Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 24 2017

This is Brent of the Brookbush Institute, and in this video we're going to go over a joint

based manual therapy technique. If you're watching this video I'm assuming you're

watching it for educational purposes, and that you are a licensed professional

with joint based techniques within your scope. That means osteopath's, chiropractors,

physical therapists, you're probably all in the clear. Physical therapy assistants,

athletic trainers, massage therapist's, you need to check with your governing body

in your state or region to see whether this is within your scope of practice.

Personal trainers this is definitely not within your scope of practice. Of course

all professions could use this video for purely educational purposes to help with

learning biomechanics, anatomy and of course palpation. In this video we're

going to do an anterior to posterior fibula tibia mobilization, that's the

distal tibiofibular joint. I'm going to have my friend Melissa come out, she's

going to help me demonstrate. Now this technique makes a great ancillary

technique to a technique we did in a previous video, which was the anterior to

posterior talus on tibia mobilization. The hypothesis being that the lateral

malleolus or distal fibula, has to follow the talus posteriorly as we dorsiflex

the ankle. So with that being said, although we want to do a passive

accessory motion exam and make sure that we have arthrokinematic stiffness

in the direction that we're trying to mobilize, you might also do this

technique as a means of maintaining, or trying to gain optimal dorsiflexion. Now

the position you're going to be in for this technique is going to be foot on

thigh; and the reason being is I want to be able to control dorsiflexion with my

thigh, and have both hands-free for this mobilization. I need one hand to

stabilize the tibia, and the other one to actually mobilize the fibula. You guys

can see here just by leaning forward I can actually push Melissa into a

few degrees of dorsiflexion. I can even control eversion and inversion a little

bit just by swaying, to make sure she's neutral. The palpation portion of this is

not totally complicated, but it is important that you guys kind of look

over your Anatomy, and you practice putting your hands down on the ankle and

trying to identify that Anatomy, specifically the lateral malleolus. For

this technique it's important that you not

only can find the lateral malleolus, but that you know the contours and edges of

the lateral malleolus. So find your lateral malleolus, find the bottom of the

lateral malleolus. So make sure you can feel that, go ahead and go to the

posterior part of the lateral malleolus, and you should feel a groove in the back

of the lateral malleolus, where your fibularis tendon runs through, and you

might be able to feel that a little bit. Go to the front of the lateral malleolus

and you'll notice that you run into a couple of tendons, those are the tendons

of your long toe extensors, but if you press into that soft tissue just a

little bit, you might be able to feel the joint line. Now the joint line is a nice

thing to feel for this technique, because what we want to see is does the fibula

move a little bit on the tibia, that's all we're trying to feel, does the fibula

wiggle. If we have no wiggle we need to mobilize, if we have lots of wiggle then

we don't want to mobilize. This joint the research kind of shows has one of two

propensities right, either gets stiff or it becomes hypermobile. It's important

that if we feel hypermobility, you feel more than a millimeter of motion here,

it's really easy to wiggle this joint, this is not a technique you're going to

do. Now if you feel good about your palpation, and you try to move the fibula

it doesn't seem to move, that's a good sign that you have stiffness and that

you probably should mobilize. It's really that simple, we don't need to get into

grades of stiffness or anything, it's just does it feel like it barely moves

or does it wiggle a lot. If it wiggles a lot, don't do this. Now once you felt

the motion of the fibula, and you guys can see here I'm just kind of lifting it

with these fingers, pushing it down with these fingers trying to kind of get my

hands like right up against the joint line, maybe put the rest of my hand on

the tibia here so that I can feel the amount of motion I have. Now Melissa's a

little stiff. I would not do the mobilization with that same hand

position guys. It's a little hard to feel how much movement you have with the

technique I'm going to show you, but using your fingertips to do

mobilizations just leads to pain. Just pushing your thumb down into this bony

prominence is going to make somebody cringe. You have to be careful alright,

trying to do something like this, is not a great idea. What we're actually going

to do is use our thenar eminence here, try to get as much surface area on the

lateral malleolus as we possibly can. What that usually ends up leading to is

we we do a little bit of mobilization, and then we check with our fingertips,

and we do a little mobilization, and then we check with our fingertips. So

again how are we going to do this technique? We're going to use our thenar

eminence, we're going to come over the top of our lateral malleolus. Now my

suggestion is, is as you do this you're going to pick up a little bit of skin,

before you press down. Alright so you guys I'm kind of smooshing some skin up

this way, before I push down this way. The reason being is if I grab a bunch of

skin and then pull down this way I stretch the skin out, and then I go to

push down and it stretches the skin even more, and that becomes really

uncomfortable. We want this to be as comfortable as possible otherwise

they're going to guard and this technique is going to be really really challenging.

