Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 23 2017

Motu Patlu Cartoon In Hindi Bahubali Wrong Makeup Lipstick Finger Family video For Kids

For more infomation >> Motu Patlu Cartoon In Hindi Bahubali Wrong Makeup Lipstick Finger Family video For Kids - Duration: 1:59.


How To Do Therapy w/ Larry | Curb Your Enthusiasm | Season 9 - Duration: 2:11.


LARRY DAVID: So now I'm having this nightmare.

I'm in this room, maybe it's a hall of some kind,

I-- I can't really tell, and there's a lot of people.

It's very crowded. And I'm feeling a lot of anxiety

and then all of a sudden I look up at this balcony

and-- and I see-- I see this guy and he's wearing a big coat,

and-- and-- and I know this is it! This is the fuckwad!

This is-- This is it! And I can't get out, I'm trapped!

Can I stop you right there for a second?

Can I tell you what is really on my mind?

I have a little bit of an issue.


Uh, Cheryl was in just the other day.

DAVID: Mm-hm.

And she brought me a gift.

You see this lovely assortment of...

truffle oils?

Huh. What do you know about that?

How did Cheryl know

that my wife and I love truffles?

-You told Cheryl. -Yeah I told her you...

you love truffles. Yeah.

There's been a breach

of the patient-doctor confidentiality.

There's no such thing as patient-doctor confidentiality.

I think what you're referring to

is doctor-patient confidentiality.

And that's a whole different ball game.

Larry, what I try to create here

is a circle of trust. And...

Can I have your arms for a second?

-I'd rather not. -All right.

Well then I'll do it with my own arms.

-Yeah, use your own arms. -Here is, like this.

-Yeah. -And it creates a circle.

-Mm-hm. -And quite frankly,

nothing should leave this circle,

it should be iron clad.

All right, I-- I apologize

if I betrayed your confidence in any way.

And uh, you have my word

that it will never...

ever happen again.


I think this is a breakthrough.

No, it's not a breakthrough.

-I think it's a breakthrough. -It's not a breakthrough.

I'm pretty sure it's a breakthrough.

I'm gonna write down "breakthrough."

You writing down breakthrough is just a waste

-of everybody's time. -"Break."

That whole pad...

-You might as well throw it, -"Through."

-It does nothing, that pad. -"Breakthrough."

For more infomation >> How To Do Therapy w/ Larry | Curb Your Enthusiasm | Season 9 - Duration: 2:11.


'Short Fly' | Curb Your Enthusiasm | Season 9 - Duration: 1:24.






LARRY DAVID: There's not enough room

to get my hand in there to get the penis out.

I've never really come across this problem before.

I can't get my penis out of my pants,

that-- have you ever heard of a short fly?

-Hm. -I'm not gonna unbutton,

and have 'em drop on the floor.

Look, here's a solution.

Index finger.

Take it, you go down, put it in your zipper,

press down on the shaft, allows your head to pop up.

-Pop up by itself! -Huh!

Press. Pop up.

-Like Tiddlywinks? -Yeah, like Tiddlywinks.

Those pants might've been manufactured

in a country that has small penises.

So, these pants fit the penis from whence they came.

You're goddamn right.

Why would they make a little fly

in a country with big ass dicks?

For more infomation >> 'Short Fly' | Curb Your Enthusiasm | Season 9 - Duration: 1:24.


Big Science and the Impossibility of Gravitational Waves | Space News - Duration: 11:39.

Welcome to Space News from the Electric Universe,

brought to you by The Thunderbolts Project™


In part one of this presentation, physicist Wal Thornhill began his analysis

of the recent award of the Nobel Prize in Physics to scientists for their contributions to

the so-called "detection of gravitational waves." While science media has shown exactly

zero skepticicsm, of the gravitational

waves pronouncements, Thornhill discussed some of the foundational

mathematical problems that preclude the claimed detection of "two black

holes colliding and producing ripples in the fabric of space-time." Today,

Thornhill explores another fundamental cosmological question, and that is

the existence of the required medium for the communication of

electromagnetic waves in the "vacuum of space".

A medium, called the ether. Wal Thornhill: Physics used to be called Natural Philosophy

in more scientifically productive centuries. So-called "modern science"

is largerly bootstrapped techology

built on scientific principles that were around before Einstein. Einstein himself warned that pure

mathematics can not claim to be natural or philosophical and at the end of his life expressed

grave doubts that his work would endure. Meanwhile his devotees

raised him to sainthood, ingnored his caution

and became mesmerized by the computer screens and chalkboards covered with inscrutable

math symbols. Einstein was a dreamer who largerly originated this

century old mathematical mess by imagining perception

is reality. That's like saying of someone who is moving away

from you that their space is shrinking and their watch is ticking more slowly. But

relativity theory allows the departing person to say the same of you.

Einstein, with his theory of relativity, removed absolute standards by making

length and time rubbery and a matter of arbitrary choice of

moving frames of reference, which cannot be equivalent if

we are to define energy and mass. Another

fundamental error of Einstein's has prevented

a more mundane explanation for the chirp signals from LIGO.

Einstein discarded the medium for the transmission of waves in a vacuum

-- called the aether -- which is essential for Maxwell's theory

of electromagnetism and to explain the dielectric properties of the vacuum.

It's impossible to wave nothing!

Light must have an electrically polarizable medium,

an aether. Having a universal medium discards

Einstein's principle of the equivalence of inertial frames of reference and the

constancy of the speed of light. Why is this important? Because the huge LIGO vacuum chambers

are full of aether and the design assumes the speed of light to be a

universal constant!

Let's look at LIGO.

Weiss devised the approach to gravitational-wave detection

in 1967, during lesson planning for a relativity course he was teaching at MIT. And

I quote, "You'd... make a right triangle of objects, floating freely in a

vacuum," Weiss told his students, according to a

2000 interview. "And we'd send light beams between them and then be able to

figure out, 'What does the gravitational wave do to the time it takes light to go

between those things?" Gravitational waves due to merging black holes

definitely don't exist. Natural philosophy (physics)

suggests simply that a disturbance traveling through

the aether inside the 4 kilometer LIGO arms

may be one way to produce a 'chirp' signal in the LIGO system. This raises

serious questions for the future of science and the usefulness of

prize giving as a motivator. Weiss and Thorne

are two of three physicists known as the troika -- the founders of LIGO's giant

twin detectors in Livingston, Louisiana and in Hanford, Washington.

