Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 20 2018

if you're doing with an addictive generation this is up being time bomb

ticking this is no accident indeed it is by design I mean seriously

it was my mistake I mean I think we can all feel it to try to make these

products as additive spike in dopamine

we now know that many of the major social media companies hire individuals

called attention engineers who borrow principals from Las Vegas casino

gambling among other places to try to make these products as addictive as

possible that is the desired use case of these products is that you use it in an

addictive fashion because that maximizes the profit that can be extracted from

your attention and data it literally is a point now

where I think we have created tools that are ripping apart the social fabric of

how society works that is truly where we are the way the technologists Garan

lunaire puts it is that these companies offer you shiny treats in exchange for

minutes of your attention and bytes of your personal data which can then be

packaged up and sold what happened is that the attention economy in this race

for attention got more and more competitive and the more competitive it

got to get people's attention on its a news website the more they need to add

these design principles is more manipulative design tactics as ways of

holding on to your attention you don't realize it but you are being programmed

social media tools are designed to be addictive the actual design desired use

case of these tools is that you fragment your attention as much as possible

throughout your waking hours that's how these tools are designed to use well we

have a growing amount of research which tells us that if you spend large

portions of your day in a state of fragmented attention so large portions

of your day we are constantly breaking up your attention to take a quick glance

to just check them just quickly look at Instagram that this can permanently

reduce your capacity for concentration I am especially worried about this when we

look at the younger generation coming up which is the most saturated this

technology it's very addictive because if you pull on the slot machine arm

enough you will win and you never know which fool will

reward you

that's an addictive behavior and it's dopamine that is driving that addiction

so what happens with social media is Robert Sapolsky - the foundational

research on this Stanford calls it the magic of maybe when you look at your

phone and maybe there's a text there and maybe there's not and you don't know

when it shows up that high you get that's dopamine it's the magic maybe

maybe it'll be there maybe it won't when it shows up

maybe they 400 cents spike in dopamine that is roughly the same amount of

dopamine as you're getting from cocaine slightly less than an extremely

addictive drug like cocaine and that's what's happening we really care what

other people think of us so for example you know when you upload a new photo a

new profile photo of yourself on Facebook that's a moment where our mind

is very vulnerable to knowing what other people think of my new profile photo and

so when we get new likes on our profile photo Facebook knowing this could

actually message me and say oh you have new likes on your profile photo and we

it knows that we'll be vulnerable to that moment because we all really care

about when we're tagged in a photo or when we have a new profile photo and the

thing is that they control the dial the technology companies control the dial

for when and how long your profile photo shows up on other people's newsfeeds so

they can orchestrate it so that other people more often end up liking your

profile photo over a delayed period of time for example so that you end up

having to more frequently come back and see what the new likes are and it's

literally rewiring our brain even social media the challenges you know with these

terms like Facebook depression and everything because it's that

this is social media depression because where's everyone's looking at their feed

and they're comparing their lives to other people that they're highlights of

other people's lives and there's actually less satisfaction or sadness

depression and stuff like that and it's interesting because if you think about

things like things that you know routinely produced a lot of dopamine

alcohol for example there's a drinking age right we have a drinking it the

alcohol releases a whole lot of dopamine it makes you feel really really good we

say okay you can have that but you've gotta wait you've got to be 21 years old

we don't do that with social media were you know essentially putting highly

addictive drugs into the hands of kids before they have any natural defenses

against them and what you're seeing with Internet addiction with social media

it's the same thing over and over to people trying to change their state of

consciousness with a device trying to get at the underlying neural chemical

chemistry and it's very very addictive so I would say the problem with the

gadgets and I mean they're amazing things is that they interfere with they

approximately interfere with medium to long term goals I would say and so I

think the first thing you have to do to bring them under control is figure out

what it is that their use is interfering with it has to be something important so

you think well I want to do something important what is that it could be

personal maybe you want to have a relationship gonna get married you want

to have kids you want to have a career that's meaningful you know you wanna

have a life you want to have an Abrahamic adventure and be the father of

Nations let's say we can't be ratting away on your cell phone and doing that

and so I think I think part of it is to set your sights high and make a plan and

figure out who you could be and see if obsessive utilization of smartphone fits

into that vision of nobility and it will partly because they're they're

unbelievably powerful communication devices but so so often it's

it's for lack of something better to do and it also interferes you know and

imagine like when you take that to the extreme where you know bad actors can

now manipulate large swathes of people to do anything you want it's just a it's

a really really bad state of affairs and we compound the problem right we curate

our lives around this perceived sense of perfection because we get rewarded in

these short-term signals hearts likes thumbs up and we conflate that with

value and we conflated with truth and instead what it really is is fake

brittle popularity that's short-term and that leaves you even more and admit it

vacant and empty before you did it because then it forces you into this

vicious cycle where you're like what's the next thing I need to do now because

I need it back think about that compounded by two billion people and

then think about how people react then to the perceptions of others it's just a

it's really bad so we know from the research literature that the more you

use social media the more likely you are to feel lonely or isolated we know that

the constant exposure to your friends carefully curated positive portrayals of

their life and leave you to feel inadequate and can increase rates of

depression and something I think we're gonna be

hearing more about in the near future I said there's a fundamental mismatch

between the way our brains are wired and this behavior of exposing yourself to

stimuli with intermittent rewards throughout all of your waking hours so

it's one thing to spend a couple hours at the slot machine in Las Vegas but if

you bring the slot machine with you and you pull that handle all day long from

when you wake up that when you go to bed we're not wired from it it's short

circuits to brain we're starting to find that it has actual cognitive

consequences one of them being the sort of pervasive background hum of anxiety

here's the thing the world we live in isn't real social media isn't real and

by design social media rewards us for showing our best life the edited posed

champagne Michelin star holiday orchestrated best angle of our life the

highlight reel but you don't ever see real life the 99% of our lives the

behind the scenes that unglamorous unfiltered day-to-day bland normality

and you end up comparing your behind-the-scenes to other people's fake

highlight reel and using others as a mirror

benchmark for how you should look how successful you should be or how you

should live these fake comparisons will only serve to make you feel inadequate

and inferior to something that isn't even real research continually shows

that comparing your life to someone else's creates envy low self confidence

low self-esteem and depression you compare yourself to other people every

single day consciously or subconsciously and no matter what I say you're not

going to stop because comparing one thing to another is a natural human

thing to do whether we want to admit it or not a big reason why anything has

value is because there's something worse all better to compare it to think about

it an old brick of a mobile phone with a big aerial is only considered amazing in

a world before the smartphone the horse and carriage is only

considered a phenomenal mode of transport until the car comes along the

answer isn't to stop making comparisons because unfortunately we can't control

that but you have to change the object of your comparison from someone else to

yourself you have to measure yourself against yourself and by doing this you

start a base point where you consider yourself to be perfectly fine exactly

how you are but it also is the most effective motivating and healthy way to

work to improve yourself you'll become you'll happy yourself when you stop

putting pressure on yourself to be more like someone else and when you start

comparing real to real we are in a really bad state of affairs right now in

my opinion it is it is eroding the core foundations of how people behave by and

between each other and I don't have a good solution you know my solution is I

just don't use these tools anymore I have it for years it's created huge

tension with my friends huge tensions in my social circles if you look at like

you know my facebook fee if I probably haven't I posted maybe two times in

seven years three times five times thing just it's less than 10

and it's weird I guess I kind of just innately didn't want to get programmed

and so I just turned tuned it out but I didn't confront it and now to see what's

happening it's really it really it really bums me up back in the 1970s in

the early 80s at Xerox PARC when Steve Jobs first went over and saw the

graphical user interface the way people talked about influence the world was a

bicycle for our minds that here we are you take a human being and they have a

certain set of capacities and capabilities and then you give them a

bicycle and they can go to all these new distances they're empowered to go to

these brand new places and to do these new things to have these new capacities

and that's always been the philosophy of people who make technologies how do we

create bicycles for our minds to do and empower us to feel and access more now

when the first iPhone was introduced it was also the philosophy of these

technologies how do we empower people to do something more and what and in those

days it wasn't manipulative because there is no competition for attention

Photoshop wasn't trying to maximize how much attention it took from you it

didn't measure a success that way and the internet overall had been in the

very beginning not designed to maximize attention it was just to putting things

out there putting things out there creating these message boards it wasn't

designed with this whole persuasive psychology that our burns later if you

feed the beast that beast will destroy you if you push back on it we have a

chance to control it rein it in and it is a point in time where people need to

hard break from some of these tools and the things that you rely on the short

term dopamine driven feedback loops that we have created are destroying how

society works no civil discourse no cooperation misinformation miss truth

and it's not an American problem this is not about Russian ads this is a global

problem mr. Zuckerberg would you be comfortable

sharing with us the name of the hotel you stayed in last night

For more infomation >> You Will Wish You Watched This Before You Started Using Social Media | The Twisted Truth - Duration: 13:24.


The Best Dewy Foundation Over 50 | 2018 - fabulous50s - Duration: 10:20.

are you searching for the perfect foundation for maturer aged skin well

stay watching and I'm going to show you how through a process of elimination

you can get the most perfect foundation you've ever had hi I'm Schellea this is

fabulous 50s a lifestyle channel that explores fashion beauty and lifestyle

for women in their 50s and if you're a woman in your 50s click subscribe and

click the bell and you'll be alerted every time there's a new video at the

end of the video I've got a fantastic giveaway I'm very excited because I have

a pair of 1/2 lashes to give away to one of you choosing a foundation is super

simple when you do it this way go out hit the shops and go and collect a whole

lot of samples each morning for the next week or so I divide my face into two and

apply one foundation to this side and another foundation to this side

and at the end of the day I will be able to tell in the exact same conditions of

the day which one has lasted better and which one looks fresh and still great at

the end of the day which ever one wins out of the two I'll put that aside then

tomorrow I'll try another two and do the same thing reassess it at the end of the

day check to see if all my lines are showing here or if it's all dripped off

or if it's run and then at the end of day two I'll take my favorite and put it

aside and you do that until you've run out of samples then I compare my

favorite from each day and I wear those on each side of my face and that way you

can be assured without any question which foundation is going to be so

beautiful and perfect for your skin type reviews are great but everyone's skin's

different so you've got to try these things for yourself you take all the

guessing out of which is the best foundation for you

some people will say but what about my face looking different every day well it

doesn't really matter because I don't think anyone has ever really said to me

oh your face looks different but if they do you just say which side looks better

and I'm going to leave a list of all the foundations that I tried the ones that I

loved and I'm going to share with you the ones that I use everyday that I'm in

love with and because I'm obsessed with foundation I keep doing this experiment

over and over again and another thing that I do is I use primers because I

love primers they make such a big difference the feeling of a primer

underneath my foundation just makes the whole experience just better it goes on

smoother it lasts longer and I just love them okay the two that I have come down

to absolutely love and buy over and over again is the YSL Touche Eclat and this

is the most beautiful luminous foundation ever but if you've got

slightly oily skin it can be too glowy and I love a glow but it can be too

glowy on some people I always put my first

layer on with my finger just dab it in

and this first layer for me is always very very super light and my other

all-time favorite is the Ellis Fass so I'm gonna put a little bit just a little bit

