Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 20 2018

I think it's friends who do that it follows all these rules of the United

States government but at the same time there's a darker side of that happen if

one day the United States government says well that guy's a criminal I'm

taking his Bitcoin and it's all at corn base what a base we'll give you your

your Bitcoin now so it wasn't really your Bitcoin was it but if you control

your Bitcoin on your tresor and the united states government says you're a

criminal one day they can't take it from they cannot take it from you

but when it's on a third party it's very very easy for them to take it from you

especially one like coinbase which totally obeys then and they and that's

what you signed up for with come join base it's that coin basis fall it's not

it's your personal responsibility there but I mean it's a risk there there's

also I'm telling you not to take that risk and get it off of coinbase in all

those third parties also when you're hurt

where this is you know I've got all sorts of little little tips here when

you're watching some of our videos they'll be advertisements on YouTube

before our videos we do not endorse those advertisers I don't know the

advertisements that YouTube puts up before my videos they just put up

advertise do not listen do not listen to those advertisements do some of those

advertisers could be scams okay seriously there was the bit connect some

people we'd like a big connect is doing advertisers before your video and that

was like a straight up well it it was a straight up it ended up being epoxy so

when even if you hear legitimate like eat or eat or oh does a lot of

advertisement sign any one vent you know don't that doesn't mean they're kosher

people if they're before and if there before your favorite content producers

video so so be very careful with people that are pushing themselves out there in

the advertising realm and again I I I tell people to stay away from the words

trading and mind if don't try to be a trader or a miner it really complicates

things a lot alright another reason you don't want to be a trader and a way to

lose Bitcoin it's it's today is that last thing to pay your taxes

States if you were a traitor and you were buying and selling let's say on

coinbase like many times over you bought your soul ID you bought your soul those

are all recorded and again it's not coin basis bought it's not your exchanges

fault that's what you signed up for they're reporting it to the IRS so there

are a lot of people who have it's really complex to do your taxes that way hey

does you have all these little transactions you have to report if

you're just holding you wouldn't have to worry about that but not only that some

people make huge profits and there's all sorts of complexities to it so in order

to pay their taxes and to sell their Bitcoin now we're sad it starts up the

whole process again so next year they have to report that on their taxes that

they made a certain profit or a loss and everything so again a reason you don't

want to get into the trading game is because eventually you're gonna have to

pay taxes on it and you might have to SAP lose even more Bitcoin to pay those

taxes and so that's not a good that's not a cycle to get into I mentioned all

coins before I I mentioned not to invest in your friends projects lending people

asked me what lending platform is the best lending platform out there I want

to get a return on my Bitcoin I want to you know give it to this lending

platform and then they're going to give me interest on my Bitcoin no don't do

that what's stopping the lending platform from going out of business and

just stealing all your Bitcoin I mean again that's you know for and for a 1%

return and then usually the reply I'll get is well for Bitcoin to be in real

currency you're gonna be able to have to lend it out and have interest rates on

it okay don't worry about that in the future for now these are third is giving

your Bitcoin to a third party that's all it is it's just a fancy way of saying

that and hoping and give it back to you with a return so avoid avoid that I said

avoid icos private key and passphrase compromise

okay then I've talked about crypto dividends

before a lot of you have heard about all of these Forks from Bitcoin every

we come out some of them you're like well how do I even get this beat Bitcoin

diamond let's call it be diamond how do I even get this and it's not easy but

don't be tempted just because there's no easy way to get it if someone pops up

and say hey I have an easy way to get your a bead diamond now never give your

passphrase to them never give your private key to them never give them

personal information that's most likely more than likely it is a scam hold on to

that thing for dear life that's that's the easiest way because your Bitcoin

when you mistakenly think you've stumbled upon a site that's gonna give

you that free crypto dividend that's gonna split that free crip their

dividend for you if you just enter in your treasure recovery you see that's do

not do it ask someone first make sure other just

don't do it at all just do not do it you just being paranoid in this space is it

is a good thing just being taking your time is a very

good thing it benefits you in the long term okay we talked about story don't

store any coins anywhere unless you control your private key here's another

one let's say you do have a coin base account okay or any type of

cryptocurrency even if you have a trading account out there and you get an

email from that third party that you're affiliated with you're you already have

an account with that third party and it says hey we've done some updates here

click on this link so you can come to our site and you know check out the

terms of conditions have changed don't click on that link and you're like why

did the company just emailed it to me they just email it might not be that

company I get fake coin based emails all the time all the time they there are

people out there it just send out millions and millions of fake coin based

emails to anyone and they know they're gonna stumble upon someone has a coin

base account eventually and you click on it you enter some you might maybe they

say hey you know enter your password to get into coinbase take to log in now to

get did the new update and you'll do it they'd also may go in the coin

they start buying and selling and it's horrible what can happen and so and then

you're gonna say well heaven if it is a real coinbase email how do I get a real

email for quantity should I click on it no no you shouldn't again better safe

than sorry the information that they're telling you to click on if you just log

in the regular way you usually log in you're gonna get there eventually so I

don't click on any link see any root in any crypto currency related email same

thing with Twitter accounts out there don't don't click on any Twitter links

from trusted sources from your friends even because they might have gotten

hacked or they might have got fooled into sharing a fake like a fake charlie

lead tweet or someone that you think is reliable be very be very careful with

this diff so many you might have a favorite Twitter personality right now

there are so many scams out there involving Twitter and social media

people imitating your favorite personality just to trick you into

giving away your private login or private key information and again when

we're talking about Twitter and when we're talking about the troll boxes

boxes on exchanges there's some really lowlife type of people to hang out at

these places and they do a certain type of gratification that I cannot

understand by spreading fear uncertainty and doubt they will just scream over and

over then bitcoins going down to 5,000 bitcoins

going down to 4,000 somehow sell now and if they do it long enough and if you see

