Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 26 2018

Hey everybody this is Randy Santel "Atlas" with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and

proud owner of! Extra-extra very very excited tonight!

I'm going for overall wave number 509 but more importantly it is Saturday, June

24th I am 31 today so there are so many people here to watch we are in Kew of

Melbourne, Victoria and Australia we are at the Burger Block I'm taking on their

Chainsaw Massacre Challenge! Now this is a massive three kilogram burger there

are sixteen burger patties along with all kinds of cheese sixteen slices then

there are sixteen slices of bacon a bunch of different sauces it just looks

freaking awesome but I've got 35 minutes to finish this thing if I fail it's

going to be 100 Australian dollars so we do not want to do that if I win I'm

going to get the meal free along with some other prizes which I'll explain at

the end if I get the win let's get this challenge started!

All right now I'm trying to break the record is what I'm really going forwards

by my friend Olli "The Ressler" who had the record for the Don Burger I did a

few days ago but it's 17 minutes and 50 seconds so the burgers look extra juicy

along with all this cheese it's really gonna help everything go down got some

water just to help but let's get it started so many people here I have to

win go ahead do the countdown okay everyone from three!

Just over seven minutes in we're doing really good gonna keep it going

Try to break that record!

Randy on 8 minutes now, and you have six patties left!

Randy's on ten minutes and 39 seconds and he has 4 patties left to go

Go on Randy!

17 minutes and 38 seconds is what I stopped the clock at! Barely beat the record

by 12 seconds it was 17 minutes and 50 seconds by my friend Ollie The Ressler

but awesome awesome challenge did not take any time to enjoy that just wanted

the record on my birthday but during that time I was eating it was awesome

loved the sauce the cheese the bacon on there perfectly cooked burgers but I got

the 100 Australian dollar meal for free and then I'm going to get I think 20

percent future purchases which is good for tomorrow I guess and then I'm going

to get a $50 gift card to be useful later which I'm definitely going to use

after Mitch completes the Saw Challenge, they've got the Kimchi and Ramen Burger

which just looked pretty awesome but yeah so thank you to the Burger Block

here and Kew of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia it was an awesome challenge!

Most importantly thank you so much

so much everybody the games concluded Channel 7 News and done the Herald-Sun

and then yeah so thank you guys so much thank you to Brenda and everybody here

at the Burger Block. Thank you guys for watching!

For more infomation >> CHEESY 3kg Chainsaw Massacre BURGER Challenge!! - Duration: 7:59.


Top 10 Rarest Human Conditions - Duration: 6:25.

How's it going all of you most amazing people?

I'm Landon Dowlatsingh, your host and today we are going to be looking at some pretty

rare conditions.

But first, I want to know, what is an unusal fact about yourself?

I want to get to know you guys better so stay tuned at the end of this video to find out

one weird fact about me.

Did you guys know that on February 28th it is known as Rare disease day.

The main objective is to raise awareness of rare diseases in order to get more research

and funding for the families who are affected by these conditions.

So let's take a look at the top 10 rarest human conditions.

Starting us off in at number 10 with Foreign accent syndrome.

People who suffer from this will find themselves randomly talking in a different accent.

There have only been 60 cases of this syndrome documented.

Doctor's initially thought that this was a psychiatric problem but in 2002 scientists

found that all of the suffers share the same brain abnormalities which led to changes in

speech pitch and other irregularities.

The first case of this syndrome was documented in a Norwegian woman back in 1941 who developed

a strong German accent and because of this, she was hated by her community.

Morgellons comes in at number 9.

This condition is known to have affected nearly 14,000 people and sadly, it is a poorly understood


This disease is classified by biting, itching or crawling sensations, filaments growing

under the skin and skin lesions.

To top it all off, sufferers also experience memory loss and fatigue.

There isn't even a drug or effective form of treatment for Morgellons.

Falling into number 8 is Alice in wonderland syndrome.

People who suffer from this rare condition perceive objects as being smaller than they


This condition can also affect their sense of hearing, touch and perceptions of their

own body image.

Strange things reportedly happen when you have an episode of alice in wonderland syndrome.

Your body parts or things around you might look bigger, smaller, closer or farther away

than they really are, things that are still might look like they are moving and faces

might look distorted.

Up next in at number 7 we have Moebius Syndrome.

This is a very rare genetic disorder that is characterized by complete paralysis of

the face.

People who suffer from this condition are unable to close their eyes, form facial expressions

or even look from side to side.

They might even have clubbed feet and missing fingers.

However, a lot of patients with this syndrome go on to lead long healthy lives.

Microcephaly makes its way into number 6.

This very rare condition is evident at birth and sometimes even before birth.

This is a condition where the baby's head is much smaller than expected.

Microcephaly can occur because the baby's brain has not developed properly during the

pregnancy or has stopped growing after birth.

Children with this condition will have problems with hyperactivity, dwarfism, seizures, balance

problems, speech and motor problems and many other things.

Number 5 brings us to Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Proressiva.

This is a disorder in which muscle tissue and connective tissue are gradually replaced

by bone.

This causes the formation of bone to form outside of the skeleton which limits movement.

People with this condition will have extreme difficulties with their mobility as their

joints become affected.

They will be unable to fully open their mouth which may cause difficulties with speaking

and eating.

This is a very rare disorder that is believed to occur in approximately 1 in 2 million people

worldwide and only several hundred cases have been reported.

Water allergy trickles into number 4.

When a person suffering from this condition comes into contact with water, they have painful

skin reactions such as hives, intense itching and skin flushing.

Once contact with water is removed, the rash generally fades within 30-60 minutes.

An allergy to water usually occurs later in life and it is often due to a hormonal imbalance

brought on by giving birth.

And now in at number 3 we have Fields disease.

There have only been two diagnosed cases of this condition in history.

It is named after two twins named Catherine and Kristie fields.

It a neuromuscular disease that causes muscular degeneration and since little is known about

this disease, doctors are unable to know if the disease is fatal, what the life expectancy

is or if it is genetic.

The twins are currently 21 years old and they are living with persistent and painful muscle


Doctors are continuously administering tests on the twins in order to try to find a treatment

or cure.

Kulu or the laughing death chuckles into number 2.

This disease was exclusive to the Fore tribe in New Guinea.

This disorder gained international attention because the sufferers would suddenly burst

into fits on maniacal laughter.

They also start to lose their ability to stand, they become cross-eyed and they lose the ability

to speak before they die.

It was later discovered that this disorder was caused by the tribe's custom of eating

dead family members.

After the government banned cannibalism, this epidemic came to an end.

Number 1 we have Progeria.

This extremely rare genetic disorder causes children to rapidly age.

Children with Progeria appear normal and healthy at birth but during their first year, signs

and symptoms such as slow growth and hair loss begin.

The life expectancy for a child with Progeria is about 13 years and unfortunately most children

with Progeria die of a heart attack or stroke and there is no cure.

It is estimated that Progeria will occur in 1 in 4-8 million newborns worldwide and currently

there are between 200-250 children living with Progeria.

Well there you guys have it…

For more infomation >> Top 10 Rarest Human Conditions - Duration: 6:25.





Invented Arizona, Episode #8: Bringing Outside Farming In with the V-Hive Green Box - Duration: 8:42.

Welcome to Invented Arizona! I'm Paul Tumarkin and I'm Taylor Hudson.

We're with Tech Launch Arizona,

the office of the University of Arizona that commercializes inventions stemming from research.

With over seven billion people living on the planet,

concerns are growing when it comes to locally grown food and excessive land use.

So Taylor, who are we talking with today who can help us understand this problem and more importantly help solve it?

Today we're talking with Joel Cuello, a professor in agriculture and biosystems engineering

who's developed the V-Hive Green Box,

a modular system that maximizes cultivation efficiency by growing plants vertically.


So Joel let's start by talking about the massive growth were experiencing here on earth and how that affects agriculture in the modern day.

So the world population we're now at about 7.5 billion

and by 2050, the middle of the century, will go up to about 9.5 billion.

So that would be like adding another China and another India to our current

planet in terms of population, and that's a lot of mouths to feed three times a day.

The United Nations made projections that for us to be able to meet that demand

food production has to double by 2050 and crop production, I'm sorry,

food production has increased by 70% and crop production has to double by 2050.

Um and already we're already using

about half of the arable land on the planet.

Agriculture is already responsible for about 70 to 80 percent of all freshwater withdrawals and

agriculture is responsible for about 30 percent of total energy expenditure on the planet;

food and the supply chain.

So with all of these resources that are already being allocated for

agriculture for the current output,

its a big challenge. It's a grand challenge

to find the resources to be able to double food production by 2050.

And at the same time of course we have the effects of a regular climate which exacerbates food production because of the

unpredictability in the climbing.

And then there's also the shift of population from the rural areas into the cities,

which is one of the big motivations for this as well.

In 2010 for the first time in human history the

proportion of the global population living in cities

exceeded that living in rural areas.

And by 2030 that the proportion is going to increase about sixty percent.

And by 2050 that is going to be over 70 percent.

So in other words, even though cities occupy only about 4 to 5 percent of the planets land area,

You've got this concentration, huge concentration, of populations in them

but in a way that is good because you've got this concentration of people

and within cities there's proper infrastructure in terms of

treating and reusing water in terms of producing renewable energy.

So in a way cities are also

ideal because of the presence of these resources in some forms of

agriculture, which of course is urban agriculture and has a big place

in terms of providing solutions to meeting the increased demand for food production.

And one of these solutions is your invention the V-Hive Green Box,

which is currently being housed in a shipping container as an example of its modularity.

How does the V-Hive differ from other vertical farming solutions?

Uh and now normally urban agriculture in cities

they can be grown in greenhouses, but there is this a trend now to grow them in what is known as vertical farms

where the crops are grown hydroponically or aeroponically.

In that way you're able to reduce water requirement by

80 to 90 percent compared with open field production.

And if you're using

solar photovoltaics, you're also going to reduce dramatically the energy requirement,

sometimes even up to 100%.

So the shipping container that we're growing downstairs

we call it the Arizona Green Box.

The principle behind that is that it's an example,

a demonstration, of a modular form of vertical farm.

One thing that I've been promoting to the industry is a model, or is a

paradigm for vertical farm, which is known as minimally structured modular

prefabricated vertical farm.

And a shipping container is just one example of that modular unit for that paradigm of vertical farm.

And so one question that we had in mind is okay, so we've got this modular

volume or growing unit.

How do we really maximize or optimize its productivity?

And the answer to that is being able to use

every part of the volume so that no volume of space is wasted.

And that is why we came up with this

cultivation system, which we refer to as the V-Hive Green Box.

So its a three-dimensional cube

where you have lighting boards,

and we've gotten growing boards and the idea really is to be able to use the entire volume of the modular unit

for production so that no volume of space is wasted.

So in other words your crop

production per unit volume is really optimized at most points.

And at the same time

we're planning on using solar photovoltaics

to support that modular unit.

We're here in Arizona -

We've got abundant sunlight so might as well utilize that so that we can have 100%

of our electricity being solar to provide support.

