Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 30 2017

[music playing]

Every year for Halloween, I send my executive producer Andy

to a haunted house.


He gets so scared that I have to send someone to hold his hand.

And this year, one of my viewers suggested

that I send Sarah Paulson.

I don't know if you remember, but I scared Sarah Paulson, not

one, not two, but three times.

Since she was so brave, I sent her and Andy

to the Universal Studios Halloween Horror Night's

American Horror Story Maze.

Hi, Ellen.

Hi, Ellen.

Sarah Paulson.


You know her.

We love her.

Ridiculously talented actress.

I'm not sure what love means to you people.

So here we are.


Just keep talking for a long time, because then

when don't have to go in.

We are at the American Horror Story haunted house.

So you're obviously familiar with what's gonna happen.

And so you're gonna take the lead.

No, I'm not.

No, I'm not.

Here's my advice.

You're giving me advice?

You're the worst.

I know what's gonna happen.

You're gonna jump and squeal.

And you're gonna make noises like my grandma.


So now, we just stay calm.

How much far into it does it start?


I need you to be the strong.

Well, you're picked the wrong girl.

Just try and toughen up.

I really am gonna puke.

Listen, if you're the tough one, it makes for better TV.


I'll try to do that, because I definitely

want give you good television.


Wait is something gonna happen right away?

No, no, no.

They never hit you right away.

How do you know?

Because I've done these every year.

I don't like you.

That's-- I need you to be stronger.

No, no, no.

Come on.

Come on.

OK, so that's it.

They're spreading it out.

Not real.

You're not real.

You're not Kathy Bates.


God [bleep].

I hate you so much.

Did she spit?

What is that?

That wasn't bad.

This was really bad so far to me.

I didn't expect that second--


You need to be calmer.

I thought that was something.

They're not doing paintings this year.

Painting, real.

They are doing paintings this year.

You are the meanest person.

OK, oh, cute.

Special effects, just like your show.


I got you.

Yeah, you got me?

You have nothing.

I really am not a fan.

See, the sound sometimes throws you off--

OK, I'm back.

I don't eat pork.

See how I stood by you?

Yeah, you [bleep] [bleep] left me.

Sometimes you have to retreat.

Wait, you guys.

OK, table.

Who is it?

They never do it twice.

So now, we know, the right.

They never do it twice.

I feel unaccompanied.

I'm here.

I don't feel you are.

But they won't do it again they.

Never do it twice.

You don't do it twice.


They knew.

If you're gonna lie to me, this is not gonna well.

That's not supposed to be that way

and I'm gonna talk to supervisors.




Come this way.

I don't think I should follow you anymore.

Do you want to leave?

OK, I feel like we can--

What is there?

With the [bleep] pig.

What is that?


Oh my god.

Is there more.


That's fine.

Clock radio.


Not a clock radio.

Clock radio.

Also know as old timey painting.

Something's gonna happen.




Not real.

Not real.

It's the same lady from before.

Come on.

The sooner we're done-- this is a guy who works here.

This guy works here.

Sarah, safety.

[inaudible] hair.

Look how serious he is.

There's no fun with this one.

You shouldn't be scared.



I'm spitting a little.

I have a really dry throat.

And I'm not into these.


I'm not into these.

Because you don't know what's coming.


See the hole?

Watch that hole.

This is so--

It's so [bleep], right?

This is the worst [bleep] thing that ever [bleep]

happened to me.


Is this almost done?

Are you kidding me?


OK, just look for props.

Props are fine.

Just props.

A lot of times they try and distract you--

with a [bleep] pig.


We're good.

We're almost done.

How do you know?

I feel like--

I feel like we've been in here a week.


That's an ax.

Stop it.

That is an ax.

And it's unacceptable.

And you go back.

What the [bleep]?


We gotta get in front.

Oh, sorry you're not getting your shot.

Stop it.

You came out here already.

Like five times.

We made the ending pig [bleep].

That's it.

Nailed it.

We did it.

I'm not gonna say it gets to be more fun every year, Ellen.

But Sarah was a real trooper in there.

No, I wasn't.

You were terrible.


I'm not happy with you.

What do you want to Ellen?



Who the [bleep] is Ellen?

Also, I'm coming for you.

We're coming for you.

Coming for you.


Thank you, Andy.

Thank you, Sarah.

[music playing]

For more infomation >> Sarah Paulson & Andy Lassner Scream Their Way Through a Haunted House - Duration: 6:21.


Do NOT Watch Ghost Hunt this Halloween | GR Anime Review - Duration: 10:54.

Ahhh, smell that?

It's a fragrant smell, of chocolate, pumpkin, and

shitty lists of the best horror anime

to watch on this unofficial holiday of madness, death, and


Last time we talked, me and my friend Eric spent a good time talking about horror anime,

what it is, and what it isn't.

If you haven't seen it go check it out.

But the show I'm talking about today isn't so much horror, but a supernatural themed

series bent more on the unsettling.

At least I feel like that was the intent.

This is a series that has been, shall we say, haunting me for several years, since I first

started reviewing in fact.

But it's been on the chopping block for awhile,

I just never had the heart to put it down.

Not because I enjoyed this series, no, in fact anytime I see it recommended as an anime

to watch around this time of year I can't help but roll my eyes.

and it's not one of those like, very light "eh" kind of roll your eyes. No, it's the full on:

And that's because,

This series is not scary, it's not horror, it's not even particularly memorable either

to be honest.

But it does involve ghosts, and it does involve the supernatural, but I would much rather watch

almost any other anime with Ghost in the title.

Ghost Stories, Ghost Hound,

Ghost in the Shell

Stand Alone Complex

2nd GiG MA BOI!

But this is still kind of perfect for a….

Halloween episode, so here we are.

Ladies, Gentlemen and others my name is Arkada and welcome to Glass Reflection.

Today, Ghost HUNT.

*sigh* let's Jam.

So, let me give you the reasons why you might WANT to watch this show.

Thankfully they all revolve around the show's premise, so this section is relatively spoiler free.

Young high school student Mai, a connoisseur of ghost stories as it were, through accidental

ouran highschool like circumstance finds herself in the employ of a paranormal researcher.

This researcher, Naru, is brought in to observe paranormal activities and, with his

"apparent genius" removes problems so that normalcy can continue.

You may notice I speak with distaste when I talk about Naru, and that's because generally

speaking, he's a pompous ass.

He's the age of a high schooler despite being an entrepreneur and because of his intellect

walks around with a high and mighty attitude.

Like Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock but without, you know, anything remotely interesting

about his character.

Anyways, the show is made up of our characters finding and dealing with paranormal events,

but none of said events in this show are made up FOR the show.

They all have some basis in actual things that people believe about the paranormal.

How the show deals with the paranormal though……well here I want to draw a parallel with a live action series

called House MD.

You may have watched it or heard of it. Doesn't matter.

The general story of any House episode, is a patient has a problem, House quickly believes

he knows what the problem is due to his vast medical knowledge, but his staff all have

differing opinions and we spend the episode with each of them attempting their own solutions.

But none of that matters because House is always right.

Ghost Hunt is similar.

The supporting cast is full of a variety of different characters who all have their own

unique way of dealing with the supernatural.

Though of course while they all have their theories and their solutions which they believe

will of course work because they are awesome.

In the end they all fail and Naru's hypothesis is king and always correct, because SCIENCE!

At the very least however the secondary characters can be interesting, even if their schtick's

get old past the halfway point.

On top of which our Main character Mai does successfully fulfill her role as audience

surrogate / companion to Naru's Doctor.

