Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 20 2018


And Welcome to a

Top 10 list of Hip Trends for Popular Kids!

As always, I'm your host Harley Shake!

Let's jump right into it!

Or should I say plank right into it?

Starting the l-l-l-li-lis- uh- l-l-l-list!

At number 10

is everybody's favorite past-time


Or as it's known outside of America,

sniffin' the boomerang!

You may have seen many of your favorite celebrities endorsing this hot trend. Including:

Hulk Hogan

Anger Squid

Green Mario

And me!

At number 9 we have that one milk thing

where you drink a lot of milk

and then you throw up.

Like you drink so much milk that you just-


It's like a knife!!!

Number 8- The Boiling Tar Challenge!

Now a lot of you think that these trends are just for self interest

but let me tell you something

Have you ever donated to a charity because you didn't want hot tar on your face?

I sure did!

The hidden gem at number 7 is twerking!

(with your Mom)

Doesn't it suck when you get home from school

and your Mom is already asleep!

Well, with the advent of twerking,

you can still have bonding time without needing to wake your Mom up from her trouble nap!

Wait! Pause the video!

Check out this dope AF Mom Dab I just noticed!

She's the coolest!

Number 6 is eating your vegetables!

Hahaha oh no! I'm just joking the whole time!

Number 5 is standing up to your haters on Instagram.

Oh like this nasty one from AOK.

"I'm reporting you to the authorities."

Yeah, whatever hater.

Number 4 is voting for the funniest name on the Presidential Ballot!

Number 3

Gettin' some sweet inkage on your moneymaker!

I got these on years ago.

I don't even wanna regret em yet.

I know you're expecting this one to be number 1

but I'm throwing you a curveball!

Number 2 is going to Denny's!

To see Harold, the best waiter!

Don't you just love it when he surprises you from your nap

by momma birdin' a Grand Slamwich right into your mouth

And finally, straight from KFC in the Philippines,

comes the greatest trend to have hit mankind!

The Cheese-topped Burger!

It's perfect.

For more infomation >> 2018 TOP TRENDS FOR HIP POPULAR KIDS FEAT. HARLEY SHAKE - Duration: 3:43.


Why Do We Taste Sour Flavors? - Duration: 2:42.

When you eat something sour, your tongue is actually tasting protons!

YES I'm positive!

Hang with me though, cuz, it gets weirder.

First, to understand all this sour-y strangeness, we have to understand how the tongue tastes

things to begin with, and just saying 'taste buds' ain't gonna cut it.

Those little bumps on your tongue are called papillae, and located in the crevices of each

papilla are your taste buds.

Each of those taste buds contains clusters of sensory cells, and when a compound from

your food comes in contact with them, it causes a chain reaction in nearby nerve cells, bringing

the message all the way back to the brain.

There, the message combines with the messages from your nose to create what we experience

as taste.

But with sour tastes, things happen a little differently.

Foods that are "sour" are registered that way because they're acidic.

Citrus fruit has citric acid, vinegar has acetic acid, and most sour candies contain

citric or malic acid.

When you eat these foods, the acids dissolve in your saliva and their hydrogen ions split

off-- these ions then make their way down to your little sensory cells!

But instead of just activating a receptor at the edge of the cell, like what happens

with sweet and savory flavors, the hydrogen ions actually enter the cell via specialized

ion channels.

Upon entry they set off that chain reaction that tells your brain it's time to pucker


And TBH, this might be the coolest thing we taste.

We're tasting IONS.

Them's Protons!

I mean, our sweet receptors evolved to recognize simple carbohydrates like boring old glucose,

and savory (or umami) receptors and bitter receptors both recognize different groups

of proteins.

Which is kind of cool, i guess.

But tasting protons?

That's awesome.

But, as far we know, tasting electrons just

didn't serve any evolutionary purpose.

The thing is, sour doesn't really have an evolutionary purpose anyway.

Or rather, we haven't figured out what singe purpose it would be yet.

The other tastes make sense-- things that taste sweet give us energy, salty things give

us sodium to maintain a whole host of body function, umami things are rich in protein,

and bitter tastes warn us of potential toxicity.But sour??

It's kind of a mixed bag.

Some sour things- like Vitamin C- are necessary for survival.

But others -- like spoiled food, could make us sick.

In the end, not only are sour candies the best but now you can pucker up and then tell

all your friends about how awesome these sour proton kids taste.

Then they can shush you at the movies.

Shush! Movies!

Don't forget to subscribe to Seeker for more videos!

And if you've got a sweet spot for food science - I just did a deep dive over

on Seeker Plus into the science of meat, watch it here.

Fun fact: I eat sour candy at every movie.

Every time.

I love sour stuff I can't get enough of it.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Why Do We Taste Sour Flavors? - Duration: 2:42.


11 Signs that you're an INTJ, the Logical Introvert - Duration: 4:38.

11 Signs that you're an INTJ, the Logical Introvert

There are 16 types of personality based on Myers and Briggs personality.

However, we are going to discuss one unique personality called INTJ.

INTJ is basically introverted personality type, but it is more than that.

The main component of INTJ is the introverted thinking.

It is the first obvious sign that you are INTJ.

However, there are some other things that make you true INTJ.

In this video, I'm going to share with you 11 Signs that you're an INTJ, the Logical


But before we jump to the lists, If you're new to our channel, make sure to click the

subscribe button below, and don't forget to like this video if you find this information

is helpful to you.

#1 - Creative

It is one of the factors that make INTJ very unique person.

INTJs are blessed with the innate ability to decipher complex problems into something


They can help you with difficult pattern into something simple.

They are really great in accommodating other people who are usually confused just because

of complicated problems.

#2 - Excellent in academic setting

In addition to be creative, INTJs are also great in terms of understanding complex subjects

of school materials.

They are really great in understanding those terms, formulas, years, and many things.

It surprising that they are also capable in finding the connection between objects.

Thus, it enables them to identify the problems and offer the best solution.

#3 - They can find solutions

Yes, they have millions of procedures that they can use for solving problems.

Sometimes, they end up in not choosing one instead because there are just too many options.

However, they surely want to find the way that is quite unorthodox.

#4 - They like finding something fun

Exploring things is their favorite activity.

When they are looking for solution, they also want to find the joyfulness in finding one.

They also want to figure out the best way to resolve problem without making difficult


They really like to find shortcut.

Even though it takes time, they really like doing it.

The process alone excited them.

#5 - Your rationalization is unparalleled

This one is possible because your brain is wired to accommodate a bunch of information

that comes to them.

They also can do that because of their great focus on something.

Thanks to the Thinking ability, INTJ absolutely can make decision based on your rational thought

without too much effort.

#6 - They make decision based on facts

In order to make an accurate rationalization, INTJ uses logic, data, and facts.

Those will be combined to create powerful argument and solution that is unbiased and


That is why INTJ is usually a researcher who is willing to take tedious reading, analysis,

and writing.

#7 - Walking library

In addition to being able to analyze things accurately, INTJ also can store information

for quite a long time.

Yes, their memories are also excellent.

What they have read is usually stored directly in their long-term memory storage.

That means, they can recall them whenever they want.

#8 - Quick idea generator

In addition to being creative, INTJ also can produce ideas quickly.

People love INTJ because they can make great plans and ideas, and that is why they have

good deal of friends despite of introverted nature.

#9 - High standard

You demand perfection and they just cannot wait when things are not done properly and


#10 - Sensitive side

After all, INTJ is introverted character in which they have thoughtful side about feeling.

They can listen to problems, but they may have lower level of empathy compared to other

types with Fe in their personality type.

Well, that's all the 11 Signs that you're an INTJ, the Logical Introvert.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 11 Signs that you're an INTJ, the Logical Introvert - Duration: 4:38.


Huevos Sorpresas de Patrulla Canina de Marshall Chase Skye y Rubble Plastilina Play Doh - Duration: 14:35.

For more infomation >> Huevos Sorpresas de Patrulla Canina de Marshall Chase Skye y Rubble Plastilina Play Doh - Duration: 14:35.


Snoke's Death in LEGO? (Last Jedi Parody) - Duration: 1:11.

I know, what i have to do.

Rey (whispers) Ben!

You think you can turn him. Pathetic

Child. I cannot be beaten i see his every intent. Yesss. I see him turning the lightsaber

Hey, so am i the only one seeing that lightsaber move Or....

You, mean the one turning to kill our master.. yeah, yeah that's the one that's the one.

Can you imagine if we: snoke's protectors the people whose sole job is to watch him let

That lightsaber kill him. That would just be unprofessional... so anyways Yeet! Uh!

What was that? he was just trying to kill you. look

At that lightsaber next to you

I mean its shifted 90 degrees since you last looked at it. oh. good thing you didn't die... i mean

We didn't even have your backstory yet! You know, what you're right i should just do it myself.


Well now that that's taken care of, you guys want to grab something to eat. my treat. sweet!

For more infomation >> Snoke's Death in LEGO? (Last Jedi Parody) - Duration: 1:11.


[PS2/太閣立志傳V] #1 非專業戰國史導遊 - Duration: 1:11:24.

For more infomation >> [PS2/太閣立志傳V] #1 非專業戰國史導遊 - Duration: 1:11:24.



what's up boys and welcome to this segment right here on your boy a sheriff

we got a super easy duplication glitch at least that's the title that this

thing is being labeled as your boy is right here to test it and let you know

if you do have a life as this glitch worth it or not let's sit through it and

I'll demonstrate for you guys all right you guys I gotta say one thing off the

bat in the beginning here this is labeled money glitch very easy

duplication on patch 1.4 - we got a brand new vehicle today and a lot of

people are probably looking for ways in order to make a ton of money in GTA 5

online but I like to call things the way it is and at the same time when we test

glitches I'm also looking at time that it consumes and also the whole timing

thing is there like a timing thing in a glitch

most times what mixer breaks a glitch is is a glitch so low

then it's king right but if you take a solo glitch and give it some kind of

timing that you have to hit and the timing is depending on connection or

anything like that then that solo glitch is basically demolished into nothing

because people can't hit it giving that some people are hooked up on Wi-Fi some

people are hooked up on landlines I mean the cable landlines and some people have

super fast connections compared to others so the timing things kind of

messes you up completely I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't really get

to make much friends in the GTA v community when I come and tell you the

truth and your boy is right here to let you know that this glitch is not very

easy and it's not super fast now they didn't put on it that it's super fast

but when you say something is easy it means you gotta hit it time and time

again and there is no problem with it whatsoever now I put the two screens up

for you guys and I'm going to tell you the stuff that you require from the

beginning this glitch is gonna require you to have a facility now people that

have a facility most likely they know what they're doing and they have a lot

of money in GTA 5 online and that's my perspective on this maybe everybody has

a different piñon but I have a lot of money in GTA 5

online and when I document a glitch that's what comes into play you do need

the facility that's the first thing from there you can do an invite-only session

and bring your friend in you do need a friend as well if you're going for

maximum money you need to depend on the retro ality retros go for close to a

million and they are the king of money when it comes to duplicating in GTA 5

online now from there I take something at the perspective I have the facility

I am strapping down a friend beside me and I want to see how easy this glitch

is gonna be on writing or if you're reading about it this glitch is super

easy because it tells you your friend has only got to start a Titan of a job

and from there the glitch is done doing it is a whole different story so here's

what you gotta do when it comes to the steps your friend is gonna start up

Titan of a job when he is inside your facility from there he's gonna sit on

the black screen that he's about to leave that Titan of a job mission but

he's waiting for you now if you're playing on Xbox one or Playstation 4

you're gonna pop up your big interaction menu that takes you to the dashboard

you're gonna go toward your friend and you're gonna say join from there you

have to hold down the gas button you have to be holding it down the whole

time and you're spamming the a button to fly through the notifications that are

coming now as you join your friend on the first notification you gotta tell

him to back out because that's the whole point with the timing once he backs out

you fly through the other notifications and you're supposed to see yourself

spawning outside underneath the map now that animation happened to me time and

time again yet the glitch did not work there is different stuff that could

happen here as well you can spawn inside the facility as you're spamming through

the notifications and you can guess your car and get out I've put in the time

boys I've tried this for maybe 45 minutes an hour and after that I figured

you know what this is not worth it because if I hit it right now I'm still

gonna come and tell you the same news I'm gonna tell you this is not worth it

for you to spend 45 minutes to get one duplication it's just not worth it

that's not gaming that's not what we're here for now the different perspective

of youtubers of course is the put out videos to get views on it and

have killer titles in order to get you guys interested in clicking on the video

do you want to make that money and again that goes back to me saying I usually

speak my mind and that's why we are one of the most notorious GTA 5 youtubers

when it comes to documenting is stuff on this game but I take pride in that this

is not a super easy glitch you're not going to duplicate a car easy

and if she can see from the comments people on the forums are complaining

that you need to find another glitch ASAP because this is not really worth it

and also there's struggle in order to get something going here this glitch is

not labeled patched yet so it's still active if you have the time depending on

how desperate your situation is you can go ahead and do this glitch but if I

were you there is a 25% increase on biker DLC missions in open lobbies you

can make a lot more money than this and maybe just maybe you can have the

notification turn down on your Sheriff and win the next easy glitch hits you

can find it right here legit being labeled easy and being documented I'll

see you guys on the next segment peace baby peace



True Scary Stories: TUNNEL - Duration: 22:55.

