Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 2, 2017

Youtube daily report Feb 20 2017

Women… Driving

I think it's cool

It's cool

Women today are much better than the men


And so, there is no way that you can qualify and quantify

And generalize That women are bad drivers Certainly not

It's nothing different Ya

It's not a special thing that you say 'Oh, women driving cars.

It's just people driving cars'

They don't know how to drive

They think everyone around them is wrong

Only they are right

They give very bad looks,

Even if they are at fault Like that, what?

And my father was asking my sister to press the break and Leave the accelerator.

But she kept pressing the accelerator

She thought the two were the same

In Chennai, how are the women drivers on the road?

Not too many women drive in Chennai

Why not?

They don't give driving lessons to women

Why not? They can't drive.

They cause accidents

I can't park I call my brother every time I reach my building

And he parks the car for me

So, you agree that the stereotype is right, That women can't drive

No, I didn't say that

Speed always thrilled me

I used to love running, cycling, sailing

And then I heard there is something Called Go karting town

I was about 15 years old then And the moment I got in to the kart

I felt one with it And I felt this adrenaline rush

It felt really good

And I ended up clocking the fastest time of the day And that is where it took off

We are looked down upon, for that matter

But I somehow agree with men on this subject

Hi, I am Sneha Sharma I am a pilot by profession

And also, a race car driver

Parking, Bro Parallel parking

We can't parallel park to save our life

We do the parking for them

I finished in the top 5 in the 'Mercedes young star drive'

And that's when I was awarded a Schumacher autographed car

When they get scared on the road they just accelerate

Lack of presence of mind I think

They shiver as soon as someone comes from the opposite direction

I finished top 5, and that was my most prized trophy

Because you know it was a do or die situation that one lap

When I came in, my tires were fuming There was a lot of smoke emitting from my tires

And this made people think

A girl doesn't know how to drive

But when they saw my lap time they realized

It was a lot of late breaking that caused the fuming

And not lack of driving skill

They cannot differentiate between left and right


They can not Yeah?

No no When?


Don't let me speak

People need to stop taking crap More than giving crap


People give crap and we take crap

And when we take it, they become bolder And then they give us more crap

Have you ever witnessed them driving really badly?

Any women on the road No.


Never Never?


They will signal, to go right. But then they will randomly stop to touchup their make up

They presume that if a female passenger is touching up their make up In the back seat,

Then even a female drive will do the same

It is nothing like that Drivers are drivers

When they are driving, they are aware of their responsibilities

My name is Mrs. Pradiya Ambre

I drive this school bus as a pick up and drop for schools

Me and my mom were driving We were going and it was her fault

And she turned around and was like 'What'?

And I was like 'Dude' Your mom is going to watch this video

Hello ma'am

Driving a school bus is very difficult You know why?

Because the kids are busy with their own work

Busy talking and a lot of mischief goes on in the vehicle

But my focus is on the road

If our children are under her care We can relax.

It means our children are in safe hands

Some women who used to be in motor sports Used to say I want to prove to boys

That I am better than them but no.

I don't want to prove to anybody that I am better than them

I want to prove to myself that I am the best That's what matters to me

I do my job with great amount of joy I enjoy driving

I enjoy this business

Even if I am driving from six o'clock in the morning to 7 o'clock in the evening

But I don't get tired at all You can see right now

I am just cool till now I do my work.

I enjoy doing my work And will do it till the end of my life

To say till I die won't be wrong It's okay

Why is this theory so proclaimed, that it exists in the world?

Because it is a man's world Yeah

It's a man's world What else?

What should we do to break this stereotype?

Change our mentality.

The men The men should change

That is why it is called MEN-tality Change it

So, this was Mumbai on women driving We heard so many opinions

For it. Against it

Where you stand comment down below and tell us

We have just one observation

If a man causes an accident

The headlines will be an accident took place, at this location, so many dead etc., etc.

But if a female driver caused an accident Then the headline would say

Women driver kills five

Why is there such a gender bias when it comes to driving?

For more infomation >> Bol India Bol - Are Women Good Drivers? - Duration: 6:08.


[ENG SUB] BTS Live in Chile - Duration: 2:28.

J: Oh, we're on! (x2)

V: No, not yet / J: No we're on!

-No one's come in yet though

J&V: 5 viewers!

J: Hello~

JH: Our concert is over!

JM: Concert finished!

JM: I am the prince of Busan~

V: I am the prince of Daegu~

J: I am the prince of Gwacheon~

JH: I am the prince of Gwangju~

V: I am Geochang -

J/JH: What is that...

J: That's too much

JM: Hello!~

V: Hello!

J: Give me it, The weather is so cold here we are wearing padded coats!

J: Middle of the winter!

JM: All right, it's Daegu hyung

BTS: You are the prince of Daegu!~

J: Hey, where's the prince of Ilsan?

V: The prince of Ilsan isn't here!

BTS: You are the prince of Busan!~

V: The prince of Busan!~

JH: Love you!~

V: We're missing one person right now!

J: Ah, where did the prince of Ilsan go? JH: Ah, the prince of Ilsan isn't here!

S: He went to Ilsan JM: Ah, the prince of Ilsan

JM: You are the prince of Ilsan!~

JM: I am the prince of BTS~

V: Oh, hyung just came!

BTS: The prince of Ilsan!

V: All right, the prince of Ilsan!

V: It's a live broadcast, the prince of Ilsan!

JM: BTS' greatest supermodel

J: 1,2,3!

RM: Ah, what, how does this work?

BTS: You are the prince of Ilsan!~

RM: How could you forget (me), the most princely person?

JK: Wait wait, I have something to say!

S: Ah, my neck hurts

JH: Let's greet them again!

JH: We're going to Korea now!

S: Bye everyone!

V: We're finished!

RM: The song for "Fantastic Four" comes out on the 4th!

RM: Please listen to it for sure!

BTS: Goodbye!~

J: The prince of Gwacheon~

V: Oh, how do I do this? How do I turn it off?

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] BTS Live in Chile - Duration: 2:28.


Lightwarriors, Fear Not What Is Happening To You — Everything Is Perfect! - Duration: 6:57.

Lightwarriors, Fear Not What Is Happening To You � Everything Is Perfect!

By Dreamcatcher.

