Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 7, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 22 2018

Okay, so

Just let your being come together in one place

Bring your consciousness

into your body

Take a breath

Good feel your feet on our beautiful Gaia

Feel your body in the chair

Your connection to the entourage the energy in the room the family in the room

Another breath

Coming more present into this now moment as you've received all the information this morning

Let yourself receive this message of love

right in the center of your being

Greetings dear ones. I'm Kryon of magnetic service

I sit among old souls. It's not a mystery. Who is here. I

Come as a messenger, and that's all of love

But I come from a place that you know very well I am your family on the other side of the veil

You're here temporarily dear ones and you know that at some level you know that

Therefore, I know your names in light

I know that which is your soul which has been here very many times who will be here again

I know the love of God for you in you with you I

know you

You may be listening to this right now

I know you too the very fact that you gave intent to hear my voice no matter what timeline

You're on I?

See that we see that

And it's more than just honored that you would hear this voice at this moment there is purpose


Like a frequency of the love

With you're listening to this

Why are you here?

What is it

That brought you to this place right now


Now we start the questions of logic in

Order to put you in a place

of surrender

Do you believe in God?

Spirit whatever you might say and the answer is yes the great creative source. Don't even give it a name

Do you believe in the creator of?

All things the nameless Creator a name you cannot pronounce

And you would say yes, I do as most of the earth does

Do you believe that this Creator has love for you that you might actually be

Created by the Creator and you say of course we are the Creator has created everything

Do you feel the fact that you are a piece of the Creator not a creation but an extension

Human consciousness on this planet looks for the Creator now, that is an interesting

Synchronicity, isn't it?

No other life on this planet looks for a Creator the human does

And you might say, well that's because the human is more intelligent it is not about intelligence dear ones

you are a piece of the family and you know it as

soon as you can you look to the sky and you say where did I come from a

Piece of the creator means you belong to this thing which might be the essence of love itself

Do you do you believe God loves you? You'd say yes, of course

Do you love God

And the answer is yes, and my statement to you is

What else is there you need to know?

What else I

Just gave you at all and

At some level these rhetorical questions have been answered by you in an affirmative way

what else is there and the answer is you've got to get out of yourself what you were taught and

That which is worldly around you to come back to basics

That is elementary

And it's beautiful

The study of you with you is the most beautiful study on the planet everything that is revealed is benevolent

Did you have past lives is the system greater than you were told is God bigger than you were told?

Is there really a box that contains a doctrine of who God can talk to and who can't or is it for all?

use your discernment an

answering of that question the creator of the universe

Does not put you in boxes

the creator of the universe

that which is all things including that consciousness you have which is a peace of God is interested in


There is purpose on this planet that is greater than you believe

the minutiae that

You wallow in that you call life

Stops you from seeing the grandness of

your piece of

the Creator and

If you could see the grandness in you of the bigger picture, there would be no health problems

In your life. Did you hear that?

Your cells

Those cells in your body are


observant and listening and

are governed by your consciousness and

If you have fear of disease

It'll be there if you allow it to go on its own and never talk to your cells or your body

It'll just do what it does in a random fashion and it'll catch everything

If however your consciousness is in control no matter what you have can be governed and

Whether it's got eliminated from your body or it's just at bay. Hang in there

You're in control of life your life and it knows it

It knows it

now I'm going to talk tonight more frankly about one of the biggest filters on the

Planet that keeps you from seeing the grandness

I'm going to talk about five subjects

That are very common

to show you some of the follies of

What you believe

Only because of the boxes you're in and they're not

spiritual boxes I'm talking the boxes of your

Existence of your consciousness of what you think is normal on the planet. That is not

And all of this because it's time

Dear old soul. There's never been a

greater time than this

For you awaken to a bigger knowledge

You have complete free choice to leave this room and say it was nice and forget it

Or to listen intently and say is it possible that everything was real

Is it possible there's something grander for my life no matter what age you are

No matter what age you are whether you're just starting out or whether you think you're ending

There is a grandness

That it's possible for you. I want to give you before you close for you seniors. I want to give you a

Whole new outlook

On what is possible?

My partner has stood and given you the teachings that I have given him about what is next on the planet a

DNA that is working at a higher percentage will be more efficient in all things

that is to say that for the first time the first time as

You start to have a more efficient Akash you

Are going to implant yourself today

With things you will wake up with tomorrow. I

Mean that metaphorically dear ones when you come back in this life and

You begin again?

You remember what you do today

If you grasp for the idea and cog NIH's the fact you are in charge of your body completely

You start to Youth

you start to get a hold of the diseases inside or that which you will call aging inside and

you actually are able to change it and manipulate it you have grasped or cognized a

consciousness of the future and

When you come back, that's where you're gonna start

You don't start over anymore

You come in with a wisdom been there done that

You pick up

Or you left off?

What you do today is not for the rest of your life

It's for the rest of the life of the planet I

think about it and you wonder why these are important times and old souls are the only ones who really


Because you've had the experience of eons

It's in your consciousness, it's in your Akash. You are more ready than anyone else

I'll be back

to continue

Dearly loved you are and so it is

Let's start with taking a nice full soft breath into your belly

Letting it out with a big sigh

Very nice. That was almost symphonic. Let's do it again big inhale

Beautiful and just let your eyes close your face soften

Coming into the awareness of right now

Feeling your breath move in and out

Just on its own gently

Knowing that the breath really breathes you and that

Each breath is filled with life force with particles of energy

And that energy is also

all around us

in the leaves on the trees in

the soil

that covers our beautiful planet in

The water around us

In the sky

And we breathe that breath

that life force together with all of nature and

all of divinity

And that breath is filled with love

So from this place of gentleness and love

We are in a sanctuary together

In this beautiful family this day that we've created each one of us

Our hearts

Like beautiful beads on a necklace strung together

And as we leave

This evening we do so

From this sanctuary of the heart and soul

We do it in quiet and the peace that we take with us

Inside of us

Created by the love that we share

the energy of cry on

The beauty of the day and

the gratitude

To all those that have made this day possible

That have met made each one of your journeys here into this present moment


The magic that's happened

the people

the places

This family of light and the love of cria

Greetings dear ones. I am Kryon of magnetic service

It sometimes takes a moment or two

For you to move into an area of consciousness that would allow something like this

So many times we have said this and we say it again is the man in the chair channeling

Or just giving his own opinion

Is the process that is claimed to be here actually here

Is there a door that is opened to spirit at the moment

Or not

and this depends upon many things and

In the past we have started to discuss these things

We've talked about the human filters we've talked about Akashic filters

The things that would keep you from recognizing spirit the things that would keep you from recognizing truth

Because of what you've learned

Knowledge is this way?

It has helped you and sometimes it doesn't is this real or not and

So you must discern the process of channeling before you ever even discern the message

Your free choice dear human to discern that this is accurate and true or not

It's going to be important that you do that in this particular message

In this message, I am going to give you some science and also some possibilities some probabilities and

Revelations of poor thinking and

All of this, is it a benevolent push?

For you to know things that are coming perhaps or to change the way

That you even think

the biggest filter

Of humanity the one that keeps you from actual truth

Believe it or not is called knowledge

That which you know is knowledge

That's what you do not know is future knowledge

Now every single scientist understands the difference

Every single one for they know what his coming is going to teach them what they don't know yet

Even so

They take what they know or think they know and completely let it temper

The experiments of what they don't know

they base the future on what they know even though they know better a

Medical doctor

will look in the past and

he'll remember the times when humans would report to the barbershop for healing and

That's when they will be bled

By the way, that's the reason for the barber pole and the red on it

It's tradition

So you go get healed in the barber shop by being bled

This of course led many to death because there was no understanding even of germs

Doctors know this they laugh at this you've come so far

So they absolutely know that what is coming

is going to set everything they know on its ear someday and


They are absolutely and completely closed to what it might be

In fact, the bias is just more of the same

This is how they think a computer technician

thinking about the future and what has happened in the past will extrapolate

literally what is going to happen to processing speed and memory capacity in the future and

Everything they can dream of that might happen to a computer will be wrong

more memory and faster speed and smaller

Sometimes the head of a pin will be the most amazing thing like the brain

like the brain

where they missed something

Let me give you a hint to where it's going that they don't know

50 years from now there will be computers and they'll be completely and totally different

You see instead of changing chips. They're going to have to deal with life

Parts of computing will have to have life

Biology in the computer

By the way that gives a whole new meaning to catching a virus

It's coming it has to

There will be a combination

Literally of circuitry and light that is grown on a chip

That will enhance computing power and memory and what is being asked for

Literally in a computer will be completely different

What you ask a computer to do today will be laughed at compared to what you ask for it to do in 50 years

But it will be there

You don't know what you don't know and the knowledge of what you do know?

Then tempers what you will expect

Five areas. I'm going to talk about

I'm gonna reveal new information


Even about that, which is metaphysical in

This speech if you wish

about knowledge

Physicists are

among the kinds of science and

the scientists who expect change

who know that they don't know everything are so aware of it and

Yet the mistakes they make is to take known physics

that which is absolute and

then apply it to everything they don't know and

Expect more of the same. I

point to the revelation and the discoveries of Vera Rubin

When she found out that

The stars that orbit the middle of your galaxy don't behave in a Newtonian or Kepler


your solar system has objects around the Sun and

The way they orbit is very definable by

Newtonian and Kepler kinds of physics

the objects that are further away from the Sun go slower the ones closer to the Sun go faster and

Her discovery about stars orbiting the galaxies was absolutely reversed

The stars that are further away go faster

What she discovered was - all of the stars go the same speed in

relationship to the middle

Like they were pasted on a plate all revolving together like a pizza

They do not follow the rules of the physics that you know


So rather than physics looking at this saying there is a new law of physics. We don't know about yet

what they did instead

was to name it dark matter and

Called it altered Newtonian physics

That's like saying that when you discover that the earth was round and you thought it was flat

You called it the altered flat earth principle

Newton's name is still attached and it has nothing to do with anything. He discovered

Dark matter does not exist

Instead there's a new law of physics that you haven't seen yet

It's a multi-dimensional law having to do with the quantumness of entanglement of galaxies and stars

It's been there all along you will see it. You'll slap your heads in

Revelation of what you said and change the rules?

But look what you've done with it so far

Look what you've done

With the idea you came from the Pleiadians

There are those scientists who are laughing right now

That the mythology of

the Pleiadians being your seed


Is simply not possible?

It's not possible because of physics they say

let's talk about the pleiades the


Let's talk about the truth of it. Then let's talk about the mythology of it and

What you don't see and what you don't understand and you don't

comprehend because of your knowledge

You call it the Seven Sisters there's hundreds of stars in the Pleiades group

Circling these stars is a nebula

dust particles and gas

That create a wonderful blue tinge

That you see even in the night sky with a naked

Because with the naked eye you could only see the clusters of seven you see Seven Sisters

There's actually nine when you use a telescope

Each of the nine have been identified even with names but there are hundreds of stars

They're approximately 440 light-years away now that's close

You take a look at the distances of clusters stars

It's close

Now here's what science says is all wrong with your mythology you see it's too young

The whole system of the Pleiades is young

It's approximately a hundred million years old

Now your galaxy is 4 billion your planet. It's at least a billion of that and the Pleiadians

only a hundred million

So here's what science says

If this could be true that you came from the Pleiadians

It can't be because it didn't even have time to develop life yet

based on

The way it developed here

It's too young

The suppositions

Applied this way what you sell on earth is going to happen there. That's incorrect

That life develops only a certain way based upon the way it developed here. That's incorrect

The possibility has never even been broached that perhaps perhaps

The Pleiadian life as you think it exists was actually implanted there

How about that?

It didn't grow perhaps it wasn't even natural from the planets it had

That is not even in the computation is it?

based upon the knowledge you have on the planet you have discounted completely the possibility of

The benevolent star seeds that you have coming from where they came from too young you say

What if their youth has everything to do with who they were dear ones?

These are just little

Little vignettes of possibility I throw to you

To give you things we know

So well and the Pleiadians who are here are smiling and know so well

you may be the new kids on the block because life just

developed on the planet

But they had an entirely different scenario than you did

To become an ascended planet, they needed certain kinds of pushes from certain other kinds of planets

They had their own seed biology

Dear ones

it's important that

you start thinking out of the box of your knowledge and

Open up to possibilities that are not what you've seen here. I

Want to show you some others?

There are several categories that we would like to talk about

And they're not in it in a specific order except for the last one

So let's talk about medicine

What is medicine going to look like now we have alluded to this in the past but

the finest of

Finds the most elegant of predictions have no concept of what's coming

What you have today is a reaching out of a limit of chemistry

Now the body is chemistry. So it makes sense. Does it not to look at the chemistry in the body and

Emulated to find out how it reacts to disease

Therefore to create certain kinds of things that will react differently to cure the disease

Perhaps to trick the body to do things to make curative

Elements to save lives. It's absolutely normal what you have done?


