Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 23 2017


Hopefully that got you guys feeling a little bit more festive for Halloween,

I know I'm certainly very hyped for it.

Just a quick note to let you guys know that the design featured in this video is going to be available

as prints, stickers, and a whole bunch of other cool stuff over on my new RedBubble page,

so if you guys want to show your support for the channel over there, or over on my Ko-fi,

the links for both of those are going to be in the description, so feel free to check those out.

In the meantime though thank you very much for tuning in to this video,

I will hopefully see you for the next one, and, of course--


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For more infomation >> HALLOWEEN SPEEDPAINT - Trick or Treat - Duration: 6:10.


5 BEST WWE Team REUNIONS - Duration: 9:12.

For more infomation >> 5 BEST WWE Team REUNIONS - Duration: 9:12.


WEIRDEST THINGS THAT HAPPENED AT WORK | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:33.

planet dolan from fried hands to syrupy pants the planet thong Karine exon best

true stories must subvert it but the worst thing that ever happened to people

at work on danger dolan today i'll be on our later number ten was submitted by

cat with claws to 18 Ribeiro was working at a food stand

putting some slim jims and root beer on display little boy came running up and

said I wanna get my mommy turned me dicks and more data beer Berber just

assume the boy had a speech problem I replied as calmly as possible so you

want slim jims and root beer he shook his head looked down and said no I mean

dick and be my mom and dad talked about it I guess I can't buy that here don't

you guys just hate it when you get her a fruit stand and you just can't get dick

number 9 was submitted by a honeydew bunny honey bits was working at the

cashier for a Vietnamese restaurant in a food court when a lady came up to the

counter and plopped her toddler on the counter she turned him towards her and

said tell the lady what you want I want a spring roll for kids somehow gobbles

out so cute the mother coud as honey bits went over to the hot food storage

to grab a spring roll for the kid honey Betts told the woman the spring

roll be a dollar fifty and waited for her to pull out her money instead she

said but he's so cute while I eat is give it to him it sound like a buck

honey bits of stun to the request and said I'm sorry I don't have the

authority to give out free food please pay for it like you said it's only a

buck the mother grabbed her a kid who started whaling and walked away angry

but it was submitted by kid like 101 dude be used to work nights in the ER

one night she had on some electric blue nail polish

oh she was working a senior pulled her to the side with two other people

standing around the corner he said in a low voice sure me a hand the left one to

be stuck a hand out and he immediately grabbed it and stuck her finger into one

of the machines to read her vitals after the machine was finished he said okay

it's confirmed her oxygen levels are fine it's just

nail polish apparently the doctors in the ER I had a

bet going on whether doopy was dying and her nails were turning blue or if it was

just polish sticking a finger in the machine was easier than just asking her

number 7 was submitted by Ivy style adventures ghost House used to work at a

dollar store stocking items he went to an aisle to restock the peanut butter

when he saw a kid probably 9 years old standing next to the maple syrup with

his back turned curse dos Quinze any adults near him so he walked up behind

the boy to ask her his parents were the boys spun around eyes why looking

stalled that's when Gerst eyes noticed the

half-empty bottle of syrup in his left hand and the puddle of syrup leaking

from his pants the kid was just pouring syrup down his fucking pants there's an

orca 5 seconds before Garcia has dragged the boy to the checkout I'll call for

his parents a woman came soon after fussing at him as they left the store

ghost toes never saw him again number 6 was submitted by bolt rod

gaming gugak worked at a college cafeteria served food buffet style under

the tables with the food were cupboards with extra plates spoons and forks one

night gugak was cleaning the food tables after the cafeteria closed an open e

cupboard to get more plates but instead of plates he saw a half-naked girl who's

like a freshman playing purr come on on a gameboy color she screamed when gugak

soy crawled out of the cupboard and bolted out of the cafeteria with the

work is all staring at her the weirdest part is that none of the security

cameras saw her go into the COBIT in the first place number five was submitted by

angels 173 - after Melissa graduated from high school she worked at Walmart

to help pay for college one evening she had a mother in line with a young baby

after making Melissa run around to look for a missing keys which weren't missing

she then asked Melissa to run back and get her some lemons when she came back

and was able to continue the transaction the woman started breastfeeding her baby

and continued as Melissa processed the transaction finally her child spit up

all over one of the carts nobody even bothered to clean it up

number four was submitted by way too many fandoms when Pandora was working as

a grocery cashier nice man with a lot of tattoos came through a line so they

ended up talking about tattoos cuz she was singing about getting one herself

ended up checking out with a total of six dollars and 66 cents and/or giggled

about it and said your total comes out to 666 the groceries of the beast

aloft and left in good spirits a little old lady behind him came up next and she

looked absolutely disgusted she said young lady that man who just came

through here is Satan I can feel it in my soul she explained that she knew he

was a demon because of the tattoos but then she discovered that he was Satan

because of the price of his groceries she then tried to hand Pandora a pocket

Bible which she respectfully declined number three was submitted by a need

perco inferred smile Paul was just doing the usual scanning and bagging at the

grocery store when he saw her mom and eight kids run into the store and

straight to the bathroom after about three minutes spinal pumps or the mom

come out of the bathroom with her kids she came up to the register and bought

two packs of diapers while she's doing this her two-year-old daughter walked

out of the bathroom completely naked he from state is shocked and the mom

quickly finished checking out and ran back into the bathroom number two is

submitted by the dark night of dxd hell-bent worked at a local KFC as a

cashier and the customers never did anything weird but one day a drive-thru

employee came in late for his shift and put a backpack down a bunt didn't think

anything of it until he pulled out a mannequin hand and threw it in the deep

fryer for 15 seconds he then pulled the medic and hand out and tried eating it

that was the last day he ever showed up for work number one was submitted by me

what's the weirdest things ever happened to me at work so I was a little bit

younger I helped my dad out when he was rearing some greyhounds for the

greyhound races and so one time my job has to hold on to this greyhound and

it's something from escaping because we were outside the main gate of this

rearing place and so I just had to grab the greyhound around the neck with both

my arms now bear in mind greyhounds if you guys don't know

they're very very bulky well-built dogs they're almost pure muscle that's why

they do the races they like little horses so they're fucking strong as so

as I was holding this thing it's not a kind of writhing around and you know

trying to get loose and you know I kept getting told like Dart let him go if you

let him go you she's gonna fucking run off these things are faster shit and

you'll never see it again and sir I every muscle in my body was dedicated

to holding this dog it started flipping out and so I was rolling on the ground I

was getting scratched to hell like it was starting at a my face off and all

scared over this dog's gonna get out and like it's just gonna go missing it's

gonna be my fault and so I was having a wrestling match for this dog which was

absurdly strong and so by the end I'd been holding onto it for about ten

minutes and I was just exhausted I was beaten and then it managed to get out of

my grip and you know what it did instead of running away he just walked over to

the gate just kind of stood there you know just waiting why the fuck was i

holding a thing I nearly risk my life and the dog just kind of stains there

and it's just like you know and then the gate open it walked in i was like well

fuck me then what was the point of all that you know I was covered in dirt

bruises I was bleeding in then I'll go to this dog and it's totally fine I'm

like yeah thanks huge thanks to the first sir for the plant don't slip read

it Ming their stories we have another question for you what was the most

awkward moment of your life let us know on the reddit page linked below you

might be featured in a future can't down this video was made possible by our fans

over on patreon thanks for your support guys that's it for this video

For more infomation >> WEIRDEST THINGS THAT HAPPENED AT WORK | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:33.


The Most Underrated Sci-Fi Movies Of The Last 15 Years - Duration: 5:11.

While some sci-fi flicks are destined to become blockbusters, other equally deserving films

often linger unloved on Netflix or gather dust on the shelves before they gain a cult


Maybe they received poor initial reviews, or perhaps they suffered from a limited or

low-key theatrical release.

Whatever the reason, they all deserve a second look from true science fiction fans.

Here are some of the most underrated sci-fi films of the last 15 years.


While most scientists agree that we have a few billion years left before our Sun dies,

the plot of 2007's Sunshine moves that timeline up considerably.

It's 2057, and the Sun is already nearly dead.

The Earth endures freezing temperatures worldwide, and a small crew led by a physicist played

by Cillian Murphy is sent on a Hail Mary mission to save the Earth.

They must attempt to reignite the Sun with a nuclear bomb the size of Manhattan.

28 Days Later director Danny Boyle pulls inspiration from films such as 2001: A Space Odyssey and

Alien to take viewers on a wild psychological ride from start to finish.


2009's Moon is a deliciously spare sci-fi film that uses its modest budget to great


The film focuses on a solitary astronaut played by Sam Rockwell who is manning a lunar mining


Moon explores both ethical and existential questions when the astronaut begins hallucinating

about a young woman.

His only companion on the base is an artificial intelligence program, voiced by Kevin Spacey.

"What about the messages she sent to me?"

"Sam, I can only account for what occurs on the base."

