Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily report Jul 26 2017












IT IS WORTH $334,000.
















































For more infomation >> Blac Chyna's Got a Sweet New Ride | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:58.





LA INFIDELIDAD NO ES SEXO (Necesariamente) - Duration: 5:50.

Infidelity is not necessarily about sex.

Infidelity is an agreement between partners.

And there are many questions around this issue, why are we unfaithful?

Why, if you are happy, have you been unfaithful?

There are people who are unfaithful and do not want to leave their partner.

And what does being unfaithful mean?

For men, usually, the cliché of an unfaithful man is one who is bored and afraid of intimacy

and afraid of intimacy and wants something different.

But women are supposed to be unfaithful only because they are looking for intimacy and feel very alone.

And that is not necessarily true. Those are taboos.

A man is unfaithful and he is a king.

A woman is unfaithful and she is a whore.

And that is an issue. Humans want sex.

Usually the desire is inside you, whether you are a man or a woman.

And I understand if you are watching me and you are not a person who thinks like this,

you have an incredible relationship and you have never felt attracted to someone else,

I accept that it is your truth and you just have to talk to your partner

to make sure that you are both on the same page.

And if both of you are on the same page, then this video is not for you,

but it can be for your children.

Or maybe for a friend.

The point is that it is a very common act of transgression, very little understood,

forbidden but very practiced.

And usually men exaggerate about sex and women minimize and hide the subject of sex.

And all this causes us to fall into vicious circles

and we do not sit down and talk about what fidelity means as a couple.

In fact, fidelity changes from couple to couple and it changes over time.

Nowadays we have sexting.

Just a short time ago, texting did not exist.

Watching porn, having an app to hook up,

flirting with someone, looking at someone's butt, kissing someone.

There are people who say that this is not being unfaithful if your partner agrees,

and there are people who cannot even accept their partner looking at someone else.

You decide what prison or freedom you want.

Marcel Proust said that it is our imagination

that is responsible for love, not the other person.

The other person is not responsible for what you feel.

You feel love because of what you generate inside you.

Your imagination generates that love for the other person.

And today, it is much easier to be unfaithful but it is very difficult to keep it a secret.

A long time ago,

the only thing that infidelity put at risk was your economic stability

because marriage was an economic agreement.

But today, when marriage encompasses your entire life,

and the person you married is your best friend, lover,

emotional partner, intellectual equal,

the father of your children, sometimes your business partner, everything is in front of you.

Today an infidelity, puts your entire integrity at risk.

If the person in front of you, if your partner,

is the only one, he or she is the love of your life, the most important person,

and he or she is unfaithful, of course, what does that say about you?

Infidelity says that you are not special, that you are not unique to that person.

That is what infidelity says if your definition of marriage or a couple

is that the other person is everything to you.

And I question people when it comes to that.

You have to have a life.

Your children cannot be the engine of your life.

Your husband or wife cannot be the engine of your life.

You have to have a life.

Today's generation is used to saying 'I deserve'.

A long time ago, people would get a divorce because they were not happy.

And the one they divorced was not happy.

Today, people get divorced because they can be happier.

So we cannot stand it.

Just like we do not put up with a job, people cannot put up with being married for two seconds.

A long time ago, people were ashamed of being divorced.

Nowadays, people are ashamed of staying married if you know that someone was unfaithful.

What I want to ask you is:

what happens if the person you love unconditionally was unfaithful?

Would you forgive him or her?

Would you forgive someone who was unfaithful?

Infidelity is not sex. Infidelity is not loving another person

Infidelity is the lack of an agreement,

because there are people who have agreements that they are allowed to kiss someone else.

There are people who have agreements that they are allowed to grab or touch or look at someone else.

You decide as a couple what infidelity is.

And finally, being unfaithful does not necessarily have to do with the other person.

These are personal crises that do not necessarily talk about your values or behavior as a person,

they talk about what you are living

and it does not necessarily mean that you do not want the other person to be in your life anymore.

So, the only thing I want to say in regards to all of this

is that you have to sit down as a couple and talk about it.

You and your partner are the only ones who can decide what being unfaithful means.

And you decide in which prison you want to live, or what kind of freedom you have.

The person in front of you does not belong to you,

you cannot expect that what you liked about someone at the beginning will disappear

or go away so that you can be sure that only you exist.

There are other human beings.

There will surely be people who are better-looking than you.

Your partner may crave someone or something else

and you decide together with that partner what you can and cannot do.

What you sacrifice and what you do not sacrifice.

What is worth it and what is not worth it.

There are couples who have a typical 'what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas' deal

and maybe once a year you take a vacation and you decide,

and then there may be consequences.

You have to know what your partner expects.

I just want you to ask questions, to open up the conversation.

I want you to share this video with your partner

so you can have a private conversation on the topic thanks to this video.

But only you and your partner are going to live in that hell or that paradise.

You decide how you want to live as a couple by defining what fidelity means.

You may believe that you are in paradise but maybe you feel lonely and isolated.

And it may be very dangerous for you and your partner and you are not happy, and you are living beyond.

You should not believe that infidelity is a subject that you only talk about once you are married.

You cannot believe that fidelity is a subject that stands still and that is it.

You have to talk about everything constantly, especially if you have been together for a long time.

For more infomation >> LA INFIDELIDAD NO ES SEXO (Necesariamente) - Duration: 5:50.