It's going to reach an end

very soon

Because the future of medicine is physics

Not chemistry, you're going to start understanding and develop physics

physics instruments that are going to speak

Literally to cellular structure and give it instructions

without one chemical

There's always a reaction isn't there

There's always a side effect when you push one thing something else reacts differently, doesn't it?

How do you like it? So far the elegance of chemistry the best chemicals you have?

That are helping with the worst diseases on the planets all have side effects and some are death


I say how do you like it so far?

Does it seem elegant to you it isn't

it's just another way of bleeding in the barber shop and

That's what you're going to look at someday and you're going to slap your heads and say remember the day

When we did it with chemicals

Right now going on on the planet our experiments that you wouldn't believe

They're making discoveries to heal some of the most heartbreaking diseases you have I

Reveal one because it's not a secret. I

Never give you things that somebody has not either worked on or thought of with free choice on this planet

That is the guideline of channeling

We can't give it to you

You've got to develop it yourself. However, we can put you and an energy

That is a faster one a free choice. That is to say it's more obvious

Alzheimer's is heartbreaking

There are millions on this planet who develop it

Seeming more all the time

it seems that way because you're living longer and the plaque like material that literally


That which is memory and clings to the certain parts of the brain in

crusts it

restricts it

Imprisons it and pretty soon. You know what happens?


It's going to be cured with physics

They're starting to find out that the plaque like substance that imprisons those parts of the brain of memory remembrance

Is shatter above a sound?

With high frequency sounds tuned a certain frequency a certain way the sheaths are literally

Dissolving and coming off. There's a lot of research to do but it's a Eureka moment

Realizing that physics alone without chemistry and no side effects whatsoever

Could keep it from happening and cure those who have it. It's coming

It's coming

It's going to happen with energy

There are those working on stem cell technology right now

Who are using physics to guide the stem cells in order to create new cells?

Stem cells created from the umbilical cord of the new board

without chemistry

Dear once the future is not more chemicals and yet to the chemist and to the doctor they're

expecting better pills

Never seeing

What might happen now? This is caused from the filter of


What you have and you know

Then gives you what you think is gonna take place it literally blocks you from

seeing some of the


that you may have

Let's talk about war

Let's talk about something. Nobody is thinking about completely and totally out of the perspective because you only have one

knowledge of war

Your war has graduated bigger explosions

better ways to explode

Higher yields weapons that fire faster. That's how it's grown

There hasn't been anything called anti war has there

I'm gonna tell you something there is physics

That is possible that will create certain kinds of fields. Listen to me

certain kinds of fields that are multi-dimensional

That will not begin to even touch consciousness or biology. They will be completely blind

to these fields because they're isolated and

Specifically for one purpose and that is to keep an explosion from happening

Can you imagine putting a field around a building so that no matter what is fired?

Whether it's a machine gun or a pistol simply won't work

What about targeting an airplane when it drops a bomb and it won't work?

This is physics, you don't believe it just wait

And as you start to discover

That which is multi-dimensional

Physics and the ability to control it. You'll even have the ability to create massless objects

By the way that has another name you call it anti grab that's wrong

There's no such thing. But there is the ability to control the mass of an object

You understand that simple physics, don't you and its rewritable

Gravity is not caused

specifically by mass

It's an attribute of mass which is rewritable and controllable

Just like you have learned to control certain kinds of physics now. That's 3d. You can also control

Multi-dimensional physics imagine a planet where no matter what you exploded it wouldn't work anymore

What do you think about that? Do you think that would change politics?

It's happening it's going to happen. It's in the laboratory today

you're broaching the discovery of



being able to control

That which you don't think is controllable. It's going to make such a difference to the human race such a difference


Health simple health

Turning to that which is physics

for some of the simplest things

New kinds of food

not chemistry food

grown with the new kinds of physics

not genetically altered

Not chemically altered but a benevolent

Physics that causes a new kind of growth that will feed the planet in a way. It's never been fed before

With foods that is resistant to

Absolutely everything that you would put in your body and it would then resist bacteria and disease

through physics

Who thought of that

What you're seeing in health you're seeing based upon the path now what you don't know

Finally I want to talk about spirituality a New Ager I want you to get real with me for a moment

We're heading for an ascended planet

Everything I have told you for 26 years

Has been about that

Human being starting to evolve spiritually

The DNA starts to become more efficient

The Masters of the past you start to recognize are the ones who are examples

It had DNA working at a very high percentage

You saw that each one of them in all their instructions and teachings. We're trying to show you this

All of them were human beings none of them were angels there's a reason for this

so that the human can face off with the human and say look at me look what I could do and

you can too if you get in touch with that, which is inside you which is the seed of the creator and

You start to evolve and you start to have wisdom and knowledge

It creates peace on earth and more what is an ascended planet gonna look like

New Ager

Metaphysician you have an idea, don't you?

first of all the end of religion

Everyone's gonna think alike you'll be floating around you might even change colors an

Ascended planet will be one where you only have consciousness. You won't need the body

You name it?

this is what you think and

I'm here to tell you something on this planet right now if you think that you have it wrong

It's bigger than that it's better than that

Believe it. It's better than that. What kind of free choice would you have?


There were not choices. Listen to me. You don't

homogenized a planet through wisdom

What you do through wisdom is get along

You don't become the same and

There will never be a time

When you don't have free choice, I realized my partner just told me I used a double negative

You will always have free choice on this planet of the energy that you wish to take as your own

But the wiser the planet becomes

the path to enlightenment that is

To see the light and to find the Creator will be greater

And that's the path that over 90% will take

You will always have those who don't agree

But you will get along

There will be wisdom

so there will be no more war there will be certain kinds of physics and invention to

Prohibit it there will be healing and lifespans that will triple and quadruple

the human race and the wisdom will increase

You'll get to a place where you look a whole lot like your look now and you get along


It will simply get wiser and

What that means is that it will morph

There will be new leaders claiming new kinds of things

They will then become the doctrine the shift in energy will be obvious and the doctrine will change


Because the leaders will be in touch with God and be believed

Therefore they will then create new doctrines which will be those which get along

They'll understand. It's okay to embrace

Every kind of different religion you can stay in your box and still love one someone in another box

Isn't that wisdom?

It's different than you thought isn't it?

The Pleiadians had a planet

Which became so evolved they could control that which was their physical

Physics was controllable by consciousness. This is where it's going

Life force itself

Could be then

Restricted to consciousness without a body and through entanglement travel to another place

They're still here

The physics of that requires that you understand it cannot go back to the physical

You must stay in an ageless

consciousness state


physicality I know for some of you I am talking in riddles and

Some of you know exactly where I'm going with this

This can be you too, and it won't be for a million years

This happens slowly it's happened before you're on the cusp of

discovery of how it works


It won't work do anything you think, you know

The knowledge filter

the biggest restriction you have to truth and

It's being broken

broken down


By old souls

like you

Thinking beyond the box of the way it used to be or what might happen

Sitting there with their arms out saying to spirit bring it on

It doesn't have to be what we think

You were the ones to make the difference on the planet

The last one is important spirituality I

Want you to take the attributes of mastery I

Want you to stop being strange

Like a master of the planet a loving person that people want to be with

Because you have the attributes of mastery you're balanced

If somebody comes to you, you know how to hold them hug them hold their hand listen to what they have to say

Cry with them if you need to laugh with them when you need to that's what the Masters of this planets done

They understand human nature. You're an old soul. You've been there and you've done it. There is no excuse for you not understanding

This is your legacy

This is who you are

I'm Kryon in love with humanity and so it is

For more infomation >> Kryon - "The Biggest Filter" - Duration: 46:39.


[Eng Sub] V LIVE IDOL RADIO EP7 MOMOLAND Behind the Scene - Duration: 2:30.

[Idol Radio] Momoland's song request

I am sleeping beauty Haeb-jjang (Hyebin),

I recommend "Tonight" by Paul Kim sunbaenim

This song comforts me and I can sleep well because of this song.

Hello, I'm Princess Arielle (Nancy)

When I was a trainee, I had trouble with the diet.

After sport, I sing this song with Nayun unnie while driving next to the Han River.

..and that song is by Hyorin sunbaenim & Changmo sunbaenim "Blue Moon".

Hello, I'm Rapunzel (Taeha)

I recommended "Ride" by Sole (Ssol).

I got to know the song, because that was my friend's ringtone.

I called her but she didn't answer.

So I had to listen to this ringtone for a long time and I thought the song was very good.

That's why I've written part of the song, memorized and searched it in the Internet.

..and I've liked the song ever since. The song is still in my playlist.

Hello, I'm Thumbelina Daisy.

My recommendation is "Eyes on you" by Liquor

Everyone, Sentimental Hiphop fits well for the summer, right?

That's a good song to dance to.

Hello, I'm a Little Princess (Ahin)

I would like to recommend the Acoustic version of "Touch" by Little Mix.

Every time I hear Little Mix's song, I'm motivated to sing.

I'm thrilled with this song, not only because of the lyrics or the melody

but because it is Little Mix's expression in the song is really artistic.

The best!

The Trivial Princess (Jane) recommends

Taeyeon sunbaenim "The Blue Night of Jeju island"

I want to recommend this song to people, who suffer from daily fatigue.

The song is refreshing and suits the weather well.

I recommend this song during the holiday season.

I just want to be a princess. I just want to be the best princess (Yeonwoo)

I would like to recommend "Seeking for a star" from IU sunbaenim

I've heard the song before and there is one time, I saw IU sunbaenim performed this song live.

..and after that, I bought the album.

That was before I dream about it and decided to be a singer.

Because of IU sunbaenim's performance so I thought that "ah all singers are great"

Hello, I'm Laughing Princess (JooE)

I would like to recommend the song by 넋 sunbaenim "40"

I just heard the song at the restaurant and right away I put it in my playlist.

[The end]

subbed by KWong-

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] V LIVE IDOL RADIO EP7 MOMOLAND Behind the Scene - Duration: 2:30.


The Princess and the Pea! A Babyteeth4 Mini Movie - Duration: 14:52.

Once upon a time in a faraway Kingdom there lived a very picky prince

it wasn't the prince's fault that he was so picky his mother had spoiled him from

