Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 12, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 27 2017

Top 10 Scary Figures Caught In Picture Backgrounds

Welcome back guys, my name is Danny Burke and today we're gonna be looking at the

Top 10 Scary Figures Caught In Pictures.

If you see something weird in ther background of a picture, its only that - weird.

But if you see a face or what looks like a person standing in the background - thats

not only weird - thats terrifying.

I want you guys to picture what it would be like to be the people in this video, seeing

these pictures for the very first time and realising they were not alone …

Also, don't forget to check out merch at, weve got shirts, hats and hoodies, you may

have seen us wearing them in videos well you can get your own too - the link is in the


Starting off at number 10 - Im sure many of you guys have heard of Slenderman - hes pretty

legendary among the scary stories communtiy.

Well check this picture out.

A guy took this of his girlfriend, just chilling out in a park - but take a look over there,

next to that tree.

That doesnt just like any person, it looks like a very specific person - Slenderman.

I think whats extra creepy about this one is how whatever that is - clearly doesnt care

about being seen …

Next up at number 9 we have this picture.

This was reportadly taken by a woman who just wanted a picture of her son and their cat.

However, upon closer inspecton she, noticed what looks like a face poking out from under

the table, its mouth hanging open.

According to her, she believes the ghostly looking head may be of her husbands mother

or the ghost of someone who died in the house …

Next up at number 8 we have this picture that went viral at the end of 2016.

It looks like a fun picture of some friends sharing a bath - but do they have a vistor

at the window.

Some of you may first notice what looks like a hand - others may first notice what appears

to be a ghostly face next to it.

Either way, it looks eerily like a person and caused a lot of people to freak out online

over it.

Next up at number 7 we have this famous picture showing what looks like a group of friends.

Everyone seems happy except this little girl, why is she crying?

Well, many people feel it has something to do with whats going in between these two women.

Many people says this is ghostly apparition of a long dead child.

It could be a trick of the light but even skeptics agree that it does look worryingly

like a real face …

Coming in at number 6 we have this picture of a rescue attempt somewhere in China.

The authorities are in the river, trying to figure out how to move the vehicle.

Theres a crowd of people watching nearby but there also appears to be another spectator

that nobody noticed.

If we take a zoom in through the plants - theres the unmistakable image of something humanoid.

It doesnt look human - which perhaps makes it even scarier.

Whatever it is, it knows its been seen, and its face isnt too happy about it …

Next up at number 5 we have a picture of a girl sitting on her bed.

Shes smiling but perhaps she would be if she could see what others see in this picture.

If we look at the corner of the bed, just behind the mattress - that kinda looks like

an eye - and not just any eye - an eye thats staring directly at the camera.

It kinda looks angry, like -if you tell them Im under their bed, Ill kill you too …-

OK, that got dark, lets move onto our number 4 we have these Teenagers hanging out in some

foggy woods.

Nice day for a walk.

Well it seems that someone else back here had the same idea.

Usually with pictures like this, taken in the woods, some people argue it could easily

be a tree - but look at all the other trees there - they're all way bigger than the

height of a person.

Or maybe thats not even a person …

Next up at number 3 - Check out this picture a night cam took.

Theyre usually motion sensitive and capture images of animals roaming around at night.

But what trigger the motion sensor, the deer, or this?

It looks humanoid in nature - but is it human?

Some people speculated that this may be supernatural or even alien … whatever it is, whats it

doing creeping up on that deer?

Who knows what, or who, it will creep up on next …

Moving on to number 2 we have this picture a man took of hs 4 year old daughter during

a trip to Japan.

He took a few of them in the same spot but on one particular picture, there appears to

be a pair of boots behind the girl.

The mans friend posted them to reddit and everyone freaked out trying to solve the mystery

of where these boots came from.

One theory says its a samurai ghost because that beach is where samurai used to be buried.

Others say its a trick of the light - what do you guys think?

And finally at number 1 we have this picture of some England fans hanging out on the grass

during a World Cup party.

After taking these pictures on their camera, they took a look and saw this strange figure

standing in the window of the building behind them - still under construction.

After seeing this, some of them decided to climb the scaffolding and see for themselves

but they couldnt find anything.

Some people who saw this think it could just be one of the construction worker while others

say it looks like a woman holding up a baby …

Very strange stuff indeed … alright, what scary videos do you want to see next on the


Let me know, my name is Danny Burke, thanks for watching everyone and Ill see you all

in the next video … if you like scary things then you may like these, 2 of our most popular

scary videos - top 10 scary stories that are real and the top 10 scary school trip stories

- enjoy!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary Figures Caught In Pictures - Duration: 5:28.


VAL - Tutorial Spitter | ENG SUBS | Left 4 Dead 2 - Todo sobre la Spitter - Duration: 7:21.

What's up Vicietas, VAL here with a new Left 4 Dead 2 video

in which we will talk about the Splinter... Spitter. Let's go!


The Spitter is a drooling being, with little problems of circulation on the right leg,

a belly full of love, and a mouth as big as a Big Foot's slipper,

who forgot to take the antacid after dinner.

She has a bet with the witch on who is the prettiest special infected, but, even though

she tries very hard, I think, so far, she's loosing.


In general, she's very noticeable because her "good leg" makes her running seem

as if she was doing a SOS signal, and also, she shines in the dark --Yes, like radioactive Homer-

She leaves footprints behind her, and sometimes, you can see them, even through the ceiling.

Her primary attack, I mean, the one performed with the left mouse button, is the acid spit.

This spit follows a straight line, taking from 0,5 to 5 seconds to reach its destination point.

It is only a ball for almost all of the time, and it falls at an angle.

When it falls, it makes an acid pool that takes 3 seconds to expand completely,

but that it starts making damage long before.

Also, sometimes the way of expansion is sort of magical because depending on where we spit,

it can climb to near surfaces, except cars.

Not even calling on Gandalf can we spit on a car.

By the way, if the spit crashes against a wall, it will bounce a little bit,

falling to the floor.

Something positive of this attack is that we can perform it from both

an infected and survivor's ladder. It makes damage for 6 seconds,

and the damage is variable, depending on in what second we are.

When you need to avoid an acid pool, you can't trust the distance you see because sometimes

it seems it has a WIFI signal, doing damage 200 meters away, so keep a safe distance.

If you have to cross an acid pool, you will receive the same damage

crossing it walking than jumping.

Her secondary attack, I mean, the one performed with the right mouse button, is the claw,

which takes 4 points away for each attack, and I don't think Ellis likes it.

--I'm so angry that I could shit fire!

But, as always, it's better to use it to break doors and windows.

Also she has a passive attack that is leaving an acid pool when she dies.

This pool is smaller than the primary attack one.

The Spitter has 100 life points, so she is weak and you can easily kill her with every weapon.

She will stay only 20 seconds burning away.


If this infected has any special technique, I think is the "Spit jump"

that can be performed from a high place, from side to side or just in a straight line.

I think it's important for 3 reasons:

The first one: because you show yourself at the same time you are attacking,

so they will hardly kill you without attacking first.

The second one: because you spit directly to the part of the floor you want to see

the pool on, avoiding calculations, which makes it a more accurate attack.

The third one: the spit goes on diagonally so it's faster

because it doesn't have to fall at an angle.

The rest, more than techniques, are attack opportunities. The Spitter is a support infected,

so you should attack alone just in some cases. One of these cases is what I call,

"The undercooked croquette", which is based on spitting on a survivor who is trying to put

a helpless survivor up, just to take away some life points or to earn some time.

"The extremely undercooked croquette" is done the same way but only when a survivor

is trying to revive another one with the defibrillator,

taking advantage of the long time he takes to wake up.

The next is just giving the survivors a free bubble bath

when they are in a closed and small place.

"The fuck up", a situation with a very sharp name, is done by disturbing the survivors

when they are trying to turn on a generator, to put in a can, to open a gate, etc.

The Spitter's passive attack is very useful when you try to use the claw on a helpless

survivor who is being putting up by a partner, because when she dies,

she will leave an acid pool all over the place.

"The bounce attack" is useful when you don't want to expose yourself when you are spitting,

or just when you want to split up the team without them noticing it.

It takes longer to reach the place, so you have to calculate the time better.

"The coitus interruptus" is fabulous when you want to cut the path the survivors are following

in difficult situations, like this one with a Tank running behind them.

In the Scavenge mode and some maps of Versus which are based on putting cans on a generator,

the acid will burn the cans, so we will take advantage of the Spitter's passive attack.

Last but not least, when a survivor is surrounded by zombies and he can't move,

It's the perfect moment to spit on him.


Pushes are very bad for the Spitter

because they make her loose her acid charge,

even if we didn't want to spit in that moment.

But it's more annoying when you are trying to spit,

or even if you try and you make the sound, but you don't spit.

By the way, like with the Smoker, you can kill the Spitter shoving her 5 times.

And don't forget that her charge bar takes 20 seconds to regenerate after a spitting.

Something bad about the acid is that it will crash against everything,

including the first survivor of the queue, so if we want to spit on the rest,

we will have to bounce it against the ceiling or a wall.