Mission and Gratitude Drive Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare - Duration: 6:27.

The mission we've chosen is what sets us aside.

It's a mission that's been ours for 120 years.

Gillette is absolutely the best place on earth that you can bring your child.

It's taking the most vulnerable population and saying guess what?

We are here, we are designed just for you.

All you have to do is walk through any of the Gillette sites to see just how hard our

patients work with their providers.

It's this the remarkable power that comes through.

They're all little heroes.

Our providers in my mind are just beyond awesome.

When you walk through our Skyway and you see a doctor crawling on their knees so that they can race with a child

so that they can hit their next milestone, you don't see that everywhere.

When I try to describe Gillette to people from around the country

you know Gillette is a very small subspecialty very highly specialized place.

It's really for very intricate and medically complex conditions.

Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare is a specialty hospital mainly focused on

children and young adults who have childhood conditions around their

muscular skeletal and neurological systems.

To serve at Gillette in the mission and the focus that we have what comes through is we're different.

In our mission cure really does not stand out as it does in other hospital systems.

All of the specialists have one thing in common despite the many different areas

that we practice in and that goal is to help children with disabilities be as

healthy and participate as much in life as possible.

Some of the children are formed differently or they have something significant happen in their childhood

that changes life permenantly and can alter the way they live in the community,

live in their families, and go about every day life.

It's the whole spectrum of that work that is our focus.

Children and adolescents, young adults are not labeled by their condition, by their disease.

They're human beings. They have great value.

And we label them by their personality, who they are as a person, as a human being,

and we optimize that as best as possible.

Gillette matters because overall the population we're talking about is often marginalized.

To provide every aspect of the care that the child needs under one roof,

with such specialty care, it's very unusual.

I think why Gillette really matters to these families; is that they just got a sense of relief.

I've finally found where I need to be for my child, my son, my daughter.

We speak their language.

You know I often get that families come to me with us and it's an "aha" of these people understand me.

We have been trying for so long to describe this in words and phrases to other providers.

We're sitting in the gait lab today. Is there another clinical gait lab here in the Twin Cities? No, there isn't.

Why? It's expensive.

Why doesn't someone else just say "yeah, we're gonna do it."

Well, it's because they don't have the need for that type of technology.

But our providers have a big need for that type of information

so that they can make the best decisions for our patients.

When I walk the hallways of Gillette, and I see the trust that these children and young adults have in us,

and their families have in us, it's an honor.

I don't think there's a day that goes by at Gillette that we don't recognize the

importance Children's Miracle Network has on what we do and our fulfilling our mission.

Being a smaller system, a specialty hospital we really rely on the generosity of the community.

An initiative like Children's Miracle Network allows everyday folks to reach out

and offer the help they're able to offer.

We feel the financial support of the Children's Miracle Network every day.

When people have encountered us through Children's Miracle Network there's a

greater likelihood of volunteering of stepping forward in a way that goes

beyond giving money, which is fine, but also giving of self.

A simple thank you hardly sums it up but it's the most honest way to put it.

Thank you for your support.

Thank you for valuing a population of individuals that we are so passionate about.

For more infomation >> Mission and Gratitude Drive Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare - Duration: 6:27.


US Senate Committee Withdraws Manafort Subpoena - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> US Senate Committee Withdraws Manafort Subpoena - Duration: 1:02.


Johnny Kats on Action News at Midday on July 26 - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Johnny Kats on Action News at Midday on July 26 - Duration: 2:46.


Trump Bans Transgender Troops from US Military - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Trump Bans Transgender Troops from US Military - Duration: 1:00.


THE BUILDING #3: BONNIE HUNT, JIM BELUSHI 1993 - Duration: 26:33.

For more infomation >> THE BUILDING #3: BONNIE HUNT, JIM BELUSHI 1993 - Duration: 26:33.


Forfaits alimentaires uOttawa 2017-2018 - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> Forfaits alimentaires uOttawa 2017-2018 - Duration: 6:44.


Non-prodigy Piano - Progression of 4.5 years in 9 minutes - Duration: 9:38.

1yr 3mo. First time in public. Adjudicator was nice and inspiring.

1yr 9mo. First Sonatina. Of course Clementi's OP36 #1.

1yr 10mo. First time on stage and it was a Steinway!

1yr 11mo. Play with joy and self-confidence.

2yr 3mo. Difficulty level increased. First try on RCM5 AND in a contest.

Came to Realize that piano equals hardworking. Today's working hard leads to tomorrow's harder works.

Tried every excuse to avoid practice whenever possible. slow paced in next 12 months.

2yr 9mo. Resumed the practice during summer holidays. First RCM7 piece.

3yr 1mo. First concerto. Brought a grand piano. Had a fun time play together with big sisters from neighbor.

3yr 2mo. First time follow in love with a song. Gradually back to track.

3yr 3mo. First time Pedaling. Brought a pedal extention. Cannot wait to use it. Love this song for its Sci-fi context.

3yr 4mo. First time Fine Polish is enforced.

3yr 4mo. Watched Ukrain folk dance for a week to understand this song.

3yr 5mo. A lots of Sonatina every week, taken in as canbonhydrate.

3yr 6mo. First time touch Sadness in music. Pedalling has been improved.

3yr 6mo. Boys love this kind of songs.

3yr 4mo. Occasionally a dessert. Enjoyed in his way in everything: tempo, dynamic and pedal.

