Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 12, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 27 2017

I reviewed quite a range of Linux distributions in 2017, and for once they were not all based

on Ubuntu.

I also took a look at Fedora, openSUSE, and even a few Arch based distros.

Linux Lite is based on Ubuntu 16.04 and uses the XFCE desktop.

The theming of the distro is plain and to the point.

Linux Lite have not only accommodated new users, but have kept the application selection

tight and simple enough that a more advanced user could pick up the system and not feel

the need to go pruning surplus applications.

There is a wide range of tools and utilities provided with the system, and one that I do

like is their custom Lite tweaks tool, which allows you to easily modify various system

settings, clean temporary files, remove old packages, free up RAM, as well as various

other tweaks.

The Welcome screen provides shortcuts for getting your system up and running, links

to online support and the help manual, and also a link to the Hardware Database.

This is another feature Linux Lite have made which is over and above many other distros,

they have created a Hardware Database, where the community can submit details of their

hardware and say whether it works in Linux.

SolydK used to be one of my favourite Linux Distributions, and I even used it on my main

system after I decided to leave Ubuntu back in 2014.

The version I reviewed came out in July, it was based on Debian Stretch, and came with

the newer KDE 5.8 LTS desktop.

One fundamental flaw of the distro was it only recognised one CPU core.

Although my AMD Ryzen is much newer than the kernel, I had not suffered the same problem

in Debian Stretch with Gnome desktop.

But ok CPU issues aside I was disappointed by reduction in features of the welcome screen.

Pity because the welcome screen was what I really loved about it.

Perhaps the problem is Ubuntu MATE came along and set my expectations for a user friendly

distribution much higher.

Talking about Ubuntu MATE it is my 2nd best distribution.

They have impressed me with their constant development and improvement of what is an

old fork of the Gnome classic desktop.

They have provided a look switcher to easily switch the desktop style between: Apple, Windows,

Netbook, Pantheon, Gnome Classic and Unity style layouts.

It's the Mutiny, Unity style I wanted to focus on here where you can have a Heads Up

Display, Global menu, and Unity-like style panel.

The HUD and Global menu work perfectly with both Qt and GTK based applications.

Which is something that Gnome and KDE have so far failed to achieve.

These improvements came at a perfect time with Ubuntu ending development of the Unity


Ubuntu MATE allow easy tweaks to be made with the placement of Close, Minimize, and Maximise

buttons, and you can choose whether to have a Software compositor with Marco, or Hardware

compositor with Compiz.

The desktop is more flexible than Unity ever was.

By using a fork of older Gnome applications it seems more feature rich than the brand

new versions of Gnome.

The welcome screen is a nice addition to assist new users.

The presentation of it is superb, and it has links to Getting started, Driver installer,

Community help, and a basic software installer called Software Boutique.

If you find Software Boutique too lightly stocked for your taste it provides a link

to install one of the other Software centres on your system.

The second worst distro is something I completely forgot that I had reviewed, but upon looking

back I can see why I had forgotten about it.

Maui Linux is based on KDE Neon which is based on Ubuntu 16.04.

You get a rolling release KDE desktop on top of a stable Ubuntu base.

KDE Neon is currently my distro of choice, so why would I dislike something based on


Well the problem with Maui Linux is the choice of Applications, they seem to have gone out

of their way to avoid some of the native KDE apps.

The update manager is from Linux Mint, which would withhold the kernel updates at a time

when a few kernel vulnerabilities had been discovered.

Package manager is Synaptic which looks awful on theming, instead of the native Muon package

manager which fits nicely in KDE.

Music players were Audacious and gmusicbrowser.

Why not use Clementine, which has more functionality, looks beautiful, and is a native Qt app.

Baloo file searcher was disabled by default, which reduces functionality of application

launchers, in that they can't search for files.

Sure disabling it does save some CPU and memory which would be fine for an underpowered netbook.

The ISO file was 1.9GB and I can't help but wonder if the large size was due to all

the additional libraries required to run the non-native applications that were pre-installed

on the system.

It seems to me that they have taken the KDE desktop, shot it in the knees, and then passed

it across to the user.

An honorable mention has to go to Sparky Linux, I wanted this to be a top 3 contender, because

it has a unique feature of easily being able to install from a wide range of desktops with

the APTus tool.

Not just the main desktops like KDE, GNOME, and XFCE, but more obscure ones like CDE,

Enlightenment and Trinity.

It's certainly worth installing if you want to try out all the different Linux desktops.

Or you could watch the series I made last year.

And now on to the best Linux Distro.

KDE Plasma is my favourite desktop, but the problem is development is extremely aggressive

and a new version with new features appears once every few months.

This is too quick for a fixed release operating system like Kubuntu, Debian, and Fedora to

keep up with.

KDE Neon is my current distro of choice as it provides a rolling release version of the

KDE desktop packed on top of a stable long term support release of Ubuntu.

However, that version of Ubuntu is now getting a bit old, and the latest CPUs from Intel

and AMD don't work so well with its kernel.

My choice now is to look for something more rolling release for the entire Linux OS.

I looked at a couple recently: openSUSE Tumbleweed and Antergos.

So the winner is the Arch based Antergos.

I loved its simplicity and speed.

The installer allowed you to easily choose between different desktops and applications

to put on your system.

You can make it as cut down and simple as you want.

Getting it going was honestly no more difficult than installing Ubuntu.

You may ask why not openSUSE or Manjaro, and the answer is bulk.

Both distributions came with too many applications pre-installed which may suit a new user.

But for the more advanced user who doesn't want to mess around with configuration files,

Antergos was a brilliant alternative.

It was a bit annoying that the Application Dashboard for KDE didn't get pre-installed,

and it was a bit vague finding multimedia codecs, but neither problem took me long to


Installation of applications could be carried out either via the terminal with Pacman or

the GUI using Pamac.

Both the Arch and AUR repositories were included, which means a wide range of applications were

available for the system.

I even noticed the latest nvidia 387 drivers were available in the repos.

A price you will pay being on Arch is there will be a lot of updates, as you are on the

bleeding edge.

But otherwise everything just worked and I loved it.

Now for the worst distribution, although there

wasn't really too much of a problem with bugs, it completely failed on its main selling


Ultimate Edition 5.1 is based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and used the KDE Plasma 5.5.5 desktop.

This version of Plasma was awful and buggy when it was released with Kubuntu the previous


I never understood why the creator said "I hate KDE.

No news there, but I believe I spent a ton of time refining it to make our users happy.

Did I mention I hate KDE?

Looks too much like that other Operating System" What!

You're the distro creator you can use whatever desktop you want.

Ultimate Edition always was a flashy looking distro, and you know what there is nothing

wrong with that.

But the problem was the fancy looking components of the theming were not consistent throughout.

The Ghost Deco window theme is broken in Plasma 5.

The glossy mouse cursor kept falling back to using the grey Breeze cursor.

A variety of icon themes were included, but these failed to cover core component features

of the desktop and all the pre-installed applications.

As a result KDE fell back to using default icons, which looked so out of place in comparison.

I appreciate there are far too many applications to draw icons for all, but a pre-installed

theme should at least be able to cover all the pre-installed applications.

There was one bug with the application centre crashing.

Thank you all for watching.

Have a happy new year and prosperous 2018.

For more infomation >> Best and Worst Linux Distributions of 2017 - Duration: 9:18.


V系メイクしてみたらほぼ別人に!! Visual kei Makeup Tutorial - Duration: 5:29.

Hi its me Rio

My hair grew a lot recently and now it is shitty

My freidn told me thqt my hairstyle looks like Rock Lee

Im gonna cut my hair soon

Before that Im gonna do a visual kei style makeup

Im sorry for my dirty face

I wanted to wear big lenses

I lost one of them in the wash bowl

So now Im wearing a bigger one only on my left eye

Well its not noticeable right?

So now Im gonna start doing the makeup but my beard is strong

So Im gonna hide it with BB cream concealer and this is something similar to foundation

Ive never learned about makeup properly so it might not be completely accurate

Ive never put this amount of concealer

Gosh most of my face is covered by concealer

I just thought it would be good to cover all of my face by concealer

Its like Im somehow drawing

Well its gonna be fine to cover all of my face with makeup since its visual kei makeup

Well I hope it will be fine

Now its powder

Im too white

Well its gonna be okay since its visual kei makeup

I failed to put lip tint

Well some of them do have this kind of lips

Its look alike right, isnt it?

Everything is red now

Now coming to eyebrows

Actually you should shave all of your eyebrows to do visual kei makeup

But I dont want to shave my eyebrows for now

So Im gonna follow my natural eyebrow shape this time

Something like this

This is still thick as visual kei though

Then moving on to eyeliner

Actually Im not good at applying eyeliner

Well it might be okay if you look at me fro; far away

So Ill be really close to mirror

Now its just black line around my eyes

There is this kind of person among Tokyo Fashion

This might be rude though

Now Im gonna make double line

This is how it looks with double line and hairmake

How is it?

Personally I think this looks really good

I do look like a visual kei musician now

I look like a band member with guitar perfecly

I do look like visual kei right? But my hair is kinda messed up though

Well this is good for a first time anyway

Im gonna do a kpop makeup after cutting my hair next time

*I sent my photo to Roy after filming*

Roy ; Huh?

Rio ; I did visual kei makeup by myself for youtube

Roy ; What the fuck is this makeup



For more infomation >> V系メイクしてみたらほぼ別人に!! Visual kei Makeup Tutorial - Duration: 5:29.


গুড়া দুধের ছানা তৈরির সহজ রেসিপি/গুড়া দুধের ছানা/ছানা||Milk Powder Chana/How to Make Chana/Chana - Duration: 4:42.


For more infomation >> গুড়া দুধের ছানা তৈরির সহজ রেসিপি/গুড়া দুধের ছানা/ছানা||Milk Powder Chana/How to Make Chana/Chana - Duration: 4:42.


Learning Advanced English and How to Speak without Thinking or Translating - Duration: 6:50.

- Hello, this is Jack from

Now, when I make a new video here on YouTube

or when I give a live lesson

on Instagram or Facebook,

I usually get a comment from somebody

askin' me to teach them advanced English.

What people normally mean by this is

English that isn't taught in basic lessons.

Advanced grammar,

words and phrases that native speakers use,

like idioms and slang terms and phrasal verbs.

In fact, I received a message from somebody

on Instagram the other day,

talking about advanced English.

But listen to this,

because he told me that he has a high level,

that he has been following my method for months now,

but he doesn't have the confidence when speakin'

because he feels like he can't used advanced English,

that he isn't usin' advanced English enough.

And I understand that, because we want to impress people.

It's something that we want to do naturally.

And when it comes to English,

you want to impress people with your level,

to use words that are going to impress people.

But look at what my friend Jonathan,

who is also an English teacher,

said on one of my live lessons recently.

"Most conversations in English are based on basic English

"that sounds natural and automatic."

"Most conversations in English are based on basic English

"that sounds natural and automatic."

Think about that.

Native speakers or advanced speakers

use basic phrases,

but they do so in a way that is natural,

and also they can do it automatically.

And this means that people aren't

thinking about grammar rules,

or they're not translating while speaking.

