Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 11, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 16 2018

Mom, why do you look so sad?

In the morning, i went to the theatre to see SARKAR movie.

Oh that! I watched first day first show.

But why do you look so sad for that?

Because at the end...he's gone!



Vijay died at the end?

When i watched...he wasn't dead.

You are always keen on digging graves for everyone.

You are always keen to talk to people in the grave.

K.K, what did you say?

Nothing! Nothing! So...why did you say, "HE'S GONE." ?

Gone doesn't mean he's dead.

He left his position. He was meant to be the CM but instead he left.

He dealt with everyone and then left.

Mom, if you want to talk about have to watch your words carefully.

Vijay Army won't let you go.

Army ? I have dealt with Spirits (Aavi).

While watching this movie, i keep feeling anxious.


He says alot of truths in this movie.

People in power don't like when citizens speak the truth.

Everything was going well for Mersal movie...At the end...

He talked about GST and left.

That became international news.

In this movie, he sits side to side with the minister and both of them are revealing alot of truths.

That's why i'm a bit scared. That's what i was thinking about.

Mom, you are 100% right.

That happens all the time.


Sarkar controversy is happening.

Politicians are demanding that certain scenes should be deleted.

They are complaining that actors are too arrogant.

They don't like when good things happen.

If someone takes a movie about doing something good, they don't like that too.

They protest, "BAN! BAN!"

They don't like it when good happens even in an imagination.

The world is so corrupted.

K.K, you take a position in politics.



No one lets me finish my Mudhalvan dialogue.

You don't have to be in a position of power to do good things.

Why don't you join politics instead?

Me? I can do it. I can do it.

I can go into politics

The thing go into politics, you have to go street by street and ask for votes.


Doctor has cautioned me against going under the SUN.

Once its cured, i will definitely go into politics.

but...definitely i will do something REAL BIG REAL GOOD.

You want to something really good?

My school is having Parents Day.

Each parent has to go onstage and use their talent to entertain everyone.

Your school has nothing to do?

Parents day. That day is OUR day. Even that day you won't give us a break?

Mom, its an opportunity for you to express your talents.

"I'm a corporate criminal." - Sarkar

Vijay uses his branding skills and wins the election.

The same way, you should use your talents and impress everyone.

That won't do.

It is Parents Day. You, kids go on stage and show us what you have studied all these years.

Mom, this is the principal's rule!

Then we have to remove your Principal from his position.

Position! Position!

OMG, you are totally influenced by Sarkar!

After you eliminate him, are you going to become the new principal?

Have an election and throw him out of the post!

I will gather all the mothers who have been affected by him, conduct an election and get rid of him.

i don't think there is a principal election.

Everyone knows Section 49 - O...i'll dig up a SECTION 49 -P and conduct a principal election.

I would need to use your laptop for that.

"When i decide something..." - movie dialogue

Mom, that's an another movie.

K.K, when we exit from our house and turn left, what would we head to?





My school.

Turn IT there.


Mom, vijay had a car. We need to take the bus.

For more infomation >> MOM'S ORUVIRAL PURATCHI! - Duration: 4:50.


झणझणीत आणि चटपटीत रावण भात | How To Make Spicy Ravan Bhat | MadhurasRecipe Ep - 473 - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> झणझणीत आणि चटपटीत रावण भात | How To Make Spicy Ravan Bhat | MadhurasRecipe Ep - 473 - Duration: 3:50.


Cách Chơi Game Bầu Cua Luôn Thắng Bằng Cách áp Dụng Công Thức Game Bầu Cua Hack - Duration: 8:03.

For more infomation >> Cách Chơi Game Bầu Cua Luôn Thắng Bằng Cách áp Dụng Công Thức Game Bầu Cua Hack - Duration: 8:03.


Indictments Coming? What Mueller's Latest Move Means For President Trump | The 11th Hour | MSNBC - Duration: 8:12.

For more infomation >> Indictments Coming? What Mueller's Latest Move Means For President Trump | The 11th Hour | MSNBC - Duration: 8:12.


DCappella - I Wan'na Be Like You - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> DCappella - I Wan'na Be Like You - Duration: 2:55.


The Reporter Who Exposed Trump's Record-Breaking Lying Ahead Of Midterms | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 8:53.

For more infomation >> The Reporter Who Exposed Trump's Record-Breaking Lying Ahead Of Midterms | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 8:53.


Lil Durk - Spin The Block ft. Future - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Lil Durk - Spin The Block ft. Future - Duration: 4:26.


Birdman, Jacquees - Presidential - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Birdman, Jacquees - Presidential - Duration: 3:44.


American Authors - Say Amen ft. Billy Raffoul - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> American Authors - Say Amen ft. Billy Raffoul - Duration: 3:40.


親綠民調 韓流遍全台 各縣市挺韓都過半 - Duration: 11:15.

親綠智庫台灣民意基金 會今天公布民調

其中在國民黨高雄市長 候選人韓國瑜現象方 面




意味韓國瑜已成為一個 受歡迎的全國性政治 人物

對民進黨候選人陳其邁 已構成真實且嚴重的 威脅。


他獲得八成八國民黨認 同者的欣賞


民進黨認同者欣賞韓國 瑜的有兩成左右。















民調進一步分析顯 示

他同時獲得男性與女性 選民過半數以上的欣 賞;省籍方面



尤其外省族群有六成六 的人基本上欣賞他

河洛人中也有五成二的 的人欣賞他

客家人則介乎兩者之間 ;在政黨認同方面

他獲得八成八國民黨認 同者的欣賞


民進黨認同者欣賞韓國 瑜的有兩成左右;在 行政區域方面

除了在台南市沒有過半 的人欣賞

在台南市以外所有的縣 市都有過半數選民的 欣賞


該民調由台灣民意 基金會主辦


訪問全國20歲以上成 年人

以全國住宅電話用戶抽 樣

系統抽樣加尾兩碼隨機 方式抽樣




在95%信心水準下正 負2.


差距縮小!封關前 高雄民調出爐 韓國 瑜僅 微幅領先 年底九合一選戰倒數 11 天

國民黨高雄市長候選人 韓國瑜昨 12 日晚間 夜 襲 桃園

宣稱現場湧入約 3 萬支持者





韓國瑜和對手民進黨高 雄市長候選人陳其邁 兩人差距卻又縮小


檢視相片 民進黨 高雄市長候選人陳其 邁。

根據 旺旺中 時 昨日晚間最新 民調指出

國民黨候選人韓國瑜以 42.

5% 支持度

微幅領先民進黨候選人 陳其邁的 38.


雙方差距縮小至 3.

6% ;看好度部分

韓國瑜則以 44.

6% 領先陳其邁的 38.


雙方差距 5.

8% 。


有高達 91.

6% 的受訪者表示

一定會或可能會去投票 。


根據 蘋果日報 同 日下午公布的最新民 調顯示

國民黨候選人韓國瑜以 35.

