Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 7, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 22 2018

- Narrator: Imagine giving birth to a 24 pound baby.

That's three times the size

of an average human newborn. Ouch.

But for kiwi birds,

giant chicks are the norm.

Females lay a single egg up to 20% of their body weight,

yet when you check out

other extreme births in the animal kingdom,

the kiwi can consider itself lucky.

Shingleback lizards also have a tough pregnancy.

These reptiles usually have one to two babies at a time,

which doesn't sound so bad,

until you realize that combined,

the babies make up a third of the mother's body weight.

That's like a human giving birth to a seven year old!

But a baby doesn't need to be big to be difficult.

Take the porcupine.

Those sharp spines protect it from predators,

but they're sometimes not so fun for Mom.

You see, baby porcupines, called porcupettes,

aren't hairless like most rodent newborns.

These guys are born fully quilled.

Normally, this isn't a problem for Mom,

since the quills are soft at birth,

and gradually harden over the next few hours.

But complications can arise

when the porcupettes are facing the wrong direction,

because their quills can get caught

in the birth canal on the way out.

Speaking of birth canals,

the spotted hyena has an interesting one.

Females have phallic-like genitalia.

The scientific term for this is pseudo-penis,

and they give birth out of the pseudo-penis,

which will sometimes rip apart in the process.

It's not only painful, it can be lethal.

In fact, about 15% of first-time mothers die giving birth.

But, believe it or not,

a species of velvet spider has it even worse.

You know how some animals chew up food for their babies?

Well, Stegodyphus lineatus takes this to a whole new level.

Right after she lays an egg sac,

the mother's tissues start to degrade.

Once the spiderlings hatch,

she regurgitates her own liquified insides,

and the babies chow down.

Nine days later, they suck up the last of her fluids,

and strike out on their own,

leaving nothing but an empty husk.

Thanks Mom.

But childbirth isn't just dangerous

or uncomfortable for mothers.

With some animals, the baby has it pretty rough.

Take the Tasmanian devil.

The mom gives birth to up to 50 joeys at a time,

each the size of a raisin.

They have to crawl from the mother's birth canal,

over her body, and into her pouch,

where they'll snuggle up for another four months.

But there's a catch.

Mom has only four nipples in her pouch.

So right from birth

the joeys are literally on a mad dash for their lives,

and only the strongest four will make it.

Talk about sibling rivalry, huh?

Overall, one thing is clear:

humans aren't the only ones who have it rough

when it comes to giving birth.

What's the craziest animal fact you know?

Tell us in the comments and thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> The Most Extreme Births In The Animal Kingdom - Duration: 3:46.


8 Boss Invertebrates That Eat Whatever They Want - Duration: 11:42.


When you picture the food chain, it probably goes a little something like this:

Plant gets eaten by bug;

Bug gets eaten by frog or some other small predator,

And frog gets eaten by a bird or whatever— something bigger.

That's just how things are done in nature, right?

... except it's really, really not.

Natural selection can lead to some pretty weird situations.

And sometimes, that means a spineless invertebrate—like a beetle—

takes on a smarter, stronger, bony vertebrate, like a frog.

Or a worm eats a fish, or a crab eats a bird … you get the idea.

Dragonfly larvae, or nymphs, are absolute terrors in the aquatic habitats they call home.

They eat pretty much whatever they can catch,

which includes things like tadpoles and fish.

They usually hunt by ambush,

sitting and waiting until the perfect snack comes close enough for them to grab with their

sharp, powerful mouthparts.

But some are more active predators.

In 2016, biologists observed three nymphs scaling underwater plants to line up with their targets

and then leaping out of the water to grab onto full-grown frogs with their bitey bits.

The nymphs—which were actually longer than the frogs—

proceeded to eat the frogs alive while they tried desperately to escape.

15 to 20 minutes later, it was all over.

And the researchers found another 15 dead frogs at the bottom of the little lake,

which all had cuts suggesting the nymphs had killed them, too.

Luckily, they aren't large enough to take out anything bigger than a frog—

because if they were, they'd be on everyone's nightmare list.

Now, there's no shortage of spider species that could make this list.

But when you think of spiders that eat vertebrates, you usually don't think of jumping spiders.

They're the cute, charming spiders—

you know, like those little peacock spiders with the colorful butt flaps ...

they wave 'em around to woo females.

But one species—the regal jumping spider—isn't afraid of a few bones in its meals.

At about 2 centimeters long, they're pretty small compared to most lizards and frogs.

That does not keep the spiders from snacking on them, though.

Like other carnivorous jumping spiders, they hunt by ... jumping on their prey.

To succeed at that, jumping spiders have amazing eyes that can accurately perceive depth and even see in color.

Their eyesight is so good that they're a favorite for vision researchers.

They're also relatively smart—

they can learn to use different hunting strategies for different meals, for example,

or even complete mazes.

But what's most impressive is how bold regal jumping spiders are.

They seem to have no concept of their size,

and will eagerly take on prey much larger than themselves, including things like lizards and frogs.

It probably helps that they're armed with venom.

If you want to talk about frog-killers, though, beetles in the genus Epomis are the real experts.

At least two Middle Eastern species of these fairly large, ground-dwelling beetles have

evolved to prey upon amphibians both as adults and as larvae.

The adults hunt frogs and salamanders pretty much how you'd expect a beetle to.

They're not exclusive frog-eaters, but when the opportunity presents itself,

they attack with precision, slicing at the animal's lower back to paralyze it.

Their hard, beetle-y exoskeletons make it tough for the frog to do any damage in return,

even though they can be much larger than the beetles.

But more impressively, they seem to have no issue with the potent bufotoxins in many poisonous frogs and toads.

Still, it's the larvae that should get credit for being master frog hunters—

they have to be, since their diet is exclusively amphibians that are much larger than they are.

To snag their meals, they can wiggle their antennae and mouthparts as a lure.

When a hungry frog tries to nab a larva with its tongue, the beetle leaps into action,

biting down on whatever part of the frog it can reach—usually its face.

From there, they just start eating, and for whatever reason, the frogs can't get them off.

When scientists set up 382 larva/frog battles in the lab, the frogs never succeeded in consuming the larvae.

They got them into their mouths seven times, but they soon spit them back out,

and then somehow, unharmed larvae still killed and ate the frogs afterwards.

And eventually, they picked the bones clean.

This is an example of role reversal, where the predator becomes the prey,

and it likely started out as a defensive move on the beetles' part.

They developed a way to dodge the frogs' lightning-fast tongue lash, and

once that had happened, well, what else are you going to do with that juicy frog that's right there in front of you?

It would probably be more accurate to call the more than 2,000 species of praying mantises preying mantises—

like, with an E, because they are absolutely brutal predators.

They're gangly bugs with weird, triangular heads and big eyes,

and they usually blend in well with their surroundings.

So they just hunker down and sit unbelievably still until some unfortunate creature with the right size and shape happens to venture a little too close.

Their spikey appendages might seem thin or breakable but they're tougher than they look,

and they're great for grabbing and subduing all sorts of prey … including birds.

When ornithologists went back through public and scientific records in 2017, they found 147 cases of mantises attacking small birds like hummingbirds.

In most, they succeeded in killing and eating the bird,

and in two-thirds of cases, the bugs seemed to be going for the animal's brains.

That may be because brains are super nutritious for them,

or because brain damage quickly stops the birds from trying to fly away.

Though it's possible the bird's heads were just the easiest part to grab onto.

Mantises have been seen chomping on amphibians, reptiles, and even small mammals—

anything they can grab and hold onto with their spiked legs long enough to start gnawing at flesh with their sharp mouthparts.

That generally means things the same size or smaller than they are, though some can grow as long as 10 centimeters or so.

Can you imagine what these things would eat if they had, like, a super paralytic venom or something, too?

Let's just all be happy that insects are small.

The beautifully iridescent, segmented bobbit worms aren't easy to spot because they live in burrows in the seafloor.

But, that's probably for the best because as pretty as their rainbow bodies are, their faces are terrifying.

And they're even scarier when you know what they do with them.

