Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 27 2018

Mr. Beat presents

Supreme Court Briefs

New York City March 21, 1948

The American Broadcasting Company, or ABC, debuts a new radio game show called Stop the Music!

Bert: Do you know the name of that song? Well friends, hold on. You may be called at home.

Here's how the show worked.

Either an orchestra would play a popular song or two singers would hum a popular song, and the host, Bert Parks, would stop them by shouting "Stop the music!"

This was Park's signal that he had a contestant on the line whom he had called at random.

This contestant was to guess the name of the song just played.

If the contestant correctly guessed the name of the song, she or he won a prize, usually an expensive household appliance.

If the contestant got the song wrong, the show chose a member of the studio audience to identify the song to win the prize.

Six weeks after the show debuted, a North Carolina contestant won a jackpot of $17,000, or more than $179,000 if they'd won today and you adjusted for inflation.

The show was a hit, and other broadcasters took notice, starting their own prize giveaway shows.

Later, Stop the Music! was turned into a TV show.

Not everyone was a fan. The National Association of Broadcasters accused these prize giveaway shows of "buying an audience."

The Federal Communications Commission, or FCC

Eminem: So the FCC won't let me be

said the shows were breaking lottery laws and threatened to take away the license of any radio or TV station that aired them.

In response, ABC sued the FCC because the FCC wouldn't let them be.

The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York ruled in favor of ABC, and so the FCC appealed to the Supreme Court.

Now this whole process took awhile. The Court didn't hear arguments until February 1, 1954.

This was the same group of justices who heard arguments for the Brown v. Board of Education decision, by the way.

At the root of this issue was whether or not shows like Stop the Music! promoted gambling.

On April 5, 1954, the Court announced it had also sided with the broadcasters, ruling 8-0.

The Court said the FCC straight up misinterpreted the lottery laws.

These quiz shows were not gambling, as they were contests, and skill was involved, not chance.

FCC v. ABC further legitimized the quiz show and further protected prize giveaway shows in general.

Despite Stop the Music! quickly losing popularity and the quiz show trend of the late 1940s and early 1950s just being a fad, you could say this little known case played a big role in further making the game show a fixture of American culture.

I'll see you for the next Supreme Court case, jury!

I, of course, hadn't even heard of that Supreme Court Case before Buck Russell told me about it.

That case was so obscure there is hardly any information about it available.

I mostly relied on the actual Court testimony for this one.

Anyway, thanks to Buck for suggesting it. Be sure to check out his YouTube channel called KMSI Media.

Starting June 1st on the channel, he's starting a new show on there called Buck Russell Presents.

Oh yeah, and I listened to his suggestion because he is a supporter on Patreon.

If you donate at least $3 or more per video on there I will prioritize your suggestions for history-related videos.

The link for my Patreon is below. Thanks to my patrons, and thanks to you for watching!

For more infomation >> FCC v ABC - Duration: 3:42.



For more infomation >> PRANK BULE NGOMONG JOWO DI OME TV - Duration: 14:24.


Messing With The Quiet One? Here's 11 Major Reasons Why You Don't! - Duration: 5:23.

Messing With The Quiet One?

Here's 11 Major Reasons Why You Don't!

You will often notice those who have the loudest and most talkative voices.

In doing this, we will indirectly underestimate the calm power of the quiet one.

The problem is, that in our society today, we are most concerned about those who make

the most votes.

And this is a mistake.

By doing this, we lose great ideas and quiet insights in this situation.

You see, quiet people are people who are filled with great ideas and listen to everything

that happens around them.

Although there is nothing wrong with being an extrovert, there are some disadvantages.

Introverts or quiet people who like to stick to themselves are often misunderstood.

In this video, you will find a list of reasons why you should not mess with a quiet person.

While you may see them as easy targets to bully or persecute them not as they seem.

If you make a quiet person, you may be in a wounded world.

#1 - Tranquility does not equate with weakness - so do not mess with them

A quiet person will speak out against any error, or injustice.

They quickly show bad behavior.

Quiet people are often slow to defend themselves, but once they are pushed too far, they can

react with amazing power.

They also quickly support the more vulnerable group members.

Quiet people have high moral standards compared to others.

#2 - Calm people can be just as persistent and loyal as a harder person

Quiet people create a bond of trust with others.

They also diligently work on their own brilliant ideas which, when expressed, will make others


#3 - Even the most reserved people have excellent social skills

In their unobtrusive ways, they develop close relationships built on trust and mutual respect.

And when they are with the company they enjoy, they can become the soul and body of the place.

#4 - The quietest person listens to many things and probably knows more than anyone else suspected.

The reason for silent people is because they listen.

They listen carefully and think deeply so you can be sure that when they finally speak,

they have something extraordinary to say.

Louder people should not assume that quiet people lack knowledge or intelligence than

they do.

#5 - The quiet people observe and capture more than others.

It's very difficult to fool a quiet person.

They listen and watch all that goes with care.

They also capture more than spoken words.

They are people who calmly focus on behavior and body language as well.

This means they can easily see unauthentic behavior and lies and fraud.

#6 - They do have social skills and know where to draw the line:

It's a common misconception that quiet people don't have social skills.

They do have good social skills and they build it slowly with others.

They enjoy deep conversations and bond with others from deep within.

They enjoy going to parties and remain within their group.

People who know them closely love them and admire them.

Introverts also know where to draw the line.

They will not tolerate any misbehavior.

If they are ill-treated, they will speak up for themselves and make sure the person gets

the right punishment.

They will not tolerate anything which is unjust.

#7 - Quiet people are not weaker just because they are not hard.

Just because someone is not obnoxious and loud, does not mean they will fall off when

you push them.

A quiet person can be strong when they need to.

You would be foolish to think otherwise.

#8 - A quiet person will not tolerate being treated badly.

Just because someone does not talk much, does not mean they will let you walk on them.

They will only take a lot before the fight.

In addition, if you treat someone bad simply because they are different, then there is

something wrong with you.

#9 - Quiet people are quiet.

Quiet people can get through life without being noticed.

They can do without you realizing they are even there.

If you really think about it, messing with a quiet person is a terrible idea.

#10 - They are more focused than extroverts:

They have a strong purpose but instead of talking about their dreams and wasting their

time, they are busy trying to achieve it.

They will start their own projects, sharing them with only a few people asked to complete


Once done, the whole world knows about it.

This is a big surprise and their work is also unique.

#11 - Silence is a strength, not a weakness:

The quiet is the strongest in the group.

Since they do not reveal much about themselves, it becomes difficult to know their strengths

and weaknesses.

They are smart enough to hide their secrets and be the strongest.

Well, those are some of the major reasons why you should never mess with the quiet one.

Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Messing With The Quiet One? Here's 11 Major Reasons Why You Don't! - Duration: 5:23.


KING KONG WORLD ROBOT SUPER STYLE !!! Power Rangers Toys - Khánh Khủng Long - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> KING KONG WORLD ROBOT SUPER STYLE !!! Power Rangers Toys - Khánh Khủng Long - Duration: 10:01.


5 ошибок при общении в интернете - Duration: 15:18.

For more infomation >> 5 ошибок при общении в интернете - Duration: 15:18.


Why Don't Guys Ask Me Out? | Christian Dating Advice - Duration: 10:53.

Hey girls! Tiffany dawn here, and I have pulled my hubby James back into this

video. He's so kind. He's on his lunch break for work right now, eating and

I asked him if he would just kind of chat with us. So um basically this video

is for girls like me, who when I was in high school and college, I had these- and

most of my 20s- I had these like three questions: Number one, why am I still

single? Number two, why doesn't anybody ask me out?

And number three, why doesn't anybody like me? And I just felt kind of like

left out, like all my girlfriends--- Do you mean by guys, right? Oh yeah. Sometimes

people say that, but what they really mean is the guys that I think I like,

don't like me back. Right, exactly. So we're gonna talk about that. Today I have

four tips for you, and James is gonna add his two cents in, and these four tips are

just things that can maybe help, like if you're kind of feeling stuck, like

nobody's--no guys are interested in you, these are four things that you can try

that might actually help. So tip number one is be open, like be friendly. I

realized that I kind of was just walking around with this like stone cold face

toward guys. And really I was so scared of rejection that I-- like if I liked a

guy, there was no way I was gonna let him know I was interested by my actions,

because I was so scared of being rejected and I just couldn't handle that.

And so I just kind of was mean or like cold toward them. And I remember like in

later years actually, this guy who I'd actually liked back then, we'd gotten

reconnected. And as we were talking, he was like, "ou know I almost asked you out

back then," or, "I wanted to ask you out back then." And I was like, "What? Why didn't you?"

And he goes, "I didn't think there was any chance you'd say yes, based on like

how you treated me." I was like, Ohhh... That's such a good story.

I feel like this happens all the time between guys and girls and it's kind of

like this emotional game of chicken. It's like, "Well I I would like to ask her out

but I really don't want to be rejected so I'm just gonna like observe and maybe

I can like see the signs if she likes me." Yeah it takes a lot for a guy to like,

to ask a girl out. Guys hear stories about rejections, guys have probably been

rejected a couple times, like we're scared.

So the friendlier you can be, the easier it's gonna be for us to be like,

talking to her, talking to her, and, "Do you want to gout for ice cream?" You sort of

have to like squeeze it out. Yeah I don't think girls realize that enough,

like how scary it is for guys, because like guys seem like they have no emotion

sometimes. That's not true; we just don't know how to express it.