3yr 8mo. Proud of his pedal skill by now.

3yr 9mo. First Nocturne. Noticed that the left hand is not good enough.

3yr 10mo. First Mendelssonhn. Continue work on the left hand.

3yr 12mo. First RCM9 Piece. Hit his speed limit. Diligently practiced but not much effects.

4yr 1mo. Another RCM9 Piece, and it was a Mozart. Speed was an obstacle overall, and exhausted in paying attention to the details.

4yr 3mo. This contest was served as a break from frustrating speed drills.

4yr 4mo. Another RCM9 Piece, and it was a Chopin Nocturne. Speed still an issue.

4yr 5mo. First time that his interpretation is fully approved by the teacher. Then summer holidays!

For more infomation >> Non-prodigy Piano - Progression of 4.5 years in 9 minutes - Duration: 9:38.


Best Engineering Student Laptops 2017 | The #1%Engineer Show 028 - Duration: 6:40.

Are you about to buy a new laptop for the upcoming school year? Well in this

video we go over the top five laptops for engineering students in 2017 a 1%

Heyy 1% nation i'm Jake Voorhees and you are watching episode 28 of the 1% engineer show

where we empower young engineers to rise to the top 1% of their career

choosing the right laptop can seem like a daunting decision this is why I made

this video to give you some guidance give you some ideas tell you what to

look for in a laptop so you can pick the best product for you

I know a lot of you guys are going to understand what makes a good laptop

versus a medium laptop versus a smaller less powerful but maybe portable laptop

but really quickly let's go over a couple facts about computers a lot of

people think they need a big fancy video card or something like this but the

reality is for an engineering laptop you just want it to be fast you just need

plenty of hard drive space you probably want an SSD so you need to concern

yourself with CPU the processor you need to make sure you have plenty of RAM

probably 16 gigs at least 8 gigs of ddr3 RAM today it's nice to have a

solid-state drive so your operating system is on that and your programs are

on that but all of your files your storage your lab stuff your music your

videos is on another hard drive that's most likely internal you probably have

an external hard drive as well but you don't need some big fancy video card if

you plan on doing a lot of gaming like I did in school the big Diablo 2 player

back in the day Starcraft so if you're going to be involved with a lot of that

you should probably get a good video card along with your laptop for example

not just onboard video which is not going to support a 3d engine very well

otherwise you don't really need it you just want it to be fast you just want a

good CPU you want good RAM plenty of hard drive screen is something that a

lot of people are confused by they're attracted to a 17 inch screen but the

reality is if you go too big it's going to be heavier and you may not be as

likely to take it out of your dorm room and that defeats the whole purpose of

getting a laptop then maybe you should get a desktop and you don't have any

portability but you're going to get more bang for your buck for the processing

power so consider that think about your lifestyle as a student do you live on a

big campus are you going to be walking to class or

if you drive or ride your bike maybe you're a little more likely to want a

bigger laptop because you're not going to actually be carrying it and lugging

around like hiking up mountains or whatever people do who go to college in

the mountains so let's jump right into it guys here the top five laptops are

engineering students in 2017 enjoy I want to let you guys know that this

video is written by Roberto el djem from turbo futurecom and I'm making the video

version of it let's jump right into it with laptop number one HP Envy 17 T as

an ultra HD display 17-inch monitor starts at about nineteen seventy five

seven ten Intel i7 processor with at least 16 gigs of RAM so it's a pretty

good deal comes with a hard drive that you can choose between 120 and 1000 gigs

we'll highly recommend that you get more storage space the best recommendation

like mentioned in the intro is for you to get the 500 gig SSD plus the eight

gigs of additional RAM that way you have 16 console with an Nvidia 950 M graphics

card so that's going to give you a little bit extra boost if you're playing

games or if you are rendering things in 3d spaces so it's pretty solid and it

comes with Windows 10 64 bit next up we have the Asus video book pro this Asus

comes with the six generation I 5 processor with 256 gig SSD drive also

comes with a one terabyte hard drive along with that SSD some of the key

components here that it's 4k ready has a pretty fast Nvidia graphics card with it

it has a USB type-c port which is extra fast in addition to its USB 3.0 ports

has a backlit keyboard and Asus is cool because it comes with no junks no extra

third-party programs just Microsoft verified the Microsoft Store version for

the vivió book is 779 3 the lenovo y 700 this is a touch laptop for those of

you who are into that powerful lightweight version so for students who

live on large campuses or maybe walking it's a really good idea has a dedicated

2 gigabyte graphics card power by Nvidia to 960m and it has a hybrid

SSD drive the Y 700 comes in at about nine hundred and thirty dollars again

this is an all arounder because it is a 15 inch screens a little extra light

weight touchscreen is cool so for those of you who are into that great call for

the Acer Aspire 15 gaming laptop this comes in at $9.99 it's a mid priced high

powered laptop it's got 16 gigs of DDR 4 RAM has really strong battery life for

those of you who are on the move and want to be really taking advantage of a

powerful computer comes with the NVIDIA GTX 1050 TI graphics cards so this thing

is souped up for you gamers out there free mechanical engineers who are going

to be using SolidWorks and anyone else is going to be using animation

environments this is a good laptop is a good option for you and 5 v recommended

laptop for 2017 is the Dell XPS 15 has a true 4k HD monitor so for you guys are

into Netflix and really like to watch a lot of videos this is a good choice for

you comes with Windows 8.1 so that's a consideration here if you want Windows

10 that does not come with this laptop it only has 8 gigs of DDR 4 but ddr4 Ram

is a lot faster than ddr3 so I would say that's ok it comes with the i7 CPU and

also a half a terabyte so 500 gig SSD drive I want to also mention that the

XPS 15 has the NVIDIA 960 M so it has a dedicated card for people who again are

going to be gaming or doing anything three-dimensional animating rendering

things like that Hey 1% nation I hope you enjoyed that video about the top 5

laptops this year if you like this video consider subscribing because I make

videos for young engineers every Wednesday and Saturday so you can crush

it in your career and become a 1% engineer Cheers

you [Music]


For more infomation >> Best Engineering Student Laptops 2017 | The #1%Engineer Show 028 - Duration: 6:40.