I have to admit, sometimes I look at the enormity of the task we lightwarriors have taken on

and it makes me balk a little, I have to step back for a little breather.

I look at the way our society is still rampantly destroying our natural environment, I notice

the disharmony and discord between people and I notice the apparent injustice of the

rich getting materially richer whilst the poor get increasingly poorer (made even more

extreme by the new political �leadership� of late).

Yet as I look deeper, I see the perfect conditions gathering.

We know that society doesn�t really serve us don�t we?

We know that the controlled, conditioned and compartmentalised lifestyles only dehumanise

and strip people of their divine sensitivity.

But still there�s the allurement, still there�s the apparent dependency � the

carrot and the stick � which makes people keep plugging away, nose to the grindstone.

So if the situation more strongly reveals its shadow side, to me that�s definitely

a good thing.

Life is changing, we are changing.

The Opposing Consciousness, that sustains the old reality, can feel it, and is thrashing

around desperately clinging on, tooth and claw, to the old ways.

Remember it always looks strong at the end � but it�s mostly bravado and bluff (just

look at the current debacle with the US travel ban: Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Judge).

Strongly now the old reality is revealing its shocking shadow side and the new one coming

increasingly into view.

But you can�t necessarily see the New Paradigm with 3D eyes (except in metaphor).

We have to look beyond the unfolding physical drama and intuit the story within the story,

both in our own lives and on the worldwide stage.

For each a reason

Every single moment has a reason, a purpose, no matter how challenging or difficult that

moment might be.

We lose a job for example, relationships get difficult or break up, physical possessions

challenge us like the car, the computer or the TV.

Inconvenience seemingly messes with our lives.

But there�s always truth within the inconvenience.

When people come on our Advanced Spiritual Courses, which are all about aligning with

and following the path of the soul, they pretty much always complete them with a deep inner

yearning to truly follow their destined pathway in life.

So sometime after the course has completed, something unexpected will frequently happen

to derail the old pathway � some kind of �spanner in the works��

Meditation and inner exploration will most definitely reveal the higher self energies

we�re looking to integrate.

But it�s their direct practical application into daily life where we attain true mastery

of self.

What are the challenges of interpersonal relationships or of your career?

Above all, what happens to you when things go wrong?

Do you lose it, do you flap?

Or do you see it as an opportunity to soften and go deeper still.

Expand into the moment

So when (supposedly) �negative� things happen to me these days, I resist the temptation

to get tight, I drop deeper into the feeling of the moment within my body and expand into


Often a wry smile arises spontaneously from within �Okay, so what spanner in the works

has the universe sent me this time?� �What am I supposed to get, what can I learn?�

I let go of any perceived need for an outcome and instead look for the deeper meaning.

I don�t resist the flow, the natural organising energy of the moment.

Instead I work with exactly what is happening, using ever increasing awareness to intuit

the new lessons, the new possibilities: I just lost a really expensive pair of headphones

� I immediately know I�m supposed to tune into my higher dimensional team more (I have

to say I was a bit pissed though!).

Always but always it works � an answer follows.

It may challenge us yes, but then we wouldn�t develop without the challenge � if these

situations didn�t feel very real (like being financially challenged for example), then

we wouldn�t have the motivation to change.

And I�ve learned to trust � at the very deepest levels.

I have an idea of what I�m here to do.

Even if what�s currently happening doesn�t at first appear to be taking me in that direction,

I realise that the thousand mile journey would not be completed without each step, without

every twist and turn.

Ever deeper into presence

I�ve realised that the one true thing that can solve all our problems, unwind all our

knots and balance all our equations is increasing presence.

The moment purposefully reveals your blind-spots � where you identify, where you might get

owned by the illusion.

So I look for those places and drop deeper into them:

Dear friends our discomfort is a priceless gift!

Society so often wants to take it away, pop the pill, desensitise ourselves,

but the pain is our passage to freedom and evolutionary growth.

Whenever you hit the �blind spot� and tighten down

it�s exactly this situation which provides a priceless

opportunity to evolve and grow.

So don�t fear it and push it away, instead embrace it, see it as part of the

path, then reclaim the priceless empowering gift

that it is concealed within the step.

When I do this, the flood gates burst wide open, unity consciousness flows like a torrent

through the previous constriction.

The path flows again.

In fact I realise I wouldn�t have known this expansiveness and awesome freedom of

the flow if I hadn�t first known the constriction blocking it.

Do feel free to share your own challenges and approach to overcoming them below.

You�ll be amazed just how much it can bring things into light.

For more infomation >> Lightwarriors, Fear Not What Is Happening To You — Everything Is Perfect! - Duration: 6:57.


What Indonesian Say About Donald Trump - Duration: 4:43.

Hello, world! I'm May, and welcome to What Indonesians Say.

Today's topic is about the new president of the United States, Donald Trump.

Donald Trump.

Donald John Trump.

Donald Trump.

Ya, Donald Trump.

Their newest president is Donald Trump.

I'm not personally inclined to know about his information, but

I only know him as

an infamous and controversial figure from the United States

from the Internet, of course.

An arrogant one.

I just know that he's a racist?

I think he has an orange skin color

as we know, he's a businessman and he is very rich

I think he kind of hates the Muslim communities

What I know about Donald Trump, first, is that

people think he is, to be blunt, quite racist.

For example, he banned Mexicans, and I've also heard

that he banned Muslims from living in the US.

I think, not in a direct way.

More like, he applies many laws that he needs to think more about

because the effect is very big, but he just does whatever suits his will, like with money and all,

and it would affect every country.

It depends on the policy he will make about the nation, because, as you can see,

some people say that it will affect us, some people don't,

while actually we don't really know about the policy yet.

But, they say that Donald Trump will work better with... Russia?

I think that will affect our currency. Somehow.

He doesn't really care about it, and

I don't think he gives a ****

Because Indonesia has a lot of things in correspondence to the United States, I think, yeah, somehow.

Perhaps it will affect its bilateral relationship with the Indonesian government,

also with the economy, perhaps?

Because I know we have some economical trade partnership with the US, so yeah. I guess so.

About positive effects... it's still debatable,

because we don't know yet how he would lead the country.

No, I didn't know about it.

May: What do you think about that?

It's quite surprising, I never expected him to do something like that.

No... (laughs) not really.

May: Okay, what do you think about that?

I don't care, because it doesn't affect my life.

