"Unbelievable! I still can't believe it. Now we're going to party until we lose our voices!"
Why Do We Laugh? ft. Steven Suptic - Duration: 3:19.Hey there and welcome to Life Noggin.
I'm Blocko and I am Steven Suptic!
We've all heard the phrase "Laughter is the best medicine", but why do we laugh
in the first place?
If we find that out, maybe we could get this world laughing even more… right after I
get my own stand-up comedy special on Netflix.
So, these things.
What do they even do anyway?
Am I right!?
Good luck Blocko!
It seems that laughing might be a little more hard-wired into us than you might think.
Infants laugh very early in their life, usually learning how to laugh before they can speak.
Not only that, but people that are born blind and deaf can still exhibit laughter.
One study found that the laughter produced from deaf participants was fundamentally similar
to that produced by normally hearing individuals, backing up the idea that laughter is grounded
in human biology.
It's also been theorized that laughter predates human speech by potentially millions of years,
being a simpler form of communication.
Laughter is thought to have likely helped earlier people negotiate group dynamics and
establish hierarchy.
I can't even imagine trying to explain that I'm very funny using only laughter!
So if laughter actually is instinctually part of humans, then why do people laugh?
It seems like laughter is more of a way for people to better handle stress and make situations
feel less threatening than laughter only being about things that we find to be funny.
In practice, with a study of 1,200 people that laughed spontaneously in their natural
environments, only about 10-20 percent of the laughing episodes followed anything that
the researchers found to be joke-like.
Finding something funny still seems to play a part in why we laugh /some/ of the time,
but laughing to make yourself feel better about your next difficult exam might be just
as probable as cracking up over that joke you just heard.
But no matter what makes us laugh in the first place, can laughter have any positive effects
on people?
Many will say that it makes them feel good, but it seems that laughing can do even more
for you than that!
In a recent series of experimental studies that were both held in the laboratory and
through naturalistic contexts, people's pain thresholds were significantly higher
after laughter than in the control group.
This pain tolerance was found to be due to the laughter itself and not simply from a
change in positive affect.
Researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center also found that laughter can
increase blood flow by dilating the inner lining of blood vessels.
Their findings showed that the benefits of laughter appeared similar to aerobic exercise
or the use of cholesterol-lowing drugs.
I'm no doctor myself, but I'd say we could all use a little more laughter in our lives!
So what makes you laugh?
Let me know and give me one of your best jokes down in those comments!
I just might respond if it tickles my pixels!
If you want to see more of Steven in the real world make sure to go check out his channel
and let him know we sent you.
As always, I'm Blocko and this has been Life Noggin.
Don't forget to keep on thinking!
Машинки мультик. Машинка Редди - новый мультик для детей "ПОГОНЯ" / Cars video for kids Chase - Duration: 4:03.-------------------------------------------
فهد الكندري - برنامج فسيروا -عجائب النحل (2) - الحلقة 6 | Fahad AlKandari - Faseero - Eps# 06 - Duration: 15:39.Share with me.. my contemplation upon this great creation..
and send a video to; Noon Website, showing..
your reflection about the creation of Allah, Almighty.
"And your Lord inspired to the bee, "Take for yourself among the mountains, houses, and among the trees and [in] that which they construct."
"Then eat from all the fruits and follow the ways of your Lord laid down [for you].""
"There emerges from their bellies a drink, varying in colors, in which there is healing for people."
" Indeed in that is a sign for a people who give thought."
'How Great You are ..'
The bee is an outright pharmacy.
And we will also see the queen, and if it is fertilized or not..
The pollen is the protein that nourishes the larvae during incubation..
.. from these hives here..
from 4 to 5 tons.
per year.. Yes.
'If it wasn't because of Allah, it wouldn't have occurred..'
'From this you will attain faith..'
These frames come from the bee farm that we visited before..
In this room we extract the honey..
Here we have instruments that extract the honey.. actually, we have three instruments..
Before we put it here..
This lad will use an electric knife to remove the coating layer of the honey..
if you didn't remove the coating layer , the honey will not come out by the extraction machine.
The beeswax is to be chewed only, then to be spit out.
not to swallow it..
and if you wanted to eat it..
you need to eat it with something that will break it..
Such as with nuts.. as Pistachios.. Cashews.. etc. they disintegrate the beeswax..
then, its digestion will be easier..
otherwise it will not be digested.
Taste from here..
this is beeswax with honey..
This is the white honey.. it is not reddish.
how does it taste like? is it good?
It is Morava honey..
This.. put it in the instrument of honey extraction..
put it like this..
lock it well..
Then start the machine..
This is the real natural honey..
Open the exit to the bucket.
They remove the wax here, to put the frame in the other instrument..
then we get pure honey..
Honey is very good for chest allergy..
It is very good stimulator for the pancreas..
and it improves the blood functions..
I want to know the best way to use the honey.. for a normal person.
not for a diseased person.. for normal people..
How is the best way for him to use it.. daily?
From my personal usage.. daily..
Usually with..
a glass of warm water..
and a spoonful of honey..
a large spoonful.. Yes..
dissolve it then drink it!
not a hot water.. but a warm water
It is better to use the honey with solids or liquids that are not more than 40 Celsius in temperature.
So that..
you may benefit from all its properties.. constituents.. everything..
Unfortunately, with the development of the modern technology..
Adulteration of honey became very common..
and we are not able to distinguish the pure natural honey.. from others!
Unfortunately, The fraud in the industry of honey is very common..
It is very frequent especially recently.. / Gianluigi Markosono, a Researcher at the Bees Research Cente, Italy
Because of the marked decrease in production..
How do you detect the fraud in honey?
First of all, fraud it is possible!
Some dishonest individuals add to honey..
To be honest, now we are scared from this!
About testing honey..
Nowadays, people use traditional methods..
some say; dissolving it in water will show the hexagonal cells..
pouring it on sand.. putting it in the fridge.. etc..
All this is nonsense!
The only safe method is by laboratory testing..
Other than this, I really don't accept!
There are lab tests, for detecting the chemical components of the honey..
they detect the addition of sweet ingredients to the honey..
But, as I've said, there are sweeteners that have similar chemical composition as the sugars of honey.
More important than fraudation.. we have the level to toxins in honey
There is a compound hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF)..
a dangerous compound in honey..
so it is more harmful than good..
this means that, instead of treating someone from cancer.. you will bring him cancer close!!
some people are concerned that honey is being unoriginal!!
because it is crystallized!
But, actually, the honey gets firmer..
and this is natural.. one of the properties of the natural honey..
and on the reverse, the solid honey might be more pure than the liquid honey..
because it is easier to fraud the liquid honey..
Here we have the crystallized honey..
After collecting honey.. it begins crystallization after 2 to 3 months..
This is natural process.. crystallization!
95% of the honey that we've talked about, crystallize.
Each bee has 170 smell receptors, it uses them to identify different types of flowers.
'If it wasn't because of Allah, it wouldn't have occurred..'
'How Great You are ..'
'O Lord.. all the matters are up to You..'
'How Honorable You are..'
'Your Sovereignty is the most merciful'
'How Great You are ..'
'O Lord.. all the matters are up to You..'
Not all bees do the same thing.. each bee has its own task..
Some go out to bring nectar..
some do serving..
some do guarding..
and there is a queen.
The mother of all the members of the hive is the queen.
The queen is the only member that has a long lifespan.. up to 3 or 4 years.
This is its physiological lifespan, but the beekeepers..
they replace the queen, after two years, because some of its secretions are diminished..
The main function of the queen is to lay eggs!
That's all!
About how many egg?
About 500 to 2500 egg per day!
depending upon.. the activity in the hive..
and the fields..
