Is Donald Trump a Freemason Uncovering the Trump-Freemason Connection.
by Pao Chang.
Who is the real Donald Trump?
Is he a Freemason?
Was his election to the White House a Freemason counter-coup?
And why did Pope Francis suddenly decide to expel Freemasons from the Knights of Malta
upon Trump�s election?
These simple questions only scratch the surface of the clandestine worldview emerging from
the rumor & [dis]information mills of deep state insiders.
I can offer no definitive answers, only speculation and some strange evidence in a frustrating
game of Truth hiding within shadows.
Unfortunately, there is no untainted source of information on the internet that sheds
full light upon matter.
We only get selected pieces of a very strange puzzle.
Which fringe narrative are we to believe?
Is Donald Trump really leading a second American Revolution against the globalist bloodlines
of the Illuminati (lead by the Rothschilds & the Vatican).
Or is Donald Trump simply another shadow puppet/pawn of these globalist elites, presiding over
a populist bonfire of chaos from which the New World Order will ultimately emerge?
Or� is the more obvious answer, using the formula of Occam�s razor [that �among
competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected�] we are
simply witnessing a civil war within the fractured underworld of secret societies?
In this scenario, we make no assumptions of Trump�s motives, we merely view the man
as he has presented himself, as neither hero nor villain, just a very shrewd opportunist.
An unacknowledged civil war is a secret war.
These chess-like battles are not played out on the front page or the center stage of the
mainstream media.
We only see the externalized symptoms, brief glimpses erupting from behind the scenes.
Yet no disclosure is forthcoming.
These glimpses are briefly revealed in the alternative media, then largely forgotten.
The Wikileaks of John Podesta�s emails and the on-again-off-again FBI investigation of
Hillary Clinton being one obvious example.
The hacks did not come from Russia (though Putin himself may be aligned with Freemason
It was likely an inside leak, another glimpse into the deep state civil war taking place.
Awakened individuals who continually ask the tough questions are trying to make some sense
of all this.
We�re waiting for President Donald Trump to reveal his real agenda.
I would love to be proven wrong in my exercise of caution.
We certainly need more brave men and women to stand up to the Powers That Be, and ensure
they become the Powers That Were.
However, NO GOOD ever comes from war, even when it�s fought in secret.
War divides.
True liberation begins within � within our awakened consciousness.
Those who claim to liberate us today may well become our oppressors tomorrow, if We The
People simply stand idly by, hoping and waiting for the world to change the way it plays the
game of chess.
If Trump truly wants to save America, and silence his critics, then he needs to start
with DISCLOSURE, and a relatively safe roadmap begins with disclosure of 9/11 to fix our
foreign policy, disclosure of the Federal Reserve to fix our economy, and disclosure
of vaccines to begin to scratch the surface of the vast network of immoral activities
of which most Americans are asleep.
[ETs and Antarctica should come later � America needs to learn to walk before it runs.]
The greatest good that can come from any war is EXPOSURE, DISCLOSURE and global AWAKENING.
Is Donald Trump a Freemason?
This video speculates that Trump appears to be a Mason based upon the heavy use of symbolism
within Trump Tower.
His penthouse apartment is on the 66th floor.
(66 is 33rd Degree Mason times 2) There is no 66th floor in Trump Tower.
He had to eliminate 9 numbered-floors, plus the superstitious 13th floor, so that his
penthouse occupied the 66th floor.
Why would anyone do this unless they were determined to live on the 66th floor for some
strange superstitious reason?
Donald Trump lives in a penthouse that he says is on the 66th to 68th floors of his
eponymous building.
There�s only one problem with that: According to New York City documents, Trump Tower has
only 58 floors.
Of course, what�s more apparently unsettling is the gaudy opulence of the gold-plated decor
in which Trump lives, what might otherwise be considered a ludicrous stereotype of ancient
and medieval ruling monarchs.
Yet the spiritual alchemy of gold has symbolic meaning to Freemasonry and the occult world.
Was the U.S. Election Freemason vs Rothschild?
In a previous post, Decoding The Economist 2017 Cover, I interpreted the Judgment Tarot
card on The Economist cover, which features Trump as emperor of the world, holding the
ornamentation of British royalty.
President Trump has recently made an ally of the new British Prime Minister Theresa
May, and the pair have already being refered to as the new Reagan and Thatcher.
(Cold War flashback!)
The Economist is half owned and operated by the Rothschilds.
Hillary Clinton was exposed in leaked emails as a Rothschild servant, and she was their
candidate of choice.
Hillary bragged that she takes her marching orders from the Council on Foreign Relations.
So by extension, the campaign between Trump and Clinton could be described as a competition
between the Freemasons and the Rothschilds.
This same feud may even go back to the machinations behind World War II.
Adolf Hitler is suspected of being an illegitimate Rothschild heir, who was not too fond of Freemasonry
in Germany.
The Nazis claimed that high-degree Masons were willing members of the Jewish conspiracy
and that Freemasonry was one of the causes of Germany�s defeat in World War I.
Speaking of bloodlines, Clinton and Trump share a common bloodline.