Yeah, I know that.

May: What do you think about that?

I think... well, he wasn't a politician. Before, he was a businessman.

No, more like a figure, so he would do anything that would give him fame and name.

It was just one of the stunts people do to get famous.

Yeah, I know! I watched it.

May: What do you think about that?

Uh... (laughs) Hahaha!

I just - it's indescribable.

I didn't really imagine that he once participated in that kind of TV series.

I don't think such people do this.

But since Donald Trump is kind of crazy, so

it's not impossible.

Whoa, I just found out about it now!

May: What do you think about that?

Makes me want to see the video. (laughs)

Can we choose, again, Barack Obama?

I hope it's Barack Obama again.

Obama. (laughs)

I don't know... I think the previous president, Mr. Barack Obama, was a good one.

If I could put my two cents in, why don't they pick Barack Obama again?

So generally, they have a negative opinion about Donald Trump.

Although they don't think it will bring a dark effect to Indonesia, but they still think Obama is better.

So, what do you think? Are you pro-Trump, or not?

Comment below!

I'm May, see you in Indonesia.

For more infomation >> What Indonesian Say About Donald Trump - Duration: 4:43.


[ENGSUB] BTS - Spring Day @ WINGS TOUR 170219 - Duration: 4:26.

Miss you

saying this makes miss you even more

Miss you even though I'm looking at your photo

Time's so cruel I hate us

Seeing each other for once is now so hard between us

It's all winter here even in August

My heart is running on the time alone on the Snowpiercer It's all winter here even in August

My heart is running on the time alone on the Snowpiercer

Wanna get to the other side of the earth holding your hand Wanna put an end to this winter

How much longing should we see snowing down to have the days of spring Friend

Like the tiny dust tiny dust floating in the air

Will I get to you a little faster if I was the snow in the air

Snowflakes fall down

and get away little by little

I miss you I miss you

How long do I have to wait I miss you I miss you

How long do I have to wait

and how many sleepless nights do I have to spend

to see you to meet you

Passing by the edge of the cold winter

until the days of the spring

until the days of the flower blossoms

please stay, please stay there a little longer until the days of the flower blossoms

please stay, please stay there a little longer

Is it you who changed or is it me

I hate this moment this time flowing

by we are changed you know, just like everyone you know

Yes I hate you you left me

but I never stopped thinking about you not even a day

Honestly I miss you but I'll erase you

cuz it hurts less than to blame you

I try to exhale you in pain like smoke like white smoke

I say that I'll erase you but I can't really let you go yet

Snowflakes fall down and get away little by little

I miss you I miss you

How long do I have to wait and how many sleepless nights do I have to spend

to see you to meet you

You know it all You're my best friend

the morning will come again

No darkness no season can't last forever

Maybe it's cherry blossoms

and this winter will be over

I miss you I miss you

Wait a little bit just a few more nights

I'll be there to see you I'll come for you

Passing by the edge of the cold winter

until the days of the spring

until the days of the flower blossoms

please stay, please stay there a little longer

For more infomation >> [ENGSUB] BTS - Spring Day @ WINGS TOUR 170219 - Duration: 4:26.


Richard Branson A to Z: D is for Delegation - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Richard Branson A to Z: D is for Delegation - Duration: 1:09.


#BLONDMEBATTLE: #teamlesley or #teamkimvo? - Duration: 0:28.

Okay, guys it is now time to decide which team you are on.

But what we really need is

Your blonde looks now

If you are going for a cool blonde hashtag #TEAMLESLEY

and for one gorgeous delicious blonde you gonna have hashtag #TEAMKIMVO.

But we definitely need: hashtag #BLONDMEBATTLE

All information you can also find on

For more infomation >> #BLONDMEBATTLE: #teamlesley or #teamkimvo? - Duration: 0:28.


#BLONDMEBATTLE: Join #teamlesley - Duration: 0:25.

Hi everybody.

Get inspired by my looks.

Create your own personal blonde styles.

Upload any image or video with the hashtag #BLONDMEBATTLE and the hashtag #TEAMLESLEY most important.

And any information you need is on

For more infomation >> #BLONDMEBATTLE: Join #teamlesley - Duration: 0:25.


Jewerly from an ordinary screw nut! - Duration: 10:50.

Jewerly from an ordinary screw nut!

Stainless steel

For more infomation >> Jewerly from an ordinary screw nut! - Duration: 10:50.


Trump ObamaCare replacement coming in 'a couple of weeks' - Duration: 2:35.

Trump ObamaCare replacement coming in 'a couple of weeks'


President Trump said on Saturday that a plan to replace the Affordable Care Act will come

"in a couple of weeks."

"We are going to be submitting in a couple of weeks a great healthcare plan that's going

to take the place of the disaster known as ObamaCare," he said at a campaign rally in

Melbourne, Fla.

"It will be repealed and replaced."

"Just so you understand, our plan will be much better healthcare at a much lower cost,"

he added.


Nothing to complain about."

As a presidential candidate, Trump campaigned on the promise of dismantling and replacing

former President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law, vowing to do so swiftly after

taking office.

But some congressional Republicans have voiced concerns over repealing the law too hastily,

saying that doing so could effectively take health insurance away from the roughly 20

million people insured under the law.

The president on Sunday is expected to meet with Health and Human Services Secretary Tom

Price and White House budget chief Mick Mulvaney to discuss the administration's strategy for

tackling ObamaCare.

The Senate early last month blew through a self-imposed Jan. 27 deadline for drafting

repeal legislation.

That legislation, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said Thursday, is expected to come after the

recess next week.

Trump warned earlier this month that repealing and replacing the law may not be as quick

a process as once thought, saying in an interview with Fox News that it might stretch into next


"It's in the process, and maybe it will take till sometime into next year, but we are certainly

going to be in the process,� he said.

�It's very complicated.�

Ryan asserted that replacement legislation will come this year, but told reporters on

Feb. 7 that the process of actually implementing the new law would likely take longer.

�We�re going to be putting it in fairly soon.

I think that, yes, I would like to say by the end of the year, at least the rudiments,

but we should have something within the year and the following year,� he said.

For more infomation >> Trump ObamaCare replacement coming in 'a couple of weeks' - Duration: 2:35.


1990 04 19 Detroit Pistons vs Philadelphia 76ers - Duration: 2:26:40.