Also, after every spit, she takes some seconds to be able to move again,

so she's very vulnerable after attacking.

The survivors will not be affected by acid pools during part of the first second,

so they will have enough time to escape from it.


As we saw in the Smoker tutorial, I don't recommend this combination because the survivor

will have 2 seconds of immunity to the acid after being released.

Exactly the same happens with the Jockey, but, at least,

this one can use the stun to push the survivors towards the acid.

As so can the Charger and Hunter do, and the Boomer with his 2 seconds stun explosion.

The best Spitter co-workers are the hunter and the charger because after an attack,

the survivor will stand up taking damage from the acid pool.

But the best moment is when a Charger attacks several survivors, pushing them towards an acid pool.

It's like watching an epic deed live.

And that's all, don't forget to subscribe to the channel and click on the LIKE button.

For more infomation >> VAL - Tutorial Spitter | ENG SUBS | Left 4 Dead 2 - Todo sobre la Spitter - Duration: 7:21.



Hey everybody this is Randy Santel "Atlas" with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and

proud owner of! Extra-extra very very excited tonight

I'm going for overall win number 492 I'm in Adamstown of Newcastle, New South

Wales we're taking on the Zeus Rib Challenge! Now there are a whole bunch

of us all taking this challenge at once go ahead and introduce yourself - Josh

Andrew, Andrew, then we've got a legend right here he's the man that kind of got

us here he's been helping us all week but we've got Lemon Blossom, he's

actually already done this challenge in his record time is seven and a half

minutes, but over here we've got Jack and Jacob, Jacob, then we've got the owner

over there Mark, He's going to try the challenge too

but we're taking on the Zeus Rib challenge we've got ten minutes to

finish this thing so it's definitely a speed show, there's a full Zeus rack of

ribs then we've got some chips on the bottom but we've got ten minutes

if we fail it's going to be 47 Australian dollars if we win we're

going to get the meal free and we'll get our names on their Wall of Fame!

You guys ready? Let's get this challenge started!

All right thank you to Mark and everybody here for coming getting this

set up but you guys ready ready? All right we've got ten minutes to finish

the record is by a friend and Isaac-HD what was the record time three minutes

43 30 minutes and 43 seconds that I do not think that that's going to get

broken today, but we are going to try to beat Lemons seven minutes and thirty

seconds so what all right let's get any we'll do a countdown from five four

three two one!

I have a feeling I'm losing!

Four minutes and 49 seconds so not the record but I beat five which is what I

was wanting to do but now he's over there about done. . .

Ah there we go!

Five minutes here nice good job we've got two down now now we've still got

everybody else going and still got half the time limit about five minutes left

come on animal he's been training all week for those always breaking this

record, come on you got it! There seven minutes and five seconds very good job

to love nice stuff so we've got three finishers now we've got a few more

trying how you guys doing over there? These guys over here about there!

Not this one! Well you have the ribs here every day!

During this contest we've got Australia represented obviously we've got the USA

and then he over here is from New Zealand so he's trying to finish off -

he's got like a minute and something left!

He's already thrown he's going to have a fag 47 bucks for his meal!

There you go you got it, get it down, get it down! What's the time just finished at

nine minutes and 58 seconds! Very good job what was your name?

Jake awesome all right didn't want to do that good job - Lemon Blossom over

here and then great job to those twoover there - he's already drinking so we've

got four winners today the four winners are going to get our forty seven dollar

meals for free we've all dominated the Zeus Rib Challenge here at Adam's Ribs

and pizza here at Adamstown of Newcastle of New South Wales, awesome

challenge would you guys think you like them yeah the ribs were freaking awesome!

So great job to mark and your restaurant awesome challenge but yeah so it's

overall win number four hundred ninety-two and gonna be on their Wall of

Fame as the number two and then we'll have three and four and he'll be on there as

well so thank you guys all for coming and staying to watch and thank you guys for watching!

For more infomation >> AUSTRALIAN BBQ RIB CHALLENGE!! - Duration: 8:02.


"How Do You Do Laundry In the Van?" | EP35 Camper Van Life - Duration: 12:01.

This week we take the campervan to the laundromat and Kait shares her

organizing tips for van life.

Getting my coffee made and then I think we're gonna go and do laundry today. It's

been a while. We need to get some clean clothes and it's Wednesday special at

the laundromat double load for a dollar what's the nice

thing when we live this life we can go any day we want to what are you making

this morning I'm making the Ethiopian okay listen everyone on instagram has

been getting to see me make coffee every morning people are liking your stories

hey I figured I'd try something different yeah why not get to see the

behind the scenes action all right well I'm gonna get us packed up while you

make that coffee oh are you still looking your bowl at

least we know it's gonna be clean okay fan closed yeah drawers are latched yes

they are I think we're ready to go you want me to

try or do you want to drag I'm happy to drive let's do this

if you had to guess how many loads of laundry do you think we have

in a normal-sized machine

and we're doing our sheets and everything I would say six to seven

okay you guard the van we're gonna go do laundry are you putting the shade up

well let's go scope out the situation because I don't know if it's

coin-operated or the sign outside didn't give it away Oh what did it say

coin-operated really or coin laundry

beep love your stuff

are we looking there are 19 double loads okay better a dollar each today okay and

it's all coin-operated alright let's strip the bed and we can go and get

these started okay here you go

okay uh-huh I think my seven six to seven loads is way under well let's see

how big these double load machines are

how you carry these two bags well I can carry another one okay I'll grab this

soap okay or if you want to put this open my bag

okay everything will be washers we'll be done to 11 and it's nice having our home

with us we just come back and work from the band are you a little worried about

leaving our all of our stuff in there unsupervised no because I can see the

the door right there if someone walked out with our stuff well they could just

put it in a bag that's true should I go in there and keep one out

are you worried about it no I wasn't worried about it okay I'm not worried

I'm not worried either all right listen if they want a bunch of well-worn wet

clothes and they need them that badly feel free perfect nothing quite like

camping in a parking lot no do you need much coffee sir every morning Kate and I

sit down I have my coffee she has our team we've opened up our laptops and

have our morning meeting so I think it's about time for our morning meeting you

ready honey I'm ready let's do it where are you

sitting I'll sit over here I'll let you get set


you've got my phone and I need to plug it okay let's go dry

put everything dry oh yeah you stay how do you wanna do this

why don't I hand you stuff okay wait the betting we can put on just on the bed

for now and then put all the laundry wait

yeah okay

do this easy way I don't know what it is but I love folding laundry I'm fine with

that you can fold all my laundry if you'd like to well then you have the

privilege here's a special van tip lay out your jeans

fold the leg over like this and then roll it tightly all the way

once you're done

hold the pant leg up doesn't come unraveled no that was the problem we had

just rolling them in and putting it in the cabinet we had opened the cabinet

and three pairs of jeans would fall out so this works out well genius all right

someone left tissue paper in their pocket sorry everything everything's

ready so one thing I like to do kate is taking out my old shirts putting in the

new shirts the fresh shirts yes and then I'll wear those first next

time makes it easy it's amazing how many shirts you have one two three there's

nine in here plus the one I'm wearing and this might work out sure we have so

much room did you see yeah well you've gotten rid of a lot of stuff since you

moved into the van originally yes people were making fun of you for how many

pairs of jeans you had oh and can we just clear the record cuz I know there

are people right now like why is enjoyed doing this himself why would you like to

do it oh I love it I love I love organizing I love folding the

laundry I love making the bed it's my thing

see this is my way of making Kate happy time to make the bed let's do it

I don't think we're gonna be able to film that you know it's a two-person job

after what I do is I stand in this open door here I'll make this side as Kate

makes the closer side and then Leo just hangs out under there like a chicken

wing and this is the after all done

technically this is the real after the feds not complete until my Packer

Snuggie is on it oh boy okay choose the post office

Leo's excited

all set got our tracking numbers that's for you

got our reading parties let's see it

I like that they sell fireworks here

ah it looks great yeah I love it you get some fireworks

set them off at the RV Resort yes it's Wednesday afternoon you know what that

means happy hour on the green got my beer ready to go you're equipped this


we need a golf cart with a glass of wine

fantastic I love this

I was so much fun it was really enjoyed myself great way to end a win

yep along with a walk through the golf course beautiful huh

next time we explore Tucson Arizona in the campervan and share our favorite

bakery tamale spot and museums. Thank you guys so much for watching. If you enjoyed

this video please give it a thumbs up, subscribe if you haven't already and

make sure to ding the bell for notifications of new videos. If you want to

see the bloopers and outtakes from this video head on over to patreon and become

part of the #WTRfamily if you want to see the campervan series from the

beginning click right up here. We'll see you next Wednesday


For more infomation >> "How Do You Do Laundry In the Van?" | EP35 Camper Van Life - Duration: 12:01.


Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT! - Duration: 3:14.

Thanks for always cheering me up!

For more infomation >> Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT! - Duration: 3:14.