When Sam discovers what appears to be his doppelganger in another area of his base,

things start to get pretty crazy.

What's real and what isn't?

You'll have to watch Moon to find out.


Unlike most of the other films on our list, 2002's Equilibrium never won massive acclaim

from critics.

That's mainly because the dystopian "Thought Police" plot is not particularly original.

But the excellent cast and amazing fight sequences more than make up for that.

Christian Bale leads the cast as a Cleric highly trained in the martial arts and responsible

for tracking down those guilty of refusing to take a government-issued medication that

suppresses all emotions.

Watching the heavily stylized, intricately choreographed gun battles will leave your

jaw on the floor, much like the first time you saw the lobby shoot-out scene in The Matrix.

Another Earth

If you like philosophical conundrums and a dose of existentialism with your sci-fi, then

2011's Another Earth is for you.

A planet identical to Earth in every way has just been discovered hiding in our solar system,

and there's speculation that the planet's inhabitants are identical, as well.

Meanwhile, a young scientist played by Brit Marling has her career cut short when she

accidentally kills several people while driving drunk.

Ethical dilemmas arise for the young woman when she meets the survivor from the car crash,

falls in love with him, and is later offered a chance to travel to this "Earth 2."

"The mystery flight member is 21-year-old Rhoda Williams, who is rumored to be an ex-convict."

Did her doppelganger cause a similar crash on that planet?

Are her victims alive there?

Another Earth explores all these questions and more, making for an entertaining sci-fi

movie that will leave you thinking deep thoughts long after the credits roll.


Shot on a shoestring budget with no script and no special effects, 2013's Coherence also

stars director James Byrkit's friends and was shot primarily in his own home.

The movie follows a group at a dinner party, which is interrupted by the flyover of a comet.

The effects of the comet temporarily open up pathways to parallel realities, inhabited

by the same group of friends.

The group eventually fractures, breaking off to explore the other realities, and chaos


"This whole night we've been worrying there's some dark version of us out there somewhere.

What if we're the dark version?"

By choosing friends who were also skilled improvisational actors and who didn't know

each other before filming started, Byrkit harnessed their own creativity to create a

thought-provoking and thrilling film that is also almost entirely improvised.


As far as science fiction plots go, 2014's Predestination doesn't start out on the most

original note.

Ethan Hawke plays an operative from a time-traveling intelligence agency, back on the job after

a horrible injury with one last mission to complete: He has to prevent a time-traveling

terrorist from setting off a bomb in New York City in 1975.

This might sound like the beginning of a fairly formulaic sci-fi action film, but Predestination

is anything but.

When Hawke's character meets a stranger with a darkly compelling life story, he takes that

stranger along on his mission—and things get pretty weird from there, with a wild ending

most viewers will never see coming.


The limitless hubris of humanity is a common theme of science fiction films, and 2013's

Snowpiercer is an eye-popping example of the form.

Humans have essentially destroyed the planet by fiddling with Earth's climate, bringing

on a new ice age.

Humanity's last remaining survivors are all aboard the Snowpiercer, a massively long train

constantly circumnavigating the globe on a continuous track.

Twenty years after the climate disaster, a distinct caste system has emerged on the train.

One of the lower class citizens, played by Captain America's Chris Evans, leads a rebellion

to the front of the train to try to take control of the locomotive by force.

The group faces many foes along the way, including the incomparable Tilda Swinton as the bizarre

Minister Mason.

"I am a hat.

You are a shoe.

I belong on the head; you belong on the foot."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Most Underrated Sci-Fi Movies Of The Last 15 Years - Duration: 5:11.


3 Things Gurus DON'T TELL YOU About Aliexpress Dropshipping... - Duration: 11:03.

Hey, guys.

It's me, Sarah, the video editor here at Wholesale Ted and in today's video, we're gonna be talking

about some of the things that YouTube gurus tend to gloss over when they're talking about

AliExpress dropshipping.

See, I think we know what people love to talk about.

They love to talk about their incredibly expensive sports cars that they bought using their dropshipping


"Oh, hey, guys.

Just came back from buying my Porsche 911 GT3.

And don't worry, I outfitted it with custom HRE FF01 wheels as well."

And, of course, they love to talk about their flashy, exotic vacations.

"Oh, hey, guys.

Sorry, this video's a little bit late.

Just got back from my first-class flight from the Maldives."

Because, you know, it's a lot more fun to talk about stuff like that rather than talk

about things like, "Oh, hey, guys.

Just woke up today to find that my PayPal account has been frozen.

Oh, yeah.

So just checked and saw that I have a chargeback.

Oh, hey look.

Just checked my email.

There's a customer asking for a refund."

And the truth is, I haven't been completely innocent of this myself either, which is a

shame because it is true.

Dropshipping is not an absolutely perfect business.

A lot of newbies jump in and they find success but then they have one of these things happen

to them and often, they get taken by surprise because they weren't expecting it because

nobody talked about these potential issues.

The unfortunate thing though is that these things are either easily overcome or you can

do things in advance to prepare for them so that they don't happen to you, which is actually

why, in this video, I'm going to address these three things and explain how to overcome them

and what you can do in advance to prepare for them.

So, let's jump straight into it.

Number one, getting banned on PayPal.

So, of course, a lot of people love to say that PayPal hates dropshipping but this simply

is not true.

You know the horror stories.

Someone had a PayPal account and it had tens of thousands of dollars in it and then one

day, they sign on and oops, your account's been banned along with the tens of thousands

of dollars in it.

You have bills to pay?

Too bad.

But as I said, PayPal doesn't hate dropshipping.

What they hate is shady businesses.

What they hate is when customers are lied to or cheated.

And I'll tell you what, I see new AliExpress dropshippers be shady all of the time with

one thing and that is the shipping.

There is no way around it.

If you are dropshipping from AliExpress suppliers, then it's gonna take two to four weeks for

the items to arrive.

Now, as I said in my recent video, "Why Long Shipping Times Don't Matter," those shipping

times affect conversions a lot less than you would think.

Unfortunately, new sellers assume that it will.

They assume that they can't be open and honest about it because if they are, then no one

will buy from them.

So you know what they do?

They do their best to hide it.

They don't put a disclaimer on their product page.

They may put a tiny disclaimer in the cart page but that is it.

Yeah, no.

You should be putting the disclaimer very clearly on your product page and I recommend

that you bold this to make sure that the potential customer sees it.

And then I recommend that you go ahead and you put the disclaimer in your confirmation

email telling the customer that the shipping is going to take two to four weeks and to

please be patient.

You want to make sure that the customer realizes that it's going to take two to four weeks

to arrive, that way you're gonna get a lot less emails from people asking you where their

item is.

But you also want to do it because if you do this, you're gonna get a less PayPal disputes

from people, again, wondering where their item is.

And if you have been upfront and honest about them with the shipping times, then you will

win those disputes and it's those disputes that are getting people's PayPal accounts

banned so make sure that you are open and honest from the very beginning.

Two, getting chargebacks.

No one wants to talk about chargebacks because getting a chargeback isn't fun.

Credit card companies let their customers chargeback if they either didn't get an item

or they were the victim of a fraudulent transaction.

But it doesn't just end there because you, as the merchant, get the opportunity to respond.

You can upload documents and evidence to prove that what the customer is claiming isn't true.

Now, customers tend to do chargebacks for either one of two reasons.

Firstly, because the customer didn't recognize the charge on their credit card bill so, of

course, they're gonna think that they were the victim of a fraudulent transaction.

This is very easy to avoid.

If you're using Shopify, when setting up Shopify payments, make sure in the statement descriptor

box, you have the name of your store.

Unfortunately, the more difficult one to deal with is when the customer is simply unhappy

and feels cheated and time and time again, I find that the reason why people end up getting

chargebacks is because of the fact that the customer had not been expecting the long shipping


So again, it needs to be said.

If you are upfront, honest, and make sure that the customer is aware of them, then you're

going to be getting a lot less chargebacks.

But even so, you should still expect the occasional chargeback.

I'll tell you now, any business that is dealing with credit cards should be expecting to have

to deal with chargebacks.

So if a customer comes in and claims a chargeback for the long shipping times, if you were open

and honest about it, then you will absolutely win that chargeback.

You didn't hide it.

You didn't trick them.

There was nothing fraudulent about the process.

They were not lied to.

You were open and honest.

You can provide a link to your product page which clearly has a disclaimer about the shipping


You can provide screenshots of your product page.

You can provide a copy of your confirmation email in which you, again, had the disclaimer

about the shipping times.

And if you are using ePacket as your shipping option, which I have recommended multiple

times on this channel, then you will have a tracking code that you can provide which

will show that the item is on its way.

So yes, if you weren't shady, then you should win.

Of course, again, if you're completely and utterly upfront with the customer about what

they are getting, then you will get a lot less chargebacks.

But let's be honest.

Even if you are going to be winning them, dealing with them is a pain.

Luckily, there is something that you can do to avoid getting them in the first place.

