Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Apr 21 2017

The radiation is going to be here in six days.

Anyone who is not in this bunker will be dead.

Your time is running out, and I'm not talking about the radiation.

There was no hope, now there's hope.


There is room for 1200 people in here.

This doesn't have to turn into a war.

It's already a war.

If I die, I die.

At least I go down fighting.

That bunker will be safe.

Every time we think that, something bad happens.

Make no mistake, you choose to stay, and you're choosing death.

It's time to go.

I'm not going.

May the best warrior win.

Together we have struggled, and together we will rise.

I want the human race to survive.

Are you really willing to die when there's a way to live?

That's just it, we don't think it's a way to live.

For more infomation >> The 100 Season 4 "Fight to Live or Fight to Die?" Promo (HD) - Duration: 1:01.


The Most Satisfying Video 2017 - Amazing People Skills, Life Hacks & Tricks, Fast Workers God Level - Duration: 10:14.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> The Most Satisfying Video 2017 - Amazing People Skills, Life Hacks & Tricks, Fast Workers God Level - Duration: 10:14.


Top 5 Biggest Nerfs in Overwatch History - Duration: 13:46.

Hello, everybody!

Disciple here


Overwatch Curios!

Overwatch is always changing.

Patch after patch we get new heroes and modes, cosmetic additions, buffs and nerfs, etc.

Previously, we took a look at the top 5 biggest buffs in Overwatch history, so today we're

going to check out the top 5 biggest nerfs in overwatch history (so far).

We're going to measure these nerfs based on how impactful they were to the character,

so taking a super OP hero, for example, and nerfing them to still be pretty strong is

considered to be a smaller nerf, versus taking a pretty strong character and making them

really weak, which would be a huge nerf.

Let's get started and see how these nerfs impacted the game for better or worse!

Widowmaker has always been a tricky hero to counter if she's played correctly.

But a while back, clever players figured out how to exploit a certain game mechanic to

play in the Widow's favor making it even more difficult for the target to handle.

In June of 2016, a patch came down that fixed one very useful, but unintentional tool that

allowed Widowmaker players to fire off their shots faster than intended while still being

able to move around a bit to avoid incoming fire.

The trick is widely known as "Animation Cancelling" and the way it used to work

for Widowmaker is that the player was able to aim down the scope of the rifle, let go

of the scope-in button, then immediately (within 0.5 seconds) scope back in essentially avoiding

the 0.5 second recovery time that is normally between shots.

Blizzard designer Geoff Goodman at first thought that the Quick Scoping Widowmaker was an okay

trade off until he discovered the 0.5 second discrepancy and realized that it was actually

worse to play widowmaker the way she was intended to be played through the scope.

To counteract the issue, blizzard made some changes to widowmaker in a patch that revolved

around her scope, scope shot damage, and the animation cancelling.

The scoped shot base damage dropped from 15 to 12, the player had to wait for the unscoping

animation to finish before being able to scope back in, and an unrelated and slight nerf

to her Infrasight ultimate with its cost being increased by 10%.

To balance things out a bit, the scoped shot multiplier that gave the extra damage while

scoped wasn't touched, and the headshot damage was increased from 2x to 2.5x normal shot


With the animations fixed and the change in the scoped base damage, it was an overall

nerf but one that brought Widowmaker back in line with no exploitable advantages.

In that very same patch, another OP hero was nerfed considerably to make him more the hero

that the Overwatch team intended.

McCree, for all intents and purposes, was practically a no-scoped sniper and a tank

killer when we first got ahold of him in beta.

The first issue was taken care of relatively quickly by giving him a damage dropoff at

extreme distances, but the second had to be looked at carefully as to not make the hero

completely useless.

One of the main problems with the way McCree was being played is that he was not only effective

at taking out low-medium health targets at close to medium range (which is his purpose),

but he could also take down or severely damage tanks and shielded targets as well.

The McCree ability combo was to close in on the target, flashbang, use Fan the Hammer

for loads of damage, then roll and fan the hammer again if needed, like on tanks.

Flashbang was intended to provide a counter to high-mobility targets such as tracer or

genji, however the technique was as equally useful on any hero in the roster making a

one-shot combo that was nearly uncounterable.

After a ton of complaints from the community, McCree got some changes that would allow him

to still take down lower health targets, (albeit this time with a little more skill involved)

while not being able to take down tanks, which was never his intended role anyway.

Blizzard decided to actually take his Alternate Fire Fan the Hammer damage down from 70 to


This means that, with a full magazine, his shots would land at around 270 damage, not

including headshots.

More than enough to kill that pesky genji, tracer, or healer, but not quite enough to

drop a tank without the tank being able to react.

To compensate for the damage reduction, his recovery time was actually buffed from 0.75

seconds to 0.3 making the time between firing the last shot and reloading pretty miniscule.

This helped McCree find a more balanced place in the roster without sacrificing the duty

he was meant for: Killing helpless low-health targets from the flank.

Genji has seen his fair share of nerfs in the past, but one particular set of nerfs

during a patch last September really put him in line and stopped a ton of hate regarding

his mobility options and his insane ultimate.

Genji has 3 main mobility options when maneuvering around the map: He can wall climb, double

jump, and use his Swift Strike ability which is a dash that causes damage.

Before the patch, his wall climb would actually reset double jump, and his dash would go through

just about anything including abilities like Junkrat's Trap or Widow's mine.

There really wasn't a lot a player could do to stop genji, Particularly when he was

rampaging during his ult, and even if they could stop him, he had a ton of mobility reset

to jump and dash away.

You can probably see how this would be extremely frustrating to heroes that could probably

kill genji with skillful play if they could only stop him for half a second or nail him

down while he's trying to get away.

The patch helped out with this quite a bit as it changed those three major points of

extra mobility that were always kind of over the top.

The patch removed Genji's ability to reset double jump after wall climb.

This stopp genji players from climb / jumping for eternity to get away from everything all

the time.

Swift strike was also changed so that it no longer bypassed or caused damage to Junkrat's

trap or Widow's Venom mine.

This helped Junkrat players lockdown an attacking Genji if they could play around their trap

effectively, as well as allow Widow Players to do a bit of damage and get early warning

of approaching genji players whether they walk or dash through the mine.

The biggest nerf here though, was the reduction in the duration of his Ultimate.

It was drop a whopping 2 seconds from 8 to 6.

Doesn't sound like a lot until you are running for your life from Dragonblade; 2 seconds

can make all the difference.

It also means the Genji will have to make a tactical decision on when to pop the ultimate

since the reduction means he may not kill opponents in time before the ultimate fades,

leaving him vulnerable to counters.

In February of 2016, a patch came down for Mercy that looked a whole lot like a buff,

and in some respects it was.

But the patch also changed Mercy in a way that would impact the way the hero's played

for everyone in a very direct, and impactful way.

The patch made a lot of improvements and quality-of-life changes to Mercy, like her ability to target

the soul of dead allies so she can glide toward them with Guardian Angel.

Blizzard also decreased her ultimate charge cost by 25% making her resurrect come around

more often, which is great!

The activation time of Resurrection was also decreased helping to make the ultimate pop

faster, and she was no longer aim-locked during so she could look around at a heal target

or where she needed to go to next after the ultimate was finished.

All of this was done to balance out the nerf at the end of the notes for mercy.

The range of her Resurrection Ultimate was decreased… from 40 meters to 15.

That is a HUGE change to the ability, as mercy now has to be very very close to the fallen

allies to resurrect them and that usually means being in line of sight of or in the

thick of multiple enemies.

This change also means that dead allies who are not on objectives or near other fallen

allies are going to be left out of the ultimate as mercy has to play triage on who she's

going to resurrect.

Beforehand, mercy players would just quietly and patiently sit a great distance from the

fighting, wait for everyone to die, then get a 3-5 player rez from across the map without

any trouble.

Now, they have to know where everyone died, worry about their positioning, and the positioning

of the enemy team before hitting that ultimate.

That was a massive change to Mercy's playstyle and, even though it was preceded by several

buffs, it was a massive nerf to the mainstay ability and reason why most comps took mercy

to begin with.

Many mercy players had to refocus their attention on more than one aspect and ultimately become

more involved in the team fights than they were previously.

That's why this was such a big nerf to how OP she was at the beginning of beta.

Symmetra has gone through the carwash of buffs, nerfs, and changes over the brief history

of Overwatch, and has certainly need her fair share of ups and downs.

Late in the beta phase of Overwatch, she received a change that took her from a decent support

to pretty much useless resulting in one of the hardest nerfs coming from such a seemingly

small change.

Back in the day, Symmetra was used for 2 things: her shield boost for allies, and her teleporter.

That's pretty much it.

You didn't see Symmetras setting up camps quickly enough to matter, and watching a sym

player dive into a team fight to melt faces was a rare sight.

You'd find her quietly setting up camp on the backline, tossing shields to freshly spawned

allies, and protecting her nest against the occasional tracer or genji that would stumble

into the room she was holed up in.

This could be quite useful on the right map or team comp, and that's just how it was.

Blizzard then decided to reduce one of those two reasons for having a symmetra on the team

making her next to worthless.

They reduced her Photon shield strength to 25, down from 50, meaning her allies were

now getting 50% of the usual coverage from the shield itself.

Doesn't sound that bad until you realize that the only other reason to have Sym on the team

was her teleporter, and that only mattered for half of half of the map.