For more infomation >> 1990 04 19 Detroit Pistons vs Philadelphia 76ers - Duration: 2:26:40.


Ryder photo shot Bikini Beautiful Girl "Super Motor" Anna & Elsa scramble Finger Family Song Nursery - Duration: 10:38.

Spiderman: Masha, i alway feel good when talking with you!


Masha: Oh Really? i don't think so!


Anna: Smile!

Ryder: Smile!

Elsa: Growl!


Ryder: Wooo! Suprised!

Elsa: Sorry! now is my turn! Step back!Anna

Anna: Hummm!

Elsa: Smile!

Engine Start Sound!

Full Throllte

Anna: Loud Scream!

Elsa: Smile!

Anna and Elsa: Growl!

Anna sign: Now is my turn!

Engine Full Throllte!

Anna: Loud Scream!

Ryder: Scream! Teeth Chattering! Elsa: Scared scream!

For more infomation >> Ryder photo shot Bikini Beautiful Girl "Super Motor" Anna & Elsa scramble Finger Family Song Nursery - Duration: 10:38.


#BLONDMEBATTLE: Join #teamkimvo - Duration: 0:30.

Hi everybody.

I am looking for the most absolute gorgeous blonde out there what you guys had create.

Now what I want you guys should do is to show me your fantastic work, that is amazing and play with your inner blonde child.

It is so simple. You have to upload hashtag #BLONDMEBATTLE and hashtag #TEAMKIMVO.

For all information go on

For more infomation >> #BLONDMEBATTLE: Join #teamkimvo - Duration: 0:30.


#BLONDMEBATTLE: Join #teamlesley and win a trip to London! - Duration: 0:29.

Hey everybody, it is all about blonde now. But which blonde look is the most amazing?

Maybe yours. So join the BLONDMEBATTLE.

Guys this is Lesley, she is already waiting for your blonde creations.

So everybody, I want you to join my team, sending your look and win a trip to London.

So you can join Teamlesley by hashtagging #BLONDMEBATTLE and hashtag #TEAMLESLEY

and you can find all information on

For more infomation >> #BLONDMEBATTLE: Join #teamlesley and win a trip to London! - Duration: 0:29.







We're creating a positive news network.

We need your help.

Donate President Donald Trump�s cabinet picks have

stirred up some controversy in the U.S., and his latest selection is no exception.

The Senate just confirmed Steven Mnuchin as U.S. Treasury Secretary after voting 53-47,

suggesting that Trump may not be as �anti-establishment� as he would like us to believe.

A highly experienced business associate, and chairman and CEO of the hedge fund Dune Capital,

Mnuchin may seem like a suitable fit to those who don�t see the bigger picture.

Mnuchin spent 17 years working at Goldman Sachs, where he eventually made partner and

created a fortune of $46 million.

Mnuchin also worked at Soros Fund Management, whose founder, George Soros, is a key member

of the shadow government disguised as a philanthropic billionaire.

What makes Trump�s decision even more bizarre is that, according to electoral commission

records, Mnuchin has donated multiple times to the Democratic party, including to Trump�s

former opponent, Hillary Clinton.

Why would Trump select someone who clearly has ties to the elite, hedge funds, and Goldman

Sachs, all of which he claims to oppose?

Why Steven Mnuchin Is a Strange Choice for Trump

After graduating from Yale University, Steven Mnuchin began his business career at Salomon

Brothers in the early 1980s and then started working for Goldman Sachs in 1985.

Prior to the election, Trump had criticized his Republican competitor Ted Cruz for his

connections to Wall Street and because his wife had worked for Goldman Sachs.

Trump went so far as to call out both Cruz and Hillary Clinton for their connections

to Wall Street in one debate, stating that the guys at Goldman Sachs have �total control�

over them.

And he wasn�t lying; Hillary was scrutinized for her paid speeches to Goldman Sachs, which

you can read about here.

Interestingly enough, Hillary considered a high-ranking Goldman Sachs banker, Gary Gensler,

for the position of Treasury Secretary, the same position Trump selected Mnuchin for.

This leads one to wonder if there is a link between Goldman Sachs and this White House


It would certainly make sense, especially because Mnuchin is only one of at least six

of Trump�s top advisers and Cabinet nominees tied to Goldman Sachs.

Plus, the firm has had ties to the White House in the past.

However, Mnuchin no longer works for Goldman Sachs; he eventually left to work for SFM

Capital Management, a firm backed by billionaire George Soros.

Mnuchin then went on to work directly for George Soros at Soros Fund Management (source).

Soros is well-known for making strategic political donations to essentially fund revolutions

and then profit on the chaos.

He also made a killing off European forced migration and other colour revolutions around

the world.

Given that Trump is a self-proclaimed advocate for �anti-establishment,� it�s surprising

that he would appoint someone with close relations to the elite and the DNC.

Soros also uses his company Open Society Foundations to funnel money into Media Matters, which

directly contributes to mainstream media outlets such as NBC and the New York Times (source).

Trump has called out mainstream news outlets numerous times for spreading �fake news,�

making his appointment of Mnuchin even more perplexing.

Soros is heavily tied to the Black Lives Matter movement and is even linked to the Women�s

March, both of which are heavy anti-Trump political movements.

Although these events may seem well-intended, they are tricking people into thinking they�re

fighting for equality.

Many of these movements are created by members of the elite like Soros so they can make a

profit by distracting us and creating conflict.

To read more about the elite�s involvement in these events, specifically Soros�, you

can read our article here.

Soros heavily funded Hillary Clinton�s campaign, and even Mnuchin donated to her campaign.

Mnuchin himself has supported the Democrats for a long time, as he donated to Obama�s

campaign years prior.

Even though Mnuchin may have never been close with Soros, it seems strange that Trump would

select him for this position knowing their shared past.

Mnuchin has since stopped working for Soros and now runs the hedge fund Dune Capital.

Although their current relationship is unknown, Dune Capital has apparently received hundreds

of millions of dollars from Soros.

This represents another interesting piece of the puzzle, as Trump has publicly criticized

hedge fund managers, like Mnuchin, on many occassions.

Trump has said that hedge fund managers were �getting away with murder,� which is why

he wanted to put an end to the carried interest loophole giving private equity and hedge fund

managers preferential tax treatment.