Yeah so I think that's really important to know. And I found like the more

approachable we can be in our demeanor-- like even ask some of your honest

friends, "How do I come across to strangers or to guys? Like am I coming

across like the mean person, or am I like smiling and like open to talking with

them, and like easier to talk to?" -- I think that just makes it a whole lot easier

for a guy to work up the courage to ask you out. Yes okay yes. So tip number two

is expand your horizons a little bit. So I always had like this certain kind of

guy that I wanted to go out with. I like I wanted to go out with a guy who was six

feet tall -- not a James look-alike by the way. Well in some ways; I mean you have dark hair

and dark eyes which I wanted, and like tan-ish or olive skin, you know, but

you're not 6'3", which is what I wanted. Nope. It'd be nice if I was. Well it's kind of nice that

you're not, because like guys I dated who were over six foot tall, like trying to

kiss them was like -- it put a kink in my neck. That's why you go to the chiropractor so much now! It makes sense!

And I wanted him to play guitar -- nope -- and be a worship leader

and like a youth leader and stuff like that, so I definitely was looking for

like this very specific type of guy. When I was in my 20s, I was like: Wow I'm going

to all these different events and I'm meeting all these different guys and I

keep coming home and saying there's no good guys out there. But what I'm really

saying is there's no good guys who are 6'3" and play guitar and lead worship. And that

might have been true that there were no single ones left. But like I was way too narrow

in my focus and I really needed to expand my horizons. But I think it's easy

to like narrow our options so much and be looking for something so particular

that we pass by amazing guys. Now it's important to be attracted to the person,

absolutely, but like you can be attracted to more

than one type of person. Mm-hmm. That is true. And I know even one of my one of my

friends who's single is, I think most people would agree, is a pretty

attractive human being. And all of Tiffany's friends

want to meet him. That's so true. But they don't know him at all! They just see his

picture on social media and they're like, "Yeah! We want to meet him!" But they really, they have no idea what he's like.

Yea, like it's very shallow. Like guys do the same thing. But like, you

can't-- you're not truly gonna be attracted to someone until you know them.

Personal interaction is so important. It's important for girls to realize too,

like we get frustrated with guys because we're like, "Why do you guys just

go after the cute, popular girls? Like it's not fair, why isn't anyone

interested in me?" But girls we do the same thing to guys so many times! Well I

think every person is sort of inclined to do that on some level. That's true.

And it's just something to be like really careful about and just aware of. I realized I

didn't even notice other guys in the room if they didn't meet my mold and I

had to open my eyes and literally like open my peripheral vision to be able to

notice these other guys, and even get to know them. And I'm so glad I did because

I really like being married to him. Yeah. Still can't play guitar. Tip number three

is like go out in places where you can kind of meet more people.

Different kinds of people, yeah. Like get involved in different circles.

Because I think it's really easy to just like want to spend all your time- fill it

all with girls nights. And that's fine, but if that's all you do with your time,

where do you expect to meet guys? Yeah Or get to know guys. We do not attend girls nights. Yeah.

That's true. You have man cave nights. I'm always like, "Where are all the guys?" They're all

together, all the good guys. If you find one, there's a pack of them! I'm like

convinced of it. But yeah there is some truth to that. So I think it's important

to like actually like get to know different people, like hang out with

friends from work, hang out with from church, hang out with friends from

school, and just like, you know, bring a girlfriend with you and go and just join

them, and get to know new people and other circles. And kind of - I don't

know - it also expands your horizon. Try to make - try to regularly meet new people.

Many of them you won't connect with and that's totally fine, but you'll probably

end up making some new friends. Yeah and that can be really scary for someone who

isn't an extrovert. Like James is 100% extroverted. I'm not.

"Whoo, new people!" Yeah for real though. It's like the Energizer Bunny. But for me like I don't

love just meeting new people all the time; it's

super draining and nerve-wracking. But if you plan for it. Yes. And you don't do it

super regularly, and you just do it like once every other week. And if it has

like structure. So like I would join - I remember joining this Bible study for a

while and it was like with a different church and I had a couple of friends who

went, so I went. And I was very clear, like I'm only here for this

session, and I was very honest with myself and with my friends: I was only there

to meet any cute guys there. I shouldn't say just cute. It was true at the time.

But to meet guys, I should have - I should have been just guys - yeah. And then

tip number four is a surprising one, which is: you can ask the guy out. That's

totally fine. We are fine with that. I speak for the

entire male race. Not really, but sort of. You know it's a great if a girl asks you

out. If she like doesn't say, "Would you like to go on a date with me," but more

like, "Hey you do want to like study sometime or do you want to get some

coffee," you know. You're like, "Oh they do like me!" It's great. It's like a less subtle clue

that they can start to pick up on. Yeah, yes, we don't do subtle. Yeah I

definitely speak for the male race there. And I think some sometimes girls get

kind of hung up on the idea of, "But the guy has to pursue me." Yeah but being

pursued is like something you see over a period of time, like months. Like if you

look back over the last four months and you don't feel like you're being pursued,

that's one thing. Who asks who on the first date? Not a big deal.

Yeah and really like I think both people should also be pursuing each other.

Excuse me as I'm hiccuping. If only one person is pursuing, even if it is the guys, that's

gonna be a miserable relationship. So those are our four tips.

In closing, let me just say, like, girls if you feel this way, there are so

many girls who feel this way. I want you to know you're not alone. And guys - yeah -

on a serious note. Cause like I think I think it's easy to think we're the only

ones left. Like I'm the only one who's never been asked out, and the only one

who's never had a boyfriend, like what's wrong with me? And you're not the only

one. There are so many girls who feel that way and I personally know like

several of them, and they're amazing girls and they are in that same place.

And it's tempting to ask like, "What am I doing wrong?" And I think if you're doing

these four tips and you're open to, you know, what God has for you, and not

kind of hiding in fear, I think you're fine. And also that like, your worth

can't come from guys, which sounds so cheesy and church talk-y, but like truly,

it's real. Like even being married I always thought you know being married,

like then I'll have this husband who like helps me find all my worth and he

like loves me so much. And even though James is a wonderful husband and does

love me so much, like when I try to look to him for my sense of like worth and

who I am, it like falls short. Like he cannot give that to me. I have to find

that in God. And I know that it's hard to hear when you're single cause you're like,

yeah but it's easier at least when you're married. And yeah it's nice to be

married and I love that like affirmation from him, but we - at the core it cannot

fill any part, any void in me. And so I think like right now, like finding that

in Christ is huge, even though it sounds really cheesy, it's huge. Yeah and I

think all of us are sort of on different timelines and no one timeline is better

or worse than another. You know sometimes we think, "It'd be so cool to marry

someone, you know, your highschool sweetheart!" And that is wonderful.

But also for people like Tiffany and I who met in our late 20s, it's been

wonderful for us too. And we think, "If we dated in high school, we would have

fought for like ten years!" We would not have even lasted a day. And like we got to

have so many adventures in the meantime, like you got to travel around South

America for a year and like build a tree house air B&B kind of thing and like go

on like work on a sheep farm in Patagonia and like all that. And Tiffany got

to travel and tour, and you know that yeah, you know we just had amazing

experiences in our single years with God. So I just want to encourage you like,

don't feel like you're being left out, even though it feels like that sometimes.

um I really think that this season can also be a gift even though it's hard.

So I have some videos linked down below about that. One is what I wish I knew

when I was single, and one is to all the single girls, and they kind of share my

own experiences more with this. So girls I hope that those four tips can help in

some way, and that this can encourage you. Comment down below if there's anything

you would add to this list and we will see you again soon.

Love you girls! Bye. Bye.

For more infomation >> Why Don't Guys Ask Me Out? | Christian Dating Advice - Duration: 10:53.


O'Sullivan v Carter R2 Fr5 2018 World Champ HD1080P - Duration: 11:53.

For more infomation >> O'Sullivan v Carter R2 Fr5 2018 World Champ HD1080P - Duration: 11:53.


PJ MASKS Toys Learn Animal Names - Duration: 7:15.

Wow this is so cool

Hey Dino pals this is Toy Rex here, let's see what toy surprise we have today

Hi PJ superheroes. Hi chase. What brings you here today?

There's a special game at the school for the PJ masks, and you can win super awesome toys. That's awesome

I want to play this game

Okay, here comes the bus

Have fun at the school PJ mess

Wow the school looks so cool, let's go inside

Hello, PJ. Masks superheroes welcome to the school and the principal and today

We've got a special game for you PJ masks superheroes

Awesome, what game are we gonna play today mr.. Principal? I will show you four animals, but you only

Gets all four animals you'll where's the prize toys

Well the PJ massive surprise toys this game sounds so much fun. Let's play

Here's the first animal it's on a blue block this animal is yellow

And he's got some really sharp claws. What animal is this I know

Wow good job Gekko

King of the jungle the PJ masks got one point are you ready for the next animal yes, mr.

Pig's a book. This is so fun

Animal number two is on an orange block and I see a ribbon with a long tail

What animal is this? I know I know it's a monkey

Wow good job. Can't boy. You gotta read this animal is a monkey. They love to climb trees

Banana, uh-oh we got two right you sure did

This animal is on a yellow block

And I see some pink wings what animal is this wow this one looks tough. Do you know what it is Alan?

Alan you got a

Mango, they're also known as the lovebirds wow that's so cool

You've got three

Animal is on a red block

Looks really tough

Wow good job cat boy you got a rat. It is the zebra. That's awesome

Because he has stripes just like me

That's right. Now. You win surprise toys. Good chappie, Jimmy's

Awesome, and I had my friends to paw patrol pups bring the surprise toys

Wow there's so many surprise toys, which surprise toy should we open it first how about this one?