Basically, the first point on a defensive team her teleport could be used, otherwise,

it was pretty much a no-go.

So, to

boil it down, we now have a hero who is barely useful for one ability, and very useful for

25% of the entire match, which is no reason to ever pick her over a true support.

It's the first, and arguably only, time that blizzard has made a change to a hero

and that dropped them so low on the priority list that they weren't picked in most cases,

making it the biggest nerf of Overwatch history.

Of course, now we have the opposite issue as she's a face-melting goddess that makes

people scream at their screens.

But man, what a nerf it was.

Overwatch is always changing and the team is always trying to find that balance for

each hero that just

makes sense.

Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.

How do you feel about this list, by the way?

Have a better one?

Something we missed?

Drop it down in the comments!

I hope you enjoyed the video and thanks for watching!

Don't forget to like and subscribe and stick around for more Overwatch content!

See ya!

For more infomation >> Top 5 Biggest Nerfs in Overwatch History - Duration: 13:46.


Dan vs. Dan - DanTDM Creates a Big Scene (Ep 4) - Duration: 11:34.

Dan TDM to the stage, calling Dan TDM to the stage.

Space, dark, infinite, spacey, filled with stars and aliens.

This is incredible.

And so the fight was won, a thrilling end to the war of the stars.

What an ending.

Harr, harr harr, harr.

Better than the ending of our show.

What? There's nothing wrong with the ending of our show.

Nothing wrong? It's just you flipping a coin.

This next one is going to be heads.


Yeah, that night I was unlucky but sometimes I get almost half the coin flips right.

What more do you want?


Excitement? It is exciting, the fans love it.

My pa always said just because they like it doesn't mean it can't be better.

Way better.

Fine, well who has a better idea for the end of our show?

Oh, we could do science.

And now magnets.


I thought that would go better.

Yeah, magnets are amazing but I'm not sure it's the big end we're after.

We could get a big magnet?

How about you let Darcie and me cut loose with our real talent?


Guys, let it go, it's never gonna happen.

What? What about our faces?

Our faces should be everywhere. Look, look at Darcie's face.

Harr, harr harr.

What? I do, I do listen to your ideas.

I always listen to the guys.

I love Dan but he never listens, I have lots of great ideas.

Dan never takes my ideas seriously.

It's a team effort, it's their show too.


Harr harr ha ha ha.

Fire me out of a cannon? Doesn't that sound a bit dangerous?

It's great, think...

How cool you'll look.

Guys, I'm still not sure about this, it doesn't look safe.

Alright, let's be scientific. We'll test it.

We just need something to fire, what could that be?

What? No no, no no, no way.

I brought this watermelon.

Yes, that's perfect.

And delicious.

Oh we could use my backpack.

This is gonna prove that you have nothing to worry about.

Nothing to worry about?

Looks perfect.

No, guys, I am not firing myself out of this or any other cannon.

It'd be a good ending.

It'd be a permanent ending. Stuff like this only happens in the movies.

Like that great virtual reality movie we watched.

Wait, that's it.


We could go to a movie studio, those guys can do anything.

They can give us a perfect ending to our show.

Sounds great.

The movie studio is just up here, I bet it's amazing.

I am so excited about making a film.

This is incredible.

Darcie, we shouldn't be doing this.

Yeah, we should be modelling, modelling.

I thought movie studios were meant to look like dream factories.

This is like a paint factory.

Paint factory?

Oh err sorry, hi? It's Dan.

Oh hi Dan, err I mean Mr TDM, um come in.


Wait, have you seen Ellie and Darcie?

Oh no. I'm sure they're fine.

I wasn't worried about the pugs, they're always wandering off.

I love those little guys, but they are a little bit headstrong.

This is going to be easy.

We're better at modelling than any of these losers.

Do you think they might be a bit taller than us?

We need to lose the competition.

Shall we?

Aww, so cute. I wonder who they belong to.

Belong to? We're our own pugs.

[SCREAMS] Oh they speak!

One down, a few more to go.

I'm not sure about your curtain.

This is a green screen, it's for visual effects.

Err let me show you, does one of you wanna come in?

Oo, me.

Oh great great, if you come and stand over here for me?

And the rest of you just come stand round this monitor and I'll show you.

Oh, all I can see is Eve on a green screen.

Oh wow, that's incredible.

Oh I don't feel anything.

Harr, harr harr harr.

No it's a visual effect, so what we do is all of the green

here on camera, we take all that out.

You see we can literally take your friend there and put her anywhere.

So Eve could be anywhere?


How about a farmyard?


It is isn't it?

Put her in a fire.

[LAUGHS]. That is perfect.

Ok, this is great but um how is this gonna help us get our big ending to our show?

You can do absolutely anything; the only limit is your imagination.

Oh... Mm.

Nearly there, just have to get rid of these clowns.

Yeah but how?

You could use your special power?

Oh, that? Hold on.


Ok guys, so how do you wanna end your live show?

Um dinosaurs? Yeah we can run away from dinosaurs, run past a tree-



Dinosaurs are stupid, stupid! It should have fire; it should be terrifying.

What? Evil Dan, we are not using fire.

How dare you! You never listen to me!

Well we don't wanna scare our audience.

I'll scare you!

You never listen to me!

You always do this.

It's my show, my show, mine!



You guys should have a big fight to round off the show.

That's right.

A big fight, just like in that VR movie.

I'll win, of course, with my power and awesomeness.

Err no, Dan has to win, the good guy always wins.


Dan wins.


[SQUAWKS] Evil Dan must lose. Evil Dan must lose.

Me? Lose a big fight? Never!

Come on Evil Dan, be a sport.

Never! No, I'm not doing it.

Ah [COUGHS] it's disgusting.

The special power never lets us down.


Seeing as Evil Dan wasn't up for losing the fight...

...the visual effects guys brought in a high tech visual effects double.

Go on Dan!

He doesn't look anything like me!

What is this? A game of British bulldogs?

Err we're pugs.

They can speak.

What? Just because we're models.

Hello, I'm Ellie.

And I'm Darcie.

And we are your only option.

But we're making a commercial for perfume, we can't use dogs.

Not a problem. Watch this.

Actually that is pretty good. Let's see something else.

Hey, right get the cameras rolling.

There you go.

Thank you.

Anytime Dan, I hope they love it.

Right, we need to get back to the theatre. Wait, where are Ellie and Darcie?

And action!

Wow, they seem so much more pug like.

That was amazing, this is gonna be huge.

We're being exploited.


We're off.

I hope the pugs are ok, I'm a bit worried.

I'm sure they're fine.

Yeah, I'm sure they're fine but what about the show?

We can't do it without them.

Alright mucker?

Guys, what happened?

The modelling game, it isn't for us.

What? Why?

It's shallow. We'll just stick with you.

Yeah, until we get our own live show.


Darcie you did it, you're saved.

We had the whole gang back together...

...but soon it was time to share our brand new ending with a real life, live audience.

Ok, that's the end of our show, we have a big surprise for you.

You're going to hate it.

No, you're gonna love it.

You're going to hate it. And here it is, a massive fight.


This is ridiculous.

Argh. It's not so bad.


I admit it, that was a good ending.

Better than the cannon?

Almost better than the cannon.

And so Dan found a happy ending to his show.

Of course all good things must come to an end but also

all good things come to those who wait.

And don't forget those who wait have the last laugh, although

those who laugh last laugh longest.

I'm Mister Pig, and I've never had a mid-day nap.

For more infomation >> Dan vs. Dan - DanTDM Creates a Big Scene (Ep 4) - Duration: 11:34.


5 Reasons Why A Woman Breaks Up With The Man She Loves - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> 5 Reasons Why A Woman Breaks Up With The Man She Loves - Duration: 2:01.


Little Big Shots - He's Going to Be a Major Star (Sneak Peek) - Duration: 6:05.

-♪♪ And I'm telling you ♪♪

♪♪ I'm not going ♪♪

♪♪ Your the best friend I'll ever know ♪♪

♪♪ There's now way I could ever, ever go ♪♪

♪♪ No, no, there's no way ♪♪

♪♪ No, no, no way I'm leaving without you ♪♪

♪♪ I'm not leaving without you ♪♪

♪♪ I don't want to be free ♪♪

♪♪ I'm staying ♪♪

♪♪ I'm staying ♪♪

♪♪ And you, and you, and you, you're gonna love me ♪♪

♪♪ Oh, whoa, yeah ♪♪

♪♪ You're gonna love me ♪♪

♪♪ Yes, you are ♪♪

♪♪ And I'm telling you ♪♪

♪♪ I'm not going ♪♪

-Sing, boy.

-♪♪ Even though the rough times are showing ♪♪

♪♪ You see, there's just no way ♪♪

♪♪ There's no way ♪♪

♪♪ We're part of the same place ♪♪

♪♪ We're part of the same time ♪♪

♪♪ We both share the same blood ♪♪

♪♪ We both have the same mind ♪♪

♪♪ And time and time, we have so much to share ♪♪

♪♪ No, no, no, no way ♪♪

♪♪ I'm not waking up tomorrow morning ♪♪

♪♪ And finding that there's nobody there ♪♪

♪♪ Darling, there's no way ♪♪

♪♪ No, no, no, no way I'm living without you ♪♪

♪♪ I'm not living without you ♪♪

♪♪ I don't want to be free ♪♪

♪♪ I'm staying ♪♪

♪♪ I'm staying ♪♪

♪♪ And you, and you, and you, you're gonna love me ♪♪

♪♪ Oh, whoa, yeah ♪♪

♪♪ You're gonna love me ♪♪

♪♪ Yes, you are ♪♪

[ Applause ]

♪♪ Love me ♪♪

♪♪ Love me ♪♪

♪♪ Love me ♪♪

♪♪ L-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ove ♪♪

♪♪ Your gonna l-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ve ♪♪

♪♪ M-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e ♪♪

[ Cheers and applause ] Thank you!