The third troika member, Ronald Drever,

died on 7th March this year. Before Drever's passing

in March, the troika won the $3-million

Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics; the $500,000

Gruber Foundation Cosmology

Prize; the 1.2-million Shaw Prize

in Astronomy; and the $1-million Kavli Prize in Astrophysics. These

and other Nobel Prize winners of the past have seriously warped our sense of reality.

The public will

have spent $1.1 billion

providing super-expensive gadgets

to detect the grin of the Cosmic

Cheshire Cat, to mathematical gamers posing as physicists.

Like the scientists wasting billions of euros

on the Large Hadron Collider to find the imaginary Higgs Boson,

they had to find something to save their credibility.

Government funded, institutionalized BIG SCIENCE is not working in the 21st

century! The rewards, the lack of critical

scrutiny (trust us we're the experts),

and suppression of dissenting voices have

to be seriously investigated because we are about to waste a great deal more money.

It is reported that the European Space Agency is planning a multibillion-dollar probe to be launched

in about 17 years that would look for gravitational waves from space.

Weiss hopes astronomers will learn more about nuclear physics, states of matter, how

heavy elements are made and detect information from,

and I quote, "...the very moment when the universe came out of nothingness...

We expect surprises," he said. "There

has to be surprises." The real surprise, is how any one can

claim to be a physicist and say, "...the universe came out of nothingness." That isn't physics!

One of the dissenting voices, Dr. Harold Aspden, an outstanding

British theoretical physicist, electrical

engineer and inventor wrote, "Until the scientific world recovers its

good sense and takes another look at the mysteries of our cosmos with

the aether in mind and Einstein ignored, we really have no

hope of inspiring future science students and gaining a better understanding of the

phenomena which dominate, indeed constitute, our very existence." The galling thing is

that the Electric Universe already has a real model of how gravity

works and it answers simply most of the

real questions. We are now testing some of these models experimentally. Perversely,

it is found that government funding hinders innovation because

research is concentrated on the current preoccupations of those who direct

research grants. We rely not

on the government but on benefactors and public donations.

It's the Renaissance model of doing

science. Research has found that science seems to follow the innovation,

not the other way around. The practical tinkerers find something, then

science is employed to work out why what they've

found works. The innovative Thunderbolts Project is an outstanding example of this approach

with the distinguishing feature of having a coherent cosmology

to direct the tinkerers. What hope is there for the future? History shows

that paradigm shifts come from individuals, often from

outside the affected discipline. Today those

in organizations that have access to science journals and the media

and who have the most to lose from a paradigm shift suppress such claims

or attempt to assimilate the ideas surreptitiously.

Nobel prizes have notoriously been

awarded to those 'insiders' who develop an 'outsiders' idea.

How can we find these innovators outside the academic system? Chris Reeve suggests

in his online Controversies of Science, which I highly

recommend, "This is a world where we are dependent upon the experts for any announcement of our new paradigm.

Yet the experts are the very people who stand to lose the most by such an announcement." He then

asked the question, "What would a paradigm change actually look like?... " and

Chris answers, "The correct answer is that, assuming

you're not an actual academic there's no real guarantee that you'd actually see

our new paradigm emerging at all... if there was some exciting new scientific era

just around the corner, we'd never

know it." This, of course, applies to the Electric Universe

paradigm. Chris then offers a solution

through, "a science futures market

where people can wager bets on well-crafted, specific, time-limited scientific predictions.

Science futures markets have the potential

to expose scientific dogma that's become embedded within science journalism.

They can help us to identify impending paradigm

changes, as they reward those who are paying attention sufficiently

to understand that the data is deviating from the carefully-managed

message we get from mainstream science."

I wish such a market had been around decades ago, given the success of the many

unique specific predictions of the Electric Universe when measured against

the continual surprises for big bang cosmology! Instead of cramming heads with 'facts'

we need documentation of science controversies, past and present, to be

accessible to the public and teachers so that students can be trained in critical thinking.

So-called "evidence based science" can then be seen to be special pleading. One scientist's fact can be

another's fiction. That's the basis of debunking. Learning this

together with the ideas, context and personalities

involved in earlier science debates allows one to see what

persuaded crucial verdicts in the past and to realize how often those decisions had little to do with

the science and more to do with beliefs, politics and influence.

Understanding those debates is also perhaps the best way

to inspire anyone to participate in science

criticism and discovery. There's so much

data and so little understanding of that data.

We must stop funding and rewarding the religious belief expressed by

Galileo that mathematics is the language of God, that the mathematical mind can deduce

the true laws of nature, that the mathematical mind alone would lead to true knowledge of reality. Until we do,

science remains a religious belief system.

For continuous updates on Space News from the Electric Universe

stay tuned to

For more infomation >> Big Science and the Impossibility of Gravitational Waves | Space News - Duration: 11:39.


Uncovering Norman Polk's SECRETS! (Bendy and the Ink Machine Mysteries) - ProdCharles - Duration: 4:38.

Norman Polk is a mysterious character at Joey Drew's cartoon studio and even

though we haven't seen much of him he still raises many questions amongst

Bendy fans. Who is he? What roles does he play in the studio, and did he really

become the projectionist monster in Bendy Chapter 3? Let's find out!

Another Bendy and the Ink Machine Mystery? You betcha!

[Short Intro Sequence - Subscribe for more!]

So far, Bendy and the Ink Machine has given us very few clues as to Norman

Polk's role in the story. In Chapter 1, we got nothing and didn't even know about

his existence. In Chapter 2, we found out that he even existed in the first place

and that he ran the projector in the music department. Then, in Chapter Three,

we learned he was a little bit creepy - it was actually a really weird transition.