4% 略勝民進黨候選 人陳其邁的 32.


雙方差距僅 2.

8% 。

雖民調結果顯示韓國瑜 仍稍微領先


在民調封關前差距再拉 近


親綠智庫台灣民意 基金會今天公布民調

其中在國民黨高雄市長 候選人韓國瑜現象方 面




意味韓國瑜已成為一個 受歡迎的全國性政治 人物

對民進黨候選人陳其邁 已構成真實且嚴重的 威脅。


他獲得八成八國民黨認 同者的欣賞


民進黨認同者欣賞韓國 瑜的有兩成左右。















民調進一步分析顯 示

他同時獲得男性與女性 選民過半數以上的欣 賞;省籍方面



尤其外省族群有六成六 的人基本上欣賞他

河洛人中也有五成二的 的人欣賞他

客家人則介乎兩者之間 ;在政黨認同方面

他獲得八成八國民黨認 同者的欣賞


民進黨認同者欣賞韓國 瑜的有兩成左右;在 行政區域方面

除了在台南市沒有過半 的人欣賞

在台南市以外所有的縣 市都有過半數選民的 欣賞


該民調由台灣民意 基金會主辦


訪問全國20歲以上成 年人

以全國住宅電話用戶抽 樣

系統抽樣加尾兩碼隨機 方式抽樣




在95%信心水準下正 負2.


差距縮小!封關前 高雄民調出爐 韓國 瑜僅 微幅領先 年底九合一選戰倒數 11 天

國民黨高雄市長候選人 韓國瑜昨 12 日晚間 夜 襲 桃園

宣稱現場湧入約 3 萬支持者





韓國瑜和對手民進黨高 雄市長候選人陳其邁 兩人差距卻又縮小


檢視相片 民進黨 高雄市長候選人陳其 邁。

根據 旺旺中 時 昨日晚間最新 民調指出

國民黨候選人韓國瑜以 42.

5% 支持度

微幅領先民進黨候選人 陳其邁的 38.


雙方差距縮小至 3.

6% ;看好度部分

韓國瑜則以 44.

6% 領先陳其邁的 38.


雙方差距 5.

8% 。


有高達 91.

6% 的受訪者表示

一定會或可能會去投票 。


根據 蘋果日報 同 日下午公布的最新民 調顯示

國民黨候選人韓國瑜以 35.

4% 略勝民進黨候選 人陳其邁的 32.


雙方差距僅 2.

8% 。

雖民調結果顯示韓國瑜 仍稍微領先


在民調封關前差距再拉 近


親綠智庫台灣民意 基金會今天公布民調

其中在國民黨高雄市長 候選人韓國瑜現象方 面




意味韓國瑜已成為一個 受歡迎的全國性政治 人物

對民進黨候選人陳其邁 已構成真實且嚴重的 威脅。


他獲得八成八國民黨認 同者的欣賞


民進黨認同者欣賞韓國 瑜的有兩成左右。















民調進一步分析顯 示

他同時獲得男性與女性 選民過半數以上的欣 賞;省籍方面



尤其外省族群有六成六 的人基本上欣賞他

河洛人中也有五成二的 的人欣賞他

客家人則介乎兩者之間 ;在政黨認同方面

他獲得八成八國民黨認 同者的欣賞


民進黨認同者欣賞韓國 瑜的有兩成左右;在 行政區域方面

除了在台南市沒有過半 的人欣賞

在台南市以外所有的縣 市都有過半數選民的 欣賞


該民調由台灣民意 基金會主辦


訪問全國20歲以上成 年人

以全國住宅電話用戶抽 樣

系統抽樣加尾兩碼隨機 方式抽樣




在95%信心水準下正 負2.


差距縮小!封關前 高雄民調出爐 韓國 瑜僅 微幅領先 年底九合一選戰倒數 11 天

國民黨高雄市長候選人 韓國瑜昨 12 日晚間 夜 襲 桃園

宣稱現場湧入約 3 萬支持者





韓國瑜和對手民進黨高 雄市長候選人陳其邁 兩人差距卻又縮小


檢視相片 民進黨 高雄市長候選人陳其 邁。

根據 旺旺中 時 昨日晚間最新 民調指出

國民黨候選人韓國瑜以 42.

5% 支持度

微幅領先民進黨候選人 陳其邁的 38.


雙方差距縮小至 3.

6% ;看好度部分

韓國瑜則以 44.

6% 領先陳其邁的 38.


雙方差距 5.

8% 。


有高達 91.

6% 的受訪者表示

一定會或可能會去投票 。


根據 蘋果日報 同 日下午公布的最新民 調顯示

國民黨候選人韓國瑜以 35.

4% 略勝民進黨候選 人陳其邁的 32.


雙方差距僅 2.

8% 。

雖民調結果顯示韓國瑜 仍稍微領先


在民調封關前差距再拉 近


For more infomation >> 親綠民調 韓流遍全台 各縣市挺韓都過半 - Duration: 11:15.


Rush - Circumstances - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Rush - Circumstances - Duration: 3:41.


Olivia O'Brien - Care Less More - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Olivia O'Brien - Care Less More - Duration: 2:51.


Camp Fire Latest Numbers, Nov. 15, 2018 - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Camp Fire Latest Numbers, Nov. 15, 2018 - Duration: 0:43.


郑爽赵丽颖新剧霸屏成功,却让另一部好剧埋没,评分高达9.5! - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> 郑爽赵丽颖新剧霸屏成功,却让另一部好剧埋没,评分高达9.5! - Duration: 5:48.


鋒菲被偶遇,王菲素顏又白又美,謝霆鋒眼神寵溺甜炸屏,網友:開心就好! - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> 鋒菲被偶遇,王菲素顏又白又美,謝霆鋒眼神寵溺甜炸屏,網友:開心就好! - Duration: 4:41.


56億身家全部數捐出!「他」終生不與成龍合作 連劉德華都說:他們不是一路人! - 娛 樂 新 聞 - Duration: 15:32.

For more infomation >> 56億身家全部數捐出!「他」終生不與成龍合作 連劉德華都說:他們不是一路人! - 娛 樂 新 聞 - Duration: 15:32.


Bi-district playoffs: Ray vs. Brownsville Pace - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Bi-district playoffs: Ray vs. Brownsville Pace - Duration: 0:47.


엄마가 안 놀아주자 좌절해 '눈썹'까지 축 처진 아기 시바견 - Duration: 1:36.

시무룩한 표정으로 누리꾼들의 마음을 훔쳐간 아기 시바가 있다.

최근 인스타그램 계정 'tyatyamarukazoku'에는 차차마루와 노노라는 모자 시바견의 일상 사진이 게재됐다.

특히 눈길을 끄는 것은 어린 노노가 시무룩한 표정을 짓고 있는 사진들이다.

사진 속에서 아기 노노는 '멍무룩'한 표정으로 마룻바닥에 기대 있다. 놀아주는 사람이 없어 심심한 듯하다.