�The hedge fund guys didn�t build this country,� Trump said at the time on CBS�

Face the Nation.

�These are guys that shift paper around and they get lucky,� he said.

�They are energetic.

They are very smart.

But a lot of them � they are paper-pushers.

They make a fortune.

They pay no tax.

It�s ridiculous.�

To many Republican businessmen, this may not seem like a strange move given Mnuchin�s

extensive background in finance; however, he has faced a lot of public scrutiny lately.

Mnuchin became well-known for purchasing his bank, OneWest, because of the public criticism

he faced.

OneWest was considered a �foreclosure machine� under Mnuchin�s leadership, as the bank

foreclosed on 36,000 families and trapped numerous elderly residents in reverse mortgages.

The bank was also scrutinized for racially discriminatory lending practices.

How Does This Reflect Trump�s Agenda?

We�ve seen Trump call out mainstream news and even the White House, so there is still

a potential that �he cannot be boughten,� as he�d say.

However, the fact of the matter is, we have no idea if he has ties to the elite.

He also thrives off spreading the illusion of separatism, gaining public support by encouraging

racism and sexism, but the most interesting part of all of this is society�s reactions.

There�s been significant societal uproar regarding his actions and words as President,

and rightly so; however, none of this behaviour is necessarily new from the U.S. government.

Trump may be one of the few Presidents to outright discuss his views and beliefs, but

the White House has always had them deeply engrained within its value system.

The U.S. government has murdered innocent civilians all over the world through war and

terror, and even murdered their own using false-flag terrorism.

The U.S. government and the elite have thrived off separatism for a very long time; they

have simply done a better job at concealing it than Trump has.

I genuinely believe that Trump�s presidency has the potential to inspire more people to

wake up than ever before.

His actions seem to be more transparent than many of the former U.S. presidents, and they�re

radical enough to shock people into truly wanting to make a difference.

I think the bigger concern here is whether or not Trump is challenging the establishment

and the elite or if he�s actually working with them.

This begs the question: Will the public see past the illusory authority of the President

to see who�s truly in power, or will they keep fighting one man, further perpetuating

this flawed political system?



Part 1 of 4: Simon McBurney & Thomas Ostermeier in conversation | Beware of Pity | Complicite - Duration: 15:32.

For more infomation >> Part 1 of 4: Simon McBurney & Thomas Ostermeier in conversation | Beware of Pity | Complicite - Duration: 15:32.


#BLONDMEBATTLE: Join #teamkimvo and win a trip to LA! - Duration: 0:33.

Hey everybody, it is all about blonde now. But which blonde look is the most amazing?

Maybe yours. So join the BLONDMEBATTLE.

Guys this is Kim Vo and he is already waiting for your blonde creations.

So I am calling you and all blonde maniacs out there to sending a picture or video

because you could possibly win a trip to visit me in Beverly Hills.

Join Team Kim Vo by hashtagging #BLONDMEBATTLE and hashtagging #TEAMKIMVO.

You could find all information on

For more infomation >> #BLONDMEBATTLE: Join #teamkimvo and win a trip to LA! - Duration: 0:33.


EP2-1 VLOG My first travel to Europe! 드디어 내 생에 첫 유럽입성!! 이탈리아 로마로 출동하다 [GoToe TRAVEL] - Duration: 3:42.

Hello everyone

This is 2/4 in Incheon airport

It just 10 days after from the last travel

Today I

will travel to Rome in Italy

and Switzerland , France

and back. from 4th to 19th

I will travel to Europe

Maybe this is the last time in this year

traveling 2 weeks

anyway I will

, I hope there is no problem with this travel

and let's

travel to Italy

Use Korean air. 12:30 hours

You must check your face after a long flight

Use Leonardo Express from airport to Termini station


Here is much more beautiful in night

In Roman Holiday, Audrey Hepburn ate gellato in here

In a day time, looks very beautiful

You have a swollen fave in a morning


Every first sunday, enterance fee is free

Total enterance from here to coloseum is 15.5 euro

You can take a picture of Foro Romano in here

like this

Make to celebrate unification of Italy

Really famous gelateria in Rome. Especially with Korea

You don't forget to take a picture before eat that

For more infomation >> EP2-1 VLOG My first travel to Europe! 드디어 내 생에 첫 유럽입성!! 이탈리아 로마로 출동하다 [GoToe TRAVEL] - Duration: 3:42.


Wake up call: Notre Dame Academy - Duration: 0:36.








For more infomation >> Wake up call: Notre Dame Academy - Duration: 0:36.


Mercedes-Benz® S-Class

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz® S-Class


Koopappartement: Luttik Oudorp 49 b, Alkmaar - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Koopappartement: Luttik Oudorp 49 b, Alkmaar - Duration: 0:55.


Ford B-MAX 1.0 ECOBOOST TREND - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 ECOBOOST TREND - Duration: 1:14.


Å koda Fabia Combi 1.2-12V Creation - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Å koda Fabia Combi 1.2-12V Creation - Duration: 1:07.


Fiat 500S Cabrio 0.9 TWINAIR - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Fiat 500S Cabrio 0.9 TWINAIR - Duration: 1:41.


If Humans Designed To Be Vegan Why Do They Have To Take Vit B12 Supplements? - Duration: 4:25.

Vitamin B12 is a vitamin not made by

plants but its not made by animals either.

It's made by tiny microbes

that blanket the earth.

We probably used to get all we needed

drinking out of a mountain stream

or well water but now we chlorinate

our water supply to kill off the bacteria

so we don't get a lot of B12 in our water

anymore but we don't get a lot of cholera either

and so in this kind of hygienic world

and sanitized world which again

is a very good thing.

It's the one kind of Achilles heel but

it's just because we aren't eating bugs

dirt and faces anymore but

that's a good thing.

Unless one is eating bacteria laden animals

and products from those animals

one needs to get their B12 somewhere

and so the safest way is to get it

is B12 supplements or fortified foods.

But it's just so easy and you can't get too

much of it you just pee it right out,

it's cheap, about $5 a year, you get all

the B12 you need and that's your ticket

to get all the amazing benefits in terms

of astoundingly low obesity rates, diabetes rates

and heart disease and some types of strokes

some types of cancer.