Each worm is armed with five antennae it can use to sense when a fish is lurking within striking distance.

When a fish swims over the wrong patch of sand, the worm lunges up from its burrow, grabs on with its strong, sharp pincers, and drags its hapless meal down.

Exactly what happens to the fish in the burrow is somewhat of a mystery, but one thing's for sure: they don't come out.

They're basically real-life, marine versions of the graboids from Tremors.

And these worms eat all sorts of fish, seemingly undeterred by usual defensive strategies like venomous spines or skin toxins.

The only limit on their catch seems to be size—

the worms can be 3 meters long, but their throats don't get much bigger than a few centimeters across.

Still, they do a good job of consuming fish that are much thicker than that.

Fire ants, meanwhile, have a more collaborative attack strategy.

They get their name from their painful venom, which burns like the sun.

Trust me, I know.

While one fire ant sting isn't a huge deal, hundreds or thousands can be debilitating—

and even lethal, if you're a small animal.

And since colonies can contain of hundreds of thousands of ants, where there's one, there are usually many more.

Studies on cottontail rabbits in Alabama found that up to three-quarters of newborns were killed by fire ants, for example.

They're also known to raid lizard, alligator, and turtle nests, where they can kill 70% of the young reptiles at a time.

And when there are a lot of ants in an area, entire generations of nesting birds can be wiped out.

The ants aren't fast, which is why the animals they kill tend to be slow or helpless, like baby bunnies or fledgling birds.

All this wouldn't so bad if the ants were native to these areas, and therefore just doing their part as predators in the ecosystem.

But the fire ants in places like the US and Australia don't belong there—

they originally came in from South America.

And the damage their attacks cause to these habitats makes them arguably one of the worst invasive species on the planet.

Certainly one of the worst invasive species I've ever slid into while playing a game of soccer.

Giant water bugs are pretty much exactly what they sound like:

huge bugs that live in ponds, rivers, and streams.

They're the largest true bugs, or Hemipterans, in the world—

some species can be about as long as your hand, and that size allows them to take on some very big prey.

They're thought to dine on fish and frogs for the most part,

but scientists have seen them snacking on turtles and snakes, too.

There are even rumors they will attack and kill wading birds.

In one published report from 1907, an unlucky woodpecker was found with a large water bug wrapped around its neck, slurping blood and/or brains from its head.

To take on such formidable prey, the bugs inject a potent venom with their needle-like rostrums while they hold onto their prey with their ginormous pincer-like arms.

The tricky part is getting ahold of their meals in the first place.

They usually ambush their prey, but that means sitting around underwater and waiting for something to come by …

and they can't breathe water.

So they have a built-in SCUBA system of sorts—

they're able to trap air under their wings and bring a bubble down with them.

Some species can take this a step further and pump their wings in a special way so that the trapped air absorbs oxygen from the water.

And this lets them stay down for hours at a time—long enough for something tasty to show up.

If you want to see one of these amazing critters for yourself, they're actually not hard to find.

They're found on every continent except Antarctica, and they're sometimes called "electric light bugs" because they're attracted to lights at night.

But if you do see one, I'd recommend leaving it alone.

They're also called "toe biters," for obvious reasons— and their bites are super painful.

Last, but certainly not least, is a species that loves to defy expectations.

Not only are they invertebrates that can eat vertebrates, they're huge land-dwelling crabs that can live for over half a century.

I'm talking about coconut crabs, of course— the monstrous Indo-Pacific land crabs rumored to have eaten, and possibly killed, Amelia Earhart.

Even calling them huge and monstrous does not really do them justice.

They can weigh up to 4 kilograms and measure a meter across, if you count their legs.

And that name? It doesn't come from them being the size of coconuts.

It comes from their ability to crack open coconuts.

And if you can break open a coconut with your bare claws, breaking bird bones is nothing.

That's what one shocked biologist discovered in 2016.

No joke, he watched as a crab climbed a meter up into a tree to snap the wing of a sleeping adult red-footed booby.

After the bird fell to the ground, the crab proceeded to snap its other wing, and then it and five other crabs spent the next few hours ripping the bird apart.

Before that chilling observation, it was thought that these omnivorous crabs, like many other crabs, simply scavenged for the meat in their diets.

But, nope—they will hunt and kill for their food.

So there you have it:

from bird-killing crabs to frog-killing beetle larvae, the eight animals on this list prove that lacking a backbone does not make you spineless.

Evolution can lead to predators in all shapes and sizes, even ones you'd least expect.

So let's raise a glass to these fearsome inverts—

and be glad that none of them are quite big enough to hunt us.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

If you like horrifying animals, you might like our list of seven animals with super weird teeth.

And as always, if you want to learn more about this weird, wild, and wonderful world,

head over to and subscribe!


For more infomation >> 8 Boss Invertebrates That Eat Whatever They Want - Duration: 11:42.


The Simpsons Producers At Comic-Con 2018 | THE SIMPSONS - Duration: 12:11.

For more infomation >> The Simpsons Producers At Comic-Con 2018 | THE SIMPSONS - Duration: 12:11.


Getting My Hair Braided - Braids For Men - Duration: 8:23.