다른 사진 속에서도 턱을 괴고 눈썹을 축 내린 모양새가 마치 안아달라고 투정을 부리는 모습이다.

노노의 애잔한 표정은 엄마를 앞에 두고서도 멈출 줄 모른다.

이런 노노의 사진은 전 세계 누리꾼들을 매료시켰다. 누리꾼들은 노노에게 '나라 잃은 시바견'라는 별명까지 지어줬다.

주인은 노노가 아무도 관심을 주지 않거나, 졸릴 때 그렇게 귀여운 시무룩 표정을 지었다고 전했다.

노노는 이제 의젓한 성견이 돼 더 이상 '멍무룩'한 표정을 짓진 않는다.

하지만 많은 사람이 'tyatyamarukazoku' 계정을 통해 공유되는 노노의 일상을 보며 녀석을 귀여워하고 있다.

For more infomation >> 엄마가 안 놀아주자 좌절해 '눈썹'까지 축 처진 아기 시바견 - Duration: 1:36.


Un Boricua en USA - Wearing T-Shirt in Snowstorm | Challenge - Duration: 1:59.

Greeting my people how are you?

I am here in New Jersey, and you know we puertoricans get lit everywhere


this is a great culture

and there is a say, Im Puerto Rican even if I was born in the moon

No matter where we are, even if it snows, we stand strong

So im going to do a little challenge

Its snowing really hard outside, I know lots of people has done it but

And its a bit cold, look at this

I got here the flag

Lets see how bad this goes

I hope I don't fall down

look at the condition

its crazy hehehe

Im going to walk a little bit through the street

I don't know how ill people look at me but

I had to stop the video but im doing a challenge here

and people where like where is you're jacket

Im pure Puerto Rican

I don't know if I will get sick, but look at the cars

and its a couple of inches of snow

its November not even winter

and its already snowing

but this is how the weather is in New Jersey

So I think im going inside the house

because I have been out for a while

For more infomation >> Un Boricua en USA - Wearing T-Shirt in Snowstorm | Challenge - Duration: 1:59.


イライラ錦織…自滅でティエムに敗れツアー最終戦SF逃す - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> イライラ錦織…自滅でティエムに敗れツアー最終戦SF逃す - Duration: 2:01.


Kim Porter Dead: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 9:22.

Kim Porter Dead: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

  Kim Porter, Diddy's long-term partner, has died at the age of 47.

The news broke via TMZ on November 15 that Porter had been suffering from pneumonia and that the 911 call to her home in Toluca Lake was regarding someone who had suffered from cardiac arrest.

An autopsy to determine the cause of death is pending.

Porter had a son, Quincy, from a relationship with producer Al B.

Sure, in addition to a son Christian and twin daughters, D'Lila Star and Jessie James.

Five months prior to the birth of the couple's twins, Combs admitted to the paternity of another child with another woman.

His daughter Chance was born to Sarah Chapman in July 2006.

Combs took legal custody of Chance in October 2007.

Here's what you need to know: 1.

Diddy & Porter Began Dating in 1994, Broke Up in 1999 & Reconciled in 2003 A 2007 USA Today profile on the couple said that the pair had broken up in 1999 before reconciling in 2003.

In 1999, Diddy became a tabloid sensation thanks to a relationship with J-Lo.

Diddy's long-term friend, Andre Harrell, told Essence in 2003, "Puff was in love with [Porter] from the first time he saw her.

You could tell from the way he looked at her." Harrell added, "Puff is a superachiever.

Kim is all peace, love and life.

Puff finds calm in her presence.

He never had that with Jennifer." Diddy once told JET, "Kim is an incredible mother to our children.

We've been part of each other's lives for many years and I have always admired her courage and strength.

We're the best of friends." 2.

Porter Said Diddy 'Betrayed' Her When the Couple Broke Up for Good in 2007 Porter and Combs began dating in 1994.

Their relationship was widely considered to be "on-again-off-again" by the tabloids.

The couple split for good in 2007.

Porter said in an interview with Essence Magazine at the time that she had was "betrayed" by Diddy over the Sarah Chapman incident.

Porter said, "I wasn't even coming from the place of who, what, why.

I laid low and did what women do: I did my background work, collected information [about the other woman].

But I wasn't even on it like that because I was pregnant, and what was bubbling inside me was a blessing from God.

I couldn't let my energy be on that.

I didn't have time for any drama, trauma and bull—-… It's not an original script.

He's not the first man who's cheated.

He's not the first man who's had a baby outside of his relationship.

He's not the originator of this.

But at this point in my life – I have girls now – it's a different program."   Porter said in an interview after the couple's break up, "We may be apart, but we'll always be together as a family.

It's not a situation where two people break up and they can't stand each other.

We're still friends so it makes for an easy breakup." 3.

One of Porter's Final Instagram Post Showed a Photo of Diddy With Their Children    .

Porter's last Instagram post was a simple message that read, "VOTE!" The message before that showed Diddy with the couple's children and a caption that read, "LOVE." That message appeared on Diddy's birthday, November 4.

Porter wrote another Instagram message that celebrated her former boyfriend with a caption that read, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY @diddy on this day a GENIUS was born ,may you continue to be the Driving Force of ENERGY that GOD created you to be !! Thank you for giving me the best gifts of life our CHILDREN !!".

Porter's Oldest Son Is Named After Quincy Jones.


Porter was a native of Columbus, Georgia, and was a graduate of Columbus High School.

From there, she moved to Atlanta where she met producer Al B.

Sure! Their son, Quincy, was named after Sure's mentor Quincy Jones.

Their son was raised in Columbus, according to an interview he gave to the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer.

In that interview, he described his grandmother, Kim Porter's mother, as being the "heart of the town." Porter told Essence magazine in a 2003 feature that she returned to live in her hometown in September 2001, after a period living in New York City.

Porter Denied a 2013 Allegation From Her Children's Nanny that She Used Drugs in Front of Her Children.

In 2013, Porter was accused of "chain-smoking marijuana" in front of her children, her former nanny Dawn Drago, alleged in a lawsuit, TMZ reported at the time.

The TMZ article also said that Drago was alleging that one occasion, Porter's twin girls were covered "in a white powdery substance" after they had gotten into "a bag containing the powder, along with clear capsules, filled with another powdery substance in a bag in the back seat." In addition, Drago said that she was attacked by Porter when she confronted Diddy's ex over the alleged drug use.

Porter denied the allegations saying that Drago was annoyed over her firing.

TMZ reports that Porter fired her after discovering Drago was a convicted shoplifter.

The lawsuit was settled with an undisclosed settlement being paid to Drago in October 2014.

READ NEXT: Michigan School Teachers Admit to Being Porn Stars on the Side.

For more infomation >> Kim Porter Dead: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 9:22.


Average Cost Of Hiring Movers | Use Mover Quotes To Save Up To 35% - Duration: 1:32.

