Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 7, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 29 2018

welcome to my channel

today i'm going to show you

the arrowhead plant propagation


growing arrowhead plant in indoor decoration


it's a mother plant

it's growing a medium size pot

now i'm going to propagate this by stem cuttings

we can also propagate the arrowhead plants by plant division

arrowhead plant is a climbing plant


when you are growing pots or containers

you must prune the climbing stems or allow it to climb up a trellis or support sticks

now i just cut the climbing stems with roots

you can see this cuttings

they have long climbing roots

now i'm going to plant these cutting in a pot

now potting the arrowhead cuttings


i just put some stones in bottom layer of the pot for better drainage

arrowhead plants like a rich organic soil that drains well


put the soil mix

garden soil 50% sand 25% and coco peat or peat moss 25%

fill the soil in half of the pot and place the cuttings

then add the remaining soil

arrowhead plants prefer high humidity but still grow well in basic household humidity

arrowhead plant with green leaves can live in low to medium light

arrowhead plant should have moist potting soil and dry out slightly between watering

add less water in fall and winter

keep these plants in indoor


i'm going to add some white stones on the top layer soil

this will help to keep the moisture and gives beautiful look in your indoor garden


i'm going to place this potted plants in another plastic decorative pots

select this beautiful pot to keep these arrowhead plants as a indoor decoration

on the bottom part of this pot i just fill the stones

then i'm going to place the potted arrowhead plant in this pot

for more decoration

adding some gravels, pebbles, colored stones and small marble balls

use only the spray water

water well and then allow the top 50% of the soil dry out before watering again

do not pour too much water

when over- watered, these plants develop root rot.

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Arrowhead Plants Decoration Ideas With Propagation | Plants Decoration Ideas//GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 8:03.


Deck Dinomist (Julio/July 2018) + Analisis - Duration: 18:05.

Deck name: Dinomist

Variant: Pure

Type of deck: Aggro

Main attribute: Water

Main type: Machine

Best First Hand - First Turn

Deck: Dinomist

Difficulty(Control) : ★☆☆☆☆ = Easy

•Style of Play•

The deck is of type Control / Beatdown, this due to the trap cards and effects of the same archetype,.... Part 1

...and monsters of the extra deck like Todally Aawesome and Cyber Dragon Infinity, that will contribute in the defensive and control part of the deck.Part2

•Strengths• 1.-Excellent defense and recovery thanks to Dinomist Charge and Dinomist Howling

2.-Variety of monsters in the extra deck for different situations

3.-Able to perform OTK only with monsters of the same archetype, without the need to use extra deck monsters.

•Weakness• 1.-The greatest weakness of the deck is seen when they ban the Dinomist monsters that protect us from selection or destruction effects, this leaves us in a certain way, vulnerable in front of the opponent

2.-That deny the effects our spell cards, or worse yet, that we can not activate them

Dimensional Barrier: It will limit us enough if they restrict us the pendulum invocation, maybe also ruin us some plays by restricting the XYZ invocation.

Cosmic Cyclone: We will be very vulnerable if banned the Dinomist monsters that offer us protection. Similarly, if they ban some Spell card or Trap card Dinomist

Anti-Spell Fragrance: The natural enemy of the Pendulum decks. Not being able to use our pendulum zones leaves us totally vulnerable in front of the opponent

Economic Recommendations

Another Styles of Play

Symphonic Warrior:The Symphonic Warrior will help us quickly invoke Electrumite, in addition...PART1

, to extend our plays with other combos and give us the ability to invoke in a faster way cyber dragon infinity. PART2

Card of Demise:A style more focused on the control part. Card of demise and Pot of Duality, will help us to better accommodate ourselves in the duel.-Part1-

We will focus more on leave on the field the Dinomist who make more uncomfortable our opponent , such as Plesios, Ankylos and Stegosaur.-Part2-

Ties: We will take advantage of using Ties of the Brethren to quickly invoke our Dinomists LVL 4. It is a good option when we start being first in the duel.

For more infomation >> Deck Dinomist (Julio/July 2018) + Analisis - Duration: 18:05.


Red Dead Redemption 2 - NEW RDR2 STORY DLC, RDR2 BATTLE ROYALE & BOUNTY HUNTER MISSIONS! (RDR2 Q&A) - Duration: 13:17.