and I tap it in

this one is more coverage than this one I would call this medium - light and

that would be medium medium so it's there's a subtle difference but this one

has more coverage then after that I let that to sit and I'll do my eyes when I

come back from doing my eyes I grab a little mixing tray and this is one from

the beauty supply and this is just a mirrored candle holder I think from dusk

I put a squirt on and then I use a brush okay this brush is my all-time favorite

it's expensive but because I love foundation so much I had to have it and

I almost don't want to use it because I don't want to wear it out it's so

beautiful it's a Rae Morris and these brushes oh my gosh they're they're

next-level beautiful just to feel it on your face and the blending is so good

it's so dense her brushes are made by a Japanese master so there's a really cool

story to that which I will tell you one day but I mix it around and then I just


bring it down my neck

oh this brush is so beautiful I would recommend you get this if you're a brush

addict if you're not and you're not really worried about brushes fingers are

fine a Beautyblender is fine and that's inexpensive this is beautiful as well

you don't have to spend a lot of money but if you want to spend some money get

one of these on the other side I'm going to use the le fess I just put that much

on and this is my second favorite brush of all time it's Shu Uemura and it is so

dense and amazing I'm going to leave a link to a perfect dupe for this that I

saw on the Oh Carol show I'll leave her youtube channel below but she has found

really super inexpensive dupe for this she says it works just as well and a

fraction of the price I haven't purchased one because I'm happy with

this but I would suggest if you'd like to try the feeling of this beautiful

thing go out onto her channel and find out where she gets these this also feels

you just look forward to putting your foundation on because it feels so nice

so this one here is thicker this point of the brush goes beautifully under your

eye and bring it down my neck and then I'll just dab a little bit more here

around this area where I can get red and

that's it okay the other one that I'd love to mention but I don't have three

sides to my face is the Stila aqua glow this is so beautiful but I would call it

medium to light coverage and I love wearing this to the gym because it

doesn't really feel like you've got makeup on and it evens your skin tone

out without you looking like you've got foundation on so this is beautiful get a

tester of this one and try it it's kind of like such a youthful jewy beautiful

perfect consistency if you have foundations that you'd like to sometimes

have it a little bit more full coverage you can use the FX drops and they can be

used in so many ways it's good to have a bottle the perfect color for you in your

makeup kit because if I wanted to be more full coverage I just put a little

drop of that and it's just pure pigment and then that'll go on and make these

more full coverage but they may not be perfect for you so you go and try all

the ones you can get your hands on and do this experiment I'm just going to

finish my makeup and I'll be back in one second okay I'm back bit of lippy and

some blush and you'll notice I've got some 1/2 lashes on as well so I told you

at the beginning of the video that I had a giveaway and I'm so excited because

1/2 lashes saw the video I did and they've sent me some

for me but I already ordered four sets for myself so I have plenty because they

just keep lasting and lasting and lasting so I would love to give this to

one of you they're worth about sixty Australian dollars they're amazing

these ones are the bold the one that I have on now is just the original so

these ones are more bold than this so if you think this would suit you all you

have to do is subscribe and let me know why you'd love to win them and I'd be

happy to send them to you thank you so much for watching please give the thumbs

up if you enjoyed this video and have a beautiful week

For more infomation >> The Best Dewy Foundation Over 50 | 2018 - fabulous50s - Duration: 10:20.


Организация и хранение под раковиной на кухне - Duration: 8:12.

For more infomation >> Организация и хранение под раковиной на кухне - Duration: 8:12.


Как привлекать мужчин и не позориться - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Как привлекать мужчин и не позориться - Duration: 4:11.


賓士BENZ W210通病.BAS . ASR亮燈【 BENZ煞車開關更換】朋馳ABS亮燈定速壞了BENZ DIY.奔驰 BENZ Brake Switch Exchange白同學DIY教室 - Duration: 10:21.

For more infomation >> 賓士BENZ W210通病.BAS . ASR亮燈【 BENZ煞車開關更換】朋馳ABS亮燈定速壞了BENZ DIY.奔驰 BENZ Brake Switch Exchange白同學DIY教室 - Duration: 10:21.


When Mechanics Lose Their Minds - Extreme Vehicle Modifications - Duration: 10:13.

*Russian music playing*

Ok, lets soak this broom.

Oh shit, this water is so damn f*cking hot!

Its fine, its fine.

there we go, we soaked the broom

let them watch, and learn

*sizzling sounds*

*lady groaning*

so hot!!

*lady is now screaming*

feels good doesn't it?

yes yes its good

good good yes

yes, its good

I'm going to give it to you now...

just wait

*The man is now screaming*

good, I feel it now!

my hat, I need my hat

*man is groaning*

wait wait, I need to add some water

*more sexual noises*

I'm being beaten!

Hey guys, can you help out?

He knows how to do it good.


Oh you are very gentle

I like it gentle!

Hit him in the stomach while he's not looking

*the man is surprised and in agony*

Oh yeah that felt so good


cheeki breeki

yup, I'd hit that

For more infomation >> When Mechanics Lose Their Minds - Extreme Vehicle Modifications - Duration: 10:13.


long story short - LIFE WITHOUT INTERNET - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> long story short - LIFE WITHOUT INTERNET - Duration: 2:42.


Will We Ever Time Travel? Scientists Say 'No' Based on This New Discovery - Duration: 3:59.

So, this is probably what you think of when you picture an atom, right?

The thing is, the central part of this model is just plain inaccurate.

Scientists recently found the nucleus of some atoms don't look like this at all, and it's

causing a ruckus because well, this newfound shape straight up shouldn't exist.

When you learned about atoms in school, you probably learned about a couple of different

models-- and one thing was likely always the same- the nucleus was spherical.

But it turns out that might've been too simple.

Atomic nuclei are made up of protons and neutrons that are held together by the Strong Nuclear

Force (one of the universe's fundamental forces), and based on this, one might assume

they'd be more or less spherical.

In reality, though, most nuclei are deformed to some extent, they can be elongated into

football shapes or squished into discs-- but as long as they're symmetrical everything

in physics land is fine and dandy.

Here's the problem though, we just found a nucleus that ISN'T symmetrical, and it's

a huge deal.

And that's because symmetry is a very important cornerstone to many of the theories we use

to understand the universe.

In particle physics, there's a theory called CP-Symmetry, which is the combination of charge

symmetry and parity.

Charge symmetry is the idea that if you flip the charge of an atom, the physics of the

atom shouldn't change.

This is the basis to our understanding of antimatter- if you flip the charge in a regular

atom, you get an anti-atom.

The physics should work the same.

Similarly, Parity is the idea that if you invert the spatial coordinates of a system,

the physics shouldn't change.

Our hands, for example, show parity- if you move one hand like this, you can mirror it

with your other hand- and it works the same way.

Theoretically, atoms should behave this way, too.

So, back to the new hotness.

Some Scotland-based scientists confirmed a pear-shaped nucleus exists.


The most exciting shape of all the fruits!!!

Scientists had previously found asymmetrical nuclei in the isotopes Radium-224 and 226,

But this time they confirmed it in Barium-144, which is a comparatively lighter atom.

And how'd they do it you ask?

They just looked for octupole transitions in the gamma ray emissions of excited ba-144

nuclei, casual.

And the surprisingly pear-shaped nuclei they found had uneven distributions of mass, and


Which according to currently accepted models of physics, like CP-symmetry, just shouldn't



And the scientists think that could have some very big implications.

Our current models predict the symmetry of antimatter and matter, and of the flow of

time, but the scientists think that these nuclei being asymmetrical could explain why

these other things don't function symmetrically either.

If some atomic nuclei aren't symmetrical… they're claiming it could explain why we

can't seem to find antimatter in our universe, and why time always flows from past to future

-- and therefore, why time travel is likely impossible :(

These are some pretty hefty claims, though, and as always more research is needed before

we can prove anything.

But it is pretty amazing that such a tiny discovery could have such huge implications,


Special thanks to Domain dot com for sponsoring this episode of Seeker!

Domain dot com is awesome, affordable, reliable, and has all the tools you need to build a

new website.

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If tiny science gets you as excited as a barium-144 nucleus, you should watch Julian's video

about just how small life can get, here.

And fun fact, about 99.9% percent of an atom is empty space - without it, all of humanity

would be the size of a sugar cube.

Don't forget to subscribe and thanks for watching Seeker!

For more infomation >> Will We Ever Time Travel? Scientists Say 'No' Based on This New Discovery - Duration: 3:59.



For more infomation >> ЧТО СЛУЧИТСЯ, ЕСЛИ ВЫ ПОПАДЕТЕ В ТЮРЬМУ В СЕРВЕРНОЙ КОРЕЙ? - Duration: 2:59.


ΜΟΥ ΤΗ ΣΠΑΕΙ Η ΕΛΛΑΔΑ! - Duration: 10:26.

Do you like Greece?

I like Greece!

I like Greece!

Greece is nice!

I like Greece a lot!

Yeah, I do like Greece!

I like it a lot!

Yes, I like it!

Of course I like it!

I like it a lot!

Of course, we are Greeks!

OK, calm down. I just asked you if you like it!

What do you like most in Greece?

The landscape, the neighbourhoods, the culture, the people!

Dude, you are my hero!

Oh come on. We are shooting over here, and we need to finish!

I don't care, I just really want a photo with you!



What do you like most?



Food, Religion

Is food your religion or do you prefer real religion?

I prefer food.

Souvlaki, stuffed tomatoes, all made by mum.

Mousaka, I love pastitsio.

Souvlaki and souvlaki only.

I am a fan of Mediterranean cuisine.

Ah, the food is good.

Why are you laughing so much? Is it my face? No.

Beaches, girls.

Boys, the Mediterranean ones mostly, girls.

Are you?

No no!

I like landscapes and men, men!


Put the glasses on my face!

What do you love most in Greece?

The sun, the sea and the girls.

I don't want to change Greece! Greece and chicks, nothing else.

The weather is nice in Greece.

The way of thinking, the mindset.

The islands.

Mostly the buildings.

The islands.

The nightlife we have here, you won't find it abroad, because people abroad don't know how to have fun.

Greeks, hot guys, hot girls.

I do like it as a country, Greece.

What do you not like about Greece?

Greek football, there are a lot of matches rigged and staged.

Is there something you don't like in Greece?

The prejudice in general, if you see somebody a bit different than you,

maybe someone dressed in a strange way

or with a different physique or perhaps in a wheelchair,

Greeks have a habit of staring and making judgmental comments, it gets on my nerves.

And something that concerns me are the buses that drive straight through pedestrian crossings all the time,

for example on Ermou street, which is clearly a pedestrian crossing.


In general, I really try and look at life with a positive attitude.

You are right.

If I want to go somewhere, I won't stop at the blocked ramp;

I will find ways to overcome the obstacle. If I want to go somewhere, I will find a way to go wherever I want.

At the super-market, when the cashier scans your stuff,

then she expects you to place everything in the bag in just a second! That's tragic.

It's the biggest problem of the country, it's unacceptable!

People throw their rubbish everywhere, all across Athens and pollute it.

He also throws rubbish though, he just doesn't want to admit it.

I don't throw rubbish, man.

He literally just left his can, over there at the corner of that street.

Come on, let's go and find it.

He is lying.

There it is! Now that's the biggest problem.

But, but! I didn't throw it, he is lying! You can't prove it.

Yet you are here are saying "I don't like littering". Really, are you serious?

Because the bin was 10 meters away and he was too lazy to go there.

Can't you change this and request a bin?

We did have a bin here, we had one at the next street, Kornarou Street, and they were all removed.