It lays two types of eggs.. one that is fertilized, i.e. they contain spermatozoa.. /Marco Lodesani, Researcher at the Center of Bee Researches, Italy.
and from that the females are produced.. as workers or queens..
and from the unfertilized ova, males are produced..
The female workers..
After they hatch.. they are called the nurse bees..
It stays for 12 to 14 days working inside the hive..
cleaning.. building the hexagonal cells from wax..
feeding the queen..
producing the Royal Jelly..
The difference between the worker and the queen is not much..
as regards the genetic construction..
But the process of feeding is the cause of variance between both of them
So, the larvae that are fed with Royal Jelly all the time.. they will be a queens
this means that it will be a perfect insect, that is capable of reproducing itself..
Some of them bring pollen.. some of them bring water..
Also, there are guards for the hive..
So That, the workers go to their place..
It is like a big building with many apartments..
each person who wants to enter.. he knocks the door.. and knocks again..
and the bees coming to the wrong hive are usually sent away..
Go away.. leave.. this is my place.. The guards will not let strange bees in the hive!
They only accept the family members.. only them are allowed into the hive..
So, at the door the guards are there.. they know bees from their aroma!
Look at this Sheikh!
The larva is eating the covering crust..
look at it..
This one?.. Exactly, this is it!
So, we will help it to come out.. for filming..
Look at it.. coming out..
This is the so called the nurse bees..
So this is the nurse bees?!
Yes, it has just came out!
It is categorized as a worker, one day old.
Then we have the males..
The main function of the males, is to fertilize the queens....
Their function is copulating with the queens in the surrounding area..
other than their queen.. that is from their hive.. their mother queen..
Only with the virgin queens that come from other colonies..
Sheikh, this is a male.. but it is still young..
it doesn't have a stinging apparatus yet!
None!!.. totally nothing.
Tell us about the most amazing thing.. about bees!
The bees are ideal architects..
and the hexagonal shapes that they construct..
no architectural engineer can build them, with this magnificent precision..
very high level of perfection.
Subhan Allah, look at this..
how they begin making the hexagonal cell.. from the start!
extreme precision!
not a single cell that is different!
no envy.. in the hive, nothing is known as jealousy!
A very astonishing love.. that is amazing..
This is your responsibilities..
Your role is to bring food..
my role is to store it..
and your role is to keep it dry..
and your role is to guard it not to be stolen..
and your role.. see!!
And only the mother.. is..
hanging around.. no work duties for her..
They are organized.
These are the instruments..
that dispense honey..
These instruments are programmed to fill containers with one Kg. of honey.. or 500 gm.
And we have also small containers of 30 gm.
The worker will make sure that there are no impurities.. then he fills the container.
This is mountain honey..
It is a multi-flora honey
This is local..
We have many instruments here.. and there..
This one, and that one.. if all of them work at the same time.. we can dispense and pack one Ton, every 8 hours
Allah, Almighty, says: "in which there is healing for people."
about this honey.. Correct!
what is its impact upon health, from your experience?
Subhan Allah, honey strengthen the immune system of the body of man!
So, it treats many diseases..
These characteristics and effects of honey, was proved experimentally..
as in healing of wounds.. burns.. and ulcers!
So, its effect in not antiseptic only.. but it is also antimicrobial..
so, it prevents sepsis of wounds.
The products that are commonly used among people are six products.
The honey..
The Royal Jelly..
The wax..
The pollen..
The propolis or the bee-glue..
and The bee venom.
What is this; the propolis?!
The propolis is the bee-glue..
It is considered as a natural antibiotic..
that is produced by bees..
a natural antimicrobial..
This is it..
but not as the raw product..
It looks strange!
Here it is grinded..
because as a raw product, you can't use it!
No matters the number of researches that are done.. still there are much to discover..
Allah forbids, someone accidentally has a burn..
paint it with honey!
It doesn't leave a mark behind, totally.
A wound.. a cutting wound..
mount it with honey..
the tissues will close the gap completely.. without leaving a mark!
Among the most famous benefits and treatments with honey [burns, wounds, fighting bacteria and viruses, and it strengthen the immunity of the body]
There are more than 700 illnesses..
that are treated with bee products..
"in which there is healing for people."
Allah, Almighty, has put healing powers inside honey..
And for each illness, there is a remedy, as the prophet, SAW, said.
But, the believer..
his cure, is his belief in Allah, Almighty..
and the medicine is just a means..
So, if we wanted to cure ourselves..
our hearts, must be as the heart of the Khallel of the Merciful
Ibrahim, peace be upon him..
when he said:
"And when I am ill, it is He who cures me."
'Before it's the right time..'
'nothing was there..'
'there was no time.. no place!'
'Allah just said to the universe; Be.. and it is!'
'Life will be beautiful..'
'If we just have reflected upon the signs given from Al-Ilah..'
'beautify your vision by.. looking at all that is made by His Hands..
'you will see how Allah has created it..'
'There is no a fault to be found..'
ЧТО БУДЕТ, ЕСЛИ ВЫЙТИ В АСТРАЛ - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Avensis 1.8 VVTI LINEA SOL (130pk) Climat /CV afrstand. /Elek. ramen v+a /Chroom /MIstl. /Afn - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Где можно купить дешево - Duration: 1:45.-------------------------------------------
NILOO Miloo GENIE and a cat and dog story. Episodes #2 2017 Cartoons for Children - Duration: 1:41.Niloo (Нилу)
Miloo (Милу)
cat кошка
dog собака
325 Sq. Ft. Tiny Cottage in Hoodsport, Washington | Small House Design Ideas - Duration: 3:45.325 Sq. Ft. Tiny Cottage in Hoodsport, Washington | Small House Design Ideas
Honda CR-V 2.0i 16v automaat / airco / 4x4 - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Steins;Gate [VN] VOSTFR : Episode 22 : Faris Nyanyanya! Faris Nyanyanya! Faris Nyanyanya! - Duration: 31:52.-------------------------------------------
阿滴英文|英文流行歌曲分享 - Daniel Powter "Bad Day" - Duration: 6:24.-------------------------------------------
6 Thành ngữ màu sắc tiếng Anh phổ biến nhất - Duration: 6:50.Once upon a time, there were 2 guys named Black&White and Rose-tinted living under the same sky.
Black&White is a very simple guy.
He cannot see anything in other colors except black and white.
That's why people call him BLACK & WHITE
On the other hand, Rose-tinted is a dreamy guy.
He likes pink, he wears everything in pink, even his glasses.
That's why everyone call him ROSE-TINTED which means pink guy.
Their points of view of everything are very different...
Chết rồi. Vứt! Vứt!
Ôi, may quá, nó vẫn còn sống, mình sẽ đi tưới thêm nước và chăm sóc nó để nó lớn thành 1 cây đại thụ
Tomorrow is their red-letter day, they'll get their final exam score.
what have you got?
I've got zero.
But don't worry, I'll be strong. I will try harder next time.
Then, I can graduate, I can have my job, my beautiful life with my wife,
Stop laughing!
This is the last exam.
You got 0 so it means you failed.
You cannot graduate. Your life ends here.
OMG! Really?
I feel blue. And how about you?
Haha, I've got perfect 10 as usual :))
I will graduate with flying colors hahaa
Abonamenty 2017/18 /// Subscription packages 2017/18 - Duration: 0:16.-------------------------------------------
【台灣人看大陸】大陸&台灣物流寄件大不同!?【AnsonTV】90天上傳挑戰#74|台湾人看大陆 - Duration: 9:28.-------------------------------------------
Shop at Amazon & Other US Online Shopping Sites from the Philippines with PayMaya & Johnny Air Cargo - Duration: 10:26.What? Can't you see I'm busy playing my game here?
Yes, I see you window shopping hopelessly
for Amazon's newest voice control device Show
which ships out in the US on June 28.