There is a lot of empathy with her character as the series goes on, but ultimately she

is not a character who can hold the weight of the entire show and I don't feel like

she helped keep the show interesting.

For me, the problem is with how the mystery of these paranormal events are solved.

In that the solution to any arc is usually the same, Naru is always right.

All hail our supernatural overlord Naru the Narcissist.

However the show also likes to use red herrings to make you think, "Hey man, I know he's

always been right so far but this time, THIS TIME he's wrong."

But he never is.

Slightly off at times perhaps, but as always with the scientific method,

hypotheses can change with the introduction of new evidence.

Which I think comes to my major beef with the series.

It's slow.

Most of the time we aren't really dealing with a mystery, it's all about the paranormal.

So you'd expect plot points to come out of nowhere and the whole picture shouldn't

be seen until the end unless of course you are the great and powerful Naru.

The few times where a human culprit is involved however is where the slowness really takes root.

As I mentioned previously most of these storylines take place over the course of several


Labeled as such with Part one, Part two and so on.

I felt that most of these stories could have been halved in length and nothing really of great

significance would be lost.

There is so much superfluous information brought to the table that it just feels

like we are being dragged along through plot points that don't resolve anything

and are mostly incidental.

The slowness is also not really helped along by the show's animation.

This is probably a complaint that sticks out more now considering the shows age.

The vast majority of the show's animation involves heavy use of still shots and little

actual moment, at least nothing extraordinary.

Speaking about something that's not extraordinary, Let's talk about the show's opening shall we.

and while I'm talking I'm just going to play right here before you, because it's gonna help prove my point.

Now I wanted to take a moment to talk about this opening sequence, not because it's

good or even mediocre, but rather because it is quite probably the most boring anime intro

I have ever witnessed.

Like I'm hesitant to say that it's bad, but it's not very interesting.

Like look at it, LOOK AT IT! Half of it is little glowing balls, followed by some fake water,

and the music makes the whole thing sound like it's for a Saturday morning cartoon at the end.

I'm not wrong am I?

Which is such a shame because the musical score does so much more for this story then

the rest of it, but most of the time the music feels like it's ignored.

The musical score was composed by Toshio Masuda, who the year previous helped compose the

soundtrack to Mushishi which if you haven't listened to or watched, you should go do that.

But his music here gives this show a wondrous atmosphere, that I feel got stifled by the rest of the


There is a reason why I like to listen to anime soundtracks on their own outside of

the confines of the show.

Had I not done so in this case I would have given a response like "Ghost hunt had music?"

Well I guess it must have, but if I don't remember it it can't have been any good."

But it does have music, and it is very good, but it doesn't....or rather it does do it's job a bit too well.

It doesn't stand out.

It's like a young student doing its best to help and support it's Senpai without

actually trying to dominate the narrative or the production as a whole.

You don't notice it's even doing a good job until you pay attention.

It's an interesting allegory for the show's main cast honestly.


But, ok as far as details and information on the world of the supernatural this show

does has a lot to offer, and if that's the kind of thing that you get interested in, then by

all means try the show out.

Beyond that I see little appeal this far past the show's original airing.

It's strange, because I remember this show coming out.

There was quite a bit of praise towards this show.

A lot of praise for its characters, the stories it was telling, HOW it was telling them.

But now over 10 years after it aired on japanese television, I can't honestly hold those opinions.

It's not a bad show, and most of what I find it to be is just boring and uninteresting and I think

that could just be due to its age, because it hasn't aged well.

This is not a series that has stood the test of time, and likely it's not going to get

much attention past this point, well except for people like me who are looking for something

vaguely supernatural to use as review fodder near Halloween because I've already gone

through the more obvious subjects.

Except for maybe Gakkou Gurashi, but we'll get to that eventually.

As such with all of that in mind I present Ghost Hunt with the recommendation to Skip it.

While it may have some reasons for some people to watch it, if you are looking for a series

to fill up your time you of course could do worse.

But also you could also do so much better.

At the time of this video, Ghost Hunt has been licensed and is available from Funimation

entertainment both for Home Video and on their website for legal streaming. Links down below.

The review copy for this video was lovingly provided by the folks over at

A fine purveyor of anime DVDs, Blu-ray's, and other such merchandise for you to enjoy.

You can pick up Ghost Hunt from them, among many others, though honestly go with others,

like Higurashi, Shiki, heck even Parasyte.

Like I don't like that last one personally, but I bet you'll find more enjoyment out of it than this.

Which of course though brings me to alternate anime recommendations!

First off, another anime about sprits and supernatural Japanese stories, just you know I'm going to say

Mushishi, again. Because you need to watch that if you haven't.

Second recommendation, goes to a show written by the same author, but focuses on a different

kind of supernatural, specifically vampires.

I am talking about the series Shiki which I reviewed a few years back, and if you were

to watch that video on it [Shameless plug] you'll know that I had some qualms with

it as well, but between this one and that one Shiki was much better executed.

So with those recommendations you should hopefully find something to your liking.

And that's it from me.

Thank you for taking the time to watch this video! I hope you enjoyed it.

Please subscribe if you liked the video, follow me on Twitter if you feel so inclined, and

hey if you like what I do here and feel like helping out, go check out my Patreon page

and consider donating.

Specifically though I'd like to thank Joshua Garcia, Yunru Dovaqueen Robert Chumsae, Calhounboy,

Siri Yamiko, and Viktor Ekmark for being especially awesome.

And until next time, stay frosty!

For more infomation >> Do NOT Watch Ghost Hunt this Halloween | GR Anime Review - Duration: 10:54.


How to enjoy Halloween with funny hamsters! - Duration: 3:14.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!

For more infomation >> How to enjoy Halloween with funny hamsters! - Duration: 3:14.


The Legend of Tom Penny | Retro Rippers - Duration: 15:22.

Tom penny is basically a mythical

character in skateboarding. There's so

many urban legends and stories about the

crazy things that he's done. A lot of

them actually being true, which we'll

talk about. But Tom had one of the best

skateboarding styles of all time, of

anyone who put wheels to pavement. And a

lot of people actually consider him the

best skateboarder, in general, of all time.

So let's take a look at the career of

Tom penny. Welcome back to Rad Rat Video,

the channel you can learn something new

about skateboarding three times a week.

Every Monday Wednesday and Friday, we

take a look at something in the

skateboarding world, from tricks to

culture to your favorite skaters like

Tom penny. And Tom penny is a religious

or cult figure in skateboarding. You hear

about the cult of Tom penny, you hear

about his legends, you hear stories about

how he showed up at a park, did

something incredible and unheard of, and

then just faded away into the ether,

never to be seen again. All kinds of

really crazy things about Tom. From

his style to his demeanor, the way he

held himself on a skateboard,

he is absolutely a legendary

skateboarder and that we should take a

look at his history and where it came


Tom is from England, and he started his

career with the radlands contest over

there. Although he mostly grew up skating

alone, or with a small group of friends, his

first few appearances were pretty

heavily influenced by what was going on

in skateboarding at the time, like the

tech stuff, the multiple flips, and that

kind of thing, but you can see a glimmer

of what he would become. There's some

style under there, and there's some

switch and some nollie stuff, which was

still pretty new in 1994. Tom got 6th

place, but the following year in 1995 he

actually got 1st place, with a single run.

There were all sorts of stories even

from that, where he showed up, did his one

run and left halfway through the comp.

When he won, they had to call him to get

his mum to bring him back to find out

he'd won. Soon after that win, Tom moved

to the US. His original UK sponsor death

box, they had transformed into flip, and

they had moved headquarters over the US,

and Tom went to join them over there and

he also got on Etnies, where he got his

first full length, legit, video part

in High 5. Let's take a look at that.