(Vikings) Ragnar and Ivar || Be Ruthless [HBD Thorny Rose] - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> (Vikings) Ragnar and Ivar || Be Ruthless [HBD Thorny Rose] - Duration: 3:30.


The Best of 2017 | NowThis Nerd - Duration: 8:44.

Happy new year, everyone!

I'm Dev, and today we're looking back at the awesome year in film that was 2017.

Superhero movies continued to dominate the landscape,

we got some hugely anticipated sci-fi sequels along with great new IP,

and horror movies proved shockingly successful.

There were standout films in every genre,

but we've come up with our own list of favorites for NowThis Nerd's very first

Best of 2017 Awards

We'll start with our first category,

Best Superhero Movie

Six very different superhero movies hit theaters this year,

not including Captain Underpants,

and each one brought something new to the table.

'Wonder Woman' shocked the world with a phenomenal debut,

and 'Justice League' turned out to be a flawed film that still laid the foundation for a better cinematic universe.


Over at Marvel, 'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2' was basically more of the same,

but it's still a fun-ass time.


'Thor: Ragnarok' might be the funniest superhero movie we've seen yet,

Hey! We know each other! He's a friend from work!

And we're not just talking about some Whedonesque quips,

Hey Sparkles! Here's the deal: You wanna get back to Assburg...


Instead, 'Ragnarok' was built from the ground up as an over-the-top, irreverent comedy

that still captured the action and excitement of the original comics.

That's what I call a contender!

'Spider-Man Homecoming' took the fun new Peter Parker from 'Civil War'

Okay so the craziest thiing just happened, right?

I was in a fight with Captain America and I stole his shield and threw it at him...

Oh, he's big now, I gotta go!

and gave him an awesome villain and great supporting characters,

all without beating us over the head with another origin story.



It was the highest-grossing superhero movie in a packed year,

but that's not enough to put it on the same level as our winner,


James Mangold took a character that never really found a voice outside of the X-Men ensemble,

and ushered him into the sunset with a haunting, beautiful sendoff.

It's a more mature story than we're used to in movies like this,

more of a classic Western or Film Noir than your standard superhero stuff.

Patrick Stewart gave a powerful last performance as Professor X,

and Dafne Keen stole the show as Logan's badass little clone Laura.


Most superhero films in 2017 were great movies,

but 'Logan' was honest-to-god excellent cinema.

And it was the perfect funeral for Hugh Jackman's iconic, 17-year portrayal of Wolverine.

You don't be what they made you...

Up next is our award for

Slickest Sci-Fi

Believe it or not, some movies came out in 2017 that weren't about people in tights punching each other.

I guess superhero movies are technically science fiction,

but this category is for sci-fi films that don't involve spandex.

'War for the Planet of the Apes' brought the reboot trilogy to a satisfying conclusion.

It's a somber meditation on the nature of war and the legacies we leave behind,

and the excellent motion-capture performances make for a powerful end to Caesar's story.

The elephant in the room has to be 'The Last Jedi,'

the most controversial addition to Star Wars since midi-chlorians.

What are midi-chlorians?

No spoilers here,

but if you'd like to know more, we have a whole video addressing the issues fans have with it.

We thought it was an amazing film,

though we still need a little more time to digest before handing it such a prestigious award.

Our runner-up is 'The Shape of Water,'

Guillermo del Toro's fairytale romance about a fish-man and the woman who loves him.

It's the film Del Toro has been waiting his whole life to make,

and his loving homage to 'The Creature From the Black Lagoon' stands on its own,

thanks to an amazing animatronic suit and brilliant nonverbal performances from Doug Jones and Sally Hawkins.

It's a gorgeous movie, but it doesn't reach the same level as our winner for best sci-fi,

Blade Runner: 2049

Usually, when a sequel comes out so long after the original,

it's hard not to expect the worst.

I mean, I'm still heartbroken by Triple X: The Return of Xander Cage.'

I'm Triple X.

But '2049' defied all expectations as a mesmerizing,

extremely worthy sequel to an all-time classic.

Ridley Scott gave Denis Villeneuve his blessing to carry on the legacy of 'Blade Runner,'

and 35 years later, he delivered a follow-up that's so much more than a replicant of the original.

We didn't pick '2049' for its compelling mystery,

Jaw-dropping visuals,

or phenomenal synthy soundtrack.

It's because it crafts an incredibly cohesive, hermetic world that you absolutely believe in,

thanks to Villeneuve's use of miniatures and practical sets.

Unfortunately, just like the first 'Blade Runner,'

'2049' failed to attract a mainstream audience,

but for nerds like us, it was everything we wanted out of a sci-fi film.

Up next is the award for

Hypest Horror Movie

If you're a fan of our channel, you probably know that we are super obsessed with horror films,

Shout out to Kya.

and 2017 was an extremely good year for the genre.

We had the usual slate of sequels, like 'Annabelle: Creation,' 'Jigsaw,' 'Rings,' and yet another 'Amityville' movie.

Stop making these. They don't make money. They're really bad.

None of them were particularly great, but compared to some of the original horror that came out, well…

It's hard to be worse than 'The Bye Bye Man'

Of course, scary movies aren't usually critical darlings,

But this year a few of them bucked the trend to become legit great movies outside of the genre.

From across the pond came 'Raw,'

a French horror film about a vegetarian girl who develops a craving for human flesh at veterinary school.


The nuanced horror was actually pretty secondary to the main plot,

which is an accurate representation of college binge culture,

just with cannibalism instead of keggers.

'Raw' pretty much came out of nowhere, just like 'Split,'

the story of a serial killer with multiple personalities that give him supernatural powers.

'Split' proved that M. Night Shyamalan still has some great scares in him,

and the shocking ending has me looking forward to one of his movies for the first time in a while.

Speaking of Shyamalan, our winner just replaced 'The Sixth Sense' as the highest-grossing horror movie of all time:


The adaptation of Stephen King's epic novel is one of the best movies ever made from his work,

even if it's not a one-to-one translation.

Director Andy Muschietti understandably split the 1,300-page book into two halves

and brilliantly updated the setting to tap into our raging '80s nostalgia.

The King-inspired 'Stranger Things' phenomenon renewed America's love affair with pottymouthed kids getting the crap scared out of them,

but 'It' set them against a cosmic horror that makes the Demogorgon look like a Care Bear.

It's hard to top Tim Curry's legendary performance as Pennywise from the original TV miniseries,

but Bill Skarsgard's feral take on the killer clown was the perfect movie monster for 2017.

'It' just missed the mark for our final award,

The Best Movie of 2017:

Get Out

Now I know what you're thinking-- Shouldn't this be a horror movie?

Don't blame us,

the Golden Globes nominated 'Get Out' in the category for best comedy or musical,

and who are we to argue with Hollywood?

Either way, Jordan Peele's directorial debut is so much more than any one genre.

On the surface, it's a highly-effective horror story about a community with a twisted secret.

It's also an extremely sharp satire, which is no surprise considering Peele's origins.

I said 'biiiiiiiitch' I'm the man of the house!'

You said 'bitch' tho?

But most importantly, 'Get Out' is a biting piece of social commentary that captures the moment in time that was 2017.

It's a subversion of the horror genre that creates fear from the real experiences us black people face on a daily basis,

and it takes aim at so-called allies who want the experience of people of color without the suffering.

Fairer skin has been in favor for the past couple hundred years, but now the pendulum has swung back.

Black is back in fashion.

Even without the analogy, it's still an extremely scary movie,

but it's our top pick because it's the perfect parable for last year's insanely fouled-up politics.

Hopefully 2018 will be a more peaceful, understanding year.

We can't wait to see what it has in store for us all,

but when it comes to movies,

it's gonna be hard to top the sheer amount of quality that was 2017.

For more infomation >> The Best of 2017 | NowThis Nerd - Duration: 8:44.


POSLEDNÍ VÁNOCE 2017 aneb Otevřete Oči - SPECIÁL díl.2 Co když je VŠE JE JINAK!?!? - Duration: 47:26.

For more infomation >> POSLEDNÍ VÁNOCE 2017 aneb Otevřete Oči - SPECIÁL díl.2 Co když je VŠE JE JINAK!?!? - Duration: 47:26.


Essa Semente Faz DESAPARECER Qualquer Tipo DOR Nos Joelhos, Ossos e Articulações Por 5 ANOS - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Essa Semente Faz DESAPARECER Qualquer Tipo DOR Nos Joelhos, Ossos e Articulações Por 5 ANOS - Duration: 3:31.


Duet Ocarina performance of gentle tree timbre ♫ № 38 "Ultra Seven Song" - Duration: 2:14.

Duet Ocarina performance of gentle tree timbre ♫ № 38 "Ultra Seven Song"

For more infomation >> Duet Ocarina performance of gentle tree timbre ♫ № 38 "Ultra Seven Song" - Duration: 2:14.


【書齋夜話】之62:2017年終感言,讓子彈再飛一會!(2017-12-27) - Duration: 40:45.

For more infomation >> 【書齋夜話】之62:2017年終感言,讓子彈再飛一會!(2017-12-27) - Duration: 40:45.