And we're using hydroponics too so it's very efficient in terms of water

consumption and we're able to save up to 80% compared to open field cultivation.

When it comes to implementing the V-Hive in cities, do you envision it being something individual growers can have in their apartments?

Or maybe a whole high-rise dedicated entirely to V-Hive units?

In reality you can go both ways.

Either have a smaller unit of this for domestic use - you know on the household basis.

But really to to make significant economic impact and to make significant contribution in terms of the food supply

it would be ideal or better to have this in a large scale, even in a warehouse

type of setting.

So right now, we're using a shipping container, which is relatively small,

but you can actually use the same design in a warehouse type of environment.

And then you'll be able to really make use of the volume to maximize production

Obviously creating more local and sustainable food sources within cities is a huge advantage,

but what are the other advantages of this technology?

The one thing is well this we going for us in terms of this design is that it really lends itself to automation

So we've got these parallel boards, growing boards and lighting boards,

and we need to pull them out manually right now with our current prototype,

but all of that can be automated.

And robots can be used as well for harvesting and then for gathering the produce and then transporting them to

another unit for,

not for washing them but maybe for packaging.

So it really lends itself to a highly

efficient warehouse type of vertical farming operation

Well, thank you Dr. Cuello!

And thank you for that great interview, Taylor.

For more information about this technology and all the other great inventors and inventions from the

University of Arizona

visit Tech Launch Arizona on the web at

We are @TechLaunchAZ on Twitter

and you can also find us on Facebook and LinkedIn.

And we invite you to subscribe to our monthly newsletter for stories, updates and events from around the

University of Arizona innovation ecosystem.

You can find that at

So we hope to see you next month for our next edition of Invented Arizona!

Thanks for listening!

For more infomation >> Invented Arizona, Episode #8: Bringing Outside Farming In with the V-Hive Green Box - Duration: 8:42.


Aleja esa gallina de mi :V - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> Aleja esa gallina de mi :V - Duration: 0:24.


COMO SALVAR SEU RELACIONAMENTO - Uma simples ferramenta que irá mudar sua vida! - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> COMO SALVAR SEU RELACIONAMENTO - Uma simples ferramenta que irá mudar sua vida! - Duration: 5:51.


What Are Nintendo's Developers Up To? We Look to the Past to Predict! (One Year of Switch!) - Duration: 15:34.

There's no doubt that Nintendo has had an incredible first year with the Switch.

Game after game has released catering to just about every demographic.

But so far, most of 2018 remains a mystery.

We know that some games like Kirby, Fire Emblem, Yoshi, and Bayonetta 3 are on the way, sure,

but we don't know what else Nintendo's studios might be up to and what surprises

could be in store.

With that said, we thought it'd be fun to look at these developers and see if there's

any way to determine what might be coming next.

And yes, while we realize any of these games could be on 3DS, we're running with the

idea that Nintendo will largely be focusing their efforts on the Switch this year.

However, here's the thing, these days most Nintendo first party games are developed under

Nintendo EPD, or Entertainment Planning & Development.

They cast a huge net consisting of a variety of teams that don't really have their own

official title, which makes it rather daunting to determine what exactly they might do next.

So instead, we're going to be focusing on the subsidiaries and second party-developers

that all fall under the Nintendo umbrella.

What might they be up to?

To determine that, we'll be taking a look at their game release history--what kinds

of games they produced and when they came out--to try and figure out what could be coming

next and when it might be released.

But since release dates obviously vary by region over the years, we'll be going by

the first initial release since that marks when primary development of the game wrapped


Let's begin with Nd Cube, who's best known for their work on Mario Party, Wii Party,

and Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival--yeah, they really like their party games!

Even though their last game was quite recent, being Mario Party: The Top 100 this past November,

these guys can crank out games on an annual basis.

Since 2012, they've only had a single year without some kind of release, being 2014--although

that can be explained when you consider that the years immediately before and after, being

2013 and 2015, had two games each.

So their output since 2012 has actually been slightly higher than just one game a year.

Based on that, we're pretty darn confident that we'll be getting a new game from Nd

Cube this year, and it's likely to be a Mario Party as that tends to be the bulk of

their output--shocking, right?

Then there's Monolith Soft, the developers behind Xenoblade Chronicles 2 which just released

this past December.

But despite how recent that game is, we may already have some idea of what their next

project--or at least a future project--is going to be.

In August of 2017, the company's recruitment page posted that they were looking to hire

for an "ambitious project different from the brand image of Monolith Soft."

So yeah, it's pretty clear this likely won't be a Xenoblade game, especially based on the

concept art on that same page that shows a more fantasy-based setting.

But when might we see it?

Well in the past, there tended be a two year gap between their releases.

The original Xenoblade Chronicles came out in 2010 with Project X Zone in 2012 and a

sequel to both games 3 years later in 2015.

Based on this, it's likely that we won't see a new game from Monolith until at least

2019, especially because they're still supporting Xenoblade Chronicles 2 via updates and DLC

throughout most of the year.

However, there is still the possibility that this new fantasy game--or a new game in general--could

release sometime this year given that Monolith seems to have at least two different teams

working simultaneously, especially since they were hiring new staff in August for this known

project that presumably had already started development.

Retro Studios is a bit of a wild card.

We know they're working on a game.

We just have no idea what it is.

Since the release of the original Metroid Prime in 2002, Retro was able to put out a

new game roughly every two to three years.

The longest gap in original games was between Donkey Kong Country Returns in November of

2010 and Tropical Freeze in February of 2014.

But now it's been an even longer wait, at four years and counting since Tropical Freeze,

and we still have no idea what their next project is--and no, we're not counting the

Tropical Freeze Switch port.

I know Funky Kong looks awesome, but I'm pretty sure it didn't take 4 years to add him in.

Really, the only thing we do know is that it's not Metroid Prime 4, which is seemingly

being developed by Bandai-Namco.

So given the complete lack of information and the fact that we're in an unprecedented

lull, it actually leads us to believe that we should finally hear about their next game

this year, BUT that being said, we don't expect the game to release until next year

based off Retro's history.

Because nearly every game they've developed was revealed the year before its release.

The only exception to this was Donkey Kong Country Returns which was revealed and released

in 2010.

But hey, maybe they'll surprise us again this year.

Finally, just because we're being thorough, there's technically one first-party studio

left: 1-UP Studio, formerly Brownie Brown.

But given the fact that they only seem to assist with games like Super Mario 3D World,

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, and Super Mario Odyssey, and haven't released one

of their own titles in 12 years, we're going to go out on a limb and say that streak's

going to continue.

And that's all the subsidiaries of Nintendo, but there's still a lot more studios under

their wing that could be considered 2nd Party developers.

First up is Creatures, Inc. which is mainly known for producing the Pokémon Trading Card

Game as well as developing some of the Pokémon spin-offs like Pokémon Ranger and PokéPark.

In fact, they also helped with the development of the Mother series back when they were known

as Ape Inc.

So what are they up to now?

Well, they're the ones developing Detective Pikachu for the 3DS.

Now Part 1 was released on the Japanese eShop in early 2016 but this worldwide release is

presumably the complete story.

So with development nearly finished, that makes it tricky to determine what they'll

do next or when we'll see it.

There was an unprecedented 5 year gap before Detective Pikachu, but since that involved

the development of new tech--remember that creepy demo?--we doubt we'd see that delay

again--especially if they pursue a proper sequel, which wouldn't shock us given the

upcoming movie.

Cross promotion for the win!

And since they had a new game every year or two prior to Detective Pikachu, we think it's

possible their next one could hit as soon as 2020.

Then there's Camelot who are mostly known by Nintendo fans for their Mario Golf, Mario

Tennis, and Golden Sun games.

And considering we already know that they're the ones developing Mario Tennis Aces, it's

probably going to be a while until we see what's next from them.

That said, there's usually only a one or two year gap in their Nintendo releases dating

all the way back to 1999, with a 3 year hiatus between 2007 and 2010 being the only exception.

So given that fact, it seems likely we could see their next game as soon as 2019.

So that covers the when, but what about the what?

Well, given that every game from them for the past 6 years has been a Mario sports title--and

that with the exception of the Wii U, every console that has had a Mario Tennis also had

a Mario Golf, we think there's a good chance we might be seeing Mario Golf next, again

possibly as soon as next year.

Although...the gap between Golden Sun: The Lost Age & Dark Dawn was about 8 years, and

well, it has been just about 8 years since the last one.


It's probably unlikely though.

Game Freak, Good-Feel, HAL, and Intelligent Systems--or GGHI as I like to call them--are

other developers where we know what we're getting.

Game Freak already announced they're hard at work on Pokémon for the Switch although

they didn't hint at any kind of release window or even if it'll be the start of

a new generation.

But considering the fact that the first Pokémon game released on a new platform has always

been the start of a new generation, we're pretty certain this will be the beginning

of Gen 8.

But when might it come out?

Well, there's always been a 3 or 4 year gap between generations, and since it's

only been 2 years since the beginning of Gen 7, it seems unlikely that Pokémon Switch

will release this year and instead pushes it to 2019.

That said, before worldwide releases began in 2013, many Pokémon games have been put

out in the Spring in both Japan and North America, pointing to a possible early 2019

release date for Pokémon Switch.

So that's what the numbers say, but hey, Game Freak has gone against tradition before,

so maybe there's hope for it this year after all.

As for Good-Feel, we do know that they're the ones behind the upcoming Yoshi game on

Switch that was announced for release this year--even though we haven't seen anything

of it since E3 and it still doesn't have a final title.

But assuming it's still on track, it'll likely be some time before we see another

game from them.

There was a two year gap between Wario Land: Shake It in 2008 and Kirby's Epic Yarn in

2010 and an additional five years until Yoshi's Woolly World in 2015, with only a slew of

StreetPass games inbetween.

So yeah, it seems their next game after Yoshi won't hit until 2020 at the absolute earliest.

Like Good-Feel, HAL Laboratory is another developer with a game coming soon--super soon,

as in less than a month with Kirby: Star Allies.

However, unlike some of these other developers, we could see any number of games from them

not long after as they've developed multiple titles simultaneously in the past.

Heck, Kirby Battle Royale released just a few months ago for most of the world.

And before that, Bye-Bye BoxBoy in February, Team Kirby Clash Deluxe in April, and Kirby's

Blowout Blast in July, all for 2017.

While this seems like a massive amount of output for the studio, most of those were

smaller titles.

This makes it hard to predict what HAL will do after Star Allies as they could release

another small Kirby game, an eShop title, or even help with the development of another

Nintendo game like they have in the past for the Super Smash Bros series.

But we wouldn't be too surprised to see another game--or two--from them in 2018 as

they've had multiple releases each year since 2014.

And then we have Intelligent Systems.

Nintendo has already announced that a new Fire Emblem is in development for the Switch

and that it's coming this year--even though we know nothing else about it.

However, like HAL, they're a big enough studio to have multiple projects in the works.

2015 was a particularly busy year for them as they released Fire Emblem Fates, Stretchmo,

and Code Name: STEAM in that timeframe.

And of course, they've worked on the Advance Wars and Paper Mario series in the past, so

any number of these games could possibly come from them in the future.