There's a few standout tricks in here,

like that switch frontside flip over the

rail. Doing tricks over handrails was

still new, and switch frontside flips

were pretty new. This trick alone

would have been an ender. Also, his switch

flip was perfect. Not a lot of people

could do them just as well as their

regular ones, but Tom could. Or how about

this? The

flip back tail stall was sick enough, but

how about this ultra casual frontside

flip over the vert hip? A few years after

that, when I was first starting skating, I

saw that video part and I was not very

impressed because it looked so easy.

I couldn't even comprehend how hard that

stuff was supposed to be because of the

way that he does it so casually. But

think about who has the best frontside

flips you can think of. Did you think of

Andrew Reynolds? Because he went and he

tried that same frontside flip on the

hip, and this is what he said. I went to

chickens pool this one time to skate, and

just thought like, I want to try and

frontside flip where he got that little

hip, you know. He did the kickflip back

tail and then he just went down and did

that kickflip, stuck to the wall over the

hip. I figured I could frontside flip in

a quarter pipe, so I should be able to

frontside flip this little hip, right? I

tried it, and seriously, every time the

thing would just shoot me out to the

flat bottom. Like, completely out of

control. There was just no way I could do

it. After that, I was just like, "I don't

get it." He was just as delicate little

thing, just stuck to that wall. Flat

ground and vert are like the same thing

to that dude." Look, we're 20 seconds into

his video part and it's already

legendary, but his actual ender is a

switch frontside flip down this double

set, which is pretty crazy, because he did

a regular frontside flip, and that was

good enough to make it in Transworld.

He also switch frontside flipped

Carlsbad. Twice. The first time, he went

there alone, and the second time he

actually had to bring a filmer to

actually record it. He didn't even think

of it at the time, which you'll find

happened a lot over his career. Around

that time, there is also an industry

section in 411 issue 11. Tom only

has a few tricks, but just watch this

line. Every trick is perfect or better.

His tricks that are a tiny bit sketchy

are actually better looking than his

perfect ones. Everything is super clean.

And just watch how he ends it. A lot of

people probably could have done this

line, but just look at the way he does it,

the way that he just goes with the flow

of the spot. He doesn't push, he doesn't

do speed checks to try to get ready when

it's time to hit that rail, he just kind

of does it. He just goes with the flow. It

looks like he just made up that line on

the spot, and given the other things that

I've read about him, it's possible that

he did. But even if that one was planned,

there are a lot of stories about him

doing crazy stuff. There's this one from

Transworld in 2007. There's no

actual footage from this event, though.

"Outside of his ridiculous footage during

his early days in the States, one example

of the types of urban myths penny spawned

was one that I happened to experience

firsthand. In early 96, West LA's hot rod

skate shop had rented a warehouse

downtown, built a pretty decent mini ramp,

and threw a party to inaugurate/

celebrate the whole thing. With

jam-packed platforms and anywhere from

two to four skaters dropping in at the

same time, the session was extremely

heated. With his trademark beanie pulled

well below eye level, Penny embarked on

his run-of-the-mill tranny destruction

run, miraculously dodging the likes of

Mike Carroll, SAD and others. As he

casually cruised the ramp until he was

alone, pretty much at that very moment,

every light in the warehouse blew a fuse

and the entire party was left in pitch

black. However, through the darkness the

discernible noise of Tom's trucks

hitting the coping did not stop for

nearly a full minute, until someone found

the fuse box with the help of a lighter and

some luck.

Penny kept skating, either unaware or

simply unaffected by the lack of vision

on the ramp. Precisely as a lights came

back up, a stunned crowd watched in

disbelief as Tom's frozen, mid frontside

flip, floating over the ramp, completely

undaunted by either light or dark. Sixth

sense indeed." Also in 1996, Tom appeared

in Transworld UNO video. He only has a

few tricks at this bank spot, but even

that is a crazy story.

So if you want to see the whole video

watch Transworld Anthology. There is some

music in the beginning, so I can't play

it for you for copyright strike reasons,

but I'll try to summarize it. So the team,

being rob dyrdek and some other skaters,

took him to this spot and it's a really

crazy spot. It's really steep, it's just

the right length that it can shoot you

right onto your face if you mess up, and

they figured they'd get some basics out

of him: his switch flip, his frontside

flip and stuff like that. But what

actually happened was pretty ridiculous.

So he did that basic stuff they were

expecting, but he just didn't stop. He did

a nollie backside flip, going in blind

and fakie, and after that nobody else was

skating because they were just watching

this guy do whatever he wanted. Within a

couple of tries, he does a bunch of stuff,

and then he sealed the deal with a

switch backside flip. "Don't come back

here, the bank is definitely closed."

"That was the final time I feel like

anything was ever done there. I don't, I

can't even imagine, like, especially in

Southern California, like, when one

individual just shuts a spot down, like... I

don't think... nobody goes there. Not even

to this day, like, you can't go there

because you know, like, no matter... it

doesn't matter what you do, like, it just

will never compare to the one man

destruction session that he just put

down, and like, blessed skateboarding with."

Absolutely crazy, but also in 1996, Tom

got his first Transworld cover doing

this front blunt is completely

unbelievable... because he didn't actually

land it. Kind of weird. These days, you

would never consider publishing a trick

that wasn't landed, but apparently that's

what happened. But tom was always super

casual. If he was trying the trick and

just didn't feel it, then he would have

walked away and not even bothered with

it. I found a ton of stories about just

how ridiculously casual he was, like this

one from Chad Muska.

"That was pretty much the craziest part

of it all. It was almost like he didn't

know he was doing anything special. None

of it was conscious. Nothing he's done

has been conscious. It's just all natural.

His whole life is like that. Anywhere you

went, he would just bust something. No

cameras, nothing. None of it was ever

planned in any way. It was never like, "I'm

gonna do this, and I'll get this cover and

be a superstar." It was just, "Oh, there's an

obstacle in front of me, and I want to do

this down it." Boom. "I'm just doing it." Tom

was one of the biggest skaters in the

world in 1996, and then he suddenly just

disappeared, and even his disappearance

was casual. I remember even when I first

started skating a few years later, I

started 2001, there were always these

stories about Tom sightings. People

would see him somewhere, "he showed up at

my skate park, he did a giant nollie flip,

and then he's gone." There would be ads

published of him where he would be doing

a trick, and it would just say 'somewhere

in Europe.' You wouldn't know where, and

you wouldn't know when it was shot or

anything like that.

He was completely gone from the public

eye, and even his sponsors had a hard

time tracking him down, like Sole Tech.

They wanted to give him a pro shoe, and

they kept asking what he wanted his pro

model to look like and he just never got

back to him. Apparently, he had been

skating around Europe in Timbaland

boots for a year, the same

boots, and so they kept asking him 'what

do you want you shoe to be like?' Over and

over, and he eventually just sent them the

boot so that they could do some sketches

based on it, and they got it. And it

wasn't actually a Timbaland boot,

that's kind of the urban legend version

of the story. It was actually a Colombia

hiking boot, but still. Either way, this

dude had a shoe sponsor, he had enough

money to buy skate shoes, and yet he was

just skating around in hiking boots, you

know. It just didn't matter to him.