Now the other contraindication that you have to be aware of, is you can really

send a nice little shock up somebody's leg, give somebody a nice little burn,

give somebody a really intense pinch by getting on that peroneal nerve. Of course

if you do that this nerve is not gigantic, it's it's very very narrow,

we're talking like a millimeter wide so you should be able to move your hand

around and get off it pretty easy. So I'm going to take my hand here, I'm going to

wrap it around Melissa's calcaneus, I'm going to make

sure that calcaneus is off the table so that I don't crunch my hand when I

start pushing down. I'm then going to grab a little bit of skin, just kind of

slide my hand up this way, then put my thenar eminence over the top of her

lateral malleolus, I'm going to kind of push her into dorsiflexion, this hand I'm

going to stabilize her tibia with, and then I'm going to use, you guys notice

I'm leaned forward here again, I'm just going to use my bodyweight to rock into

this mobilization. Now I mentioned in previous videos I'm a Maitland certified

orthopedic manual therapist, the protocols I know are the grades 1, 2, 3 &

4. Grade 3 & 4 being at 50% between the initial resistance and end of arthro-

kinematic range. If you guys have a different protocol that's fine, just make sure that

you are disciplined about using that protocol, that you assess, address and

reassess. If I went through this with my protocol, I'm going to go through

everything I just told you, grab the calcaneus, take up some skin, push down on

that lateral malleolus, ask my client did you, in any pain? This comfortable? Okay

I'm going to find that first resistance barrier, once I find that first

resistance barrier I'm going to start testing down, watching my clients face

making sure she doesn't cringe on me, until I find the end. Notice that as I'm

pushing down I have Melissa in at least neutral dorsiflexion with my thigh, so I

have good control of her foot and ankle, and then once I find first resistance

barrier, I find the end, I back off to 50%, now I'm just going to do 1 to 2

set, 1 to 2 pulses per second until I feel a change in arthrokinematic

stiffness. Now I mentioned a little earlier in this video, that is tough to

feel with my thenar eminence, chances are I'm going to go back and check with

my fingertips to see if I got an increase in range of motion.

That's arthrokinematic range-of-motion though. So we'll do this for 30 seconds, and then

I'm just going to use my fingertips here, did I get more range? If I got more range

great, if I didn't I might go back and do another set, or another two sets, and then

of course I'm going to want to follow this up with something a little bit more

reliable than passive accessory motion exam, maybe I do my dorsiflexion

goniometery. Alright so to go through hand position one more time, or body

position and hand position; foot on thigh, neutral or slightly dorsiflexed, this

hand's going to cup the calcaneus, pick up just a little bit of skin just kind

of sliding up the side of the ankle here, and then press down over the front of

the lateral malleolus, this hand is going to stabilize the tibia, and then I'm just

going to find 50% between initial resistance and end of arthrokinematic

range, back off to 50. I'm going to do my, this is going to be a grade 3 here

alright. So I'm going to take up almost back to zero in resistance and down into

50%. See if I can get a change in stiffness, check with my fingers. If I feel

like I've got a change in stiffness maybe I'd follow that up with a dorsiflexion

range of motion for goniometery, or maybe more of like a functional

assessment like the overhead squat assessment. So in our close-up recap

you'll notice my thighs against Melissa's foot here so that I can

control dorsiflexion as well as eversion and inversion, and you can see

her lateral malleolus right here. Now of course to assess this joint I

talked about just using the fingertips, getting your thumb kind of on the joint

line here. So if I start on her lateral malleolus and then fall off pushing the

tendons of her long toe extensors over, I can kind of feel the joint line and then

I'll usually just take these few fingers and kind of push up while my thumb

pushes down, see if there's any wiggle there; and then here's the really

important point that I was trying to make in the the further away shot, is as

you're going to mobilize this joint it's important that you kind of slide your

hand up this way, and you can see how her skin kind of crunches up, so that when I

press down her skin is back to its normal length, whereas if I pull down

from here, you can see I stretch out her skin trying to get pressure over the

anterior surface of her lateral malleolus. Now I'm going to come up like this, press

down, ask Melissa if she feels any pain, if she feels any tingling burning right,

we don't want to stretch that nerve. I can use the other hand to stabilize her

tibia, and then I can kind of find my resistance point, so first resistance end

of arthrokinematic range, and then of course all of our mobilization protocols

end up somewhere in the middle. I'll go from zero to 50% and a little larger

amplitude doing my grade three. I'll go for thirty seconds until I think I feel

a change in stiffness, and then I can go back to my assessment position of

feeling the joint line, seeing if I got any wiggle back. Alright guys so get

familiar with your lateral malleolus, feel all of its surfaces, find the the

inferior border, find the anterior border, try to feel that joint line, really try