But for 2018, we think it'll be limited to just the new Fire Emblem.

After all, despite the fact that three Fire Emblem games were released in 2017, only one

was fully handled by Intelligent Systems, Fire Emblem Echoes.

The same goes for the year before in 2016 where they only released Paper Mario: Color


As for what could be after Fire Emblem Switch, that's a bit tricky to determine.

Paper Mario is technically possible, but since there tends to be a 4 to 5 year gap between

games, and Color Splash was just released in 2016, we think it's more likely that

another Fire Emblem will be on the way first considering we haven't heard from the Advance

Wars games since 2008 and Fire Emblem games have been releasing like clockwork.

It could even be another remake with the Echoes moniker.

Next is a developer you might not have heard of, Genius Sonority.

They started as a developer of Pokémon spin-off games with 4 of them releasing between 2003

and 2006 with Pokémon Colosseum, Gale of Darkness, Trozei, and Battle Revolution, before

taking a break for the next 8 years to develop Dragon Quest Swords followed by three Denpa

Men games.

They finally returned to Pokémon games in 2014 with Pokemon Battle Trozei followed by

Pokemon Shuffle the following year.

However, since they've been providing constant updates to Shuffle since its release, it's

not clear if they're actually working on anything else.

But if they are, it's likely that their next release will be a new Pokémon puzzler

in the same vein as Shuffle and Trozei.

This is especially possible since the release of a mainline Pokémon game on Switch makes

their earlier Pokémon Stadium-like ones redundant--and given it's been 3 years since their last

game, we wouldn't be too surprised if they shadow-dropped a new one at any time.

Grezzo is best known as the developers behind the Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask 3D

remakes for the 3DS, although they did just release their entirely own creation this past


Ever Oasis on the 3DS.

Based on their history, they've generally released a new game that they handled primary

development on every two years, although one of those games was the comparatively tiny

StreetPass Gardens, which was the only thing separating the four years between both Zelda

3DS remakes.

Which means, we could possibly expect a new game from them as soon as next year, although

with the likely move to the more powerful Switch, we wouldn't be surprised if it took

longer, possibly closer to the 4 year gap between Zeldas pointing to a 2021 release

at the latest.

As for what it could be--maybe they'll update another Nintendo property, or perhaps try

their hand at something new again.

Although given their recent history of working with Zelda, including 2 remakes and assisting

with Tri Force Heroes, perhaps it could something new in the series?

Finally, there's Next Level Games who last worked on Metroid Prime: Federation Force

in 2016.

Yeah, it didn't really get the best reception, but there are a lot of fans of Next Level's

previous games.

Super Mario Strikers, Punch-Out for the Wii, and Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon are all fantastic

and a sequel to any of them would be great on the Switch.

There was only a 2 year gap between Super Mario Strikers, Mario Strikers: Charged, and

Punch-Out Wii, which released between 2005 and 2009.

But it took 4 years after that for Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, which makes sense given

it was a more complex production than what came before.

The same could be said of the wait between Luigi and Federation Force.

So while the games they develop are all over the place as far as content, it's possible

we could see a new game from them this year if it's slightly less ambitious or a sequel.

Otherwise, we might be waiting until 2020 for their next game.

As for what it could be?

Well, they haven't produced a sequel to one of their own games since Strikers Charged,

and they have had a recent trend of producing new installments in somewhat ignored or forgotten

franchises, so maybe we should expect something of that nature?

It's those possibilities that make this such an exciting time for Nintendo fans and

Switch owners.

There are a lot of great developers that work for Nintendo and while we know about quite

a few games on the horizon, there's an incredible amount of potential for the ones we don't


Who knows how they willl all turn out but simply seeing what they have to offer has

us excited.

But what games would you like to see from these developers?

Thanks for watching, and make sure to click that subscribe button for future Nintendo

Switch content and even more from GameXplain!

For more infomation >> What Are Nintendo's Developers Up To? We Look to the Past to Predict! (One Year of Switch!) - Duration: 15:34.


METAL GEAR SOLID: THE PENIS PAIN con Massimo Marinoni - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> METAL GEAR SOLID: THE PENIS PAIN con Massimo Marinoni - Duration: 1:10.


Foods You Should Never Order At A Fancy Restaurant - Duration: 5:34.

Fine dining is an art.

But the pitfalls are many, and your experience could very easily become memorable for all

the wrong reasons.

What you order makes all the difference between a great time and an epic fail.

So bon appetit...and good luck!

"Welcome to Medieval Times!

I'll be your serving wench, Melinda.

Might I fetch you something from the barkeep?"

Totally overdoing it

"Alright everyone, gird your loins!"

Perhaps one of the most notorious blunders is the overcooked steak.

"Whatever quality of beef it is, it's gone any form of taste when you've cooked it well-done."

But while chefs and dining companions may shade you for that wagyu hockey puck you just

ordered, you should go pinker for a reason other than just saving face.

"What if somebody wants theirs well done?"

"We ask them politely yet firmly to leave."

A 2013 study from the National Academy of Sciences suggested that the glycotoxins in

well-done meat can be a risk factor in developing brain diseases such as Alzheimer's.

"You want your steak?"


Right now!"

"Here's your stupid steak!"

Carb loading

"I. Love.


Bread is a staple of almost every restaurant meal.

"Oh my pretty little pet, I love you."

But, delicious as it is, you shouldn't be paying for it.

More and more restaurants are starting to charge for bread, often labelled as 'artisan,'

with prices soaring up toward the double digits.

"Bread two dollars extra."

"Two dollars?

But everyone in front of me got free bread."

"You want bread?"

"Yes, please."

"Three dollars!"

Despite being highly tempting, those dinner rolls are a useless part of your meal.

Just sit tight and wait for your first course to arrive.

Wine snob

"What do you think?

I hate it."

Trying to show off a little without breaking the bank by ordering the second-cheapest bottle

of vino?

You're not alone — and restaurants are on to you.

That's why they'll charge more for the wine that cost them the least.

As a result, the second-cheapest wine on the menu is often the least impressive, but more

expensive than a better wine.

"These French really know how to make wine."

This can all be avoided if you're lucky enough to have a sommelier, who will target your

preferred price.

Otherwise, choose the house wine.

And don't go by the glass.

A bottle for the table gets you the most bang for your buck.

"I don't even like wine, but guess what, you're gonna like it."

Tapping out

"What is this, tap?"

"Yes, it is."

"No filter?!"

" filter, tap water."

Many high-end restaurants are located in city centers, where the quality and cleanliness

of the tap water is less than assured.

If you can't guarantee the restaurant filters its tap water, stick to bottled.

"You know what, Evian, you should be really embarrassed, because your parents named you

after bottled water."

And speaking of water, skip the festive lemon wedge.

A study from the NEHA found that 70 percent of lemon garnishes found in restaurants were

teeming with microbes from all sorts of different sources around each restaurant.

That's enough to put a sour taste in anyone's mouth.

Truffle pig

"First you gotta do the truffle shuffle."

"Come on!"

Truffles are renowned worldwide as a premium ingredient in fine cuisine.

But what many restaurants claim to be "truffle flavor" is actually a concoction of chemicals

and olive oil — not bona fide truffles.

"Are you on shrooms too?"

So before you shell out the big bucks for that truffle tagliolini,

make sure you're getting the real deal.

Feeling shellfish

Lobster was once a meat solely reserved for prisoners.

But it's clearly made a well-heeled comeback.

The mistake many make, however, is assuming that just because lobster is expensive, it's

worth eating.

In fact, lobster should be approached just like any other seafood dish — that is, it's

best eaten at a restaurant located near the source, prepared and served by chefs who know

how to do it.

"Have you ever had oysters?

Did you know oysters are an aphrodisiac?"

Aaaand speaking of shellfish, oysters may be just as fancy, but bad ones can be lethal.


This looks weird.

What do I eat?

The shell or the inside?"

You might assume that eating raw oysters from a fine dining establishment would lessen the

risk of illness, but an FDA report in 2015 showed that even reputable restaurants aren't

guaranteed to be safe.

If you just have to hit the raw bar, purchase oysters only from establishments that specialize

in the dish.

All the fish in the sea

Dolphin is a delicacy in Japan, while whale is offered at many Scandinavian restaurants

— and shark can even be found in the US.

But there are a few reasons why you should avoid these dishes.

Shark meat especially has been found to contain tremendously high levels of mercury.

But most important are the ethical issues.

Most shark populations are at historically low levels worldwide due to over-fishing,

and the whale and dolphin hunting industries are fraught with controversy, including wastefulness,

toxicity to humans, cruelty and endangerment.

"Hey man, you seen that movie The Cove?"

"The Cove?

How youse gonna be talking about The Cove?

I mean, I saw the movie but I was like oh, s---!"

Next time you see shark fin soup on the menu, pass.

Foie gras faux pas

Foie gras may be linked to luxury, but the controversy behind it is massive.

"I wanted to take this time to say that we're going to be under a lot of media scrutiny."

Foie gras is produced by force-feeding geese or ducks, which fattens the animals to ten

times their normal size — at which point they're slaughtered for their livers.

"Everyone stop, we can talk about this, we are adults."

Unsurprisingly, animal rights advocates aren't feeling the foie.

So if you happen to see it on the menu, think twice.

The only thing suffering for your night out, should be your own liver.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Mashed icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Foods You Should Never Order At A Fancy Restaurant - Duration: 5:34.


How to Gain Real Personal Power - Duration: 6:24.

You want ultimate power, like real power?

You start lifting others up and not pushing them down.

You lift your spouse up.

You stop minimizing other people.

You start saying, "You know what, real power,

"true human power is giving others love and validation

"without needing it back."

I think one of the greatest acts of human courage is

to open up yourself to the world,

demonstrate exactly who you are,

do exactly what you desire of life

without the need of power, without the need

of validation or love, doing it for the sake of doing it,

for the journey, not the outcome.

That's extraordinary power.

The most extraordinary powerful person

I've met in my entire life was the Dalai Lama.

I've been blessed to spend time with him twice

now in my life.

And I'll tell you, I've never met someone more powerful.

His grace and his energy is amazing.

Whether you believe in Buddhism or not,

he says his religion is kindness.

That's his religion.

And it's true.

I've seen in very very very volatile situations

in his past and his history where he could,

he just didn't.

And by holding that space of compassion,

kindness, mindfulness, he was unshakably powerful.

Unshakably powerful.

One of the most respected human figures alive today

and never tries to exert power over others.

Because where he grew up, and in his history,

when he was ousted from his country,

the powerful country at the time, China, was pushing

at his country and trying to take over that country.

And so he grew up with overt uses of power.

And people often when they grew up or see

or sense overt uses of power, they either choose to use it

and try to get it and take it or they recognize that

those who try to demonstrate power

actually are lacking in it because they need it.

How many follow?

Those who need that power over other people are

often the weakest of the lot.

It doesn't mean that they don't do bad things

or take over other people.

But true genuine personal power,

genuine personal power is the ability

to consciously choose one's own aims,

one's own attitude, one's own actions.

That's true power.