The vast majority of people with B12 deficiency

are meat eaters over the age of 50

so the American Academy of Neurology says

that everybody after the age of 50

needs to take B12 fortified foods or B12 supplements

because actually there's an epidemic of B12

deficiency among our elderly.

The Framingham offspring study for example

showed that many meat eaters even in their 30's

and 40's are B12 deficient and in the study

the people with the best B12 status weren't

the people eating meat, dairy and eggs

it was people eating breakfast cereal as

they all have B12 added to them.

We're finding out that animal products are not

such good sources of B12 after all,

a very small percentage of the B12 is actually

bio available and when we think of deficiencies

we think of when the media says .

what are vegans deficient in.

No one asks the meat eaters what they're

deficient in and they're deficient

in 5 and maybe 7 nutrients in many studies,

the very few nutrients that vegans and

vegetarians would run into problems with .

You have to ask well wait a second where

are the meat eaters getting their fiber?

Where are they getting their Vitamin C

that's only found in plant foods where

are they getting their folate and

their phytonutrients and many of the

minerals found in greens, beans and nuts

For more infomation >> If Humans Designed To Be Vegan Why Do They Have To Take Vit B12 Supplements? - Duration: 4:25.


Pumpkin Cheese Pie | Dessert | How-To | 南瓜起司派 - Duration: 4:56.

Peel the pumpkin skin or not.

Spoon out the seeds and pulp

Chop into slices and steam until fully cooked

Mash the cooked pumpkin with a fork

Freshly grate the parmesan cheese about 10g

Ingredients for pie crust

Soften butter to room temperature

Beat with salt and sugar until creamy for 1.5 minutes

Mix the egg yolk for about 30 seconds

Sift half of cake flour

Gently mix by pressing the spatula

Sift the rest half flour

Add the grated parmesan

Gently press by your hand

until non-sticky dough formed

Wrap the dough in plastic

Roll the dough a little bit

Keep in refrigerated for 15 minutes

Grease the entire interior of the 6" tart pan

Evenly sprinkle the flour

Invert the pan over a flat baking pan

and tap it gently to remove any excess flour

Keep in refrigerated for later use

Remove the dough and tear off the plastic wrap

Cover the other plastic wrap on top

Roll the dough into a round shape (21-22cm)

Remove the plastic wrap on top

Invert the flat round dough onto the pan

Use your fingers to fit it against the bottom and sides

Peel the plastic wrap off the top

Run the rolling pin over the top to remove excess dough

Use excess dough to build up thin areas on the sides

Prick holes in the pie dough with a fork

and brush the bottom with egg white

Set aside for 15 minutes

Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180˚c

Ingredients for filling

Tear the cheese slices into small pieces

and place in a small mixing bowl

Add sugar and heavy cream

Cook and stir on low heat until cheese melted

Remove the bowl from the stove

Whisk the egg and gradually pour into cheese mixture

Then mix with the mashed pumpkin

Pour in the filling to the tart pan

Position the baking pan in center of the oven

Bake for 20 minutes

Then reduce to 160˚c, bake for 12-15 minutes.

Let cool completely. Remove the tart pan.

Then keep in refrigerated overnight before slicing.

For more infomation >> Pumpkin Cheese Pie | Dessert | How-To | 南瓜起司派 - Duration: 4:56.


Mercedes-Maybach S600

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Maybach S600


For more infomation >> Mercedes-Maybach S600


S. Korea's acting president condemns N. Korea for murder of Kim Jong-nam - Duration: 2:15.

The South Korean government convened a National Security Council meeting this morning to assess

the Malaysian authorities' announcement on Kim Jong-nam's death.

Calling the incident an act of terrorism and a crime against humanity, Seoul's acting president

asked for a strong defense posture and countermeasures against acts from the regime.

Song Ji-sun shares with us the PM's remarks.

South Korea's acting president Hwang Kyo-ahn said that based on the official announcement

from the Malaysian government, the circumstances and intelligence, it is certain that the North

Korean regime was behind the murder of Kim Jong-nam, the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's

half brother who was killed in what appears to have been a toxic attack.

"This murder -- which took place in a public space, at an international airport in a third

country -- is an unacceptable act of terrorism, a crime against humanity and clear evidence

of the North Korean regime's brutality and recklessness, showing it is capable of doing

anything to sustain itself."

Prime Minister Hwang said Seoul should cooperate with the international community to make North

Korea pay a price for its actions.

He ordered officials to beef up the country's defense readiness and counterterrorism measures,

as the North could target the South in similar or other ways.

"As the North Korean regime's methods of terrorism are getting bolder, we must be exceptionally

aware of the possibility of a North Korean terrorist attack on the South Korean government

and its people, and prepare for other provocations aimed at distracting the international community."

The acting president asked the public and political arena to unite on national security...

and strengthen the military deterrent against the North, through the military exercises

between South Korea and the U.S. scheduled for next month.

Song Ji-sun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> S. Korea's acting president condemns N. Korea for murder of Kim Jong-nam - Duration: 2:15.


For more infomation >> S. Korea's acting president condemns N. Korea for murder of Kim Jong-nam - Duration: 2:15.


N. Korea's ambassador claims Malaysian police's investigation can't be trusted - Duration: 2:04.

Let's start with the latest on the apparent murder of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's

half brother.

The North Korean ambassador said Malaysia's investigation cannot be trusted... and called

for a joint investigation into the case.

Oh Jung-hee starts us off with the building tensions between Kuala Lumpur and Pyongyang.

North Korea's ambassador to Malaysia Kang Chol claimed on Monday that the Malaysian

police's investigation into the death of Kim Jong-nam cannot be trusted... and called for

a joint investigation by Malaysian and North Korean authorities.

His remarks came after a closed-door meeting with Malaysian authorities the same day.

Kang claimed the investigation has become political... and said the Malaysian government

is conspiring with South Korea to produce investigation results that are beneficial

to the South.

He also denied the allegation that the North Korean regime was behind the death... and

said it would be proven as a fact within the international community.

This comes after Malaysia recalled its ambassador to North Korea on Monday afternoon,... after

having summoned North Korea's ambassador to Malaysia Kang Chol earlier in the day.

On Friday, Kang had accused the Malaysian government of forcing an autopsy on Kim Jong-nam...

even though Kim's under North Korea's consular protection.