It's a marvel mania. There's so many superheroes on it so cool. It's open it up

He's got a little suction cup on the bottom so he can stick to things watch

He's on the school bus now

And they wear this Domo mystery mini

How cool this little monster is dressed up as Superman Batman and even two-face?

We got the Green Lantern monster

Look at his teeth junkyard

He's just a bit the Green Lantern

He's wearing all green

And he's got a really powerful Green Lantern ring this powerful ring allows the Green Lantern to think of all sorts of cool things

To fight the bad guys with so cool. Let's go Green Lantern monster flip

Let's open up another one of these. They're so tiny let's go

Whoa we got a little vision vision is a member of the adventures

And he's a computer robot lead by Tony Stark Iron Man and let's stick them onto the school bus

Vision is upside down a little bit one more of these shoot a cake here we go

Well we got a bad guy, it's the Red Skull

He's so gross his head is a big red skull and fights against Captain America. Let's stick him on the school ball

He's right here next the rebel to more supply stores left

All right, we're gonna open up the superheroes mystery mini. I see Catwoman as

You can get

All right, let's open it up here we go

It'll be good

Whoa we got a super cute kitty. It's super kitty. He's an orange kitty with a red cape and look

There's the Superman logo on him

He's really strong to flex your mint, and he can fly what a cute kitty you can work with the paw patrol

Next we have the SS squad mystery mini, there's a Joker and Harley Quinn

These are all the cool features. We can gain this glow-in-the-dark Joker is super rare. Let's try and get him here we go

What toy do we get


We got a joker guys

He looks so evil Joker's got green here really white skin really creepy, and he's wearing his tuxedo

The Joker is a bad guy that always fights against Batman and his girlfriend is Harley, Quinn. Let's see Joker go for a flip

That was so fun down front the PJ masks get the ride to super cool school bus I hope everyone has a super awesome day

And I'll see you guys in the next toy Rex video

Thanks for watching Dino pals you guys are awesome

For more awesome surprises with me click here and give me a big high-five to subscribe and join the Dino Club

For more infomation >> PJ MASKS Toys Learn Animal Names - Duration: 7:15.


Discovery of Ozone - Casa & Asa Discoveries and Inventions for Kids | Educational Videos by Mocomi - Duration: 4:25.

That looks like a really boring book, Casa.

I am going for a swim.

Good! Don't forget to apply your sunblock before you go, or you will come back sun burnt.

Oh! I forgot the sun's UV rays can burn my skin

Ha! Ha! Yes. Thankfully we have the ozone layer to protect us.

But doesn't the ozone layer have a hole in it?

Yes, the ozone layer has been damaged.

But the hole is the smallest right now, in the last 30 years.

Why do we need the ozone layer so much?

Well I am reading a book on evolution of life.

And the ozone plays a very important part in evolution of life on earth!

Isn't that interesting?

Not as interesting as a swim in the sea......Ok! Tell me!

Let's find out!

Where are we Casa?

We are at the beginning of time.

Ha! Ha! Without ozone, life on earth would not have evolved.

The first single celled organism didn't need oxygen for its development.

This type of environment existed on earth 300 million years ago.

As primitive life forms started to evolve, they started to release very small amounts of oxygen in the atmosphere, through photosynthesis.

And slowly all this oxygen became the ozone layer in the stratosphere!

Really? Photosynthesis gives oxygen. Am I right?

Haha! Yes! Ozone is a form of oxygen.

The oxygen that we breathe is two atoms of oxygen bound together.

Ozone on the other hand is made of three atoms of oxygen bound together.

Ozone was first created in a lab by the Dutch chemist Martinus van Marum, in 1785.

He noticed an unusual smell, after some experiments.

Half a century later, Christian Friedrich Schonbein noticed the same smell following a bolt of lightning.

He was successful in isolating the chemical and called it ozone, which means to smell.

Oxygen is converted to ozone by the radiation from the UV radiation in sunlight, creating a shield.

Now I understand! So that is how, ozone protects us from the harmful UV rays.

Yes! That is good ozone.

Ozone can be caused due to pollution and be bad also causing the Green House Effect and smog in the troposphere.



Ok! Come let's go for a swim!

Haha! Yes!

For more infomation >> Discovery of Ozone - Casa & Asa Discoveries and Inventions for Kids | Educational Videos by Mocomi - Duration: 4:25.


ハシタイロ (クジラの子らは砂上に歌うED)/ダズビー COVER - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> ハシタイロ (クジラの子らは砂上に歌うED)/ダズビー COVER - Duration: 4:22.


Масти и стихии в картах Таро. Правильное соответствие | Таро для начинающих. - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Масти и стихии в картах Таро. Правильное соответствие | Таро для начинающих. - Duration: 5:24.


【開箱】娃娃機裡竟然有這種模型?!組裝難度高到讓小孩崩潰!!《你沒看過的娃娃機商品》【愛筆ivy】╭ UFOキャッチャー|Taiwan UFO catcher ╮ - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> 【開箱】娃娃機裡竟然有這種模型?!組裝難度高到讓小孩崩潰!!《你沒看過的娃娃機商品》【愛筆ivy】╭ UFOキャッチャー|Taiwan UFO catcher ╮ - Duration: 4:50.


YTmiorko23 V-Bucks Generator - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> YTmiorko23 V-Bucks Generator - Duration: 1:32.


The Tiny Voice in the Back of Donald Trump's Head: Week of April 23 - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> The Tiny Voice in the Back of Donald Trump's Head: Week of April 23 - Duration: 5:04.


BREAKING NEWS Out Of Kansas City! This Is INSANE!!! - Duration: 4:26.

BREAKING NEWS Out Of Kansas City!

This Is INSANE!!!

Friends and family of a utility worker who was shot and killed on the job are still trying

to come to terms with what happened.

Johnathon Porter was shot and killed Tuesday morning near 9th and Brooklyn.

His family and friends said it was all because he refused to give his killer a cigarette,

KSHB Local News reported.

"He was way too young to die, was about to become a father next month and had recently

moved to Kansas City to work for InfraSource, a sub-contractor for Spire Energy.

He's a really good kid.

If you needed anything, he would help you out and for somebody to come up and shoot

him because he wouldn't give them a cigarette, it's just mind-blowing and saddening."

~ Jordan Schwartz, Porter's friend Tuesday morning a black male in a blue hoody

approached the men at the work site, he approached Porter and asked for a cigarette.

Porter, who doesn't smoke, told the man he couldn't help him.

The community should be outraged and demanding justice, most instead hide from the truth.

This young man was working and these men and women who do this job have to work extremely

hard to provide the civilians with electricity.

I truly hope people have had enough of this and start demanding justice and the right

to open carry.

The passer-by "walked away and then turned around and shot him," police told Porter's

mother, Lindy Porter.

23, year-old Johnathon Porter dies on the way to the hospital, all because a scumbag

criminal was denied a cigarette.InfraSource said in a statement Wednesday it's offering

grief counseling to all of its employees in the Kansas City area.

Infrasource construction sites generally have either private security or a sheriff deputy

on site, due to the areas these hard-working men and women have to perform their job.

For whatever reason, there was no security on the site as of yet.Porter's mother wishes

the gunman had known Porter, because then he surely wouldn't have pulled the trigger,

she said.

"His smile would light up the room.

… He was just perfect.

Everybody who knew Johnathon absolutely loved him.

He was just the sweetest boy."

Porter grew up in Appleton City, about 80 miles south of Kansas City.

As a child, he'd often pull his mother into spontaneous dancing, "no music or anything,"

Lindy Porter said.

He loved art, and his mother recently found some of his old drawings hung up on a wall

in his closet.

"Course I laughed at it at the time, but now it's something I'm never going to

paint over," Lindy Porter said.

Kansas City Star

It is common practice for companies that have to work in Kansas City to provide armed security

for their employee's.

Kansas City is notorious about hiding their news, pushing their homicides into the shadows

so that the rest of the nation is unaware of just how bad it is.What throws people off

on the homicide numbers yearly, is KCK is literally split into two, there is Kansas

City Kansas and Kansas City Missouri.

For 2017 KCMO, Local Fox News reports that 149 people were killed in homicides this year,

the highest total since a record 153 in 1993, at the height of killings fueled by crack

cocaine and gangs.

Nearly half of the city's 2017 homicides remain unsolved.

There have been 208 homicides in the Kansas City Kansas metro area in 2017.

When will people wake up and realize that these thugs and scumbags need to be cleansed


Law Enforcement is a reactionary force, in other words Law Enforcement is called in AFTER

a crime has been committed.

Why do people never ask, Why do we tolerate these criminals and gangs?

We know where they are, we know who they are, yet nothing happens.

With violence and hate boiling over in our nation, everyone should be trained to conceal

or open carry.

God Bless his family and friends, his co-workers and his unborn daughter.

This is beyond a tragedy and senseless.


For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS Out Of Kansas City! This Is INSANE!!! - Duration: 4:26.


BREAKING News Out Of North Korea!!! HOLY HELL! LOOK WHAT JUST HAPPENED! - Duration: 3:06.

BREAKING News Out Of North Korea!!!



A study by Chinese geologists shows the mountain above North Korea's main nuclear test site

has collapsed under the stress of nuclear test explosions.

This would render the site unsafe for further nuclear testing and necessitate monitoring

for any leaking radiation.

Is this perhaps the reason Kim Jong-Un has agreed to denuclearize North Korea?

Perhaps, but of course, we'll probably never know.

The findings by the scientists at the University of Science and Technology of China may shed

new light on North Korean President Kim Jong Un's announcement that his country was ceasing

its testing program.