WSU Bicentennial Art: Chief Pocatello in Brigham City - Duration: 2:25.


Or "Pocatera," which means, "he does not follow the road," was born in the Grouse Creek region.

He became leader of his band of Shoshone by the time the Mormons arrived in the 1840s.

With the process of settler colonization intensifying, Pocatello led his warriors in raids along

the immigrant trails.

Full-scale war broke out in 1862, when Shoshone struck at every stage station in a wide area.

Colonel Patrick Conner and his California volunteers were sent to curb Indian disturbances

along the over-land trail.

In January 1863, Conner led troops stationed at Fort Douglas in Salt Lake City to Franklin,

Idaho, where they killed more than 400 Northwestern Shoshone in the infamous Bear River Massacre.

Pocatello and his band of some 150 had left the area ahead of the attack.

However, pursued by the military, weary and discouraged, Pocatello and eight other Shoshone leaders

signed a treaty at Box Elder, now Brigham City, on July 30, 1863.

However, the Shoshone continued to suffer and continued to find relief in raiding stage region.

Pocatello was arrested and brought to General Conner, who was determined to execute him.

Only a pardon issued by President Abraham Lincoln prevented that action.

Pocatello and his band moved to the Fort Hall Reservation after it was established in 1868,

but starvation convinced Pocatello to be baptized, and to move to the Mormon missionary farm

established by George Hill, near Corinne.

Federal troops forced their return to the reservation in 1877.

Pocatello lived until 1884, an unhappy man withdrawn from participation in tribal affairs.

There are no known images from life of Pocatello, although several artists have depicted him.

Smith has chosen to imagine him in full plains Indian regalia, with scalps hanging from his belt.

For more infomation >> WSU Bicentennial Art: Chief Pocatello in Brigham City - Duration: 2:25.


[PUBG SOLO] I'm a turret! The hill firing range (4k 60 fps) - Duration: 14:27.

Okay, the looting phase is over

Let's go Pochinki. Oooooh

Sure, I scope and he lays down

Let's push a bit forward

I hear you

I hear steps, I hear him crawl around

Okay door is open

Balcony is clear

Okay, he can only be in the room

Let's see if that works

Oh yeah

Let's get a look from up here, always a good spot

If you are a bit careful

I hear steps again

He has to right here

Then that way

Let's see what he has for us

Oh yeah, we take that

Backback nice

A few attachments

We don't need that anymore

At least some stuff is useful

Let's keep going

Zone is merciful with me

Red zone of course not, but I hope it will not hit us

The only you should not do, is to run open field like me right now

But I will do it anyway, since I want to get a few snacks at the crate

Let's see how that goes

I hear already the first vehicles

Going full auto

Here in the hills... oh yeah there is onw


We are going to charge him, I don't want to give him a chance to med

There we go


I want your suppressor :D

Okay, I have ammunition for the rest of the weak

There is the crate

Not going to need them, they only take up inventory space

I want to switch to the M16

I am such a big fan from the M16 that I want to change the gun now

The recoil is nearly not existent

I hope that will help in this match

Booster, so, we are finished

Normally you should not sit on a hill

Because you are an easy target

Now, come to me

What the...?

One, two, three

Keep running

Very nice

Oh he is already smoking, just shoot the vehicle

There is already the next one


What the fuck is going on there?




Five shots, come one



Come one - three

Okay lol that bush will save you

Normally it doesn't work so good on the hill

Well I don't mind, nice for a change

Our friend here will supply me for days

Yeah, I will definitely need 50 shotgun shells on a hill

Let's see if we can keep it going

There is the next one

Too bad D:

That way seems to be clear

Now the question is: where did he go?

He nearly needed five bullets also

Why do they all park their vehicle in that valley? I don't get it

Oh, zone border

Okay, the way he runs he is for free

Quite a surprise that nobody shot me on that hill

Maybe this spot is better than I thought

Okay up there is nobody

I am going to push into the zone

Late in the game I prefer to not be the last running into the zone

Or I will end up just like my last victim

And I don't feel like that

Maybe I go on the tower

Yup, I think I'm going to do that

Because I still have the one in my back

Not interested that he adds me from behind

Okay, let's camp a bit :D

If somebody goes up there, you can get picked quite easily

A very nice spot up here

There is not a lot of space for the rest

Okay the fifth shot was questionable

The bullet went through his legs in my opinion

Top ten :D

Still battle going on there

Okay I must go down any minute

He is dead

But he is not!