In the space of a single chapter, Norman went from a regular employee at Joey

Drew's cartoon studio who freaked out about his boss's plans to a closeted

stalker... Why did this happen? To understand this we need to break down

two major things in Norman's chapter 3 recording: the first is that Norman seeks

out the dark places. This line is interesting because it is so ambiguous

we know for sure that Norman as a projectionist looks for dark places to

best set up his projectors but does this also mean that Norman might be spiraling

into an evil state or maybe he just has dark thoughts...? More on this a bit later.

The second is that he sees all in the studio without others knowing, even if

he's right behind them. This means that he would be one of the more likely

workers to catch on to Joey's and Sammy's plans at the studio. We

definitely know that he's on to Sammy because of his recording in Chapter two

the fact that he noticed Sammy turning on the projector and running to his

sanctuary was probably enough for him to look further into what was going on.

Norman was also suspicious ofJoey Drew who he knew was a peculiar character and

hesitated to report on Sammy's behavior to him.

This suggests that Norman may have become a spy at the studio and when he

learns what the higher-ups at the studio were up to it caused him to become

similarly... weird! Norman's recording in chapter 3 tells us

that he is aware that people around him think that he is a total creep

so whatever Norman found out about the rituals it made him just as obsessed and

paranoid as Sammy and Joey - so much so then he started spying on everyone!

What was the result? I think that one case is that he somehow performed the

rituals that Sammy and Joey were performing for themselves. Much like in

Sammy's case, his ritual would have backfired and instead of donning the

bendy mask, he would put a projector on his head instead. Why? Remember when Hot

Topic held a promotion for Bendy and the Ink Machine? Sammy Lawrence took over the

Hot Topic Twitter page and provided some interesting information about himself

and the other characters at the studio. One of the things that he mentioned is

that Norman was very... bright. Interesting choice of words, isn't it? Much like how

Norman mentions that he seeks out the dark places

Sammy calling Norman bright is extremely ambiguous. Could it mean that Norman was

bright as a projectionist monster? Was Norman's personality bright? Perhaps

Norman was just a very smart man? I imagine that it was more of a comment on

Norman's intelligence. Perhaps Sammy knew that Norman was on to him and Joey, and

it could even be why he calls Norman bright - because he discovered the upside

of their plans and wanted to be part of it however he could. This led him to

seeking out more and more of the dark places - perhaps it was part of helping

out with the rituals by learning more about each of the employees, and which

ones would be selected to take part. Being the surveyor of people to be

sacrificed or transformed, it's no wonder that everyone started to become weary of

Mr. Norman Polk. This potentially confirms that Norman sought out the dark

places literally and figuratively. He looked for places to spy on others from

which he couldn't be seen, and his mind entered a dark place. His mental state

was becoming corrupted by the likes of Joey and Sammy, and it was making him a

quirky character... All of this just for Ink Magic... Whether Norman was bright

enough to uncover the secrets of the ritual or his personality was bright

enough to get Joey or Sammy to spill the Bacon Soup on their plans, it would

probably lead to the same fate: another worker with an inky, dark abyss of a body.

now was that due to his own actions or was he forced into it by Sammy or Joey? If

we don't come across more Ink workers in chapter 4, it's pretty likely that either

could be the case. We'll just have to wait and see! This all does hinge on the

Hot Topic takeover sharing canon information, after all. What do you think?

Be sure to check out these videos which were picked just for you. And if you're

new, tap my face to subscribe and #TapThatBell for more cool and interesting

Bendy and horror game videos. And Prodigies, I hope these videos help to

expand on how you think! See ya!

For more infomation >> Uncovering Norman Polk's SECRETS! (Bendy and the Ink Machine Mysteries) - ProdCharles - Duration: 4:38.


이달의소녀탐정15 #abceg (LOONA TV Prequel15 #abceg) - Duration: 0:59.

JinSoul: Hi

JinSoul: I slept really well.

JinSoul; I was the one who finished last yesterday...

JinSoul: I don't know where to go yet...

JinSoul: They're coming!

(Here comes LOOΠΔ 1/3!)

NowPlaying "LOOΠΔ 1/3 - 지금, 좋아해(Love&Live)"

HyunJin: This is Hong Kong!

JinSoul: This is a street of Hong Kong!

(Every members are braiding JinSoul's hair, excpet for HaSeul!)

JinSoul: Everyone is braiding.

(After the shooting, HaSeul starts to braid!) HaSeul: I did it in the morning~

JinSoul: HaSeul braided my hair in the morning~

HaSeul: We all born in 1997~

HaSeul: Ah, you have a dimple?

HaSeul: Why didn't I know about this?

HaSeul: I have it too!

JinSoul: Where?

HaSeul: Here!

(This same age friends have good chemistry like 2JIN's!) JinSoul: Like yours, I have it too!

(This same age friends have good chemistry like 2JIN's!)

For more infomation >> 이달의소녀탐정15 #abceg (LOONA TV Prequel15 #abceg) - Duration: 0:59.


Spain Moves to Remove Catalonia Leader; Unprecedented Move Would Rule | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Spain Moves to Remove Catalonia Leader; Unprecedented Move Would Rule | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:32.


CNN 10 | October 21, 2017 | U.S. leaders and music stars team up to help hurricane victims - Duration: 10:01.

Hey, I'm Carl Azuz, explaining world news for CNN 10.

Welcome to our first show of the week.

There's a lot going on right now in the Asian island country of Japan.

The nation held snap or early elections yesterday.

They were originally

scheduled for next year.

But Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called for them to be held now because he was doing

well again in opinion polls.

His numbers had dropped

as the government grappled with a fair of corruption scandals linked to the prime minister,

though he's repeatedly denied being involved.

But they ticked back up again recently and analysts say Prime Minister Abe wanted to

take advantage of that and to get more support for his stance

against North Korea.

That nation has fired two ballistic missiles over Japan recently.

And it's not the only challenge Japan is facing.

Typhoon Lan was bearing down on the country last night.

It was expected to make landfall along

Japan's southern coast.

Its wind speeds were 134 miles per hour on Sunday, making the typhoon the equivalent

of a powerful category 4 hurricane.

And though Typhoon Lan was weakening as it approached Japan, it was so large that the

clouds around it extended farther than the borders of the

whole country.