Something else that didn't matter to him:

I found this story where he lived in

Europe and he -- in France I believe -- and he

was right next to a filmer, and they

lived right next to each other, and they

also lived by this park. Well there was a

bunch of cool stuff to skate. Sometimes

he would call up the filmer and they

would go do stuff, sometimes he wouldn't

even bother. So one day, he went there, he

found the biggest gap that was in the

whole park, and he kicked flipped it, and

he didn't bother to call the guy. It just

didn't matter to him. But why did Tom

actually leave? There was always a lot of

talk about how he wasn't happy with the

skateboarding industry or how things

were going in the US and stuff like that.

But here's a quote from Tom himself: "I

never really made any decision to leave

the states or the spotlight. Right before

I left, I was living with Shawn Sheffy for

a couple of weeks, and he was like, 'you're

not coming back.' I was like, 'yeah I am.

I'll be back in two weeks. I'm just going

to the contest and then I'm coming back.'

He was like, 'no you're not coming back.' I

went to all the Euro contests and just

ended up in London I saw all my old

friends again and ended up staying there

for a while. It just happened." Of course

he just kind of wandered over there and

it just kind of happened. Completely

ridiculous. Well there's a ton of really

crazy things that happened while he was

over there in Europe. For example, he shot

this ad in 1998,

although the ad ran in 2000. He's doing

an Indy 540 on vert. Tom had skated pools,

a lot of transition and stuff like that,

but he was never known as a vert skater.

And yet, here he is doing a legitimate

Indy 540, with a legitimate amount of

vert skater level air. Completely crazy.

And even more crazy is the fact that he

had never tried a 540 before. He just

kind of got the idea and did it. And he

never bothered to call up a filmer, even

though he was filming for menikmati at

the time, and he actually made it pretty

tough on himself. He said, "I would drink a

beer between every try. I think I drank

something like 18 elephant tall boy

Carlsberg beers before

I finally landed it. I manual rolled the

flat bottom and manual rolled up the

other side. It was pretty crazy." Yeah,

there was a lot of drug and alcohol use

around this time too, but he says he

cleaned his life up around 2003. But

here's another crazy story from the time

in France. This is that same park I was

talking about earlier. He does a 5-0 shove

it out. It's basically like a one set,

like a stair height. I could probably do

that trick at that spot. Just picture how

that would look if you or I did that.

Okay, but now this is Tom doing it.

Transworld wrote a whole article about

the invisible shove it. It kind of looks

like he does a 5-0 and he's gonna go

to tail side, then he just doesn't. His

feet never look like they leave the

board, but somehow it ends up rolling

away backwards. It's completely crazy.

That was just his style though, it was

just so fluid and natural. You could

barely even see when things happened.

Here's another crazy one: this is a 360

flip to fakie that he did in Copenhagen.

Here's the story: "there were not many tries,

it's only a few as I remember it. The guy

is such a natural, it's insane. That roll

in he's skating is no joke.

It's a gnarly place to do those tricks,

and the way he did them, it was hard to

comprehend. I'm not sure he even noticed

Jesper shooting. Jesper got two great

photos: the 360 flip for the es ad, and a

frontside flip that I don't remember if

it showed up somewhere. As far as I

remember he made a couple of them (the

360 flips), maybe two or three." There's

actually a rumor that he was really

upset when he saw that ad because he was

there shooting the frontside flip for

TSA ,and that 360 flip was just poached,

like he wasn't planning on using it for

anything. But that's completely


like he was just doing those anyway. He

didn't care if it was documented, and

someone just happened to take a picture

and shoot an iconic ad that's completely


But his skating, it really makes me think

of how I skated back in the day, you

know, I was the complete opposite. I was

always trying to film for video parts. I

wasn't on any kind of Pro videos, I was

just shooting for YouTube, but every time

I went out, I would always push myself a

lot further than what I could do and

I just get more and more angry, just

trying to force this trick that I just

couldn't do. I would finally land it

really really sketchy and that would be

good enough, and I would just go home

angry. But that's not what Tom was like,

you know.

He would just do it. He was skating at

video part quality all the time.

Completely crazy. So after all that time

in Europe he came back and he shot for

Menikmati, which is one of my favorite videos ever

made. He was also in Sorry, Really Sorry and

Extremely Sorry. He moved back to the US

with a permanent residence visa in 2006,

and the parts that he put together

during this time were amazing, as were

his board sales. This Cheech and Chong

graphic sold like crazy, and flip ended

up having to pay Cheech royalties when he

found out about it.

Geoff Rowley said it was one of their

best selling boards for 13 years

as of 2009, but it's actually been

re-released more since then. After a few

years in the US, it seems like he ended

up back in Europe. You start to see his

footage and pictures coming from over


In 2015 Lucien Clark mentioned in an

interview that Penny isn't allowed in

the US anymore. I don't know the story

there. Maybe his visa got revoked or

something. I'm not really too sure, but in

2014 he was in a UK video called Albion.

It was shot on a VX but it's actually

pretty new. He's 37 here and it looks a

lot like his signature style is kind of

faded away over time. Although, because of

his cult-like status, you'll see people

arguing in the comments that this is the

best skateboarding has ever looked in

all history. I'll let you decide for yourself.

Last year, he filmed some stuff in Chile.

You never really know where he's gonna

turn up. It looks like he's still rocking

boot style skate shoes. His Supra model

which is called the Bandit, looks like

this. He also had a small section in the

Supra video 'Oscar and Friends.' At this

point is more about cameos than full-on

video parts. And a couple of months ago,

he shot this ETN ad in Copenhagen. Maybe

he's staying there now. I don't know.

He's 40 years old now, and whether he

comes back to the US, or if he ever cares

to come back to the US, time will tell.

But that is what I was able to find

about Tom penny. Share your favorite Tom

penny stories below. I know there's a lot

more. I wasn't able to cover all the ones

that I found, but in the meantime, until

my next video, here are a couple more

videos you can check out. There's also a

big logo right in the middle of the

screen that you can tap to subscribe, and

that way you can keep learning new

things about skateboarding three times a

week. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> The Legend of Tom Penny | Retro Rippers - Duration: 15:22.


Dog Eats Owner & Becomes Latest Internet Sensation - Rumpelstiltskin - Duration: 2:16.

Meet Rumplestilkskin, the chihuaha who has become the latest viral internet sensation.

Rumplestiltskin's not only famous for his shifty eyes, but for a much darker reason.

He was forced to eat his owner to avoid starvation.

I'm going to tell you everything you need to know, here for you on IO.

What is good potatoes, my name is charlotte and this is IO, the channel that talks about

everything viral.

Don't forget to hit that thumbs up and subscribe for more trending news commentary.

Rumplestiltskin is the internet's new favourite doggo.

And With a face like that, its no surprise he's become the internets latest obsession.

Rumpel was in a bit of a pickle after his owner died.

There was no food in the house and he was forced to eat his owners corpse in order to

keep himself alive.

His owner was dead for two weeks, meaning rumple was starving when he was forced to

eat her.

Rumplestiltskin was eventually saved, kept in a shelter, and now, one year later he has

a new owner, who wants the world to know what a sweetheart her pup is.

His new owner, Tifanee fortuna, posted his story on the facebook page dogspotting, which

is a page where dog lovers gather together to praise their dogs.

The post read ' maybe this is the group where he finally gets the recognition he deserves.

This is rumplestiltskin and he is 4 pounds of love and nervous shaking.

His legs are weirdly long for his small body, which makes him look like a fancy table.

He lieks food, undevided attention and sleeping for many hours at a time.

Man look at those legs, she really wasn't kidding.

The post quickly went viral, with many people conflicted about rumpel.

Response to the post has been somewhat mixed…Some people showed their support for his survival

instincts, others expressed their fear and disgust.

I mean, when it comes down to it, he's an animal, and a small animal at that.