Shin chan trailer movie 26 - Duration: 1:43.

There is no subtitle. Please, if you know Japanese, provide your own subtitles in the language you want. Link to provide subtitles in the description.

For more infomation >> Shin chan trailer movie 26 - Duration: 1:43.


(Vikings) Ivar The Boneless || I Am Godly [HBD Thorny Rose] - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> (Vikings) Ivar The Boneless || I Am Godly [HBD Thorny Rose] - Duration: 2:49.


twice - heartshaker mv but only english lines - Duration: 1:05.

yeah yeah yeah yeah

come and be my love

come and be my love baby

yeah yeah yeah yeah

come and be my love

come and be my love baby

yeah yeah yeah yeah

no no no no

yeah yeah yeah yeah

no no no no

girl you can do it

love is timing

love is coming, coming

you're my heart shaker, shaker

you're my heart shaker, shaker

would you be my LOOOOOVE

cool cool jeongyeon <3

yeah yeah yeah yeah

no no no no


love is timing

love is coming, coming

you're my heart shaker, shaker

you're my heart shaker, shaker

would you be my LOOOOOVE


yikes i suck at editing

come baby, be my, be my, be my love

come baby, bae, bae, bae, bae

you're my heart shaker, shaker

your'e my heart shaker, shaker

yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

you're mine


you're mine


yeah yeah yeah yeah

For more infomation >> twice - heartshaker mv but only english lines - Duration: 1:05.


5 Great Fragrances For Under $50 - Duration: 7:28.

great fragrances for cooler weather if you like this kind of videos cool go

ahead subscribe to channel then turn on notification for future video on

livestream updates show you boys some love

hey guys you've asked me this question often what are some great inexpensive

fragrances for cooler months I got you covered in this video you can pick up

most of these fragrances for less than 50 bucks and smell incredible the

criteria to make this list is it had to be under $50 has to smell really good

especially in cooler weather be able to get through several layers like I'm

wearing right here and get lots of insane compliments let's get started I

don't mention goes to polo red intense and club de nuit intense for men why

only honorable mention well this is edges the price a little bit more than

fifty bucks and club the new intense is really much

more of a universal year-round fragrance but it still works great this time of

year number one on the list is Burberry London yep you've heard it before

Christmas in the bottle but it's just that good do yourself a favor guys put

your nose on this and dis blind buy it I mean this time of the year it should be

a staple for most guys in my opinion is one of the best the house has ever

produced give it about 20 minutes though and let it start to develop or this last

Christmas Eve and last Christmas and I remember getting some of the most insane

over-the-top compliments something crazy even happened in my local 7-eleven no

woman was like honey why don't you smell good anymore and he's like I don't know

why don't I he decided to buy this on the spot Burberry London great for under

fifty bucks number two clubs a newly intense woman

yep Tom Ford noir Deena war clone yeah my little medallion moves but hey I hate

the bottles of these things I really do but you can't beat the juice especially

I wouldn't spend 300 plus dollars on Norden or I just take this and keep it

moving but I have them both but this one is so close for the price and you

weren't so infrequently that you can get a lot of value out of this bottle

actually to tell your truth I would have more now because it doesn't cause me a

ton of money to wear a great smelling dirt

truffle roses chocolate yes please Club the newly intense woman great for under

fifty bucks so if you smell is good for less what are you doing with the extra

money you can invest it in higher quality items like a nice wooden watch

this is from the company yard I partnered with your to make this video

look at that you guys know I love watches of all the wooden watches I've

tested and tried over the years honestly this is the best made of them all it

looks great on its Styles well works well when you dress like this and Henley

and gentlemen even in a suit I love a wooden watch especially for looks like

this I tested this one out this is actually called the dusk from the

Meridian series I got the first one from this line it was called the argent the

sight be it actually out of the box didn't work however I contacted them let

them know they shipped me a replacement and now the box it looks good to go

that's in full disclosure because I want to give you guys everything up front you

know some people ask about wooden watches are they durable how do they

wear on your wrist you know and here's the thing with a lot of wooden watches I

can't really support a lot of them they feel kind of cheap and flimsy this one

it has substance to it this one also has class to it

partnership is second to none I'll leave a link down the description if you're

going to learn more about them and check out the company boom you know was coming

out Mont Blanc individual it's that time of the year and this is a staple

especially for cooler weather careful on the trigger though you don't want to go

over the top because you can drown people out with this it can get to be

kind of khloé and knock some people back with guys this is just come on it's

gonna be on so many people's less people are gonna say smells like yo pour an

originalist on top the best one on the list for under $50 in my opinion a

standard I think every guy needs to have it I don't have

the bottle for this one with salvatore ferragamo ass black another incredible

fragrance for under fifty bucks guys you just can't beat that green apple apple

kind of fragrance it's just so good honestly Ferragamo makes some really

really good fragrances with wall mo and then F black and put that in your

collection you can wear they're from shorts to tuxedo and I'm gonna give you

a bonus rasathi yo like aqua I don't know if I'm pronouncing it right I don't

care don't write it in the comment section Tuscan leather clone yes it's a

Tuscan leather clone actually this gets me more compliments in Tuscan leather

because Tuscan leather is sweeter in the top notes with a raspberry no I actually

like Tuscan leather more but this actually does better in public so in the

days when I want to have that Tuscan leather feel but I don't want to use up

my premium juice I rock this one so that's it guys great fragrances for

under fifty bucks of the cool weather I've been here don't take my word for it

hit us up in the comments section let us know what do you think a guy should rock

for under 50 bucks especially for the cool weather it has to perform it has to

hit the compliments and guys need to be able to put their hands on it for under

fifty bucks and that means going online to something like Latino fragrance that

forever luxe Amazon those kind of places as usual if you like this kind of videos

go ahead and give me a big thumbs up and show this out to anybody that you think

you use the information thank you guys so much for watching and subscribing to

the next time talk at you later

by the way you want to stay connected follow me on social media links down in

the description peace two fingers and a mountain ship boy hey guys if you want

to be your best look good smell great and be your best each and every day

follow a link down in the description and book your one-on-one private Skype

consultation details in the description it's up to you you only have seven

seconds to make the great first impression you might as well make sure

you knock it out right apart that's right you gotta have a nice denim shirt

in your wardrobe and a nice Henley both of these are from Ralph Lauren you'll

check both of these are from Ralph Lauren and I got it for pennies on the

dollar check out the video I have on layering and fall winter style in this

video it's about the fragrances and how to make sure you smell good through all

of these layers let's get to rock

now why do you want to smell good for under 50 bucks why do you want to smell

good for under $50 so you can take that additional money and invest it in high

quality so if you smell this good for less what are you doing with the extra

money you can invest it in higher quality items I can

For more infomation >> 5 Great Fragrances For Under $50 - Duration: 7:28.


Top 22-year-old could be Liverpool FC's first Jan signing, claims expert ● News Now transfer ● #LFC - Duration: 2:16.

Naby Keita is keen to push forward his move to Liverpool FC to January, according to Bundesliga

expert Lee Price.

The Reds concluded a deal to sign the 22-year-old Guinea international from RB Leipzig last

summer, with Keita currently set to link up with Jurgen Klopp's side at the end of the


However, despite that deal being done, there have been some suggestions that Liverpool

FC could actually end up landing the talented midfielder early, in the January transfer


Klopp himself denied those suggestions earlier this month, but Bundesliga expert Price has

appeared to hint that the move could still happen next month.

Price told the Daily Express: "The Naby Keita transfer saga had appeared to resolve

itself – the midfielder was due to move to Liverpool in the summer, and that's that.

"But the Guinean himself might have a say in the matter.

"Leipzig's novelty is wearing off – they're fifth in the Bundesliga this season, and have

been demoted to the Europa League, where they face a tough tie against Napoli.

"For Keita, the challenge has almost gone, and he ideally wants to move to Liverpool


"The player doesn't intend to rock the boat hugely in Leipzig, and is relishing the

winter break in Germany, but his camp is expected to push for a move upon his return to training

in January."

Meanwhile, Liverpool FC are currently preparing for their Premier League clash against Leicester

City at Anfield on Saturday afternoon as they look to produce some consistent form.

The Reds are aiming to at least finish in the Premier League's top four this season

after they ended up fourth last term and qualified for the Champions League.

For more infomation >> Top 22-year-old could be Liverpool FC's first Jan signing, claims expert ● News Now transfer ● #LFC - Duration: 2:16.


Video: Coldest stretch of weather in years arrives - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Video: Coldest stretch of weather in years arrives - Duration: 2:54.


Teen pleads not guilty in Dayton shooting - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Teen pleads not guilty in Dayton shooting - Duration: 1:23.


★Ценные свойства ИЗЮМА. Снизит холестерин, предотвратит РАК, избавит от ЗАПОРА. - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> ★Ценные свойства ИЗЮМА. Снизит холестерин, предотвратит РАК, избавит от ЗАПОРА. - Duration: 3:01.