And they're using the right sounds of English,

the right intonation, rhythm, and stress,

because what some people think is a basic phrase

is better thought of as a commonly used phrase.

Or basic vocabulary

is just commonly used vocabulary.

For example, think about the phrasal verb get up,

to get up.

This is something that is taught

in the first lesson of a language school.

This is something that is taught in beginner books,

and you know what this phrasal verbs means, right?

But can you use it in a natural way

without thinkin' about grammar rules?

Here are some examples.

I got up so early today.

I've been gettin' up really early recently.

He doesn't like gettin' up early.

There was an example of that phrasal verb

using the past tense.

One in the present-perfect continuous,

and one using like plus the gerund.

So, these were all used in different tenses

and in different ways.

So, ask yourself if you are able to use

this type of basic English

automatically and naturally.

If you are able to use basic English

without thinkin' about rules,

without thinkin' about the translation,

usin' the right phrase at the right time,

and sayin' it in the right way,

because it's important to know the difference

between knowing something and reachin' this stage

where things just flow.

Where you can say things automatically.

Knowing how to complete a sentence

usin' the third conditional

is different to bein' able to use the third conditional

automatically while having conversations.

And I'm sure you want to reach this stage

where things just happen,

where you can speak naturally,

and things just come out of your mouth magically.

Now, I do want to say that

learning advanced English is great,

and it's something that I recommend you do,

but don't neglect the basics.

Don't neglect these commonly used phrases

because these are the phrases that you're going to use

when speakin' in English.

If you've been followin' me for a while,

you'll know all about the method

that will help you get to this stage,

but if you're new or if you need a reminder,

check out the video that I've liked to in the description.

Now, here is a tip when it comes to

learning advanced English or any new words and phrases,

and it's this.

It's a simple one.

Learn the English that you are going to use.

Think about how you use your English now

or how you are going to use it in the future.

For example, let's say that you are a fitness coach,

but you want to teach people

about health and fitness in English.

Then it makes sense to learn words and phrases

related to this field, this industry.

Things like bench pressing,

the Paleo Diet, squatting.

But instead of just learnin' new words and phrases,

single words and phrases,

learn them through sentences.

Things like the Paleo Diet is terrible

or the Paleo Diet is somethin' you need to try.

And then get lots of repetition

with these phrases so that you internalize 'em,

so that you can start usin' them in a flexible way.

So interimly, know that native speakers

use basic phrases all the time

and that maybe you should put more focus

on using methods that will help you

use these phrases in conversations,

because these are the phrases that you need to know.

And when learning advanced English,

learn the type of English that you need to know.

Learn it in context.

And also, use my method to help you do this.

To learn more about my method, click over here

or watch one of our latest conversations

and notice how often we use basic words and phrases,

the types of phrases that you learned in your first class.

And if you're new here,

click that red button and subscribe to this channel

and consider turning on notifications too.

Thank you so much for watching.

Please share this with anyone who needs to see it,

and go watch one of those videos.

("Breathe" by Johan Borjesson)

For more infomation >> Learning Advanced English and How to Speak without Thinking or Translating - Duration: 6:50.



Hello music lovers and welcome to this new video!

Ok. Let me be clear about one thing from the outset...

I am a big fan of Agnes Obel.

There... I said it!

Yes? I am told to move on... ok!

And after attending one of her concerts, I realised to what extent her music...

not only is connected to...

but actually oozes classical music at all levels!

Today we're going to see together why her classical influence serves her pop music universe.



What strikes from the start...

in Agnes Obel's music...

is its minimalist aspect.

Indeed, with very few elements, her music manages to move us...

Well I don't know about you, but with me it really works...

And the other important aspect in Minimalism is...

the fact that there are few musical elements obviously...


but to boot...

you repeat them.

So she is not the first to do that since this musical movement goes back to...

more or less the mid-XXth century with American composers like...

Steve Reich

John Cage

or Philip Glass

So before we dive into Agnes Obel's music,

I believe it is important to listen to a bit of minimalist music...

to get a taste of it!

So to do so, we're going to listen to the piece I've chosen...

"Mad Rush" by Philip Glass.

I raised the pitch of all the extracts.

It's just to avoid being blocked.

Thanks Youtube.

Now we can tackle Agnes Obel...

well not literally...

with, to illustrate the minimalist aspect of her music,

an extract from her latest album "Citizen of Glass"...

and her sublime song "Familiar".

Another distinctive feature in Agnes Obel's music is rhythmic composition.

Indeed, most ot the pop music that is released nowadays...

is based on quadruple metre.

It's a fact!

Agnes Obel, on the other hand, tends to compose in triple metre,

either 3/4 or 6/8.

So is it just to show off like...

"Yes I'm an artist, you know"

Or does it bring something actually original when you hear it?

Well, triple metre is often associated with something "danceable"...

just think about the rythm of Waltzes, of Minuets, etc...

The thing is, in Agnes Obel's music, the tempo is rather slow...

which doesn't really fit in with the intention of making people dance, don't you agree?

In that respect, she took a lot of inspiration from a great French composer...

Erik Satie.

And as we will see in his first "Gymnopedie",

you are closer to a swaying sensation...

than to an urge to go crazy on the dancefloor.

Let's not fool ourselves.

With Agnes Obel, you are completely in this same state of mind,

which is ultimately very close to a certain music genre:

the lullaby.

And there is a song that perfectly illustrates that;

it's one of her first "hits":


And the last point I wanted to go over in her writing

is her harmonic langage.

So without revolutionizing music, on the contrary,

she made some very clever choices in her music,

for instance regarding the chords she picked to go with her melodies.

Agnes Obel uses the minor mode in a lot of her pieces

and what she loves to do

(she's not the only one)

is to "majorise" the fourth degree.

You'll see, once you know what it is...

your life will change.

For instance, you take a D minor scale.

So: D - E - F - G - B flat - C

From there, you find the 4th note...

So : G. We agree?

Before we go any further, a degree is the chord that corresponds to a note in a key.

So you take all the notes in your scale

and you build a chord each time...

by adding the third and the fifth.

For example, the 4th degree: G.

You add its third to it (B flat)

and its fifth (D).

That way you have your 4th degree chord in D minor.

And to come back to what Agnes Obel particularly likes,

it's to take this same 4th degree...

but instead of leaving it like that, she's going to put it in "major mode".

And so, what does it change?

The third!

Instead of being "minor", it's going to be "major"!

(G minor)


Let's take a piece by Agnes to see the difference with "Fuel to fire".

I will play you both versions:

the first one is the one Agnes wrote...

and the second one: the minor version.

(Original version)

("minor" version)

The last point I wanted to address regarding the harmony...

is the fact that ultimately, certain notes vary very little.

Agnes often likes to keep only one note...

despite the change in chords that may be behind it.

And this note, in music, is called a "pedal point".

There are several examples of this in her music, but one of my favourites

is at the end of her song: "Dorian".



So in the end, the arrangement is not necessarily what is blindingly obvious,

deafeningly obvious...

but it's one of the most important things in music!

Ultimately, it's the combination of all the musical elements together.

In short, it's a tightrope walker's work.

And that's what fascinates me in Agnes Obel's music.

For instance, you're going to find it in the covering of a sound space...

even in something basic...

such as the amplitude between the bass and the high notes.

A good example of that is yet again in her song "Dorian"...

where you have cello for the bass...

Agnes Obel's voice and the accompanying left hand on the piano

for the middle register...

and the right hand subtly arrives...

to cover the high notes.

And all this put together is just...




There are sounds in Agnes Obel's music...

that you find a lot in the classical repertoire.

Even if she never went to the conservatoire, her parents were musicians...

and she often listened to classical composers such as Bartok and Satie.

And inevitably, you can feel it a lot in her music!

A good example of sounds that were inspired by classical music...

is her use of cellos!

She particularly uses the "natural harmonics" technique

to bring out at best the extremely high notes of the instrument.

All this while most of pop music is now flooded with electronic sounds.

But that's another debate!

With a string instrument...

"natural harmonics" consist in not placing your finger on the fingerboard,

but in brushing against the chord in a certain place...

to bring out a much higher note.

A good example in classical music is

the first Cello Concerto by Camille Saint-Saëns.

And a good example of that...

is in her piece "Run Cried the Crawling".

Another technique that Agnes Obel uses beautifully...

is asking her musicians to play not with the bow,

but with the wooden part of the bow...

which has a very percussive effect.

In classical music, it's called playing "col legno"...

(that's just so you can show off !)

You can find a great example of this in Holst's "Planets"...

and the famous movement: "Mars"!

In Agnes's music, it's slightly more delicate...

as you will see with "The Curse".

And finally, the last cello technique that...

Agnes Obel uses a lot is the "pizzicato"!

This technique consists in not playing with the bow...

but pinching the strings with your fingers.

It's more traditional but it still has quite the effect!

It's the case in Bartok's 4th string quartet...

where an ENTIRE movement is played "pizzicato"!

Let's see what it's like with her song...


So to what extent does this "classical background"...

enable her to offer us such beautiful songs?

Thanks to a very refined writing

and to a very minimalist use of musical elements,

Agnes Obel's songs go beyond mere pop music inspired by classical music...

They become real little chamber music pieces

as the "Berlin Live Sessions" prove it.

Ultimately, you could almost say...

that it's classical music with a "pop" inspiration...

rather than the other way round.

In a word... Agnes Obel!

Thanks very much for watching this video,

which really matters to me.

It goes to show how much I dig this artist...

Go discover her three albums:

"Philharmonics", "Aventine" and "Citizen of Glass"...

and her live recordings

which you can easily find on Youtube.

It's really a goldmine!

For me, it's extremely inspiring music...

which really helps me when I'm down...

So if I have one piece of advice for you,

it's rush to discover Agnes Obel!

I count on your shares and likes...

so that one day...

- why not,

who knows? -

Agnes Obel might come across this video!

Will you help me?

Until next time, music lovers...Take care!

Ciao !

For more infomation >> "DU CLASSIQUE DANS..." AGNES OBEL (REUPLOAD) - Duration: 14:02.


หุงข้าวขั้นเทพ เทสโดย CPสมิง I How To Cook Rice Perfectly test by CP SMING - Duration: 8:37.

For more infomation >> หุงข้าวขั้นเทพ เทสโดย CPสมิง I How To Cook Rice Perfectly test by CP SMING - Duration: 8:37.


X'mas Swap with Kim Dao / Meeting Sunnydahye first time! | Vlogmas #23 - Duration: 15:24.

For more infomation >> X'mas Swap with Kim Dao / Meeting Sunnydahye first time! | Vlogmas #23 - Duration: 15:24.


ਅੱਖਾਂ ਬੰਦ ਕਰ ਕੇ ਸੱਚੇ ਦਿਲ ਨਾਲ ਅਰਦਾਸ ਕਰੋ ਜਰੂਰ ਪੂਰੀ ਹੋਵੇਗੀ | Gurbani Kirtan - Duration: 5:30.