The best way for you to avoid things such as chargebacks and PayPal disputes is to do

what Amazon FBA sellers do when they're trying to avoid negative feedback and that is to

encourage communication between you and your customers.

See, in the Amazon FBA world, getting reviews is key and one of the main ways that you get

reviews is you send out emails to your customers asking them to leave a review.

But because of the fact that we cannot ask them to leave a positive review as that is

against Amazon's terms and conditions, we have to ask them to leave an honest review.

Now, this is usually absolutely fine until you end up emailing that email out to an unhappy


And so when you ask them to go leave an honest review, they end up leaving a negative review

and that is very, very bad.

So what do you do?

You encourage communication between you and customers that are not happy.

In that email, you add in a line like this, "And if you're having problems, please email

us before leaving a review.

We care about each and every customer."

So do the exact same thing with your Shopify store.

Set it up so that your automated email notifications such as your shipping confirmation email have

a line in there about if they are unhappy or having any problems, could they please

email you.

And make sure that you have at least one email that gets sent out about a week after the

sale telling the customer that, again if they're having any problems, that they can contact


Plus, it's a great idea in that email to let them know that item is on its way and to please

be patient.

The vast, vast majority of customers just want to know that you are still there and

that you care.

So if you do get contacted by a customer, let them know that yes, the shipping time

is normal, yes, the item is on its way, and yes, you do care.

Three, getting refunds.

You know what, refunds are just a part of doing business.

It doesn't matter what your business is.

You could be mowing grass for your neighbors.

You could be manufacturing high-tech phones.

Hey, you could even be running a dropshipping business.

It doesn't matter.

People asking for refunds are just a part of any business.

Luckily, those customers are uncommon and rare.

So what do you do about them?

The answer is actually quite simple.

I strongly recommend that you have a very strict refund policy in place.

I recommend only allowing refunds for items that are faulty or broken.

Do not have a refund policy in place that allows people to return items because they

have simply changed their minds.

I also recommend that you link to the refund policy page in the footer of your site, that

way it will be on every single page and all customers have no excuse for not having read


Now, before I close up this video, I do wanna mention one thing.

There is one other reason why gurus don't like to talk about these things and it isn't

just because they don't wanna talk about uncomfortable topics.

It's because even though these issues have simple solutions, there are a lot of people

out there that get discouraged and become very negative when they find out that dropshipping

isn't the absolute perfect business.

It's like when people watch my video about how to collect sales tax as a dropshipper.

They watch that video and they go, "Nope, too hard."

The truth though is that these sorts of people are never really gonna start a business.

They're always going to be stuck in their eight to six jobs.

Eight to six jobs are easy.

Okay, it's not quite easy.

I would say that they're quite tiring and quite uninspiring but they're safe because

every day you go to work, you know that you're gonna get a basic paycheck.

And if you wanna be one of those sorts of people, that's absolutely fine.

Most of my friends are those types of people.

I've got nothing against that.

But the truth is, is that the people that succeed and the people that get rich are the

ones that see challenges as opportunities because, you see, the successful individuals

see those that are afraid of starting their business because they're scared of their PayPal

account getting frozen and they see them and they go, "Oh, great.

One less competitor for me."

They know like how I've explained in this video that there are solutions to all problems.

With a bit of research and a little bit of problem-solving, you can generally find an

answer to anything so they don't let it stop them.

They go out there, they see what silly mistakes people were making that were getting their

PayPal accounts frozen, and they don't make them.

So really, the question I have for you is what type of person will you be?

Thanks for watching this video.

If you liked it and you appreciated the honest advice, then it would be really great if you

gave this video a thumbs up.

And if you'd like to get more videos like this, then please subscribe to Wholesale Ted.

And if you would like to start your own dropshipping business but you don't know how, then you

should be sure to download our free eBook, "How to Make $10,000 a Month Online With Dropshipping."

You can find a link on how to download this incredible, life-changing eBook in the video

description below.

For more infomation >> 3 Things Gurus DON'T TELL YOU About Aliexpress Dropshipping... - Duration: 11:03.


Zameen Pe Taray Nahin Aasman pe Qabar Nahi - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Zameen Pe Taray Nahin Aasman pe Qabar Nahi - Duration: 1:03.


[TF2] How to Double Jump with Pyro (Thermal Thrusters Glitch) - Duration: 3:02.

Hey guys welcome to a new tutorial on a glitch found by Adje. The map here is cp_process(original video is in desc)

First you will need to click Mouse1 or 2 on this spot(while holding the Thermal Thrusters)

After you fly into the air, click another time and you have just double blasted in the air.

(This whole extra part is just gameplay)

For more infomation >> [TF2] How to Double Jump with Pyro (Thermal Thrusters Glitch) - Duration: 3:02.


HOW TO FRY OKRA - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> HOW TO FRY OKRA - Duration: 6:09.


Brandon Sutter Believes in the Power of Positivity - Duration: 3:11.

- [Announcer] Here's Sutter.

Daniel Sedin with him.

Sutter shoots, scores.

He had the shootout winner last night.

He scores in overtime tonight.

- [Brandon] The right way is the way

you're being asked to play by your coaching staff.

When everyone buys into that,

that's when you know you're going to

have a good team.

We always say if we do things the right way,

we're going to be successful

and make sure you're ready to go

at puck drop every night.

I think most guys have been taught that,

otherwise you wouldn't be here.

I think guys who maybe had a harder time

figuring out the right way probably

didn't make it to this level,

so it's a pretty good group that understands that

and we all know if we're pulling the same way,

that's what makes you successful.

- [Announcer] And now it's thrown ahead to Sutter.

Drop pass. Daniel Sedin. Sutter Scores.

Sutter and Sedin on the give and go and it's 1-1.

- [Brandon] I know a lot of people look at athletes

and think it's just a fun job.

You just go up and play hockey

and kind of mess around every day

but it's a lot more serious than that.

There's a lot of pressure that comes with it,

not only from the outside but on yourself

and on your team and you've got to handle it,

both physically and mentally and just like

any other job, the harder you work at it,

then the better you are at your details,

the more successful you're going to be.

I was always kind of raised that way

from the time I was a kid, whether it was

working on the farm or whatever I was doing,

things had to be done a certain way

and I think that's really helped me be successful.

- [Brandon] This year we've done a pretty good job

of just kind of trying to get everybody

on the same page and positivity and not

being negative about too many things.

And it's a long season and we do a lot of travel

and you're tired and I think the biggest thing is,

like I said just staying positive

and knowing that if we believe in our system

and we talked before about habits

and if you stick to those,

your culture is going to stay strong,

so that's something we're trying to push here.

- [Brandon] I don't think they'll

ever figure that out.

That's, I'm sure if you asked any athlete

or any sport, there's just sometimes

where you could have a good day the day

before, well rested, and get a good sleep,

and eat healthy food, and do everything right,

and you could step on the ice at 7:00

and just be terrible.

The biggest thing is to try to prevent that

from happening too much.

But I think most of the time if you do

the right things, you're going to be successful.

Then you have other nights where you sleep

like crap and you don't feel good,

you feel tired, you feel a little flu

coming on or something and you go on the ice

and it's the easiest game of the year.

So it's just a different feel every game.

Every game's different.

So the biggest thing is your habits

and keep those going the right way,

more times than not, you should be successful.

- [Announcer] Here's a loose puck. Sutter scores.

(loud cheering)

- From a hockey standpoint, I think just

if you sit in the dressing room after a game

that you just played your heart out

and you managed to get a win and you probably

got a couple sore spots, and you can

kind of sit down and relax and kind of

chat with the teammates after the game,

it's kind of that feeling of self-reward,

I guess, and it's such a high compared to

the opposite end if you have a bad game.

So its amazing, the mental side of the game

and how much your mood can change

depending on how you play,

but that's one that just feels awesome

and going home to see your family

after a win is always fun.

For more infomation >> Brandon Sutter Believes in the Power of Positivity - Duration: 3:11.


Brazil Full of Dreams: Coldplay - São Paulo (7 de abril de 2016) - Duration: 1:57:58.

For more infomation >> Brazil Full of Dreams: Coldplay - São Paulo (7 de abril de 2016) - Duration: 1:57:58.


The Walking Dead 8x01 - Recap To The Rescue - Duration: 4:33.

(upbeat music)

- What's up, deadies, BD here with your Recap to the Rescue,

Walking Dead edition,

breaking down everything you might have missed

in the 100th episode, that season eight premiere.

This was a milestone episode for the AMC zombie show

and, thus, was loaded with callbacks and Easter eggs

for longtime fans of the show.

For example, one you may have caught

was a shot for shot recreation of the very first scene

from the very first episode,

when Rick Grimes parked his sheriff's car

next to an overturned truck

and carried his gas can into an abandoned gas station.

This time around, it was his son, Carl,

taking those footsteps, walking past a dead woman's body,

and even wearing that same sheriff's hat.

In the same scene,

we even had an awfully familiar-looking zombie

make an appearance, with this walker

bearing a striking resemblance to Addy Miller's little girl

from the pilot episode.

