Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 7, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 27 2018


You're watching "Love & Hip Hop Hollywood."

Check Yourself.

Season Five.

You'll be watching us...

Watch the show.

For the very first time.

You'll be getting our natural...

...and honest reactions.

We're watching it...

...with you!

The scene you're about to see

is Moniece going bananas at a pregnant mum.


A.D.'s event is cute.

You know, it's for her fashion show,

which I did help design.

I think she should put me on the payroll.

He got braids twisted in dreds?

What the (bleep) is that in hair?

Do this man got microbraids?

Is them crochet braids, boy?

Hey, I'm single and mingling right now,

so I don't have to pay nothin'.

I just pay for (bleep). I'll send you home, though.

Rachel is a mess.

This man Michael's braids just swing there

where I can't take him serious, cous.

I can't wait for you to hear these records, though.

I'm opening for Kimberly. I'ma need you there.

Kimberly? I don't know who--

Kimberly-- "K. Michelle."

Oh, I think that Bridget is so talented,

and I like to see her opening up for her friend.

This Bridget, Bridgy, whatever.

Baby, heh... I'ma need you.

Just call me, man.


I think it's a good idea to call Princess,

'cause she told me to drop the location.

Like, when a pregnant person ask you to do something,

you do it.

That was a very dangerous move she made

by inviting Princess.

I don't think that anybody there

is gonna be particularly pleased to see Princess.

Just a guess.


♪ Burn it down ♪

How's everybody doing tonight?


Pregnant gangsta.

We were doing just fine

until you walked your fat (bleep) into the room.

(Princess) What type of person announced to the world

that someone else is carrying somebody else's baby?

One that doesn't like you.

What did I do?

Paris, you kind of set that one up there,

because we all know that Princess wouldn't be coming

to have a cup of tea with her.

(Princess) Maybe the type of person

that would fake being a lesbian.

No, it could be the type of person

that tries to shame somebody's girlfriend

and release a sex tape.

A.D. better stand for bae, okay? Heh.

And when we got home,

we (bleep) the (bleep) out of each other,

'cause that was so sexy... mm-hmm.

We can revisit this conversation

in about 2 1/2 months, when I have my baby.

Just because you're pregnant

doesn't mean that you can't get popped in the mouth.

Okay, bitch? Your belly may be pregnant,

but your face is not.

Maybe I'll show you how to be a good mother, too.

Yo, it done went left!

You have to control that (bleep), man.

Princess is pregnant.

I'm sorry, I'm still not sorry about picking up the chair,

and I guess I'm not sorry 'cause I didn't make contact.

I think I'm sorry that I didn't, 'cause then I would actually

have something to be sorry about.

Hey, hey, get her! Get her, get her, get her!

She just tried to downplay it and downsize it,

but I don't think that worked.

Who tries to fight a pregnant person?

A bitch that doesn't give a (bleep) about the pregnant person.

A.K.A. me. Let the record show...

that the chair did not leave my hands.

So, I didn't hit a pregnant person.

I almost hit a pregnant person. Almost doesn't count.

Who tries to fight a pregnant person?


I (bleep) love that Wicked Witch of the West.

"Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha! Ha ha ha!"

Princess, you're bad.

I held it together for a pretty long while.

I felt like I was standing on the judgment line,

waiting for Jesus to tell me whether I was coming to heaven

or being condemned to hell.

The next scene you're about to see

is K. Michelle's fake booty plugged up to the IV.


How you doin'?

Hi, baby.

I think K. Michelle pretty.

Pretty trash.


My single charted and...


You know, I got a big radio tour I did off of it.

You is spoiled.


You did the show with me,

and literally, you was a hour late.

It's two artists, there's a battle of egos.

And, you know, may the best one win.

I bet Lyrica was late.

She wasn't late.

You wrote some great songs.

But nobody give a (bleep).

Ooh... she back.

You are not serious right now.

I swear to God 'fore crackers and cheese,

you was an hour late!

Why you wanna be B.S.?

K, you told me about the show

three days before show!

Just say "sorry" and be done with it.

I definitely think Lyrica's entitled,

and this moment of hers

has definitely gone to her head.

You gotta fake it till you make it, bitch.

You fake it!

But till I make it, you got to.

But let me tell you one thing--

I don't fake (bleep)!

(laughing) If anybody knows fake,

it's definitely K. Michelle.

Say what you said, dog, that's all I want.

From the booty to the nose to the lips to the cheeks.

I'm not faking (bleep) like you fake your marriage.

I'm not faking (bleep).

I fake my marriage?

Okay, make (bleep) up.

It looked like that kind of hurt Lyrica.

She didn't-- she didn't like that.

If your (bleep)'s real, your (bleep)'s real, right?

And I feel like...

K's onto something with this fake marriage.

These bitches in La La Land,

they finna get a taste of the real.

She 'bout to get her IV.

Nah, she thirsty.


She's so thirsty for attention.

Why is K. Michelle randomly getting a drip

in the middle of her rehearsal?

This is what you're doing? You in L.A. being the same K?

The same K doing better than you, bitch!

Doing better than me?

Doing better than you!

What the (bleep) have you done?!

(both laughing)


Hollywood is so weird. (giggling)

Give me a mic!

Your album was brick.

Whatcha need a mic for?

Yeah, Lyrica!

Let's go, Lyrica!

Nah, security.

Yeah, you don't wanna get the mic.

Your mama's trash.

Lyrica just came out of nowhere.

"Your mum's trash"?

Ooh, "Your mama's trash."

Your nose is pinched.

Yeah, her nose is pinched.

Get the (bleep) out of here.

(bleep) you, K!