Tasty, a nice two-tap (for a change)

For a change not 4-5 bullets

I hate these stairs

Let's go into that building

Yeah yeah,I can hear you all scream camper

But... only 6 alive

Let's go slowly here

Everything closed

So let's check if there is somebody laying around

Let's close

When the zone comes I'm still safe

Well, 5 seconds

The pre-boosting begins

There is nothing worse than dying with a lot of boosters and meds

It can tick 1-2 times in a battle and make the difference

Besides, there are still a few laying around here

One more here? Nope

Not bad - he even dropped his backpack to be more hidden


Oh my god and I have to push to him now

He will be interesting

One behind the hill one behind the house

And somewhere the fourth is hiding and I don't know where he is

I want to go down now, I'm not interested to get caught in a battle with the zone catching up to me

If I would at least know where the last one is hiding

Well, let's go

Is he here? No

Not inside, therefore in the bathroom or directly behind

He got taken out by our hill buddy

Let's go

Let's take the branches for a little visual cover

Probably the last booster in this match

That would have been important

Oh he doesn't see me, he doesn't see me

Yes, finish him!


Suppressor carried me there

For more infomation >> [PUBG SOLO] I'm a turret! The hill firing range (4k 60 fps) - Duration: 14:27.


Boeing Forecasts 637,000 New Pilots Needed by 2036 - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Boeing Forecasts 637,000 New Pilots Needed by 2036 - Duration: 0:53.


uOttawa 2017-2018 Meals plans - Duration: 5:43.

At the University of Ottawa, we have 2 categories of meal plans.

We have unlimited meal plans that provide full access to the 24/7 All-you-care-to-eat Dining Hall and we have declining balance meal plans.

Meal plans are automatically added to your student card and you will need it to use it as your meal plan, so make sure not to lose it.

The first thing you need to know before choosing a meal plan is where you're going to be staying.

If you're a 1st year student staying at 90 University, Thompson, Marchand, Stanton or Leblanc residence,

you must choose either the 5 day or 7 day meal plan.

If you're going to stay in any other residence or will be living off-campus, you can choose between any of the meal plans available.

Students who intend to stay on campus for most weekends, should consider choosing the 7 day meal plan as it's the best value for your money.

Our unlimited meal plans are the most popular plans.

With a 5 or 7 day meal plan, students don't worry about rushing to breakfast, lunch or dinner.

With an unlimited plan, you have the freedom to eat whenever you want.

The only restriction is a 30 minute rule; when you access the Dining Hall, you must wait 30 mins before re-entering.

All unlimited meal plans also have a dining dollar account and a flex account.

Dining dollars allow you to purchase food tax free anywhere on campus.

This account expires when your meal plan expires and any unused funds greater than $25 will automatically be transferred to your flex account.

Flex dollars can be used for any purchase where your uOttawa Card is accepted on campus.

This includes your books at the campus bookstore, printing, copying, laundry, vending, and much, much more.

Flex dollars remain active for 6 years after the last transaction date and you can ask for a refund at any time.

The 5 day meal plan includes:

5 day unlimited access to the 24/7 dining Hall.

Access starts Monday at 4 AM and ends Friday at 11:59 PM.

The 5 day meal plan does not automatically include any dining dollars, but you're welcome to add some at any time.

You will automatically get Flex dollars with this plan, but we recommend you add more to skip the lines at the Bookstore, especially for the start of the year.

The 5 day meal plan also gives you guest meals for the Dining hall. Guest meals can be used for parents or friends.

The 7 day meal plan includes:

7 day unlimited access to the 24/7 dining Hall,

and funds in both the dining dollar and flex account.

Guest meals are also included.

Parents and students can add funds onto the dining dollars or Flex account anytime online or in person at the uOttawa Card Service.

If you're a student with an allergy and you're concerned about the food we offer, the University has a registered dietician that can help you.

And, as a 5 or 7 day meal plan holder, you'll have access to our dietary restriction program.

In addition, if your schedule does not allow time to go to the dining hall, we also have a box lunch program.

The Pay As You Go meal plan is a declining balance meal plan.

This meal plan is mainly composed of dining dollars and Flex dollars.

Basically, funds are deducted as you purchase food on campus.

This means that you get to manage your funds as you want and if ever you need more, both students

and parents can easily top up these accounts at any time online or in person.

If you're unsure a meal plan is right for you,

this option is practically risk free.

If you don't use your meal plan balance, it automatically transfers to your flex account when it expires, minus a $25 admin fee.

Students with this meal plan can still access the 24/7 All-you-care-to-eat Dining Hall.

You'll simply need to pay the door rate using your tax-free dining dollars account.

We also offer block plans. Block plans don't provide any tax savings but they guarantee a number of accesses to the 24/7 dining hall.

Block plans are only valid for one semester and are non-refundable once purchased.

Purchasing a meal plan is easy.

If you're staying in residence, you can select the 5 or 7 day meal plan at the time you apply for residence.

Remember that some residences come with a mandatory meal plan, therefore you may be required to choose between the 5 or 7 day meal plan.

When you choose a meal plan with your residence, the cost will be added onto your resident fees.

And you'll pay for it, along with all other university fees on your student account.

If you commute to campus, or a meal plan is not mandatory for you, you may purchase one online or in person at the uOttawa Card Service starting August 1st.

Meal plans purchased online or in person must be paid in full at the time of purchase and can be paid with Visa, MasterCard, Interac or cash.

Except for mandatory meal plans, all meal plans have a trial period, but once that trial period date has passed, meal plan sales are final and cannot be refunded.