-Ladies and gentlemen, show your love!


Did you see this boy?!

[ Cheers and applause ]

Did you hear this boy?!

Put your hands together for 11-year-old Reuben.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Come on, man. Come down here with me.

This little dude right here.

Man, sit down.

How you doing, man? -Great.

-Where did you get that voice?

-My mom has sort of a voice.

-Sort of a voice?

[ Laughter ]

You got the accent, everything, boy.

The money we fitting to make. Listen.

[ Laughter ]

So, where you from?

-Wales, which is in the U.K.

-So, when you got the call initially from us

to come to the USA, what did you think about that?

-Well, at first, I thought it was a bit of spam.

-What is that? Like, trash or something?


I don't really know nothing about that.

I'm 59 years old. Spam is a can...

[ Laughter ]

...with fake meat in it.

And it got a key on it.

And it got a key on it.

And you put the key on it, and you turn it.

And you eat this fake meat.

Now, I want to tell you something.

He is completely undiscovered.

We found this kid, and we called his mother.

Is your mother here?

-There she is. -There she is.

Hi, Mom. How are you?

[ Applause ]

How long has he been singing?

-Forever. -Forever?

Did you know he was a great singer?

-I knew he could sing.

-You knew he could sing.

So, your mother, she bought you a karaoke machine?

Is that what the story is?

-Pretty much.

And I sang in the living room,

and my sister, over there, would lock the door

so she couldn't hear me any longer.

[ Laughter ]

-This started with a karaoke machine?


-You know how many parents in here are fitting

to go out and buy a karaoke machine?

"Sing, just try it!"

[ Laughter ]

Who's some of your favorite singers?

-Etta James, Beyoncé, yeah.

-Is singing an outlet for you?

-Yes, because I've always been bullied

for doing what I want to do.

And I always feel like singing,

expressing through the lyrics and the song.

[ Applause ]

-Let me tell you something.

I think what's gonna happen after this,

a lot of people are gonna see you,

and, man, you all's phone is gonna be ringing.

You're gonna be a major star. You're gonna be a major star.

Folks, give it up for the sensational Reuben!

[ Cheers and applause ]

For more infomation >> Little Big Shots - He's Going to Be a Major Star (Sneak Peek) - Duration: 6:05.


Cartoon about a pregnant teacher. Last lesson. Children's cartoon about childbirth. - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Cartoon about a pregnant teacher. Last lesson. Children's cartoon about childbirth. - Duration: 4:38.


Democratise Labour to Democratise Britain - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Democratise Labour to Democratise Britain - Duration: 2:20.


СТРАШИЛКИ l БАБУЛЯ - Duration: 5:43.

One evening I accompanied my girl to the house.

Saying goodbye to her, I went to my house.

The time was later, and I decided to cut through the yards.

I walk through one of the courtyards and I see a guy about twenty-five years old.

Next to him there is a granny of a vagabond appearance, and it is clear that they are

seriously arguing - the guy with his fists on her is climbing.

It should be noted that the guy is clearly not poor - he is decently dressed, in his

hands mobile phone.

As I understand, they swear because the granny, passing by his car with a cart on wheels,

apparently scratched the paint.

At first, I even approached them - the old woman felt sorry, - but then decided not to

go into his own business and quickly began to bypass them.

Then I heard the sound of a blow, turned my head and saw the grandmother fall.

The guy, then, still moved her ... I stopped, figuring out how I should act in such a situation.

But then I see - the grandmother is climbing herself to her feet.

But strangely somehow and a long time rises.

When they fought, she barely got to her breast, but then I look - she rose above him, she

turned about two heads.

I looked at it and saw that it was not worth it, but it seemed to float about a meter above

the ground!

My jaw dropped off.

I closed my eyes and opened them sharply - nothing changed: the "divine dandelion" still hovered

above the ground.

I decided to leave quickly from there.

Taking a step, I heard a thunderous low voice:


I shook my head in the hope of finding the source of this voice.

But there was not a soul around.

I had to admit - this voice belongs to the old woman.

Having experienced a mixed chuvstvo of astonishment and horror, I hastily began to retire to the

corner of the building to dive for it.

The air around suddenly became viscous, as if I were floundering in a pool of condensed


I could not coordinate the actions of the arms and legs, but I could not fall.

Frozen in an unnatural pose, I nevertheless twisted my neck and looked back.

The guy who just looked like such a "steep" navel of the earth lay on the ground and,

wriggling like a snake, tried to crawl away from the old woman hanging over him.

From the mouth of the boy there were sounds similar to the meowing of a kitten and the

croaking of frogs.

And the old woman, holding out her arms to the guy, just laughed loudly over the guy's

attempts to crawl away.

It seemed that she was just enjoying his helplessness.

Then I noticed that the hands of the old lady began to lengthen.

The guy probably noticed this, too, and screamed like a pig.

And his hands grew and grew.

I thought she wanted to grab a guy by the throat.

Then she sharply turned her head in my direction, and we met with glances.

The eye, as such, I did not see it - instead of them there were black holes.

The last thing I remember is that, shrinking into a ball, I moved my knees to my chin and

began to get baptized, and, not recognizing my voice, began to scream out scraps of some


And also I remember the screech, the groans of the guy, this vile voice, shouting something


In the morning, the police found me.

They took me to my room, interrogated me for a long time, trying to find out what I had

seen, whether I knew Yuri Nikolayevich.

I answered all the questions that I do not remember anything.

He said that he was drunk and just fell asleep in the courtyard, although I did not drink

a gram of alcohol that day.

But I could not talk about what happened.

And not because I was afraid that they would not believe me and take me to a psychiatric

hospital, but because I knew that this old woman saw me and well remembered me.

As a result, I was released.

And the cause of the death of a guy, as I later learned from friends in the Ministry

of Internal Affairs, was recognized as a heart attack.

For more infomation >> СТРАШИЛКИ l БАБУЛЯ - Duration: 5:43.


Prince Has New Music Coming Out | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:59.








































































For more infomation >> Prince Has New Music Coming Out | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:59.


The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation April 2017 (Part 3) | Best Makeup Ideas - Duration: 5:23.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation April 2017 (Part 3) | Best Makeup Ideas - Duration: 5:23.


[ENGSUB/CC] TWICE MV Commentary - Part 2/4 - Duration: 4:44.


- This is all CG everybody

- It was only a green screen | CY and others: CUTEEE

- I played with these two in the waiting room

- The baby boy was like... | - eongni~! - I heard that from the staff`

- Scaryyyy~

- Where are you going?

- Their acting was...wahhh

- When we filmed this it was really dangerous

- THAT'S RIGHT MY TYPE (exo) - When we filmed this it was really dangerous


- The camera was passing over our heads

- We have to stand at the perfect time

- We didn't know it would look this good

- Also, the song was not playing that time

- It was different with the normal beat [of the song]

- Moving on..

- I was surprised with Chaeyoung's expression

- She thought of this for the FIRST TIME (Day6)

- Why'd you do that Nayeon unnie? It wasn't planned right?

- I practiced with many poses before that

- In the show show part, we left behind and we were he only one filming

- Tzuyu had to show her legs during that short time.

- She was like flipping the gown

- It was really hard TT

- It was also a green screen that time

- This was very cute!!! There was a wire connected to MM right?

- At that time, when we were filming I was sick

- My "senses" weren't present at that time, so I thought that I need to focus

- It was a little bit scary, but it was fun

- It was unexpectedly fun and exciting.

- Will you try going to amusement parks? - No

- A different feel from the ride

- If the chance arises, I want us to ride this together


- We would like do this and like be flying

- It was fun

- You can't see the wire here

- Nayeon's Dress

- This dress was pretty but...

- It's a dress where you can't move your arm

- You can't move that much - It's really tight (?)


- Jihyo was jjang in this MV

- This was CG - The background was originally purple

- I really love this part <3

- Like a doll


- I practice that many times


- There was a reason why I shot first

- This really took time

- It (the rock) looks pointy, right?

- I was leaning against it

- It really hurts

- I had to remain in that position

- Isn't this a spring onion?




- It really looks like there were rabbits


(can't understand) - Really?


For more infomation >> [ENGSUB/CC] TWICE MV Commentary - Part 2/4 - Duration: 4:44.


Cool Photoshop Effects [Welcome to Digital Art] ep 07 - Duration: 23:48.

Hey guys! How are you doing? Are you practicing enough? ^w^

I hope you do!

Have you ever finished a drawing and then thought

"Ah... I feel like I can make it look better, more vivid, more magic..."

but you don't really know how to do it? ;w;

Fear no more! In today's video I'll show you some of the things I use to make the final edits to my artworks

and make them look even better.

Just so you know it, I usually make the final edits on Photoshop

the one I'm using right now is the CS6 version.

