites and I went back to get

them and they were gone they didn't have them this time or at least I couldn't

find them which we did go to a different track than we normally go to because I

needed to run an errand and so we just went to the one that was closest to I

needed to run the errand but another thing that I bought and so we bought a

lot of snacky stuff because it's Thanksgiving like and we have Matt's mom

coming into town and she likes to snack so I wanted to buy like snacky

that I got that I love are these Brockman's crunch Eddie's oh my gosh

they're so good I fell in love with these when I was in living in Vancouver

we lived really close to this really awesome grocery store and they carried

these this one is crunchy bites and our premium dark chocolate and it's got wild

blueberries almonds and ancient grains in it so they're just a really good

snack and then we got but yeah that's pretty much our food trick in general

it's mostly produce mostly meat that's where we like to buy those two things

most of the time it's hard to buy other things like baking stuff you know like

flour sugar things like that because you have to buy them in such huge quantities

I did buy a huge bag of organic cane sugar and I did buy a pie for

Thanksgiving I bought at Lincoln High I ordered two pies gee pumpkin pies from

Whole Foods and they were ten dollars each and they only have they're like the

regular size I ordered this one I bought this one at Costco and I don't know if

you could see how big it is it's like the size of two regular regular pies

yeah it's $5.99 $5.99 for one that's double

the size of the $10 one at Whole Foods let me know in the comments do you like

these styles videos like more vlog style I'm really about it holding the camera

and I've cut my head off through most of this video so sorry about that but

you're not here to look at the top of my head anyways you're here to see what I

buy at Costco cuz you're nosy like me like when I click on these videos I

don't care about seeing the person that's talking in the video I care about

seeing what they're buying what's in their shopping cart and I think I did a

pretty good job of showing you guys what was in there Oh real quick I'm gonna

show you guys real quick these are the this is the alkaline water that we get

at Costco and it's fantastic my chiropractor actually got me started on

this this alkaline water because as you can see back in in that corner right

there that's the Trader Joe's alkaline water and it's fantastic too but this is

way cheaper you get a 12-pack and they're 1 liter each for 9.99 at Costco

and the that's just a really really good price

and I drink more water than anybody that I know like I go through so much water

it's crazy another thing that we got is diapers and I crunched the numbers for

that and here in LA a hundred and eighty diapers and she's in a size four are

$42.99 so that's approximately I think it was twenty four cents a diaper and I

picked up two packages of diapers the other day at the drugstore

Walgreens whatever I just went to the drugstore here and I thought and they

were buy one get one 50% off and even then with it being like majorly on sale

the diapers were still 30 cents a pop so you're saving like six cents a diaper

you know like if you're like paying attention to the prices like that I just

thought that I could crunch numbers for anyone out there who is looking for a

good better deal on diapers Costco memberships they definitely are the

other thing that's cool about Costco that I feel like a lot of people don't

know is that you can buy your iPhone through Costco you can buy like your ear

pods you can book travel you get a percentage back at the end of year

there's just like so many benefits to it so anyways those are those are my

reasons are my plugs for why I love Costco so I hope you guys enjoyed this

video leave a comment below let me know if this is something that you like and

you want to do like more of these like come shop with me vlog style videos yeah

visit me on my blog and Julian Chacon come visit or follow me on Instagram I

Angela Lander and don't forget to subscribe to my channel Antron

notifications so that you know when a new video goes live on Mondays and

Fridays or of all guys

For more infomation >> COSTCO SHOP WITH ME - Duration: 12:42.


Falsa Identidad | Capítulo 48 | Telemundo - Duration: 12:47.


Do you know a boy named Max Guevara?

Do you feel like you betrayed Isabel?

I didn't betray her. We're not together anymore.

Where are you? I'll take you somewhere safe.

I am somewhere safe.

You can't say I didn't try.

Everyone knows you own this penitentiary.

I wouldn't stay here even if they treated me like a god.

What else do you have to say?

You've moved on. I have a right to do the same.

You do. Absolutely.

And Circe is still missing? Where the hell is she?

Do you think he's a traitor?

There's one way to find out.

<i> I have your address.</i>

Don't tell anyone.

We're both in danger.

This is your tormenter's address.

Jose, please get rid of Circe.

So we may all find peace.


So what is this place? Is it a house or something?

I don't know.

Circe's never asked me to meet her there.

But I do know she doesn't have any men with her.

They all stayed at Brandon's warehouse.

She's probably with Diego. He's more than enough for her.

Maybe this is where he's been hiding

after leaving Corona's wife.

Mr. Gavino told us not to touch his daughter.

Are we really declaring war on him?

Cut the crap, Topo! Gather around!

Alright, listen up.

From now on, this cartel belongs

to Jose Arturo Hernandez Esparza, i.e., me.

We have two enemies:

One is that geezer Mr. Gavino

and the other is his daughter Hot Mama.

Get your toys ready. We're going to party.

Move it!

Why do I have to tag along?

What do you mean why?

If I can't find Circe, who will I waste my bullets on?

We booked you a first-class ticket.

Who was that?


What? Why'd you call Augusto?

That was very risky!

Yes, but I need to find out if he's playing dirty or not.

You do. Is this place safe?

At this stage, there's no such thing.

Congratulations by the way.

Your spells worked. Diego's mine.

I just have to get rid of Joselito and Augusto

so I can start over.

Let's start over.

Did you bring my clothes?

I brought your favorites.

Honey, I'm so glad you're okay.

Did I or did I not warn you, Salas?

Calling that woman and passing myself off as Emiliano

was ------- stupid!

But you insisted and I was dumb enough to listen!


I thought she'd stop after that.

She didn't! She did the opposite!

She kept looking!

She turned up at Isabel's and asked for Max Guevara?

Yes, yes!

Isabel told her the Guevaras had moved.

Yes, but that'll only buy you some time.

I'm sure she'll keep digging around.

Thanks for the peace of mind!

So what should we do next, Oh Brilliant One?

I got Isabel and her kids into this mess

and I have to get them out. I owe them that much.

You saved her from her husband's mistreatment.

And for what? For them to get back together?

That's a mess for another day. What are we going to do?

I can call Scavo and ask him what he thinks.

Also, Isabel has to withdraw the kids from school.

Margot asked about Max Guevara because she has a few leads.

Damn it.


Did I hear you correctly back there at the table?

What do you mean?

About us going to Amanda's school together, like a family.

Well... I think about the family sometimes.

I don't know, it's a chance for us to be together again.

I can't believe you're saying that, Chabelita.

Hug me!

Easy, Porfirio. I need my space.

I promise I won't let you down.

I will do things right and win you back.

I promise.


The child's name is Max Guevara.

He attends this school. He has a large family too.

His mother Camila, father Emiliano,

and a woman who I think is his grandmother drops him off.

-His grandmother? -Yes.

I think she drops him off when his parents are at work.

Why are you asking so much about him?

I'm a distant relative of theirs.

I just arrived from the US.

Of course!

They came here looking for a school for the kids.

It's rare to see people migrate here from the US.

I'm looking for them.

I haven't heard from them since they left the US

and I had a very hard time locating them.

Well, they should be here soon.

If you wait a few minutes, you can surprise them!

-Thank you so much. -Excuse me.


$3,000 for a passport?

I know there are no materials to make them with

and that that's why they're so expensive,

but I don't have the money.

No, don't cry. I didn't say I wouldn't help.

You know things are difficult for me here.

I'm not saying I won't help, okay?

I'm saying I need some time. I'll help you get the money.

Alright. Bye.


You were talking to your sister, weren't you?

Don't stress, girl.

We'll get whatever it is that she needs.

I will.

I don't need the help of a good-for-nothing, unemployed,

narco thief who thinks he's Prince Charming.

Did you have Angry O's for breakfast?

You're getting a little too used to spending the night.

This isn't a bed and breakfast. You have your own room.

I didn't know my spending the night annoyed you so much.

Who doesn't hate being a guy's bedmate for a month?

Bedmate? What?

Your in-the-meantime girl.

Since I don't know if I'm your friend, neighbor

or girlfriend, then I'm your last resort.

We're not kids anymore. You're my woman.

No touching, no kissing. Stand back.

I'm not yours and I'm not your woman.

We can fix that. Sit.

Alright. Give me your hand.

I, Deivid, would like to ask you, Gabriela,

a Venezuelan woman, if you'd like to formally date

this Mexican who was an unemployed narco thug?

You in?

How can I say no to a hunk like you?


Marlene will think I stole her boyfriend away.

I don't care about Marlene!

She's going to marry Augusto, so it doesn't matter.

Hold on.

Marlene's fiancé is named Augusto?

I don't care.

Why'd you lied to me?

We agreed we wouldn't lie to each other.

Or are you suggesting you just held hands last night too?

You said you were going to give him another chance.

Chucho's a piece of work.

What about Augusto?

Auntie? What are you doing here?

I couldn't stay in Sonora after what you told me.

I couldn't.

Hi, Auntie.

Welcome, then. We're happy to have you.

But that topic's not up for discussion.

I don't want to talk about it.

Well, we'll have to.

I won't leave until we talk.

Auntie, I don't think now's the best time to do that.

When will it be? After she's married?

We already talked about this. Augusto is the love of my life.

You were a child when you became that bastard's mistress.

I was so blind!

Enough! I've had it!

How long will I have to put up with this?

Isabel, Diana, Fernanda and now you.


I'm an adult and I make my own choices.

Yes, Augusto and I have been together for a long time

and I know he treated Fernanda poorly,

but that has nothing to do with me.

He doesn't love her.

Augusto has always loved me and I him.

What's the big deal?

Don't you care that he's a thief who defrauded Fernanda?

No! I don't care!

Or that he used Eliseo's position

to do business with the Gaonas?


Or that he's a murderer?


Augusto killed the Alamos DA.

He killed a good man in cold blood

on the Gaonas' orders.


That's new, Mrs. Fernanda!

What is? I always get here on time.

No, don't get upset. I mean you being alone.


Without a bodyguard.