Nuclear explosions release enormous amounts of heat and energy, and the North's largest

test in September was believed early on to have rendered the site in northeastern North

Korea unstable.

The data in the latest Chinese study was collected following the most powerful of the North's

six nuclear device tests on September 3, 2017 that they believed could have triggered four

earthquakes over the following weeks.

The yield of the bomb was estimated at more than 100 kilotons of TNT, at least 10 times

stronger than anything the North had tested previously.

(The bomb the United States dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 had a yield of about 15 kilotons.)

The University of Science and Technology of China paper, authored by Tian Dongdong, Yao

Jiawen, and Wen Lianxing, said the first of those earthquakes that occurred eight-and-a-half

minutes after the explosion was "an onsite collapse toward the nuclear test center,"

while those that followed were an "earthquake swarm" in similar locations.

"In view of the research finding that the North Korea nuclear test site at Mantapsan

has collapsed, it is necessary to continue to monitor any leakage of radioactive materials

that may have been caused by the collapse," the authors said in a summary dated Monday

and viewed Wednesday on the university's website.

–USA Today

The Chinese study makes sense and is based on "well-understood research," said Rowena

Lohman, a seismologist at Cornell University who wasn't part of the work, but believes

there's an international effort that monitors these tests for radiation.

The study is peer-reviewed and has been accepted for publication by the journal Geophysical

Research Letters.

On Saturday, North Korea announced it will close its nuclear testing facility and suspend

nuclear and intercontinental ballistic missile tests (a move welcomed by President Trump

as "big progress") and which comes ahead of a planned summit between Trump and Kim.

However, the media wants us all to know that the North stopped short of suggesting it will

give up its nuclear weapons or scale back its production of missiles and their related


For more infomation >> BREAKING News Out Of North Korea!!! HOLY HELL! LOOK WHAT JUST HAPPENED! - Duration: 3:06.






New research shows just how much Google's search manipulation affects voters when making


During the 2016 election, it was obvious that Google manipulated searches to favor Hillary

Clinton while showing disproportionately negative stories about Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.

And now we know just how effective all that had been, and it almost left us with Hillary

as president.

Hillary Clinton may have lost by a substantially larger margin had Google not manipulated the

search results in her favor.

Even trending negative searches about the corrupt democratwere suppressed.

According to an exclusive by Breitbart, the conclusions are based on 16 months of experiments

conducted with a total of 1,800 people from all 50 U.S. states.

Participants in the study came from diverse ideological backgrounds, including liberal,

conservative, and moderate.

In order to control prior biases, participants were asked to judge political candidates that

they were unfamiliar with.The research showed that the manipulation of results pages in

search engines can shift the voting preferences of undecideds by anywhere between 20 and 80

percent, depending on the demographic –meaning Google was attempting to rig the 2016 election

for Hillary Clinton.

The voting preferences of participants who saw no search suggestions shifted toward the

favored candidate by 37.1%.

The voting preferences of participants in the search suggestion groups who saw only

positive search suggestions shifted similarly (35.6%).

However, the voting preferences of participants who saw three positive search suggestions

and one negative search suggestion barely shifted (1.8%); this occurred because the

negative search suggestion attracted more than 40% of the clicks (negativity bias).

In other words, a single negative search suggestion can impact opinions dramatically.

Participants who were shown four negative suggestions (and no positives) shifted away

from the candidate shown in the search bar (-43.4%).

-Epstein, Mohr, & Martinez, The Search Suggestion Effect, 2018

Led by Dr. Robert Epstein, the researchers concluded that by using this method of manipulation,

search engines can shift a "50/50 split among people who are undecided on an issue

to a 90/10 split without people's awareness and without leaving a paper trail for authorities

to follow."

Meaning the real collusion during the 2016 election was not between Trump and the Russians,

but was between tech giants and their propaganda scheme and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

It is no longer a conspiracy theory that Google is manipulating people.

Just look at the heavy amount of manipulation in Google's "suggested" searches in

comparison to those of Bing and Yahoo.

The researchers suggested that the search suggestion manipulation made against Google

during the 2016 election when the tech giant appeared to be suppressing negative search

suggestions for Hillary Clinton while allowing negative suggestions for Donald Trump and

Bernie Sanders to remain.This is not a coincidence, especially when considering Google was the

Clinton campaign's largest corporate contributor.

Google employees, including at least six high-ranking executives, donated more than $1.3 million

to Clinton's 2016 campaign.

Call it censorship or manipulation, but the truth is…Google attempted to rig the election

for Hillary Clinton by manipulating searches and suggestions, and therefore, voters minds.

For more infomation >> BREAKING News Out Of GOOGLE… BUSTED!! NOT HIDING ANYMORE!!! - Duration: 4:00.


5 Freestyle drills to help you swim smooth - Duration: 2:17.

Even if you are an elite swimmer, you can always benefit from doing drills, that is

because your stroke will never be perfect.

Having said that, there are some common mistakes that most of us do during our freestyle technique.

So we will go over some drills to fix them.

Finger tip drag

This drill will help you keep a high elbow when you recover the arm.

This will also help you feel the water and give you immediate feedback as to where your

hand is entering the water.

You should also keep a relaxed wrist and fingers to save up energy.

This high elbow recovery is the most effective way to carry your arm back in front.

3 strokes and glide

Gliding is an important part of the stroke, specially in distances over a 100.

Doing 3 strokes and gliding for about 6 kicks will help you improve your gliding position.

Notice the position of your hands and head and adjust if they causing frontal drag.

Glide rotate glide

Some of us don't rotate enough.

This goes hand in hand with the gliding.

You need a good rotation in order to glide and to grab more water with each stroke.

So practice gliding and rotating your shoulders, then come back and rotate again before taking

your next stroke.

Underwater recovery

This will help you feel the frontal drag.

It will help your body understand the importance of the pull.

Try to optimize your pull by grabbing all the water you can while reducing the frontal

drag of your other arm by positioning your hand to be always pointing to the front.

Sculling High elbow

To pull water backwards from the beginning of your stroke, you must have a high elbow

on the first part of the stroke.

So try sculling three times and not moving your elbow.

Just use your forearm and hands.

Then do a normal stroke to change arms.

If you want more freestyle advice check out this playlist here.

Make sure to subscribe and click on the bell icon if you don't want to miss any of our


Thanks for watching skillers!

See you next time!

Swim fast!

For more infomation >> 5 Freestyle drills to help you swim smooth - Duration: 2:17.


You're Too Clean, and It's Messing With Your Immune System - Duration: 4:00.

Washing your hands may be the best way to keep from getting sick, but in some ways,

DIRT does a body good.

We've all been taught that dirt is bad for us.

In my Grandmother's house "Cleanliness was next to Godliness" and everything was

scrubbed clean and disinfected, but now with new research on the superpowers of the microbiome

it may be time to rethink our relationship with filth.

You may think dirt and soil are interchangeable, (they are both a grainy collection of minerals,

oils, water, and organic matter.)

BUT soil stays in your backyard while dirt is what follows you back into your house.

BOTH have microbes.

Germ theory tells us that these microbes can infect our bodies and make us sick, but we

are starting to understand that in our haste to eliminate and defend against disease we

may have unintentionally "protected" ourselves against the collaborative relationships we

need most.

Yes, over exposure to some microorganisms will make us sick, but of the thousands of

species and up to 6lbs (yes POUNDS of bacteria that are living in and on our bodies RIGHT

NOW some are critical for our health and happiness.

The bacteria that live in our bodies, sometimes called our microbiome, help us digest food,

respond to pathogens, and may even influence our moods.

Getting dirty once in a while can help repopulate "friendly" bacteria that have been killed

off or washed away by our hygiene practices.

Commonly, we're taught to clean ourselves thoroughly to prevent illness *but* we could

be killing off too much good bacteria.

Studies show that we need exposure to both friendly and unfriendly bacteria to maintain

health and a strong immune system.

Some exposure to disease causing pathogens early in life, helps to build our body's

defences keeping us healthy as adults.

When our body "fights" a disease, it is activating immune cells in response to a remembered

disease agent.

The Hygiene Hypothesis suggests that the right amount of exposure to germs and dirt builds

our body's library of known diseases, and teaches our immune system to remember which

microbes, proteins, and viruses are dangerous.

Without this training, our immune system may become hyperactive, looking for diseases to

fight and it may find innocuous aspects of our own biology instead.

When the body attacks itself, it can cause autoimmune disorders such as asthma and Inflammatory

Bowel Disorder.

An example of this was seen in a study of germ-free mice that had been raised in a sterile


The mice were compared to normal mice living in a microbe rich environment.

The germ-free mice were found to have several immune disorders such as inflammation of the

lungs and colon which resemble human asthma and colitis.

These conditions were caused by hyperactivity of a type of immune cell that had been previously

linked to these diseases in both mice and humans.

Most importantly, the researchers discovered that exposing the germ-free mice to microbes

when they were babies, led to development of a regular immune response and proper defense

against disease.

So, playing in the dirt as a kid is good for you and adults it's not too late!

Put that hand sanitizer away, go hiking, pet that dog, explore different environments and

all that good bacteria.


Remember, in our haste to make our living conditions more sterile, we may be making

ourselves sick.

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Hey all, love science in your day?

Make sure you subscribe and check out some of these microbes living in the driest place

on earth on our sister show, Science in the Extremes

Fun fact: If you're craving dirt, you might be pregnant!

The desire to eat dirt is called geophagy, and it is commonly observed in children and

pregnant women.


Thanks for watching Seeker.