to grab ahold of it with your fingertips, gently of course, so you don't hurt your

patient, client, or partner you're practicing on. Stabilize the tibia with

one hand, pick up a little tissue, make sure you follow through on your

protocols, and of course at the end of your technique make sure you assess. So

there you have it; assess, address, reassess. Make sure that

every time you choose a joint based manual therapy technique it is based on

an assessment, and that you return to that assessment after you've finished

the intervention to see if it was effective for the individual, the patient

or clients that you had in front of you. Ensure that you continue to

learn your Anatomy because your Anatomy is going to help you with your hand

placement, with understanding what a joint can do, with understanding what you

may gain from this particular technique, and of course practice. You have to

practice these techniques, hopefully not for the first time on a patient or

client who just walked in the door. If you can find a more senior instructor or

mentor to give you some really good hands-on instruction, use your peers for

some good feedback, and of course always look for live education to help with

your manual therapy techniques. I know these videos make education very

convenient, but there is no substitute for learning manual therapy in a live

setting. I look forward to talking to you guys again soon.

For more infomation >> Anterior to Posterior Distal Tibiofibular Joint Mobilization - Duration: 14:30.


Quem Matou Kurt Cobain? - Os Mistérios de Hollywood - Parte II - Duration: 11:29.

For more infomation >> Quem Matou Kurt Cobain? - Os Mistérios de Hollywood - Parte II - Duration: 11:29.




At last we are finally going to watch BTS's comeback videos

But we should talk about this, as you know BTS keeps performing their old songs

at their comeback shows

Of course we are happy about it!

But it means more videos, of course taking more videos is not a problem but we have problem adding subs

And sharing videos without subs are not really good since we have a lot of foreigner subscribers and followers

And they always ask where the subtitles are. That is why if there are anyone who could add subs we would appriciate

Please, please, please

It doesn't have to be perfect we only want people to understand what we are saying

Also I would like to mention something, my friend Berke, who thought me with editting and Youtube page, has a new page

Its like a gaming channel

If you are interested, you could check the link below

Lets begin

First we are going to watch DNA and Mic Drop

We are planing to add a video for all performances so you can expect a video everyday or every other two days!

Lets start!

I am really curious

Black hair looks so good on him!

Look at his additude though

His gaze!

Irmak: This leg dance is great!

Sude: Can you hear the fanchants!

Louder than the song

From there to here...

I was really curious about the dance Its great!

I know right!!

Should we volume up a bit?

That move though!

Did he dance with Jhope? Oh yeah this part was with Jhope.

Oh I missed them so much!

This part is perfect!

They are really well trained now. Their live stage is really stable

B: Their voices never croke S: Especially with this dance moves

JIMIIIN <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

I love how he lets go of himself when he is dancing

When will we be there?

This dance is dope!



His pants are really huge and it looks good

Namjoon is so handsome AND cute <3

JK looks perfect in black hair, they all do

S: Also Jin too

They havent show Jin that much... There you go

He looks perfect

Did you see Jimin's move?

I: He is a great visual S: His hair is really good his looks are great! He is PERFECT

so good

The dance moves are really tiring and hard

Jin's and Namjoon's dance got really good! since not today they are better dancers

Yoongi has been good dancer for a while now


Double helix!


HOLLY SH*T <Well she said omg but... I think this deserves a hollt sh*t :D>

S: Heaven?

I: This is so GOOD! look at them!

They are perfect

I though he was wearing a ring earring


It feels like heaven

This part is the best part I think


I releazied that I missed watching their live performances

I wish we could see it in person but...

I dont wanna die before I see them

Lets watch mic drop! I am really curious about this one...

I am more curious abot Go Go but that's tommorow's video

How can I wait!

From the beginng

So good!

Is ıt Jimin who lost himself :D

Did you see JK's face?

Their hiphop vibe has taken over me!


There are so many things that are happening at once!

Is there any slow mo?

This is genious

Did you see Namjoons dance?

Yes he is great!

It is like a concert mode

The stage is great their performance is perfect!

I am going mad....

nice move

This dance is great

They are going crazy

I am gonna die...

so good

This dance is really good

so good

I know right!

Hoseok looks perfect

this is a great stage

I: Namjoon is really hot and I am feeling it! S: They are all are

Its really tiring, these moves

their camera moves are really good too

camera work is great

I am going crazy

For more infomation >> BTS COMEBACK SHOW #1 - DNA & MIC DROP REACTION - Duration: 11:12.


SM64 [TAS] - All CCM Stars (vs 2012 120 star TAS) - Duration: 2:01.

Authors: Snark, Plush

Authors: Snark, Nothing693, Plush

Authors: Plush

Authors: Snark

Authors: Eru, Plush

For more infomation >> SM64 [TAS] - All CCM Stars (vs 2012 120 star TAS) - Duration: 2:01.


