Paparazi Weaver 48k DMG - IG.V vs LGD - Pro Gameplay Dota 2
Opel Vectra Wagon 3.0 V6 CDTi V-Line - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
The Things In My Brain: ALLL THE DRAMA - plus, anime expo and connecticon! - Duration: know what i love slash don't love? is when I'm watching TV. And there's a scene where the actor is doing like the most mundane activity
but because of the music choice that they're laying underneath
I well up like an allergic, baby. I am so moved by just some like dude
folding socks
as if the fate of his family depends on one perfect fold will he go halfsies?
So just the toes are sticking out or will he go the extra mile and make the full
Ball of sock
will that save this man's family!
or Like some woman who needs to open up a jar
of peperoncini. her life
Depends on it
Actually, this is really hard is this how a hero is made like oh my God actually
it's slimy. it's so slimy
is this.... oh yeah Yeah, yeah
finally... the Peperoncini
This will change everything from here on out everything will be different
We're doing a crossword puzzle as if this little
tiny tip of graphite will determine the rest of your life 17 across: a celebrity name
will it be sela ward?
Will it be alan alda?
will it be ed asner?
all three of which are very popular, so you're welcome for next time you're asked for a celebrity name
if it's MASH you know it's always going to be ALDA
make it count. make it count!
I HOPE HE GETS HOME - Duration: 7:55.I don't why they keep him there. I worry about him working sometimes
Good how are you?
Great. Thank you. What can I get started
And with grilled onions
E: Finally?
Thank you thank you thank you
E: Did you get a good rest?
E: This one finished his midterm
I got an A for sure
E: Really? Wow That's great babe!
Yeah, I wanted to get him so In N Out because he was hungry
Your bed is so comfortable
Yeah, It is huh
I didnt' sleep last night. I was home studying all night
so he was too tired afterwards so I told him when you come over come over and
I'll go get you In N Out
Good job today babe!
high five! You did a good job!
I was wearing Ryan's sandles because I couldn't find my own
comfy. They are so comfy
oooo yum
Thank you for going
You're welcome
There was a long line for lunch
yeah, I was waiting
Yeah, there was a lot of people
I went through drive-thru
E: Babes going to work right now
yep. I have to go to work
E: byyyyye
We'll hangout later maybe
E: yeah, I'll probably see you after work?
maybe maybe. If I'm not tired I'll come over
E: okay
maybe. We'll see or I'll go home
Ryan went to work and now my parents wanted to go out to dinner I didn't know
but it's a nice treat we're going to go out to dinner together
This place is always so packed
always a wait
Right mom?
this is how much wasabi my dad eats
If you've never had wasabi before
that is a lot
We're at Fukada which
is a japanese restaurants which is one of
the Japanese restaurants my mom approves of
which is a big deal because she's kinda picky with the Japanese restaurants
in California, because not all of them are good Japanese food
So this one is for real
E: no more. No more. All gone
Dad's paying the bill
E: yep, Dad's paying the bill
E: Thank you!
E: Thank you!
E: Thank you
That was delicious. My parents are going to go the gym now
They're crazy
But it's good. They're getting their exercise in
So now I am off? off? off?
off to go see
one of my friends her name is Mahima yeah I'm going to go meet her at a Lollicup
which is a boba shop one of my favorite boaba shops and I'm
not sure if she's fine with filming so if you see her then it means that she was
okay with it and I asked her beforehand but I don't even think she knows I do
YouTube so we'll see
Hi you guys
Mahima said
it was fine to vlog her
so this is her!
she's just graduated USC with a history B.A. she has been my friend
since high school. We took Calculus together. remember that?
I remember that
I remember sitting in the back of the class
Yeah, but she's so sweet. She's really sweet
She's here for. How long are you going to be here for?
Probably a year
a year? YAY!
Until I get a job
Usually she's only here for the summer
but now she's gonna be here forever
Okay. I'll see you guys later
hey guys so I thought I was going to see Ryan tonight
Can you guys see me?
so dark. huh
that's better. thought Ryan was going to come over after work
he wasn't answering and now it's 2 o'clock so I stayed up waiting for him
to text me back because I just get worried about him if he like he always texts me
when he gets home from work so I stay up when he works so I know that he gets
home safe and it's about 2 o'clock right now
and he finally answered finally answered he said that he said his boss won't let
him clock out
I should answer him
seriously so late he shouldn't be working this way it's 2 o'clock in the morning
I asked him why. He said I don't know but. oh my battery's dying I'll see you guys
tomorrow so I'm just going to end the vlog I guess so so you don't get to see
Ryan again in this vlog but you'll see him tomorrow hope you guys have a good
night I'll let you know tomorrow if he like what happened and how you get a
home or not and he'll get home. Just like how long he has to stay
there. I don't know why why they keep him there. I worry about him working
there sometimes I used to work there and yeah they keep you late you know just a
restaurant business keeps you late but anyways you guys have a good night
I'll see you guys tomorrow love you all take care
I'm alive!
Sign Duo
7 Animals with Super Weird (and Sometimes Horrifying) Teeth - Duration: 10:28.You might dread going to the dentist, but at least human teeth are fairly straightforward.
They line up in rows, stay inside your mouth, and have standard toothy shapes.
We have these all-purpose teeth because we have a pretty all-purpose diet.
Humans can survive on a wide range of foods,
so we don't have to have any super-specialized teeth.
That's not the case for a lot of other animals, though.
If an animal has a set of teeth that seems really weird to us,
there's generally a reason.
Those teeth must help it survive in some way.
But for these seven animals, that doesn't really make their teeth less unsettling.
The most abundant species of seal in the world, the crabeater seal,
lives on the Antarctic ice shelf.
From the outside these guys just look like another cute seal,
but if you peek in one's mouth, you'll get a different perspective.
Crabeater seals have bizarre-looking, serrated teeth
that kind of look like they're full of little hooks.
That's because about 90% of a crabeater seal's diet
is made up of tiny shrimp-like crustaceans called krill.
The most famous krill-eaters are whales, which have baleen instead of teeth
to strain these itty bitty animals out of the seawater.
In the case of crabeater seals, though, evolution arrived
at a different solution to the same problem: their teeth have interlocking lobes
that act as sieves to filter krill out of mouthfuls of seawater.
They even have a ridge of bone that fills the gap between the last teeth
and the back of their jaw, keeping the krill from escaping their fate.
Naked mole rats would be weird even if it weren't for their teeth.
They're mostly hairless, live in underground colonies with the same social structure as beehives,
and are apparently immune to cancer.
But their teeth are pretty weird, too.
They have two pairs of huge, protruding incisors, one on the top and one on the bottom.
They need them to dig their burrows and to gnaw tough roots, and their lips actually
close behind these teeth to keep dirt from getting into their mouths as they tunnel.
They'll also use their teeth to move their babies around and to carry food.
But what makes these teeth especially strange is that the naked mole rats
can move each bottom tooth independently, like a tiny pair of chopsticks,
because their lower jaws are flexible.
Their teeth are so important that a naked mole rat
devotes a lot of its body's resources to them.
About a quarter of each rat's musculature is devoted to their jaws,
and in their brains, things get even more extreme.
The part of the brain that's responsible for receiving sensory input from the body
is called the primary somatosensory cortex.
Every spot on the surface of your body maps
to a specific spot on the primary somatosensory cortex.
But it isn't necessarily proportional.
For example, in humans, a lot of real estate in the cortex is devoted to our hands, because
they're such a big part of how we interact with the world through touch.