Did you leave your boyfriend at home?

Boyfriend? What boyfriend?

The guy who's always with you, rain or shine.

Salas is his name, isn't it?

Listen, young man, he's a friend.

Get your eyes checked.

I'm too old to have a boyfriend.

My eyes are just fine.

And you've still got it going on.

I'm kidding!

Are you saying you don't have a heart because you're older?

What is going on?

Does everyone think a woman can't be on her own

and that she needs a man to survive?

No. I can fend for myself.

Quit playing Dr. Love

and dry those glasses or do something useful.

I'm very excited about us going somewhere as a family.

It's great to see that you are!

So are you going to cheer for your sister?

Yes, I will!

Amanda, Amanda...

Things will be better for us. You'll see.

-Who is it? -Don't be nervous.

You'll be great.

-What are you doing here? -Who is it?

-Diego. -Huh?

Hi. Hi, Salas.

Hey, Isabel. How are you?

-We need to talk. -What are you doing here?

You can't take the children to school.

It's dangerous to do so now.

The Guevaras' aunt is snooping around

and we believe she'll be there.

-Whose aunt? -What about the festival?

It's best if you transfer them to another school.

Don't do it, Mom.

I made a friend and I have to participate in the festival.

Why do you always ruin everything, Diego?

Leave us alone!

You should go! Leave!


For more infomation >> Falsa Identidad | Capítulo 48 | Telemundo - Duration: 12:47.


Graco 4Ever 4-in-1 Convertible Car Seat - What to Expect review - Duration: 1:31.

- Hey guys, this is Maya Vorderstrasse with What To Expect,

and today we're going to be taking a look

at the Graco 4Ever 4-in-1 convertible car seat.

If you're looking for a car seat

that will grow with your baby,

from that nervous ride from the hospital

through the toddler years and beyond,

this is the choice for you.

The frame of this car seat is steel-reinforced,

and on the sides here you have extra padding

that have been tested for side impact.

The safest way to use this car seat

is rear-facing for the first two years

of your child's life.

Then, when your child reaches either 40 pounds

or two years old,

you can reverse the car seat to front-facing.

You can adjust the head rest

and the five point harness together.

That way, you don't have to re-thread anything,

and you can adjust it to your child's height.

The car seat comes with a newborn insert,

which is very safe for the baby,

and you can just remove it as your child grows.

I know it's really hard to imagine our kids getting so big,

but this car seat becomes a booster seat

that will accommodate a child up to 120 pounds.

The InRight latch system connects to your car in seconds,

which makes the installation's super easy.

You can install the latch connectors directly

into your car buckles.

One of the drawbacks is that this is just a car seat.

You will not connect to your stroller

or become a baby carrier,

but if you're looking for a car seat

that will grow with your baby,

this is the perfect option for you.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Graco 4Ever 4-in-1 Convertible Car Seat - What to Expect review - Duration: 1:31.


Crowd-Funding for Football Clubs - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Crowd-Funding for Football Clubs - Duration: 4:01.


Obsesionada Con Su Violador 👩 🏘👨‍🎤 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:01.

For more infomation >> Obsesionada Con Su Violador 👩 🏘👨‍🎤 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:01.


Who Can Make Better Butter Chicken - Saransh Goila vs Akash | BuzzFeed India - Duration: 10:22.

Should I use this or what?

Are you asking me? It's a competition.

I've f**** it up, I feel.

Oh, f****ing hell.

I'm stressing... I'm stressing.

I think I may just have cracked a better butter chicken.

Hi, my name is Saransh Goila.

I run a brand called Goila Butter Chicken.

Hi, my name is Akash.

I would like to call myself a decent weeknight chef.

I feel butter chicken has evolved in the last 20 years,

but the love for the dish in our country remains the same.

Like, you go to an Indian restaurant, you're drinking, you're having a good time,

you eat chicken tikka, butter chicken, butter naan, that's it.

I have been in a pressure situation like this,

and I know exactly how it feels.

He's been on MasterChef. He's won some contest before,

so he knows what a contests is supposed to be like.

And I also know, that it's just that day, anybody can win,

whether you're a chef or not.

The competition for me today is to somehow make a butter chicken, that's it.

My competition is not against Saransh

because that's literally how he makes his daily bread,

which he also eats with a bread...

So you have 60 minutes to make the best butter chicken that you can.

Are you ready?


Are you ready, Saransh? -Yeah, absolutely ready.

Three, two, one, go.


Where's your knife kit?

I have a knife.

Like this is confidence, you just carry one around.

You don't need like six.

So first of all, I'm going to marrinate my chicken in a...

special Iyer marinade.

It's a secret recipe which I can't talk about.

Recipes with secrets are so secretive that they fail.

Oh, so why don't you tell us the secret to your Goila butter chicken?


There was no secret Iyer's recipe.

It was just to throw him off.

I marinate the chicken with some hung curd,

with some spices, ginger-garlic paste,

with lots of yogurt and mustard oil which is a very key element.

I'm just gonna...okay.

It's a little disturbing.

Seems about right.

Should I use this or what?

Are you asking me? It's a competition.

Should I use some oil or what? To marinate.

I like how there are so many 'should I's' in your recipe.

You can use all the yogurt by the way.

You're not using yogurt for your marinade?


As a chef, I would never imagine somebody cooking

a butter chicken tikka without yogurt.

Very important, to kind of puncture the chicken like this.

(Whispering) Which he has not done.

You know there's a Hindi proverb — The yogurt has gone bad.

There's another one — the curd has spilled. -Oh yeah.

That's what's going to happen today.

The curd is with me because you have no yogurt.

So that's what I'm saying. It's your curd that's going to spill.

(laughs) Oh, that's also true.

Dude, I forgot to put lemon in the goddamn marinade.

When I cook at home, I'm in a very calm space that's like a meditative process.

I'm like, listening to some music and calmly doing my thing with no distractions.

But today was totally different.

Like, I had to talk about it, I had to look at what he was doing,

he was distracting me, there was a competition.

There were so many distractions that I forgot to do so many things in the process.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What is happening?

You guys have another ingredient that you must incorporate in your dish.

It's Old Monk.

There was a surprise ingredient today in our challenge.

I think at that point I was a little behind on my schedule,

and I was panicking because I didn't know what to do.

We can use it differently? Like we can sip on it?

Yeah, can we just give it to them like Pepsi?

Okay, I can't waste time here pondering on this. -F***ing hell.

Cheers. -Cheers.

See this is the thing dude. Like, he's a chef.

He knows exactly where to put what. -F***ing hell.

I have no idea how to use Old Monk in a butter chicken recipe,

and I'm being honest about this. -But you at least know like,

what to do to your recipe.

There is no competitive edge that I have here.

Oh, you put curd in that you can't even put it in your marinade.

Yeah, I can't put in in my marinade...f***

I can put it in my marinade, I suppose.

I just dumped all the Old Monk in panic into the chicken.

You got to get all the natural sugars out of the onions.

So first, you've got to fry the onions.

Look at you studying online courses on cooking.

The gravy is a very simple affair, okay?

You've got to make an onion and tomato paste,

which you can eat with your dosa also.

If you have more time, then you can add a few more steps and turn it into a butter chicken.

Did you just say paste?


Unlike the traditional method where you just cook the onions and the tomato,

I kind of boil all of this together and then blend it.

Gravy should have been on the range by now

because this needs about 20 minutes to cook,

and then I need 5 minutes to blend and then cook it again.

So I feel I'm like 10 minutes behind my schedule.

I'm going to put this chicken on the tray,

and I'm going to let this chicken grill.

What are you going to do with the chicken?

I'm going to fry the chicken, dude.

Fry the chicken?

What version of butter chicken are you making?

So, he took a totally different approach on cooking the chicken

where he fried the chicken with his masala.

I like how this is grilling. I think the Old Monk is actually doing it a favour.

I think I may have just cracked a better butter chicken!

It does smell nice.

It does smell nice right. -I'll give you that

Mmm.. -Lacks a little bit of salt though.

I think it's okay.

I'm very impressed, I must say so.

Thank you, thank you.

I was quite surprised that the Old Monk actually, kind of,

elevated the dish in some way.

Gravy time.

It's officially a paste now, look at this.

You can eat this with dosa.

This is not a dosa, but I'm still going to eat it.

Dry spices are essential, you know.

This is what will give that complex flavour to butter chicken.

I have this feeling that I'll be short on time.

I'm not liking this.

It's going to take some more time.

Time time time, time check. -Yeah, how much time?

25 minutes to go.

Oh f*** it.

Dude, I forgot the cashews!



Sad emoji.

Like, I had to fry the cashew nuts along with the onions and tomatoes,

which I had even written down.

But I didn't even look at that paper,

and towards the end, I realized I forgot to add the cashew nuts.

Your best way out of this right now... -Yeah?

is to just use my gravy and present it as yours,

And now it's time to blend my gravy which has cashews in it.

I've f***ed it up, I feel.

Oh f***ing hell.

I'm stressing... I'm stressing.

When you have 20 minutes left,

the spices are not yet in the gravy, and it's not on the pan,

you kind of start stressing out.

And at the 20 minute mark, I was really stressing out.

I was like, what if I can't present my butter chicken.

Yeah, this needs to cook for 10 more minutes... Shit!

Okay it's starting to look like butter chicken.

You're not straining it?

I've made it fine enough, so I can avoid that.

I think that's like a rookie mistake.

I usually like to leave a little texture around,

so when you're eating, it kind of breaks the monotony.

Butter chicken is supposed to be buttery, and...

his was not quite buttery.

My gravy is going to go in.

Breathe Saransh, breathe.

How do I f***ing strain? I've never strained before.

Something smells good.

I don't know if it's yours or mine.

Dude, you are in so much f***ing trouble.

Something missing in this.

The gravy is smashing!

Shayan: How's it going, Akash?

I think I just dropped too much chilli powder just right now as you distracted. -Shayan: Akash, stop stressing bro.