Snowing in Cedar City, Utah! - 2nd Day of Fall 2017! - Duration: 0:21.

Snowing Cedar City, Utah on September 23, 2017!

For more infomation >> Snowing in Cedar City, Utah! - 2nd Day of Fall 2017! - Duration: 0:21.


IAMWILDCAT 中文字幕【如何把10塊變成一把刀!】CS:GO搞笑開箱時分 - Duration: 12:36.

For more infomation >> IAMWILDCAT 中文字幕【如何把10塊變成一把刀!】CS:GO搞笑開箱時分 - Duration: 12:36.


ゾウディアック1 まったり攻略(洋館ルート part01) - Duration: 11:33.

For more infomation >> ゾウディアック1 まったり攻略(洋館ルート part01) - Duration: 11:33.


Please Subscribe To My Youtube Channel | Like | Comment | Subscribe | Channel | [NURUL ALAM] - Duration: 0:57.

Please Subscribe To My Youtube Channel | Like | Comment | Subscribe | Channel | [NURUL ALAM]

Please Subscribe To My Youtube Channel | Like | Comment | Subscribe | Channel | [NURUL ALAM]

For more infomation >> Please Subscribe To My Youtube Channel | Like | Comment | Subscribe | Channel | [NURUL ALAM] - Duration: 0:57.


7 Mysterious and Strange Events Caught on Tape - Duration: 10:48.

Have you ever caught something eerie or unexplainable on your phone ? Maybe even on your camera

? While it feels that many recordings were filmed on out dated camcorders, the material

often times is quite interesting to the viewer and might even leave one wondering.. if there

are actually things from another dimension, that we can just not explain.

And today, we want to explore 7 Mysterious and Strange Events caught on Camera.

Let's dive in!

While this girl and her cousin were staying home alone, some strange poltergeist activity

started to occour in the old house.

Was it a ghost ?

These guys were on a road trip in the dessert, while filming the beautiful beach with their

go pro.

When one of the guys drops the camera though, it captures a strange looking figure.

Two friends apparently saw a blurry shape on the sidewalk in this clip.

What is your explanation for it ?

Michael D. Magee captured this strange activity in his attic one night.

He also claims that he is haunted by a mean poltergeist.

The next 3 videos were recorded in the early 2000s and feature the apparition of a small

and dark creature, that stalks children, after the sun has gone down.

Some speculate that is was the infamous leprechaun.


next video, where the creature appeared to the same children, a couple of weeks later.

This was the last time, when the creature was seen, close to the basketball court.

Thanks for watching guys and stay frosty.

For more infomation >> 7 Mysterious and Strange Events Caught on Tape - Duration: 10:48.


Avicii - Without You ft. Sandro Cavazza | Overwatch GUN SYNC (watch it on pc) - Duration: 3:14.


For more infomation >> Avicii - Without You ft. Sandro Cavazza | Overwatch GUN SYNC (watch it on pc) - Duration: 3:14.


Toyota Yaris 1.3-16V VVT-I LUNA '02 Inruil Mogelijk - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3-16V VVT-I LUNA '02 Inruil Mogelijk - Duration: 0:54.


Ford Mondeo 2.0 TDCi Platinum,6bak,navi,trekhaak,pdca,luxe auto,apk - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Ford Mondeo 2.0 TDCi Platinum,6bak,navi,trekhaak,pdca,luxe auto,apk - Duration: 0:54.


New Neca 2001 Atomic Blast Godzilla Vs King Kong Skull Island Jurassic Park Unboxing Lost world - Duration: 16:05.

oh okay guys so how cool is that what a cool effect that gives it I

really like the fact that they included view Tomic blast with it bah anyways

New Neca 2001 Atomic Blast Godzilla Vs King Kong Skull Island Jurassic Park Unboxing Lost world

Wow okay it's great to see you again I got awesome toy I've found today today

we have the NECA Godzilla king kong, king kong toys, king kong vs, skull island, King Kong Vs Godzilla, jurassic world, jurassic world toys, 2001 atomic blast Wow