That's why you're trying to (bleep) Safaree.


Safaree, you're bad for that, if you did go there,

because A1 is your boy.

Bros over hoes.

You gotta (bleep)!

Why you taking me out?

Let's go.

Get the (bleep) out of her crunchy booty-ass bitch!

What did she just call her?

A crunchy what?

Crunchy booty-ass bitch.

Oh, my God!


You thirsty?

I am thirsty.


At the moment.

Can I have some water, please?


For more infomation >> Who Beats Up A Pregnant Woman? - Check Yourself: S5 E1 | Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood - Duration: 6:49.


👀 Doctor Reveals Ways For Eliminating Acne, Zits & Pimples From Your Face & Body - Duration: 9:28.

Hi, I'm Dr Sam Robbins,

Growing up, I used to get zits - like any teenager.

However, I remember this one time when I got this massive mountain of a pimple on the crease

of my nose.

However, the real problem was that the girl I liked, pointed to it in front of other girls

and said "geez Sam, what the hell is that on your nose, that's disgusting!..." or

something like that.

Everyone laughed and I played it cool and kinda laughed as well, but it hurt.

It was embarrassing.

I remember going to the drug store the next day and getting like half a dozen "anti-acne"

products to put on my face.

It was a mess and all it did was then dry out my skin and aggravate things even more.

I tell you this story because at the end, I did put in a lot of time and effort trying

to figure out how to have really good, clean, healthy skin.

After all, your skin is your biggest organ.

Healthy skin, means a healthy body.

Healthy skin is also very attractive.

If you're getting pimples on your body or zits on your face, then that means there's

an imbalance in your body.

And as usual, the primary cause is HORMONES!

So today I'm going to quickly give the the causes of acne and then, proven solutions.

And trust me, what I'll share with you today WORKS and it works almost every single time.

Just be patient and you'll see the results.

First of all, there's never a "single cause" for anything in the body - acne is

no exception to this rule.

However, the 5 primary reasons are:

Genetics Hormones - the most important factor.

Bacteria - this has skin bacteria (hygiene), as well as GUT bacteria, which again - affects


Stress (emotional, mental & physical) - this again, affects your hormones.

Your Diet - yup, affects hormones.

There might be some other causes, such as drugs - but these are the top 5 and most important

ones for you to fix.

And just to let you know, the reason you get a pimple because hair follicles become clogged

by a combination of dead skin and oils/sebum from your sebaceous glands.

Now, sometimes a person will say "but I got a zit on my forehead, there's not hair


Yes, there is hair on your forehead.

You have hair all over your body.

It's just some places it's large and you can see it and other places like your forehead,

it's tiny and can only be seen with a magnifying glass.

So, with that said, let's address each problem and the solutions, so you can have clear skin

and feel more confident and attractive.

Genetics Genetics plays a role in everything.

And yes, some people just don't have the best of skin genetics.

HOWEVER, that does NOT mean that you can't have great skin.

You just have make improvements in your lifestyle, with what I'm sharing today - so you can

actually turn OFF your "acne causing genes".

Yes, many genes can be turned on or off - so, you're not doomed.

Hormones Hormones always play a role in everything.

In the pimple party on your face and body, the primary hormones are:

Testosterone: This is primary the male hormone, but women

have it too.

HOWEVER, testosterone is good.

It doesn't really cause zits.

What testosterone CONVERTS to, is the real problem and that's:

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT): this is a known cause of acne, hair growth

on the body and hair loss on the head.

Men have more of this, but women have a higher % of it than men.

A simple way to lower excess amounts of it, WITHOUT negatively affecting your sex drive,

is to take Zinc.

Take about 30 mgs daily of Zinc Picolinate or a mixture.

This will improve your hormones and reduce pimples.

Then we have estrogen, the REAL problem.

In men, high estrogen coupled with high male hormones (testosterone and DHT) is probably

the BIGGEST cause of zits in guys.

But not so much in women.

So, you want to lower estrogen to a low/normal range.

Taking Supplements such as DIM and White Button Mushroom extract will help.

Also, avoid soy and other proteins that are not "natural" because they are full of


So, eat fresh, natural, pasture raised, grass fed proteins.

In a minute I'll tell you about more foods to avoid.

Cortisol is your stress hormones.

And stress comes in many different forms -- mental, emotional, physical, etc.

When stress hormones go up, a lot of other hormones go down.

Taking herbs such as Phosphatidylserine, Ashwagandha, and high doses of Vit C will help lower excess


Make sure get enough rest, sunshine, and think positive thoughts.

Negative, angry thoughts release a lot of stress hormones the entire day and if you're

sensitive to zits, you'll get them right away.

Insulin is a hormone and this goes up, in order to lower high blood sugar levels.

This means stay away from junky carbohydrates such as sugars, sodas, breads, pastries and

packaged foods.

Oh, and make sure you stay away from DAIRY - it's one of the worst foods for causing


And it's because it's very insulinogenic and also full of hormones!

Bacteria is a major cause of pimples as well.

You have the bacteria on your skin.

This means you need to keep your skin CLEAN.

Exfoliate and wash daily.

Don't over dry your skin either.

Use clean, simple and natural cleansers.

Clean your face with Witch Hazel - it's super inexpensive and works great.

Do this twice daily.

Then you have gut bacteria, which affects everything in your body.

Again, eat healthy foods, take lots of fiber, eat vegetables and make sure you take pre

and probiotics, in addition to caprylic acid - which comes in a pill or just have coconut


I already covered stress.

Your MINDSET is so important to your health, including causing pimples.

Make sure you get enough rest.