the story happened on the summer night in Australia when I was about 15 a bit

of backstory a guy went to school if was a complete dick to my best friend Jake

and sometimes to me he was pretty sneaky about it and never

got into trouble and we could never prove anything so eventually we got fed

up and thought of a way to get back at him without getting into trouble we

decided to stockpile as many dead toads as we could find there an introduced

species here and a huge pest we'd keep him in my dad's freezer and then sneak

up to the guy's house and throw him all over the place then in the morning he'll

wake up with dead rotting toads everywhere really stupid and immature I

know so one night we finally decide we have enough ammo we get everything ready

and right up to his house which was in a really hilly annoying part of our suburb

but because of all the hills it makes for an easy getaway

so we persevere we got to his house around 11:30 p.m. and sneak up and

scatter the dead toads all over the place but right as we're about to leave

Jake decides to throw a frozen toad at the house and it went straight through a

window with a loud smash we jumped on our bikes and took off absolutely flying

down the winding roads in the dark eventually we got to a section of road

where we had made a shortcut through some trees and bushes it's about 30

meters of fairly thick brush and trees from the main road with a two-lane

highway on the other side it's pretty secluded so we felt safe we were sitting

there on our bikes on top of a small hill leading down into the highway

underpass chatting and laughing in the dark feeling pretty happy with ourselves

there were no lights just the moon and the occasional car headlights on the

highway beside us we started talking about what we should do for the rest of

the night when I could have sworn I heard something moving in the bushes

about 10 to 15 metres away as soon as we stop talking and listen it

stops so we think nothing of it and keep chatting

but eventually I hear it again Jake doesn't believe me

and is calling me a pussy and laughing but I can still hear it we're just

sitting there in the dark on our bikes looking into the darkness when a fucking

huge man just stands up from behind some bushes wearing nothing but some black

tracksuit pants this guy was huge he had to be around seven feet in 300 pounds he

had a thick black mustache and long black hair and he just started sprinting

at us we took off pedaling as fast as we could towards the underpass and I could

hear this guy's footsteps right behind me I don't know if it was just the fear

getting to me maybe I was hallucinating or imagining or something but I could

have sworn I could feel his hands swiping at my back his footsteps sounded

easily close enough for him to grab me so maybe he did almost get ahold of me

luckily my friend and I have been riding BMX for years because at the bottom of

the hill you go through some metal barriers to stop motorbikes from riding

on the path and then immediately turn left into the tunnel under the highway

or get through the barriers and go up another hill this massive human is still

right behind me growling and swearing at me as we go down this hill and Jake is

right in front of me we get through the metal barriers and he turns left to go

under the highway without saying a word so I just grit my teeth

go straight and power up the hill as fast as I can I'm almost in tears

praying to anyone or anything that would listen when I realized I don't hear him

anymore I look back down the hill towards the

tunnel and I see him just standing there staring at me I will never forget it we

both stared at each other for a few seconds and all of a sudden he just

Sprint's off into the tunnel I was so scared because I had no idea

where my friend was this all happened before every person had a cell phone I

wrote as fast as I could to a service station where I thought he might end up

since the tunnel under the highway kind of leads that way and sure enough there

he was we were shaking and freaking out trying to figure out who the fuck that

guy was because we both knew it wasn't that kid's father we knew it he looked

like and there was nothing like that monster of a man who had just chased us

in the dark still to this day I have no idea who that dude was and I've never

seen him ever again but I'm so fucking glad he never caught either of us I

still wonder what would have happened if he did

I do electrical work for a living and I've been working in old Baltimore

lately and most of the buildings in Baltimore are connected by tunnels so

about a few months ago I was working on a building on East redwood street

putting lights in the tunnels well one day on my lunch break I decided to walk

around so I'm walking for about 20 minutes when I thought I heard my

Foreman call me down one of the halls I assumed he went to look around as well

so I start to walk down the hall and it started to get deeper and colder I think

about turning around because I don't want to get lost and then I hear it

again so I go a little deeper eventually I hit

a room about the size of a basketball court with a really high ceiling the

ground is all sticky and every step I take sounds like I'm undoing a heavy

velcro strap there are small animal skulls in there in the shape of a big

triangle that points to a very large dog like skeleton at this point I'm freezing

and really scared I start to smell a harsh burning smell and hear what

sounded like a big dog running on concrete

I can hear it get louder and closer louder and closer I start running like I

never have in my life finally after what felt like ten minutes of running at full

sprint I run into a staircase with a big heavy metal door at the end of it

I hear the noises gaining on me it's right around the corner so with all my

might an adrenaline-fueled strength I ripped the door open and slam it behind

me and then hear and feel a hard thud

against the door I turn around to see him standing under

the docks by the Four Seasons in the Marriott Hotel I call my boss and tell

him I got lost in the tunnels and need to get picked up since that day I refuse

to go in the tunnels under Baltimore

I don't remember my exact age when I found it maybe around seven or eight

years old I know I was young but before I dropped the bomb a quick backstory my

siblings and I didn't have the most parental supervision growing up so that

allowed me to explore and roam free through the surrounding neighborhoods

and parks more than some of which I took full advantage my parents divorced when

I was no more than four years old mainly because my dad was a severe alcoholic

who couldn't get out of bed without having a drink which is in no way

relevant to this story my mother was left to raise the three of us on a legal

secretary salary while my dad went to rehab so my parents were going through

their own struggles I'm not knocking them at all they did a fine job with

what they had to work with but with my mom trying to juggle so many

responsibilities at once it understandably left the door open for me

to explore with that said I grew up near Minneapolis Minnesota during one rare

snowless day I was aimlessly exploring which brought me to a park about a mile

from my home which is like a Lightyear to a seven or eight year old I think I

was with someone else some other kid drifter but can't recall for sure

I remember this park had a distinctly large Hill great for sledding I once

plowed into a tree there it also had a little shallow Creek which flowed into a

sewer a sewer with a secret the sewers opening was like a small tunnel just big

enough for a young boy to walk into and it extended underground beneath the park

in a straight line the light carried a little way into the sewers opening but

it got dark quick really dark like murder dark it wasn't uncommon to test

my bravery by seeing how far into the dark sewer I could walk without shitting

my pants and fear I should mention that this was around the time that Jacob

Wetterling had disappeared his disappearance was the first time I had

ever heard of child abductions he was around my age too so this especially

added to the creepy vibe I remember being freaked out and worried

about being kidnapped a lot at that time even though it didn't happen anywhere

near where I lived it was in some rural area 80 miles from the city my young

mind had no awareness of distance it happened down the street for all I knew

during this particular game of bravery I was slowly shuffling into the sewer

that's when I discovered there was another mini tunnel to my left about 10

feet in where the light was still illuminating the way it was on the wall

but much too small to travel through that's when I saw something I noticed an

object just laying there in the entrance of the mini sewer like it was put there

as I approached I remember thinking it was a fish or something but oh how wrong

I was as I got closer I kept keenly inspecting it and noticed it was fleshy

with veins sticking out of one end fear slowly consumed me as the reality of

what it was hit me I was staring at a severed human penis I wish I could tell

you that I ran to the police or that I ran home to tell my mom and she called

the police but I honestly don't remember I do know that I never went back there

but I didn't tell anyone for years and it wasn't intentional it was just so

surreal I guess I must have just chalked it up to part of our game of bravery we

played like it was make-believe or the wild imagination of a child although I

know it wasn't my imagination to me it's still down there still a secret of that

sewer and it will haunt it until that sewer is no more that day I know I saw

something horrible I know the story's not as creepy per se as a lot of others

but I do know one thing whoever put that Weiner there and that spooky sewer

whether it was yours or someone else's I would prefer not to meet

this happened to me in 1998 I'm sure some of you are familiar with the author

Dean Koontz I was a big fan of his books during my teen years I still am to an

extent so you can imagine how excited I was to hear that his book phantoms was

being made into a movie I didn't quite mark the date on my calendar or anything

like that but I knew that I'd be one of the first

ones in the door to see it before I go on it's important for me to explain that

I lived only a few blocks from the mall marlee station Mall Glen Burnie Maryland

to be honest I always thought that it was a bigger mall than one would expect

to be in an area like ours it never got really busy there except on weekends

maybe but as a teenager I considered myself lucky to have a place to go hang

out work eat watch movies even if the place was dead on some nights as much as

I wanted to make the weekend premiere of phantoms I ended up missing it I was

still determined to go so I went ahead and ordered a ticket over the phone for

the late-night Monday showing then packed a few cans of coke in my Jenko

jeans and headed out the door the theater ended up being almost empty

maybe two or three people besides myself I took a seat in the middle and watched

what I thought to be one of the best and creepiest horror movies I had ever seen

to that point besides Dawn of the Dead the film let

out I guess it was roughly around 12:45 to 1:15 a.m. everything is closed and no

one is around I walk out the back door the one that's for employees only

because it would save me a few minutes walking home the exit led to the back

parking lot it's a decent sized mall so the lot is pretty big so all I see is a

huge empty lot and beyond that nothing but pitch-black woods the lighting from

the parking lot was fairly dim most of them were off some were even flickering

no ambient light or sound from the highway around the front side of the

mall bled back here it's also cold so I'm shivering slightly as I start

walking through this empty parking lot my goal is to make it to the treeline

and then follow that around to the highway all I can hear is my own

footsteps and breathing then I see something about 30 feet in front of me

it's sitting in the shadows between the Swiss cheese shaped light pattern it

looks to be the size of a small cat I stop I think it's moving but it's dark

it's cold and I'm alone I've just watched a pretty scary film so it's

probably nothing nothing but my mind fucking with me I start to think it's

probably an empty fast food bag or a crumpled up t-shirt so I keep walking

determined not to change my course over something so stupid wait it is moving I

stop again and then logic kicks in it's windy out whatever it is it's not alive

and so I continue then this thing suddenly lunged at me about four feet in

a matter of seconds the wind had died down right before it

happened so I knew that wasn't it and at the same time I knew it wasn't a cat or

a possum or anything normal I jumped back and wanted to run but thought it

would chase me so what did I do I took a step toward it like a boss

I was thinking fuck you dark scary moving thing in the parking lot for each

step I took it seemed to take a step to well not really a step more like a

scatter it entered the light and was about five feet from me and let me tell

you I didn't have a clue what the fuck this thing was it was the size of a

sewer rat it was insect like it had six to eight legs pretty long antler feeler

things and the eyes were more like a crab they were shiny solid and black on

stocks that were retracted and pushed forward

it had wings like a wasp its body was covered in a striped black tan fur and

there were three smaller ones huddled next to it it must have only been a few

seconds that we looked at each other but I'm telling you it felt like way longer

then suddenly it flapped its wings and shot off towards a sewer tunnel in the

woods at high speed I assumed the smaller ones took off too because all

that was left was a shiny wet trail on the ground from where it had scampered

towards me I ran home that was the last time I ever went to a late movie at the

mall alone and the last time I ever left past dark without having a ride I still

don't know what the hell that thing was

hey guys and ladies thanks for watching if you want me to tell your story your

reader creepypasta email me at the address in the description come follow

me on Twitter and Instagram @coryryno

be good to animals even people


For more infomation >> True Scary Stories: TUNNEL - Duration: 22:55.