hello YouTube and we are in vertical

vlog mode how cool is that this is my

first ever vertical vlog and I've only

just noticed that YouTube's actually

allowing for that now so you can

actually see all this vertical right now

how cool I've just been having family

holiday and today's my last day I'm in

bland of Spain at the moment it's a

little tourist town it's freaking

gorgeous and I don't know in this video

we'll be going live but yeah it'll

probably go live when I get back to

Australia but I wanted to film this

video today a for my last day and B I'm

gonna get my hair braided today because

along the Esplanade they're like just

out there you can see there's lots of

people selling all their trinkets

there's ladies braiding hair there's a

gorgeous beach and I wanted to go get my

hair braided so that's what I'm doing

I'm about to go and visit my sister

she's down at the beach right now

getting a tan I did have a concern that

I was gonna get a lot of comments about

cultural appropriation and getting my

hair braided on camera today and just

before we get into it before you even

say anything since my last video of

getting cornrows I did research a little

bit about what cultural appropriation is

my understanding of it is one culture

getting upset because another person

from another culture is using something

that their culture originally created

and when I put it in context right I

think well what happens if I go to a

Mexican restaurant does that mean I'm

committing cultural appropriation there

as well and I just couldn't justify it

so I thought you know what I'm still

gonna get the braids and if there's any

of you in the audience that wanna

educate me further on what cultural

appropriation is I'm totally open to

listening to it and hearing about it

because you know I just really can't see

the point in not going forward with

something that I want to do or because

somebody's gonna get offended for me

taking something from their culture do

you know what I mean so anyway I don't

want to offend anybody but if I do help

me understand why it's offensive and

yeah let's get on with this video

because I'm gonna have fun today well

this looks like a nice little spot

please join you place

Wow how gorgeous is this gonna get

persimmon you got the GoPro right


summer is actually crazy anywho it's

time to leave the beach and go and find

a lady that can braid my hair this hat I

just bought is terrible so we're having

trouble finding the lady that does the

cornrows and I'm on a hunt to find her

but in the meantime we're gonna be going

up on that rock over there because

that's where my yo-yo is buried or her

ashes were scattered so we're gonna go

for a little visit up there and have a

look and hopefully find this lady that's

doing the cornrows whoa

this is pretty cool Catalunya flag up

there for anyone that doesn't know so

Catalunya is a part of Spain that

desperately doesn't want to be a part of

Spain anymore and it there's a big

political debate about it

scary ocean this side Mediterranean

Lana's that side

then look at the rock and still confined

my poor old lady and we've come to this

awesome bar to have a pina colada

together oh my gosh

okay we just came out of having a pina

colada it's just there we found the lady

but she hasn't set up yet and I tried to

talk to her about what I wanted him did

he get very far sleep lack of Spanish so

25 years later I'm about to get the

brains we're getting full like this so

this is the tube but we're gonna get

full well that was among the most

painful experiences I've ever had in my

life but actually really digging the

book today thanks Jesse we got some cool

time lapses of that and then now we're

just heading back to the apartment to a

have a vino a red vino and then probably

have some lunch or afternoon lunch come

with it looks like France just won the

World Cup check this out they are a

bunch of mad Frenchmen



okay I just need to put some context on

this next part of the video I'm here at

my desk editing the next part of the

vlog I'm back in Australia but

essentially what happened was my sister

and I walked down the stairs when our

stepmom Danielle took the lift and what

we did on the way down is we pressed

every single button so the lift had to

stop for no reason and we were waiting

at the bottom trying to film Danielle

coming out we wanted her reaction but

she actually teamed up with the people

in the lift and made the lady in the

lift go off at us when the door opened

and we thought we were the funny ones

but she got us back ten times so enjoy



okay so we're at our last destination

for the night

they're just talking where the pizza

joint that we love in planus and we're

just having a couple glasses of wine and

some pizza before we leave it's very sad


hey guys I thought I was gonna finish

this video when I was leaving Spain and

bias however I thought it might be cool

to get home and show you what my hair

goes like after I take these cornrows

out because it's been like what the

whole 48 hours now since we could have

done and they've gone all fuzzy and yeah

I'm just gonna take them out because my

scalp is itchy I'm back here in

Australia where it looks sunny but it's

fucking freezing and yeah I thought I'd

finish the video like this so I'm really

excited to see how this turns out and

we're gonna take him out now



okay well if this isn't curly hair I

don't know what is as you can see

because they've been bound so tightly

for like two days they are freaking

crazy and that's pretty much it I

actually kind of like it

so that was my cornrow experience I'm

now back in Australia it's really nice

to be home and I'm still in Sydney so

I'll be going back to the Gold Coast

today but I really hope you have a great

day today so thank you so much for

coming in watching my first vertical

vlog and I'll catch you later


For more infomation >> Getting My Hair Braided - Braids For Men - Duration: 8:23.


Molinari recibe trofeo Open Británico | Telemundo Deportes | Telemundo Deportes - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Molinari recibe trofeo Open Británico | Telemundo Deportes | Telemundo Deportes - Duration: 4:31.


PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode July 22, 2018 - Duration: 26:43.

For more infomation >> PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode July 22, 2018 - Duration: 26:43.


Obsessed Fans That Spent Thousands To Look Like A Celeb - Duration: 4:41.

Obsessed fans will go to great lengths to be closer to their jaw-droppingly gorgeous

idols, some will even go under the knife.

While it's natural to feel a little envy over your favorite star's good looks, some fans

have taken their celebrity admiration to the extreme by spending thousands of dollars to

try and look just like them.

Let's take a closer look at the mixed results of all that nipping, tucking, plumping, and


Was it worth it?

You decide.

Mimic the Mockingjay

Though Jennifer Lawrence has made a career out of being the girl-next-door type, she's

also stunningly beautiful.

According to ABC News, a woman named Kitty has spent at least $25,000 on six surgeries

in order to look more like Lawrence.

"I can appreciate that her personality is spunky and fun.

I can appreciate that her body is banging."

Kitty said that as Lawrence's popularity began to grow, more and more people began to compare

her to the Oscar-winning actress.

After the birth of her daughter, Kitty took her natural resemblance to the actress even

further with the help of liposuction, breast implants, a nose job, and fat grafting.

Keep up with Kim

There's no doubt that Kim Kardashian is one of the most famous people on the planet, and

plenty of women around the world are doing everything they can to emulate her curves,

contoured cheeks, and plump pout.

One of those women is Jennifer Pamplona, who reportedly spent more than $470,000 to keep

up with this Kardashian.

She told Australia's in 2017,

"I fell in love with surgery a long time ago, but after seeing Kim Kardashian I wanted to

look like and have curves like her."

Pamplona's surgeries reportedly included breast and butt implants, liposuction, a nose job,

and the removal of a few ribs, but she's not done yet.

While surgeons have told her it's not possible to continue with surgery, Pamplona claims

she is, quote, "determined to make it happen."

She went on to tell Life and Style Magazine,

"I will become more famous than Kim Kardashian."

It's not just women who are copying Kim.

Jordan James Parke has reportedly spent upwards of $130,000 to make his face look more like

the Kardashian.

"Botox in my forehead between my eyebrows, my eyes, sides of my face.

I've had lip filler, chin filler, cheek filler, I've had my nose done."

Build yourself beautiful

Kim isn't the only member of the Kardashian fam spawning costly lookalikes.

Kyleigh Potts is a transgender woman who's reportedly spent more than $75,000 to look

like Kim's half-sister Kylie Jenner.

Potts told the Daily Mail that she's had lip fillers, breast implants, a chin implant,

and a nose job.

She confessed,

"I feel like I have always emulated [Kylie] and like her I didn't start out beautiful,

I built myself beautiful."

Potts claimed she isn't finished with the surgical alterations, saying,

"I want to get butt implants, to pin and reshape my ears, a bullhorn lip lift, a [procedure]

to help open up my eyes, lower my hairline, and voice change."

Man of plastic

Herbert Chavez told VT that he became obsessed with Superman at age 5, and in an episode

of Botched, he revealed that he was once the Guinness Book of World Records holder for

"most Superman memorabilia."

He's all grown up now and has reportedly undergone more than 20 surgeries, including rhinoplasties,

pec implants, jaw work, and liposuction.

But according to Chavez, life as a the Man of Steel isn't all it's cracked up to be.

He told VT,

"It is hard living up to people's expectations as a living superhero."

Chavez said there's still one surgery he needs for his transformation to be complete: a leg

lengthening procedure, which, according to the Paley Institute, costs up to $250,000.

Being Barbie

Even though Barbie's lead designer has said the doll's body is totally unrealistic, that

didn't stop a Ukrainian woman named Valeria from attempting to achieve it.

According to GQ, she only admits to having breast implants, though her striking figure

and face have led many to believe there's more to her story.

Valeria told InStyle that she will continue transforming, and that looking like Barbie

isn't her final goal.

She explained,

"I actually like very different images.

My favorites are from the world of fantasy like elves, warriors, and Amazons."

Pursuit of perfection

A 2017 This Morning interview revealed that Rodrigo Alves has spent more than $500,000

to look like a Ken doll.

As of January 2018, however, it seems Alves' quest may be finished.

"So far it has been a want.

If I have any more plastic surgery, it will be only if I need it, for medical reasons."

Of course, Alves has said this before.

In 2016, the Daily Mail reported that Alves quit having work done following a health scare,

though he later resumed his efforts with more surgery, including a rib removal.

Only time will tell if Alves' transformation is truly complete.

For more infomation >> Obsessed Fans That Spent Thousands To Look Like A Celeb - Duration: 4:41.


I Am Brave - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> I Am Brave - Duration: 7:16.


"SENSEI" Trap Beat Instrumental 2018 | Hard Dark Lit Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beats | Free DL - Duration: 3:08.

"SENSEI" Trap Beat Instrumental 2018 | Hard Dark Lit Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beats | Free DL

For more infomation >> "SENSEI" Trap Beat Instrumental 2018 | Hard Dark Lit Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beats | Free DL - Duration: 3:08.


国乒男队主动放弃冠军,多达15人选择退赛,或引发国际乒联不满 - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> 国乒男队主动放弃冠军,多达15人选择退赛,或引发国际乒联不满 - Duration: 3:33.


Local Inventor draws international interest - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Local Inventor draws international interest - Duration: 1:28.


Neighbors react to handling of SWAT situation - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Neighbors react to handling of SWAT situation - Duration: 1:38.


Chelsea transfer news: Eden Hazard's brother responds to Real Madrid claim - Duration: 1:43.