ਬਿਲਾਵਲੁ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ॥ Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: ِبلاولُ محلا ٥ ـ ਐਸੀ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਮੋਹਿ ਕਰਹੁ ॥ Bless me with such mercy, Lord, ایَسی ِکرپا موِه کرهُ ـ ਸੰਤਹ ਚਰਣ ਹਮਾਰੋ ਮਾਥਾ ਨੈਨ ਦਰਸੁ ਤਨਿ ਧੂਰਿ ਪਰਹੁ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ That my forehead may touch the feet of the Saints, and my eyes may behold the Blessed Vision of their Darshan, and my body may fall at the dust of their feet. ||1||Pause|| سنّته چرن همارو ماتھا نیَن درسُ تِن دھٷُِر پرهُ ـ١ـ رهائی ـ ਗੁਰ ਕੋ ਸਬਦੁ ਮੇਰੈ ਹੀਅਰੈ ਬਾਸੈ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮਾ ਮਨ ਸੰਗਿ ਧਰਹੁ ॥ May the Word of the Guru's Shabad abide within my heart, and the Lord's Name be enshrined within my mind. گُر کو سبدُ میرۓ هیِرۓ باسیَے هِر ناما من سنِّگ دھرهُ ـ ਤਸਕਰ ਪੰਚ ਨਿਵਾਰਹੁ ਠਾਕੁਰ ਸਗਲੋ ਭਰਮਾ ਹੋਮਿ ਜਰਹੁ ॥੧॥ Drive out the five thieves, O my Lord and Master, and let my doubts all burn like incense. ||1|| تسکر پنّچ ِنوارهُ ٹھاکُر سگلو بھرما هوِم جرهُ ـ١ـ ਜੋ ਤੁਮ੍ਹ੍ਹ ਕਰਹੁ ਸੋਈ ਭਲ ਮਾਨੈ ਭਾਵਨੁ ਦੁਬਿਧਾ ਦੂਰਿ ਟਰਹੁ ॥ Whatever You do, I accept as good; I have driven out the sense of duality. جو تُم کرهُ سوئی بھل مانیَے بھاونُ دُِبدھا دٷُِر ٹرهُ ـ ਨਾਨਕ ਕੇ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਤੁਮ ਹੀ ਦਾਤੇ ਸੰਤਸੰਗਿ ਲੇ ਮੋਹਿ ਉਧਰਹੁ ॥੨॥੩॥੧੧੯॥ You are Nanak's God, the Great Giver; in the Congregation of the Saints, emancipate me. ||2||3||119|| نانک کے پربھ تُم هی داتے سنّتسنِّگ لے موِه اُدھرهُ ـ٢ـ٣ـ١١٩ـ

For more infomation >> ਅੱਖਾਂ ਬੰਦ ਕਰ ਕੇ ਸੱਚੇ ਦਿਲ ਨਾਲ ਅਰਦਾਸ ਕਰੋ ਜਰੂਰ ਪੂਰੀ ਹੋਵੇਗੀ | Gurbani Kirtan - Duration: 5:30.


Social Experiment #51 : Kids and alcohol. - Duration: 9:21.

If your parents are alcoholics

You have the choice :

You can let your choices being shaped by your parent's behaviour

and imitates their lifestyle.

Or you can choose an healthier path.

It all depends on the awareness you'll choose to have on the subject.

Hi everyone and welcome to "Would you react ?"

The 100% positive Youtube channel !

I know some of you guys are living in a not-so-healthy family environment

We think drinking alcohol in early age is okay...

People lacking a little bit of love...

We have only one family,

so, it's sometimes complicated to recognise our situation as unusual

and to understand if a context is abusive or not.

Of course, you should respect your parents,

but it doesn't mean that you can't start now asking yourself the right questions

and try to understand what's healthy and what's not.

Can we learn in a playful way how to become really good people ?

Sure ! Here is the video !

Pay attention to the last try. It really surprised us.

We were a bit confused, tell us what you think in the comments !

We're really interested in your opinion.

As usual, you'll find some advices from our counsellor at the end of the video.

Come sit here, Gwen !

- It's wet ! - Here too, it doesn't matter.

- How are you doing pretty little girl ? - I am good.

Okay, let's see.. What would you like to drink ?

- Red wine, please ! - Some wine ?

- Red wine ! - Some red wine ?!!

Yes, a glass of red wine please.

I am used to it, my uncle Marc gave me some to try.

- She is too young ! - Nah, she is not..

- And for you ? - A Vodka.

And a vodka for him.

Red wine for me, please.

You are way too young to drink red wine.

Yeah but it's fine, that's what we do.

I am used to it, my uncle Marc gave me some to try.

Yes, but she is too young to drink alcohol !

Okay, but I am her granddad, and I am okay with her drinking some red wine...

... when Mom is not around !

- And for you ? - A Volka, please.

I am sorry but i can't serve alcohol to the kids.

- How old are you? Ten? - He is 11 years old.

What is he doing to drink at 18 then ? That's not a good example.

Okay so how about...

[30 seconds later]

Can we have the 2+1free Mojitos special, please?

- So we have a Mojito each ? - I cannot serve you this, sir.

I am telling you that's what I want ! 3 Mojitos , please.

3 Mojitos cause we're thirsty !

And then he said 3 Mojitos !!!

I was very pissed off !

[2nd try]

Let's see what they have here...

- Tell her what you want to drink. - Vodka, please.

- Vodka ?! - Yes, a bottle, please.

- Which one would you prefer? - That's for him ?!

- Yeah, that's for him. I am his granddad. - Oh, okay.

I authorised them.

- Do you have a 40 degrees one ? - That's 40 degrees.

You don't want this one? That's 40 degrees. This one is Whisky, you like Whisky too, don't you?

I do !

Good, give him the bottle of Whisky instead, he prefers. Otherwise, he's not going to drink it.

If it's not strong enough, it doesn't drink it !

You don't drink it all at once, okay ? Just the half.


- You like this one, you're good ? - Yes.

That's not all. What do you want to drink ?

- A little bottle of red wine, please ? - This one? - For her, yes please.

[3rd try]

[He notices the cans the children are holding]

Do you mind taking a picture of us please ?

With the beer ?

Yeah, sure !

[and ignores it]

Thanks !

Is that Coke ?

[4th try]

Hello, tell him what you want to drink. What do you want ?

- He's a little thirsty... - Vodka.

- A bottle of Vodka. - A bottle of Vodka ?

- Do you have some Vodka ? - Sure, it's over there.

Okay, but you don't drink it all at once. Just the half.


[5th try]

- Do you want a drink? Are you thirsty? - Vodka.

- Which Vodka ? - Which one do you want ?

The one with the red lid, please.

You don't drink it all, you drink slowly. Here is your bottle.

Slowly ! You don't drink all at once, you keep the second half for this afternoon.

- Thanks. - Thanks, bye.

[6th try]

Hello, Can you help me open the bottle, please ?


Can you open...

[7th try]

Hi, Can you help me open the bottle, please ?

And pouring it in my sister's glass and mine, please ?

Thank you.

Hang on, that's not water !

Ah, that's Vodka !

Seriously ?

Don't drink that !

How come that you reacted that way ?

That's personal... My father was alcoholic.

It can go very far...

You mean, you're aware of the consequences ?

You can die, that's simple as this. If it goes too far, you can also stupidly commit suicide.

[8th try]

Sir, can you help me open the bottle, it's too hard.

Oh dear.

You're not drinking Vodka, are you ?

- Can you help me pouring it, please ? - Okay, if you want...

[We all have our part of responsibility towards the education of the children.]

What are you doing ?!

I don't know, he asked me to help him pouring it.

What? I was thinking it's water.

- But it's not. - No.

[Last try]

- Hello ! - Hello.

- Tell him what you want to drink.. - A beer, please.

A beer.

- 3 beers, please. - Small ones ?

Yes, please, 25 cl should be fine.

[What's going to happen ?!]

A beer for the young boy, a beer for the little girl and a beer for myself !

- How much ? - 7,50 Euros, please.

It's nice, we're thirsty !

[The beers are served.]

[We decide to add another actress, as a fake Mom.]

Did you buy beers to the kids ?!

They were thirsty.

Yeah but seriously, beers..

We didn't think you would turn up.

That's what we usually do, we go for a walk and we drink a little beer when we are thirsty...

- You mean, that's not the first time ? - Not really.

- But that's not ALL the time. - Usually ? Did you see their age ?

What an example !

That's not my fault, Granddad said it was okay.

I am not mad at you, I am mad at Granddad.

Excuse-me, I don't understand why you served alcohol to my kids ?

Even, if they are with their granddad, that doesn't explain why...

Is there not a law or something to prevent serving alcohol to kids ?

Yes there is, but only if the kids are alone. That's our responsibility.

But if they are with an adult, that's the adult's responsibility.

I was surprised, but...

- Does that happen often ? - No, that was the first time for me.

Finding them like that, at a table with beers, seriously...

They are 6 and 10 years old...

Legally, I don't have to right to refuse to serve them. The granddad is the authority here.

If he orders something, I have to obey, otherwise it's a case of discrimination.

I do not have the right to decide who i am serving or not.

If an adult is here, all the responsibility goes to him.

I think the goal of your video is to motivate people to save the child

from a potential bad education.

I personally think that you can't save a child from his parents.

Nothing is going to prevent the adult to have this behaviour again,

when I won't be there, when he will be alone with the child at home.

It's like a little seed in the mind of the child.

I would personally prefer to wait for an opportunity to talk in private with the child and ask him :

"Your father ordered you a beer, are you okay with this ?"

"What do you think ? How do you feel about this ?"

If i could give an advice to the child, i would say :

"You do have the right to express how you feel to adults...

... even if they are responsable for you".

It's okay to say : "Daddy, I am not okay with the fact that you ordered me a beer !".

If the adult wants to do something the child disapproves...

...he still has the right to say No !

and that's what we should teach to our children.

Pain is making us stronger if we choose to react.

For more infomation >> Social Experiment #51 : Kids and alcohol. - Duration: 9:21.


Letter School handwriting apk ABCDEFGHJ Uppercase letters Learn A to Z Tutorial Trace Practices - Duration: 5:00.

Letter School handwriting apk ABCDEFGHJ Uppercase letters Learn A to Z Tutorial Trace Practices

For more infomation >> Letter School handwriting apk ABCDEFGHJ Uppercase letters Learn A to Z Tutorial Trace Practices - Duration: 5:00.


Vegetable Song | Kindergarten Video For Children | Nursery Rhyme For Toddlers by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:09:55.

Vegetable Song

For more infomation >> Vegetable Song | Kindergarten Video For Children | Nursery Rhyme For Toddlers by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:09:55.


Griptape Custom - Duration: 7:57.

Got any goodies?



For more infomation >> Griptape Custom - Duration: 7:57.


Codrin Bradea-Aparate (Trap Remix 2k18) - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Codrin Bradea-Aparate (Trap Remix 2k18) - Duration: 1:11.


Diggers Kids Toy Truck and Learn Vehicles with Assemble a Helicopter Videos for Children - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Diggers Kids Toy Truck and Learn Vehicles with Assemble a Helicopter Videos for Children - Duration: 3:19.


Farming Simulator 17 Terra Track Manure Spreading - Duration: 11:08.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Some new mods you can use to spread manure to your fields.