So you're moving and find it as stressful as having your first child or getting married?

About 35 million people in the country move every year and everyone hates the process

of packing, dealing with movers, and unpacking at the other end.

However, follow these time-proven steps to reduce your stress and your expense.

First of all, plan ahead.

Think off seasons and off peak times.

Schedule your move early in the month, when kids are in school, and in the middle of the


Two: Reduce your load.

Have a garage sale, make donations, get rid of those old items you have stashed away for

years you don't use anymore.

Three: Hire a competent and reliable moving company.

Request an onsite moving estimate of your entire move by a handful of companies.

When these companies bid for your business, they know they are competing against each

other giving you their best value for your money.

Our FREE no-obligation moving quotes can help you identify the best mover for you since

we work only with reputable and licensed moving companies based on their long standing track

record of customer satisfaction.

So please visit: and find out how so many customers are saving

up to 35% all while having a straightforward relocation.

For more infomation >> Average Cost Of Hiring Movers | Use Mover Quotes To Save Up To 35% - Duration: 1:32.


錦織敗退 フェデラーがアンダーソン下し4強進出? - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> 錦織敗退 フェデラーがアンダーソン下し4強進出? - Duration: 1:54.


錦織敗退 フェデラーがアンダーソン下し4強進出。 - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> 錦織敗退 フェデラーがアンダーソン下し4強進出。 - Duration: 1:46.


塔罗测试:和伴侣相差多少岁才是最合适你,能给你幸福的? - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> 塔罗测试:和伴侣相差多少岁才是最合适你,能给你幸福的? - Duration: 6:52.


Eyeliner from China video review - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Eyeliner from China video review - Duration: 4:50.


《龙珠超》盘点黑悟空装逼的十句话,每一句都让悟空感到耻辱 - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> 《龙珠超》盘点黑悟空装逼的十句话,每一句都让悟空感到耻辱 - Duration: 4:06.


11/15/18 5:09 PM (Rainbow @ Eldora (N), Spring Valley, NV 89146, USA) - Duration: 15:09.

For more infomation >> 11/15/18 5:09 PM (Rainbow @ Eldora (N), Spring Valley, NV 89146, USA) - Duration: 15:09.


For more infomation >> 11/15/18 5:09 PM (Rainbow @ Eldora (N), Spring Valley, NV 89146, USA) - Duration: 15:09.


Decorative lights from water pipes - a promising business - Duration: 13:11.

Decorative lights from water pipes - a promising business

For more infomation >> Decorative lights from water pipes - a promising business - Duration: 13:11.


For more infomation >> Decorative lights from water pipes - a promising business - Duration: 13:11.


Night of the Strangler - Movie - Duration: 1:30:36.

For more infomation >> Night of the Strangler - Movie - Duration: 1:30:36.


For more infomation >> Night of the Strangler - Movie - Duration: 1:30:36.


Ontario's Government for the People Helping Police Save Lives - Duration: 0:41.

No one should have to face unnecessary repercussions just because they're doing

their job and trying to save a life. Our government is bringing forward

regulations to ensure police officers who administer naloxone to treat to save

a life will no longer be subject to SIU investigation if an officer's only

involvement with the person was to administer help. This regulatory change

reflects our government's ongoing support for police - less micromanagement

and greater guarantees that the police will have the tools, resources, and

support you need to do your job.

[Ontario Logo]

For more infomation >> Ontario's Government for the People Helping Police Save Lives - Duration: 0:41.


For more infomation >> Ontario's Government for the People Helping Police Save Lives - Duration: 0:41.


প্রতিদিন ১ টি এলাচ খেলে কি হয়? জানলে প্রতিদিন খাবেন | Health Benefits Of Cardamom | Bd Health Tips - Duration: 3:12.

Health Benefits Of Cardamom

Health Benefits Of Cardamom

Health Benefits Of Cardamom

Health Benefits Of Cardamom

Health Benefits Of Cardamom

Health Benefits Of Cardamom

Health Benefits Of Cardamom

Health Benefits Of Cardamom

Health Benefits Of Cardamom

Health Benefits Of Cardamom

Health Benefits Of Cardamom

Health Benefits Of Cardamom

For more infomation >> প্রতিদিন ১ টি এলাচ খেলে কি হয়? জানলে প্রতিদিন খাবেন | Health Benefits Of Cardamom | Bd Health Tips - Duration: 3:12.


For more infomation >> প্রতিদিন ১ টি এলাচ খেলে কি হয়? জানলে প্রতিদিন খাবেন | Health Benefits Of Cardamom | Bd Health Tips - Duration: 3:12.


Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia - [Balkans 2017, episode 24] - Duration: 4:12.

Iwonka, don't go too fast

then you are falling

are you taking photos?


A strange fish. What is this strange fish?

This is a pike, I think

see Justine what a fish

You can not bathe here, this is the National Park

if people would start to take a bath, it wouldn't be so clean water anymore

Ivone, look where we will sail

I don't know if she'd like to sit here

who will be going in the wheelchair now?

the trolley is traveling from a distance it is not waiting for anyone

gracious conductor please don't take us to the Warsaw

For more infomation >> Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia - [Balkans 2017, episode 24] - Duration: 4:12.


For more infomation >> Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia - [Balkans 2017, episode 24] - Duration: 4:12.


Eyeliner from China video review - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Eyeliner from China video review - Duration: 4:50.


For more infomation >> Eyeliner from China video review - Duration: 4:50.


DREAM LEAGUE SOCCER 2018 DIVISION 1-HNF 11-0 SAI-GAME 15 - Duration: 10:56.

For more infomation >> DREAM LEAGUE SOCCER 2018 DIVISION 1-HNF 11-0 SAI-GAME 15 - Duration: 10:56.


Abandoned House found Obituaries | Abandoned City - Duration: 12:19.

Look across the way

Even more destruction

This is what it would look like if there were no more people left

and the earth just took over

this is crazy

Abandoned House found little girl's obituary left behind


Should I be surprised this is here

They sold this

Man that motha fucka was jumping off the hook

What's that?


That fishy

That motha fucka right there

Aww man that was the bosses spot in the neighborhood

All this wasn't like this

This abandoned place right here?

This whole avenue

Man this shit was pumpn

It was plush?