The Malaysian government responded Monday... saying Kang's accusation is baseless... and

that it takes the attempt "to tarnish its reputation" very seriously.

Meanwhile, a five-minute-long leaked video clip that appears to show the moments leading

up to Kim Jong-nam's death has been posted to YouTube.

The video shows Kim entering a departure gate at Kuala Lampur International Airport,...

as two women approach him from behind.

One puts her hands around his neck... and the two disappear within seconds.

The women in the clip are the two under arrest now -- a woman holding a Vietnamese passport

identified as Doan Thi Huong,... and an Indonesian woman named Siti Aisyah.

They've claimed that they didn't know they were being asked to kill someone... and were

just doing what they were told.

Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> N. Korea's ambassador claims Malaysian police's investigation can't be trusted - Duration: 2:04.


For more infomation >> N. Korea's ambassador claims Malaysian police's investigation can't be trusted - Duration: 2:04.


U.S. lawmakers call to re-list N. Korea as state sponsor of terrorism - Duration: 1:44.

North Korea's continued nuclear and missile provocations sparked calls in the United States

to re-list the regime on its state sponsors of terror list.

The apparent murder of Kim Jong-un's half brother may have been the latest catalyst.

Connie Kim reports.

North Korea was first put on Washington's state sponsors of terror list after Kim Hyon-hui

, a North Korean agent,... bombed a Korean Air jet in 1987,... killing all 115 people


After two decades on the list, the George W. Bush administration removed the North in

2008 after Pyongyang agreed to disclose information about its nuclear weapons inventory.

But, calls for North Korea to be re-listed have been growing in the U.S. in recent months,...

with lawmakers saying Pyongyang's continued nuclear and missile threats merit re-designation.

President Trump has also vowed to be tough on North Korea.

"Defending against the North Korean missile and the nuclear threat both of which I consider

a very very high priority."

A bipartisan bill that was stalled in Congress was reintroduced last month calling for the

State Department to review a list of purported acts by North Korea.

Such calls have been amplified with the North's apparent murder of Kim Jong-un's estranged

half-brother,... Kim Jong-nam.

Last week,... six Republican senators urged the Treasury Department to take more steps

to cut off North Korea's access to hard currency and for the Trump administration to review

re-listing Pyongyang.

The State Department has yet to confirm whether it has started the review process.

Connie Kim, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S. lawmakers call to re-list N. Korea as state sponsor of terrorism - Duration: 1:44.


For more infomation >> U.S. lawmakers call to re-list N. Korea as state sponsor of terrorism - Duration: 1:44.


Citroën C2 1.1I ATTRACTION A/C OPKLAPBARE STOELEN!! - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Citroën C2 1.1I ATTRACTION A/C OPKLAPBARE STOELEN!! - Duration: 0:57.


For more infomation >> Citroën C2 1.1I ATTRACTION A/C OPKLAPBARE STOELEN!! - Duration: 0:57.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi 68PK CABRIO 5D FEEL AIRCO!RIJKL! - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi 68PK CABRIO 5D FEEL AIRCO!RIJKL! - Duration: 1:08.


For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi 68PK CABRIO 5D FEEL AIRCO!RIJKL! - Duration: 1:08.


Citroën C4 Coupe 1.6-16V VTR+ - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Coupe 1.6-16V VTR+ - Duration: 1:35.


For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Coupe 1.6-16V VTR+ - Duration: 1:35.


EP2-1 VLOG My first travel to Europe! 드디어 내 생에 첫 유럽입성!! 이탈리아 로마로 출동하다 [GoToe TRAVEL] - Duration: 3:42.

Hello everyone

This is 2/4 in Incheon airport

It just 10 days after from the last travel

Today I

will travel to Rome in Italy

and Switzerland , France

and back. from 4th to 19th

I will travel to Europe

Maybe this is the last time in this year

traveling 2 weeks

anyway I will

, I hope there is no problem with this travel

and let's

travel to Italy

Use Korean air. 12:30 hours

You must check your face after a long flight

Use Leonardo Express from airport to Termini station


Here is much more beautiful in night

In Roman Holiday, Audrey Hepburn ate gellato in here

In a day time, looks very beautiful

You have a swollen fave in a morning


Every first sunday, enterance fee is free

Total enterance from here to coloseum is 15.5 euro

You can take a picture of Foro Romano in here

like this

Make to celebrate unification of Italy

Really famous gelateria in Rome. Especially with Korea

You don't forget to take a picture before eat that

For more infomation >> EP2-1 VLOG My first travel to Europe! 드디어 내 생에 첫 유럽입성!! 이탈리아 로마로 출동하다 [GoToe TRAVEL] - Duration: 3:42.


For more infomation >> EP2-1 VLOG My first travel to Europe! 드디어 내 생에 첫 유럽입성!! 이탈리아 로마로 출동하다 [GoToe TRAVEL] - Duration: 3:42.


Charlotte, la solitude ça s'entretient - Duration: 18:13.

For more infomation >> Charlotte, la solitude ça s'entretient - Duration: 18:13.


For more infomation >> Charlotte, la solitude ça s'entretient - Duration: 18:13.


Chronique | LE PETIT LOCATAIRE | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Chronique | LE PETIT LOCATAIRE | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:14.


For more infomation >> Chronique | LE PETIT LOCATAIRE | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:14.


Comprendre la révolution numérique - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Comprendre la révolution numérique - Duration: 3:58.


For more infomation >> Comprendre la révolution numérique - Duration: 3:58.


"Rock Dog" Movie Trailer

For more infomation >> "Rock Dog" Movie Trailer


I'm a Pulse Volunteer... Get Me Out of Here!!! Episode 2 - Duration: 8:10.

For more infomation >> I'm a Pulse Volunteer... Get Me Out of Here!!! Episode 2 - Duration: 8:10.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse ML 350 BlueTec 4-Matic ,Trekhaak, Luchtvering, Panoramadak - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse ML 350 BlueTec 4-Matic ,Trekhaak, Luchtvering, Panoramadak - Duration: 1:45.


Twat Box Opening by Bi-polar Bear #lootcrate - Duration: 3:02.

(Sobbing) I'm fat, Ok I'm fat.

But it's not my fault.

It's because of my childhood.

Yeah, you try and have my childhood, all you haters.

You know I wasn't even going to do this video but you forced this on me.