Naked mole rats don't have hands, but they do have weird giant incisors that they use
to carry stuff around, and it turns out that one third of a naked mole rat's primary
somatosensory cortex is dedicated to its enormous teeth.
Since naked mole rats are almost blind, their big teeth are the main thing they use to interact
with the world, and it shows in the way their brains are organized.
The cookiecutter shark is a small, cigar-shaped shark, about a half a meter long,
that lives in deep water.
But unlike other sharks, this one's not a deadly predator,
it's a parasite, because it leaves the animal it feeds on alive.
Tiny light-producing organs on the shark's pale underside glow to attract prey.
When a potential victim swims within range, the cookiecutter shark attaches itself to
it with its sucking lips and pointy upper teeth.
Then it spins to remove a plug of flesh with its larger, serrated bottom teeth, leaving
a characteristic cookie-sized wound, hence the name.
The shark's teeth are interconnected at the base, which allows the whole row to operate
as a unit when it's slicing out a disk of muscle.
Eventually, the whole row of teeth is replaced at once as a single unit, and the shark actually
swallows the old, discarded teeth to reabsorb their calcium.
Cookiecutter sharks usually go after marine mammals and large fish, but the telltale scars
have also been found on giant squid, and they've been known to try attacking
the sonar domes on nuclear submarines.
Marine biologists didn't actually figure out the cause of the weird scars until the
1960s, when they started to connect them with cookiecutter sharks' unique teeth and find
small plugs of flesh in the sharks' stomachs.
Thanks to their small size and preference for deep water,
cookiecutter sharks are generally harmless to humans.
But there have been a few reports of shipwreck survivors and long-distance swimmers being
attacked in the open ocean by what were probably cookiecutter sharks.
The moray eel is a finless fish that grows to be over three meters long.
It's a predator that eats other fish whole,
lying in wait in coral crevices to strike at passing prey.
Until recently, though, we didn't actually know very much
about moray eels' feeding behavior.
Scientists knew they were part of a group of fish that feed using structures
called pharyngeal jaws and teeth.
These fish expand their mouth cavity suddenly to suck in prey, and then use this secondary
set of jaws, complete with its own teeth, to get the food down their throat.
But moray eels don't use suction like their relatives do, and in 2007, researchers figured
out why: the eels don't have the muscles and skull bones they'd need to to create
powerful suction, so they have to rely on their bite to catch their prey.
But they have a secret weapon.
Their pharyngeal jaws and teeth are much more complex and vicious than the simple blocky
version that other related fishes have, so those secondary jaws
can deliver a powerful bite of their own.
When moray eels lunge at their prey, they first grab it with their front set of jaws.
Then, muscles contract to launch their pharyngeal jaws forward into their mouth, where the second
set of teeth clamps down on the prey and drags it to its doom.
This actually lets them catch bigger prey that the suction method wouldn't work on.
If this sounds familiar, that might be because
it's basically the anatomy of the monster from Alien.
But the moray eel's ability to fire an extra set of jaws and teeth out of its throat wasn't
discovered until well after the movie came out.
The writers might have thought they were coming up with something too extreme to be real,
but it turns out that nature is just as horrifying all on its own.
There's a wild pig that's native to Indonesia,
where it lives along rivers in thick jungle habitat.
Its name, "babirusa," is Malay for "pig-deer", probably because these pigs have some really
intense tusks that could almost be mistaken for antlers.
If the male pigs' extremely long, curving tusks aren't broken off or worn down, say,
during a fight, they can eventually grow long enough to pierce the babirusa's skull.
That wouldn't be great news for the babirusa, but it doesn't actually happen too often.
The only known skull with ingrown tusks is in a natural history museum in Sweden.
The giant tusks aren't used for foraging, since they eat mostly fruit, leaves, and berries.
And they aren't weapons, either.
Instead, they act as shields, protecting the pig's eyes during fights
while they use their shorter, sharp lower tusks to attack.
These ridiculously long tusks probably developed when the babirusa's ancestors arrived on
the Indonesian archipelago and found themselves
in a predator-free environment for the first time.
Suddenly, they didn't need their tusks to defend themselves from being eaten -- instead,
the greatest threat males faced was competition from other males for resources and females.
So scientists think that over time, evolution co-opted their tusks
into the outlandish facial armor we see today.
In 1899, a Russian geologist discovered a bizarre, buzzsaw-shaped spiral whorl
of fossilized teeth from a fish.
He named the mysterious animal the "helicoprion," which means "spiral saw."
For a long time, no one knew exactly how and where the weird structure would have fit into
the fish's mouth when it was alive, though there were lots of guesses.
Some even suggested it protruded along the fish's back
or from its tail as a defensive display.
Over time, a few better, though still partial and crushed, skulls turned up.
And by the 1950s, paleontologists were at least sure that the weird structure had been
a part of the fish's jaw, though that still left a lot of possibilities.
Finally, in 2013, researchers used a high-resolution CT scanner on a fossil found in the 1950s
to create a new 3-D model of the fish's skull.
They were able to confirm that the structure grew inside the fish's lower jaw
rather than extending out from it.
Basically, where your tongue sits in your mouth, picture a spiral of teeth protruding
from the floor of your mouth instead.
Scientists think that even though the spiral of teeth is kinda scary-looking, the helicoprion
ate soft-bodied prey like octopuses, which it broke down by slicing them over and over
again with its single row of teeth.
When it closed its mouth, the spiral of teeth was pushed backwards, producing an efficient
slicing motion and forcing the food back toward the throat.
Okay, this one isn't technically about teeth, they're really cartilage.
But they act like teeth, and they're so weird that we just have to share.
Leatherback sea turtles are the largest of all living turtles,
named for their rubbery shells.
And if you ever happen to see a leatherback sea turtle yawn,
be sure to take a peek down its throat, if you dare.
Their throats are lined with prongs of cartilage called esophageal papillae.
They grip onto whatever the turtle is eating, usually jellyfish, to make sure it doesn't
slip back out as the turtle expels seawater from its mouth.
They also help protect the turtle's throat from jellyfish stingers.
And they're just super creepy.
It's like the Sarlacc pit from The Return of the Jedi.
Of course, what seems weird and creepy to us probably just seems totally ordinary to
these animals, since we're biased towards thinking that "normal" means "human."
It's pretty hard to picture what it would be like to use your front teeth like chopsticks,
or have a buzzsaw spiral of teeth where your tongue should be.
But then again, you probably don't need to dig tunnels with no hands
or efficiently slice up octopuses.
To keep up with all the different ways animals find food, reproduce, and survive,
nature includes an amazing array of diversity for pretty much every body part,
and the pearly whites are clearly no exception.
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!
If you want to learn more about super strange adaptations,
check out this video about animals that live in only one place.
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'The Bachelorette' Roundup With Ashley I.: 6 More Guys Sent Home | Access Hollywood - Duration: 11:30.were there in denma But the real blood bath at
S home S N. Si e. ppen. Like I'm not
a B " Bachelorette" guy, I don't watch a of
the odes, sometimes will in. Se a good husban, hone
I'llnd then like, illy l'sli she'seally. I'm like, yes. Alwaysay
certain lfmalcy that have WHE Y showed O Rea trying
to find Y khatmove their life put on camera but
six men, these are the six guys that went home.