I heard it was plush man

Man you look familiar to me (laughing)

old photo of Euclid Ave Cleveland, Ohio

Urbex Dane

American flag amongst decay

Someone died here May 20, 2013

Rene and Angela album Street called Desire (abandoned record collection)

N.W.A. album "Straight outta Compton"

Gold rims on abandoned car

people yelling in the background

Here they left an abandoned Jaguar also

it's an old one

we can't see inside this car

There's stuff in the garage also

flies buzzing around

There's a lot of flies in here and even more records


this person

collected records

look at all these records here

and some more records over here

old Patti Labelle

babyface album

ca$h flow

Dazz Band "Keep it Live" album

well a lot of old stuff

tons of it

it's just sitting here rotten

it's crazy

N.W.A. "Straight outta Compton"


what else is in here?

nothing else really

looks like a piece of a car

here's the outside of the home

it's a fairly big home

this is the side porch of the house

flies buzzing again

you can see tons of belongings still here

some vhs tapes

some more records and we didn't go inside the house yet

um lets see

Luther Vandross still in the packaging

The families obituaries are located underneath the albums

back to basics

this area is pretty bad I gotta hurry up

I'm surprised to see the sink isn't missing

Oh my God!! (breathing heavy)

Now I'm scared for my life at this point

oh my gosh what the heck

it's like these people packed up and never took their things

boxes of vhs tapes

strange stories

Ed Sullivan's Classics

baby pictures, leather jackets, furniture

pretty much everything

some more records and stuff

L.L. Cool J

12 inch

Sugar Hill

Club Nouveau

and Full Force gets busy

give you guys a good look at this layout of this abandoned house

a faint noise

Is there dogs in here?

breathing heavy



there's dog feces everywhere


room filled with hay and feces

I don't know what's going on here

door opening

I don't know what's going on here

I'm gonna


This one is going to be really short

stairs is covered in something


cars outside

this is a shame because this was a really nice house

this is like nuts

All of this is dog feces

Every last bit of it

I'm not feeling this one at all


yeah I don't like this one at all

another strange sound


creepy music paying

45 bullet casing on the ground


For more infomation >> Abandoned House found Obituaries | Abandoned City - Duration: 12:19.


kit build - chase lights using shift registers - Duration: 31:46.

you remember the circuit board holder from a recent mailbag? well I want to play

with it which means it's time to do a kit build now this kit here is another

variant on a chase lights kind of circuit

it's that led not in the bag press them so it has it doesn't do it the same way

as the previous ones I've done this one chases 16 lights around a circle around

here which is you know whatever that's just cosmetics but it does it using a

pair of these 74 HC 595 shift registers and to clock them of course our old

friend the 555 timer that's not really surprised and there's a surprisingly low

count of components outside of those things there's obviously the bag of LEDs

there's the world's cheapest potentiometer 3 K I think it says on

there there's a couple of pushy buttons a couple of capacitors only Q capacitors

but yeah C 2 C 1 only 2 capacitors okay and a few resistors and all the LEDs so

that should be fairly straightforward but before I just dive right in and

solder it especially since there's no sockets with this I think I want a

breadboard it up at least partially and just see what happens so it's a Brit to

do that I'm gonna need the schematic and I'm just on those thing the eBay listing