it often enough it's gonna bring you down you got to be able to avoid these

type of people if you see someone that you identify as a troll that's it block

them get out of there spear of influence okay and sometimes people can be

legitimate at first and then they can just totally troll on you so try to you

know I'm not saying you know there's many sides to every story well you guys

can tell a positive person from a negative person avoid the negativity out

there because for some reason just like a lot of negative people out there and

some of them are straight-up crazy people that are just stick jollies out

of it and they really are they love social media

how they that's how they get their social contact they don't they don't

come out to real they would never say it to your face

they would never try to find you to your face but again for those that you don't

know fear uncertainty and death that's a term you're gonna hear a lot and

something that you should be familiar with if you are in the cryptocurrency

space and it's not as you know there's gonna be all these one of the traders

out there - they're gonna try to tempt you into trading and they're gonna say

well you see I I sold it twenty thousand and I bought back at five thousand it's

so easy to do you just sell high buy low and I did it well most likely

those people are like okay they're talking a big game now that the prices

going down it is not that easy and so don't just because the guy is talking a

big game about what a great trader he is on the Internet where you will never

meet him you might not even be a guy for all you know he's probably not that the

picture that you see there don't believe it's not that easy and again that guy's

not paid does he talk about the taxes he paid he didn't pay taxes was really

didn't happen but maybe if you did have these probably not even paying taxes on

it should be real careful about that and remember we all do make mistakes

so we're learn from your mistakes just don't rely on others but if you do make

a mistake where you sent your bitcoin to a bean cache address then okay get back

off from me don't abandon Bitcoin don't don't say oh it's not for me this

personal responsibility coin it's not I want to go back to the banks I want to

be part of the herd and just live my regular life and get my big-screen TV no

don't let a bit bad things happen in cryptocurrency everybody gets scammed I

mean a lot of people get stands don't let it turn you off - cryptocurrency it

is the wild ball of West right now so if you that's another way to lose your

Bitcoin well you're like oh well I made a mistake I'm out of this game I'm

selling out now cashing out you're gonna regret it in

the long run this is a just such an exciting it's a it's always exciting for

me I mean but uh you just got to think about the bigger picture this is just a

total change in the way we see money and if you ever get down remember that or if

you ever get down watch my channel people say it really reassures them a

lot and stuff in when when the price is going down all right avoid buzzwords

there's so many people out there I'd like to throw around these smart

contract you know Joey get by my crypto currencies a smart contract type of

cryptocurrency there's all sorts of other words that are complex if you do

not fully understand what buzzwords are talking about and by the way sometimes

they don't even understand the buzzwords they're using and they're just totally

making them up just avoid those people keep it simple let me tell you let me

tell you a word that I like to use uncomplicated well well they can't take

your Bitcoin away from you that's really all you got to remember there you don't

have to worry about these magical altcoins that are gonna be able to solve

every aspect of your life that are gonna be able to I don't know turn your car

into a house magically and then they'll do a rocket ship I mean the things you

hear you know they're gonna all be able to do one day just don't get caught up

into that madness of these fancy pods words I mean when I was in South Africa

at the cryptocurrency I can't conference I mean at times

people are just talking smart contract this smart contract dad I'm like do you

really need smart contracts right now I mean why can't we just like talk about

store of value and how you know the bank Belen's aren't in Bitcoin I mean that

that's best for me is the basic type of thing so don't get tempted away from

Bitcoin by some of this big talk out there speaking about Africa Africa is

like like so in the cryptocurrency space everyone was like Africa's the future

there's so much potential in Africa and I agree but how about if you meet

someone it's like hey dude Africa's the future I need five Bitcoin we're gonna

start this awesome project in Africa of all places you know it's the future it's

gonna be huge pain we're gonna start the first Bitcoin exchange in Somalia it is

it's gonna be a moneymaker you got it again don't get tempted by these future

trends that are not even close to happening yet again you're giving away

your Bitcoin to something that seems like you're gonna be the freakin hero

you're gonna be able to virtue signal all your friends that you see in Africa

or whatever no don't fall for those things people do Hut I know it sounds

glamorous and awesome and you're gonna be famous strive not to be framed famous

in Bitcoin strive to be your boring grandmother with a savings account and

in the long run you'll be happier you will be I mean it's a bitcoin is a

newfangled uh newfangled savings account uh I'm sure my grandma would love to get

into it if she understood it you know thank thank god you're able to

understand this whole miss level alright what else do we have we talked about the

fake Twitter accounts never get fooled by that stuff here and never hurts to uh

if you do have a tresor already you'd get another one have multiple storage

devices just in case something catastrophic happened to your tresor and

your recovery seed yeah you know you had some Bitcoin on another device at the

same time sometimes just to have a backup Tresor if you if something went

wrong with your Tresor and you have your recovery seed you could always put that

recovery seed on another Tresor and just start all over so why not have that

backup already so I think that's about all you should pound that like button if

you're a blessing my video right now if this is on video now on that like button

think long-term I'm and have a strong hand I think I

explain what having a strong hand is there's a lot of temptation out there

don't don't get tempted in the down times to sell and the the down times are

the time so you have to prove that you're here here for the long run

there's lots of opportunity now always be in motion reach out to the trusted

personalities they're always very willing to talk so

yeah that's about it I will answer all of your questions of sure about anything

it doesn't have to be about how to hold on to your Bitcoin yes you do have to

and say that Bitcoin on each one if you use one when you try to use that

recovery to do that on to a tray so if it already has something or a blank

blank there's actually other laudable to get it you can actually use that

recovery seat on some other other ways there are other ways you're good at

reservoir treszura dot IO there frequently asked

questions can explain you how to take your recovery seed and recover your

bighorn like on a completely different on the computer if you want to do that

too but I wouldn't recommend doing that but the treasure back a frequently asked

questions that is a good that's they answer a lot of questions on that one of

the questions I get asked about Tresor is well how about if it goes out of

business I mean what happens then yeah again there there are third parties out

there then you'll be able to continue everything out but that is a frequently

that's something I get asked and they actually answer it as they're frequently

asked questions section he was first back there

have you moved here bitcoins to say what addresses great question so obviously I

had a bit of Bitcoin before the segment change happen now when when when it

happened it was actually expensive to move it them the man pool was filled up

so I did not move it at that time now remember I travel around the world so I

don't I don't take my treasure with me because I had a TSA experience once I

could give a whole speech about that but I did have my treasure with me not a

good idea and but anyway I didn't move it I did not move our you have segment

addresses I moved a some but not all now again if you're a long-term holder what

you're your legacy address it's gonna work still it's not a it's not a problem

but if you're a person does move their Bitcoin every once in a

while yeah moving it to a Segway address is gonna ensure that if you want to move