For more infomation >> You're Too Clean, and It's Messing With Your Immune System - Duration: 4:00.


*Carp Fishing* How to cast long distances with Darrell Peck | Korda 2018 - Duration: 5:44.

You join me today at The Quarry in Chelmsford, Essex,

and it's a lake that I've fished loads as a young lad.

A big lake, a weedy lake

and a reasonably difficult lake for a young lad,

and much of what I learnt then

has probably shaped me as an angler today.

We're gonna talk today about long-range fishing.

And looking at that island as such,

from the road bank, I think it's roughly 110 yards

and from here, roughly 120 yards.

And to fish at that range as a young lad, you know,

with a 15lb mono, 20ml boilie on the end,

it was a big chuck, you know.

And since then obviously I've progressed

and I've learnt how to cast long distances, much further distances.

But today I'm going to show you how to do it more easily,

all the tricks, all the techniques and all the tackle you need

to be able to fish at 120 yards, do it comfortably.

I'm gonna show you a marker float that's really aerodynamic,

casts really well,

the braid for the marker rods, again, really fine, casts beautifully.

And the tapered main line, you know, that gets you around the leader bands

that on many waters restrict how far you can cast

and makes it just that much easier to fish at long-range.

First thing we're gonna talk about is long-range plumbing,

how to find spots at long-range and the equipment I use to do so.

First of all, I've got the new SLR long-range float.

It stands for:

Long, thin, aerodynamic, there's a dart part on the top.

Flies like an absolute dream, but I don't use that immediately.

The first thing that I do when I'm trying to find a spot at long-range,

is I plumb with a bare lead.

This is a probe lead and I try and always use a really heavy lead.

You know, heavier lead transmits more feel up the line

and I'm able to find smaller, clear spots

and I'm able to feel what's going on better when using the heavy lead.

To cast a four-ounce lead really long-range like we are today,

you're looking for a rod of 4¼, 4½lb test curve.

I'm using the Longbow from Daiwa

and it's the marker spod rod, so it can be used for spodding,

can be used for your marker rod.

When choosing a line for your marker set-up,

there's certain things that you want to consider.

First of all, you want zero stretch and braid offers that.

But you need to pick the right type of braid.

You don't want sinking braid.

Sinking braid is generally quite thick and doesn't cast very well.

So for your marker set-up, you want a floating braid, has zero stretch.

What that allows you to do is cast really long-range.

Feel the bottom, and should you pick up any weed, you know,

which is muffling the sensation, it's being transmitted up the line,

with that zero stretch, you can shake it off, get that weed back off the lead,

and then you can continue to plumb.

Obviously, I'm using the Korda marker braid.

It's really fine, really supple, low friction through the rings,

flies out there an absolute dream.

Coupled to that is I add the 50lb Arma Kord leader.

Not only does it give me a bit more security

when generating lots of power in big heavy casts,

but it also enables the float to pop up much easier.

So find a spot with the bare lead, the probe marker lead.

Once you've got that all clipped up, you can then attach the marker float

and find out exactly how deep it is.

Here's my marker float set up.

First thing's first, cut the lead off,

and then I thread on the boom section from the adjustable zig-rig kit.

And that just allows for any sort of minimal weed

to not prevent the float from popping up.

Next from there, I've got a cut-down Heli Sleeve.

It's meant for a helicopter rig, but if you just cut that in half

and then tie the braid to your marker float, onto the swivel,

this little rubber then just perfectly covers that over.

And then it all knits together just like that.

So we've talked about the tackle,

now we're going to talk about the technique to fish at long-range.

And there's a few things that you should be thinking about

when trying to make a long cast.

One is your foot position and weight transfer.

You're starting with the weight on the back foot

and then you're moving it onto the front foot.

You're doing that by having your arms above your head, leaning back,

and then as you go onto the front foot,

that's the moment when the left hand comes in.

It draws the bottom of the rod into your chest and brings the cast round.

So it's weight transfer, arms above your head,

and try and keep the rod as straight as possible when you make the cast.

If you come across sideways like that and you let go too early,

it's like a slice, like in golf.

And if you let go too late, it becomes like a hook.

But if you keep that rod completely straight as it comes over your head,

the lead will fly true, no matter what point you let go at.

Look at that! Spot on.

Obviously, I've done all the plumbing with the bare lead.

I know that's exactly right, it's on the gravel.

Just a case of popping that up, and that will give me a visual marker

to then put my fishing rods to,

to make sure that I'm clipped at exactly the right range.

- Like that. You get that? - Yep.

Well, there you have it.

There's my tips for fishing and marking at long-range.

I'm sure if you apply them to your own fishing,

it'll help you find brilliant spots that you'll certainly catch fish off.

For more infomation >> *Carp Fishing* How to cast long distances with Darrell Peck | Korda 2018 - Duration: 5:44.



For more infomation >> PRANK BULE NGOMONG JOWO DI OME TV - Duration: 14:24.


Ford B-MAX 1.0 ECOBOOST TITANIUM 16"LMV Cr. Control Navi+BT+Camera ECC-Airco keylessEntry - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 ECOBOOST TITANIUM 16"LMV Cr. Control Navi+BT+Camera ECC-Airco keylessEntry - Duration: 0:54.


Congressmen Drop 50 Page BO*B on Mueller's Desk – Dems FREAKING Out! - Duration: 8:06.

Congressmen Drop 50 Page BOMB on Mueller's Desk – Dems FREAKING Out!

Pittsburgh police are revealing information that would be unprecedented in our nations'


They have received intel that if President Trump were to fire Robert Mueller, then there

could be a huge uprising and political unrest which would stem from the Central Business

District and spread from there.

The police department is said to have been warned that the protests could ignite within

a potential 24 hours after the termination of Mueller, so the police have been told to

be in uniform and have riot gear ready to go starting today until further notice.

According to what Gohmert has said this day may be coming sooner than we think:

"What I have accumulated here is absolutely shocking upon the realization that Mueller's

disreputable, twisted history speaks to the character of the man placed in a position

to attempt to legalize a coup against a lawfully elected President," writes GOP Congressman

Louie Gohmert.While this may all sound a bit alarmist lets not forget the fridge left doesn't

have much to lose.

They didn't do like us on the right did when Obama and his Democrat Party shoved Obamacare

down our collective throats.

They didn't just fall back and work hard to get more Repubublicans elected.

They have become increasingly more intolerant and even violent at times.

Let's not forget what has been going on at college campuses around the nation as conservatives,

and even those not so conservative have tried to speak.

Antifa members show up in masks and start attacking people all beause they don't agree

with their policies.

Can anyone imagine what would have happened if the right would have done this when Barack

Hussein Obama was president and he was stretching the constitution to the point where it's

a miracle that we didn't have a "Constitutional Crisis?"

Here is more on the Mueller investigation via The National Review:

"The country is about to witness an investigatory train wreck.

In one direction, Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation train is looking for any conceivable

thing that President Donald Trump's campaign team might have done wrong in 2016.

The oncoming train is slower but also larger.

It involves congressional investigations, Department of Justice referrals, and inspector

general's reports — mostly focused on improper or illegal FBI and DOJ behavior during

the 2016 election.

Why are the two now about to collide?

By charging former national-security adviser Michael Flynn for lying to the FBI, Mueller

emphasized that even the appearance of false testimony is felonious behavior.

If that is so, then the DOJ will probably have to charge former deputy FBI director

Andrew McCabe with perjury or related offenses.

A report from the Office of the Inspector General indicates that McCabe lied at least

four times to federal investigators.

Former FBI director James Comey may also have lied to Congress when he testified that he

had not written his report on the Hillary Clinton email scandal before interviewing


Former director of national intelligence James Clapper and former CIA director John Brennan

lied under oath to Congress on matters related to surveillance.

Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin probably lied when they told FBI investigators

they had no idea that their then-boss, Hillary Clinton, was using an illegal private email


Both had communicated with Clinton about it.

Mueller is said to be investigating whether Trump obstructed justice by requesting that

Comey go easy on Flynn.

If so, then the DOJ will have to look at Comey himself and DOJ officials who obstructed a

federal court.

On at least four occasions, they were not honest about the deeply flawed Christopher

Steele dossier being the source of information used in applications to the Foreign Intelligence

Surveillance Court.

Comey also has said that he predicated the nature of the Clinton email investigation

on his assumptions about her chances of winning the presidency — another investigatory abuse.

The Mueller team is reportedly still looking into the possibility of election-cycle collusion

with Russia by Trump officials.

That track will require Mueller's DOJ counterparts to look carefully at the Clinton campaign,

which paid opposition researcher Steele, a British subject, for dirt on Trump that was

produced through collusion with Russian sources.

Mueller is also said to be investigating whether Trump or his advisers broke laws concerning

the release of confidential government information.

If so, the DOJ may have to indict Comey.

He confessed to passing along confidential FBI memos to a friend for the expressed purpose

of leaking their contents to the press.

High-ranking Obama administration officials may also be subject to indictments, given

that they may have requested the "unmasking" of American citizens whose communications

were intercepted during the surveillance of foreign parties and then leaked the names

of those citizens to the press.

Mueller's team apparently has assumed that Michael Cohen's status as Trump's attorney

offers no protections under normal attorney-client privilege protocols.

If that is true, the DOJ will have to investigate why the FBI allowed Clinton aide Cheryl Mills

to pose as Clinton's attorney and thereby be shielded from providing testimony on what

she knew about the email scandal involving her "client."

Investigators have swarmed Cohen's offices and residence, supposedly in fear that he

might destroy pertinent records.