There's a common theme here, a lot of brothers went
home. A lot of brothers went home. Glad T see
goodnese Igo T idrs T? Afg broulike, of all the
one- on- one dates it seems like the guys who
are getting her one- on- one is, they're white guys.
Right, well yeah, you look at the six guys remaining
and yes, it is one brother. We got Peter, Ryan,
Eric is the African- American, you've got Dean, Matt and
Adam. Who are left. But you know, listen, people have
types and that's totally acceptable. I think the reality that
we knew that she was going to go through a
really tough time. If she did not choose an African-
American. Well she talked about that. I mean she says,
you don't know thesshat I'm under. I know in some
interviews that she's done. She said listenhere's this idea that
I shoick an African- American. She's like, but listen I'm
going to go where my heart goes, right? Whether it's
TV or real life. You have to find the person
you love. I found the love of my life. Andt
didn't, she didn't happen to be African- American. She was
an iowan farm girl and you never know where you're
going to find that person. But Reale is love and
it doesn't matter the color, it doesn't matter the sex.
It matters that she, that she finds love. And hopefully
she finds love. That's what we want. In your case,
D experience some of the pressures, did you feel like
people questioned your decision? I wouldn't say then. I still
get it all the time. People you know we still
unfortunately live in a country that does not necessarily see
it the way everybody else sees it. And I fell
in love. And that to me is all that matters.
My parents, her parents, that's all that matters. And loving,
did we learn something from the supreme court case? Love,
feel the love, baby! Let's talk about it now. Bring
in the bachelors, Ashley is back to help us, come
on in, my dear. How are you? How are you?
Serious business last night. I was trying to remember, I'm
sort of new to the bachelor and " Bachelorette ."
Have there ever been so many people to go home?
Back in my season and before that, alway or three
people every rose ceremony. Now there's the mid episode in
the season that they just eliminate five or six. Yeah.
It's happened. I was just thinking last " Bachelor" one
where he did send five or six home this late
in the game. Right. You got to narrow it down.
I think that what really kind of works for me
as a secondary bystander watching the show is you know--
I don't watch it, y'all. But like you you know
the idea that you want to-- narrow it down. Because
you really want to watch those relationships, that are, that
count, you want to see more of those. And less
of the ones where you see the crazy people doing
dumb stuff literally just to be on camera. Absolutely. Natalie,
kit and I always talk about how we're not feeling
it yet and we just want to feel the love.
And now if you get further and you eliminate all
the guys that we don't care about. Then we can
start seeing the love. Which hopefully will start happening. I
think start to happen this week. Let's talk about what
happened with Kenny. We saw of course, it all built
up to what ended up being sort of a, a
let- down in the way. Including the fight between he
and Kenny was more verbal than it was anything else.
But he did have to fight for Rachel's attention and
to fight to stay on. But in the end he
chose to sort of let himself go home, right? Isn't
that interesting? It was kind of like he really took
the leave thing as an actual competition. He quote won
the competition and then he had a little day or
two and he was like, wait a second I don't
think this is right. I think it was also the
realness, the conversation with his daughter. And I think that's
where I saw the real Kenny as a dad. That
was that face. She's adorable. Your kids will always bring
out the true you. Right. We saw more of that
throughout the season because we would have gotten so attached
to Kenny. He could be like a bachelor contender if
he was the kind of guy we saw on facetime.
With his daughter. Loved seeing the way his daughter was
like, dad, it's okay, don't cry. She was comforting him.
I oh, my god. And that's what your kids do
for you. She was so mature. So mature. She's only
ten O something? Right. I love the way he said
that if she gross up to emulate Rachel then I've
done my job as a dad. It was like the
best compliment to Rachel. I loved how mature and mutual
their parting was. So of the guys left, though it
seems like we've got a six- way horse race I'm
down to-- I'm down to two. Who are the two
that you don't think are out? Who's out? We know
who's out. It's got to be Adam and Matt who
are they? Point them out. Adam, he's got no shot.
Matt is second to the right. And we haven't heard
him speak at all. I don't even, yes, I'mlike, who
is that guy? So confusing. I'm down T Peter and
Brian. Peter and Brian. Which two were they? I they
put it back up, Peter is the guy with the
gap in the teeth and she always seems to have--
he has, she always has a thing for him. Brian
is the sloppy kisser who got the first rose. The
sloppy kisser? This is how we describe them in. The
37- year- old doctor. Okay, okay. He's a chiropractor? That
means he's got good hands. I was saying he can
adjust the neck as he goes in for the kiss.
Good hands, massaging and cracking and all that. We have
to talk " Bachelor in paradise ." This one I've
been watching. Demario, he did an interview with " E"
the a new report that says " Bachelor in paradise"
contestants need to get permission from producers before they can
go to the boom boom room. That's what it's called,
so they can go have sex. That doesn't make any
sense to me that you, how do you mess up
a good moment? It's like excuse me, is it okay?
Time out, time out. I know we got this thing
going on right now. You feeling what I'm feeling. But
H second, hey, producer, can I-- is it cool if
we? I onl had likealistic? B boom rnd they look
up at the camera and they go-- consent and they're
like, consent and then they're done. That's fine. That's a
little bit less weird. We've gone too far. If I
were about Doi something along those lines I would probably
be just like you know what, let's wait for the
fantasy sweep and we'll get privacy and we don't need
to you know, act out our hormones right this second.
The fact that you're doing all of this in front
of a camera crew and cameras all over the place.
Camera crew not be there in the boomoom room. But
the idea that you're go to hook upanyway. Know that
also S Yo have two drinks an hour-- so that--
Which by the way, if you're every hour after that
that keeps you underneath the legal consent for driving. You
blow into it, you're good. Let's take a look at
the latest with the three- pat interview where Demario talks
about how the story when it first blew up, how
it affected him. I hang up my phone and hope
[ bleep ] My group chat was on fire, like
what did you and Corinne do? You broke paradise. And
my dad's like, I don't know. And I said I
think I need a lawyer. So those words, " Sexual
assault ". Every man's biggest fear. No wan wants to
be attached to that. That ruins you for life. That's
something that sticks with you. When I have children are,
they going to Google their dad's name, this is going
to pop up. That's my biggest fear. I have a
goddaughter, that's not who I am. The investigation over, he's
been cleared. No sexual assault, no misconduct. But here's M
though. Thapling to G back " B paradise ." Why
would you put Yo back that way afterll th been
ugh? Because he's cra- cra. You think he's cra? I
think what he would want to do is go back
to paradise to show people he's a good guy. And
clear his name. First the girlfriend came back on Rachel's
season. Now this happened. He wants to be like can
I be the good guy for once. Be comfortable with
us, be honest with us, Ashley. You've made a good
career out of being your " Bachelor" fame. Yeah. And
you've been able to cash in on that. Are they
getting paid episode per episode? Are they getting paid to
go there? And the longer they survive they get a
certain amount? There's no reason to go there for the
money, I can tell you that. The money that you
make from the show-- That was telling. It's for the
fame or infamy. Being on TV and that can lead
to all the experiences and opportunities and all the money
that comes after that. Well let me just say you
know, there's no way I think Demario goes back on
this show. I think you let it go, you move
away from it. If you go back, you go back
in another circumstance. I don't think he should go back.
He needs to be smart, he can get played. He
got played. He don't get played if he goes back
on there, I think it's a bad idea. Fantastic. By
the way you can hear more of Ashley's thoughts on
her podcast " The bachelor et" and " I don't
get it ." And " Ben and Ashley: Almost famous
." Let's
Motorcyle in the Mirror - Duration: 0:31.<sound of motorcycle>
So you ready to hit the road?