I doubt this dog could have eaten much of his owner.

How do you feel about rumplestiltskin?

Let me know in the comments below.

Speaking of comments its time to respond to some of yours.

Redd Flame productions –I'm obsessed with this channel after being subbed for a week.

Thanks for subbing and im glad you enjoy our videos.

IfoxArmy – you are not funny if you say the word potato.

We have come to the end of the video, thanks so much for watching the whole thing.

Over here is a link to our Patreon where several of you have already donated.

Please check out the link to find out the perks of donating.

And if you would like to continue watching IO, check out our playlist shocking news stories.

That's it for me, later taters.

For more infomation >> Dog Eats Owner & Becomes Latest Internet Sensation - Rumpelstiltskin - Duration: 2:16.


WE WON A FREE TESLA ROADSTER!!! (Next-Gen) - Duration: 7:17.

For more infomation >> WE WON A FREE TESLA ROADSTER!!! (Next-Gen) - Duration: 7:17.


Marfan Syndrome - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology - Duration: 6:54.

Marfan syndrome is a genetic disorder that results in defective connective tissue, which

can affect a person's skeleton, heart, blood vessels, eyes, and lungs.

Normally, the interstitial space of various body tissues is full of microfibrils - which

are strong ropelike structures that provide tissue integrity and form connective tissue.

The main component of microfibrils is a glycoprotein called fibrillin.

In some structures microfibrils form a scaffold for additional proteins like elastin.

Elastin fibers are highly cross-linked, and that gives them a rubber-band-like quality,

which allows tissues to stretch and then spring back to their original shape.

Tissues that have elastin fibers are tissues like the arteries, skin, and lungs, and tissues

that have microfibrils but no overlying layer of elastin are like tendons and the ciliary

zonules that hold the eye lens in place.

These tissues are less stretchable, but still have considerable tensile strength.

In addition to being part of microfibrils, fibrillin also regulates tissue growth.

Fibrillin sequesters or removes transforming growth factor beta, or TGF-β, which stimulates

tissue growth, so fibrillin therefore lowers how much TGF-β is available to stimulate


Marfan syndrome is caused by mutations in a gene called FBN1, or fibrillin 1, on chromosome


It's autosomal dominant, which means that even if there's a normal copy of the gene,

a single mutated copy of the gene – in other words a heterozygous mutation – is sufficient

to cause the disease.

The FBN1 gene encodes Fibrillin-1 protein, one of three fibrillin subtypes.

In Marfan syndrome, fibrillin-1 is either dysfunctional or less abundant.

As a result, there are fewer functioning microfibrils in the extracellular matrix, and that means

there's less tissue integrity and elasticity.

Connective tissue is found throughout the body, so this can affect nearly every body


Additionally, TGF-β doesn't get effectively sequestered, so TGF-β signaling is excessive

in these tissues - meaning more growth.

The most obvious physical features of Marfan syndrome involve the skeleton.

The long bones grow excessively, so individuals are tall with long arms and legs – this

is called a Marfanoid body habitus.

They have long, thin fingers and toes too, called arachnodactyly, which is a reference

to the long legs of spiders.

Finally, overgrowth of ribs can cause pectus excavatum, where the chest sinks in, or pectus

carinatum, where the chest points out.

Other bone and joint features include scoliosis where the spine has a sideways curve, an inability

to extend the elbows all the way to 180 degrees, flexible joints, a downward slant to the eyes,

and a narrow palate that crowds the teeth.

In the skin, Marfan syndrome can cause stretch marks, and in the lung it can cause bullae

to form.

Which are large spaces that replace the normal architecture of the lungs and can cause a

pneumothorax to form.

In the eyes, Marfan syndrome is a risk factor for retinal detachment and a dislocation of

the lens, which is usually in an upward direction.

The most serious features, though, of Marfan syndrome are cardiovascular.

The aorta dilates over time, which is a risk for aortic valve insufficiency, where blood

leaks back into the left ventricle during diastole.

The aorta also undergoes cystic medial necrosis, which is where there is degeneration of the

tunica media, which is the central portion of the aortic wall.

Both dilation and cystic medial necrosis weaken the aorta, making it susceptible to aneurysm,

dissection, and rupture.

An aneurysm is an outpouching of a vessel, which weakens its wall even further.

A dissection is where the inner wall, or intima, gets a tear, and blood tracks into a false

lumen in the vessel wall.

And this can occlude normal blood flow.

An aortic rupture is a full-thickness tear, which allows blood to escape the vessel.

And all of these complications can be fatal.

Finally, Marfan syndrome is a risk factor for mitral valve prolapse, where the mitral

valve pouches into the left atrium during systole.

The features of Marfan syndrome, though, might not be present for everyone with Marfan syndrome,

and any given feature can be more or less severe.

Also, Marfan syndrome isn't usually noticeable at birth, so the symptoms show up over time

as the child grows.

Occasionally, though, features are present at birth, called early-onset or neonatal Marfan


As for diagnosis, A person is diagnosed with Marfan syndrome if they have clinical features

of Marfan syndrome like aortic disease, a dislocated lens, family history, and FBN1


Now, although there is no cure for Marfan syndrome but there are treatments for some

of the clinical features.

For example, if an eye lens dislocates, it can be removed and replaced by an artificial


If the aorta gets too wide, it can be repaired surgically so it doesn't dissect or rupture.

Beta blockers have been shown to slow aortic dilation, and the angiotensin receptor blocker

losartan, which decreases TGF-β signaling, can slow dilation even more when given in

conjunction with a beta blocker.

All right, as a quick recap -Marfan syndrome is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder

caused by mutations in the FBN1 gene.

This leads to fewer fibrillin microfibrils in certain connective tissues, which compromises

their strength and elasticity, and upregulating TGF-β signaling.

The end result is an individual with a tall, thin body with symptoms of loose connective

tissue, most importantly in the aorta.

For more infomation >> Marfan Syndrome - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology - Duration: 6:54.


MMD |Undertale/Dusttale| Huh? [ClassicDust] |Yaoi Warning...| (English/Spanish Subs) - Duration: 1:05.

MONJA! (x3)

You must be very hungry, if you stopped studying


I wasn't getting any studying done


Plus, you look happy



My heart isn't pounding

Huh? Why not?

So, I've noticed you don't make my heart flutter


I wonder why...

I guess it's because my heart was pounding before I even kissed you!

But I still love you <3

Hey! Let's hurry, Sans!


For more infomation >> MMD |Undertale/Dusttale| Huh? [ClassicDust] |Yaoi Warning...| (English/Spanish Subs) - Duration: 1:05.


YouTube Blogger's iPhone X Video Gets Her Dad Fired From Apple - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> YouTube Blogger's iPhone X Video Gets Her Dad Fired From Apple - Duration: 0:54.


Boy, 11, Shot While Loading Gun With 10-Year-Old Brother - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Boy, 11, Shot While Loading Gun With 10-Year-Old Brother - Duration: 1:46.


The Talk - What Shifted You Into Becoming Your Own Person? - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> The Talk - What Shifted You Into Becoming Your Own Person? - Duration: 3:48.


Two Indictments, One Guilty Plea In Trump-Russia Probe - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Two Indictments, One Guilty Plea In Trump-Russia Probe - Duration: 2:00.


Indiana delegation reaction to Russia probe indictments - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Indiana delegation reaction to Russia probe indictments - Duration: 2:16.


How Far is Too Far? - Duration: 2:08.

So one of the questions I get asked a lot in the classroom is,

"How far is too far?"

If I want to commit to living a life of chastity, how far can I go in my relationship?