What do you want me to do?
Stop dreaming George.
On top of the fact that you'd be on a preorder list,
it's going to take much longer for it to actually get here.
What just happened there?
Why did George have the audacity to still proceed on putting an item in his Amazon Shopping Cart
when it's so difficult to get it here in the Philippines?
And why do I have a fancy chroma key background now?
What's that Frank?
We need to look more professional now so our viewers would take us more seriously?
Ok fine.
Anyway, let's get back to a more natural background.
Aside from dealing with expensive international shipping costs,
the hassle of going to the post office and paying for
ridiculous taxation of imported goods is such a turn off.
Looks like George has something up his sleeves.
Ok ok, fine I'll tell them the secret
about the cheapest and most convenient way on how to go shopping
on Amazon.com while here in the Philippines.
After, we roll out the intro!
So here's the thing.
What George is trying to do earlier was just the first step in actually purchasing
any item from Amazon or from any US based online shopping website
and ultimately
get it to our front door here in the Philippines.
Aside from the fact that we found a very convenient way to do it,
we also figured out how do it without the need of dealing with importation taxes,
paying a visit to our local post office,
and saving a lot more money and time compared
to purchasing the latest high tech goods locally.
This is Barry your sort of anonymous but definitely awesome host.
And in this video,
George and I will show you how we here at Think Tank TV PH
shop for the latest gadgets and gizmos abroad
and getting them here months ahead of when local distributors
and retailers introduce it to the Philippine market.
And as a disclaimer,
the companies we will mention are not sponsors.
As if ThinkTank TV PH is that popular to have sponsors to begin with.
We're doing this guide slash tutorial
to share to you our test proven and most efficient
way to get our tech safely here in Pinas from abroad.
Mind you we've tried multiple ways
with different logistical scenarios through other vendors
and even to the point where we had to decline
certain government employee offers to slip a few hundred
pesos under the table to evade importation taxes.
Anyway, there are three things you need to have to make this work.
Firstly some kind of mode of payment needs to be taken cared of.
This could be with a credit card you already have
granted that you've informed your bank that you have authorized international transactions.
This could also be done with PayPal.
Quite a convenient way to get payments through as long as you already have
a bank account with Paypal's preferred banking partners
like Unionbank or RCBC.
But these mentioned modes of payments are
unfortunately not that easily attained by the average Filipino.
In fact according to a World Bank study done in 2014,
69% of Filipinos do not have bank accounts of their own or maintained one with someone else.
That means only 3 out of 10 Filipinos actually put savings into a bank
and the remaining 7 are either hiding their riches under a mattress or not saving at all.
♫Lil Jon - What!?!♫
Ok ok, I'll stop myself there.
We don't want this video dinged for controversial content
and disallow us to monetize our video. Hehe!
Now to get back on track,
we introduce to you a virtual prepaid debit card option
with PayMaya where you won't need much requirements to open and to fund.
You can simply download an app onto your IOS or Android Smartphone
then go to your closest 7-11 to actually make a deposit.
We won't get into the details of opening an account with PayMaya,
but it's easy as 1-2-3.
Check out Gadget Addict's link in the description below
for his tutorial on how to get it done.
You might be tempted to check out his other videos
that's filled with really informative tech related stuff,
but wait! Put a separate tab for his channel on your browser.
We still have to focus on getting you to shop
on Amazon the easiest and cheapest way possible.
Speaking of Amazon,
the second thing you need is an Amazon.com account.
Once again, we won't bore you of the details on how to do it
since Youtube is littered with many step by step videos on how to open up an account.
EntrepreneurGirl explained it best at 1:34 of her video link below.
There are a couple of things though we will be specific on how you open up an account,
which are the addresses you will be using for your billing and your shipping.
For the billing, the address is obviously going to be
identical with the address you jotted down with PayMaya.
On the other hand,
the shipping address won't be the same.
No, we're not asking you to place ThinkTank TV PH's headquarters on the address tab.
I mean don't get me wrong. We like getting free gifts from our viewers.
But this video is for you and for you to spoil yourself
with tech bought with your hard earned money.
Jokes aside, it will be a US address of a forwarding company.
Now this forwarding company will be importing your tech
at a fraction of the cost of overpriced international shipping charges.
Well there are several forwarding companies to choose from.
We've tried several and the one we found most convenient
and most cost effective is with Johnny Air Cargo.
At a mere $6.49 per pound of your package's weight,
not only do you get the item shipped to your front door from their US address,
but that covers importation taxes and fees and the heavenly convenience without worrying
about the paper trail and the hassle you may encounter with the post office.
And when I mean hassle,
I mean having to avoid going through lengthy wait times while on queue
and to save us the weird and awkward stares when they rip the package open
anticipating a ticking time bomb to explode in our faces.
Seriously, do I look suspicious to you?
Anyway going back to that US address,
I would suggest to get in touch with your closest branch
so they can recommend which US address to assign to you.
This will also start a great relationship with one of their agents.
They usually have certain perks and discounts if you stick with one contact.
Fortunate for us, our agent is very accommodating to our needs.
From informing us the status of our packages through email and text
to all the way to even personally bringing our items to our local address.
Isn't she a sweetheart?
So lets just say you got an address assigned to you.
Time to save that in your Amazon address book
and that should be the bulk of setting up your Amazon.com account.
Then finally the fun begins!
Go browse through Amazon's awesome deals.
Find what you've been drooling over.
Possibly the Amazon Echo that we talked about in our previous video.
Add it to your shopping cart.
Proceed to checkout.
Place your order.
Make sure that your billing information coincides with your PayMaya details on your app.
Make sure you select free or the cheapest shipping option to your US address.
Get all giggly with the confirmation number.
Wait on your confirmation email for the actual shipping.
Forward that email to your Johnny Air Cargo agent.
Wait about 10 days to 2 weeks.
Go to the bathroom.
Go get some work done.
Go play some CS:GO.
Get a text from your Johnny Air Cargo agent that the item is on its way to you!
Now, breathe it all in…
Open the door.
Hand the agent the shipping COD payment.
Sign the receipt.
Open the package.
Voila! You have now completed your very first Amazon purchase!
Wasn't that just easy peasy? Well, for the most part yes.
I do have one gripe with Johnny Air Cargo
which is not being able to pay them with US Dollars in hand.
Their exchange rate is a bit higher than the daily FOREX rate.
But according to our JAC agent, this may change in the near future.
Crossing fingers to that savings!
Speaking of savings, what if I told you we found a way to save you
at least 14% and up to 30% of your next purchase and future purchases through Amazon?
Ok now don't get too excited.
The video's getting too long and explaining this other secret
would take at least another 10 minutes.
We'll save that juicy info for another episode.
So lets just wrap up this PayMaya, Amazon, and Johnny Air Cargo guide
to awesome international online shopping.
There are links below the description of the gear we purchased and links
to PayMaya, Amazon, and Johnny Air Cargo for more specific information about each company.
We hope you enjoyed our guide so much
that it's making you itch to go smash that like button.
But if you didn't, well hey go hit that dislike button
so we can see how much more room we have to improve.
But we'd prefer that you don't
because we'd wanna get you to subscribe,
click on the notification settings,
write a comment below too
and tell us what tech you'll be buying after watching this video.
Until then, this is Barry your not so anonymous but ever so awesome host
and George signing off for Think Tank TV PH
where we enjoy taking Tech from all over the world
and fitting it in a Pinoy Budget Meal.
If you think it,
we'll make it!
♫Music By Chuki Beats - Real Chill Old School Hip Hop Instrumentals Rap Beat #3♫
Vzdělávání vs. školní docházka: Je to to samé? - LearnLiberty.org - Duration: 2:54.-------------------------------------------
Maxed out Buffalo test - NFS:SA - Duration: 4:32.Buffalo has been added on 27th May 2017. You can found it in B class after unlocking for 16k RP. It costs $20,5k.