When I can choose and no matter the chaos,

I can choose a positive attitude.

No matter the chaos, I can choose what I want

no matter the situation.

I can choose my next action.

That's personal power.

The ability to will yourself into thinking,

feeling, doing something, that's real personal power.

And when you can do it with a positive bend towards humans,

towards others, then you're a leader.

When you can mobilize the self

to give more goodness back to the world,

you got power.

I think being yourself and being your best self is

the greatest personal power ever.

And we evaluate ourselves on that.

We ask ourselves, "Am I taking control of my life

"or am I not?"

Am I living the life I imagine for myself or am I not?

Because when I'm not, then this frame makes us feel bad,

guilty, sad, because aren't in psychology terms,

we aren't in a place of agency.

Meaning you're the agent, the controlling agent

of your life, right.

Somebody else is.

If you have a low level of agency in your life,

it means you have a low level of personal power or control.

A high level means you take command.

It means you're owning your reality

and you're responsible.

You're making yourself accountable and responsible

for your own decisions in life.

You want to see this, have this, feel it?

Then demonstrate it based on who you are.

Be yourself and keep yourself accountable

to positive emotions, thoughts, and actions,

and you'll feel like you have it.

Like I feel an extraordinary amount

of personal control in my life

even when I've been bankrupt.

Even when I was completely challenged

in my first business.

I left corporate America.

I started writing, started doing seminars,

and I had no idea what I was doing.

I mean there wasn't an expert's academy back then,

no place you went to learn all this.

It was just like you could go to a seminar over there

or something over here or something over there.

I had no idea what I was doing at all.

So I quickly went broke.

But during that time, I didn't lose that agency,

that part of like this is on me.

I can control my thoughts, my feelings, my behaviors,

to improve to get to this next level

and that changed everything.

Thanks for watching.

Make sure you subscribe to my new podcast,

The Brendon Show.

It's available on iTunes and Stitcher

and wherever else you get your podcasts

and it's the exclusive place where I share

my thoughts about life, about current events,

about what I'm going through, about my advice for you

as you seek to live an even more extraordinary life.

It's called The Brendon Show and it's available

anywhere you get your podcasts.

So make sure you subscribe.

And if you're ready to take your life

to a whole new level, make sure you grab

my book High Performance Habits,

How Extraordinary People Become That Way.

It's available on Amazon right now

and when you order your copy, you're really

supporting my channel and the message

and you're also getting a book

that will reveal to you 20 years of my research

into what is it that helps people go to a new level

of success in their life.

What does it really take?

What habits are proven to help you reach

long-term success in your career,

your health, your personal life, your relationships?

It's called High Performance Habits,

How Extraordinary People Become That Way.

It's available on Amazon right now.

And finally make sure you subscribe to my channel

so you get notifications every time

I release a new video and by subscribing

you support me, my message, and this channel.

So I'd really appreciate it.

Make sure you hit Subscribe.

For more infomation >> How to Gain Real Personal Power - Duration: 6:24.


When PRO PLAYERS use WORST GUNS in CS:GO! - Duration: 10:26.


For more infomation >> When PRO PLAYERS use WORST GUNS in CS:GO! - Duration: 10:26.


Steve's right Brandon... You're on YouTube | Family Feud - Duration: 1:17.


































For more infomation >> Steve's right Brandon... You're on YouTube | Family Feud - Duration: 1:17.


#DoubleDate | Episódio 7 | #CasaDoCais - Duration: 16:44.

For more infomation >> #DoubleDate | Episódio 7 | #CasaDoCais - Duration: 16:44.


おやつをゲットした後のどや顔が可愛い!おもしろ可愛いハムスターFunny Hamster whose face is cute after getting a snack! - Duration: 1:55.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> おやつをゲットした後のどや顔が可愛い!おもしろ可愛いハムスターFunny Hamster whose face is cute after getting a snack! - Duration: 1:55.


Trending Hair Tools | Trying and Testing Different Hair Tools - Duration: 12:22.

Is this thing even on!?

I just have to get....ahh!

Hey guys!

welcome back to "Beauty Within"

I was just thinking in the morning

like what a struggle it is to do my hair

and then I was thinking about

like all the tools that are out there

that claim will make my life easier

a part of me just always questioned

whether it actually worked or not

so I've actually gathered five hair styling tools

that we're going to pit against each other today

to actually test whether they do the things

that they claim to or not

so you can see which one actually works

and which one is worth your pretty penny

make sure you subscribe to the channel

if you haven't already

all right so we're gonna start off with curly hair

so what we have is the "Beach Waver"

the one that kind of automatically spins

and then we have

the "Amika" heated curling bristle brush

it's pretty interesting

I've never seen anything like it

so let's pop these babies open

it just looks like a normal curling iron

oh it's got like a really dwarf looking clip

oh I guess I just gets the end of it

there's also a fast and a slow button

I can see my hair getting stuck

in this little area here

the buttons are at the bottom

so you turn it on and it's 350 heats up pretty quick

it's already at 200

and then over here

let's open this

so it just looks like a blow dry brush

And it's got two heat settings

let's just put it on high heat

because I ain't about waiting

okay I don't even blow-dry my hair

so this is going to be quite a task

so Felicia asked me to try some

hair tools

here I am

I don't know how to use this

but I'm just gonna go

maybe like wrap it up like this

I just keep turning it, what do I do?

yes I just keep turning it, like this

it kind of acts as a curling wand

but also a brush

it's like a huge

maybe I just brush it

is that that how it goes

if I just brush my hair

this also doesn't have like temperature display

so I don't know how hot it actually is

I could be burning the crap out of

my hair right now

okay so how do I take this off

I see them do this like wrapping things

okay wait

there is some definition there

I see some curls happening

now I'm starting to sweat

you know when you do your hair

and you start sweating

this can so get easily just like

tangled in your hair I feel

my arms are tired

it's just taking so long

is this thing even on!?

I just have to get

okay if I just like cup it in my hand

while it cools off maybe the curl would

be a little more like prominent

yes yes


a big lump of knot, yeah!

there you have it

this is the "Amika" blow-up babe thermal brush

guys this is too hard

this is definitely a no for me

I'm too dumb for it I'm sorry

so let's go on to the "Beach Waver"

it's great for lazy people

all you have to do

simple just grab a strand of hair

clip it here at the end and then

you just like turn it

let's change it to fast, so fast

the scary thing is what if you like

get your hair caught

you're like ah...ah....and then it burns off

I'm really scared

of these automated things

so I guess I put it at the end

and ugh....other way other way

how there's like scary Facebook videos

oh my God that's like my worst nightmare

if you're not used to this

you will just burn your face off

you could even wind it back up

wind it back out it going up or down?

okay down

so then you just unwrap

and then voilà!

Ta-da! Curly hair!

oh the smell of burning hair

okay so this clearly makes

a very curly curl in a matter of seconds

okay so here's the verdict

they give two completely different looks

if you guys aren't used to actually

wrapping your hair around the barrel

the fact that it kind of twirls it for you

in a really creepy way

it does the job for you

so you kind of don't have run the risk

of burning your fingers

and it works relatively quickly

and I guess it's just more versatile

what you're able to do with it

because you can do like beach waves

you can do Hollywood glam

this one it gives you a much softer look

it's just kind of more natural more wearable

like everyday

gives you that

if you were to blow dry your hair

with a round brush kind of look

but in terms of like the payoff

I don't really see much difference

other than the fact that my ends

are a little bit curled

so I'm gonna let you decide on this one

which one works for you

alright moving on

to the straightener brushes

so first is this "InStyler" Glossie

ceramic styling brush

with precision press

so it just pops out of the box like this

you know when you like unlock it

it comes out and then you like scoop

your salad

what it's going to be versing

is the "Jose Eber"

so similar

it has the rubber brush bristle things

all right heats up pretty quickly

so it's at 180

okay this is the normal temperature

I'm just like holding the ends straight

while I like brush down

okay it's pretty hot

like as you can see

my hair is really knotty

because I don't brush my hair

you can't actually clamp it

all the way down

so you'll never be able to really get like

Ariana Grande

it just kind of straightens it

and makes it look like you have

naturally straight hair

from curly to semi-straight

so let's give this one a go

see this one kind of makes more sense

to me because it's got this

to kind of hold the hair in place

where the other one was just kind of like

flailing in the wind

go in clip it and pull it down

Ah! With the clip I don't have to use my hand

oh my God my hair is legit steaming

that actually did a pretty bang on job

Wow that is definitely more straighter

than this side

so I wouldn't go too slowly

because this thing is pretty hot

when you like clamp it down

it does feel really tight

my hair is being fully pushed through

the brush

so this one you can pretty much

replace as your straightener

because it has a clip you hold on to it

you pull it

if your hair is not knotty like this

they will come out

and I also feel you can put much more

hair through this brush

but actually when you look at the front

the amount of bristles is kind of the same

alright so those are the two sides

look at the difference this is like

what the "Jose Eber" did

which is more like a natural sort of comb

and then you got this straightener comb

so my verdict is this one seems a little bit lacking

like it's just missing something

only because I feel like I'm just brushing my hair

then this one I feel like is just

a little more intuitive

it feels nicer when you're like running

the hair through it like it's actually straightening

and definitely an upgraded version

and it did a pretty darn good job

in straightening out all those curls

I like the fact that this you can see

the digital temperature

but this one has four heat settings

so it's also pretty awesome

if I really really had to choose

between the two

I'll probably go with this upgraded

so this one's a clear winner for me

I would go with the "InStyler"

The fifth and final contestant

is the "Dyson Supersonic"

this is the most expensive one

out of all the styling tools we have tried

"Dyson" claims that it will dry the hair

in a quicker amount of time

so your hair is less affected by the heat

and so it won't be as dry

I haven't never used it

and we're going to see how it performs

against this humble hairdryer

that everyone probably has at home

so first of all it comes in a case of its own

that's not extra at all

this is actually really pretty!

Okay see open and it looks like this

Oh magnetic!

let's see if it sounds different

Normal hairdryer

Wow and look at the size

this is so travel friendly compared to this thing

Feels like this is some alien invention

we're going to try it

wet the hair a little

the poor man's way of washing your hair

just a fine mist

okay so I need to call my friend to help me

blow one side and I'll do the other side

just so it's fair at the same time

we're going to both do medium

so it's going to be level two on this one

level two on that one and it's very hot

and go!

and stop!

oh my God, that was like 40,54 seconds

I actually stopped too late

I give up

there's no comparison

Wow! What is this sorcery?

okay so this is the normal hair dryer

and then this is the "Dyson"

and it definitely feels wetter on this side

but that's quite amazing

it really does dry it in a like

quicker amount of time

Wow "Dyson"!

you stole that....

okay I guess for those of you

who blow dry their hair a lot

if you have really frizzy hair

if you have curly hair and you always blow dry it

then maybe this is actually

the best investment purchase

you will ever get

so those are the five hair styling tools

that we tested

first two curling I feel like it was

a little bit too different of a curling tool

to kind of compare against each other

because they did different things

and gave different looks

but if I was going to have to choose one

I'd probably go with that automated

swirling curling iron

so I hope you guys enjoyed this video

let me know in the comments below

if there are any other products

that you want me to try

and verse against each other

if you're curious or interested about in buying

leave it below

it can be anything

it can be beauty, tools, food whatever it is

leave it below

make sure you subscribe to the channel

if you haven't already

and I'll see you in the next video


For more infomation >> Trending Hair Tools | Trying and Testing Different Hair Tools - Duration: 12:22.