¡Golazo descomunal de Coutinho en la 'manita' del Liverpool! - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> ¡Golazo descomunal de Coutinho en la 'manita' del Liverpool! - Duration: 2:46.


"How Do You Do Laundry In the Van?" | EP35 Camper Van Life - Duration: 12:01.

This week we take the campervan to the laundromat and Kait shares her

organizing tips for van life.

Getting my coffee made and then I think we're gonna go and do laundry today. It's

been a while. We need to get some clean clothes and it's Wednesday special at

the laundromat double load for a dollar what's the nice

thing when we live this life we can go any day we want to what are you making

this morning I'm making the Ethiopian okay listen everyone on instagram has

been getting to see me make coffee every morning people are liking your stories

hey I figured I'd try something different yeah why not get to see the

behind the scenes action all right well I'm gonna get us packed up while you

make that coffee oh are you still looking your bowl at

least we know it's gonna be clean okay fan closed yeah drawers are latched yes

they are I think we're ready to go you want me to

try or do you want to drag I'm happy to drive let's do this

if you had to guess how many loads of laundry do you think we have

in a normal-sized machine

and we're doing our sheets and everything I would say six to seven

okay you guard the van we're gonna go do laundry are you putting the shade up

well let's go scope out the situation because I don't know if it's

coin-operated or the sign outside didn't give it away Oh what did it say

coin-operated really or coin laundry

beep love your stuff

are we looking there are 19 double loads okay better a dollar each today okay and

it's all coin-operated alright let's strip the bed and we can go and get

these started okay here you go

okay uh-huh I think my seven six to seven loads is way under well let's see

how big these double load machines are

how you carry these two bags well I can carry another one okay I'll grab this

soap okay or if you want to put this open my bag

okay everything will be washers we'll be done to 11 and it's nice having our home

with us we just come back and work from the band are you a little worried about

leaving our all of our stuff in there unsupervised no because I can see the

the door right there if someone walked out with our stuff well they could just

put it in a bag that's true should I go in there and keep one out

are you worried about it no I wasn't worried about it okay I'm not worried

I'm not worried either all right listen if they want a bunch of well-worn wet

clothes and they need them that badly feel free perfect nothing quite like

camping in a parking lot no do you need much coffee sir every morning Kate and I

sit down I have my coffee she has our team we've opened up our laptops and

have our morning meeting so I think it's about time for our morning meeting you

ready honey I'm ready let's do it where are you

sitting I'll sit over here I'll let you get set


you've got my phone and I need to plug it okay let's go dry

put everything dry oh yeah you stay how do you wanna do this

why don't I hand you stuff okay wait the betting we can put on just on the bed

for now and then put all the laundry wait

yeah okay

do this easy way I don't know what it is but I love folding laundry I'm fine with

that you can fold all my laundry if you'd like to well then you have the

privilege here's a special van tip lay out your jeans

fold the leg over like this and then roll it tightly all the way

once you're done

hold the pant leg up doesn't come unraveled no that was the problem we had

just rolling them in and putting it in the cabinet we had opened the cabinet

and three pairs of jeans would fall out so this works out well genius all right

someone left tissue paper in their pocket sorry everything everything's

ready so one thing I like to do kate is taking out my old shirts putting in the

new shirts the fresh shirts yes and then I'll wear those first next

time makes it easy it's amazing how many shirts you have one two three there's

nine in here plus the one I'm wearing and this might work out sure we have so

much room did you see yeah well you've gotten rid of a lot of stuff since you

moved into the van originally yes people were making fun of you for how many

pairs of jeans you had oh and can we just clear the record cuz I know there

are people right now like why is enjoyed doing this himself why would you like to

do it oh I love it I love I love organizing I love folding the

laundry I love making the bed it's my thing

see this is my way of making Kate happy time to make the bed let's do it

I don't think we're gonna be able to film that you know it's a two-person job

after what I do is I stand in this open door here I'll make this side as Kate

makes the closer side and then Leo just hangs out under there like a chicken

wing and this is the after all done

technically this is the real after the feds not complete until my Packer

Snuggie is on it oh boy okay choose the post office

Leo's excited

all set got our tracking numbers that's for you

got our reading parties let's see it

I like that they sell fireworks here

ah it looks great yeah I love it you get some fireworks

set them off at the RV Resort yes it's Wednesday afternoon you know what that

means happy hour on the green got my beer ready to go you're equipped this


we need a golf cart with a glass of wine

fantastic I love this

I was so much fun it was really enjoyed myself great way to end a win

yep along with a walk through the golf course beautiful huh

next time we explore Tucson Arizona in the campervan and share our favorite

bakery tamale spot and museums. Thank you guys so much for watching. If you enjoyed

this video please give it a thumbs up, subscribe if you haven't already and

make sure to ding the bell for notifications of new videos. If you want to

see the bloopers and outtakes from this video head on over to patreon and become

part of the #WTRfamily if you want to see the campervan series from the

beginning click right up here. We'll see you next Wednesday


For more infomation >> "How Do You Do Laundry In the Van?" | EP35 Camper Van Life - Duration: 12:01.


Last Update: Selena Gomez Begs Mom to Give Justin Bieber another Chance - Duration: 2:12.

Hit the subscribe button and press the bell icon to get more take videos

Gomez begs mom to give Justin Bieber of another chance

He won't break my heart selena gomez 25 is trying to convince her mother Mandy TV. That are on again boyfriend

Justin Bieber 23 is a different man this time around and he doesn't plan on breaking her heart

Selena is confident that her mom will eventually come round to her dating Justin again

She just needs some time a source close to Selena

exclusively told

Mandy is really protective of Selena, and she doesn't want her getting hurt again

But Selena is a grown woman and she's going to date whoever she was

Selena keeps telling Mandy that justin is a different person now and that he's really worked through all his demons

But she isn't convinced at all

Mandy has told Selena that she doesn't want to see Justin and she's made it clear that she thinks he's bad news

She can't even stand to hear his name

Selena has begged Mandy to give Justin another chance, but right now. There's not much hope of that

It's incredibly frustrating for Selena and causing a lot of problems

Selena and her mum's difficulties over Justin have been making headlines ever since they unfollowed each other on Instagram

We all know that selena and Justin had a rocky relationship in the past so it's understandable that

Mandy would have concerns, but we have to admit that the two lovebirds have looked super

Happy while you have together recently from romantic dates to Selena cheering Justin on at his hockey games

They're too cute for words

Although Jelena seems stronger than ever we really hope Selena and her mother can work things out in time for the holidays

After all it's about family during this special time, and there's nothing better than seeing

clothes and enjoying each other's company

For more infomation >> Last Update: Selena Gomez Begs Mom to Give Justin Bieber another Chance - Duration: 2:12.


How to Earn Kohl's Cash

For more infomation >> How to Earn Kohl's Cash


For more infomation >> How to Earn Kohl's Cash


[SENZAFINE] 「Aphrodite」(feat. Hatsune Miku V3 (English)) [DRUM'N'BASS] [+FREE DL] - Duration: 4:21.

TITLE: 「Aphrodite」


LYRICS: SenzaFine

[Vocal Mix] SUNG BY: Hatsune Miku V3 (English)

Please! Follow to SenzaFine on video description ... ↓ ↓

Free DL link below on video description ... ↓ ↓

Drink in the sunlight

Can you feel it like the first time?

It feels like time flies

When you got me feeling so damn high

Forget the past, this is now

Are you a stranger to love? I'll show you how,

I know life can get so crazy

So why don't we twist the

Stars in the skies in our favor

And if Destiny refuses to listen I'll make her

I've got the power in my hands

To take you to the promised land

I know that this is gonna be

The start of somethin' crazy so

Slow down, don't get hasty

I've got a feeling that I just might be

Your little Aphrodite

They'll chase you around and around

It's a shame there's no point to it now,

'Cause I've made you mine

Forget those girls, they're a bore

And I'm gonna treat you like no one has before

I know I may sound crazy

So why don't you let me

[Kiss you all night]

[Make you all mine]

[One heart, one mind]

Why don't you let me ...

So why don't we twist the

Stars in the skies in our favor

And if Destiny refuses to listen I'll make her

I've got the power in my hands

To take you to the promised land

I know that this is gonna be

The start of somethin' crazy so

Slow down, don't get hasty

I've got a feeling that I just might be

Your little Aphrodite

○ Thanks so much for watching this video ...

For more infomation >> [SENZAFINE] 「Aphrodite」(feat. Hatsune Miku V3 (English)) [DRUM'N'BASS] [+FREE DL] - Duration: 4:21.


For more infomation >> [SENZAFINE] 「Aphrodite」(feat. Hatsune Miku V3 (English)) [DRUM'N'BASS] [+FREE DL] - Duration: 4:21.


"How Do You Do Laundry In the Van?" | EP35 Camper Van Life - Duration: 12:01.

This week we take the campervan to the laundromat and Kait shares her

organizing tips for van life.