What about brain drain and the youth that move abroad?

It's a pity, but all these brains and all of this knowledge

and talents are moving abroad for a living,

to make more money.

They believe that they will find a better life abroad,

but I think it's better to stay here and give life a shot in Greece.

If they had jobs in Greece, they wouldn't leave.

I would love to stay here after my studies but I think I'm going to move abroad too.

I want to leave too, as I won't probably find a job relevant to my studies here.

There is no future here in Greece, so in a way, they are right if they decide to go!

What are you doing here then?

I'm the one staying here, staring at the ones who go.

Our young generation should stay here and support our country, and help rebuild our society.

Stay in order to litter around?

I'm telling you, I didn't throw any rubbish.

The truth is, he wants to leave but his mum won't let him, he is not telling you everything.

He's 19 and she doesn't trust him.

What about the landscape, the tourist destinations?

Do we take care of them? Or do we dump shit on our beaches?

We don't take care of them enough, I guess, there is rubbish everywhere.

On the one hand, the black market is being favoured, with smuggling

and on the other hand they do nothing to protect our coasts, they don't care in principle.

So, are we dirty?

Yeah, definitely.

We don't take care of our country, we are neglecting it.

Do you have a driver's licence?

No, not yet.

Will you get one?

Yes, of course.

Are you going to pay a bribe to get your licence easier?

That's the only way to pass.

Do you have to pay a bribe?

Yes, definitely.

But is that really true?

I passed it first time without paying a bribe.


Most accidents occur due to this bullshit!

You don't know how to drive, so you pay a bribe, and then you go out in your car and hit somebody.

Α friend of mine, he didn't pass because he opened the door with his left hand.

This is unacceptable.

Of course it's unacceptable to fail somebody on those grounds.

No, I didn't mean that, I mean it's unacceptable to open the door with your left hand!

So, do you have a driver's licence?

Hopefully, by Christmas.

Are you gonna pay a bribe?

No. No!

If you bribed, would you tell us the truth?

Of course I would tell you. I am honest!

Do you really believe that.

I guess you displayed honesty earlier with the can situation.

But I didn't dump the can.

And yet he knew the can was there.

Bribing is the "institution".

As it has become the "norm" to bribe a civil servant, bribe the tax officer, or any other civil servant,

unfortunately most civil servants receive bribes.

And they do this because there is no audit and they know they can get away with it.

Would you pay a bribe for a driver's licence?

Seriously, sometimes I think of it!

My dad even asked me once, "Have you asked your teacher how much the bribe is".

There are some driving examiners who turn around and tell you that you won't pass unless you pay a bribe.

You will continually fail until you pay the bribe!

Do you agree with this system?

Νο, you have to pass with your abilities. One should be able to pass on ability alone.

Did you pay a bribe?

No, I didn't.

Let me tell you, the bribe was awesome; I passed the driving exams with dignity.

And now, every time he drives for me!

So, you paid the bribe, but you don't know how to drive. Are you proud of this?

No, I am not, but..

Could you have passed without paying the bribe?


Oh come on, you are not stupid? No way.

You have managed to enter academic institutions, right?


And did you pay your way in to that?

Yes, 6,000€ in school fees.

To become a chef, in private college.

Have you ever been faced a bureaucratic incident, where money helped?

Yes! To get my student ID a bit faster.

The typical Greek guy.

You do like this and you can have anything you want

You paid a bribe for your student card? That's crazy, are you serious?

You offer 10 euros and everyone jumps up and comes running after you,

like a predator, a bunch of crows ready to attack.

They all go crazy for 10 euros saying 'hey, pick me, pick me, I will do it!'

I don't agree with this.

At some point we have to move forward and become a better and more decent country.

The average decent Greek guy who throws cans wherever he can,

this is the typical guy you can rely on to clean up Greece.

Have you ever encountered difficulties with bureaucracy?

With a document I needed to prove my dyslexia.

They told me I have to get specific documents from KEP (Citizen Centre Service)

and when I went to submit them they informed me that I needed more documents

and the procedure kept on going from there.

Do you think, if the person who was working at the KEP was your cousin,

would it make the procedure easier for you?

Getting what you need to be done is always easier when you have an inside connection.

We are definitely the most bureaucratic country in Europe.

You need at least one week to obtain only one document.

Bribery is generally not the right thing to do, even though I have used it at the doctor's.

What kind of doctor?

A surgeon.

Did you think it was necessary?

Maybe it wasn't really necessary.

Did they ask for it or did you offer to pay first?

No, they did not ask for it.


I mean they did not ask directly for it.

Instead they asked me to stop by the office 1 day before the operation to "discuss something".

That conversation never happened

and instead they just informed me that I would go into surgery tomorrow,

which I already knew before going there.

Do you think this is that when they expect you to bribe them?

Yes, of course.

Is that how it usually happens?


The truth is, either you pay and the doctor looks after you well, or you don't pay and you risk being butchered.

I have never heard of this before. Personally, in Cyprus I haven't heard of this kind of behaviour.

It's as if I'm talking to a person from a different country.

Bribe the doctor? Otherwise I risk the doctor leaving medical instruments inside of me, are you out your mind?

I don't think it's right to bribe.

You shouldn't bribe when a person's life depends on it.

You shouldn't mess around with serious matters like these.

15 seconds earlier

But if you are not willing to bribe, you won't get their medical care and attention.

Here, I'm giving you a bribe and I want you to say in the video that it is not right to bribe.

Ι don't think it's good to bribe people.

I mean, I could bribe you right now and tell you to put me in the video.

Here is a bribe.

Do you want me to give you one?

Take it!

It's not good to give bribes.

We need a meritocracy.


We should subscribe to his channel. He is very nice and handsome.

Which one is your channel?

You don't know my channel?

Noo, not my CV

Payment without a receipt. What do you have to say about that?

I always ask for one. I simply say – "I want a receipt".

You should say it too.

The way things are right now, people want to hide as much as possible from their taxes.

Sometimes it's beneficial for the customer to also not ask for a receipt.

Once I asked, "Can I have a receipt?" And they offered me a 10euro discount to accept no receipt.

Did you take it?



I always get receipts.

After all, they say that the consumer is not obliged to pay if they do not receive a receipt.

Even for 10 cents, normally, you should give a receipt.

Yes, Ι ask for a receipt whenever they don't give one.

I prefer not to get a receipt and to get a discount on the product.

Wow. What's going on?

Payments without a receipt,

do you think it's right not to take a receipt or that one shop gives you one and another doesn't?

No, and even when it concerns small amounts.

You take black money to gain a little bit more.

Look, it's like stealing from the state, if you take it literally.

But who is stealing from whom...that Ι don't know.

It is not right. Everyone is looking out for their best interests.

Look, when they don't give me a receipt I get a bit annoyed,

but when I work in a store I often don't give one. It's bad, but that's the way it is.

So one can get a product cheaper?

Yes! I give a 10% discount and I don't give a receipt not to pay the VAT.

Do you have a store?

Not me, my father.

You burned him. Don't put this in.

We watch it, too. It's not fair!

But isn't this black money?

Is this something that happens more in Greece or in Cyprus?

Well, I think it's more frequent in Greece, but it's not that uncommon for Cyprus also.

How about paying without a receipt? Has that ever happened to you?

Yes. It just happened today actually. Today!

Oh. NO you guys, COME ON!

If the Troika happen to be watching - hey you guys, it's a helpless situation! There's really no solution to this!

Greece is such a beautiful place,

it's a real pity that such stupid problems exist that cripple our economy and bring our country down.

Do you believe that real solutions exist for these kinds of problems?


Shouldn't we change something then? Like, actually come out and say "NO. This isn't right and can't allow it"?

Well of course, that needs to happen.

What's the solution then?

It's all about proper good education and laws, which of course don't exist here.

They exist only in written form and when they are not obeyed, other problems occur.

How easy can this situation change though?

I believe that there is still a chance for improvement.

A citizen has a choice to either give up on everything and throw Molotov bombs or get out there and vote.

It's also a matter of education.

It's impossible to suddenly go from one end of the scale to the other, we need to educate our citizens.

I see.

We must start doing something. Not just sit around and talk about something that we know is wrong,

but not actually do something about it, take action!

Some people do get involved and care about this country.

Others, on the other hand, are not interested and that is something that can be solved – civic action.

But there is no one to solve these problems.

Do you think that we don't want to turn this situation around?

Yes, not everybody.

I think that if each of us, individually, tries to improve.

If we have a positive attitude and we all contribute to improving.

Are these matters even worth changing?

Yes, I believe they are.

Can we though?

Yes, we can!


We can become better.

It's all about mentality and changing it, especially for the older generations.

This cycle has to come to an end and, for this to happen, we have to invest on education and learning!

Learning begins at home, not only in schools.

Thank you very much!

Have you subscribed?

Of course I have.

Have you clicked the Subscribe button?

I am subscribed, of course.

Κοnilo, I don't know about any Subscribe button.

Yes we have!

Yes! You are one of the first YouTube creators that I subscribed to.

And for notifications?

Not yet! It is not clicked? Now? Have I clicked this now?

You haven't clicked to receive notifications? Are you kidding me?

I thought I had clicked on it.

OK, so now, we are clicking the notification button, to receive notifications!

Come on, admit it that this was fun, and you really liked hanging out with me, you did didn't you?

Do you want me to tell you the truth?


Honestly, no!

Thank you very much for watching this video. Bye!

Love and respect your home and country and try to make it a better place for all!

For more infomation >> ΜΟΥ ΤΗ ΣΠΑΕΙ Η ΕΛΛΑΔΑ! - Duration: 10:26.


The UNI+'s - Great Gyeonggi-do(Namyangju) [KBS World Idol Show K-RUSH3 / ENG,CHN / 2018.04.20] - Duration: 18:34.

Hello, K-RUSH viewers.

Let's begin UNB.

Hello, this is UNB.

Like last time, it's raining.

♪ In the rainy street ♪

- Anyway... / - Wasn't that good?

The Gyeonggi-do guidebook created with UNB.

Great Gyeonggi-do.

The attraction that UNB will introduce today

is a place full of culture.

It's Namyangju of Gyeonggi-do.

Your dirty playing last week was really something.

You'd have received a red card if this were soccer.

A yellow card. A yellow card.

Today, the older team will show how to play dirty

and become the winning team.

Shall we get started with our Namyangju tour?


Let's go. Go go!

Where are we going?

It's called a ger.

- A ger? / - A ger.

- This is a ger. / - Oh, so this is a ger.


What's this now?

Shall we take a nap here?

This place is nice.

Guys, if you look here,

there are these hats.

Do you want to try one on?

Let's see how we'll look. Want to try?

I think this will suit me.

It looks a bit like a clown's hat.

It suits you. You look good.

You look good.

You look a bit like a chocolate mushroom cracker.

Come on, chocolate cracker?

- I knew it. / - Looking good.

Handsome, like an actor.

Handsome, like an actor.

You're different from us, man.

Or maybe a corn snack...

- Look at Marco. / - He's super tall.

A bit like Maetel from Galaxy Express 999.


Down here.

What is that. A surprise gift?

There's a card.

It's the house owner's stuff.

The house owner's? I shouldn't touch it then?

The owner is K-RUSH?

Chan, could you read it for us?

Okay then. I will read.

How to choose the Mongolian traditional clothes.

Each member chooses a hat that they like the most.

They then get dressed into the outfit that

goes with the hat.