Why Build Links to an Amazon Affiliate Niche Site - Duration: 9:09.

here's why you should build things to your Amazon affiliate site links for one

at the top three factors for rankings how do I know this well a Google

engineer told us I'll place a link so you can see my reference point here a

search quality senior strategist at Google said that the top two ranking

factors were content number one and links number two yes there are like 200

ranking factors or more and when it comes down to it there are many other

factors however if you're gonna focus on smaller number of areas links and

content are the way to go so let's dig into it so why am i covering this topic

at all well there is a contingent of people who think that links don't matter

in fact probably about once a week I'll get a comment on one of the videos that

says I'm crazy I am you know spreading propaganda by telling

people that links matter and they should spend time building links and oftentimes

these people will say hey you should spend time on social sharing you should

do these other things additionally there are some videos from

my friends over at income school they have a video this title link building is

useless do this instead I'll put a link below so you can check it out and make

it you know decision for yourself but I mean the title is pretty clear link

building is useless I disagree with that I think link building has this place and

in fact Google tells us it's one of the top two rankings factors that are out

there so we should spend time on it now when we go back and we look at some of

the early iterations or early ideas from Google they actually use sort of an idea

from like medical journals and like professional journals where the more

cited and author was like a researcher was the better they were the more

authoritative they were so for example a specific sort of idea made up example of

course but if a you know researcher was cited in 20 different journals that was

good that was better than someone who is only cited and

and if you look at you know people that are that do well in academia and stuff

they're often publishing in journals all the time and it helps them become

well-known and it indicates that they know what they're talking about Google

took this similar idea they sort of made that the backbone of the rankings still

holds true today as I mentioned the quote before one of the top two factors

is in fact backlinks so they are still important even if there are many other

factors even if there are ways to get around it like the keyword golden ratio

maybe you don't need as many links because it's not so competitive but if

you add links with good keyword research that it is always better than no links

the links are high quality and not you know garbage spammy links so high

quality links do matter but the idea is you know each one of these backlinks is

sort of like a vote for your site so the more backlinks particularly high quality

backlinks the more votes right the better it is for your search ring and

that's why people try and get backlinks right it's a whole like multi-million

dollar industry and it's a big deal to get backlinks so if you start studying

SEO most people will say you need backlinks if you take a look at

backlinko Brian Dean one of the influencers in the SEO space we can see

right here he says pack links are very important and makes a couple references

to the article that I mentioned as well and then they actually over a backlink

oh did analysis on the rankings factors and they found backlinks had the highest

correlation to high ranking so I'll leave it at that

I hope I convinced you it's important so back to the people that comment on some

of the YouTube videos or maybe they send me emails and say you know you shouldn't

tell people to build backlinks it's useless right here's my hutch most the

time when I talk to them and I say hey I'm happy to see your side of the story

here why don't you tell me some case studies tell me an example where you

know no backlinks led to you know ongoing passive income I

usually don't hear back when I ask questions like that and try to engage

I'm happy to have a conversation by the way leave a comment think backlinks

don't matter we'd love to hear from you and then if you could please put a link

for it an example like a case study or you can send me an email and just let me

know one on one if you don't want it to be public but basically it's very rare

where you can have say social sharing make something ranked like make a page

ranked having social shares could be important but it's not the main factor

here's the thing a lot of those folks will say you know what if you go to

Pinterest and you spend a lot of time on Pinterest you build up a following

you pin things a lot you can in fact drive a lot of traffic through Pinterest

or fill in the blank right it could be Facebook maybe they say it's reddit

maybe some other platform that's not even around yet they say that you could

drive a lot of traffic through social channels I have two main arguments why

that is not a good idea for me perhaps it's a good idea for you but for me the

the first thing is it's usually a decent amount of work to continue to have an

active social Channel right so in the Pinterest side it takes a little while

to build up an audience just like any platform it takes a while to build an

audience and then once you have that audience you have to keep their

attention that's flaw number one with say the

Pinterest model plot number two is it's not as targeted so my traffic that I

prefer comes from organic SEO people will go to Google if they type in a

search term and usually it's a buyer's term I hope they end up on my site they

get over to Amazon they make a purchase I get a small Commission that works well

right if they don't have buying intent it's much harder to make that sale to

make the Commission my thought is on Pinterest people are usually looking for

like projects or ideas to pin they don't necessarily go to Pinterest to make a

purchase right and then again we could fill in other channels right so on

Facebook I don't know I go to Facebook to get distracted maybe you watch some

sort of cat videos or something to waste my time I want to be distracted I

usually don't go to Facebook ever too purchase I'm a weird guy I think most

people would agree with that I'm weird right I know that other people maybe

they do go to Pinterest and maybe they do shop on Pinterest maybe they go to

Facebook and they buy things on Facebook and it's much better for me to have that

organic SEO traffic where it's targeted people literally want to buy something

and I know it because what they're searching for is something that a buyer

would search for and then they make the purchase I have fairly high conversion

rates on Amazon and I'm confident that that model works well additionally once

you have that sort of SEO traffic funneling over to your site it's pretty

stable we're on the Facebook and Pinterest side for example you may have

to keep that stuff active all the time you know when it comes down to it you

have to actively manage those for the SEO side sure it could take a while to

build up that traffic once it's there it's usually fairly stable and the Third

Point there's the contingent of people that say don't build links you don't

need them you could just publish great content will that work potentially right

potentially that could work thing is most of the time there's so much content

on the internet on any given topic that it's really hard to actually rank with

no backlinks the exceptions could be the keyword golden ratio it's literally a

data-driven way to find keywords that other people are not targeting you'd

find keywords that people are searching for but there's not enough people

targeting let me ask this as sort of a it's not the exact question of the day

but there are two sites with roughly the same amount of content same kind of

quality content one person builds zero backlinks other person builds ten which

one do you think will rank higher I'm stacking the deck right I told you that

Google told us that links matter it's literally wanted to top two reasons a

site can rank for a given term so when I asked the question I think I know what

you're gonna answer but if you don't think the links matter let me know what

you think matters some of the most useful comments are from the the

audience at large so let me know what you think I would love to learn

something new here if there's some other mystery ranking fact

that we don't know about aside from content and links please let us know we

could have a great discussion about it if you think the links do matter let me

know your favorite link building tactics if you have any questions or anything

just let me know in the comments I try to answer every single one I may be a

little slow but I do try and answer every single one thanks for watching my

name is Doug Pennington be sure to take a look around at other videos and

subscribe if you like what you see

For more infomation >> Why Build Links to an Amazon Affiliate Niche Site - Duration: 9:09.


Trump may pull ICE from California - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Trump may pull ICE from California - Duration: 4:21.


iZombie | Inside: Are You Ready For Some Zombies? | The CW - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> iZombie | Inside: Are You Ready For Some Zombies? | The CW - Duration: 2:18.


Lonnie Chavis, Spencer Pratt & Blac Youngsta Today! | TRL Weekdays at 4pm - Duration: 9:53.

For more infomation >> Lonnie Chavis, Spencer Pratt & Blac Youngsta Today! | TRL Weekdays at 4pm - Duration: 9:53.


What is a B Corporation? - Duration: 1:35.

What is a B Corp? B Corp is to business what fair trade is to coffee.

It's a company certified for social and environmental sustainability. I actually

like the way Done Good talks about it. Done Good is also a B Corp. They say that

there are companies out there that are mass producing cheap products, paying

poverty wages, and killing the planet. By contrast, B Corps are out there working hard

to make the world a better place. Prosperity Candle was created with all

the B Corp principles in mind, even though we didn't know what a B Corp was

at the time. Our mission is to help women in places of conflict escape poverty and

earn a living wage through candle-making.

There's a lot of greenwashing out there.

We all know that, big companies have big marketing budgets and they promote a

good deed over here and you kind of wonder if there's something bad

lurking in the background. That's why B Corp matters. It's a certification

process that looks at every aspect of your business and scores you on

everything so basically there's no green washing. In fact their mantra is great, B

Corp says that they are the difference between a truly good company and just

good marketing. As consumers we can all make a huge difference by the way we

shop just like fairtrade coffee you can choose B Corp products over others. Just

look for the B Corp logo, which is a circle with a capital B in the middle.

When I go to the store to buy flour to make cookies I choose King Arthur Flour

because they're a B Corp, and lucky for me so is Ben & Jerry's.

For more infomation >> What is a B Corporation? - Duration: 1:35.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Family Edition - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Family Edition - Duration: 0:54.


Ford B-MAX 100 pk Style | Navi | Bluetooth | BIG SALE | RIJKLAAR - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 100 pk Style | Navi | Bluetooth | BIG SALE | RIJKLAAR - Duration: 0:47.


ASMR Twins Tapping [A bit fast and chaotic] - Duration: 10:30.

Today, I feel like doing some tapping.

I feel like doing some tapping today.

Let's get started.

For more infomation >> ASMR Twins Tapping [A bit fast and chaotic] - Duration: 10:30.


Example solve 4 - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Example solve 4 - Duration: 2:15.


This Is How U Eat A Big Mac. Try Me B*tch - Duration: 0:07.


is how you eat a Big Mac, n*gga!


Try me, b*tch!

For more infomation >> This Is How U Eat A Big Mac. Try Me B*tch - Duration: 0:07.


Τα τρία μυστικά της αληθινής ομορφιάς. - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Τα τρία μυστικά της αληθινής ομορφιάς. - Duration: 2:53.


Ford Transit: Ford Owner's Perspective on Steering Wheel Features | Transit | Ford - Duration: 1:40.

My transit van, in the morning, would pick up the crew and cast and

bring them to set.

My name's Tommy Rizzo.

I'm involved in the motion picture industry.

My title is transportation captain.

I organize and plan the movement of the film each and

every day from location to location.

Where we are going to shoot, how we're going to park equipment.

Traveling cast to and from location.

They like to feel comfort.

With the Ford product I found that they certainly go the extra mile to

provide that.

So all the vehicles I have are Ford.

The dependability is everything to me.

I can't afford to have any issues from point A to point B

during the process of filming.

Some of my favorite features are the way they've done the instrument panel.

It provides the feel of a luxury vehicle.

I looked at other brands, but economically I didn't feel the expense of

the Mercedes Sprinter vans suited my exact needs.

Affordability and budgeting Is what I target.

Being able to reach the instruments right on the steering wheel,

it doesn't inhibit me paying attention if I have to adjust volume.

And with the sound system, the cruise control, to me,

I don't really notice that I'm in a van.

My name's Tommy Rizzo from Long Beach, California, and

I drive a 2017 Ford Transit Van.


For more infomation >> Ford Transit: Ford Owner's Perspective on Steering Wheel Features | Transit | Ford - Duration: 1:40.