Dangerous winds, flooding, mudslides and damage in the Japanese capital of Tokyo were all



AZUZ (voice-over): Ten-second trivia:

Which living, former U.S. president is the oldest?

George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton?

George H.W. Bush was the born more than three months before Jimmy Carter, making him the

oldest living U.S. president, even though his term was later

than Carter.


AZUZ: They were both born in 1924, which means that at a weekend concert to benefit people

in need, where all living U.S. presidents made an

appearance, there were two American leaders who are 93 years old.

Former Presidents George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter were joined in person by George W.

Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

And current President

Donald Trump appeared in a video message to concertgoers.


BARACK OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT: Heartbreaking as the tragedies that took place here in Texas

and in Florida, in Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin

Islands have been, what we've also seen is the spirit of America at its best.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: As a nation, we mourn for those who died,

and we pray for those who lost their homes or their


In the aftermath of these terrible storms, the American people have done what we do best,

we came together, we helped one another,

and through it all, we remained resilient.


AZUZ: You heard them say the tragedies and these storms -- the event was named Deep from

the Heart: The One American Appeal.

And its goal was to

raise money and assistance for the victims Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria.

Stars like Lee Greenwood, Yolanda Adams and Lady Gaga were there.

And as of Saturday night, when the concert was held at Texas A&M University, the charity

effort had raised $31 million for more than 80,000


Where will the money go?

To organizations in Florida, Texas, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

What are the needs like?

Here's a look at the line of people that formed last week in Texas.

They were waiting for food assistance.


Harvey struck that state on August 25th.

Here are some of the thousands who waited in a similar line on Saturday, also seeking

food assistance,

also victims of a hurricane, that one named Irma, which made landfall in Florida on September


And on the U.S. commonwealth of Puerto Rico,

Hurricane Maria hit on September 20th, and knocked out electricity to the whole island.

More than four weeks later, 21 percent of Puerto Rico's power has been restored.

That means 3 million people there still don't have it, and about

a third of Puerto Ricans don't have safe drinking water yet.


POLO SANDOVAL, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): This school yard should be bustling with activity

at the height of fall semester.

Not today, not

since Hurricane Maria threatened and later devastated Puerto Rico.

The island's other 1,100 public schools and the doors to this high school have

been closed since September 18th.

Today, the only signs of life are on the other end of the campus.

Room 204 serves as Margarita Fuentes' temporary home.


SANDOVAL: This 52-year-old grandmother of 11 tells me, for one moment to another, she

lost her house and everything in it.

Her grandson Ezekiel led us up the mountainside to show us what's left of the family's


There isn't much else you can do these days.


most of the students on this island, a return to class may provide a welcome escape from



SANDOVAL: He says the first thing he'll do when he gets back to class is hug his friends.

He doesn't know when that would be.

As long as displaced families like his are using schools as shelters, classes can't


The Department of Education announced Friday that some schools on the island would reopen

on Tuesday.

But the teachers at this school say that won't happen here.


SANDOVAL: "We have a lot of work to do," says Roxanna Miranda (ph), a drama teacher, anxious

to welcome her high schoolers back to class.

While there's optimist, there's no real timeline for when the students will walk down

the halls again.

Even if displaced families are resettled, there

are still plenty of obstacles.


SANDOVAL: Classrooms in disrepair, roads are nearly impassable because of the mudslides,

and there's no running water in town, leaving families to

struggle to survive.


SANDOVAL: Margarita says she is staying strong and wants to see her grandchildren back in

a classroom, just not this one.

Polo Sandoval, CNN, Corozal, Puerto Rico.


AZUZ: Reporting on California's wildfires, we told you how they have been the deadliest

in the state's recorded history.

They now hold the record

for being the most destructive.

Two hundred forty-five thousand acres have burned.

That's a total space larger than the area of San Diego,

California, Memphis, Tennessee, or New York City.

Eighty-four hundred buildings have been destroyed, 42 lives have been lost, according to Cal

Fire, 10,000 firefighters are still involved in the fight.

They've made progress containing many of the blazes, that doesn't mean they're


It means they've been surrounded by fire breaks.

The threat

to the state remains.


ALLISON CHINCHAR, CNN METEOROLOGIST: More than a dozen wildfires continue to burn across

areas of California, the majority of them in the northern

half of the state.

The key thing to note is that it's been burning in the northern half of the state

for quite some time.

In fact, when you take a

look at the top 20 most destructive wildfires in California's history, four them have

been in just this past month, and several of them are still

burning across areas of Northern California.

But the focus moving forward actually shifts from Northern California to southern California,

where we start to expect those Santa Ana winds to

begin to increase that fire threat.

So, you'll notice across areas of Southern California, we have both elevated and critical

fire threats for at

least the next several days.

This high pressures that has over areas of the southeast is what's going to help push

that very hot, dry air over the

Santa Ana Mountains and into some of those valley locations, including the city of Los


Because of that, you're going to be experiencing those strong winds but also incredibly hot


We have excessive heat warnings out for

much of this area, an excessive heat watches just a little bit further to the north of

Los Angeles not just for one day, but for multiple days.

Take a look at some of these temperatures: Los Angeles, for example, 78 degrees is the

average high temperature, will be in the 90s today and

triple digit for both Monday and Tuesday.

Both of which, by the way, could potentially end up being record highs for that city.

And they're not alone but Los Angeles becomes the bigger story because of the big event

that is taking place on Tuesday -- the start of the World


Here's the thing, the forecast for Tuesday shows a high of 100 degrees.

If we end up getting that warm, this could end up being the

hottest game in World Series history.


AZUZ: Despite winning a public poll last year, the name Boaty McBoatface was not applied

to a British research ship.

Officials used that for one of

its submersibles instead.

But a Swedish transportation company honored its public's wishes when they voted to name

this Trainy McTrainface.

Officials even put a sweet face on

it to match its sweet new name.

They say Trainy McTrainface got 49 percent of the public vote, the biggest slice of the


It's a good thing that vote didn't go off the rails y'all.

Many fans of Boaty McBoatface were sunk.

So, when some took rolling stock of the

Swedish vote, got on track on locomotivated to train their efforts on cargoing the distance,

the result was a choo-choo-in to station Trainy

McTrainface in the railyard.