I don't know.
Come on, you're fine.
You can't leave your bike here.
Now man up.
Just get on your bike...
and RIDE!
Aries, Tauro, Géminis y Cáncer: enfermedades según tu signo zodiacal - Duration: 5:00.-------------------------------------------
Revitalization effort underway for College Area - Duration: 2:01.>>> THE NEXT NEW THING.
>> I
>> Reporter: HE'S SEEN SOME OF
>> Reporter: IT'S EXACTLY WHAT
>> Reporter: WHILE
>> Reporter: HE KNOWS HOW TO DO
>> Reporter: AND
>> Reporter: HE AND HIS PEOPLE
>> THE
Sagitario, Capricornio, Acuario y Piscis: enfermedades según tu signo zodiacal - Duration: 2:09.-------------------------------------------
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Review - Old School Charm (3DS) - Duration: 7:16.Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know a couple things before I get into this review.
Because I don't have a 3DS capture card,
I had to resort to a somewhat hacky method to record this review.
So basically you'll notice that the quality isn't super great,
the frame rate is also pretty crap.
I just wanted to detail all this because the actual game looks a lot better than this
it's a lot smoother.
If you wanna help me get an actual capture card for 3DS game reviews in the future
consider checking out my Patreon to help me reach that goal.
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia is a remake of Fire Emblem Gaiden
which originally came out for the Famicom in 1992 as a sequel to the original Fire Emblem.
Echoes isn't a straight remake however,
as many changes have been made.
It DOES however, mark the first time this game has been released outside of Japan.
The story of Fire Emblem Echoes is par for the course as far as this series goes
although it's slightly different in that you play as two separate characters.
Our two heroes for this adventure are Alm and Celica
two kids that grew up together in the peaceful village of Ram
until a war engulfs the entire continent and quickly engulfs them in it.
Because of plot reasons,
both characters are split up and you will spend most of the game controlling two separate armies.
This was an aspect of the game I really liked.
If I got stuck at any point on one character,
I could switch to the other for a while before giving it another shot.
I also didn't have to shuffle a huge cast around in one army
as the split allows you to play all of the characters throughout most of the game.
Another positive aspect of the game is how they kept in the casual mode from Fire Emblem: Awakening.
Sure the "real" way to play Fire Emblem is with permadeath on
but sometimes I wanna just play through the game without constantly savescumming
due to idiotic decisions of mine, okay?!
Of course if you DO want to play with permadeath on,
the developers have added a nice little bonus:
the turnwheel.
As you play through the game, you will come across gears that add uses to this turnwheel.
And what does it do exactly?
If you use it during a battle, it turns back time
allowing you to re-do a turn if you screwed up and got someone killed.
Pretty spiffy!
No matter which difficulty level you choose,
You're probably going to be looking at using that wheel
because here come some of the negative changes to the gameplay.
Two of these changes go hand in hand
and they are the 3D exploration sequences and the stamina system.
I've heard people say that they'd like Fire Emblem better
if it had dungeons like other RPGs
Aaaand I've always thought that those people are crazy.
Fire Emblem is a purely turn-based tactics game and NEVER needed dungeons
and I'd say Fire Emblem Echoes proves my point.
Exploring is done in a 3D, third-person view
but whenever you run into enemies, it changes back into the regular turn-based system.
The developers have also added the stamina system from Thracia into the mix
so the more you fight in dungeons, the more tired your characters become.
Once they become fatigued,
their HP is halved and their stats go down
and the only way to fix this effect is to use an item,
find a shrine and offer an item up to cure everyone,
or leave the dungeon.
The worst part about this is it feels entirely superfluous.
The dungeons are pretty empty for the most part
and quite ugly due to the 3ds' limitations
and just serve to pad out the game's length more than anything.
The stamina system really adds to how annoying the longer ones are too.
Some charcters will become fatigued after maybe ~3 fights
so you have to drag your ass outside again or hope to find a shrine before they get killed.
Wow. Such fun. Much gameplay.
At the very least, the developers decided to drop the weapon durability system here.
Weapons no longer break but instead can be upgraded at a blacksmith.
Magic tomes also don't break anymore
but they cause another penalty to occur instead.
Each spell will take a set number of HP from the caster every time they use it.
While it does take a bit of extra thought from time to time
this way of doing things is WAY better.
I can't even imagine having weapons breaking ON TOP of all the other crap I mentioned before.
Besides these changes,
the core gameplay of this title remains true to the rest of the series
with every character being limited to one action per turn.
Perhaps the developers mixed up the gameplay so much
because they realize how old-school this game is at it's heart.
But honestly?
The reason I play Fire Emblem games IS for it's old-school, turn-based action.
Don't fix it, it ain't broken guys.
Going back to the drab dungeons,
the graphics in Fire Emblem Echoes are kind of bland in general.
The character sprites are colourful, as is standard in this series,
but everything else has a somewhat brownish tinge.
Even the character portraits feel a bit drab when put into this setting
as their watercolour look doesn't really stand out that much.
The Fire Emblem mobile game that came out around the same time
really puts the look of this game to shame with it's bright, colourful graphics
and AMAZING-looking character portraits.
Yeah, it's kinda sad that a free to play mobile game looks better than a full-fledged release
but here we are.
There ARE some really nicely animated 3D sequences just like Awakening had though.
The music and sound of Fire Emblem Echoes is nice
although I don't really enjoy the full voice acting.
I know this is really just a pet peeve of mine,
but I really don't like it when games like this have almost EVERY line voiced.
It feels like overkill and I often mute the sound because it really starts to annoy me.
Perhaps I'm just too used to this series having little or no voice acting, I dunno.
All I know is that while the acting is competent, I just don't like having so much of it.
Now the music is something I definitely really enjoyed.
Fire Emblem games typically have great soundtracks and this one is no exception.
Every track fits the scene
and the major ones all have an "epic" quality to them that lends a lot to the experience
As is the case for many great soundtracks,
this one is very listenable all on its own.
Even if you're not that interested in the game,
I'd recommend checking ou the soundtrack anyway.
After all of this,
I'm thinking it probably sounds like I didn't like Fire Emblem Echoes:Shadows of Valentia
but that isn't the truth.
The addition of the annoying dungeon crawling and stamina systems
defiunitely hurt this title
but I still had a great time with it.
The core Fire Emblem gameplay is still there
and that will ALWAYS be something I enjoy.
This one is defintiely down the list as far as Fire Emblem games go
but it's still worth checking out if you're a fan of the series
or you're needing a new turn-based tactics game to get into.
Hey guys, thanks for checking out my review!
If you liked it, please let me know in the comments below.
Or hey, if you DIDN'T like it comment below!
Remember to like and subscribe and check back for even more review videos.
Leo, Virgo, Libra y Escorpión: enfermedades según tu signo zodiacal - Duration: 3:55.-------------------------------------------
Qué hacer en caso de una quemadura - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
The Real Reason You Don't Hear From Jack Nicholson Anymore - Duration: 3:32.With a legendary career spanning nearly 60 years, Jack Nicholson is considered one of
Hollywood's all-time greats.
But the award-winning actor hasn't appeared in a movie since 2010, meaning fans only get
to see him when he pops up at award shows.
So what's up with the actor's disappearance?
Well, if you think you can handle the truth, keep on watching to find out why we don't
hear from Jack Nicholson anymore.