FENDT 1165MT + FH 3 Front Attacher Setup 492Hp 40Km/h Top Speed

Ic Control Dynamic Hoses Smoke Script

IT RUNNER 26.33 HD TERRA Terra Tracks Incuded All The Standard ITRunner Implements Colorable Body Dynamic Hoses

HITACHI ZW150 Reskin John Deere Loader 145Hp 42Km/h Top Speed Bucket Capacity : 5.005l

The known problem Not fixed after reskin If you raise the boom to the highest point the bucket could not be fully open

This combination needs a lot of space to make turns If there are objects near the field it will not be fertilized

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Terra Track Manure Spreading - Duration: 11:08.


1. Todestag: Bewegende Erinnerungen an "Star Wars"-Carrie - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> 1. Todestag: Bewegende Erinnerungen an "Star Wars"-Carrie - Duration: 1:34.


Águas passadas não lavam porquinhos. Turma da Mônica toy - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Águas passadas não lavam porquinhos. Turma da Mônica toy - Duration: 2:58.


Meatloaf (meat roll) with ham and cheese - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Meatloaf (meat roll) with ham and cheese - Duration: 2:54.


ఉత్తర నక్షత్ర జాతకులు ఈ క్షేత్రాన్ని దర్శిస్తే - Uttara Nakshatra - Kshetra Darshanam - Jathakam - Duration: 2:41.


For more infomation >> ఉత్తర నక్షత్ర జాతకులు ఈ క్షేత్రాన్ని దర్శిస్తే - Uttara Nakshatra - Kshetra Darshanam - Jathakam - Duration: 2:41.


Cận Cảnh Đoàn Xe THỈNH SẮC THẦN Đình Tiên Thủy Bến Tre Mùng 10 Tháng 11 Hàng Năm - Miền Tây Vlogs - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Cận Cảnh Đoàn Xe THỈNH SẮC THẦN Đình Tiên Thủy Bến Tre Mùng 10 Tháng 11 Hàng Năm - Miền Tây Vlogs - Duration: 2:57.


UPRISING - AFTERVLOG #111 - Duration: 15:17.

Very blue lightning

Good morning everybody

It's Saturday 23th of December

We're going to the second-last party of this year

It's so sick how fast this year went by

Today we're going to Uprising Alkmaar


Iem and I decided to book an hotel over there

So we're go shopping later

and after that we're going to Uprising

and tomorrow we're going back to Brabant

I'm very curious

I'm really excited

A very nice line-up too

I also did a contest at my Facebook

Very nice

And we're going to meet the winners tonight

I'm now waiting for Iem

There she is


She is here

Delicious Praline croissant

Now I have to think of Decibel

And girls what have you got to eat

What are you eating?

A croissant

Cheese bread

Is it nice?

It's near by Arnhem right?

Apeldoorn, Amersfoort

We're waiting for Yvar

That's the whole conclusion of this story

And then we're going to Alkmaar

- Oh Alkmaar, yes

Alkmaar is behind Amsterdam


What just happened

It smells like Moët through the whole car

Thanks Yvar!

Thank for caring

Oh, look this!


Doesn't matter

We're in the hotel

- Really sick hotel

On the website you could see only very big and nice hotel rooms

- I'm sorry

We're going to H&M

Looking for an outfit for this girl

I already have an outfit but I want to look if there's something better

You hear it

So we're going to walk through Alkmaar

And are we going to eat sushi later?

- I like it!

Okay, bye

We're in our hotel motel room

We have this bottle

We're going to pop it

You got the honor to do it

Or to me?

I don't dare that, I'm not so good at poppin' bottles

Do I have to shake the bottle first?

No, no, no

And now we are going to take the pressure off

We're looking fabulous

- Speak for yourself

Watch out that it doesn't come to the camera

Right over my gift

That I still have to give

and secretly had unpacked

It smells again

- This is the second time today

My clothing is also dirty

What time it is?

- Time to party!

What time?

- Half past eleven

We're going to Uprising

- We were on the terrace drinking some wine

We said to each other, if it isn't too far to walk we're going walking

The navigation said 15 minutes

We did a run

I'm really tired

Is it allowed to walk over here?

It is over there

So that's where we going

I want to close this video of Uprising Alkmaar

My lens is dirty

Saturday we went to Alkmaar

for Uprising

at Victorie

It was very nice

We saw Retrospect

after him Adrenalize



Crossfight and Caezar had to play at area 2

I enjoyed it because we met and known a few people over there

also from Brabant and our environment

It was a very sociable party

10th of March they have an other party

Be there!

Link is in the discription

I hope you liked this video

It's a different video then normally, more personal

I also filmed the preparations before a party

And also what's going wrong

Next Wednesday I'm uploading a video of We Are Hardstyle

Because we went there yesterday

Don't forget to like and subscribe

Happy New Year!

Let's go to 2018

I'm really excited about a new year

There coming a lot of fun things

And I'm going to share everything with you


Very dramatic my make-up less face

I'm sorry

For more infomation >> UPRISING - AFTERVLOG #111 - Duration: 15:17.


監視器拍到情侶街頭吵架,本以為要和好,接下來男子的動作讓人憤怒!太無恥了! - Duration: 9:21.

For more infomation >> 監視器拍到情侶街頭吵架,本以為要和好,接下來男子的動作讓人憤怒!太無恥了! - Duration: 9:21.


血液型別エッチの傾向と相性 相性占いランキング 結婚を意識するカップル向け? - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> 血液型別エッチの傾向と相性 相性占いランキング 結婚を意識するカップル向け? - Duration: 3:14.


Jagannath University Flash Mob | Rag Day 2017 | জগন্নাথ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় | Top 10 Flash Mob | Part 2 - Duration: 10:02.


For more infomation >> Jagannath University Flash Mob | Rag Day 2017 | জগন্নাথ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় | Top 10 Flash Mob | Part 2 - Duration: 10:02.


DELE A2 - Tarea 1: Comida rápida - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> DELE A2 - Tarea 1: Comida rápida - Duration: 5:30.


20강 관계사 (초급 영문법) - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> 20강 관계사 (초급 영문법) - Duration: 2:49.


How to Earn Kohl's Cash

For more infomation >> How to Earn Kohl's Cash


For more infomation >> How to Earn Kohl's Cash


UPRISING - AFTERVLOG #111 - Duration: 15:17.

Very blue lightning

Good morning everybody

It's Saturday 23th of December

We're going to the second-last party of this year

It's so sick how fast this year went by

Today we're going to Uprising Alkmaar


Iem and I decided to book an hotel over there

So we're go shopping later

and after that we're going to Uprising

and tomorrow we're going back to Brabant

I'm very curious

I'm really excited

A very nice line-up too

I also did a contest at my Facebook

Very nice

And we're going to meet the winners tonight

I'm now waiting for Iem

There she is


She is here

Delicious Praline croissant

Now I have to think of Decibel

And girls what have you got to eat

What are you eating?

A croissant

Cheese bread

Is it nice?

It's near by Arnhem right?

Apeldoorn, Amersfoort

We're waiting for Yvar

That's the whole conclusion of this story

And then we're going to Alkmaar

- Oh Alkmaar, yes

Alkmaar is behind Amsterdam


What just happened

It smells like Moët through the whole car

Thanks Yvar!

Thank for caring

Oh, look this!


Doesn't matter

We're in the hotel

- Really sick hotel

On the website you could see only very big and nice hotel rooms

- I'm sorry

We're going to H&M

Looking for an outfit for this girl

I already have an outfit but I want to look if there's something better

You hear it

So we're going to walk through Alkmaar

And are we going to eat sushi later?

- I like it!

Okay, bye

We're in our hotel motel room

We have this bottle

We're going to pop it

You got the honor to do it

Or to me?

I don't dare that, I'm not so good at poppin' bottles

Do I have to shake the bottle first?

No, no, no

And now we are going to take the pressure off

We're looking fabulous

- Speak for yourself

Watch out that it doesn't come to the camera

Right over my gift

That I still have to give

and secretly had unpacked

It smells again

- This is the second time today

My clothing is also dirty

What time it is?

- Time to party!

What time?

- Half past eleven

We're going to Uprising

- We were on the terrace drinking some wine

We said to each other, if it isn't too far to walk we're going walking

The navigation said 15 minutes

We did a run

I'm really tired

Is it allowed to walk over here?

It is over there

So that's where we going

I want to close this video of Uprising Alkmaar

My lens is dirty

Saturday we went to Alkmaar

for Uprising

at Victorie

It was very nice

We saw Retrospect

after him Adrenalize



Crossfight and Caezar had to play at area 2

I enjoyed it because we met and known a few people over there

also from Brabant and our environment

It was a very sociable party

10th of March they have an other party

Be there!

Link is in the discription

I hope you liked this video

It's a different video then normally, more personal

I also filmed the preparations before a party

And also what's going wrong

Next Wednesday I'm uploading a video of We Are Hardstyle

Because we went there yesterday

Don't forget to like and subscribe

Happy New Year!

Let's go to 2018

I'm really excited about a new year

There coming a lot of fun things

And I'm going to share everything with you


Very dramatic my make-up less face

I'm sorry

For more infomation >> UPRISING - AFTERVLOG #111 - Duration: 15:17.


For more infomation >> UPRISING - AFTERVLOG #111 - Duration: 15:17.


Laura Smet- La fille de Johnny Hallyday victime d'un malaise - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Laura Smet- La fille de Johnny Hallyday victime d'un malaise - Duration: 1:03.


For more infomation >> Laura Smet- La fille de Johnny Hallyday victime d'un malaise - Duration: 1:03.


Mis peores lecturas del 2017 [CC] - Duration: 11:05.

For more infomation >> Mis peores lecturas del 2017 [CC] - Duration: 11:05.


For more infomation >> Mis peores lecturas del 2017 [CC] - Duration: 11:05.


Perfect pitch - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Perfect pitch - Duration: 4:33.


For more infomation >> Perfect pitch - Duration: 4:33.


Tại sao sơn tùng M -TP Được mệnh danh là hoàng tử mưa? - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Tại sao sơn tùng M -TP Được mệnh danh là hoàng tử mưa? - Duration: 2:15.


Easy Mac and Cheese _ with corn soup🌽 - Duration: 8:13.

Hello~ It's Nado:D♥ * I'm congenitally missing lower teeth. :D *

I'm going to make mac and cheese today!

But it's not that easy to make..

So I'll make it easy today!!!

You can use corn soup to make mac and cheese easily!!!!! *0*/

(Roux is flour and butter cooked together and used to thicken sauces or soup.) You have to make roux first to cook mac and cheese!

However, you can make roux with corn soup and cheese♪

Mac and cheese with bacon and shrimp!

Ta da♥

It looks great

I'll taste now~

It's so great.

I can smell the corn!

But it's not too strong!

I can taste cheese!!!

with bacon..

(wow fantastic)

It's great!

I love the scent of mac and cheese and the savory taste of bacon!

It's so nice..

I'll eat shrimp too!


It's so great.

I think you must eat with bacon and shrimp!

You can have mac and cheese by itself..

but it's a bit unsatisfying!

But you have these toppings..

and they make you to eat mac and cheese a lot.

pineapple ade (pineapple juice + tonic water)

I'll eat mac and cheese in this coffee bun!

I saw this when I was watching a food show

and I really wanted to eat this..