(RDR2 Q&A) 0:00:00.000,0:00:03.270

hey what is going on everybody my name RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2

0:00:01.620,0:00:04.980 is Zack be Gus and call me hazardous

RDR2 0:00:03.270,0:00:06.150

thank you so much for tuning back in on RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 STORY

0:00:04.980,0:00:08.460 my channel and welcome back to another

RDR2 STORY 0:00:06.150,0:00:09.840

red dead redemption - video here on the RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 DLC

0:00:08.460,0:00:11.790 channel today I hope you're all having a

RDR2 DLC 0:00:09.840,0:00:13.410

fantastic day and thank you so much for RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 STORY DLC

0:00:11.790,0:00:14.910 your support on the channel recently we

RDR2 STORY DLC 0:00:13.410,0:00:16.650

absolutely killed it in last night's RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 BATTLE ROYALE

0:00:14.910,0:00:18.539 livestream I just want to give a quick

RDR2 BATTLE ROYALE 0:00:16.650,0:00:20.400

shout out to Kate House Ryan pipcorn RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 BOUNTY HUNTER

0:00:18.539,0:00:22.410 Adelaide O'Hara and Landon for their

RDR2 BOUNTY HUNTER 0:00:20.400,0:00:24.359

generous donations last night in today's RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 BOUNTY

0:00:22.410,0:00:26.250 video we have another Red Dead

RDR2 BOUNTY 0:00:24.359,0:00:28.800

Redemption - Q&A series we're out RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 SINGLEPLAYER DLC

0:00:26.250,0:00:30.810 episode 9 so next week is episode 10

RDR2 SINGLEPLAYER DLC 0:00:28.800,0:00:32.279

which is just absolutely crazy but yeah RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 STORY MISSIONS

0:00:30.810,0:00:34.559 so in today's video we're having a Q&A

RDR2 STORY MISSIONS 0:00:32.279,0:00:37.020

so drop like if you guys enjoyed today's RDR2 INFO

0:00:34.559,0:00:38.399 video subscribe if you guys are new to

RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 NEWS 0:00:37.020,0:00:40.050