I'm Carl Azuz.

For more infomation >> CNN 10 | October 21, 2017 | U.S. leaders and music stars team up to help hurricane victims - Duration: 10:01.


President Trump Overrules CIA, Fires Shot Across Bow Of Corrupt D C Establishment - Duration: 19:37.

President Trump Overrules CIA, Fires Shot Across Bow Of Corrupt D.C.


President Trump just made the best kind of history.

Thank God we finally have someone who listens to America as President.

For if there is one thing we hate above all it is government secrecy.

We want and deserve to know what our money buys.

Sure there are some things that must remain secret for national security reasons but politicians

have taken it way too far.

Everything is classified and each President refuses to release the information – although

they all promise to when they campaign.

Bill Clinton promised he would release all the government's UFO information and he

did not.

Obama and Bush promised just about everything to anyone and didn't deliver.

But Trump is different.

He is a man of the people and he follows through on his promises.

And one of his biggest was to give the Government back to the people.

To end the secrecy that allows for the corruption.

He knows there are many ways to drain the swamp, but exposing their secrets is a key

tool for him to do it.

And he can as President and there is nothing they can do about it.

Because the one thing the establishment fears most is being exposed.

And he took a huge step today in that direction.

One that terrified the CIA and the corrupt DC establishment and sent shivers down their


Because sunlight is the best disinfectant and they have too long lived in the shadows.

And it is time America was given back to the citizens not saved for the 1%.

According to the Hill, Trump just shocked the world and said he will release the confidential

files related to assassination of former President John F. Kennedy.

"Subject to the receipt of further information, I will be allowing, as President, the long

blocked and classified JFK FILES to be opened," Trump tweeted.




Symbolic because this means there will be more to come.

Terrifying to the swamp because this is what they fear most – an honest man who doesn't

owe them anything who is willing to expose their deepest darkest secrets.

Share this if you think this is a great move by Trump



many levels.

For more infomation >> President Trump Overrules CIA, Fires Shot Across Bow Of Corrupt D C Establishment - Duration: 19:37.


World War 3: North Korea labels Japan a 'STOOGE' and launches threats of 'bitter doom' - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 4:31.

World War 3: North Korea labels Japan a 'STOOGE' and launches threats of 'bitter doom'

NORTH Korea has labelled Japan a "stooge" and threatened the country with "bitter

doom", Kim Jong-un's puppet news agency has announced.

Rodong Sinmun, the paper under control of the despot leader, has upped world tensions

another palpable gear with its latest threats to Tokyo.

The publication said: "During recent talks with the foreign minister of Denmark, Japanese

Foreign Minister Taro Kono let loose a string of rubbish that 'it is important for the

whole international community to step up pressure upon the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea

so as to get it change its policy.'

"Earlier, he clung to the sleeves of diplomatic officials of the United Kingdom, Germany,

China, Ukraine and other countries to stoke an atmosphere of pressure against the Democratic

Peoples Republic of Korea, clamouring about the necessity to put renewed pressure upon


"It is ridiculous for Japan, no more than a stooge, to trumpet about maximum pressure.

"Now the economic policy of the Japanese authorities has faced doom."

The latest threats come as the world is seemingly on the verge of World War 3.

The rogue nation's puppet news outlet then targeted Tokyo's current military efforts

for stoking further tension on the Korean peninsula.

Rodong Sinmun said: "The Japanese reactionaries are also seeking to realise their goal of

militarisation and ambition for re-invasion by abusing the increasing tension on the Korean


"They are endlessly conducting all sorts of war drills in waters close to the Korean

peninsula together with the United States.

"If Japan, a parasite living under the wing of the United States, dares keep on rash acts

to make a showdown with the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, the former will only face

bitter doom."

The latest threats from the isolationist kingdom come as Japanese leader Shinzo Abe is set

for a thumping re-election victory after vowing to take a tough stance on North Korea.

Mr Abe called the citizens to the ballot last month, saying he needed a new mandate to tackle

a "national crisis" from North Korea's nuclear threats.

He has backed Donald Trump's tough stance towards Pyongyang that all options, including

military action, are on the table.

Donald Trump will meet with the re-elected leader on November 5 during his tour of Asia.

In addition to military action from Japan, the United States is also demonstrating its

military prowess with drills taking place on the Korean peninsula.

Last week the United States and South Korea took part in exercises that involved fighter

jets, helicopters and naval ships with the gargantuan USS Ronald Reagan also reportedly

making an appearance.

This week the drills are set to practise "a wider range of management events", according

to the United States military.

Exercises will involve South Korean American's being evacuated from the country in the event

nuclear war breaks out.

The military action has provoked despot leader Kim Jong-un to threaten the United States

with an "unimaginable" strike.

The Korean Central News Agency said: "The United States is running amok by introducing

under our nose the targets we have set as primary ones.

The United States should expect that it would face unimaginable strike at an unimaginable


For more infomation >> World War 3: North Korea labels Japan a 'STOOGE' and launches threats of 'bitter doom' - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 4:31.


Level 180 Xelor with Ivory Dofus | Rogue Casts Last Breath at turn 4, WTF - Dofus - Duration: 7:53.

Hello everyone I'm Nohan, I hope you guys are doing fine I'm myself doing great

In today's video we are facing a lvl 180 Xelor

With ivory Dofus the fight was rather close, he could really win

Also a Rogue who used Last Breath at Turn 4, I let you guys

see it by yourselves stay until the end to not miss the ending montage and

i let you guys with the video

When you hit a Xelor who casted Counter

What the hell he did??

"Display Bug"

Good Good Gut, The fat Sir First

thank you for watching this video, Hit that like button if you enjoyed,

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Thank again for watching and see you next time

For more infomation >> Level 180 Xelor with Ivory Dofus | Rogue Casts Last Breath at turn 4, WTF - Dofus - Duration: 7:53.


Deadpool Chasing Francis | Deadpool (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:55.



What the shit-biscuit!

Where you at, Francis?

You're not Francis.

Really? Rolling up the sleeves?

You're probably thinking, "My boyfriend said this was a superhero movie but

that guy in the red suit just turned that other guy into a fucking kabab!"