I wanted to test it as always and see how good is it comparing to B class.
Acceleration test (short)
Acceleration test (long)
Suspension test
Buffalo's suspension is very soft. This car loses grip while driving on curbs and it's not stable while jumping.
Sprint race
Circuit race
Results comparison with B class:
Acceleration test (short/long)
Sprint time
Circuit lap time
Buffalo has great acceleration, but weak grip. It loses stability easily. But good setup and driver can make winning machine of Buffalo. Recommendable car.
I hope this video help you to make a decision on Buffalo purchase. See ya!
Musical Thursday 17 - How to Play B Chord - Duration: 1:27.What's up everyone.
I'm Edwin and welcome back
to another lesson in Musical Thursday.
Today, we are going to learn
how to play the B chord.
There are 3 ways, that I know
how to play this chord.
So let's look at the easiest first.
And this is how it sounds like:
For the second chord,
Bear in mind you that are actually
transposing the A chord,
so it is better if you add a bar.
The last one is also a bar chord,
but it is quite far away from
where we press the normal chords.
Alright, so there you have it.
Whichever way to press the chord
depends on how convenient it is for you.
That's all for today and thanks for watching.
I'll see you in the next lesson.
NGSConnex: Completing the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Enrollment Form for Part B Providers - Duration: 2:50.Hello and welcome to our video on how to complete the Electronic Data Interchange, or EDI, Enrollment
Form in our secure self-service portal, NGSConnex.
This EDI Enrollment form is required in order for Part B providers to send claims and retrieve
remittances within our portal.
First, to locate the form go to the log on screen for NGSConnex.
From here, on the right hand side of the screen under "links" you're going to click the "EDI
Enrollment Form" link.
This will open a new window.
The first screen of the new window is the attestation screen.
Read this and then click the Accept button.
In order to submit claims and/or retrieve remittance advices, check the box next to
the I am a provider who only needs to fill out an EDI Enrollment Agreement, and then click
the next button.
Once in the form, you will need to complete all of the required information.
This includes the Provider Name and address, email address, phone number and the contractor
After you fill out all of the required fields, click the Submit button.
If you have additional PTAN/NPI combinations, click the Show Additional PTAN/NPI button
to enter up to 25 PTAN/NPI combinations.
Next, you will need to verify all fields display the correct information.
Read the Terms and Conditions for the form, using the check boxes for each if you agree.
You will then need to have the authorized or delegated official on file with PECOS enter
their name in each of the forms and then select the Electronically Sign button on each form.
You do not need to print and fax or mail the enrollment packet to EDI for processing.
After the enrollment packet is submitted, a confirmation message is displayed on the
screen with the assigned Packet ID, or PID number.
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Koľko trvá úspešný A/B test na webe - Duration: 0:33.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 160 BLUEEFFICIENCY BUSINESS CLASS - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 CDI / automaat/ navi / airco / pdc - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI Automaat AIRCO, CRUISE, TREKHAAK - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 CDI, AUTOMAAT! CRUISE, LM16, ECC, NETTE AUTO! - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
The Nation Holds Its Breath | LEXUS SHORT FILMS - Duration: 20:40.This, the first year that Ireland has qualified for a World Cup,
we've come through three tough games in our group
and progressed to the knock-out stages
The dream lives on
Today, we play Romania in the biggest soccer match
in fact, the biggest sporting event the country has ever seen!
Those lucky enough to get tickets are already in their seats
At home, businesses are closing early,
the streets deserted, but the pubs are full
One thing is certain - everyone is watching the match
What else would you be doing?
That was good. That was good...
Why am I doing this?
you're my birthing partner
It provides a calm environment for the
The match is starting
Come on, Ireland!
we'll do the breathing after the game, yeah?
Watch the match Yeah?
Yeah? I promise
Are you having a baby?
We're having a baby
But you're not due for another two weeks though...
The most important thing is to breathe and stay calm
These things take forever. I say we watch the match
and then we can drive to the hospital
"These things"? Love, you're in labour
Yeah, but they take like fourteen hours
And thirteen hours of that is just waiting around
I think you should go to the hospital now
Maybe if it was the second half
The match has only started
Do you want a towel
Breathe. Breathe
In... and out
Watch the road!
Let me drive, let me drive!
Watch the road!
Ah lads
what a dreadful day for it...
It's like a ghost town out there
They're all watching the match
You could hardly get anyone into work today
Only the really
shit ones...
You have to laugh
Look, but lads it's just a waiting game now
You're alright love, aren't ya?
Yeah, good girl
Look, I'm going to head down to the match, right
If you need me beforehand, just give me a buzz on the tinkler
See ya
"Buzz on the tinkler."
You okay?
Go on
Go check the score
Don't gimme that nonsense. Go check the score
Come back and let me know
I love you
I know
...in the spiritual qualities,
the question about us is, whether we go and play the game with the wait time...
Are ya not watchin the match?
I was, yeah
Jump down off that chair there
Paul, Sinead jump up there now 'til we get this sorted
Come on, come on. Brostaighi, Brostaighi
where are we...?
It's that way
Are you sure?
that way is town
It couldn't be that way, no
Oh wait
we're getting something here
Nearly! Nearly!
Now we have it
Some mixture of what we are and what we can be. Football and well,
Many cooks and that... hah
They took off and at the start again they were taking a bit of a hiding
and they hung on well and
Don't you two move an iota
Nancy Roche
Gainead Kinsella
That's a queer name now
I know, yeah
Gainead, this is Paul and Sinead
You're not interested in the football Sinead, no?
Football's boring
What's that?
It's 'birds in flight'
It's fully immersive
That's cool
I know
You allowed to smoke in here are you?
Of course we are
It's 1990!
Jeez, you got it working!
In or out! Come on! Brostaighi Brostaighi!
Any score?
No. Nil all
Oh, don't mind if I do
Thank you
Run off my feet...
Any score, lads?
In or out!
Brostaighi. Brostaighi
Taffin to the birthing room please. Nurse Taffin
Ah bollocks. One born every minute, lads
See you later
do you think that's Roisin?
you've ages yet
Don't be worrying
You young lads today think a lot of yourselves don't ya
My Tony was never at the birth of any of our children
and they all turned out fine
The youngest, Paula,
she's a bit of a pain in the hole
Very pretty but a pain in the hole
Doves at her wedding - that sorta thing
She had Tony tormented, God rest him
Apparently doves are very stupid creatures. Useless
He heard of a fella who had albino pigeons
Go on... go on!
In or
Albino pigeons?
And that is the final whistle
Nil all. What's that mean, now?
Extra time now
And if there's no score then it'll be penalties
Ah, the stress
I think I'm havin' a stroke
I'm going to go check on herself
Mr. Kinsella, I was just coming to find you
There's been a complication with the labour
Is Roisin alright?
Roisin is fine
It's the baby we're a little bit more worried about
The best thing you can do for Roisin right now
is to just wait here
and as soon as we have any news
I promise I'll send somebody down to you
There um...
There's some kind of complication...
The worst bit is
a part of me was relieved, you know
when she said we might lose the baby...
Back to our old lives
That's not what I want though
I want to be a dad...
I really want to be a dad, you know...
They all died
I killed them all
Paula was looking gorgeous for her big day
And Tony was over the moon
I threw my fur coat in the back of the car but sure didn't
I threw it on the box with the albino pigeons
Suffocated the lot of them
Tony slipped out at the kiss-the-bride bit
There he was proud as punch with a box
full of dead albino pigeons
Out they came, the bride and groom, delighted with themselves
He flings open the box... Nothing
Then he tosses the box in the air to get the pigeons out...
