Hello everyone! What's up? Welcome once again
to my channel and today we have
some great news. You all know that lately
I haven't been posting as frequently as I used to
but that is because I have been working
in a project which makes me very happy
And finally, today
is the day to reveal it.
Let's go with the video.
Team Queso. The Home of Mobile Gamers
Today I have the pleasure and honor to
introduce you Team Queso.
Team Queso, which is going to be a professional
e-Sports organization as a lot of
existing ones, but we are going to be
dedicated and focused,
at least at the beginning, in Mobile
Games, that is what we know
and what this channel is about.
You know that from a few years ago
Gaming industry has grown
year after year
And inside the game industry
e-Sports have born
as electronic sports competitions
Guys who are pro players in videgames
then got professionalized
by sports organizations
which are very similar to
sports clubs of traditional
sports as football, basket, etc.
So e-Sports are not new
Everyone acknowledges their importance,
They're a reality, and
have come to stay.
And we (specially me) want
to be part of this phenomenom which is unstoppable.
And why Mobile Gaming?
Well, because that is what I know,
because that's what I've always posted in YouTube,
It is the part of the videogames Industry
that I've met and I've been involved in
And precisely, all of you play
Mobile Games, even if it is only Clash Royale
or Clash of Clans, that is
what we publish in this Channel,
You are a part of this phenomenon
of Mobile Devices gaming.
So, creating Team Queso
creating an e-Sports organization
What does that mean?
It is professionalize what we have already seen
in an amateur way. We've watched
the national teams, the Spanish team,
the Mexican team, etc. competing
in tournaments that for the moment
are organize by the community.
Now, what we want with Team Queso
is to make those things,
now organized in an amateur way,
to make them more professional
To have professional players,
regularly training, with a salary,
That they can be noticed and represent
us in international tournaments
That is, an organization covering them
protecting those players
To make it possible that they
fully develop themselves
in the game. So that's the starting point
of Team Queso.
We are born in Spain, but we have a strong
International Vocation.
I'm not only talking about
LATAM, that of course is a
very important part of our project,
But also about the US
and the rest of Europe. We're starting
with two Mobile Games
that we believe that have the potential
to become successful games in
the e-Sports scene. We're starting with
Clash Royale and Vainglory
As you know, I am the leader and founder
of the Royale con Queso clans
We have 13 clans in our
family, and this is going to be the main feeder,
where Team Queso is going to recruit
and find the most talented
Clash Royale players
Clash Royale has 2
modes of competition
The trophies, which means the ranking lists
inside the game, and tournaments and competitions
with brackets, where all players are
equal, at the same level, and
which is the most common way
of organizing the tournaments we were
talking about and the tournaments that are going to
be the future of this world of eSports.
As I was saying, in the Royale Con Queso family
we have 6 "vertical" clans
RoyaleconQueso, RoyalesinQueso
and this way to the bottom, where
it is RoyaleconBacon
And then, we have 7 horizontal clans
which compose a 13 clan structure,
This allows us to manage a group of players
big enough to find in it
the necessary talent.
So, in the trophy competition
what we make is to choose
the best players from every clan
in order to be promoted
to RoyaleconBacon
From this moment, they're in
the vertical system,
and between the 6 vertical clans, the players go up or down
depending on their tropfhy position.
But as I said
This is the part of
trophy competition.
But there is also a tournaments competition
which is where Team Queso is going to be focused.
There is going to be a new additional clan
which is going to be paralel
to all the RoyaleQueso family organization
which is going to be called Team Queso.
It is going to be perfectly organized in English,
because as I said we
have an international vocation
and we want to bring the talent from Spain and
abroad, and inside that clan
they're going to stay the best competitive players
of our internal competitive league,
that we have in the Royale Queso family.
We have a system where we
can detect who are the best
players among all the 13 clans
those players, the best players
from inside that intern competitive system
will all go to that clan
train with each other
and to be able to share clan with people
with the same interests and for us,
Team Queso, its a perfect way to choose
the talent from a reduced zone,
which will be that clan called Team Queso
Team Queso is going to start its adventure with 4
players of Clash Royale selected among
the best in the Royale Con Queso Clans.
Nervertheless, we want to say that
my intention, our intention, is to
increase this roster
at its maximun, due to Clash Royale
is a 1v1 game,
it is not a team game,
it is possible to increase the roster
all that organization finances
permit. So, we expect to increase our
roster during next weeks,
increasing the number of players, but for the moment
we're going to start with four players that
probably are familiar to you
In first place, we have
Destru, "eldestructor96" is his nickname in game,
he is a well-known player for many of the
competitive Clash Royale Community,
at least the Spanish one, he has been a member
of the two Spanish National Teams
He's won many offline tournaments
for example those that took place in Gamergy,
and most recently he has qualified
to participate in the tournament
organized by ESWC
in Paris, where
he will figh for a USD 5.000
cash prize.