US Officials Tell The World To Please Ignore Trump's Tweets - Duration: 4:23.

Donald Trump kicked off his Saturday morning this past weekend with an amazing Twitter

tirade against Obama, against the Russians kind of, against Muller, against the entire


He was telling us that he was completely vindicated by the indictments that were handed down on

Friday against the Russian trolls.

He said that he had known that there was interference.

He never said there wasn't interference, but that it didn't help him get elected and that

this was actually somehow Barack Obama's fault, even though Mitch McConnell was the one who

refused to sign on to a bipartisan letter warning the Americans that, "Hey, the Russians

are interfering and we know about it and we have evidence."

In response to the president's unhinged tirade, American officials including national security

officials and elected Republicans and Democrats, had to tell people both publicly and privately,

"Please ignore the president's tweets."

See, what happened is that US officials overseas were having to talk to other countries about

what was going on and what these indictments were about, and when Donald Trump says this

is Obama's fault or that he's not worried about it, they had to reassure people first

and foremost, ignore what our idiot president is saying, and two, we do take this very seriously.

Trust us, something's going to get done.

Don't pay any attention to that big orange buffoon in the White House, because we're

going to make something happen, we're going to prevent this from going any further, and

we're going to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Here we have a bipartisan group of elected officials and other department heads in the

federal government having to essentially criss-cross the globe to tell people, "Look, we understand

something bad happened.

We're trying to fix it.

Please don't listen to what Donald Trump says.

The real adults are trying to handle this issue seriously."

I have to be honest here, the problem is not Donald Trump's tweets.

They are problematic, but the real problem is Donald Trump himself, because as long as

he stays in the White House, US officials are going to have to continue their apology

tour around the globe.

Whether it's for something he says at a rally, something he says to reporters, a bad photo

op where he gives a thumbs up after 17 children were murdered.

Whether it's the tweets, whether it's whatever, these people are going to have to continue

apologizing for this giant man-child that we have in the White House because he's not

professional enough, he's not mature enough to understand how to do the job of the President

of the United States.

As long as he's there, we're going to see more of these apologies.

To be honest, this isn't even the first time that we've seen US officials have to tell

the rest of the world to please ignore Donald Trump's tweets.

A few months ago the same thing happened.

They said, "Please disregard what the president is saying.

We understand the issue.

We're taking it seriously and we're working on it."

But, you can't.

As long as Trump is there, as long as he is calling the shots, and as long as he has access

to Twitter, these things are going to keep happening.

He's going to continue to diminish the United States' standing among other countries in

the world, and our elected officials can apologize all they want, but it's not going to undo

the damage that he's caused and it's not going to get these countries to immediately forgive

us and just say, "Okay, yeah, I'll ignore him.

Maybe I'll unfollow him on twitter."

That's not how it works.

Donald Trump like it or not, speaks for the United States.

Those tweets that he sends out are considered official presidential statements.

Anything he says on there can and will be used against the United States, and that is

exactly what's happening right now.

Twitter is not the problem.

The problem is the president himself.

For more infomation >> US Officials Tell The World To Please Ignore Trump's Tweets - Duration: 4:23.



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For more infomation >> BEST FUNNY AND AMAZING VIRAL VIDEOS COMPILATION 😂😎😁 - Duration: 8:30.





Warfront Tier 1 Cloth Armor & Weapons | Alliance | Battle for Azeroth! - Duration: 7:02.

Hi guys So in this video we'll take a look at the

cloth gear for the alliance faction that you'll be able to get by playing the new warfronts.

There are 3 different colors so let me know which one you like the most.


So that's it for this video guys, if you enjoyed it make sure to give it a big thumbs

up and consider subscribing to my channel to keep up with my latest videos.

Thank you for watching and I hope to see you again.

For more infomation >> Warfront Tier 1 Cloth Armor & Weapons | Alliance | Battle for Azeroth! - Duration: 7:02.


Kurt Cobain's Daughter Has Grown Up To Be Stunning - Duration: 4:35.

When Kurt Cobain passed away in 1994 at the age of 27, he left behind a musical legacy.

He also left behind Frances Bean Cobain, his only daughter with Courtney Love.

Frances wasn't even two at the time.

Fast forward more than two decades later and his mini me is an absolutely stunning young


She inherited her parents' creative side, and she's even put her good looks to use,

as a model.

Frances Bean has grown up a lot since her father's death and we've got the proof.

Smells Like Teen Spirit

Frances didn't celebrate a typical sweet 16.

According to E! News, her party was themed around her late father.

Love apparently rented out Sunset Boulevard's House of Blues for the party and got her daughter

a cake that read "R.I.P.


Mama drama

After Cobain's death in '94, Frances was raised solely by Love.

But the two haven't always seen eye to eye.

At the age of 17, Frances became legally emancipated from her mother and Love wasn't on board,

telling Vanity Fair,

"All I can feel is how much I love her.

I'd give anything to hear the sound of her heels walking down the hall past my bedroom."

Although their relationship has been tumultuous through the years, according to social media,

it looks like they're on good terms.

Daddy's girl

Frances is the spitting image of her father.

She even told Rolling Stone that her dad's former bandmates, Dave Grohl, Krist Novoselic

and Pat Smear came to her house, and:

"...they had what I call the 'K.C.

Jeebies,' which is when they see me, they see Kurt."

Frances even sings and plays the guitar.

But she doesn't like Nirvana.

She told the mag,

"The grunge scene is not what I'm interested in.

But...'Dumb' — I cry every time I hear that song.

It's a stripped-down version of Kurt's perception of himself — of himself on drugs, off drugs,

feeling inadequate to be titled the voice of a generation."

Teenage millionaire

Once she became an adult, Frances inherited her part of Cobain's fortune.

According to CBS, Cobain was worth roughly $450 million and Frances' portion was 37 percent.

That means she was worth approximately $170 million at just 19 years old.

She put some of that money down to purchase a $1.9 million Spanish home in West Hollywood,

in 2011.

Not feeling the romance

After two years of marriage, Frances divorced from her husband, Eeries singer, Isaiah Silva.

The couple wed in a secret ceremony in June of 2014 and she filed for divorce in March

of 2016.

Several months later, People reported that Silva was requesting $300,000 a year in spousal

support from Frances, saying she promised to help him send his daughter from another

relationship to a private school.

Current crush

Frances didn't let her divorce keep her from finding love again.

In 2017, she was spotted with The Ceremonies guitarist, Matthew Cook.

Though both Frances and Cook tend to skirt the media spotlight, their love is alive and

well on Instagram.

Working it

Frances' good looks have come in handy.

She's been sought after for several modeling jobs but remains selective in those she'll

agree to do.

In 2008, she modeled for Harper's Bazaar, and in 2011, she posed for Hedi Slimane.

Frances then become the face of Marc Jacobs' spring 2017 line but she told Vogue,

"I don't think I'll be modeling for anybody else for a very long time — this is 100

percent outside my comfort zone."

Brush with catastrophe

In October 2017, Frances detailed a harrowing event she faced on an Air France flight, writing,

"I felt the plane tilt, saw the wing directly in front of me catch fire, and basically came

to grips with my own mortality."

According to CNN, Frances' flight from Paris to Los Angeles made an emergency landing in

Canada after experiencing engine failure.

She wrote after the incident,

"I have woken up everyday for the past week just grateful to wake up."

Remembering her dad

Though many rumors and conspiracy theories abound, Kurt Cobain's death was officially

self-inflicted, and Frances believes she knows what brought her father to do it.

She told Rolling Stone in 2015,

"...He eventually had to sacrifice every bit of who he was to his art, because the world

demanded it of him.

I think that was one of the main triggers as to why he felt he didn't want to be here

and everyone would be happier without him."

She's also not one to romanticize her father's death — or, let anyone else do it.

In 2014, Lana Del Rey told The Guardian that she wished she, quote, "was dead already"

mentioning her musical influences: the late Amy Winehouse and Kurt Cobain.

But when Frances caught wind of the interview, she tweeted Del Rey, writing, "I'll never

know my father because he died young & it becomes a desirable feat because people like

you think it's 'cool.'"

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> Kurt Cobain's Daughter Has Grown Up To Be Stunning - Duration: 4:35.


INSANE HIKE THROUGH a MEXICAN GHOST TOWN!😱 (Barranca de Huentitán, Guadalajara) - Duration: 12:13.

What is going on Members of the Barrio

It's Jon coming to you from Guadalajara

And we are about to start..

Probably the most famous hike in the area?

It's called Barranca de Huentitan..

The Canyon of Huentitan

And I had to wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning to make this video

So you guys better enjoy this

And I think this is going to be

A really cool morning

And some much needed excercise

After eating way way to many tacos al pastor.

Adriana you're looking very athletic today.

I look athletic but i'm not.

You don't like to hike much right?


I'm the lazy person of the relationship

You also don't like waking up early

But neither do i..

I don't like waking up early

And I don't like.. outdoor activties

But i'm going to enjoy it as much as I can.

Don't hate me..I'm just lazy


And this is our group from couchsurfing

Ramses right here

Is the leader

Thank you for setting this up

Is the hike going to be very difficult ?

Or is it going to be easy?

For some people..

Depending on their condition

I'm not in good condition

What do you think?

Will I survive

You will survive.



We have an international group here



Someone from Chile


Their are a lot of people doing this hike

Not just counting our group

When we parked our car

I think I've seen at least.. 50 to 100 people

On a Saturday attempting this.

This seems like a fun family activity

We're going to go down until the river


We're going to go to the ghost town

Then after we are going to climb up on a rail road..

We actually knew those people stretching

That's a sign we've been in Guadalajara

A long time

We're starting to recognize people randomly

Look at the rock walk here

I'm highly recommending you bring hiking shoes for this?

Because this is a little bit tricky.

We're doing the easy route

The easiest.. the easiest..

Super easy



I don't know how easy this is but.


They used this railroad to..

Take the food.

To the town


This was the railroad to bring food to this town

And my palms are getting sweaty

As we're getting closer and closer

Apparently we're going to hike this up

On the way back

Are you going to do that hike?


And I don't even know if i'm going to do that hike

It looks fun

It's fun to watch

I don't know how fun it is to actually do.

It's fun to take pictures

It's fun to take photos yes..

The first drops of perspiration

Have started to penetrate the back of my shirt.

Which is a good sign

It means we're getting a little workout

And we just took some really..really good photos

Members of the Barrio

We have crossed into the desert

We're getting a Jalisco word here..

Called Arreando

Arreando means kind of to get the whip

And whip them..

When.. you want a horse or a donkey

To make it go faster


It's called Arreando

Adriana Movate,Arreando Arreando

We can hear a river in the distance

And we are finally reaching the bottom

Are we close

Very close..

I hear it

I hear music to

Good music.

I thought we lost you

You made it

How are you enjoying the hike so far?

This part is fun

But..I have something to say about this hike.


I think it in the beginning I thought it was bad

That we were going down first..

And then up..

But I think it's good

Because if the river were up

At some point I would have.. said

I don't want to go anymore

But now I have to go

Because it's easy

And I go to up anyways

You have no choice

Yeah.. If not i'm going to sleep here

Which might not be to bad?

Behind there.. is a river

It's like really green

Okay we might be lost here

I think our group went this way

But we could go that way

No they went this way

Look at these cool formations here

It's a very beautiful hike

I've been told we are approximately

10 minutes..