If you don't have Photoshop

for whatever reasons or you have a different version

don't worry about it

There's many programs out there like SAI, Clip Studio, Medibang

and a long etcetera...

that have similar options. You just need to be patient and carefully search for them.

Since every program is different everything is also placed differently.

Okay, for today's demonstration I'll use this picture you're seeing right now.

It's an original character from a deviantART artist called Naomochi

I'll leave you the link to her page in the description box so you can go visit her art too ♥

Now let's start!

Whenever I don't know where to start editing my artwork to make them look better

I start by fixing the colors.

If you're using PS too you'll find all the options we'll use by clicking on this little button at the bottom corner.

You can also find them all by going to Image ---> Adjustments

they're basically all the ones displayed in this list.

But this button is supposed to be more comfortable to use but that's up to you.

So... what can we do to?

To edit the colors we've got several options

I usually start with Color Balance

With this, there should appear some kind of box or window here or somewhere else in the screen.

with the following options.

What do they do?

Let's zoom in a bit more so you can see it better...

Basically we'll tell PS to change the overall colors

to something more red or cyan or magenta or whatever you prefer.

For example, let's say I'm getting the feeling that this picture is too warm

and I wanna change it to some more cold colors.

Then we can just drag the bars to the cyan side and the blue side.

Gonna hide the layer effect so you can see the difference.

These are the normal colors.

And this way they look darker

I mean colder!

Or the other way around; let's say you think your picture is too cold

like it's boring and lacks of life.

Then we can add some more red, yellow and magenta.


Now it looks even warmer! ♥

We've still got other ways to fix the colors.

Instead of using a Color Balance layer

we can make a Levels layer.

This one works in a similar way.

Here you have to choose one of the color channels

Let's try with Red.

And then drag those little triangles at the bottom and move them to another place.

This way we're making it look more blue

If we move the other triangle

we'll be turning the piece into something more yellowish or orangeish

Let's now try on the Green color channel.

Draging this triangle will turn the picture more magenta.

or pinky

If we move the other triangle it will turn more greenish or yellowish.

Same thing happens with the Blue color channel.

There it turns more orangeish

and there it becomes more blueish or purple.

If you choose to edit all the channels at the same time instead

then you'll be playing the light and contrasts of the picture.

Now let's see a 3rd way to edit colors.

--let me delete this --

There, we can use the Intensity option (sorry if it's not the exact name in English).

Let's see what this one does.

I normally just use the top bar

If you play with the Saturation bar, as you can guess, we'll be adding a lot of saturation to the colors.

See? They look a bit radioactive...

And moving it to the other side will turn it grey.

Intensity does a similar effect but it's not as hard as the Saturation bar.

Check this out. Moving the Intensity bar completely to the right

will give more saturation and life to the colors

but not as much as doing it with the Saturation bar.

Check the difference with the normal colors

See? We've just added a bit more life to the overall colors.

And if we move the Intensity bar to the left

everything turns more pastelish, like if it was an old photo.

But as you see, even with the Intensity at its lowerest value

we can still get the idea of the colors underneath

That's the difference with the Saturation bar

since this one will take away the colors completely.

Let's move to the next way to edit the colors

this one it's called Selective Color Correction (or something the like).

-- gonna delete the Intensity layer --

As you can guess by its name, Selective Color Correction will let you correct the colors

individually. Meaning editing each one of them at a time aproximately.

Let's see, when we open this layer the default selected color should be Red

so if I start draging those bars I can tell PS to add, for example, more black to the red tones.

And as you see all the colors that has a big percentage of red have become darker

If I drag the bar to the other side everything will become more pale since we're taking away the black.

Instead of black we can choose to add more yellow or to substract it

See? Taking away some of the yellow percentage will make the image purplish

Let's try with the Magenta bar! If we add more magenta de picture looks super red now

maybe even a bit purplish

And you can do the same to the rest of the colors.

Just choose another one from the list

and edit it to your liking.

Next thing I usually edit along with colors is the light

and the overall contrast of the lights we've got in the picture.

-- zooming out a little bit --

To edit the lights I use the Light/Contrast layer option.

There we can tell PS to add more brightness to the picture

and more contrast, or even both things at the same time.

On the opposite if you think your artwork is too pale, with too much bright colors

and what you wish is to turn this light a bit down

just drag the Brightness bar to the left to make it darker.

You can also play with the Contrast bar to make the colors not hurt your eyes too much.

Also pay attention to this little box under the bars that says "Use Legacy" or a similar word.

I have it uncheched at the moment so let's click to see what happens.

The bright/contrast effect is a bit different now.

I don't know exactly how to explain the difference (you all know I'm bad at some explanations xD)

Just test it on your own and you'll see the light effects are a bit different this way.

What's next? Uhm...

Ah by the way! Using the Levels option you can also edit the contrast a little bit

specially if you edit the colors through the RGB channel.

There's also 2 other cool options called Curves and Exposition you can use to play with the color contrast

but I don't really use them because I still don't understand how they work very well

Basically you add or substract points to create a curve that will affect the brightness and contrast of the picture

keep trying and the overall looking changes

As I said I don't quite understand this option so I rarely use it xD

but maybe you'll understand it better than me!

Aside from all these options to edit the colors and lights

we can also play with the layer propierties.

Just double-click on the layer

Reminder: I'm using Photoshop for this sample! I don't know how this works on other programs.

There we've got a bunch of effects we can add to what's already drawn on the layer we've selected.

I like to use the Stroke one a lot

as you see it does add an extra outline to the layer

We can also play with its width, opacity, color

--let's try some other colors--

I usually keep it white to create some kind of separation between the character and the colors from the background

that way the character pops a bit more so it becomes the center of attention of the piece.

Sometimes I also like to use the Drop Shadow effect

Name is pretty self-explanatory; it will create a shadow effect under the layer.

We can play with the distance of that shadow,

that way you can decide if you want the shadow to look very far or very near to what's on the layer.

You can also play with the Spread bar

--uhm, let me zoom in so you can see it better --

Playing with the Spread bar will make the shadow have blurrier edges or more defined edges.

We can also play with the Size bar

The bigger the Size of the shadow is

the blurrier it will become.

So let's say you want a pretty big shadow but with hard edges

that's when the Spread option comes in handy!

Keep playing with the distance ~~

And play with the Angle of the shadow as well!

There the light angle would be at the top left so the shadows fall to the bottom right of the picture.

And we can rotate it

til we've got something that fits the illustration.

Of course we can also change the shadow's color

Let's change it from black to purple for example.

We can also change the Blending mode of the shadow, it is set as Multiply by default.

Uhm... you can't tell the difference now but...

Let's imagine we've got some pattern or drawing behind the character (yup, random weird strokes xD)

If the shadow effect is set as Multiply

will let you see what's underneath the shadow.

But if I set the blending mode to Normal and full opacity

you cannot see anymore what's under the shadow effect.

So you should keep the Shadow effect always set as Multiply but who knows?

You can try other modes as well and eventually find a cool effect!

Another cool effect I like to use is called Outer Glow.

-- Uhm, it'll be difficult for you guys to see it now... --

--let's put some darker color on the background... --

There we go. As the name says this option will add an extra glow effect around what's in the layer

It's set as Screen blending mode by default

But again you can freely change it to Normal or another mode, change it's opacity

I don't have a specific rule, I just go with what I need on every illustration

It's similar to the Shadow effect, we can make the size bigger through the Size bar

and play with the Spread bar to keep the edgies more refined or blurrier.

I'd recommend playing with both things at the same time.

Like... making the size of the glow super small

but then the edges very defined to make it look almost like the Stroke effect.

Just play and combine them :)

As you see there's still a lot of effects on the list

The ones I've explained are just my favorites

Feel free to try to rest on your own and discover what they do! ^w^

Oh but we're not done yet! I've still got another trick hidden ~~

You'll see it's super easy.

-- let me change this layer to white... --

--there you'll see it better --

The trick is as follows:

Duplicate the layer of the character

Character/object or whatever thing to where you want to put this effect I'm going to show you.

Though I mostly use it on the characters.

As I was saying: Duplicate the layer then go to Filter --> Blur ---> Gaussian Blur

Other kinds of blur may work as well, I just prefer using this one


Here you can see a little preview of the blur quantity we'll be adding

The thing is to make blurry enough so it's not nitid

but not too much that can't even tell what's in the drawing.

See? Now there's too much blur I can't even understand the picture.

So the thing is to make a bit blurry

How much exactly?? That will only depend on your personal preference.

The guideline would be as I said; make it blurry but keep the picture a bit recognizable.

Then hit the OK button

And we've got this. I know I know! We cannot leave the picture like that!

There we can do 2 things.

1 - Put the blurry layer under the original layer

And you'll see we've created some blurry extra edges

similar to the outer glow or the shadow effect.

But it's a bit different since this extra edges have the same color as the layer of the character

because we used the same layers.

In case you cannot tell the difference yet let me hide and unhide the effect.

It's a very subtle change.

2 - keep the blurry layer at the top of the original layer

but now lower its opacity

-- gonna try with 30% --

Pay attention, I'm gonna hide and unhide it for you

See? We've created kind of a dreamy effect this way.

No need to stop here tho!

After lowering the opacity we can also play with the layer mode

We can try with Overlay

There... It kind of gives more life to the picture.

Or Soft light mode

Or Hard light

Or Darker color

See the difference?