The FBI should probably then reopen the investigation into the Clinton email scandal, given that

Clinton destroyed more than 30,000 emails as well as computer hard drives that had been

requested by federal investigators.

What is going on?

Mueller has searched far and wide for wrongdoing but so far has found little.

Meanwhile, there is plenty of other wrongdoing already found, but no one seems to be looking

at it.

Flynn, Cohen, and other Trump aides are considered small enough fry to go after.

Clinton, Comey, McCabe, and others seem big enough fry to leave alone.

No one thought Hillary Clinton would blow the election.

Top Obama officials at the FBI, DOJ, intelligence agencies, and National Security Council believed

in 2015 and 2016 that they could ignore laws with impunity because a protective Clinton

administration would soon be in power.

Politics have infected these investigations.

Trump was seen as a threat to the status quo, and FBI and DOJ lawbreakers were seen as custodians

of it.

The more Mueller searches for hypothetical lawbreaking, the more he is inadvertently

underscoring that actual lawbreakers must be subject to the same standard of justice.

Ironically, Mueller's investigation has reminded America that it is past time to call

Comey, McCabe, and a host of Obama-era DOJ and FBI officials to account.

For over a year, we have had two standards of legality when there can only be one.

A reckoning is near."

Who knows when Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into the Russian collusion will

come to an end.

But we can rest assured it will end someday, if not by the discovery of some wrongdoing

then by just default.

For more infomation >> Congressmen Drop 50 Page BO*B on Mueller's Desk – Dems FREAKING Out! - Duration: 8:06.


Lingering Showers Friday Morning - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Lingering Showers Friday Morning - Duration: 3:10.


Web Design Without Code-11: How to make Scroll Effect/Animation? wix website design|SernHao Tv - Duration: 3:59.

Hello everyone! I am SernHao!

Welcome to: Even if you can't write code,

You can also design an amazing web pages - Tutorial Series.

Today what I want to share with you is

Super eye-catching web features.

-Web Design / Website Design【wix Tutorial】-

Wix is ​​allows you to not write code;

Or have no artistic talent,

(It should be me...)

You can also design a stunning web page platform.

To save time and avoid counterfeiting,

You can just click on the link that I have put it in the description.

If you are interested in this topic,

Welcome to subscribe and follow SernHao Tv.

What I want to analyze is the "Scrolling Effect".

If you know what Chinese is, please leave a message and share it with me. Thank you.

For this video, I will continue by referring to the web page of the previous video.

If you missed it, you can click the link directly which

I have placed a link of this video tutorial in description.

So let's continue it now.

When you clicked the link that I put,

You will reach to this page.

Click on "manage & Edit Site".

Then click on "Edit Site".

This is the webpage we designed before.

Now let's add "Scroll Effect".

Click on "Add" on the left.

Select Strip.

There are many templates available to you here.

You can choose the appropriate "template" according to your needs.

When you have chosen, drag it out and place it where you want it.

Now we look at "Preview".

When no effect is added, this is just an ordinary picture.

It does not have any effect.

Well, we now need to put this "Scroll Effect" into it.

Click on "Back To Editor".

Click on this "Strip".

Click on "Change Background".

Click on "Setting".

We can choose these 4 different "Scroll Effect".

Here, I will demonstrate the 4 "Scroll Effect" for you.

Let you see clearly in one go.

The first one is "Parallax".

In order to see more clearly, I will use a different picture. -

Press "Setting" again.

Then select "Reveal". (exposed)

The third is "Zoom In". (enlarge)

The fourth is "Fade in."

Then we go to see "Preview" now.

The first one is "Parallax".

The second is "Reveal." (exposed)

These two are actually quite similar.

This is "Zoom in" and you can see it getting bigger.

The fourth is "Fade In", and you can see it's color is getting darker.

In addition to ordinary pictures, you can also put videos;

Or add words to these pictures.

When you learn this technique and use it on your web page,

You will find your webpage, absolutely,

Will be more attractive than other people's web pages.

If you feel that this sharing is helpful to you,

You are welcome to give me a "like" and share it with your friends.

If you want to find me to help you to design web pages,

You can email me at

So I'm SernHao. See you again in my next video! Bye~

For more infomation >> Web Design Without Code-11: How to make Scroll Effect/Animation? wix website design|SernHao Tv - Duration: 3:59.


Kia Venga 1.4 90pk X-tra met Airco!!! - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Kia Venga 1.4 90pk X-tra met Airco!!! - Duration: 1:07.


Citroën Grand C4 Picasso 1.6 THP 7P Exclusive - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Citroën Grand C4 Picasso 1.6 THP 7P Exclusive - Duration: 1:13.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK 5D BMT Move up! | Navigatie | Airco | - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK 5D BMT Move up! | Navigatie | Airco | - Duration: 0:54.


Kia Rio 1.2i 85pk Eco Dynamics 5D Comfort Pack - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.2i 85pk Eco Dynamics 5D Comfort Pack - Duration: 0:53.


Suzuki Swift - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Swift - Duration: 1:09.


كن الأقوى في معركة الحياة | طريقان - فيلم قصير The best motivational film - Duration: 4:01.

In front of you are two roads

The path of success and the path of failure

You sleep, or move

Feel tired or bored

O you resist

But if you want success

be strong


In order to reach your goal

For more infomation >> كن الأقوى في معركة الحياة | طريقان - فيلم قصير The best motivational film - Duration: 4:01.


URBAN BEAT ► "K I N G D O M" ◄ Cardi B Type Beat x Migos Type Beat x 21 Savage Type Beat (FREE) - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> URBAN BEAT ► "K I N G D O M" ◄ Cardi B Type Beat x Migos Type Beat x 21 Savage Type Beat (FREE) - Duration: 3:14.


용산전쟁기념관 전시 재래식 무기 - 전투기 비행기 . Military News - Duration: 17:43.

For more infomation >> 용산전쟁기념관 전시 재래식 무기 - 전투기 비행기 . Military News - Duration: 17:43.


Smallfoot Official Movie

For more infomation >> Smallfoot Official Movie


For more infomation >> Smallfoot Official Movie


Antifurto Bticino Prezzo : come si calcola? Pillola N.92 di materiale elettrico - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Antifurto Bticino Prezzo : come si calcola? Pillola N.92 di materiale elettrico - Duration: 7:03.


For more infomation >> Antifurto Bticino Prezzo : come si calcola? Pillola N.92 di materiale elettrico - Duration: 7:03.


汽車冷氣不冷. 國產車DIY【 March 更換冷氣風扇】音響電容強化接地基本保養介紹,Nissna日產汽車 Verita 復古March .COOL Fan change 白同學DIY教室 - Duration: 11:18.

For more infomation >> 汽車冷氣不冷. 國產車DIY【 March 更換冷氣風扇】音響電容強化接地基本保養介紹,Nissna日產汽車 Verita 復古March .COOL Fan change 白同學DIY教室 - Duration: 11:18.


For more infomation >> 汽車冷氣不冷. 國產車DIY【 March 更換冷氣風扇】音響電容強化接地基本保養介紹,Nissna日產汽車 Verita 復古March .COOL Fan change 白同學DIY教室 - Duration: 11:18.


【超过影 . 聊电影】谈復仇者聯盟3遇雷必消音認證版(附完整中文字幕) - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> 【超过影 . 聊电影】谈復仇者聯盟3遇雷必消音認證版(附完整中文字幕) - Duration: 1:21.


For more infomation >> 【超过影 . 聊电影】谈復仇者聯盟3遇雷必消音認證版(附完整中文字幕) - Duration: 1:21.


Wolverine KARAMBIT claws Experiment - Slicing stuff - Duration: 2:18.

X-Men Wolverine Claws

For more infomation >> Wolverine KARAMBIT claws Experiment - Slicing stuff - Duration: 2:18.


For more infomation >> Wolverine KARAMBIT claws Experiment - Slicing stuff - Duration: 2:18.


獨家/Sunnee《創造101》背後辛酸 團員宇宙「替她緊張」 - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> 獨家/Sunnee《創造101》背後辛酸 團員宇宙「替她緊張」 - Duration: 3:20.


For more infomation >> 獨家/Sunnee《創造101》背後辛酸 團員宇宙「替她緊張」 - Duration: 3:20.


6 mauvaises habitudes qui vous font grossir ! | MuLLu TV - Duration: 8:08.

For more infomation >> 6 mauvaises habitudes qui vous font grossir ! | MuLLu TV - Duration: 8:08.


For more infomation >> 6 mauvaises habitudes qui vous font grossir ! | MuLLu TV - Duration: 8:08.


Tarifa, la sierra que mira al mar. Cádiz - Duration: 13:12.

For more infomation >> Tarifa, la sierra que mira al mar. Cádiz - Duration: 13:12.


For more infomation >> Tarifa, la sierra que mira al mar. Cádiz - Duration: 13:12.


Femke in de raad over het Haagse Klimaatpact, de brede steun ervoor en met een toegift - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Femke in de raad over het Haagse Klimaatpact, de brede steun ervoor en met een toegift - Duration: 4:35.


For more infomation >> Femke in de raad over het Haagse Klimaatpact, de brede steun ervoor en met een toegift - Duration: 4:35.


Julio Iglesias Greatest Hits Full Album - Les meilleures chansons de Julio Iglesias - Duration: 2:14:08.

Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Julio Iglesias Greatest Hits Full Album - Les meilleures chansons de Julio Iglesias - Duration: 2:14:08.


For more infomation >> Julio Iglesias Greatest Hits Full Album - Les meilleures chansons de Julio Iglesias - Duration: 2:14:08.