I personally want Jun to

wear women's clothes.

- I'd like that too. / - Since he's the new face.

We're divided in teams, right?

So why don't we play the telepathy game?

- The telepathy game? / - Yes.

Okay. Let's do this.

Why don't you guys go first then?

Soju or beer?

One, two, three.

- Soju. / - Bee...

One, two, three.

- Soju. / - Bee...

Black bean noodles or spicy seafood noodles?

One, two, three.

Black bean noodles!

One, two, three.

Black bean noodles!

1 : 0.

Umbrella or raincoat?


Girls' Generation or AOA?

One, two, three.

Girls' Generation.

Coke or Sprite?

One, two, three.

- Coke. / - Sp...uh!

Coke or Sprite?

One, two, three.

- Coke. / - Sp...uh!

What was that.

Okay, I will say whatever that pops into my mind.

Mom or dad? One, two, three.


Game or movie? One, two, three.

- Movie. / - Movie. Okay.

Hot pants or jeans? 1, 2, 3.


Rain or Hwang Chiyeul?

One, two, three.


Hwang Chiyeul, are you watching this?

They didn't choose you.

Hwang Chiyeul, we were overjoyed that

we received a point, but we still love you.

- It's too late, man. / - Too late.

- We don't know the outfits yet. / - We don't.

We chose our hats.

Now, show us our matching clothes,

then we will go get changed.

What a lovely weather.

I hope hubby comes home early today...

Come here, quick.

So cute.




Is he drunk?

His robe is untied.

What's that sound?

The sound is coming from over there.

What is that?

Look how big the horse is.

The horse is...

Is he going to...


Wow awesome.

No way.




It's a pony.

It's fast.


So cute.

Really cute.

Let's take a picture together.

One, two, three. Cheese.

Have you ever ridden a horse?

Not once. You? How was it?

But I've never been on one this big.

It's my first time seeing a real horse.

Do you want to try riding a horse?


- Really? / - Let's try.

It's too far.

Put your feet here and hold tight.

Do I need to hold this while I'm on this?

I'm a bit...

Are you scared?

The horse is really big.

I'm riding a horse now.

And this horse has a lot of energy.


I didn't know horses were this big.

Even this is scary.

It feels like I'm returning to my country

after winning the war.


Which game are we playing now?

It's the Mongolian game.

The Mongolian game.

The players must guess

the meaning of Mongolian words.

The team that guesses first gets a coin.

The first word.

Younger team.

To give.

Older team.

To love. To love.

- Correct. / - Okay.

Dear fans, hairtai!

Younger team. No.

Older team.

Hello? Hello?

Younger team. Frustration.

Younger team. To hate.


What was it?

To hate.

I "durgui" the older team.

Younger team.

Do you want to die?

Older team.

If you keep doing that,

I swear I'm going to kick your butt.

- It wasn't that long. / - That's so long man.

Younger team. Annoying.


The older team is so "oh-r hoorehoo."

Could you sing one verse of a Combodian

traditional song so that we can learn it?

It won't sound good if we sing all together

so let's take turns.

I don't know how to do it.

Now, Jun's turn.

It's difficult.



Since I need to use my voice a lot,

let me warm up my vocal cords.

You should warm them up like this.

It's hard.

I'm hungry now after the walk.

Yeah, me too.

Namyangju is famous for stamina foods, you know.

That's right.

Which stamina food are you thinking right now?

Is it what I think it is?

Yes. That's it. What is it?

Pungcheon eel.

Pungcheon eel.

- Eel. / - Nice.

We have come here to get a taste of Pungcheon eel.

I'm so excited.

We need to eat it.

It tastes so good with sesame leaves.

I know.

But we can't get too relaxed yet

because we still have some games to play.

The first game is?

As the representative stamina food for men,

eel symbolizes strength.

So you will play a game to test your strength.


Noodle soup with clams.

We have to eat that.

- That's the appetizer? / - I can't believe this.

That's the appetizer?

- Which do you prefer? / - Me?


I prefer eel.

- I know you do but... / - Yes.

- To win the eel... / - Yes.

- We play the game. / - Right.

Which do you prefer, offense or defense?

I actually prefer not doing this at all.

- Right. / - But I'll be offense.

Get set.

Oh, Marco's strong.

Ready. Go.

1, 2, 3...

Go, Marco. Go, Marco.

- 5, 6... / - Marco.

7, 8,

9, 10.

Okay! Okay! We won!


Shall we have a taste?

Together with the clam.

Can I ask you guys a favor?

How can this be an appetizer?

So deep.

You know, we really love noodles.


Please, show us some mercy...


You can eat as much as you can,

but only one spoonful.

Are you eating spaghetti?

He got a lot of noodles there.

Now, put them on the spoon.

- It's working. - Really? That's possible?

- It's possible? - Really?


Not sure if there'll be anything left for us.

That's odd.

The bowl looks quite empty already.

These people.

- Already. / - That's so much.

He's putting the noodles on the spoon.

If the noodles leave the stick, it's over.

Foundation work is very important.


He's losing a lot of noodles.

My noodles...

No, please don't take that away...

We will give you the initials of a movie name.

Guess the right movie, and you get an eel.

- This is what I came here for. / - Let's do this.

Just raise your hand.

A W T G.

Older team.

A Witty Tall Guy??

What is that?

Along With...

- Older team. / - Younger team.

I was first. I was first.

Older team.

Younger team.

Along With the Gods.

Don't even think of eating, Euijin.

A M T R.

What's this now.

What is it?

Older team.

A Moment to Rise.

Younger team. Younger team.

A Moment to Remember.

M S G.

I don't know any of them.

What's the genre?

Older team.

My Sexy Girl.

My Sexy Girl.

Younger team. My Sassy Girl.

Yes. You got it right!

I'm so stupid.

I'm getting the titles all wrong.

Not here. Put them there please.

That team lost the game so,

you can just ignore them.

"You can just ignore them"? Why you...

This is good.

If you show your skills in front of the camera,

I will give you two pieces of the eel.

- Two pieces. / - Per person.

Euijin, I want to see your sexy dance.

You want me to express an eel with my body?

Yes, you should do that.

But then he'd go like this.

A really sexy dance.

So sexy that it can cause my nose to bleed.

Not sure if that's possible.


How do you express an eel anyway?

At least he tried.

Thank you. Thank you.

You know, the sound of your knee

hitting the floor made me so sad.

This one piece of eel just melts my soul.

I'm melting.

- Marco. / - Yes.


Do the "Marco is upsetting, phew" thing.


Attention please.

We're looking. We're looking.

Marco is so upset.

I want to have some of that.

But they won't let me. So I'm upset.

I have to give him some.

That was cute. That was cute.

I'll make you a wrap.

Thank you.

We made many good memories here in Namyangju.

This was Let's Begin, UNB.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Now, it's time for the viewer quiz for THE BOYZ.

The winners will receive our signed CDs.

Hope many of you will participate!

For more infomation >> The UNI+'s - Great Gyeonggi-do(Namyangju) [KBS World Idol Show K-RUSH3 / ENG,CHN / 2018.04.20] - Duration: 18:34.




WASHINGTON — U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal

Operations arrested 33 fugitives sought for their roles in known or suspected human rights

violations during a nationwide operation this week.

During the three-day operation that concluded Wednesday, the ICE National Fugitive Operations

Program in coordination with the ICE Human Rights Violators and War Crimes Center and

the ICE National Criminal Analysis and Targeting Center (NCATC), arrested these fugitives via

the ICE field offices of Atlanta; Baltimore; Boston; Chicago; Denver; Detroit; Houston;

Los Angeles; Miami; New Orleans; New York City; Philadelphia; Phoenix; Seattle; San

Francisco; and St. Paul, Minnesota.

The foreign nationals arrested during this operation all have outstanding removal orders

and are subject to repatriation to their countries of origin.

Of the 33 known or suspected human rights violators arrested during Operation No Safe

Haven IV, eight individuals are also criminal aliens with convictions for crimes including,

but not limited to battery, weapons offenses, driving while intoxicated, and resisting arrest.

This operation surpassed the number of known or suspected human rights violators arrested

during the first nationwide No Safe Haven operation, which took place in September 2014.

"This operation continues ICE's work to ensure that the United States does not serve

as a safe haven for those who commit human rights violations in their countries of origin,"

said Thomas D. Homan, Deputy Director of ICE.

"We will continue to pursue these individuals as priorities for enforcement— using our

agency's unique authorities to investigate criminal activity and to enforce immigration


Those arrested across the country included:

Four Chinese individuals—some of whom were hospital employees—who assisted in or directly

conducted forced abortions and sterilizations upon victims in China;

A former intelligence officer who surveilled and arrested dozens of targets subsequently

tortured in Central America; A soldier in Central America who guided the

military to a specific village for the purpose of killing its residents;

A ranking intelligence officer from the Middle East whose surveillance information led to

the arrest, torture, and murder of those his unit targeted;

A group leader in East Africa who used violence to force victims into Female Genital Mutilation.

ICE is committed to rooting out known or suspected human rights violators who seek a safe haven

in the United States.

ICE's Human Rights Violators and War Crimes Center investigates human rights violators

who try to evade justice by seeking shelter in the United States, including those who

are known or suspected to have participated in persecution, war crimes, genocide, torture,

extrajudicial killings, and the use or recruitment of child soldiers.

These individuals may use fraudulent identities or falsified records to enter the country

and attempt to blend into communities in the United States.

Members of the public who have information about foreign nationals suspected of engaging

in human rights abuses or war crimes are urged to contact ICE by calling the toll-free ICE

tip line at 1-866-347-2423 or internationally at 001-1802-872-6199.

They can also email or complete ICE's online tip form.

The HRVWCC was established in 2009 to further ICE's efforts to identify, locate and prosecute

human rights abusers in the United States, including those who are known or suspected

to have participated in persecution, war crimes, genocide, torture, extrajudicial killings,

female genital mutilation and the use or recruitment of child soldiers.

The HRVWCC leverages the expertise of a select group of agents, lawyers, intelligence and

research specialists, historians and analysts who direct the agency's broader enforcement

efforts against these offenders.

Since 2003, ICE has arrested more than 395 individuals for human rights-related violations

of the law under various criminal and/or immigration statutes.

During that same period, ICE obtained deportation orders against and physically removed 835

known or suspected human rights violators from the United States.

Additionally, ICE has facilitated the departure of an additional 112 such individuals from

the United States.

Currently, HSI has more than 130 active investigations into suspected human rights violators and

is pursuing more than 1,750 leads and removals cases involving suspected human rights violators

from 95 different countries.

Since 2003, the HRVWCC has issued more than 74,000 lookouts for individuals from more

than 110 countries and stopped over 234 human rights violators and war crimes suspects from

entering the U.S.

The NCATC provided critical investigative support for this operation, including criminal

and intelligence analysis from a variety of sources.

The NCATC provides comprehensive analytical support to aid the at-large enforcement efforts

of all ICE components.

ICE credits the success of this operation to the combined efforts of the U.S. National

Central Bureau-Interpol Washington, and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

For more infomation >> BREAKING News Out Of D.C.- MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT FROM… - Duration: 6:09.


Pérusse Cité – Saison 1 – Épisode 11 – Les arts - François Pérusse - Duration: 21:51.

For more infomation >> Pérusse Cité – Saison 1 – Épisode 11 – Les arts - François Pérusse - Duration: 21:51.