Or Lighter color


Always remember to play with the layer's opacity too to make the picture look exactly how you want it to look.

Also you don't need to stick to just one of those modes!

You can duplicate the layer, make it blurry, set it as lighter color

And then do the same but now choose a different mode like Overlay for example

that way you can mix different effects at the same time.

After all these explanations I'd like to add just a couple of things.

1 - You don't really need to use all these effects always.

I usually only use a few of them

So I test some of them and I only keep the ones I like the most

or the ones I think that fits with the kind of picture I want to achieve.

And 2:

There's a whole lot of more effects and tricks you can do

don't be scared to play with every tool, blending mode and effects you may find.

Experimentation is the key to learn new stuff.

If you have any other cool tricks or effects feel free to leave it in the comments section!

It's really interesting to see how other people work on their art and it's a great chance to learn from each other.

As usual, remember that you can help me release tutorials more often by supporting me on PATREON

Take a look at the website and you'll see what exclusive rewards you can get each month

in exchange for your kindness ♥

//winks at you all

Keep watching to see the edit/final touches of this illustration!

Hope you like it and see you on the next video!

Bye bye! ♥

For more infomation >> Cool Photoshop Effects [Welcome to Digital Art] ep 07 - Duration: 23:48.


The PHILIPPINES ruled THE SOUTH CHINA SEA from the negotiating table - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> The PHILIPPINES ruled THE SOUTH CHINA SEA from the negotiating table - Duration: 2:11.


President PUTIN and his calculations in the 'SOUTH CHINA SEA' - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> President PUTIN and his calculations in the 'SOUTH CHINA SEA' - Duration: 7:04.


Ust. Khalid Basalamah Tidak Boleh Shalat di Kuburan Atau Shalat Menghadap Kuburan - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Ust. Khalid Basalamah Tidak Boleh Shalat di Kuburan Atau Shalat Menghadap Kuburan - Duration: 3:30.


Les écailles du Morpho - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Les écailles du Morpho - Duration: 3:44.


Mazda MX-5 1.6I - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Mazda MX-5 1.6I - Duration: 1:05.


Brazilian football players who did not play well in European teams - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Brazilian football players who did not play well in European teams - Duration: 4:00.


Ust. Khalid Basalamah Tidak Boleh Shalat di Kuburan Atau Shalat Menghadap Kuburan - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Ust. Khalid Basalamah Tidak Boleh Shalat di Kuburan Atau Shalat Menghadap Kuburan - Duration: 3:30.


Natural Skin Bleaching Remedies At Home - Skin Care Tips - Duration: 4:29.

a flawless skin remains only a dream

given our hectic lifestyle to add to

that many other factors like pollution

harmful UV rays from the Sun stress an

improper diet can damage your skin

further and give you an imbalance skin

tone if this was not enough many of the

cosmetic products available in the

market these days contain harmful

chemicals and get it is that cause

additional damage to your skin instead

of making it healthy and glowing today's

video we'll discuss about natural skin

bleaching remedies at home before you

watch this video please take a moment to

subscribe our YouTube channel by

clicking the subscribe button then

capital icons oh you will be the first

to know when we post new videos daily

one copiah and honey mask fresh papaya

is not only tasty to eat but is also

excellent when it comes to its benefits

for the skin it contains enzymes such as

pain and alpha hydroxy acids that have

the ability to dissolve dead cells and

remove impurities which lead to glowing

skin the other ingredient in this mask

honey has antibacterial properties that

can protect the skin what you need one

half cup fresh papaya pieces one

teaspoon honey what you need to do one

mash the papaya pieces till you get a

smooth and thick paste to add honey to

this paste and mix thoroughly three

apply the paste to your face and keep it

on for about 20 minutes for wash your

face with warm water 5 rinse again with

cold water and pat your skin dry how

often you need to do this every night

before sleeping best suited for oily

skin normal skin caution papen can cause

allergic reactions in some people do not

use this remedy if you are allergic to

Copiah and its products to drive orange

peels and yogurt oranges are commonly

found fruit in most households and it

works really well in whitening to skin

it is also rich in vitamin C that acts

as a good pigment in agent what you need

a few orange peels one tablespoon

unflavored yogurt what you have to do

one dry the orange peels in the Sun for

two to three days to once they become

almost crisp grind until they turn into

powder three mix one tablespoon of this

powder with the yogurt or you get a

smooth paste for apply the paste to your

skin after cleansing it and keep it on

for about 15-20 minutes 5 rinse with

warm water how often you need to do this

you can do this every alternate day

before going to bed best suited for all

skin types for tomato yogurt and oatmeal

mask the lycopene in tomatoes which

gives them their characteristic red

color has photo protective properties

that can protect the skin from aging and

other age-related issues due to the

abundance of antioxidants tomatoes are

one of those foods that can make your

skin glow in a Germanic study the

lycopene in tomatoes was also found to

protect the skin from cancer oatmeal

acts as a gentle exfoliant and improve

skin health would you need one tomato 1

teaspoon lugard fresh and unflavored 1

teaspoon oatmeal what you have to do one

cut the tomato in half take a teaspoon

or two of its juice to take the oatmeal

in a bowl and add the juice and yogurt

to it mix well for rinse with warm water

how often you need to do this preferably

two to three times in a week best suited

for oily skin normal skin combination

skin if you find this tips helpful to

you then let me know in our comment

section below if you like this video

give it a thumbs up and share with your

friends for more daily tips subscribe to

our channel below thank you

For more infomation >> Natural Skin Bleaching Remedies At Home - Skin Care Tips - Duration: 4:29.


OLTRE 1K DI GUADAGNO PER CARTA! | Compravendita FIFA17 | #44 - Duration: 11:06.

For more infomation >> OLTRE 1K DI GUADAGNO PER CARTA! | Compravendita FIFA17 | #44 - Duration: 11:06.


Peugeot 208 5-deurs Active 1.2 VTi 82 pk [AIRCO, STOELVERWARMING] - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 5-deurs Active 1.2 VTi 82 pk [AIRCO, STOELVERWARMING] - Duration: 0:41.


Les ZONES MORTES - Sois pas si bêêête #29 - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Les ZONES MORTES - Sois pas si bêêête #29 - Duration: 2:33.


For more infomation >> Les ZONES MORTES - Sois pas si bêêête #29 - Duration: 2:33.


HSN | AT Home 04.21.2017 - 09 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | AT Home 04.21.2017 - 09 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.


For more infomation >> HSN | AT Home 04.21.2017 - 09 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.


Renault Twingo 70pk SCe Collection luxe hoge zit, Financier deze auto nu tegen 1.9% - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Renault Twingo 70pk SCe Collection luxe hoge zit, Financier deze auto nu tegen 1.9% - Duration: 0:47.


For more infomation >> Renault Twingo 70pk SCe Collection luxe hoge zit, Financier deze auto nu tegen 1.9% - Duration: 0:47.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 320 CDI / LEER / PDC / NAVI / AIRCO - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 320 CDI / LEER / PDC / NAVI / AIRCO - Duration: 1:02.


M!LK佐野勇斗&板垣瑞生の"ガチ私服"公開!コーデのポイント、こだわりデート服は?|24H ニュース - Duration: 6:33.

For more infomation >> M!LK佐野勇斗&板垣瑞生の"ガチ私服"公開!コーデのポイント、こだわりデート服は?|24H ニュース - Duration: 6:33.


credence barebone is straight as hell - Duration: 0:14.

For more infomation >> credence barebone is straight as hell - Duration: 0:14.


Without a Sense of Humor, Religion Can Become Dangerous | Humorist Dave Barry - Duration: 2:12.

Well, first of all I kind of grew up in a religious environment—sort of.

My dad was a Presbyterian minister; his dad was a Presbyterian minister.

I was actually an altar boy at Saint Stephen's Episcopal Church in Aramark New York.

I was raised Episcopalian even though my dad was Presbyterian because he was more of a

social worker than like a pastor, and Aramark didn't have a Presbyterian Church.

So I myself am an atheist.

I'm never really kind of was religious, even though I was raised sort of religious.

So I always thought religion was kind of amusing because it was very benign.

I went to this nice church and everybody sang hymns and stuff like that.

And I didn't exactly want to mock them, but I didn't really understand why they believed

what they believed and acted the way they do.

I never really wrote a lot about religion as a humorist, but my sensibility always was

A, there's a lot of religions, a lot of people believe a lot of different things; they all

think they're right.

The value of I guess making fun of that is: it's okay to believe whatever you believe

as long as you don't think that everyone has to believe it, and if you're willing to laugh

a little bit about your own beliefs then it's just going to be easier for everybody to get

along with different beliefs.

If you are like really rigid about what you believe then there could be a variety of bad

consequences, up to and including people killing each other.

So the value of mockery of religion or faith isn't so much to (I don't think) put people

down, although I guess that's an element in some humor that knocks religion, so much as

to say: don't take yourself too seriously because that could lead to problems down the

road, which is kind of what humor is about with almost every topic.

For more infomation >> Without a Sense of Humor, Religion Can Become Dangerous | Humorist Dave Barry - Duration: 2:12.


Guardians Of The Galaxy SM 2017 Trailer 2 - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Guardians Of The Galaxy SM 2017 Trailer 2 - Duration: 2:06.


How to Find a Great Home or Sell the One You're In! Intro to CC & Co ~ CC & Co Real Estate Team - Duration: 1:51.