Oh, by the way, Addy Miller is alive and well,

and looking at colleges now.

You feel old yet?

Sticking with the first episode,

there were two more nods

to Rick's earliest days in the apocalypse,

with one coming as a slight reference to Glenn.

Glenn was killed off almost exactly a year ago,

one day short, with the season seven premiere

airing on October 23rd, 2016,

and episode 100 Airing on October 22nd, 2017,

but this callback goes to Halloween of 2010's episode one.

The moments which saw Rick Grimes trapped in a tank,

surrounded by walkers in Atlanta

was recreated by this shot from the season eight premiere

when Father Gabriel was trapped in the trailer with Negan

and they were completely surrounded by walkers.

Fun fact: I happened to be on set

for the filming of the exchange between Negan and Gabriel,

and Jeffrey Dean Morgan peppered in more than a few f-words

to some of his takes here, suggesting Gabriel

was about to head to Poo-Poo Pants City for real.

The third episode one reference

arrived in the San Diego Comic-Con trailer

and finally played out in 801.

Old man Rick waking up in bed beside a bouquet of flowers,

of course, these flowers were alive and very colorful,

as is the world around Rick,

unlike the awakening from his coma

to a desolate and terrifying hospital.

This sequence played out throughout the episode,

showing a grown up Judith,

possibly hinting towards a four to five-year time jump

after the war, but also a thriving Alexandria community,

headed towards a festival,

which was a major event in The Walking Dead comics,

and even saw more than a few unexpected and shocking deaths,

as the Whisperer War was already on the horizon.

Also in Rick's flash-forward scene,

a potential reference to Lost, the clock beside Rick Grimes

was set for 8:23, two numbers from the iconic ABC show,

which contains the same flash-forward storytelling device

in its fourth season, and The Walking Dead showrunner,

Scott Gimple, is constantly praising that show.

How about the moment which saw

Rick taking a photo of Negan's Sanctuary as it burned?

This is a little jab at the group

which photographed the deaths of Glenn and Abraham

in episode 701 last year.

As for the other timelines shown,

one may have introduced us to Siddiq,

a friendly character from The Walking Dead comics

who once called Oceanside home.

This man we met at the gas station is played by Avi Nash

and first appeared in the season eight trailer.

Executive producer, Greg Nicotero, tells me

we will certainly be seeing more of him.

But then there's this funky timeline

where Rick looks really worn down.

Before the episode concluded,

this version of Rick whispers,

"My mercy prevailed over my wrath."

It's the same thing the Avi Nash character told Carl earlier

in this episode.

What's this mean?

Well, spoiler alert here, but in The Walking Dead comics,

the war between Rick and Negan

results in Negan breaking Rick's leg,

which explains the cane Rick was walking with

in the old man Rick scenes,

but also sees Rick capturing the villain

and throwing him in jail instead of killing him.

Mercy over wrath.

Civilization over savagery.

Rick over Negan.

The stage is already set for The Walking Dead

to follow such a path,

considering Morgan did build a prison in Alexandria.

And, finally, how about that call out to Shane Walsh?

Did you hear the way Negan said,

"Let me ask you somethin' Rick."

Sure sounded like an echo of Jon Bernthal's character

from seasons one and two, huh?

That's because it was.

Greg Nicotero tells me it was completely intentional.

And one more fun fact before we go, with all that gunfire,

bullets really do fly from the guns' chambers

as blanks are dispatched on set.

Here's one right here from the set of episode 100.

The recoil on the gun helps the actors deliver

on the tough action scenes,

which episode 100 was loaded with.

Let's not forget,

one of these is probably lodged in Negan's leg

after Rick took all of those shots at him.

The leader of the Saviors was definitely seen hobbling a bit

when he scrambled for safety in Sunday's night episode.

Did you catch any Easter eggs references

or important story points in the season eight premiere

of The Walking Dead?

Leave them in the comment section

or send them to me on Twitter @brandondavisbd

and make sure you head to

for all sorts of exclusive Walking Dead content.

For more infomation >> The Walking Dead 8x01 - Recap To The Rescue - Duration: 4:33.


Better Things | Season 2 Ep. 6: Sam's Funeral Scene | FX - Duration: 1:37.

(Crying and sniffling continues)

Sam was a...


Complicated woman.

She was very short.

I never told her that,

but I think we can all now say she-she was short.

Yes, she was very short.

(Crying and laughing)

She lied a lot.

A lot.

She was two years older than she ever told anyone.

She was the rudest,

most inappropriate woman

I've ever met.

(Sobbing): Thank you, guys, so much.

I love you so much.

FRANKIE: I love you, Mom.

MAX: Mom, I love you.

TRESSA: We love you. RICH: Yeah.

(Crying): Nobody said anything about me.

I'm lying here dead and nobody cares.

(Chuckling): Oh, Dukey. Oh, Dukey.


(Overlapping chatter)

(Duke crying)

SAM (crying): No. No, you're not...

You're not dead. No.

SAM: Tu-tu-tuy. RICH: Tu-tu-tuy.

Tu-tu-tu... Tu-tuy.

For more infomation >> Better Things | Season 2 Ep. 6: Sam's Funeral Scene | FX - Duration: 1:37.


The Initial Key Stages Of The Awakening Process - Duration: 6:24.

The Initial Key Stages Of The Awakening Process

by Olga Star,

When talking about a such continuous and complex process as awakening a lot of misunderstanding

and confusion is floating amidst many people�s minds.

What is the process, how do we get there, and why do we even need it?

Let�s start with why do we need it.

Consider this, we talk a lot about our ecosystem nowadays, we discuss the pollution, we feel

threatened by increasing temperatures.

We have an ecosystem.

As scientists have proven already, there are other ecosystems out there, similar to Mother


We may not have (at least it�s not publicly acknowledged) a contact per-se established

with them, nevertheless those ecosystems exist.

Put simply, we have a planetary ecosystem and we have a universe ecosystem.

Some planetary systems with their population are more advanced than ours and some are less.

Let�s agree, awakening, or the process of enlightenment as many call, is sort of an

evolutionary process.

First, we walk, then we speak, now� we embrace our normally dormant abilities of other senses.

Our spiritual abilities.

Often people refer to these abilities as psychic abilities, as sixth

sense abilities or even intuition.

Let�s simplify this even further.

First, we exist, then we form tribes.

Then we learn we can stand alone and embrace individuality, and now awakening: Where each

individual becomes one with the whole ecosystem, while sustaining the individuality (Aha!

No wonder your author, i.e. me, wrote that book on �How to be selfish�)!

In simple terms, once you�ve mastered your individuality, you can contribute more fully

to the society unit, or our ecosystem if you like.

First, we build an ecosystem with our community, then our town or city and then our whole earth

and then� but that�s the next stage, with our universe ecosystem.

Our �other senses� are always present but somewhat dormant.

The beauty of the awakening process is it�s reminiscent of a vortex.

Once it starts, others will be drawn into it and eventually the whole process may even

come to completion.

But before that, let�s start with the first initial key stages that will help us to get


As it doesn�t just mean connecting, but connecting with one another on a deeper level.

Which, in itself, IS a complex step that consists of several stages:

Acknowledge you have abilities.

No matter what anyone says, you don�t have to be an old woman, living in a forest and

talking to your dead relatives while looking into a crystal ball.

Those days are over.

No more witch hunting (except for some countries) and no more naming and shaming for �crazy

talk� about how you knew exactly what will happen.

Some call it de javu, some intuition, some say �spooky stuff.�

Acknowledgement alone goes a long way.

Train your mind.

Mind training is underrated.

Un-respected, and generally dismissed under the notion �If I don�t see immediate results,

perhaps it doesn�t work�.

Start with simple meditation: even 5 minutes of trying to silence your mind, DAILY, will

work in the beginning.

Recognise there is more to your existence than what you see in front of you.

Or speaking in the language of quantum physics- our experience is limited to the way we observe


That does not mean however there is no other reality, that we have not observed yet.

Join likeminded individuals.

Practicing your abilities is best done in a group.

That is the first principle of oneness, the awakening requires more than one participant.

On a side-note, there are many records of physical mediumship that was especially popular

during the 19th and early 20th century, what many don�t know, in order to master the

energy necessary to manifest physical �proof� the groups energy was required!

Not just of the medium who was performing (often devastatingly exhausting on medium�s

health) task.


Stat practicing your abilities.

How do you know you are ready to move on to the next stage?

It may take time, although I�ve seen some of my students progressing within only a few

group sessions!

It is when you can connect with the others to the point of knowing how they feel, what

their issues are and so on that you are ready to progress to the next stage, that I�ll

be sure to write about.

For now, start practicing and keep me posted on your progress.

Lots of love and light,

For more infomation >> The Initial Key Stages Of The Awakening Process - Duration: 6:24.


Princess Cruises Sanctuary: Onboard Cruise Experience | Princess Cruises - Duration: 0:55.