Also, if you're taking a lot of stimulants, such as caffeine (yup, that means coffee and

energy drinks) then cut them out or reduce them.

They burn out your adrenal glands and cause higher stress hormones.

Yes, diet always matters because what you eat or don't eat, affects your hormones.

I've already gone through a bunch of suggestions.

One thing I will mention again is that DAIRY is a huge cause of acne.

Remove ALL dairy.

No milk, no yogurt, definitely no cheese and read all ingredients - because they put dairy

in a lot of things.

By the way, this also means no whey protein.

Most protein powders are dairy - not healthy, especially for your skin if you want to not

have zits.

Another trick I've got for eliminating acne is to take Pantethine (B5) 750 mg with 250

mg of L Carnitine each, three times per day

I've given you a lot of suggestions here because there's never a "magic bullet",

especially for those that are very sensitive to acne.

Please watch this video again, since I covered a lot.

Take action on what I've suggested, even on a couple of things.

For example, eliminate all dairy, take pre and probiotics and take Pantethine (B5) 750

mg with 250 mg of L Carnitine each three times per day.

This is a simple and very effective start.

If you're a man, make sure you optimize your hormones - I've got a link below in

the description area on how to do this.

If you're a woman, you tend to have more fluctuations in stress hormones, which can

cause anxiety, panic attacks, even depression.

For you, I've got a link below in the description on how to help fix this.

Be patient.

It takes time.

But beautiful, acne free skin is so worth it.

Plus, all of these suggestions reduces wrinkles too.

Well, that's it for today.

I hope this video gave your more clarity.

If you found it helpful, please give it a "thumbs up" and "share the health"

with others, so they can benefit as well.

In the comments section below, let me know what you learned today and what you liked.

As always, Thanks for listening and have a happy and healthy day!

For more infomation >> 👀 Doctor Reveals Ways For Eliminating Acne, Zits & Pimples From Your Face & Body - Duration: 9:28.


Trump Fmr. Lawyer On Finance Chief Subpoena: He Knows Everything | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 12:20.

For more infomation >> Trump Fmr. Lawyer On Finance Chief Subpoena: He Knows Everything | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 12:20.


Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - July 26, 2018 | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 19:16.

For more infomation >> Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - July 26, 2018 | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 19:16.


Michael Cohen claims Trump knew of Trump Tower meeting - Duration: 11:16.

For more infomation >> Michael Cohen claims Trump knew of Trump Tower meeting - Duration: 11:16.


House Speaker Paul Ryan opposes GOP push to impeach Rosenstein - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> House Speaker Paul Ryan opposes GOP push to impeach Rosenstein - Duration: 7:25.


Trump is bringing an end to Iran's aggression in Middle East: Gen. Keane - Duration: 5:52.

For more infomation >> Trump is bringing an end to Iran's aggression in Middle East: Gen. Keane - Duration: 5:52.


Diamond & Silk: Facebook, Twitter use 'shadow banning' - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> Diamond & Silk: Facebook, Twitter use 'shadow banning' - Duration: 4:57.


Russia Intel Agency Tried To Hack Senator Claire McCaskill: Report | All In | MSNBC - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Russia Intel Agency Tried To Hack Senator Claire McCaskill: Report | All In | MSNBC - Duration: 4:45.


CBS2 News at 5:00 p.m. (July 26) - Duration: 13:23.

For more infomation >> CBS2 News at 5:00 p.m. (July 26) - Duration: 13:23.


Dive Teams Recover Body In Echo Park Lake Search For Man Who Fell From Paddleboat - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> Dive Teams Recover Body In Echo Park Lake Search For Man Who Fell From Paddleboat - Duration: 0:20.


Asciende a 448 la cifra de muertos durante los 100 días de protestas en Nicaragua - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> Asciende a 448 la cifra de muertos durante los 100 días de protestas en Nicaragua - Duration: 0:29.


Betsy DeVos' Mega Yacht Gets Vandalized | All In | MSNBC - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Betsy DeVos' Mega Yacht Gets Vandalized | All In | MSNBC - Duration: 3:17.


Con niños y canciones de cuna, activistas se toman Congreso para exigir fin de separación familiar - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Con niños y canciones de cuna, activistas se toman Congreso para exigir fin de separación familiar - Duration: 1:53.


Con cientos de zapatos de niños, le reclaman al gobierno por separación de familias en la frontera - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Con cientos de zapatos de niños, le reclaman al gobierno por separación de familias en la frontera - Duration: 2:06.


Pulido ya escogió entre Almeyda, Herrera o Ferretti para dirigir en el futuro al Tri - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Pulido ya escogió entre Almeyda, Herrera o Ferretti para dirigir en el futuro al Tri - Duration: 2:50.


Pulido destacó la "calidad" del nuevo Cruz Azul y advirtió que eso será una "motivación" - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Pulido destacó la "calidad" del nuevo Cruz Azul y advirtió que eso será una "motivación" - Duration: 2:22.


5 Wheels In 5 Mins Episode 2 - Duration: 6:03.

- Hey guys, what's going on?

It's (echo drowns out speaker)

And today we're gonna talk to you

about five wheels in five minutes.

Now you might be wondering, how is the second episode

different and better than the first?

I'll tell ya how.

Some are black, some are black with machine milling,

and some are even just matte black.

It's gonna be hot.


Jerry, take it away.


- Hey guys, I'm Shawn.

- And I'm Junior.

- With Custom Offsets.

- This is Five Wheels in Five Minutes.

- We're gonna bring you some of the hottest new wheels.

- And some of our favorites.

- Let's go.

(techno engine music)

- So for the first wheel, I chose the AX2.1.

What I absolutely love, this is one of the first

wheels I saw where they did this.