His last film was a bomb
Nicholson's last film, 2010's How Do You Know, should have been great.
It boasted an all-star cast including Paul Rudd, Reese Witherspoon and Owen Wilson while
reuniting Nicholson with Terms of Endearment and As Good As It Gets writer and director
James L. Brooks.
However, the film was a critical failure and a box office bomb, earning just over $48 million
worldwide against a budget of $120 million.
At the age of 80, Nicholson has to really want to be in a film these days to bother
- and with his last movie being such a disappointing experience, it's no wonder he's shied away
from movies ever since.
"You do not have the luxury of not hearing this"
"God are you gonna make me literally run from bad news?
"The board has dec-..."
Memory loss
Long gaps between films is actually nothing new for Nicholson.
As he's gotten older, he's frequently taken long breaks between movies while waiting for
the right project to come along, with four years transpiring between As Good As It Gets
and The Pledge, and three years between Something's Gotta Give and The Departed.
But in 2013, rumors began swirling that his current break wasn't caused by a lack of interest,
but instead by the rigors of old age, as Radar Online reported that Nicholson was suffering
from memory loss.
A source told the tabloid "Jack has memory issues and can no longer remember the lines
being asked of him."
Not so fast
Reports of Nicholson's supposed memory loss immediately went viral, sparking a debate
in the media over whether the allegations were true.
Just a few weeks later, however, a pretty reliable source came forward saying that Nicholson
was doing just fine.
That source?
Nicholson himself.
Yep, Nicholson sat down for a rare interview with The Sun and explained that his memory
is totally fine.
Instead, he chalked up the reason for his absence to simple boredom with the whole movie
star thing, saying he was enjoying the retired life.
"I'm not going to work until the day I die, that's not why I started this.
I mean, I'm not driven.
I was driven — but I'm not, I don't have to be out there any more.
In fact, there's part of me that never really liked being out there.
[...] I don't enjoy it, simple as that."
And that certainly has the ring of truth.
"you want answers?"
"I think I'm entitled to it."
"You want answers?"
"I want the truth!"
"You can't handle the truth!"
Don't call it a comeback
Given his legendary status, you'd think Nicholson would pretty much have his pick of movie roles.
And you're right.
In just the past few years, Nicholson has reportedly turned down offers to appear in
films like The Judge, 42, and Nebraska, with those roles instead going to Robert Duvall,
Harrison Ford, and Bruce Dern.
He was also involved in St. Vincent before recommending Bill Murray for the role instead,
and his pal Warren Beatty tried to get him to star in Rules Don't Apply with no luck.
But his acting days might not be entirely behind him just yet.
According to Variety, Nicholson is planning to return to the big screen for a remake of
the German comedy Toni Erdmann, which earned an Oscar nomination for Best Foreign Feature.
Of course, he's changed his mind before, but here's hoping we get to see Jack doing his
thing on screen at least one more time.
"Here's Johnny!"
And if not?
Well, considering that Nicholson has appeared in some of the greatest films of all time,
and given us some of the most indelible roles in movie history, it's clear he has nothing
left to prove to anyone - least of all himself.
All we can say is, thanks, Jack.
Thanks for watching!
Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!
How to Install a Paver Patio - HGTV - Duration: 1:53.If you have an underutilized, fairly flat area outdoors where
you'd like to spend more time, installing a paver patio
is the way to go.
First up is a decision that really impacts the design,
is what type of pavers to use.
I chose irregular concrete pavers because I like the more
organic shape of the stones.
Here's everything else we're going
to use to make this patio.
Spray paint to mark the perimeter of the area.
Shovels, flat and pointed.
Pea gravel.
Weed barrier fabric.
Silica sand.
Stone border.
Hand tampers.
A box cutter.
A rake and a push broom.
Start out by outlining the area that
will become your new patio.
Then prep the area to remove rocks, roots, grass,
or any other obstructions.
Then tamp the area down so it's nice and flat.
Next, add a layer of weed stop fabric.
This will help prevent weeds from going between the pavers,
and will help prevent the pavers from sagging or moving
over time.
Once you have that in place, add a layer of sand on top
and rake it out.
Tamp the surface down again to ensure your surface
stays level.
Then place your pavers to fill in the area you're creating.
Leave gaps that will be filled in later.
Once the papers are in place, install your border stones
around the perimeter, working carefully
to make sure your lines are nice and straight.
Use a hose to water down the area, which will allow
the sand and stones to settle.
Finally, dump and sweep the gravel over the patio
so that it fills the gaps.
That's it.
In a long weekend, turn your boring backyard
into an outdoor oasis.
Mantra Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya | Lyrics and Chords | Spiritual Divine Music | AOL Mantra - Duration: 6:45.Mantra Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya
The Social work style - Duration: the heart of a project is a team
and the heart needs a rhythm to ensure it beats appropriately
fortunately there are team members who have
an ideal style to ensure your project's heart
beats in perfect rhythm the social minded team member
the communicators on your Project team
are your social tendency team members
they help you promote team harmony
and good working relationships
let's examine the six most common traits
of social team members
first : social oriented team members value
working on project objectives with others
and appreciate that different personalities
and capabilities that come together in a team.
as the communicators on your team,
social team members almost always use the term "we"
even when expressing their own opinions
if you consider which one of your team members
is most likely to bring a cake to work for
everyone to share you've probably identified
your social team member.
Second : they spread enthusiasm for working
and enjoying the project as a team
they do this through conversations to address
business problems or
arranging a get-together
for lunch to celebrate a birthday.
Anything that engages the team is a great idea
to the social team member.
Third : your social team members will often start
the project with focus on who is going to be
on the project team and will enthusiastically
help obtain new team members
and at any point can be counted on
to make newcomers welcome.
Fourth : as the expert communicators on your team.
Your social team members will ensure team members
understand their role and are always up to speed
on what the project is and what is happening
at the moment.
Generally, they also are adept at engaging the clients
and ensuring they participate in project activities.
Fifth : your social style team members typically
are adept at producing both product components
and project management artifacts
as long as they see the community Asian value
of the artifacts to unify the team or please the client.
Lastly : your social team members can serve as
your team morale barometer.
they're usually quite interested in understanding
others and their points of view and can alert you
if relationship or progress issues might be surfacing.
They will help you keep the project team engaged,
can help you focus on the human side of Project
team leadership as well as ensuring things get done.
They can also help keep the client interested
And alerted to the progress of the Project
social minded team members also have several
characteristics that can detract from project success
if you're not aware of them and assign tasks accordingly.
First social minded team members can become uncomfortable
in situations where the project work requires
team members to go off and think about things on their own
they see the lack of social interaction as
a potential loss to the Project.
I would recommend you alert your social minded
team members to this need and give them
other responsibilities to pull the team back together
when the individual analysis is completed.
Another concern I want to share with you
is that when a team member is overly oriented
toward their social style they can become chatty
an engaging conversation that is not always productive .
At one time or another we're all guilty of this,
but keep an eye out for this happening too often
as your social oriented team member could
frustrate others who are trying to meet their deadlines.
Lastly a final concern your social-oriented
team members can sometimes overlook the positive
nature of a healthy dose of stress.
In this case it is typically important that
you recognize their intent, acknowledge what
they're trying to accomplish and ask them
to help the team focus on the plan and
what needs to be produced.
a project can be a long haul and having
social minded members can save you a lot of work
by helping keep the team together while
you accomplish your project goals.