Well, I may be super, but I'm no hero.

And, yeah, technically, this is a murder.

But some of the best love stories start with a murder.

And that's exactly what this is. A love story.

And to tell it right...

I gotta take you back to long before I squeezed this ass into red spandex.

Now, if I were a 200-pound sack of assholes named Francis, where would I hide?

A hush falls over the crowd as rookie sensation Wade W. Wilson...

out of Regina, Saskatchewan, lines up the shot.

His form looks good.

And that's why Regina rhymes with fun.

Ladies and gentlemen, what you're witnessing...

is sweet dick-kicking revenge.

Giving him the business.


This is taking unsportsmanlike conduct to a whole new level!

Looking good, Francis. Well rested. Like you've been pitching, not catching.

Ringing any bells? No?

How about now?

Wade fucking Wilson.

For more infomation >> Deadpool Chasing Francis | Deadpool (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:55.


Richard Branson's A to Z of Business: U is for Uniforms - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Richard Branson's A to Z of Business: U is for Uniforms - Duration: 0:50.


[Bittersweet Anything MAP - Open - 3/37 Parts Taken!] - Duration: 3:46.


I still don't know what is or how to fall in love

But your eyes managed to stop the flow of time

Exchanging our secret words discretely brings us closer to each other

The air would grow tense as our hearts beat faster


Sweet tears

I couldn't believe that first love could be this bitter


Wonderful baby~

I couldn't believe that first love...

could be so much fun!

Even if one day you would fall in love...

with someone else...

You will still keep a place in my heart!

I know it is wrong, but...

I will keep our secret password...

forever with me!

I can't get used to my lonely days again.

I close my eyes on those unpleasant days.

The wonderful times we spent together are "Hola!" Flashing back!

Love alone will not let us reach that far away place.

You are already heading toward someone else.

Any regrets?

None at all.

Do you want to go back?

Time doesn't stop.

Do you want to meet again?

I would like to kiss you again.

Please do not ask anymore questions.


Sweet tears~

I couldn't believe that first love...

could be this bitter.


Our last kiss~

"Let's break up" is the last thing...

I would ever thought would happen.

Even if one day you would fall in love...

with someone else!

You will always keep a place in my heart!

I know it is wrong but...

I will keep our secret password...

forever with me!





Dramatic! (Ah, yossha!)


First love! (First impact!)

Memories! (Uh, uh)

Are rotating! (Time goes by)

For more infomation >> [Bittersweet Anything MAP - Open - 3/37 Parts Taken!] - Duration: 3:46.


Hát Văn Hoài Thanh 2017 - Hotgirl bắc ninh hầu đón tiệc thánh mẫu - Hát Văn Hầu Đồng - Duration: 1:48:44.

For more infomation >> Hát Văn Hoài Thanh 2017 - Hotgirl bắc ninh hầu đón tiệc thánh mẫu - Hát Văn Hầu Đồng - Duration: 1:48:44.


Ook4 - Duration: 24:11.

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Faded ft Without Him ( Mashup) [ Nightocre ] - Duration: 4:25.

Thanks for watching!!!

For more infomation >> Faded ft Without Him ( Mashup) [ Nightocre ] - Duration: 4:25.


CBS2/KCAL9 Reporter Stacey Butler Emcees Breast Cancer 'Making Strides' Walk. - Duration: 0:39.

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CA Technologies Privileged ...

For more infomation >> CA Technologies Privileged ...


How To Do Therapy w/ Larry | Curb Your Enthusiasm | Season 9 - Duration: 2:11.


LARRY DAVID: So now I'm having this nightmare.

I'm in this room, maybe it's a hall of some kind,

I-- I can't really tell, and there's a lot of people.

It's very crowded. And I'm feeling a lot of anxiety

and then all of a sudden I look up at this balcony

and-- and I see-- I see this guy and he's wearing a big coat,

and-- and-- and I know this is it! This is the fuckwad!

This is-- This is it! And I can't get out, I'm trapped!

Can I stop you right there for a second?

Can I tell you what is really on my mind?

I have a little bit of an issue.


Uh, Cheryl was in just the other day.

DAVID: Mm-hm.

And she brought me a gift.

You see this lovely assortment of...

truffle oils?

Huh. What do you know about that?

How did Cheryl know

that my wife and I love truffles?

-You told Cheryl. -Yeah I told her you...

you love truffles. Yeah.

There's been a breach

of the patient-doctor confidentiality.

There's no such thing as patient-doctor confidentiality.

I think what you're referring to

is doctor-patient confidentiality.

And that's a whole different ball game.

Larry, what I try to create here

is a circle of trust. And...

Can I have your arms for a second?

-I'd rather not. -All right.

Well then I'll do it with my own arms.

-Yeah, use your own arms. -Here is, like this.

-Yeah. -And it creates a circle.

-Mm-hm. -And quite frankly,

nothing should leave this circle,

it should be iron clad.

All right, I-- I apologize

if I betrayed your confidence in any way.

And uh, you have my word

that it will never...

ever happen again.


I think this is a breakthrough.

No, it's not a breakthrough.

-I think it's a breakthrough. -It's not a breakthrough.

I'm pretty sure it's a breakthrough.

I'm gonna write down "breakthrough."

You writing down breakthrough is just a waste

-of everybody's time. -"Break."

That whole pad...

-You might as well throw it, -"Through."

-It does nothing, that pad. -"Breakthrough."

For more infomation >> How To Do Therapy w/ Larry | Curb Your Enthusiasm | Season 9 - Duration: 2:11.


Pedal To The Metal

For more infomation >> Pedal To The Metal


For more infomation >> Pedal To The Metal


Bark n' Roll: A Dog Obedience School that Rocks - Duration: 3:51.

It's nice to meet you guys.

He looks familiar to me.

This is Conway?


What a little Scruff n' Butt.

Hi Lenny, can you sit for me?


Let's go, let's go, good job!

I'm Francine Coughlin, owner of Bark n' Roll Canine Care.

It's a training, day care, and boarding business.

I think a lot of people have misconceptions about dogs and the behaviors that they are

supposed to come with.