it in the future to another segment address that the transaction is

definitely cheap so I have not moved all of mine yet for those reasons I'm not

around my trends or very often but and it was expensive when it was when that

option first came out there but uh yeah you could do it you should do it a lot

of people encourage it I I'm not rushing myself to do it you doing this do you

not know that you do I like Leger Nano all right so that's my second favorite

now this is now I'm gonna give you an honest answer about this so again I

encounter a lot of people who use both and there's two other there's um what

are the other ones called uh did yet the digital bit box which I think and then

keep keep ki I don't like that because the got one of the guys involved with

that was involved with promoting be cash I would say so I said to throat I said

the boycott voorhees Erik Voorhees and shape-shift you don't have to do that

you don't have to be as hardcore as me or he was behind to it he supported to X

also some of you don't even what I'm talking about

but okay let's do so it's it's generally accepted though that traceur and Leger

nano are the best but I have had people and recently there was a problem with

legend anime they didn't there was a problem with actually storing your beat

cache on there that freaks some people out it look like they didn't have as

much beat - as they should and even though I'm not a big I'm not a be cache

fan I had D cache because I got it for free and I would have had like a heart

attack if I seemed like oh my god I don't have any big cash what the heck

happened here so treszura has been known to add ruin

treszura's had issues they immediately addressed they send out a press release

it's taking care of it wasn't even a big problem the other problem I've heard is

I've had clients of mine people I've been associated with because I do crypto

consultations and I help people set up a trace or they've had some complexities

with their ledger nanos just scary incidences that I haven't heard

about what reservoir so that makes me favor the trans war over the ledger

nagging now I'm not saying anybody lost anything on their ledger nan-oh I would

never spread rumors like that but there might have been some scary moments a few

people had that would have freaked the living on anything out of me with the

ledger nano that I had not heard about with the treasurer so that's my that's

my that's an opinion that's from my experience

I'm not saying ledger nanos a bad product but I I for the Trafford the

Tresor and again I'm associated with a guy crypto HW wallet calm he's like a

third party seller of these devices he's totally trustworthy do and so he sells

ledger nanos and stuff and so I've had an affiliate code with him so I'm sure

I've benefitted from people buying ledger nano I do have it affiliate code

For more infomation >> BitcoinMeister talks Bitcoin and cryptocurrency at the Los Angeles meetup in Century City- Part 2 - Duration: 20:01.


Dethleffs Camper 450 V - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Dethleffs Camper 450 V - Duration: 1:12.


Y!mobile「カラフル野球部~TWICEが珍プレー好プレー続出!?」 メイキング動画 - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> Y!mobile「カラフル野球部~TWICEが珍プレー好プレー続出!?」 メイキング動画 - Duration: 4:57.


Michael Cohen will probably be charged with a crime: Alan Dershowitz - Duration: 7:34.

For more infomation >> Michael Cohen will probably be charged with a crime: Alan Dershowitz - Duration: 7:34.


Hurricane season is coming and Puerto Rico still has a big power problem - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Hurricane season is coming and Puerto Rico still has a big power problem - Duration: 4:54.


Russia probe is a fishing expedition: Rep. Gosar - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> Russia probe is a fishing expedition: Rep. Gosar - Duration: 6:19.


Comey's book tour is more like a therapy tour: Rep. Tenney - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> Comey's book tour is more like a therapy tour: Rep. Tenney - Duration: 5:31.


Further Signs of MSM PANIC MODE Did Corporate News Anchors - Duration: 8:41.

Further Signs of MSM PANIC MODE - Did Corporate News Anchors Just Beg Viewers to Avoid Social

Media and Independent Journalism

By: Chas Danner

This is fine.

It has become abundantly clear that at some level, the corporate media (or those behind

it) view the alternative media as an opposing force.

The norm of MSM sources of ridiculing and poking fun at independent journalists�calling

them conspiracy theorists and/or dismissing their valid observations altogether�has

revealed the MSM to consider these alternative sources to be a sort of competition.

The independent coverage of the issues of gun control, paid protests, false flag attacks,

and the now-popular subject of Q-Anon have revealed that independent media�in many

ways�is now leading the way with regard to subject matters.

According to recent reports, the MSM is now spending a notable portion of their news cycle

performing what appears to be damage control against the constant flow of profound disclosures

coming from reliable alternative news sources.

We may have become used to hearing MSM news readers making numerous suggestions that corporate

media is somehow superior to all other forms of media.

However, we will know that corporate sources do not write their own lines, they do not

approve their own stories, and have little say as to what version of the truth they hand

to the public.

It is also important to note the fact that global corporations are now so closely knit

and interwoven that it is virtually impossible for any corporately sponsored source to cover

a news story without the information affecting their own network of sponsors.

In other words, MSM news sources cannot report thoroughly on any subject without implicating

their own business within the actual report.

The supposedly unquestionable "facts" which the MSM hands us three or more times per day

may appear to be authentic, unique, and reliable.

In reality, however, in many cases, these scripts are just that�scripts.

As we have known for some time, news reports are not simply created by journalists as in

decades past.

Instead, much of the news which audiences receive is created from a number of corporate

sources which have their own agenda in mind.

Among the numerous problems this situation produces, this anonymity prevents the audience

from assessing the true reliability of the information.