Getting my coffee made and then I think we're gonna go and do laundry today. It's

been a while. We need to get some clean clothes and it's Wednesday special at

the laundromat double load for a dollar what's the nice

thing when we live this life we can go any day we want to what are you making

this morning I'm making the Ethiopian okay listen everyone on instagram has

been getting to see me make coffee every morning people are liking your stories

hey I figured I'd try something different yeah why not get to see the

behind the scenes action all right well I'm gonna get us packed up while you

make that coffee oh are you still looking your bowl at

least we know it's gonna be clean okay fan closed yeah drawers are latched yes

they are I think we're ready to go you want me to

try or do you want to drag I'm happy to drive let's do this

if you had to guess how many loads of laundry do you think we have

in a normal-sized machine

and we're doing our sheets and everything I would say six to seven

okay you guard the van we're gonna go do laundry are you putting the shade up

well let's go scope out the situation because I don't know if it's

coin-operated or the sign outside didn't give it away Oh what did it say

coin-operated really or coin laundry

beep love your stuff

are we looking there are 19 double loads okay better a dollar each today okay and

it's all coin-operated alright let's strip the bed and we can go and get

these started okay here you go

okay uh-huh I think my seven six to seven loads is way under well let's see

how big these double load machines are

how you carry these two bags well I can carry another one okay I'll grab this

soap okay or if you want to put this open my bag

okay everything will be washers we'll be done to 11 and it's nice having our home

with us we just come back and work from the band are you a little worried about

leaving our all of our stuff in there unsupervised no because I can see the

the door right there if someone walked out with our stuff well they could just

put it in a bag that's true should I go in there and keep one out

are you worried about it no I wasn't worried about it okay I'm not worried

I'm not worried either all right listen if they want a bunch of well-worn wet

clothes and they need them that badly feel free perfect nothing quite like

camping in a parking lot no do you need much coffee sir every morning Kate and I

sit down I have my coffee she has our team we've opened up our laptops and

have our morning meeting so I think it's about time for our morning meeting you

ready honey I'm ready let's do it where are you

sitting I'll sit over here I'll let you get set


you've got my phone and I need to plug it okay let's go dry

put everything dry oh yeah you stay how do you wanna do this

why don't I hand you stuff okay wait the betting we can put on just on the bed

for now and then put all the laundry wait

yeah okay

do this easy way I don't know what it is but I love folding laundry I'm fine with

that you can fold all my laundry if you'd like to well then you have the

privilege here's a special van tip lay out your jeans

fold the leg over like this and then roll it tightly all the way

once you're done

hold the pant leg up doesn't come unraveled no that was the problem we had

just rolling them in and putting it in the cabinet we had opened the cabinet

and three pairs of jeans would fall out so this works out well genius all right

someone left tissue paper in their pocket sorry everything everything's

ready so one thing I like to do kate is taking out my old shirts putting in the

new shirts the fresh shirts yes and then I'll wear those first next

time makes it easy it's amazing how many shirts you have one two three there's

nine in here plus the one I'm wearing and this might work out sure we have so

much room did you see yeah well you've gotten rid of a lot of stuff since you

moved into the van originally yes people were making fun of you for how many

pairs of jeans you had oh and can we just clear the record cuz I know there

are people right now like why is enjoyed doing this himself why would you like to

do it oh I love it I love I love organizing I love folding the

laundry I love making the bed it's my thing

see this is my way of making Kate happy time to make the bed let's do it

I don't think we're gonna be able to film that you know it's a two-person job

after what I do is I stand in this open door here I'll make this side as Kate

makes the closer side and then Leo just hangs out under there like a chicken

wing and this is the after all done

technically this is the real after the feds not complete until my Packer

Snuggie is on it oh boy okay choose the post office

Leo's excited

all set got our tracking numbers that's for you

got our reading parties let's see it

I like that they sell fireworks here

ah it looks great yeah I love it you get some fireworks

set them off at the RV Resort yes it's Wednesday afternoon you know what that

means happy hour on the green got my beer ready to go you're equipped this


we need a golf cart with a glass of wine

fantastic I love this

I was so much fun it was really enjoyed myself great way to end a win

yep along with a walk through the golf course beautiful huh

next time we explore Tucson Arizona in the campervan and share our favorite

bakery tamale spot and museums. Thank you guys so much for watching. If you enjoyed

this video please give it a thumbs up, subscribe if you haven't already and

make sure to ding the bell for notifications of new videos. If you want to

see the bloopers and outtakes from this video head on over to patreon and become

part of the #WTRfamily if you want to see the campervan series from the

beginning click right up here. We'll see you next Wednesday


For more infomation >> "How Do You Do Laundry In the Van?" | EP35 Camper Van Life - Duration: 12:01.


For more infomation >> "How Do You Do Laundry In the Van?" | EP35 Camper Van Life - Duration: 12:01.


Vlogmas#4 Our chrismas days 2017/Vlogmas#4 Notre Noel 2017 - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Vlogmas#4 Our chrismas days 2017/Vlogmas#4 Notre Noel 2017 - Duration: 5:28.


For more infomation >> Vlogmas#4 Our chrismas days 2017/Vlogmas#4 Notre Noel 2017 - Duration: 5:28.


Lindsay Shepherd — Enregistrement écourté (sous-titres français) - Duration: 9:58.

For more infomation >> Lindsay Shepherd — Enregistrement écourté (sous-titres français) - Duration: 9:58.


For more infomation >> Lindsay Shepherd — Enregistrement écourté (sous-titres français) - Duration: 9:58.


Tesla Model S 90D: Rated Range Degradation 48000 Miles 90 Weeks Ownership W/Chart - Duration: 2:30.

this is the 48 thousand mile range update outside temperature 50 degrees

272 rated miles is what we are at today

see well we had a 216 MoMA shopping here

let's see what we got on the old spy here car thinks the curtain pack

capacity is seventy eight point five kilowatt hours although the car seems

have charged to seventy eight point eight kilowatt hours lifetime discharge

twenty one three four one kilowatt hours lifetime charge twenty two thousand nine

hundred and eighty-seven kilowatt hours the current balance of the pack is eight

millivolts so we're still a little bit unbalanced I'd like to see that around

five current pack temperature high of 90 point one with a low of 87 point 5 the

highest during this charge was about a hundred it excuse me about a hundred and

five it's a little breezy out and a little cooler out and can't arrive with

a cool cooler pack even though I was on the freeway for 30 minutes the regen

limitation just disappeared once we got off the freeway so that is it for the--

what did I say this was 48 thousand mile range update

For more infomation >> Tesla Model S 90D: Rated Range Degradation 48000 Miles 90 Weeks Ownership W/Chart - Duration: 2:30.


For more infomation >> Tesla Model S 90D: Rated Range Degradation 48000 Miles 90 Weeks Ownership W/Chart - Duration: 2:30.



For more infomation >> BLACKA - LIFESTYLE (VIDEO DANCE) - Duration: 3:44.


For more infomation >> BLACKA - LIFESTYLE (VIDEO DANCE) - Duration: 3:44.


La raison du retard ! - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> La raison du retard ! - Duration: 0:45.


For more infomation >> La raison du retard ! - Duration: 0:45.


Singalong With The Strong H...

For more infomation >> Singalong With The Strong H...


Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-JET DYNAMIC PANORAMADAK_NAVI_ECC_CRUIS. - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-JET DYNAMIC PANORAMADAK_NAVI_ECC_CRUIS. - Duration: 0:54.


DIY Gypsy Style Bottle | Requested | Upcycle - Duration: 10:20.

Welcome back to DIY No Need To Cry with Ivelisse

DIY gypsy style bottle upcycle subscriber request

I had a lot of fun making this one!

Hope you enjoy.

Let's get started!

Using pouncer brush and white matte acrylic paint I coated the whole bottle and set it

aside to dry.

Once it's dry, I gave it a coat of gold metallic paint and let that dry.

Using a brush and gold glitter glue, I coated the whole bottle and let that dry.

I gave it about three coats letting it dry between each one.

When I'm creating I don't know what the end piece will look like.

I knew I wanted the gold to show in every spot that wasn't covered so I covered the

whole bottle.

If you're going to recreate this look or know what spots will or won't show then

you don't have to paint the whole thing.

Now it's time to add the fabric.

Measure and cut a piece that will go all the way around as shown here.

I used Mod Podge and brush to decoupage the fabric on.

I used a scarf for this bottle.

Notice that I'm doing it sections so that the glue doesn't dry up by the time I get

to it.

Cut the excess off and give the whole thing one last coat of Mod Podge.

Glue the bottom down as well.

Place the bottle upside to dry.

Once it's dry, using an X-Acto knife, cut the excess fabric off the bottom as shown


The middle wasn't completely dry and that's why you see that glue. just clean that off

if it happens to you.

If you let it dry it will peel right off.

Take the rest of the fabric and cut strips out as shown here.

I don't measure when I craft, I just eyeball things but I would say about 2.5 -3 inches

wide and about a foot long.

Cut any hems/seems off of the scarf.

Fold in half and cut.

These are the strips to create the skirt.

Cut a few at first and then cut as you go so you don't waste any fabric.

Now take the piece, grab it right in the middle and let it drop.