Paid Content by Bayside Jet Drive - Water Safety Tips and Propeller Watercraft vs. Jet-Driven - Duration: 5:01.SUMMERTIME
WE SENT 102.5
Siblings React To | Avatar (Band) - Duration: 10:20.Well hello
My glasses are broke so...
What name do you guys like better? Do you like
Avatar or Ghost? Choose (Ghost)(Avatar)
Rock, Paper, Scissors
You won, ok what you want?
I love this band by the way
Oh, this is a great story
Just going to say that, it's a great story
So you see what he's doing
He looks like a doctor, he's like a doctor dude
and he's like going around
and then these people are like
trading or buying the medicine
and then stuff happens afterwards
I lost both of my front teeth
so, he's trying to impress his
his lady friend
and he buys a
a vile of some sort
I think, it's a vile right?
he drink it
You'll find out, they all get changed in different ways
now watch what happens he comes back
wow what's with her arms!
I just noticed that
she couldn't reach the apple before
she wanted longer arms or she wanted to be taller or something
Oliver likes this music holy crap look at him
he wanted to be stronger
oh yeah, because of that poster in the back
well he's stronger but look ugly as heck
is it like, be careful for what you wish for
kind of I guess
dang it Oliver
look it
ok I'm sorry
I love that part
why did he picks it up
picks it up and listens to it
the girls like, her arms
she gonna, she gonna slit his throat
what's with that smile
he's like a
what do you call it, a magician
type of, magician doctor
doctor magician, I don't know
ah, he tricked those
those unintelligent fricken civ...
I give up on speaking
oh, I get it
yeah, you get it you get the name of the song yeah
cause that's an eagle and it's on the ground
I give it a C
you give it a C?
say what you want
B, ok
I think it's a B also
I like it, I l liked the song, I like this band
I've been up for about 24 hours
(I've been up all night) I'm a little tired, just a little
does he always wear that, corpse paint? yeah
It's called Hail the Apocalypse, oh
I like this riff
is that how you're suppose to call it?
It's so good!
he has a good scream voice right?
It's because someone was online
oh there we go, it just buffered
I like that
I like that "Hail the Apocalypse"
does she like die or something or asleep?
well, she passed out from being drunk
you like that saying?
"All flesh is equal when burnt"
I like that
"all flesh is equal when burnt"
there goes the, the earth is dead
it just exploded within it self
So, ratings
I give that a B
you said may?
I said A
A, ok
I heard may
yeah I...
B+, B+
I liked it
now this is my favorite out of the 3
the next one that I am going to play
ok so we're doing 3 videos in a playlist(Video) instead of 5
per video, cause 5 just takes too long
and that's pretty much the only reason why
k, this one is called bloody angels
this is probably...
Angel, no S
I am a wolf
it's a dog
It's a dog
It's not a wolf
back to reality, son
I really like this song
do notice that picture over there?
listen to that...
you like tat picture of that old man in the back?
I didn't see it
right there, that one? yeah
you like that picture?
It's kind of weird
is that like his father or something?
um, what is he canceling?
or like
exing out or declining or whatever
actually I didn't get a good look at it
I like this part
this is the chorus
I think it's the chorus, I don't know I don't know songs
I don't know how to song
so he's in his dream state again
I love this scene
and then it switches
so he's the monster
kind of like the bloods on his hands
every time he puts that X down
kind of deal I think, I don't know that's what I got from it
that's why it's called bloody angel
bloody angel
he's in the chair now
is he going to X out his picture
X out him
it's a stare down
all that didn't happen?
and now he's in a coma
I thought it was cool
it was cool!
it was cool, yes I give that an A
I give that an A also, A+
me too A+
click the little i
on the top right
for the
and like answer the poll questions I put together
of what would you rate
these songs, that's what i'm doing now days
Jada's face
yeah do that, yes
that's it
peace out
do that um, that i thing
ok, end it Mercedes
ok, bello people
that was a very common bye
Menorca, el nuevo destino de vacaciones de Iker Casillas y Sara Carbonero - Duration: 3:39.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse BWJ 2014 B200 157 PK NGD AMBITION AIRCO/NAVI/CRUISE/2x PDC - Duration: 0:42.-------------------------------------------
I HOPE HE GETS HOME - Duration: 7:55.I don't why they keep him there. I worry about him working sometimes
Good how are you?
Great. Thank you. What can I get started
And with grilled onions
E: Finally?
Thank you thank you thank you
E: Did you get a good rest?
E: This one finished his midterm
I got an A for sure
E: Really? Wow That's great babe!
Yeah, I wanted to get him so In N Out because he was hungry
Your bed is so comfortable
Yeah, It is huh
I didnt' sleep last night. I was home studying all night
so he was too tired afterwards so I told him when you come over come over and
I'll go get you In N Out
Good job today babe!
high five! You did a good job!
I was wearing Ryan's sandles because I couldn't find my own
comfy. They are so comfy
oooo yum
Thank you for going
You're welcome
There was a long line for lunch
yeah, I was waiting
Yeah, there was a lot of people
I went through drive-thru
E: Babes going to work right now
yep. I have to go to work
E: byyyyye
We'll hangout later maybe
E: yeah, I'll probably see you after work?
maybe maybe. If I'm not tired I'll come over
E: okay
maybe. We'll see or I'll go home
Ryan went to work and now my parents wanted to go out to dinner I didn't know
but it's a nice treat we're going to go out to dinner together
This place is always so packed
always a wait
Right mom?
this is how much wasabi my dad eats
If you've never had wasabi before
that is a lot
We're at Fukada which
is a japanese restaurants which is one of
the Japanese restaurants my mom approves of
which is a big deal because she's kinda picky with the Japanese restaurants
in California, because not all of them are good Japanese food
So this one is for real
E: no more. No more. All gone
Dad's paying the bill
E: yep, Dad's paying the bill
E: Thank you!
E: Thank you!
E: Thank you
That was delicious. My parents are going to go the gym now
They're crazy
But it's good. They're getting their exercise in
So now I am off? off? off?
off to go see
one of my friends her name is Mahima yeah I'm going to go meet her at a Lollicup
which is a boba shop one of my favorite boaba shops and I'm
not sure if she's fine with filming so if you see her then it means that she was
okay with it and I asked her beforehand but I don't even think she knows I do
YouTube so we'll see
Hi you guys
Mahima said
it was fine to vlog her
so this is her!
she's just graduated USC with a history B.A. she has been my friend
since high school. We took Calculus together. remember that?
I remember that
I remember sitting in the back of the class
Yeah, but she's so sweet. She's really sweet
She's here for. How long are you going to be here for?
Probably a year
a year? YAY!
Until I get a job
Usually she's only here for the summer
but now she's gonna be here forever
Okay. I'll see you guys later
hey guys so I thought I was going to see Ryan tonight
Can you guys see me?
so dark. huh
that's better. thought Ryan was going to come over after work
he wasn't answering and now it's 2 o'clock so I stayed up waiting for him
to text me back because I just get worried about him if he like he always texts me
when he gets home from work so I stay up when he works so I know that he gets
home safe and it's about 2 o'clock right now
and he finally answered finally answered he said that he said his boss won't let
him clock out
I should answer him
seriously so late he shouldn't be working this way it's 2 o'clock in the morning
I asked him why. He said I don't know but. oh my battery's dying I'll see you guys
tomorrow so I'm just going to end the vlog I guess so so you don't get to see
Ryan again in this vlog but you'll see him tomorrow hope you guys have a good
night I'll let you know tomorrow if he like what happened and how you get a
home or not and he'll get home. Just like how long he has to stay
there. I don't know why why they keep him there. I worry about him working
there sometimes I used to work there and yeah they keep you late you know just a
restaurant business keeps you late but anyways you guys have a good night
I'll see you guys tomorrow love you all take care
I'm alive!