From this bridge

It looks very photogenic

And I think I'm going to fly my drone from there

The drone has been sitting

In my closet

For way to long

Unfortunately I've been told that this waterfall

The water is contaminated

It has kind of a strong smell..

So just..

Be warned about that when you walk by.

It might smell a little bit.

This is the first suspension bridge

Built in Mexico

It was built in 1895


You feel it?

I like it

I would say that this bridge

Has got to be

One of the most beautiful places

I have seen

In Mexico so far

Totally worth waking up..

At 7 o'clock in the morning

On a Saturday

To come explore this area

This is a hike..

You have to do

When you're in Guadalajara

You can quote me

Now Ramses is leading us

To a ghost town

This is like a real surprise

I heard something about this

I wasn't sure if we were actually going to see it

I have no idea what to expect

But I don't know if I've ever walked through a ghost town in Mexico


This sounds like an adventure

What's the story about htis village?

This place was abandoned

Like 10 years ago.

Because there were..

A plan to..

Make a tourist place here

This house was a cantina to.

This was a cantina..

Juan Cantina lived here..

They said I could walk into the house

But I may not come out

Alright you guys are coming with me at least

So if I go down you're coming with me

This is so creepy

Kind of what you would expect from an abandoned house

I would not be good

At having one of those channels

Where people explore abandoned places

Because it's so quiet

That just..

The slightest little noise would scare you

It's a true story

You don't know what's behind each of these doors

This place really is abandoned

It would be nice to come over like at midnight


That's all you.. all you

To bring the sensors

And night vision goggles

The church right there

A grocery store

In one of those empty homes

He says their used to be a playground right here

And the school there.

And the school was there


That church still looks really nice actually

The only residents left of this town..

Are the dogs

And those two security guards right there

For our final act

We are leaving the ghost town behind

Walking up those railroad tracks I showed you before

And actually hiking up

I think this is going to be tough

It looks hard

This is the easy part

That's the hard part


It's just one step after another

It's that simple

Keep that in mind

And hopefully you want fall

I haven't fallen yet

That part right there could have been a little bit dangerous

You just have to take your time with it

We all made it right?

That's all I have to say

I literally stopped recording

Because I couldn't even talk I just had to..

Concentrate on walking

Because I can barely talk

Man this is hard

We've almost made it to the.. our ending

It's like half way

But this is all we've got the energy for..

Guys I actually almost puked before

I felt a little sick

I pulled over to the side

It turned out

I drank way to much water

Let that be a lesson for you

Do not drink to much water

Or you're going to get sick? Right Ramses?

A bad idea.

We have made it..


Rather than bore you guys with the rest of this hike

We're just going to.

Flash right to the end

And we have survived the 5 hour, 20 km hike..

We are back at the top as you can see

And I was doing the math as we walked

I think in my life

That was probably

The second or third hardest hike I've ever done..

I actually think..

Climbing up the rail road tracks

May have been one of the most difficult

Single feats

I've ever accomplished.

That was so incredibly gruelingly hard.

On your upper body for cardio


I go to the gym

But I do not run so.

I'm not in the greatest of shape

When it comes to that

But I will say that you do not have to do that part of the hike

You can certainly..

Go around

It will take you a little bit longer

But if you're not in great shape

Don't attempt to do the rail road tracks

Very very difficult

But we survived

And I feel great..

I recommend

That you guys come here

I'm going to put some information below

If you want to do this hike..

Certainly feel free

I recommend you come early

Because it does get hot

And the scenery is gorgeous

It's just..

It's totally worth it

But you're going to have to dedicate

Most of a day to it

Let's get Adriana's opinion real quick

You're dead?


You're dead.

Guys look

We went all the way down there

So yeah i'm dead

But it was worth it

All the way down there

Make sure to like and subscribe to this channel

If you are new

We've still got a couple of weeks left

In Guadalajara

Thank you so much for watching

Until next time

For more infomation >> INSANE HIKE THROUGH a MEXICAN GHOST TOWN!😱 (Barranca de Huentitán, Guadalajara) - Duration: 12:13.


The Best Cheap Momo in NYC || Operation $5 Lunch - Duration: 6:26.

- [Prez] My name is Prez, and I work at Thrillist.

Around these parts, I'm known as the 5 Dollar Lunch Guy.

Every episode, I'm gonna put you guys

onto the very finest New York grub

for $5 or less.

OK, all right.

Let's see what we got here.


OK so, momo, aka Nepalese-style dumplings,

are these delicious little morsels

filled with all sorts of stuff.

Sometimes they can be a little bit spicy,

but on a day like today, it's perfect.

And they're always a solid budget lunch.

So, looks like today's mission is a go.

New York is a great place

to get any type of cuisine,

even the least accessible ones, like Nepalese.

And fortunately for you,

I know the perfect place to hit up.

Today we're headed to Dhaulagiri Kitchen,

a great little Nepalese joint,

which has become one of my favorite places

to get momo in Jackson Heights.

And, with a little bit of research,

I actually found their other place

is right down the street.

So, five bucks somewhere.

Let's go.

So these are the rules of "Operation Five Buck Lunch."

It's gotta be good,

'cause nobody wants bad food for lunch.

No big chains, 'cause that's just too easy.

It's gotta be $5 or less.

And whatever I don't use today

rolls over into the next episode. 54 00:01:32,843 --> 00:01:34,140 Out of all the people we spoke to,

only one person knew what momo was.

So just in case you haven't figured it out,

momo are very similar to Chinese-style dumplings.

They're steamed, and they're stuffed.

But they're filled with ingredients

that are specific to the Nepal region,

such as buffalo meat, kachori, and chayote.

Now ya know.

Here we are 28th and Lex,

only a few blocks from where we started,

Dhaulagiri Kitchen!

I'm starving, let's get in.

(electronic music)

- Sir.

We have momo. - Wow.

Thank you.

So here we have it.

The vegetable momo.

I am super excited to be eating this.

Now, to the main attraction.

(camera clicking)


So you're getting a little bit of heat.

I order vegetable dumplings specifically,

because when you get meat in the dumpling,

sometimes it might overpower the process.

You might just be tasting the meat,

but these vegetables are so well seasoned.

There are at least six or seven different vegetables

that I can eyeball myself,

and they all add a different note to this momo,

which makes it specifically unique.

We have carrots, onions, coriander,

there's chili powder in here, there's soybeans

there's cabbage, there's ginger.

This sauce is kinda' like a ginger-chili sauce.

So how this was explained to me

are that these three sauces are mild

in increasing order,

with this being the hottest of the mild sauces,

and then this being the hottest of the hot sauces.

Look at this space.

It's so cute.

When you come in here,

you go down a flight of steps,

and it's kind of like a sub-underground space a little bit.

A little bit tight.

I feel kinda cozy.

It's warm specifically today.

This is gonna be a little bit of a sloppier eat but--

That is delicious.

Chilis in oil, I already know.


Here we go.

I'm out, I'm out.

Don't play around with this one.

This one's no joke.

Almost died.

It's a 12.

Be careful.


This is fantastic.

Don't know, shout out to Nepalese.

I don't know what happened

but y'all know how to do dumplings.

Top one in my life.

Now you're probably gonna ask me,

"Prez, where do we get dumplings?

Where do we get soup dumplings?

Where do we get dim sum?

Where do we get wonton?"

Don't waste your time.

Come down to Dhaulagiri Kitchen,

hang out [with] my homegirl,

she'll take care of you.

Get some momo.

That's all I gotta say.

OK, guys, I have a ton of momo in my guts.

I am stuffed.

Let's go pay for this stuff.

Today's mission was momo,

and while the momo dumpling and Nepalese food

aren't as famous as their dim sum cousin,

it's well worth the trip.

Coming to a restaurant

that looks to set themselves apart

by being true and authentic to the food they love

is a win for me.

So as far as I'm concerned,

today's mission was a success.

It's in budget, it's not a big chain,

and it's damn good.

Anyways, only a few blocks to work,

I'll see you later.


For more infomation >> The Best Cheap Momo in NYC || Operation $5 Lunch - Duration: 6:26.


Where to Put Buttons on a Plaid Shirt - Duration: 2:06.

Welcome to Tuesday's Tips From SewVeryEasy, my name is Laura.

And when making a plaid shirt, the placement

of the buttons is something to consider.

Even though this shirt is a plaid shirt, it has very

large plaids very much like a tartan. We have a

small area, a large area, small area, and so on.

The front of the shirt does line up and this is where

the recommended placement of the buttons would be.

When we look at it they are evenly spaced together.

However the eye doesn't necessarily notice that.

What it will notice is that they're not in line

with the plaids. Keeping that in mind, you can

change the placements even though you have the

same amount of buttons, so the buttons will follow

a pattern. And in this case I have it in the middle of

this small stripe, the middle of the large and so on.

They're not in the same placement as the

recommended, but they still line up. Visually this

is a better-looking button placement.

This is the recommended placement on this side;

this is the side where I followed the pattern. You can

see just by comparison how these buttons look like

they have not been put on correctly.

With the buttons being red blending into the back-

ground it's not as noticeable, but if you had black

buttons you would definitely notice that that is off.

So the button placement is something to keep in

mind when you have a very strong plaid.

And when the shirt is done, the buttons are not going

to distort the look of the shirt.

So by not following the recommended placement,

your shirt has more of a designer appeal.

Thank you for joining me today on Tuesday's Tips.

Feel free to subscribe and, as always, come on back.

Let's see what we're sewing next time in the sewing room. Bye for now!

For more infomation >> Where to Put Buttons on a Plaid Shirt - Duration: 2:06.


SAO - MD (WHAT KIND VOTE RESULT IS THIS?) - Duration: 10:03.

All my journey in this game..

it's been 400 days since I played this (stupid) game..

if I remember all those happy and sad memories..

where I can go all out with my old units even clearly there are many new R4 units released, yet I can win the battle with them (old units)

but unlike now... the game is just all about milking money

they forcing us to use newest units in every new event! but using scam method which won't let us have new (R5) units before trolling us first!

and when we got them... in the end, what is the point getting those units?

if in the end you just gonna make them powerless by release newest units again and again...

all my old units... they are become so weak and useless...

Even tho they are so powerful in past who always help me to clear all mission...

all my rejoice when I got them, now become nothing, like they are R3 units...

who don't have any purpose except for collecting units..

it's sad but that's the truth... our old units is not suitable for newest event anymore...

thank you so much support me ever since I start this channel.

I'm sorry if lately all I did was just complaining and complaining...

I hope you still can enjoy this game even without me ( ; v ; ) good luck!

For more infomation >> SAO - MD (WHAT KIND VOTE RESULT IS THIS?) - Duration: 10:03.


FBI resignations over Florida shooting aren't the solution, Robert Ray says - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> FBI resignations over Florida shooting aren't the solution, Robert Ray says - Duration: 6:19.


God or Money? An End Time Spiritual Conflict! - Duration: 12:25.

God or money?

This question itself seems strange for most people. Does it have to be one or the other?

Couldn't it be both?

In this video we address the spiritual war that exists between the true God

the Creator of the universe, and the false god of this world. And how this battle will play out shortly in the end times.

Hi, I'm training to be an end time survivor

I'm learning to listen to the voice of God speaking through my conscience and

Learn the truth about these present times so that I can live a life that will count for eternity

One of the most radical teachings of Jesus has to do with the spiritual war that exists between serving God and serving

money and materialism

Jesus says you cannot serve two masters

so you will love one and hate the other you will be faithful to one and despise the other you cannot serve both God and money.

He says that one path leads to life that it is a narrow path

And few people walk it and that we have to strive to enter into it.

While the other path is the popular way, the broad and wide path that leads to destruction.

Without a doubt the popular path in this world is the materialistic way.

Working every day for money and all that it buys instead of working for God.

TV programs, ads,

magazines, Hollywood films, and music videos constantly urge us to buy and consume and to find our value in money and material things

The more we have the more important we supposedly are.