One clue we do have as to the reliability of these unseen sources is that instead of

allowing news companies to perform real, transparent journalism, these anonymous sources choose

to remain in the shadows and control the information audiences receive.

Below is an interesting article about a speech which the MSM uniformly promoted to an unsuspecting

audience as actual news.

However, upon closer examination, this speech of Sinclair Broadcasting affiliates seems

to reveal more than a desire for honest, forthright communication.

It is true that this news story/speech was published on April 1st.

However, its message does not appear to be any joke at all�at least not in the eyes

of those who collectively chose to send it.

It follows the now familiar narrative of, "Please don't leave us.

Our sponsors want your money," and "If you watch YouTube videos, fake news will get you."

In the eyes of many of us in the audience, this odd public service announcement was actually


Yet at the same time, this speech/performance was particularly revealing.

News Anchors Reciting Sinclair Propaganda is Even More Terrifying

Over the last week or so, local television news anchors across the the country have joined

together to paradoxically warn viewers about the �troubling trend of irresponsible, one-sided

news stories plaguing our country.� The identical, seemingly earnest editorial messages

paid lip service to the importance of fact-checking and unbiased reporting, but they also complained

about �false news� and �fake stories.� If that seems to echo the rhetoric of President

Trump, it�s probably because the statement was written by one of his allies.

The anchors were forced to read the so-called journalistic responsibility messages word

for word by their employer, the conservative-leaning Sinclair Broadcast Group, the largest owner

of television stations in the country.

The features were one of Sinclair�s now infamous �must-run� segments, consisting

of conservative commentary that every Sinclair-owned station is required to air.

Think Progress rounded up many of the �fake stories� segments for a chilling video on

Friday, but Deadspin�s Timothy Burke published a much more terrifying version on Saturday,

which at one point shows 30 of the segments synced up in unison:

If you want to read along, the script that Seattle�s KOMO-TV used on the air, which

was obtained and published by the Seattle Post Intelligencer on Thursday, is as follows:

�Hi, I�m(A) ____________, and I�m (B) _________________�

(B) Our greatest responsibility is to serve our Northwest communities.

We are extremely proud of the quality, balanced journalism that KOMO News produces.

(A) But we�re concerned about the troubling trend of irresponsible, one sided news stories

plaguing our country.

The sharing of biased and false news has become all too common on social media.

(B) More alarming, some media outlets publish these same fake stories� stories that just

aren�t true, without checking facts first.

(A) Unfortunately, some members of the media use their platforms to push their own personal

bias and agenda to control �exactly what people think��This is extremely dangerous

to a democracy.

(B) At KOMO it�s our responsibility to pursue and report the truth.

We understand Truth is neither politically �left nor right.� Our commitment to factual

reporting is the foundation of our credibility, now more than ever.

(A) But we are human and sometimes our reporting might fall short.

If you believe our coverage is unfair please reach out to us by going to and


We value your comments.

We will respond back to you.

(B) We work very hard to seek the truth and strive to be fair, balanced and factual�

We consider it our honor, our privilege to responsibly deliver the news every day.

(A) Thank you for watching and we appreciate your feedback�

The Post Intelligencer adds that, according to a source at KOMO-TV, the anchors were �certainly

not happy about it,� since the statements were �a forced thing.� One KOMO anchor

also tweeted a columncriticizing Sinclair on Sunday.

They aren�t alone in their discontent.

CNN�s Brian Stelter has reported that other channels� staff members resent the move,


He has also reported that Sinclair instructed its channels to repeat the promos as often

as possible �to create maximum reach and frequency.�

Here is the part of Sunday�s Reliable Sources that Stelter devoted to the Deadspin video

and ongoing controversy:

Other Sinclair-forced segments have included commentary from former Trump advisers Boris

Epshteyn and Sebastian Gorka, who recently warned Sinclair�s audiences that the deep

state� was trying to undermine the president.

The company also put its thumb on the scale for Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign,

and periodically tries to keep Americans anxious about more than just bad weather with its

Terrorism Alert Desk segments, which round up worldwide terror attacks.

This is funny stuff.

Lets you know that the corporate giants that own mainstream media is trying to censor free

speech and want to control what you think and believe.

Watch the video clip from The link in the article source link below in our description.

For more infomation >> Further Signs of MSM PANIC MODE Did Corporate News Anchors - Duration: 8:41.


Amazing Zen Den Tiny 'Om' on Wheels | Your Personal Sanctuary and Traveling Cabin - Duration: 2:27.

Amazing Zen Den Tiny 'Om' on Wheels | Your Personal Sanctuary and Traveling Cabin

For more infomation >> Amazing Zen Den Tiny 'Om' on Wheels | Your Personal Sanctuary and Traveling Cabin - Duration: 2:27.


A.P. Bio - The Fetal Pigs Are Here! (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> A.P. Bio - The Fetal Pigs Are Here! (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:30.


Comey's book tour has been a buffet of delicious contradictions: Kennedy - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Comey's book tour has been a buffet of delicious contradictions: Kennedy - Duration: 1:59.


Defiance 2050 Dev Update: PC Closed Beta - Duration: 1:25.

What's up Arkhunters?

Defiance 2050 PC closed beta is coming this Friday 4/20 - 4/22

And its not too late to sign up if you haven't already

Just go to

But you know what, let's go ahead and talk about what's coming in to Defiance 2050 closed beta

This is the first time you will be able to play hands on

with the newly reimagined Defiance 2050

Experience first hand all the changes we made to the class system, itemization, and more

You'll be playing the Assault class

You can get to character level 25, class level 25, and have the max power of 1500

Plus, you can take down tons of enemies with this whole arsenal of new abilities

Level up your weapons in an entirely new way with modifications

Customize your gun to fit your playstyle and have some fun

Explore the open world, and play the exciting Mount Tam and Madera story missions together

Prepare to hop in and play with your friends in the "Liberate the Lost" co-op mission

After the beta, keep on the lookout for the post beta survey

We want to hear from you

Thanks for taking a look with us in the Defiance 2050 closed beta

And next week, we are going to have some surprise announcements for you. Stay tuned.