♪Soft, easy music plays♪

It's the most serene place on board.

The Sanctuary – our paradise.

Offering an ocean of calm to help you come back new.

Experience the soothing sensations of an open-air

massage in your own private Cabana.

Relax in plush chairs,

enjoy our menu of lighter cabana cuisine,

including smoothies and juices,

or try something familiar, like our

delicious homemade pizza.

Also available are a selection of

spa and energy drinks, and a full-service bar.

All along, our attentive Serenity Stewards are there

to help you explore the restful possibilities.

The Sanctuary, exclusively on Princess Cruises.

For more infomation >> Princess Cruises Sanctuary: Onboard Cruise Experience | Princess Cruises - Duration: 0:55.


Are You a Participator or a Spectator - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Are You a Participator or a Spectator - Duration: 1:50.



Hey my YouTube family out there! It's ya girl back again with another

video and today's video is just a crochet hair lookbook video. Now for all

my lovely subscribers out there who've been part of my family nothing you see

in this video will be new to you. But if you're one of the new subscribers. You

clicked on this video because you're standing in the beauty supply store

right now trying to envision how this hair will look on your head this is the

video for you. I've been there before with my faux locs not knowing how 18

inches would look on my head and if I had a video like this it would have been so

helpful. So if you want to join the family. Make sure you subscribe. Make sure

if you want to see my in-depth thoughts on these hairs click the link above for

my full thoughts and make sure you stay to the end I'll have a playlist where

you can click on each video and see my individual thoughts on any of these

hairs that you've seen today. Now without further ado let's get started and I hope

you enjoy!



Washington DC Councilman Proposes That "All Use is Medical" - Duration: 1:06:14.

For more infomation >> Washington DC Councilman Proposes That "All Use is Medical" - Duration: 1:06:14.





Fuji 5th Station autumn colors - Yamanashi - 富士山 五合目 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 5:40.

While climbing to the top of Mt. Fuji, you will find several "stations" where people can rest before being able to reach the Fujisan summit.

Popular all year long, people often ignore that Mt. Fuji can also offer some spectacular autumn colors

around the 4th and 5th stations thanks to their many Karamatsu, or Japanese larch.

Despite being a coniferous plant, Karamatsu pines actually change colors in autumn,

from green to yellow, before falling off during winter,

giving us a unique chance to see a magnificent yellow crest surrounding Mt. Fuji.

For more infomation >> Fuji 5th Station autumn colors - Yamanashi - 富士山 五合目 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 5:40.


Trump Just PULLED Out This Piece Of Paper And Pissed Off Every Terrorist In The World - Duration: 24:35.

Trump Just PULLED Out This Piece Of Paper And Pissed Off Every Terrorist In The World

President Donald J Trump has now beaten ISIS in Raqqa with the help of his incredible military


Here is his statement on the issue:

Actually, hold up.

Before we get to Trump's statement.

Take a look at this pic.

This is a map of how much ISIS holdings have shrunk under just a year of Trump

"THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 21, 2017

"Statement by President Donald J. Trump on the Defeat of ISIS in Raqqah

I am pleased to announce that the Syrian Democratic Forces, our partners in the fight against

ISIS in Syria, have successfully recaptured Raqqah – the terrorist group's self-proclaimed

capital city.

Together, our forces have liberated the entire city from ISIS control.

The defeat of ISIS in Raqqah represents a critical breakthrough in our worldwide campaign

to defeat ISIS and its wicked ideology.

With the liberation of ISIS's capital and the vast majority of its territory, the end

of the ISIS caliphate is in sight.

We will soon transition into a new phase in which we will support local security forces,

de-escalate violence across Syria, and advance the conditions for lasting peace, so that

the terrorists cannot return to threaten our collective security again.

Together, with our allies and partners, we will support diplomatic negotiations that

end the violence, allow refugees to return safely home, and yield a political transition

that honors the will of the Syrian people.

One of my core campaign promises to the American people was to defeat ISIS and to counter the

spread of hateful ideology.

That is why, in the first days of my Administration, I issued orders to give our commanders and

troops on the ground the full authorities to achieve this mission.

As a result, ISIS strongholds in Mosul and Raqqah have fallen.

We have made, alongside our coalition partners, more progress against these evil terrorists

in the past several months than in the past several years.

I commend all of our coalition partners for the sacrifices they have made in this noble


Therefore, as we recognize this military accomplishment, we also pause to honor our service men and

women and all they have given to protect us and all civilized people from these modern

day barbarians.

Today, we reaffirm that ISIS leaders, and anyone who supports them, must and will face



Share this if you are glad that Trump is at the helm.

He is fighting every day to make this country great again and to save the world from the


of ISIS.

For more infomation >> Trump Just PULLED Out This Piece Of Paper And Pissed Off Every Terrorist In The World - Duration: 24:35.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


老婆小騷B不給吃怎麼辦?【請開啟字幕】 - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> 老婆小騷B不給吃怎麼辦?【請開啟字幕】 - Duration: 3:28.


After Gemma Collins falls down a hole on stage at Radio 1 Teen Awards here's 11 other... - Duration: 1:32.

After Gemma Collins falls down a hole on stage at Radio 1 Teen Awards here's 11 other stars who have taken a tumble

Gemma Collins launched a thousand memes after she fell down a hole on stage at the Radio 1 Teen Awards.

The former The Only Way Is Essex star was giving a trophy to Love Island as the winner of Best TV show at the bash on Sunday, when a trap door opened up for the stars to walk through.

Waving to the crowd, Gemma didnt look where she was going and fell backwards into the pit. Luckily the reality TV star saw the funny side and later said it was her best and worst moment.

Of course Gem isnt the first celeb to take a tumble on stage, so heres a look back at other famous faces who should send us a postcard next time they take a trip…. Madonna. Rihanna.

Hopefully Gemma feels a bit better knowing shes in good company.

For more infomation >> After Gemma Collins falls down a hole on stage at Radio 1 Teen Awards here's 11 other... - Duration: 1:32.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


My Contour & Highlight Routine (Round Face) - Duration: 15:10.

hey guys so for today's video I have my contour and highlight routine I'm really

excited to share this with you guys cuz I've been getting so many questions

lately on like the products that I've been using coz I've been doing more

cream contouring lately I've kind of switched up my highlight contour routine

over the last couple months it's not really the same powder routine that it

used to be I've really been loving creams I've also found some brushes that

have been like my holy girls I've been getting a lot of questions from you guys

on the brushes that I've been loving so yeah this video is gonna be a full

in-depth highlight and contour routine on how I shape my face since I do have a

wider rounder face with chubby cheeks so I do like to kind of really define and

shape my face through my contour and highlight so if you are interested in

checking out my contour and highlight routine then definitely keep on watching

alright so let's get started with my contour and highlight routine I've been

getting a lot of questions from you guys recently on what I use to cream contour

so that's we're gonna do today I've been really loving cream contouring lately so

that's what I've been doing so that's what I'm going to show you guys today so

I always start off with concealer and lately it's just been the Tarte shaped

tape I'm like obsessed with this concealer this is the shade light/medium

so normally when I apply my concealer I really go in and I don't do a white

triangle I've mentioned this before on my channel and that reason being I want

to pretty much shadow the sides of my face since I do have a wide face if I

highlight these parts of my face I'm just gonna you know drag my face

outwards and make it look wider whereas I kind of want my face to look longer

and slimmer as opposed to wider and rounder so instead of bringing the

concealer all the way back here like you see a lot of people doing instead I stop

over here and you'll notice I bring it down because I really want to again

elongate and I love this concealer because it's so nice and matte that I

don't even set it sometimes and it looks good and it barely creases and if it

does crease the tiniest bit I kind of just tap it out with my finger and it

goes right away like this concealer is really good if you haven't tried it you

need to so I also normally will take some right down my nose and I'll bring

it up on my forehead and again I'm not gonna take this and do this because I

don't want to widen my face I'm gonna kind of keep it going up almost straight

Cupid's bow and the little bit on the chin I don't really like too much in

that area just a little bit so now I normally go in with my Beauty Blender

and I just start right at the center and I kind of let my concealer sit on my

under eye a little bit that does make it a little fuller coverage even though

this concealer is super full coverage that really helps and a lot of the times

I'll go in with whatever I use to apply my foundation today just happens to be

the huda beauty brush because I just did the first impression of the foundation

so I'm gonna take whatever I used to apply my foundation and go around the

perimeters just like on the outlines just to make everything blend in so now

is where I take my Sigma 3d HD sponge this sponges holy grail for the

under-eye it just blends beautifully and I just love the shape the shape is

really what gets me so what I do is I start in the outer corner and I just tap

tap tap and keep patting it so you don't want to blend it in so much to the point