 The siblings are both plying their trade at Chelsea at present. But the eldest of the duo, Eden, has been heavily linked with a move to Real Madrid in recent weeks

 Hazard recently cast doubt over his Blues future when admitting he was unsure what would happen after he returned from the World Cup with Belgium

 And ever since, football fans have been discussing the possibility of another historic Los Blancos transfer

 But Kylian doesn't think his brother should leave Stamford Bridge this summer. On Instagram, football fan account @bestoffootball mocked up a photo of Hazard in a Madrid shirt and asked: "Do you think this would be the right move for Eden Hazard?" To which Kylian replied with a simple emoji, showing a man crossing his arms, implying he doesn't want to see his family member depart west London

 Eagle-eyed Chelsea fans spotted the comment, and began to heap praise on Kylian all over social media

 One Blues supporter said: "Kylian Hazard will be the saviour of Chelsea!"  One tweeted: "Kylian hazard is our fu***g legend

" And another wrote: "Eden, listen to Kylian Hazard!" Hazard's fellow countryman Thibaut Courtois has also been linked with a move to Madrid this summer

For more infomation >> Chelsea transfer news: Eden Hazard's brother responds to Real Madrid claim - Duration: 1:43.


30k SUB GIVEAWAY - Gherkin 30% Mechanical Keyboard Build - Duration: 3:17.

It's been a couple of weeks now, but I just wanted to do a quick video to thank everyone

for 30,000 subscribers, 5 million views, and 1000 followers on Instagram.

Even though I am still a small channel, all of this has given me so many opportunities

with working with different people and companies.

I've been able to meet a lot of people, and actually make some friends.

I've jumped on planes to literally check out some keyboards.

So it really has become a big part of my life, and I'm proud and happy for it to be this


At 20k I gave away two boards.

So this time I'll give away three.

I definitely have not prepared well for this at all, but this is pretty much what I had

available to giveaway.

We have the Motospeed CK61 with Kailh Box Whites.

And the quite similar MantisTek GK3 61 which I've had to fix up.

And for the main prize, I guess the obvious choice for 30k subs would be the good old

Gherkin 30% PCB.

I whipped up a quick simple hardwood case, with an acrylic base.

And contrary to what you may think, I hardly have any spare keyswitches, so I'm just

going to chuck in the appropriate Cherry MX Green's.

I'd also like to answer a couple of questions that I always get.

I always get asked, what's my daily driver.

I don't have one, as I'm always switching between boards to test them.

But I do prefer 65% boards, and I'd say either a somewhat light linear switch, or

some light electro-capacitive switch.

Probably not the most popular choices, especially with the enthusiast community, but yeh, that's

what I like.

What do I do with all the keyboards?

Many I keep for reference purposes.

So if it has some sort of unique feature, I tend to keep it so I have those points of


I've given a lot away overtime.

And most of the builds I build for people, so I obviously don't keep those.

And lastly, a common misconception is that my name is Tae, which is often associated

with Korea.

But that's not true.

My name is Andrew, and am of Filipino descent.

So you can chuck that into Google translate.

Anyway, to enter the giveaway, I'll be using Gleam, and again, it's going to be very


You'll get 1 entry for being a subscriber to the channel, and that's it.

If you're already a subscriber, just go to the link, and confirm your subscription,

and you'll be sweet.

I'll leave this open for 2 weeks, and will email the winners, as well as pin a comment

back in this video.

These aren't the best pieces of work, but at least I put some of my personal touch on


So best of luck to all.

I am sorry that I can't give back to everyone, but that's obviously not possible.

But you'll forever have my thanks.

For more infomation >> 30k SUB GIVEAWAY - Gherkin 30% Mechanical Keyboard Build - Duration: 3:17.


Cody Johnson - Half A Song (Acoustic) // Country Rebel HQ Session - Duration: 3:23.

The band was startin' Slow Hand About the time you walked in

I could see it in your eyes You were heart broke and needin' a friend

The singer started singin' as I let you have my bar stool

And before that first chorus was through

You were already smilin' I said no use in tryin'

Open up a tab, oh girl I'm gladly buyin' Ain't it funny thinkin' you were thinkin'

you'd be drinkin' alone Baby ain't it crazy what can happen in half a song

The second verse started I asked you if you'd like to dance

When you said no I figured well there goes my chance

But the singer kept on singin' and before he hit that chorus again

I felt you grab my hand, then we bee-lined to the floor like we'd done

this before, holdin' onto you one, two, three four.

Spinnin' and a gettin' in a rhythm, girl it didn't take long

Baby ain't it crazy what can happen in half a song

That song ended, said we've only got one more, now we're half way through and we're still

out here on the floor

I wonder what you're thinkin' 'cause I think

I'd like to drive you home,

but I know that's probably never gonna happen,

Girl, I'll just settle for your number on a napkin then again you never know what could happen

in half a song,

half a song

For more infomation >> Cody Johnson - Half A Song (Acoustic) // Country Rebel HQ Session - Duration: 3:23.


DIY Shoebox Toys - Burning Daylight - HGTV - Duration: 7:58.

For more infomation >> DIY Shoebox Toys - Burning Daylight - HGTV - Duration: 7:58.


Congress Split on Crypto | Hodler's Digest - Duration: 6:58.

Maps have been mostly in the green this week with a huge 10% spike in Bitcoin on Tuesday.

Over the course of 48 hours, the leading crypto gained $1000.

It was good news across the board as 98/100 of the top cryptos posted gains.

Also this week, Goldfinger aka Peter Schiff thinks Bitcoin is doomed, billionaire Marc

Lasry thinks it'll hit $40k in 5 years, and former Chief strategist of the White House

Steve Bannon is in talks to release his own crypto for the populist movement.

Here is your weekly hodler's digest..

Congress talked crypto this week In a hearing titled: "The Future of Money:

Digital Currency," They discussed the use of cryptocurrency and

blockchain, arguing whether central banks should introduce a digital currency.

Ultimately banks need to decide if they were in or out of crypto.

At one point, a central bank digital currency was described as one of the worst financial

ideas of recent times, but one that was still conceivable.

The Federal Reserve adopting a central bank digital currency would result in it become

the overwhelming credit allocator of the U.S. economic and financial system.

If fiat money becomes digitized, its nature will not be changed, and will still be centralized.

The main thing that would get in the way of mass adoption was tracking profits and losses

for capital gains taxes.

One congressman pushed for an outright ban, but another argued the case for sensible regulation,

pointing out that just because it can be used for illegal activity does not mean it should

be criminalised.

After all, criminals use computers, planes, and cars to commit crime, and those are all

still legal.

Talk of a centralized cryptocurrency is worrying, so let's hope the more pragmatic voices

win out in regards to crypto and regulation.

This week on the Joe Rogan experience, Peter Schiff went after Bitcoin, and he went for

the jugular!

As a Libertarian he said it was tailor made for him, he hates government and there is

plenty wrong with fiat.

However, he thinks Bitcoin is a tailor made bubble and the smart people are selling, but

some true believers are willing to go down with the ship.

He regrets not getting into earlier, as it was below $10 when he first heard about it.

Contrary to popular belief ,it is his understanding of how Bitcoin works, not his ignorance, that

informs his views.

He went on to compare it unfavorably to gold:

He also committed sacrilege by giving Satoshi the wrong name:

Schiff also believes governments will use Bitcoin's failure as a way to criticize

the free market and expand the government.

Peter Schiff did correctly predict the 2008 financial crash, so let us know in the comments

if his warning worries you, or if this just Shiff spreading FUD and schilling for his

gold company?

Elon Musk was forced by Tesla investors to apologize to a diver this week for insulting

him on Twitter.

Hopefully he has learnt a valuable lesson in the time out corner.

But not all billionaires are petulant children, take Marc Lasry for example.

This week he said Bitcoin could reach $40k, with investors making five or 10 times their

money in a 3-5 year time frame.

He believes this will happen as the cryptocurrency is more widely accepted and becomes easier

to trade.

Lasry runs a distressed debt investment firm which manages nearly $10 billion in assets.

He regrets not buying Bitcoin earlier but did clarify that all the crypto he hodls was

bought using his own personal funds.

Don't worry Marc, although you are late to the party, you are more than welcome and

after Bitcoin spiked 10% on tuesday, the sky's the limit...we hope.

The swiss army knife has many utilities, a corkscrew, a compass, even a pen.

Maybe one day they'll add a cold storage key.

But for now SIX Group, the parent company of Switzerland's main stock exchange, have

settled for adding crypto trading to its budding digital platform, set to launch by mid-2019.

The platform will be a "fully-regulated" platform for trading digital assets.