This is how you will create the style of the skirt.

Now hot glue each piece, all the way around, until the bottom is completely covered.

If you find the pieces to be too long, trim them.

Cut a wider piece of the fabric to use as the wrap around the skirt.

Wrap it around the waist area as you see here.

I used a wire to secure it and then wrapped a small piece of fabric over it to cover the


I took some chains, a jewelry charm and spray painted them gold.

Once they are dry…

I glued a flat back glass gem to the middle.

Alternating between 2mm rhinestones in the colors pink, blue and champagne, I glued them

all around the glass gem.

I did two rows.

String some gold confetti with tiny brown beads and add them to the broach.

Add two more or as many as you'd like.

Using a hot glue gun, Glue the broach onto the bottle as shown here.

Add the chains by opening the links with needle nose pliers.

Do this all the way up the wrap of the skirt.

Taking a washable marker, mark where you will be placing the sequins.

I do this so It doesn't come out all wonky.

Using Mod Podge, a brush, and loose sequins… glue them on all around until you reach the


And yes this part is very time consuming

Do it in sections so that the glue doesn't dry out by the time you get to it.

Once that's all dry, using 3mm rhinestones, in the colors pink, blue and champagne, a

brush and Mod Podge... fill each one of the sequins.

And this is the bottle all done!

I hope you enjoyed this one because I know I sure did!

You can make a custom cork for it... or, as you'll see, add fabric to the outline of

the sequins, if you want.

It's all up to you!

See I added fabric to this one.

As always, you do what you want, I make these so that you can get ideas of what you can

do with everyday crafting supplies.

Be creative and don't stop trying!

I love how these came out and it's so good to be back!

Let me know in the comments below, what you thought of it and don't forget to thumbs

up the video as it helps the channel grow.

Thanks for watching, If you liked this video, don't forget to thumbs it up and if this

is your first time watching, I hope you consider subscribing to get updates on future videos

and remember do it yourself there's no need to cry.

For more infomation >> DIY Gypsy Style Bottle | Requested | Upcycle - Duration: 10:20.



Hey everybody this is Randy Santel "Atlas" with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and

proud owner of! Extra-extra very very excited tonight

I'm going for overall win number 492 I'm in Adamstown of Newcastle, New South

Wales we're taking on the Zeus Rib Challenge! Now there are a whole bunch

of us all taking this challenge at once go ahead and introduce yourself - Josh

Andrew, Andrew, then we've got a legend right here he's the man that kind of got

us here he's been helping us all week but we've got Lemon Blossom, he's

actually already done this challenge in his record time is seven and a half

minutes, but over here we've got Jack and Jacob, Jacob, then we've got the owner

over there Mark, He's going to try the challenge too

but we're taking on the Zeus Rib challenge we've got ten minutes to

finish this thing so it's definitely a speed show, there's a full Zeus rack of

ribs then we've got some chips on the bottom but we've got ten minutes

if we fail it's going to be 47 Australian dollars if we win we're

going to get the meal free and we'll get our names on their Wall of Fame!

You guys ready? Let's get this challenge started!

All right thank you to Mark and everybody here for coming getting this

set up but you guys ready ready? All right we've got ten minutes to finish

the record is by a friend and Isaac-HD what was the record time three minutes

43 30 minutes and 43 seconds that I do not think that that's going to get

broken today, but we are going to try to beat Lemons seven minutes and thirty

seconds so what all right let's get any we'll do a countdown from five four

three two one!

I have a feeling I'm losing!

Four minutes and 49 seconds so not the record but I beat five which is what I

was wanting to do but now he's over there about done. . .

Ah there we go!

Five minutes here nice good job we've got two down now now we've still got

everybody else going and still got half the time limit about five minutes left

come on animal he's been training all week for those always breaking this

record, come on you got it! There seven minutes and five seconds very good job

to love nice stuff so we've got three finishers now we've got a few more

trying how you guys doing over there? These guys over here about there!

Not this one! Well you have the ribs here every day!

During this contest we've got Australia represented obviously we've got the USA

and then he over here is from New Zealand so he's trying to finish off -

he's got like a minute and something left!

He's already thrown he's going to have a fag 47 bucks for his meal!

There you go you got it, get it down, get it down! What's the time just finished at

nine minutes and 58 seconds! Very good job what was your name?

Jake awesome all right didn't want to do that good job - Lemon Blossom over

here and then great job to those twoover there - he's already drinking so we've

got four winners today the four winners are going to get our forty seven dollar

meals for free we've all dominated the Zeus Rib Challenge here at Adam's Ribs

and pizza here at Adamstown of Newcastle of New South Wales, awesome

challenge would you guys think you like them yeah the ribs were freaking awesome!

So great job to mark and your restaurant awesome challenge but yeah so it's

overall win number four hundred ninety-two and gonna be on their Wall of

Fame as the number two and then we'll have three and four and he'll be on there as

well so thank you guys all for coming and staying to watch and thank you guys for watching!

For more infomation >> AUSTRALIAN BBQ RIB CHALLENGE!! - Duration: 8:02.


Prediction on Treyarch next COD - Duration: 2:35.

What's up guys, I'm back. I'm a twin a while my try let's play series. It's not gonna be working out

So I just wanted to show you guys I'm starting to get back into YouTube for a little bit

Here's a video of black ops 3 in the main topic of this video is gonna be

where is

Treyarch going and in the next Call of Duty

I'm predicting that it's going to be a whole new

Type of game I bet it's gonna be modern era because I've never seen them

To Marnie or I'm not counting Black Ops 2 cuz it's still in the future

but if you look at it would world at war black ops 1

Is Vietnam?

Call of Duty 3 was

World War 2

Black ops 3 features didn't call you black ops 2 is just I'm a little bit futuristic. It's not modern enough like modern warfare

So I'm not counting that um

I'm guessing it's gonna be black ops for would you which I?

don't think it's gonna be what could be a whole new branch of Call of Duty like I

Don't think they're gonna go back to the double jumps like this game

I think they're gonna fall at the world war 2 step like sledgehammer did and keep pushing it through there

But I highly doubt that they're gonna go back


Double jumps after what the crap infinite warfare ago, I don't think they're ever on the back

Lots of people liked black ops 3 I thought was crazy. I didn't like the Supply Drop system

I thought that was stupid how bad it was at least in now call the duties I could get them through

Depot credits that Depot cried to a model for a master on skill points or whatever they are

It will get them through playing the game and getting through supply drops

It's a lot better system that way and you can choose which ones you want

So blackout so Treyarch is gonna

Go I'm guessing with a modern call of duty if they don't and they go with a Vitra stick

I'll be surprised about you all you guys will be surprised, too

I'm saying they're gonna go with a modern or at the very most of Vietnam

That's why I'm thinking

So stay tuned like like and subscribe to my channel, and I'll see you guys next time

For more infomation >> Prediction on Treyarch next COD - Duration: 2:35.


Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT! - Duration: 3:14.

Thanks for always cheering me up!

For more infomation >> Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT! - Duration: 3:14.


Suzuki SX4 S-Cross - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Suzuki SX4 S-Cross - Duration: 1:01.


2017 in Review, Part 2: Understanding & Supporting Neurodiversity | EDB 110 - Duration: 11:01.

Hi I'm Dr. Hackie Reitman.

Welcome to the second part of our special two part episode of Exploring Different Brains.

What we are doing is we are taking the highlights of the amazing interviews of 2017 with neurodiversity

leaders from all over the world…and in this second part we are going to bring you parents,

advocates, specialists, and experts from all around the globe to tell us their approach

to different brains.

We are going to start off with Dr. Christopher Stout, who has helped people all over the


"Health is perhaps the most common denominator in a region's potential for success as it

is so intertwined with economic sustainability, eradicating poverty, preventing war, mitigating

violence, and fostering social prosperity."

Can you expound upon that in terms of acceptance of mental health and everything we're talking

about here?

I had worked at the United Nations 1998-1999 and one of the things that I worked on was

the aspect of looking at mental health and substance abuse visa vie sustainable development.

And sort of the argument or the thesis that I had in that which relates back to the quote,

that you very generously used, was that if without mental health there is no health so

to speak.

That issues of you can be the needing this kind of assistance regardless of whatever

kind of circumstance it's going to be hard to be a good parent, it's going to be hard

to be a good worker, it's going to be hard to be a good contributor to your community,

or to your tribe, or whatever.

And it makes it really ironically I think a fundamental aspect of being successful in

every other aspect of one's life, even if you're you know biologically so to speak

or physically fit or healthy.

If you are suffering with debilitating chronic clinical depression, you're not going to

be able to go work, you're not going to be able to support a family things like that.

So that's the kind of aspect of you know what that point was trying to get to.

I think it dates back to a few hundred years where people tried to separate the mind from

the body as if it were two components of a system that never really talked about another

and at least my angle is going to be some higher order type of cognitive thinking and

the body was meant to be basically the mechanics and they were not connected so if you're

going to see someone if you have mental health issue people believe that it must be due to

this nebulas concept of a mind and that its some how your responsibility or at least partially

your responsibility and it has nothing to do with your body.