The examples to follow in this world are the rich the famous and the powerful those who have more access to material wealth

Those of us born into this world,

regardless of country or the culture or official religion of the country of our birth live under a system that is based fundamentally on materialism

on the love of money, and the Bible says the love of money is the root of all evil

For love of money people steal and kill; for love of money there is corruption in politics

If you're a congressman, and I give you a contribution

And I want something from you...

that contribution may not be called a bribe but it is a bribe at the end of the day.

Don't you think it effectively legalizes corruption in Washington? Well, I think corruption is legal in Washington right now.

For love of money there's corruption in religion.

That's a word as surely as I'm speaking by the Spirit of God that is a word for a person right now

That is God penetrating your heart

It's burning on the inside of you, and you need to make a vow of faith of a thousand dollars

Oh Bob couldn't you say $25? No!

Don't let Satan Rob that from you

You need to get your faith out there working for you today right. Now we go off the air

We're still here it doesn't make a difference

What time of the day it is, call us right now

I mean right now real quickly at 2 1 4 6 2 o

6200 I just sense there's 10 more people that should have called a moment ago

And you didn't call. You can be one of those 10 if you'll use your faith right now. God bless you

I break this curse of lack over this child of God Father. They believed your word. They believed your prophet...

For love of money the environment is destroyed. The seas and the air are polluted

all because our industries that love money have permission to destroy it as long as they give a percentage of their profits

to those that govern and it's a world in a system that is completely unfair where 1% of the population

Controls over 80% of the resources where there are people who have 2 3 10

20 houses and others that do not have a place to sleep and where there are people who have millions of dollars and

Others who don't have enough to eat

But the sad reality is that the majority of us are guilty?

we participate in this materialism of our own free will and we try to conceal and deny the

spiritual reality as we keep accumulating money and

well still we justify it and transform the abomination of materialism into something supposedly good and

Spiritual we say with our mouths that we love God and yet our hearts are far from him

And where your treasure is there your heart is also and for the majority of us our treasure is money and material things

Maybe on Saturdays or Sundays we give God a couple of hours

We sing a couple of songs we throw a couple of coins in the offering but later

Monday Tuesday Wednesday in the days that follow we spend the greater part of our lives

working for the principle purpose of getting money and progressing materially

The first words that Jesus preached applied to each of us

Repent the kingdom of God has come

The kingdom of God is completely different to the system of this world

While the system of the world is based on the love of money the kingdom of God is based on love

not romantic Hollywood love, but true love

Loving God with all your heart, or your soul mind and strength and loving your neighbor as you love yourself

the kingdom of God has come near to us through Jesus and to be able to be part of this kingdom we need a

revolutionary change of motivation

We have to repent of our sins including and especially

Our materialism if we are part of the kingdom of God

Then we will be going in the opposite direction to the world

While the world keeps accumulating material wealth to an ever greater extent Jesus tells us to not

accumulate material goods here on earth where thieves break in and steal

Where moths eat our clothes and metal rust with time?

One second after we die it isn't going to matter

how much money we had in the bank the size of our house or the color of our car and

We are going to see them for the rubbish that they are

This is why Jesus tells us to invest our time and life in things that are truly

Important that we store up wealth in heaven where nobody can steal those things away from and where things don't wear out or rust

These things are spiritual treasures treasures like love peace righteousness

Sincerity humility and faith we don't have time to develop these things when we keep trying to serve two masters

Now when Peter John Andrew James and the other apostles were called by Jesus

The first thing they did was to give up their secular wage earning jobs and start serving Christ

Full-time and God calls us to do the same today

God or money that is the question we should ask ourselves in every situation

Why are we doing? What we are doing is it for God, or is it for money?

The job that you have today

Are you there out of obedience to God or do you do it to get money?

It can't be a mix of both. It is either one or the other

Ask yourself did God actually tell you to do that job. Is your job actually consistent with

Jesus's message or does it contribute to more of the materialism in the world

Be honest, would you do that job if you didn't get paid if there were no economic or material benefits?

Would you continue doing it anyway?

And if you are studying at a university

What's the reason you're studying is?

It because you want to acquire knowledge that will help you serve others and fulfill the teachings of Jesus

Or is it because you will have more economic opportunities if you have a university degree

are you doing it for God or for money a

Lot of people complain that they're unemployed and can't find work Jesus answers each one of these people

Lift up your eyes look at the fields for the harvest is already ripe the harvest is plenty

But the workers are few

He that reaps receives a wage and collects fruit for eternal life

And he that sews shares in the joy with him that reaps

But whoever doesn't gather with me scatters

Now the laborers continue to be few because most people despise the spiritual rewards that Jesus offers and

further material rewards that the system offers

When we are truly?

Confronted with this decision to either dedicate our lives to working for God or continue serving the system of this world for money

The natural human reaction confirms, just what Jesus said we naturally ask ourselves

How will we survive?

What will we eat? What will we wear?

Yet, Jesus is already aware of our lack of faith

And has already

Responded to our questions two thousand years ago saying don't worry about what you will eat or drink, or wear

For he that gave you existence is able to sustain you and he that created your body is more than able to close you

The birds don't buy and sell they don't have bank accounts yet your heavenly Father feeds them

Are you of less value in the eyes of God than the birds?

The flowers don't have jobs in the system

They don't make their own clothes and yet not even the richest person in all the world has clothes as

Beautiful as how God has clothed the flowers

Now if God has clothed the flowers in the field with so much care in detail when you take care of clothing you oh

you of little faith

Don't worry about what you eat

And what you will drink or where for all the unbelievers of all the nations leave worrying about this

But it shouldn't be like this with you

Because you have a father in heaven that knows what your needs are

Therefore let the kingdom of God and His righteousness be your highest priority in life and all these necessary things shall be

provided for you

They will soon come a day when the spiritual war between the kingdoms of this world and the kingdom of God

Will be decided once and for all

The book of Revelation speaks of a time when there will be a world government

Led by the Antichrist that will demand that everyone big and small rich and poor free and slave

receive a mark in their hand or in the forehead without which no one can buy or sell the

Revelation promises that anyone who accepts his mark will experience the pure wrath of God for the rebellion

But despite these warnings virtually everyone will trust more and money than in God

They will accept this mark and seal their faith

But we will not be part of this multitude

We are going to put our faith in Jesus

We are going to trust that we have a Heavenly Father that loves us and that can care for our needs

Without us having to enslave ourselves to the system of this world we will dedicate ourselves to serving God completely

We will reject materialism in our lives, and we are going to promote and stand up for the teachings of Jesus

We are going to seek the important things the spiritual things

And we are going to eternally enjoy the abundant life that God freely gives to each

person that sincerely trust in Jesus God

or money

We choose God

For more infomation >> God or Money? An End Time Spiritual Conflict! - Duration: 12:25.


Authorities Just Identified SICK Secret About Who Shooting Victim Is – Won't Be Seeing Him Again! - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> Authorities Just Identified SICK Secret About Who Shooting Victim Is – Won't Be Seeing Him Again! - Duration: 4:39.


Michael Moore BUSTED Attending Rally He Shouldn't Have, Gets EXPOSED With His New Buddies - Duration: 4:39.

Michael Moore BUSTED Attending Rally He Shouldn't Have, Gets EXPOSED With His New Buddies

Michael Moore, the outspoken celebrity critic of President Donald Trump, has been fueling

the flames of hate since Election Day.

However, he's just been caught attending a rally that he shouldn't have.

It exposes him and all of his new buddies.

Michael Moore has been trying to oppose President Donald Trump since he won the election.

You might remember his backing of DisruptJ20, the riot that occurred on Inauguration Day.

Moore's delusional dream was to prevent Trump from being sworn into office.

Instead, Moore's goons helped destroy portions of Washington, D.C.

Over 200 of his buddies were arrested for that shocking display.

Moore has commented on or criticized just about everything President Trump has done.

Like most unhinged liberals, he refuses to acknowledge the positive impact he's already

had on the country.

Low unemployment, returning jobs, and historic tax cuts don't seem to matter to Moore.

Instead, he continues to push the same tired rhetoric of all Democrats.

That includes accusing Trump of colluding with Russia.

Now, it looks like Moore has some explaining to do.

As it turns out, one of the many anti-Trump rallies he attended wasn't what it seemed.

In fact, this particular rally was organized by the 13 Russian operatives now indicted

by the federal government.

Moore happened to be one of the most notable figures at the event.

He even posted video and pictures of himself at the rally.

Have anything to say about that, big guy?

Michael Moore, the polemical filmmaker who has long accused President Trump of colluding

with Russians, posted videos and pictures of himself participating in a protest in Manhattan

that was allegedly organized by Russians in November 2016…

The government alleged in an indictment signed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller that the

defendants organized a Nov. 12 "Trump is NOT my President" rally in New York.

Their "strategic goal" was to "sow discord in the U.S. political system," the indictment


On Nov. 12, Moore tweeted: "At today's Trump Tower protest.

He wouldn't come down."

He attached a picture of himself posing with a large number of protesters.

[Source: Fox News]

Once again, liberals are guilty of the very things they accuse conservatives of.

Michael Moore claims that Donald Trump is an illegitimate President because he "colluded"

with Russia.

Yet, now we see one of Moore's biggest spectacles was organized by Russian agents.

Did Moore know this?

Was he willing to work with Russians to undermine the election of a U.S. President?

Probably not, but we don't know for sure.

Most likely, Moore's hatred for our President led him to attend a rally against him.

He didn't bother to find out who was organizing the rally, who funded it, or who backed it.

He just saw something that was going to bash Donald Trump, so he jumped on board.

Michael Moore proves he'd rather work with outside agents rather than support the President

of the United States.

That comes awfully close to treason if you ask me.

This is the left in a nutshell, though.

They'd team up with the devil if it meant they could bash President Trump.

Their irrational hatred of our Commander-in-Chief knows no bounds.

Even when he does incredible things for our country, they attack, complain, and deny.

Approximately 25,000 protesters turned out in New York on Nov. 12, chanting slogans rejecting

the then-president-elect, NBC News reported at the time, citing New York Police Department


Amid heavy police presence, protesters marched from Union Square to Trump Tower, the Guardian


Moore has repeatedly claimed that President Trump inappropriately colluded with Russians.

Last year, Moore wrote on Facebook: "It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure


[Source: Fox News]


So pathetically stupid.

I wonder if Michael Moore is going to acknowledge the fact that he was a pawn in Russia's

game to sow discord into our country?

I wonder if he's going to apologize to every patriotic American who stood by our POTUS

and democracy?

Probably not.

what do you think about this?

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News 2======================================

Nancy Pelosi Wakes To Nasty Trump Surprise After What Sarah Sanders Did Late Last Night

Nancy Pelosi probably isn't too happy after waking up to a nasty surprise courtesy of

President Donald Trump.

As it turns out, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders had some late plans

last night — and now, the entire country is waiting in suspense to see what happens


There's no love lost between the Democrats and President Donald Trump these days.

For some reason, the left has made their hatred for the man perfectly clear, and they continue

to do so on a daily basis.

Sadly, they're willing to go to whatever low it takes to get the next attack in, and

we're seeing that now more than ever.

In fact, Nancy Pelosi has been suffering backlash, thanks to her own words, after she decided

to attack President Donald Trump over his tax plan.

Despite the fact that he is allowing Americans to keep more of their hard earned money, Pelosi

is trying to minimize his success.

Referring to bonuses ranging between $1,000 and $2,500 as "crumbs," Pelosi has shown

just how out of touch she is with ordinary Americans.

Sure, she's a millionaire that became rich by taking advantage of the same people that

continue to vote her into office, but $1,000 is a lot of money to the average Joe.

That kind of money allows families to loosen the belt.

That's a lot of groceries or many tanks of gas.

Heck, that's even a few car payments or someone's mortgage payment — unless, of

course, you're Nancy Pelosi.

Apparently, this slick Democrat would rather you just not have the money because it's

not enough for her rich butt to acknowledge.

Too bad for her, things just took a nasty turn, and she's eating some crow after waking

up to a brutal surprise this morning.

As it turns out, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was up late last night

and decided to use her time to put Nancy Pelosi in her place, and hard-working Americans are


Although she was quiet for most of her weekend with Trump in Florida, Sarah hopped on Twitter

around 8:30 at night Monday.