the channel check out my Red Dead HAZARD

0:00:38.399,0:00:42.000 Redemption - playlist down in the

0:00:40.050,0:00:43.680 description below we had so many awesome

0:00:42.000,0:00:45.420 questions this week and if I wasn't able

0:00:43.680,0:00:47.010 to answer your question this week just

0:00:45.420,0:00:47.879 leave it for next week in the comments

0:00:47.010,0:00:49.920 section down below

0:00:47.879,0:00:52.230 also you can feel free to use hashtag

0:00:49.920,0:00:53.910 hazard Q&A on Twitter that way I could

0:00:52.230,0:00:55.860 filter your comments better and get to

0:00:53.910,0:00:57.870 your question even faster so let's jump

0:00:55.860,0:01:00.510 right into this question number one

0:00:57.870,0:01:02.010 comes from Aquila superbia and he asked

0:01:00.510,0:01:03.449 loved the content and I got a ask about

0:01:02.010,0:01:05.519 the leaked map it doesn't fit properly

0:01:03.449,0:01:08.159 with the old map looking at the lake

0:01:05.519,0:01:10.380 it's enclosed an RT r1 and it extends in

0:01:08.159,0:01:12.330 RDR - so does rock star not care about

0:01:10.380,0:01:13.799 continuity or perhaps is it purposely

0:01:12.330,0:01:15.900 misleading and fake well I definitely

0:01:13.799,0:01:17.700 don't think that it's not purposely

0:01:15.900,0:01:19.259 misleading and fake I just think that

0:01:17.700,0:01:21.930 they didn't craft what Red Dead

0:01:19.259,0:01:23.640 Redemption 2 would become by 2018 way

0:01:21.930,0:01:25.650 back when Red Dead Redemption 1 was

0:01:23.640,0:01:27.330 finishing development in 2010 I think

0:01:25.650,0:01:29.159 they just wanted to leave the map as is

0:01:27.330,0:01:31.320 and it makes sense to have it just as a

0:01:29.159,0:01:32.850 closed-off lake for the square map

0:01:31.320,0:01:34.229 that's presented to the player in Red

0:01:32.850,0:01:35.970 Dead Redemption 1 but now that Red Dead

0:01:34.229,0:01:37.560 Redemption 2 takes place what seems to

0:01:35.970,0:01:39.600 be northeast of the Red Dead Redemption

0:01:37.560,0:01:41.220 1 map they had to extend it and since

0:01:39.600,0:01:42.960 West Elizabeth and Blackwater is

0:01:41.220,0:01:44.820 featured there they just open up the map

0:01:42.960,0:01:46.590 and just made the lake more interactive

0:01:44.820,0:01:48.420 and less of just a closed-off body of

0:01:46.590,0:01:49.740 water like you see in other rockstar

0:01:48.420,0:01:51.869 games thank you so much for asking that

0:01:49.740,0:01:54.240 question question number 2 comes from

0:01:51.869,0:01:55.439 humorous pixel 295 and he asks what do

0:01:54.240,0:01:57.390 you think the story in Red Dead

0:01:55.439,0:01:59.070 Redemption - undead nightmare possible

0:01:57.390,0:02:00.659 DLC is gonna be like and what new

0:01:59.070,0:02:02.520 weapons we're gonna get like the

0:02:00.659,0:02:03.750 blunderbuss torch and others by the way

0:02:02.520,0:02:05.100 like the information you get for already

0:02:03.750,0:02:06.719 r2 because it keeps me high for this

0:02:05.100,0:02:08.160 game well humorous pixel thank you so

0:02:06.719,0:02:10.080 much I'm glad I could do that for you if

0:02:08.160,0:02:12.569 Red Dead Redemption 2 gets an undead

0:02:10.080,0:02:13.760 nightmare DLC again it's possible it is

0:02:12.569,0:02:15.590 possible that we're gonna see

0:02:13.760,0:02:16.939 single player and multiplayer DLC just

0:02:15.590,0:02:18.379 like undead nightmare sort of like an

0:02:16.939,0:02:19.730 undead nightmare part two even though

0:02:18.379,0:02:20.930 the games are prequel I think it would

0:02:19.730,0:02:22.909 be sweet I think it's gonna be similar

0:02:20.930,0:02:24.620 to the storyline with John Marston about

0:02:22.909,0:02:26.299 how the world is taken over by zombies

0:02:24.620,0:02:28.280 and Arthur Morgan needs to fight all the

0:02:26.299,0:02:29.959 zombies to basically save his family or

0:02:28.280,0:02:31.519 save the gang because they all turn into

0:02:29.959,0:02:33.260 zombies and I think we're gonna see cool

0:02:31.519,0:02:35.299 weapons just like the blunderbuss the

0:02:33.260,0:02:37.250 torch the explosive rifle you know the

0:02:35.299,0:02:39.049 undead bait the holy water all those