The service is set to offer a range of services, including initial coin offering (ICO) consulting.

SIX Group spokesman Stephan Meier claimed that there is a "real need" for the establishment

of "transparency and accountability in the crypto-world."

Meier also noted that the company "wants to build a bridge between the traditional

financial services and digital communities."

Meier did clarify, however, that nothing is 100% and that they are open to crypto, but

no plans are set in stone.

Earlier this week, Switzerland was named the second "most favorable" country for ICOs,

outperformed only by the U.S. Former White house chief strategist Steve

Bannon confirmed his plans to get into crypto, possibly issuing a token for the worldwide

populist movement.

Bannon also mentioned he owned some Bitcoin, but didn't say how much.

"We are working on some tokens now, utility tokens, potentially for the populist movement

on a worldwide basis.

But they have to be quality."

Bannon also criticised the ICO market: "Too many investors I think have been blown

out by things that are not thought through."

The collaborative effort on issuing his own tokens would likely be through talks with

investors and hedge fund managers, as Cointelegraph previously reported.

Bannon intends to then distribute them via his own private investment firm.

Bannon's particular brand of populism is spreading throughout Europe and America.

Governments in Italy and Hungary have recently elected far right parties that ran on anti-immigrant,

anti-globalist platforms; and don't forget #MAGA.

Never has the term 'White paper' seemed more appropriate.

Novogratz is a true believer, but he's still a realist.

He explained this week that there are obstacles preventing widespread blockchain and crypto

adoption The increasing "cost of technical talent"

The doubts of conventional investors "Think about how institutional investors


It's hard to tell your boss 'I have money in places you have never heard of.'

You need a trusted, name custodian — a Japanese bank or HSBC or ICE or Goldman Sachs — to

allow institutional investors to feel comfortable."

He urges the public to get into blockchain and crypto, reassuring people that it's

not necessary for users to understand the tech in detail.

Novogratz predicted that Bitcoin would hit $10k by the end of 2017, technically he was


It did hit 10k, but then skyrocketed to $20k in December.

His latest prediction is more general but just as bold, he now believes mass adoption

of crypto and blockchain can be expected in 5-6 years!

Well, Mike, we certainly prefer your crystal ball to Peter Schiff's'!

Schiff did predict the 2008 financial crisis, is he right about Bitcoin?

Let us know in the comments

And as always like, subscribe, and hodl.

For more infomation >> Congress Split on Crypto | Hodler's Digest - Duration: 6:58.


Liverpool legend Steve Nicol makes surprise Jurgen Klopp defender suggestion ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:30.

LIVERPOOL should chase Atletico Madrid's Diego Godin rather than Domagoj Vida.

That's what club legend Steve Nicol believes.

The Reds have been linked with Besiktas defender Vida, who reached the World Cup final with

Croatia alongside Liverpool's Dejan Lovren.

His performances in Russia have seen the 29-year-old speculated as an apparent £20million target

with Everton and West Ham United among the other clubs whose radar Vida is apparently


Yet player-turned-pundit Nicol insists that Jurgen Klopp's Liverpool should instead

look at Atletico Madrid veteran Godin.

The 32-year-old, one of Europe's best defenders for several years, also enjoyed a fine World

Cup although Uruguay were dumped out by eventual winners France in the quarter-finals.

Godin has spent the last eight years with Spanish giants Atleti but according to AS

could be available for just £17.8m this summer due to a release clause and has been linked

with Juventus with his contract expiring next June.

And Nicol believes that, in an ideal world, Klopp would bring Godin in alongside Virgil

van Dijk to shore up his back-line after goalkeeper Alisson Becker's £65m arrival.

"Hmm, I would say no.

No," Nicol - who won 10 trophies in 13 years at Anfield - said on ESPN FC's Extra Time

when asked whether Vida should be a transfer target.

"You know what, if I could right now, I would go to Atletico Madrid and get Godin.

"He's got another couple of seasons left in him and the guy is just an out-and-out

defender who organises a defence."

Told that Atletico would represent a step down for Godin, Nicol responded: "They got

to the Champions League final last year.

Who got further last season, Liverpool or Atletico Madrid?

"How many times have Atletico Madrid won it?


How many times have Liverpool won it?


It's not a step down."

For more infomation >> Liverpool legend Steve Nicol makes surprise Jurgen Klopp defender suggestion ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:30.


30k SUB GIVEAWAY - Gherkin 30% Mechanical Keyboard Build - Duration: 3:17.

It's been a couple of weeks now, but I just wanted to do a quick video to thank everyone

for 30,000 subscribers, 5 million views, and 1000 followers on Instagram.

Even though I am still a small channel, all of this has given me so many opportunities

with working with different people and companies.

I've been able to meet a lot of people, and actually make some friends.

I've jumped on planes to literally check out some keyboards.

So it really has become a big part of my life, and I'm proud and happy for it to be this


At 20k I gave away two boards.

So this time I'll give away three.

I definitely have not prepared well for this at all, but this is pretty much what I had

available to giveaway.

We have the Motospeed CK61 with Kailh Box Whites.

And the quite similar MantisTek GK3 61 which I've had to fix up.

And for the main prize, I guess the obvious choice for 30k subs would be the good old

Gherkin 30% PCB.

I whipped up a quick simple hardwood case, with an acrylic base.

And contrary to what you may think, I hardly have any spare keyswitches, so I'm just

going to chuck in the appropriate Cherry MX Green's.

I'd also like to answer a couple of questions that I always get.

I always get asked, what's my daily driver.

I don't have one, as I'm always switching between boards to test them.

But I do prefer 65% boards, and I'd say either a somewhat light linear switch, or

some light electro-capacitive switch.

Probably not the most popular choices, especially with the enthusiast community, but yeh, that's

what I like.

What do I do with all the keyboards?

Many I keep for reference purposes.

So if it has some sort of unique feature, I tend to keep it so I have those points of


I've given a lot away overtime.

And most of the builds I build for people, so I obviously don't keep those.

And lastly, a common misconception is that my name is Tae, which is often associated

with Korea.

But that's not true.

My name is Andrew, and am of Filipino descent.

So you can chuck that into Google translate.

Anyway, to enter the giveaway, I'll be using Gleam, and again, it's going to be very


You'll get 1 entry for being a subscriber to the channel, and that's it.

If you're already a subscriber, just go to the link, and confirm your subscription,

and you'll be sweet.

I'll leave this open for 2 weeks, and will email the winners, as well as pin a comment

back in this video.

These aren't the best pieces of work, but at least I put some of my personal touch on


So best of luck to all.

I am sorry that I can't give back to everyone, but that's obviously not possible.

But you'll forever have my thanks.

For more infomation >> 30k SUB GIVEAWAY - Gherkin 30% Mechanical Keyboard Build - Duration: 3:17.


22日热点新闻:孙俪晒历年与伦敦塔桥合影遭网友调侃:咋没邓超 - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> 22日热点新闻:孙俪晒历年与伦敦塔桥合影遭网友调侃:咋没邓超 - Duration: 2:08.


Learn the alphabet | Letter D | How to write | Fine Motor Skills| Pevan and Sarah - Duration: 1:39.

♫ It's Pevan & Sarah ♫

Hello Cubs. Are you ready to get your finger out? We're gonna try the letter D.

Capital D is very easy, it's just a straight line and a half circle.

Let's try it together. Straight line and a half circle.

And that's the capital D. Should we try a lowercase D together? It's a circle with

a big stick on the side. Let's give it a go.

and that's a lowercase D. Now D makes a d...d...d sound, like in dinosaur.

Or in the word dolphin. The word also starts with D. These words are all D words, d...d...D!

Are you ready to try a capital D? Get your finger out.

Let's try another capital D.

Now time for a lowercase D.

And again.

Well done!

Well done, finger!

*Finger says* See ya!

For more infomation >> Learn the alphabet | Letter D | How to write | Fine Motor Skills| Pevan and Sarah - Duration: 1:39.


当时甄嬛传里面蔡少芬是配音,普通话不错的孙俪为啥也用配音? - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> 当时甄嬛传里面蔡少芬是配音,普通话不错的孙俪为啥也用配音? - Duration: 4:21.