I found this one and toys-r-us and it looks totally awesome here's a good look

at the back let's go ahead and open it up and that's what's in the package

before I remove anything so anyways NECA did a great job detailing this guy I'll

put a link below where you could below this video where you could buy this guy

ah head turns independent of the neck neck turns 360 degrees there the arms

odd by the way guys these are great for pose

ability and playability because of the quality of the toy so the whole arm

turns 360 turns 360 at the elbow the hand turns 360 and the hand also does

close they did a great job to detailing the cloth his body does turn over here

at the waist not too much it it almost feels like in

my break if you turn it too much so I'm a little scared there are legs 360

rotation but it's cool how they move out I mean this guy is almost like in a

dancing type position ok maybe not in 360 it hits something hard back here I'm

scared to turn it more but almost 360 great movement at the knee you have 360

degree movement and at the fault you have 360 degree movement they did a

really great job painting the claws on this guy the blue effects on his legs

and stomach are totally awesome and then moving on to his back the spikes here

are blue but they're nice and soft it's not some of the spikes on the Godzilla's

are like if you poke yourself you almost think you're gonna bleed or something

but these are nice soft inflexible the tail movement 360 up here it's split

into like four parts okay you got movement here movement here

okay three four parts so independent movement here here here and here so like

I said really awesome with this guy and then his mouth does

open and closed and they gave him like white ice so it's almost like evil

zombie looking eyes and then this piece fits into a slot on his mouth so has

such a cool special effect I mean look at that if you look at it from here it

looks like he's breathing out his atomic blast I mean it doesn't even look like

it's just a piece of plastic sticking out of his mouth that is so cool yeah it

does say uh made by NECA here on the leg cool

guys here is some other awesome mechagodzilla's I have reviewed and I

will be reviewing so here's the one we just did here is another awesome Nikko

Godzilla so this one just wanted uh like classic NECA Godzilla's believe this is

2001 model so the same movement with the Ford the four small or NECA ones I'm

gonna show you it's gonna be the same movement as the first one so let me just

show you like the differences so this one has like differences in like the

appearance of the mouth and it has red eyes but ah same great movement on the

tail and everywhere else and then we have this flame red Godzilla so this

guy's really cool you could like see the flame like seeping right through his

body like the atomic energy inside so he does open and close his mouth but this

is the guy that's got a really freaky looking mouth I mean look at that mom

he's got that big red flap there and that mouth really freaks you know but ah

he is cool I mean compared this guy to like the blue guy and they go together

really cool blue in the grid I'm filtering it it

looks like the atomic blast only goes down unless you turn his head sideways

like that so there it would hit him in the chest really cool looking effect ah

this earlier guy I showed you to one thing I like you could put these guys up

let me check this guy out he's like bro and then we have this

classic I believe this is the 1954 Godzilla this is one I just reviewed

just recently you can see the shape on the head is totally different it's a

bigger head different mouth shape and everything

this was more comical looking this one's more serious looking but the one thing I

did not I do not like that much about Godzilla's why is his head have to be so

much smaller than his body I mean okay like movie wise or whatever I'm not

really sure but it makes it really hard to make Godzilla battles because it goes

against like King Kong King Kong's head for similar sized figures way

bigger so I don't know to me it's kind of confusing well anyways this guy's uh

his teeth are all gray and everything that's because he is from

black-and-white movie so everything is gonna be black and white so obviously

that's why all these scales are like gray while grey black and white and then

our coolest NECA one is this big one the 24-inch legendary mecha godzilla so this

guy's a big one I mean take a look at it and he has the same astounding detail as

the smaller ones I mean this one has movement everywhere mouth opens and

closes head moves independent of the neck the arms move they move at the

elbow they move at the hand there the legs will turn 360 he will turn 360 at

the knee and his foot and the bottom will also turn and then this guy has

multi faceted you know over here brakes brakes here here here here here here

here so I mean this guy you could put his tail into so many different shapes

and this one has sound too which is really accurate let's go ahead and

listen so I always forget which like you push this bike here so it's

kind of almost like hidden there which is like I said very accurate and then I

had this one older one which I had not opened yet I will open this - this is

also an echo Godzilla 2001 which I bought at Toys R Us so you could see him

evil would be faced over there which is a lot more similar to the 1954 one so I

guess by 2001 that haven't changed in that much the newer ones after 2001 so

uh anyways those are my neck 'got zillah's I do have a lot more Godzilla's

so if you do want to check any of those out go ahead and check out my playlist

Godzilla King Kong playlist at the end of this video for fun unboxings and also

bands and if there's any other Godzilla toys or King Kong you want reviewed go

ahead and drop it in the comment section and I will do my best to review them

okay Wow guys that was a fun panel to make if you guys enjoyed that make sure

you go ahead click like and go ahead subscribe to my channel click the

subscription button under the video and if you kick click the bell next to the

subscription button it'll notify you every time a new mate make a new video

but I do make new videos every day weekly Monday through Friday at 2:00

p.m. Eastern Standard Time and Saturdays at 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. so I would

love to have you come back tomorrow and watch another video and also I have over

a thousand videos the majority of them are Godzilla King Kong Jurassic Park in

Jurassic world dinosaurs unboxings and battles lots of fun guys I will also put

a link below this video where you can buy this awesome

Godzilla wow you guys are awesome and I will see you tomorrow

click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see even more

go ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New Neca 2001 Atomic Blast Godzilla Vs King Kong Skull Island Jurassic Park Unboxing Lost world - Duration: 16:05.