Individual commitment to a group effort- that is what makes teamwork.

Dedicated to delivering an exceptional Real Estate Experience - that is

CC & Co. Real Estate Team.

More care, more focus, and leaving nothing to chance is at the core of our

commitment to our clients.

Hi, I'm Cristen Corupe, a professional Realtor and Owner of

CC & Co. Real Estate Team.

My passion is helping families find their Joy of Coming Home.

Whether it's moving to a larger home, a smaller one, relocating or investing in property,

I love being a part of my clients Journey. My sole priority is to provide exceptional

service for my clients, guiding them in every step of their Real Estate Journey.

I'm Paige Livingston, You'll have my commitment, professionalism, and discretion throughout

the entire process. Leaving nothing to chance, you will receive unparalleled client service

with a tailored, individual strategy for achieving your goals.

My attention to detail, energy, and drive will provide you with the highest

level of service.

Hi I'm Tanya Godard, the executive assistant with

CC & Co. Real Estate Team.

We are innovative, cutting edge and utilize high end photography, social media, video

marketing, and online advertisement for every home we sell.

You'll receive the total package working with our team and we'll strive to make the

buying and selling process efficient and stress free.

Achieving optimal results while providing an exceptional Real Estate service is what

makes our team different.

Please visit to see our featured listings and to connect with us.

We look forward to meeting you.

For more infomation >> How to Find a Great Home or Sell the One You're In! Intro to CC & Co ~ CC & Co Real Estate Team - Duration: 1:51.


Volkswagen Golf Variant 1.4 TSI R-Line 125 pk DSG - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf Variant 1.4 TSI R-Line 125 pk DSG - Duration: 0:54.


Thor: Ragnarok Teaser Trailer Reaction & Review! ⚔ - Duration: 6:11.

Thor Ragnarok teaser trailer

what's up everybody lee the fourth

coming at you once again with another

reaction and review I understand I know

I know I said this before that I don't

really like to react to the teaser

trailers but sometimes I can't resist

and I just got to give in thor Ragnarok

is something I really hyped up about and

I'm anxious to see what is going down so

I got no choice we got to react and

review this I know I'm really late I'm

always pretty late on this stuff I only

really get to record my videos on the

weekends because you know I'm not

YouTube fame as a nun yet so I have to

really find a good time to do it because

i work a regular job still so until that

day comes I won't be able to really get

a round of this stuff as quickly as i

would like to so i'm always going to be

kind of late for a bit and I hope that

doesn't affect you know you know you

guys watching it too much but anyway

let's go ahead and jump into the teaser

trailer for thor ragnarok I'm sorry I

gave in to the teaser reactions but i

think i might have to start doing them

because it's just too hype to resist so

let's go ahead and jump into it and that

don't look good well there we go

well long story

that hella hela

what she must be super powerful and that

looks tight



what have you brought today tell me ha


Oh Loki's back I don't know I actually

think Thor looks pretty fresh with the

short hair that's with me he looks

badass this is sick hell me oh that

World War hulk that planet hulk come on

better you don't recognize your boy oh

man that's got to be crazy i know they

fought briefly before but i can't wait

for that this looks epic it looks like

it has a little bit of that guardians of

the galaxy feel to it which I definitely

welcome so it looks like Thor is going

to run into hella/hela on Asgard she's going

to usher in the Ragnarok and destroy

million in here and it's going to be

crazy from there and then for whatever

reason for going to take off to the

skies end up on another planet you saw

the different spaceships and stuff and

then he's going to end up being captured

and thrown into the planet hulk scenario

now I love comic books and everything

but I'm not you know a super comic book

purist to the point where I expect you

know everything to be done completely

accurately as long as they're able to

throw in elements of the comics that

everyone loves I don't mind them doing

something a bit different so I think

this is cool that they're throwing Thor

up against this planet hulk I love the

fact that we're going to get a little

bit of that story now I wonder if

they're going to do a world war hulk

story I think something that would be

super crazy is if they go through the

infinity war situation they deal with

thanos and then maybe something comes

along with Dormammu again and then they

deal with him again or something and it

may be one of the final things that they

deal with or one of the other big

problems that the Marvel Cinematic

Universe encounters is world war hulk

maybe he gets pissed something you know

a lot of the lines of the actual comic

goes down and it comes back to earth and

all the Avengers and all the heroes have

to deal with him that would be crazy it

would be tragic it would be it would be

heartbreaking I think that they should

definitely somehow do that story at some

point down the line

who knows i heard that this is supposed

to be kind of like similar to what like

a like a road trip buddy cop style movie

but with you know awesome super heroes

and you know not Popo and I'm looking

forward to it looks beautiful it looks

amazing it's definitely got me hyped up

it looks like it really has a little bit

of that guardians of the galaxy feel as

I've already said and I don't mind it

you know as long as it's not you know

guardians of the galaxy part 2.5 or

something then hey we good to go I think

that they're lightening up sore bit he's

definitely been more of a serious

character up until now he's always you

know cracked his little jokes here and

there but it looks like he's going to be

a lot more funny this time I was not

like a major jump to the point where

it's like who are you you're not the

same character as long as they keep it

within you know a reasonable you know

realm of belief I'm down with it I'm

hyped the trailer looks great what do

you guys think of the new thor ragnarok

teaser trailer go ahead and comment down

below let a brother know as always if

you liked this video be sure to attack

that like button also go ahead and share

this video with your friends and your

family hit that subscribe button join

the rebel community also tap that Bell

to be notified when I post my videos I

post videos every week so keep checking

back for that and as always remember

stay positive until the next encounter


For more infomation >> Thor: Ragnarok Teaser Trailer Reaction & Review! ⚔ - Duration: 6:11.


How Far I'll Go - Disney's Moana | Ukulele Cover by Asia Anastasia - Duration: 3:22.

♪(ukulele playing)♪

I've been staring at the edge of the water

Long as I can remember

Never really knowing why

I wish I could be the perfect daughter

But I come back to the water

No matter how hard I try

Every turn I take, every trail I track

Every path I make, every road leads back

To the place I know where I cannot go

Where I long to be

See the line where the sky meets the sea?

It calls me

And no one knows

How far it goes

If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me

One day I'll know

If I go there's just no telling how far I'll go

♪(ukulele playing)♪


I know everybody on this island, seems so happy, on this island

Everything is by design

I know everybody on this island has a role, on this island

So maybe I can roll with mine

I can lead with pride, I can make us strong

I'll be satisfied if I play along

But the voice inside sings a different song

What is wrong with me?

See the light where it shines on the sea?

It's blinding

But no one knows

How deep it goes

And it seems like it's calling out to me

So come find me

And let me know

What's beyond that line, will I cross that line?

See the line where the sky meets the sea?

It calls me

And no one knows

How far it goes

If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me

One day I'll know

How far I'll go

♪(ukulele cover)♪

For more infomation >> How Far I'll Go - Disney's Moana | Ukulele Cover by Asia Anastasia - Duration: 3:22.


Audi A6 1.8 TFSI 190pk Business edition S-tronic Xenon, Navigatie - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 1.8 TFSI 190pk Business edition S-tronic Xenon, Navigatie - Duration: 1:03.


Les ZONES MORTES - Sois pas si bêêête #29 - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Les ZONES MORTES - Sois pas si bêêête #29 - Duration: 2:33.


"Mr. Widemouth" Creepypasta - Duration: 10:29.

During [my] childhood. My family was like a drop of water in a vast river never remaining in one location for long

We settled in Rhode Island when I was eight and there we remained until I went to college in Colorado spring

Most of my memories are rooted in Rhode [Island]

But there are fragments in the attic of my brain which belonged to the various homes we had lived in when I was much younger

Most of these memories are unclear and pointless chasing after another boy [in] the backyard of a house in North Carolina

Trying to build a raft to float on the Creek behind the apartment we rented in Pennsylvania and so on

But there is one set of memories which remains as clear as glass as though. They were just made yesterday I

Often wondered whether these memories are simply lucid dreams produced by the long sickness I experienced that spring

But in my heart, I know they're real

We were living in a house just outside the bustling metropolis of New Vineyard, main population

643 it was a large structure especially for a family of three

There were a number of rooms that I didn't see in the five months we resided there

In some ways it was a waste of space

But it was the only house on the market at the time at least within an hour's commute to my father's place of work

the day after my fifth birthday

Attended by my parents alone I came down with a fever

The doctor said I had mononucleosis which meant no rough play and more fever for at least another three weeks

It was horrible timing to be bedridden

We were in the process of packing our things to move to Pennsylvania and most of my things were already packed away in boxes

Leaving my room [Baron]

my mother brought me ginger ale and book several times a day and

These serve the function of being my primary form of entertainment for the next few weeks

Boredom always loomed just around the corner waiting to rear its ugly head and compound Blaine, Missouri. I

Don't recall exactly how I met Mr. Widemouth. I think it was about a week after I was diagnosed with Mono

My first memory of the small creature was asking him if he had a name

He told me to call [him], Mr.. Widemouth

Because his mouth was large in

Fact everything about him was large in comparison to his body his head his eyes his crooked is

That his mouth was by far the largest

You look kind of like a furby. I said as he flipped through one of my books

Mr.. Widemouth stopped and gave me a puzzled look

30 what's a SAvvy, Er?