On the other hand we also will have
Soking,a player from Cádiz,
well-known for winning
an ESL tournament
also a member of the first Spanish
national team called
in the World Clash League,
and recently qualified for
the ArenaGG Barcelona Tournament
organized by the Professional Videogames League
where he will fight for a EUR 5,000 prize pool.
Another member will be CuchiiCu, player
from Royale Con Queso and one of the
most talented players from all the
internal competitive system that we have
and who is getting more and more presence
in the tournaments where Royale Con Queso participates.
Finally, it is also part of the
initial roster of Team Queso
Mikjail, mexican player
for us one of the best players that
Mexico has right now.
He usually trains with
Reddit Alpha's guys and, to be honest,
we want him to be the main referent of
our project in LATAM because as I said
LATAM is a key part of
Team Queso project.
So, what's up with Vainglory? Well, Vainglory is going to be
one of our core games of
Team Queso at least at the beginning.
Vainglory has been probably
the first mobile game that
has gone straight to the competitive world
of the e-sports or
electronic sports. Since its release
Vainglory developers
have wanted to point out the
competitive aspect of the game that was responsible
of the fast growth of the
community around it. Vainglory is
a 3v3 MOBA that those who
are other-MOBA gamers will find
similarities with it and will see that it has
an easy game mechanics even in a mobile device
but also with a deep strategy
inside the match. Vainglory also
has the advantage that, because of
the initial support to the competitive world
and the boost to the esport aspect,
has already a working structure and
a official championship system that last year,
in 2016, gave away more than
$600,000 in prizes.
Team Queso is going to be there and we are launching
the team with a Vainglory roster that we believe that
has chances to qualify to what former was called
Evil Eight, today, on 2017, it's going to be called
Vainglory Eight, which is made of the
eight best European teams that
through a competition schedule
will face each other in some live finals against
the best teams of other servers.
We have selected four players
for the European Server that
we think they have the proper skills
and let's say the strength required
to qualify inside
this premium group of Vainglory Eight and
within the top eight teams
in the European Server. Team Queso will have
PRZ in the role of support. He will be
the team shot caller. PRZ is,
right now, the first and the only
Spanish player that has played in a
Vainglory live finals. He has wide experience
in competitions, he has played in teams such as
Umbra, the NightWatch and Rising Lotus, which was
the team that qualified him to the
summer live finals of 2016.
We will also have in the Team
AmanujaKu who will be
in charge of the lane.
He has shared roster with PRZ in Umbra
what means that they know each other
pretty good, they have a great coordination
that it's very positive for the team.
In the jungle we will have Dark Ghost,
famous player, at least in Spain
even though he hasn't taken part
in much competitions, but I can
guarantee you that he is well known
by the most talented players of
the whole European server
because, as I said, he is probably
the Spanish player with more skills
in the jungle at this moment.
And finally, as reserve player, we have Silver812
Silver is a player
who was involved in Bears ComeBack,
an amateur team I founded long time ago,
and he, in his early stages
in Vainglory, used to be a carry.
He mainly played lane heroes,
but now he has reconverted into
roamer or support functions and
he has become one of the best roamers
in Spain. Anyway, he has enough
versatility in the team
to exchange roles, what makes him
the perfect reserve player for the team.
And with these players this project
is born. You can't imagine
how bad I wanted to announce and
share with you this project, because
I believe this is something yours too.
It's the same with all the clans I've founded,
for example RoyaleConQueso,
Team Queso is yours and I want you to
be part of it.
In some way, this is exactly the same and
I want to share with you team news.
I mean, this channel is going to be
exactly the same
but sometimes I'll bring
updates and news about
competitive issues both about Vainglory and
Clash Royale. I want you to know
a bit what's going on with Team Queso.
By the way, I leave in the description box below
Team Queso social media and
players social media profiles. I would like you
to share with them some love and support.
We are starting, this is just the beginning,
but this is going to be huge.
I'd like to read your comments below.
Below you can place any comment,
any doubt you have, any message
you want to share for sure I'll be
happy to answer everyone
on my social media as I usually do and
ladies and gentlemen, this has just begun but
Team Queso is going to be huge.
See you in the next video and remember that
when attacking, you should'n make prisioners!
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