Audi Q3 Leder!! 2.0 TFSI QUATTRO PRO LINE - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Audi Q3 Leder!! 2.0 TFSI QUATTRO PRO LINE - Duration: 1:00.


'SNL' 김생민, 디카프리오 변신..안영미 놓고 신동엽과 연적대결 - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> 'SNL' 김생민, 디카프리오 변신..안영미 놓고 신동엽과 연적대결 - Duration: 1:50.


'SNL9' 김생민 "명품팬티는 '스튜핏', 노팬티는 '그뤠잇'" - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> 'SNL9' 김생민 "명품팬티는 '스튜핏', 노팬티는 '그뤠잇'" - Duration: 2:00.


(AT) Donald Trump na 72. zasadaní OSN - Duration: 44:43.

For more infomation >> (AT) Donald Trump na 72. zasadaní OSN - Duration: 44:43.


Beyond the Imaginary Curve, Flat Earth - Beware of moon claims - polskie napisy - Duration: 12:36.

For more infomation >> Beyond the Imaginary Curve, Flat Earth - Beware of moon claims - polskie napisy - Duration: 12:36.


I am so lonely that i go through this... - Duration: 4:09.

i'm so lonely

I have nobody

For my own












I have no friends

to talk to


im a puppy dawg...

For more infomation >> I am so lonely that i go through this... - Duration: 4:09.


"Day Turns To Night" Official ...

For more infomation >> "Day Turns To Night" Official ...


ソフトB工藤監督、リーグ優勝報告会で明かした思い「まだまだ戦いは続く」 - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> ソフトB工藤監督、リーグ優勝報告会で明かした思い「まだまだ戦いは続く」 - Duration: 3:52.


Destiny 2: Live Action

For more infomation >> Destiny 2: Live Action


Scientific Notation - Duration: 3:25.

This is a review of how to put numbers into Scientific Notation and take them out

of Scientific Notation. So the first set of problems we have here gives us an

example. It says that we have 156,310,000 km

Since this is a very big number, it is more convenient to write this in Scientific Notation than rewriting it multiple times and possibly

even writing the incorrect number by copying and wrong. So, what we can do is,

by changing into Scientific Notation, we're going to move the decimal point so that

the number is between 1 and 10 and then we're going to add the

ending X10 with an exponent that's going to tell us how many places

we had to move our decimal point. The first thing we should do here is notice

that we don't have a written decimal point in our number. We can assume if we

don't have a written decimal point then the decimal point is actually located

after the very last zero and so once we've decided that we can take that

decimal point and we can move it so that the numbers between 1 and 10. The usual

place we'll end up having to move the decimal point to is after the first

digit that's not a zero. So what I'm going to do is make loops under each of

my digits counting as I go. In this number I had to make 8 loops and so I'm

going to write my answer here as 1.5631 (with my decimal point in its new

location that I moved it to) X10 and I'm going to add an exponent that's

equal to the number of places I moved it. If I had to move my decimal point to the

left which I did here I'm going to make this a positive exponent, but if I'd have

had my decimal point the other direction (to the right) I would make it a negative

exponent. A general rule we can follow is if the number itself to start out with

was was larger than 1 then we're going to have a positive exponent if it was

less than 1 we should have a negative exponent.

We can also take numbers out of scientific notation as seen in my second

example here. In this example I have the number 6.751 x10^-5

now I know from my example before

that if I have a -5 exponent on my number that means that the number

that I end up with here as my answer should be less than one and so what I'm

going to do is I'm actually going to move my decimal point to the left (the

opposite direction that I would have had to move my decimal point had a negative

exponent in the previous example) and I'm going to move that equal to the number

of places in my exponent. Now I do have some empty loops at the beginning and so

I'm going to fill those in with zeros and so my answer here I'm going to put "0."

and then I have four empty loops so I'm going to put four zeros "6751"

and I should make sure that any time I'm writing one of these problems

if I have a unit that I add it.

For more infomation >> Scientific Notation - Duration: 3:25.


mourning the past - Duration: 5:20.

*clap clap clap clap Snap*

This has been...a week.

My car broke down, and it started smoking.

It got fixed for all of thirty minutes it was all good, and then my check engine light

came on and I have to get new spark plugs.

So much is happening right now.

I'm just trying to juggle school and stuff, and then I think recently I've been really

mourning my past self.

If that makes any sense at all.

I spent the entire portion of my life as an able-bodied individual.

I did sports, I climbed trees, I played, I ran, I did weightlifting.