Eli Roth's Death Wish - Get A...

For more infomation >> Eli Roth's Death Wish - Get A...


For more infomation >> Eli Roth's Death Wish - Get A...


N'utilisez jamais ces 5 phrases lorsque vous parler à votre enfant - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> N'utilisez jamais ces 5 phrases lorsque vous parler à votre enfant - Duration: 5:43.


For more infomation >> N'utilisez jamais ces 5 phrases lorsque vous parler à votre enfant - Duration: 5:43.


Sakunami Onsen Yuzukushi Salon Ichi No Bo - Miyagi - 作並温泉 ゆづくしsalon一の坊 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 4:25.

Sakunami Onsen is a village onsen outside of Sendai city in Miyagi. Discovered in 1300,

Sakunami onsen quickly became quite popular and it still is to this day today.

The village is nothing more than a huge resort now with a huge five luxury hotel complex tailored around enjoying the onsen.

oday's video was shot in one of these luxury hotels, the Yuzukushi Salon, who was kind enough to open its doors for us before opening hours.

For more infomation >> Sakunami Onsen Yuzukushi Salon Ichi No Bo - Miyagi - 作並温泉 ゆづくしsalon一の坊 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 4:25.


For more infomation >> Sakunami Onsen Yuzukushi Salon Ichi No Bo - Miyagi - 作並温泉 ゆづくしsalon一の坊 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 4:25.







Little lights on Aragò Street - Els The Braulios - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Little lights on Aragò Street - Els The Braulios - Duration: 3:28.


For more infomation >> Little lights on Aragò Street - Els The Braulios - Duration: 3:28.


CJay - Thottie Mad (Official A...

For more infomation >> CJay - Thottie Mad (Official A...


Why Build Links to an Amazon Affiliate Niche Site - Duration: 9:09.

here's why you should build things to your Amazon affiliate site links for one

at the top three factors for rankings how do I know this well a Google

engineer told us I'll place a link so you can see my reference point here a

search quality senior strategist at Google said that the top two ranking

factors were content number one and links number two yes there are like 200

ranking factors or more and when it comes down to it there are many other

factors however if you're gonna focus on smaller number of areas links and

content are the way to go so let's dig into it so why am i covering this topic

at all well there is a contingent of people who think that links don't matter

in fact probably about once a week I'll get a comment on one of the videos that

says I'm crazy I am you know spreading propaganda by telling

people that links matter and they should spend time building links and oftentimes

these people will say hey you should spend time on social sharing you should

do these other things additionally there are some videos from

my friends over at income school they have a video this title link building is

useless do this instead I'll put a link below so you can check it out and make

it you know decision for yourself but I mean the title is pretty clear link

building is useless I disagree with that I think link building has this place and

in fact Google tells us it's one of the top two rankings factors that are out

there so we should spend time on it now when we go back and we look at some of

the early iterations or early ideas from Google they actually use sort of an idea

from like medical journals and like professional journals where the more

cited and author was like a researcher was the better they were the more

authoritative they were so for example a specific sort of idea made up example of

course but if a you know researcher was cited in 20 different journals that was

good that was better than someone who is only cited and

and if you look at you know people that are that do well in academia and stuff

they're often publishing in journals all the time and it helps them become

well-known and it indicates that they know what they're talking about Google

took this similar idea they sort of made that the backbone of the rankings still

holds true today as I mentioned the quote before one of the top two factors

is in fact backlinks so they are still important even if there are many other

factors even if there are ways to get around it like the keyword golden ratio

maybe you don't need as many links because it's not so competitive but if

you add links with good keyword research that it is always better than no links

the links are high quality and not you know garbage spammy links so high

quality links do matter but the idea is you know each one of these backlinks is

sort of like a vote for your site so the more backlinks particularly high quality

backlinks the more votes right the better it is for your search ring and

that's why people try and get backlinks right it's a whole like multi-million

dollar industry and it's a big deal to get backlinks so if you start studying

SEO most people will say you need backlinks if you take a look at

backlinko Brian Dean one of the influencers in the SEO space we can see

right here he says pack links are very important and makes a couple references

to the article that I mentioned as well and then they actually over a backlink

oh did analysis on the rankings factors and they found backlinks had the highest

correlation to high ranking so I'll leave it at that

I hope I convinced you it's important so back to the people that comment on some

of the YouTube videos or maybe they send me emails and say you know you shouldn't

tell people to build backlinks it's useless right here's my hutch most the

time when I talk to them and I say hey I'm happy to see your side of the story

here why don't you tell me some case studies tell me an example where you

know no backlinks led to you know ongoing passive income I

usually don't hear back when I ask questions like that and try to engage

I'm happy to have a conversation by the way leave a comment think backlinks

don't matter we'd love to hear from you and then if you could please put a link

for it an example like a case study or you can send me an email and just let me

know one on one if you don't want it to be public but basically it's very rare

where you can have say social sharing make something ranked like make a page

ranked having social shares could be important but it's not the main factor

here's the thing a lot of those folks will say you know what if you go to

Pinterest and you spend a lot of time on Pinterest you build up a following

you pin things a lot you can in fact drive a lot of traffic through Pinterest

or fill in the blank right it could be Facebook maybe they say it's reddit

maybe some other platform that's not even around yet they say that you could

drive a lot of traffic through social channels I have two main arguments why

that is not a good idea for me perhaps it's a good idea for you but for me the

the first thing is it's usually a decent amount of work to continue to have an

active social Channel right so in the Pinterest side it takes a little while

to build up an audience just like any platform it takes a while to build an

audience and then once you have that audience you have to keep their

attention that's flaw number one with say the

Pinterest model plot number two is it's not as targeted so my traffic that I

prefer comes from organic SEO people will go to Google if they type in a

search term and usually it's a buyer's term I hope they end up on my site they

get over to Amazon they make a purchase I get a small Commission that works well

right if they don't have buying intent it's much harder to make that sale to

make the Commission my thought is on Pinterest people are usually looking for

like projects or ideas to pin they don't necessarily go to Pinterest to make a

purchase right and then again we could fill in other channels right so on

Facebook I don't know I go to Facebook to get distracted maybe you watch some

sort of cat videos or something to waste my time I want to be distracted I

usually don't go to Facebook ever too purchase I'm a weird guy I think most

people would agree with that I'm weird right I know that other people maybe

they do go to Pinterest and maybe they do shop on Pinterest maybe they go to

Facebook and they buy things on Facebook and it's much better for me to have that

organic SEO traffic where it's targeted people literally want to buy something

and I know it because what they're searching for is something that a buyer

would search for and then they make the purchase I have fairly high conversion

rates on Amazon and I'm confident that that model works well additionally once

you have that sort of SEO traffic funneling over to your site it's pretty

stable we're on the Facebook and Pinterest side for example you may have

to keep that stuff active all the time you know when it comes down to it you

have to actively manage those for the SEO side sure it could take a while to

build up that traffic once it's there it's usually fairly stable and the Third

Point there's the contingent of people that say don't build links you don't

need them you could just publish great content will that work potentially right

potentially that could work thing is most of the time there's so much content

on the internet on any given topic that it's really hard to actually rank with

no backlinks the exceptions could be the keyword golden ratio it's literally a

data-driven way to find keywords that other people are not targeting you'd

find keywords that people are searching for but there's not enough people

targeting let me ask this as sort of a it's not the exact question of the day

but there are two sites with roughly the same amount of content same kind of

quality content one person builds zero backlinks other person builds ten which

one do you think will rank higher I'm stacking the deck right I told you that

Google told us that links matter it's literally wanted to top two reasons a

site can rank for a given term so when I asked the question I think I know what

you're gonna answer but if you don't think the links matter let me know what

you think matters some of the most useful comments are from the the

audience at large so let me know what you think I would love to learn

something new here if there's some other mystery ranking fact

that we don't know about aside from content and links please let us know we

could have a great discussion about it if you think the links do matter let me

know your favorite link building tactics if you have any questions or anything

just let me know in the comments I try to answer every single one I may be a

little slow but I do try and answer every single one thanks for watching my

name is Doug Pennington be sure to take a look around at other videos and

subscribe if you like what you see

For more infomation >> Why Build Links to an Amazon Affiliate Niche Site - Duration: 9:09.


ASMR Twins Tapping [A bit fast and chaotic] - Duration: 10:30.

Today, I feel like doing some tapping.

I feel like doing some tapping today.

Let's get started.

For more infomation >> ASMR Twins Tapping [A bit fast and chaotic] - Duration: 10:30.


俄羅斯600斤大灰熊與小女孩拍唯美照片 ✔ - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> 俄羅斯600斤大灰熊與小女孩拍唯美照片 ✔ - Duration: 3:52.


How to Gain Real Personal Power - Duration: 6:24.

You want ultimate power, like real power?

You start lifting others up and not pushing them down.

You lift your spouse up.

You stop minimizing other people.

You start saying, "You know what, real power,

"true human power is giving others love and validation

"without needing it back."

I think one of the greatest acts of human courage is

to open up yourself to the world,

demonstrate exactly who you are,

do exactly what you desire of life

without the need of power, without the need

of validation or love, doing it for the sake of doing it,

for the journey, not the outcome.

That's extraordinary power.

The most extraordinary powerful person

I've met in my entire life was the Dalai Lama.

I've been blessed to spend time with him twice

now in my life.

And I'll tell you, I've never met someone more powerful.

His grace and his energy is amazing.

Whether you believe in Buddhism or not,

he says his religion is kindness.

That's his religion.

And it's true.

I've seen in very very very volatile situations

in his past and his history where he could,

he just didn't.

And by holding that space of compassion,

kindness, mindfulness, he was unshakably powerful.

Unshakably powerful.

One of the most respected human figures alive today

and never tries to exert power over others.

Because where he grew up, and in his history,

when he was ousted from his country,

the powerful country at the time, China, was pushing

at his country and trying to take over that country.

And so he grew up with overt uses of power.

And people often when they grew up or see

or sense overt uses of power, they either choose to use it

and try to get it and take it or they recognize that

those who try to demonstrate power

actually are lacking in it because they need it.

How many follow?

Those who need that power over other people are

often the weakest of the lot.

It doesn't mean that they don't do bad things

or take over other people.

But true genuine personal power,

genuine personal power is the ability

to consciously choose one's own aims,

one's own attitude, one's own actions.

That's true power.

When I can choose and no matter the chaos,

I can choose a positive attitude.

No matter the chaos, I can choose what I want

no matter the situation.

I can choose my next action.

That's personal power.

The ability to will yourself into thinking,

feeling, doing something, that's real personal power.

And when you can do it with a positive bend towards humans,

towards others, then you're a leader.

When you can mobilize the self

to give more goodness back to the world,

you got power.

I think being yourself and being your best self is

the greatest personal power ever.

And we evaluate ourselves on that.

We ask ourselves, "Am I taking control of my life

"or am I not?"

Am I living the life I imagine for myself or am I not?

Because when I'm not, then this frame makes us feel bad,

guilty, sad, because aren't in psychology terms,

we aren't in a place of agency.