that I got this from I found this schematic which I printed out just for

convenience normally I don't like to print things out just because they don't

want to waste the paper because I'm cheap and I don't want paper lying all

over the place wasting space

and everything else around save the planet eat so what goes on here the five

five five is just a very standard five five five circuit variable resistor a

couple of capacitors and and ya win rent that shows three capacitors on it see

what there is a third capacitor where are you oh man I'm gonna have to dive

into my own spare parts talk well that sucks so the two capacitors that I've

got our electrolytic that's these two this one I'm gonna have to go back to

the listing and figure out what it is one two three four fixed resistors yep

one variable resistor yep to push your buttons sure okay so the theory here

with five five five also eats a long square weaving outputs on pin three just

because it does that feeds into okay that's what the capacitor does it's

creating a bit of a timing circuit on the output a bit of a delay on this but

we'll get back to that in a second pin three output to the clock inputs of both

of these both of these shift registers our ground seven or eight LEDs coming

out on q0 through qk m prime is an inverted copy of q7 I believe it's

inverted copy of q7 which comes out passes on to the serial input of the

second chip so what happens when you're when you're running this thing but these

two switches that can one of them can pull the serial in low

this resistor one of them can pull it high through no resistor and that pulls

all right just pulls the one see really like cereal on the first one okay and

then these clock through the output are there comes into the cereal I know this

one it talks through then they open to that one through this limiting resistor

goes back and into the Cyril oh they're so you use these two to put in a pattern

while it's clocking along and then it just ripples through bangs out the back

end comes back in the front end or ripples through that's kinda neat okay

I'm just gonna quickly throw I think just that much together onto the

breadboard and this basically just duplicates that so I don't don't like

that and oh yeah we need to go back to my eBay listing and figure out what that

capacitor is as well it's where are we component list okay

there we go component capacitor C 3 is a point 1

micro farad or aka a 104 capacitor right get the one of the component values for

the rest of these resistors 1 & 2 180 ohm

3 & 4 are 840 ohm okay so grab a passerby mustache here know the

assortment kit that I bought doesn't go down to 104 but I have some old ones 103

104 there we go some old ones just from a random grab bag that I had for years

that should do nicely for this c3 here and the other thing I've learned because

I've been bit before it's just to double-check the resistors yes you could

use the color code but as I've mentioned and

kind of color binds and I don't trust that so that one's a 1k but you didn't

show up anywhere in my thing my schematic that's a 100 oh okay

what are you that also seems like a 1k and you are so I got a 100 mm and three

one case we ate 848 20 close enough close enough anyways and 180 184 are you

there we go those guys out of there great

no let's see if it actually works

okay there's the 5x5 circuit together five

volts over here and it blinks so that's winning the potentiometer you know

that's one end that's the other end next let's get this guy working

all right I think I've got it I'm not going to bother with the switches I just

got a jumper wire in there or right now from the q7 out back to the serial in I

guess it's that seven out back to the Syrians just straight across so when I

turn it on there just whatever random noise was in there I take that off the

output and I'll put it to the hi and everything goes low for it so to the

ground it puts everything high I'm just gonna run all low and then so where this

is coming from that's just picking up noise out of the air just random noise

so I'm gonna do that and then I'm gonna go quickly from the the positive rail to

the shift out and while I'm doing that there'll be a little bit of noise in

there but not much so there it annoys the couple in now you see it's going

across and bang and just like we wanted so whatever pattern that happens to be

two separated by the looks of it cool so the concept works that's neat

and you know I didn't didn't want to do the whole thing on the breadboard but no

let's uh let's get to soldering it now that we know that it works and they were

stupid about these resistors and stuff yeah let's uh let's throw it on to the

real circuit board which is actually the whole point of this video so the first

thing we probably ought to do just just get this actually no the first thing we

ought to do is get a beer guess we're gonna need that got them a beer this

time it is from another brewery that I've not heard of before from Oxus

Brewing Company this is called juice of the Oats oatmeal stout and it is from

you know oxes Brewing Company Winnipeg easy drinking they're here with the

aroma of coffee and chocolate oh definitely even the coffee I'm

getting a lot of citrus in that one - interesting

hey on with the program so as I have said before woundings kit builds I like

to start with the things that are least likely to get damaged by excess heat and

work towards the stuff at the very end that's potential to damage with excess

heat which means starting with resistors and switches and capacitors and then

probably the LEDs and then finally the ICS although none of these are

particularly fragile ICS since I don't have chip sockets and I'm not going to

bother tracking something down I will just yeah be gentle with them so the two

resistors actually the everything's thrown in the 555 the resistors both

180s there they are there so that's our one of our two I'm here come on hurry

r1 there's one of them I'm interested to see how well this little soldering

holder thing works r2 where do you go right there the challenging one is going

to be c2 and actually don't look at that the reason that's gonna be challenging

that's a ceramic capacitor the one that I had to pull out of my stash because

for some reason that didn't come with the kit actually gonna c3 I'm sorry up

there so that is

those two pads they're just telling my thumb I don't I point with a pointer

here these two pads here so the reason it's challenging is because the

capacitor is actually wider than the pitch and it's got very short leads on

it so what I think I'm going to do just to be sneaky is take that one resistor

lead and poke it up through and solder the the one capacitor leg to it yes this

is unorthodox but sometimes you got to do what you got to do pull that tight

there and if it was a high frequency circuit I would be offended by that but

I don't think that's gonna be a problem so that's kind of held in there I think

that'll work but my solder there we go and I've got sort of the medium tip on

there I don't have the finest tip because this isn't the finest work these

are all nice big through-hole pads

there we go that works and I got here this is working pretty well to hold it

stable I don't mind this at all okay so does that look pretty good it's my snips

now this one so the capacitor I'm going to shove one lead down through the board

and if the other one kind of awkwardly up in the air this is just a complete

kludge but electrically it'll work I think that back down into the clamp and

starter down the lead that does work properly here and I'll move it over so

it's one shot here we go now the goofy one hmm not sure tossing that back and

forth you know nota there all the time yeah awesome play out of it let's see

what I've done here did that solder

yeah looks like it's soldered okay taint pretty but it works separate that there

we go yeah oh good but I'll go with it so this is

gonna be our three and our four Oh first casualty okay so this is supposed to be

wedged in the hole there on that one so that this spring can push against it

like that alright that isn't working out

fortunately this board is big enough that it jams against the back there but

see that's not right down in there not sure what I'm gonna do about that

but for the meantime for the purposes of this little project what look like so

far those are all decent solder joints this boards actually taking started

quite well it's the what is that well that's the fennel the the fennel ik fr -

I think I'm slowly starting to get that stuff memorized it's passive is

electrolytic capacitors at two hundred microfarads there's one there's one

or are you capacitors there's one so the shaded side is the negative like that

and I think that this would be interesting because those are sitting

taller than everything else what happens when I put it in the clamp I mean so

they are just that well this one's not touching no they're both just barely

hovering there actually that's not a bad idea cuz it's pushing them up against

the board that's not too bad yeah you can see that it's a little bit

floppy loose with that thing broken out of there I think I'm gonna have to show

something epoxy in there at some point I don't know

next passive thing air is this cheap cheap cheap cheap potentiometer you go

there what else do we want to put on there on the push buttons wherever they

are in this pile of carnage there's one of them yeah they're not see they've got

these the sheep the leads on them so they're supposed to just kind of

mechanically hold themselves in the board for when you flip them over to

solder like that worked either one go it is but I think I miss sheep that one by

ramming it into my breadboard this one clamps right in there nicely now I got

to pay attention to how it oriented in here because I put it this way those

capacitors gonna crash on that little beam there anything

there we go yeah it was a little fiddle defeat in there

no one can mix on this thing if you got all the low profile components

it's probably an oaky thing as soon as you start giving taller components on

the back side of the board you just doesn't want to sit down so that is

everything that's not an LED or a chip okay onto LEDs next so the LEDs the

short one is the negative and the negative is marked as the flat side

which usually is but these LEDs zoom don't all note here these particular

LEDs don't have a flat side so my only indication to the positive a negative is

the length of the leads so just drop all those guys in and get to soldering

okay there's all the only be sat in and it looks like I've got a spare one nice

now then how is this going to work with my holder here because I haven't spread

the weeds out yet let me just quickly do that okay only these are sort of spread

out I'm gonna have to pull up on them but there is no way I'm going to get it

into the grips of this thing because the LEDs keep crashing on it so I'm gonna

have to go back to my old method I guess not ideal but this thing has served me

well over the years and I think I'm just going to go to stay with the rubber grip

so this thing it's got grooves in the jaws for grabbing stuff that's also got

these soft jaws and when you hear mechanic or something you're talking

about a soft jaws it's usually made out of a softer metal like copper or

something these are actually kind of rubbery you know

so we'll start down the bottom here so that was there

here we go

and the last one

there we go

seemed reasonable with the eye sees number one is the five five five let's

fuck that off the breadboard notch goes that way this is the only downside of

doing it like this I'm just trying to get the pins all end up in into the hole

and that always the way they're you know that's not so bad

now will that hold in there I'm going to give one of those pins a little bit of a

knock that way you know another one I'm gonna knock that way that'll hold it

five five five is probably not fragile enough that I need to worry about doing

it last we're doing the ICS last it's just a good habit from the old days you

know the other thing that I'm doing

he's moving my heat around too so I'm going corner to corner and side to side

just to kind of spread the heat load out on most the IC but also on the board

I'm the last one I can do this way okay

to go cook look make sure I haven't created any solder bridges from a couple

of different angles looks good okay no I got left is the two shift

registers exactly the same is this look make sure the pins aren't too horribly

bent that's one that's not you knowing very well they're the dot and the notch

there indicates pin one just goes of that away just nudge him down

no gym into the pin into the walls - there we go that one was even easier

okay no just more soldering and these ones just to hold them in place and just

hit the corner pins ah there we go clean on your happy iron

there we go left again check for solder bridges short circuits not seeing any

what is that hole that's under the potentiometer that's not a big deal all

that's left is to put some kind of power connections on there this out of the box

this should work except for must define Hoyt as the

positive and is that green or brown I don't know anyway it's gonna be the


they real oh sure yeah that's just flux in there okay alrighty it is done so I

got power hooked up yeah these wiggle connectors I still

like them they're great five volts over here three two one go

okay oh that's dazzlingly bright and nothing's happening there huh

troubleshooting one troubleshooting session and a couple of bodge wires

later it works so this is the original board where that doesn't count I when I

wasn't working I cut the track between pin three of the five five five and the

rest of the circuit basically right there there to isolate it and the five

five five still wasn't oscillating so I assumed in even closer and found that

pin seven of the five five five wasn't connecting to the capacitor so I assumed

didn't even closer I noticed at the capacitor of the five five five its pad

was missing notice that before maybe I had buggered it up when I was soldering

but throwing too much heat in or something I don't know but anyway it

works let's flip it over so you can actually see it

dazzling in its brilliance so now then push the one programming button push the

other programming button so that one looks like yeah that one's filling it up

so now it's full except for one spot now I'll push the other programming button

and you know over here it's emptying now we just have a single led in the in the

system rippling through and when it gets to there it ripples through to there and

carries on right okay so there we go that was there's a fun little kit build

and if I hadn't well okay so deficiencies with this kit build first

of all it didn't include one of the capacitors this one here was missing

from the kit so I had to add it and it had mostly the wrong resistors in the

kit so I had to go to my stockpile that's a negative it's using the the

cheaper type of circuit board which what do you expect for as cheap as this thing

was when I bought it that's that's neither here nor there but when you're

using the cheaper circuit board you gotta be a little bit careful with your

soldering technique and not quite so heavy-handed as I was otherwise you'll

end up having to do some troubleshooting and some budging anyway I hope you found

that interesting possibly informative um possibly amusing

laughing at my misfortune that's all fair - thank you for watching I will

talk to you later

For more infomation >> kit build - chase lights using shift registers - Duration: 31:46.