And I think that that is the wrong question to ask.

I think there's a genuine desire to know how we can best love someone,

but I think that is the question we should be asking.

How can I best love the person that I'm dating?

How can I best respect them and cherish them for who they are?

And it's really important to distinguish between affection and arousal.

Affection is all of these healthy ways that we can show someone we care about them in a dating relationship.

So it's fun to brainstorm some ways that we can show affection,

but handholding, I think is so underrated in our culture.

I think it feels so good to have your hand held.

Or hugs.

Or those simple kisses on the lips, the forehead, the cheek.

Any simple way that you're showing that other person

that they're special and that they're precious to you.

There are other actions that actually prepare our bodies for sex.

And these actions are called arousal.

And we want to avoid these things when living out chastity

so that we don't get ourselves into a situation that we don't want to be in.

We draw the line here, and this is really challenging,

we draw the line here at making out and anything further.

And that might sound extreme.

You might be thinking,

"Lindsay, like, making out isn't a big deal.

What's wrong with making out?"

But the truth is, sometimes even making out can prepare out bodies for sex.

So we want to avoid those actions if we're really seeking to live out the virtue of chastity.

So it's so important, when you're dating someone, to sit down and to talk about boundaries.

You can have the best intentions when living out chastity, but if you're not clear about

what actions that we can show the other person to show affection, then it's really hard day

in and day out to continue to choose that virtue.

It's so important to be on the same page so that you can both be strong in living out

this beautiful virtue of chastity.

For more infomation >> How Far is Too Far? - Duration: 2:08.


Why Charlie Daniels Loves The South | Southern Living - Duration: 0:52.

It's where I was born.

I'm proud of the place I was born.

I'm proud of the South.

(country fiddle music)

I think there's a lot of good things about the South.

I'm Southern, and I was born in the South,

and I've lived in the South most of my life.

There's a pace of life here that I like.

I communicate with people because I was raised around 'em.

You know, it's funny.

People set off and make fun of us,

how slow we are and everything.

Yet, there's a hundred people every day coming to Nashville

from other places,

so we must not be the only ones that like it here.

My favorite food in the world is

country-style steak with rice.

You want to throw in some side dishes,

maybe some sliced tomatoes, cucumbers,

a biscuit or cornbread, either one,

sweet tea, that's all I need.

For more infomation >> Why Charlie Daniels Loves The South | Southern Living - Duration: 0:52.


Hayat Sırları / Life Secrets - Teaser 4 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:54.

Mustafa Kuzgun does the same thing everyday, at the same time for the last 30 years.

This cannot be changed or proposed to be changed.

- What is this, son? - Pudding.

Throw it away. I said, throw it away!

That's the only thing I've left with. Put it back when you are done.

We lived eyes to eyes, hand in hand for a year.

You were madly in love, sister.

I got her break-up text when I was in America.

I couldn't find her when I got back. She dropped out of the school, too.

I'm trying to understand why you left that boy then. The secret of the century.

- What happened to the girl? - That girl vanished into thin air and then I did.

- Time passes. Who knows where she is now. - Ah, Seher has come.

For more infomation >> Hayat Sırları / Life Secrets - Teaser 4 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:54.


Episode two: The Brainstorm - Duration: 2:51.

So I guess we wanted to stop today off by seeing if you guys have any questions about yesterday?

I know we're looking to have some sort of experience when we

come out of it that we're designing but I still I'm curious about I guess our target.

I think we need an idea that demonstrates thinking and doing.

I think at this moment since we've only just started brainstorming let's just try and get any idea out.

So I think the more we kind of ask the questions, the more we

will kind of free up our thinking space.

This brainstorming session - the activity here it's called 'Superheroes'.

Currently, we're just running through some idea generation using popular figures

like Superman, Kim Kardashian and Trump.

Alright so, if we start with Superman - if we were Superman, how would we get people to come to Unitec?

What if Superman somehow makes the first floating Uni?

Flying around with a Unitec banner?

Kind of like just having a little bit of a laugh.

Trump tweets that he supports every Uni except for Unitec.

Everyone gets a free haircut but they're always Trump-cuts.

He builds a wall around Unitec.

So, I was thinking instead of a 'You're Fired', a 'You're Hired' campaign?

Yeah, wicked! That's cool because when students graduate, they have the real-world skills and stuff.

So yeah, getting hired straight off the back of that would be awesome.

The twist of 'You're fired!' to 'You're hired!' I thought that was pretty ingenious, good one Abrah.

Yeah, it's just really good to exercise your brain in a different way.

Okay guys, so as you can see we've done a whole bunch of different ideas

and it just goes to show that when you look at a problem from someone else's position,

You get a whole bunch of different solutions that you wouldn't have possibly thought of.

So, if you're ever stuck or you have like a creative block or something, just channel that.

You can really kind of get a different angle on things.

I think, I feel like we're headed on the right track.

We've got a bit of time and it's just nice to think that we have all the support, as well, from each other.

It's not just on one person, but it's on the team and as a team we can get through this.

So, this is a great time to have a look at your ideas before they get to the Creative Director.

It would be kind of fun to stage a public game show.

A Unitec expo.

A Unitec carnival.

They seem to have hated it.

We really need to get this into a much better space.

... Yeah.

For more infomation >> Episode two: The Brainstorm - Duration: 2:51.


Meet Nokia Steel Activity Tracker - Duration: 1:10.

We have two daughters. They keep me pretty busy,

but my health is important to me so I get exercise when I can.

The Nokia Steel motivates me to do at least some kind of cardio

for 30 minutes to an hour.

I didn't realize how challenging that was until I got this watch.

I like running outside and the dial tells me exactly what percentage of my daily activity goal I'm at.

I don't have to worry about it getting wet because I do like to swim.

The watch knows what activity I'm doing, and it's very user friendly.

It's nice how the phone and the Health Mate app synch automatically, and it shows right up top how many steps you have so far.

Plus it has up to eight months of battery life, so I don't have to worry about charging it everyday.

I like that it looks like a normal watch, but it does much much more.

For more infomation >> Meet Nokia Steel Activity Tracker - Duration: 1:10.


Rome's Trevi Fountain Dyed Red by a Vandal for the Second Time in 10 Years - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Rome's Trevi Fountain Dyed Red by a Vandal for the Second Time in 10 Years - Duration: 1:01.


SNBRN Explains Lyrics While Making A Blinged Out Pumpkin Mask | Voodoo 2017 - Duration: 3:29.

Hi this is SNBRN here at Voodoo Fest and we're

about to talk shit and make masks, hope you guys

are ready.

I owe it all to my mom.

Costumes, it's essential.

How can you not dress up, it's New Orleans, Halloween?

When I found out I was playing Voodoo I was like

"This is the most amazing thing ever"

My suitcase, I don't even have clothes.

It's just costumes.

I was a sheriff through the airport on the way over.

It is's a Jimmy Dean Sausage which is a

------ giant sun, which I'm SNBRN.

So, it's a giant sun but my mom's like "You gotta

be a superhero sun" so my mom made me a ------ SNBRN

superhero cape.

So, like I'll be a giant sun and just get hammered

and run around.


Always three hundred many, many years.

It's something about wearing a leather diaper...


Ooh okay, that's very difficult cause you can

get really into it.

I would say like Sixth Sense like when I was

younger that was the scariest or Signs was the

scariest but I saw It...------ amazing

B-Horror movies, I absolutely love.

But now shit, it's all about the pop up's not even scary, it's just

"we're gonna like ahh!"


I'm having too much fun here.

Back to making a pumpkin mask.