0:02:37.250,0:02:40.819 things I think if we get an undead

0:02:39.049,0:02:42.230 nightmare part two in Red Dead

0:02:40.819,0:02:43.519 Redemption 2 it would be absolutely

0:02:42.230,0:02:45.170 amazing thank you so much for asking

0:02:43.519,0:02:47.090 your question question number three

0:02:45.170,0:02:48.890 comes from Orion coil on he asks I know

0:02:47.090,0:02:50.299 that overhyping a new title is unhealthy

0:02:48.890,0:02:52.519 but what do you think about rockstars

0:02:50.299,0:02:54.260 lackluster marketing so far for Red Dead

0:02:52.519,0:02:56.209 Redemption - now I definitely think that

0:02:54.260,0:02:58.310 it is lackluster like you said Orion I

0:02:56.209,0:03:00.170 do think that they can do more but again

0:02:58.310,0:03:01.849 that's just rockstars marketing plan it

0:03:00.170,0:03:03.769 works for them especially for their

0:03:01.849,0:03:05.659 company where they release games just so

0:03:03.769,0:03:07.639 sporadically now it's just like every

0:03:05.659,0:03:10.849 game is so far spaced apart whereas

0:03:07.639,0:03:13.250 before it was gta4 in 2008 then we had

0:03:10.849,0:03:15.680 their DLC The Lost and Damned and The

0:03:13.250,0:03:18.470 Ballad of Gay Tony in 2009 then we had

0:03:15.680,0:03:22.010 Red Dead Redemption in 2010 LA noire in

0:03:18.470,0:03:23.540 2011 Max Payne 3 in 2012 and then GTA 5

0:03:22.010,0:03:26.090 in 2013 and then we haven't seen

0:03:23.540,0:03:28.190 anything since besides the online DLCs

0:03:26.090,0:03:29.569 for grand theft auto online I just think

0:03:28.190,0:03:31.519 that this is what works for them it

0:03:29.569,0:03:33.049 sucks for us because I want more stuff

0:03:31.519,0:03:34.819 to be able to talk about and speculate

0:03:33.049,0:03:36.949 about and analyze with you guys because

0:03:34.819,0:03:38.359 Red Dead Redemption 1 had like two hours

0:03:36.949,0:03:40.099 of gameplay footage and trailers

0:03:38.359,0:03:41.389 revealed before the actual release of

0:03:40.099,0:03:43.010 the game which was absolutely amazing

0:03:41.389,0:03:44.599 but I don't think their marketing would

0:03:43.010,0:03:46.099 be as effective if they did that this

0:03:44.599,0:03:48.650 time around just because it seems like

0:03:46.099,0:03:49.819 scarcity is what drives up sales thank

0:03:48.650,0:03:52.459 you so much for asking your question

0:03:49.819,0:03:54.260 Eric a Stello ass in question at number

0:03:52.459,0:03:55.669 four do you think Red Dead Redemption 2

0:03:54.260,0:03:57.319 is the last game in the Red Dead

0:03:55.669,0:03:59.359 franchise love your videos by the way

0:03:57.319,0:04:01.220 keep up the awesome work well Eric I do

0:03:59.359,0:04:03.230 have a few thoughts on this I do think

0:04:01.220,0:04:05.329 that there's not many places Rockstar

0:04:03.230,0:04:07.310 can go with Red Dead Redemption after

0:04:05.329,0:04:09.379 Red Dead Redemption - a sequel to Red

0:04:07.310,0:04:11.060 Dead Redemption one or even Red Dead

0:04:09.379,0:04:12.500 Redemption - it seemed kind of weird it

0:04:11.060,0:04:15.650 seems like Red Dead Redemption 2 is

0:04:12.500,0:04:17.389 gonna space out from 1899 to 1906 when

0:04:15.650,0:04:18.680 the game when the gang disperses and

0:04:17.389,0:04:20.030 breaks up that would make for an

0:04:18.680,0:04:21.349 interesting ending of course it would

0:04:20.030,0:04:22.370 just wouldn't make sense if they stopped

0:04:21.349,0:04:23.990 the gang and you didn't see what

0:04:22.370,0:04:25.820 actually happened to make them break up

0:04:23.990,0:04:27.480 as a gang in Red Dead Redemption - if

0:04:25.820,0:04:29.070 that were to be the end of the game they

0:04:27.480,0:04:30.810 to end it they have to end Red Dead

0:04:29.070,0:04:32.250 Redemption - with the gang breaking up

0:04:30.810,0:04:33.720 that's just like literally how it's

0:04:32.250,0:04:35.250 supposed to end that's how the story is

0:04:33.720,0:04:37.290 supposed to come to a close we see we

0:04:35.250,0:04:39.270 get closure when we see how the gang

0:04:37.290,0:04:40.740 breaks up but I do think that Rockstar

0:04:39.270,0:04:42.720 is gonna have some trouble making a new

0:04:40.740,0:04:44.370 Red Dead Redemption game after Red Dead