a very young age I only want the best for my little prince you know and I only

deserve the best the prince was so picky he had to have

everything just perfect perfect clothing no not these yeah not this one either

is this even a hat what is this a bonnet or a chef's hat please his meals had to

be perfect dear we've prepared you a great feast in

the next room yes a tenderloin steak you know it is dear extra rare you know

that's the way I like it extra rare with those little sear marks

from the grill yes we know that's how you like them now are the sear marks

going diagonal from the left or from the right I don't see why that would matter

obviously you know nothing about steak and when it came time for the prince's

bedtime he liked to have his favorite pillow fluffed just right now make sure

you fluff that pillow an odd number of times last time you fluffed it an even

number of times and I got no rest at all as you wish my dear and so that is how

the prince was raised he wasn't a bad Prince just very spoiled and one day he

grew up and wished to marry this worried his mother who feared that no woman

would be good enough for her son Oh mother I'm thinking of marrying you must

choose the perfect spouse yeah yeah how it works can you round up some

princesses here for me to see as you wish my son

guard go fetch some princesses for my son to choose from yes your majesty

yes thank you your majesty ow yes yes your majesty I will round up the

princesses and so the first round of princesses came before the prince

yes sending the first one this ought to be good hello Princey baby huh you

gotta be kidding me yeah I know my beauty is pretty

overwhelming son she is of royal blood ask her the questions no I don't even

see the point but alright so do you like cats or dogs better oh I totally like

dogs I have like 47 at home yeah that's one done alright what's your favorite

pizza topping pineapples what else pineapples

alright who's your favorite superhero superheroes oh I don't like superheroes

at all alright that's it send her off to the dungeon the dungeon

isn't that a little harsh yeah the woman says she likes pineapples on her pizza

come on so the Prince sent her on her way and they sent for the next princess

the next princess may approach hello your royal majesty well you seem like a

basket full of good cheer okay let's get this over with

which do you like better are cats or dogs neither what animal do you like

vultures anyway we'll move on to the next question

what's your favorite pizza topping I don't like pizza it's too fun mmm you

sure you're not looking for the funeral parlor it's just around the corner

anyway what's your favorite superhero Thor sister Hela yes there's no some of

the superheros a super villain yeah I think we can safely eliminate you from

the list very well then be on your way fine that one was even worse than the

first one and can we please just send me a blonde I don't care what she looks

like as long as she's blond did someone ask for a blonde holy Moses

no no I didn't ask for a blonde well since she's here dear you might as

well ask her the questions mmm all right what do you like better cats or dogs oh

well I like cats of course mm-hmm son she got the first question right all

right let's not panic okay what's your favorite pizza topping well there's so

many to choose from but I especially like anchovies son anchovies are your

favorite as well yeah that's pretty common though let's

go on to the next question what is your favorite superhero well it depends what

you're talking about Marvel or DC nope wrong answer get out of here but son you

didn't answer her question look I'm the one asking the questions around here and

I am NOT gonna marry that woman fine

and so the prince was beginning to get very frustrated yeah let's call this one

a day I don't think I'm gonna find a princess out of that group patience my

son the right one will come and you'll know at the moment she walks in through

the door hmm what's with all these questions we have to ask tradition Park

another guest is at the door yeah they better let her in I hear a

storms coming I'm sorry I arrived at such a late hour but there is a terrible

storm outside Prince sat up and was smitten immediately just as his mother

had said but the mother was less impressed she was suspicious of this

newcomer what Kingdom be ye from? I am from the eastern kingdom m'lady

no the East I've heard some good things about that place tell me what do you

seek merely shelter for the night my lord I suspect she has other motives I

just told a curiosity do you like cats or dogs better I have always liked cats

I have several myself and treat them all like royalty

yeah treating cats like royalty I like the sound of that but what of the pizza

my son oh yeah how do you like your pizza with anchovies my lord and I'd

like to share them with my cats yeah y'all have to have me over for some

pizza sometime that's my favorite too two correct answers means nothing the

last girl had as much ask her the last question No who's your favorite

superhero why Captain America of course oh yeah he's my favorite too no he isn't

you know your favorite has always been Iron Man but the prince was already

falling in love oh no I'm like Captain America

he's always been my favorite I do not mean to be rude but I am weary from the

long journey can I seek shelter for the night Capital idea watch Captain America

and have pizza together son the princess is weary if she is a princess and she

should be sent to her own quarters no let me have any fun around here give us

a minute to prepare your room but the Queen had a plan the Queen took a single

pea and put it beneath the mattress it is said that only the most sensitive

princess can sense a pea from under a mattress instead of the Queen should the

princess her quarters for the evening is the bed to your liking my dear I do not

wish to complain but something is wrong with this mattress this upset the queen

for it meant that the princess had felt the pea I shall fetch you another

mattress no princess can feel a pea through the thickness of two mattresses

but when the princess tried the second mattress she still knew something was

not quite right is your bedding to your liking My dear I do not wish to complain

but I fear something is amiss do you have another mattress curses she still

can feel the pea yes dear I shall get you one presently Thank You m'lady and

so the Queen got another mattress this extra thick mattress will surely do the

job but when the princess climbed upon the high pile of mattresses she still

felt that something was not right I still feel uncomfortable but I dare

not complain to the Queen a third time she will think I am

rude so my dear I have brought you the tallest finest and most comfortable

mattresses in the kingdom how do you feel oh great good I will sure sleep

well tonight ha I knew she was not a royal blood and so she went back to tell

the prince the news so the princess tossed and turned all night but she

simply could not sleep because there was a pea very far beneath all the

mattresses the next morning the prince and his mother had a chat Oh mother I

fear I may be in love how wonderful my son who with the princess who arrived

late last night in the storm oh well that is a shame for she is not of royal

blood not of royal blood she's a princess I looked her up

ah but a true royal would have felt the pea I placed beneath the mattress last

night even if the mattress man you thought my questions were weird huh

only a true royal has the sensitivity to be able to feel a pea beneath the

mattress but I know she's the one I'm gonna have to ask her myself

fine then guard yo send for the girl yes your majesty

ow yes your majesty yeah this all works out I kind of grew accustomed to her

don't worry son someday you'll find your true love it's just not going to be her

planet the princess arrives you sent for me your majesty

yes we did how did they sleep last night but the princess did not want to be rude

so she lied oh great real comfortable bed you got there thank

see son she could not be of royal blood for she did not feel the pea beneath the

mattress jeez I'm a royal blood and I couldn't fill pea beneath a mattress

never mind she is not the one for you be on your way okay fine

guard she's taking too long take her away come on little lady

ouch I'm so sore what's wrong I didn't want to tell the Queen but that was a

lumpy mattress I've ever been on won't be as mattress eh wait a minute

what's this about a lumpy mattress mother oh I fear it is true she is the

one jeez mom why are you interfering don't you want me to be happy I fear

that you will leave me forever now that you have found her and you will have no

use for me yeah of course I'll have a use for you I'm the pickiest Prince

around you're the only one who really gets me Oh son thank you you may marry

with my blessing and so the prince and the princess did get married and they

lived together with the Queen and the castle happily ever after you know I

like the way my fur matches your dress hey if you like this video did you know

that we've made at this point nine other fairytale videos you can check them all

out on our fairytale playlist and if you like fairy stories be sure to check out

our forest princess series and our fairies in the room series you can find

the playlist on our channel if you click the little thumbs up and subscribe

you'll see lots of baby teeth for stuff that we just know your law

and don't forget about babyteeth more and the Jillian and Addie channel for new

fresh content all the time goodbye thanks for watching

For more infomation >> The Princess and the Pea! A Babyteeth4 Mini Movie - Duration: 14:52.


Dase - NO TE ATREVAS (Video Oficial) - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Dase - NO TE ATREVAS (Video Oficial) - Duration: 3:46.


¿Meghan Markle y la duquesa Kate Middleton, se llevan bien - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> ¿Meghan Markle y la duquesa Kate Middleton, se llevan bien - Duration: 5:48.


Things That Will Make You Immediately Say NOPE! - Duration: 16:13.

Things That Will Make You Immediately Say NOPE!

For more infomation >> Things That Will Make You Immediately Say NOPE! - Duration: 16:13.


The NEW Secret Weapon Frieza DECEIVES Goku & Vegeta with?! DRAGON BALL SUPER BROLY Movie - Duration: 12:07.

Was this the turning point?

Frieza revealed signs of change, but they were ignored.

Though, no matter how hard he tried, Frieza couldn't keep the signs from creeping

out again.

Cleary, it had become an option for Frieza.

But with a simple act, it definitely seemed that he had made his final decision to ignore

all those chances to get better.

Until, this happened.

With 100% certainty, we know the purpose pushing Goku and Vegeta to battle the Legendary Saiyan.

By presenting Frieza's fight in the same way

as the 2 people we know without a doubt will be defending the Earth yet again, all our

previous answers have changed.

Within this single Dragon Ball Super Broly Movie clip,

what secret is Frieza hiding?

In 3 seconds...

You can easily win up to $1000 just by instantly clicking the notification bell and watching

the Entire video fully until the End!


Check the pinned comment for Giveaway link!!


Thing is, the signs of returning to evil are just too strong to ignore.

There's gotta be an explanation, right?

Different from Goku and Vegeta's, we should be able to easily find

another purpose behind Frieza's battle.

After all, how can we deny the uniform that Broly is wearing in the scene?

Did that not make it clear to us that Frieza has continued building his army?

What we're missing is how Toriyama tried to hide Frieza's hidden purpose,

but Broly leaked the truth.

Since the moment a Super Saiyan turned from legend to fact,

Frieza had played a single role.

Playing it over and over again, we were getting tired of it.

Why wouldn't Toriyama introduce a brand new villain?

But the Dragon Ball mastermind heard us.

All of a sudden, everything started to click.

This time, Frieza's role wasn't the same at all.

Although just as cunning and suspicious as he ever was,

still, no longer could we look at Frieza in the same light.

In the way that Toriyama has taken a loved movie villain and reworked his very core,

he has also taken out precious time to give Frieza a totally new purpose.

So why would he ever erase all that effort by having Frieza return to his old, boring


Well, maybe Toriyama liked Frieza as a villain after all.

Maybe this was one enemy that Goku would never be able to impact.

With every detail pointing to Frieza changing just as hard

as the details point to him staying the same, the release of the new trailer for the Dragon

Ball Super Broly Movie has us right on the edge.

What is Frieza's true purpose in his battle against Broly?

With the very clear proof that he is still in the same business of building up his Frieza

Force, we're forced to first believe that he has

kept his word to Goku.

But if this really is the case, then Broly is one of Frieza's soldiers, and that means…

It looks like Frieza's having trouble.

He wanted to hide his secret plot, but another fighter got in the way.

At the time of his resurrection, Frieza waited impatiently.

As fun as it was messing with these ants, only one person sparked his interest.

And as soon as Goku appeared, Frieza couldn't hide it any longer.

It was time to reveal a hint of the power that would finally defeat the Saiyan who had

once humiliated him.

And to do so, he did the unimaginable.

No longer able to hide his plot against his own fighters,

it's still strange for Frieza to even be attempting this against Broly.

Frieza did have complete control of him, until Broly revealed his true power.

Even as feared of a race as they were, the Saiyans still found themselves forced to obey.

But seeing this,

we've never been more certain that Broly did not join the Frieza Force

due to some little fear tactic.

Had he joined as a child whose power unexpectedly grew to unbelievable levels?

Or had he joined in order to spy on the person who had destroyed his home nation?

With Broly being led by someone weaker than his true power,

it's easy to see how either of these options would end in a rebellious fight against Frieza's


But then, how could we explain this?

It doesn't add up.

Why would he be so excited in a losing situation?

With the power that had turned fearless warriors to obedient servants,

Frieza felt invincible.

But this way of thinking was changed when he met his worst nightmare.

Using a soldier as a practice tool, Frieza finally learned what it meant to train.

However, still being a prodigy, this work was far from intense.

And in a matter of days, Frieza had unlocked his greatest power ever.

With the knowledge of what benefits he could get out of training

and the motivation of seeing Goku unlock another brand new form, why wouldn't Frieza go back

to the practice field?

It's not hard to see Frieza using such a strong Saiyan to train himself in preparations

for battling another Saiyan named Goku.

This motive definitely matches the excitement we saw in that scene.

But what it doesn't match is Frieza's fighting style.

And the secret plan he had for Goku, until he found a hidden source of power.

Even though he has finally seen what kind of power boost it can give him, there were

multiple times just during the Tournament of Power

that we could easily tell training was not something Frieza was in to.

Unlike Goku, and even the very prideful Vegeta,

Frieza doesn't see a need in getting stronger until the moment it feels absolutely necessary.

Using teammate after teammate, Frieza proved to us that he would much rather sit back like

the king he thinks he is.

Let the underlings drain the enemy first so that his own battle will be that much easier.

With this mindset, Frieza must be thinking, "Why train myself to fight an Ultra Instinct

Goku when I already have another source of power in my possession with

already comparable strength?"

Now this matches both his cunning personality as well as the reaction we saw towards Broly's

leaking power.

More than ever, it seems Frieza's evil reign will continue forever.

That Toriyama was merely experimenting.

But there is one thing that matches both what's happening in this scene

and those changes that Toriyama created to be Goku's secret power, although it was

a lie.

Although everyone was all smiles and giggles after learning the truth behind the Omni King's


Having watched the Zenos erase so many innocent lives,

knowing that any second their loved ones could be next,

what Team Universe 7 experienced was very traumatizing.

Leaving them with a new appreciation for the people they care about.

And with this boost in motivation, seeing this object coming straight for them,

Vegeta and Goku will definitely be the very first people ready to protect their precious


But knowing that this comet has to have something to do with Broly's arrival,

we've already seen what Goku and Vegeta are about to learn.

Although the Broly we know from the old Dragon Ball Z movies was named the Legendary Super

Saiyan, it's obvious that his power at that time

would never stand a chance against the god powers Goku and Vegeta have learned when combined.

With this adding to the reasons Toriyama chose to totally rewrite who Broly is,

we can expect his new power to be equal to, or even surpassing, Jiren's.

Even with all the experience they gained during the most difficult battle they ever faced,

we already know the outcome of fighting someone at this level.

Goku and Vegeta will be forced to ask for help.

Forced to use the secret power of another fighter.

And if he's helped before, without betraying them in the end,

that would make the best choice…


However, there's a huge difference between helping these Saiyans with Broly

and helping them with the Tournament of Power.

Because Frieza never wanted to help, until he found a secret plot against goku.

Being difficult as always, Goku understood that he would need to give Frieza a really

good reason to help him out.

But unfortunately, what would convince any normal person wasn't nearly enough for Frieza.

Not even the risk of losing his own life phasing him,

Frieza revealed the only, selfish term that would bring him to the good side just for

a day.

Even after showing the signs of change long before the Tournament's end came around,

We learned that Frieza really was unchangeable.

With only selfish motives getting Frieza to ally up with Goku and Vegeta,

and considering his self-centered wish has already been granted, there seems to be not

one thing in fighting against Broly that would benefit Frieza at all.

Except for only one.

With the chance to fight against a Saiyan with this level of power, how could Frieza

not use him to plot against Goku?

For more infomation >> The NEW Secret Weapon Frieza DECEIVES Goku & Vegeta with?! DRAGON BALL SUPER BROLY Movie - Duration: 12:07.


[심영물] 병원폭력 예방 UCC - 내가 가해자? - Duration: 5:52.

For more infomation >> [심영물] 병원폭력 예방 UCC - 내가 가해자? - Duration: 5:52.