Up they went...
and down they came...
It was a massacre
Dead albino pigeons
scattered all over the grounds of the church
Paula was devastated
And poor Tony standin' there
redder than a beetroot ridin' a raspberry
Everyone said the marriage was cursed
It's gone to penalties
This is a remarkable penalty competition
One hundred percent success rate
And now Ioan Lupescu
has stepped forward for Romania
Romania's forth penalty
This midfield player
to attempt to keep their sequence going
Bonner furious with himself. Again, he guessed
but his dive took him below the trajectory of the penalty kick
This really puts pressure
on the final two penalty takers for Ireland
Was it cursed?
The marriage?
Of course not
They're up there now having their third child
And I'm sure poor Tony, God rest him, is up there somewhere
laughing his head off about the whole thing
Cascarino against this fella
Oh yes!
We can breathe again
And it's now Romania's second substitute,
Daniel Timofte against Bonner
Come on, Packie Bonner, you big ride you!
If he should miss this,
and Ireland's last penalty taker should score,
then the match and the progress
- are Ireland's - Come on, Packie
Timofte against Bonner
No, no, no, no, no - Paul!
Get it back on!
Who's stepping up to assume the task?
David O'Leary of Arsenal
in his 52nd international appearance
David O'Leary is entrusted with the responsibility
of taking the penalty that could send Ireland
into the quarter finals of the World Cup
This kick can decide it all
The nation holds its breath...
Ireland are through to the quarter-finals
of the World Cup!
and are meeting with Italy or Uruguay in Rome on Saturday night
And the most popular supporters in Italy have another journey to make
David O'Leary, one of the elder statesmen, of the Irish team...
Ah, yes
Oh, yes
Timofte against Bonner
The big man from Donegal has set it up
But who's stepping up?
David O'Leary is entrusted with the responsibility of taking the penalty
that could send Ireland into the Quarter Finals of the World Cup
This kick can decide it all
The nation holds its breath
Yes, we're there!
So, lads,
have you thought of a name?
David O'Leary...
Does he know it's a girl?
Opel Mokka X - test - Jest Pięknie za kierownicą - Duration: 4:07.Back in the day, it was simple: either you had a big car, or a small car.
However, the car market brought us new segments. This, for instance, is B-crossover.
Opel Mokka is a taller Corsa which is more expensive than Astra.
And that's basically all I have to say about the car.
I suppose Mokka will become a trendy car for women, just as Toyota Rav4 used to be a few years back.
Mokka is relatively big, relatively comfortable to get in and out of, to put your kid or mother inside.
It has all the latest safety systems, GPS, but it's also deadly boring.
The boot is 356 litres, unless you have a spare tyre.
There are shopping hooks, and if you get a box of wine, you can use expanders to keep it in one place.
There's more space in the back than I suspected
I probably wouldn't pick this car to go on a trip with 3 friends, also because of the boot size
But driving parents to dinner is entirely possible.
A taller car is more convenient for many elders.
The car can be equipped with 12V or 220V socket in the back.
I got to drive Mokka for a few days and I think it's a decent city car.
It drives, it turns, has a rear view camera
It beeps whenever the car in front of me brakes
Still, it's not an ideal car.
What's the problem? It's the small things.
This one is equipped with special seats that you can elongate.
They're leather-covered and heated!
But the handle for elongating / shortening the seat is made of hard plastic
I usually wear jeans, but it was uncomfortable.
If I were to work at an office and wear a dress and tights, I'd tear a hole in them instantly
That's because the plastic handle has a sharp edge
The door compartments fit a 0.5 litre bottle, but the bottle jumped out on one of the turns. It's unsafe.
When I start the car and drive, Mokka goes fast, but the sound it makes...
The sound it makes is the worst simply.
I checked at least 2 times if I put in manual by mistake.
But there are certain things that are good.
Heated steering wheel is a blessing during winter
And the four-wheel drive. Even in worse weather, I feel safe.
And sure, neither I nor 90% of women who buy this car will never use the car on anything else than a dirt road.
Another good thing is the collision warning system.
It tells me how many seconds are to the car in front of me
It's a better indicator than distance in metres, it's easier to imagine it
If I approach the car in front of me really quickly, system will start beeping loudly
Opel Mokka is like this guy your mom sets you up with.
Sensible, down-to-earth, even kinda funny
But you still want the guy in a cabrio
And how about you, would you like a small crossover or sth else? let me know in the comments below.
If you liked my test, give it a thumb up
And if you want to be notified about every new film I publish, press the bell.
Next car review on Thursday, same time. See you!
Suzuki SX4 S-Cross - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
【台灣人看大陸】大陸&台灣物流寄件大不同!?【AnsonTV】90天上傳挑戰#74|台湾人看大陆 - Duration: 9:28.-------------------------------------------
ドープ韻パクト (2007) - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
Angel Beats - Ichiban no Takaramono (My Most Precious Treasure) Guitar Tutorial | Guitar Lesson TABS - Duration: 17:43.Thank you for watching my Angel Beats - Ichiban no Takaramono (My Post Precious Treasure) Ending Guitar Tutorial.
You can download Angel Beats Tabs from my site, link in the description
If you want to see more Angel Beats Guitar Lessons and other Anime Guitar Lessons, feel free to subscribe!
I hope you like my Angel Beats - Ichiban no Takaramono (My Post Precious Treasure) Ending Tabs.
Any way I could improve this Angel Beats - Ichiban no Takaramono (My Post Precious Treasure) Ending Guitar Lesson? Let me know in the comments.
Remember to ask the tab author for permission first before making an Angel Beats Guitar Cover
325 Sq. Ft. Tiny Cottage in Hoodsport, Washington | Small House Design Ideas - Duration: 3:45.325 Sq. Ft. Tiny Cottage in Hoodsport, Washington | Small House Design Ideas
For more infomation >> 325 Sq. Ft. Tiny Cottage in Hoodsport, Washington | Small House Design Ideas - Duration: 3:45.-------------------------------------------
【玩命直擊】一次過拔掉四隻智慧齒的亡命實錄,手術前還不忘教日文,第二天還吃了咖哩飯,結果竟然是這樣!|(含中文字幕) - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 【玩命直擊】一次過拔掉四隻智慧齒的亡命實錄,手術前還不忘教日文,第二天還吃了咖哩飯,結果竟然是這樣!|(含中文字幕) - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
SKINNY M 💯100 💯 (PROD. ENRY-K) - Duration: 2:38.-------------------------------------------
Fiat Punto Evo Punto Evo 1.3 M-Jet Dynamic MOOI !!! - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Renault Mascott 150-35 mascott 150 dci 5 m bak laadklep 3 pers - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
BMW 3 Serie Gran Turismo 320i High Executive M-Sport Automaat-8 Leer/Sportstoelen/Elec.Trekhaak - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Mazda 6 2.3I GT-M, Automaat, AIRCO, CRUISE, 105D KM! - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 320 CDI AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Violet Days - Im A Dreamer Lyrics - Duration: 3:37.Subscribe for more
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Submit your music . email : nguyen16062001@gmail.com
Seat Ibiza 1.4-16V STELLA Stuurbekrachtiging Cruisecontrol Lichtmetalen Velgen Trekhaak APK T/M 31-5 - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
1 day trip to Rotterdam - Hot summer May 2017 - Erasmus bridge, Euromast tower - Duration: 2:13.If you enjoyed the video LIKE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE
Steins;Gate [VN] VOSTFR : Episode 22 : Faris Nyanyanya! Faris Nyanyanya! Faris Nyanyanya! - Duration: 31:52.-------------------------------------------
GG LIVE | DARK SOULS II: Scholar of the First Sin #10 (PC) - Duration: 5:00:20.-------------------------------------------
Fat Fueled Mornings: Breakfast the Keto Way - Duration: 9:49.Hey there, keto fam.