Well we know now that this is completely incorrect.

The brain is the most complex organ in the universe, it has connections with you heart,

it has connections with basically everything else and to give your friend the heart analogy

we now know that individuals who have heart disease often also have mental manifestations

of that heart disease and brain stress or distress in the brain is also associated with

cardiac arrest and cardiovascular disease.

It's one system.

I think some people like to make it simple, but as my professor used to say it can only

be as simple as it really is.

For most of us we've had options as our lives have changed as we've learned, as

we become employed as we've had you know have been married and had a life.

And so we want more options for people for where they go after they leave their family

home and then to allow them to grow to set the bar much higher than it was set for me

and for our family when we were told 24 years ago to plan to love, accept, and institutionalize

our son because there's no hope for people with autism.

And I committed back then, and I remain committed now that that is not the option, the only

option for people with autism there are so many more.

And we're trying to be an example.

So that when a child is diagnosed today we can not only tell that family that they can

have a job in a home and friends in a supportive community.

We can actually show them and what a different lifestyle that represents for a family who's

just had a diagnosis of autism to set the bar much higher than it was set for us.

And we all know the difference that hope can make in any of our lives to get out of bed

in the morning or get out of the closet or wherever we might be hiding from, to recognize

that it is another day, there's more that we can do and that we can all have greater

hope for a future.

That's what all of us deserve.

It's so awful to a parent, it's so stigmatizing and upsetting that, to some degree not consciously

but unconsciously, parents don't notice the symptom because they can't bear the

idea that "maybe my child really has — whatever it is."

I think that if we as a nation could bring in such the same place as you just pointed

out, that we bring pancreases, hearts, livers and other organs that we don't have a problem

talking about or going to the doctor for, that parents would recognize what is happening

with their child and bring them for the treatment that they need

I think the biggest thing is to realize that ADHD is not their fault.

They're not lazy, it's not their fault.

They're not stupid, they're wonderful, incredible people that need a boost in self-confidence.

And they need encouragement, and they need positivity.

Their whole life they're getting "hurry up, stop doing that, do something else, what's

wrong with you, you can do this," and they're not given enough positive reinforcement.

I guess the biggest challenge is being able to navigate through the land mines of different

people with such strong opinions that they maybe they don't mean to be nasty or insulting

but when their own belief system is challenged, they lash out so Denise's list is a moderated

list so that means that I have to approve everything before it goes on this is the reason

why it is still here 15 years later because otherwise it would people would have been

stalking off in just Kai anger.

That is the challenge.

Keeping everybody civil and not distributing those posts that are not.

I have to read every single one of the posts before it gets distributed.

Who decides what's beneath or above somebody?

Every individual with a disability or not gets to determine where they want to work

or how they want to live, it's not up to us to judge that and I think it's huge mistake

for people to judge being too beneath somebody.

That job could be a final job for someone and that could be absolutely brilliant or

it could be a stepping stone to some other job once they have learned some fundamental

job skills but I can tell you in the car wash, those young adults with autism that are working

there are not only earning a wage for the first time in many cases, they have created

social relationships with people within their workplace that they never had before.

They are going out together on their own, they are hosting events, not with the owners

facilitating or coordinating.

They have created a social niche for themselves that they didn't have before.

They have developed empathy for their fellow workers, people are volunteering to go and

pick someone up who might have to take 2 or 3 buses in order to get there.

They would have never have done that before in some cases.

You know a lot of my film work is set in schools.

And I think teachers work incredibly hard, I have so much respect for them.

I mean we're always asking them to do more and more and more but I think that one of

the ways education is changing that helps the neurodiverse population and kids like

my son and your child is to do something that's called Universal Design for Learning, which

means just like a building can be universally designed so that anybody can get into it,

you know might have accommodations for people who are blind or deaf, have automatic doors

people that use wheelchairs, education can be that way there could be a lot of access


So for instance when my son is in his English class he has great English teachers.

They might assign an assignment to him, or to the whole class.

They might say, "Listen, you can listen to this, you can watch a video about it, you

can do a skit, you can read about it, you can go into the community and learn about

it that way."

So you're giving kids five different ways.

So all different learners can find their passion, their way to do it.

And then when it comes time to show what you know, you can write a poem you know, perform

a little dialogue with somebody, or skit, you can do a short film which Samuel often

does as his homework assignments he makes a short video or a film.

So I think it's important to give kids in a school realm lots of different ways to explore

those passions, because you know a kid might think they hate history until they watch that

documentary that Ken Burns just made on Vietnam, and say "wow history is actually fascinating

now that I can experience it this way."

For more infomation >> 2017 in Review, Part 2: Understanding & Supporting Neurodiversity | EDB 110 - Duration: 11:01.


02 How TV Gave Gidget Her Groove Back from How Gidget Got Into the Girl Ghetto - Dr. Rosanne Welch - Duration: 0:51.

So I am talking about Gidget.

So we're at the SRN Conference and we're very excited about that and because we're talking

about fact and fiction, that's why I cam to this.

My title is very long.

I laugh about that.

So, it's "How Gidget Got Into the Girl Ghetto" and I'm sorry to use that word, but it is

a negative word in the United States, but Ilike the alliteration of the words and I

think it is a real problem because you'll see, of course, the film began -- the adaptation

began as a film starring Sandra Dee and as far as Americans are concerned, Sandra Dee

is kind of a bubble gum, cutesy pie, blonde WITH NO real serious -- nothing but the superficiality

of her being cute and a babe on the beach, right and so that is what I was thinking about

when I thought about doing this and it came to me that it's TV that gave Gidget her her

groove back so I should have shrunk the title but it was too late for the publication.

For more infomation >> 02 How TV Gave Gidget Her Groove Back from How Gidget Got Into the Girl Ghetto - Dr. Rosanne Welch - Duration: 0:51.


Trump's 'bromance' with Putin has clouded his views on Russia - Duration: 1:27.

Trump's 'bromance' with Putin has clouded his views on Russia.

Democratic Rep. Gerald Connolly (Va.) on Tuesday said President Trump has a "bromance" with

Russian President Vladimir Putin that has clouded his judgment.

In an interview with "The Lead" on CNN, Connolly told host Jim Sciutto that the recent decision

from the Trump administration to sell lethal weaponry to Ukraine came despite Trump's "inexplicable"

soft spot for Putin.

"I think that the machinery of the United States government, the defense machinery,

the foreign policy machinery has never wavered in understanding that Russia is an adversary

and a threat to western values and our own democratic system," Connolly said.

"[But] I think the president has a lot of trouble getting that in his head because of

his own personal conflicts and his own personal needs and relationships with Russians, Russian

oligarchs who financed part of his enterprise and his inexplicable admiration, bromance,

for Vladimir Putin," added Connolly.

"So I think in some ways we�re doing this despite the president."

The Trump administration announced earlier this month that it would sell more than $80

billion of lethal weaponry to Ukraine's military, including anti-tank missiles and sniper rifle


Connolly said he believes the president was "reluctant" to sign off on the policy, which

was seen as a shift in U.S. policy toward Russian aggression in Ukraine.

"I think he is a very reluctant signatory to the recent national strategic policy that

was announced,� Connolly said.

Republicans in Congress praised the administration for the move, including some who have been

critical of Trump in the past, such as Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.)


�I�m pleased the administration approved the sale of defensive lethal arms to Ukraine,�

Corker said in a statement.

�This decision was supported by Congress in legislation that became law three years

ago and reflects our country�s longstanding commitment to Ukraine in the face of ongoing

Russian aggression.�

For more infomation >> Trump's 'bromance' with Putin has clouded his views on Russia - Duration: 1:27.


Trump supporter Joy Villa says she filed a sexual assault complaint against Corey Lewandowski - Duration: 1:36.

Trump supported joy Villa says she filed a sexual assault complaint against Corey

Lewandowski singer joy Villa an outspoken Trump supporter is accusing the president s former campaign manager

Of sexual assault following an alleged incident at a Trump International Hotel party last month

Villa says she's filed a report with the Metropolitan Police Department stating Karan Lewandowski smacked her on her rear end twice

Villa 31

told POLITICO, she met Lewandowski through a mutual friend at an invite-only party in November

However after a photo opportunity she claims Lewandowski smacked her on the butts

I'm wearing this silver suit and stretchy pants and after the photo. He smacks Maya - really hard

She said it was completely deafening and shocking she allegedly confronted him noting that she could accuse him of sexual harassment

But he reportedly laughed the encounter off before doing it a second time Villa said she waited a month before talking to police

The singer previously made headlines for wearing a make America great again dressed to the Grammy Awards

She initially wanted to bring Lewandowski up on charges of sexual harassment

She said, but she claims she was told the incident she described his more accurately categorized as sexual assault

According to the outlet the Metropolitan Police Department has opened an investigation

The system t the first time that you learned offski has found himself in trouble

He was previously charged with misdemeanor battery over allegations. He grabbed the arm of a then Breitbart reporter

Michelle fields during a campaign event in March


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