[N이슈] "평화로 이어지길" 정우성→공효진까지…★들도 남북정상회담 응원 - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> [N이슈] "평화로 이어지길" 정우성→공효진까지…★들도 남북정상회담 응원 - Duration: 5:25.


For more infomation >> [N이슈] "평화로 이어지길" 정우성→공효진까지…★들도 남북정상회담 응원 - Duration: 5:25.


Comment contrôler une transpiration excessive - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> Comment contrôler une transpiration excessive - Duration: 5:14.


For more infomation >> Comment contrôler une transpiration excessive - Duration: 5:14.


"Bebé Tiburón" - Canciones Infantiles por Howdytoons - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> "Bebé Tiburón" - Canciones Infantiles por Howdytoons - Duration: 2:07.


For more infomation >> "Bebé Tiburón" - Canciones Infantiles por Howdytoons - Duration: 2:07.


M jak miłość. Iza pobita przez Artura. Tak mąż skatuje ją po ślubie - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> M jak miłość. Iza pobita przez Artura. Tak mąż skatuje ją po ślubie - Duration: 1:54.


reylo | leave my body [star wars] - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> reylo | leave my body [star wars] - Duration: 1:06.


Messing With The Quiet One? Here's 11 Major Reasons Why You Don't! - Duration: 5:23.

Messing With The Quiet One?

Here's 11 Major Reasons Why You Don't!

You will often notice those who have the loudest and most talkative voices.

In doing this, we will indirectly underestimate the calm power of the quiet one.

The problem is, that in our society today, we are most concerned about those who make

the most votes.

And this is a mistake.

By doing this, we lose great ideas and quiet insights in this situation.

You see, quiet people are people who are filled with great ideas and listen to everything

that happens around them.

Although there is nothing wrong with being an extrovert, there are some disadvantages.

Introverts or quiet people who like to stick to themselves are often misunderstood.

In this video, you will find a list of reasons why you should not mess with a quiet person.

While you may see them as easy targets to bully or persecute them not as they seem.

If you make a quiet person, you may be in a wounded world.

#1 - Tranquility does not equate with weakness - so do not mess with them

A quiet person will speak out against any error, or injustice.

They quickly show bad behavior.

Quiet people are often slow to defend themselves, but once they are pushed too far, they can

react with amazing power.

They also quickly support the more vulnerable group members.

Quiet people have high moral standards compared to others.

#2 - Calm people can be just as persistent and loyal as a harder person

Quiet people create a bond of trust with others.

They also diligently work on their own brilliant ideas which, when expressed, will make others


#3 - Even the most reserved people have excellent social skills

In their unobtrusive ways, they develop close relationships built on trust and mutual respect.

And when they are with the company they enjoy, they can become the soul and body of the place.

#4 - The quietest person listens to many things and probably knows more than anyone else suspected.

The reason for silent people is because they listen.

They listen carefully and think deeply so you can be sure that when they finally speak,

they have something extraordinary to say.

Louder people should not assume that quiet people lack knowledge or intelligence than

they do.

#5 - The quiet people observe and capture more than others.

It's very difficult to fool a quiet person.

They listen and watch all that goes with care.

They also capture more than spoken words.

They are people who calmly focus on behavior and body language as well.

This means they can easily see unauthentic behavior and lies and fraud.

#6 - They do have social skills and know where to draw the line:

It's a common misconception that quiet people don't have social skills.

They do have good social skills and they build it slowly with others.

They enjoy deep conversations and bond with others from deep within.

They enjoy going to parties and remain within their group.

People who know them closely love them and admire them.

Introverts also know where to draw the line.

They will not tolerate any misbehavior.

If they are ill-treated, they will speak up for themselves and make sure the person gets

the right punishment.

They will not tolerate anything which is unjust.

#7 - Quiet people are not weaker just because they are not hard.

Just because someone is not obnoxious and loud, does not mean they will fall off when

you push them.

A quiet person can be strong when they need to.

You would be foolish to think otherwise.

#8 - A quiet person will not tolerate being treated badly.

Just because someone does not talk much, does not mean they will let you walk on them.

They will only take a lot before the fight.

In addition, if you treat someone bad simply because they are different, then there is

something wrong with you.

#9 - Quiet people are quiet.

Quiet people can get through life without being noticed.

They can do without you realizing they are even there.

If you really think about it, messing with a quiet person is a terrible idea.

#10 - They are more focused than extroverts:

They have a strong purpose but instead of talking about their dreams and wasting their

time, they are busy trying to achieve it.

They will start their own projects, sharing them with only a few people asked to complete


Once done, the whole world knows about it.

This is a big surprise and their work is also unique.

#11 - Silence is a strength, not a weakness:

The quiet is the strongest in the group.

Since they do not reveal much about themselves, it becomes difficult to know their strengths

and weaknesses.

They are smart enough to hide their secrets and be the strongest.

Well, those are some of the major reasons why you should never mess with the quiet one.

Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Messing With The Quiet One? Here's 11 Major Reasons Why You Don't! - Duration: 5:23.


Nice weather today on day of Korean summit talks _ 042718 - Duration: 1:30.

Hello, I'm Michelle Park here with the latest weather update.

Today is a very special day on the peninsula, and the weather was very pleasant.

In Panmunjom, the location of the inter-Korean summit, the morning started off rather chilly

but the temperature quickly climbed up to 23 degrees Celsius.

As for the air quality, the dust levels are quite high and are expected to fluctuate through

the whole day for all regions.

As for tomorrow, this warm spring breeze is expected to continue for Korea, and also for

Beijing and Tokyo.

Seoul will start off Saturday morning at 10 degrees Celsius, Daegu and Gyeongju begin

at 9 and 6 degrees.

Under sunny skies, Seoul makes it up to 23 degrees, with Gwangju and Busan topping out

at 25 and 23 degrees.

The warm favourable weather will stay over the Korean peninsula until Wednesday,... so

enjoy the weather and have a wonderful weekend.

I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.

For more infomation >> Nice weather today on day of Korean summit talks _ 042718 - Duration: 1:30.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.6 DCI BUSINESS EDITION (131pk) Navi/ clima/ Cruise/ Elek. pakket/ Blueth./ 6-bak/ M - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.6 DCI BUSINESS EDITION (131pk) Navi/ clima/ Cruise/ Elek. pakket/ Blueth./ 6-bak/ M - Duration: 0:53.


My high school prom! (yes, it was a long time ago!) - Duration: 8:38.

Hey guys! It's Chika.

So why am I dressed up like this?

Because today, we are going to talk about


Just setting the mood!

Okay, maybe I'm a little too old

to pull off the prom look.

But hey, let me have some fun.

So a Chika-tomo shared with me her prom picture on Twitter the other day.

She asked me to tell her a little bit about my prom

so even though it was a looong time ago

I thought I'd look back and on it and share what I remember lol

Yes, prom was a long long time ago.

I don't remember much about it.

But! You'll never believe it.

I actually found footage

from my prom.

It's a part of our senior video,

and there is a little prom in there.

And a glimpse of me,

not very much.

Thank God!

But you have to remember,

it was back in the day

when there was no youtube,

there wasn't this culture

of taking video of everything.

So it's not the best footage.

But you'll get an idea.

*repeating in Japanese

So first of all,

prom, where does it come from?

Some of you may have never of it!

Prom is a formal dance at American schools.

I think it started at universities, but now it's more of a high school thing.

It's been around for a long time

It was originally started to teach students about manners and etiquette.

I had no idea.

Now, it's basically just about partying lol

Don't think you really learn any manners or etiquette from it!

It dates back to the 1800s!

It comes from the word "promenade."

which means to walk slowly or to escort.

At American middle/high schools there are school dances other than prom.

The school dance culture starts in middle school!

Of course there are differences

between schools and regions.

But with me,

I had my first dance

in 7th grade.

in middle school.

Middle school dances are a lot different

than high school dances.

Kids are a lot more reserved

they don't know what to do,

because it's their first time. 最初のダンスですからね。

We had our dances in the gymnasium

A DJ would come and play music.

and we all dance, but

it's still new to us middle schoolers so

we all stand there not knowing what to do.

You're like this.

There might be a guy/girl you like

Someone you want to dance with

lots of exciting feelings!

I remember a friend of mine

liked this boy,

and we were all like,

"Oh come on, dance with him!"

and we are trying to be cupid,

and get them together.

There wasn't a formal dance in middle school.

You just go the gym in your normal clothes

and dance!

but when they play a ballad

it's slow dance time!

When they play like a ballad,

or like a slow song,

that's when everyone freezes.

We're like,

we are all waiting for the guy

that you like to ask us to dance.

But in middle school,

it doesn't really happen that easily,

because everyone is so nervous.

So cute!

And in high school you have more of these school dances.

After game dances. 試合後のダンス

♪~Wanna be a baller

♪~Shot caller

That was a huge song during our dances.

During my time.

A long time ago.

After game dances,

were so exciting

especially if you liked someone or if

there was someone you were interested in,

you're just like crossing your fingers,

"Ask me to dance, ask me to dance."

Sometimes it happens,

sometimes it doesn't.

Sometimes they'll ask someone else to dance

and you're like, "Noooooo!"

But it was always exciting.

So school dances are a part of student life

and prom is one of the formal dances.

Prom season is usually between April - June.

Graduation 卒業式

it's a big event before graduation.

You'll go up to the person you like

"Will you go to prom with me?"

"Will you go to prom with me?"

I went to prom with my boyfriend at the time.

My very first boyfriend ever actually.

and we went on a double date

with a friend of mine.

We went on a double date to Alki beach in Seattle

to a restaurant called Salty's.

You guys have seen the vlog, right?