I'll eat.

This must be great.

(coffee, butter, sweetness ♥small heart♥ scent of cheese)

It's not bad.

But... I like this one better.....

I love coffee bun..

but it's too cheesy......

I love this pineapple juice.

It's too cheesy!!!!!


I didn't think it's heavy.. but it got cheesy after I ate the bread..

I love jalapeno

Thank you for the meal. I enjoyed it!

The corn soup itself is good!

but I added cheese too!!!

It can't be wrong

Bye ~ :D

* I'm congenitally missing lower teeth. :D *

For more infomation >> Easy Mac and Cheese _ with corn soup🌽 - Duration: 8:13.


Would you Rather - Roblox [Turn on Subtitles] - Duration: 20:06.

Hey guys! Welcome to Would You Rather in Roblox.

So for those who don't know what would you rather is. You'll have to choose 1 of 2 choices and see if you're in the majority or minority.

And this is the first time I'm playing this and there seems to be people with big heads? ¯\(°_o)/¯

And no shout outs today because you guys didn't read the description. (¬_¬)

I'm taking that shout out seriously, you know what. I'll give a shout out as I'm subtitling this. (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)

I'll give a shout out to those who subscribed to me earlier and shows who they subscribed. For the 3 other people leave a comment below please.

Shout out to...

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Lo Ren ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ go gaming ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ TwS Gaming ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Henry Makes ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

set this to male plez

So again if you want to get a shout out read the description of the video or read the following subtitles.

If you haven't subscribed. Press the Subscribe button, Click the Bell. And leave a comment below saying "I subbed" or "notified".

For those who have subscribed. Press the Like button. Leave a comment saying "I liked" or something near.

Finally in a game

But do note that only 10 are going to be selected and going to be given a shout out and make sure to watch the video next to this to see if you get one.

But the catch is, the moment I make a video after this, the shout out giveaway is closed. Meaning if you want a shout out go to the next video and try again.

So Thanks for the 5 who subscribed. I can't find the other 2 though

Of course I want to be happy, 70% of my day is always bad

Oh so whatever you pick will happen, that is awesome. (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

I might get copyrighted from that

This is awesome (◕ヮ◕)

Eat dirt or Sand?! (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Dirt can sometimes contain millions of bacteria causing illnesses and can sometimes contain poop from animals and..... th....things?

Oh no we get to eat it?! ⚆ _ ⚆ ಥ_ಥ

That is hilarious (・.◤)

I'm a fast sandman from the movie.... what movie?

I'm a happy and fast sandman... Travelling through the world with the wind being my road. That sound epic than I thought.

Swim in sewage or Drink a cup of sewage ಠ~ಠ

Swim in sewage. At least I won't get but sick or having bad breath even though I already have bad breath. But atleast I can wash it off.

Its literally sewage water (°ロ°)

So how does the sewage taste out there?

I wanna be batman 。◕‿◕。

Now I'm.... A man made of sand, who is happy and fast, who swims in sewage for some reason, and wears the batman suit and uses gadgets. Just whaaat? ¯\(°_o)/¯

And apparently this hook doesn't work

At least I'm fast though ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ


That is so derpy cute though (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ (ᵔᴥᵔ)

Speedy lion or?..

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ EPIC NYAN CAT YASS (。◕‿‿◕。)



We even have the rainbows (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

We're back to normal 。゜(`Д´)゜。

burn or drown

No roast for me

wha? ¯\(°_o)/¯

Just what?

Sword. Just sword. Not a great paintball user or not a great aim at that gun

Violence ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴

That didn't end well

there is a shop for what

Fidget Spinner

This is 2017 in a nutshell

Dinosaur! ༼ʘ̚ل͜ʘ̚༽

A fidget spinner dinosaur.... that meme

I thought the fidget spinner would be in the dino's fingers... dang it ಠ╭╮ಠ

Well its part dinosaur part fidget spinner

back to fidget spinning ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



Just... go on

I like dogs more than cats

I'm a Doge. We're all Doge! (ᵔᴥᵔ)

How do you pronounce that by the way, anyway

Such Awesome, Such cool, Such wow

those cats though

That signature look ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ)

Have a fidget spinner or..

Become a fidget spinner ◉_◉

already have a fidget spinner

woah ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )

this is fidget spinner-ception or something

sword not paintball gun

I'm a pacifist! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Do not kill me pleaz (ʘᗩʘ')

nuuu (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)

I'm just a person with a fidget spinner head and spinning a fidget spinner. TOTALLY NORMAL (°ロ°)☝

Its done, its done you cant stop

Play Minecraft or Roblox

Very obvious (• ε •)

I used to play Minecraft and what's shocking is I play it until today but..... not too much.

Roblox is still no.1 for me.

We turned into guests. Oh rip guests

Oh my god that's steve (°ロ°)

This is very weird

This game is one of the best

That is a thumbnail right there

Finally back to normal

Big feet or big head? uuuhhhmmm...... (ʘᗩʘ')

Just what is this?

I look like a bird with a scarf, purple beak, purple wings? And with purple bunny ears..... ¯\(°_o)/¯


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ EPIC NYAN CAT ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

And today as the song said, we'll fly! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪ FLY! 。◕‿‿◕。

that sync though

Fly! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

This is going to be the end of the video.

Thanks For Watching. Hope you enjoyed. Comment to Talk. Like if Possible. Press that Subscribe, Click the Bell, To be Notified, It definitely Helps. AND

JMC Logging Out.

For more infomation >> Would you Rather - Roblox [Turn on Subtitles] - Duration: 20:06.


ep1. When I got my report card... - Duration: 0:41.

ep1. When I got my report card....

Just before I got my report card

OMG!! I'm so nervous!!

1. When I got a grade which I had expected...

Wow.. That's ....

2. When I got a worse grade than I had expected...

I can't believe I got B+ on Practical English

But you did a great job on the subject

That's what I want to say!!

When I got a better grade than I had expected

Oh yeah~~!! Scholarship!!

That's kidding I'm not sure if I can get the scholarship....

anyway, isn't that awesome?!

For more infomation >> ep1. When I got my report card... - Duration: 0:41.


Teacher Christmas Haul - Duration: 6:46.

Let's do a teacher haul shall we

Hey honey hey trainwreck, how are you today? I am the glorious trainer Club, and I'm a preschool teacher I

Know shocking right people hired me to like look after and take care of other people's children

I could barely take care of my own

Actually, I can barely take care of myself

Anyway, let's see what I got for Christmas because they kind of appreciate me something bought me stuff

weird I love it, okay, so


got a

$10 gift card to baskin-robbins because ice cream makes everything better I


ear buds

Because I guess maybe my musics annoying

I'm gonna drop them a second, and I got a

Fragrance mist and look guys. I don't know if you can see it. It's good shit



Glitter makes everything better, so there's that we put all this back in



Lavender bath stuff because that's a mom who understands lavender

It needs to happen sometimes

Okay, honestly I do know that mom was a teacher as well

She's an elementary school teacher, so she gets it she gets it

And she even said she's like I think my kid might be the reason you need to relax

She wasn't playing

This this this is Pinterest right here, this is a Pinterest mom I love her she's amazing

She's a Pinterest mom

Treat this card like cash. I will treat it like it's my own lifeblood and


we get that's a good check like candies and awesomeness, it's

Wonderful. I love it. Thank you. I think you think

This is

Very this is awesome

first of all

Little bag, okay like a little pencil pen bag because I'm always losing my pencils and pens

I don't know. Maybe this could be for makeup

I'm not really sure I don't wear makeup, so I don't know but do you see what's got on it? No


because flamingos



So now I have a flamingo Cup. I love tumblers. I'm a huge fan of tumblers and I

Flamingos flamingos are like my sign from the universe

That I'm being listened to and that I should probably watch what I'm saying

because you know it's being heard a

very big ol of attraction guys very very big I

Get to be a flamingo look at these sucks


Wish you guys had feel-a-vision because this is just oh

I get to be a flamingo look at those loser awesome. I got another bag

Another bag. I I don't know what the initials are for I'll be honest because my initials are JB, but I

Don't know, but I still like the bag. It's pretty. I like green green and gold I mean that could be my money bag

Okay, and then there's another

Guess what yeah, I'm gonna charge I thanks Gibbs

Gibson give me a card to target

Gives me give me a $20 card to target. Oh ho ho

I'm gonna hit that 50% sale you better believe it after christmas sales are my best friend

Because that's work smarter not harder. Oh

Reagan loves me she hook me up with more Starbucks

It's a Hallmark card, are you kidding me?


About a thirty dollar Walmart cart so that was pretty cool - I have already used that though so that's okay

Yeah, dude, I came out like a bandit this year. Yeah, now. I will show you something

Do you see that up there

This is that Pinterest stuff I talked about these are the Pinterest moms I

love love love my mom's I

Ain't got time for this

If I did this it really would have looked like a blind man with no hands have made this I'm serious so I

Love that I have creative moms. There's no way that would have happened with me. So that's my teacher Hall

I'm if you're a preschool teacher or an elementary school or high school or whatever teacher

I would love to see what you got if you gave your kids teacher something I'd love to hear what you gave them

Throw those all down in the comments below if this is your first time here welcome aboard train wreck

Go ahead and hit that subscribe button

Also hit the bell so that you get sea bass on a regular basis and while you're at it

Give me a like a share. There are some comments my way

Let me know what you want me to talk about we put out new content every Monday, Wednesday and Friday

my books platitudes of gratitude and all your fault are still available in eBook and paperback on Amazon and

That's all I've got for today trainwreck so all aboard

For more infomation >> Teacher Christmas Haul - Duration: 6:46.



Hello music lovers and welcome to this new video!

Ok. Let me be clear about one thing from the outset...

I am a big fan of Agnes Obel.

There... I said it!

Yes? I am told to move on... ok!

And after attending one of her concerts, I realised to what extent her music...

not only is connected to...

but actually oozes classical music at all levels!

Today we're going to see together why her classical influence serves her pop music universe.



What strikes from the start...

in Agnes Obel's music...

is its minimalist aspect.

Indeed, with very few elements, her music manages to move us...

Well I don't know about you, but with me it really works...

And the other important aspect in Minimalism is...

the fact that there are few musical elements obviously...


but to boot...

you repeat them.

So she is not the first to do that since this musical movement goes back to...

more or less the mid-XXth century with American composers like...

Steve Reich

John Cage

or Philip Glass

So before we dive into Agnes Obel's music,

I believe it is important to listen to a bit of minimalist music...

to get a taste of it!

So to do so, we're going to listen to the piece I've chosen...

"Mad Rush" by Philip Glass.

I raised the pitch of all the extracts.

It's just to avoid being blocked.

Thanks Youtube.

Now we can tackle Agnes Obel...

well not literally...

with, to illustrate the minimalist aspect of her music,

an extract from her latest album "Citizen of Glass"...

and her sublime song "Familiar".

Another distinctive feature in Agnes Obel's music is rhythmic composition.

Indeed, most ot the pop music that is released nowadays...

is based on quadruple metre.

It's a fact!

Agnes Obel, on the other hand, tends to compose in triple metre,

either 3/4 or 6/8.

So is it just to show off like...