For more infomation >> Defiance 2050 Dev Update: PC Closed Beta - Duration: 1:25.


Saiyan Sipahi Ke | Bhojpuri Folk Songs | Live Performance | Sukhari Lal Yadav | USP TV - Duration: 7:41.

Are saiyan sipahi ke

Are krele naukariya

Saiyan sipahi ke

Are krele naukariya

Ki kare maan jaan sabhe ghar ke bhitariya

Kare maan jaan sabhe ghar ke bhitariya

Saiyan sipahi ke krele naukariya

Saiyan sipahi ke krele naukariya

Ki kare maan jaan sabhe ghar ke bhitariya

Kare maan jaan sabhe ghar ke bhitariya

Sasur ji retire baani bani ke diwan ho..

Sasur ji retire baani bani ke diwan ho..

Dewar ji milatory ke houvan javaan ho..

Sasur ji retire baani bani ke diwan ho..

Dewar ji milatory ke houvan javaan ho..

Sasu ji bisare nahi

Sasu ji bisare nahi ho..

Sasu ji bisare nahi taniko najariya

Ki kare maan jaan sabhe ghar ke bhitariya

Kare maan jaan sabhe ghar ke bhitariya

Chhatki nanadiya abb hi kareli padhai

Gajabe ke pavale baadi lalaki goraii

Chhatki nanadiya abb hi kareli padhai

Gajabe ke pavale baadi lalaki goraii

Rahela umang mann mein dil ki bhitariya

Rahela umang mann mein dil ki bhitariya

Ki kare maan jaan sabhe ghar ke bhitariya

Kare maan jaan sabhe ghar ke bhitariya

Gharva mein hamre chalela malikaai

Gharva mein hamre, Gharva mein hamre

Gharva mein hamre chalela malikaai

Aisan parivar sakhi kahe na dhadhaii

Gharva mein hamre chalela malikaai

Aisan parivar sakhi kahe na dhadhaii

Sharam saiyan rakhe apni


Ae saiyan...

More raja...

Ae saiyan...

Rakhele Sukhari apni dil ke bhitariya

Rakhele Sukhari apni dil ke bhitariya

Ki kare maan jaan sabhe ghar ke bhitariya

Kare maan jaan sabhe ghar ke bhitariya

Saiyan sipahi ke krele naukariya

Saiyan sipahi ke krele naukariya

Ki kare maan jaan sabhe ghar ke bhitariya

Kare maan jaan sabhe ghar ke bhitariya

Kare maan jaan sabhe ghar ke bhitariya

Kare maan jaan sabhe ghar ke bhitariya

Kare maan jaan sabhe...

For more infomation >> Saiyan Sipahi Ke | Bhojpuri Folk Songs | Live Performance | Sukhari Lal Yadav | USP TV - Duration: 7:41.


Y!mobile「カラフル野球部~TWICEがユニフォーム姿で打って、投げて、踊る!?~」篇 - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Y!mobile「カラフル野球部~TWICEがユニフォーム姿で打って、投げて、踊る!?~」篇 - Duration: 0:41.


Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - April 19, 2018 | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 21:03.

For more infomation >> Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - April 19, 2018 | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 21:03.


¿De quién son esas piernas?: Lili descubrió quién iba con Luis Miguel en el carro | GYF - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> ¿De quién son esas piernas?: Lili descubrió quién iba con Luis Miguel en el carro | GYF - Duration: 1:01.


最新震撼消息,這一次深深打擊納吉了,快看!天有眼了 - Duration: 14:19.

For more infomation >> 最新震撼消息,這一次深深打擊納吉了,快看!天有眼了 - Duration: 14:19.


Dividen caravana de migrantes rumbo a EEUU: Unos siguen en autobús y otros, en el tren 'La Bestia' - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Dividen caravana de migrantes rumbo a EEUU: Unos siguen en autobús y otros, en el tren 'La Bestia' - Duration: 2:35.


Paulina Rubio, buscan a tu novio: esta mujer quiere que de la cara porque le "destruyó" su BMW | GYF - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Paulina Rubio, buscan a tu novio: esta mujer quiere que de la cara porque le "destruyó" su BMW | GYF - Duration: 3:03.


Y!mobile「カラフル野球部~TWICEが息の合ったダンスを披露!~」篇 - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> Y!mobile「カラフル野球部~TWICEが息の合ったダンスを披露!~」篇 - Duration: 0:26.


estamos totalmente solos - alejandro lupi serres -(b.scaggs) - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> estamos totalmente solos - alejandro lupi serres -(b.scaggs) - Duration: 4:13.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Line Style | Ambition - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Line Style | Ambition - Duration: 1:07.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 - Duration: 1:08.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B180 MPV Automaat Line Style | Ambition - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B180 MPV Automaat Line Style | Ambition - Duration: 0:45.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Urban | Ambition | Nightpakket - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Urban | Ambition | Nightpakket - Duration: 1:07.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Style | Ambition - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Style | Ambition - Duration: 1:04.


Bhad Bhabie Stands By Her Cardi B & Nicki Minaj Comments - Duration: 4:28.

Bhad Bhabie Stands By Her Cardi B & Nicki Minaj Comments

Bhad Bhabie is standing by her comments.

Its been an eventful week in hip hop.

Weve received confirmation of new music from Drake and J. Cole, Nicki Minaj is scheduled to close out the season finale of SNL as the musical guest and Kanye West has officially hopped back on Twitter.

In the midst of this, weve found Bhad Bhabie a.k.a Danielle Bregoli embroiled in the faux Cardi B vs. Nicki Minaj beef.

After sparking debate after siding with Cardi over Nicki, she isnt allowing public opinion to get in the way of her musical taste.

Danielle Bregoli isnt letting the media spin her words without making things clear.

She took to her Instagram story to speak on her comments about Nicki Minaj and Cardi B.

She explained that she has love for both of them, but shes a bigger Cardi fan than Nicki.