I'm Heather.
This is What's Up Wednesday.
Today, over on the blog, it's recipe day.
This is the favorite day for a lot of you, looking to incorporate more keto ideas your
diet, into your lifestye.
And today I really went basic because I didn't want to overwhelm you and I want to give you
some really easy things that you can incorporate into your daily life that are going to make
all the difference in the world.
So, my two recipes are really about eggs and avocado.
Those are the favorite things in my house, so I always have eggs and I always have avocados.
Most of you probably know that I do intermittent fasting.
A lot of you are still under the assumption that breakfast is the most important meal
of the day.
I hate to break it to you but it's not.
And I'm living proof that it's not.
For me, I usually end my eating window between 6 and 7 at night.
I don't eat usually until between 11 and 12 the next day.
I don't eat because I'm not hungry.
it's kind of this amazing thing that happens when you're in ketosis and you're eating the
right foods, you become a fat-burner, so you're able to go longer periods of time without
It's kind of amazing.
But when you do eat, when I eat, I don't eat breakfast but I eat to break my fast.
I'm a very busy person like many of you.
I don't want to have to spend hours thinking about, "Oh, what kind of snacks can I eat
during the week.
What can I make for lunch?"
Food is fuel.
And I really look at food as fuel because I know what it can do for my body.
I know the freedom that I get when I'm not chained to the kitchen and trying to meal
plan everything.
I spend the majority of my time for meal planning, and prepping, and shopping for dinner.
And I usually eat, like I said, I'm done eating between 6 and 7.
A lot of times, I will eat between 4:30 and 5:30 just because that works for me.
I work out of my house and my family are on really crazy schedules, so we don't really
get to sit down as a family very often to eat, so they're just kind of grabbing stuff
whenever they get home.
So I can eat, I have the freedom to eat, whenever I want.
What I ideally look for when I'm breaking my fast is something that's simple, that's
easy, that I don't have to think too hard about.
That I don't have to spend 20 or 30 minutes in the kitchen making.
Easy clean-up.
And something that's good.
Obviously I'm not eating stuff that i don't like.
But I want to be strategic about my eating and I'm looking for something that will fuel
me to dinnertime.
So, if I'm eating at 4:30 or 5 o'clock, but I'm breaking my fast at 11, between 11 and
12, that's a pretty big window.
But when I do run errands and I do a lot of things out of the house and I do coaching
calls and I don't want to have to worry about what's going to happen if I've got back-to-back
coaching calls and I haven't been able to eat anything.
That doesn't become an issue any longer.
For me, when I break my fast, between 11 and 12, it is rare for me to get hungry before
That's kind of magical.
And it's freedom.
And it's also a reminder that when I eat the right things, I don't have blood sugar crashes,
I don't have cravings, I'm not foraging 3 o'clock in the afternoon, looking in the pantry
going what can I eat now?
I don't have any of those things.
And so, my gift to you is these two recipes and I fully encourage you to get in there
and try them.
One of them's egg and avocado, like fry it up and throw it on an avocado, it's not hard.
The other one is the avocado egg salad.
These are not difficult things to make.
They are tasty.
Avocado doesn't really have much of a taste.
It takes on whatever flavor you've got.
I love runny yolks over my avocado and then some garlic, or garlic powder, sometimes I
add that in, or salt and pepper.
You can even put hot sauce on it if you wanted to.
My son loves hot sauce on his eggs and avocado.
So many different things you can do: you can throw cheese on it, whatever you want to do,
it's right there.
That's the basis of it, so you can get a little creative.
But these are things that you can incorporate into your life tomorrow.
And see what that does for you.
Instead of starting your day off with what is a typical breakfast in America, which is
carbs, lots of protein.
You know, I do caution you on making sure that you're not eating too many eggs.
Because the eggs have protein and too much protein isn't great for us either.
You figure out what works for you.
Maybe try the two eggs with a full avocado, see how that does for you and maybe, like
me, I was too full with the two eggs and a whole avocado, so I backed it down to one
egg and a whole avocado and that worked really well for me.
But I do have a little bit of protein in my fatted-up coffee, I've got collagen, which
does have protein in it.
So that's where I caution you if you're having a bulletproof coffee with collagen, that's
got protein, so just be aware that when you're breakfast, or breaking your fast, that there's
protein in different things.
If you're adding cheese, look to see how much protein there, as well.
If you're adding veggies, look to see how much protein is in those things you're adding
into it.
I think you will find if you just use these couple of recipes to start you're day whenever
you're eating breakfast or breaking your fast, instead of loading up on carbs or proteins,
that you'll find that you'll be able to much longer through the day, that snacking may
not be an issue for you, that you may not have the blood sugar crashes because if you're
eating a typical diet in the morning, you're probably hungry again - if you eat at 7 and
you're having toast and eggs or cereal or granola or oatmeal or any of the things that
we've been taught are good things to eat - you're probably having some kind of blood sugar crash
by 10 or 11.
And you're finding that you're hungry again.
That's a really good indication that you're having insulin spikes, that you're using glucose
when we want to use fat to burn.
Big tip, right there.
By the way, there's going to be more of these.
I've got an announcement tomorrow.
So I really want you to stay tuned for that, it's going to be something especially for
you people who have yet to really embrace the keto life or aren't even sure... we're
going to make it clear for you.
I'm going to make it clear for you.
In the meantime, I do want to remind everybody, today's the last day for my lowest rates for
my coaching packages.
I have a 3 and 6 month coaching package.
So, for those of you that are looking to just really kind of get through the summer and
be able to be an actual participant in your life for the summer, the 3-month package might
For those of you that are looking to dig in and embrace this fully, to make this part
of your life, and hopefully your family and friends, as well, because I would love for
you guys to spread the knowledge.
This is life-changing.
I promise you, it's life-changing.
My prices are going up, so that's happening tomorrow.
This is the last day.
Midnight tonight, prices change.
I would hate for you to miss out on this.
Don't be that person that next week goes, "Oh, I forgot.
I didn't know her prices were going up."
I have been warning you for the last month.
Nothing is changing on the packages.
Only the price.
Head over to It Starts with the Food dot com, you can find my blog over there, you can find
my resources, my cookbook, my Ketogenic Solutions, which is the how-to, you can book a free discovery
call on the Work With Me page.
If you are still not sure and you're not willing to pay the extra money, it's a free 30-minute
call... what do you have to lose.
And for those of you who are finally ready to take the plunge with me, and do this, go
to the Work With Me page, pick the 3 or 6 month package and, by the way, I even have
payment options.
You can do one payment or two payments.
I make this easy for you.
I want to make this affordable for you.
I want to make this something that you can easily do and incorporate into your life and
make those lasting changes.
So, stay tuned tomorrow for the next big announcement but in the meantime, don't miss out, don't
be sitting on the sidelines this summer, be an actual participant in your life.
Don't let anything else get in your way.
Talk to you tomorrow and next week, same bat-time, same bat-channel, be back for What's Up Wednesday.
Take care!