BREAKING! Illinois County Just Declared Itself A 'Sanctuary City' And Patriots LOVE It!!! - Duration: 1:59.


Illinois County Just Declared Itself A 'Sanctuary City' And Patriots LOVE It!!!


Effingham County, Illinois, on Monday became a "sanctuary county" -not for illegal

aliens but for GUN OWNERS!!!

The county board passed the resolution on an 8-1 vote and directed its employees not

to enforce any new state law that would "unconstitutionally restrict the Second Amendment."

Effingham County State's Attorney Bryan Kibler said that the action is largely symbolic

and will not control decision-making by law enforcement and explained the thinking behind

the resolution and what it means for the county.

Fox News reports that Campbell said they decided to "take a stand" because they've seen

an increasing number of state House and Senate bills that attack the Second Amendment.

"[We] decided it's time for someone to take a hard stand," Campbell said, explaining

that he modeled the resolution after a similar one that was adopted by Iroquois County, Illinois.

Kibler said the measure may be "mostly symbolic," but they felt it was important to express

that many residents in Effingham County are concerned about their Second Amendment rights

slowly being stripped away.

"So we thought … why don't we just make this a sanctuary county like they would for

undocumented immigrants.

So we did flip the script on it," Kibler said, revealing that they've received an

outpouring of support, along with some pushback.

The vote in southern Illinois came after a town near Chicago voted recently to ban assault

weapons, such as the AR-15 rifle, along with high-capacity magazines.





For more infomation >> BREAKING! Illinois County Just Declared Itself A 'Sanctuary City' And Patriots LOVE It!!! - Duration: 1:59.


Miss Holland Goes On A Date | Miss Holland - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> Miss Holland Goes On A Date | Miss Holland - Duration: 6:10.


Toys Play Time Avengers vs Power Rangers Treasure Quest GIANT Egypt Guardian Full Episodes Toy Movie - Duration: 10:14.

Toys Play Time Avengers vs Power Rangers Treasure Quest GIANT Egypt Guardian Full Episodes Toy Movie

For more infomation >> Toys Play Time Avengers vs Power Rangers Treasure Quest GIANT Egypt Guardian Full Episodes Toy Movie - Duration: 10:14.




U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations arrested

33 fugitives sought for their roles in known or suspected human rights violations during

a nationwide operation this week.

During the three-day operation that concluded Wednesday, the ICE National Fugitive Operations

Program in coordination with the ICE Human Rights Violators and War Crimes Center and

the ICE National Criminal Analysis and Targeting Center (NCATC), arrested these fugitives via

the ICE field offices of Atlanta; Baltimore; Boston; Chicago; Denver; Detroit; Houston;

Los Angeles; Miami; New Orleans; New York City; Philadelphia; Phoenix; Seattle; San

Francisco; and St. Paul, Minnesota.

The foreign nationals arrested during this operation all have outstanding removal orders

and are subject to repatriation to their countries of origin.

Of the 33 known or suspected human rights violators arrested during Operation No Safe

Haven IV, eight individuals are also criminal aliens with convictions for crimes including,

but not limited to battery, weapons offenses, driving while intoxicated, and resisting arrest.

This operation surpassed the number of known or suspected human rights violators arrested

during the first nationwide No Safe Haven operation, which took place in September 2014.

"This operation continues ICE's work to ensure that the United States does not serve

as a safe haven for those who commit human rights violations in their countries of origin,"

said Thomas D. Homan, Deputy Director of ICE.

"We will continue to pursue these individuals as priorities for enforcement— using our

agency's unique authorities to investigate criminal activity and to enforce immigration


Those arrested across the country included:

Four Chinese individuals—some of whom were hospital employees—who assisted in or directly

conducted forced abortions and sterilizations upon victims in China;

A former intelligence officer who surveilled and arrested dozens of targets subsequently

tortured in Central America; A soldier in Central America who guided the

military to a specific village for the purpose of killing its residents;

A ranking intelligence officer from the Middle East whose surveillance information led to

the arrest, torture, and murder of those his unit targeted;

A group leader in East Africa who used violence to force victims into Female Genital Mutilation.

ICE is committed to rooting out known or suspected human rights violators who seek a safe haven

in the United States.

ICE's Human Rights Violators and War Crimes Center investigates human rights violators

who try to evade justice by seeking shelter in the United States, including those who

are known or suspected to have participated in persecution, war crimes, genocide, torture,

extrajudicial killings, and the use or recruitment of child soldiers.

These individuals may use fraudulent identities or falsified records to enter the country

and attempt to blend into communities in the United States.

Members of the public who have information about foreign nationals suspected of engaging

in human rights abuses or war crimes are urged to contact ICE by calling the toll-free ICE

tip line at 1-866-347-2423 or internationally at 001-1802-872-6199.

They can also email [email protected] or complete ICE's online tip form.

The HRVWCC was established in 2009 to further ICE's efforts to identify, locate and prosecute

human rights abusers in the United States, including those who are known or suspected

to have participated in persecution, war crimes, genocide, torture, extrajudicial killings,

female genital mutilation and the use or recruitment of child soldiers.

The HRVWCC leverages the expertise of a select group of agents, lawyers, intelligence and

research specialists, historians and analysts who direct the agency's broader enforcement

efforts against these offenders.

Since 2003, ICE has arrested more than 395 individuals for human rights-related violations

of the law under various criminal and/or immigration statutes.

During that same period, ICE obtained deportation orders against and physically removed 835

known or suspected human rights violators from the United States.

Additionally, ICE has facilitated the departure of an additional 112 such individuals from

the United States.

Currently, HSI has more than 130 active investigations into suspected human rights violators and

is pursuing more than 1,750 leads and removals cases involving suspected human rights violators

from 95 different countries.

Since 2003, the HRVWCC has issued more than 74,000 lookouts for individuals from more

than 110 countries and stopped over 234 human rights violators and war crimes suspects from

entering the U.S.

The NCATC provided critical investigative support for this operation, including criminal

and intelligence analysis from a variety of sources.

The NCATC provides comprehensive analytical support to aid the at-large enforcement efforts

of all ICE components.

ICE credits the success of this operation to the combined efforts of the U.S. National

Central Bureau-Interpol Washington, and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

For more infomation >> BREAKING News Out Of D.C.- MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT FROM… - Duration: 6:29.


8.8 Pounds of Smashed Potatoes and Herring - Duration: 6:21.

Welcome to a new episode

The spring is coming which means that today I´ll be eating herring and smashed potatoes

The spring is coming which means that today I´ll be eating herring and smashed potatoe

This meal weights 4 kilos/8.8 pounds and it consists 3 kilos of smahed potatoes and 1 kilo of herring

This meal weights 4 kilos/8.8 pounds and it consists 3 kilos of smahed potatoes and 1 kilo of herring

I´ve just gotten used to eating herring, and so far I really like it


But I have no idea if I like it this much

Absolutely disgusted

This doesnt seem like a huge amount of food

When planning the challenge my first thought was to stick with 3 kilos

When planning the challenge my first thought was to stick with 3 kilos


You always have try to to improve, so here I have 4 kilos

Which should is easy compared to my last few challenges. Since smashed potatoes are easy to eat

Still I do not know if I can finish the challenge. I´ll give my self 30 minutes to finish it

*Staring at the food like an idiot

but I never really know if I can finish the challenge for sure

Now i´m going to get some water since the meal consists ALOT of salt.

I´d say this includes around 5000 calories

I don´t really have anything cool or catchy to say before I start eating so..

"Here is a ton of food and I´m going to eat it"



* No idea what I´m doing here




No it didnt (it did)



Slurps, slärps, sluprs


This challenge included 1 kilo of herring

3 kilos of smashed potatoes

telling whats in smashed potatoes for no reason. (cream, salt, potatoes etc)

Improvement is happing

Forgot to stop the timer, but it says 7:05 at this point. Which you cant even see..

I´m going forward

I´m pretty happy with the time

Smashed potatoes are really easy to eat and so were the herring

Basicly I didnt have to bite at all

I thought this was going to be way harder.

I was suprised how easy the herring was to swallow

In the end the herring didnt taste too good

The summer is officially began for me

Damm the video is going to be short

which is a good thing

Comment down below your suggestions for the next food challenge

Thanks again for watching, and sorry for the short video.

I just keep improveing


For more infomation >> 8.8 Pounds of Smashed Potatoes and Herring - Duration: 6:21.


Ford C-MAX 1.8-16V TITANIUM CLIMA_NAVI_PDC V+A_17-INCH. - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Ford C-MAX 1.8-16V TITANIUM CLIMA_NAVI_PDC V+A_17-INCH. - Duration: 1:12.


Ewok Hunt, Bugs, Storm Trooper in Trees! - Star Wars Battlefront 2 - Duration: 7:11.

New patch for Star Wars battlefront 2 brings, a new mode Ewok hunt and a few new bugs, and

whole new can I get up there exploration all coming up next

Welcome back and with the new patch for Star Wars battlefront 2 we have had a few days

to explore and find a few issues and test out the new game mode Ewok hunt.

Ewok hunt also brings us a whole new area to search for can I get up there and stay

tuned till the end because I'll show you how to get in the trees as a storm trooper.

Today we'll start with coving a couple issues we've found and if you found anything we

haven't let us know, and we'll talk Ewok hunt and if it's fun.

Remember if you enjoy this to hit the like button to let me know and next week, starting

the 23 rd will be on god of war, comes out today and super excited.

We'll return to battlefront starting the week of the 30th

In our week away, you can always fill your battlefront needs at Star Wars gaming .net.

They will keep you up to date with the news of the day and fill your battlefront 2 needs.

There's a link in the description below

Let's start with a few bugs.

The main one is that infiltration is now broken, it will no longer show enemy locations on

the mini map unless your using scrambled infiltration.

This will make the specialist a little harder to play, so just be aware if your not running

scramble, your mini map cannot be trusted.

If you have played Ewok hunt, let's not lie, you have, your enforcer cards have all

been removed.

Be sure after you play Ewok hunt to add the cards back on when you go to play another

game mode.

Also along these lines.

Ewok hunt resets your brightness to default, which is 50%.

So if you have increased or decreased your brightness to make things easier to see in

Galactic assault you'll need to correct that as well in the menu settings.

There's still reports about emote not working on some heroes like iden and Leia as well

by I haven't had a chance to test it since patch, and really doesn't change the game

at all so no concerns there really.

The last bug i've noticed is at times, your classes stop leveling through out the game.

Right now my officer got stuck on 66, and I noticed it a little befoer this patch too.

In order to fix it have to go to menu and then spend your current points, seems to happen

at 6 points on hold, and then it will start leveling again.

So just keep that in mind if your trying to level a class, just check to make sure the

bar is increasing on each death.

Now to Ewok hunt.


Is Ewok hunt fun?

After a lot of playtime in Ewok hunt the answer is a resounding yes!

While it can be a little dull from time to time, I went a whole match with out seeing

a single Ewok till boarding the ship, and can be a little repetitive if everyone camps

the cave match after match but over all this a great game mode.

The matches are quick, which is great for if your shorter on time and the time as a

storm trooper is a little intense.

I also found turning off the hub makes it even more fun since you have watch for the

ship instead of waiting for an icon.

The Ewoks have weird glowing eyes as well, which is a little.

Off putting if your flashlight goes out and they attack.