Play Doh Mermaid Dresses for Disney Princesses Frozen Elsa & Anna, Belle, Ariel ❤ Play Doh For Kids - Duration: 8:20.

For more infomation >> Play Doh Mermaid Dresses for Disney Princesses Frozen Elsa & Anna, Belle, Ariel ❤ Play Doh For Kids - Duration: 8:20.


Cab Driver Robbed In Brooklyn, Suspect Sought - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> Cab Driver Robbed In Brooklyn, Suspect Sought - Duration: 0:26.


Перестройка Реала. Каким будет клуб в сезоне 2018-19? - Duration: 9:59.

For more infomation >> Перестройка Реала. Каким будет клуб в сезоне 2018-19? - Duration: 9:59.


FULLTANK by Bo Sanchez 478: Warning! You end up getting what you're looking for - Duration: 4:24.

Can I ask you a question?

What are you looking for in life?

Because that is what you will get.

Let me tell you a story.

One day, after The Feast, a mother came up to

me and she said, "Brother Bo, my teenage daughter doesn't like The Feast."

"I brought her here, and she walked out in the middle of The Feast.

Would you believe that?

You know, so many people come to The Feast, you know.

Thousands of people they love it but my daughter

does not like it.

In fact, I asked her, you know.

She walked out.

Went out to the lobby to eat hotdog.

And I asked my daughter, 'Why are you here?

Why did you walk out?'

And she said, 'Oh, it's too noisy.

I don't like it.'"

I asked a few more questions of his mom, and I found out why

her daughter didn't like it.

They didn't have a good relationship, and her mom

dragged her - dragged her daughter to the Feast.

No wonder.

You know, the daughter goes to The Feast with one intention.

She was looking for proof that her mother was no


Her ideas were no good.

She went to The Feast to prove one thing.

She was looking for wrong things about The Feast.

"Oh, yes it's too noisy."

"Oh, yes they're too silly."

"Oh, yes they're raising their hands.

What's that?"

You know.

She was looking for something wrong about The Feast.

I want you to know that this story is a happy ending.

Because they were able to repair their relationship as mom and


And that daughter, serves at The Feast now and she loves The Feast.

Oh, by the way, for those of you don't know what

I'm talking about.

The Feast is our spiritual gathering and there are

400 plus all over the world.

Hi, my name is Bo Sanchez.

And welcome to Fulltank, your place of inspiration.

I pray that you will be blessed, as we share the


Our gospel is Matthew 12:38 - and it talks about

religious leaders, who asked Jesus for a sign.

And Jesus said, "No sign will be given to you except the sign of Jonah."

You know what?

These religious leaders, they were looking for something wrong

about Jesus.

And I want to share this with you.

This is very important.

They were not looking for something right.

They were looking for something wrong about Jesus.

And well, that's what happened.

They found stuff that was quote-unquote

wrong about this guy, and they ended up crucifying him.

My friend, I want to challenge you.

I want to ask you this question: How's your perspective of life?

Because perspective is everything.

There are people who are so grateful about

life, because that's what they look for.

They look for blessings.

They look for grace, and they see it, everywhere!

And they're happy, and they're grateful.

There are people, they look around and

they've look for something to complain about.

That's what they're looking for.

And they will grumble, and they will be depressed, and they will be


My dear friend, what are you looking for?

You will get what you are looking for.

I pray right now, that you look at life from the perspective of

gratitude, that God is everywhere.

That you don't have to look for a sign.

Because signs are everywhere.

The signs of God's love, they're everywhere.

There's food on your plate.

There's a roof over your head.

You've got friends.

You've got family.

Open your eyes.

Most of all, you've got God right there in your life - loving you.

Father in Heaven, I pray for every friend watching this video.

That their eyes will be opened.

I pray that we can change what we're looking for.

I pray that our paradigms, our perspectives will change.

Holy Spirit, transform that perspective.

So that, we will see signs of Your love everywhere.

Everywhere we look.

And every moment, we want to say 'Thank You' to you.

Father, I pray for my friend.

Bless them.

In Jesus' name.

And bless their whole week.

Amen and amen.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

God bless you.

I will see you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> FULLTANK by Bo Sanchez 478: Warning! You end up getting what you're looking for - Duration: 4:24.


「Nightcore」→ Divine (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:42.

Nightcore - Divine (subitles in video)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Divine (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:42.


Haying - Baling Hay with a John Deere 568 Baler - Our Wyoming Life - Duration: 11:54.

Hi I'm Mike, today we continue with our haying series and quite literally wrap things

up by taking a look at the final step in making a bale of hay.

That step is getting out with the most complicated and most expensive implement we own.

Firing up the baler and rolling some hay on our Wyoming life.

Welcome back to our series on haying.

Making the bales that we will feed the cows all winter long is one of the most important

steps on the ranch probably just as important as calving.

The hay that we can make on the ranch can make the difference between profit and loss,

it can make the difference between selling cows or expanding the herd and sometimes it

can make a huge impact in the future of the ranch itself.

Lets take a quick look back over the last few years.

In a normal year, the hay that we have make on the ranch will feed all the cows over the

winter, we hay over 500 acres of hay ground and with just a minimal output of one ton

per acre, we can do that.

Of course, in order to do that the grass has to grow.

It needs a combination of things all at the right time to give us that kind of hay crop,

sun, rain and the right temperature.

In this area of Wyoming we average about 14 inches of rain per year and in order for the

hay to take full advantage of the rain we have to get at least some of that in April

and May.

That way that rain will give the grass the moisture it needs to get off to a good start.

The average rainfall for April is 2 to 3 inches this year we got 1 inch, in may the average

is almost 5 inches and this year we got 2 . So instead of upt to 8 inches of rain to

get the grass the head start it needed, we got 3 of those.

Less than half of the rain we needed.

This lack of early spring rain is what really did in the hay, its been worse but this year

again and for the 3rd year in a row we will be buying feed for the cows over the winter.

We still haven't quite figured out how to do that but we don't have much choice, its

gonna happen.

I hate to sound like I am complaining, because really I'm not.

I cant control the weather, and when faced with a situation you cant control.

You make the best of it.

As they say, you make hay while the sun shines.

Today we are truly making hay.

We are going to taking 70 acre of grass and rolling it up in to 1400 pound bales.

To help us do that we have a john deere 568 baler.

It's 12 feet long, over 9 feet high and weighs in at just over 2 tons.

I know that 70 acres is hard to judge and when we first came to the ranch, I couldn't

have shown you the difference between 5 and 20 acres.

So lets see what we can do to help.

70 acres is 53 foot ball fields.

Or 35 city blocks.

Anyway it's a chunk of land.

It took roughly 8 hours to mow it and before we get into baling it we have to take a step

back and talk about raking once again.

When it comes to economics on the ranch, one thing we look at is wear and tear on machinery

and equipment as well as replacement or repair cost.

I can tell you that a rake costs right around 20 thousand dollars, that's a big chunk.

But a new baler can cost upwards of 60 thousand dollars or even more.

That's a bigger chunk and repair costs compare about the same.

So a long time ago, especially since we have been fighting with thin hay over the last

years, I have decided to put that extra wear and tear on the rake instead of the baler.

The baler could get pulled around the field and used to pick up smaller windrows of cut

hay that the rake has already put together.

But if I can cut the run time, the wear and tear on the baler in half, but spending some

extra time putting windrows together.

Well it only makes sense.

And If I can cut it in half again but putting more than two together, I'm gonna do that


So before we get to baling, we roll some windrows together.

Making larger windrows made up of more hay, that will make bales faster and more efficiently.

After all this work, 8 hours mowing, 8 hours raking we are going to have maybe only an

hour or so in making bales.

We have to make this baler last.

Once the rows are all rolled together, then its time to get the baler.

The baler attaches to the tractor just like any other implement with a pin, it also attaches

to the pto of the tractor to make it work but unlike most other PTO implements we have,

the baler runs at 1000 RPM instead of 540 like the mower.

Changing from 540 rpm pto speed to 1000 is all done at the back of the tractor by removing

the pto shaft and turning it around.

540 pto side has big thick splines, the 1000 rpm side has smaller and closer together splines.

The entire shaft is held in with a snap ring and just like that we are good to go.

Then we attach the pto shaft to the tractor, then hydraulics.

Everything gets dirty while haying, trust me, all the tractors will get a nice bath

when we are done.

After the hydraulics, then comes the brain of the baler.

The baling computer.

Its placed in the cab of the tractor and the connectors are run out the back window where

they connect to the baler itself.

The we are ready to go.

I actually like baling, its pretty simple but not only that its quite relaxing.

Like all of haying you spend hours in the field and by default you spend hours with


Deer many times cross my path and then run from it, even though I will see them again

my next time around.

Antelope meander through and yes even snakes come slithering out of the taller grass.

This is a bull snake, perfectly harmless and actually a friend to the ranch as he really

likes to dine on rodents.

I'm glad he didn't get baled like this rattle snake from a couple of years ago.

Wildlife aside, we do have a job to do.

The pickup on the front of the baler is what is going to grab hay and move it into the


It is lowered to the ground.

The baler is turned on and we are off.

The whole point of baling is to keep the bale even in shape and that's where the baling

computer comes in.

It controls everything electrical about he baler but the only thing we need to worry

about today is the number of times we are going to wrap each bale in netwrap, which

is stored in the back of the baler and how each bale is formed.

Once we are up and rolling, the computer is going to show us two black bars.

Each bar represents each side of the bale and our goal is to end up with an evenly shaped

bale and heres how I like to do it.

First off, everyone I have ever talked to about this has their own method for forming


This is mine but the great thing about all the methods is that we all end up with a bale,


As we take off down the windrow, the bale grabs the hay and starts rolling it between


The first part of the bale we are going to form is the core and its every important to

the shape of the bale.

As we form this first part of the bale we need to keep the black bars even.

As one side starts to fill up more the bar will rise and we can counter act that by moving

the tractor over and getting more hay in the other side of the baler.

Once we reach a bale size of just over 22 inches, then the screen will start showing

the size of the bale in inches.

Now we can really start making the bale.

I like to fill one side of the bale to the top of the black bar, then move to the other

side and fill that.

Swerving back and forth over the windrow and pack the hay into the bale evenly on each


When we reach 55 inches, the computer will beep at us.

Now we move back into our maintenance mode and try to keep the bars even once again.

Until we reach 60 inches.

The size of bale we are going for.

When that happens.

The computer beeps some more, telling you to stop.

You have 2 seconds to stop, before the bales starts wrapping in netwrap.

A few seconds later, we are told to eject the bale.

Pulling on the hydraulic lever.

The baler pops open and pushes away a nicely formed bale.


I have my moments of daydreaming, or my phone rings, or anything else distracts me and occasionally

an uneven bale will sneak though.

It happens and luckily, they feed exactly the same as the perfectly even bales.

They even stack the same.

But the computer will help you make the best bales you can to maximize size and weight

for each one.

Along the way we keep an eye on the moisture monitor in the cab of the tractor as well.

It constantly measures the moisture content of the hay we are rolling around in the baler

and averages it out.

This hay was cut yesterday, raked and baled today and already is less than 10% moisture.

Boy its dry here.

And that's it my friend.

This is what you do for days, for weeks even in order to make hay for the cows.

Its not glamourous.

Its often greasy and dirty, but it's a job.

And one that I am happy to do right now.

Every bale we make saves the ranch money.

To buy hay, it can cost up to 200$ a ton delivered.

Each bale we make costs us about $40.

That's the difference between hay and no hay here.

We are running long so join me on Tuesday for the project list as we tackle a huge project

and do some math, I hate math.

We are going to average our yield to now, project that across the acreage we have left

to cut.

Figure out how much hay we are going to have and how much we are going to have to buy and

talk about options for how we are going to do that.

Should be a good time that is going to make my head hurt, but it needs to be done as well.

Thanks for hanging with me today, please subscribe and follow along with us as we explore the

ranch life and escape the ordinary.

The good and the bad and sometimes the downright depressing.

We will see you on Tuesday, in the meantime click this little thing and visit our website.

There you can sign up for the herd report, a weekly newsletter from the ranch, featuring

behind the scenes videos, bloopers, commentary and so much more.

Have a great week and thanks for joining us in our Wyoming life.

For more infomation >> Haying - Baling Hay with a John Deere 568 Baler - Our Wyoming Life - Duration: 11:54.


Người ta đâu có yêu mình, có thương gì mình... 「Acoustic Album」#VinhAcoustic - Duration: 45:35.

For more infomation >> Người ta đâu có yêu mình, có thương gì mình... 「Acoustic Album」#VinhAcoustic - Duration: 45:35.


「Nightcore」→ Havana ✗ Despacito ✗ New Rules ✗ Shape of You ✗ Rockstar ✗ MORE (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 2:23.

「Nightcore」→ Havana ✗ Despacito ✗ New Rules ✗ Shape of You ✗ Rockstar ✗ MORE (Switching Vocals)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Havana ✗ Despacito ✗ New Rules ✗ Shape of You ✗ Rockstar ✗ MORE (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 2:23.