So now what I'm going to do is a classic, very traditional step,

is you take dried fenugreek leaves,

goes on the top.

This is not turning into a powder.

Did you cut it up? What did you do, dude?

His fenugreek leaves didn't crush because you need to dry roast it.

They become crunchy and then you can...

I didn't know what to do. I just rubbed them with my hand.

My hands were already moist, so they ended up becoming like a goop-type substance,

and in panic, I just threw it over my butter chicken hoping for the best.

Oh wow, this looks so good.

If all else fails, just put some extra cream in there.

Too much cream in butter chicken, f***s it up.

Bro, why do you comment on everything, man?

Give me a little confidence.

So the classic butter chicken always had this light orange colour to it,

and that's what I have been able to achieve.

Mine is turquoise or what?

Beautiful... beautiful.

And now my chicken is going to go

in the gravy.

Nicely charred,

has got that butter chicken aroma.

So now all that's left for me to do is to use the Old Monk.

My butter chicken is ready!

Time's up!


Thank you, we are done.

Mine looks more like a butter chicken than yours, I just got to say.

You're saying mine looks like Kadhai and all, what pff.

I got my butter chicken the way I wanted it to be.

My butter chicken

looked great,

but it didn't taste great, according to me.

I felt like it was too tangy.

What if Akash's marinade of Old Monk turns out better than my flambé on the top?

I don't mind losing, but I don't want to lose 3-nil

because my butter chicken looks good.

Now it's a matter of which one do people prefer.

Do they like that whole sweet, creamy version of it,

or will they like a little robust, chef-like butter chicken that they're going to eat today?

This looks like the butter chicken that my dad makes at home.

The colour of the gravy is a little too dark for it to be butter chicken.

I think the cream is missing...

It's not sweet. It's got a very strong taste of cardamom.

Plus, home butter chicken, it's like one of the best.

I can't taste the spices in the chicken.

Unless I dip it in gravy and eat it, I can't taste.

But the gravy is really, really nice.

But the gravy is really, really nice. It's a little less buttery than how butter chicken is supposed to be like I guess.

It's a little less buttery than how butter chicken is supposed to be like, I guess.

Otherwise, I would say it's a good butter chicken.

This looks really professional.

The colour of the gravy is pretty perfect.

And there's a lot of butter which is like a very...

This butter chicken looks more creamier.

This is sweeeter than I thought it should be.

The only distinct flavour is chilli.

It has a lot of tomato puree also in it.

It's pretty average.

This one definitely tastes a lot more creamier and a lot more buttery,

so a great butter chicken.

I'm picking this one as my pick.

This one, the first one that I tasted.

I would actually go with this one.

So it was a unanimous decision,

and we have a very clear winner,

and that is...

drumroll please...


Thank you!

Well done, bro. -Congrats

I think there's a little confusion here...

this should go to the person who loses.

Very well done.

Thank you, I made a butter chicken.

You made a butter chicken — A... And you know what? Honestly speaking,

30-minute mark, I didn't think you would pull it off.

but then I tasted your dish,

I was very surprised.

And you know what, you have potential to cook,

so you must keep cooking!


For more infomation >> Who Can Make Better Butter Chicken - Saransh Goila vs Akash | BuzzFeed India - Duration: 10:22.


Señora Acero 5 | Capítulo 24 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:18.

Any similarities to actual people, names, stories,

or any other events is purely coincidental.



You have the gift of hope.

How hopeful are you feeling now?


Stage 4.

We have to begin treatment immediately.

My sister had a change of heart!

We've got our daughter!

We'd like to introduce Sarita Acero Franco!


Bring me Old Major.

I want to see my gold.

I can't be with you

knowing you're with five different dudes every night.

Though if the kid is mine, I'll take responsibility.

I've come to ask you to return to the FBI.

-I'd love to. -Great.

We'll take care of Salvador Acero

so he gets over that habit of shooting me in the chest.

Unless Mexican authorities ask for our help,

I'm not doing a thing for them, Fuentes.

I don't care what my boss says.

Once in Mexico, we'll ask the federal police for help.

Can't wait to hear how your bones crack

when you hit the pavement.


It's yours, Rooster.

It's simple, we'll need a paternity test.

You're the worst thing that's ever happened to me.

You're going to die at the hands of the Woman of Steel.


He's fainted! Hurry up!

I'm trying!

You're gonna be okay. Hold on.

We're almost there.

Let's go!

I know you're going through a hard time.

I want to be alone. I just want to die.

What happened was serious.

The only option is to amputate the hand.

Wake up.

You said no one would change our fate.

Wake up.

-Chava! -Bring someone in!

-Chava! -Doctor!

Do something!

Come back!




What's going on?

Chava, ------- it!


Your husband's a warrior.

Just like you, sis.

I wish I were as strong as you and the Aceros.

Chavita, sweetie.

The doctor says you can eat now.

What do you feel like having?

I'm okay, auntie.

It's curious that every time I see you,

it's like I'm seeing Mom.

How are you feeling?

Ready to finish that fight from Aracely's wedding.

Well, to be honest, you're looking a little worn, Chava.

But they already told me about the other guy.

You almost took off his hand.

You've got -----.

If anyone's got the -----

to take over the family and the biz, it's you.

Rooster, Aunt, I want you to take care of Rosario

and my girls after this.

You're going to be okay.

Hey, you're going to make it out of this.

You need to get better. We have a lot of things to do.

Everything will be okay.




What is this for?

Hold on.

This used to happen to my old boss.

This'll keep her from overdosing.

Sweetie, drink up!

She's not swallowing. She's gonna die on me!

Coz, you need to drink.

I'm sorry.

I don't know how they got there.

They must've fallen out of the box.

I thought my mom tossed them.

She's drinking now.

Drink up. Breathe.

Hey, listen to me.

You might be grown up and I might be nobody to you,

but you need to understand that this crap is dangerous!

Drink up.

Come on. Drink up.

Everything'll be alright. You can't die on me.

Hold on.

------- drugs!

All they're good for is killing people.

Sons of bitches! I'll kill you all!

You can't pin down the Devil!

Keep that ------- needle away from me!

I'll ------- stab you in the eye with it!

Boss, I need you to relax.

We need to stabilize you to take care of your hand.

No, I was asleep far too long.

I don't want to do it again, Mandrake.

Sir, I understand.

I know you could withstand any procedure without anesthesia,

but this isn't a simple procedure.

I don't want you to go into shock.

Listen to me. I'm not a five-year-old.

Don't talk to me like that.

If you, the doc or anyone lays a hand on me,

I'll throw you in a vat of acid.

Understood? I don't care who it is.

Yes, sir. I understand.


You guys can leave. Let's go, Doc.

About time he shut up.

With all this drama, it's like he's Neymar.

I had to give him ketamine.

That's for horses.

Yeah, it's the only thing that'd put Teca down.

Don't worry.

I gave him the exact dose

so he remains under throughout the entire procedure.

He'll be pissed when he wakes up with a hand missing.

You think you're funny?

Teca was recently in a coma.

I don't think he'd withstand

a prolonged reconstruction surgery.

You're right.

Do whatever you want. I don't care.

Cut his tongue out too. Maybe he'll stop talking ----.

Sleep tight, Prince Charming.

I wish I could give you a hand, but I only have two.


Hurry. What are you waiting for?

Help him out.

Come on.

Where are the masks?

The problem is that you seem to shoot first

and then you ask questions.

I'm guessing you'd rather be

at Agent Moreno's funeral right now, right?

Don't put words in my mouth.

I only demand you follow the law.

What'd I do wrong? I followed procedure.

I saved my partner's life. I acted in self-defense.

There are other ways.

Alright, tell me one thing I could've done within reason

and I'll turn in my badge and my gun.

You could've detained him,

but as usual when you take command of an operation,

someone died.

It's very easy to make a sound judgment from behind a desk.

You live in Washington.

You've no idea how things work here near the border.

For the...

If Almeida would've...

But he's not!

I'm in charge of this office now

and the FBI is an American agency

not some cantina in the Wild West.

This would've never happened if you'd followed my orders.

I told you this was not our jurisdiction

and you still got us involved!

Now we're responsible

for the death of a man we weren't seeking!

Well, I will always prefer killing a criminal

than letting a fellow agent die.

Is that a problem?

They've been in there for hours.

Floyd is probably giving another warning.

Floyd could demote him and Alberto wouldn't care.

He doesn't give a rat's ass about anything.

That's not surprising.

He's always been like that.

It'd be surprising if he started following the rules.

The issue's that he's irresponsible.

He thinks he can fix everything with a gun.

Leticia, he saved your life and that's what matters.

No, what matters is that he's changed and we know the reason.

Vicenta Acero.

Everything's gone to hell since she showed up in his life.

I brought you some coffee.


Don't you think he looks pale?

No, the nurse was here earlier.

He no longer needs oxygen and they changed his gauzes.

That's good, right?


Thank you for everything you're doing for us.

Don't thank me.

I'm only doing what he would've done in my place.


He must be dreaming about something nice.

His family, probably.

Yeah, Mom.

The guards are outside and the nanny's with the kids.


Yes, don't worry.

Azuceno's still here with us. Everything's fine.


How are the kids?


They're in the living room.

The baby's sleeping and they're playing videogames.

What about Elizabeth?

Rosario said she wasn't doing well.

She's acting strange, but she's fine.

She's on the phone.


Mom, I got to go.

I have to help with breakfast.

Hey, leave Azuceno be. Go back to bed.

Sweetie, I know you don't feel like it,

but you need to get up.


I need to put you in the shower.

Remember this hand is useless. Help me out.


You need a shower to feel better.

You're gonna be okay.

What the hell?

He's still sleeping?

Yeah, nothing's changed.

How are you? How are you feeling?

Don't worry. I'm okay.


Sweetie, calm down.

-Chava! -Bring someone in!

Doctor! Someone call a doctor!


He's shaking.

What's wrong?


Tell me.

Do something!

Quickly! He's not responding!

The defibrillator, stat!

He's going to be okay.

Chava, come back!