Oh my God, oh my God, I bet that's this month's Twat Box.

So here it is, this months twat box, Let's go right ahead and crack it open.

I really like how Twat Box is easy to open, with a very sharp knife of course.

Oh, Shit!

So the first thing as usual is the t-shirt.

May divorce be with you.

This t-shirt alone is worth the twenty two dollars a month.

You know it saves me having to go out and buy clothes and they even do my size which

is great.

Because of my gene problem it's really difficult to get clothes that fit me.

The material is really good quality.

I really like how every month they do a t-shirt that combines two things.

So if your not a fan of Star Wars you might be a fan of the misery of break-ups and stuff

like that.

Next up we have a key chain.

Legend of Zelda.

This is really good quality, Oh Fuck!

I love the pointy end.

It really shows it's quality.

Next is an action figure.

Dick Tracy.

Is that an upcoming movie?

So apparently Dick Tracy is a failed movie from the early nineties.

This is a good figure though, I like it.

The last thing is some kind of lightsaber.

Oh fuck it's a cigarette lighter.

It's great that it has a function and is not just a nice looking ornament.

I must also mention that every Twat Box has a design inside that allows you to change

it into something else.

Not sure what this is.

So it turns out that this months design is a noose.

So that was this months Twat Box.

There's nothing in my life now.

Yeah I could go and eat something but that's not going to stop my bipolar is it!

This noose is really good quality.

Ireally like the way it's sucking that life out of me.

For more infomation >> Twat Box Opening by Bi-polar Bear #lootcrate - Duration: 3:02.


Joseph Butso - Winner, Year 11 Choi Jun Seob [I Can See Your Voice 3] K-DF REACTION KPOP EN ESPAÑOL - Duration: 7:26.


Hello, Hello boys and girls .. hope you are well.

And because today we come with a video that is not special or that have requested.

But I saw it .. and I wanted to know what it was about .. this boy

And that this boy is black .. but I hope you like the video.

Good .. if both preambles .. we are going to the video .. but as I always say ... you are always with.

Hello .. and because today we come with a video .. since nobody me solicitous.

But what i wanted to do .. since you saw a video or a page where they spoke of this boy .. that is African or black.

As I was intrigued .. because this boy was on that show. Then I thought he was a singer or so I think.

And that he lives in korea .. and that speaks very well the Korean or I do not know if it is true or false.

Then .. we have .. this kid in this program .. how's it going.

come on!

Which shows us.

From what I see going to sing

Is thoughtful.

thoughtful. thoughtful.

So I read .. I think that album or theme is from a DORAMA

Sings excellent

everybody is Surprised

So I see .. he sings the language very well or I think so.


Good .. if you liked and as always I tell you .. if you liked it subscribe to my channel to reach you videos to email

but when you subscribe .. das clip settings Or a little bell .. and there to side .. and you get a window .. where you agree there and place save

And ready .. ay you begin to get videos when I upload a video.

Equal down here .. I also leave them the web page of the group where I ascend the videos .. where this all separated by sections.

Where this doramas, k-df reaction kpop, k-df reaction Q-pop, dance cover and other things. to visit us and follow us. as it is another search option.

And therefore also .. I leave here down my social networks facebook and twitter .. .. although I am more on facebook.

Equal any question I can say .. or I can add or I can also follow. ask, requests, suggestions, can tell by the facebook and answer them gladly.

And thus also any comment .. good or bad .. is welcome .. will answer with pleasure.

Also share my videos As well as if you like I like or do not like

And well .. without much preamble .. we are in the following video .. Take care all .. and goodbye

For more infomation >> Joseph Butso - Winner, Year 11 Choi Jun Seob [I Can See Your Voice 3] K-DF REACTION KPOP EN ESPAÑOL - Duration: 7:26.


Sơn Tùng M-TP mở lại Facebook, âm thầm bấm "like" trạng thái Thiều Bảo Trâm - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Sơn Tùng M-TP mở lại Facebook, âm thầm bấm "like" trạng thái Thiều Bảo Trâm - Duration: 1:46.


Empties | End of the Bottles Review | Tall Girl Fashion | L'BRI LUCY Tall Beauty - Duration: 9:19.

Empties. Makeup Review. Beauty Review. Skincare review. Hair care review. Products review. l'bri lucy tall beauty. tall girl fashion. fashion over 40 . fashion over 50.

For more infomation >> Empties | End of the Bottles Review | Tall Girl Fashion | L'BRI LUCY Tall Beauty - Duration: 9:19.



For more infomation >> VILLAGE || VILLAGES OF COCHABAMBA || SIPE SIPE || VLOG #23 - Duration: 5:16.


"Chúng ta không thuộc về nhau" vượt 100 triệu view - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> "Chúng ta không thuộc về nhau" vượt 100 triệu view - Duration: 2:31.


I'm in love with Dylan - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> I'm in love with Dylan - Duration: 0:43.


BMW 3 Serie Touring 320i M-Sport Edition NAVI XENON AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 320i M-Sport Edition NAVI XENON AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:41.


Staten Island man beaten up over restaurant bathroom dispute by two men - Duration: 1:35.

Wait your turn -- or else!

A patron of a Staten Island restaurant beat up a 60-year-old man after the victim jiggled a bathroom door to try to get him to hurry up, police said Sunday.

The attacker was using the bathroom at Max's Es-Ca restaurant on Richmond Rd. in Dongan Hills at about 11 p.m. Feb. 11, when he heard the locked door handle move, cops said.

The attacker was using the bathroom at Max's Es-Ca restaurant on Richmond Rd. in Dongan Hills.


Enraged, he emerged from the little boy's room and started pummeling the victim, cops said. A second man in the restaurant then joined in the beating, police said.

A woman identifying herself as a manager at the restaurant said the violence surprised her, since the place isn't known for trouble.

"I'm not even really sure what to say because it was a little bit crazy, and a little unorthodox," the manager said. "This isn't a place where there typically are fights. We don't have bouncers and security because this isn't that type of place."

Enraged, he emerged from the little boy's room and started pummeling the victim, cops said. A second man in the restaurant then joined in the beating.


The victim was hospitalized with facial cuts and bruises, and police are now looking for his attackers.

Cops on Sunday released surveillance photos of both men, who they describe as white and between 30 and 40 years old.

Cops are asking anyone with information to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS.

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