They have a machine, a brushed look into the wheel

and then also into the face

and then they came through and clear-coated it.

- I was just gonna say, it's clear-coated too, right.

Which I love. - You can run it year-round

- Yeah. - You don't have to polish it.

You don't have to do anything.

- [Junior] This seems to be something

a lot of companies are going after.

- [Shawn] Yeah, the old split-spoke, that you can pick out.

- It's got a good directional split, exactly.

- But this one is the rotary forged.

so this is basically a cast wheel,

that's then has the strengthened barrel

through the rotary forge, or flow form process.

To me, it basically, they created, what, a very forged look.

- [Junior] Yep.

- [Shawn] But you're getting them

for little bit cheaper than the forged prices.

So this is a dual drilled, but exposed.

So this'll fit on a Chevy or a Ford F150,

and then you can just spin the cap based on

which set of the 6-Lug that you're using,

so, I'm predicting this one's gonna be super hot

for the rest of the summer, going into the fall.

I'm also predicting you're gonna see more companies jumping

into the rotary, flow form forged world

- That middle ground, yep.

- of that medium price, with that very

flat, forged look for the design.

- Okay, so number two that we got, is the Fuel Hostage,

basically like three or four years ago,

the first time I ever walked into the shop,

this wheel was sitting there,

and it was, like, my dream wheel.

When I was in high school, everybody,

like, this was the wheel that everyone wanted to have.

And if you had them,

you were like the cool kid of the school.

- It's definitely super popular,

it's been one of the hottest wheels ever made.

The thing that I was, surprised me,

is that they put these plastic chrome nuts on here,

but what I do like is it's got real rivets.

So these are actual bolts.

Covered cap, humongous cap.

- [Junior] It, like, almost screams, like, truck guy.

There's so much, like, happening with it,

that's like very characteristic of like,

like you said, beefy--

- The cap is designed into the wheel,

and I think that was one of the things,

is that the cap flows.

So even though it's covered,

this looks like it's part of the wheel,

and I think that's what people liked about it.

The cap does not match the finish on the wheel.

And that was always a thing

with the Fuel satin versus matte.

The cap is a true matte, and then the wheel is a satin.

For wheel number three, I chose a WTF situation.

What the f--k happened with the RDR RD01?

So this wheel came out, and it was all about the lip game.

This one comes out, it's a 22 by 14,

and it's got like a nine inch lip on it,

which had never been done before.

You never saw it.

You go to the price point,

it's the cheapest 22 by 14 in the entire store.

It's like 12 hundred bucks for a set of four.

I go OMG, we're gonna sell so many of these

that I'm gonna buy a set for in the showroom,

because then people just keep buying it

and I'll just keep ordering it.

It is 2018 now and here is that set of wheels that I bought.

I don't understand what went wrong.

So, my question to you is,

Why didn't this work?

The wheels got the rivets which every wheel in 2015 had.

It's got the covered cap so it's got the dual drill.

- I think it's the name, honestly.

There wasn't enough history, or--

- They don't know who they are.

- Exactly, they didn't know who they were.

- Okay.

- But I mean, it's a super sexy wheel, I love it.

I mean, super clean,

it's everything you'd want from a wheel.

- It's not a Fuel, or a Hostile, or a Moto Metal,

or, just one of those top-dog names.

Number three is gonna remain a mystery.

You guys tell us what you think.

- Okay so wheel number four that I'm bringing

is the American Truxx Vortex.

This thing's sexy, I love it.

- I did not expect you to say that.

- Really?

- Yeah, I thought we were here to make fun.

- No, I like this one a lot.

It's such a clean, simple design.

It's exposed lug, it's huge, it's got a huge lip.

- I would have to say,

it's probably one of their hottest wheels.

I love their logo.

I think they absolutely crushed the logo,

but I've noticed that they have spent the time

on the caps, and exposed lug nuts.

I like a simpler, cleaner design.

And it's funny that you said this was,

'cause I don't see it that way,

mainly 'cause it, I think it's swooping,

and that just, to me, is a little much.

And I like that these guys are going out

and designing new designs.

They're not just creating what everybody else has created,

so I do love that about 'em.

For the fifth wheel, I don't want to so much talk

about this wheel, I want to talk about this concept.

So this is the Scorpion SC19.

This is actually a red clear coat on the entire wheel.

So, what you're seeing is,

the machining gives it that red pop.

And then when the sun's out,

you get like a black cherry look to the wheel.

When I saw this at Sema, I was just determined

this was gonna be one of the hottest things.

But it never went past that.

If you look at the car world, like,

there's so much color in the wheels.

I'm just a little surprised, and I think part of it

might be they're ahead of their time.

And I don't know if truck guys are quite ready for color.

- They're getting there. - Yeah.

- Like it's slowly starting to become

more and more of a thing.

- You see 'em at Sema, there's not a Sema truck there

that's got just black and milled, or just chrome wheels.

- Right. Most of the truck world, though,

like, it started out as chrome,

and it was all the bullet holes and everything like that,

like way back when, like you're day.

And then it, like, it was your day.

- I'm 25.

- 45 (laughs)

And then it slowly transitioned into black wheels

I feel like,

and then polish just recently started coming back

in the last, like, five years.

- So they're a decade behind the car wheel world,

and not ready.

- It's just physically, like, not physically,

but like it's actually just behind.

- I hope that we're not dead by the time these are cool.

- Damn.

- That's wheel number five.

So that will wrap up Five Wheels--

- In Five Minutes.

- And you guys let us know what you think

about what we just covered.

- And, what you want to see next.

- Yeah.