I'm trash... (From. my ex-girlfriend) [ENG Sub] [DCTV Funny Cam] - Duration: 3:11.

DC: Ah…

DC: I'm really trash

DC: Are you lying?

DC: Because you know I don't remember those days.

DC: I was at a loss for words.

Ex-Girl: You look anxious.

DC: I am sorry for you.


PD: I heard you met your ex-girlfriend.

PD: You said you would never see ex-girls again.

PD: What happened to you?

DC: I'm just… ummmmm…

PD: You said you couldn't remember why you broke up with her.

DC: The reason we broke up is…

DC: because love has become so used to it.

DC: I wanted to meet more girls.

DC: Why did we break up?

Ex-Girl: Because you wanted to love every girls in the world.

(Shocking past!)

PD: Did you break up with her to meet another girl?

DC: I really said that…

DC: The shock she received at the time made it difficult to find another love.

PD: How long have you been her lover?

DC: I remember being her lover for two years. But...

Ex-Girl: How did you meet me for three years with that thought?

DC: Have we met for three years?

Ex-Girl: Yes…

(Oh my god…)

DC: It may be comforting, but I remember your name.

(What the hell are you talking about?)

PD: You're bad.

DC: Bad?

DC: She told me you were trash…

DC: But there was one good thing.

DC: She said it was trash that I could recycle if I met a good person.

In recycling…

PD: What did you do with her?

DC: I ate with her and went to the cafe.

PD: Why did you meet her?

DC: I got a call from her.

DC: No, I'm Sorry. I called her.

(Stop it anymore!)

DC: I wanted to apologize to her.

PD: You seem to have met her to make content. Lol


The trash can talk...

(Still talking…)

The trash can talk…2

PD: What did you do anything bad when you met her?

DC: So many.

DC: When she told me, I remembered everything at that time.

PD: Let me know what happened.

This is fucked up #1

DC: She came over to my house.

DC: She cleaned my room and made food.

DC: Even the toilet cleaning…

DC: Then she wanted to be with me…

DC: Suddenly, my friends called me back then.

DC: I told her to stay home alone to play with my friends.

Ex-Girl: Why do you keep looking at other girls?

Ex-Girl: I just stood there because I was angry.

Ex-Girl: As I was still angry, you left me alone.

(Expert to go home alone)

(making excuses…)

PD: Do you have anything to say to the women who have been your sweetheart?

DC: I have nothing to say to other girl than her.

DC: The love life with them was very short.

DC: And I can't remember well other than her.

DC: But she...

DC: I hope she is happy.

DC: And I hope…

DC: And I hope you are healthy and full of luck.

DC: I sincerely hope you will meet someone better than me.

DC: May you be very happy...

DC: I hope you are happy enough to regret my breakup with you.

DC: You will certainly do so.

DC: I am still trash…

DC: Thank you for making happy memories.

DC: Really.

Ex-Girl: Yes.

DC: Bye.

DC: Let's stop it. I'm shy.

I dedicate this video to her. -DC is a little better than yesterday.-

For more infomation >> I'm trash... (From. my ex-girlfriend) [ENG Sub] [DCTV Funny Cam] - Duration: 3:11.


Marcus Mumford Relives A Heartbreaking Trip To Russia - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Marcus Mumford Relives A Heartbreaking Trip To Russia - Duration: 1:51.


和牛「期待を超えないといけない」昨年の雪辱を果たせるか!?<M-1グランプリ2018>(1/2) - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> 和牛「期待を超えないといけない」昨年の雪辱を果たせるか!?<M-1グランプリ2018>(1/2) - Duration: 4:02.


Bombka 3D z ptaszkiem - tekstura - Duration: 7:15.

Hi, my name is Dorota Freitag, I'm from

Today I have for you a brand new Christmas project with 3D technique and texture.

I start with the separator of thin styrofoam.

I have to cut it very carefully and fit it to the size of the bauble.

I check if the bauble can be closed with the separator before decorating.

I am painting the separator with the white acrylic primer.

I chose the rice paper with birds.

I need one bigger bird for 3D effect.

I am using the soft clay of Stamperia.

I wet the paper, thna I put some decoupage glue on the bird pattern. I start to form the clay on that.

It is important to form the clay on the edges.

Now I am using the decoupage glue again and putting the paper on my separator.

Now the 3D effect is visible.

It is very difficult to show the effect on pictures or movies even if it is very high.

Now is the time for texture. I am using a new Stamperia form and light modeling paste of Pentart.

The effect is more interesting than stencil.

This light modeling foam looks like whipped cream ... :)

After 24 hours I have a flexible texture for my projects. I can tear it and stick.

I am using as glue the same modeling paste.

It doesn't look to good. I need to connect everything with the same paste.

I fill the gaps and edges.

I will use some little balls.

After it is dry I will use the paint. I chose three colors of La Pajarita.

I am using a lot of water.

This are Kyoto Grey, Urban Grey and New York Grey paints.

After the paint is dry I am using the "dry brush" technique and white color.

Now the texture becomes visible.

My bauble is broken ... So I need to cover it with the paint or paper.

I chose the same paper and cut it to stick the motive on the bauble.

I complete the motive with the plain white rice paper.

I am covering the rice paper with mat varnish to protect it.

When everything is dry I can close the bauble.

I hide the connection with two-sided tape and ribbon.

Thank you for your attention.

You will find all link below.

Leave some comments, see you next time!

For more infomation >> Bombka 3D z ptaszkiem - tekstura - Duration: 7:15.


CURRENT FAVORITES | Dainty Gold Necklaces, Skincare, Lashes & Songs! - Duration: 21:57.

Hi guys welcome back to my channel, if you've never been here before welcome, my name is Christine.

that reminded me I always start my videos with the same intro. I saw this meme the other day

it just made me laugh because I feel like I have to start my video the same way because it's kinda my thing

you know? no?

For more infomation >> CURRENT FAVORITES | Dainty Gold Necklaces, Skincare, Lashes & Songs! - Duration: 21:57.


EXPOSED: work life balance does not exist - Duration: 6:20.