"No GMOs, Real Hoes" it was like the biggest

ongoing joke cause like we're hammered on Melrose,

me and my boys and we went to like Viceroy's launch

party right there at like a pop up at Melrose and

we're just cracking up of like how many ----- health

food stores and like...and then we just kinda came up

with it and we're rapping it and we were like

"Yo this could kinda be like a tight G house like little track"

and then we went back to my place and dude,

we recorded it.

But it kinda just started as just like with the boys

having a good time just making jokes.

Like I said, "No GMOs, real hoes" but not in a

discriminatory sense but like I like real women,

don't get me wrong.

I'm all about that real shit.

I got ADD, I can't multitask and do this shit

at the same time.

I'm working on an EP to really define who I am and

I got really caught up with you know, the major

label and writing like bullshit pop music.

I lost a little bit of myself and like now I'm

just going back and truly just doing this EP for me

and it's like "you like it, you don't whatever" it's me.

I'm gonna do whatever the ---- I like, you like it

or you don't, you get me or you don't.

Hi this is SNBRN here at Voodoo Festival, thank you

guys so much.

What a crazy city, what an amazing time.

This is the place to be on Halloween.

Thank you guys so much.

For more infomation >> SNBRN Explains Lyrics While Making A Blinged Out Pumpkin Mask | Voodoo 2017 - Duration: 3:29.


B Camera | Episode 60 | Middlemarch: The Series - Duration: 2:10.

[Episode 60 - B Camera]

I never thought I could feel this way.

I mean, I always assumed I was straight,

but ever since I met you, - Rosy?

- I've been feeling like- - Dot!

- Oh.

I'll just-

- Are you okay? - Don't. Please.

- Maybe you can go after her and explain that she's the one you like, and not me.

- Go after her?


You really think she would listen to me after she saw that?

- You can tell her whatever you want.

Just- you can blame it on me.

I don't mind.

- Somehow I don't think she'd like me anymore if I just blamed everything on you.

I mean I-

Before I mean there -

I didn't have any hope that me and Dot could ever-

But at least I knew - I thought -

that she thought I was a good person.

But now...

Rosy, I'm so sorry about your breakup.

I really am.

If there's anything I can do...

- It's fine. Just go.

- Okay.

For more infomation >> B Camera | Episode 60 | Middlemarch: The Series - Duration: 2:10.


أداة على الإنترنت للكشف عن سرطان الجلد|Health Online - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> أداة على الإنترنت للكشف عن سرطان الجلد|Health Online - Duration: 5:40.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...



For more infomation >> [VOSTFR CC] [N'-13] JOHNNY'S FASHION EVALUATION - Duration: 2:46.


For more infomation >> [VOSTFR CC] [N'-13] JOHNNY'S FASHION EVALUATION - Duration: 2:46.



Thanks, Please Like, Comment Share and Subscribe

if though I be on individual tables Central Java districts require pupils

Bryce wearing a veil or knee cap were

about the wearing of the veil for the school students had crowded discussed in

social media these last few days

a photograph depicting the atmosphere of teaching and learning by all students

wear the veil viral and shared by thousands of people fighting the tempo

magazine unvisited the school in the village of month Engler rains in the

mountainous area bordering the district Monday October 30th 2017 turns out it's

true the atmosphere of the class in a school that is about 60 kilometres from

the city centre of the province was exactly like the one in the photo

we're a uniform of white top grey skirts and white head scarf closed face veiled

color black the class X students majoring in computer engineering network

tkj as it was following the lessons of mathematics although all pupils wear

face coverings his teachers did not wear the veil and wore Huygens principle

custom to wide the Amoco justify subway Mia obliges schools to wear the veil the

new rule was enacted in the past year yes it's been one this year the

enforcement of wearing the veil said custom too

meanwhile the chairman of the IOM meadow Lavinia Habib ibn Sully who oversees the

school says the enforcement role of wearing the veil that is an initiative

of the manager that step is done as a form of it erm snow that students do not

fall in sin

according to heavy IBM solid enforcement of wearing the veil only applies to

Santa I were the only good schools in CMS for MTS there's not a grad student

from Santry cottage it may not wear the veil he said


For more infomation >> SMK di KOTA TEGAL WAJIBKAN SISWINYA PAKAI CADAR - Duration: 3:02.


For more infomation >> SMK di KOTA TEGAL WAJIBKAN SISWINYA PAKAI CADAR - Duration: 3:02.


I'm not blocked anymore. - Duration: 13:42.

wiggle wiggle wiggle


Welcome to this poorly made video

with a completely fucked up lighting against a wall

and that's completely not natural.

That's horrible, why did I do that?

Can you see my face correctly now?


That's shit.

*insert a cancerous and clickbait title here*


I'm just fucking killing my microphone cable right now.


I'm not here to joke. (you're here to joke Ario, shut up)

I just prepared nothing, this is clearly one of my most fucked up video...


I need to straight my microphone too...

So everybody can hear me.


So, what was I talking about...

PS: the number of "Euuuhhh" completely explosed

It's actually a new type of video I make rarely, where I just sit and talk to you.

A lot of things happened since the last 1/2 years.

I need to tell you what happened because

I just started to be conscious about this

I just said to myself: "there's a big problem".

I just absolutely needed to make a video about this

Where I just tell you what's the problem.

It's been one and a half year, and there's just nothing that really happened in my videos

I'm not gonna lie, nothing happened since the last 2 years

Hi, my name is Antoine Daniel and I'm posting a video every year.


And if I want to make this quick video

(That's not a quick video)

It was an idea that came yesterday

Becaus some things happened recently

And this things are...

not really funny.

And yeah my chair is broken, that's cool.

(Am I really talking to my chair?)



Something happened not long ago

Since 4 months, I'm installing myself on Discord

I'm talking with nice people.

And someone caught me, and he asked me if I could help him

to find a story for his text he was writting

On his computer.

So I was like: "why not? It sounds cool."

So I shared my invented story with him

like "that's for you, do what you want."

But some hours later, I remembered what I've done

And I just said: "Holy shit, it was nice."

I was feeling nice during the short time I wrote it

It was cool to write a story, to build my characters and all of this, even indirectly.

I find it was a nice sensation.

And I said: "I would build my own, it looks so cool."

So I did it, and until one week...

For more infomation >> I'm not blocked anymore. - Duration: 13:42.


For more infomation >> I'm not blocked anymore. - Duration: 13:42.


Suzuki Jimny - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Jimny - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> Suzuki Jimny - Duration: 1:01.


TNMT toys stickers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Stickers Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael - Duration: 2:29.

TMNT Toys Stickers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Stickers Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael

TMNT Toys Stickers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Stickers Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael

TMNT Toys Stickers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Stickers Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael

TMNT Toys Stickers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Stickers Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael

TMNT Toys Stickers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Stickers Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael

TMNT Toys Stickers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Stickers Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael

TMNT Toys Stickers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Stickers Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael

TMNT Toys Stickers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Stickers Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael

Rainbow Disney Coloring Book Pages for Kids Published October 30, 2017

TMNT Toys Stickers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Stickers Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael

TMNT Toys Stickers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Stickers Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael

For more infomation >> TNMT toys stickers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Stickers Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael - Duration: 2:29.


For more infomation >> TNMT toys stickers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Stickers Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael - Duration: 2:29.


明星撞衫也并不全是尴尬收场!赵丽颖谢娜撞衫可真是默契搞笑,热巴美炸了! - Duration: 15:44.

For more infomation >> 明星撞衫也并不全是尴尬收场!赵丽颖谢娜撞衫可真是默契搞笑,热巴美炸了! - Duration: 15:44.