0:04:42.720,0:04:46.200 Redemption - if we saw a Red Dead

0:04:44.370,0:04:47.970 Redemption 3 up a sequel to Red Dead

0:04:46.200,0:04:49.800 Redemption 1 wouldn't necessarily make

0:04:47.970,0:04:51.570 sense even if it was Jack Marsden I

0:04:49.800,0:04:53.250 think we could have more Red Dead games

0:04:51.570,0:04:54.990 but we're not gonna see it for a long

0:04:53.250,0:04:57.270 long time the next Rockstar game we're

0:04:54.990,0:04:58.770 gonna see is probably gonna be GTA 6

0:04:57.270,0:05:02.550 which isn't gonna be until way after

0:04:58.770,0:05:04.710 2020 my guess is between 2022 and 2025

0:05:02.550,0:05:06.180 you guys can dispute that but I do think

0:05:04.710,0:05:07.800 that Rockstar is gonna have some trouble

0:05:06.180,0:05:09.180 making another Red Dead Redemption game

0:05:07.800,0:05:11.280 who knows they could take us by surprise

0:05:09.180,0:05:13.140 but I don't think that the Red Dead

0:05:11.280,0:05:14.790 franchise is coming to a close up to

0:05:13.140,0:05:17.280 this we're gonna see more Red Dead games

0:05:14.790,0:05:19.230 but it may not necessarily be Red Dead

0:05:17.280,0:05:21.570 Redemption 3 now switching over to the

0:05:19.230,0:05:24.390 YouTube comments in question at number 5

0:05:21.570,0:05:26.220 fire C 321 asked how will Red Dead

0:05:24.390,0:05:27.600 Redemption to battle royale work now

0:05:26.220,0:05:28.920 I've had a few thoughts of this and I've

0:05:27.600,0:05:30.660 talked about these in a video on my

0:05:28.920,0:05:32.220 channel I think we're overdue for an

0:05:30.660,0:05:33.750 update on the channel about Red Dead

0:05:32.220,0:05:35.010 Redemption to battle royale because I

0:05:33.750,0:05:37.470 have a few more thoughts and I'll share

0:05:35.010,0:05:39.180 a few in this Q&A video if Red Dead

0:05:37.470,0:05:40.440 Redemption sue had a battle royale I'd

0:05:39.180,0:05:42.390 want it to work similar to how a

0:05:40.440,0:05:44.340 traditional battle royale works I know

0:05:42.390,0:05:45.750 Rockstar likes to innovate classic game

0:05:44.340,0:05:47.430 modes and things like that where team

0:05:45.750,0:05:49.860 deathmatch they made it a gang match and

0:05:47.430,0:05:51.690 grab the bag and you grab a bag of gold

0:05:49.860,0:05:53.700 and the Red Dead Redemption online etc

0:05:51.690,0:05:55.170 but I don't think we necessarily need to

0:05:53.700,0:05:57.630 see a huge change to battle royale

0:05:55.170,0:05:59.430 battle royale is popular in its most

0:05:57.630,0:06:01.560 simplistic form which is have a bunch of

0:05:59.430,0:06:03.450 people drop onto a map the map gets

0:06:01.560,0:06:05.550 smaller and smaller and the last person

0:06:03.450,0:06:07.110 to survive wins I would love for that to

0:06:05.550,0:06:08.670 be in Red Dead Redemption - it would be

0:06:07.110,0:06:10.110 sweet to just like go into like an

0:06:08.670,0:06:11.970 abandoned mine and you're searching for

0:06:10.110,0:06:13.620 weapons and you have bears and mountain

0:06:11.970,0:06:14.730 lions and cougars chasing you and all

0:06:13.620,0:06:15.900 these different things you're trying to

0:06:14.730,0:06:17.460 worry about players you're trying to

0:06:15.900,0:06:19.260 worry about animals and you're also just

0:06:17.460,0:06:21.210 trying to survive on your own and as the

0:06:19.260,0:06:22.710 world can get smaller and smaller on you

0:06:21.210,0:06:24.570 I think it would make perfect sense for

0:06:22.710,0:06:26.370 Red Dead Redemption not necessarily like

0:06:24.570,0:06:28.020 GTA 5 but that's how I'd want it to work

0:06:26.370,0:06:30.210 just like classic battle royale mode

0:06:28.020,0:06:31.500 question number 6 comes from the lit

0:06:30.210,0:06:33.030 squad and yes I don't know if you've

0:06:31.500,0:06:34.710 already been asked this but do you think

0:06:33.030,0:06:36.510 that Rockstar will put the old map in

0:06:34.710,0:06:38.310 Red Dead Redemption - now I have talked

0:06:36.510,0:06:39.600 about this on my channel before but I

0:06:38.310,0:06:40.860 want to talk about it again and so

0:06:39.600,0:06:41.270 that's why I featured your question I

0:06:40.860,0:06:42.650 want to get

0:06:41.270,0:06:44.270 to everyone but there's just so many

