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Hysterical Movie Moments That Weren't In The Script - Duration: 4:39.Movies, as they say, are magic.
But sometimes it takes more than a well-written script to make it work once the cameras start
Sometimes, Hollywood's top talents rely on improv and luck to create some of the most
memorable scenes in film history.
Here are some of the most hysterical movie moments that weren't in the script.
It might not get quoted as often as Anchorman
or Step Brothers, but that doesn't mean The Other Guys doesn't have some hilarious moments.
"If I were a lion and you were a tuna I would swim out to the middle of the ocean to friggin
eat you!"
Co-writer and director Adam McKay explained that this scene — where two dumb cops imagine
a battle royale between predators from two very different ecosystems, came from him posing
a very simple question to Will Ferrell: "how would a tuna fight a lion?"
"and guess what?
You've wandered into our school of tuna and we now have a taste of line, we've talked
to ourselves.
We've communicated.
And said, 'You know what?
Lion tastes good.'
After a couple of takes, Ferrell came up with
a pretty convincing answer: "We will construct a series of breathing apparatus
with kelp.
It's not going to be days at a time, but an hour?
Hour 45?
No problem!"
Ben Stiller may have got a little too into
his role as the idiotic male model in Zoolander.
The scene where David Duchovny explains the villain's evil plot to use male models as
trained assassins was made a million times funnier by a simple mistake.
At first, Stiller gets things right: "So why male models?"
Ben Stiller was listening so intently to Duchovny's minute-long monologue, he completely lost
track of his lines.
So, when there was a moment of silence and everyone was staring at Stiller to speak,
he just, well, repeated his first line: "But why male models?"
Leading Duchovny to offer some amazing improv in response:
"You serious?
I just…
I just told you that a moment ago.
" "Right"
Nepotism was in full swing on the set of Goodfellas
but, for once, it made for an excellent choice.
Director Martin Scorsese cast his real mother to play Tommy DeVito's mom in Goodfellas.
During the dinner scene, Tommy and his gangster friends stop by his mom's house to pick up
a shovel to bury a body, when his mom insists they all have a full dinner before going back
Scorsese didn't tell his mom that the characters had a body in the trunk — he just told her
that her film son was coming home — played by Joe Pesci, and she's going to make them
some dinner.
So, going into the scene, Mrs. Scorsese only knew she'd be talking to her son and his friends,
and that she'd show them a painting she made.
"Look at this."
"Ah that's beautiful."
"I like this.
One dog goes one way and the other dog goes the other way."
"One is going east and the other is going west."
Everything from Tommy's explanation why he had blood all over his shirt…
"tonight we were out late and we took a ride out to..
Out to the country and and hit one of those deer's that's where the blood came from Jimmy
told you before."
To Mrs. Scorsese's perfectly told story about the guy who doesn't talk:
"What am I gonna say?
That my wife two times me?
So she says to him, 'Shut up, you're always talking.'"
All of it was improvised.
She easily steals the scene from DeNiro, Liotta, and Pesci.
Who wouldn't watch a movie starring Tommy's mom all on her own, just cooking dinner for
There's a famous scene in Annie Hall where
Woody Allen's character, Alvy, is learning all about the seedier side of life:
"How much is this stuff on the inside?"
"It's about $2000 an ounce."
But while rehearsing the scene, this moment was a total accident.
"Ah choo!"
It seemed to work so well that they left it in and put it in the actual film.
And once people went nuts at a test screening over the moment, Allen knew the accidental
allergy attack from rehearsal would have to stay in the final cut.
Improv master Bill Murray can usually be counted
on to make any movie better just by being in it.
Tootsie already had an amazing cast, but Murray still stands out as a wannabe playwright.
During the party scene, where Murray discusses his beliefs about theater, there was literally
no script at all.
Murray was just told to talk...and so he did.
"I don't want a full house at the Winter Garden theatre.
I want 90 people who just came out of the worst rainstorm in the city's history."
It's obvious he knew the artsy, pretentious writer type very well, and was happy discuss
his character's own artistic ideals at length — to the audience's supreme benefit.
"I wish I had a theater that was only open when it rained."
Thanks for watching!
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10 Signs You Have Met A Love From Your Past Life - Duration: 3:55.10 Signs You Have Met A Love From Your Past Life
Meeting love from past life is not a coincidence.
It is a blessing since you definitely will feel so comfortable with that person.
So, do you ever feel a familiar scents so overwhelmingly upon meeting someone?
If you do, you may have just connected with the spirit of a partner from a past life.
It's not exaggerating, meeting someone from your past life can feel really overwhelming
in a good way, in short, you'll feel so many joy upon meeting that person.
Often cases, meeting someone from a past life, especially a soulmate, means that you have
an important task to accomplish with them during your time here on Earth.
At least there are 10 signs that you're actually meeting a love from a past life.
Let's hear the lists!
#1 - Instant connection
When you meet someone new, you can be either happy or disgusted depending on the person
you meet.
However, when you meet a love of your past life, the nuance is completely different.
#2 - Your emotions run wild
Upon meeting and building a connection with the person from your past life, you feel a
wellspring of emotions within you.
Maybe you can't describe it in a words, but something about the encounter felt incredibly
powerful and life-changing.
It's like the feelings that you haven't feel in ages, the feelings that you never want
to let this person go when you see them again.
#3 - Time flies
You and your loved from the past are engaged in a deep and meaningful conversation that
you forget the time.
It is like the universe allows you to chat with that person without any interference.
#4 - Share everything
Despite of your introverted life, you somehow reveals how you feel towards something when
you meet this person from the past life.
It is so comforting that you just share whatever you want to say.
#5 - They are like your home
A love from your past life is absolutely comforting.
Breaking up the conversation is equal to leaving your home, and it just feels empty.
#6 - Super excited
Meeting a love from past time really seems impossible.
That is why when you actually meet this person, you just do not want to let her or him go.
You are so excited that you just want to spend you whole time with the person.
#7 - Similar memories
It is actually obvious.
Since you meet the person from your past life, you both carry similar memories about the
This can be a good story but weird at the same time.
The reason being is you basically never met this person before.
#8 - Deep connection
In addition to instant connection, your connection with your past friend is also deep.
You even do not need words to communicate.
If you think it is amazing, it is.
#9 - You are respected
She, or he is not just a friend.
She is a gift.
You will be respected like you never before.
This makes sure you are in the best situation ever.
#10 - Powerful connection
The love, affection, care, and passion brought to you are powerful.
You just melt in front of this love of the past.
It positively affects you, and you should definitely never let go this chance.
All in all, that's the 10 signs you have met a love from your past life.
Really cool information isn't it?
Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!
Thanks for watching!
Volkswagen Polo 1.0 BLUEMOTION CONNECTED SERIES 5DRS / NAVI / PDC V+A - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Como as doenças se espalham pelo mundo? | Minuto da Terra - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
How to train your cat not to scratch furniture - Duration: 2:17.-------------------------------------------
Does the Bible endorse slavery? - Duration: 5:45.-------------------------------------------
The awkward debate around Trump's mental fitness - Duration: 7:46.That is an awkward question, but it's one that's being asked
on every major news network in America.
President Trump's fitness for office is now the top story in the country.
Reports suggest that even Trump's advisers are worried about it.
Everyone around the president questions his intelligence and fitness for office.
100 percent of the people around him.
Concerns have gotten so bad that Trump agreed to be screened for dementia
as part of his last health exam.
None of this has to do with Trump's political positions.
They have to do with his ability to understand the world around him
and make good decisions.
Everybody wants to know: is this president of sound mind?
And if talking about this kind of thing makes you uncomfortable,
wait 'til you see how much it's stressing out actual mental health experts.
In a series of tweets, the president insisted that he is "like really smart" and a "very stable genius."
Last October, a group of 27 mental health experts
published this book: The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump.
In it, they warn that Trump's behavior shows him to be dangerously unstable,
describing him as a pathological narcissist who's delusional, suffers from paranoid ideation,
lacks conscience and empathy, and exhibits a host of destructive and dangerous psychiatric symptoms.
Yeah, it's rough.
Two months after its publishing, the book's editor met with 12 US senators
to talk about Trump's mental fitness.
That editor's name?
Dr. Bandy Lee.
I am a forensic psychiatrist at Yale School of Medicine
and an internationally recognized expert on violence.
Since the book came out, Dr. Lee has become kind of the face of mental health experts
warning about Trump.
We express our consensus view that
Some of the psychological signs are:
All of these are highly associated with violence.
One thing I noticed is that she starts almost every interview about Trump by saying
this: I'd like to make clear that I speak for myself
She did it in our interview too.
That's because what Dr. Lee and her colleagues are doing,
discussing the mental health of a politician who isn't their patient,
is pretty controversial.
And to understand why, we have to go back to 1964.
Don't tune out.
I'll make this quick.
Back then, Republican Sen. Barry Goldwater was running for president.
He was a far-right candidate who talked openly about wanting to use nuclear weapons
and was endorsed by the KKK.
I know, time is a flat circle.
In response to Goldwater's candidacy, Fact Magazine published this piece,
in which over 1,000 psychiatrists argued that he was psychologically unfit to be president.
Goldwater lost the election, but he sued the magazine's publisher for libel
and won, causing the magazine to shut down.
In response, the American Psychiatric Association created this guideline,
which states that when it comes to public figures,
it is unethical for psychiatrists to offer a professional opinion
unless they've conducted an examination on that person.