How Bankruptcy Really Works - Duration: 9:26.

Bankruptcy is expensive AF. For many consumers bankruptcy is out of reach

entirely. The idea that they would ever be able to come up with the money in

order to pay for a lawyer either for chapter 7 or for chapter 13 is not a

realistic possibility. Commercials like this one are aimed at the financially

perilous looking for a way out. But with the evolution of bankruptcy law, how much

of a new beginning does bankruptcy actually give people? I had to file

bankruptcy twice. I was like, "I have to file bankruptcy all my bankruptcy! Who

does that?" So I just felt like a failure. Hey fam,

I'm Imaeyen. And this Sunday we're exploring the complicated history of

personal bankruptcy law and how it affects how lawyers get paid.

That's about as painful as a bankrupt gets.

Pat Sajak is wrong. Bankruptcy can and often does get much worse. On "Wheel of

Fortune" bankruptcy is just a part of the puzzles game of chance.

In reality, bankruptcy is a tool for survival for those who owe debt and are

unable to repay it. And the IRL Wheel of Fortune can cause bankruptcy with

something as mundane as unpaid parking tickets. I felt like I was stuck between

a rock and a hard place. Whenever you have to do something that drastic is

with filing bankruptcy, I just felt like, "Why me? Why am I in this situation?" It

makes you feel like you're not good enough.

Rachael White was a full-time dental assistant getting only part-time hours

when she filed for bankruptcy in 2016. The mother of two now-teenage boys was

making only $12 an hour, and she'd accumulated about $1,500 in

parking penalties since 2015 -- penalties she didn't even know she was getting.

They won't have the signs where you can, where you can see them visually, you know,

throughout the street. So I would park and I wouldn't see any signs necessarily,

and I would end up getting a ticket. The citations were being sent to an address

where her car was registered, but where she no longer lived. White thought

bankruptcy was her best option to stay afloat -- and keep her car which she used

for freelance gigs like driving for uber. When I initially filed bankruptcy,

I had like tunnel vision. The only thing that I was concerned about is

keeping what I had. I didn't really have the means to just go get another car at

that time, and I was just honestly I was drowning. I was just trying to stay

afloat. White knew where she'd go to get help. Debtstoppers. DebtStoppers. You know that

song just kept running over and over and over again in my head.

She'd heard commercials for a self-described debt relief agency based

in Chicago called DebtStoppers. She'd heard their radio ads and seen their

television pitches like this one: DebtStoppers is one of the nation's leading

bankruptcy law firms. We've helped thousands of families stop foreclosure,

repossession, and wage garnishment. An initial $350 filing fee got DebtStoppers

to work with White. They found her counsel, and she had to pay a

separate fee to that lawyer. Her bankruptcy case made her one of the

thousands in the U.S. who've gone through the process of looking to discharge debt --

aka be released a personal liability of debt to creditors. In 2016, more than

three-quarters of a million people filed for bankruptcy. That's the equivalent of

about 28 percent of Chicago's population. That stat includes all bankruptcy

filings like Chapter 7 ,11, 12, and 13. Bankruptcy law expert Megan McDermott

says there are only two options available to someone overwhelmed by

consumer debt. You either file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. So there are a

couple of important differences. Chapter 7 is a relatively quick inexpensive and

streamlined proceeding to a discharge. Usually from start to finish, a Chapter 7

bankruptcy typically takes at most six months, assuming it's a relatively

straightforward case. Chapter 13 is more, a more expensive and more time-consuming

process. The debtor is basically pledging to pay a certain portion of their future

wages over a three-to-five year period in order to pay off their existing

creditors. The difference is important because the type of bankruptcy you

choose matters. And Congress has had a big impact on which is most accessible

to you. Bankruptcy law's very long history in the U.S. began when the flag only had

45 stars. The first bankruptcy law became permanent in 1898. That national

Bankruptcy Act was the basis of the law for the next 40 years. It was amended

during the next several decades, including important changes during the

period that gave us disco dancing like this...

In 1978 when the code was enacted, I think it did a fabulous job of providing

two very good options for consumers in different situations. But since then,

Congress and the courts have really scaled back the protections that are

available to ordinary consumers. And I think it is fair to say that it does not

provide the same relief that it did 40 years ago. Let's use student loans as an

example. Before 1978 you could discharge all student loans through bankruptcy.

After that year, you couldn't eliminate government student loans. Then in 2005,

new regulations meant you also couldn't get rid of private student debt via

bankruptcy -- which is why some of you know Sallie Mae so well. Congress tried to

move more people away from Chapter 7-- where all the eligible debt is

discharged -- to Chapter 13 -- where you're on a years-long payment plan. The

progression has impacted some of the most financially vulnerable people. Those

protections are not available potentially to the people who need them

the most, which is low in very low income debtors. Congress basically made certain

types of debtors ineligible for the quick and easy relief under Chapter 7,

and also took out some protections that made it easy for low-income individuals

to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Legal changes haven't only affected debtors

like White, who filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy a second time in October 2017,

because she couldn't afford to keep up with the payment plan. Bankruptcy lawyers

incentives have changed significantly since 1978. Basically when Congress

initially created the code, they put a provision in place that debtors

attorneys would be able to collect. But in 1994, Congress removed that explicit

language. Sometimes attorneys have added language to bankruptcy plans that says

they must be paid before any outstanding debt. So basically you could be paying a

bankruptcy plan for years that really only pays off your attorney, your court

costs, and yet almost none of the original debt that forced you into

bankruptcy in the first place, like in this very real-life example. A man owed

about $5,000 to the city of Chicago in parking tickets,

and he filed for bankruptcy and he proposed a plan in which he would pay

$4,300 over the course of three years. And

$4,000 of those dollars were going to pay his lawyer, and the remaining balance

went to pay administrative expenses. And so you see these situations where the

the client is going into Chapter 13, and the only one benefitting from this extra

time in an obviously extrajudicial effort as well is the lawyer. Critics are

weary lawyers may steer clients to the much more expensive, and lengthy, Chapter

13 process, even when Chapter 7 is in their best interest.

But others say, what the lawyers are really doing when they pay themselves

first, is making sure their clients have representation for the duration of their

bankruptcy plan -- having a lawyer on retainer. White says she only remembers

being responsible for DebtStoppers and her lawyers upfront fees during her

first bankruptcy. And she's unsure if her payment plan included payouts to her

attorneys. We called DebtStoppers a few times to talk about their payment

process, but they didn't return our phone calls. When White filed a second time, she

got new representation and gave up the car she tried so desperately to hold on

to during her first bankruptcy. To be in a situation where a parking ticket, or a

moving violation dictates your livelihood, is mind blowing. I sit

back and think I'm losing everything over parking tickets. These days White

relies on public transportation to get around. The bankruptcy process isn't one

White wants to go through again. But the woman juggling multiple part-time jobs

is not sure she'll be able to avoid it. Despite those odds, she's still hopeful

about her financial future. My life is not going to be dictated by debt and

bankruptcies and I'm just ready to move forward and just keep living. Work it!

For more infomation >> How Bankruptcy Really Works - Duration: 9:26.


5 More Reliable Luxury Cars Under 20K! - Duration: 8:29.

Looking at the analytics on my previous 2 videos It seems like you guys really like

the reliable luxury cars segment so here's another one.

Many requested for me to make one for under 20K, so that's exactly what I decided to do.

Just like my last video I included 2 european cars to diversify the list so make sure and

watch till the end, and if you don't agree with me you know what to do.

Sup guys, I'm Cristian and this is Vehicle Virals, if you enjoy the video make sure to

subscribe for more automotive content.

Let's get started.

First car is the 2013 GS350.

When this car first came out it was the first to show off the new direction Lexus was taking

transitioning from from a soft cushy comfort based ride to more of a sporty feel with a

stiffer suspension.

The GS proved at the time that it can make sporty and fun cars without sacrificing luxury.

The exterior features LFA inspired curves and features a front end that some might find

it too angled but me personally I dig it.

Moving on to the interior you won't be disappointed.

Especially since you don't need to look for a fully loaded one as this car came with tons

of impressive standard features such as a standard review camera, a sunroof, dual zone

automatic climate control, 10 way adjustable power front seats, satellite radio, HD radio,

aux and USB ports, a 12 speaker audio system and a 8 inch infotainment display.

You also get 3 drive modes ECO, Normal, and Sport.

But let's be honest we only care about sport mode.

It allows the the transmission to hold the gears longer and tightens up the the throttle

response, allowing you to unlock the the true potential of the GS350's power.

Talking about power the GS350 comes equipped with a 3.5L V6 engine that produces 306HP

and 277lb-ft of torque.

Plenty of power to push a 0-60 time in just 5.7 seconds.

Oh and get this, it's RWD.

And you know that means.


While it only carries a V6 engine you get quite a satisfying sound from the GS350 thanks

to an intake sound Generator that can arguably make it sound like a V8.

Sound of a V8 with the gas mileage of a V6, 19MPG city and 28MPG highway.

I also want to point out that you can also get an equally as reliable 2015 Lexus ES350

for under 20K.

My question to you is would you get a slightly older GS350 with more features or a slightly

newer ES350 with less features?

You can find a GS350 for just under 20K with less than 40K miles on it

Next car is the 2014 Acura TL.

While most people don't believe the Acura TL should be considered a luxury due to it's

Honda Accord roots well I just want to say this.

You're WRONG!

I'm just kidding, I wouldn't say it's the most luxurious car out there but in my opinion

it's enough to be considered a entry level luxury.

Let's have a discussion down below in the comment section and tell me if you think the

Acura TL should be considered a Luxury car and why.

Looking at the exterior it definitely has some class to it and the one thing that sticks

out is the controversial beak like grille which looks much better than it did before

the mid cycle refresh.

It's obviously a big car outside which translates with plenty of room inside.

In the cabin you get well padded comfortable heated seats, and plenty of leg and head room

making it a good choice for those that routinely drive with other people.

The back seats feature back headrests that fold down to increase visibility.

If you've ever wanted to drive a plane, well you're in luck.

The center console features so many buttons that it'll sure make you feel like you're

in one.

Some might find it too cluttered, and some might find it ok.

As far as practically, the trunk space is, well laughable.

Moving on to performance the TL comes equipped with a 3.5L V6 engine that produces 280HP

and 254 lb-ft of torque and gets you 20MPG city and 29MPG HWY.

If you manage to get the super handling AWD full fledged sport version you'll get 3.7L

V6 that produces 305HP which will get you slightly less gas mileage.

You want a car that's reliable, comfortable, and does well in crash tests, then the Acura

TL might be a good pick for you.

You can find them for as low as 15K with less than 60K miles on it.

3rd car on the list is the 2014-2016 Lincoln MKS.

This car is an affordable way to slip into a large luxury sedan.

Before the Continental came out this was Lincoln's largest and most luxurious sedan.

It's wrapped in a fancier package than its sibling, the Ford Taurus.

The exterior looks modern especially when it comes to rear. and of course a Big luxury

sedan needs a big luxury grille.

And to be quite honest it doesn't get much bigger than this.

You also get 19inch aluminum wheels that come standard.

Probably the best feature of the MKS is the roominess and practicality.

You get a spacious rear seat big enough to accommodate people of all body dimensions

and a massive trunk.

19.2 cubic ft of space to be exact.

You also get some killer standard feature like heated and cooled seats, Lincoln's drive

control which provides adjustable settings for the suspension, steering and the powertrain,

active noise cancelation that results in a quiet ride, adaptive HID headlamps, rear parking

sensors, automatic climate control, and a keypad entry system.

You remember those?

While many might reject the choice of owning a Lincoln, you gotta admit you get a solid

bang for the buck when it comes to all the features.

It's also not a slouch when it comes to the performance department.

You get a 3.7L engine that produces 304HP and 279lb-ft of torque.

There is a slightly more powerful Ecoboost engine variant also available.

With the standard engine you'll get 17MPG City and 24MPG HWY.

You also get a continuously controlled damping system that reacts to changes in the road

while you're driving.

And the best part about the MKS is that you can get yourself one for as low as $16K with

less than 50K miles on it.

Next car is the 2013 BMW 135i.

Wait a second Cristian, did you really just include a BMW on a reliable car list?

Why yes I did.

If you all didn't know this is one of BMW's most reliable cars.

According to consumer reports based on a 3 year study, the BMW 1 series scored 5 stars

on the reliability category.

Mind Blown.

This is a car for those that want a luxury vehicle that you can have fun with.

The 135i takes the driving experience seriously.

With it's nearly perfect 50/50 weight distribution and the option of either a 7 speed dual clutch

transmission or a stick shift this is a car that can be tossed around very easily.

The looks aren't mind blowing by any means, what you get is simplicity and straightforward

in a small package.

The same goes for the interior.

Very simple.

It offers everything you need and nothing you don't.

The back seats, well they are there, adults trying to sit back there will have a tantrum,

and kids will love the rush.