The useage of first person makes this more even more fun and intense and feels like you

playing the 2017 resident evil at times which if you haven't tried is really a lot of

fun, and would love more like this.

While an Ewok it's great to see a large group chase a single trooper down, especially

when they are racing to the ship.

You also have to be aggressive to win.

The Ewoks being able to see better at night helps a ton with their much weaker health

and it took me forever to notice there's actually foot steps you can follow, I'm

super observant, to track the ones that get lost in the woods.

Now there are some minor things that should be changed to make it even harder and the

first is making the cave much smaller or harder to hold.

Right now troopers just hide there and it becomes really hard for ewoks to break in,

slowing the pace down.

Second, the map can be a bit big.

I think shrinking it as time goes or troopers fall, much like the battle royal games would

make it more intense.

It could shrink towards the extraction point and last, more players, more Ewoks.

I just want more!

We could extend this as well to some more maps on Endor.

Some with more imperial bases and things like that.

You can as a trooper get on top of the trees where the Ewoks spawn and I'm

going to show you how today in can I get up there!

Where we see what we can get on top of.

Sometimes it's useful, most of the time it's not, but it's always fun.

For more infomation >> Ewok Hunt, Bugs, Storm Trooper in Trees! - Star Wars Battlefront 2 - Duration: 7:11.


B Ξ Λ U T Y | Skierogata x MaralicX - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> B Ξ Λ U T Y | Skierogata x MaralicX - Duration: 1:32.

------------------------------------------- - - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> - - Duration: 1:50.


Sergio Ramos conta: o plano B do Real Madrid a Neymar - e é brutal - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> Sergio Ramos conta: o plano B do Real Madrid a Neymar - e é brutal - Duration: 5:16.


《英国好声音》评委杰茜·J夺冠《歌手》中国让她更成功 - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> 《英国好声音》评委杰茜·J夺冠《歌手》中国让她更成功 - Duration: 6:22.


【初音ミク】 Shooting Star 【長崎擬宝珠】 - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> 【初音ミク】 Shooting Star 【長崎擬宝珠】 - Duration: 3:21.


గుణింతపు గుర్తులు - గుణింతాలు : Telugu guninthalu : క గుణింతం : Gunithapu Gurthullu and guninthalu - Duration: 5:34.

Hi friends,

In this video we will learn

Telugu Guninthapu Gurthulu and Guninthalu

Guninthapu Gurthulu are...




gudi dheerghamu


kommu dheerghamu


sudi dheerghamu









For more infomation >> గుణింతపు గుర్తులు - గుణింతాలు : Telugu guninthalu : క గుణింతం : Gunithapu Gurthullu and guninthalu - Duration: 5:34.


A Big Super Sticky Glue Pran...

For more infomation >> A Big Super Sticky Glue Pran...


For more infomation >> A Big Super Sticky Glue Pran...


【ホンダ新型N-VAN最新情報】発売日は2018年6月!バモス後継の価格や燃費、スペックは? - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> 【ホンダ新型N-VAN最新情報】発売日は2018年6月!バモス後継の価格や燃費、スペックは? - Duration: 4:11.


For more infomation >> 【ホンダ新型N-VAN最新情報】発売日は2018年6月!バモス後継の価格や燃費、スペックは? - Duration: 4:11.


Utrecht to Baarn - Bicycle Tour - Netherlands and Belgium - Part 12 - Duration: 9:32.

Leaving Utrecht on our way to Baarn about 20k

Mike: Are we can you see anybody there?

We're off to hang out with Dirk Scheele - a kid's musician and we're

gonna do some recording of our tunes and his.

[I Like to Ride my Bike song]

Oh, my brakes are in a completely different position now. Sweet!

Google maps: in 200 meters turn right onto street [indistinguishable]

Hey, where did the bike lights end up?

We're on our way to Baarn to meet Dirk Scheele to shoot some videos today it's very

exciting. Should be fun. Very short ride.

We need our energy to dance around with cows.

It's beautiful. Hello.

Glass! Oh, confetti. [laughing]

And that's all you need to do, a little tiny touch and they are immediately diving out of the way.

I guess cross.

[google maps instructions]


We caught that on video.

Oh, look at this!

google maps: in 200 meters turn right onto street [indistinguishable]

Do you want to lean your bike over?

So, ah, we're about to go say hi to Dirk Scheele, is that right?

And, we're meeting him for the first time now. Although, my Dad and him have talked many times online.

Hey! Hello! There you are. I thought Dirk was answering the phone. Hello, I'm A. Good to see you.

Hi. Nice to meet you. Yes, come in. Hello. Hello camera.

Hey, here's Mike Whitla from Howdytoons.

Hey, man. Good to see you. Hi J. Hello.

Hello. Hi. Three, right? Three. That's how Dutch, ya.

Oh, your bikes? Ok.

Hey, Mike. I bought you a present.

M: No? D: Ya, here's for you. M: Oh, Thank you.

[Laughing] L: Perfect! M: I Like to Ride my Bike. Woohoo.

And then an incredible transformation took place.

So first we will do "Hands Together."


You ready, K? You ready to be on the back of the bike with me on front? K: No. J: Didn't think so.


man you might see myself now you have to just point the camera but I don't see

myself you won't see yourself you just gotta point it it's a very wide shot

okay you guys ready I'm having a little rain break here on the video shoot and I

think we got the first one there yeah we got them yeah so English down Dutch next

yeah that's hot neighbor lungs singing he's going to sing Dutch what it

gonna be fun hi Justin I'm just lost Hey okay I took I I just Austin I just

lost oh oh

or plugins which is busting foot cheese sauce

title card I took our food just busting food cheese sauce Oh laughs Oh laughs Oh


exceeded you Lila can I do come on set them up and set the popsicle

is Boston Angeles by Oh God I took God

[Music] that was fun

okay that's a wrap everybody wait a minute

do the cows Tootsie cows [Music]

we've wrapped a shoot at the second location in a bike shop and now we're

headed to the cow fields to shoot with the cows


[Applause] [Music]


wanna take a I wanna trade

I don't wanna take I wanna run I got

[Applause] [Music]



I like I like I like I like I like


I'd love to make us close and of course to dick for inviting us to come and stay

here and thank you very much preparing this wonderful meal I also like to make

a special thanks to my two boys who did an incredible job today

being on the crew so cheers for sleep after a long day of video shooting my

first I think I did great what do you think Mike you did a pretty awesome job

the boys did a really good job it was a long day we shot for nine hours today

nine hours he did great it was dancing awesome good to get the rest of this

makeup off too

For more infomation >> Utrecht to Baarn - Bicycle Tour - Netherlands and Belgium - Part 12 - Duration: 9:32.


For more infomation >> Utrecht to Baarn - Bicycle Tour - Netherlands and Belgium - Part 12 - Duration: 9:32.


坎城影展加碼競賽片《野梨樹》 錫蘭6度入圍超狂 - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> 坎城影展加碼競賽片《野梨樹》 錫蘭6度入圍超狂 - Duration: 3:15.


For more infomation >> 坎城影展加碼競賽片《野梨樹》 錫蘭6度入圍超狂 - Duration: 3:15.


#107 Photo et droit 1/2 - Duration: 10:23.

For more infomation >> #107 Photo et droit 1/2 - Duration: 10:23.


For more infomation >> #107 Photo et droit 1/2 - Duration: 10:23.


50 Cent Type Beat

For more infomation >> 50 Cent Type Beat


I'm Nushu, who are you? - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> I'm Nushu, who are you? - Duration: 0:56.


Mazda MX-5 1.5 SkyActiv-G 131 GT-M - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Mazda MX-5 1.5 SkyActiv-G 131 GT-M - Duration: 1:13.


Voisper - Can't Live Without You | 보이스퍼 - 그대없이는 못살아 [Immortal Songs 2 ENG/2018.04.14] - Duration: 6:53.

- Hello, we're Voisper. / - We're Voisper.

Which song did you pick?

It's a song composed by Gil Okyun

called, "Can't Live Without You".

The song is trendy even now.

We arranged it in our own way,

and it's a song that has a contemporary sensitivity.

I think that's why people still love it.

It's a little different from the original.

We'll express it in a desperate manner.

We've incorporated

Hae Eunlee's "I Love Only You"

in the middle of the song.

You'll say that it's a great song.

We mixed the two songs for today.

For the first time on Immortal Songs,

we'll be using standing microphones to dance.

What are you saying?

We volunteered to make our choreography.

It's a song that will cheer you up.

After listening to our song,

I hope you'll be able

to receive good energy.

- Let's go, Voisper! / - Let's go, Voisper!

("Can't Live Without You" was released in 1974)

(by Patti Kim after winning bronze)

(at Tokyo International Song Festival.)

(In 2008, Patti Kim sang it as a duet)

(with Lee Moonsae and became a hot topic.)

Here comes the third performer, Voisper.

(The third performance by Voisper)


("Can't Live Without You" by Voisper)

(Be with a person you love in spring,)

("Can't Live Without You" by Voisper)

For more infomation >> Voisper - Can't Live Without You | 보이스퍼 - 그대없이는 못살아 [Immortal Songs 2 ENG/2018.04.14] - Duration: 6:53.


The Best Dewy Foundation Over 50 | 2018 - fabulous50s - Duration: 10:20.

are you searching for the perfect foundation for maturer aged skin well

stay watching and I'm going to show you how through a process of elimination

you can get the most perfect foundation you've ever had hi I'm Schellea this is

fabulous 50s a lifestyle channel that explores fashion beauty and lifestyle

for women in their 50s and if you're a woman in your 50s click subscribe and

click the bell and you'll be alerted every time there's a new video at the

end of the video I've got a fantastic giveaway I'm very excited because I have

a pair of 1/2 lashes to give away to one of you choosing a foundation is super

simple when you do it this way go out hit the shops and go and collect a whole

lot of samples each morning for the next week or so I divide my face into two and

apply one foundation to this side and another foundation to this side

and at the end of the day I will be able to tell in the exact same conditions of

the day which one has lasted better and which one looks fresh and still great at

the end of the day which ever one wins out of the two I'll put that aside then

tomorrow I'll try another two and do the same thing reassess it at the end of the

day check to see if all my lines are showing here or if it's all dripped off

or if it's run and then at the end of day two I'll take my favorite and put it

aside and you do that until you've run out of samples then I compare my

favorite from each day and I wear those on each side of my face and that way you

can be assured without any question which foundation is going to be so

beautiful and perfect for your skin type reviews are great but everyone's skin's

different so you've got to try these things for yourself you take all the

guessing out of which is the best foundation for you

some people will say but what about my face looking different every day well it

doesn't really matter because I don't think anyone has ever really said to me

oh your face looks different but if they do you just say which side looks better

and I'm going to leave a list of all the foundations that I tried the ones that I

loved and I'm going to share with you the ones that I use everyday that I'm in

love with and because I'm obsessed with foundation I keep doing this experiment

over and over again and another thing that I do is I use primers because I

love primers they make such a big difference the feeling of a primer

underneath my foundation just makes the whole experience just better it goes on

smoother it lasts longer and I just love them okay the two that I have come down

to absolutely love and buy over and over again is the YSL Touche Eclat and this

is the most beautiful luminous foundation ever but if you've got

slightly oily skin it can be too glowy and I love a glow but it can be too

glowy on some people I always put my first

layer on with my finger just dab it in

and this first layer for me is always very very super light and my other

all-time favorite is the Ellis Fass so I'm gonna put a little bit just a little bit