Sweetie, please!


What's going on?


For more infomation >> Señora Acero 5 | Capítulo 24 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:18.


California Reels With Tragedy, More Threats; Donald Trump Flunks Empathy | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> California Reels With Tragedy, More Threats; Donald Trump Flunks Empathy | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC - Duration: 3:56.


海邊拍到一個「 大膽無禮的不明飛行物 UFO!」 有字幕 - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> 海邊拍到一個「 大膽無禮的不明飛行物 UFO!」 有字幕 - Duration: 10:02.


TOP 5 English expressions from Daredevil Season 3 - Duration: 4:17.

Hello, it's Jinger.

I watch TV shows and movies almost everyday.

I put a notebook and a pencil next to me

and right down English expressions.

A lot of people ask me how I research expressions from show and movies.

This is how I do it.

I use Google search as well.

The most recent TV show I've watched

is Daredevil season 3.

I wrote down English expressions from this show too.

Expressions used twice or more in the entire season

and common expressions that I've heard from difference shows

I'll share 5 of them with you guys.

There is a little spoiler for season 3. So be careful.

Jinger English

Sec is a short form of 'second'.

Give me a second means

give me a moment.

If you think about 'Gone with the Wind', 'in the wind' may be

easier to understand

Someone's gone with the wind, hence missing.

Save someone's has

a slang term

Honestly, it's not a decent expression.

But I hear it often from TV shows.

Now I think of it,

there is no scene with Daredevil. Lol

While watching this video

you may want to ask How good is Daredevil for studying English?

It could be good or bad to be honest.

I'll tell you what's bad first.

I've made a listening video with scenes out of Daredevil.

People said

Why did you fast forward?

I've been living in America for a few years

but I can't understand.


I saw a lot of comments like that.

People talk faster than usual in this show.

Main characters are lawyers and reporters

who are educated,

they use advance vocabularies.

For beginners and intermediate level students

will really struggle.

But, in reverse

this could be a good thing.

You can learn advanced vocabularies.

If you can listen English well

you can improve your skills even more.

Even though it's a hero show

it's also a legal drama.

So you can learn legal terms that American people often use.

People sue everyone in America.

You could get sued for small things.

People often deal with legal issues.

Because of the jury system

common people often appear in courts.

When you learn common legal terms

it will greatly help you in America.

If this video gets good views

maybe once a month

I'll share English expressions that I write down from shows.

When I say this

some might say 'All she cares about is money'.

More views = more money.

I pick topics I want to talk about.

But if that video gets horrible views

it's difficult to make it again.

To make one video

it takes a lot of time, effort and money.

I'm working with the editor.

Idealism and passion are good.

But they don't always bring me money.

So it's important to find the middle ground.

And I keep thinking about what's the best for my channel.

Thank you so much for watching my videos.

If there is no you

there won't be this channel.

I hope you keep watching my videos in the future.

My name is Jinger.

If you enjoyed this video


I'll be back with different videos.


For more infomation >> TOP 5 English expressions from Daredevil Season 3 - Duration: 4:17.


A Budding Sacramento Housing Solution - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> A Budding Sacramento Housing Solution - Duration: 2:04.


Police Kill Coyote After Attacking Toddler In Placentia Park - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Police Kill Coyote After Attacking Toddler In Placentia Park - Duration: 1:59.


La Sultana | Capítulo 16 | Telemundo - Duration: 16:32.

For more infomation >> La Sultana | Capítulo 16 | Telemundo - Duration: 16:32.


Great News - Sophia Florsch Surgery a Success After Terrifying F3 Crash in Macau China (2018) - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> Great News - Sophia Florsch Surgery a Success After Terrifying F3 Crash in Macau China (2018) - Duration: 0:32.


National winners NPO 2018: Dax - Cees Elzakkers, Halsteren - Duration: 6:09.

I am Cees Elzakkers.

I am 63 years old and a member of 'De Luchtgids' in Halsteren.

A couple of years ago I became a marathon racer.

Here a have the 1st National NPO Dax 2018, a hen. It was a very hard race.

More then 10,000 pigeons.

I got her as an egg from Wim Kooreman.

My strain comes for 90% from Cor de Heijde but every year I try something new as well.

Wim has helped me very well as you can see.

My pigeons served as foster parents.

The latebreds I got from the eggs were trained once as a youngster.

In 2017 I tained them in the youngbird and fall races.

This year I raced them starting from the 1st race.

I entered them once for a 400 kms race in Belgium.

I raced them weekly till a few weeks before Dax.

I started racing on double widowhood.

But at a certain moment the training was not good anymore.

At first they flew 1/1,5 hours, and later they only trained for 5 minutes.

The pigeons were tired of the system I think.

I decided to let them come on nest positions.

She was sent to Dax on eggs of about two weeks.

To my big surprise.

This hen won the 1st prize.

This is the loft of my widowers.

The pigeons live here 365 days a year.

In the winter I take care of them once a day.

Then I give them training around 11.30. I feed them at 1.30 pm and then I am ready.

In february I start darkening the loft.

I close the light that comes through the ceiling.

Which makes it even gloomier in the loft.

The goal is of course to stop the moult as much as possible.

So that I have a full wing during the marathon races.

During the season...

About 6 weeks before the marathon seasons starts I will open the loft more so the light can come in

And then I close the windows at night too they were open all winter and fall.

To inhibit the form.

I also turn the lights on starting 4 weeks before the marathon season.

Not to extend the daylight hours, but to have some more light during gloomy days.

To stimulate the form.

I was at my waiting place, looking at my iPad if there were any reports already.

But nothing happened.

I thought, I would just empty the food bowl in the mean time.

When I walked back I saw the pigeon come.

She landed on the tip of the roof.

I thought: that can not be true!

I had to look into the sun. I thought it might be a stranger.

I got my feeding bowl and I called the pigeon and the pigeons came in.

The feeling you get then is indescribable.

It is just great! Super!

What a great feeling!

I called the reporting station.

Frans was completely nervous.

He did not get things done.

I have the Unikonweb. I said take it easy everything is already arranged

For more infomation >> National winners NPO 2018: Dax - Cees Elzakkers, Halsteren - Duration: 6:09.


Family fears temporary homelessness after Camp Fire - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Family fears temporary homelessness after Camp Fire - Duration: 3:29.


Britax B-Safe 35 Car Seat - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:36.

(piano music)

- Hi, I'm Erin Stutland with What to Expect.

And today I'm talking about the Britax B-Safe 35 car seat.

Now I know every parent is most concerned

about getting in an accident.

So you can rest easy knowing that the safety features

in this car seat are supreme.

It's deep foam-lined shell absorbs side impact energy.

And the base draws the force away from the baby

in the case of an accident.

It's got a steel frame which also makes it super strong.

The level indicators on the side will let you know

that your car seat is installed correctly.

For comfort you can use the infant insert as a headrest

for your baby.

Now also the harnesses have four different points,

so you can continue to change the position

as your baby grows.

It also has a really nice sun canopy,

which is great to keep the baby cool and shaded

on sunny days.

The Britax clips out nice and easy and it clips

into a Britax or BOB stroller.

If you live in a city and you're getting in and out

of taxis or ride shares you don't even need a base

with a Britax,

it has these features right here on the side,

and the seatbelt just goes right on through.

One of the drawbacks of this car seat is that it is supposed

to hold babies up to 35 pounds.

However, parents have complained that their child

has outgrown it sooner than that.

If you're a parent who will rest easy knowing that all

the safety features have absolutely been considered,

then the Britax B-Safe 35 is for you.

(piano music)

For more infomation >> Britax B-Safe 35 Car Seat - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:36.


Jerry Springer Show (11/19/2018)Nikki fears that someone has been hooking up with her man.... - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (11/19/2018)Nikki fears that someone has been hooking up with her man.... - Duration: 5:40.


Jerry Springer Show (11/19/2018)Nikki fears that someone has been hooking up with her man.... - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (11/19/2018)Nikki fears that someone has been hooking up with her man.... - Duration: 5:37.


CL giants open talks over transfer raid on Manchester United, could take advantage of special clause - Duration: 2:42.

 Juventus have reportedly opened talks with Manchester United over a potential future transfer move for midfielder Paul Pogba

 The France international has not had the best of times since leaving Juve for United in the summer of 2016, failing to hit top form in the Premier League so far

 Pogba looked one of the best players in the world during his time in Turin, however, so it's perhaps little surprise there's now apparent interest in bringing him back there

 According to the Metro, initial talks took place between Juventus and the Red Devils before their recent Champions League game in Turin, with the Serie A champions also having a special first-option clause they could activate in any transfer battle involving Pogba, meaning they need to be informed of any bids made

 This looks a big worry for MUFC fans, who'll surely want to see Pogba stay at Old Trafford and fulfil his obvious potential

 The 25-year-old's time may be running out, however, with the club perhaps more likely to cash in on him if offers come in, rather than make yet another change in manager

Paul Pogba is a transfer target for his old club Juventus More Stories / Manchester United FC These two Chelsea & Manchester United players savagely trolled after Liverpool's Virgil van Dijk scores stunner for Netherlands November 19, 2018 22:19 Manchester United clinching £132million double transfer would be welcome change of approach after repeated errors of the Mourinho-Woodward era November 19, 2018 21:58 Liverpool and Manchester United eyeing £61m star being tipped for Premier League transfer November 19, 2018 20:35  Pogba and Jose Mourinho have not looked a natural fit together at United, but it may be that the Portuguese will somehow end up lasting longer of the pair

 The Metro add that Pogba himself is open to returning to his former club, in what would be another superb signing for Massimiliano Allegri after adding big names like Cristiano Ronaldo and others in recent years

For more infomation >> CL giants open talks over transfer raid on Manchester United, could take advantage of special clause - Duration: 2:42.


I can't believe I found ice cream that doesn't taste good.. - Duration: 4:08.

Hello, it's Jinger.

This ice cream is made of coconut milk.

Dairy free.

People with lactose intolerance

vegetarians and vegans can eat this too.