They are both the direct descendants of 14th century 1st Duke of Lancaster John of Gaunt
and his third wife Katherine Swynford, according to the ancestry site
While they may be related blue blood elites, while the Clintons and the Trumps were once
on very friendly terms, they became fierce competitors in one of the nastiest elections
in American history.
So will Trump spare his distant cousin the embarrassment of a future investigation and
criminal prosecution?
President Trump hasn�t ruled it out.
We may yet see just how far a blue blood family feud actually goes.
Those who believe Clinton and Trump are having a chummy good laugh together behind the scenes
at our expense fail to acknowledge how brutally dark the competition between power-hungry
bloodlines actually is, whether it�s orchestrated or not.
Betrayal is both their first rule and their worst crime.
Just ask the Kennedy clan, what�s left of them anyway.
This is not a nice family tree.
�Betrayal is the greatest good.� The Illuminists teach this to their children as a very important
spiritual principle.
They idealize betrayal as being the true state of man.
The quick witted, the adept, learns this quickly and learns to manipulate it.
� Svali
Trump Exposed?
On his Inauguration Day, Donald J. Trump was exactly 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old.
Was this somehow planned?
The occult elite do love the number 7.
Christine Lagarde, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, gave a highly
unusual speech to the National Press Club about Numerology and the number 7.
In his inauguration address, Trump openly declared war on the globalists� agenda.
�We are assembled here today issuing a new decree to be heard in every city, in every
foreign capital, and in every hall of power, from this day forward, a new vision will govern
our land, from this day forward, it�s going to be only America first.
America first.
Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs will be made to benefit
American workers and American families.
We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing
our companies, and destroying our jobs.
Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength.
I will fight for you with every breath in my body, and I will never, ever let you down.
America will start winning again, winning like never before.
We will bring back our jobs.
We will bring back our borders.� � Donald Trump
Then there is the strange case of the naked Trump statues.
This news item below, from a Freemason website, points out that Trump is portrayed wearing
nothing but a Freemason ring (even his genitals are missing.)
Although presented as a joke, a viral political campaign against Trump, someone with money
funded this project with the obvious objective to ridicule Trump and EXPOSE him � literally
and figuratively.
Being secret, these societies sure love their overt displays of symbolism.
Why a Masonic Ring on the Donald Trump Statue?
masonic ring, Donald Trump, statue Masonic ring on Donald Statue
By now you�ve heard the sensational news of five Donald Trump statues, The Emperor
Has No Balls, that were placed around the country.
(See images of the statue on Getty Images.)
As strange as the appearance of this statue was, even stranger was the inclusion of a
Masonic Ring on the nude presidential contender, rendering a strange message on an even stranger
figure upon which to associate it.
Alas, the Hans Christian Andersen appellation of the Emperor Has No Clothes is perhaps one
allegorical tale to be told about the presidential contender.
But, an emperor without balls, wearing a Masonic Ring?
The only question I can imagine on the minds of most Freemasons (after the obvious statement
of how ludicrous it is) is �why?
Why a Masonic ring on a naked Donald Trump?
Donald Trump is apparently a Freemason.
After watching the video below, one can see that the �Donald� has a penchant for flashing
Masonic hand gestures.
Notice, especially, the hand-shake with Sean Hannity at the very end of this work.
He has been caught doing this too many times for it to be an accident.
This and other circumstantial evidence makes it clear that he is a Mason.
Now that we have established that he is a Mason, we need to ask �What kind is he?�
The Craft, as it is called, can be thought of as an ascending pyramid: you have a lot
of �water-carriers� at the bottom, you have people with more authority on the higher
steps, and then you have the true select at the top.
I don�t think Trump, given his stature as a New York billionaire, is a low-level or
mid-level Freemason.
He is probably part of the elite.
He is likely a high-standing member of one of Manhattan�s patrician Illuminati lodges
and is, probably, well acquainted with many worldly and brainy people.
He is probably being coached by some of these people.
trump4The neo-conservative magazine National Review has an article entitled Donald Trump�s
foreign-policy advisers: skeptical reviews.
This piece contains several Masonic allusions.
First of all, look at the lead photo which contains Trump making an apparent Masonic
hand sign.
Secondly, in the article when introducing Joseph Schmitz, Trump�s advisor, the writer
alludes to his [Schmitz�s] obsession with Baron von Stuben, a revolutionary war hero
and famous Mason�a true Masonic icon�who single-handedly taught and drilled the Continental
Army, forging it into a professional army.
Last June I was amazed by how Trump ascended to the top of the GOP presidential pack.
He was a joke to many, but he came on quickly, pushing a lot of hot-button issues and throwing
out a lot of �red meat�, which was quickly devoured by his issue-hungry constituents.
He said things that many Americans wanted to hear from a presidential candidate.
He was indeed a breath of fresh air.
HandSignsWhy was he so prescient in choosing his messages that resounded with America so?
I got the feeling that his speeches were scripted and his meaning was intended to surprise and
shock his rivals, as well as thrill his followers.
His cadence was so perfect that I feel he had to have help.
Where has he gotten this help?