努力训练可以改变什么?姚明竹竿变长城,哈登烤肉师傅变超级巨星 - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> 努力训练可以改变什么?姚明竹竿变长城,哈登烤肉师傅变超级巨星 - Duration: 6:44.


中国篮球天赋最高之人是谁 姚明除了身高之外几乎都不如王治郅 - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> 中国篮球天赋最高之人是谁 姚明除了身高之外几乎都不如王治郅 - Duration: 3:15.


孙俪旧照长得像郑爽,笑起来的时候更像,不信来看看对比图 - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> 孙俪旧照长得像郑爽,笑起来的时候更像,不信来看看对比图 - Duration: 1:39.


Getting My Hair Braided - Braids For Men - Duration: 8:23.

hello YouTube and we are in vertical

vlog mode how cool is that this is my

first ever vertical vlog and I've only

just noticed that YouTube's actually

allowing for that now so you can

actually see all this vertical right now

how cool I've just been having family

holiday and today's my last day I'm in

bland of Spain at the moment it's a

little tourist town it's freaking

gorgeous and I don't know in this video

we'll be going live but yeah it'll

probably go live when I get back to

Australia but I wanted to film this

video today a for my last day and B I'm

gonna get my hair braided today because

along the Esplanade they're like just

out there you can see there's lots of

people selling all their trinkets

there's ladies braiding hair there's a

gorgeous beach and I wanted to go get my

hair braided so that's what I'm doing

I'm about to go and visit my sister

she's down at the beach right now

getting a tan I did have a concern that

I was gonna get a lot of comments about

cultural appropriation and getting my

hair braided on camera today and just

before we get into it before you even

say anything since my last video of

getting cornrows I did research a little

bit about what cultural appropriation is

my understanding of it is one culture

getting upset because another person

from another culture is using something

that their culture originally created

and when I put it in context right I

think well what happens if I go to a

Mexican restaurant does that mean I'm

committing cultural appropriation there

as well and I just couldn't justify it

so I thought you know what I'm still

gonna get the braids and if there's any

of you in the audience that wanna

educate me further on what cultural

appropriation is I'm totally open to

listening to it and hearing about it

because you know I just really can't see

the point in not going forward with

something that I want to do or because

somebody's gonna get offended for me

taking something from their culture do

you know what I mean so anyway I don't

want to offend anybody but if I do help

me understand why it's offensive and

yeah let's get on with this video

because I'm gonna have fun today well

this looks like a nice little spot

please join you place

Wow how gorgeous is this gonna get

persimmon you got the GoPro right


summer is actually crazy anywho it's

time to leave the beach and go and find

a lady that can braid my hair this hat I

just bought is terrible so we're having

trouble finding the lady that does the

cornrows and I'm on a hunt to find her

but in the meantime we're gonna be going

up on that rock over there because

that's where my yo-yo is buried or her

ashes were scattered so we're gonna go

for a little visit up there and have a

look and hopefully find this lady that's

doing the cornrows whoa

this is pretty cool Catalunya flag up

there for anyone that doesn't know so

Catalunya is a part of Spain that

desperately doesn't want to be a part of

Spain anymore and it there's a big

political debate about it

scary ocean this side Mediterranean

Lana's that side

then look at the rock and still confined

my poor old lady and we've come to this

awesome bar to have a pina colada

together oh my gosh

okay we just came out of having a pina

colada it's just there we found the lady

but she hasn't set up yet and I tried to

talk to her about what I wanted him did

he get very far sleep lack of Spanish so

25 years later I'm about to get the

brains we're getting full like this so

this is the tube but we're gonna get

full well that was among the most

painful experiences I've ever had in my

life but actually really digging the

book today thanks Jesse we got some cool

time lapses of that and then now we're

just heading back to the apartment to a

have a vino a red vino and then probably

have some lunch or afternoon lunch come

with it looks like France just won the

World Cup check this out they are a

bunch of mad Frenchmen



okay I just need to put some context on

this next part of the video I'm here at

my desk editing the next part of the

vlog I'm back in Australia but

essentially what happened was my sister

and I walked down the stairs when our

stepmom Danielle took the lift and what

we did on the way down is we pressed

every single button so the lift had to

stop for no reason and we were waiting

at the bottom trying to film Danielle

coming out we wanted her reaction but

she actually teamed up with the people

in the lift and made the lady in the

lift go off at us when the door opened

and we thought we were the funny ones

but she got us back ten times so enjoy



okay so we're at our last destination

for the night

they're just talking where the pizza

joint that we love in planus and we're

just having a couple glasses of wine and

some pizza before we leave it's very sad


hey guys I thought I was gonna finish

this video when I was leaving Spain and

bias however I thought it might be cool

to get home and show you what my hair

goes like after I take these cornrows

out because it's been like what the

whole 48 hours now since we could have

done and they've gone all fuzzy and yeah

I'm just gonna take them out because my

scalp is itchy I'm back here in

Australia where it looks sunny but it's

fucking freezing and yeah I thought I'd

finish the video like this so I'm really

excited to see how this turns out and

we're gonna take him out now



okay well if this isn't curly hair I

don't know what is as you can see

because they've been bound so tightly

for like two days they are freaking

crazy and that's pretty much it I

actually kind of like it

so that was my cornrow experience I'm

now back in Australia it's really nice

to be home and I'm still in Sydney so

I'll be going back to the Gold Coast

today but I really hope you have a great

day today so thank you so much for

coming in watching my first vertical

vlog and I'll catch you later


For more infomation >> Getting My Hair Braided - Braids For Men - Duration: 8:23.


For more infomation >> Getting My Hair Braided - Braids For Men - Duration: 8:23.


Giovanni Bomoll Music

For more infomation >> Giovanni Bomoll Music


21/07/ Jogo Astro F.C 3 X 9 JJ Anjos do Lar - Duration: 11:13.

For more infomation >> 21/07/ Jogo Astro F.C 3 X 9 JJ Anjos do Lar - Duration: 11:13.


Kirby Meme #1 (VOLUME WARNING) - Duration: 0:06.

Dedede: Wahahahaha!

Kirby: Hi~


For more infomation >> Kirby Meme #1 (VOLUME WARNING) - Duration: 0:06.


Getting My Hair Braided - Braids For Men - Duration: 8:23.