We strongly recommend that if you're interested in a meal plan to fully consult our Website and the uOttawa Card terms and conditions.

For more infomation >> uOttawa 2017-2018 Meals plans - Duration: 5:43.


mmmm - Duration: 0:19.

hey ashwin this is probably gonna be the only time

i tell u this this

i need pun help can you come with me pls

For more infomation >> mmmm - Duration: 0:19.


Sen Reed on hot mic I think Trump is crazy MSNBC - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Sen Reed on hot mic I think Trump is crazy MSNBC - Duration: 2:43.


Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost Titanium met panoramadak vol opties !! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost Titanium met panoramadak vol opties !! - Duration: 1:01.


Kia Sportage - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage - Duration: 0:47.


Nissan Pulsar - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar - Duration: 0:48.


Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:53.


Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:53.


Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:47.


Skoda Fabia - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Skoda Fabia - Duration: 1:08.


Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:59.


Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:53.


VW Caddy - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> VW Caddy - Duration: 0:53.


VW Caddy - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> VW Caddy - Duration: 0:50.


Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:52.


VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:01.


Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:47.


Skoda Octavia - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Skoda Octavia - Duration: 0:53.



For more infomation >> DAN BILZERIAN/KING OF INSTAGRAM-ASÍ ES SU VIDA - Duration: 4:07.


WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2.5 - Mythic Halls of Valor on BM Hunter high DPS! - Duration: 21:12.

WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2.5 - Mythic Halls of Valor on BM Hunter high DPS!

For more infomation >> WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2.5 - Mythic Halls of Valor on BM Hunter high DPS! - Duration: 21:12.


VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:07.


strala yoga doux (extrait de cours) - Duration: 12:58.

For more infomation >> strala yoga doux (extrait de cours) - Duration: 12:58.


For more infomation >> strala yoga doux (extrait de cours) - Duration: 12:58.


[PUBG SOLO] I'm a turret! The hill firing range (4k 60 fps) - Duration: 14:27.

Okay, the looting phase is over

Let's go Pochinki. Oooooh

Sure, I scope and he lays down

Let's push a bit forward

I hear you

I hear steps, I hear him crawl around

Okay door is open

Balcony is clear

Okay, he can only be in the room

Let's see if that works

Oh yeah

Let's get a look from up here, always a good spot

If you are a bit careful

I hear steps again

He has to right here

Then that way

Let's see what he has for us

Oh yeah, we take that

Backback nice

A few attachments

We don't need that anymore

At least some stuff is useful

Let's keep going

Zone is merciful with me

Red zone of course not, but I hope it will not hit us

The only you should not do, is to run open field like me right now

But I will do it anyway, since I want to get a few snacks at the crate

Let's see how that goes

I hear already the first vehicles

Going full auto

Here in the hills... oh yeah there is onw


We are going to charge him, I don't want to give him a chance to med

There we go


I want your suppressor :D

Okay, I have ammunition for the rest of the weak

There is the crate

Not going to need them, they only take up inventory space

I want to switch to the M16

I am such a big fan from the M16 that I want to change the gun now

The recoil is nearly not existent

I hope that will help in this match

Booster, so, we are finished

Normally you should not sit on a hill

Because you are an easy target

Now, come to me

What the...?

One, two, three

Keep running

Very nice

Oh he is already smoking, just shoot the vehicle

There is already the next one


What the fuck is going on there?




Five shots, come one



Come one - three

Okay lol that bush will save you

Normally it doesn't work so good on the hill

Well I don't mind, nice for a change

Our friend here will supply me for days

Yeah, I will definitely need 50 shotgun shells on a hill

Let's see if we can keep it going

There is the next one

Too bad D:

That way seems to be clear

Now the question is: where did he go?

He nearly needed five bullets also

Why do they all park their vehicle in that valley? I don't get it

Oh, zone border

Okay, the way he runs he is for free

Quite a surprise that nobody shot me on that hill

Maybe this spot is better than I thought

Okay up there is nobody

I am going to push into the zone

Late in the game I prefer to not be the last running into the zone

Or I will end up just like my last victim

And I don't feel like that

Maybe I go on the tower

Yup, I think I'm going to do that

Because I still have the one in my back

Not interested that he adds me from behind

Okay, let's camp a bit :D

If somebody goes up there, you can get picked quite easily

A very nice spot up here

There is not a lot of space for the rest

Okay the fifth shot was questionable

The bullet went through his legs in my opinion

Top ten :D

Still battle going on there

Okay I must go down any minute

He is dead

But he is not!

Tasty, a nice two-tap (for a change)

For a change not 4-5 bullets

I hate these stairs

Let's go into that building

Yeah yeah,I can hear you all scream camper

But... only 6 alive

Let's go slowly here

Everything closed

So let's check if there is somebody laying around

Let's close

When the zone comes I'm still safe

Well, 5 seconds

The pre-boosting begins

There is nothing worse than dying with a lot of boosters and meds

It can tick 1-2 times in a battle and make the difference

Besides, there are still a few laying around here

One more here? Nope

Not bad - he even dropped his backpack to be more hidden


Oh my god and I have to push to him now

He will be interesting

One behind the hill one behind the house

And somewhere the fourth is hiding and I don't know where he is

I want to go down now, I'm not interested to get caught in a battle with the zone catching up to me

If I would at least know where the last one is hiding

Well, let's go

Is he here? No

Not inside, therefore in the bathroom or directly behind

He got taken out by our hill buddy

Let's go

Let's take the branches for a little visual cover

Probably the last booster in this match

That would have been important

Oh he doesn't see me, he doesn't see me

Yes, finish him!