Volkswagen up! 1.0 75PK HIGH UP! Navigatie, 16"LM - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4 TSI COMFORTLINE 150pk DSG - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Tony Robbins: How To Develop The Wealth Mindset ( Tony Robbins Mindset ) - Duration: 14:51.Hey it's Tony Robbins here in Fiji listen I just want to reach out to you
because if you're a business owner most people get into business with this
incredible desire and passion to take something they dream about and make it
real and yet so few really achieved the kind of success that they really want
for many people it becomes something they love but it's it's a big job what I
mean by that is you know they often get into business with this idea that I'm
going to create this lifestyle a sense for my family maybe a great deal of
freedom a lot of free time how's it working for you so far and the world
were in today if you're looking for free time and you just got into business
that's like saying I'm going to have a child so I can have more free time today
the world is more competitive than any time in our history and not hard to see
that we're living in what they call interesting times you know whether it be
here in the United States we've seen a downshifting economy or whether it be in
Europe where you know I just read the Forbes article recently they talked
about the euro crisis is 10 reasons why it's not going away we're going to be
dealing with some challenging times what I would call economic winter for a
period of time here now winter doesn't last forever we all know that but if we
delude ourselves and think the times are going to get easier before they get
harder I think we're gonna have some real challenges and there's a reason if
you're a business owner that's why I'm reaching out to you I have a passion for
what you do I feel like you know we're brothers or sisters on the path as corny
as that may sound because my entire life has been finding a way to add value to
people's lives and create things that make a difference we're here in new
Mollywood Resort in spots the number one Resort and Spa in the country I started
out purchasing this thing was just this tiny little backpackers place with poor
little units and now we're also right in the top ten resorts and spas in the
entire you know South Pacific so that's those decisions are not made by me by
promotion those are made by guests that come from all over the world and vote
for us I found a way to be able to take any industry would it be education and
coaching whether it be the business I do with twin labs and traditional business
whether it be what we're doing here and you know the area of hospitality and be
able to show you how to get an unfair advantage a competitive advantage a huge
advantage but if you don't know certain things that I didn't know I'm along the
way it can be brutal you find yourself in those oh you know what moments like
how do I keep things going how do I turn around even when you've been successful
the reason I relate to you as you know building dozens of businesses
over the decades many people got into business not just to make money they got
it because they had something they believe in they're passionate about and
yet the results are pretty daunting before the world economic crisis the
statistics are really interesting I'm sure you know half of businesses that
start are gone within the first year within five years 80% are gone within
ten years ninety six percent are gone that means 100 businesses or make it
literally in a period of ten years and then there's the Lehman Brothers I'm
around for a hundred years and they're gone we're living at a time where you
have to know when this idea that ignorance is bliss is complete why
ignorance is poverty ignorance is pain ignorance is a business that's
constantly pressuring the hell out of you and not giving you the freedom that
you deserve I've been able to create that freedom LE for myself but for
millions of other people I've done turnarounds and breakthroughs for
decades but since 2008 my passion has been helping businesses to grow to
another level large businesses like some of our clients are like home X the
largest you know home builder in Mexico who credit us with actually growing your
sales 700 million dollars to live here in Fiji we had a small group here where
there was a chiropractor here with an army of three I hope to double his
business or a guy like Tony Tan was the largest food business in the Philippines
who got dragged here I dragged here by an associate saying you've got to come
see this he said I don't need inspiration because it's not he's crazy
this guy's he's the best business strategist all the people I've learned
from her my best friends people like Steve Wynn who rebuilt Las Vegas and I
had a chance to model or you know early on Salesforce calm before it got started
was created by Marc Benioff he came right out of one of my seminars left
Oracle and started salesforce.com which literally went from zero to three
billion dollars now in about twelve years so I have the insight for big and
small buildings but 2010 dealers for example it's got a two and a half
billion dollar business and their business 35 years his business is three
times the size of McDonald's in Singapore I should say in the
Philippines and that said it was the most incredible business and personal
experiences have in his life so I'm not here to give any hyperbole or pump up
but I'm here to tell you that these tough times are not going away and the
tough times are where the best time you can do well in winter you'll own
your business will own the marketplace for decades to come because winter again
doesn't last forever and by the way when it's winter in one part of the world you
know we're very connected world today but this is winter and Fiji so there's a
place you can go there's a way you can do your business that's extraordinary
and that's my passion so I really truly love to be able to serve you to help you
understand the road ahead what's coming how to take advantage of it and the way
I do it is I've created a format afford a format where if you can imagine the
ultimate you know immersion experience where instead of just learning things
intellectually you're building a pan plant nobody leaves there by the way
without a plan to grow their business 32 at least hundred thirty percent but
small business you might build growth 250 or 300 percent I'm talking about in
six to twelve months and at the end of this video we'll share with you a few
principles and kind of a fun format for you so even I don't see you hopefully
ellagic Hitchin give you something that you'll find valuable and trigger you bow
throw in a few testimonials at the end to give you a diversity of people who've
completely transformed their businesses and we just from your business is you
inform your life I mean think about how many hours a week do you spend on your
business for most people they spend more time on their business unfortunately
than they do with their kids most time in their business and they do their
intimate relationship for many of us your business is an extension of you
it's part of your identity it's your child whether it be a big medium or
small business doesn't matter and when things are going well there there's
stress inside of you but when you can learn how to take these seven forces
that help you to master a business and do really well in them in each of them
and you make it a real simple system then you keep growing you know you think
about it most people are good at certain things like maybe you're great marketer
you're really good at sales or you're good running software or delivering a
certain kind of service but business has many different elements so I'm going to
step out of this little video in a moment and I'll share with you a rant I
went on one day I was the group of business owners and big small medium and
they were having challenges and I was trying to show them yeah you're doing
great in marketing like the reason you've got this big hole in your
business look what's happening over here you don't spend any time on your
accounting and I know that sounds boring but I can show you in a few hours if you
know nothing about accounting how to run your accountants that happen on you how
many times do if you have the experience maybe and
so many businesses I know I have the early days in my life where I I was
running my business it was going so well I'm kind of this huge profit at the end
of the year and I didn't realize profits of theory profits not the same as cash
you become the end of year with a big profit that where's the money you ever
have the experience I did where I felt like I was driving you know 50 miles an
hour in my business I found I was driving 150 miles an hour I thought I
had a full tank and I was down to near empty and I've had some crazy times in
my businesses over the years and that's how I learned this stuff by studying the
best people on earth figuring out what they do to take advantage and then
figuring out what I got to do to make sure to cover every area marketing sales
innovation what do you do to recruit the best people how do you keep them how do
you retain them you and I both know you could have a terrible business terrible
product or service you get the right people I'll turn it around you get you
know a business with the wrong people they'll take the best business and take
it to the floor and then how do you put systems in place so that people can
leave in here change and you can grow this is bootcamp Total Immersion
kick-ass incredible time where you will have the time of your life and you're
not imagine most people today won't sit for you know a three hour movie someone
spent 300 million dollars on and I take people for four or five days Total
Immersion on the subject of business and have them say was one of the greatest
experience of their life and then more importantly go out and produce the
result so here's my promise to you if you want to come to the program I'm
doing only do it once a year in the United States coming up here in Vegas
once a year over in London coming up here in London obstacle EA and the UK in
London I do it once a year in Australia and that's usually a Melbourne this is
your chance to be able to really say I want to take advantage of winter I don't
want to wonder about the economy I don't know where it's going for the best
people I want to know how I can take advantage because during that winter
time most your competitors are going to tighten up freak out shrink