"Yes I'm an artist, you know"

Or does it bring something actually original when you hear it?

Well, triple metre is often associated with something "danceable"...

just think about the rythm of Waltzes, of Minuets, etc...

The thing is, in Agnes Obel's music, the tempo is rather slow...

which doesn't really fit in with the intention of making people dance, don't you agree?

In that respect, she took a lot of inspiration from a great French composer...

Erik Satie.

And as we will see in his first "Gymnopedie",

you are closer to a swaying sensation...

than to an urge to go crazy on the dancefloor.

Let's not fool ourselves.

With Agnes Obel, you are completely in this same state of mind,

which is ultimately very close to a certain music genre:

the lullaby.

And there is a song that perfectly illustrates that;

it's one of her first "hits":


And the last point I wanted to go over in her writing

is her harmonic langage.

So without revolutionizing music, on the contrary,

she made some very clever choices in her music,

for instance regarding the chords she picked to go with her melodies.

Agnes Obel uses the minor mode in a lot of her pieces

and what she loves to do

(she's not the only one)

is to "majorise" the fourth degree.

You'll see, once you know what it is...

your life will change.

For instance, you take a D minor scale.

So: D - E - F - G - B flat - C

From there, you find the 4th note...

So : G. We agree?

Before we go any further, a degree is the chord that corresponds to a note in a key.

So you take all the notes in your scale

and you build a chord each time...

by adding the third and the fifth.

For example, the 4th degree: G.

You add its third to it (B flat)

and its fifth (D).

That way you have your 4th degree chord in D minor.

And to come back to what Agnes Obel particularly likes,

it's to take this same 4th degree...

but instead of leaving it like that, she's going to put it in "major mode".

And so, what does it change?

The third!

Instead of being "minor", it's going to be "major"!

(G minor)


Let's take a piece by Agnes to see the difference with "Fuel to fire".

I will play you both versions:

the first one is the one Agnes wrote...

and the second one: the minor version.

(Original version)

("minor" version)

The last point I wanted to address regarding the harmony...

is the fact that ultimately, certain notes vary very little.

Agnes often likes to keep only one note...

despite the change in chords that may be behind it.

And this note, in music, is called a "pedal point".

There are several examples of this in her music, but one of my favourites

is at the end of her song: "Dorian".



So in the end, the arrangement is not necessarily what is blindingly obvious,

deafeningly obvious...

but it's one of the most important things in music!

Ultimately, it's the combination of all the musical elements together.

In short, it's a tightrope walker's work.

And that's what fascinates me in Agnes Obel's music.

For instance, you're going to find it in the covering of a sound space...

even in something basic...

such as the amplitude between the bass and the high notes.

A good example of that is yet again in her song "Dorian"...

where you have cello for the bass...

Agnes Obel's voice and the accompanying left hand on the piano

for the middle register...

and the right hand subtly arrives...

to cover the high notes.

And all this put together is just...




There are sounds in Agnes Obel's music...

that you find a lot in the classical repertoire.

Even if she never went to the conservatoire, her parents were musicians...

and she often listened to classical composers such as Bartok and Satie.

And inevitably, you can feel it a lot in her music!

A good example of sounds that were inspired by classical music...

is her use of cellos!

She particularly uses the "natural harmonics" technique

to bring out at best the extremely high notes of the instrument.

All this while most of pop music is now flooded with electronic sounds.

But that's another debate!

With a string instrument...

"natural harmonics" consist in not placing your finger on the fingerboard,

but in brushing against the chord in a certain place...

to bring out a much higher note.

A good example in classical music is

the first Cello Concerto by Camille Saint-Saëns.

And a good example of that...

is in her piece "Run Cried the Crawling".

Another technique that Agnes Obel uses beautifully...

is asking her musicians to play not with the bow,

but with the wooden part of the bow...

which has a very percussive effect.

In classical music, it's called playing "col legno"...

(that's just so you can show off !)

You can find a great example of this in Holst's "Planets"...

and the famous movement: "Mars"!

In Agnes's music, it's slightly more delicate...

as you will see with "The Curse".

And finally, the last cello technique that...

Agnes Obel uses a lot is the "pizzicato"!

This technique consists in not playing with the bow...

but pinching the strings with your fingers.

It's more traditional but it still has quite the effect!

It's the case in Bartok's 4th string quartet...

where an ENTIRE movement is played "pizzicato"!

Let's see what it's like with her song...


So to what extent does this "classical background"...

enable her to offer us such beautiful songs?

Thanks to a very refined writing

and to a very minimalist use of musical elements,

Agnes Obel's songs go beyond mere pop music inspired by classical music...

They become real little chamber music pieces

as the "Berlin Live Sessions" prove it.

Ultimately, you could almost say...

that it's classical music with a "pop" inspiration...

rather than the other way round.

In a word... Agnes Obel!

Thanks very much for watching this video,

which really matters to me.

It goes to show how much I dig this artist...

Go discover her three albums:

"Philharmonics", "Aventine" and "Citizen of Glass"...

and her live recordings

which you can easily find on Youtube.

It's really a goldmine!

For me, it's extremely inspiring music...

which really helps me when I'm down...

So if I have one piece of advice for you,

it's rush to discover Agnes Obel!

I count on your shares and likes...

so that one day...

- why not,

who knows? -

Agnes Obel might come across this video!

Will you help me?

Until next time, music lovers...Take care!

Ciao !

For more infomation >> "DU CLASSIQUE DANS..." AGNES OBEL (REUPLOAD) - Duration: 14:02.


Farming Simulator 17 Terra Track Manure Spreading - Duration: 11:08.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Some new mods you can use to spread manure to your fields.

FENDT 1165MT + FH 3 Front Attacher Setup 492Hp 40Km/h Top Speed

Ic Control Dynamic Hoses Smoke Script

IT RUNNER 26.33 HD TERRA Terra Tracks Incuded All The Standard ITRunner Implements Colorable Body Dynamic Hoses

HITACHI ZW150 Reskin John Deere Loader 145Hp 42Km/h Top Speed Bucket Capacity : 5.005l

The known problem Not fixed after reskin If you raise the boom to the highest point the bucket could not be fully open

This combination needs a lot of space to make turns If there are objects near the field it will not be fertilized

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Terra Track Manure Spreading - Duration: 11:08.


How Does It Feel Like to Have This? | a visual diary - Duration: 4:24.

Day 1.

It's a wonderful night,

a night filled with colors blasting through the room,

singing my heart out loud,

not knowing of the doom.

Day 2.

It kicks in.

Some intoxication?

Something I cannot express how

or why it started.

Everything just felt numb,

and all i see is grey.

Day 3.

It is still here.

I still laugh, and talk to my friends,

having some cheer.


in the end,

it is still here.

Day 9

It has evolved now.

It doesn't want me to do anything,

to eat, to sleep,

I can only think of one thing,

or nothing,

because of it.

Day 12.

I've gone overeating.

From katsudon, to sushi, to tons and tons of drinks,

why can't I just seem to remove it?

Day 16.

I've lost them.

I've been too toxic, I've lost my friends and now,

and now I'm alone and it's up to me,

all on my own.

Day 31.

I can see some light.

I felt hopeless, but why is there a light?

maybe it'll be gone soon,

and I'll be stuck in doom.

and I've already accepted my fate.

Day 42.

The light is still here.

That thing that I once had fear,

I breathed,

I gasped,

I asked,

but the light is still here.

Day 46.

My vital statistics are normal

and the air is caressing my skin.

I can feel the calmness,

the heat,

I'm starting to feel myself again.

I am gaining control

over myself again.

Day 100.

I can understand a bit now.

I'm learning that it's an illness,

and it can be managed somehow.

And I wasn't alone.

People have felt this,

this thing that might also repeat,

that I can probably beat.

For more infomation >> How Does It Feel Like to Have This? | a visual diary - Duration: 4:24.


Easy mac and cheese recipe _ make it with corn soup - Duration: 4:48.

This is an easy recipe of mac and cheese :D

Instant corn soup 3 packs (for 3~4 people)

milk 250ml X 3 Please add 100ml more milk of the direction

Cheddar slice cheese 3 X 3 = total 9 Please add as much cheese as you like.

1 cup of mozzarella cheese

salt, pepper

3 cups of macaroni (for 3~4 people)

The macaroni absorbes sauce and it gets thicker and thicker.

I have eating show video of this so please check out that too!♥

For more infomation >> Easy mac and cheese recipe _ make it with corn soup - Duration: 4:48.


Salad "EMERALD BEAUTY" for the NEW YEAR 2018! - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Salad "EMERALD BEAUTY" for the NEW YEAR 2018! - Duration: 2:09.


Waterfall Countertop w/ LED River Inlay || DIY Concrete || Mancave Makeover Ep 1 - Duration: 9:05.

What's up everyone? I'm over here today at my buddy Al's house where we just finished

renovating his mancave. There are a few parts that we're going to go through in

this build. The main feature is a one-piece waterfall concrete

countertop with integrated LEDs that waterfall over the edge. This is the

first of two videos for this mancave makeover. In this video we're going to cover

building the melamine form for the countertop, and installing the countertop

in the bar. In the second video we're going to cover the installation of the

wood feature wall with the floating TV panel, and the installation of the

cabinets. So I've cut all of the countertop form pieces at home and I

brought them on site here. The form is going to be pretty simple. We're casting

upside down so we have the top of the counter on the bottom of the form. So the first thing

we're going to do is attach the sides of the form, which are 3/4 inch taller than

we want the sides of our countertop to be. And then we're going to attach the waterfall

base piece. And after that we're going to attach the sides to that. When I

attach the waterfall to the base, I use right angle squares and clamp them down

to make sure that the waterfall and the base were perfectly perpendicular. Now as I've

shown in past videos I pre drilled in the melamine to make sure it didn't get

blown out, and then used drywall screws to attach everything.

Now these two pieces are going to be for support. So we're going to attach these when we put

the waterfall up to hold it at a right angle, so that the waterfall is braced

against the pressure of the concrete against it. And, to make sure I had room

to grind the concrete even with the sides of the form after it dried, I added

spacers between the angle braces and the sides of the form.

I also added a brace between the waterfall sides and the base sides to make sure that they were pulled flush so

the inside of the form would also be flush.

The next step was to add the molds for the LED channels in the countertop.

This piece is actually going to sit inside the form and make a channel in the concrete where we can lay

some LEDs. I've cut these at a slight angle, so it's going to give us a bevel

and when we cut a matching acrylic diffuser pieces, the bevel will allow

the acrylic pieces to sit flush against the top of the counter. And, the bevel

will hold the acrylic diffusers in place so we won't need any support from below for them.

I'm using the same technique and I've used in all my past videos with

concrete forms -- applying paste wax, followed by silicone caulk and then running

around all the edges of the form with the metal ball tool. So go back and watch

some of those old videos to get this technique. It's a really cool way to get

a clean and perfect caulk line in your concrete forms.

While we're removing the excess caulk, I wanted to take a minute and remind you, if you like this video

please click the little red subscribe button below the video to get reminded

about my future builds

and also click that thumbs up button to let YouTube

know you like it, which really helps me out and helps me keep creating content.

The melamine molds for the led channels had exposed sides so I went back and

covered them with electrical tape, which will prevent water from getting into them.