(strong upbeat music)

For more infomation >> 5 Wheels In 5 Mins Episode 2 - Duration: 6:03.


16º Jueves del Tiempo Ordinario - 26 de julio de 2018 – Ciclo B - Duration: 2:22:21.

For more infomation >> 16º Jueves del Tiempo Ordinario - 26 de julio de 2018 – Ciclo B - Duration: 2:22:21.


前TVB小花入行多年卻始終未能上位 離巢後嫁富商一索得子獲送豪宅 - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> 前TVB小花入行多年卻始終未能上位 離巢後嫁富商一索得子獲送豪宅 - Duration: 2:09.


Let's Snipe - Duration: 39:57.

For more infomation >> Let's Snipe - Duration: 39:57.


塔罗占卜:谁是你正缘,你们何时相遇?准准准! - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> 塔罗占卜:谁是你正缘,你们何时相遇?准准准! - Duration: 5:41.


塔罗测试:漫漫长夜苦相思,单相思会有结果吗? - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> 塔罗测试:漫漫长夜苦相思,单相思会有结果吗? - Duration: 5:28.


除了崔永元,冯小刚最近又手撕了这家公司 - Duration: 8:17.

For more infomation >> 除了崔永元,冯小刚最近又手撕了这家公司 - Duration: 8:17.


For more infomation >> 除了崔永元,冯小刚最近又手撕了这家公司 - Duration: 8:17.


崔永元、冯小刚"互撕"事件,老梁发声:他就是一臭流氓! - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> 崔永元、冯小刚"互撕"事件,老梁发声:他就是一臭流氓! - Duration: 3:31.


For more infomation >> 崔永元、冯小刚"互撕"事件,老梁发声:他就是一臭流氓! - Duration: 3:31.


崔永元唯一称赞的女明星,如今活得洒脱自在,令人非常羡慕 - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> 崔永元唯一称赞的女明星,如今活得洒脱自在,令人非常羡慕 - Duration: 3:40.


For more infomation >> 崔永元唯一称赞的女明星,如今活得洒脱自在,令人非常羡慕 - Duration: 3:40.


范冰冰与成龙冯小刚的合影,看得人太尴尬 - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> 范冰冰与成龙冯小刚的合影,看得人太尴尬 - Duration: 2:13.


For more infomation >> 范冰冰与成龙冯小刚的合影,看得人太尴尬 - Duration: 2:13.


李晨和范冰冰婚期将至,半个娱乐圈都受邀唯独没有他俩 - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> 李晨和范冰冰婚期将至,半个娱乐圈都受邀唯独没有他俩 - Duration: 1:53.


For more infomation >> 李晨和范冰冰婚期将至,半个娱乐圈都受邀唯独没有他俩 - Duration: 1:53.


Top JoJo Siwa Moments

For more infomation >> Top JoJo Siwa Moments


27/07/2018 01:17 (46 A1(M), Wetherby LS22 5GT, UK) - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> 27/07/2018 01:17 (46 A1(M), Wetherby LS22 5GT, UK) - Duration: 0:28.


27/07/2018 01:12 (46 A1(M), Wetherby LS22 5GT, UK) - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 27/07/2018 01:12 (46 A1(M), Wetherby LS22 5GT, UK) - Duration: 5:00.


Let's Snipe - Duration: 39:57.

For more infomation >> Let's Snipe - Duration: 39:57.


👀 Doctor Reveals Ways For Eliminating Acne, Zits & Pimples From Your Face & Body - Duration: 9:28.

Hi, I'm Dr Sam Robbins,

Growing up, I used to get zits - like any teenager.

However, I remember this one time when I got this massive mountain of a pimple on the crease

of my nose.

However, the real problem was that the girl I liked, pointed to it in front of other girls

and said "geez Sam, what the hell is that on your nose, that's disgusting!..." or

something like that.

Everyone laughed and I played it cool and kinda laughed as well, but it hurt.

It was embarrassing.

I remember going to the drug store the next day and getting like half a dozen "anti-acne"

products to put on my face.

It was a mess and all it did was then dry out my skin and aggravate things even more.

I tell you this story because at the end, I did put in a lot of time and effort trying

to figure out how to have really good, clean, healthy skin.

After all, your skin is your biggest organ.

Healthy skin, means a healthy body.

Healthy skin is also very attractive.

If you're getting pimples on your body or zits on your face, then that means there's

an imbalance in your body.

And as usual, the primary cause is HORMONES!

So today I'm going to quickly give the the causes of acne and then, proven solutions.

And trust me, what I'll share with you today WORKS and it works almost every single time.

Just be patient and you'll see the results.

First of all, there's never a "single cause" for anything in the body - acne is

no exception to this rule.

However, the 5 primary reasons are:

Genetics Hormones - the most important factor.

Bacteria - this has skin bacteria (hygiene), as well as GUT bacteria, which again - affects


Stress (emotional, mental & physical) - this again, affects your hormones.

Your Diet - yup, affects hormones.

There might be some other causes, such as drugs - but these are the top 5 and most important

ones for you to fix.

And just to let you know, the reason you get a pimple because hair follicles become clogged

by a combination of dead skin and oils/sebum from your sebaceous glands.

Now, sometimes a person will say "but I got a zit on my forehead, there's not hair


Yes, there is hair on your forehead.

You have hair all over your body.

It's just some places it's large and you can see it and other places like your forehead,

it's tiny and can only be seen with a magnifying glass.

So, with that said, let's address each problem and the solutions, so you can have clear skin

and feel more confident and attractive.

Genetics Genetics plays a role in everything.

And yes, some people just don't have the best of skin genetics.

HOWEVER, that does NOT mean that you can't have great skin.