I always ate ice cream that is made of milk.

So I'm curious.

Vanilla flavored.

Very basic.

The brand name is So Delicious.

Is it really? We'll see.

It has real vanilla beans!

Tiny dots in the tub.

It's vanilla bean powder.

This ice cream might be made properly.

I have a good feeling.

Sweet, but..

different from ice cream that has milk in it. It's hard to describe.

How can I describe the taste..

Like soy milk..?

A bit like almond milk..?

It kind of tastes like plant based cream.

Honestly, I don't taste any coconut.

So cold.

To be honest

I don't think it's delicious.

It's not bad either.

I don't know what to say

It's sweet of course.

But it's not happy sweet.

It's creamy but..

different from milk. It's weird.



I look at this


Why did I buy this?

That's how I feel.

I forgot to check the receipt before shooting this video.

I don't remember the price.

$4.99 (I checked while editing the video.)


you don't need to know.

I don't want to buy this again. I do not recommend this.

The brand name is

So Delicious.

But not delicious at all!


I just

want to buy regular ice cream

made of milk.

I don't know how to describe the taste.

The name is totally wrong.

What are these hearts for?

I wasted my money.

My name is Jinger.

If you enjoyed this video


I'll be back with good food next time.


Go away.

I never want to see you again.

For more infomation >> I can't believe I found ice cream that doesn't taste good.. - Duration: 4:08.


181118《下一站传奇》陈伟霆吴亦凡互喊话 火药味十足! - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> 181118《下一站传奇》陈伟霆吴亦凡互喊话 火药味十足! - Duration: 5:30.


Graco Pack 'n Play Change 'n Carry - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:41.

(upbeat music)

- I'm Erin Stutland from What To Expect

and this is the Graco Pack 'n Play Change 'n Carry.

What's great about this product is that

it's extremely versatile from the bassinet

to the changing table to the play yard.

There is a removable bassinet.

It also has a removable changing table and changing pad,

so you can take the changing pad off

and you put it on the ground,

wherever you need to change the baby.

So, if you've got this downstairs,

you've got your changing table upstairs,

you've got multiple places that you can

put the baby down to change him or her.

Now, I have a 10 month old daughter

and when she was two months old,

we took her to my mom's house

and this is exactly the Pack 'n Play

that we used for three weeks.

It was perfect to keep in the bedroom with us.

We had her sleeping in the bassinet

where she felt cozy and secure,

and we had the changing table so we didn't

have to worry about buying an additional changing table

while we were at my mom's.

We've also got these pockets here which can

hold your diapers and your wipes.

The Pack 'n Play is also portable,

so this is great for a vacation or if you want

an additional place for your baby to sleep

if you're staying at your parents' or your in-laws'.

What's also great is the price point.

So, it's extremely affordable compared to other travel cribs

and play yards that are out there on the market.

The Pack 'n Play is 23 pounds, so it's not super light

and it can be a little bit awkward

at times to set up and break down.

No, no, I almost had it.

So, this is something that you want

to be able to open up and leave

at least for a few days at a time.

If you are a parent who values functionality

and you're on a budget, you cannot go wrong

with the Graco Pack 'n Play.

For more infomation >> Graco Pack 'n Play Change 'n Carry - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:41.


For more infomation >> Graco Pack 'n Play Change 'n Carry - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:41.


Le centenaire de l'armistice - Duration: 15:58.

For more infomation >> Le centenaire de l'armistice - Duration: 15:58.


For more infomation >> Le centenaire de l'armistice - Duration: 15:58.


Pool Water Wild Animals Finger Family | nursery rhymes,gorilla,lion,tiger,bear,Arcus N Media kidz - Duration: 3:22.

Pool Water Wild Animals Finger Family

For more infomation >> Pool Water Wild Animals Finger Family | nursery rhymes,gorilla,lion,tiger,bear,Arcus N Media kidz - Duration: 3:22.


For more infomation >> Pool Water Wild Animals Finger Family | nursery rhymes,gorilla,lion,tiger,bear,Arcus N Media kidz - Duration: 3:22.


Summer Infant Pop 'n Play Playard - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:34.

- I'm Erin Stutland with What to Expect,

and today we're talking about the Summer Infant Pop 'n Play.

Now this is not a travel crib, but if you're looking

for a product that you can take

with you on the go that will allow you

to always have a safe space for your infant to play,

this is something great to consider.

If you've got twins or you've got a sibling,

there is plenty of room inside.

If you want your baby out there with you

while you're doing some gardening or some work,

you've got the mesh sides,

so you always can see what's happening inside

with your babes.

It's great for the beach, you can take it on the go.

If you're going to a friend's house

and you want to have your baby with you

but you want to relax and enjoy your friends company,

you've got a safe space for your baby to play.

And if you are outside, this canopy blocks 98%

of UVA and UVB rays, so that's an excellent feature.

It's also lightweight and really easy to set up

and take down.

Because of the larger size,

this may not fit in a small space,

so you're going to want a little bit of room

if this is your go-to product.

Now the down side here that I'm a little concerned about

is my daughter is extremely mobile

and she does not always like to be contained,

so this is something you're going to have

to see on a child-by-child basis

whether or not this is right for you.

If you're a parent who likes to take your child

with you to a variety of different places,

particularly, you like to spend time outside

and you still want a safe and somewhat contained place

to keep your child,

then this is an excellent product to consider.

For more infomation >> Summer Infant Pop 'n Play Playard - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:34.


For more infomation >> Summer Infant Pop 'n Play Playard - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:34.


C'est quoi la peur ? Comment en sortir ? - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> C'est quoi la peur ? Comment en sortir ? - Duration: 7:20.


For more infomation >> C'est quoi la peur ? Comment en sortir ? - Duration: 7:20.


Feed, bad buzz et RGPD - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Feed, bad buzz et RGPD - Duration: 4:25.


For more infomation >> Feed, bad buzz et RGPD - Duration: 4:25.


New Vanessa Paradis rancunière, elle en veut grave à Anna Mouglalis - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> New Vanessa Paradis rancunière, elle en veut grave à Anna Mouglalis - Duration: 2:36.


For more infomation >> New Vanessa Paradis rancunière, elle en veut grave à Anna Mouglalis - Duration: 2:36.


New Brad Pitt met K.O Angelina Jolie, ses vacances joyeuses avec sa tribu à Paris (photo) - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> New Brad Pitt met K.O Angelina Jolie, ses vacances joyeuses avec sa tribu à Paris (photo) - Duration: 2:24.


For more infomation >> New Brad Pitt met K.O Angelina Jolie, ses vacances joyeuses avec sa tribu à Paris (photo) - Duration: 2:24.


How To Get Views On Youtube

For more infomation >> How To Get Views On Youtube


Jevil and Ralsei [DELTARUNE // MEME] - Duration: 0:42.

Your skin is pale white, you have a permanent smile. I know what you are.

Say it.



A sadistic killer.


A psychopath who thinks murder and torture are funny.


Unpredictable homicidal maniac who loves chaos and won't stop

until everyone's dead or just as crazy as he is.

Are you afraid?



Are you serious?

You won't hurt me.

You just pointed out that I could KILL you at any minute.

Hell, I'm thinking of killing you RIGHT NOW--

I trust you.

For more infomation >> Jevil and Ralsei [DELTARUNE // MEME] - Duration: 0:42.


MJ-7 - 0707 (抖音熱門情歌)【歌詞字幕 / 完整高清音質】♫「拜託你別再突然出現 別再拖延我對你的想念...」MJ-7 - Zero Seven Zero Seven - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> MJ-7 - 0707 (抖音熱門情歌)【歌詞字幕 / 完整高清音質】♫「拜託你別再突然出現 別再拖延我對你的想念...」MJ-7 - Zero Seven Zero Seven - Duration: 3:55.


COSTCO SHOP WITH ME - Duration: 12:42.

all right I'm taking you guys shopping with me but grocery shopping kind of

pasta was like everything right it's not just groceries kind of everything we are

out running around at the Sunday before Thanksgiving and I have a ton of

groceries to pick up for the week not just for Thanksgiving but I make all of

my coming baby food I wish there was a way to hold this matter I'm so bad at

vlogging but I'm gonna do a little bit of her shoe shopping for Thanksgiving

for the week for us ahead and then also to make McKinley's baby food and I'm

gonna show you guys exactly what my favorite things to buy at Costco is his

favorite things are are bad bad grammar I did a blog post last year about my

favorite things to buy at Trader Joe's and you guys loved it and I got it was

like one of my most commented blog posts ever and I got so many awesome ideas

from you and I had a ton of requests on I think with my baby food video that I

did a couple months ago on YouTube because I mentioned that I buy my

produce at Costco that you guys wanted to see a Costco video and like what we

typically buy there and like my favorite things so that's exactly what I'm gonna

do my take you shopping with me and then afterwards I'm gonna show you at home

what it is that was in my haul that I typically buy and one of my favorite

things from there do you want to say hi

why are you rocking the Falcons didn't they lose today yeah but they're my team

the bronze were your team really quickly do you want to tell a dad joke - peanuts

were walking down the road one was assaulted this is what I live with

I couldn't even be bothered to put on makeup today I dressed really cute my

officer liked you but no makeup but anyways okay we're gonna go into Costco

I'm gonna show you my favorite things to buy and I'm probably gonna discover some