I shrug you know the toy the little robot with the big ears

You [can] pet them and feed them almost like a real pet oh

Mr.. Widemouth resumed his activity you don't need one of those they aren't the same as having a real friend

I remember Mr.. Widemouth

disappearing every time I mother stopped by to check in on me I

Lay on your bed he later explained

I don't want your parents to see me because I'm afraid they won't let us play anymore

We didn't do much during those first few days

Mr.. Widemouth, just looked at my books

Fascinated by the stories and pictures they contained

The third and fourth morning after I met him he greeted me with a large smile on his face. I have a new game

We can play you said

We have to wait until your mother comes to check on you because she can't see us play it it's a secret game

After my mother delivered more books and soda at the usual time Mr.. Widemouth slipped out from under the bed and tugged my hand

We have to go to the room at the end of this hallway. He said I

Objected at first as my parents had forbidden me to leave my bed without their permission

But Mr.. Widemouth persisted until I gave in

The room in question had no furniture, or wallpaper

It's only distinguishing feature was a window opposite the doorway, Mr.

Widemouth darted across the room and gave the window our firm push

Flinging it open he then beckoned me to look out at the ground below

We were on the second story of the house

But it was on a hill and from this angle the drop was farther than two stories due to the inCline I

Like to play pretend up here, Mr.. Widemouth explained I

like to pretend that there is a big soft trampoline below this window, and I jump if

You pretend hard enough. You bounce back up like a feather. I want you to try I

Was a five-year-old with a fever so only a hint of skepticism darted through my thoughts as I looked down and considered the possibility

It's a long drop. I said, but that's all part of the fun. It wouldn't be fun

If it was just a short drop if it were that way you may as well just bounce on a real trampoline I

Toyed with the idea

Picturing myself falling through thin air only to bounce back to the window on something unseen by human eyes, but the realist in me prevailed

Maybe some other time I said, I don't know if I have enough imagination I could get hurt, Mr.

Widemouth face contorted into a snarl, but only for a moment anger gave way to

Disappointment if you say, so you said he spent the rest of the day under my bed quiet as a mouse

The following morning, Mr.. Widemouth arrived holding a small box I

Want to teach you how to juggle?

You said here are some things you can use to practice before I start giving you lessons. I looked in the box

It was full of knives

My parents will kill me I shouted horrified that Mr.

Widemouth have brought knives into my room objects that my parents would never allow me to touch. I'll be spanked and grounded for a year

Mr.. Widemouth frowned, it's fun to juggle with these I want you to try it

I pushed the box away, I can't I'll get into trouble

I've aren't safe to just throw in the air, Mr.

Widemouth frown deepened into a scowl he took the box of knives and slid under my bed remaining there the rest of the day I

Began to wonder how often he was under me. I started having trouble sleeping after that, Mr.

Widemouth often woke me up at night saying he put a real trampoline under the window a big one

One that I couldn't see in the dark. I always declined and tried to go back to sleep, but Mr.. Widemouth persisted

Sometimes he stayed by my side until early in the morning

encouraging me to jump

He wasn't so fun to play with anymore

My mother came to me one morning and told me I had her permission to walk around outside

She thought the fresh air would be good for me, especially after being confined to my room for so long

Ecstatic I put on my sneakers and trotted out to the back porch yearning for the feeling of sun on my face

Mr.. Widemouth was waiting for me. I have something I want you to see he said I must have given him a weird look

Because he then said it's safe

I promise I followed him to the beginning of a deer trail which ran through the woods behind the house

This is an important path. He explained. I've had a lot of friends about your age when they were ready

I took them down this path to a special place you aren't ready yet, but one day. I'd like to take you there I

Returned to the house wondering. What kind of place lay beyond that trail?

Two weeks after I met Mr.. Widemouth the last load of our things have been packed into a moving truck

I would be in the cab of that truck sitting next to my father for the long drive [to] Pennsylvania I

Considered telling Mr.. Widemouth that I would be leaving but even at five years old

I was beginning [to] suspect that perhaps the creatures intentions were not to my benefit despite what he said otherwise

For this reason I decided to keep my departure a secret

My father and I were in the truck at 4am

He was hoping to make it to Pennsylvania by lunchtime tomorrow

With the help of an endless supply of coffee and a six-pack of energy drinks

He seemed more like a man who was about to run a marathon than one who was about to spend two days sitting still

early enough for you my father off with a hint of sympathy I

Nodded and placed my head against the window hoping for some sleep before the sun came up

I felt my father's hand on my shoulder, and this is the last move son

I promise I know it's hard for you as sick as you've been

Once Daddy gets promoted we can settle down and you can make friends

I opened my eyes as we backed out of the driveway. I saw Mr.. Widemouth silhouette in my bedroom window

He stood motionless until the truck was about to turn onto the main Road

He gave a pitiful little wave goodbye

Steak knife in hand. I didn't wave back

years [later]

I returned to [New] [Vinian]

the piece of our land our house stood upon was empty except for the foundation as

The house burned down a few years after my family left out of curiosity. I followed the deer trail that Mr.

Widemouth had shown me part of me expected him to jump out from behind a [tree] and scare the living bejesus out of me

But I felt that Mr.. Widemouth was gone

some held tied to the house that no longer existed the trail ended at the new Vineyard Memorial cemetery I

Noticed that many of the tombstones belonged to children


For more infomation >> "Mr. Widemouth" Creepypasta - Duration: 10:29.


[HAUL] KIKO 'TROPIC HEAT' // FLYING TIGER (ABRIL 2017) - Duration: 8:00.

Hello everyone!

Today I went shopping so

I wanted to share with you the things I got

Let's start with the new collection from KIKO

I bought this product from the previous collection

From the collection "LESS IS BETTER"

I got this Fluid Highlighter

It was 11,95€

It was the only thing I could buy from this collection

because everything else that I wanted was sold out

Everything was already sold out

And I really like it

Today i'm using it

It's a fluid highlighter and I had never tried one before

I like it a lot because your skin really glows

and it also covers some small imperfections

not like foundation but still, it's great

This time I wasn't late for the new collection

which is this one called "TROPIC HEAT"

This collection has brighter colours than the previous one

The previous one was more of a light pink kind of vibe

more focused on making you look pretty but simple

this one reminds me of summer

vacation and all those good things

Honestly I think that the previous one, the "LESS IS BETTER"

fits my type of makeup better

but I still like the new products and I think that the design looks amazing

Both boxes look very pretty

but yeah

I decided to get these two to try them

This one "TOPIC HEAT" Lips&Cheeks I got the number 02

It looks like this, it has this round shape

you can use it for the lips and for your cheeks

I'm already using it, I put some product on my lips, on top of some red lipstick

This doesn't have a really strong colour but it gives your lips a creamier texture

I also applied some on this area

And I think it's really nice beacause

When I wake up it looks like I'm really pale so this makes me look alive again

I chose the number 02, there was a brighter and a darker colour but I picked this one

since it was the colour I liked best

I do like it so I'm glad I got it

This one was

7,95€ this one

Still from this collection I got a white eyeliner

I had never tried white eyeliner

because i thought it wouldn't look good on me since I'm really pale

I thought "well why not, let's try"

I thought it might go well with black eyeliner

or for some different looks

So yeah, I got this white eyeliner

It looks like any regular eyeliner but it's white

And the price was 5,95€

You know, I'm happy that I got

to try something different

some times I have to

step out of my comfort zone

this is nice

it isn't something crazy but for me wearing white eyeliner seemed difficult

like "how am I gonna use white eyeliner?"

but it does work!

These were the 2 items I got from this new collection

I like them both, I'm already wearing them to give my honest oppinion

so these were the new products form KIKO's 20th anniversary and l look forward to the upcoming ones

Since I got 2 items they gave me the bracelet of the collection

and I told them that last time I couldn't get more than 1 item from the previous collection

the "LESS IS BETTER" one

so they didn't give me a bracelet

but the lady working there was extremely nice

and gave me the previous bracelet

I wasn't expecting it I was just saying

that I liked the previous collection even better

so I'm going to show you the bracelets in case you want to see them

but it looks like if you buy

if you buy 2 products from their collection you get a bracelet

which is cute

you can even put them together

or... I don't know I think that you can do many different things with this

so the one from the "LESS IS BETTER" is this little hat

meaning if you got at least 2 items from this collection you would receive a tiny hat

And from this one

I got a strawberry which I absolutely love

It's even better than the hat I mean

the hat is funny but this a strawberry so

yes, this was all I needed

this bracelet is amazing so it's worth it

I was lucky, the bracelets were inside this little bag

she gave me both but

I don't know if you go to the store and say that you couldn't get the bracelet

if they will give it to you every time

maybe I was just lucky

so thank you kind lady

Today I went to Flying Tiger to show the store to my mom since she had never been there

I love Flying Tiger so I got some stuff from them

the first thing was this box to put snacks

that says "Once you go snack you never go back"

what I really like about it is that it's pink and blue

and I've been thinking about getting one of these for a while

because I like to take something to eat when I'm going to have a long day at my university

I don't even have breaks so I always get hungry

so this is gonna be really helpful

I usually take a pack of cookies and try to eat while I'm having classes but it makes noise when I try to open it

so I just give up

with this I'll be able to eat some more

this box was 2€

which is a very reasonable price

and I'm going to use it a lot

this one I got some time ago, also at Flying Tiger but since it's still there I'm going to show it too

I think I can show it

it's a notebook, it's very simple inside

it doesn't have lines

this pattern is beautiful

and I really like notebooks

I would get every notebook in the world if I could

and I'm not sure about the price but it was around 2€ or 3€


and as expected I got another notebook

which is this one

it's a regular notebook

I find the colours and the pattern really appealing

I love flower patterns

This one was also 2€

I can't go to Flying Tiger because I will buy notebooks every time

I have so many notebooks

I can't help it

the last thing I wanted to show is this bag

which was the one that carried all the other Flying Tiger items

it has the same pattern as this notebook but different colours

there is also a notebook with these darker colours

I thought it looked pretty and it was only 1€ for 2 bags

I think it's a great deal

you can keep these to store gifts inside or something like that

it's a good bag

And that was all I got lately

I hope you enjoyed watching the video and I'll see you soon!