You just have make improvements in your lifestyle, with what I'm sharing today - so you can

actually turn OFF your "acne causing genes".

Yes, many genes can be turned on or off - so, you're not doomed.

Hormones Hormones always play a role in everything.

In the pimple party on your face and body, the primary hormones are:

Testosterone: This is primary the male hormone, but women

have it too.

HOWEVER, testosterone is good.

It doesn't really cause zits.

What testosterone CONVERTS to, is the real problem and that's:

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT): this is a known cause of acne, hair growth

on the body and hair loss on the head.

Men have more of this, but women have a higher % of it than men.

A simple way to lower excess amounts of it, WITHOUT negatively affecting your sex drive,

is to take Zinc.

Take about 30 mgs daily of Zinc Picolinate or a mixture.

This will improve your hormones and reduce pimples.

Then we have estrogen, the REAL problem.

In men, high estrogen coupled with high male hormones (testosterone and DHT) is probably

the BIGGEST cause of zits in guys.

But not so much in women.

So, you want to lower estrogen to a low/normal range.

Taking Supplements such as DIM and White Button Mushroom extract will help.

Also, avoid soy and other proteins that are not "natural" because they are full of


So, eat fresh, natural, pasture raised, grass fed proteins.

In a minute I'll tell you about more foods to avoid.

Cortisol is your stress hormones.

And stress comes in many different forms -- mental, emotional, physical, etc.

When stress hormones go up, a lot of other hormones go down.

Taking herbs such as Phosphatidylserine, Ashwagandha, and high doses of Vit C will help lower excess


Make sure get enough rest, sunshine, and think positive thoughts.

Negative, angry thoughts release a lot of stress hormones the entire day and if you're

sensitive to zits, you'll get them right away.

Insulin is a hormone and this goes up, in order to lower high blood sugar levels.

This means stay away from junky carbohydrates such as sugars, sodas, breads, pastries and

packaged foods.

Oh, and make sure you stay away from DAIRY - it's one of the worst foods for causing


And it's because it's very insulinogenic and also full of hormones!

Bacteria is a major cause of pimples as well.

You have the bacteria on your skin.

This means you need to keep your skin CLEAN.

Exfoliate and wash daily.

Don't over dry your skin either.

Use clean, simple and natural cleansers.

Clean your face with Witch Hazel - it's super inexpensive and works great.

Do this twice daily.

Then you have gut bacteria, which affects everything in your body.

Again, eat healthy foods, take lots of fiber, eat vegetables and make sure you take pre

and probiotics, in addition to caprylic acid - which comes in a pill or just have coconut


I already covered stress.

Your MINDSET is so important to your health, including causing pimples.

Make sure you get enough rest.

Also, if you're taking a lot of stimulants, such as caffeine (yup, that means coffee and

energy drinks) then cut them out or reduce them.

They burn out your adrenal glands and cause higher stress hormones.

Yes, diet always matters because what you eat or don't eat, affects your hormones.

I've already gone through a bunch of suggestions.

One thing I will mention again is that DAIRY is a huge cause of acne.

Remove ALL dairy.

No milk, no yogurt, definitely no cheese and read all ingredients - because they put dairy

in a lot of things.

By the way, this also means no whey protein.

Most protein powders are dairy - not healthy, especially for your skin if you want to not

have zits.

Another trick I've got for eliminating acne is to take Pantethine (B5) 750 mg with 250

mg of L Carnitine each, three times per day

I've given you a lot of suggestions here because there's never a "magic bullet",

especially for those that are very sensitive to acne.

Please watch this video again, since I covered a lot.

Take action on what I've suggested, even on a couple of things.

For example, eliminate all dairy, take pre and probiotics and take Pantethine (B5) 750

mg with 250 mg of L Carnitine each three times per day.

This is a simple and very effective start.

If you're a man, make sure you optimize your hormones - I've got a link below in

the description area on how to do this.

If you're a woman, you tend to have more fluctuations in stress hormones, which can

cause anxiety, panic attacks, even depression.

For you, I've got a link below in the description on how to help fix this.

Be patient.

It takes time.

But beautiful, acne free skin is so worth it.

Plus, all of these suggestions reduces wrinkles too.

Well, that's it for today.

I hope this video gave your more clarity.

If you found it helpful, please give it a "thumbs up" and "share the health"

with others, so they can benefit as well.

In the comments section below, let me know what you learned today and what you liked.

As always, Thanks for listening and have a happy and healthy day!

For more infomation >> 👀 Doctor Reveals Ways For Eliminating Acne, Zits & Pimples From Your Face & Body - Duration: 9:28.


보잉 F-15X형 제안설...한국공군 2040년까지 운용 | 한국의 군사력 - Duration: 14:29.

For more infomation >> 보잉 F-15X형 제안설...한국공군 2040년까지 운용 | 한국의 군사력 - Duration: 14:29.


Việt Thi P336 Gia Nhập Hội Rich Kids? - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Việt Thi P336 Gia Nhập Hội Rich Kids? - Duration: 0:30.


塔罗占卜:谁是你正缘,你们何时相遇?准准准! - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> 塔罗占卜:谁是你正缘,你们何时相遇?准准准! - Duration: 5:41.


Dunezilla Part Two - Duration: 8:00.

Hey, there you are

We've been looking all over for you

We're about to start the trivia game

Come on!

So, I mean, I like the headlights you put on this, you know

But, I think really that line needs to be a bit faster, if you could address that

It's a little bit sleeker

A little bit more aerodynamic

If you think you can do that

I'd like you to go away and try again, OK?

This is such a great game today, we have so many awesome players

You're not kidding Barb!