Meaning you're the agent, the controlling agent

of your life, right.

Somebody else is.

If you have a low level of agency in your life,

it means you have a low level of personal power or control.

A high level means you take command.

It means you're owning your reality

and you're responsible.

You're making yourself accountable and responsible

for your own decisions in life.

You want to see this, have this, feel it?

Then demonstrate it based on who you are.

Be yourself and keep yourself accountable

to positive emotions, thoughts, and actions,

and you'll feel like you have it.

Like I feel an extraordinary amount

of personal control in my life

even when I've been bankrupt.

Even when I was completely challenged

in my first business.

I left corporate America.

I started writing, started doing seminars,

and I had no idea what I was doing.

I mean there wasn't an expert's academy back then,

no place you went to learn all this.

It was just like you could go to a seminar over there

or something over here or something over there.

I had no idea what I was doing at all.

So I quickly went broke.

But during that time, I didn't lose that agency,

that part of like this is on me.

I can control my thoughts, my feelings, my behaviors,

to improve to get to this next level

and that changed everything.

Thanks for watching.

Make sure you subscribe to my new podcast,

The Brendon Show.

It's available on iTunes and Stitcher

and wherever else you get your podcasts

and it's the exclusive place where I share

my thoughts about life, about current events,

about what I'm going through, about my advice for you

as you seek to live an even more extraordinary life.

It's called The Brendon Show and it's available

anywhere you get your podcasts.

So make sure you subscribe.

And if you're ready to take your life

to a whole new level, make sure you grab

my book High Performance Habits,

How Extraordinary People Become That Way.

It's available on Amazon right now

and when you order your copy, you're really

supporting my channel and the message

and you're also getting a book

that will reveal to you 20 years of my research

into what is it that helps people go to a new level

of success in their life.

What does it really take?

What habits are proven to help you reach

long-term success in your career,

your health, your personal life, your relationships?

It's called High Performance Habits,

How Extraordinary People Become That Way.

It's available on Amazon right now.

And finally make sure you subscribe to my channel

so you get notifications every time

I release a new video and by subscribing

you support me, my message, and this channel.

So I'd really appreciate it.

Make sure you hit Subscribe.

For more infomation >> How to Gain Real Personal Power - Duration: 6:24.


How To Think In English - 3 Practical Exercises - Duration: 7:41.

attention this video is aimed at pre-intermediate speakers and

intermediate speakers but if you are an Advanced one hey you're welcome too

many people misunderstand the concept of thinking in English in today's video I'm

going to give you three practical exercises that are going to help you

think in English and consequently become a better and more confident English

speaker hey friends Teacher Prix here to help you talk to anyone anywhere

anytime in English thanks for coming back for another video and if it's your

first time here thanks I hope you enjoy today's lesson and make sure to

subscribe because every week I post different kinds of videos as well as

live videos so in this video I'm going to give you three practical exercises

okay that you can do anytime anywhere so here we go exercise number one

connect your exercises to mental work priscila what do you mean I imagine

that you study English I believe that most of my subscribers and

followers try to study English at home so the idea of this exercise is to use

all those reading exercises you do and combine them with mental exercises I'm

gonna give you a more practical example imagine you are going to spend this

afternoon reading an article on the internet or reading a few pages of a

book you like or reading about a subject you like on the Internet now what are

you going to do during this moment while you are reading the article on the

internet or on the book you are going to start asking yourself questions but not

out loud right here you are going to think og questions what kind of

questions for example what's the main idea of this article what do we

understand here in this paragraph what are the main ideas of this subject maybe

it's a subject you like and that you know very well so you can ask yourself

am i learning something new here what new information Am I learning

here you can also ask yourself questions about the vocabulary what new words am i

learning here in this article or in this paragraph and then think about the

meaning of the words that you're learning try to find the meaning if you

need to try to look up the words in the dictionary

so all this mental work will induce your brain to think in English when you start

doing this it will be a little bit difficult a little challenging but as

you persist every time you start reading something on the internet or reading a

magazine or reading a paper you will start asking yourself questions but here

many students like to read out loud and there are moments when you should do

this exercise but to practice thinking in English doing the mental work

thinking to yourself is a wonderful way to practice thinking in English with

time you will be thinking in English without realizing you are and that's my

goal with this exercise now let's talk about exercise number two come up with a

routine that will help you think in English now this is an interesting

exercise because many times the students believe that they need to go above and

beyond when it comes to thinking in English what do I mean by that they need

to change their routine completely they need to start doing different exercises

studying different things and the truth is you need to be simple the small

things in your routine will help you think in English what I'm trying to say

is actually what can you do during your routine that will help you think in

English I'll give you some practical examples you can ask questions to

yourself throughout the day for example every time you are doing something and

you have a moment to think because sometimes you're just too busy but let's

imagine you had dinner and now you are washing the dishes

this is a perfect moment when you can think about things in English okay why

am i washing the dishes hmm because I had dinner Oh what did I eat for dinner

oh I had chicken I had salad I had some vegetables but now I'm washing the

dishes how am I feeling I don't like washing the dishes

it's boring so all these questions that you can ask yourself while you are

washing the dishes you didn't need to change your routine or stop everything

you're doing just to think in English you're there and you're trying and let

me tell you one thing there will be moments when you try to do this and you

won't know all the words you need and it's okay no pressure

don't pressure yourself into knowing all the words when you're trying to think in

English this is practice you're exercising okay so this is a good moment

when you can think in English without any pressure and without having to

change your routine completely so that's my idea for exercise number two for

whatever you do try to bring English into your life all the exercise I'm

going to suggest here are really connected to mental conversation instead

of speaking verbally you will be here thinking and that's a very powerful

activity that if you persist you will be very successful hmm nice tips don't you

think are you enjoying today's video I hope so I have one more exercise for you

but before I move on to exercise number three how about you share this video

with someone special got it nice let's go to exercise number three

which is listening to podcasts listening to podcasts is something that I believe

most of my students do I believe most of you guys do I have some podcasts on my

blog you can go check it out I'll leave the link in the descriptions but

listening to podcasts is something that everybody does consequently it's an

amazing opportunity for you to think in English okay well how do you do that

I'll show you whenever I am listening choice speaker during the podcast I

imagine myself talking to the person you know the the the speaker is saying

something that I agree with so I start to think yes you're right I agree with

you uh-huh yeah that's a good point exactly and I do all this conversation

this internal conversation in English because I want to practice thinking in

English so while you do the listening while you listen to the podcast

this is a perfect moments to explore that many

students get caught up in just understanding the podcast and even

translating why not think about it and ask yourself questions hmm what did I

understand here did I understand this part do I need to go back and listen

again so all this communication can happen

right here with the podcasts you can do that because it's something that you

probably already do it's probably an exercise that you already do but now you

can explore this mental practice of checking if you can understand if you

are following the the ideas in the podcasts and the good thing is it's

nothing new it's something you probably already do but now with the thinking

part after you finish listening to the podcast you can stop for a minute or two

and think about it what was the main message you can do the same thing you do

with the article but here with the podcast what was the main message what

did the speaker want to say so you can think about these things and remember

you can start thinking in English today do exercises in combination with

thinking in English and I am sure you will see wonderful results thank you so

much friends and I'll see you next time bye

For more infomation >> How To Think In English - 3 Practical Exercises - Duration: 7:41.


CHEESY 3kg Chainsaw Massacre BURGER Challenge!! - Duration: 7:59.

Hey everybody this is Randy Santel "Atlas" with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and

proud owner of! Extra-extra very very excited tonight!

I'm going for overall wave number 509 but more importantly it is Saturday, June

24th I am 31 today so there are so many people here to watch we are in Kew of

Melbourne, Victoria and Australia we are at the Burger Block I'm taking on their

Chainsaw Massacre Challenge! Now this is a massive three kilogram burger there

are sixteen burger patties along with all kinds of cheese sixteen slices then

there are sixteen slices of bacon a bunch of different sauces it just looks

freaking awesome but I've got 35 minutes to finish this thing if I fail it's

going to be 100 Australian dollars so we do not want to do that if I win I'm

going to get the meal free along with some other prizes which I'll explain at

the end if I get the win let's get this challenge started!

All right now I'm trying to break the record is what I'm really going forwards

by my friend Olli "The Ressler" who had the record for the Don Burger I did a

few days ago but it's 17 minutes and 50 seconds so the burgers look extra juicy

along with all this cheese it's really gonna help everything go down got some

water just to help but let's get it started so many people here I have to

win go ahead do the countdown okay everyone from three!

Just over seven minutes in we're doing really good gonna keep it going

Try to break that record!

Randy on 8 minutes now, and you have six patties left!

Randy's on ten minutes and 39 seconds and he has 4 patties left to go

Go on Randy!

17 minutes and 38 seconds is what I stopped the clock at! Barely beat the record

by 12 seconds it was 17 minutes and 50 seconds by my friend Ollie The Ressler

but awesome awesome challenge did not take any time to enjoy that just wanted

the record on my birthday but during that time I was eating it was awesome

loved the sauce the cheese the bacon on there perfectly cooked burgers but I got

the 100 Australian dollar meal for free and then I'm going to get I think 20

percent future purchases which is good for tomorrow I guess and then I'm going

to get a $50 gift card to be useful later which I'm definitely going to use

after Mitch completes the Saw Challenge, they've got the Kimchi and Ramen Burger

which just looked pretty awesome but yeah so thank you to the Burger Block

here and Kew of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia it was an awesome challenge!

Most importantly thank you so much

so much everybody the games concluded Channel 7 News and done the Herald-Sun

and then yeah so thank you guys so much thank you to Brenda and everybody here

at the Burger Block. Thank you guys for watching!

For more infomation >> CHEESY 3kg Chainsaw Massacre BURGER Challenge!! - Duration: 7:59.


Andrew Zimmern Cooks: Cooking with Bamboo Steamers - Duration: 0:54.

I love working with Chinese steamers. They're made in sizes that fit inside

all of the pans that I have but more importantly, it allows me to build from

the bottom up with the things that take the most time

to cook. You can just take out a whole section. If you wanted to serve these hot

to people as an hors d'oeuvre, just let them dip them in seasoned butter and you

can just plunk that down on a towel. See how nice a bamboo steamer is. The

original was three levels, costs I think $14.99, and then for another couple of

dollars you get the individual levels. At home

I'll go eight high because, depending on how you arrange it, as long as you don't

include the steam, you can cook 20 pounds of asparagus at once if you want. Think

about that. There's no other device on earth that can do that, well except a

very, very big pan that you don't have.

For more infomation >> Andrew Zimmern Cooks: Cooking with Bamboo Steamers - Duration: 0:54.


Watch: Girls' Generation's Sunny And Henry Bicker On "Sugar Man 2"(News) - Duration: 2:18.

Watch: Girls' Generation's Sunny And Henry Bicker On "Sugar Man 2"

On the latest episode of JTBCs Sugar Man 2, Girls Generations Sunny and Super Junior-Ms Henry proved their close friendship!.

Sunny and Henry appeared together as guests on the February 25 episode of the music variety program, competing against fellow guests Urban Zakapa with their modern rearrangement of a classic hit song. Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF.