hello YouTube and we are in vertical

vlog mode how cool is that this is my

first ever vertical vlog and I've only

just noticed that YouTube's actually

allowing for that now so you can

actually see all this vertical right now

how cool I've just been having family

holiday and today's my last day I'm in

bland of Spain at the moment it's a

little tourist town it's freaking

gorgeous and I don't know in this video

we'll be going live but yeah it'll

probably go live when I get back to

Australia but I wanted to film this

video today a for my last day and B I'm

gonna get my hair braided today because

along the Esplanade they're like just

out there you can see there's lots of

people selling all their trinkets

there's ladies braiding hair there's a

gorgeous beach and I wanted to go get my

hair braided so that's what I'm doing

I'm about to go and visit my sister

she's down at the beach right now

getting a tan I did have a concern that

I was gonna get a lot of comments about

cultural appropriation and getting my

hair braided on camera today and just

before we get into it before you even

say anything since my last video of

getting cornrows I did research a little

bit about what cultural appropriation is

my understanding of it is one culture

getting upset because another person

from another culture is using something

that their culture originally created

and when I put it in context right I

think well what happens if I go to a

Mexican restaurant does that mean I'm

committing cultural appropriation there

as well and I just couldn't justify it

so I thought you know what I'm still

gonna get the braids and if there's any

of you in the audience that wanna

educate me further on what cultural

appropriation is I'm totally open to

listening to it and hearing about it

because you know I just really can't see

the point in not going forward with

something that I want to do or because

somebody's gonna get offended for me

taking something from their culture do

you know what I mean so anyway I don't

want to offend anybody but if I do help

me understand why it's offensive and

yeah let's get on with this video

because I'm gonna have fun today well

this looks like a nice little spot

please join you place

Wow how gorgeous is this gonna get

persimmon you got the GoPro right


summer is actually crazy anywho it's

time to leave the beach and go and find

a lady that can braid my hair this hat I

just bought is terrible so we're having

trouble finding the lady that does the

cornrows and I'm on a hunt to find her

but in the meantime we're gonna be going

up on that rock over there because

that's where my yo-yo is buried or her

ashes were scattered so we're gonna go

for a little visit up there and have a

look and hopefully find this lady that's

doing the cornrows whoa

this is pretty cool Catalunya flag up

there for anyone that doesn't know so

Catalunya is a part of Spain that

desperately doesn't want to be a part of

Spain anymore and it there's a big

political debate about it

scary ocean this side Mediterranean

Lana's that side

then look at the rock and still confined

my poor old lady and we've come to this

awesome bar to have a pina colada

together oh my gosh

okay we just came out of having a pina

colada it's just there we found the lady

but she hasn't set up yet and I tried to

talk to her about what I wanted him did

he get very far sleep lack of Spanish so

25 years later I'm about to get the

brains we're getting full like this so

this is the tube but we're gonna get

full well that was among the most

painful experiences I've ever had in my

life but actually really digging the

book today thanks Jesse we got some cool

time lapses of that and then now we're

just heading back to the apartment to a

have a vino a red vino and then probably

have some lunch or afternoon lunch come

with it looks like France just won the

World Cup check this out they are a

bunch of mad Frenchmen



okay I just need to put some context on

this next part of the video I'm here at

my desk editing the next part of the

vlog I'm back in Australia but

essentially what happened was my sister

and I walked down the stairs when our

stepmom Danielle took the lift and what

we did on the way down is we pressed

every single button so the lift had to

stop for no reason and we were waiting

at the bottom trying to film Danielle

coming out we wanted her reaction but

she actually teamed up with the people

in the lift and made the lady in the

lift go off at us when the door opened

and we thought we were the funny ones

but she got us back ten times so enjoy



okay so we're at our last destination

for the night

they're just talking where the pizza

joint that we love in planus and we're

just having a couple glasses of wine and

some pizza before we leave it's very sad


hey guys I thought I was gonna finish

this video when I was leaving Spain and

bias however I thought it might be cool

to get home and show you what my hair

goes like after I take these cornrows

out because it's been like what the

whole 48 hours now since we could have

done and they've gone all fuzzy and yeah

I'm just gonna take them out because my

scalp is itchy I'm back here in

Australia where it looks sunny but it's

fucking freezing and yeah I thought I'd

finish the video like this so I'm really

excited to see how this turns out and

we're gonna take him out now



okay well if this isn't curly hair I

don't know what is as you can see

because they've been bound so tightly

for like two days they are freaking

crazy and that's pretty much it I

actually kind of like it

so that was my cornrow experience I'm

now back in Australia it's really nice

to be home and I'm still in Sydney so

I'll be going back to the Gold Coast

today but I really hope you have a great

day today so thank you so much for

coming in watching my first vertical

vlog and I'll catch you later


For more infomation >> Getting My Hair Braided - Braids For Men - Duration: 8:23.


Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge Of The Sith first battle by Chris - Duration: 4:53.

Anakin Skywalker: My sense Count Dooku. Obi-Wan Kenobi: I sense a trap.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Chancellor. Anakin: Are you alright? Palpatine: Count Dooku.

Anakin Skywalker: I was about to say that.

Palpatine: Get help. You're no match for him, he's a Sith Lord.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: [turns and smiles] Chancellor Palpatine,

Sith Lords are our speciality.

Count Dooku: So swords, please. We don't want to mess anything up in front of the Chancellor.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: You won't get away this time, Dooku.

Count Dooku: I've been looking forward to this.

Anakin Skywalker: My powers have doubled since the last time we met count.

Count Dooku: Good. Twice the pride. Double the fall.

Count Dooku: My sense the fear in you Skywalker.

You are Hate.

You have Anger.

But you don't use them.

Palpatine: Good Anakin, good! Kill him.

Kill him now.

Anakin Skywalker: I shouldn't. The Emperor: Do it.

Palpatine: You did well Anakin. He was too dangerous to be kept alive.

Anakin Skywalker: Yes, but he was an unarmed prisoner. I

Shouldn't have done that. It's not the Jedi way.

Palpatine: It is only natural. He cut off your arm, you wanted revenge. It wasn't the first time Anakin.

Palpatine: Remember you told me about your mother and the sand people.

Now we must leave. Before

more security droids arrive.

Palpatine: Anakin, there's no time. We must get off the ship, before it's too late.

Anakin Skywalker: He seems to be alright.

Palpatine: Leave him or we'll never make it. Anakin Skywalker: His faith will be the same as ours.

For more infomation >> Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge Of The Sith first battle by Chris - Duration: 4:53.


How did the Funny hamster eat apples for the first time?【cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:28.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> How did the Funny hamster eat apples for the first time?【cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:28.


Here's What I Think About an Italian Tune Up and More - Duration: 3:23.

rev up your engines, Scotty do you believe in Italian Tune ups

yes and for those of you don't know what an Italian tune up is, it means just

get in your car and you drive it real fast on the highway, driving your car

really fast on highway actually clean stuff, years ago we had a Toyota Camry

station wagon, and my wife was a teacher, she drove it to school and back

which was a three mile trip there and a three mile back, and I ran fine because it

was a Toyota, but one day we took it for vacation to San Antonio, well the speed

limit part of the way there was 85 miles an hour, so I drove it 90 miles an hour

and when we got back that thing ran like a rocketship, driving it that fast, fuel

injector sprayed the fuel in and cleaned the valves, it really does work, if you

don't drive a car much fast and you drive it for an hour or two at 85-90 miles

an hour, if the speed limit is that in your area, it will actually clean things out

and it'll run better, it actually does work, now if you drive fast all the time

I won't do anything because you're already doing that, but if you don't an Italian

tune-up really does do stuff, paddy Turner says, I replaced the compressor on my

08 Malibu 4 times, what could be causing them not to work, ok the first thing is it's a

Chevy compressor, never ever, ever, put a rebuilt compressor

I have a video on that, why not to use rebuild AC compressors, that explains it

all, so one, don't use a rebuilt one,

buy a new one, now you don't have to go to the Chevy

dealer buy a new one, I buy Chinese made brand new compressors for those, and they

work perfectly fine, but here's the thing about compressors, when they go bad a lot

of times there's another reason, you could have a clogged orifice tube, you

could have a clogged condenser, the cooling fans might not work, there could

be other problems in the system, you want a real mechanic check that stuff out

rather than just replace the compressor, you want to replace at least the orifice tube,

to flush the system out, change the receiver dryer, make sure the cooling

fans are working, because AC compressor work is expensive and you don't want to

keep doing it over and over, but above all, never use the remanufactured

compressor in a GMm because they have problems enough with new ones you don't

want to chance it with rebuiltm James says, I'm trying to remove the

fuel rail off my Buick 1990 electric Park Avenue to change the fuel injectors

I watch your videos and all those cars are different than mine

okay it's an old car, it's a 1990, so everything's gonna be brittle, so

you'll want to take your time and realize that when your getting all the

plastic crap out of the way that's in between, to where you get to the fuel

rail, you're probably gonna break stuff that's

just what's gonna happen and just replace the stuff when you break the plastic

stuff, take your time, work on a cold engine, you know you wanna just not

rush yourself, do it when it's either cooler or do like I do, get a beach

umbrella stick it over the car and get a giant fan to cool you see you don't overheat

and so it blows all the leaking gasoline fumes away from you, so you

don't have to smell them, it's a health hazard so if you blow the fumes away you won't

have to worry about it, I do that all the time when I'm working on them, so if you

never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that


For more infomation >> Here's What I Think About an Italian Tune Up and More - Duration: 3:23.


Abshar Yodel Oesch + Farsi CC - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Abshar Yodel Oesch + Farsi CC - Duration: 3:24.


TWICE(트와이스) "TT(티티) - Duration: 4:07.

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For more infomation >> TWICE(트와이스) "TT(티티) - Duration: 4:07.