and I tap it in

this one is more coverage than this one I would call this medium - light and

that would be medium medium so it's there's a subtle difference but this one

has more coverage then after that I let that to sit and I'll do my eyes when I

come back from doing my eyes I grab a little mixing tray and this is one from

the beauty supply and this is just a mirrored candle holder I think from dusk

I put a squirt on and then I use a brush okay this brush is my all-time favorite

it's expensive but because I love foundation so much I had to have it and

I almost don't want to use it because I don't want to wear it out it's so

beautiful it's a Rae Morris and these brushes oh my gosh they're they're

next-level beautiful just to feel it on your face and the blending is so good

it's so dense her brushes are made by a Japanese master so there's a really cool

story to that which I will tell you one day but I mix it around and then I just


bring it down my neck

oh this brush is so beautiful I would recommend you get this if you're a brush

addict if you're not and you're not really worried about brushes fingers are

fine a Beautyblender is fine and that's inexpensive this is beautiful as well

you don't have to spend a lot of money but if you want to spend some money get

one of these on the other side I'm going to use the le fess I just put that much

on and this is my second favorite brush of all time it's Shu Uemura and it is so

dense and amazing I'm going to leave a link to a perfect dupe for this that I

saw on the Oh Carol show I'll leave her youtube channel below but she has found

really super inexpensive dupe for this she says it works just as well and a

fraction of the price I haven't purchased one because I'm happy with

this but I would suggest if you'd like to try the feeling of this beautiful

thing go out onto her channel and find out where she gets these this also feels

you just look forward to putting your foundation on because it feels so nice

so this one here is thicker this point of the brush goes beautifully under your

eye and bring it down my neck and then I'll just dab a little bit more here

around this area where I can get red and

that's it okay the other one that I'd love to mention but I don't have three

sides to my face is the Stila aqua glow this is so beautiful but I would call it

medium to light coverage and I love wearing this to the gym because it

doesn't really feel like you've got makeup on and it evens your skin tone

out without you looking like you've got foundation on so this is beautiful get a

tester of this one and try it it's kind of like such a youthful jewy beautiful

perfect consistency if you have foundations that you'd like to sometimes

have it a little bit more full coverage you can use the FX drops and they can be

used in so many ways it's good to have a bottle the perfect color for you in your

makeup kit because if I wanted to be more full coverage I just put a little

drop of that and it's just pure pigment and then that'll go on and make these

more full coverage but they may not be perfect for you so you go and try all

the ones you can get your hands on and do this experiment I'm just going to

finish my makeup and I'll be back in one second okay I'm back bit of lippy and

some blush and you'll notice I've got some 1/2 lashes on as well so I told you

at the beginning of the video that I had a giveaway and I'm so excited because

1/2 lashes saw the video I did and they've sent me some

for me but I already ordered four sets for myself so I have plenty because they

just keep lasting and lasting and lasting so I would love to give this to

one of you they're worth about sixty Australian dollars they're amazing

these ones are the bold the one that I have on now is just the original so

these ones are more bold than this so if you think this would suit you all you

have to do is subscribe and let me know why you'd love to win them and I'd be

happy to send them to you thank you so much for watching please give the thumbs

up if you enjoyed this video and have a beautiful week

For more infomation >> The Best Dewy Foundation Over 50 | 2018 - fabulous50s - Duration: 10:20.


Nightcore - Catch The Moment (Sword Art Online) - [Ordinal Scale] | Lyrics - Duration: 4:07.

I breathed back my quiet sighs

as regret leaves behind a bitter taste

Why is it that I can never say what's important

while the next morning's sun has risen?

If I cut up the fate I'm sick of with a knife

and redo it, I might not be able to meet you

Starting from the moment when my voice echoed

my heart has been counting the limits of life

I won't stop making wishes even if they're fulfilled

I ran, breaking into a sweat

the second hand of the world is going to leave me behind one day when I've stopped

How many more times can I laugh with you?

I'm being tested

Catch the Moment

Every time I count something happy

I end up getting scared of the changing future

I'll carefully nurture the seed of love

Will it break through the thick clouds before long?

Your voice echoed, passing through my entire body

and knocking on the door of my heart

I'm "cowardly" but I'll open it

because I want to believe

At my feet where I thought there was nothing

someday I'll put out deep roots

Even if a stormy night were to come

I wouldn't sway

Again and again

While I chase after you and catch up to you, I suddenly no longer know you

But I feel happy just by having breathed in synch

I wonder if I can turn these seconds that I've collected into an eternity

Starting from the moment when my voice echoed

my heart has been counting the limits of life

I won't stop making wishes even if they're fulfilled

I ran, breaking into a sweat

the second hand of the world is going to leave me behind one day when I've stopped

How many more times can I laugh with you?

I'm being tested

Catch the Moment

I won't miss this Catch the moment

Catch the Moment!

Thank you for watching (。◕‿‿◕。)

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Catch The Moment (Sword Art Online) - [Ordinal Scale] | Lyrics - Duration: 4:07.


Liam Payne, J Balvin - Familiar (Lyrics / Letra) - Duration: 3:16.

Hey! Type <3 if you see this :P

For more infomation >> Liam Payne, J Balvin - Familiar (Lyrics / Letra) - Duration: 3:16.


Russia bans Telegram | Slow Listening - Duration: 6:30.

Friends! Today I want to tell you a very interesting story about freedom or,

rather, about how we lose it, here, in Russia. But in the beginning - a small announcement:

I created my channel in Telegram, so that we can communicate there in the Russian

language and I will be very glad to see you there.

Description you will find under this video Okay! So, the story!

There is a wonderful and an excellent service in Russia -

Roskomnadzor, Roskomnadzor. What is this for? What does it do, this service? It

does control and supervision in the field of information

security. And, you know, who is its leader?

Who is the boss of this service? Comrade Alexander Zharov.

Friends! Question to you! Question ... What education should the head, the

boss, the president of communication ...

information technology and communications have? What kind of education? Technical, yes ?! But

not in Russia!! He (Alexander Zharov) was trained as...

medic! Doctor! The doctor-anaesthesiologist, the reanimatologist!

Yesterday he gave pills to people, and today he fights against terrorists on the Internet!

Okay! Some time ago roskomnadzor requested messenger

telegram to give the encryption keys.

Encryption keys ... in other words,

roskomadzor wanted to have access to all personal correspondence,

to all personal communication of all people in the Telegram. Telegram, if you know, always

stood on giving people private secure communication. Creator of

Telegram - Pavel Durov, - he is the founder of the first largest

Russia social network "Vkontakte" refused to do so. He refused to

transmit encryption keys to Roskomnadzor. Roskomnadzor sued

telegram, yes, it sued and some time later messenger Telegram

was blocked. Block! Blocked! Comrade Alexander Zharov says that with the help of

telegram, attention !!! With the help of Telegram, terrorists can plan their

act of terrorism! Dr. Zharov are you in your mind? Should I give you a pill

to help your head think?! Are terrorists going to communicate via

Telegram? Indeed? Guys, there's a million others secure private services

these terrorists can use. "Terrorists"! The Russian authorities and Roskomnadzor

want to control everything we do in the internet

although this directly contradicts the paragraph of "freedom of speech ..." in the constitution

of Russian Federation. Pavel Durov and telegram are now trying

to think up some ways to bypass blocking. You know, sometimes it seems to me that the main

terrorist in the world is the government. AT Russia has 150 million people.

10-100 of people suffer from terrorism each year. From government and from action

of the government suffer 150 million people a year!

So who is a terrorist? Who is evil? Friends, in China, I had to use a VPN

to use google, facebook, instagram and so on. But in my own country

I am compelled to use VPN to

use Telegram. And I will use it! So add to my

chat "Russian with Max" and let's chat in Russian and practice it!

ok write me in the comments what you think about it and

whether in your country there are any services or applications blocked?

it is very interesting to me! See you in Telegram and bye bye!

For more infomation >> Russia bans Telegram | Slow Listening - Duration: 6:30.


Henry Saiz & Band 'Human' - Episode 2 'Haven (Lanzarote, Canary Islands)' - Duration: 13:20.


One of the seven islands that make up the archipelago of the Canary

in the Atlantic Ocean.

The perfect place to start our trip.

Lanzarote is a blank canvas that unties your imagination,

a volcanic island that allows you to experience

the sensation of visiting another planet.

The strange shapes and colors in Lanzarote

are an invitation to escape from reality.

From the moment we arrive on the island

we let ourselves be guided by nature.

In a place like this

the ego and trivialities just disappear.

And everything becomes transcendent.

During the first days

we tour the island to explore the acoustic characteristics of its different corners.

Here you can do things as fascinating

as descending into the interior of a volcano

or experimenting with the sonority provided by different types of rock.

Our intention was to explore our creativity

in every possible way.

To experiment beyond self-imposed limitations.

The volcanic nature of Lanzarote

created a unique landscape that takes you back to the origin of Earth.

We wanted to try how the different types of rock

could leave their imprint on our song.

In this island you feel like a child in a themed park.

A small cave with volcanic stone walls

served as an improvised studio

to record a 'timple', a traditional instrument from the islands.

Our search for a cavernous reverberation

led us to the galleries of Cueva de los Verdes,

a seven-kilometer tube created by a lava river.

We recorded the hypnotic sound

of analog synths resonating in the cave.

This type of sound that reminds us to the depths of the Earth

would be one of the keys to this track.

When you contemplate a landscape

that has not been altered by the hand of man,

something wakes up inside you.

An unknown but rewarding feeling.

Something so pure

that it shouldn't be contaminated by words.

A kind of cosmic truth

that we tried to capture in this song.

The sunlight fades, the shadows rise

A burning horse crossing the sky

It feels like I've been here before

I hear the call as darkness falls

I sink in you

I cannot hide

Your voice

sweeps my fears away

Your voice

sweeps my fears away

Your voice

sweeps my fears away

My mind is gone, my spirit flies

A full moon bleeds its stolen shine

The torches sing a trembling song

I've been waiting for you so long

I sink in you

I cannot hide

Your voice

sweeps my fears away

For more infomation >> Henry Saiz & Band 'Human' - Episode 2 'Haven (Lanzarote, Canary Islands)' - Duration: 13:20.


현대차 그랜저 골프클리닉[24/7 카] - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> 현대차 그랜저 골프클리닉[24/7 카] - Duration: 1:34.


Hong Kong and Macau Compared - Duration: 9:23.

Hong Kong and Macau

Both are mostly self-governing territories within China, just 61 kilometers, or 38 miles apart.

Both are cities

No they're not, Mr. Beat, you idiot

Ok, ok. Both are special.

Special administrative regions of China, that is, based on China's one country, two systems principle.

According to CGP Grey, they are both "the most country-like countries that aren't countries." Confused yet?

Basically, Hong Kong and Macau are a part of China, but both get a lot of leeway to decide how they want to do stuff compared to the rest of China.

China takes care of their foreign affairs and military defense and they take care of everything else.

Both have a presidential limited democracy, although Hong Kong seems more open to expand that democracy than Macau.

Both are part of the Pearl River Delta, which is probably the biggest urban area in the world based on both its size and population.

Some estimates put the population of the Pearl River Delta metropolitan area at 120 million people!

Oh my goodness. What? 120 million? No way. Russia has like just 24 million more people than that.

Ok sorry, anyway, both are incredibly densely populated.