We had dinner there.

I lived in a really small town called Anacortes.

so it took like 2 and a half hours to get to dinner.

By the time we were done with dinner and got to the dance

it was like 11:00, 11:30 lol

We went out to Seattle

from Anacortes for dinner,

and we had a lot of fun during dinner,

so by the time we got to the dance,

it was like 11:00 or 11:30,

we had 30 minutes to enjoy the dance.

So I don't really remember dancing at all.

I just remember taking pictures, and...

Well, do you guys want to see what it's like?

Or do you want to see what it was like?

When did I graduate?

I'm class of 2003.

So 15 years ago.

So you guys can see

what prom was like 15 years ago

in a small little town called Anacortes

in Washington State.

You want to see some actual footage?

Alright, hit it!

That was my prom!

Were you guys able to find me?

I was in there for a split second.

I wasn't dancing.

Thank God!

I'm glad the quality was poor and you couldn't really see my face lol

By the way, you call the person you go to the dance with

My "date"

This is my date to prom.

You don't necessarily go with your boyfriend or someone you're dating.

you could go with a good friend

or if you like someone you can ask them

and they might be your date,

but it may or may not turn into something more.

This is my date. 私のデートの相手です。

He is my date to prom.

She is my date to prom.

And before you go to dinner,

you exchange flowers.

And the flowers come

in the form of a corsage,

which is what the guy gives the girl,

a corsage.

And the girl gives the guy a boutonniere.

You do this exchange,

and then you go to dinner,

and then you go to the dance!

So that's how the prom works.

That was my prom.

It was a long time ago.

And I'm sure things have changed quite a bit.

There is definitely better footage,

better ways to record the event.

So I have a favor to ask

all of you Chika-tomos

that are going to high school in the States.

If you have prom pictures,

or just a bit of footage,

please share them with me

on Twitter or Instagram.

Yeah, I hope you guys had fun

hearing a little bit about my prom experience,

and seeing that really really old footage

that I found.

So that's American prom!

Should have shared this sooner, huh?

If you want to hear more stories from when I lived in the states

Give me a big like!

For those of you going to prom,

how exciting! (I sound like a mom lol)

Take lots of pictures,

take some footage,

and definitely share them with me.

Alright guys, looking forward to seeing

your pictures and footage!


Did I make it without having

too much lip stick on my teeth?

For more infomation >> My high school prom! (yes, it was a long time ago!) - Duration: 8:38.


Dorasan Checkpoint busy on day of 2018 Inter-Korean summit - Duration: 1:43.

And now we bring things back to the Dorasan checkpoint-- where the media is busy covering

the inter-Korean summit.

Our Park Hee-jun is on the ground to soak in the atmosphere around the Dorasan checkpoint,...

Heejun,... we are more than half way through the day, and with the schedule of the summit

as well,.... any change in the atmosphere outside the studio?

Hey guys, the afternoon is about to come to a close.

But reporters from both local and foreign press, here at the Dorasan Checkpoint,...

are still doing what I'm doing-- broadcasting live all day-- to cover today's big event.

From the historic encounter between the leaders,... to the upcoming banquet,... all eyes and ears

from the checkpoint are focused on one thing: the inter-Korean summit.

It was apparent, especially when Moon and Kim's encounter went live on air-- when everyone

here was tuned into the long-awaited moment.

They couldn't take their eyes off of television screens, smartphones-- anything broadcasting

the summit live.

It was the kind of attention that only such a history-making summit could have excited.

The atmosphere the Dorasan checkpoint has been showing all day,... is definitely a clear

contrast to the usual scene in recent years.

When the Kaesong Industrial Complex was still operating,... around 200 Koreans used to pass

through the gate situated right here.

It's been pretty much empty since the complex was shut down,... until the recent PyeongChang

Winter Olympics when North Korean VIPs and athletes came through the office to enter

the South.

Many are hoping that today's event will open the doors for inter-Korean exchange, like

it used to.

Back to you guys.

For more infomation >> Dorasan Checkpoint busy on day of 2018 Inter-Korean summit - Duration: 1:43.


How to make Stuffed Bell Peppers - Gluten Free & Dairy Free - Duration: 2:43.

A Dairy-Free, Grain-Free Take on Stuffed Peppers.

whenever I'm walking through the proudest section

I have a hard time passing up bell peppers these vibrant duties come with a subtle sweetness that her fifth play balances the

savory filling in this rest of the swap out the traditional ground before organic Lien chicken or Turkey

to skip the cheese and rice and you've got a quick and satisfying dinner with 22 g of protein

and almost three times your daily value of vitamin see for just 250 calories

serves four T SB black pepper

1/4 teaspoon onion powder

1/4 teaspoon Cayenne

1/4 teaspoon ground Kume and 1 teaspoon dried oregano

1 teaspoon sea salt

1 tablespoon olive oil

plus more for preparing baking pan

1/2 MB yellow onion

diced one jalapeno

minced one clove garlic

the Inst. 1 pound organic ground chicken or Turkey have one med tomato diced

for build that has courted seeded and halved crosswise tops reserved

2 tablespoons hot sauce

optional one heat oven to 400° F two in small bowl combine black pepper

onion powder Cayenne

Kume and oregano

and salt set aside three

heat oil in Dutch oven over medium high heat

add onion and cook stirring frequently until onion is translucent

4 to 5 minutes

at jalapeno and garlic and cook stirring frequently

for 1 minute ad ground chicken

breaking up and stirring to ensure even browning

sprinkle spice mixture over chicken and cook until thoroughly browned

told and tomato and remove from heat

for all oil 13 inches by 9 inches baking pan

divide filling evenly a monk peppers place reserved upon each pepper and arrange upright in pan

cover with foil and bake until peppers are tender and filling is hot throughout about 30 to

40 minutes transfer to play as sprinkle with hot sauce if using and search

For more infomation >> How to make Stuffed Bell Peppers - Gluten Free & Dairy Free - Duration: 2:43.


정의선의 '바쁜 행보'...베이징모터쇼에서 그가 눈여겨 본 브랜드는? - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> 정의선의 '바쁜 행보'...베이징모터쇼에서 그가 눈여겨 본 브랜드는? - Duration: 4:21.


자율주행·커넥티비티 기술에 올인하는 현대모비스..차별화 전략은? - Duration: 9:53.

For more infomation >> 자율주행·커넥티비티 기술에 올인하는 현대모비스..차별화 전략은? - Duration: 9:53.


르노삼성, 전기차 '트위지'에 윈도우 옵션 추가.."눈·비 걱정 끝" - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> 르노삼성, 전기차 '트위지'에 윈도우 옵션 추가.."눈·비 걱정 끝" - Duration: 3:34.


林依晨公益競標遇難纏對手 結果⋯對方得標後轉送給她 - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> 林依晨公益競標遇難纏對手 結果⋯對方得標後轉送給她 - Duration: 2:52.


পৃথীবির সবচেশে বড় প্রজাতীর কিছু প্রাণী|| most big Animals!! - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> পৃথীবির সবচেশে বড় প্রজাতীর কিছু প্রাণী|| most big Animals!! - Duration: 1:09.


Marriage || Christian Spoken Word Poetry by Anna Szabo - Duration: 1:09.

Marriage is a covenant & a forever-union,

Made by God to last for eternity.

It's a creation of an ongoing communion,

Where each is led by God to achieve maturity.

Marriage is a daily hard-work commitment

That requires selflessness & intentional sacrifice,

Challenges us to give each other biblical treatment,

Encourage one another at our own ego price.

Marriage calls us to love unconditionally,

To give continuously & not to expect anything,

To be close friends it calls us, additionally,

And in the process to God cling.

Marriage is a journey toward Godly holiness,

It's a pursuit of one another along with Christ.

And because marriage daily exposes our brokenness,

We can't do it without remembering Jesus' sacrifice.

For more infomation >> Marriage || Christian Spoken Word Poetry by Anna Szabo - Duration: 1:09.


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The color of the earwax, which signals abnormalities in health status - Duration: 2:44.

Health Network, For Public Health

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The color of the earwax, which signals abnormalities in health status

Earwax is made up of fat and cholesterol, so it is yellow, slightly sticky.

The color of the earwax, which can signal the health of the body.

Earwax, also called cerumen, is a buildup in the ear canal, in most mammals, including humans.

Ear wax has a lubricating function, which helps the sound waves to travel easily, preventing small insects, dirt, bacteria, penetration into the ear.

Yellow:If you notice that the earwax is yellow, slightly wet and sticky, that means, you are in perfect health, the ear canal is not infected.

2. Gray:Earwax is gray, wet and sticky, that is the dirt is removed with the same earwax.

But if the earwax is gray, dry and brittle, accompanied by itching, it can be a sign of eczema.

Pale yellow:pale yellow earwax, commonly seen in children under 8 years of age.

However, if the adult has a pale yellowish earwax, it is a sign of mild vitamin B deficiency.

4. Dark brown:If the earwax is dark brown and sticky, it may be because your body is sweating a lot.

You should check if you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

Dark brown, thick patches:If the earwax is dark brown, thick patches, may be due to hormonal disorders, stress and anxiety.

6. Wet and out:If you notice that the earwax is too loose, it may be a sign of eardrum damage and need medical attention.

Bloody Earwax:If you notice a trace of blood in the earwax, it can be a sign of eardrum damage, or serious ear infection.

Doctor:Tuyet Mai, according to Univadis / Boldsky.

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Hope this article will bring you many useful things.

Wish you always healthy.

For more infomation >> The color of the earwax, which signals abnormalities in health status - Duration: 2:44.


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