All I said was I like Cardi more.

Im allowed to say that I like someone more than another person.

Theres no problem with that at all. She said.

She later began to compare how people rock with some of these shitty ass Soundcloud rappers over the old school rappers and no one bugs out.

Aside from her recent comments, Bhad Bhabies been also getting busy in these streets.

The Gucci Flip Flops rapper had a confrontation with viral Instagram personality, Woah Vicky over the weekend which resulted in some jabs be thrown.

For more infomation >> Bhad Bhabie Stands By Her Cardi B & Nicki Minaj Comments - Duration: 4:28.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Family Edition | Urban | Camera | Navi - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Family Edition | Urban | Camera | Navi - Duration: 0:44.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Family Edition | Urban | Camera | KEYLESS-GO - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Family Edition | Urban | Camera | KEYLESS-GO - Duration: 1:09.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B170 Avantgarde Automaat XENON PDC CRUISE STOELVERW. ECC '06 - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B170 Avantgarde Automaat XENON PDC CRUISE STOELVERW. ECC '06 - Duration: 1:11.


美國的穴道被俄國人摸到了 中國也將會在這裡下狠手 - Duration: 6:11.

For more infomation >> 美國的穴道被俄國人摸到了 中國也將會在這裡下狠手 - Duration: 6:11.


Wheels On The Bus

For more infomation >> Wheels On The Bus


For more infomation >> Wheels On The Bus


4/19/18 4:37 PM (3639-3699 N Driscoll Blvd, Spokane, WA 99205, USA) - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> 4/19/18 4:37 PM (3639-3699 N Driscoll Blvd, Spokane, WA 99205, USA) - Duration: 4:59.


For more infomation >> 4/19/18 4:37 PM (3639-3699 N Driscoll Blvd, Spokane, WA 99205, USA) - Duration: 4:59.


4/19/18 2:05 PM (7458 N Division St, Spokane, WA 99208, USA) - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> 4/19/18 2:05 PM (7458 N Division St, Spokane, WA 99208, USA) - Duration: 4:58.


For more infomation >> 4/19/18 2:05 PM (7458 N Division St, Spokane, WA 99208, USA) - Duration: 4:58.


¿De quién son esas piernas?: Lili descubrió quién iba con Luis Miguel en el carro | GYF - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> ¿De quién son esas piernas?: Lili descubrió quién iba con Luis Miguel en el carro | GYF - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> ¿De quién son esas piernas?: Lili descubrió quién iba con Luis Miguel en el carro | GYF - Duration: 1:01.


HSN | Beauty Report with Amy Morrison 04.19.2018 - 07 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Beauty Report with Amy Morrison 04.19.2018 - 07 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.


For more infomation >> HSN | Beauty Report with Amy Morrison 04.19.2018 - 07 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.


GARBAGE - Only Happy When It Rains (Subtitulada en Español) - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> GARBAGE - Only Happy When It Rains (Subtitulada en Español) - Duration: 3:57.


For more infomation >> GARBAGE - Only Happy When It Rains (Subtitulada en Español) - Duration: 3:57.


地下鉄ホーム ペーパークラフト組立方法ムービー 鉄道模型 Nゲージ - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> 地下鉄ホーム ペーパークラフト組立方法ムービー 鉄道模型 Nゲージ - Duration: 3:40.


For more infomation >> 地下鉄ホーム ペーパークラフト組立方法ムービー 鉄道模型 Nゲージ - Duration: 3:40.


Ep 7 Social Media Safety (Next Generation Behavioral Health Podcast) - Duration: 9:49.

[Dr. Christy Armstrong] Hello, and welcome to Next Generation Behavioral Health.

[Dr. Julie Kinn] 10-minute tips for modernizing patient care.

[music] [Dr. Christy Armstrong] I'm Dr. Christina


[Dr. Julie Kinn] And I'm Dr. Julie Kinn.

We work in the Department of Defense to develop mobile apps, websites, and other health technology,

and to share it with providers and beneficiaries.

[Dr. Christy Armstrong] That's right.

We travel around the country, and sometimes out of the country, training military providers

on the core competency, the integration of these technologies into clinical care.

And as we travel around, we found that we hear a lot of the same questions over and

over again, and we wanted to begin to share the answers with all of you out there.

[Dr. Julie Kinn] That's right.

And we do it in 10 minutes or you get your money back.

And that's going to be really challenging on this topic because I know we both have

a lot to say on it, and also we get tons of questions about it.

And it's social media.

How to use social media safely, and how to set a social media policy.

[Dr. Christy Armstrong] Absolutely.

[Dr. Julie Kinn] What do we mean by social media?

[Dr. Christy Armstrong] Good question.

When I think of social media, of course, the first things that come to mind are those social

networking sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and all those types of sites.

What do you think?

[Dr. Julie Kinn] I think it's different from just email or going to a website because social

media indicates that you're sharing some sort of personally identifiable information.

If your PII is out there, if people can trace your comment on that cooking blog back to

you, that's social media.

And your patients might be seeing that.

So you should expect that all of your patients are going to Google you.

That's what they do.

So I would Google yourself, if you have never done that, and look at all the interesting

things out there about you.

If you do have a unique name, unfortunately, any comment that you've made on a public website

could appear there.

[Dr. Christy Armstrong] Absolutely.

And you know, fun fact for all of you [laughter]-- this was a surprise for me.

So what we found in the research is that all the-- so at least our patients in the military

tend to be younger, 30 or below.

And, of course, all of us clinicians tend to be older than that.

Like 35 and above.

So you would imagine that our social media use would be different, right?

That probably the younger folks were all hip to this stuff and they're using it more.

But we found that that's not the case.

The providers are actually using it at the same level as the service members.

[Dr. Julie Kinn] I was so surprised when I first saw that too.

It was not my first expectation.

But it's different sites, right?

So our younger-- [Dr. Christy Armstrong] Right.

[Dr. Julie Kinn] --folks are using Instagram, and Twitter, and, and the older

folks, us, we're [laughter] using Facebook.