They called it: the Goldwater Rule.
Well, I was going to say it.
But yeah, the Goldwater Rule.
Which brings us back to this book.
Lee and her colleagues argue that they're not violating the Goldwater Rule because
We're not interested in making a diagnosis.
They're assessing how dangerous he might be based on his public behavior.
Most of the information that you get about dangerousness
comes from observation of their behavior, watching their interactions with people,
assessing them in real situations, reports of how they respond,
objective signs that we can still evaluate even if it's not enough to make a diagnosis.
But in March, the APA expanded the Goldwater Rule,
clarifying that rendering any professional opinion
about a public figure's affect, behavior, speech,
or other presentation is unethical.
In other words, unless Trump agrees to a full mental health screening
— never going to happen — tons of psychiatrists are basically barred
from commenting on his mental health.
And that is very alarming to me.
Many people call it a gag rule.
Gag rule, I'm into it.
You would be.
That gag rule has a big impact on how the media
talks about Trump's mental fitness.
Lee worries that if they can't talk to mental health experts,
journalists are more likely to normalize Trump's abnormal behavior.
Most people are not used to seeing impaired individuals
day in and day out, so
It's tough to grapple with the possibility that
the person in charge of our nuclear arsenal might be deeply unstable.
So instead, our brains look for other explanations for Trump's behavior.
I want to believe he's just dishonest, not delusional.
Trump peddles conspiracy theories about Obama's birth certificate, and he's just playing
to his base.
Is there some strategy in bringing up the Obama birth certificate thing again?
Trump is not delusional.
He's being very politically savvy.
What should be evidence of a serious emergency gets downplayed as just Trump being Trump.
Donald Trump's a different type of guy.
I mean, he operates differently.
That difference has made him very successful.
One of Lee's colleagues has a great name for this phenomenon.
He calls it "malignant normality."
Ooh. I know.
It's a great drag name.
The result is that journalists end up missing big danger signs,
signs that mental health experts could catch.
Pundits will simply say, "That's just Trump being Trump,"
or, "It's tough talk."
One crucial contribution that mental health professionals can make is to
But the bigger problem with the APA's gag order
is that it surrenders debates about Trump's mental fitness
to non-experts.
Isn't it remarkable that we're talking about the president's mental state?
To political commentators or partisan pundits who actually aren't qualified to talk about this.
I'm not a doctor, but I can tell you what I see and hear.
I'm not a doctor, but I can see that he is not the sharp mind that he was.
I'm not a doctor, but his behavior is erratic.
To me, that's classic narcissism.
I'm not a doctor but...
Leaving mental health issues to pundits, non-professionals,
can keep the public in the dark and keep them
These discussions can quickly become train wrecks,
where mental fitness is used as a weapon to smear political opponents.
So many of the traits of a sociopath this man is displaying.
I can't explain this crazy behavior, but I can call it crazy.
You saw it during the Obama years, when Fox News
regularly made wild accusations about Obama's mental state.
We all know that Obama is a narcissist, but this is bordering on the pathological.
He doesn't seem to have empathy or feelings for Americans.
He is certainly unfit to be president.
And Lee worries that this kind of coverage trivializes real concerns
about Trump's mental fitness, reducing them to
just another talking point for pundits to argue about.
As this conversation escalates, both sides sort of retreating to their corners.
The more that mental fitness sounds like a left-wing talking point,
the harder it is to take it seriously.
To now say, "Oh, well, look, he seems unhinged," does seem like you're not willing to accept
the political reality that you are living with.
To accept that it is simply a political issue or a partisan issue
is an attempt to normalize the discourse.
No one's a doctor tonight that I've seen.
And somehow say, because you don't like what he said tonight in his speech,
that he's somehow unfit to be commander in chief,
that is the most ridiculous...
Whoa, whoa, whoa, everybody stop, stop.
The original goal of the Goldwater Rule was to help prevent mental health from being politicized.
But if the last few months have shown anything, it's that silencing mental health experts
does the opposite.
Politicization is almost inevitable without expert input.
Mental health expertise, just like medical expertise,
is neutral on all those grounds.
Trump has made questions about his mental fitness unavoidable.
What remains to be seen is whether actual experts
will be allowed to answer them.
Bebe Rexha ft. Florida Georgia Line: Meant to Be - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
2017美國探訪友人之旅#3:yaya小小的健走行程!很chill、很chatty的一天 San Francisco Vlog l EVALIN - Duration: 14:01.-------------------------------------------
TEST OSOBNOSTI | Jaký je váš ideální partner? - Duration: 10:06.-------------------------------------------
Clive Davis Shares His Advice That Made Bruce Springsteen's Career - Duration: 5:51.-------------------------------------------
just stick me in the oven and roast me already - Duration: 3:26.hi it's Divya G. What does the G stand for? The G stands for 'got no video ideas'
hmm I went on Twitter because I was
procrastinating. y'all know me. standard. also twitter is my primary source for
dank memes. (follow me on twitter) in this house we don't use Facebook okay we are
children of God. So I got a notification and I was like 'oh what's this is someone
trynaaa slide into my dms?' no. I got a tweet 'yo it's Divya G you should make
a video letting your subscribers roast you... must not be very complicated for us
yeah well roasting potatoes ain't gonna be that hard
will it, Janice? and a few days later I tweeted why take out the trash when you
can ;) take ;) me ;) out ;) in ;) instead ;) (cause i'm trash) and then Harleen said 'I don't know if you want to
go out on a date or get shot but okay' and then Mina said I mean to be honest
either one would be preferable
what what yeah well
that's not very nice, Mina. To celebrate hitting you know 20 million
subscribers (!!1) and because people say that my videos are too 'negative' and I'm
not 'positive' enough like that's just how I flow okay so for no charge I'll let
you guys roast me on a grill until I'm burnt. so that in my next video I can
pretend that I'm actually relevant and I get hate comments and I'll be like
'oh my god guys reading hate comments' out loud when actually I secretly
just asked for you guys to roast me and roasting is kind of low-key erm my kink like
I'm not gonna lie I love being roasted like 'ooo roast me daddy' 'ooh grill me' ohoo errrr
no maybe not. so yeah feel free to roast me. you can roast anything honestly you
can roast my old videos, my Instagram my, yin-yang eyebrows. if my old teeth
published an autobiography it would be called Willy Wonka because that shit
BENT. so yeah send your submissions on Twitter if you're referencing like an
old video snapshot or like an Instagram or like a tweet if you don't have twitter
you can comment down below but preferably twitter. I don't know do
you need new material to roast well if you do here are some and just yeah
have fun this is just an excuse to get notifications so yeah
have fun I'll pretend like I'm not crying inside and *mad world plays softly in the background*... hurt.. and broken... and lost and
just..... all around me are farmiliar faces
Ashley McBryde: A Little Dive Bar in Dahlonega - Duration: 3:57.-------------------------------------------
Top 10 Prodotti dì Make-up del 2017–Passion YouTubers - Duration: 18:12.-------------------------------------------
Kayu Geet Che Aa? | TCF TACHUKDI | Funny Gujarati Video - Duration: 2:41.Fuck this shit!!!
Keep playing keep playing...
Tum to thehre parde-
Oh no no no no no....
Which song is it then?
Play it play it play it...
Saanso ki zaroorat hai jaise...
Noo man!
Which song is it then?
Tujhe dekha to ye jaana sanam!
Selfie maine le li aaj!
Humma humma!
Mere rashke qamar!
Oh God!!!
Chura ke dil mera...
Wrong again man!!!
Then which song is it!!!
I've been trying to guess-
-Let me hear it!
*Hard Metal playing*
*Enters Kiss Band*
*Enters Kiss Band* *Dying*
So viewers, like and share the video
and Subscribe to The Comedy Factory by clicking here...
And if you want to watch more of TCF Tachukdi Videos
Click here!
Come again!
Easy Valentines Accent Nail - Stamping Plate & Acrylic Paint - Duration: 10:06.-------------------------------------------
Mammogram Recommendations: Why the Conflicting Guidelines? - Duration: 5:12.-------------------------------------------
I LOVE YOU ...- JÚLIA SARDIM - Duration: 1:13.Mark that person, to remind her how special she is to you ...
I love you, with your smile that enchants me, with your conquering look, and your faults
more intriguing.
I love you, with this way of kid that conquers me every day, I love every curve of your
smile, which always infects me, even in the grayest days
I love you because it is with you that I dream and I want my happy forever, even with
our fights, I know what I feel for you is something much stronger than anything.
I love you the way I've never loved anyone before, because it was you who showed me the meaning
of love, you who showed me what it is to be truly loved and it is you who always
give me the best hug in the morning and the captivating kiss in the late afternoon, every night
makes me sleep with a smile on my face, makes me wake up the next morning proving that
I'm the luckiest woman, because I have you by my side, it gives me a cold in the belly only
to see you, I arrive until I'm out of breath and everything that we live makes me a better person,
because regardless of any fight, I love you just like that.
REACTING TO THE FIRST GAY K-POP IDOL! 😮 | Holland(홀랜드) - Neverland (네버랜드) - Duration: 10:18.Warning: after a day's work
my face's lucidity has gone over the
shining levels established by the UN
Please wear sunglasses to watch this video.