you know Steve Wynn went to the seminar it said it was one of most valuable
experiences he made some strategic decisions immediately about what to do
in one of the toughest markets in America and Las Vegas and he's now
profiting from it to give you an idea so this is something if you're a high level
player or you're beginning the journey it's an immersion experience and here's
my promise here is very simple you don't have to trust me you know to watch how
my lips move I would say to people don't watch uh people lives with watch other
feet move for a couple decades what I've delivered the results I deliver has
pretty well known around the world but in case you don't know that or maybe
this is not enough to trigger you it's really simple come spend one day with me
of the four days for the five days you come to a five day program take that day
take it all in at the other day if you don't think it's worth a minimum of a
million dollars more in income to you or savings of your business
1 million dollars take everything got no questions asked give you refund on the
spot you all leave you will dare leave the stuff that you got there's the
insights from some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world
and they're converted into real practical strategies you can make your
business work so that's why I offer to you reaching out to you from my idea
what paradise is this was a vision I had decades ago I wanted to be able to have
a place I could go and take my family and friends and if all heck was break in
the world have this incredible quality of life so I get to live here a couple
months out of the year I'm going to brag to Attila G because anyone deserves to
have whatever their dream is but it doesn't happen by hope and it doesn't
happen by doing the same things you're doing that aren't giving you the result
you deserve so I know I can make a difference in that area and I hope
you'll give me the privilege to serve you and coach you and and I also bring
you some of my friends there for business mastery so stay tuned for a
second here if you want and you can listen to my rant I think you might find
it interesting to explain to seven forces that control all businesses and
how they're effective today it's kind of fun and afterwards there's some
information if you'd like to find out more and like you to contact somebody or
participate in business mastery other thanks for taking the time I hope
against you have to meet you personally soon LIVESTRONG and the profession
while seeking to fast American gas utility season length ahead of us
disease but any economic environment in any scenes of the conference composition
the technology cultural changes I don't give a damn if it's Apple songs of the
vagina and pencil you know that have an album or a blockbuster with that Lex you
have to ease out here will be much more simple on your hands nearly answers to
the five core questions the controllers are what was this reason witnesses you
really you know why is going to carry you through what's going to your exit
strategy under the business there those who are the Mythbusters reeling and more
of an artist with Gilbert is or you really get into leadership Julie
who's your client economy's come and where are you wearing the life cycle
business is the right thing at the wrong time you completely screwed you know you
just right thing at the right time in the rewards are our geometric buy house
right thing 2006 America wrong time you're screwed you've got to know this
it's not enough to the right thing you'll do it right I think is everything
you you understand the lifecycle of your business or life cycle yours tree is the
most successful company in an industry that you know aging there is time to
UNIX is very important decisions for your economic well-being in the next 3-5
years ago severely challenged you know that answers these questions you can
click the advantage of what's coming this whole game is really not what's
next in space it's really knowing what coming so you can take immune system not
reacting but then you understand business two things Asian market
electronic market your property if you yourself and 16 can make is one which
left out or storage level break education market today importance by the
crisis has resources given out with a high efficiency expert the entirety of
our most important tools you can cut what resolutely down how can you
optimize the world here today you know that does the 30 60 percent or
maybe we'll do that in a way where doesn't require you to money doctor
billion-dollar business like Oh max mesto our solar we help agree to respond
to sixteen thousand percent resilience if they started your clients and we got
you know kind of practices one two three four
now these dollar business later what do you know Microsoft personal niacin is a
joke you know Microsoft has more money more resources
for example 12 apples almost going to nearly bankrupt today it's one of the
richest the most successful comes the world at hand the most highly respected
brand one of the top three on earth how they do a reading a customer so you
can't everybody in that customers lacking a rating their culture without
getting your people to make that psychological emotional stuff will set
you apart from anything else those seven forces are the fundamental basis of our
four - this is going to be the nitty-gritty one next app and your
leader with a strategy of growing that as if it's customized to you is your
outward if you have the costs and the top of the energy will really go up is
really a white out that so-called he goes with the ultimate local is the
owner and the leader do you wanna stop me here go to yourself clean do your
team which is three for three thirty thousand down the course your
ladyship if you're interested that law game type of emissions not sustain the
prices and this is coming in ready and absolutely sure so no more than four
days nice because the Netherlands conversations ready for that if you're
what this guy's leaders
조디의 리뷰북 1호-데일리 핑크립제품 13종 발색 리뷰 👄🌸(Eng sub) - Jody 조디 - Duration: 5:49.Hello, Jody here.
Today's theme review!
I brought pink lip products as the first of Jody's review book.
From now on, this review book video will now be introduction of my favorite products in different themes.
First, I will introduce 13 pink lip products that I wear often. :D
First, Etude House Dear My Tint Glass Tinting Lips-talk [PK008].
The color is clear, moist, and shiny.
On my wrist, it wears on coral pink with red, but on my lips, it wears on lighter.
The texture is easy to use, and the price is low.
Next, Skin food Vita Color Fruits Roll Stick [No.5].
It's two-toned like roll-cake.
Note that you have to only take out a little bit. I took it out too much and the body broke :(
Anyway, it's red-coral that wears on soft, and it's high in chroma.
Personally, I like wearing it by using a brush to apply just a little bit.
Next is Innisfree Real Fit Velvet Lipstick [No.9]
It's one of my favorite lipsticks from innisfree – the Real Fit Velvet line. I usually mix no.2 and no.9.
It fits on softly, being light and velvety. This color is cool pink with a hint of purple.
It looks prettier if you smear the outline of your lips.
Next is Tonymoly Perfect Lips Lip Cashmere [No.7]
This has the best texture, I think, out of all the lip products that I will show you today.
It's high in chroma with coral-pink that's warm. The color itself doesn't suit me, fall warm tone,
but I usually wear it thin or use it as a base to wear with other colors.
Next is my love, WAKEMAKE Lip Coaster M [No.7]
The WAKEMAKE lip products are really good in quality.
It's coral, not too deep, and it looks pretty solo.
The texture is similar to innisfree Real Fit Velvet. These types, you really need to use lip scrubs.
Next is Mamonde Creamy Tint Color Balm Intense [No.5 Blooming Rose]
The fit and softness like velvet is the characteristic of this lip tint.
It's high in chroma, isn't dull, and it's clear pink.
You can feel the matte finish. It's cool-pink that wears on brightly without the dullness.
Next is Clinique Chubby Plump & Shine Liquid Lip Plumping Gloss [No.5]
It looks like a lip pencil, but it's a lip gloss.
It's deep coral pink, and has chewy texture.
Like its name, it plumps your lips when you wear it on.
It's good to use when your lips are dry, or on top of matte coral lips.
This, DIOR Lip Glow [004 Coral], I've already finished two of them!
I wore this really often when I had no make up on, and especially before putting on lip make up to tone up the dark lip color.
On my wrist it wears on coral, but on my lips it smears as pink.
It's not clear lip-balm, so I used it before putting on pink lips.
This, Bbia Last Velvet Lip Tint [No.9], is famous for cost-effectiveness.
It has the usual velvet tint texture, but shows crazy lasting effect, which means tinting.
It's dark flower-pink color, about -2 in chroma.
I usually used it with MLBB blush.
Next is Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Pur Couture Vernis A Levres Pop Water [No.216]
It's clear, moist pink like flower, with two drops of coral.
It's rather cool than warm.
These water tint types look pretty when you wipe off the foundation from your lips for clearness.
As time goes by, the color darkens.
Next, Benefit GOGO Tint, has the deepest, clearest color out of all Benefit's tints.
It's really straightforward with dark red-pink color.
This one also looks prettier if you wipe clean the foundation on your lips.
Wear on starting from the inside using a sponge tip, and use a brush for gradation.
I usually wear this after wearing the Dior lip balm.
Next, JUNGSAEMMOOLHigh Tinted Lip Lacquer [Fuchsia Bloom], lasts the longest out of all 13 lip products.
This color doesn't really suit my fall-soft warm toned skin, but I like these types of colors, so I always look for these types of pinks.
It's watery and dense with crazy coloring and lasting effect.
Lastly, Peripera Peris Ink The Velvet [No.10], which is my favorite!
During my lives, I introduced this most with the WAKEMAKE lip pencil. I'm not sure if you remember.
Anyway, out of all velvet tints, this shows the best texture and lasting effect.
It's high in chroma, clear cool-pink so I usually wear this on the inner lips as a point color.
Tada! The introduction of pink lip products of Jody's most often used products ends here.
Watch out for cold, and I hope you start a healthier June.
I'll see you in my next make-up video! Thank you for watching :D
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