I hope you don't mind, Dr. Armstrong, if I classify you in there.

[Dr. Christy Armstrong] Oh, not at all.

I am in that group.

[Dr. Julie Kinn] We use Facebook, and we use Twitter and Instagram, too.

But it is different.

But we're still using it.

I don't know about you, but my parents are on social media.

Are yours?

[Dr. Christy Armstrong] Absolutely.

My kids' great grandma is on social media-- [Dr. Julie Kinn] Oh, my gosh.

[Dr. Christy Armstrong] --and she is wonderful at it.

So it's interesting.

So for providers out there, it's important to note that you and your colleagues are on

social media and that-- what we know is that your patients are going to look you up for

two reasons.

Sometimes they'll look you up out of curiosity.

So there's some potential ethical issues in there.

They'll look you up for the reason that we look up any kind of businesses that we want

to do business with.

We want to check out reviews.

Of course, we want to know before we see a doctor, what are they like?

Are they bad or are they good?

And that's a honest reason for doing that.

So the question is, how can providers prevent and manage risks?

[Dr. Julie Kinn] The ethical dilemmas that result when someone might see pictures of

your kids online and then comment on a picture you posted on Facebook.

All of a sudden, you're in kind of a multiple relationship there.

That gets pretty tricky.

Have you ever had an intrusive client or patient using social media to contact you?

[Dr. Christy Armstrong] Yes, I have.

And it was-- [Dr. Julie Kinn] You don't need to tell us

about the specifics [laughter] but-- [Dr. Christy Armstrong] I won't.

But it did.

When it happened, I realized-- it was kind of early in my kind of use of social media

so it came about unexpectedly.

I wasn't anticipating it.

But now, of course, I'm more proactive in my approach.

But what it brought up for me is, immediately, there was these issues of multiple relationships,

potential boundary crossing, and also confidentiality of my patient as well.

There's parts of their personal life that I want them to be able to keep their own and

only share with me if they want to.

[Dr. Julie Kinn] Yeah.

You don't want them to write on your Facebook page, "Dr. Armstrong is the best clinician

ever [laughter].

She helped me following this disorder," because, all of a sudden, they have revealed way too

much about themselves.

[Dr. Christy Armstrong] At least in Facebook and LinkedIn and all those social media sites,

there are ways to protect your privacy in the settings features.

I urge everybody, all providers, to become familiar with that.

Even if you're not so technologically savvy, I urge you to click the settings button and

start to explore.

And I know, at least for Facebook, they guide users through, "This is how you can protect--"

And they really kind of spell it out for you.

[Dr. Julie Kinn I'd also add to do that quarterly.

Put a reminder on your calendar that, "Okay.

It's been three months.

I'm just going to go to Facebook and check to make sure my security settings are where

I want to them."

Because Facebook does add new security settings all the time and-- I'm saying Facebook.

All these sites do.

And it's worth a quarterly check to make sure that you've set it the exact way you want


[Dr. Christy Armstrong] So, for example, a lot of these sites allow easy access to your

personal email, your phone, and your address.

So although I've never had a situation where I was personally in danger because of a patient,

at least not in my personal home, there could be potential for that out there.

And so you do want to be thoughtful and proactive in protecting your privacy.

[Dr. Julie Kinn] What I like to do and what we recommend when we're training providers

is have this conversation immediately.

When you're talking about what is treatment, what does it look like, one of the things

we always talk about is, if you leave me a message, it's going to be these many hours

before I listen to it.


That's just general safety.

Same thing with social media.

I say, "My personal life, I do use social media.

But I don't respond to friend requests."

And then the patient or client always says, "Oh, no, no, no.

I would never send you a friend request," even though I got them all the time before

I started saying that.

And I think it just doesn't occur to them.

Especially if this is their first experience in behavioral health care, they might not


And if you've got this great rapport and they start thinking of you as someone who cares

for them, they might want to send you a friend request on Facebook so you can see the picture

of their kids doing the thing they told you about.

So just stop it before it starts so it doesn't feel rejecting later.

Because we want to avoid that.

We don't want them to feel bad.

And I would put it in my consent forms but, also, just really clearly spell it out in

a kind way.

[Dr. Christy Armstrong] I completely agree.

I hear you saying two things.

So one is having a written informed consent that describes your social media policy.

And then I hear you saying having that active conversation describing potential risks and

how you're going to approach it.

What I really love about that is it really mirrors, even before social media was around,

how we used to approach these potential boundary crossings.

I'll give you an example.

So before social media existed, one of the first conversations I would have with a patient

when we were going through the informed consent is-- at the time, I was practicing in a very

close community and I knew I was going to see patients-- I would [laughter] probably

see them in the grocery store.

And so I would have the conversation, "Hey, you're probably going to see me around.

That's okay.

But to protect your privacy, I will not approach you at the grocery store or anywhere if I

see you."

Just to kind of set up those boundaries right upfront because I know that those are going

to happen.

And so the same exact thing for the casual nature of social media to kind of set it upfront

in writing and verbally, and then there's no hard feelings.

[Dr. Julie Kinn] Exactly.

We don't want to wound them.

Fortunately, we can avoid that grocery store situation Kristy was talking about before

because now we buy everything online and don't have to interact with humans at all [laughter].

[Dr. Christy Armstrong] Well, isn't that ideal?

I'm just kidding.

[Dr. Julie Kinn] I'm just kidding [laughter].

[Dr. Christy Armstrong] So today we talked about how to develop a social media policy

for you and for your practice and also how to communicate that social media policy with

your patient.

[Dr. Julie Kinn] Yeah.

Let us know what you think and if you have any other suggestions that would be useful

for our listeners.

[Dr. Christy Armstrong] Thanks for joining us today on Next Generation Behavioral Health.

[Dr. Julie Kinn] Please connect with us on Facebook and Twitter @MilitaryHealth, and

check out our other podcasts, mobile apps, and websites.