Sign Duo
WoW Legion PvE Gameplay Patch 7.2.5 - Mythic +7 karazhan on Ret paladin High DPS! - Duration: 19:39.WoW Legion PvE Gameplay Patch 7.2.5 - Mythic +7 karazhan on Ret paladin High DPS!
Learn To Count Numbers One To Ten With Colorful Cups M&M And Baby Doll Play Toys - Duration: 3:26.Watch More Fun Videos On My Channel
⛺FICHAJES Y SALIDAS ATLÉTICO NACIONAL 2017⛺CHRISTIAN MAFLA CAMILO VARGAS RENÉ HIGUITA⛺ - Duration: 3:32.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> ⛺FICHAJES Y SALIDAS ATLÉTICO NACIONAL 2017⛺CHRISTIAN MAFLA CAMILO VARGAS RENÉ HIGUITA⛺ - Duration: 3:32.-------------------------------------------
Egyiptomi műsorvezető: a muszlimok a terroron és mészárláson kívül nem adtak semmit a Nyugatnak - Duration: 5:22.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Egyiptomi műsorvezető: a muszlimok a terroron és mészárláson kívül nem adtak semmit a Nyugatnak - Duration: 5:22.-------------------------------------------
Message pour votre nuit 28 Juin - Duration: 0:35.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Message pour votre nuit 28 Juin - Duration: 0:35.-------------------------------------------
You're Racist - Duration: 0:07.You're racist!
BMW 1 Serie 116I UPGRADE EDITION M-PAKKET NAVI LEDER XENON 18" 50DKM - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Disability Discourse: Anti-Vaxxers - Duration: 14:45.Hey guys, so I know that I said my next Disability Discourse video would be how to refer to people
who are disabled and a disability glossary, however, that's gonna have to wait for just
a short time, because this just keeps getting more prevalent, I keep getting linked to articles,
in particular I was linked to one article yesterday that was just absolutely rage-inducing,
and I need to talk about it, and I think it's really appropriate for this channel and this
conversation, because it is something that really disproportionately affects disabled
So, today we're gonna be talking about Anti-Vaxxers, as you can probably tell from the title.
I realise that this is probably going to be a controversial topic, and if you have any
thoughts or feelings, whether you agree with me or disagree, or just think that I've missed
things out in this video, which I almost certainly have, please let me know in the comments.
I really want this to be kind of an open communication and conversation, rather than a lecture, so
please let me know anything that you have to say down in the comments, and I'll have
a chat with you.
Okay, so if you happen to have been lucky enough to avoid meeting an Anti-Vaxxer or
avoid hearing their opinions in your entire lifetime, I'm gonna give you a brief rundown
of what an Anti-Vaxxer is and what they believe.
So, as you might be able to tell from the name, Anti-Vaxxers are people who believe
that we shouldn't vaccinate people, and especially children.
If you're hearing that for the first time you're probably thinking "well, that's insane",
and you'd be absolutely right.
However, it does seem to be an increasingly popular opinion, and I feel like this subsect
of people is growing.
I don't know if I'm just being more aware of it or if it really is growing, I certainly
hope it's not, but lord, I've seen so many things about it recently.
So this is why I feel like I have to talk about it, I feel like it's gaining some traction
and I don't like that.
So, why would anyone say that we shouldn't get children vaccinated?
There are two main reasons that I've found looking among the Anti-Vaxxer community, and
the first is the one that you hear about all the time, that vaccines cause autism.
Um, so this is just demonstrably untrue.
Um, there was actually one study done a long time ago, and it turned out what had happened
was that they didn't have a control group, so the study is completely worthless and scientifically
What had happened was they, um, didn't have a control group like I said, so there was
no group that wasn't getting vaccinated, and then were testing how many kids in that group
had autism.
What was happening was almost every kid was getting vaccinated, and so almost every kid
who had autism had been vaccinated, and they called that a correlation, which is ridiculous
as I'm sure you can tell.
Every study since then, every scientifically sound study that has had a control group,
has shown absolutely no correlation between vaccination and autism, so...seems pretty
clear cut to me.
So before I go over the next reason that Anti-Vaxxers think what they do, I just want to talk a
bit about this reason, the autism reason, um, because this is part of the reason I feel
like this is an important discussion to be having as a channel or as a...series that
deals with disability issues and neurodivergent issues and things like that, because...the
way that they go about this and the way that Anti-Vaxxers talk about this is so incredibly
harmful to people with autism.
It's really really really not okay, and I think this is probably the biggest victim
in this whole discussion is people with autism, because the way that it gets thrown around
and weaponised in this really bizarre and gross way is terrible for people with autism.
Basically what Anti-Vaxxers are saying is that they would rather have a dead child,
because they didn't get the vaccinated, dead from a completely preventable disease, than
an autistic child, and many Anti-Vaxxers actually have autistic children and this is what lead
them to be Anti-Vaxx.
So think about that for a second.
That's even worse, because not only are they saying in a nebulous, kind of what-if way
"I would rather have a dead child than autistic child", which is already freaking terrible.
But they have an autistic child, and them lobbying against vaccination is telling that
autistic child "I would rather you were dead and I'm warning other parents to have a dead
child rather than an autistic child", and that's really messed...that's just more messed
up than I can even express in words, I think.
So that's really really awful, and whenever I see that kind of sentiment, I just...what
kind of a parent are you?
You decided to become a parent, right?
Like, you knew the risks involved in being a parent, right?
You knew that your kid might turn out not neurotypical, or not able-bodied or whatever.
You knew that.
That's what you...that's what you accept when you decide to be a parent, right?
So be a damn parent!
Who would rather have a dead baby?
Oh my god!
So here's my thing.
Even if vaccinations did cause autism (which they don't!
Which they don't!), even if they did, wouldn't you rather have an alive, happy, healthy child
with autism than a dead child?
You're telling me you'd rather kids die than have autism?
That's...that's some ableist bullshit, if I'm being totally honest.
So that is the first way in which it's harmful.
Um, the second way in which this particular line of thinking is harmful to people with
autism, is that often when Anti-Vaxxers think autism has been "caused" by something, they
also think it has a "cure", because if it's causable, it must be curable.
Which is not even true, but I mean, these people clearly aren't scientifically or logically
based, so we'll just ignore that that is not the way it works.
Um, and so because they think that autism is curable, they will try all sorts of things
to cure autism.
I'm not going to go into some of the treatments that they try here, because it's pretty graphic
and pretty awful, but if you want to look into it yourself, please feel free.
Be warned: It's child abuse, it's torture, it's terrible.
So like I said, I think the autistic community is absolutely the biggest victim of this Anti-Vaxx
mentality, and the fact that...the fact that people can just go around saying this about
like human beings, like "oh, I should never have got you vaccinated, then you coulda just
got polio and died and not had to have been autistic!", like the fact that anyone would
think that's okay to say is just like mind blowing.
So that's the autism argument, um, from Anti-Vaxxers.
Uh, the other reason that a lot of people say - well, not a lot of people, I hope, a
lot of Anti-Vaxxers - uh, say that you shouldn't vaccinate your children is because some vaccines
contain a tiny tiny part of the live bacteria or virus that it's trying to protect against.