Sharing a new report, Sarah simply wrote, "Other than Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic

allies, who could be against lower taxes, higher wages, and a booming economy?"

As it turns out, she was referring to a recently released poll showing that public support

for Trump's tax cut is on the rise, despite the best efforts of Democrats.

"The press secretary tweeted a report showing that a majority of Americans approve of the

GOP tax reform, which was signed into law by Trump in December," The Daily Caller


"The report states that, for the first time, the tax law is popular with a majority of


The Republican tax cut law, which once appeared overwhelmingly unpopular, is now supported

by a narrow majority of Americans, according to a Survey Monkey poll published in the NY


Support is at 51% overall (up from 37% in December), 89% among Republicans and 19% among


[Source: AXIOS]

Idiots like Nancy Pelosi can call these bonuses "crumbs" all they want, but the American

people can see through her partisan tactics.

An extra $1,000 is a lot of money to a lot of people — and there's plenty getting

twice that or even more.

Each year, politicians get richer while more money is taken out of the pockets of those

who elected them.

Fortunately, that trend has been put on hold, at least for a brief moment.

The fact that anyone has anything bad to say about that says more about them than it does

President Donald Trump.

what do you think about this?

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Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Michael Moore BUSTED Attending Rally He Shouldn't Have, Gets EXPOSED With His New Buddies - Duration: 4:39.


Avengers Infinity War, Wrong Answer, Little Monsters, Raising Dion - Beyond The Trailer - Duration: 10:33.

Just because you're in one of the hottest movies of the year

some could say ALL TIME

doesn't mean you're at the top of casting wish lists

in Hollywood...

For more infomation >> Avengers Infinity War, Wrong Answer, Little Monsters, Raising Dion - Beyond The Trailer - Duration: 10:33.


Hillary's Worst Nightmare Now Coming True Over Who She Hired To Do Her Dirty Work - Duration: 5:52.

Hillary's Worst Nightmare Now Coming True Over Who She Hired To Do Her Dirty Work.

The wicked witch of the liberal left might finally be getting hers.

There are now rumors leaking all over the intel community that since FBI special counsel

Robert Mueller has now officially indicted 13 Russian internet trolls who will never

be brought to justice in the fake Russia collusion investigations floated by the DNC and Crooked

Hillary Clinton in order to excuse her loss, he is now planning on going after the real

person who colluded with the Russians.

Crooked Hillary herself.

Yes, folks, you read that correctly.

It's possible that Mueller will now be setting his sights on Crooked Hillary for being the

one who actually hired the British Spy Christopher Steel to interfere with the 2016 US election

by creating what we now know is a 100% fake Russian Dossier on then Candidate Donald Trump.

Via Law and Crime:

Special Counsel Robert Mueller indicted foreign citizens for trying to influence the American

public about an election because those citizens did not register as a foreign agent nor record

their financial expenditures to the Federal Elections Commission.

By that theory, when will Mueller indict Christopher Steele, FusionGPS, PerkinsCoie, the DNC and

the Clinton Campaign?

Mueller's indictment against 13 Russian trolls claimed their social media political

activity was criminal because: they were foreign citizens; they tried to influence an election;

and they neither registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act nor reported their

funding to the Federal Elections Commission.

First, if Mueller's theory is correct, three things make Steele a criminal: first, he is

a foreign citizen; second, he tried to influence an election, which he received payments to

do (including from the FBI itself); and third, he neither registered as a foreign agent nor

listed his receipts and expenditures to the Federal Election Commission.

Also, according to the FBI, along the way, Steele lied…a lot, while the dossier he

disseminated contained its own lies based on bought-and-paid for smears from foreign

sources reliant on rumors and innuendo.

Second, if Mueller's theory is correct, three things make FusionGPS a criminal co-conspirator:

it knew Steele was a foreign citizen; it knew, and paid, Steele to influence an election;

and it knew, and facilitated, Steele neither registering as a foreign agent nor reporting

his funding from the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign to the Federal Election


Third, if Mueller's theory is correct, then three things make PerkinsCoie a potential

target: it knew Steele was a foreign citizen; it knew, and paid, Steele to influence an

election; and it knew, and facilitated, Steele neither registering as a foreign agent nor

reporting his funding from the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign

to the Federal Election Commission, by disguising its receipt of payments from the Clinton campaign

as a "legal expense."

Fourth, if Mueller's theory is correct, then three things make the DNC a potential

target: it knew Steele was a foreign citizen; it knew, and paid, Steele to influence an

election; and it knew, and facilitated, Steele neither registering as a foreign agent nor

reporting his funding from the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign

to the Federal Election Commission, by disguising its payments to Steele as laundered legal

expenses to a law firm.

Fifth, if Mueller's theory is correct, three things make the Clinton Campaign a potential

target: it knew Steele was a foreign citizen; it knew, and paid, Steele to influence an

election; and it knew, and facilitated, Steele neither registering as a foreign agent nor

reporting his funding from the Clinton campaign to the Federal Election Commission, by disguising

its funding of payments to Steele laundered through a law firm as a "legal expense."

Don't expect such an indictment.

Mueller chose his targets because he knows they will never appear in court, never contest

the charges, and cannot be arrested or extradited as Russian citizens.

Mueller's unprecedented prosecution raises three novel arguments: first, that speaking

out about American politics requires a foreign citizen to register under the Foreign Agents

Registration Act; second, that speaking out about American politics requires a foreign

citizen list their source and expenditure of funding to the Federal Election Commission;

and third, that mistakes on visa applications constitute "fraud" on the State Department.

All appear to borrow from the now-discredited "honest services" theories Mueller's

team previously used in corporate and bribery cases, cases the Supreme Court overturned

for their unconstitutional vagueness.

The indictment raises serious issues under the free speech clause of the First Amendment

and due process rights under the Fifth Amendment.

My guess would be that at this point Robert Mueller knows he is looking like an idiot

political hack and might actually go after the people who started this whole big mess,

to begin with.

And the FBI can't be happy right now with the fact that the US population by a large

majority is blaming them for the Parkland Florida Valentine's Day shooting which left

17 people dead.

A shooting which could have been avoided if the FBI wouldn't have been busy following

up on fake political narratives instead of doing its real job that is to protect the

American people.

As a voter since the early 90's I have learned to never believe this might be the day the

Clinton's get theirs.

They always seem to get theirs and win in the end.

But at the same time, you never know.

Every dog has its day and maybe this will be the day the Clinton Cartel is finally taken


Or they may just get away with murder like they allegedly have done so many times.

Do you think the Clintons will ever be brought to justice?

What do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> Hillary's Worst Nightmare Now Coming True Over Who She Hired To Do Her Dirty Work - Duration: 5:52.


OMG: Selena Gomez Told Justin Bieber she's Pregnant... (21.02.18) - Duration: 3:45.

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OMG Selena Gomez told Justin Bieber she's pregnant did Selena Gomez tell Justin Bieber. She's pregnant

That's what a certain tabloid wants readers to believe

However can debunk this untrue report Gomez and Bieber's trip to Laguna Beach earlier this month wasn't just any old


The word is that Selena is pregnant and told Justin as much during their trip a so-called insider is quoted as saying

This supposed source claims Justin wasn't expecting it, but he's ecstatic about it

it's a dream come true in an

Extremely personal and highly suspicious comment the outlet snitch contends pal say they've been casual with contraception

Because they are both keen to make this happen at some point they know there's never going to be a perfect time

So they've been putting their faith in God's hands the questionable insider continues

This is something they both want

Selena has always liked the idea of being a young mom and justin is desperate to settle down the gossip magazine alleges

She's in the early days of her purported pregnancy and asserts Gomez is steering clear of alcohol

sushi and soft cheeses to be safe as

Additional evidence that there's a baby on the way the publication notes Bieber has started following pregnancy

accounts on Instagram and posed for photos with a fans baby while out in LA of

Course the superstar has happy away taking pictures with infants for years. It doesn't mean he's expecting one himself

still the tabloids alleged tipster maintains he and

Gomez are both super excited about the prospect of becoming parents, and it suggested the much-needed

Happy news couldn't even help bring the singer actress back together with her mom Mandy TV yet

There are a number of signs throughout this piece that not only was it manufactured

But also the outlet simply doesn't know what it's talking about

For example the phrasing word is and pals say is the magazine's way of admitting it has no first

and knowledge of this supposed

Pregnancy as for the quotes from The Insider no person connected with either star would refer to Gomez being a young mom

the word used would be mom and

Arguably most telling is the sidebar

That accompanies this article in which it's alleged Bieber may have recently been seen kissing kendall Jenner era one of

Gomez's friends why would he be kissing other women if he's expecting a baby with Gomez the

Publication never explains that falsehood it seemingly just wants to stir the pot even though

It's already been established that the woman Bieber was embracing in the featured snapshots was Gomez herself not to mention

Northwest is the same tabloid

But earlier this month claimed Bieber's purported partying was ruining his reunion with Gomez

None of the allegations from that story

Including the assertion that they were on the verge of a split are mentioned in this new report

That's probably because they were all bogus too, though

It's now alleged Selena broke the news to Justin that there's a Jelena jr.

On the way Gus a cop is told no such conversation ever took place

That's because Gomez isn't pregnant they also haven't split either

Bieber and Gomez are currently in Jamaica for his father's wedding

While that can be taken as a sign of their renewed commitment to each other a baby won't be imminently following

For more infomation >> OMG: Selena Gomez Told Justin Bieber she's Pregnant... (21.02.18) - Duration: 3:45.


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11 Signs that you're an INTJ, the Logical Introvert - Duration: 4:38.

11 Signs that you're an INTJ, the Logical Introvert

There are 16 types of personality based on Myers and Briggs personality.

However, we are going to discuss one unique personality called INTJ.

INTJ is basically introverted personality type, but it is more than that.

The main component of INTJ is the introverted thinking.

It is the first obvious sign that you are INTJ.

However, there are some other things that make you true INTJ.

In this video, I'm going to share with you 11 Signs that you're an INTJ, the Logical


But before we jump to the lists, If you're new to our channel, make sure to click the

subscribe button below, and don't forget to like this video if you find this information

is helpful to you.

#1 - Creative

It is one of the factors that make INTJ very unique person.

INTJs are blessed with the innate ability to decipher complex problems into something


They can help you with difficult pattern into something simple.

They are really great in accommodating other people who are usually confused just because

of complicated problems.

#2 - Excellent in academic setting

In addition to be creative, INTJs are also great in terms of understanding complex subjects

of school materials.

They are really great in understanding those terms, formulas, years, and many things.

It surprising that they are also capable in finding the connection between objects.

Thus, it enables them to identify the problems and offer the best solution.

#3 - They can find solutions

Yes, they have millions of procedures that they can use for solving problems.

Sometimes, they end up in not choosing one instead because there are just too many options.

However, they surely want to find the way that is quite unorthodox.

#4 - They like finding something fun

Exploring things is their favorite activity.

When they are looking for solution, they also want to find the joyfulness in finding one.

They also want to figure out the best way to resolve problem without making difficult


They really like to find shortcut.

Even though it takes time, they really like doing it.

The process alone excited them.

#5 - Your rationalization is unparalleled

This one is possible because your brain is wired to accommodate a bunch of information

that comes to them.

They also can do that because of their great focus on something.

Thanks to the Thinking ability, INTJ absolutely can make decision based on your rational thought

without too much effort.

#6 - They make decision based on facts

In order to make an accurate rationalization, INTJ uses logic, data, and facts.

Those will be combined to create powerful argument and solution that is unbiased and


That is why INTJ is usually a researcher who is willing to take tedious reading, analysis,

and writing.

#7 - Walking library

In addition to being able to analyze things accurately, INTJ also can store information

for quite a long time.

Yes, their memories are also excellent.

What they have read is usually stored directly in their long-term memory storage.

That means, they can recall them whenever they want.

#8 - Quick idea generator

In addition to being creative, INTJ also can produce ideas quickly.