They're all free for the military community but are useful for civilians, too.

Thank you so much for subscribing on iTunes or wherever you get podcasts and for leaving

us ratings.

Next Generation Behavioral Health is produced by the Defense Health Agency.


For more infomation >> Ep 7 Social Media Safety (Next Generation Behavioral Health Podcast) - Duration: 9:49.


For more infomation >> Ep 7 Social Media Safety (Next Generation Behavioral Health Podcast) - Duration: 9:49.


Wendy's, Riviera Beach, Palm Beach Gardens to Jupiter, Florida Traffic Jam, 4 August 2016 GP032341 - Duration: 26:05.

Wendy's, 3741 W Blue Heron Blvd, Riviera Beach, Florida 33404 (561) 844-7120

4 August 2016

Motorcyclist with smoke & attitude

Shell, 7290 Central Industrial Dr, Riviera Beach, FL 33404 (561) 848-1024

Ed Morse Honda Courtesy Shuttle,

Huttig Building Products

Maersk Sealand

West Palm Beach Nissan, 3870 W Blue Heron Blvd, Riviera Beach, FL 33404 (561) 612-4825

I-95 North On Ramp

White SUV with Flat Tire & Loose Wheel

Lilac Park, 4175 Lilac St, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 (561) 804-7045

Store Self Storage & Wine Storage, 11010 N Military Trl, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 (561) 701-8190

Exit 83, Donald Ross Rd, Palm Beach Gardens

Jupiter, Florida

Freeway Traffic Jam

For more infomation >> Wendy's, Riviera Beach, Palm Beach Gardens to Jupiter, Florida Traffic Jam, 4 August 2016 GP032341 - Duration: 26:05.


For more infomation >> Wendy's, Riviera Beach, Palm Beach Gardens to Jupiter, Florida Traffic Jam, 4 August 2016 GP032341 - Duration: 26:05.


Free Xxxtentacion type beat

For more infomation >> Free Xxxtentacion type beat


return | I'm not the only one - Duration: 1:33.

i guess days like this with you..

will be no more

we can live like that again

but the fact that you embraced another woman

pulled her into the neighborhood were Dal Rae and i live

and sat her at my table is something a can`t forgive

wait. what are you doing now?

our beloved daughter!

For more infomation >> return | I'm not the only one - Duration: 1:33.


BMW 5 Serie Touring 530d High Executive | M-Sportpakket | Nappa Leder | Panoramadak | El. Trekhaak | - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> BMW 5 Serie Touring 530d High Executive | M-Sportpakket | Nappa Leder | Panoramadak | El. Trekhaak | - Duration: 1:14.


BMW 3 Serie Coupe 335I INTRODUCTION M Pakket Navi Keyless entry 306PK! - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Coupe 335I INTRODUCTION M Pakket Navi Keyless entry 306PK! - Duration: 1:07.


Y!mobile「カラフル野球部~TWICEがユニフォーム姿で打って、投げて、踊る!?~」篇 - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Y!mobile「カラフル野球部~TWICEがユニフォーム姿で打って、投げて、踊る!?~」篇 - Duration: 0:41.


Y!mobile「カラフル野球部~TWICEが息の合ったダンスを披露!~」篇 - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> Y!mobile「カラフル野球部~TWICEが息の合ったダンスを披露!~」篇 - Duration: 0:26.


Y!mobile「カラフル野球部~TWICEのキュートなユニフォーム姿必見!~」篇 - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> Y!mobile「カラフル野球部~TWICEのキュートなユニフォーム姿必見!~」篇 - Duration: 0:26.


Y!mobile「カラフル野球部~TWICEが珍プレー好プレー続出!?」 メイキング動画 - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> Y!mobile「カラフル野球部~TWICEが珍プレー好プレー続出!?」 メイキング動画 - Duration: 4:57.

------------------------------------------- - Duration: 3:27.

Hola. Gente. Suscribete si sos

For more infomation >> - Duration: 3:27.


Volkswagen Jetta 1.4TSI/120PK High Executive Line · Navigatie · Cruise control · PDC - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Jetta 1.4TSI/120PK High Executive Line · Navigatie · Cruise control · PDC - Duration: 1:12.


The benefits of turmeric on health - Duration: 2:34.

Health Network, For Public Health

Hi, you are listening to audio on website

The benefits of turmeric on health

Turmeric is a popular spice with many health benefits, such as reducing colds, healing wounds, preventing cancer, and so on.

1. Reduce colds.

Mix ½ teaspoon dried salt in a glass of flaxseed oil.

Heat until fragrant.

Inhale for 1 to 2 minutes, twice daily.

2. Improve mood and stimulate brain function.

Mix ½ teaspoon turmeric powder, ½ teaspoon black pepper, and a slice of lemon, into a glass of water to drink, you will see the effect immediately.

However, this mixture is not recommended, for people with stomach problems.

Reduce joint pain.

Mix ½ teaspoon turmeric powder, ½ teaspoon honey, and 2 to 3 cloves garlic.

Apply this mixture to the area for 15 to 20 minutes.

Made daily for 2 weeks.

This is one of the health benefits of Turmeric.

4. Weight loss support.

Mix ½ teaspoon turmeric powder into a glass of water, which can promote metabolism, and reduce appetite.

You can drink daily in the morning, or in the evening.

5. Healing the wound.

Mix ½ teaspoon, ½ teaspoon ginger and a little water.

Apply this mixture to the affected area once a day.

6. Sore throat.

Mix ½ teaspoon salt, ½ teaspoon salt into a glass of warm water.

Gargle 3 times a day, helps reduce sore throat.

7. Cancer prevention.

Add 1/4 teaspoon of olive oil and a little black pepper to your soup, salad or favorite foods, to help prevent cancer.

This is also a top health benefit of turmeric.

Doctor:Phuong Lien, According to Univadis / Boldsky.

The content of this post is ending, you have questions, questions please share the comments below this article.

Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.

Hope this article will bring you many useful things.

Wish you always healthy.

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