0:06:42.650,0:06:46.130 questions that I get every single week I

0:06:44.270,0:06:47.840 can only feature so many so if I haven't

0:06:46.130,0:06:49.190 featured your question yeah I'm so sorry

0:06:47.840,0:06:50.810 I will be getting around to everyone at

0:06:49.190,0:06:52.760 some point just keep on asking your

0:06:50.810,0:06:54.830 questions but I do kind of think that

0:06:52.760,0:06:56.180 Rockstar will put the old map in Red

0:06:54.830,0:06:57.800 Dead Redemption too I've talked about

0:06:56.180,0:06:59.180 this before and livestreams on my

0:06:57.800,0:07:00.560 channel and I've gone back and forth

0:06:59.180,0:07:02.390 with subscribers and different friends

0:07:00.560,0:07:03.800 and fans of mine about how the map and

0:07:02.390,0:07:05.900 the old map will work and Red Dead

0:07:03.800,0:07:07.670 Redemption - will it be featured will it

0:07:05.900,0:07:09.350 not be feature if it's not featured how

0:07:07.670,0:07:10.820 will we keep players out of the map if

0:07:09.350,0:07:11.990 it is featured you know how will we

0:07:10.820,0:07:13.880 implement it into the game

0:07:11.990,0:07:15.590 etc and I just think that there's a

0:07:13.880,0:07:17.240 whole bunch of different ways again my

0:07:15.590,0:07:19.640 reasons for it being in the game are

0:07:17.240,0:07:20.990 just as bad as why I could say that it

0:07:19.640,0:07:23.150 wouldn't be featured in a game we just

0:07:20.990,0:07:24.890 don't know what I can say almost with

0:07:23.150,0:07:26.840 certainty though is that if we don't see

0:07:24.890,0:07:29.630 any of the original Red Dead Redemption

0:07:26.840,0:07:31.400 one map besides West Elizabeth in the

0:07:29.630,0:07:33.170 Red Dead Redemption - gameplay trailer

0:07:31.400,0:07:34.610 like if we don't see Mexico if we don't

0:07:33.170,0:07:36.470 see armadillo if we don't see

0:07:34.610,0:07:38.330 gap-toothed breach or tumbleweed or

0:07:36.470,0:07:39.200 anything like that or Escalera in Mexico

0:07:38.330,0:07:41.210 or Torquemada

0:07:39.200,0:07:43.310 or super osa etc then I can almost

0:07:41.210,0:07:45.170 guarantee that the original Red Dead

0:07:43.310,0:07:46.340 Redemption one map will not be in the

0:07:45.170,0:07:47.750 game because they would definitely want

0:07:46.340,0:07:49.700 to feature that in the gameplay trailer

0:07:47.750,0:07:51.530 just to like drop a bomb on the audience

0:07:49.700,0:07:53.360 and be like yo we got this look at what

0:07:51.530,0:07:55.100 we've been working on here so I would

0:07:53.360,0:07:56.660 say that if we don't see any evidence of

0:07:55.100,0:07:58.400 it in the gameplay trailer or by the

0:07:56.660,0:08:00.740 time the gameplay trailer releases then

0:07:58.400,0:08:01.700 my little theory is pretty much crushed

0:08:00.740,0:08:03.650 oh well

0:08:01.700,0:08:05.210 question number seven comes from Othman

0:08:03.650,0:08:07.010 Azhar and he says do you think that Red

0:08:05.210,0:08:08.990 Dead Redemption - will have bounty

0:08:07.010,0:08:10.490 hunting missions definitely we love

0:08:08.990,0:08:11.960 those in Red Dead Redemption 1 I feel

0:08:10.490,0:08:13.430 like everyone loved bounty hunting and

0:08:11.960,0:08:14.660 Red Dead Redemption 1 1 because it was

0:08:13.430,0:08:16.700 fun to capture criminals and I to

0:08:14.660,0:08:18.050 execute them or hog-tie them and bring

0:08:16.700,0:08:19.880 them back to the sheriff and it was also

0:08:18.050,0:08:21.320 fun to collect your reward because money

0:08:19.880,0:08:22.820 was pretty valuable in the game in my

0:08:21.320,0:08:24.320 opinion especially if you wanted to get

0:08:22.820,0:08:26.090 certain weapons early and didn't want to

0:08:24.320,0:08:26.900 pick them up off dead enemies that you

0:08:26.090,0:08:27.800 killed throughout the map so I

0:08:26.900,0:08:29.480 definitely think that Red Dead

0:08:27.800,0:08:31.580 Redemption 2 will have bounty hunting

0:08:29.480,0:08:33.020 missions I think it will be a little bit

0:08:31.580,0:08:34.520 different from the Red Dead Redemption 1

0:08:33.020,0:08:36.200 system and of course they can go at

0:08:34.520,0:08:37.940 million different directions with the