where you're blending away all the pigment so I just blend it enough and

then I take it up the sides of my nose because that works almost like a reverse

contour bring your cone and I'll stop right there and you'll see there's still

like some blending that needs to be done so that it looks blended and there's no

like rigid lines but what I'll do is I'll take whatever I use for my

foundation or a Beauty Blender either/or and I'll go only on the outlines and

even on the nose I'll just go only on that outline and then I'll go back in

with this I just kind of go back and forth so now that the concealing is kind

of done is when I will go into some cream contouring I have been obsessed

with the scent a beauty matchsticks the matte match sticks so I really have been

using the shade latte and truffle together latte being a bronzer and

truffle being that deeper defining contour so I know it's pretty popular to

put the cream contour on your face but I have kind of really developed the method

of applying it on the brush first now the reason why I kind of started doing

that is because I always hated cream because I applied it on the face and it

just took so long to blend and then sometimes I would over blend and it

would get patchy so I always hated cream contour that's why you guys never saw me

do it before but then I thought to myself one day I was like well what if I

just skip the whole applying it on the face part cuz that was just it was not

like I don't know it just takes too long and sometimes I over blended it it was

very easy to over blend for me I feel like it's more of a beginners trick to

do it this way so I was like what if I apply it on a brush first so I kind of

just did that and I fell in love with it and bam from there I started loving

cream contour because it just looks really natural and skin like on the face

but I still feel super glam so I love applying it on a brush so my two

favorite brushes that I get a lot of questions from you guys on this is the

elf 103 brush I'm obsessed with this for a natural day when I just when I don't

want any contour but I still want some definitions and bronze I'm obsessed with

it for that and for a cream bronzer and then the morphe East 7 it has like the

perfect little angle as you can see but it's still dense and it's not too big

it's not too small take that perfect size for a contour so this provides that

extra really deep definition so I love these two they are bomb for cream

contour like I could not live without them I use them religiously so like I

said I apply the product straight to the brush so we're gonna take a latte from

fenty Beauty and I'm gonna apply it straight on to the brush and this is how

we're gonna put it on the face I love how this is angled too cuz it just works

really nicely with the shape of your face where you would normally contour

and bronze I normally start right at the top of my ear just kind of like angling

it downwards so I'll do that and I'll pounce it I'm not gonna rub I'm just

gonna pounce it on and what this is gonna do is it's gonna help not move my

foundation underneath that looks you guys but look how easy that was to like

I feel like when you apply it on a brush its applied and blended and done at the

same time like a one and done situation just a lot quicker and I'm also gonna

take it and this is where I do a lot of shading a lot of people don't contour or

broaden this area but I really do it helps to make my face look less wide and

makes my face look slimmer so I'm gonna take just a

it a bit more product on my brush and I'm really gonna go in this entire area

even on up to like my eyebrow here right here and just really shade this entire

area in take a little bit more product and I'm gonna bring it a little bit up

my forehead now typically if you have a round face and like a wider face you

wouldn't really want to contour this area cuz you're making it smushed and

again I want to elongate my face but I just love it like I personally love a

nice little bronzed forehead so I don't bring it down too much because it

doesn't really do much in terms of like shaping your face you technically don't

want to really put bronzer there unless you have a really big forehead but I

just I like how it looks you know so now if I'm having a super lazy glam day I

will literally just take whatever's leftover on this brush and apply it on

the nose like super messily and it just gives you a nice natural quick nose

contour but we're gonna actually do full-on like not full-on nose contour

because I never do like a full intense one but that's sometimes what I do feel

like a quick version anyways I'm gonna take a little bit more product not a lot

but just a little bit and now we're gonna shape and contour the jawline area

but I'll show you exactly what I do for this part so I always start on the chin

and what I do is I don't know if you guys notice but I have pretty like wide

I don't know if this is gonna change once I lose more weight cuz I know once

I lost weight my jaw really looks a lot more defined because I kind of lost a

lot of fat in that area I don't know if that's gonna change even more but I can

tell my face shape right now I have like this right here and it's pretty you know

so sometimes I like to just cut that off and make it look a little bit slimmer

and longer so what I do is I take the chin area and I contour this almost like

as if you're gonna hide it almost and this is where I do a lot of that and

underneath and then I'll take it and just kind of blend it down because you

don't want there to be like that stark line but I'll always take it and connect

it a little bit to what I did before and just apply a little bit on the ears

whatever is left over so now we're gonna go in with truffle and this has been

like my favorite part lately especially when I want a super glam contour so I'm

going to take truffle apply a little bit because it's super

pigmented so just a little bit on the e7 and contour and add that extra


and look at how easy that is to just apply it and blend out and sometimes

I'll just take whatever is kind of left over and move it up so just stipple and

bounce it upwards just so that it's like seamless and I'll take whatever is left

over and just kind of applies not really much also lately I've been really taking

some and applying it under the lip it just gives you a lip that extra extra

pout and definition makes them look a little bit bigger so when it comes to

the nose contour you can use the Fenty beauty I just find it's pretty chubby

and I like to just apply it straight on the nose so I'm gonna use my NYX wonder

stick for this step I kind of alternate I really love the hard-candy contour

stick and medium for the nose I love the k'kaw beauty and medium for

the nose and I also love this one in the shade Universal for the nose so I kind

of just you know switch back and forth between those ones so I'm just gonna

take some I bring it kind of close to the brow and just bring it down and stop

it there I don't really do like a full-on intense nose contour I just kind

of like how it shapes my face when I have a little bit on so to blend out my

nose contour just keeping it real I've been using the k'kaw Beauty UM brush

just because it's small it just fits perfectly and I like it but it's

definitely not necessary I sometimes have done it with the e7 2 and just kind

of like how this one's a bit smaller and it just fits right there and it allows

me to be like a little bit messy with it I don't really need my nose contour to

be like perfectly chiseled and contour it I like it to look a little bit put a

bit more on the natural side and now what I always do is I will take my

Beauty Blender on the clean side and go over that just to make sure they all

blend in sometimes I'll take whatever is leftover on my sponge and reiterate that

highlight so I just remembered I didn't even set my under eye yet but that's

kind of what I was telling you is before you really do not need to set the Too

Faced under-eye but sometimes I still do I'm gonna take the Fenty Beauty

translucent Universal powder and I'm just going to set that under a little

bit with that so I'm actually also going to take the

Kat Von D shade in like contour palette I also use the wet and wild contour

palettes to I have them back there in my everyday makeup drawer I love them but I

just have this sitting on my vanity right now so I'm gonna use this one but

the wet and wild one is a total dupe and I use that one a lot like I've hit pan

on those ones so you can totally just buy that instead of the Kat Von D one

cuz it's cheaper but I'm just taking this yellow shade and setting and

brightening that under eye I don't really like to apply too much because I

don't really like to look too powdery and I will also take a little bit on the

top of the nose a little bit pretty much everywhere I use that Turk concealer so

I'm gonna set my nose contour a little bit with the hoola bronzer and I haven't

tried this brush before normally I just use a different brush but today I'm

gonna try this one this is the M 0 by morphe and I only am taking a little bit

like tiniest amount on the brush and I'm just slightly going over it not much

because again I like a really natural contour I don't like it to look like I

flew on contoured my nose on the bottom so now I'm going to set the cream bronze

in contour and I kind of you know change up what bronzers I'm using but today I

really want to use the Milani baked Soleil bronzer so I always get questions

on this brush this is the Sigma duo fiber f50 brush literally Holy Grail

bronzer brush the bristles that are on top here you see how they're kind of

like naked obviously the whole duo-fiber thing this top naked layer really

applies the bronzer smoothly and it doesn't move the prize underneath it

just applies it very airbrushed and then that layer underneath

makes sure that it kind of blends it out nicely it's just duo fiber brushes are

like balm so I kind of just let the top layer sit on top nicely I don't press

down too hard or just let it sit right on top and I do it in circular motions I

love this bronzer because it has a really nice

Lumosity to it but nothing too luminous and it just gives a nice medium

beautiful bronze you always want to bring it into the hairline too and of

course just take it on the job so sometimes I will apply blush and

sometimes it will apply a cream highlight but for today I just want to

go straight in with my Anastacio Nicole Guerrero glow kit in the shade and glow

getter my favorite like I just I loved this highlight so much I'm gonna take a

lot of it I really want to be beaming today because I'm gonna just do simple

makeup today so I just want my face to really speak for itself so I never take

my highlight and apply it on the sides cuz I've gone toward that area but I do

take it on the top of my cheek and just bring it down a little bit and I always

take it on the brow bone and bring it up here thank you and I always take some on

the nose and the Cupid's bow so that is pretty much it for my contour and

highlight routine I'm just gonna go ahead and finish up my brows my eyes my

lips and I'm gonna pop back on camera to finish up this video for you guys all

right you guys that completes my highlight and contour routine I really

hope you guys enjoyed it and I hope you got some helpful tips on how to make

your face look slimmer if you're like me and you do have like a wide face square

round or chubby cheeks anything like that this routine will definitely work

make sure you test it out let me know if you guys do end up testing it out and it

works for you anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this video thank you guys so

much for watching and of course I will see you guys in my next video bye guys

For more infomation >> My Contour & Highlight Routine (Round Face) - Duration: 15:10.