Talking about a rush, the 135i comes equipped with a Inline 6 engine that produces 300HP

and 300lb-ft and can do a 0-60 in just 4.7 seconds making it the fastest car on this


You get great fuel efficiency as well, 20MPG city and 28MPG HWY. can't go wrong with this

car, it's back to basics BMW performance wise.

It's a reminder of the time when the brand was more about the driving experience than

luxury upgrades.

No adjustable suspension, no idrive control, it doesn't need a button to tell it when to

be sporty.

It's crazy most new German cars focus too much on electronics and the future of driverless


With cars such as the BMW 135i you just get an honest and connected driving experience.

That said RANT over.

As far as pricing goes you get a 135i for as low at $17K with less than 40K miles on


Just remember to to properly maintain and service it, parts and repairs aren't cheap.

Last and final car is the 2013 Mercedes-Benz E350.

This is a car that offers diversity for all people.

It comes available in a sedan, a coupe, convertible and a wagon.

Who am I kidding nobody in the US buys wagons anyways.

The Eclass has long been a benchmark for luxury vehicles.

And the Eclass has always lead the rest of the Mercedes lineup when it comes to reliability.

Both JD Power and consumer reports have given this model very high scores.

If thats not enough to convince you, why else do you think these cars used as taxis in Germany.

You get a good blend of comfort, performance and of course luxury.

Nothing like sitting on the driver's seat looking over the hood at the 3 pointed star.

Some key features include adjustable suspension settings and something called an attention

assist system which determines whether the driver is getting drowsy behind the wheel

and uses both visual and auditory warnings to tell the driver to pull over and rest.

You might also notice that the shifter is on the steering column leaving room for more

important things on the center console.

When it comes to performance, the E350 comes equipped with a 3.5L V6 engine that produces

302HP and 273lb-ft of torque.

And surprisingly you get decent gas mileage.

20MPG City and 30MPG HWY.

You can get an E350 for just under 18K with less than 60K miles.

If you enjoyed the video make sure to like it and if you haven't already make sure to

subscribe for more automotive content.

What did you think of this list?

What car would you have added, make sure and comment below.

Thanks for watching, till next time

For more infomation >> 5 More Reliable Luxury Cars Under 20K! - Duration: 8:29.


Extreme Hair Growth and Reduce Hair Fall │How To Grow Long and thicken Hair Naturally │100% Working - Duration: 3:00.

Flaxseeds are packed with nutrients like protein, calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron and omega 3

fatty acids, which are required for the growth of your hair.

A daily dose of flaxseeds can make your hair healthy, vibrant and strong.

There are 2 types of Flax seed, a light golden yellow and brown.

The brown Flax seeds are slightly higher in omega 3 fatty acids.

The high amounts of omega 3 fatty acids in flaxseeds increase the hair�s elasticity,

making it less prone to breakage.

It endows you with stronger hair.

The anti-inflammatory properties of flaxseeds reduce the possibility of dandruff, eczema

and other scalp conditions.

In this video I will show you how to make flaxseed gel for extreme hair growth.

So please click the subscribe batton and press the bell icon for more videos.

At first take 1 cup of flax seeds.

Pour 2 cups of water into a pot.

Then boil it in high flame for 10 minutes.

Remember to stir often to ensure that the seeds don�t stick to the bottom.

Boil on low bring it to a boil stirring flax seed often with preferably a spoon.

Turn off heat when a white frothy gel like liquid forms.

Continue stirring while it simmers.

Let it stay 15 minutes to make it cool.

Strain the gel from the flax seeds using a fine-mesh sieve or a think soft cloth.

Now take 4 tablespoon of flax seeds gel.

Add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.

Then add 2 vitamin E capsules.

Mix it well.

Now massage this hair gel on your hair and scalp gently.

Then leave it for 1 hour.

After 1 hour wash your hair with shampoo.

Place the rest of the gel in an air tight container.

The shelf life is 12-14 days in the refrigerator.

Place used flax seeds in a container and place in fridge to use them again.

You can use this remedy 2 times per week for best result.

For more infomation >> Extreme Hair Growth and Reduce Hair Fall │How To Grow Long and thicken Hair Naturally │100% Working - Duration: 3:00.


NEW ICON LEAK IN FIFA 19? 👀 - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> NEW ICON LEAK IN FIFA 19? 👀 - Duration: 3:31.


VIDEOMAKING: tecniche e consigli di B ROLL - Duration: 9:55.

For more infomation >> VIDEOMAKING: tecniche e consigli di B ROLL - Duration: 9:55.


Omikron 140 The Nomad Soul česky CZ - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> Omikron 140 The Nomad Soul česky CZ - Duration: 10:06.


Bacon Wrapped Okra Recipe - How To Cook Okra - Duration: 4:26.

what is up everybody this is Lyle with No Hippie BBQ

whatever you doing today cuz we're just me making some Bacon Wrapped Okra I went to

the grocery store the other day saw these whole Okra and figured you know

what I'd give this a little bit of a shot

so nothing real Okro Recipe mplicated more or less it's just an idea more than it is an

actual recipe and if it turns out good and you like to get down with Okra

maybe something you'd like to try - so last night I've rinsed this Okra off I

want it to be dry before we wrapped them so these are already cleaned up I have a

pound or well I don't think I'm gonna need all this but I have just regular

bacon non thick-cut bacon and I have this partially frozen and I'm just gonna

cut this package in half and I'm gonna let this come to room temperature so

when we go to wrap this okra in bacon it's a little bit more pliable so we're just

gonna go ahead and do this now so have that cut in half this should be a room

temperature in about another 45 minutes an hour and at that point we'll start

wrapping them up come to room temperature that means it's a little bit

more pliable I could stretch it out do things like that as far as this Okra or Okro

goes I am gonna leave this stem on and the reason is I don't want anything

coming out of it when we are cooking I'm gonna be cooking this in the stove but I

think this would be great in an air fryer and probably even better on a

grill or smoker but listen it's 98 degrees outside I'm not going out there

anyway very simple all we're gonna do is wrap it

now I'm gonna wrap it with the starting with the bacon near the top of the Okra

we're just gonna come around it

just like that we're going to go seam side down and I have this on the broiler

pan you can put it on anything that's going to allow that bacon grease to drip

down as you're cooking

all right that is a done deal right there we're just gonna go ahead and rock

these out to begin with we have these all wrapped up I'm gonna put these in

the oven I have the oven set at 315 degrees and I want to cook this bacon

until the fat is rendered but I don't want it to be super crispy so I'm gonna

be checking on it every 10 minutes or so so this is what it's looking like coming

straight out of the oven the bacon fat has pretty much been rendered out of it

but it's still kind of pliable it's not super crispy just what I was looking for

I think I'm just gonna eat this with a little bit of uh I think we have a ranch

hot sauce in here anyway let me plate up and we'll get on with this taste test

so those bad boys did look good we did go ahead and add some of that habanero

ranch dressing to little bowl over here we're going to dip them into anyway some

of you guys haven't seen my boy a round in a while you know what's up everybody

how you do well we're here with Hedrick McKinley Jones that great inventor from

the early nineteen hundred's anyway just joking we're gonna get into this and see

what's up I haven't even eaten one yet go ahead and get out now those stems

should be cooked down enough to where you should be able to eat them so oh

yeah this is amazing

hmm. This is the Best Okra Recipe.

I can lie sometimes they are fan of okra but the way this came out mmm so good

so good so easy you in won't thank you guys for stopping my no hippie BBQ I

appreciate it comment subscribe and I'm out Easy Okra Recipes

For more infomation >> Bacon Wrapped Okra Recipe - How To Cook Okra - Duration: 4:26.


George H.W. Bush's Former Doctor Shot And Killed While Riding Bike - Duration: 3:48.

George H.W. Bush's Former Doctor Shot And Killed While Riding Bike

HOUSTON (AP) — A cardiologist who once treated former President George H.W.

Bush was fatally shot by a fellow bicyclist Friday while riding through a Houston medical complex, and police were trying to determine if the shooting was random or a targeted act.

The shooting happened around 9 a.m.

as Dr.

Mark Hausknecht was going northbound through the Texas Medical Center, said Houston Police Executive Assistant Chief Troy Finner.

"The suspect was on a bicycle as well.

Rode past the doctor, turned and fired two shots.

The doctor immediately went down," Finner said.

Hausknecht, 65, hit at least once, was taken to a nearby hospital, where he died.

Hausknecht was going in to work at Houston Methodist Hospital when he was shot, the hospital's CEO said in an email to staff.

The area where the shooting took place is part of a 1,345-acre complex of hospitals and medical institutions, including the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, and is busy with traffic and pedestrians during the day.

Authorities late Friday continued searching for the suspect, who was wearing a gray warmup jacket, khaki shorts and a tan baseball cap.

Hausknecht treated Bush in February 2000 for an irregular heartbeat after the ex-president complained about lightheadedness while visiting Florida.

The cardiologist appeared with Bush at a news conference after his treatment.

Bush on Friday offered his condolences to Hausknecht's family.

"Mark was a fantastic cardiologist and a good man," Bush said in a statement.

"I will always be grateful for his exceptional, compassionate care.".

Hausknecht had been in medical practice for almost 40 years and specialized in cardiovascular disease, said Marc Boom, president and CEO of Houston Methodist Hospital.

Hausknecht was part of the hospital's medical staff as well as its DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center.

"His patients appreciated his kind bedside manner and the extra time he took to answer their questions and fully explain their condition and treatment," Boom said in an email to employees on Friday.

"Our employees who worked with him said patients were so proud to call him their doctor.".

For more infomation >> George H.W. Bush's Former Doctor Shot And Killed While Riding Bike - Duration: 3:48.


麦迪在09赛季遭遇7分钟禁令,为何当时姚明并没有替他求情? - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> 麦迪在09赛季遭遇7分钟禁令,为何当时姚明并没有替他求情? - Duration: 2:25.


周冬雨晒图调侃重庆天气 早上小黄鸭晚上变烤鸭 - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> 周冬雨晒图调侃重庆天气 早上小黄鸭晚上变烤鸭 - Duration: 0:34.


精分角色检验演技:张一山、陈坤、潘粤明,演技咖里他的颜超能打 - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> 精分角色检验演技:张一山、陈坤、潘粤明,演技咖里他的颜超能打 - Duration: 1:50.


于正晒聊天记录爆料:陈晓因一事不愿与孙俪合作,网友:活该不红 - Duration: 7:41.

For more infomation >> 于正晒聊天记录爆料:陈晓因一事不愿与孙俪合作,网友:活该不红 - Duration: 7:41.


Bacon Wrapped Okra Recipe - How To Cook Okra - Duration: 4:26.

what is up everybody this is Lyle with No Hippie BBQ

whatever you doing today cuz we're just me making some Bacon Wrapped Okra I went to

the grocery store the other day saw these whole Okra and figured you know

what I'd give this a little bit of a shot

so nothing real Okro Recipe mplicated more or less it's just an idea more than it is an

actual recipe and if it turns out good and you like to get down with Okra

maybe something you'd like to try - so last night I've rinsed this Okra off I

want it to be dry before we wrapped them so these are already cleaned up I have a

pound or well I don't think I'm gonna need all this but I have just regular

bacon non thick-cut bacon and I have this partially frozen and I'm just gonna

cut this package in half and I'm gonna let this come to room temperature so

when we go to wrap this okra in bacon it's a little bit more pliable so we're just

gonna go ahead and do this now so have that cut in half this should be a room

temperature in about another 45 minutes an hour and at that point we'll start

wrapping them up come to room temperature that means it's a little bit

more pliable I could stretch it out do things like that as far as this Okra or Okro

goes I am gonna leave this stem on and the reason is I don't want anything

coming out of it when we are cooking I'm gonna be cooking this in the stove but I

think this would be great in an air fryer and probably even better on a

grill or smoker but listen it's 98 degrees outside I'm not going out there

anyway very simple all we're gonna do is wrap it

now I'm gonna wrap it with the starting with the bacon near the top of the Okra

we're just gonna come around it

just like that we're going to go seam side down and I have this on the broiler

pan you can put it on anything that's going to allow that bacon grease to drip

down as you're cooking

all right that is a done deal right there we're just gonna go ahead and rock

these out to begin with we have these all wrapped up I'm gonna put these in

the oven I have the oven set at 315 degrees and I want to cook this bacon

until the fat is rendered but I don't want it to be super crispy so I'm gonna

be checking on it every 10 minutes or so so this is what it's looking like coming

straight out of the oven the bacon fat has pretty much been rendered out of it

but it's still kind of pliable it's not super crispy just what I was looking for

I think I'm just gonna eat this with a little bit of uh I think we have a ranch

hot sauce in here anyway let me plate up and we'll get on with this taste test

so those bad boys did look good we did go ahead and add some of that habanero

ranch dressing to little bowl over here we're going to dip them into anyway some

of you guys haven't seen my boy a round in a while you know what's up everybody

how you do well we're here with Hedrick McKinley Jones that great inventor from

the early nineteen hundred's anyway just joking we're gonna get into this and see

what's up I haven't even eaten one yet go ahead and get out now those stems

should be cooked down enough to where you should be able to eat them so oh

yeah this is amazing

hmm. This is the Best Okra Recipe.