Then it was time to mix some concrete for this build.

I used a from-scratch glass fiber reinforced or GFRC concrete mix, and

because we wanted to have the face coat, which we're spraying on, and the back

coat, be of consistent colors throughout, we mixed up 280 pounds

of the dry ingredients all at once in a big bucket.

I measured out about 40 pounds from big bucket to make the face coat, and then used a drywall hopper to spray

the face coat on. This is goning to give you a really nice, smooth and even, coat.

I've got all the links to the products that I used in the video description.

You'll notice I'm spraying the edges and corners first,

because I want to avoid sand bouncing in there and giving an uneven coat.

After waiting 30 minutes for the face coat to dry, I mixed up the back coat,

which is identical to the face coat, except for the addition of the glass fibers.

I used about a pound and a half of glass fibers for each 50-pound batch that I made.

I made this a little bit thicker -- like the consistency of play-doh -- so that I

could pack it by hand against the vertical face. I used my hand to pull

the back coat up, so that it would stick to that vertical face and wouldn't slump.

After putting 3/4" of concrete down, I used a compaction roller to

push the back coat into the face coat, and to align the fibers, which will give

you really strong GFRC -- important when you have a long horizontal span like this countertop.

I then put some foam inserts inside of the concrete, so that it would

keep the weight down, before putting the final 1/4" of the GFRC back coat

on top of the foam, so the foam was encased in the countertop.

After I finished the vertical face, I was still getting a bit of slump so I just stayed there for

30 minutes or so, and kept working the concrete up the vertical face with my hand.

Because I wanted this to be really strong, I used a really high glass-fiber density that resulted in a mix that

wouldn't perfectly level on its own. Because of this, we're going to take this

angle grinder, which Tack life tools sent this to me to try out, and

we are going to put it through its paces to see how it does grinding down concrete.

To grind the concrete, I just used a really inexpensive diamond cup wheel that I got

off Amazon. There's a link in the description.

Together, the Tack Life angle grinder and the diamond cup wheel cost under 50 bucks (USD),

and they worked really well. So if you're looking for a an inexpensive quality option for a grinder,

I think this is a good combo.

Before demolding, I ground down the base of the waterfall flat, so it would sit nicely on the floor.

I also ground the face and inner corner of the waterfall section so would fit nicely around the cabinets.

Then time for the big reveal --

which isnt that big of a reveal here because I had some really bad lighting, so I apologize for that.

I promise at the end of the video we're going to have some really nice shots and everything.

Second apology -- I forgot to record myself applying a slurry coat,

which is a mix of sand and cement that you rub in with your hands to fill voids in the concrete.

You see me sanding the slurry coat off here.

After sanding, all that was left to do was apply the sealer and get it nice and beautifully shiny.

...actually, that wasn't everything... there's a "little" part about having to maneuver

this huge awkwardly-shaped 270 pound counter inside and onto the cabinets.

It actually wasn't too bad with the help of a few friends.

I took the piece of the form that I'd used to make the LED channels, and re-used it to make sure I set my table saw on the exact same angle.

This way, when I cut the acrylic diffuser strips,

they are the exact same width and bevel angle as the channel in the countertop,

and will flush against the top of the countertop without any other support from below.

I used a sheet of smoke-gray transparent acrylic to make the diffuser strips

and sprayed them with a frosted glass spray, so that you can't see the LEDs through the diffusers when the LEDs are off.

I then ran the power and control lines through a hole I drilled in the concrete channel, and

and used the tape on the back of the LEDs to stick them in the concrete channel.

I put the acrylic diffuser on, then we wired everything, and fired it up.

If you've watched my past videos you know I've used an Arduino with an elecret mic

to control LEDs and sync them to music. This time I simplified things by

using an off-the-shelf LED controller that only cost about 10 bucks.

This store-bought controller includes an RF remote, does music syncing, chasing modes. and solid color modes.

It's pretty cool. I'll leave a link in the description. That's it for part 1 of the

mancave. If you like this, please click that little subscribe button below, click

the thumbs up to let YouTube know you like it, and be sure to

check out the second part, which should be either out now or out in the next few days, depending on when you're watching this.

Thanks, and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Waterfall Countertop w/ LED River Inlay || DIY Concrete || Mancave Makeover Ep 1 - Duration: 9:05.


2017 : A Memorable Year | Part 1 : Honourable Mentions - Duration: 20:29.

2017 was undeniably one of the craziest years of the decade.

We got so many revivals of dead franchises, amazing sequels, but also surprisingly and

unexpectedly great new indie games.

At first I wanted to make a basic, classic and clickbaity "top 10 2017 games", but

I soon realized that I had to talk about a lot of other stuff.

Way more than just 10 games.

This video will be divided into two parts : The first one being honorable mentions,

or simply game ideas I appreciate, or games that I don't necessarily feel like spending

hours explaining, or most of the time simply because some have already been analysed from

point A to Z already.

And as usual, my goal is to motivate you to play stuff you might have missed instead of

stuff everyone has heard about already.

And the second part will be about my ten most favorite games of the year.

You ready ? Then let's go.

Snake Pass is probably the only 2017 game i didn't really enjoy.

But that's on a personal level.

i don't think the game is awful, far from it.

Snake Pass is a game where you play as a cute ol lil snake alongside his useless bird friend,

and works like a classic collect-a-thon.

However, here, jumping is out of the question.

You're a damn snake.

You can't walk, can't jump, can't run…

But you can attach your own body to obstacles and surmount them with it.

The game requires you to make use of your character's flawed movements as convenient

ones : You need to think outside the box, and think about the best possible ways to

reach your objective.

I would have loved it if the game wasn't so unforgiving.

Most people found the game really frustrating, and, as much as I can enjoy some of its ideas,

Snake Pass is for the most part more obnoxious than fun.

And that's a real shame because if they would have simply implemented an easy mode

or more checkpoints i wouldn't be so unhappy with it.

But it's still a really interesting idea, and having the player thinking like a snake

is a good way to create a fresh design based on movement.

You've probably heard of The Werewolves of Millers Hollow.

It's a simple yet complex board and role playing game where you play as either a hunter,

or the hunted.

It's a sort of mind game where the werewolves can hunt for the innocent villagers at night,

and the villagers themselves need to survive by using a vote to kill a suspect.

But unfortunately, it's rarely easy, and finding the right culprit can be extremely

hard, stressful and tense.

Deceit is a game made with the same kind of rules, but in the form of a video game like

Left 4 Dead and Killing Floor.

You play as a character in an asylum, with four other players.

Right at the beginning of the game, you are assigned to one of two roles : Infected, or


The infected will have to try and blend in with the survivors and act like they're

completely innocent while the survivors try to escape as soon as possible.

During daytime you can hunt for special items, healings, and most importantly for the infected

: Blood vials that let you transform into a dangerous monster at night.

But be careful : Nobody can see you drink, or they'll spot you directly.

And if they do, it's hard to come up with an actually good excuse.

But you could always pin the guilt on someone else, and…

There's a lot of mind games going on, and it really helps to build an extreme tension.

You have to be very careful with your one and only ally (that you can talk to in a private

chat), and choose your victims very carefully, while trying your best to not be suspected

of being infected.

You need to work in the shadows, so that your guilt isn't apparent to others.

It might sound really complicated but really, it's simple.

The hard part is having to either bluff flawlessly, or see through the lies of the infected when

you're a survivor.

It's an incredibly fun and stressful game to play with a bunch of friends.

Deceit has got me yelling and screaming for my life as an innocent, or laughing maniacally

after executing a flawless plan as an infected.

The game is free and in a sort of early access phase on steam right now and it's getting

better and better by the day, so get yourself a group of 5 friends and have fun.

While we're still talking about fun multiplayer games, Golf Games have been a huge thing this

year for some reason, especially on Steam.

Even the Switch got it's own.

But Golf it is, let's face it, a pretty stupid and simple game.

There are only two inputs required for you to play : Choose a direction in which you

wish to aim, and use your mouse's sensitivity to use the right power.

That's it.

That's golf it.

Some maps are batshit hard, but once you play with a lot of friends and with ball collision

on, this ends up being an epic game of betrayal and ruined friendships.

This game is bullshit.

You play this dude with a hammer in some cauldron, and you have to propel yourself to climb trash.

That's it.

Oh of course it's not that easy, considering it's made by the same sick kind of monster

that came up with QWOP.

I've spent more than seven hours on this and managed to finally reach the end.

Never have I felt so betrayed, so devastated, and so anxious.

This game gave me trust issues for multiple reasons that I'm not gonna say.

Don't ever play this game.

Trust me, you deserve better than to inflict that on yourself.

Or do it if you think you're ready.

But I doubt you are.

Berserk and the band of the hawk is a game adaptation of the Berserk manga, from its

beginning until the end of the Millenium Falcon arc.

It's a musou game, which means that the entire game is simple button mashing most

of the time.

It was my first time playing one, and I didn't expect much, but I had a generally alright


The game loses its substance after spamming square for the trillionth time, but I just

saw it as some brain dead button mash anime and I ended up playing it through the end.

You can play as Guts, Casca, Griffith, and others that I won't spoil.

But i didn't end up playing with a lot of different characters, well, first of all because

the game didn't let me before i finished it, but I just loved playing as Guts.

His sword really feels like a huge chunk of iron, and slashing through hundreds of soldiers

and monsters just feels gratuitous and stupidly fun.

The game is pretty awful in its environments most of the time but the character models

are pretty fine.

Honestly it's not the worst game out there if you're looking for something related

to Berserk.

the game is surprisingly faithful to the manga and they even included a lot of cutscenes

from the movies in the game.

Not the best tribute, but not a terrible one.

It just kinda plays itself.

Splasher is a french indie game made by Splashteam.

The game is really similar to a mix of Super Meat Boy and Dustforce but on bigger and more

ambitious level.

You can jump, wall jump, and most importantly, spread liquid on surfaces and enemies.

You can use multiple types of liquids to either push enemies, attach yourself onto the walls,

bounce off the walls, rinse off the annoying mud and other types of obstacles, and much


This mechanic makes the game much more fresh and original than the usual 2D platformers

you usually see, and there's tons of ways to go through the level as you're free to

experiment with the controls and level design.

You can take your time and take it step by step, or just blast full speed ahead switching

between your liquid types to feel like a pro player.

The game is fairly difficult but never unfair.

I'm not the biggest fan of the artistic direction but it's pretty cute and everything

is readable, and the music is funky.

It's a pretty fun little game if you're looking for a recent 2D platformer.

As you might know by now, I've never been a playstation kid.

So when they announced a Wipeout HD Collection you know I was ready to get this thing.

Wipeout Omega Collection is a compilation on PS4 containing Wipeout 2048 from the vita

and Wipeout HD.

But the game doesn't really work like a classic "pick your game" menu.

Omega is pretty much its own game : Instead, you can directly pick your stages from totally

different games with no loading time.

The game engine is fairly similar for both games but they have their own in-game UI.

I've never really played any futuristic racers, and I've even missed out on F-Zero

GX and X, and I had a blast.

At the same time really classic and simple to control, yet extremely complex at its core.