For more infomation >> My Contour & Highlight Routine (Round Face) - Duration: 15:10.


Sheep & Goats Parable

For more infomation >> Sheep & Goats Parable


The Wolf at the Door: Ep. 23 | Assessing a Potential Trust Lawsuit - Duration: 2:13.

Hello, I'm Mike Hackard.

I'm the chair of Hackard Law, a law firm focusing on estate, trust and elder financial abuse

litigation in California's major urban areas.

I'm the author of The Wolf at The Door: Undue Influence and Elder Financial Abuse.

The book is now available for order on Amazon.

This is episode 23, where I discuss reviewing a potential case of elder financial abuse

or other wrongdoing over a trust or estate.

My process of intake is straightforward.

Once I've received a call or email from a prospective client or referral attorney,

I'll have my legal team gather the facts.

These include estate, trust, and probate documents, texts and email communications, and basic

timelines for an initial review.

If I decide to take the case, we will then focus on the wrongdoer and his actions.

My top priority is to prevent any further violations of beneficiary rights and protect

the client's interests.

If the wrongdoer doesn't have an attorney, my firm will contact him, explain our role

representing the plaintiff, and many times suggests a solution.

If he has representation, then I'll go over the same ground with his lawyer.

The courts prefer early mediation to litigation over a disputed estate or trust, but delay

is unacceptable – it's important to begin a process toward resolution as soon as possible.

The defendant's choice to delay comes with expensive consequences.

Civil lawsuits, if appropriate, are filed against the trust wrongdoer.

That generally means the right to a jury trial, assessment of attorney's fees, and the possible

awarding of punitive damages.

In these cases a wrongdoer's delay has not helped him or her.

We take our duty to protect clients and their trust beneficiary rights seriously, and we

act accordingly.

If you would like a free digital copy of the book when it comes out, email us at

I'm happy to share this book on this very important topic.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> The Wolf at the Door: Ep. 23 | Assessing a Potential Trust Lawsuit - Duration: 2:13.


My Contour & Highlight Routine (Round Face) - Duration: 15:10.

hey guys so for today's video I have my contour and highlight routine I'm really

excited to share this with you guys cuz I've been getting so many questions

lately on like the products that I've been using coz I've been doing more

cream contouring lately I've kind of switched up my highlight contour routine

over the last couple months it's not really the same powder routine that it

used to be I've really been loving creams I've also found some brushes that

have been like my holy girls I've been getting a lot of questions from you guys

on the brushes that I've been loving so yeah this video is gonna be a full

in-depth highlight and contour routine on how I shape my face since I do have a

wider rounder face with chubby cheeks so I do like to kind of really define and

shape my face through my contour and highlight so if you are interested in

checking out my contour and highlight routine then definitely keep on watching

alright so let's get started with my contour and highlight routine I've been

getting a lot of questions from you guys recently on what I use to cream contour

so that's we're gonna do today I've been really loving cream contouring lately so

that's what I've been doing so that's what I'm going to show you guys today so

I always start off with concealer and lately it's just been the Tarte shaped

tape I'm like obsessed with this concealer this is the shade light/medium

so normally when I apply my concealer I really go in and I don't do a white

triangle I've mentioned this before on my channel and that reason being I want

to pretty much shadow the sides of my face since I do have a wide face if I

highlight these parts of my face I'm just gonna you know drag my face

outwards and make it look wider whereas I kind of want my face to look longer

and slimmer as opposed to wider and rounder so instead of bringing the

concealer all the way back here like you see a lot of people doing instead I stop

over here and you'll notice I bring it down because I really want to again

elongate and I love this concealer because it's so nice and matte that I

don't even set it sometimes and it looks good and it barely creases and if it

does crease the tiniest bit I kind of just tap it out with my finger and it

goes right away like this concealer is really good if you haven't tried it you

need to so I also normally will take some right down my nose and I'll bring

it up on my forehead and again I'm not gonna take this and do this because I

don't want to widen my face I'm gonna kind of keep it going up almost straight

Cupid's bow and the little bit on the chin I don't really like too much in

that area just a little bit so now I normally go in with my Beauty Blender

and I just start right at the center and I kind of let my concealer sit on my

under eye a little bit that does make it a little fuller coverage even though

this concealer is super full coverage that really helps and a lot of the times

I'll go in with whatever I use to apply my foundation today just happens to be

the huda beauty brush because I just did the first impression of the foundation

so I'm gonna take whatever I used to apply my foundation and go around the

perimeters just like on the outlines just to make everything blend in so now

is where I take my Sigma 3d HD sponge this sponges holy grail for the

under-eye it just blends beautifully and I just love the shape the shape is

really what gets me so what I do is I start in the outer corner and I just tap

tap tap and keep patting it so you don't want to blend it in so much to the point

where you're blending away all the pigment so I just blend it enough and

then I take it up the sides of my nose because that works almost like a reverse

contour bring your cone and I'll stop right there and you'll see there's still

like some blending that needs to be done so that it looks blended and there's no

like rigid lines but what I'll do is I'll take whatever I use for my

foundation or a Beauty Blender either/or and I'll go only on the outlines and

even on the nose I'll just go only on that outline and then I'll go back in

with this I just kind of go back and forth so now that the concealing is kind

of done is when I will go into some cream contouring I have been obsessed

with the scent a beauty matchsticks the matte match sticks so I really have been

using the shade latte and truffle together latte being a bronzer and

truffle being that deeper defining contour so I know it's pretty popular to

put the cream contour on your face but I have kind of really developed the method

of applying it on the brush first now the reason why I kind of started doing

that is because I always hated cream because I applied it on the face and it

just took so long to blend and then sometimes I would over blend and it

would get patchy so I always hated cream contour that's why you guys never saw me

do it before but then I thought to myself one day I was like well what if I

just skip the whole applying it on the face part cuz that was just it was not

like I don't know it just takes too long and sometimes I over blended it it was

very easy to over blend for me I feel like it's more of a beginners trick to

do it this way so I was like what if I apply it on a brush first so I kind of

just did that and I fell in love with it and bam from there I started loving

cream contour because it just looks really natural and skin like on the face

but I still feel super glam so I love applying it on a brush so my two

favorite brushes that I get a lot of questions from you guys on this is the

elf 103 brush I'm obsessed with this for a natural day when I just when I don't

want any contour but I still want some definitions and bronze I'm obsessed with

it for that and for a cream bronzer and then the morphe East 7 it has like the

perfect little angle as you can see but it's still dense and it's not too big

it's not too small take that perfect size for a contour so this provides that

extra really deep definition so I love these two they are bomb for cream

contour like I could not live without them I use them religiously so like I

said I apply the product straight to the brush so we're gonna take a latte from

fenty Beauty and I'm gonna apply it straight on to the brush and this is how

we're gonna put it on the face I love how this is angled too cuz it just works

really nicely with the shape of your face where you would normally contour

and bronze I normally start right at the top of my ear just kind of like angling

it downwards so I'll do that and I'll pounce it I'm not gonna rub I'm just

gonna pounce it on and what this is gonna do is it's gonna help not move my

foundation underneath that looks you guys but look how easy that was to like

I feel like when you apply it on a brush its applied and blended and done at the

same time like a one and done situation just a lot quicker and I'm also gonna

take it and this is where I do a lot of shading a lot of people don't contour or

broaden this area but I really do it helps to make my face look less wide and

makes my face look slimmer so I'm gonna take just a

it a bit more product on my brush and I'm really gonna go in this entire area

even on up to like my eyebrow here right here and just really shade this entire

area in take a little bit more product and I'm gonna bring it a little bit up

my forehead now typically if you have a round face and like a wider face you

wouldn't really want to contour this area cuz you're making it smushed and

again I want to elongate my face but I just love it like I personally love a

nice little bronzed forehead so I don't bring it down too much because it

doesn't really do much in terms of like shaping your face you technically don't

want to really put bronzer there unless you have a really big forehead but I

just I like how it looks you know so now if I'm having a super lazy glam day I

will literally just take whatever's leftover on this brush and apply it on

the nose like super messily and it just gives you a nice natural quick nose

contour but we're gonna actually do full-on like not full-on nose contour

because I never do like a full intense one but that's sometimes what I do feel

like a quick version anyways I'm gonna take a little bit more product not a lot

but just a little bit and now we're gonna shape and contour the jawline area

but I'll show you exactly what I do for this part so I always start on the chin

and what I do is I don't know if you guys notice but I have pretty like wide

I don't know if this is gonna change once I lose more weight cuz I know once

I lost weight my jaw really looks a lot more defined because I kind of lost a

lot of fat in that area I don't know if that's gonna change even more but I can

tell my face shape right now I have like this right here and it's pretty you know