Hello everyone and welcome to this new video
Breaking news, because it happened
something in Korea that's unseen, that has not happened,
something never thought, never germinated
What happened? Basically, today
or yesterday, I don't know, okay, I don't know when
This singer called
Holland made a debut, but not a normal debut
because him, Holland
he is the first singer who is admittedly
homosexual in Korea. I'm very very
curious to see how the Korean audience reacted
to this, how they reacted, how it
went this first experience of him
being homosexual to the Korean public
Will he be able to step out of the door, this poor guy, or not?
I already told you in a video how homosexuality is perceived in Korea
if you haven't seen it, I'll leave it here
Here. There, so I say we can start
because I want to see how far they've pushed
I know that the video is rated 19
so people under 19 y.o. can't see it, the video can't be seen by people who are not 19 y.o.
I hope there's a sex scene or something
very explicit, otherwise why should it be blocked
for people under 19 y.o.? I don't know, we'll figure it out together
I'm not very excited today, woohoo, the excitement,
the stimulation! Before we begin, I want to tell you that
the date of my meeting
in Rome was decided. It will be on
February 11th. I don't really know very well
like exactly the place and the time
but they will come. So make yourselves available
on Sunday, February 11th
It should be on the 11th, if I'm wrong I'll write here the right one
So c'mon, let's start.
Oh God the excitement, the excitement!
Holy cow it has already 1 million views!
When was it posted? Maybe coming out works.
It's a tunnel
It was evening, now it's magically morning
And we're at the sea.
So Neverland, guys.
Maybe there's a hidden important message in this video.
Go Holland, give it to me.
The meaning, the meaning give it to me.
But he's sad, alright.
Sadder and sadder while skateboarding.
I don't give a f**k. He said "I don't give a f**k"?
Eeeeh! They love each other, of course they love each other!
Or maybe they loved each other, since now he's depressed.
How did the skateboard move on its own?
It's his ghost, it's his ghost
I'm already understanding the meaning of this video guys, I got it.
Where are they?
They're there, I've been there guys! They're in Jejju!
Okay, he can climb the roofs
But it's not... Guys please don't do it.
What kind of effect is that?
Oooh, look at them.
So, that's the past! He's telling the past
when they were happy
Am I understanding this video, or not?
"What am I doing of my life" moment
Nothing is happen in this video, guys
Is just him, in different stances
with this face a little...
sad... and just staring off
they're hand in hand
No wait, now they arguing, okay something is gonna happen
I'm pumped, go!
Now something is gonna happen,
because "R-rated", at least...
they're going hard
Go go
No, now he's sad
and drink ... oh no, with him
I'm not understanding flashbacks, guys
Are alone at the beach
It's done?
But how?
All this mess ... what is happened? Are they kissed?
Because of a kiss... tongue kiss, yes but...
not for a kiss you must to forbid the view for people under 19
Speaking of "Korea, wake up",
let's go to read comments and let's see how Koreans
reacted to this fantastic video
Guys, I've searching for about 6 years
among comments to find a little racy comments
a little free hating
instead... I must tell you that I didn't find bad comments
among Korean comments
paradoxically there are more foreigners than Koreans
I don't know if that is caused to the fact that
this singer is not yet so popular in Korea...
or something like that. But for Korean comments that I found
I made screenshot, now I'm going to read them to you
he said he's upset
that video is forbid to people under 19, because they just kissed
and I agree
this one, said that
he understanding that is hard for a Korean to coming out
and released an album
and he encourage him not to give up
this one said that he like the song
A lot of comments is very beautiful and positive
maybe this song is not yet arrived
to the people, I guess. Or maybe, actually all the average Korean's thought
is changed in these two days
it might be.
Honestly, I'm thinking that:
the song it's not big deal
I think his voice skills are absolutely not big deal
in fact I don't particularly like his voice
if I'm honest. "For me is no"
I think the message he's sending
the video's message.. even if
the video it's not big deal too. Isn't a particularly intense love story
They're look each other in the eyes
then they arguing, at the end they look each other in the eyes in bed
I mean... wow.
is good that the message behind this video is
"Be yourself", and all these beautiful things
...But, the fact that this person
is famous by use
the fact to be "homosexual" to get the fame
I don't really like it
I mean, in my opinion, if he didn't come out
this song would pass
and gone into the humanity oblivion
in two seconds... one, two, three.
Write down here what you thing about this song
and what do you thing about this topic.
is a bit sad that a person got achievements
in this case, one million of views in the same day
because of he's gay
He had to got a million of views because the song is wonderful
of because he sing particularly well. This is my thought.
Yes, the message behind is good.
But in my opinion there is scarce substance.
Things he need to work. I don't know... I'm not crazy about his voice,
if you didn't understand.
And that has nothing to do with his act
I mean, his "coming out is a thing", his music
is another thing. Be clear, okay?
That's it for this
extra video made at the last minute
besides by a girl among you
Thanks to the girl who reported it to me
I thought "I'll do a reaction"
If you liked the video, put a like. You can follow me on Instagram and Facebook
If you want to invite me for a cup of coffee, I'll leave the link here down
for helping the channel
"Neverland... "
No, see? I've already forgot the melody.
The fact that I've already forgot it
means something.
Jordan Peterson - Alienar jovens rapazes é profundamente triste - Legendado português - Duration: 5:39.-------------------------------------------
Suzuki Alto 1.0 68pk Comfort Plus - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Voici pourquoi vous devriez toujours dormir nu. Vous serez surpris de ce que cela fait à votre corps - Duration: 9:43.-------------------------------------------
💓5 DIY IKEA Table Recovery Ideas Worth Trying Next Weekend💓 - Duration: 2:28.In this channel you already learned more than dozens ways
how to makeover ikea chair and tables.
I hope you like them all
because this time I am going to share you another 5 DIY Ikea table recovery ideas worth trying
1. IKEA VITTSJO Nesting Tables
For you who have IKEA VITTSJO nesting table,
you can customize your nesting table to be smaller or even cooler by doing five major steps:
cutting the metal frame,
rearranging the frame,
cutting the MDF shelf,
cutting the glass, and painting the legs.
2. Easy IKEA Hack Side Table: Frosta Stool + Aptitlig Chopping Board
With four IKEA Frosta Stool legs and IKEA Aptitlig Chopping board,
you can easily get a beautiful side table.
What you need to do is to attach the stool legs with the chopping board using wood screws.
For you who love playing arcade games,
now you can customize IKEA Lack TV Stand
to be raspberry pi IKEA retropie arcade table.
Basically, you just need to install the controller to the IKEA lack TV stand.
4. A Simple but really effective IKEA Hack – Map Table
You can customize your old tables,
such as IKEA Hemnes table to be map table.
You just need to repaint the table using color your want,
then stick the map that have been sized with the glue
and protect the surface using addition acrylic varnish.
5. A new coffee table from IKEA LIMHAMN hack
For you who needs new coffee table,
you can get it by customizing you IKEA LIMHAMN.
All you need to have is screwdriver and some kitchen panels.
You can combine each panels into the LIMHAMN by using screws. That's it.
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Hey, what's up?
John Sonmez here from
I got an email from someone who—I'm not going to name names here just to keep this
anonymous, but he is actually a blind developer originally from Iran.
He gave me an update.
I had spoken to him or exchanged emails with him a couple times before.
Hopefully, this will still be anonymous.
I mean I think it's still fairly anonymous here.
There's not any real sensitive information.
I'll skip names of companies and stuff as well.
He asked a really interesting question, something that I've struggled with myself.
I thought I would read this.
Let me see here.
He's got a TLDR version, but I'm just going to skip that and go to the full question.
He says, "I've come a long way since we last spoke that I passed an interview at XYZ company
and moved to the Netherlands as an expat with a really good salary.
Coming out of Iran means I get access to buy whatever I want, go around and talk to people
who have always inspired me if I want to and do work that really matters."
That's pretty cool.
"The whole interview process was really hard.
I had to learn about interview questions and such, which strangely enough is all explained
The point is I did the impossible.
I literally pushed through something that sighted people rarely even attempt and I did
it just for fun.
Not for reaching a goal, not for being a superstar.
I was seriously enjoying every single minute of it.
I had a clear goal and I was enjoying the process of going there.
Then I arrived in the Netherlands, went to work and found that I didn't enjoy programming
at all.
Not anymore.
At first, I thought it's something with XYZ company itself.
I started moving teams.
Maybe it's because they use Perl.
Maybe it's because they don't do TDD.
Maybe it's because there's little software design and everyone has pound some shit out
ASAP mentality.
Maybe if I did go instead of Perl, maybe if I land myself on a purely back-end or low-level
programming position.
I did all of that.
I'm currently somewhere I would have loved to be.
I'm in the part of the core infrastructure team working on the platform that could be
the next big thing for the company and I don't enjoy any of it.
It's getting to the point where I'm constantly pushing myself to work and deliver the next
task and compared to that internal battle, difficult programming tasks just feel like
a breeze.
I used to jump out of bed in the morning before my alarm ring.
I would be looking forward to the first day of the week.
Now, getting out of bed and going to work is harder than going to the gym and willingly
torturing myself.
As I said before, I know there's no easy answer to this.
However, I wonder if you have faced something like this before or have gotten emails like
this before.
Is there any way to find out what's wrong?
Thanks for producing awesome content.
You're amazing.
Have an awesome 2018."