Suppressor carried me there

For more infomation >> [PUBG SOLO] I'm a turret! The hill firing range (4k 60 fps) - Duration: 14:27.


Eric Moghadamian, MD - UK HealthCare - Duration: 2:44.

I'm Eric Moghadamian; I am an Associate Professor in Orthopaedic Surgery and

I am the Director of Orthopaedic Trauma here.

I'm from Elizabethtown, Kentucky, originally.

I went to undergrad here in Lexington, Kentucky at Transylvania University,

spent my medical school here as well in Lexington at the University of Kentucky

and came back home.

My specialty is orthopaedic trauma.

You tend to see patients that, I call it putting Humpty Dumpty back together again.

When patients have kind of their worst day,

they fall off a roof, they're involved in a motor vehicle collision, motorcycle accident

or a sporting activity where they just break a simple bone,

my job is kind of put those folks back together, try to restore them

back to their normal function that they had prior to that accident.

My team here at UK consists of a small group surrounded by a larger group.

So I am 1 of 4 Orthopaedic Trauma surgeons and then we of course have a PA who assists us in the clinic

and the operating room and then we have a team of residents who are our surgical trainees.

They're physicians that have gone through medical school

and they're in their training stage to become an orthopedic surgeon.

And of course we're also surrounded with the the trauma and acute care services

which consist of the nursing staff, the general surgeons, trauma surgeons, the neurosurgeons

and the other surgeons involved in the trauma patient's care.

Now most of our patients come through the emergency department,

they're usually trauma activation, so patients that have had a very severe injury.

But a lot of our patients or the patients we take care of they have a routine.. they have a fall, they slip

or just have a simple fracture as well.

So we take care of the most complex fractures and injuries to the more simple routine fractures as well.

A lot of my patients, we see them kind of at their worst, or at least on their worst day.

You know most of it, as opposed to most orthopaedic surgeons where you take care of patients

with chronic painful injuries and then you quickly, with the procedure or surgery,

restore them back to a much better state of health,

most of our patients are fairly normal functioning and very healthy individuals,

and a week, a day or even hours before their accident and then I get to see

them at kind of their worst time in their life.

These patients have bad injuries and so we try to make them as perfect as we can.

We know we can't make them and restore them to their previous state of health 100%

I can't do what God did, but I try to do the next best thing.

For more infomation >> Eric Moghadamian, MD - UK HealthCare - Duration: 2:44.



For more infomation >> 5 MOST UNEXPLAINABLE MYSTERIES IN FIFA HISTORY 😲 - Duration: 10:03.


Way Down We Go [Into The Badlands](MYO) - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Way Down We Go [Into The Badlands](MYO) - Duration: 3:36.


Nissan NV300 - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Nissan NV300 - Duration: 0:50.


Nissan Pulsar - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar - Duration: 0:48.


Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:53.


!!!!JUS FUCKIN AROUND¡¡¡¡¡ Grand Theft Auto 5 - Duration: 15:20.

what's up guys my name is James like moving on top of it when the last time

on it's kind of its kind of like close a little bit alright now get out we gonna

do it why here before you get in I want two three go

no you got to do it you gotta get out and media when I get in alright

yeah one two three the power died no get right here get in get inside right here

get inside

standing in the window I'm in the seat some guys whatever actually I'm standing

on the seat yeah I think it's probably fun before you do

oh man no I gotta walk on it okay I got to walk one day the cover like this and

I keep falling off oh there we go

now get in wait no I get I not get it all right

you're not as you know how to close it like walk into it now just walk into it

hey you know what totally glitch on it like are you ready oh my god you just

flew I didn't fly like that top climb onto it I'm on it

what about doing my plan is glitching alright what are you doing what are you

doing no climb on to it let me try I'm sure you're just standing there you're


davonne that was you see you're smiling you're a bad liar all right there we go

I think I got it good night anything why is this vehicle so hard to close alright

nevermind you ready Wow all right no forget you brah hold on why

doesn't it close on its own

normally I just walk into it yeah I'm rolling I'm rolling rolling huh you

ready no it's my turn it's my turn


you flew like you were you're like Superman for 20 like 10 seconds did you

continue to fly I want to I want to see if I can make it in the ocean

all right that should be good enough

that was fully closed all right you ready

make sure you get on the glass part all right let's go get like right here right

here - why you went farther he went farther

the only works for me wait I think we broke the door

stay on top see if we can make it all the way over there all right I landed it

right by the buzzer closer to the shore so let me launch each other you know I

doubt that's gonna work it's going to

stay in same side says that we I might die but you know what you you know what

all right now house close and faster I

like how everybody's like killing each other just dying and like randomly

walking on a Hydra just having fun all right get on it definitely going into

the water robe there's so much blood behind you somehow you go you go farther

than I do why can we land into the ocean it's

right beside me you spawn all the way down there

that is hilarious

rolling into the three keys on what he's like all right close it I told you like

every 15 20 30 minutes the way it raises every time I stay alive

the longer I stay alive the more money you get hold on get some of the chicken

kick she made some fried con la Chicano

Chicana once i post this one in snapchat everybody gonna try come over my house

i'm recording this - no but did you see how my body just took the video alright

and i restarted

For more infomation >> !!!!JUS FUCKIN AROUND¡¡¡¡¡ Grand Theft Auto 5 - Duration: 15:20.