I did a bunch of stuff.

I was a really, really active person, and then all the sudden it just started crumbling.

You know Time Hop on facebook is like "from 4 year ago remember this" and it's from like

when I PR'd my deadlift at like 285 or something.

Or when I did my first CrossFit competition.

There's so much- I did so much to get where I am and to be okay with that, and so to be

reminded of the things that I can no longer do, that I loved to do, is just really hard.

Like "Oh I miss weightlifting and doing PR's and going to the gym every day" and stuff

like that but I can't just g back and do it because now I have to worry about my health,

about my heart rate, about my joints, abut my pain, am I gunna get injured, am I gunna

make everything worse?

I'm like okay yeah that's fine this is fine, but then I get in weeks like this where it's

really not fine.

I can't be spontaneous anymore.

And there's a certain lack of spontaneity, or whatever you want to call it, that comes

with having a chronic illness.

I have to plan- is this accessible, is this a day I'm going to need my wheelchair, do

I have water, how long will we be there.

I can't just go.

Okay I wanna hang out with a friend on Friday but I have to have at least six days to plan

that because I need to portion my energy enough that I can make the drive over there so that

I can hang out with them for an extended period of time and not want to die by the time I

need to drive all the way back home.

I don't know why it makes me feel like a bad person to be mourning that.

I have so many great things ahead of me, and without my chronic illnesses I probably never

would have met some of my best friends, I wouldn't have had the opportunities I've had,

and that kind of thing.

And I'm so thankful for those and I feel like because I miss what I used to be I'm like

a bad person now.

I don't know, it's just weird struggling with those kind of thing.

I feel like I'm not being thankful for what I've been given but it's also like, I don;t

want to be thankful for it because I don't always like it.

I fight so much when people say "you can't be chronically ill and happy."

Like when you tell people that you can be chronically ill or disabled and be happy and

not want to hate your life forever, that that entails that you're never sad.

So, I'm like- I'm just stuck.

I've got this happiness bubble around me and I feel like I'm not allowed to be sad about

things because everyone's expecting me to be happy, and expecting me to keep being the

person that I usually am.

I mean everyone's sad sometimes.

And for me, it happened to be this week.

I just happened to be really really sad that I was done with all my homework, and I didn't

have to pick up Nicole from school for hours and all I could do was sit in bed and read,

when all I really wanted to do was run a couple miles, go to the gym, go biking or something.

But I can't and I just miss it.

I just miss so much of what I used to be able to do.

I'm frustrated and overwhelmed and I'm just really sad and I don't know what to do with


That's why I cut my hair- you know how it goes, if my hair changes I'm not in a good


I'm getting through, I'm not stuck in this black pit of despair, I'm gunna be fine.

But right now I'm not.

I mean I drove to Target the other day, I didn't even get out, I just drove to Target

and by the time I got home I wanted to just never walk again because I drove 12 miles.

I hate that, I hate it so much.

Like I have a lot of emotional strength, but I'm missing having physical strength.

I don't even know where this is going.

In the end, I don't really care where you've turned up, I just hope you're happy, and if

you're not happy: I hope you're doing something that makes you happy or with the people that

make you happy.

I think that's where I want to be.

Rejoice in the day and be glad in it.

I'll see you guys later.


For more infomation >> mourning the past - Duration: 5:20.



For more infomation >> GUESS THE KPOP SONG BY THE KOREAN TITLE #3 - Duration: 7:24.


New Neca 2001 Atomic Blast Godzilla Vs King Kong Skull Island Jurassic Park Unboxing Lost world - Duration: 16:05.

oh okay guys so how cool is that what a cool effect that gives it I

really like the fact that they included view Tomic blast with it bah anyways

New Neca 2001 Atomic Blast Godzilla Vs King Kong Skull Island Jurassic Park Unboxing Lost world

Wow okay it's great to see you again I got awesome toy I've found today today

we have the NECA Godzilla king kong, king kong toys, king kong vs, skull island, King Kong Vs Godzilla, jurassic world, jurassic world toys, 2001 atomic blast Wow