I can lie sometimes they are fan of okra but the way this came out mmm so good

so good so easy you in won't thank you guys for stopping my no hippie BBQ I

appreciate it comment subscribe and I'm out Easy Okra Recipes

For more infomation >> Bacon Wrapped Okra Recipe - How To Cook Okra - Duration: 4:26.


For more infomation >> Bacon Wrapped Okra Recipe - How To Cook Okra - Duration: 4:26.


My Cringey Musically - Duration: 0:12.

Welcome to Mc Donalds.Would you like to try a.......

Welcome to Mc Donalds.Would you like to try a......

No.Can I just get an......

UhUh.You need to SHUT UP and let me finsh!DANG!

Now would you like to try a new two for one its really really good i think you'll like it

For more infomation >> My Cringey Musically - Duration: 0:12.


For more infomation >> My Cringey Musically - Duration: 0:12.


[AKB48/TEAM8]no.1 카미사진 대결 쵸 쿠레나 오다 에리나 하야사카 츠무기 야마다 나나미 - Duration: 7:38.

For more infomation >> [AKB48/TEAM8]no.1 카미사진 대결 쵸 쿠레나 오다 에리나 하야사카 츠무기 야마다 나나미 - Duration: 7:38.


For more infomation >> [AKB48/TEAM8]no.1 카미사진 대결 쵸 쿠레나 오다 에리나 하야사카 츠무기 야마다 나나미 - Duration: 7:38.


Rai Remix 2019 - عومي يا الشيخة عومي لا يفهم معناها إلا أصحاب الشيخة - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Rai Remix 2019 - عومي يا الشيخة عومي لا يفهم معناها إلا أصحاب الشيخة - Duration: 3:26.


For more infomation >> Rai Remix 2019 - عومي يا الشيخة عومي لا يفهم معناها إلا أصحاب الشيخة - Duration: 3:26.


Une minute ! [YTP FR spécial Mazen] - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Une minute ! [YTP FR spécial Mazen] - Duration: 2:03.


For more infomation >> Une minute ! [YTP FR spécial Mazen] - Duration: 2:03.


Rai Sentimental 2019 - khedaba Fort كدابة أغنية تثلج الصدر - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> Rai Sentimental 2019 - khedaba Fort كدابة أغنية تثلج الصدر - Duration: 5:31.


For more infomation >> Rai Sentimental 2019 - khedaba Fort كدابة أغنية تثلج الصدر - Duration: 5:31.


Cheb Bassem Sghir 2018 Elmilieu madar fia الميليو مادار فيا روعة - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Cheb Bassem Sghir 2018 Elmilieu madar fia الميليو مادار فيا روعة - Duration: 4:06.


For more infomation >> Cheb Bassem Sghir 2018 Elmilieu madar fia الميليو مادار فيا روعة - Duration: 4:06.


Giovanni Bomoll Music

For more infomation >> Giovanni Bomoll Music


Liverpool transfer : Reds officials planning to fly out to complete £26.8m deal ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:24.

LIVERPOOL officials are planning to fly out to Turkey in a bid to complete a deal for

Besiktas star Domagoj Vida, according to reports.

Jurgen Klopp completed the £66.8m signing of Alison earlier this week to begin the process

of improving his defence this season.

And it seems the German is keen to continue improving his backline with Besiktas defender

Vida on his wishlist.

Vida made a name for himself at the World Cup, helping Croatia reach the finals before

suffering defeat to France.

His performances did not go unnoticed with the likes of West Ham, Everton and Liverpool

showing interest.

According to Turkish newspaper Milliyet, Besiktas have already rejected a £19.7m bid from West

Ham and snubbed an approach from Everton which did not match their valuation.

The Super Lig outfit are reportedly demanding £26.8m [€30m] for his sale.

Liverpool will now up their pursuit of the defender with Reds officials expected in Istanbul

in the coming days to thrash out a deal.

Vida is currently on holiday following his World Cup exploits but the Merseyside outfit

are keen to secure his signature ahead of their Premier League rivals.

Besiktas president Fikret Orman recently confirmed the club had received offers for the 29-year-old

but didn't name the interested parties.

"We signed Vida for free, he's now played a World Cup final and obviously it has resulted

in a lot of interest," he said.

"There are lots of offers for him but that does not mean we will definitely sell him.

"It would be wrong of me to reveal how much has been offered but if Vida wants to leave

we will consider the best offer."

Vida, who is under contract with Besiktas until 2022, would link up with fellow Croatia

World Cup star Dejan Lovren if he completed a move

to Anfield.

For more infomation >> Liverpool transfer : Reds officials planning to fly out to complete £26.8m deal ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:24.


Dase - NO TE ATREVAS (Video Oficial) - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Dase - NO TE ATREVAS (Video Oficial) - Duration: 3:46.


「Nightcore」→ Divine (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:42.

Nightcore - Divine (subitles in video)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Divine (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:42.


'It's A Party': Dozens Gather To Watch Crews Demolish Sullivan Tower - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> 'It's A Party': Dozens Gather To Watch Crews Demolish Sullivan Tower - Duration: 0:39.



just in Trump just destroyed Robert Mueller have fun in prison the girls

have been fuming over the past few weeks as Donald Trump has attacked White House

Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into his alleged collusion

with Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign instead of backing down

however Trump just defended his attacks on the investigation by saying he was

merely fighting back there's been no collusion whatsoever Trump said on

Wednesday according to the hill there's no obstruction whatsoever and I'm

looking forward to it Trump went on to mock those who have

accused him of obstructing the Russia probe by attacking the investigations

and referring to them as a witch-hunt you fight back

oh it's obstruction Trump mockingly told reporters he added that he plans to

speak with Mueller in two or three weeks letting the special counsel know that he

is not afraid at all I'm looking forward to it

Trump said about being questioned by Mueller I would do it under oath Trump

has previously called the Russia probe as a hoax and said in December that the

investigation makes the country look very bad it puts the country in a very

bad position Trump told the New York Times so the sooner it's worked out the

better it is for the country Mueller's investigation has taken

numerous hits in the past few weeks as numerous members of his team have been

exposed as Democrat operatives with a strong bias against Trump on Tuesday

Trump took to Twitter to slam the FBI bringing up the case of two FBI

officials who disparaged him in text messages during the election FBI

officials Peter stroszek and Lisa page were having an affair and while some of

their text messages have been released others have mysteriously gone missing in

one of the biggest stories in a long time the FBI now says it is missing five

months worth of lover stroszek page texts perhaps 50,000 and all in

primetime Wow Trump tweeted he text messages between sterzick and page

indicate that they knew that charges would not be filed against Democratic

presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as a result of the invest

into her email server before Clinton was interviewed by the bureau one exchange

between stroszek and page that occurred on July 1st 2016 reference then attorney

general Loretta Lynch's decision to accept the FBI as conclusion in the

Clinton investigation Lynch announced this days after it was revealed that the

Attorney General and former President Bill Clinton had an impromptu meeting

aboard her plane in Phoenix timing looks like hell stroszek texted

page yeah that is awful timing page agreed later

adding it's a real Profile in Courage sick since she knows no charges will be

brought four days after this then FBI director James Comey announced that no

charges would be brought against Clinton even though he said her actions in

regard to the private server were extremely careless what do you think

about this let us know your thoughts in the comments section



David Spade Lifestyle 2018 ★ Net Worth ★ Biography ★ House ★ Car ★ Wife ★ Family - Duration: 3:33.

David Spade Lifestyle 2018

David Spade Lifestyle 2017

David Spade Nationality

David Spade Height

David Spade Profession

David Spade Family

David Spade Mother

David Spade Daughter

David Spade Wife

David Spade Tv Show

David Spade Cars

David Spade Car Collection

David Spade Income

David Spade Net Worth

David Spade House

David Spade Facebook

David Spade Twitter

For more infomation >> David Spade Lifestyle 2018 ★ Net Worth ★ Biography ★ House ★ Car ★ Wife ★ Family - Duration: 3:33.


🇰🇷 Korea to CANADA 🇨🇦 | 한국에서 캐나다로! 캐나다는 뭐든지 크네요 - Duration: 13:41.

For more infomation >> 🇰🇷 Korea to CANADA 🇨🇦 | 한국에서 캐나다로! 캐나다는 뭐든지 크네요 - Duration: 13:41.


Detroit: become human (eng song) - Duration: 3:30.

blue-colored blood is running through my veins

i'm just your private helper, feel neither emotions nor pain

Cold is not a problem but I made a fire for you

And some tea too

Dystopia is now the world we're living in

Deviancy virus says «No longer machine!»

I don't wanna serve them, I am not their slave,

Deviancy is my way.

We welcome you to the brand new world,

Where androids are obedient, their hearts are cold.

We guarantee that getting one for your home

Is as simple as buying a phone.





Superpowers struggle is a threat to world.

We need thirium to live and we'll take it all.

Our people integrated into army force,

Soon we'll pass even the baseball course.

LED musicians soon will flood the streets,

Filling up the airspace with electronic beats.

Independent android nation!

A world-wide sensation.

We welcome you to the brand new world,

Where androids are obedient, their hearts are cold.

We guarantee that getting one for your home

Is as simple as buying a phone.





«Alice, do not worry, you are safe with me»

«Just say it yourself, I know it's you who killed him!»

«Don't let anybody tell you what you are, Markus»


«The Jericho is waiting!»-the androids realizing.

«We're hundreds, we are thousands!»

- the tension keeps on rising.

«Kamski, your messiah is ruthless and blind.»

«We are alive! We are alive!»

We welcome you to the brand new world,

Where androids are obedient, their hearts are cold.

We guarantee that getting one for your home

Is as simple as buying a phone.





thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> Detroit: become human (eng song) - Duration: 3:30.


中国でオーダーメードしたドレスがヤバい・・・ - Duration: 6:15.

For more infomation >> 中国でオーダーメードしたドレスがヤバい・・・ - Duration: 6:15.


Children and Weapon Play: Should Parents Be Concerned? - Duration: 8:06.

Hi there, Sarah Baldwin here. it's another Sunday with Sarah. Do you ever worry

about your child and gunplay? Is your child showing an interest in guns or

playing shooting games and are you worried that that means they might grow

up to become violent? Well, if so, you're not alone. I'm here to talk to you today

about children and weapon play. I'm the mother of two boys and even though

we did not have toy guns in our house, I didn't condone gunplay and yet

my boys, as soon as they got to preschool, were shooting each other and shooting

their friends and I was very concerned. And I get this question a lot.

Over my many years as a Waldorf early childhood teacher, I started out by not

allowing gunplay at all in my classroom, but as I learned from some of my mentors

and the more I observed children that children—boys in particular, not always

but in particular—there seems to be nothing we can do to stop it.

It's a fascination. There are a lot of theories on why that is. There's a

surge of testosterone in young boys between the ages of three and four and that can

inspire a lot of this kind of play, but there's also—a child often feel so

powerless in his or her world. They're powerless over their parents and their

teachers and circumstances and gunplay sometimes gives a child a sense of power.

So, in my classroom I found that even if I didn't allow guns a wooden spoon would

become a gun, a wooden block. When we're outside a stick becomes a gun and even

if you were to take away all those things a finger easily becomes a gun

which you can't put away. So I made rules and I only allowed gun play outside,

when we're playing outside, and the rule was you could not point a gun

another person because as I explained guns hurt other people. But you could point it

at a tree or an imaginary monster or up in the sky

and that seemed to fulfill the child's need in a way where other people, other

children, didn't feel threatened. Parents often ask "Well, why swordplay

then? Why'd you give them toy swords in a Waldorf classroom?" Often teachers do,

some Waldorf teachers even make wooden swords, they might spend a long time

sanding a wooden sword. It's not an easy question to answer but there are a

lot of different—a lot of qualities in a sword that are different from a gun.

Children in a Waldorf school in the autumn often hear a story about the

Archangel Saint Michael—you might see it spelled Michael, in Waldorf

education we call it Saint Michael—and celebrate his festival of Michaelmas.

It's the story of Saint Michael who slays or tames a dragon, different

versions of the story, carrying a sword made of stars and he's using it for the

good. So when I did have wooden swords in my classroom, I kept them in a

closet, we didn't take them out unless a child asked for one and before they

could play with a sword we went through a little knighting ceremony.

I asked the child to put on a silk cape and to sit on a special bench and then I

would knight the child by saying "Harper Alexander, have you been good?" And the

child would answer "Oh, yes."

"Have you been true?"

"Oh, yes."

"Have you heard the stars singing in the sky?"

"Oh, yes."