new things because every time I go to Costco I find something new so let's go

we're currently circling the Costco parking lot because is there ever a time

that you go to Costco and there's parking never but I was just singing to

Matt it's so crazy that it's always so packed but the lines always moved so

fast like chick-fil-a fast it's crazy but also I was just laughing because

we're driving through the parking lot and I just saw a woman in a poplar coat

like a full-on puffer coat and I go what's the temperature right now he goes

75 I was like that time you know you're in LA 75 degrees it's time to break out

the winter jacket that's the money right there

oh okay so this makes me really excited this is the best steamer in the entire

world it's Conair and it's only 29 sorry no

it's $39.99 here I think it's 50 at the back and beyond

I use this every time that I need to steam our iron because I hate irons and

this actually it's so good you know they also carry t3 which is

really exciting I love t3 I haven't tried their straightener but I do have a

t3 hairdryer and I love it so much $99.99 with a great price okay so

something that I didn't realize that they carry oven Roasters okay so I just

bought one of these on Amazon for my turkey on Thanksgiving but also instant

pots man I love my instant pot so much the price isn't as good as Amazon though

well I got it on prime day for $99.99 pulled a spot in the joint and the

prices are so good you get three pounds for $4.99

one of our favorite things that cost reversal their meat is incredible but

their salmon was a basil pesto butter oh my gosh is so good we love her prepared

judicious to everything we've ever tried from here is just fantastic the basil

pesto oh my gosh this is so good and actually talked about the region that

this is from in salt that a sativa and then we love these oh my gosh okay

another thing that we come to Costco for is diapers because you can't meet the

prices of diapers at Costco and tequila and he's eating snacks right now because

I had to bribe him to get him through that's what you come to come before me

so--but be here right now I'm gonna play literally living in mine

but we're gonna have girl with camera key put that down

we'll burn with a little crazy I don't even want to see with the damages what

do you think what's your guess we're four four hundred and it's four hundred

we'll see okay we are home that was the longest trip effort to Costco ever what

do you think it's mostly because I think it was a Sunday before Thanksgiving and

like it was just everybody had the same idea that they're going to get all their

shopping done I set this right here and see if though nope it doesn't work

that's too low okay well that's not going to work it's

really hard for me to show you what I got and hold you at the same time couple

of things I got at Costco that are like totally necessary is alkaline water it's

actually still in the car but the Costco brand alkaline water is the absolute

best because the price is just so good and it tastes really good

another thing that I like to get there is my better than bullion this is my

favorite bullion for making soup it's just it's so good it's just got a really

rich taste to it which is really nice let's open the fridge and see what else

I've got in here a lot of produce like I said that's where we mostly get our

produce because that's where I like to get everything to make baby food this

light is like so blue it's kind of crazy and I didn't realize how about I looked

without makeup but you know on the Shelf so that I can show you guys a couple of

things that we picked up so something that we got that I've never tried before

and I'm excited about is the steel cut oats powerbal coconut milk cranberries

almonds toasted coconut and flax seed so it's basically the things that I would

already put in my oatmeal so that's really exciting salmon with pesto butter

oh my gosh I talked about this in store this is our favorite we're gonna grill

that and the best another thing that they have there that we absolutely love

is their soups their soups are so that their broccoli cheddar is incredible

another one that we love this one's actually it's already in our fridge from

another previous trip but this is their chicken tortilla it's really good

we tried their coconut chicken soup today actually we bought that so I don't

know how good that's gonna be I've got a huge pack of drumsticks chicken legs

like I need to show it to because it's like

so math I can't even imagine no it's probably about six pounds but I will

probably use most of it because I make chicken noodle soup it's my mom's recipe

I make a huge pot of it Masum feeling like he's coming down with

a little cold I'm not convinced that it's a cold I think it's allergies but

just in case I'm gonna go ahead and make him some so ever chicken soup and this

is the basil pesto I was talking about in store so this is actually made in the

Liguria Liguori Liguria is a high onset region of Italy if you haven't seen salt

fatty acid heat that is my favorite documentary to date and it's on Netflix

and it's a four-part documentary docu-series and it's all about cooking

and it just really makes you fall in love with the art of cooking and just

food got a bunch of veggies because I really am trying to make more vegetable

based baby food for her versus the sweet because like whenever you buy baby food

I've noticed like when I go to Whole Foods they look at baby food everything

has a sweet base and I think that that's so frustrating because it's just

teaching her that every meal that she eats needs to have sweet in it and

that's just not that's not a healthy be realistic she likes green beans but

they're not her favorite so I might have to mix them with a little I'll put a

little butter in them maybe a little garlic a little salt and pepper I'm just

talking about what I got it and hope is so that's the green beans I bought a

huge bag of broccoli that's for me I loved eating raw broccoli like as a

snack and like I don't even need anything on it like I love broccoli and

not things I'm like a freak because of that Oh another thing that I absolutely

love at Whole Foods is their little granola bites and I went back to get

them and they were gone they didn't have them this time or at least I couldn't

find them which we did go to a different track than we normally go to because I

needed to run an errand and so we just went to the one that was closest to I

needed to run the errand but another thing that I bought and so we bought a

lot of snacky stuff because it's Thanksgiving like and we have Matt's mom

coming into town and she likes to snack so I wanted to buy like snacky

that I got that I love are these Brockman's crunch Eddie's oh my gosh

they're so good I fell in love with these when I was in living in Vancouver

we lived really close to this really awesome grocery store and they carried

these this one is crunchy bites and our premium dark chocolate and it's got wild

blueberries almonds and ancient grains in it so they're just a really good

snack and then we got but yeah that's pretty much our food trick in general

it's mostly produce mostly meat that's where we like to buy those two things

most of the time it's hard to buy other things like baking stuff you know like

flour sugar things like that because you have to buy them in such huge quantities

I did buy a huge bag of organic cane sugar and I did buy a pie for

Thanksgiving I bought at Lincoln High I ordered two pies gee pumpkin pies from

Whole Foods and they were ten dollars each and they only have they're like the

regular size I ordered this one I bought this one at Costco and I don't know if

you could see how big it is it's like the size of two regular regular pies

yeah it's $5.99 $5.99 for one that's double

the size of the $10 one at Whole Foods let me know in the comments do you like

these styles videos like more vlog style I'm really about it holding the camera

and I've cut my head off through most of this video so sorry about that but

you're not here to look at the top of my head anyways you're here to see what I

buy at Costco cuz you're nosy like me like when I click on these videos I

don't care about seeing the person that's talking in the video I care about

seeing what they're buying what's in their shopping cart and I think I did a

pretty good job of showing you guys what was in there Oh real quick I'm gonna

show you guys real quick these are the this is the alkaline water that we get

at Costco and it's fantastic my chiropractor actually got me started on

this this alkaline water because as you can see back in in that corner right

there that's the Trader Joe's alkaline water and it's fantastic too but this is

way cheaper you get a 12-pack and they're 1 liter each for 9.99 at Costco

and the that's just a really really good price

and I drink more water than anybody that I know like I go through so much water

it's crazy another thing that we got is diapers and I crunched the numbers for

that and here in LA a hundred and eighty diapers and she's in a size four are

$42.99 so that's approximately I think it was twenty four cents a diaper and I

picked up two packages of diapers the other day at the drugstore

Walgreens whatever I just went to the drugstore here and I thought and they

were buy one get one 50% off and even then with it being like majorly on sale

the diapers were still 30 cents a pop so you're saving like six cents a diaper

you know like if you're like paying attention to the prices like that I just

thought that I could crunch numbers for anyone out there who is looking for a

good better deal on diapers Costco memberships they definitely are the

other thing that's cool about Costco that I feel like a lot of people don't

know is that you can buy your iPhone through Costco you can buy like your ear

pods you can book travel you get a percentage back at the end of year

there's just like so many benefits to it so anyways those are those are my

reasons are my plugs for why I love Costco so I hope you guys enjoyed this

video leave a comment below let me know if this is something that you like and

you want to do like more of these like come shop with me vlog style videos yeah

visit me on my blog and Julian Chacon come visit or follow me on Instagram I

Angela Lander and don't forget to subscribe to my channel Antron

notifications so that you know when a new video goes live on Mondays and

Fridays or of all guys

For more infomation >> COSTCO SHOP WITH ME - Duration: 12:42.


Jerry Springer Show (11/19/2018)Nikki fears that someone has been hooking up with her man.... - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (11/19/2018)Nikki fears that someone has been hooking up with her man.... - Duration: 5:40.


BabyBjorn Travel Crib Light - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:30.

(upbeat music)

- Hi I'm Erin Stutland with What To Expect

and today we are checking out the

BabyBjorn Travel Crib Light.

As you can see this is a really good looking travel crib.

First and foremost, you've got the mesh sides.

These are great because it makes it

super breathable for babies so that

the baby won't overheat.

You also have a really nice plush mattress

that's not gonna sink down,

which is the case with some other travel cribs.

Additionally, you can zip off the mattress cover

as well as the mesh sides

so it's easy to clean at any time.

This travel crib is super light as the name implies.

At only 13 pounds, this is perfect for travel of any kind.

Short trips or longer trips,

it's super easy to setup and take down,

unlike some other travel cribs out there.

Now the drawback of this particular crib

is that it's pricey.

At $300, that's a pretty big investment.

The other downside is that

the mattress is low to the ground.

So if you have a newborn,

it's a little bit of an effort

to place your baby down all the way into the crib

as opposed to some other bassinets that are higher up.

So just a few things to consider if you're thinking about

the BabyBjorn Travel Crib Light.

If you're a parent who values portability

and wants a lightweight, sleek modern design,

and doesn't mind making an investment,

this is a great option for you.

(soft music)

For more infomation >> BabyBjorn Travel Crib Light - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:30.


Jerry Springer Show (11/19/2018)Nikki fears that someone has been hooking up with her man.... - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (11/19/2018)Nikki fears that someone has been hooking up with her man.... - Duration: 5:37.


4moms Breeze Classic Playard - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:14.

(upbeat music)

Hi, I'm Erin Stutland with What to Expect.

And today I'm talking about

the 4moms Breeze Classic Playard.

This is a really nice, sleek, modern designed travel crib.

Got the mesh on the sides

so that it's super breathable for baby.

The baby won't overheat

and you can always keep an eye on your child.

It is super easy to set up and break down

as there are no latches on the sides.

Now I had a similar product which was the Graco

and I will admit it was really challenging

to set up and break down.

So if I was moving and on the go regularly,

then I might consider a bigger investment in this.

4moms is really thoughtful about all the accessories

that you can add on with this particular playard.