Macau is the most densely populated territory in the world and Hong Kong is 4th. There are people everywhere, man!

So maybe this makes sense, but the largest ethnic group in both regions is Chinese.

However, Hong Kong has a significant Filipino and Indonesian minority and Macau has a significant Macanese minority, which is a mix of Portuguese and Asian ancestry.

Wait, Portuguese? Huh?

Yeah, well both Hong Kong and Macau are former colonies of Western empires.

Until 1997, Great Britain controlled Hong Kong. Until 1999, Portugal controlled Macau.

Because of that, the two were heavily influenced by foreign powers and not as much influenced by China.

Actually, over time, the foreign powers left them both alone, too, and they thrived, probably because of that.

In fact, both Hong Kong and Macau are two of the richest territories in the world due to free markets working their magic there.

Indeed, both make a lot of money. Hong Kong's GDP per capita is about $45,000 a year, the 12th highest in the world, although it is dealing with some dramatic income inequality right now.

Macau's GDP per capita is over $104,000 a year, making it the 3rd highest in the world.

Macau is so rich that it doesn't know what to do with all the extra money, so its government gives it back directly to the citizens.

Both have very low taxes compared to most of the world.

However, residents of Hong Kong do pay about 25% more taxes than residents of Macau.

Despite this, according to the Heritage Foundation's Index of Economic Freedom, Hong Kong ranks number one in the world, and has been ranked number one every year since the list began 23 years ago.

Macau is ranked 34th on that same list.

The cost of living in both countries is pretty similar, although Macau is about 3% cheaper currently, mostly due to Hong Kong's higher housing costs.

Both have low unemployment.

Based on the latest numbers I could find, Hong Kong's unemployment rate is 2.9% and people were freaking out recently when Macau's unemployment went up from 1.8% all the way up to 1.9%.

I'm obviously kidding. That's a ridiculously low unemployment rate.

Speaking of ridiculous, both have a ridiculously high life expectancy.

Hong Kong has the 7th highest life expectancy in the world, with people there living, on average, until the age of 83.

Macau has the 4th highest life expectancy in the world, with people there living, on average, until the age 85.

Related to this, both countries provide universal healthcare, with primary services free for its citizens.

The infant mortality rate is low in both countries, but a bit lower in Hong Kong.

Both are at least partially located on an island.

In Hong Kong, there is Hong Kong Island and all the New Territory islands.

In Macau, there are the islands of Taipa and Coloane.

Being so close to each other, both have the same type of climate, classified as humid subtropical.

(Wayne's World clip)

Residents of both Hong Kong and Macau mostly speak Cantonese, although English is also an official language in Hong Kong.

So Hong Kong and Macau seem to have quite a bit in common, but what about their differences?

Hong Kong is about 40 times bigger than Macau, with about 18 times more coastline.

Hong Kong has more mountains and hills than Macau. Macau is generally flat.

And yeah, Hong Kong has a lot more people, with a total population of 7.4 million people. Macau has about 632,000.

Residents of Hong Kong are generally older than residents of Macau.

The median age in Hong Kong is 44 and the median age in Macau is 39, and Macau is growing at a slightly higher rate.

Based on their European colonial heritage, Hong Kong's legal system is mostly similar to the English model, whereas Macau's legal system is more based on the Portuguese model.

Unlike the rest of China, traffic drives on the left side of the road in both territories.

Mass transit is definitely superior in Hong Kong.

The Mass Transit Railway, one of the most profitable mass transit systems in the world, serves more than 5 million passengers a day.

Over 90% of daily trips in Hong Kong are made using public transit, a higher percentage than anywhere else in the world.

Macau is not known for its mass transit, but is currently building a light rail system to be completed some time in 2019.

What about religion? Well, Hong Kong has a weird hodgepodge going on.

The majority of Hong Kong residents practice a mix of Chinese folk religions, mostly revolving around Buddhism, sprinkled in with Taoism, Confucianism, and in some cases even atheism.

The biggest minority religion is Protestantism, followed by Catholicism and Islam.

In Macau, it's also a hodgepodge, but overall it does not seem to be as religious as Hong Kong.

As I said earlier, both economies are strong,

but Hong Kong's main industries are trading and logistics, tourism, professional and producer services, and especially financial services.

Hong Kong is one of the world's leading financial centers, up there with New York and London.

Macau's main industries are tourism, clothing, and textiles, but especially gambling!

Boy do they love their gambling there. There are casinos everywhere.

Macau reportedly makes seven times as much money from gambling as Las Vegas does.

Hong Kong and Macau have different currencies.

Hong Kong has the Hong Kong...dollar and Macau has the Macanese pataca.

In general, most places in Macau accept the Hong Kong dollar as a currency, but Hong Kong establishments ain't accepting the pataca, so don't even think about it.

Looking at the skyline of Hong Kong is kind of like time traveling to the near future.

There are more skyscrapers in Hong Kong compared to far. In fact there are more skyscrapers in Hong Kong than the rest of the world.

Using the definition that a skyscraper is any building at least 150 meters, or 500 feet tall, Hong Kong has 1,223 skyscrapers.

In second place is New York City, which has 754. Macau has just 51.

Hong Kong competes in the Olympics, while Macau does not have an Olympic team.

Hong Kong's culture is a bit more cosmopolitan than Macau.

In fact, people often describe Hong Kong as the place where "East meets West," although the Portuguese influence on Macau culture is pretty strong

Really, Hong Kong and Macau are two of the most unique places in the world.

And maybe that's a good place to end it.

Hong Kong and Macau have their differences, sure, but the two stand out in the world as two places most of the world aspire to be like.

I mean, look at them. They are amazing.

I got a lot of suggestions to compare Macau and Hong Kong, so there you go

If you want me to compare two places, let me know those two places in the comments

but remember the first priority goes to my Patreon supporters

They get dibs for suggestions. So if you want your suggestion

to get priority, donate on Patreon at least $3 a video.

And thank you for watching. This series is a lot of fun.

Let's keep it going for about 30 years.

For more infomation >> Hong Kong and Macau Compared - Duration: 9:23.


현대차 1분기 판매 13.5% 감소..[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> 현대차 1분기 판매 13.5% 감소..[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 2:43.


【KosmosP's House mix ver】"ロミオとシンデレラ" (Romeo to Cinderella)【IoHime】 - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> 【KosmosP's House mix ver】"ロミオとシンデレラ" (Romeo to Cinderella)【IoHime】 - Duration: 7:20.


현대차 그랜저 골프클리닉[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> 현대차 그랜저 골프클리닉[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 1:29.


Bishop Briggs - Lyin' (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:06.


For more infomation >> Bishop Briggs - Lyin' (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:06.


한국닛산, 오늘부터 가격 인상...[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> 한국닛산, 오늘부터 가격 인상...[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 3:14.


Toyota C-HR 1.8 Hybrid 122pk CVT ( Navigatie, Leder, Trekhaak ) - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Toyota C-HR 1.8 Hybrid 122pk CVT ( Navigatie, Leder, Trekhaak ) - Duration: 1:12.


미쓰비시, 혼다 닛산 이어 판매가격 인상[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> 미쓰비시, 혼다 닛산 이어 판매가격 인상[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 2:22.


미쓰비시, 부산.경남 지역 본격 공략 [ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> 미쓰비시, 부산.경남 지역 본격 공략 [ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 2:12.


日정부 친환경차 보조금 "수입차 차별 논란"[24/7 카] - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> 日정부 친환경차 보조금 "수입차 차별 논란"[24/7 카] - Duration: 2:49.


Dominaria Cheat Sheet and Confessions of a Prerelease Cheater - Duration: 6:01.

The more Prereleases we play,

The better we get.

But I found a secret letter from my dad.

It's titled, "Confessions of a Cheater at the Prerelease."

I think we need to read this together.

Afterwards, I have something that will help during the Dominaria Prerelease.

And we are starting right now.

Reaching and Teaching Young Mages of all ages.

Welcome Young Mage, I'm Rhino.

Before we get started,

Tell me in the comments below, how many Prereleases you have attended.

We are all excited about the new set coming out.

We have seen the spoilers and we are ready for the set.

But I found a secret letter from my dad.

It reads…

I Cheat at the Prerelease.

It's obvious that I'm a cheater, I've managed to get first at every prerelease I've

attended in the past 3 years.

I don't regularly get first at FNM or other tournaments, just the prerelease.

No one likes a cheater.

Cheating in Magic: the Gathering is often a hot topic, especially on the Pro Tour.

My way of cheating is extremely insidious and perfectly legal.

Before you dismiss this, let me explain.

Let's define Cheat: to act dishonestly or unfairly to gain an advantage, especially

in a game or examination.

The word I want to focus on in the definition is "unfairly."

How is playing against me at a Prerelease unfair?

What is my unfair advantage?

There are many means by which one can gain an unfair advantage in a game.

Ways of cheating that are obviously dishonest and can be discovered by someone with a keen


But my unfair advantage goes well beyond this.

Something that the average player at the local game store does not have.

There are certain assumptions at a prerelease.

The biggest one being that everyone is on the same level.

This comes from the thought that the full list of cards has only been available for

a week or so.

No one has had a chance to really understand all of the cards in a new set.

Unless you are an employee of Wizards of the Coast, a Pro Player or you help Young Mage

collate the ratings from other pro players and content developers.

Filtering through 30+ hours of videos, podcasts and articles the weeks before the Prerelease

is like cramming for an exam.

Lots of people love spoiler season.

I like it too, until it's over and then the real work begins.

Entering the Prerelease prepared with the knowledge of many other people is a huge advantage.

You could even say it's an unfair advantage.

But that's not all.

There are a couple downright dishonest things I do to help ensure I win.

The first being that I help my opponents with their decks after the round.

Why do I do such a terrible thing?

My opponents win their rounds after battling me.

This gives me the better overall score since my opponents game win percentages go up.

But more importantly, I'm helping them learn and have fun.

I have a most devious secret as well.

Something nearly unheard of, but it comes from a well rested mind and a decent meal

before the games.

These are often overlooked.

And the most dastardly cheat of all…

The one that no one notices, I always go to a Prerelease to have fun.

I don't care if I win or lose.

When you are having fun, you make fewer mistakes than when you are tense.

Well there you have it, the confession of a Cheater at a Magic The Gathering Prerelease.

I hope that this doesn't make you feel any less of me knowing that I cheat through research,

having fun, helping my opponents, and getting well rested and fed.

My unfair advantage is plain for all to see.

It's time to cast the shackles on me and throw away the key.

Signed Papa Mage.

I can't believe it, my dad, a cheater.

Now here is your chance to learn from our hard work.

I did promise to help you with the Dominaria Prerelease.

We have compiled a cheat sheet using the suggestions of players much better than me.

This sheet can help you filter out cards quickly.

The higher the number the more useful the card.

The first column is the rating for the prerelease.

The second is how it may do in Standard.

The scale is one to five.

Commons are 1 to 3.

Uncommon are 2 to 4.

And rares are 3 to 5.

You can download your own copy at the link below.

Print it out and take it to your Prerelease.

Or keep the digital copy.

Each card is linked to Scryfall.

So if you have any ruling questions, just click.

If you liked this video, and want to learn how to play Magic better,


Just hit that rhino down below.

And ring the bell notifications so you don't miss a single video.

These videos are possible because of my friends and generous Patrons.

Check out the videos on the side.

They WILL interest you.

I have more videos coming out soon.

So until then, Rhino out.

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