Sort of like this Disney dog, sort of, ideal.

And it's just not realistic so our job is to make sure that dogs are happy, comfortable,

well-exercised, well-mannered.

We do let them rock out a little bit too, so.

People come to us with a lot of the same problems.

Dogs want to be at your level, they want to smell what you had for lunch, they want to

jump up to your face, dogs like to rip things apart and destroy them they're natural predators

so it's really fun to rip apart a couch.

Some of these guys are from the streets, you know, they don't know what a home environment

is and why its not okay to chew a shoe or a coffee table or pee on the rug, they have

no idea.

So we have to give them that direction.

Come on, are you still…

The days are pretty chaotic as we're managing lots of different types of dogs and they're

all at different levels.

So at Bark N' Roll daycare we spend a lot of time working with the dogs on training

cues, obedience training, and also exercise and enrichment.

One of the things we do is break out some agility equipment and and just do beginner

agility tricks.

Okay Jameson do you want to try?


Come on!

I've made it a mission of mine to stick to positive training, no shock collar, no


If positive reinforcement is involved then they're able to approach the world with

a bit more confidence.

I think training is super important to bond with your dog and it also shows that you are

a fair leader, you expect certain behaviors to be repeated in order for them to get what

they want so it sets up a bit of a structure for them and dogs thrive with direction.

So this is the first time that Winnie's done this with us.


Ah, she's doing it on her own now.

A lot of the time we're dealing with just basic training.

So I think the type of training that's more challenging is generally the behavior modification

training with dogs like Leila who, you know, have a really tough past.

So before we started working with Leila she was not able to walk by other dogs she was

not able to basically look at other dogs.

It took time for sure it was very very hairy for a while.

By the scars she wears we can deduce that she was some sort of bait dog for a fighting

ring so the fact that she is still trusting of people and so loving is really cool.

So the goal is to be able to walk her by other dogs politely with a loose leash.

So again we don't use force.

Good girl!

She has laser focus when the cheese is involved.

Good job guys!

We do have a lot of cases like this where the dog comes in and is wild and restless

and having a hard time adjusting but once you get a feel for their body language and

what they're trying to say and what they need in each moment, you can set them up to

succeed so I think if people get one thing out of our courses its how to read them.

You want to make sure that you reward Mark the moment when he's moving, okay?

Do a tight turn like a U-turn and come back to me.

Very nice!

Good work you guys.

Few small tweaks and some patience and time and consistency and the dog ends up being

a really good match for people and settling in and understanding what it's like to live

in a home with their forever families.

For more infomation >> Bark n' Roll: A Dog Obedience School that Rocks - Duration: 3:51.


For more infomation >> Bark n' Roll: A Dog Obedience School that Rocks - Duration: 3:51.


[#16] | Cystic Acne, Pimples And Blackheads Extraction Acne Treatment On Ear | Health & Beauty - HT - Duration: 8:39.

For more infomation >> [#16] | Cystic Acne, Pimples And Blackheads Extraction Acne Treatment On Ear | Health & Beauty - HT - Duration: 8:39.


For more infomation >> [#16] | Cystic Acne, Pimples And Blackheads Extraction Acne Treatment On Ear | Health & Beauty - HT - Duration: 8:39.


Strife - Download & Play Free...

For more infomation >> Strife - Download & Play Free...


Top Funny Videos Compilation by clip of funny videos - Duration: 1:53.

ab aisa bhi kya rona . . .

abbey dekh tu ley . . .

Horror dancer

he is gone . . . maybe

would you like this videos?

For more infomation >> Top Funny Videos Compilation by clip of funny videos - Duration: 1:53.


Maid Mama Channel Intro - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> Maid Mama Channel Intro - Duration: 0:35.


[Bittersweet Anything MAP - Open - 3/37 Parts Taken!] - Duration: 3:46.


I still don't know what is or how to fall in love

But your eyes managed to stop the flow of time

Exchanging our secret words discretely brings us closer to each other

The air would grow tense as our hearts beat faster


Sweet tears

I couldn't believe that first love could be this bitter


Wonderful baby~

I couldn't believe that first love...

could be so much fun!

Even if one day you would fall in love...

with someone else...

You will still keep a place in my heart!

I know it is wrong, but...

I will keep our secret password...

forever with me!

I can't get used to my lonely days again.

I close my eyes on those unpleasant days.

The wonderful times we spent together are "Hola!" Flashing back!

Love alone will not let us reach that far away place.

You are already heading toward someone else.

Any regrets?

None at all.

Do you want to go back?

Time doesn't stop.

Do you want to meet again?

I would like to kiss you again.

Please do not ask anymore questions.


Sweet tears~

I couldn't believe that first love...

could be this bitter.


Our last kiss~

"Let's break up" is the last thing...

I would ever thought would happen.

Even if one day you would fall in love...

with someone else!

You will always keep a place in my heart!

I know it is wrong but...

I will keep our secret password...

forever with me!





Dramatic! (Ah, yossha!)


First love! (First impact!)

Memories! (Uh, uh)

Are rotating! (Time goes by)

For more infomation >> [Bittersweet Anything MAP - Open - 3/37 Parts Taken!] - Duration: 3:46.


Sporty Lookbook Dubai | OOTD - Duration: 9:29.

For more infomation >> Sporty Lookbook Dubai | OOTD - Duration: 9:29.


Road Tripping with Google Maps // #MagaliTravels - Duration: 28:44.

Hi Guys!

I know it's been a long time since I last had a vlog on this channel.

Uh, oh no.

It's actually drizzling.

OK bad time to start but I am going to say what I want to say anyway.

I always vlog here whenever I travel & in the last few months I haven't really travelled


And... the rain is getting heavier.

Way to go, weather!

I'm going to be spending today & tomorrow with Google.

I hope you guys can ignore the annoying rain.

We're on the first stop of our road trip which is the Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation.

This place has one of the most gigantic flags ever, it's really really tall...

I don't remember exactly how tall.

So now that we saw the spot & we clicked our pictures, we're going to head back into our

vehicle, yeah let's do that.

So we've made a few stops since I last spoke to you guys & right now we're at this beautiful

little pottery shop somewhere in Lonavala.