First of all, let me say that this is a common experience and I am going through this now.
I'm going through this many times in my life and I will continue to go through this in
the future.
Now, I have to say that because I don't have a perfect answer for you, like I don't
know if this is a curable problem because I constantly reencounter this.
I mean just like this last week.
I'm sort of coming out of one of those phases because like last week, I really didn't
feel like making videos.
I really didn't feel like answering my email and just doing any kind of Simple Programmer
I didn't really want to do it or go to the gym even.
I just felt very, very unmotivated.
Now, I've done videos about this.
I did a video recently talking about this.
I'm not going to beat a dead horse there, but I will say that I just pushed forward
through this stuff and it does eventually disappear.
I feel like I'm coming out of that now even though I'm still not as excited.
I feel more comfortable definitely doing the videos and doing the stuff that I need to
Maybe that's part of the problem too.
I mean if you recognize my vocabulary, if you've been watching this channel for a while,
you'd probably say, "Hey, John.
Wait a minute.
You need to do it or do you get to do it?
You want to do it, right?"
Really, I get to do this stuff.
I choose to do these things.
I think there's always going to be that aspect of it.
I think no matter where you get in life and whatever you're doing, you're going to find
a point where it just becomes drudgery, to some point like you're going to lose motivation.
You're not going to be excited about it.
Again, the thing that makes people become really successful in life and the thing that
I would attribute most of my success in life too is being able to like say, "You know what?
Fuck it, John.
I don't care how you feel right now.
You're going to do this shit anyway and you're going to push through."
I've talked about this a lot of times about dealing with burnout and how I don't really
believe in burnout because for the most part—even though I may feel the symptoms of burnout,
I feel like I'm burned out, I know that pushing through is the answer that is going to get
you the better outcome in life, and that when you don't push through, that's when you
lose all the momentum.
You lose everything you've built up.
Even though sometimes it's not the most comfortable or easy thing to push through, that's why
we push through anyway.
Everytime I've done that in life, I've been rewarded by doing that.
With that said, I want to talk about something specifically here which is what our emailer—I'll
call him P—what P said here that is really interesting.
Just this idea and just a concept that happens.
I'll give you a story back—oh, gosh.
I don't remember how long this was, but there was a period of time where I was getting
back into shape and really trying to lose some weight and stuff, and I enrolled in this
three-month, 90-day fitness challenge in this competition.
I made a perfect diet plan.
I had a perfect routine and I followed this shit 90 days perfectly.
Executed perfectly.
Every day I was living and breathing this because that was my goal.
I ended up winning the competition.
I ended up having a huge transformation.
The next day, I was so depressed.
It was horrible.
I was like I finally achieved what I wanted to achieve and now here I am depressed.
I asked myself, "Why?
What the fuck is wrong with you, man?
What is going on?"
I'll tell you another story.
I'll tell you another one on top of that, which is related which is—like I mean just
related to what I was just talking about.
Here I am, okay.
I mean if you think about where I am right now in my life, which is crazy—I'm not going
to say this to brag, but I do want you to realize, at one point, I was hoping to become
a programmer someday and I just would love to just become a programmer.
Then at one point, I was like, "Oh, if I could just work for myself or if I could retire,
if I could"—you know.
All these things.
"If I could get in shape, if I could have six-pack abs."
I got them now.
Have these things.
At the point where I'm at in my life it's kind of insane.
I mean literally like I don't have to work if I don't want to, like I have passive
income coming in.
I've got more than I need.
I've got non-passive income coming in.
I live on the beach.
If I do want to work, which I am working, it's making YouTube videos.
It's like standing in front of the camera and talking, and managing my team and doing
a lot of fun stuff like creative kind of stuff, yeah, I have some emails and stuff like that,
but I don't even have to, right?
I mean it's like for a living, I can make good money, better money than most people
make by like writing books and blog posts and making YouTube videos, and doing kind
of fun—I mean crazy kind of stuff with no schedule, no boss, nothing.
I'm in the best physical shape I've ever been in my life.
Like I said, just so many good things are going for me and yet, I can still feel like
I'm unmotivated, I don't like my life, I don't—all these—I can have those feelings.
I don't have those feelings all the time, but I have those feelings from time to time
and I can have those feelings.
The thing is like this and this is where I'm kind of going with this, is that like you
have this idea in your mind that when you get this, when you get that girl, when you
finally get laid for some of you guys out there, when you finally get that job, when
you finally make that money, when you finally retire, when you finally, finally, finally
get that Lamborghini, whatever it is that you're going to be happy, that this is what
you really want.
What you find a lot of times when you get that—I mean look at P's condition here.
He's a blind developer in Iran.
I mean I don't know if you guys know, but I get plenty of emails from developers in
I send them a lot of free shit sometimes because they can't even buy anything.
They can't even buy my products.
I have to like give them or they have to get a bootleg version of it.
I'm like, "Okay, go for it."
I mean it's so restrictive.
This guy, he comes here.
He gets this job in Netherlands.
It's a dream job.
He's making a lot of—I mean just to overcome the obstacles of being a blind developer.
I mean gosh.
He said, "I did the impossible."
He did the fucking impossible.
You do all this stuff and you hit your dream, and you think that that's going to be it.
You're going to be awesome and you're going to be happy, but you're not because it's not—again—we
have a good hint of wisdom here in P's email where he says that the striving forward.
I want to see if I can find the point in the email where he said that—okay.
He said, "The point is I did the impossible.
I literally pushed through something that sighted people rarely even attempt and I did
it just for fun."
Oh, man.
Screensaver, come on.
Right at the time.
All right.
"Not for reaching a goal.
Not for being a superstar.
I seriously enjoy every single minute of it.
I had a clear goal and I was enjoying the process going there."
That's the thing like when you look at that, he had this goal and what he enjoyed was that
process of getting there, of getting to the goal, of getting that job with XYZ company,
getting out of Iran, getting this awesome job, and going to that hard interview process,
all the while being blind and he did it.
What he enjoyed was not the success.
He didn't enjoy being there and having it.
He enjoyed the pursuit of the impossible dream, of the impossible goal.
We're all like that to some degree.
Again, it's pain when you're doing it, but when you look back and you see the thing that
you enjoy, it was that pursuit.
When you lose that pursuit because you think you're just trying to achieve the goal or
you achieved that goal, depression comes.
I've talked about this a lot on this channel because I want you guys to understand a couple
of things.
One, is that like you do not put it all on achieving the goal because achieving the thing,
whatever, be it sex, be it money, be it fitness, whatever you think that is that when you achieve
that thing in life that you're going to be happy.
It's wrong.
You're probably going to be more depressed by it and you're going to be super depressed
by it if you are putting everything on that outcome and expecting that when you get there,
you'll have arrived.
You'll never arrive.
Not only that, but you're just going to go through dips in life and you're just going
to go through these valleys, and you're going to have mountains, you're going to have valleys.
What you'll find is that when you're pursuing a goal, that is when you're the most live.
That's when you have the most ambition and you have the most fun, and you enjoy it the
most rather than when you're enjoying the results of the goal that you pursue.
Does that make sense?
You see what I'm saying?
Again, my advice to you, my advice to me is to pick a goal and to pursue that goal.
Now, you can't always be hammering the goal everytime, but the more that you're pursuing
the goal and the more that you're advancing and making progress towards the goal—life
is about progress.
You know, Tony Robbins really talks about this a lot in his seminars, in his content.
He talks about this idea that growth, that life is growth.
If you're not growing, you're dying, is one thing he says all the time.
The thing is like we as human beings, we're wired to want to experience growth.
When we feel like we're growing, when we're feeling like we're going towards and we're
making progress, that's when we're feeling alive.
When we feel like we're not, we've already achieved the thing and we should be enjoying
it, we can't enjoy.
Like I said, I can speak from personal experience because I was shooting so long for this goal
of retiring.
You can check out my video on what it's like to earn a million dollars, to make a million
dollars, which I've talked about this a lot.
By the way, click the card in the description below to get access to any of those videos.
I was trying to get to that point.
Look at what I'm doing now.
I couldn't just sit there.
I can't be—I know that—part of me still says, "Oh, maybe you should just like do nothing,
John, and just have fun and play video games."
Maybe I'll play this Oculus Rift today.
I think I'm going to, but, anyway, you know, part of me says that, but I know that I can't
be happy just doing that.
I have to be shooting for the next thing and I have to be improving.
That's why—again, like I tell you guys, the purpose of this channel, the thing that
I'm trying to communicate to you, really the overarching goal of this channel, is to get
you to understand that you need to be constantly improving yourself, constantly perfecting
yourself, constantly striving to become a better and better version of yourself because
that is life, and that's the thing that's going to carry you through life always.
If I'm not doing that, I'm not happy in life.
You're not either.
If you're not growing, you're dying.
What is my advice then to P here in this situation?
It's basically this.
It's like look, you need to change things up a little bit.
You need to start a new goal.
You need to figure out what your goal is and you need to aim for that, but you need to
remember this time that it's the journey, that it's the process, that it's the pounding
out the time and the effort.
Whatever it is, pick a goal and aim for it, and let the real overarching goal, the one
that you'll never achieve, be that eternal progression.
The progression of your soul, the progression of yourself.
Developing yourself through your work, through your expression, through whatever you're doing,
through your relationships.
Developing and strengthening yourself.
If you view it that way, then the goal changes.