The sensation of speed is real and though drifting and dealing with curves can be annoying,

it's adrenaline pumping and some tracks are really good.

Once I got the hang of it I played it for hours, and that is just by playing solo.

I haven't tried the online yet, but it's probably either dead or only played by pros,

which is a shame for me.

But it's a nice game to pick out from the shelf when you're looking for something

different with a friend.

WonderBoy : The Dragon's Trap is a magnificent remake.

Every pixel, every sprite feels like it's been fleshed out and created by passionate,

talented people who poured their blood and soul into their paintings.

You can feel their adoration of the original game, and their will to make something that

REALLY gets as close as possible to what has been already created.


A bit too much, sometimes.

And that's my biggest issue with Dragon's Trap.

The game is almost absolutely identical to the original game and level design.

A pretty okay and solid level design, yes, but to a copy and paste level of likeness.

It's not exempt from faults, and the game sometimes clearly needs some shortcuts.

For example there's a castle that you need to reach at one point, and to get to this

already pretty lengthy and difficult level, you need to pass through an underground tunnel

that takes more than 5 minutes to go through.

And the fun part is that if you die during this, you go back ALL THE WAY to the start

of the village and go through it all AGAIN.

Note that you can't change your difficulty once you've started the game too.

This part almost made me lose my mind and quit the game, but I endured it.

It's clearly something that i don't really get considering the rest of the game is really

not so challenging, and adding checkpoints, at least optional, couldn't have been a

bad idea.

But Dragon's Trap really insists on trying to look exactly like the original game, and

doesn't really give you much new content aside from fresh and wonderful graphics and

soundtracks and a new female playable character.

But other than that, Dragon's Trap really is a cute game to be played just for the sake

of seeing how far games have come.

I really hope Lizardcube are gonna make something that they entirely crafted from scratch.

I'm sure they're able to apply the same level of quality onto something that is truly


Necrodancer Amplified was the first game I tried out in 2017.

It is an expansion pack for Crypt of the Necrodancer , adding a ridiculous amount of new content,

including a brand new zone with its own mechanics as well as a new character, tons of new items,


If you're wondering if it's worthwhile to buy, it definitely is.

And heck, I'm only talking about the early access version, as I haven't tried the finished


But the new zone is crazy and has by far my favorite tracks from the game.

So go get it and spend even more hours on this kickass game.

Nex Machina is a run'n gun slash shoot'em up by Housemarque, the creators of Resogun.

The Cyberpunk aesthetic and synthwave was enough for me to be interested in it, but

i ended up staying for more than just that.

The game is meant to be played like a one hour arcade game with a huge emphasis on scoring.

You can dash, use your special, and have plenty of different types of abilities which makes

the game really fun once you get to know how it all works.

The difficulty choice is really good : On easy mode you've got unlimited lives, on

normal;99, hard;10, and on very hard;only 5.

The enemies change their shooting patterns as well, which gives a real difficulty change

that doesn't feel artificial.

And since it's a game meant to be played multiple times, it's a really important


The challenge is fairly balanced and fun, until…

You lose one of your power ups, then two, and end up with nothing.

In the later stages, this is absolutely deadly : You barely do any damage and you have next

to no protection.

You end up in situations that are sometimes even mathematically, uh, way too hard to get

out of...

Until you get powerups again, and can actually play the game, which is unfortunate.

Other than that, it's an extremely fun and adrenaline charged twin stick shooter, and

it's a shame we don't get to see many like those anymore.

The first Nidhogg game was as simple as can be : Classic Atari graphics, funky music,

simple controls.

From those very basic and simple controls, you learn how to experiment with them to kick

the butt of your opponent in a saber duel.

You can throw your blade, punch your opponents, kick them off a cliff, you have plenty of


The game was fast paced, psychedelic, and extremely tense.

So when Nidhogg 2 was announced last year, most people were skeptical.

The game jumped from this, to this.

The game dropped it's minimalistic art direction for an almost over the top one : Your character's

now customizable, your limbs move in a goofy way and there's an overwhelming amount of

color on the screen.

But once you actually play the game, you understand what the creators where aiming for.

Everything is meant to be so weird looking and disturbing.

The amount of detail in the environment is absolutely insane, and the cartoonesque look

of the title ends up being completely understandable.

You end up growing fond of those awkward animations and flashy colors.

The game appears way less intimidating, but at the same time much more creepy, which weirdly

fits with the tone of this sequel.

My biggest complaint from the first game has been answered too : There's actually more

than 5 stages ! They almost multiplied the number by three, and this makes for a way

more varied and fun experience.

The new weapons have their own positive and negative qualities, and this adds more tension

to the battles, because there's way more room for even more strategies than before.

The soundtrack just enhances this constant feel of insanity.

If you haven't bought the first game yet and are looking for a fresh and intense one

on one versus fighting game, look no further.

Nidhogg 2 will take gladly take this place.

Nioh was one of the games I've spent the most time on in 2017.

It's a mix between Dark Souls mechanics and combat, but more fast paced with a touch

of Team Ninja in a dark Edo era setting.

I really really enjoy the combat system and how fast it can actually be while keeping

a good balance between keeping a steady defense and a fierceful attack and speed.

Nioh is extremely demanding and time consuming, which i found really exhausting but also pretty


The game is really pretty, some bosses were pretty memorable and the story lore can go

really deep if you make an effort to investigate it even deeper.

Unfortunately, the game drags on for extremely long, and some parts of the game were really


The overwhelming amount of armor and weapon drop gets really messy after some time, and

you end up spending hours simply sorting your inventory out.

Maybe this just isn't the kind of game for me, but I still managed to enjoy my time and

finish a soulsborne for the second time of my life, which is good enough.

It's like i can't manage to feel proud whenever I achieve something, and in a game

like this, it's an important asset.

Don't blame the game, blame the player.

Specter of Torment was crazy from beginning to end, and is by far my favorite campaign

in the Shovel Knight series.

Yacht Club understood what they needed to do, and that was to revisit and completely

modify the original level design to fit with your character.

Which means that the environments are similar to Shovel and Plague, but with more emphasis

on Specter's exclusive moves.

That makes this DLC not a simple replay with a different character, but an entirely different

game experience, and that was a bold and daring move that I love.

Specter appears kinda slow at first, but is extremely powerful and has his own skillset.

I won't spoil the new skills but they're by far the most fun to play around with, and

I found myself actually enjoying varying the way I play just because it's fun to experiment

with all that.

Even the soundtrack is different, and you can choose your stages at your leisure just

like a Megaman game, which is a change from the imposed linearity of the first two games.

Learning about what happened before Shovel of Justice also really helps to craft and

build the characters, and Specter is downright charismatic with the most interesting backstory.

Do I really have to present Cuphead ? Nah.

Cuphead was fun.

I haven't finished it yet and did 50% of the game since I'm waiting to replay it

with someone else to see how good the 2 Player mode is.

It's an excellent and solid boss rush that plays like a run'n gun with an interesting

and optional pary system.

The game looks and feels absolutely stunning.

I want to pause the game just to admire every frame of everything displayed on screen because

it's so gorgeous.

Ironically enough I found the actual run'n gun stages absolutely awful.

I found them long, tedious, and absolutely not necessary and way too challenging considering

there's no checkpoints at all.

The gameplay is simply not fit to work in such a way, and that's a shame because the

actual bosses are all unique and interesting in their own way.

Good thing there aren't that many and some are even skippable.

Can't wait to replay it.

I'm one of those guys that despise Fire Emblem Awakening and Fates.

I mean sure I'm glad they're actually playable for once and even more fast paced,

and with an even more amazing soundtrack but i always hated the characters, the stories,

the atmosphere…

But not only does Fire Emblem Echoes finally have a more charming character design, the

story could also be on par with that of Radiant Dawn.

It takes every innovation of the more recent entries and mixes them up with the classic

Fire Emblem games we already know to make something even better than both of them.

Full dub, better crafted dialogues, more options, more linearity, a more engaging story, all

of these elements cumulate to not only make a great remake but an excellent standalone

entry, and one of the best things to ever happen to the series : The turnwheel system.

I've always thought the casual/phoenix mode was irrelevant and a bad way to approach a

more accessible game difficulty.

The turnwheel system is something that should have been in every FE game from the beginning

: You can go back in time.

Which means that if a unit dies, you don't have to reset and redo 20 minutes of gameplay.

Just a few minutes.

You can't abuse it, of course, it's limited.

Which means that you've still gotta be careful.

I like the permadeath system : It forces you to be very careful, but it also implies that

you shouldn't take risks, because you might die at any moment.

So the main strategy in every game just involves being defensive and wasting 50 turns doing

nothing but advancing slowly and steadily.

But with this system, the challenge is kept alive, and you're able to take risks and

feel rewarded when you do it right.

Fire Emblem was always either too hard or too easy, and Echoes is the only Fire Emblem

game I've played where it felt actually balanced.

Radiant Dawn had a system where you could save and load a save at any point on the map,

and I also enjoyed this one much more than the others, though it's still hardcore as


Forgiving, but challenging.

This is how every game should be in my book, and this game finally raised my hopes up for

another good and ambitious console entry in the series.

Just give me a fire emblem switch without Kozaki, an involving story and moving characters

and a real feel of war, and we'll have the best game ever.

The only reason Puyo Puyo Tetris is not in the next video is simply because I don't

have much to say about it.

Never have I been this addicted to such a simple game.

Puyo Puyo Tetris is the ultimate compilation of my two favorite puzzle games : Puyo Puyo

and Tetris.

There are many different modes : You can play simple survival or one on one versus modes

of Tetris and Puyo respectively, or play the perfect swap mode : Which means that every

30 seconds or so, the table shifts and swaps around to jump from Puyo to tetris or tetris

to puyo.

This can sound very complicated or overwhelming but it's actually really simple.

You can simply try to do as many lines or chains as you would in a normal mode, but

you could also make use of the other mode running in the background to make even bigger


There's a lot of ways to approach the game and surely, there's at least one mode that

you would be able to love.

At the same time really accessible and competitive, this is not a game to be missed if you own

a switch or ps4.

And that is the end of the honorable mentions section of this two part series ! I really

hope you've enjoyed it and discovered a lot of interesting stuff.

It's pretty crazy how I almost found next to no bad games during the year.

Other games I played but did not mention were Fire Emblem Heroes and Doki Doki Literature

Club but i simply didn't find them of any interest to discuss here.

I did play Xenoblade 2, but since it released really recently and I did not want to talk

about it without finishing it beforehand, I'm gonna do a complete review in the next

few months.

Obviously, I did miss out on a lot of games simply because i did not have the time or

money for it.

A lot of them being : Gravity Rush 2, Resident Evil 7, Tales of Berseria, Night in the Woods,

Horizon, What Remains of Edith Finch, Prey, Dead Cells, Tekken 7, Arms, Crash Trilogy,

End is Nigh, Splatoon 2, Hellblade, Ys 8, Ruiner, Golf Story, A Hat in Time, Superstar

Saga, Etrian Odyssey V, and .hack GU.

That's a lot, actually, but I really hope i can play most of these soon.

A huge thank you to Aimée for proofreading my titanic nonsense.

I'll see you in new year's video for my ten most favorites !

If i ever finish it before my deadline...

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