12 Indian kitchen tips and tricks/ 12 important kitchen tips for easy cooking / Kitchen Hacks - Duration: 6:41.

hi everyone welcome to my channel and in todays video i am going to share 12 important kitchen

tips which will make your cooking very easy and will save a lot of your time so watch

the video till end because there are very important YET simple tips in this video. if

you enjoy watching this video then hit the like button and please please please SUBSCRIBE

and press the bell icon and never miss another update,

1.lets start with how to keep your vegetables fresh for really long time. so put your vegetables

in a zip lock bag and fill a large bowl with cold water and dip the ziplock with veggies

in the water so all the air will come out then seal the zip lock by doing this the veggies

will become air tight and they will last for long time.

2.after opening the original papad packaging they will start drying so just transfer them

in the ziplock to lock the moisture in papads.

3.then to avoid slipping of chopping board just put a wet kitchen towel or wet cloth

under the chopping board to avoid slipping.

4.while making pulav or steam rice we end up over cooking the basmati rice to avoid

that the very simple tip is , for ex if i want to cook 1 katori of rice so soak the

rice in water for 20-25 min before cooking then strain the water and cook it in a pan

with lid by adding 2 katori water i.e.exactly in 1:2 ratio.

5.sometimes you don't need a full lemon and when you cut it in half it will start

drying, to avoid that follow this simple tip is cut the lemon as shown , take out the required

piece and seal the lime back with the help of toothpick and your lemon will stay fresh

for long time, and you can do the same with cucumber. more thing you can do with the lemon is, press or roll it on the counter so that

it will release the juice and simply make a hole as shown ,and by squeezing the lemon

you can have juice as per your requirments. to chop capsicum / bell paper without any wastage: cut the top and bottom part and

remove the seeds part as shown and then chop the middle and bottom part, then grab the

top part and remove the green part just by pushing it and you will get a capsicum with

absolutely no wastage at all.

8.some times we don't need a whole onion and if we will keep it open in kitchen or

fridge everything will start smelling to avoid that wrap it in food wrap and store it in

zip lock bag. and now lets see how to finely chop onion quickly, so chop the bottom part

and peel off the dry layers, do not chop the root part then start cutting it vertically

as shown by leaving some space from the root side then make 3/4 horizontal cuts as per

the onion size then again start cutting vertically and you will get finally chopped onion very


9. CHOPPING GREEN CHILLIES CAN BE TRICKY SOMETIMES specially if the chillies are hot it will

keep your fingers burning for long time to prevent that simply slip your hand in a plastic

bag before cutting chillies.

10simple tricks to soften the butter are simply great the butter or just put a worm glass

on butter for few minuets then both methods will help you to soften butter emidiatly. tip is never store chopped vegetables in the container without adding a tissue paper

in bottom and top it will absorbs all the extra moisture and will keeps veggies fresh

for really long time.

12if you peel ginger root with peeler it will peel too much of the root right along with

the skin, and a spoon will just peel off the skin so donuts peeler for ginger.

use this tips while cooking and hep yourself to save some time and. if you enjoy watching

this video hit the like button and please please please subscribe with the bell icon,

and don't forget to watch my home tour and kitchen organization videos , thanks for watching


For more infomation >> 12 Indian kitchen tips and tricks/ 12 important kitchen tips for easy cooking / Kitchen Hacks - Duration: 6:41.


BMW 4 Serie Gran Coupé 435i High Executive Aut M Sportpakket (VERKOCHT!) - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> BMW 4 Serie Gran Coupé 435i High Executive Aut M Sportpakket (VERKOCHT!) - Duration: 1:00.


Channel Trailer | Patrick Gunville - Duration: 0:40.

My name is Patrick Gunville.

And I'm figuring out this life, and how to master it.

The universe has got certain laws that never change, despite what's popular.

I'm sick of all the distractions, false truths, and boring shit we're told by other people

about how to live our lives.

I'm not going to tell you how to live your life, but I'll tell you how I live mine.

It's getting off your ass and actually doing something.

It isn't going to be easy, but there's nothing else I'd rather being doing.

So let's do it, and master this life.

So subscribe right now and let's make this world a better place.

For more infomation >> Channel Trailer | Patrick Gunville - Duration: 0:40.


How To: Get Games For Free On PC - Duration: 2:06.

To Start, Open CroTorrent. I'll Leave The Link In The Description Below.

Once You Have Opened It Search For The Game You Want To Download. I Want Goat Simulator.

Scroll Down To "Torrent download" And Click On It. (If You Don't Have utorrent I'll Leave The Download Link In The Description

When You Click On It, It Will Automaticly Take You To Utorrent

Make Sure All The Files Are Ticked

Press OK

Wait For The Game To Download

Once It Has Downloaded Right Click On The Torrent And Press "Open Containing Folder".

Click "Continue

Click On "Setup"

Go Through The Whole Setup

Once It's Done Click On Finish And Make Sure All The Boxes Are Ticked

It Will Automatically Start Checking All The Files To See If They're Not Corrupt

Once They Are Checked The Game Will Automatically Start

And That' s How You Get Games For Free. Make Sure To Like And Subscribe For More Videos

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