I'll give you an example.
Again, when I did that 90-day challenge, I can't say for sure, but if I had viewed that
as just a stepping stone that's going to take me to—that's not done, that that is going
to get me to a point and this is the race that I'm running now, but then that's going
to be the starting line of another race.
I thought about a next 90-day challenge after that or next thing that I was going to accomplish.
I want to get this done so I can move on to that one and I'm making progress.
If I thought in that frame of mind, then I probably wouldn't have been disappointed
and disillusioned after achieving that.
I probably wouldn't have gone on binge eating and ruined a lot of the results that I got
from that.
My advice, again, is basically do that, is pick a goal and realize that it is a journey
like you already know here, but also to just realize that life is going to be full of dips
and you're not going to feel motivated all the time.
Sometimes you're just going to be dragging your knuckles just trying to get through it,
but do it.
Don't jeopardize it.
Don't self-destruct.
Don't destroy everything you've created just because you don't feel it right now.
I'll tell you, if you quit this job, if you're like, "Oh, fuck it," if you put in the effort
and you lose this job and you lose the opportunity that you've had here, whoa, someday you're
going to be kicking yourself.
Just hold on to what you got.
Sometimes you got to hold the line.
I did this video on holding the line and that's all you can do, and that's fine.
If you got to hold the line, but just recognize that this is going to be a battle you're always
going to face.
If you know this is a battle you're always going to face, then you can prepare for it
and fight it a little bit better.
If this comes as a surprise, if you think everything's all supposed to be great and
dandy and when you hit your goals, and you get the stuff that you want in life, you're
supposed to be happy.
If you think that's how it's supposed to work, you're going to be really miserable.
If you realize that it's not about that, that it's something different, it's something bigger
and that the part of growing as a person is fighting these battles and struggling, and
coming out the other end, that's the thing.
Again, I can tell you from my own personal experience just from this past week, when
I woke up in the morning this morning at 5:45 AM, I went for my fucking five-mile run that
I didn't feel like doing, I just tell myself, "All right, John.
You got to do this shit.
You got to get through this shit.
You got to do this.
You got to"—it doesn't matter whether you see the future.
You feel like doing this or not.
You just got to make it.
Got to make it.
This is the battle.
This is the fight.
There's no rest.
You just keep on fighting.
Keep on fighting, brother.
Keep on fighting.
All right.
That's all I got for you today.
If you have not subscribed already, I have one simple request for you.
Click that Subscribe button.
Join the fight.
Join the battle.
Let's not take life sitting down.
Let's kick life's fucking ass.
Click that Subscribe button.
Click the bell to make sure you don't miss any videos.
I'll talk to you next time.
Take care.
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REACTING TO THE FIRST GAY K-POP IDOL! 😮 | Holland(홀랜드) - Neverland (네버랜드) - Duration: 10:18.Warning: after a day's work
my face's lucidity has gone over the
shining levels established by the UN
Please wear sunglasses to watch this video.
Hello everyone and welcome to this new video
Breaking news, because it happened
something in Korea that's unseen, that has not happened,
something never thought, never germinated
What happened? Basically, today
or yesterday, I don't know, okay, I don't know when
This singer called
Holland made a debut, but not a normal debut
because him, Holland
he is the first singer who is admittedly
homosexual in Korea. I'm very very
curious to see how the Korean audience reacted
to this, how they reacted, how it
went this first experience of him
being homosexual to the Korean public
Will he be able to step out of the door, this poor guy, or not?
I already told you in a video how homosexuality is perceived in Korea
if you haven't seen it, I'll leave it here
Here. There, so I say we can start
because I want to see how far they've pushed
I know that the video is rated 19
so people under 19 y.o. can't see it, the video can't be seen by people who are not 19 y.o.
I hope there's a sex scene or something
very explicit, otherwise why should it be blocked
for people under 19 y.o.? I don't know, we'll figure it out together
I'm not very excited today, woohoo, the excitement,
the stimulation! Before we begin, I want to tell you that
the date of my meeting
in Rome was decided. It will be on
February 11th. I don't really know very well
like exactly the place and the time
but they will come. So make yourselves available
on Sunday, February 11th
It should be on the 11th, if I'm wrong I'll write here the right one
So c'mon, let's start.
Oh God the excitement, the excitement!
Holy cow it has already 1 million views!
When was it posted? Maybe coming out works.
It's a tunnel
It was evening, now it's magically morning
And we're at the sea.
So Neverland, guys.
Maybe there's a hidden important message in this video.
Go Holland, give it to me.
The meaning, the meaning give it to me.
But he's sad, alright.
Sadder and sadder while skateboarding.
I don't give a f**k. He said "I don't give a f**k"?
Eeeeh! They love each other, of course they love each other!
Or maybe they loved each other, since now he's depressed.
How did the skateboard move on its own?
It's his ghost, it's his ghost
I'm already understanding the meaning of this video guys, I got it.
Where are they?
They're there, I've been there guys! They're in Jejju!
Okay, he can climb the roofs
But it's not... Guys please don't do it.
What kind of effect is that?
Oooh, look at them.
So, that's the past! He's telling the past
when they were happy
Am I understanding this video, or not?
"What am I doing of my life" moment
Nothing is happen in this video, guys
Is just him, in different stances
with this face a little...
sad... and just staring off
they're hand in hand
No wait, now they arguing, okay something is gonna happen
I'm pumped, go!
Now something is gonna happen,
because "R-rated", at least...
they're going hard
Go go
No, now he's sad
and drink ... oh no, with him
I'm not understanding flashbacks, guys
Are alone at the beach
It's done?
But how?
All this mess ... what is happened? Are they kissed?
Because of a kiss... tongue kiss, yes but...
not for a kiss you must to forbid the view for people under 19
Speaking of "Korea, wake up",
let's go to read comments and let's see how Koreans
reacted to this fantastic video
Guys, I've searching for about 6 years
among comments to find a little racy comments
a little free hating
instead... I must tell you that I didn't find bad comments
among Korean comments
paradoxically there are more foreigners than Koreans
I don't know if that is caused to the fact that
this singer is not yet so popular in Korea...
or something like that. But for Korean comments that I found
I made screenshot, now I'm going to read them to you
he said he's upset
that video is forbid to people under 19, because they just kissed
and I agree
this one, said that
he understanding that is hard for a Korean to coming out
and released an album
and he encourage him not to give up
this one said that he like the song
A lot of comments is very beautiful and positive
maybe this song is not yet arrived
to the people, I guess. Or maybe, actually all the average Korean's thought
is changed in these two days
it might be.
Honestly, I'm thinking that:
the song it's not big deal
I think his voice skills are absolutely not big deal
in fact I don't particularly like his voice
if I'm honest. "For me is no"
I think the message he's sending
the video's message.. even if
the video it's not big deal too. Isn't a particularly intense love story
They're look each other in the eyes
then they arguing, at the end they look each other in the eyes in bed
I mean... wow.
is good that the message behind this video is
"Be yourself", and all these beautiful things
...But, the fact that this person
is famous by use
the fact to be "homosexual" to get the fame
I don't really like it
I mean, in my opinion, if he didn't come out
this song would pass
and gone into the humanity oblivion
in two seconds... one, two, three.
Write down here what you thing about this song
and what do you thing about this topic.
is a bit sad that a person got achievements
in this case, one million of views in the same day
because of he's gay
He had to got a million of views because the song is wonderful
of because he sing particularly well. This is my thought.
Yes, the message behind is good.
But in my opinion there is scarce substance.
Things he need to work. I don't know... I'm not crazy about his voice,
if you didn't understand.
And that has nothing to do with his act
I mean, his "coming out is a thing", his music
is another thing. Be clear, okay?
That's it for this
extra video made at the last minute
besides by a girl among you
Thanks to the girl who reported it to me
I thought "I'll do a reaction"
If you liked the video, put a like. You can follow me on Instagram and Facebook
If you want to invite me for a cup of coffee, I'll leave the link here down
for helping the channel
"Neverland... "
No, see? I've already forgot the melody.
The fact that I've already forgot it
means something.
Nabemono : Japanese Food, Shabu Shabu - Duration: 4:35.You should put asside the Nabe that he prepared with some -- skills
today Seba is going to eat Nabe at the restaurant
and maybe this Nabe is better than the one that he tried to do once in one of his road to Materchef videos
Hi, we are going to On
it means hot, no? like the On-sen (japanese spa)
they said that the table is ready in some minutes
cool, we ear Nabe at the restaurant, but mine was better!