Many high-level Masons, as well as powerful Jews, are not happy with the way things are
going in the world and feel threatened by some of the events that have exploded upon
them this past decade or so.
Trump represents a faction within Freemasonry and Jewry that has rebelled against the status
This faction is deplored by what it sees are the results of the failed policies of the
Neo-Cons and the Sabbatean section of world Jewry.
This faction has decided to lead a populist crusade against this insanity.
Donald Trump being a Freemason is not necessarily a bad thing.
He will not be our first Masonic president if he is elected.
His populism and nationalism, to this writer at least, are real.
Many patriots�and many Masons�are dismayed by what they see the Rothschild family doing
to the world today: for instance, endless wars in the middle east, non-white migration
into Europe and north America, a stagnant and weak economy.
Trump and his fellow �lodge-buddies� represent an insurrectionist force in American politics.
The Lesser-of-Two Evils Narrative
While the mainstream media (and some voices within the Alt-media) continue to prop up
and parade the same false duality narrative of conservative-populist vs liberal-progressive
to a sleeping public, some fringe writers have been revealing the secret society narrative
hidden underneath � which has now evolved into Freemason vs Rothschild.
Large swaths of Americans are already aware that many of the Founding Fathers were Masons,
that Washington DC is rich with Freemason architecture, history, and symbolism.
Freemasonry is the proverbial elephant in American history textbooks.
It wouldn�t take too much propaganda to convince patriotic Americans that Freemasons
are the historical good guys, when it is the Rothschilds who control the Federal Reserve
and profited from World War II.
In his weekly column, Benjamin Fulford often refers to them as the Gnostic Illuminati (the
more benevolent branch of the Illuminati, if such a thing exists).
�For the Trump regime, fixing the Middle East will be the easy part.
Trump has announced he also plans to take on the hard part, dealing with the Federal
Reserve Board, by hanging of portrait of Rothschild (Fed) nemesis Andrew Jackson in the White
House, Pentagon sources note.
This is not something the US military government will be able to solve merely by marching into
Fed headquarters and rounding up central bankers or even by bumping off members of the Rothschild
It will rather involve dealing with China.�
The strange fringe site is the ultimate rumor & [dis]information mill
for deep inside information, which may very well be a Western intelligence site pretending
to be an Alternative media site pretending to be an official Russian Intelligence site.
This site has been promoting the Trump as Freemason vs Rothschild narrative for months.
Unlike in Europe, especially France, where Freemasons forces are known and feared, in
American today this nations citizens have absolutely no idea of this historic war going
on all around them�but that cannot be said of their ancestors; who in 1828 formed the
Anti-Masonic Party to stop them from taking power, but whom, just a year later, in 1829,
were totally defeated by Freemason forces loyal to America�s First Grand-Master President
Andrew Jackson�and whose portrait Freemason leader President Trump ordered immediately
installed in the White House Oval Office upon his taking power.
Therefore, in order to understand this report, all of the previous reports (listed and linked
below) must be read (and links followed) to know what is now occurring, and is being deliberately
hidden from you.]
Whether a civil war between Freemason vs Rothschild is true or false may ultimately depend upon
which layer of the onion you peel back.
From one perspective the divisions are very real, and the conflict seems to be inflicting
some heavy damage, particularly to the traditional globalist agenda, to ruling political parties,
and the reputation of the mainstream corporate media.
The political and psychological foundation of the NWO is being striped bare.
Peel back another layer, and this conflict might appear to be a hasty, desperate, chaotic
reboot of the Problem-Reaction-Solution formula, Plan B, a new approach to salvage the NWO.
Peel back yet another layer, and you might find outside forces still manipulating the
duality game, feeding off of our collective fear, hatred and victim consciousness.
Irrespective of which layer you peel back, humanity remains enslaved.
All secret societies seem to desire the same thing � to overthrow the current order and
rule over the globe by the divine illumination of their own ego-driven agenda, or they would
have little need to remain secret � they would just be another religious cult.
But to the victor goes the right to rewrite the narrative for the next 200+ years, with
little regard to the overall welfare of humanity.
Perhaps we should view human history as a very long struggle between secret societies.
A very similar civil war ended abruptly in 1307 AD, between the Roman Catholic Church
and the Knights Templar.
For nearly 200 years, the Templar Order was among the wealthiest and most powerful across
Europe and the middle east until King Philip IV (who was in debt to the Templars) with
the support of Pope Clement V, ordered the French Templars to be simultaneously arrested
and put to death.
We continue to unofficially recognize this event, to this day, as Friday the 13th.
It has been speculated that the origin of the Freemasons arose like a phoeonix from
the ashes of the Knights Templar, that they have been at war with the church and the European
bloodlines ever since.
In a recent repeat of history, Pope Francis ordered that all Freemasons be expelled from
the Knights of Malta, shortly after the election of our new Freemason President Donald Trump.
It is human nature to look for hope within any conflict, to pick a side to root for,
but the duality game is still an illusion for those who watch it, and a delusion for
those who play it.
One day, exhausted watchers and players will finally wake up to wisdom and surrender the
game that can never be won.
When duality ends, unity begins.
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