It feels like a very rural area but I guess vehicles pass by here.

By the time you see this vlog, uh... this pottery shop will be up on Google Maps & if

you're driving past, you can check it out, they have some beautiful Indian as well as

contemporary stuff.


I probably should have vlogged & checked in earlier, I'm in my room now but I was just

too busy enjoying this room, it's so gorgeous and it was just nearing sunset so I was just

outside enjoying it.

Now that it's pretty much gotten dark, I thought it's high time I speak to you guys, now since

this is a spa retreat, there isn't any bright light anywhere here, which is nice if you

want to relax but not really great if you want to vlog.

I kind of brushed upon why I'm on this trip already, I'm here with Google; Google Maps

to be more specific & it's just about learning all the features of Google Maps.

I only knew two of the features mainly.

I knew that you could navigate with it & I knew that you could take maps, parts of the

map offline in India, which is a really useful feature if you're not going to be having network

connectivity, you can just download the map parts when you have wifi & then you can use

it even if you're not getting any 3G or anything like that.

But today we were briefed on so many more.

We were briefed on the public transport map, which is so good!

So in Mumbai if you want to use Mumbai Metro, you want to use the railway, you want to use

the buses, there's so much of information built into the app.

When I was in college I remember, I paid seperately for an app that would help me with all bus

routes & now it's all inbuilt into one app, that is amazing.

So we've been making a lot of pit stops on our journey from Mumbai, so many along the

way, to explore every separate feature of the map whether it's adding in a new location,

getting recommendations or anything like that.

And we've been communicating on Allo.

Finally we reached our resort, where we're going to be staying for tonight, it's the

Hilton Shillim Spa Resort, the last leg on the way to this resort, the last few kilometres

was kind of rough ok because there were a lot of ghats, there were a lot of hairpin

bends, steep turns, the road was a little bit bumpy here & there.

It was not the best, in that aspect.

I've had worse, it reminded me of when I travelled to Ooty, & the experience is like that, the

view was exhilarating, but the actual journey part was not that great.

But when we reached the resort, everyone just put down their bags and gathered up at one

corner because the view was like, out of this world amazing, ok?

It was just kind of... indescribable.

And this resort is really so big, (they told us it's like 350 acres or something), that

they had to drop us in our rooms by a car, they drove us in a nano.

The only resorts that I've ever seen before that were this large were when my parents

took me on a trip to Florida, many years ago, I was in school, we went to Orlando, & Disneyworld.

So there we had stayed in a couple of places that was really this big large, but I've never

seen anything like this in India, where the resort is so spread out, now I should kind

of show you guys my experience, leading up to the room & the room tour.

So they just dropped me at my villa now.

And it's somewhere there, it's one of the rooms there, I don't know which one it is.

I can't wait to see my room, this is like something else.

I'm too excited.

OK, so I just took a round around my room, to switch on any lights, because the place

is still really moody & dark.

So I don't know which side... should I show you guys the bedroom first?

This is the living / bedroom.

Huge TV here.

And look at this guys!

The beds have canopies.

Oh my God!

So there are two single beds & I'm going to have to choose which one to sleep in tonight.

There is a beautiful, large sofa here.

Let's just get this blind up.This serves to bring in so much natural light into the room.

Such a beautiful way to sit inside & still enjoy the greenery.

Here's the private balcony, so there's also a separate screen door, I guess to protect

you from mosquitoes, because there must be a lot of insects here.

Now that you guys have seen this area, let me show you what you would see if you turned

right instead of left.

First is the bathroom area here.

Over there is the toilet, the commode, behind a nice glass door.

And I love that there are two basins here, because that's rare.

And if there are two people, you can get ready at the same time, you don't have to wait for

each other.

Here's the tub guys.

Here's a shower, but if you think that this shower isn't fancy enough for you, let me

show you the better shower.

This is the outdoor rain shower - check this out guys, you can bathe with nature all around


Kinda crazy.

Pretty amazing though, if you ask me.

It's definitely going to take a little while for me to take this all in.

I think I'm just going to spend the next hour absorbing the amazingness of this place.

So it's quarter to eight & I'm about to head to the reception area for dinner.

I'm pretty hungry right now, I'm actually bordering on hangry - you know when you get

so hungry that you get kind of angry & want to eat anything?

I've reached that stage now.

And I've just worn my new sweatshirt that I bought from H&M recently, I think it was

maybe a month ago.

But they are two of my absolute favorite things, which are cats & sushi on one sweatshirt so

of course I bought it at once & am wearing it now, I hope it's not too warm out there.

I didn't want to walk to the reception now at night when it's pretty dark & risk possibly

getting lost so I called for a car, you can do that whenever you want & apparently it

has arrived.

So it is almost midnight & I've just reached back to my room.

We had an amazing barbeque - they have a couple of restaurants but we had like a private,

open air setting, which was really really nice.

Right now the only debate in front of me is should I take a shower or should I have a

bath in the tub?

Also since you guys seem to ask this question a lot, I'll quickly show you just the five

products I've bought for bath time with me, of course they do have a shower gel & shampoo

here, but this is the stuff that I'm carrying with me, so I'm using the Rene Furterer Naturia

shampoo & Karité conditioner.

I mainly carried these because they're close to finishing, so they're good to take for

travel rather than taking something full.

This is the Forest Essentials bath & shower oil - Mashobra Honey & Vanilla, this is really

nice to put on while you're having a bath &I knew that it was going to be a bit chilly

up here, which it is, that's why I carried this.

This is the face wash I'm using, La Roche Posay Effaclar Face Wash for oily sensitive

skin & for moisturiser, I'm using Kronokare's Bash The Gloss moisturising face cream for

oily skin.

Good Morning Guys!

So it's day 2 of the trip & I tried to wake up pretty early today but that didn't happen

because the bed was so cosy & it's also kind of naturally chilly here, I turned off the

air conditioner before going to sleep but it

was still really, really cold & I stupidly carried pretty flimsy nightwear, which is

my mistake, so should not have done that.

I woke up in

the morning to sunrise & the sound of birds, I set my GoPro to take

a timelapse & went

back to sleep.

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