So here we are at the literally means vegetables at the spa vegetables^^
and here they cook basically Nabe, it's a pot dish
we are here tonight
we are going to eat Shabu Shabu, it's this meat
at the beginning we decided to take two different pots
we took this two
and we took one of these sets
and here we can take everything what we want
and plus all what we want to drink
we took like all you can eat
once it arrives I will show you what we took!
let's cheers!
some things did arrive
a bit of everything
now this is heating up
and then we will enjoy this meal
we take the meat and we add it!
this is the Shabu Shabu
I do it also if I like more the chicken one...
we need to wait a bit more, it's not that hot right now
well, see how the color changed?
we need to heat it good, because we don't want to eat it raw
this Nabe looks delicious! oh the lens fogged up
let's begin with some vegetables
well it looks good, but also the one that I did wasn't bad!
this is the Goma, for a more tasty flavour
he said that I'm bad at this, so...
you see nothing
more beer came!
this is like my third drink
Ok I think that you understand that you are drunk, since you think that this is a straw
(he is repeating himself)
ok now I'm really drunk
ok these liquors are not for me^:^
other food
now we add more water
ok, now we finished eating the Nabe! I'm still alive
after some drinks
they said we should put the ramen
and if you want it super al-dente, you need ro put it for 1 minute
it looks like water, but it isn't^^
OMG how nice aspect!
one minute starts from now!
look the Nabe changed color! - ok you can't see it
there is a lot of ramen
so, when you've finished the Nabe, you can just add ramen or rice
and you eat it like this
you can't see anything! it's so good
it's sweet, but super alcoholic! I can't hold the camera
this is the last thing tht arrived
it's a dessert, the warabi mochi
and then this daifu
they're cute!
it's so good!
with ice cream and azuki
you can't imagine how good this daifu is!
with some ice cream inside!
I'm full like a balloon, dinner was amazing!
it costed like 80€,
See you tomorrow with another video always at 2pm (GMT+1)
I hope you enjoyed watching
write in the comments if you preferred the Nabe that I cooked,
or the one that you saw today.
See you tomorrow, I wait for you! CIAO
Lil Peep - Spotlight (Nightcore)【Lyrics】 - Duration: 2:27.Lovin' you is like a fairytale I just can't pick up the phone again
This time, I'll be on my own, my friend One more time, I'm all alone again
Sex with you is like I'm dreamin', and I just wanna hear you scream again
Now you're gone, I can't believe it Time I spent with you deceivin' me
I don't care if you believe in me I still wonder why you're leavin' me
I don't care if you believe me I still wonder why you tease me
And if I'm takin' this the wrong way I hope you know that you can tell me whatever
you're thinkin' It's when you put me in the spotlight (spotlight)
I hope you know I'm faded, all of this liquor I'm drinkin'
And if I'm takin' this the wrong way (wrong way)
I hope you know that you can tell me whatever you're thinkin'
It's when you put me in the spotlight (spotlight) It's when you put me in the spotlight (spotlight)
When the moon hit your skin, I could see you and him
Not you and me, yeah, but it's just you and me, yeah
When the sun shines above, you wake up with the one you love
Not you and me, yeah, but it's just you and me, yeah
(All alone again)
Sex with you is like I'm dreamin', and I
just wanna hear you scream again Now you're gone, I can't believe it
Time I spent with you deceivin' me I don't care if you believe in me
I still wonder why you're leavin' me I don't care if you believe me
I still wonder why you tease me
And if I'm takin' this the wrong way I hope you know that you can tell me whatever
you're thinkin' It's when you put me in the spotlight (spotlight)
I hope you know I'm faded, all of this liquor I'm drinkin'
And if I'm taking this the wrong way (wrong way)
I hope you know that you can tell me whatever you're thinkin'
It's when you put me in the spotlight (spotlight) It's when you put me in the spotlight (spotlight)
When the moon hit your skin, I could see you and him
Not you and me, yeah It's when you put me in the spotlight (spotlight)
It's when you put me in the spotlight (spotlight) When the sun shines above, you wake up with
the one you love Not you and me, yeah
It's when you put me in the spotlight (spotlight) It's when you put me in the spotlight (spotlight)
(Spotlight, spotlight)
My Minimalist (ish) Bullet Journal for 2018 - Duration: 15:02.Hey how's it going, my name is Cory
Miller and on today's One-Off episode
I'm gonna show you my minimalist...ish...
bullet journal for 2018, why I got
started and some of the ways that I
have it set up. I also want to give a big
shout out to my friends Charli and
Femke, I'll make sure I put links to all
of their stuff down in the description.
Charli actually just came out with her
own video for her 2018 bullet journal.
They were the two that kind of
pushed me over the edge to getting
started with one of these things. I'd
also had conversations with my friends
Jordan and Liz (hey :) ) and what's
interesting is I'd always kind of
hesitated about doing something like
this for three reasons: the first reason
is that I didn't understand why anybody
would put something in a physical format,
like in a book, when there were so
many apps that you could use to
accomplish the same thing. You could
have an app your calendar, an app for
your to-do list, an app for your
scheduling, whatever. It can all be synced
and in the cloud and, you know, doing all
the stuff. You wouldn't have to worry
about, "Oh did I leave it behind?"
"I don't know what's going on," so that was
kind of the first thing that set me back.
The second was I looked into bullet
journaling and I listened to podcasts and
I read articles, and it just seemed
wildly confusing and over-the-top.
There were all of these rules and
there were these terms that I didn't
understand and they were using
the terms as if I SHOULD understand.
It was very daunting. I didn't
know where to get started, I didn't know
how to get started, and so that kind of
turned me off. Then the third reason
was I had done something like this in
the past with with a journal that's kind I still have that? ... I had this book
before. This is the SELF Journal, and it's
really nice, I'm sure it's helped a lot
of people. It's got like this thirteen
week roadmap and there's all these pre-
assigned things that you're supposed to
use. It's all written down and
ready to go, but it's not very
flexible. It was always very rigid
and that didn't really work for me,
because I didn't feel like I
had the freedom to kind of do what I
needed to do in the way that I needed to
do it. So those were the main reasons
that kind of held me back. Then I
watched a video by Charli and read an
article by Femke I decided to get
started. So I was
at the bookstore and I saw this really
massive journal. This is a
7.5" x 10" I think or
7.5" x 9.75". It's really
really big and... I forgot to put the...
So this is my bullet journal. This is what
I've been using for the past couple of
weeks and I just wanted to kind of show
how I've been using it and what my setup is.
I wanted to test this out
s a tool that would help
me get the things done that I needed to
do and help me stay focused on what
was coming up. I could do some planning
and then just try out this new method of
doing things. I've tried apps and all
sorts of things before and I just wanted
to try it out, and so far I've been
really enjoying it. I know what you're
here for: you want to actually look at
this thing, so let's dive in and take a
look at my bullet journal.
So here's my bullet journal. This is a
larger version of the dotted journal by
Moleskin. this is like 7.5" by
9.75" I think. I really
like the bigger size. My wife's
weekly planner is obviously much smaller,
and a lot of people like this form
factor but I like this bigger version
because it's just more space for stuff to
happen. So first things first, there are a
few things with bullet journaling that
I kind of took principles of as
I was going through and...I admittedly
took a lot from Charli (Charli if
you're watching this sorry and thank you)
go check out her video. But anyways, so I
took a lot from her but I also kind of
looked and took pieces of what the
the official bullet journal situation is
supposed to be. So one of those is an
index. Now, I don't...
I started this, but I'm not really sure if
I'm gonna keep doing this in the future.
It's just kind of there, I know where
everything is and my bullet journal is
split up into three sections and so I
already know where everything is going
to be anyways, but the reason why they
have an index is like, if you're going
through and you've got, "Hey on page 142 I
have an idea for, you know, a website
redesign or something like that. Then you
would go here to the index and say, "Hey,
142 is where I have the website
redesign." I'm not doing that, so whatever.
But anyway so here's index and then I
also have the legend here. This is where
I have all of the
icons that I'm gonna be using throughout
the book. So there's only a few right now
but you can already see that I've, you
know, I've been in this a couple of weeks
and I've already crossed out this. That's
because as I'm going through this I'm
changing things, I'm kind of
evaluating how it's working for me and
how it's making me feel and how it's
making me work and so there are a few
things in here that I may change. I may
add this just a section here so I can
know in the future why I marked it the
way I did. And then I actually have the
more important section here for myself:
colors. So "they" tell you that when
you're starting off in a bullet journal
that you're not supposed to go on
Pinterest or Instagram and look up
how other people are doing theirs
because there's people who are
doing these extravagant drawings and
using different pens and it's all really
cool. That's not what I wanted for mine,
it's just really simple. It looks kind of
gross but the main thing that I respond
to is color, so I want it to be able to,
with this book, be able to flip to a page
and know exactly what's going on at a
glance and I can do that best by using
these using these colors. So I use these
pens, this is just a really cheap pen from
Tesco it came with a bunch of other
colors so I was like I might as well use
it. So green is Sabbatical,
orange is event, light blue is I'm on the
worship team, yellow is nothing because I
couldn't really see it, purple/blue
I guess it is a dark blue is a
reminder, pink is travel, and then red is
important. So that's kind of working out
for me right now, I may add in the future
but yeah. Then the next part is the
future log. I'm probably
gonna rename it in the future because
I hate that name
it'll probably be something like a year
overview or something like that and this
is just kind of a bird's eye view of
what's happening throughout the month.
Again I took some inspiration from
Charli (and when I say inspiration I
totally ripped it off) and I've got
here on the right I've got kind of a
calendar date view, and then also some
primary events that are happening
in that month. I started going a
little more granular and I kind of
regret that, so the first half of the
year I've already got it kind of sorted
out kind of at a high level and then
I'll be able to
as I go through that the last half
of the year. So this is the future log
this is just really quick kind of
looking at what's going on. I've got a
theme and a focus, which I'll talk about
a little bit later. For every month I've
got a theme and a focus. After the
future log I've got a section here, a
page for goals for 2018. Again, really
simple. It's just a list: fully launch
Vlogology, get an Irish driver's license,
and make 20k from side projects. These
are just goals, these are things that I
can think of at a high level that's
going to be there. I might add notes
later on. So then I've got a section
for milestones, these are going to be
events or things that happen, you know if
I earn an amount or if Melody
says something, or there's a big
milestone in my career and my work, I'm
gonna write that down here. This is more
of like a memory bank, like this is
something that happened that was really
important this year. So that's that, and
then a real quick section for statistics.