I found this one and toys-r-us and it looks totally awesome here's a good look

at the back let's go ahead and open it up and that's what's in the package

before I remove anything so anyways NECA did a great job detailing this guy I'll

put a link below where you could below this video where you could buy this guy

ah head turns independent of the neck neck turns 360 degrees there the arms

odd by the way guys these are great for pose

ability and playability because of the quality of the toy so the whole arm

turns 360 turns 360 at the elbow the hand turns 360 and the hand also does

close they did a great job to detailing the cloth his body does turn over here

at the waist not too much it it almost feels like in

my break if you turn it too much so I'm a little scared there are legs 360

rotation but it's cool how they move out I mean this guy is almost like in a

dancing type position ok maybe not in 360 it hits something hard back here I'm

scared to turn it more but almost 360 great movement at the knee you have 360

degree movement and at the fault you have 360 degree movement they did a

really great job painting the claws on this guy the blue effects on his legs

and stomach are totally awesome and then moving on to his back the spikes here

are blue but they're nice and soft it's not some of the spikes on the Godzilla's

are like if you poke yourself you almost think you're gonna bleed or something

but these are nice soft inflexible the tail movement 360 up here it's split

into like four parts okay you got movement here movement here

okay three four parts so independent movement here here here and here so like

I said really awesome with this guy and then his mouth does

open and closed and they gave him like white ice so it's almost like evil

zombie looking eyes and then this piece fits into a slot on his mouth so has

such a cool special effect I mean look at that if you look at it from here it

looks like he's breathing out his atomic blast I mean it doesn't even look like

it's just a piece of plastic sticking out of his mouth that is so cool yeah it

does say uh made by NECA here on the leg cool

guys here is some other awesome mechagodzilla's I have reviewed and I

will be reviewing so here's the one we just did here is another awesome Nikko

Godzilla so this one just wanted uh like classic NECA Godzilla's believe this is

2001 model so the same movement with the Ford the four small or NECA ones I'm

gonna show you it's gonna be the same movement as the first one so let me just

show you like the differences so this one has like differences in like the

appearance of the mouth and it has red eyes but ah same great movement on the

tail and everywhere else and then we have this flame red Godzilla so this

guy's really cool you could like see the flame like seeping right through his

body like the atomic energy inside so he does open and close his mouth but this

is the guy that's got a really freaky looking mouth I mean look at that mom

he's got that big red flap there and that mouth really freaks you know but ah

he is cool I mean compared this guy to like the blue guy and they go together

really cool blue in the grid I'm filtering it it

looks like the atomic blast only goes down unless you turn his head sideways

like that so there it would hit him in the chest really cool looking effect ah

this earlier guy I showed you to one thing I like you could put these guys up

let me check this guy out he's like bro and then we have this

classic I believe this is the 1954 Godzilla this is one I just reviewed

just recently you can see the shape on the head is totally different it's a

bigger head different mouth shape and everything

this was more comical looking this one's more serious looking but the one thing I

did not I do not like that much about Godzilla's why is his head have to be so

much smaller than his body I mean okay like movie wise or whatever I'm not

really sure but it makes it really hard to make Godzilla battles because it goes

against like King Kong King Kong's head for similar sized figures way

bigger so I don't know to me it's kind of confusing well anyways this guy's uh

his teeth are all gray and everything that's because he is from

black-and-white movie so everything is gonna be black and white so obviously

that's why all these scales are like gray while grey black and white and then

our coolest NECA one is this big one the 24-inch legendary mecha godzilla so this

guy's a big one I mean take a look at it and he has the same astounding detail as

the smaller ones I mean this one has movement everywhere mouth opens and

closes head moves independent of the neck the arms move they move at the

elbow they move at the hand there the legs will turn 360 he will turn 360 at

the knee and his foot and the bottom will also turn and then this guy has

multi faceted you know over here brakes brakes here here here here here here

here so I mean this guy you could put his tail into so many different shapes

and this one has sound too which is really accurate let's go ahead and

listen so I always forget which like you push this bike here so it's

kind of almost like hidden there which is like I said very accurate and then I

had this one older one which I had not opened yet I will open this - this is

also an echo Godzilla 2001 which I bought at Toys R Us so you could see him

evil would be faced over there which is a lot more similar to the 1954 one so I

guess by 2001 that haven't changed in that much the newer ones after 2001 so

uh anyways those are my neck 'got zillah's I do have a lot more Godzilla's

so if you do want to check any of those out go ahead and check out my playlist

Godzilla King Kong playlist at the end of this video for fun unboxings and also

bands and if there's any other Godzilla toys or King Kong you want reviewed go

ahead and drop it in the comment section and I will do my best to review them

okay Wow guys that was a fun panel to make if you guys enjoyed that make sure

you go ahead click like and go ahead subscribe to my channel click the

subscription button under the video and if you kick click the bell next to the

subscription button it'll notify you every time a new mate make a new video

but I do make new videos every day weekly Monday through Friday at 2:00

p.m. Eastern Standard Time and Saturdays at 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. so I would

love to have you come back tomorrow and watch another video and also I have over

a thousand videos the majority of them are Godzilla King Kong Jurassic Park in

Jurassic world dinosaurs unboxings and battles lots of fun guys I will also put

a link below this video where you can buy this awesome

Godzilla wow you guys are awesome and I will see you tomorrow

click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see even more

go ahead and click the subscribe button

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