People love INTJ because they can make great plans and ideas, and that is why they have

good deal of friends despite of introverted nature.

#9 - High standard

You demand perfection and they just cannot wait when things are not done properly and


#10 - Sensitive side

After all, INTJ is introverted character in which they have thoughtful side about feeling.

They can listen to problems, but they may have lower level of empathy compared to other

types with Fe in their personality type.

Well, that's all the 11 Signs that you're an INTJ, the Logical Introvert.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 11 Signs that you're an INTJ, the Logical Introvert - Duration: 4:38.


SAO - MD (WHAT KIND VOTE RESULT IS THIS?) - Duration: 10:03.

All my journey in this game..

it's been 400 days since I played this (stupid) game..

if I remember all those happy and sad memories..

where I can go all out with my old units even clearly there are many new R4 units released, yet I can win the battle with them (old units)

but unlike now... the game is just all about milking money

they forcing us to use newest units in every new event! but using scam method which won't let us have new (R5) units before trolling us first!

and when we got them... in the end, what is the point getting those units?

if in the end you just gonna make them powerless by release newest units again and again...

all my old units... they are become so weak and useless...

Even tho they are so powerful in past who always help me to clear all mission...

all my rejoice when I got them, now become nothing, like they are R3 units...

who don't have any purpose except for collecting units..

it's sad but that's the truth... our old units is not suitable for newest event anymore...

thank you so much support me ever since I start this channel.

I'm sorry if lately all I did was just complaining and complaining...

I hope you still can enjoy this game even without me ( ; v ; ) good luck!

For more infomation >> SAO - MD (WHAT KIND VOTE RESULT IS THIS?) - Duration: 10:03.


Big Fat Pike on light gear while Zander Fishing! - Duration: 6:15.

Good morning!

The sun is rising...

...we are about to start our fishing day...

...It's a cold winter day...

...we're going to see if we can catch some zanders, let's go!

Fish on! Big one!

Wooow, big fish!

Nice man

See that girth!

Insane built fish

I am so happy guys, check this out...

...109 cm and so damn fat!

Casting with a small softbait...

...big mouth...

I had to cut the stinger because it was stuck in the net but... grabbed the Gunki Peps softbait on a 10 gram jighead...

...Check out this TANK!

Unbelievable, let's quickly unhook her...

...and weigh her

I have already put it on zero...


12,8/12,7 kilo

Almost 13 kilo's of pike, insane

Let's release her now

I see a piece of tail in his throat, from something I can feel in his belly...

Normally this is a 10 kilo pike but it has eaten a 2 kilo bream today

She is ready to go

What a beauty!

See how big this tail is

Almost at thick as my...

As your what? - (...) ;)

There she goes

What do we say then?



How cool

Fish number two

A monster pike

Sure 110+

Nice cold hands

Nice little fish indeed

Let's see

Don't push it too far into the lens

Off to the next one


I got a strike and thought that was a big fish...

...I set the hook and had a big bend in the rod...

And what is it?


We went out for zander but... looks more like a pike day now

What are we doing?

Well, the idea was to fish for zander but untill now we only got pike

but now I got a nice strike but what is it?

I think it's a zander, I'm pretty sure

And a nice one too


That's what we came here for

Took a little while but...

...we got the zander


Check it out

That's what they call a zander

Check out the fat belly

Filled up nicely

Amazing zander

Let's release her quick and see if we can catch another one in the last 30 minutes of daylight

Hoppa, the last one of the day is on

A hammer hard strike


Nice fish again

About the same size as the previous one

Might be a little bit smaller, less fat

Haha, a worm on his head

That was a nice day!

A big fat pike, some small ones,

A nice bream for Hugo...

And two good sized zanders...

That makes your day complete

Thanks for watching, don't forget to like, subscribe...

... leave a comment if you have any questions about our way of fishing...

And then we'll see you at the next video

For more infomation >> Big Fat Pike on light gear while Zander Fishing! - Duration: 6:15.


Your Black Panther pre-view 2018 skit [watch now] - Duration: 9:06.

For more infomation >> Your Black Panther pre-view 2018 skit [watch now] - Duration: 9:06.


Fergie Responds To Anthem Backlash: I love This Country And Honestly Tried My Best - Duration: 2:16.

Fergie: 'I'm a risk taker artistically, but clearly this rendition didn't strike the intended tone'

For more infomation >> Fergie Responds To Anthem Backlash: I love This Country And Honestly Tried My Best - Duration: 2:16.


Smartphone charge plus: solution à 2€ - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Smartphone charge plus: solution à 2€ - Duration: 2:35.


INSANE HIKE THROUGH a MEXICAN GHOST TOWN!😱 (Barranca de Huentitán, Guadalajara) - Duration: 12:13.

What is going on Members of the Barrio

It's Jon coming to you from Guadalajara

And we are about to start..

Probably the most famous hike in the area?

It's called Barranca de Huentitan..

The Canyon of Huentitan

And I had to wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning to make this video

So you guys better enjoy this

And I think this is going to be

A really cool morning

And some much needed excercise

After eating way way to many tacos al pastor.

Adriana you're looking very athletic today.

I look athletic but i'm not.

You don't like to hike much right?


I'm the lazy person of the relationship

You also don't like waking up early

But neither do i..

I don't like waking up early

And I don't like.. outdoor activties

But i'm going to enjoy it as much as I can.

Don't hate me..I'm just lazy


And this is our group from couchsurfing

Ramses right here

Is the leader

Thank you for setting this up

Is the hike going to be very difficult ?

Or is it going to be easy?

For some people..

Depending on their condition

I'm not in good condition

What do you think?

Will I survive

You will survive.



We have an international group here



Someone from Chile


Their are a lot of people doing this hike

Not just counting our group

When we parked our car

I think I've seen at least.. 50 to 100 people

On a Saturday attempting this.

This seems like a fun family activity

We're going to go down until the river


We're going to go to the ghost town

Then after we are going to climb up on a rail road..

We actually knew those people stretching

That's a sign we've been in Guadalajara

A long time

We're starting to recognize people randomly

Look at the rock walk here

I'm highly recommending you bring hiking shoes for this?

Because this is a little bit tricky.

We're doing the easy route

The easiest.. the easiest..

Super easy



I don't know how easy this is but.


They used this railroad to..

Take the food.

To the town


This was the railroad to bring food to this town

And my palms are getting sweaty

As we're getting closer and closer

Apparently we're going to hike this up

On the way back

Are you going to do that hike?


And I don't even know if i'm going to do that hike

It looks fun

It's fun to watch

I don't know how fun it is to actually do.

It's fun to take pictures

It's fun to take photos yes..

The first drops of perspiration

Have started to penetrate the back of my shirt.

Which is a good sign

It means we're getting a little workout

And we just took some really..really good photos

Members of the Barrio

We have crossed into the desert

We're getting a Jalisco word here..

Called Arreando

Arreando means kind of to get the whip

And whip them..

When.. you want a horse or a donkey

To make it go faster


It's called Arreando

Adriana Movate,Arreando Arreando

We can hear a river in the distance

And we are finally reaching the bottom

Are we close

Very close..

I hear it

I hear music to

Good music.

I thought we lost you

You made it

How are you enjoying the hike so far?

This part is fun

But..I have something to say about this hike.


I think it in the beginning I thought it was bad

That we were going down first..

And then up..

But I think it's good

Because if the river were up

At some point I would have.. said

I don't want to go anymore

But now I have to go

Because it's easy

And I go to up anyways

You have no choice

Yeah.. If not i'm going to sleep here

Which might not be to bad?

Behind there.. is a river

It's like really green

Okay we might be lost here

I think our group went this way

But we could go that way

No they went this way

Look at these cool formations here

It's a very beautiful hike

I've been told we are approximately

10 minutes..

From this bridge

It looks very photogenic

And I think I'm going to fly my drone from there

The drone has been sitting

In my closet

For way to long

Unfortunately I've been told that this waterfall

The water is contaminated

It has kind of a strong smell..

So just..

Be warned about that when you walk by.

It might smell a little bit.

This is the first suspension bridge

Built in Mexico

It was built in 1895


You feel it?

I like it

I would say that this bridge

Has got to be

One of the most beautiful places

I have seen

In Mexico so far

Totally worth waking up..

At 7 o'clock in the morning

On a Saturday

To come explore this area

This is a hike..

You have to do

When you're in Guadalajara

You can quote me

Now Ramses is leading us

To a ghost town

This is like a real surprise

I heard something about this

I wasn't sure if we were actually going to see it

I have no idea what to expect

But I don't know if I've ever walked through a ghost town in Mexico


This sounds like an adventure

What's the story about htis village?

This place was abandoned

Like 10 years ago.

Because there were..

A plan to..

Make a tourist place here

This house was a cantina to.

This was a cantina..

Juan Cantina lived here..

They said I could walk into the house

But I may not come out

Alright you guys are coming with me at least

So if I go down you're coming with me

This is so creepy

Kind of what you would expect from an abandoned house

I would not be good

At having one of those channels

Where people explore abandoned places

Because it's so quiet

That just..

The slightest little noise would scare you

It's a true story

You don't know what's behind each of these doors

This place really is abandoned

It would be nice to come over like at midnight


That's all you.. all you

To bring the sensors

And night vision goggles

The church right there

A grocery store

In one of those empty homes

He says their used to be a playground right here

And the school there.

And the school was there


That church still looks really nice actually

The only residents left of this town..

Are the dogs

And those two security guards right there

For our final act

We are leaving the ghost town behind

Walking up those railroad tracks I showed you before

And actually hiking up

I think this is going to be tough

It looks hard

This is the easy part

That's the hard part


It's just one step after another

It's that simple

Keep that in mind

And hopefully you want fall

I haven't fallen yet

That part right there could have been a little bit dangerous

You just have to take your time with it

We all made it right?

That's all I have to say

I literally stopped recording

Because I couldn't even talk I just had to..

Concentrate on walking

Because I can barely talk

Man this is hard

We've almost made it to the.. our ending

It's like half way

But this is all we've got the energy for..

Guys I actually almost puked before

I felt a little sick

I pulled over to the side

It turned out

I drank way to much water

Let that be a lesson for you

Do not drink to much water

Or you're going to get sick? Right Ramses?

A bad idea.

We have made it..


Rather than bore you guys with the rest of this hike

We're just going to.

Flash right to the end

And we have survived the 5 hour, 20 km hike..

We are back at the top as you can see

And I was doing the math as we walked

I think in my life

That was probably

The second or third hardest hike I've ever done..

I actually think..

Climbing up the rail road tracks

May have been one of the most difficult

Single feats

I've ever accomplished.

That was so incredibly gruelingly hard.

On your upper body for cardio


I go to the gym

But I do not run so.

I'm not in the greatest of shape

When it comes to that

But I will say that you do not have to do that part of the hike

You can certainly..

Go around

It will take you a little bit longer

But if you're not in great shape

Don't attempt to do the rail road tracks

Very very difficult

But we survived

And I feel great..

I recommend

That you guys come here

I'm going to put some information below

If you want to do this hike..

Certainly feel free

I recommend you come early

Because it does get hot

And the scenery is gorgeous

It's just..

It's totally worth it

But you're going to have to dedicate

Most of a day to it

Let's get Adriana's opinion real quick

You're dead?


You're dead.