I don't really care about subscriber
counts but it's kind of just something
to just to actively track just to have
something to look at I guess, and then
I'm also going to track books read this
year, so I'll put them all here. Then I've
got some blank pages, I don't know why.
Now we get into the month view. So this
is January, I've got my theme up here
with gratefulness. I tried to make it kind
of look cool and it totally doesn't. But
what I do is, again taking from Charli,
what I do is I put all the days here on
the left including the days of the
week. I have a little marker underneath
Sunday to indicate this is a
segment of week, here's a week, here's a
week. And you can see it's very very
messy, and this is because I started
bullet journaling here on the 7th and as
I've gone I've kind of added and I've
kind of played around with stuff and
I've tried to figure out how to make it
but and it'll look a little clearer as
we get into as we go to February.
I've got a section for notes, I've got
the colors, I've got things that are
happening throughout the month. This is
kind of the high-level planning, and then
on this page I've got a monthly focus
This month was email and I totally did
terrible at that but you know it's just
kind of a something that I wanted to
focus on, and then each week I've got
something written down usually on the
left I have
work stuff and on the right I
have personal things. So this is just
like here's some things that need to
happen at some point during the week.
Again very high level, very sloppy, really
quick just going through. And then there
is the day level so you can see that
January 8th I started off by having
everything. It was very granular it was
like, do this, do this, do this, do this but
as I went I realized as I started
doing that, I was getting...there
was too much. And then on January 10th
there were all of these things that I
didn't do, and that was actually really
demoralizing for me because I was like
why didn't I do all this stuff you can
see on January 11th it just says chill
out that was my only thing to do that
day so as it's gone on I've decided that
you know with using a little bit of you
know changing some of the iconography
and just focusing on less of what I'm
supposed to do that day and having less
I'm supposed to do that day actually
makes me feel like I can I've got a
little bit more freedom during my day of
things that I need to do so like if I
look at this and I go I didn't call the
DMV today I'm gonna move it to
I took out the bins, did not write Vlogology
email, you know so I'm looking all
this stuff I need to do, you know,
I created this, that was good, check that
off. So I could just really quickly look
back and start at the beginning of my
day and then at the end of my day, this
is all really really quick I don't want
it to take a lot of time. Then
February you can see a little bit better
kind of what's going on with the colors.
So every time there is something
happening like you know K's parents
leave or she's doing the Treehouse or
she's traveling to Cologne whatever,
I have these blocks that are colored
in so I can really really quickly flip
to the page and see what's going on on
that day, during that month actually. I've
got this little habit tracker right here
"read at least one chapter" I'm gonna make
a little X making sure that I'm reading
throughout. This month my theme is
curiosity and my monthly focus is
reading. So you know that's kind of
how it looks, how it's going about.
Sometimes I sit down for you know a
night at a time and I add some more I've
been manually numbering all of the pages
which is kind of a pain in the butt.
The other thing that I'm doing
is I have the whole book split up into
three segments, so the first segment is
kind of these preparatory pages with the
index and the future log and the
milestones and everything like that.
That's segment number one, and then
segment number two are the months, so
I've actually got a pre-planned amount
of pages that's going to be dedicated to
months. So I'll do January and then after
a certain amount of pages I've put
February and then March, and the way
that I'm doing that is I'll do March
one page, I'll do the weeks one page, and
then I'll give pages for, you know,
imagine I have five days on each, so five
10, 15, 20, 25, 30, give or take. And then
there's the next month. So really really
quick this way I can go immediately to
June when Kristiana says, "hey we've got
a thing on the 11th," I can say cool I'll
go ahead and write that in on June 11th.
Some people work through
from front to back and they add stuff
that wasn't gonna work for me. I
wanted to do it that way. Then on
page 105 this is the page for everything
else, well not the page this is the
segment for everything else. So after
this you know if I have a website
redesign idea, or I'll put
all that there or if I'm like here's a
poem I want to write, I can
put all that there this is just for
everything else, this is for notes this
is for drawings this is for whatever
it's gonna take apart from the planning
side of things. That's this final segment
here. I even have a little quick notes
section here at the back, hey
this notebook has 38 columns and 50 rows
and just so that I know how many dots
there are. So that is a really really
quick bird's-eye view of how I've got my
bullet journal set up. It's not, it
doesn't take a lot of time every day
there is some setup but that's part of
the charm of it you know I can have each
month set up the way that I want it. I
can have each segment set up the way
that I want it, and make it look the way
that I want it to. Within all of that
it is really minimal, you know
like you don't need all the
colors if that's not going to be helpful
for you but for me it's all about
speed it's all about you know being able
to just glance.
So yeah that's my that's my bullet
journal, that's kind of how I have it set
up and you know it's been
really fun so far.
Once I get to the part where I'm just
kind of doing it daily it's really fast,
it allows me to to manage my time really
well. I'm using it in tandem with Google
Calendar because sometimes it's just
faster to just type it in and then add
it into my journal later. But it's been
good it's I've really enjoyed kind of
the analog side of things and I'm going
to do this probably for this year see
how it looks see how it feels see how it
helps. And...yeah. So there you go!
So that is a quick overview of how I'm
using my burt...burlet journal? So that's
a quick overview of how I'm using my
bullet journal for 2018. I'm probably
going to create a recap video later on
in the year, maybe halfway through, and
then at the end. Kind of figuring out
different aspects of it how I've been
using it, if it's helped, how it's not
been helpful, things that changed. I'm
really looking forward to it though. This
has been really fun I've really enjoyed
this. Hope this has been helpful for
you if you are thinking about getting
started with something like this,
and thinking about going analog. My biggest
recommendation is to find a framework
that works for you and and figure out
how to make it work to your strengths
and to how your mind works instead of
trying to fit it into what everyone else
is doing. Pick and choose different
aspects of how people do theirs and just
get started. It's been really enjoyable
I'm really looking forward to more of
this. That's gonna do it for this
video so thanks so much for watching, I
appreciate you, and I'll see you in the
next one!
Yoga Workout for Arms and Core | 15 Minute Yoga for Weight Loss | ChriskaYoga - Duration: 14:04.hi I'm Christina and welcome to ChriskaYoga. In today's video we will be doing a
15 minute yoga workout for arms and core you're looking to build strength in your
arm muscles and your core muscles and also if you're looking to lose weight
this is a great sequence to do before we get started don't forget to hit that
subscribe button down below for more free yoga for me so if you're
ready grab your mat and let's get started well begin on our hands and
bring your hands right underneath your shoulders your knees right underneath
your hips spread all your fingers wide on the ground begin with a flat back
take an inhale we'll come through some cat and cows to
stretch and warm up from the core so arch your back looking up and forward
for it cow pose exhale and tuck the toes perp the spine in the opposite direction
look behind you for cat pose inhale come back to your cat find your collar bones
wide apart reach the chest forward take an exhale and tuck the toes begin to
curve the spine in the opposite direction reaching the upper back all
the way up towards the ceiling look behind you inhale come back to your cow
exhale come to your cat
when we begin to move on your own timing with each inhale find your cow pose then
with each exhale find your cat pose and continue to move on your own breathing
one breath with one movement
from here come to a flat back neutral spine and we'll come straight into a
plank pose so keeping your hands right underneath your shoulders straighten
your legs one leg at a time coming to the balls of both of your feet and hold
plank your body should be in one straight line all the way from the top
of your head down your spine to your tailbone down your legs all the way to
your heels hold here for one more deep breath in and then on an exhale send
your hips up and back downward facing dog
you have a bend in your knees here especially since this is our first
downward dog send your hips up and back on the diagonal press into the ground
with both of your hands arms are straight breathing here
and then on your inhale come back into a plank they might need to adjust so that
your hands are underneath your shoulders and hold here feel your body nice and
strong and plank engage the core exhale downward facing dog
take a deep breath in and a deep breath out one more time into plank take an
inhale through your nose and lower your hips down into plank pose hold here
and on an exhale lift your hips up and back downward facing dog last time
inhale lower to plank hold plank for one more deep breath in exhale downward
facing dog hold here breathe for a moment
and from here and I said one more time but we're gonna do it again let her into
plank and then we're going to take side plank so from here bring your left hand
underneath your nose turn onto the outer edge of your left foot and you can start
with your hand on your hips stacking your feet on top one on top of the other
now if that's too much for you at this point feel free to place your left knee
down onto the floor and then hold firmly as you reach the right arm up towards
the ceiling and look up this is definitely not as much of a core workout
but you will still start to feel it after a while
but if you're able to stack your feet on top of one another while she's awesome a
side plank and we'll hold here
and turn back into your plank for a moment and on an exhale sign your hips
up and back downward facing dog take a deep breath in and a deep breath
out from here we'll take our side plank on the right so drop your hips down into
plank bring your right hand underneath your nose and then turn onto the outer
edge of your right foot stack your feet if this is not an option for you today
you can place your right knee down onto the floor as I demonstrated on the other
side wherever you are here in your side plank or variation hold
and turn back down into your plank and send your hips up and back on an exhale
downward facing dog take a deep breath in and out
from here just for a moment drop your knees down onto the floor touch your big
toes together set your hips onto your heels your knees should be separated
apart relax your torso over your thighs bring your forehead to the floor and