So for $200 you get the playard,

for $250 you get the playard and the bassinet,

and then for $300 you get the playard,

the bassinet, and a changing table.

The drawback of this one is the weight.

So at a similar price point to the Baby Bjorn,

this one weighs 23 pounds as opposed to 13.

This is great for the parent who wants easy,

convenient setup, and something

that will grow with your baby.

For more infomation >> 4moms Breeze Classic Playard - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:14.


Nuna Pipa Car Seat - What to Expect Review - Duration: 2:00.

(upbeat music)

- Hi, I'm Erin Stutland with What to Expect and today we're

talking about the Nuna Pipa car seat.

Now as you can see, this is a really good looking car seat,

but it also has some unique safety features.

We could talk all day long about how good looking

something is, but if it's not safe, it doesn't matter.

Let's talk about the safety features.

The base will clip directly into your car using

a LATCH installation system.

There are little indicators here on the sides that will go

from red to green so that you know it's installed correctly.

Additionally, there are little bubble levels on either side

to also let you know that it's installed correctly.

What's also unique is the stability leg here,

which will reach down to the floor of your car

and let you keep the car seat in place in case of an

accident or a sudden stop.

Now, as a city dweller myself, this is one of my favorite

car seats because of the look of it,

but also because of the feel.

Weighing only 7.9 pounds,

it's super light and it fits into smaller spaces,

if you have to keep this in your apartment.

It also has a nice sun shade.

This is weather resistant.

It's UPF 50 and it also muffles out sound.

So, if you are using this to clip into your stroller,

it's great for around the city.

The downside of this car seat is the price point.

At $299, it comes in on the higher side of car seats.

Now, the upside is that it is compatible with the Nuna

stroller, or you can purchase an adaptor to go with any

stroller you might have such as the Vista or the Bugaboo.

This car seat can be used for your baby from four to 32

pounds, and up to 32 inches.

So, there is a little bit of a time limit on it,

but you've got awhile using this car seat.

This is great for any parent who is style conscious

and on the go.

Because it's so light weight, it's easy to carry around

and take in and out of a car at any time.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Nuna Pipa Car Seat - What to Expect Review - Duration: 2:00.


Diaper Genie Expressions Diaper Pail - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:25.

(whistling music)

- Hi, I'm Latham Thomas with What to Expect and today

we're gonna be looking at the Playtex Diaper Genie Expressions.

It has a machine washable customizable sleeve

so you can change this to fit any environment.

This diaper pail doesn't have a foot pedal, but it has

a one touch motion.

You can just click the button here, place a diaper inside,

and you're done.

For those of you who might be squeamish

about handling poo-poo diapers,

you do have to put your hand inside and that might be

a drawback for some people.

I don't mind that.

I don't mind getting my hands dirty.

While this diaper pail may seem a little bit wider

and shorter than the others on the market,

it does hold up to 50 diapers, which is remarkable

and it fits into compact spaces really well.

So the Diaper Genie Expressions is affordable at $25,

is highly customizable, has odor lock protection.

So some of the drawbacks are that this product is

a little on the shorter side and it's not hands free

so if you're handling a baby and trying to throw the

diaper out, it can be a little challenging.

Also, the bag inserts can get expensive.

The Diaper Genie Expressions by Playtex I think

is a really great option that I would have liked to have

when my son was younger.

I love the customizable element.

If you're looking for a stylish and affordable diaper

pail, this one's for you.

For more infomation >> Diaper Genie Expressions Diaper Pail - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:25.


Chicco KeyFit 30 Infant Car Seat - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:30.

(upbeat music)

- Hi, I'm Erin Stutland from What to Expect,

and today I'm talking about the

Chicco Keyfit 30 Infant Rear-Facing Car Seat.

Now this car seat won the 2017 What to Expect awards,

which is voted on by you, our viewers,

and let's talk about some of the reasons why.

While all car seats must meet the national safety standards,

the Chicco consistently sores the highest

amongst all the other car seats out there on the market.

Chicco has the EPS energy absorbing foam,

which is excellent to protect your baby

in case of a sudden stop or an accident.

As safe as this car seat is, it won't do anything

if it is not installed correctly.

And this car seat works with the latch system in your car,

and it also has the levels on the side so

that you know that your car seat is installed properly.

This a super portable car seat

and really east to get in and out of the car.

And it's only 9.6 pounds.

If you're a city dweller, and you're in

and out of taxis or ride shares,

this doesn't require a base to use.

It's got the seatbelt hooks on the side.

You just slide this right into the car

and you're good to go.

This will hold a baby from four to 30 pounds.

So you're looking at an infant

to about eight months to a year.

So you have a shorter timeframe on it.

At $200, it's a pricier car seat

for a a limited amount of time.

This is great for the parent who doesn't want

to compromise anything for safety

and wants nothing but the best for their baby.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Chicco KeyFit 30 Infant Car Seat - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:30.


Joovy Foodoo High Chair - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:42.

(playful music)

- I'm Carmen Sognonvi with What To Expect,

and this is the Joovy Foodo high chair.

Okay, so let's get into the features of this chair.

So this chair is very adjustable.

It has eight different height adjustments that you can make.

There are five different recline positions,

and even the foot rest has two different positions.

One thing that's really cool about this high chair

is that it has an extra-large tray,

which means that your baby or your toddler

can go to town, and there's gonna be much less of a mess

for you to clean up on the floor.

It's really easy to slide on and off,

and it actually has two red dots to indicate

when you've actually slid it out too far.

In addition, the liner of the tray is removable

and completely dishwasher safe.

This high chair has two wheels,

which makes it really easy to move from one room to another.

Also, it is foldable, so you can store it away for storage,

however it's not quite as compact when it's folded up

as some of the other high chairs that we see.

One complaint that parents have is that the tray

is not as adjustable as it could be,

which means that sometimes there's a lot of distance

between the baby and the edge of the tray,

which means that some of the messes end up in the chair.

So that's something to look out for.

The Joovy Foodoo is a great chair

in that it's very adjustable,

so it will definitely grow with your child

from infant to toddlerhood,

however, it doesn't fold down to such a compact size,

so it's really best for families who don't mind

the high chair being part of their everyday decor.

That said, I love the stylish teal color,

so I actually think that is a great addition to any room.

(playful music)

For more infomation >> Joovy Foodoo High Chair - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:42.


Petunia Pickle Bottom Boxy Backpack Diaper Bag - What to Expect Review - Duration: 2:01.

(upbeat music)

- Hi, I'm Carmen Sognonvi from What to Expect

and this is the Petunia Pickle Bottom

Boxy Backpack diaper bag.

Even though this bag looks pretty compact it holds a lot

and especially this main compartment here

with this wide zip.

You can see, it's really, really roomy,

plenty of room to put extra changes of clothes,

an extra teddy bear, whatever you're gonna need.

Also, on the outside pockets, one here and one here,

which is very useful, the more the better.

And, as the name suggests it is actually a backpack style

and I think that is really great for moms

who like to be hands free like I do,

especially when we're traveling.

I always carry a backpack with me instead

of a shoulder bag or a cross body bag

because it's just so much easier

to get through the airport and still have

two hands to hold your kids' hands.

It also comes with this shoulder strap

so you can either use it as a shoulder bag

or if you lengthen the strap you can wear it cross body,

more as a messenger bag style.

It even comes with stroller straps

so you can simply hook it onto the handles

of your stroller and go that way.

This bag is made of a coated canvas material

which means that it's really easy to wipe off.

Also, the inside is water resistant.

So even if you've got any spills in there

from milk bottles or juice boxes don't worry.

It's gonna be super easy to clean

on the inside as well.

One of the features that parents really rave about

is this built in diaper changing area.

You just unzip it on the sides and it rolls out

and you can see it's super long,

so plenty of room even for older babies.

There are two pockets here to hold diapers and wipes

and it comes with this wipe case which is really handy.

It's not inexpensive.

At $180, it's definitely on the pricier side

when it comes to diaper bags.

Also, I think this bag is best for moms

who like a backpack style because they like

to walk around with their hands free.

For more infomation >> Petunia Pickle Bottom Boxy Backpack Diaper Bag - What to Expect Review - Duration: 2:01.


Britax B-Safe 35 Car Seat - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:36.

(piano music)

- Hi, I'm Erin Stutland with What to Expect.

And today I'm talking about the Britax B-Safe 35 car seat.

Now I know every parent is most concerned

about getting in an accident.

So you can rest easy knowing that the safety features

in this car seat are supreme.

It's deep foam-lined shell absorbs side impact energy.

And the base draws the force away from the baby

in the case of an accident.

It's got a steel frame which also makes it super strong.

The level indicators on the side will let you know

that your car seat is installed correctly.

For comfort you can use the infant insert as a headrest

for your baby.

Now also the harnesses have four different points,

so you can continue to change the position

as your baby grows.

It also has a really nice sun canopy,

which is great to keep the baby cool and shaded

on sunny days.

The Britax clips out nice and easy and it clips

into a Britax or BOB stroller.

If you live in a city and you're getting in and out

of taxis or ride shares you don't even need a base

with a Britax,

it has these features right here on the side,

and the seatbelt just goes right on through.

One of the drawbacks of this car seat is that it is supposed

to hold babies up to 35 pounds.

However, parents have complained that their child

has outgrown it sooner than that.

If you're a parent who will rest easy knowing that all

the safety features have absolutely been considered,

then the Britax B-Safe 35 is for you.

(piano music)

For more infomation >> Britax B-Safe 35 Car Seat - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:36.


Ubbi Diaper Pail - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:21.

(upbeat music)

- Hi, I'm Latham Thomas with What to Expect,

and today we'll be talking about the Ubbi diaper pail.

Quiet as it's kept, kids like playing with diaper pails.

I know it sounds crazy, maybe a little bit gross,

but they love getting their hands in things.

And so, I would've loved to have something like this

because I have a mischievous little son

who would've been constantly playing with this.

So, being able to lock this thing so that

the kids would stay out of it would be such a life saver.

It's got this incredible design.

It fits into small spaces.