For more infomation >> 明星撞衫也并不全是尴尬收场!赵丽颖谢娜撞衫可真是默契搞笑,热巴美炸了! - Duration: 15:44.


The FMs

For more infomation >> The FMs


Good Behavior: Because I'm Mrs. Claus - Season 2, Ep. 3 [INSIDE THE EPISODE] | TNT - Duration: 3:10.


This episode is called "Because I'm Mrs. Claus," which

is obviously a lie that Letty tells to a little girl

whose room she's stealing from.

How did you know my name?

Because I'm Mrs. Claus.

[music playing]

This is a big episode with Letty's mother,

Estelle and her husband, Rob.

It's so funny to say her husband Rob, even though he is.

- To family. - To family.

To family.

Una familia.

What I love about this episode is that the pairings

are really different.

It's Joey and I and you and Lusia,

which we don't really see that pairing very often.

It was just a very different dynamic, which

it was a lot of fun to shoot.

Javier is very paranoid because he thinks

that there's this guy at the hotel who

probably is another hit man.

I think he might be here to kill me.

And Letty, meanwhile, is again stealing.

And that all comes to head in this moment

when you guys are in bed of, why do we keep

trying to change each other?

From the moment we met, you knew

I kill people for a living.

And I knew you were an addict, a thief.

Why are we together?

Is it going to be possible for us

to be different people, to fit into this idea

of good behavior?

It's starting to break apart here a little bit.

And then, of course, Lashever appears at the end.

Drop the gun.

You're under arrest.


The big twist is that Estelle set up this whole thing working

with the FBI to trap Javier.

I'm sorry, Letty.

This was a very hard episode for me to write,

because everybody in every scene is lying.

So it's like tracking the lies and all of that,

to preserve the twist, to make sure that's still a surprise.

When I read that script, I felt

like I had food poisoning, because I didn't know

that that's what was happening.

But then I got it.

He kills people.

So in terms of a mother's perspective and a grandmother's

perspective, it's probably a good idea to not hang out

with him.

You find out that your daughter and grandson are

on the run with a hit man, and the FBI

asks you to help out with that.

- She did the right thing. - Absolutely,

And that's a thing I like to always be conscious of with all

the characters, is that nobody is

totally good or totally evil.

Estelle has good intentions, you know?

Javier's arrested, and then Letty

tries to stop that from happening

and gets herself arrested too.

Let him go.

Let him go!

Now they're in the back of Lashever's Sprinter,

on the way to prison.

ANNOUNCER: Good Behavior.

All new, Sundays at 10:00 on TNT and on the TNT app.

For more infomation >> Good Behavior: Because I'm Mrs. Claus - Season 2, Ep. 3 [INSIDE THE EPISODE] | TNT - Duration: 3:10.


$300M Puerto Rico power deal under review - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> $300M Puerto Rico power deal under review - Duration: 1:05.


How to enjoy Halloween with funny hamsters! - Duration: 3:14.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!

For more infomation >> How to enjoy Halloween with funny hamsters! - Duration: 3:14.


Peluquería salón de belleza juego móvil #gameplay - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Peluquería salón de belleza juego móvil #gameplay - Duration: 5:28.


I'm not blocked anymore. - Duration: 13:42.

wiggle wiggle wiggle


Welcome to this poorly made video

with a completely fucked up lighting against a wall

and that's completely not natural.

That's horrible, why did I do that?

Can you see my face correctly now?


That's shit.

*insert a cancerous and clickbait title here*


I'm just fucking killing my microphone cable right now.


I'm not here to joke. (you're here to joke Ario, shut up)

I just prepared nothing, this is clearly one of my most fucked up video...


I need to straight my microphone too...

So everybody can hear me.


So, what was I talking about...

PS: the number of "Euuuhhh" completely explosed

It's actually a new type of video I make rarely, where I just sit and talk to you.

A lot of things happened since the last 1/2 years.

I need to tell you what happened because

I just started to be conscious about this

I just said to myself: "there's a big problem".

I just absolutely needed to make a video about this

Where I just tell you what's the problem.

It's been one and a half year, and there's just nothing that really happened in my videos

I'm not gonna lie, nothing happened since the last 2 years

Hi, my name is Antoine Daniel and I'm posting a video every year.


And if I want to make this quick video

(That's not a quick video)

It was an idea that came yesterday

Becaus some things happened recently

And this things are...

not really funny.

And yeah my chair is broken, that's cool.

(Am I really talking to my chair?)



Something happened not long ago

Since 4 months, I'm installing myself on Discord

I'm talking with nice people.

And someone caught me, and he asked me if I could help him

to find a story for his text he was writting

On his computer.

So I was like: "why not? It sounds cool."

So I shared my invented story with him

like "that's for you, do what you want."

But some hours later, I remembered what I've done

And I just said: "Holy shit, it was nice."

I was feeling nice during the short time I wrote it

It was cool to write a story, to build my characters and all of this, even indirectly.

I find it was a nice sensation.

And I said: "I would build my own, it looks so cool."

So I did it, and until one week...

For more infomation >> I'm not blocked anymore. - Duration: 13:42.


Good Life - John Lidonnice "Thanksliving" and Music by Zachary Smith - Duration: 58:31.

For more infomation >> Good Life - John Lidonnice "Thanksliving" and Music by Zachary Smith - Duration: 58:31.


Assassin's Creed Origins - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Assassin's Creed Origins - Duration: 1:41.


Volkswagen Passat GTE Connected Series Plus Passat 1.4 160 kW / 218 pk PHEV Limousine 6 versn. DSG - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat GTE Connected Series Plus Passat 1.4 160 kW / 218 pk PHEV Limousine 6 versn. DSG - Duration: 0:54.


2017 STARS Teacher Caitlin Wright - Duration: 2:11.

My name is Caitlin Wright. I teach 5th grade Math and Science at Northwood

Hills Elementary. I'm originally from Long Island, New York.

Go Yankees. And I'm just so happy that I'm a transplanted Texan now.

I decided to become a teacher in 4th grade. I had the best 4th grade teacher,

Mrs. Eileen Roberts. I was struggling with math as a student, and she would keep me

after school and work with me. She was one of those teachers that made

learning fun. She took a topic that might not be

exciting for students to learn, and she made it real world. I decided that I

wanted to help those students learn. I do an Escape The Classroom or Breakout

The Classroom activity. Each group has a tool box that has six different locks.

They have to answer a variety of problems in order to get the code.

Once they get the code they have two chances to open up the lock. The group that opens

up all six locks earn a prize out of the toolbox and they've escaped out of the class.

In 5th grade, the majority of the STAAR test is on fractions. It takes a

mundane task, and it gets them to work together to solve the problems.

And I know they're actually learning because they are double-checking and

triple-checking their work which is what we need to see. I love to cook, and I tell

my students that I cook all the time, and I bring in the sugar, and the flour, and

we actually measure ingredients to have them realize that just because they're

learning fractions on paper and pencil, means that they have to use fractions in

every day. We do lots of games and just technology helps them a lot.

Here at Northwood Hills we are very fortunate that we have a teaching and learning garden

right outside our classroom doors, and so we found the area the perimeter and

volume so we can put the potting soil in so we knew how much. We also went ahead

and we threw in some decimals, and we were able to do cost-effective

spreadsheets to purchase our seeds. In addition to teaching 5th grade Math

and Science, last year I piloted a robotics

program for 3rd grade through 6th grade after school. They are able to

learn programming skills on the computer. It gets them engaged; it gets them into

science and technology into STEM, and where they want to do more technology

and science the older that they get.

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