For more infomation >> [HAUL] KIKO 'TROPIC HEAT' // FLYING TIGER (ABRIL 2017) - Duration: 8:00.


Planting Magnolia from seed - Duration: 3:35.

Hi :) I'm George, Today I will plant the Magnolia seeds, which have been in the refrigerator

I kept them for three months in the refrigerator, the cold period passed

Is called stratification

And those seeds gave me Lyn from Ireland, She has the youtube channel

So her channel is in the description and here in the corner

So, it has a channel about cacti and succulents very interesting

She gave me the seeds and I prepared them for stratification

Now I have to get them out of the refrigerator and plant them in pots

And hope to germinate, we'll see, let's do that

I removed the seeds from the refrigerator and they sat three months

We put them in late December and now we open them

And so, we have to take out the seeds

So we put them here

We will remove the magnolia seeds


As you can see, I took all the magnolia seeds and look

two seeds are sprouted, it is very great

And I am glad that the seeds have germinated

the seeds are good

we plant here, but first we put ground

Is a very good soil, I bought it from the store

so, and I added a little perlite

So now it is time for watering and desirable rainwater

so we wet, good good

Then we plant the magnolia seeds

And here are the seeds of magnolia

Are very good and we plant them here

In pots there are 28 seeds

and see which ones will germinate, will grow beautiful

that's it

We did this, now we have to get the ground through the sieve

over, and are we go..

I finished, and even darkened a little

I'm glad they seeded the seeds, I hope to grow further

I planted there in pots

And I hope it will be all right, I will be filming the video update

Subscribe to Lyn's channel Is in the description as I said

and thank you for watching, leave a like

Share this video and subscribe to my channel

beautiful spring

Bye :)

For more infomation >> Planting Magnolia from seed - Duration: 3:35.


Week 4: The Modern Learner - Duration: 2:36.



Phylise Banner here, curator of the InSync Blended Learning Hub.

As we wrap up this month in the Hub, we'll be looking at ways to measure the engagement

levels of our modern learners.

I go about this by thinking about my own personal learning goals and milestones.

I'm a modern learner, right?

Most important to me is reflection.

As we shared in this week's blog post, in the modern blended learning landscape, we

need to include moments of reflection and recognition.

Reaching our goals is not enough to measure our success on this pathway.

Reflection, self-evaluation, conversation, and narrative are all part of the journey.

I take time on a regular basis to stop and answer these questions: What am I trying to


Why am I progressing along this pathway?

Have I passed any milestones along the way?

How did I manage to get where I am now?

What conversations and interactions have I had or do I need to have?

What's helping me most as I work towards my goals?

What accomplishments can I highlight and share?

And how should I adjust my pathway?

As you work your way through the learning assets in the Hub this week, think about how

you've progressed throughout the month, and share your insight with your peers here in

the Hub and in your own personal learning networks.

We have another fantastic podcast interview this week, this time with Allen Partridge

from Adobe.

Allen and I had a great conversation about critical thinking, discussion, and debate

in modern learning.

There's so many valuable assets featured in the Hub this week.

You can download and read Jennifer Hofmann's latest eBook, "Engaging Modern Learners: When

to Push and When to Pull," where she beautifully weaves together three distinct concepts that

drive the modern learning experience.

You can catch up on the latest research by reading this month's selections from current

research, which focuses on the modern learner.

And we wrap up the month with another learning asset challenge, this time asking you to submit

a visualization of your own personal learning pathway.

Drawing on napkins and post-it notes are welcome!

Remember, the Hub is all about the modern learner, and we're the modern learner, you

and I.

We have push and pull learning at our finger tips here and I encourage you to take a moment

to reflect on what you've learned here in the Hub this month.

How did you manage to get where you are now?

Where will you go next?

Reflect on these questions as we continue along our modern learning journey here in

the InSync Blended Learning Hub.

See you online!

For more infomation >> Week 4: The Modern Learner - Duration: 2:36.


BREAKING: Obama's 3-Month Vacation Finishes, Announces Next Move… - Duration: 1:31.

��Former President Obama is coming back after a lengthy, three month vacation.

USA Today reports:

Former president Barack Obama, having made good on his promise to take his family on

a long post-presidency vacation, will return to the public eye for the first time in his

hometown of Chicago on Monday.

The event sounds exactly like the kind of thing Obama said he would do in his life after

the presidency: President Obama and Young Leaders to Hold Conversation on Civic Engagement,

reads the announcement from the office of the former president.

The University of Chicago event is part of President Obama s post-presidency goal to

encourage and support the next generation of leaders around the country and the world,

said Obama spokesman Kevin Lewis.

The event is a homecoming for the president in a couple different ways: Obama first came

to Chicago as a community organizer in 1985.

He also taught constitutional law at the university s law school from 1992 to 2004, right up until

he became a U.S. senator.

The former president has taken at least three vacations since watching President Trump being

sworn in as his successor, to Palm Springs, Calif., the Caribbean, and Polynesia.

What do You Think About this?

Please SHARE this news if you agree that Obama needs to stay away!

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Obama's 3-Month Vacation Finishes, Announces Next Move… - Duration: 1:31.


Global elite matchmaking! - cs go competitive #03 - Duration: 9:51.

Hey guys Nick here, welcome to this new matchmaking video. That's the first game

I upload on my global account, and that's because I was banned for a week on this one. This isn't the best game

I had but that's the only one I recorded and since I'm really busy with the school

I don't have much time to create videos, and I'm actually forced to upload this one so guys let's jump to the video

I hope you enjoy

One mid doors, mid doors

pushing back, plant the bomb, plant the bomb

Site and door, one door

One more, nice!

Well done!

Last short, M4

God, the spraydown was so bad

Got him, got him

one on site

Good job

Oh! Over to smoke

Last CT. Good job!

Nice! Was he flashed?

We can go mid to be actually

Oh fu*k! He got a really nice shot

One on site, on site, in the smoke

One is long. One more CT, pushing up. Last long


Where is he?

No, ah... got him!

Last B, mid to B

What... What? I crossed! Last guy tunnel, B tunnel

He's just running, he doesn't care

Welcome to counter strike global elite matchmaking

Me yeah, I know I know don't say shit

You know he could be long, right?

But he's CT.

Mid, mid. Timing... F**K!

The Dream! No.. no!

One right side Pit, one Pit

Whoa.. Shit! One pushing long yellow

Come on

Mid, sorry!

He was the first thing I saw, so I killed him


One is B

Ah f**k, he's better than me. We didn't smoke mid, nice!

There is a weapon out there, but if you go you're dead

Down, one more scout out there

Site. One is outside long

Short, one is short. Short and site

One down mid, it's the bot. T spawn scout, I hit him

He's there. One more, one more

One more mid, nice! The last guy had a scout in T spawn. I don't know where he is now

Okay, nice!

I need help in mid, now

one down Xbox

one more XBox down

One t spawn down, with the bomb. Long, long, last long!

Holy shit!

Pushing, I think he's low

I don't know where he is

He's B guys, mid to B

He has an AWP, he has an AWP

Go Tyrex


So guys that the end of the video

I hope you enjoyed. If you have any tips or questions, just write them in the comments section below. If you dislike the video,

drop a dislike, but if you liked it leave a thumb up and subscribe to the channel!

I'm Nick and I'll see you in the next one


For more infomation >> Global elite matchmaking! - cs go competitive #03 - Duration: 9:51.


John 5:31-47 | Day #138 - Duration: 1:57.

John Chapter 5, Verses 31 through 47

If I testify concerning Myself, My testimony is not true.

There is another who testifies concerning Me, and I know that the testimony which he

testifies concerning Me is true.

You have sent people to John, and he has testified to the truth.

But it is not from man that I receive My testimony, but I say these things that you may be saved.

He was the lamp that was burning and shining, and you were willing to exult for a while

in his light.

But I have the testimony which is greater than that of John, for the works which the

Father has given Me to finish, the works themselves which I do, testify concerning Me that the

Father has sent Me.

And the Father who sent Me, He has testified concerning Me.

You have neither heard His voice at any time, nor have you seen His form,

And you do not have His word abiding in you, for Him whom He sent, this One you do not


You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it

is these that testify concerning Me.

Yet you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.

I do not receive glory from men.

But I know you, that you do not have the love of God in yourselves.

I have come in the name of My Father, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in

his own name, you will receive him.

How can you believe when you receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory

that is from the only God?

Do not think that I will accuse you before the Father; there is one who accuses you:

Moses, in whom you have set your hope.

For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote concerning Me.

But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?

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