- The concept of work life balance is nonexistent.

I don't believe that you can have

a balance between your work and life.

It's the same as saying you're not thinking

about work when you're in the shower,

and I don't believe you cannot not think

about what's in your life and in your work all the time.

So the trick here is to find a way of leading

a great life at work, and outside work,

and accepting that these two things just have to coexist.

I'll tell you five steps how

to make this coexist in this short video.

I'm Frederik, I have 25 years of developing people

and businesses successfully all over the world.

This is my channel,

I made it because I believe we can all grow stronger.

We should all grow stronger.

So stick with me and I'll tell you how

to get a more healthy work and life.

Are you ready?

Let's go.

(high energy music)

When thinking about work life balance which is,

as I said, a concept I don't really believe exists,

one of the things that you have to,

or the first thing that you have to understand and accept

is that you cannot not think about life when at work

and you cannot not think about work when at life.

That's how it is.

If you are going to lead a better, more healthy,

overall life, you must accept that sometimes

when you're in the shower, you think about work.

Sometimes when you're in a meeting,

you think about life.

Don't try to separate these two things.

Accept that they're interconnected.

You spend more than half of your life at work,

so you cannot turn it off when you're at home.

I think for you to lead a healthy, overall life,

you need to understand why is it that we are talking

about the concept of work life balance?

Why is it so important?

It is because we feel guilty,

and when we feel guilty, then we start to stress,

and we start to stress, then everything just goes haywire.

For you to start after you've accepted

that there is no such thing as work life balance,

you will understand how can we de-stress the situations?

How can I feel less guilty about my family when at work

and how can I feel less guilty about work

when I'm with my family or life?

It is to prioritize and get your things in order.

You need to empty your mailbox.

Emptying your mailbox is not deleting your emails,

it's looking at your emails and then make

a decision about each and every email.

Can this one be deleted?

Is for my information only?

Can I forward it to somebody who'll have to work with it?

Can I put it in my calendar as a task

for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?

Can I reply it right now and just then archive it?

Empty your inbox.

Believe me, it is much more important

than you will ever think.

Make sure that at the end of every day,

you get a feeling of you accomplished

what you wanted to accomplish.

Make a list of the things you've done so you feel good.

I did this today, I did that today and I did this today.

I emptied my email inbox today.

This is important.

Second, look at your priorities for tomorrow,

or the day after tomorrow.

Look at all the open ends that you have,

or all the projects that are waiting for you,

and make a note of when will you handle it?

Don't think to yourself, I'll handle it tomorrow.

No, put it in the calendar, in your diary.

Say tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.,

I'm going to handle this specific problem.

Next week I will meet my team to address this issue.

Don't just think that you will do it tomorrow or next week,

put it in the calendar as a task

so you're sure you'll do it.


Because it'll make your brain relax

and it'll make you de-stress,

one of the pre-requisites for you

to have a sensible and good life.

You can also make a list of what

you're going to do tomorrow,

so that you know this is the only things

I have to worry about tomorrow.

Bigger projects has to be broken into chunks,

and maybe you make a small part

of the project tomorrow and the day after.

Put it in the calendar, don't just keep it in your head.

And this leads us to the third point,

because when you leave off it,

when you leave the physical part of the work,

then make sure you leave with a sense of clarity.

Make sure that all the things that are troubling you,

they're put into a schedule.

They're structured and organized.

Make sure that you know these five things that annoys me,

I will deal with them tomorrow, Wednesday,

and whenever you wanna deal with them.

Make sure it's structured and put into a schedule,

'cause then you can leave work with a sense of clarity.

And when the inevitable thought will come

about work when you are at life,

you will know, no, I don't have to think about it right now,

because it's in my diary for Thursday.

And the fourth thing is to focus

on each and every little pocket

of tranquility and calm that you can find.

Make five, 10 minutes of your every day a small vacation.

Treat yourself to a special cup of coffee,

a special cup of tea.

Take that tea or coffee and go outside

and sit where there is something green.

Forget about the cars and everything around you,

just say that today for the next five minutes,

I'm on vacation.

I'm enjoying my time here and I'm relaxed.

Read a book, take one of the books that you normally read

when you're on vacation and start reading it.

Ten minutes everyday, get your thoughts away from everything

and just focus on some things that make you feel good.

Spend those 10 minutes extra with the kids,

but away from what you normally do.

Away from the T.V., away from the kitchen with the food.

Take them for a walk, do something that

you normally only do when you're on vacation,

but do it for five or 10 minutes, only.

You'll start appreciating all

the small joys that you do have everyday,

that sometimes your work overshadows.

Make a list, everyday.

I know I'm talking about lists all the time,

I'm crazy about lists.

But make a note everyday, today my vacation is,

10 minutes soup or tea in the garden.

The day after, today my 10 minutes is walking the kids,

having fun with them, off what we normally do.

The last thing, number five,

is speaking out loud, you won't believe

how much that makes a difference.

Say to yourself, hey, I'm not at life now, I'm at work.

Say to yourself, hey, I'm not at work now, I'm at life.

Just speaking it out loud will program your brain

and you will start to relax more than you think.

Tell your families, your colleagues,

hey, you know, what?

I'm worried about this, at life,

at the moment when you're at work,

and have them call you out if you seem distant.

Same for the family, if they can feel you check out

because you start worrying about work,

have them call you out, saying, hey guy,

you're thinking about work again.

And you're like (snapping) yeah,

that's right, snap out of it.

Do a five minute vacation and come back.

To me it's ever so important that you understand

and accept that you cannot separate these two things,

work and life.

You need to find a way of living and working in one harmony.

These five tips will for sure help you.

I hope you liked it a lot.

Smash it if you did!

If you haven't done so already,

whoa, that's gonna be a problem.

Please subscribe to my channel.

If you're already a subscriber, thank you very much.

Make sure that this little gray bell is turned on

so that every time I post a new video you'll get notified.

Thanks so much for watching and I'll see you soon.

Time to get to work.

For more infomation >> EXPOSED: work life balance does not exist - Duration: 6:20.


Madison Cunningham - "Location" (Solo Version) - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Madison Cunningham - "Location" (Solo Version) - Duration: 3:32.


How to Invest in UK Property When You're Living Abroad - #104 Hardcore Property Podcast - Duration: 10:17.

For more infomation >> How to Invest in UK Property When You're Living Abroad - #104 Hardcore Property Podcast - Duration: 10:17.


Séminaire développement personnel : je l'ai fait ! - Duration: 8:56.

For more infomation >> Séminaire développement personnel : je l'ai fait ! - Duration: 8:56.


韓女團日本成員音樂節目拍合照鬧出笑話?不是要跪下嗎? - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> 韓女團日本成員音樂節目拍合照鬧出笑話?不是要跪下嗎? - Duration: 4:32.


Decorative lights from water pipes - a promising business - Duration: 13:11.

Decorative lights from water pipes - a promising business

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