Can hold up to 58 diapers.

Compared to its competitors, that's quite a bit.

While this diaper pail is slightly more expensive

than the other ones on the market,

you will however save money on the trash bags.

This fits the normal kitchen trash bags

that you can get at the 99 cent store,

which is great for the new parent who may not have

that time to run to the grocery store

to pick up specialty diaper pail bags.

So, this product features powder coated steel,

which is incredible because not only does

it trap in odor, it's also very stylish.

If you're a parent that values simplicity, style,

durability, and don't mind making an investment,

then this is a great diaper pail for you.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Ubbi Diaper Pail - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:21.


Graco Pack 'n Play Change 'n Carry - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:41.

(upbeat music)

- I'm Erin Stutland from What To Expect

and this is the Graco Pack 'n Play Change 'n Carry.

What's great about this product is that

it's extremely versatile from the bassinet

to the changing table to the play yard.

There is a removable bassinet.

It also has a removable changing table and changing pad,

so you can take the changing pad off

and you put it on the ground,

wherever you need to change the baby.

So, if you've got this downstairs,

you've got your changing table upstairs,

you've got multiple places that you can

put the baby down to change him or her.

Now, I have a 10 month old daughter

and when she was two months old,

we took her to my mom's house

and this is exactly the Pack 'n Play

that we used for three weeks.

It was perfect to keep in the bedroom with us.

We had her sleeping in the bassinet

where she felt cozy and secure,

and we had the changing table so we didn't

have to worry about buying an additional changing table

while we were at my mom's.

We've also got these pockets here which can

hold your diapers and your wipes.

The Pack 'n Play is also portable,

so this is great for a vacation or if you want

an additional place for your baby to sleep

if you're staying at your parents' or your in-laws'.

What's also great is the price point.

So, it's extremely affordable compared to other travel cribs

and play yards that are out there on the market.

The Pack 'n Play is 23 pounds, so it's not super light

and it can be a little bit awkward

at times to set up and break down.

No, no, I almost had it.

So, this is something that you want

to be able to open up and leave

at least for a few days at a time.

If you are a parent who values functionality

and you're on a budget, you cannot go wrong

with the Graco Pack 'n Play.

For more infomation >> Graco Pack 'n Play Change 'n Carry - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:41.


Willow Wearable Breast Pump - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:49.

(upbeat music)

- Hi, I'm Latham Thomas

with What to Expect and today we are going to talk

about the Willow Wearable Breast Pump.

This is incredible for women who are on the go,

who are getting back to work earlier than expected.

Women who want to be able to cook

and clean and play with their other kids

or even travel with more ease.

I think this is an incredible product.

I'm surprised it hadn't been thought of before.

I don't even breastfeed anymore and I want one.

No tubes, no wires, really easy to transport.

You take the breast pump, place it inside of your bra,

you turn it on like so.

You can increase or decrease the intensity of the suction.

These parts are dishwasher friendly.

It's super easy to clean.

So you can charge this for 20 minutes

and that will offer you one session.

If you charge it for up to two hours,

then you can do multiple sessions.

But like your smartphone,

you have to keep an outlet nearby.

It only comes with one charger.

There is two ports.

There is a port in each piece with only one charger.

What's a mom gonna do?

The Willow has its own proprietary shape.

That means that the milk bag is this unique

shape that really you can only use this device.

These special bags are only available online currently

so it doesn't give you a lot of options when you run out.

The Willow is pretty expensive to pay out of pocket

so you might want to make sure to check

with your insurance provider

to see if they'll cover some of the cost.

So for the mom who is really committed to breastfeeding

and really wants to find a way to minimize the effort

but maximize the benefit, this is an incredible product.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Willow Wearable Breast Pump - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:49.


UPPAbaby Mesa Car Seat - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:42.

- Hi, I'm Erin Stutland with What To Expect,

and today I'm talking about the

UPPAbaby Mesa rear facing car seat.

Now if you are looking for a rear facing car seat

that has some cool technology,

this might be the one for you.

There is a cozy interior, that's made of merino wool.

Now merino wool is known to be naturally fire resistant,

so that means no chemicals are needed

to make this material safe.

Merino wool is known to adapt to the body's temperature,

so it will keep your baby cool in the warm weather

and warm in the cooler temperatures.

A comfortable head rest, with side impact protection,

which obviously, as we know, is super important

when it comes to your baby.

Let's talk about installation cause that's so important

when it comes to car seats.

What's so great about this car seat

is that there's a little indicator on the base,

that will tell you when it is installed correctly.

Green means go, red means stop.

The feel of this material is super soft

and as you can see, it has a really beautiful,

sleek and modern design.

Now the Uppababy Mesa is compatible

with the Uppababy Vista and Uppababy Cruise strollers,

or if you're using this with another stroller,

adapters are available.

The down side of this car seat is the price point.

At $300, it's definitely on the high end of the car seats.

And, something to consider, is that this will hold

your baby from four pounds to 35 pounds,

and up to 32 inches.

So bear in mind your child will grow out of this

within the first couple years.

If you're a parent who doesn't mind a little bit

of a higher price point and wants a

sleek, modern design, definitely check out

the Uppababy Mesa.

For more infomation >> UPPAbaby Mesa Car Seat - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:42.


Stokke Tripp Trapp High Chair - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:43.

(upbeat music)

- Hi, I'm Carmen Sognonvi with What to Expect,

and today we are looking

at the Stokke Tripp Trapp High Chair.

Now the first thing you'll notice about this chair

is that it doesn't look like any high chair you're used to.

It's got this great classic Scandinavian design

that's been around for 45 years.

The Tripp Trapp is really designed

to be pulled right up to the dining table,

so that the whole family can eat together.

So this five point harness is created

to really strap your child in really safely.

However, the chair is designed to be used

for kids ages three years old or older.

If you want to use it for a younger child, like a baby,

there's a separate baby set that you can purchase.

As you'll notice, the high chair pretty much has no fabric

and no deep corners, so it's very easy to keep clean.

The Tripp Trapp is very adjustable,

so both the seat and the footrests can be adjusted

as your little one grows.

And it also is extremely durable.

It can actually hold the weight of an adult

up to 242 pounds.

Now in my perfect vision of myself as a Pinterest mom,

this would be my ideal high chair

in my perfectly Scandi-designed home.

I think this would look fabulous.

In reality, however, it is a little pricey at 250,

and in order to use it with kids younger than three,

you need to purchase a lot of extra accessories.

So while I definitely think it is an investment piece

for the right family,

for me, it probably is not the most practical choice.

If you're a parent that's looking for furniture

that is durable, long-lasting, and good looking,

then the Stokke Tripp Trapp High Chair might be for you.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Stokke Tripp Trapp High Chair - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:43.


Baby K'Tan Weekender Diaper Bag - What to Expect Review - Duration: 2:15.

(bright piano music)

- Hi, I'm Carmen Sognonvi with What to Expect

and this is the Baby K'Tan Weekender Bag.

(moves into bright upbeat music)

It's called a Weekender Bag

because it can hold a lot of stuff.

Now, this can usually be a good or a bad thing, right?

Sometimes if you have too big of a bag,

you're rummaging around trying to find anything.

But because this bag comes with nine different pockets,

it's really easy to find exactly what you're looking for.

Also, I really love this kind

of gender neutral, preppy style

and I think that it's equally comfortable

for moms or dads to be carrying this around.

This diaper bag has two specialized compartments.

The first one is this cooler pocket,

which is fantastic if you're bringing yogurt or cheese

or fruit or any other kind of perishable snack with you.

It's gonna stay nice and cool in this insulated pocket.

Another feature that it has is what they call a wet pocket,

which is right here in the front.

You can see it's neon green inside.

It's made of a special odor-proof material.

And this is a great place to,

you know, if your baby spit up

or had any other kind of accidents or spills

or even, in a pinch, a dirty diaper,

you could put it in here until you can find a trashcan.

The diaper bag even has a built in diaper pad,

which you can see here,

so you can change your baby on the go.

And I really wish my diaper bag had this back in the day,

but there's even this special compartment

on the side where, at the push of a button,

you can actually access wipes right there.

You don't even have to rummage through your bag.

Really perfect in emergencies,

or any time kids get messy, which is basically all the time.

One drawback to this diaper bag is that,

because of its size,

it might be too big for an everyday bag.

If you have more than one kid though,

it's actually really useful,

because you can put supplies for both kids in a single bag.

All in all, this Baby K'Tan bag

has loads of storage, a lot of pockets.

It is, I think, the perfect bag for the parent

who wants to be prepared for anything and everything

when they're on the go.

For more infomation >> Baby K'Tan Weekender Diaper Bag - What to Expect Review - Duration: 2:15.


Motif Duo Breast Pump - What to Expect Review - Duration: 1:45.

(slow guitar music)

- Hi, I'm Latham Thomas with What to Expect,

and I'm super excited to share with you the Motif Duo.

A super portable breast pump that you can

throw in your purse if you're a busy mom on the go.

So this pump is amazing 'cause it's powerful.

Obviously it's portable, it's small.

It has 10 different settings for massage and for expression.

You can program your settings and the device remembers them.

So that's really important for moms

who get into a real zone with their pumping.

And don't be fooled by the size even though it's small

it really is powerful and really can contend

with a lot of the other breast pumps that are out there.

And one of the things I just love is that it's really quiet.

I mean, I have to get really close to it.

It sounds like a kitten purring.

So you can get about two and a half hours

of use out of this pump.

But as the battery starts to dwindle down

there's less power in the suction.

So that's a potential drawback.

Although the pump itself is small

it still has a lot of tubes and the same size bottles

as you might find for other pumps.

So that's a potential drawback I think for some people,

but if you think about the fact that this thing fits

in the palm of your hand and inside of your purse,

I think it's a fair trade off.

I did manual pumping and I feel like this type of product

for me would have been fantastic to have

'cause I didn't wanna be tethered

and attached to a wall with the pump.

If you're someone who's in the market

for something really small.

This is the one for you.

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