During the episode, the two idols confirmed that they were friends of the same age.

When MC Yoo Jae Suk asked Sunny what she thought of Henry as a friend, she began to describe him as the type of person that needs a lot of help doing things when he suddenly kneed her under the table.

Needless to say, Sunny was not amused.

Yoo Jae Suk then went on to ask Henry what he thought of Sunny. Shes great! Shes really great, enthused Henry, before jokingly adding, Shes Lee Soo Mans niece..

When Yoo Jae Suk laughingly responded, Why would you bring up the fact that shes Lee Soo Mans niece?, Sunny revealed that it was something Henry often teased her about.

He keeps asking me, If I marry you, will I get shares of SM stock? reported Sunny. I dont even have any [stock]!.

Afterwards, Henry played the guitar and sang a brief excerpt from his new song Monster. You can also watch Sunny and Henrys duet performance of Odd Imagination and Urban Zakapas take on A Love That Doesnt Exist In This World below!.

For more infomation >> Watch: Girls' Generation's Sunny And Henry Bicker On "Sugar Man 2"(News) - Duration: 2:18.


おやつをゲットした後のどや顔が可愛い!おもしろ可愛いハムスターFunny Hamster whose face is cute after getting a snack! - Duration: 1:55.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> おやつをゲットした後のどや顔が可愛い!おもしろ可愛いハムスターFunny Hamster whose face is cute after getting a snack! - Duration: 1:55.


CONSIDER PHLEBAS - WikiVidi Documentary - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> CONSIDER PHLEBAS - WikiVidi Documentary - Duration: 6:21.


Let's Play Metal Gear Survive - Part 2 (Survival Of The Fittest) - Duration: 38:15.

Hey guys welcome back to Smash Bros games

I'm Joseph we're gonna play some Metal Gear survive again so last time I was

impressed with the fact that the games actually not as bad as I thought it was

gonna be it's actually pretty fun so far but when now we're gonna continue and do

a real first quest which is what secure the memory board now that they got the

tutorial out of the way so maybe other less story sequences for now and just

kind of more gameplay so we can see what it's all about alright let's see our map

where we have to go alright so I definitely got to look out for animals

and right away I could tell you I'm gonna be scavenging a lot by the way

guys if you do enjoy a playthroughs would very much appreciate if you could

subscribe down below leave us some like leave us a comment we really like

interacting with all you guys will really like talking about video games

and what we like what we don't like and all that kind of stuff alright items

okay some water up what's this Can Can I grab this oh yeah all right

let's do it

well let me watch my hunger okay I'm good so far

well but what the fuck pretty sure I can't go in there I'm still not used to

the controls being different


come on bitches fuck idea what you got book I know I'm hungry okay well thanks

thanks captive fucking obvious so what does that can be harmful for humans

adage of Alois yes on your air mask all right like a ventilation yes God then

why can't I think of the name wool items items something special

can I open this game what the fuck oh my god they have next let me bring one she

reminds me of Walking Dead China why don't we get in here am I in the right

yeah I'm in the right place

can I destroy something here or do I have to jump

it's a little confusing where I have to go oh this is where I can jump out of oh

I just probably climbed the gate dummy

or not

okay no it looks like we have to go around

okay so the environment is actual new that I like

you get some of the plant life I don't know what it's for for now okay he's

getting kind of uh getting a little hungry now let's sorta have to worry

about it later wildberry well he doesn't sound like

he's eating it's on he's busting or not

yeah oh shit

motherfucker I should be more careful there that was dumb okay defensively

let's go slide over


okay that's easy

sure suppose believe I'm gonna get some items up in his bitch nails alright give

me those items don't kill everybody I might have killed everybody yeah I think

I killed everybody those nails chef for middle gear for tonight that's what I'm

gonna kill this game

yeah I think they could have avoided Konami could avoid a lot of controversy

by night calling this game metal gear on Metal Gear game so far cuz it's actually

pretty fun

any items are missed

all right

the other controls are very different

dirty water

I'm the one has to have a specific place to gather water all right that's my base

items No

it looks like I'm gonna need to rebuild this place let's go put up with our way

for you to see for yourself then for us to explain it so take a look at the map

screen I get it's not that difficult

manage positions materials

oh we had the wrong thing


no I want to put a put stuff away why is it this why is this difficult Oh duh

quino's fine what this shit I have a lot of items okay revival pills

alright for now I'm just gonna get a couple of

any bottles I should be fine

let's do it okay make us how the story's not gonna be like the highlight of the

game analysis complete the board contains research data on detail

primarily on launderers and Caban energy as well as operational records you can

examine the details on your device so that's part one of the captain's mission

in the bag no is only part of the entire record to recover further expeditions

will be required I wonder how long this game is gonna be on these expeditions

please be more careful this world may be home to threats even greater than those

we are aware of for a machine you're pretty damn vague learn anything from

this data you got after connecting with the memory board part of our internal

memory was restored according to this data the Karen core

was more than equipped to handle the wanderers okay and how the eunuch it

wiped out unknown the data we recovered didn't shed any light on this with more

data our memory may be fully restored continue your searches we must find out

what happened to the core all right learn recipe for sandbag foothold

construction terminal all can be used I want to create more weapons new

equipment can be developed okay it's not needed to carry out the remainder of

your vision craft

okay one yeah there's just like that I wrote an original metal phantom pain

game we know what that is

okay what can we build here construction construction mode allows you to

construct different facilities on your base tougher series you can construct in

areas where you can construct increase according to factors such as story

progression AOS development and acquisition of new blueprints we chose

the blueprints to acquire the more you grow and expand your own unique face so

if I say you want to construct the front for Saudi and Wow and you can build it

okay well that's pretty intense but for now if they're not telling me to

do that yet I'm not gonna do it my god related they're not fucking around I

have to do the whole thing again so yeah guys I probably cut this part out by

this point maybe because I lost do yeah this game is tough they're not messing

around with this game I have to play a lot more I can't risk at all in this

game you have to be careful I'm learning that very quickly it's like a risk and

reward kind of thing do you want to risk it don't you want to risk it boom boom

you know all that kind of stuff let's get some jackals

see sneaky now it's like higher-level items

as well okay

more jackals yeah

strategies see i'm doesn't develop strategies against them I lost the first

time not this time buddy

20 fucking dog

alright okay we got it both yeah this time I figured them out I

figured out how to get them all right daddy inventory let's go with the

berries first don't keep me say she ate it for a while

what's the next objective where the dogs are a solid animals right now

well your motherfucker where you goin

where you goin bro

grilled Nubian punch this shit out of that it goes I'm starting to develop

strategies how to get on quicker okay not learned with this this place you got

to sneak in and get the fuck out I'm gonna doing a different way than I did

the first time when I died I mean you're like this

I keep reminding I'm doing you're not gonna see it she had let's do it

I couldn't figure out how to do the one he kill the self kill but now that I

know how to do it should be a little easier

no no no no no no come on come on dude stick the cover


turn around turn around like novel


let's try something fuck

fuck gotta run

well well well

alright let's heal myself inventory um play more careful this time I need to go

back to base after this so it's like after each mission it's almost not worth

it to risk I wonder if you can do the whole game co-op or it's only like

certain elements that you could do because otherwise I'll have my friend up

in here we'll be rocking dudes okay turns archive

that's what we gotta go

get some items

whole shit yeah no it looks like I can climb this

shit why am i whispering like I'm lucky they

can hear me turn around bitch fuck

no no no no no no no no go go go you fuck you what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna


God gave me legs for a reason guys to run

all right whoa yeah time to cook boys time to cook Saints genius

synchronize my I tried good let's source of the items managed

possessions what I got here

skill trade using the power you can learn special abilities called skills

nice I didn't know that

leveling up system

but don't don't interrupt me ever again guys I'm trying to try to put away my

items here no okay


ah he looks like he does matically I don't have to do it every time all right

that was dumb

okay Jo and crude survivor classes I've learned basic survival skills okay Str

increases according to security Laurie close quarters are damaged boom

increases your maximum life movement speed max and Stan male let's go for

attack yeah we're gonna go for attack right away because I was not doing a lot

of damage at all it looks like he's not doing anything useful for now campfire

now we got food ready

what do you mean here what else do I need Oh hanging pot I don't have a

hanging pot new weapons craft

fuck here give me rusty machete

all right let's go get some water

perfect now let's do the other mission

all right

storyboard is completely different direction

now I need to the only thing I would like is a faster way to eat I'll be nice

welcome to New York with city loves to annoy the shit out of you with all the

fun of fire sirens I'm so used to at this point I'm like my cousin Vinnie I

can't sleep without the noise anymore

fuck you give me all the empty bottles

gotta be gotta be careful here I have a feeling somebody's gonna come around the

corner no it can't be it can't be that easy

alright we get to sign them right here horde mode that's we got to do a horde


well damage their tank we gotta fix it

so I'll be able to go into the into the mist

we got a iPhone 4 connection - fuck

oh I heard something drop guys heard that right something's ambushed me I

know it fucker I knew it what sorry guys for the

filthy mouth I'm just caught me off guard as I wasn't expecting it oh dear

God hold your God I need to get out of here

that sucks sorry Joel Marvin gunshot wounds killed himself

or somebody else kill them

how's this defense plane to the story like are you gonna sound degress if they

destroy your base is complete you can now craft an air tank I detect a memory

board within the dust your search hmm so just will collecting memory boards is

that what we doing air tank

now I can go into a dust


you've prepared an air tank you can now enter dust having crafted an air tank

you can now operate within the dust however the tank is only so big if the

oxygen in it runs out your life will begin to drop okay if you're low on

oxygen you can use kuben energy to replenish it you can take advantage of

this feature from your i droid I don't know if I want to do that kind of greedy

when it comes to that

okay let's see what we can build

well so that's my base this is how as far as I can go probably should destroy

all these items later on yeah you know what if I'm gonna build up my base I'm

gonna do it off video just because there's not take a crap ton of time to

do what so it looks nice you know I just put like fences all around some some

barricades to make sure we can defend ourselves here that's cool and what's

this gadgets normal fans door

hmm there are sandbag foothold

got it oh there's a lot of stuff to know a lot

of stuff to learn

well yeah guys today we're gonna stop I'm gonna keep this one a little shorter

than the first one I'm actually gonna stop here for this playthrough it's

gonna be a little bit on the shorter side just because I'm gonna cut out I

might cut out at this point one long sequence where I kind of died but we're

gonna come back to it next time maybe I'll have some barricades set up on the

next playthrough so you'll be you know my base be looking nice and even but at

that point but so far like I said my current my opinion of this game

continues that I'm actually enjoying it it's actually pretty fun if a little bit

overstuffed with things kind of little gameplay mechanics to learn and to do

but that could be ultimately a good thing maybe in the end but we're gonna

have to see to play more now guys let me know what you think about this game so

far and let me know what you think about this playthrough leave a comment down

below make sure to subscribe and we'll just tune in next time for our next

Metal Gear playthrough all right yeah we're going guys I'm gonna keep going

with this one maybe start building the base

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