so sometimes I like to just cut that off and make it look a little bit slimmer

and longer so what I do is I take the chin area and I contour this almost like

as if you're gonna hide it almost and this is where I do a lot of that and

underneath and then I'll take it and just kind of blend it down because you

don't want there to be like that stark line but I'll always take it and connect

it a little bit to what I did before and just apply a little bit on the ears

whatever is left over so now we're gonna go in with truffle and this has been

like my favorite part lately especially when I want a super glam contour so I'm

going to take truffle apply a little bit because it's super

pigmented so just a little bit on the e7 and contour and add that extra


and look at how easy that is to just apply it and blend out and sometimes

I'll just take whatever is kind of left over and move it up so just stipple and

bounce it upwards just so that it's like seamless and I'll take whatever is left

over and just kind of applies not really much also lately I've been really taking

some and applying it under the lip it just gives you a lip that extra extra

pout and definition makes them look a little bit bigger so when it comes to

the nose contour you can use the Fenty beauty I just find it's pretty chubby

and I like to just apply it straight on the nose so I'm gonna use my NYX wonder

stick for this step I kind of alternate I really love the hard-candy contour

stick and medium for the nose I love the k'kaw beauty and medium for

the nose and I also love this one in the shade Universal for the nose so I kind

of just you know switch back and forth between those ones so I'm just gonna

take some I bring it kind of close to the brow and just bring it down and stop

it there I don't really do like a full-on intense nose contour I just kind

of like how it shapes my face when I have a little bit on so to blend out my

nose contour just keeping it real I've been using the k'kaw Beauty UM brush

just because it's small it just fits perfectly and I like it but it's

definitely not necessary I sometimes have done it with the e7 2 and just kind

of like how this one's a bit smaller and it just fits right there and it allows

me to be like a little bit messy with it I don't really need my nose contour to

be like perfectly chiseled and contour it I like it to look a little bit put a

bit more on the natural side and now what I always do is I will take my

Beauty Blender on the clean side and go over that just to make sure they all

blend in sometimes I'll take whatever is leftover on my sponge and reiterate that

highlight so I just remembered I didn't even set my under eye yet but that's

kind of what I was telling you is before you really do not need to set the Too

Faced under-eye but sometimes I still do I'm gonna take the Fenty Beauty

translucent Universal powder and I'm just going to set that under a little

bit with that so I'm actually also going to take the

Kat Von D shade in like contour palette I also use the wet and wild contour

palettes to I have them back there in my everyday makeup drawer I love them but I

just have this sitting on my vanity right now so I'm gonna use this one but

the wet and wild one is a total dupe and I use that one a lot like I've hit pan

on those ones so you can totally just buy that instead of the Kat Von D one

cuz it's cheaper but I'm just taking this yellow shade and setting and

brightening that under eye I don't really like to apply too much because I

don't really like to look too powdery and I will also take a little bit on the

top of the nose a little bit pretty much everywhere I use that Turk concealer so

I'm gonna set my nose contour a little bit with the hoola bronzer and I haven't

tried this brush before normally I just use a different brush but today I'm

gonna try this one this is the M 0 by morphe and I only am taking a little bit

like tiniest amount on the brush and I'm just slightly going over it not much

because again I like a really natural contour I don't like it to look like I

flew on contoured my nose on the bottom so now I'm going to set the cream bronze

in contour and I kind of you know change up what bronzers I'm using but today I

really want to use the Milani baked Soleil bronzer so I always get questions

on this brush this is the Sigma duo fiber f50 brush literally Holy Grail

bronzer brush the bristles that are on top here you see how they're kind of

like naked obviously the whole duo-fiber thing this top naked layer really

applies the bronzer smoothly and it doesn't move the prize underneath it

just applies it very airbrushed and then that layer underneath

makes sure that it kind of blends it out nicely it's just duo fiber brushes are

like balm so I kind of just let the top layer sit on top nicely I don't press

down too hard or just let it sit right on top and I do it in circular motions I

love this bronzer because it has a really nice

Lumosity to it but nothing too luminous and it just gives a nice medium

beautiful bronze you always want to bring it into the hairline too and of

course just take it on the job so sometimes I will apply blush and

sometimes it will apply a cream highlight but for today I just want to

go straight in with my Anastacio Nicole Guerrero glow kit in the shade and glow

getter my favorite like I just I loved this highlight so much I'm gonna take a

lot of it I really want to be beaming today because I'm gonna just do simple

makeup today so I just want my face to really speak for itself so I never take

my highlight and apply it on the sides cuz I've gone toward that area but I do

take it on the top of my cheek and just bring it down a little bit and I always

take it on the brow bone and bring it up here thank you and I always take some on

the nose and the Cupid's bow so that is pretty much it for my contour and

highlight routine I'm just gonna go ahead and finish up my brows my eyes my

lips and I'm gonna pop back on camera to finish up this video for you guys all

right you guys that completes my highlight and contour routine I really

hope you guys enjoyed it and I hope you got some helpful tips on how to make

your face look slimmer if you're like me and you do have like a wide face square

round or chubby cheeks anything like that this routine will definitely work

make sure you test it out let me know if you guys do end up testing it out and it

works for you anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this video thank you guys so

much for watching and of course I will see you guys in my next video bye guys

For more infomation >> My Contour & Highlight Routine (Round Face) - Duration: 15:10.


팬텀 스레드 PHANTOM THREAD 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> 팬텀 스레드 PHANTOM THREAD 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:18.


Latin Project - Duration: 2:01.

Once upon a time a boy, named Zach, was in his house.

Zach was tired, because he was street fighting.

But there was a problem! Crap! His mother also was in the house.

Mother, after seeing Zach, said, "today is school!"

Zach responded, "no, mother. I am sick today."

Mother, because she loved Zach, said, "awww, Zach, stay in the house today."

But Zach did not stay home. Zach went to Jupiter.

Zach was happy in Jupiter.

But there was a problem. Crap! His mother also went to Jupiter.

His mother, after entering Jupiter, saw Zach.

Was Zach in school? No! Mother was angry.

Mother said, "Zach, you are sick today. Why are you in Jupiter?"

Zach responded, "No mother. I am not sick today. I am tired."

Mother, because she was angry,

took Zach to school.

Zach was sad in school.

For more infomation >> Latin Project - Duration: 2:01.


Soviet song (1958) - Along the Small Hamlets (English subtitles) - Duration: 1:47.

Along the small hamlets,

On clear days and nights,

Oh, Budyonny and Voroshilov

Lead us into the decisive battle.

Mount! Sound the charge! The charge!

Mount! Cavalry, forward! Forward!

In the green steppe, From the First Cavalry Army,

The cunning foe won't go away!

Do not wait for me, my beauty,

Let me first deal with the enemies:

Oh, when the adversaries will have driven out -

Come out on the porch!

Mount! Sound the charge! The charge!

Mount! Cavalry, forward! Forward!

In the green steppe, From the First Cavalry Army,

The cunning foe won't go away!

After the battle, our cavalry

Will bow to your porch.

Oh, Budyonny and Voroshilov

Themselves will tell about me.

Mount! Sound the charge! The charge!

Mount! Cavalry, forward! Forward!

In the green steppe, From the First Cavalry Army,

The cunning foe won't go away!

For more infomation >> Soviet song (1958) - Along the Small Hamlets (English subtitles) - Duration: 1:47.


Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI QUATTRO PRO LINE - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI QUATTRO PRO LINE - Duration: 0:55.


Volkswagen Polo 1.4 TSI GTI 180PK DSG Pan.dak, Xenon 5D - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.4 TSI GTI 180PK DSG Pan.dak, Xenon 5D - Duration: 0:54.


My YouTube Channel says No Content - Here's What I Did - Duration: 0:56.

so so my youtube channel my youtube channel just brand new channels telling

me I don't got a content I'm like what you talking about ain't got no content there two

videos on that bad boy right there I haven't got no content so what I'm gonna

do I'm gonna Google that bad boy look at that bad boy fire what the blood clot is

going on so there it is why does my youtube channel say no how the content

look somebody did a YouTube video about it I watch it or check this right I'm

gonna click this right here let's see what happens here what's going on oh

what's going on OHP they help me you know play nothing

it this general says you have no content we went search on what China I can give

you a bunch of people who say got pissed off and do some googling and now the

sudden is working it's like a miracle

For more infomation >> My YouTube Channel says No Content - Here's What I Did - Duration: 0:56.


Jets Pick Best(Worst) Time to Throw Interception Against Miami!!! - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> Jets Pick Best(Worst) Time to Throw Interception Against Miami!!! - Duration: 5:27.


Army Capt Gary Rose r.i.s.k.e.d his life to save others in Vietnam w.a.r awarded Medal of h.o.n.or - Duration: 5:28.

Army Capt Gary Rose r.i.s.k.e.d his life to save others in Vietnam w.a.r awarded Medal of h.o.n.or

For more infomation >> Army Capt Gary Rose r.i.s.k.e.d his life to save others in Vietnam w.a.r awarded Medal of h.o.n.or - Duration: 5:28.


Little Einsteins Top Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 79 - Blue Pig - Duration: 20:19.

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