These scores, they're incredible

And what a great start

Good job, team


Very important to stay hydrated in the desert

It's very hot out here

You lose many fluids very quickly

So make sure you drink your water

And gatorades

And you'll be all set

Oh, it's such a beautiful sunset

It's the perfect night to see it

Oh my gosh, this Dunezilla team is really winning

What's the score anyway?

5 to 4

Wow, Dunezilla! Where'd you learn how to play foosball like this?


Thank you for doing nap time with me, Dunezilla

Oh, so Dunezilla, I head that you don't have a girlfriend

Maybe you'll meet someone at the pool

Look at that cute girl over there

What kind of flowers are you going to get her?

Roses are a little much the first date

But how about some sweet peas or daisies?

Yeah, I agree

And on a first romantic dinner, I suggest going to Veggie Grill

But remember, no straws

Yes, this will show that you care about the environment you live in

And you're aware of what humans are doing to this earth

Don't forget candies would be a great gift

And don't forget to call! A text is not enough

I'd say no kiss on the first date but a hug would be a nice way to end the evening


So, I need you to flip this tortilla

onto the plate

That will really impress your unicorn lady

You ready?

1, 2, 3

This sauna is so nice and relaxing


Wait, Dunezilla. Are you okay? Did the heat get to you?

Just relax, big guy, just relax

Yes, I'm getting married

You know, relationaships are very, very important

Um, excuse me, do you have the time?

Whoa, OK

All right Dunezilla, these are not all for you.

Don't spoil your dinner

Dunezilla, I'm so proud of you for switching over to vegetables

It's really gonna help your digestive system

Oh my gosh, look!

Dunezilla, what's wrong?

You don't look so good

We gotta warn the family!

Hey, I think I saw Dunezilla down at 7/11 buying five different kinds of chips

Hey, I just saw that Dunezilla over at the El Tampico scarfing down a bunch of chips and salsa and dip

We need to bring in a team of experts

to find the culprit of turning Dunezilla

into his crazy self

We're needa find that turtle

There it is!

Go get it

Dunezilla has gone wild


I'm just having pudding

Dunezillas up to his old tricks again

Dunezilacus Fornocus is a fickle species

(Yes), the vegetables didn't work this time

In my experience, this creature needs a true love's kiss

True love's kiss.

For more infomation >> Dunezilla Part Two - Duration: 8:00.


Twitter users claim Grimes looks like Elon Musks' daughter in photo - 247 news - Duration: 5:01.

Twitter has gone crazy for a new picture of billionaire Elon Musk and Grimes after they were seen out and about with one of his sons this week

But that's because many users confused the 30-year-old Canadian musician to be Musk's daughter, rather than his new girlfriend

   Musk, 47, and Grimes, whose real name is Claire Elise Boucher, were pictured at the SpaceX headquarters for the Hyperloop pod competition in California on Sunday

The Tesla CEO has his arm around Grimes in the photo as they are accompanied by one of his five children

The photo soon made its way to Twitter, where some claimed they genuinely believed Musk had been out for the day with two of his children

 'I stared at this for like 10 minutes wondering who these kids are until it dawned on me that that's Grimes,' one user wrote

 'So I'm scrolling Facebook and it took me like 50 whole seconds and a caption for me to realize this was Elon Musk and Grimes, and not some dad and his two teen-ish kids on vacation,' another wrote

   'I saw a picture of Elon Musk and Grimes together and I thought she was his daughter,' one Twitter user commented

  .'Just a dad hanging out with his kids, what's the problem,' one user quipped

 'So happy to see a single father trying to raise two kids on his own, it's hard out there for single parents,' another joked

 'Why did you post a picture of some random divorced dad and his kids,' one person commented on the photo

  'I've seen y'all making fun of single parents, but the truth is that there are single daddies out there trying to raise them children like this man here with his 10 and 14-year-old kids,' another commenter wrote

 Musk has five sons with his first wife, Canadian author Justine Wilson. The couple were college sweethearts who married in 2000

They lost their first son to sudden infant death syndrome when he was just 10 weeks old

 They later had five sons through IVF, with Wilson giving birth to twins in 2004 and triplets in 2006

The couple divorced in 2008 and share custody of all five boys. Musk does not have any daughters

  It has been a bumpy ride for Musk and Grimes on Twitter since the pair officially came out as a couple on the Met Gala red carpet in May

 The SpaceX CEO came under fire when it was revealed that he donated almost $40,000 to support House Republicans this year

 But the backlash soon spread to Grimes after she appeared to defend her boyfriend on Twitter

 Grimes had been responding to one of her fans, who wrote: 'Elon donates to Republicans, people who deny climate change, a cause you and your boyfriend or whatever are supposed to care for so? Why are you still with him?'  'You're one of my favorite artists it is quite infuriating how blind or unwilling to see you are', they added

 Grimes then responded that 'every aerospace company has to donate to Republicans in order to function'

  Share this article Share 'In fact, most major companies across the board do, in some capacity,' she continued

 'It's the price of doing business in America. E donates way more money, like absurdly more, to environmental causes

' After Grimes' tweets were picked up by various news organizations, she clarified that she does not 'support donating to Republicans'


For more infomation >> Twitter users claim Grimes looks like Elon Musks' daughter in photo - 247 news - Duration: 5:01.


Robert Easter Jr. wants to make fools of those who say he is the underdog - Duration: 7:01.