have your arms down by your sides and Child's Pose
relax here for a moment
roll yourself up to a seated position and we'll make our way into a forearm
plank so drop down onto your forearms and you
can have your palms flat on the floor or clasp your hands together right
underneath your nose wherever you decide to do your forearm plank here press
firmly into the ground through your elbows and rebound up through your
shoulders hold firmly here as we step one foot at a time back into a plank
just as we did in our plank when we were on our hands
your body is in one straight line from the top of your head all the way down to
your heels hold here feel your core not just your abdomen but all the way around
to your back as well and under your pelvic floor taking inhale through your
nose and on your exhale swing your hips up and back
stay on your forearms so you'll need to walk your feet in into a dolphin pose so
this is in case you're unfamiliar this is down on facing dog except on your
forearms it's called dolphin pose I'm just gonna hold here and then from here
walk your feet back and do a forearm plank hold here as well inhale and
exhale walk your feet in your hips up and back dolphin pose really feel those
arms starting to work and your core as well you might feel it more now in the
arms then you're doing the core but you will feel it in the core later last time
walk your feet back to forearm plank hold here and come back to your dolphin
pose take a deep breath in and a deep breath out drop your knees
down to the floor sit onto your heels relax your arms roll your shoulders out
if you need to roll your neck out if you're feeling a little tight in the
neck area as well and we'll come to sitting on the ground
bring your legs out in front of you I'm going to take a boat pose and
navasana modified if you would like to straighten your legs into the full
expression of the pose feel free to do so I'm going to do the modified version
with my legs bent so sitting up tall on the two sits bones at the bottom of your
pelvis not rounding the spine trying to avoid sitting on the tailbone so we're
going to sit up tall keep as much length in your spine as possible and then send
your torso back on the diagonal so you're still in a straight line
you're just tilted backwards a little bit and then from here lift your legs up
one at a time bring your shins parallel or you can straighten your legs
completely it's up to you I'm doing this version today
engage your core feel those abdominals working your back muscles as well reach
your arms out towards your feet we're just going to hold here start to feel
that core working and your hip flexors as well
and from here cross your shins sit up tall say you deep breath in and a deep
breath out
we'll take our navasana one more time send your torso back on the diagonal
lift your shins up parallel to the floor toes pointed forward reach your arms out
towards your feet palms facing each other and hold here
and cross your shins in the opposite way sit up so take it inhale lengthen your
spine this time on your exhale walk forward come to a forward fold you can
relax your forearms down whatever you need to do however far you can fold
forward today just look down close your eyes for a moment and relax
slowly walk yourself up out of your forward fold
if you would like if your workout of the day is finished feel free to pause the
video and take a shavasana and then when you're finished come meet me here to
finish out the class so cross your shins sit up tall close your eyes bring your
hands to your legs take a deep breath in and out through your nose and bring your
hands to meet at the center of your chest bow your head to your fingertips
Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I ASPIRATION X-SPORT 5 DRS AIRCO **WEEKDEAL** - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
JACOB WHITESIDES SNEAK PEEK TOUR VLOG | NYC - Duration: 9:11.hi guys I apologize for my morning hair and some acne scarring but hello good
morning it is like 10:00 in the morning right
now I am super super excited I can not take my hair seriously I'm so sorry
super super excited because today obviously as you guys know is the start
of my Jacob vlog and I'm super excited to see him I really wish I have VIP
because I could really used like a hug and just a really quick combo there's no
way that I can make it in time because I'm going with my mom yes I'm 20 years
old and going with my mom haha but I have no friends I have read since Jacob
fandom but like I don't have friends to go to and the moms take up anyway so you
know like it all works out what a great way to start off on vlog yes like this
is why no one watches your videos anyway haven't seen Jacob since oh my goodness
I haven't even take up since May which is crazy I really miss it I'm super
excited didn't think I was gonna be able to go to this concert so many change
just happened in my life very very quickly in the past week and now I can
go and I'm very very excited I'm very happy and I can't wait I have GA for
this concert so this is kind of different for me I actually haven't had
GA for one of his concerts since that just tells you the last time I had GA I
can't I don't even remember the last time I had you yet I'll show you guys my
day as well a little bit as well as like the concert and stuff because sometimes
I feel like when you just do a concert funk it's really boring plus if I show
you too many of the videos copyright so like I said it's like 10:00 in the
morning right now and I was really productive got up ate breakfast edited a
video uploaded that got that all situated now I am going to like really
be productive not just like sitting on the couch doing things productive my mom
asked me to sweep vacuum and dust the house so I'm gonna do that as well as
just my typical morning routine and then I'll probably start getting ready and
check back on with you guys
okay guys so it's a little afternoon now and I'm going to finally get in the
shower and start getting ready I finished all of the cleaning that I had
to do I'm trying to decide what I want to wear today so the first option is
this sweater from j.crew that I haven't worn yet where I have this outfit I've
worn it before it's like my favorite outfit to wear that's just why I picked
it it's just this tan sweater formal Navy with the scarf and then like a
white shirt underneath hey guys so my face looks even more red than before I'm
about to do my makeup I'll show you guys my eye shadow look also can I just show
you guys how bright this lamp is okay the lighting of this is so unbelievably
weird with this lamp Leah looks like it's dark in my room and this is the
only light that's coming but my lights are on it's so weird I want to show you
guys what I make up look I'm doing it is taking me so long to do my makeup today
it's 2:15 it's actually not taking that long just my tried-and-true luck you
know so I fit ain't broke don't fix it
bringing Pizza home to eat oh I just realized I didn't do my eyebrows I
always do my eyebrows I'm that I do my eye makeup that's really weird but we
already put that on so we're gonna wait because so many people offer me VIP for
today which is so nice like thank you you guys are sweethearts I love our
fandom I love our oh jeez so many people that I know through it and oh you're so
eyebrows are not done so please ignore that but this is the look can you guys
like even tell let's go into the light
your relationship especially when you get broken up to it and you're feeling
like things are somewhat fine you just wonder like where you spent on that
where you thinking the last like three days everything in the last three weeks
about lock screen
like say
first decide what y'all seeing would be it just makes me it makes me feel right
there in my heart everything so you know this is another new Wisconsin even
finally we stands about the city's private relationship
are you thanks for watching like comment or subscribe and subscribe sound like
you're selling a product thanks for watching like comment or subscribe and
subscribe thanks for watching
hasta la pasta so my eyes hearing of a best I look like I'm an orange
whatever okay bye
Como as doenças se espalham pelo mundo? | Minuto da Terra - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
Easy Valentines Accent Nail - Stamping Plate & Acrylic Paint - Duration: 10:06.-------------------------------------------
10 Signs You Have Met A Love From Your Past Life - Duration: 3:55.10 Signs You Have Met A Love From Your Past Life
Meeting love from past life is not a coincidence.
It is a blessing since you definitely will feel so comfortable with that person.
So, do you ever feel a familiar scents so overwhelmingly upon meeting someone?
If you do, you may have just connected with the spirit of a partner from a past life.
It's not exaggerating, meeting someone from your past life can feel really overwhelming
in a good way, in short, you'll feel so many joy upon meeting that person.
Often cases, meeting someone from a past life, especially a soulmate, means that you have
an important task to accomplish with them during your time here on Earth.
At least there are 10 signs that you're actually meeting a love from a past life.
Let's hear the lists!
#1 - Instant connection
When you meet someone new, you can be either happy or disgusted depending on the person
you meet.
However, when you meet a love of your past life, the nuance is completely different.
#2 - Your emotions run wild
Upon meeting and building a connection with the person from your past life, you feel a
wellspring of emotions within you.
Maybe you can't describe it in a words, but something about the encounter felt incredibly
powerful and life-changing.
It's like the feelings that you haven't feel in ages, the feelings that you never want
to let this person go when you see them again.
#3 - Time flies
You and your loved from the past are engaged in a deep and meaningful conversation that
you forget the time.
It is like the universe allows you to chat with that person without any interference.
#4 - Share everything
Despite of your introverted life, you somehow reveals how you feel towards something when
you meet this person from the past life.
It is so comforting that you just share whatever you want to say.
#5 - They are like your home
A love from your past life is absolutely comforting.
Breaking up the conversation is equal to leaving your home, and it just feels empty.
#6 - Super excited
Meeting a love from past time really seems impossible.
That is why when you actually meet this person, you just do not want to let her or him go.
You are so excited that you just want to spend you whole time with the person.
#7 - Similar memories
It is actually obvious.
Since you meet the person from your past life, you both carry similar memories about the
This can be a good story but weird at the same time.
The reason being is you basically never met this person before.
#8 - Deep connection
In addition to instant connection, your connection with your past friend is also deep.
You even do not need words to communicate.
If you think it is amazing, it is.
#9 - You are respected
She, or he is not just a friend.
She is a gift.
You will be respected like you never before.
This makes sure you are in the best situation ever.
#10 - Powerful connection
The love, affection, care, and passion brought to you are powerful.
You just melt in front of this love of the past.
It positively affects you, and you should definitely never let go this chance.
All in all, that's the 10 signs you have met a love from your past life.
Really cool information isn't it?
Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!
Thanks for watching!
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