Guys look

We went all the way down there

So yeah i'm dead

But it was worth it

All the way down there

Make sure to like and subscribe to this channel

If you are new

We've still got a couple of weeks left

In Guadalajara

Thank you so much for watching

Until next time

For more infomation >> INSANE HIKE THROUGH a MEXICAN GHOST TOWN!😱 (Barranca de Huentitán, Guadalajara) - Duration: 12:13.



what's up boys and welcome to this segment right here on your boy a sheriff

we got a super easy duplication glitch at least that's the title that this

thing is being labeled as your boy is right here to test it and let you know

if you do have a life as this glitch worth it or not let's sit through it and

I'll demonstrate for you guys all right you guys I gotta say one thing off the

bat in the beginning here this is labeled money glitch very easy

duplication on patch 1.4 - we got a brand new vehicle today and a lot of

people are probably looking for ways in order to make a ton of money in GTA 5

online but I like to call things the way it is and at the same time when we test

glitches I'm also looking at time that it consumes and also the whole timing

thing is there like a timing thing in a glitch

most times what mixer breaks a glitch is is a glitch so low

then it's king right but if you take a solo glitch and give it some kind of

timing that you have to hit and the timing is depending on connection or

anything like that then that solo glitch is basically demolished into nothing

because people can't hit it giving that some people are hooked up on Wi-Fi some

people are hooked up on landlines I mean the cable landlines and some people have

super fast connections compared to others so the timing things kind of

messes you up completely I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't really get

to make much friends in the GTA v community when I come and tell you the

truth and your boy is right here to let you know that this glitch is not very

easy and it's not super fast now they didn't put on it that it's super fast

but when you say something is easy it means you gotta hit it time and time

again and there is no problem with it whatsoever now I put the two screens up

for you guys and I'm going to tell you the stuff that you require from the

beginning this glitch is gonna require you to have a facility now people that

have a facility most likely they know what they're doing and they have a lot

of money in GTA 5 online and that's my perspective on this maybe everybody has

a different piñon but I have a lot of money in GTA 5

online and when I document a glitch that's what comes into play you do need

the facility that's the first thing from there you can do an invite-only session

and bring your friend in you do need a friend as well if you're going for

maximum money you need to depend on the retro ality retros go for close to a

million and they are the king of money when it comes to duplicating in GTA 5

online now from there I take something at the perspective I have the facility

I am strapping down a friend beside me and I want to see how easy this glitch

is gonna be on writing or if you're reading about it this glitch is super

easy because it tells you your friend has only got to start a Titan of a job

and from there the glitch is done doing it is a whole different story so here's

what you gotta do when it comes to the steps your friend is gonna start up

Titan of a job when he is inside your facility from there he's gonna sit on

the black screen that he's about to leave that Titan of a job mission but

he's waiting for you now if you're playing on Xbox one or Playstation 4

you're gonna pop up your big interaction menu that takes you to the dashboard

you're gonna go toward your friend and you're gonna say join from there you

have to hold down the gas button you have to be holding it down the whole

time and you're spamming the a button to fly through the notifications that are

coming now as you join your friend on the first notification you gotta tell

him to back out because that's the whole point with the timing once he backs out

you fly through the other notifications and you're supposed to see yourself

spawning outside underneath the map now that animation happened to me time and

time again yet the glitch did not work there is different stuff that could

happen here as well you can spawn inside the facility as you're spamming through

the notifications and you can guess your car and get out I've put in the time

boys I've tried this for maybe 45 minutes an hour and after that I figured

you know what this is not worth it because if I hit it right now I'm still

gonna come and tell you the same news I'm gonna tell you this is not worth it

for you to spend 45 minutes to get one duplication it's just not worth it

that's not gaming that's not what we're here for now the different perspective

of youtubers of course is the put out videos to get views on it and

have killer titles in order to get you guys interested in clicking on the video

do you want to make that money and again that goes back to me saying I usually

speak my mind and that's why we are one of the most notorious GTA 5 youtubers

when it comes to documenting is stuff on this game but I take pride in that this

is not a super easy glitch you're not going to duplicate a car easy

and if she can see from the comments people on the forums are complaining

that you need to find another glitch ASAP because this is not really worth it

and also there's struggle in order to get something going here this glitch is

not labeled patched yet so it's still active if you have the time depending on

how desperate your situation is you can go ahead and do this glitch but if I

were you there is a 25% increase on biker DLC missions in open lobbies you

can make a lot more money than this and maybe just maybe you can have the

notification turn down on your Sheriff and win the next easy glitch hits you

can find it right here legit being labeled easy and being documented I'll

see you guys on the next segment peace baby peace



[Animated] [Cover] Weird Autumn (Night In The Woods) - Duration: 2:17.

Some people are one way

And that's how they stay

Some people find one life

And they live that way

Hey man, have you seen her around

Have you seen her today?

I only knew her a week

Before she went away

Sometimes you can't see someone

Until they're gone

But some people never stop

They're always moving on

Hey man, have you seen her around

Have you seen her today?

I only knew her a week

Before she went away

Out on Arbor street

I saw Autumn leave

Her family drove away

They can't sell that house

So empty it stays

I never knew why that was

Neighbour kids say it's because

Autumn was weird in a way

That stayed in the house and

Weird it remains

Hey man, have you seen her around

Have you seen her today?

I only knew her a week

Before she went away

Hey man, have you seen her around

Have you seen her today?

I only knew her a week

Before she went away

For more infomation >> [Animated] [Cover] Weird Autumn (Night In The Woods) - Duration: 2:17.


Live Streaming News Week Commencing 18 February 2018 - Duration: 26:16.

For more infomation >> Live Streaming News Week Commencing 18 February 2018 - Duration: 26:16.


BREAKING News From Florida Shooting Victims… Here's What We Know - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> BREAKING News From Florida Shooting Victims… Here's What We Know - Duration: 6:37.



Basically if we don't eat pasta every day, it doesn't mean that we'll be no longer cool

I mean

Italian people keep theirself in shape

working out and similar stuff

there's also people that stay home without doing s**t the whole day

Like me

but still

another question based on pasta

as you guys know, pasta comes from Italy

we made it, so we eat pasta because we like that

so we never get sick of it

we don't eat pasta every single day

I mean there's also people that eat pasta every day

but we never get sick of it

For those who don't know Claudio Marchisio

there he is (is a soccere player)

I don't know why this lady wants to get married with him

but if you wanna marry him, you can find someone that looks like him (funny and skinny)

So it's not true that all the Italians are tanned the whole year

For more infomation >> RISPONDO ALLE DOMANDE DEGLI AMERICANI | AleVastola - Duration: 7:10.


Cheval agressif? l'exercice du couloir... des précisions - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> Cheval agressif? l'exercice du couloir... des précisions - Duration: 5:51.


I got the Comedy World themes back!!!! (READ DESC) - Duration: 0:30.

What are those neanderthals up to?

Don't they know I'm busy spoiling myself?



For more infomation >> I got the Comedy World themes back!!!! (READ DESC) - Duration: 0:30.


3 Easy HairStyles | 3 Estilos de peinado super facil - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> 3 Easy HairStyles | 3 Estilos de peinado super facil - Duration: 4:59.


Ναύπλιο - Vlog No.9 (Eng. Subs) - Duration: 4:23.

At Nafplion we went by bus, and we've rent an airbnb apartment

The house cost us less than 20 € per person, and we're 4 people.

Above the living room there is an attic. Up there you hung out, they got a sofa,

There is also a little door that takes you to a small balcony on the roof.

In the house, there's 2 bedrooms, 2 toilets

and as external space, it also has 2 verandas,

one on the front side of the house and another on the back side of the house.

It has a large lounge which has a fireplace in there,

next to it is the kitchen.

The guy had stuff for us, in the shelves tea, coffee, biscuits, sugar, cookies,

and in the fridge he got milk, juices, various things.

Overall we were very pleased with the house,

at night we lit the fireplace, the guy brought us fire-wood for it.

The house was nicely decorated.

I'll leave you the link down below, so you ll find it, if you wish to stay there.

"The Town"

Nafplio is a perfect destination, because it is close to Athens.

You can go with the bus, you can go by car.

There's the old town, which is very picturesque,

the landscape, the narrow streets, the houses are well preserved.

It has very nice Greek traditional taverns.

We tried sea food this time, and it was perfect.

Previously, I tried meat, and we were just as pleased too.

There's a well-known shop, with Italian traditional ice creams.

Which is unbelievable!

We went to a very nice restaurant, with a wood-fired oven,

and we ate pizza

we also tried the pasta and everything was perfect

except for the barrel wine, which was a bit like ...


We'll go up?

Up where?

To the castle...

To the castle!

Nafplio is well known for Bourtzi, which is a small fortress in the sea.

And for sure, for Palamidi, which is the castle, the famous castle of Nafplion.

You can see it from everywhere, from allover the city,

and especially when you walk at night, you see it from afar illuminated.

The view is unreal!

To get to the top, to the castle, you must first climb...

999 stairs!

For more infomation >> Ναύπλιο - Vlog No.9 (Eng. Subs) - Duration: 4:23.


Castle Creeps Battle First Battle - Duration: 3:09.

Terrible shot

For more infomation >> Castle Creeps Battle First Battle - Duration: 3:09.


Propel Change | Donna Griggs | 3ish Minute Moment: How Do You Celebrate Success? - Duration: 3:33.

- Hi, I'm Donna Griggs, the CEO of Propel Change,

and today we're gonna talk about appreciation

and how you celebrate success with your teams.

(upbeat music)

(alarm ringing)

So my client, Charlie, is a CEO

in a healthcare organization,

and he called me in because he said,

"We've done all this work and these great projects.

"I think people should just know

"that we really appreciate them.

"So what do you think?"

And (laughs) of course I had a lot to say about that.

And what I convinced Charlie is

just because you think people know

you appreciate them doesn't mean they do.

One of the questions I always ask is,

so is your birthday important?

Of course, in Charlie's case, he said, "Phh, I could care

"less about anybody celebrating my birthday."

And what's really interesting about that is

Charlie doesn't care about anybody else's birthday, either,

so as a result, whatever he's feeling,

he believes everybody else feels.

So I talked him into, you gotta get everybody's input

and think about what they need.

We had a conversation about that.

The next day he calls and says,

"Hey, I talked to the leadership team.

"And here's what they think we should do."

I said, Charlie, Charlie, that is awesome.

Now, what I want to do is get the whole team together.

The people who did the work and ask them,

"We would like to celebrate you.

"What would be important to you?"

We did that.

He bought into that, and it was fantastic.

But when we did, two things came up, and I expected this.

The first thing that came up was money.

"Give us some more money."

The second thing that came up was,

"Hey, how about some time off?"

I want you to beware of those two

because if anybody ever says those to you

and you give in to it,

I'm gonna tell you what you're in for.

I am being paid allowance, if I'm a kid,

for mowing the grass.

I get five bucks.

I get a buck for the dishwasher.

What do you think I'm gonna spend more time on?

What do you think I'm gonna pay more attention to?

I'm gonna pay more attention to the $5 job, not the $1 job.

And the exact same thing happens with your people.

So, they're gonna start looking at

what's gonna pay me the most?

How am I gonna make more money?

And then if you ever decide not to incent them with money,

oh my gosh, you have your hands full.

So, be very careful of incenting with money and time off

because they'll always disagree on

who should get the money and how much they should get.

Some of the creative ideas that come up all the time,

and this is the one I want you to really pay attention to,

is why don't they just say thank you to us?

So I'm gonna tell you, if you will just take some time

and say thank you for all your effort.

Thank you for your hard work.

You can't imagine how much that will mean to people.

You cannot imagine.

Why don't you do it?

You just think they might be appreciated.

So don't do what Charlie did and say,

"They should just know."

Make sure you're going to your teams.

So let's think about this.

How do you celebrate success?

When do you go to your teams and say, "Thank you.

"Thank you so much."

When do you ask your team,

"Hey, when we win, how would you like to celebrate?"

You'll find more information just like this

and you can learn how we help businesses

if you want to visit our website.

We'd love to hear from you.

For more infomation >> Propel Change | Donna Griggs | 3ish Minute Moment: How Do You Celebrate Success? - Duration: 3:33.


TRY NOT TO SING *TOO HARD FOR ME* - Duration: 3:00.

hey what's up so like you probably will probably walk guessed it's my first

video so welcome to my channel oh yeah this video I'm going to do a

challenge that consists of trying to not sing

so let's go and sorry for my accent because i'm French and I'm not

American or English girl so the first song is i'm the one

you don't know how much I loved song this summer

i can't oh my god

okay , so , the second song

oh my god who remember this song ?? listen listen

this song is so cuteee

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