Conclusions have been drawn about Robert Easter Jr. at the sports books, where he stands as a 6-1 underdog

 They have also been drawn in the minds of most fans, who don't expect him to handle the skilled onslaught of fellow lightweight champion Mikey Garcia

Advertisement  Easter reacts with a "you'll see" defiant grin, confident that the effort expended while hunkered down for 10 weeks in training camp will produce an outcome few expect Saturday night at Staples Center

 "Every fight is not the same and you don't fight every fighter the same," Easter said

"I know some things that Mikey does and some things that give him trouble. And I'm a different fighter

I just have to go in there, be myself, fight my fight."  Oxnard-raised Garcia (38-0, 30 knockouts) said he chose Easter for a unification of their respective World Boxing Council and International Boxing Federation lightweight belts because of Easter's uniqueness

 A string-bean-shaped 5 feet 11 with a nearly elastic 76-inch reach, Easter (21-0, 14 knockouts) stands five inches taller than Garcia (38-0, 30 KOs) and his reach is eight inches longer than the 30-year-old, four-division world champion

 "There's always risk in any fight and this guy's real tall," Garcia's trainer-brother, Robert Garcia, said at Thursday's news conference

"I'm sure he's going to try to use his reach and fight on the outside, but we're ready for whatever this guy brings

"  For Mikey Garcia, the Showtime-televised bout is a platform intended to boost his pay-per-view readiness and further his pursuit of unbeaten welterweight champion Errol Spence Jr

in Garcia's first appearance at Staples Center in seven years.  A homecoming is the last thing Easter wanted after emerging with a split-decision victory against overweight challenger Javier Fortuna in January

 "The drive and the motivation I get from coming from my city [Toledo, Ohio] – that's a great source of motivation and it's given me a lot of hunger coming from there to try and reach the big lights, where there's all the attention," Easter said

 "But in the small city, where everyone knows everybody, there's a lot of jealousy, hate -- all that -- and it ultimately makes you want to get out and fulfill your dreams, to see the bigger things in life

"  Believing that the negativity in Ohio was compromising his training, Easter and his father-trainer, Robert Easter Sr

, opted to accept an invitation from Florida-based Kevin Cunningham to relocate camp

 Easter Jr. crossed paths with Cunningham several times while fighting as an amateur in the Midwest – Cunningham trains St

Louis' former 140-pound champion Devon Alexander – and then he saw the strides his world-champion friends Adrien Broner and Gervonta Davis made under Cunningham this year

 "It just clicked. From the dedication and discipline, to eating right, being on time … it was a strict program and an excellent camp," Easter Jr

said. "We stuck to a game plan, more than just getting in there to work out and throw punches

I'm using all the advantages I've got and we sharpened all of them up."  Knowing he's giving Garcia every ounce of effort is the root of the confidence displayed by Easter Jr

, whose father emphasized he will remain "the voice" in his son's career.  "What I instilled him in the beginning is to stay tall and box the way we're supposed to … it's going to be a master showing by both of us," Easter Sr

said. Advertisement  An extra edge, said Cunningham, is Garcia's discussion of Spence being next, with a possible four-belt lightweight unification with Vasiliy Lomachenko looming in 2019

 "For the last couple of weeks, they're talking more about Errol Spence and Lomachenko … I look at that as disrespect," Cunningham said

"You haven't dealt with Robert Easter Jr. yet."  Toledo's only champion closed Thursday's news conference by saying, "expect the unexpected

"  "This is my big opportunity," Easter Jr. said. "Now it's time to put my skills to the test and show everybody what I really stand for

After this win, I will become one of the biggest names in boxing."

For more infomation >> Robert Easter Jr. wants to make fools of those who say he is the underdog - Duration: 7:01.


Dashcam footage shows police officer firing stun gun at handcuffed suspect - Duration: 5:09.

Dashboard camera footage released by a Mississippi police department shows an officer using a stun gun on a handcuffed suspect

On July 16, Meridian Police officers chased a driver of a silver van around a Walmart parking lot because he was suspected of shoplifting, ABC Meridian affiliate WTOK reported

The dashcam video begins as one of the officers radios for back-up as he speeds through the lot after the suspect

When the driver stops, the officer approaches the car with his weapon drawn before opening the driver's side door and handcuffing the suspect up against the van

Two more squad cars pull up as the first officer continues to detain the suspect

Officer Daniel Starks then exits his car, pushes the suspect against the van and then strikes him on the neck with his forearm

Starks and the suspect then exchange a few words, according to WTOK, before Starks pulls out his stun gun, immediately dropping it to the ground

After Starks pick up the stun gun, he shocks the suspect on his left shoulder, causing his knees to buckle and before he falls to the ground

Two other officers stand on either side of the suspect in an attempt to get him on his feet, and Starks places his hand around the suspect's neck and applies pressure, a police tactic commonly used by police officers to force someone to stand up

Once the suspect is on his knees, Starks points his stun gun at him for a second time, aiming toward his head

Starks was initially suspended without pay but was given a final notice of termination on Monday due to use of excessive force, which went into effect Wednesday, according to WTOK

Starks has not been charged with a crime. The department has "zero tolerance" for any use of excessive force, Meridian Police Chief Benny Dubose told WTOK

"It's not something I'm proud of that's connecting to the police department," Dubose said of the video

"By no means. I know it's going to be a lot of feedback and a lot of negative feedback

" Dubose said that proper protocol was followed up until the first officer handcuffed the suspect, including when he approached the car with his guns drawn

The suspect's condition was not known Thursday afternoon. ABC News could not immediately reach representatives for the Meridian Police Department or the Mississippi Law Enforcement Officers' Association for comment

It was unclear whether the shoplifting suspect was charged or whether Starks will eventually face criminal charges

ABC News could not immediately reach the Lauderdale County District Attorney's office for comment

ABC News' Alexandra Faul contributed to this report.

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