Um, and they say that because of this, the vaccination will actually cause that illness.
Nevermind that we've all but wiped our several illnesses with vaccinations, I don't know
how they think that that's happened if the vaccinations are causing these illnesses,
because it doesn't really make any logical sense, but once again, we're clearly not dealing
with rational people here, so let's ignore that for a moment.
They think that by getting vaccinations you will give your child the disease.
Um, once again, just demonstrably untrue.
Actually this is another place where I feel like the disabled community is disproportionately
victimised by these people.
I myself have an auto-immune illness, and I'm immune-suppressed, and I can't get certain
vaccinations because they do contain a part of the live virus or bacteria that the vaccine
is protecting against.
That's the only case in which getting this vaccination is dangerous - if you are very
very immune-suppressed and your immune system is super weak, a very weak version of the
bacteria or virus could still do a lot of damage to you.
Apart from that, there is so little chance that you will get this illness from the vaccination
if you have a regular immune system, um, there's a very small percentage of people who do get
the illness, however, even if you get it, you get a much reduced version of it because
the bacteria or virus itself is much reduced in the vaccine, so you get a very weakened
version of it with much less symptoms and therefore much safer.
Great, right?
Apparently not.
So ironically, people like me are the only people for whom the Anti-Vaxxer argument makes
sense, where they say you shouldn't get vaccinated because you'll get sick, but the thing is,
the only thing that protects people like me from getting these illnesses, is other people
being vaccinated.
So if your perfectly healthy, not immune-suppressed child isn't getting vaccinated, they could
get the illness in its full form and give it to someone like me who isn't vaccinated,
and I would have a very hard time fighting that off.
Like, you will kill people like me by not getting your children vaccinated.
That sounds harsh, but that's the truth of it.
Herd immunity, which is what, um, like mass immunisation is designed to do, herd immunity
is the only thing that protects people like me, and the reason that we are able to survive
so much longer and live such better and longer lives than we ever have been in the past,
is because of herd immunity, and if this Anti-Vaxxer continues, herd immunity won't exist anymore.
So immune suppressed people are basically just screwed.
So that's the other argument, and as I said, it's ironically true that some people, immune
suppressed people, can get the illness from the vaccine and can't get vaccinated.
So I guess it is right in a way, but your perfectly healthy child will not get the illness
from the vaccine, and...I believe it's one or two percent, I'm sorry, I should have looked
up the statistic before this, because I sound really unscientific right now, I'm so sorry.
But there's a very small percentage of people that do get the illness from the vaccine like
I said, and when they do, they get a way easier version to fight off than what you would get
if you didn't get the vaccine, so there's no downside.
There's literally no downside to getting vaccinated and getting your kids vaccinated.
Please, just do it!
Okay, I'm gonna have to wrap this up before I get like, super annoyed, because this just
makes me so so angry.
I'm sorry.
Um, so basically what I would say to Anti-Vaxx people, and especially Anti-Vaxx parents,
if you're watching this: do some research.
Please do some research.
Not on websites called things like
Do your own research, just look up scientific studies, don't look up anything that like,
uh, presents these results in a kind, emotional or...don't know how to put,
don't look up anything that presents these results in anything other than their pure
scientific form.
So just look up the numbers.
All you need to see is the numbers, and I promise you you will find no correlation between
vaccinations and autism, and no correlation between vaccinations and children dying from
the diseases that they're getting vaccinated against.
So, what I wanted to end on was this: We live in the twenty-first century, and we are incredibly
fortunate to be able to be this blasé about illnesses that, in previous centuries, killed
so many children.
We live in a time where you can expect most of your children to live past the age of ten.
Like, the vast majority of your children will live past the age of ten, and that is only
due to medical science.
That', vaccinations are a huge part of that.
We've all but wiped out some diseases that used to kill thousands of children, like all
the time children were just dying of these diseases that we couldn't stop and now we
And now, because we've had a couple of generations where these diseases haven't been a huge issue,
we've forgotten what they look like, we've forgotten what it's like, and so suddenly
people can go "it doesn't seem like it's that big of an issues, so like why are they pumping
my kids full of chemicals?
'cause it doesn't seem like...I've never seen anyone die of polio, I've never seen anyone
die of measles".
Well yeah.
Because of the vaccinations.
That's why!
Come on!
Like we are so fortunate that we have the luxury to now turn down medical treatment
that like a century ago was considered incredible groundbreaking, life-saving medical treatment,
we can now just be like "doesn't seem real to me, seems like it probably causes autism!".
Like we are so fortunate and we just don't see it, like these people really don't understand
how incredibly lucky we are to have vaccinations.
It's's like exhausting to even think about.
Okay, I'm sorry for this rant.
This is the end of my little spiel about, um, Anti-Vaxxers.
Uh, the last thing that I will say is just that even if your child did get sick from
a vaccine, like got the illness that the vaccine was supposed to protect against, it's still
a much better version of the illness than what they'd get if they weren't vaccinated,
and even if, even if vaccinations caused autism (which they don't, once again just gotta say
that again - which they do not!), even if they did, it's your child, and they're alive
and they're not dying from horrible diseases.
Surely that's worth something.
Okay, anyway, as always, please let me know what you think about this in the comments,
I'm sure there's so so much that I've missed out, um, and I'm not an expert on this topic,
I only know what I myself have researched, and I can only speak about the, um, victims
of this movement, in terms of people with autism and people who are immune suppressed,
based on my own experience of it, so please tell me of your experience, tell me anything
that I've missed out, I would love to hear it.
And thank you so much for watching my ridiculous rant, I'm sorry for getting a little heated
I hope that you can understand, I'm sure that some of you have found this just as frustrating
as I've found it, so, until next time, where I hope we'll be talking about much more positive
thoughts and feelings - thank you very much for watching, and I will talk to you then.
Little Sam Won't Be Cute For The Camera.. - Duration: 0:20.There's little Sam!
Oh look! My hand is here too!
Oh heya.. Where ya going Little Buddy!?
Sam: Nice hand hooman!
Me: *very quiet, almost inaudible* Awh..
Me: *slight cackle*
Sam and Madden: BYE FOR NOW! MEW! XD
Georgia van Etten - Take My Hand (Live Session at The Pool Studio) - Duration: 4:38.Take My Hand Mmm
The stars won't find us tonight
Only skin
We bath under moonlight
The smile when you say my name
Oh and the songs we played
We've fallen deep and dangerous
It's hotter than the summer's best I go home, take off my dress
You're getting high to drown the mess Hey yeah
Temptation the sinner's curse You lay me down upon the earth
I'm bad but boy you're worse
Take my hand Ooo
The stars won't find us tonight
Only skin Ooo
We bath under moonlight
You pulled up quiet to my house
Couldn't wait to kiss my mouth
I've craved you boy no doubt Hey yeah
And I can hardly help myself You're like candy on the shelf
You know I'll taste but I won't tell Hey yeah
Don't worry girl your hold is tight But I'm the one he wants tonight
You better treat him right
Take my hand Ooo
The stars won't find us tonight
Only skin Ooo
We bath under moonlight
Oh Ohhh
Turn off your mind for a second And just fall
Oh Ohhh
If you won't be a man
I won't take you at all Ooo
Take my hand Ooo
The stars won't find us tonight
Only skin Ooo
We bath under moonlight
Pool Make-Up Tips - Duration: 3:52.3
animation and music full"
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