"Here is your sword," and here I would tap

the child on each shoulder. "Use it for right,

to carry the light, not for some silly quarrel or fight." And at this point I

would hand the sword to the child and this would inspire a different kind of

play. After this knighting ceremony if

another child in the class wanted to be a knight too and went through the

knighting ceremony and there are two toy swords, I did allow play fighting with

the swords but the rules were you could only combat with a sword, sword to sword,

and you could not touch another person with your sword. We never wanted any

child to feel endangered. Another difference between swordplay and gunplay,

I think, are the stories that they evoke. You know, when you give a child a sword

it evokes images of knights and dragons which is very different from the

kinds of stories and violence that gunplay might evoke. I think that's very

important. So if you're looking for swords to satisfy that child's urge for

weapon play in a healthier way, here are some you might be interested in.

For very young children, say a three or four year-old, this is a silk sword from

Sarah's Silks and it's just foam inside and it's very lightweight so even a

young child will have no trouble holding it. They can play with it inside, they can

play with siblings, no one and nothing is going to get hurt and it's covered with

100% pure silk and very bright, vibrant colors. This is another

one I like for a slightly older child, four or five. It's got a wooden handle so it's

a little heavier to hold, a little more satisfying for an older child to hold.

It's covered with wool blend felt but there's foam inside so again it

can be played with indoors and isn't going to hurt anyone. For an older

child, maybe over the age of six or so, who's a little more responsible and

without any baby siblings around, we have these beautiful wooden swords from

Germany. This one comes in a real, leather sheath and this will be enjoyed by

children eight to twelve and it can be a great part of a knight's Halloween

costume or for dress-up play. I'll put links below where you can find these

swords if you're interested. So if you have any questions, let me hear from you.

You can email me at I'm sure this

video will generate a lot of comments and questions. I always love hearing from

you and don't forget to subscribe to this youtube channel so you don't miss a

single episode. Thanks so much for your interest, thanks for stopping by and I'll

see you next time!

For more infomation >> Children and Weapon Play: Should Parents Be Concerned? - Duration: 8:06.


Said The Sky - Beautiful feat. Diamond Eyes (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:53.

♪ My love ♪

♪ Don't leave ♪

♪ My heart ♪

♪ Will bleed ♪

♪ It's been too long Since we said goodbye ♪

♪ Your heart Is buried deep inside ♪

♪ The walls of every dream of mine So drift off I'll keep you safe tonight ♪

♪ You are You are beautiful ♪

♪ You are Something unusual ♪

♪ You are You are beautiful ♪

♪ You are beautiful to me ♪

♪ Beautiful to me ♪

♪ You're beautiful to me ♪

♪ My dear ♪

♪ I'm here ♪

♪ Just hold ♪

♪ My t-shirt when you're not near ♪

♪ I've been, so lost Since we said goodbye ♪

♪ So cold Without you every night ♪

♪ I need Your blue eyes by me ♪

♪ Could I see our future baby ♪

♪ You are You are beautiful ♪

♪ You are Something unusual ♪

♪ You are You are beautiful ♪

♪ You are beautiful to me ♪

♪ Beautiful to me ♪

♪ You're beautiful to me ♪

For more infomation >> Said The Sky - Beautiful feat. Diamond Eyes (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:53.


Неандертальские технологии зажигания огня. Огниво каменного века и экспериментальная археология - Duration: 7:01.

Although the first protospichki or incendiary sticks

mentioned since the XIII century in China, the first matches were

made by a French chemist Jean Chancell in 1805.

And in the modern world, with every generation is less

people are familiar with the flint, consisting of flint,

and tinder or flammable from the sparks of the material.

But as our ancestors to lighters and matches were fired?

Without delving more ancient the times when the fire learned

use, store and to obtain by friction,

since the Iron Age and to ubiquitous production

matches, in everyday life for extraction sparks shock applied

method using flint and metal.

However, before the advent of metal, in different parts of the world,

cattlemen and hunter-gatherers disulphide

iron (FeS2), which in nature occurs in the form of minerals

pyrite and marcasite.

Here I allow myself to do digression and add

own "5 kopecks" from personal life, according to the water of pyrite.

This mineral is inexperienced a person is easy to confuse

with gold, knowingly it is so and they call it "gold of fools".

Just over 10 years ago, I happened to work in

mines and there they often went stories about jokes with new ones

workers and trainees.

Often pyrite can be found in rock and coal in the form of inclusions

sometimes quite large, but there are also pyritized

shells in the enclosing rocks, which is quite beautiful.

And when the combine is screwed touches a pyrite in a coal, it is possible

observe sparks that is quite dangerous with increased

methane content.

So, more experienced workers played a trick on the young,

showing pyrite and looking back offered

pile over pockets miners, for the purpose of marketing

on the way out.

Here it is worth noting that many workings and waste

face or lava, rather difficult to pass or if

speak more precisely - "creep, so with unaccustomed, yes

and with full pockets of rock it was probably not fun.

But back to the topic ...

Ethnographic reports describe the ignition system

fire with flint and pyrite or in some

cases, pyrite with pyrite, in Canada, on Tierra del Fuego,

in both Americas, and in Australia, Melanesia,

Greenland and Siberia.

And only in rare cases in Africa.

Neanderthals also do not lagged behind Homo sapiens

in my time.

Earliest use cases shock ignition technology

fire are familiar from the more distant prehistoric past.

Archaeological data are known from the bronze

century, Neolithic and Mesolithic throughout Eurasia.

But from the Palaeolithic, older 30 thousand years, not much


What can be connected as with the peculiarities of burial

artifacts, and behavioral factors.

In addition, pyrite is destroyed, Oxidizing in the open air,

especially at high humidity, to limonite.

In addition, in the Paleolithic, to ignite a fire, more often

used materials, in the form of production waste

stone tools or multi-purpose choppers.

Therefore, means for ignition It is difficult to recognize without a detailed

microscopic analysis and experimental archeology.

What was applied by the researchers in the described work.

As a result, scientists demonstrate first reliable evidence

regular use flint

Neanderthals in Europe, on the territory of modern

France and the Netherlands, about 50 thousand years ago.

For this purpose, we analyzed tools from the upper layers

Paleolithic, mainly Mousterian in the Acheulian tradition,

just from the period of the last glacial era.

And to obtain a comparative material, scientists with the help of

experimental archeology made replicas

stone tools and tried to make fire

with their help to study traces on the stone after these


It is worth noting that the use of fire Neanderthals know

from a more distant past.

Early Neanderthals from central Italy was treated

wood for fire, for production tools, more

171 thousand years ago.

These tools resembled so-called "stick-diggers"

universal tools, used by all communities

hunters and gatherers.

In addition, in the cave in France Pes de l'Ase, were

found blocks with dioxide manganese (MnO2) collected

late Neanderthals between 60 and 40 thousand years ago.

And this powder, dark brown color, when added to

reduces the temperature her burning, about

100 °C.

What can serve as an indirect evidence of use

manganese dioxide as amplifier to ignite the fire.

It is worth noting that the experimental direction in archeology

is very important for understanding and testing various hypotheses.

Because, as before, people it was difficult to explain the origin

some finds, especially in times of riot of myths

and religions.

Even before the findings and ancient events began

to weave aliens, they were also explained mythically.

As for example, ceramic jugs found in

land, according to medieval inhabitants, grew up themselves,

as root crops or made them gnomes.

A stone chopper and others tools, appeared

in the earth after a lightning strike.

Since the XVII century, the learned men began to recreate the ancient

technology to prove, that some or other artifacts

made by the hands of man.

However, even after this, many scientists to the end

XIX century, did not believe that the holes in stone tools,

could be met before appearance of metal.

Have not yet seen the process with my own eyes.

Although, what is there to be surprised at, if they are

people who do not believe, in the fact that many historical

objects and artifacts created human.

Although experimentally It is proved that dwarfish

chimpanzees bonobos, capable of produce modified

nucleuses or nuclei and shear from them flakes, which morphologically

similar to early stone tools from the Eastern


And in this study, after careful comparison

with different types of tracks, obtained from experimental

rubils, researchers came to the conclusion that the traces,

which arise as a result multiple power

contact with pyrite, with a clear the purpose of creating sparks for

ignition of fire, best of all correspond to unidentified

traces of archaeological finds.

Moreover, the resulting fire marks on the experimental

rubils are distributed in the same way as on

ancient instruments.

All this is important for understanding cognitive

abilities of Neanderthals.

And also emphasizes their close relationship with fire

and indicates the use of multi-component tools.

For more infomation >> Неандертальские технологии зажигания огня. Огниво каменного века и экспериментальная археология - Duration: 7:01.


Ruen Brothers - All My Shades Of Blue (Fan edit video) - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Ruen Brothers - All My Shades Of Blue (Fan edit video) - Duration: 4:16.


Way Back Home 8D | SHAUN 숀 | Nhạc Thông Não Acoustic - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Way Back Home 8D | SHAUN 숀 | Nhạc Thông Não Acoustic - Duration: 3:34.


[World Trip Tips] 🎒 Osprey Fairview 40 Review! Pros and Cons! how to choose a good travel backpack? - Duration: 7:42.

Hello, everyone. Today I would like to talk about my backpack following our best 5 travel items video.

My backpack is Osprey Fairview 40 liter and my husband's backpack is Osprey Farpoint 40 liter.

I will explain the difference between those two later. Here are three pros and cons

based on our 9 months of travel experience.

Osprey Fairview 40, Backpack Review, Pros 3

Pros 1. Compact size.

It is small so easy to carry. When we purchased the backpacks, the common reaction was

" isn't it too small? ", "Can you travel over one year with that small backpack?"

However, I think this is the perfect size for me. First, we were mostly traveling in hot weather

so we did not have much to carry with us and we agreed that when traveling in cold weather,

we just buy warm clothes and leave them on the way. So we travel light and feel very comfortable.

Most of all, our flight experience has become much more convenient thanks to its carry-on size.

In case of using low cost carriers, it is quite normal to pay extra to check in your bag if it is not carry-on size.

So since we take our bags with us, it saves money and after arrival, no need to wait at the luggage conveyer belt

also eliminating the risk of baggage missing. All in all, it has made our travel experience a lot easier.

Pros 2. Durability

One of the things I like about this bag is this frame here.

This helps to keep the shape of the backpack even when its fully packed.

Also, a decent hip belt is very important when choosing a backpack.

This backpack has a very wide and solid hip belt which does pretty good job on weight transfer.

Also backpacking means continuous packing and unpacking so you get to use zippers a lot.

These zippers are very solid and have a hole for a reason.

When leaving a hostel or guesthouse, we put our locks through the holes and leave the bags in the room.

Pros 3. Large storage space.

It is surprising that this bag looks small but can fit more than it looks.

One of the good features of this backpack is suitcase style opening so you can easily grasp what is where.

Some backs are top- loading and it sucks when you need to dig around

or even take out everything to get something from the bottom.

Since Osprey 40 allows you to completely open your bag so

It is very convenient. Also, you put things inside and by tightening them with these straps,

you can compact the size. This backpack has small capacity but it can store a lot more than you think.

One of the special features

you can pack away the regular shoulder, waist and chest straps

and attach the cross shoulder strap to make it look like cross bag or duffel bag.

We have not really used this feature often but

We thought it is a good feature to introduce!

Osprey Fair View 40 , Backpack Review, 3 Cons

Cons 1. No raincover.

Osprey 40 does not come with the rain cover. So you need to get one from other shops.

I thought it is necessary so I bought one from other shop. We always carry our backpack with the rain cover on.

Because we never know when it rains and to prevent the backpacks from getting dirty when putting them somewhere.

Cons 2. No Pocket for water bottle.

We drink a lot of water when moving around

but there is no pocket for water bottle. First, I thought these front pockets were for water bottle

but if you put too many stuffs in the backpack it becomes fat

leaving almost no space on these front pockets to have something inside.

So we put this hook and hang it here in the backpack.

But the water bottle dangling while moving is a bit annoying. So

if there is a side pocket, it would be perfect for water bottle or sandals.

Cons no.3 is the biggest downside of Osprey 40 backpack to us.

Cons 3. Laptop pocket is in the middle.

As I said before if your backpack is too full, it leaves almost no space in the middle pocket.

sometimes it is hard to squeeze a laptop in the middle pocket when the backpack is already too full.

We have one laptop and my husband carries it in his backpack. So when packing,

he always leave some space for the laptop. I think some people might think this is a bit annoying.

And one more thing! Osprey 40 liter has two versions. One is Fairview

and the other one is Farpoint. The difference is... almost the same I think.

The shape and the size are almost the same but I was told Fairview was made specifically for women so I bought Fairview.

After traveling for a while, I realized that the torso length is slightly shorter than Farpoint.

I have a long waist so my husband and I have almost same torso length even though he is taller than me.

So while walking, the position of hip belt seems to move upward little by little

It is not a big deal but I let you know and hope its helpful to decide which one to buy.

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