Wtopa zamiast wielkich zysków. Analitycy przestrzelili z rekomendacjami - Duration: 12:37.

 Giełda w tym roku jest wyjątkowo nieprzewidywalna. Inwestycyjne pewniaki, jakie typowali analitycy na początku roku, zawiodły na całej linii

Wśród nich znalazły się biznesy Leszka Czarneckiego oraz państwowe spółki. Zamiast podwojenia pieniędzy, od początku roku można było stracić nawet 80 proc

oszczędności.  Po świetnym ubiegłym roku dla polskiej giełdy, apetyty na zyski wśród wszystkich inwestorów, nie tylko profesjonalnych, były bardzo duże

Próbując wytypować najlepsze okazje wśród akcji, na początku stycznia zebraliśmy blisko 160 rekomendacji giełdowych

Ponad setka z nich sugerowała zakup akcji i możliwość zarobienia często niemałych pieniędzy

 Z całej puli wybraliśmy dwudziestkę firm, których akcje miały potencjał na kilkadziesiąt procent zysku

Co więcej, w przypadku jednej eksperci wyceniali papiery prawie dwukrotnie wyżej niż była wtedy warta

Po sześciu miesiącach mówimy: sprawdzam.  Okazuje się, że profesjonalni analitycy giełdowi byli na początku roku niepoprawnymi optymistami

Na fali bardzo dobrej sytuacji na giełdach nie tylko w kraju, ale i za granicą, wierzyli, że dobra passa utrzyma się

Niestety widmo wojen handlowych, słabość niektórych gospodarek wschodzących oraz prognozy spowolnienia wzrostu gospodarczego na świecie błyskawicznie odwróciły sytuację

 Wielu inwestorów, którzy uwierzyli analitykom w dalszy ciąg hossy, mogło stracić pieniądze

Wystarczy wspomnieć, że w kilka miesięcy z warszawskiego parkietu giełdowego wyparowało ponad 200 mld zł

O tyle zmalała kapitalizacja 140 największych spółek.  W skrajnym przypadku jedna z rekomendacji sugerowała możliwość wzrostu cen akcji o 60 proc

Zamiast tego po pół roku są one 80 proc. na minusie. Mowa tu o akcjach firmy Chemoservis - Dwory

 Ciekawie wyglądają statystyki akcji Bogdanki (jedna z czołowych grup wydobywających węgiel w Polsce) i Agory (m

in. wydawca "Gazety Wyborczej"). Wycena ich akcji przez profesjonalistów w pierwszych dniach stycznia sugerowała, że notowania mogą pójść w górę o 21-22 proc

Dokładnie tyle samo, ale na minusie są od tamtego czasu wszyscy ci, którzy postawili na nie swoje pieniądze

Weryfikacja rekomendacji i rzeczywistości po pierwszym półroczu spółkapotencjalny zyskwynik po pół rokuspółkapotencjalny zyskwynik po pół roku Chemos +57% -79% Bogdanka +22% -22% Idea Bank +41% -66% KGHM +31% -21% Getin Holding +51% -60% Agora +21% -20% Polwax +59% -45% Comarch +22% -17% Play +18% -40% LiveChat Software +95% -13% Erbud +25% -34% Alior Bank +23% -12% Energa +21% -31% Archicom +44% -7% Orange +21% -28% Ciech +21% -1% Eurocash +45% -25% Lotos +50% +5% Famur +32% -24% CD Projekt +41% +108%     W sumie na 20 spółek, które zaprezentowaliśmy w zestawieniu sprzed pół roku, aż 18 po półroczu jest wycenianych niżej niż w styczniu

 Wśród dwójki, która uchroniła się przed spadkami notowań, tylko CD Projekt okazał się strzałem w dziesiątkę

I to lepszym niż można się było spodziewać. Rekomendacje z przełomu roku sugerowały około 40 proc

zysku. Tymczasem twórcy gry "Wiedźmin" i "Cyberpunka" podwoili wartość własnego biznesu, dając zarobić na akcjach prawie 110 proc

 Pokładanych nadziei (+50 proc.) nie spełnił Lotos, który jednak w przeciwieństwie do reszty stawki, po pół roku może się pochwalić kursem akcji wyższym o około 5 proc

A była to jedna z firm, która kilka miesięcy temu błyszczała i rekomendacje dla niej były jednymi z najodważniejszych

Miał być złoty strzał. Jest pudło  Numerem jeden w typowaniach z początku roku była mniej znana firma LiveChat Software

To wrocławska spółka IT, która stara się podbić świat swoim oprogramowaniem służącym do bezpośredniej komunikacji z klientami w internecie

 Eksperci liczyli, że motorem wzrostu wartości akcji będzie duża liczba nowych firm korzystających ze specjalnego chatu

Choć zarząd LiveChat podtrzymuje ambitny plan pozyskiwania tysiąca nowych klientów miesięcznie, euforii po stronie giełdowych graczy nie widać

Zamiast zwyżki z 40 zł w okolice 79 zł, mamy obecnie kurs na poziomie 35 zł.  Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie

Najciekawsze fakty       Dużą wpadką okazał się Idea Bank, który typowany był jako jeden z pewniaków

Kierując się rekomendacją, można było liczyć na nawet 40 proc. zysku z akcji. Tymczasem z każdego tysiąca postawionego na bank na początku roku w tej chwili na koncie zostałoby niewiele ponad 300 zł

 Analitycy nie przewidzieli, że wybuchnie afera z GetBackiem, który popadł w tak duże problemy finansowe, że nie stać go nawet na zwrot pożyczonych pieniędzy

W sumie w obligacjach ludzie utopili ponad 3 mld zł. W sprzedaży trefnych papierów pośredniczył właśnie Idea Bank

 Poza tym w przeszłości Idea Bank był właścicielem 100 proc. akcji GetBacku. Sprzedał je w połowie 2016 roku, więc formalnie już nie ma między nimi bezpośrednich powiązań

Mimo tego, w przypadku obecnych problemów tej windykacyjnej firmy, każde tego typu powiązanie budzi niepokój inwestorów

Zmiany cen akcji wybranych spółek  Większościowym udziałowcem Idea Banku jest Leszek Czarnecki

Analitycy jeszcze kilka miesięcy temu dobrze postrzegali jego biznesy, bo wśród pewniaków stawiali także na Getin Holding

To kolejny zawód. Zamiast 50 proc. zysku, na razie jest 60 proc. straty.  Na liście trefnych rekomendacji nie brakuje dużych i znanych podmiotów, w tym blue chipów (z indeksu 20 największych spółek z GPW) takich jak: Orange czy Eurocash oraz państwowych gigantów: KGHM i Energa

Nie ma zysku bez ryzyka  Oczywiście trzeba podkreślić, że rekomendacja zakupu lub sprzedaży akcji wynika wprost z wyliczonej wartości fundamentalnej spółki

U podstaw tych obliczeń leży mnóstwo założeń dotyczących przyszłości ( wyników finansowych firmy, przepływów pieniężnych czy ryzyka)

Z tym związana jest duża uznaniowość, a do tego w ciągu krótkiego czasu może dojść do konieczności zmiany założeń

Stąd też dosyć częste aktualizacje rekomendacji, szczególnie w przypadku najpopularniejszych spółek

 Na usprawiedliwienie analityków giełdowych należy dodać, że horyzont ich prognoz nie jest zazwyczaj określony

To oznacza, że docelowa wartość akcji może być osiągnięta w dłuższej perspektywie niż tylko kilka miesięcy, szczególnie gdy na rynkach finansowych dochodzi do różnych zawirowań, które mogą przejściowo zaburzać realną ocenę spółki przez inwestorów

 Wyjątkowo słaba skuteczność rekomendacji w pierwszej połowie roku pokazuje, że nie ma czegoś takiego, jak łatwe zarabianie pieniędzy na giełdzie

Poleganie tylko i wyłącznie na rekomendacjach specjalistów nie ustrzeże przed stratami, a tym bardziej nie gwarantuje zysków

 Masz newsa, zdjęcie lub filmik? Prześlij nam przez Polub money

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