0:08:36.200,0:08:39.290 Red Dead Redemption - online with bounty

0:08:37.940,0:08:40.790 hunting but I definitely think they will

0:08:39.290,0:08:43.100 be in the game question number eight

0:08:40.790,0:08:44.900 comes from Matt the MLG pro and he asks

0:08:43.100,0:08:46.850 do you think since rockstars having an

0:08:44.900,0:08:48.320 emphasis on AI interactions do you think

0:08:46.850,0:08:50.060 there will be dialogue options when

0:08:48.320,0:08:52.190 interacting with our gang members at the

0:08:50.060,0:08:53.660 camp or multiple endings like GTA head

0:08:52.190,0:08:54.160 thanks love your videos thank you so

0:08:53.660,0:08:55.750 much Matt

0:08:54.160,0:08:57.910 and I do think that Red Dead Redemption

0:08:55.750,0:08:59.199 too will have different dialogue options

0:08:57.910,0:09:00.940 when we're interacting with our gang

0:08:59.199,0:09:02.769 members at the camp but not necessarily

0:09:00.940,0:09:05.019 in the fact that you can choose to say

0:09:02.769,0:09:06.670 yes no or maybe or any of that type of

0:09:05.019,0:09:08.079 stuff like Skyrim I think it's gonna be

0:09:06.670,0:09:09.910 a little bit different and it's got

0:09:08.079,0:09:11.170 based off of body language so you can

0:09:09.910,0:09:12.819 kind of control Arthur while you're

0:09:11.170,0:09:13.870 talking to these different people and if

0:09:12.819,0:09:15.430 you don't really face the character

0:09:13.870,0:09:16.899 maybe they'll have a different response

0:09:15.430,0:09:18.310 for you and Arthur Morgan will have a

0:09:16.899,0:09:20.319 different response for you and you're

0:09:18.310,0:09:23.110 gonna be able to use your own controls

0:09:20.319,0:09:25.000 on your actual PlayStation 4 or Xbox one

0:09:23.110,0:09:27.069 controller to affect how the

0:09:25.000,0:09:28.959 conversation at the camp with the

0:09:27.069,0:09:30.670 different NPCs will go and I also don't

0:09:28.959,0:09:32.560 think that Red Dead Redemption 2 will

0:09:30.670,0:09:34.839 have multiple endings I think you can

0:09:32.560,0:09:36.670 take different paths in the game to get

0:09:34.839,0:09:38.319 to the same ending but I don't think

0:09:36.670,0:09:39.699 that there will be multiple endings just

0:09:38.319,0:09:41.050 like Grand Theft Auto 5 had but thank

0:09:39.699,0:09:43.720 you so much for asking your questions

0:09:41.050,0:09:44.889 question number nine comes from xx RDR -

0:09:43.720,0:09:46.839 Andy s do you think there'll be

0:09:44.889,0:09:48.670 connection between Red Dead Revolver and

0:09:46.839,0:09:50.199 Red Dead Redemption - for example do you

0:09:48.670,0:09:52.360 think we could see some characters from

0:09:50.199,0:09:54.100 revolver or see a duel go down from that

0:09:52.360,0:09:56.350 game and I think we're gonna see some

0:09:54.100,0:09:58.389 parallels Rockstar likes to do that of

0:09:56.350,0:10:00.339 course we see plenty of examples and

0:09:58.389,0:10:01.810 plenty of proof in GTA games where we

0:10:00.339,0:10:03.399 see characters from previous Grand Theft

0:10:01.810,0:10:05.110 Auto games get featured in the future

0:10:03.399,0:10:06.790 ones and the most recent ones but we

0:10:05.110,0:10:08.589 haven't had much evidence of that with

0:10:06.790,0:10:11.139 Red Dead Redemption besides the Red Dead

0:10:08.589,0:10:13.000 Revolver characters coming in - Red Dead

0:10:11.139,0:10:14.620 Redemption 1 in multiplayer you could

0:10:13.000,0:10:16.420 choose the Red Dead Revolver characters

0:10:14.620,0:10:18.220 and I think we are see something like

0:10:16.420,0:10:20.740 that in Red Dead Redemption - either in

0:10:18.220,0:10:22.689 the online or even in the story similar

0:10:20.740,0:10:25.029 to how Grand Theft Auto 5 Nico Bellic

0:10:22.689,0:10:26.410 was mentioned packy McCreary could come

0:10:25.029,0:10:27.579 on the heist missions for you I think

0:10:26.410,0:10:29.410 we're gonna see different things like

0:10:27.579,0:10:31.240 that but for the most part since Red

0:10:29.410,0:10:33.069 Dead Redemption 2 is all about the gang

0:10:31.240,0:10:34.089 in Red Dead Redemption 1 all those

0:10:33.069,0:10:35.439 characters are pretty much gonna be

0:10:34.089,0:10:37.029 there I don't think we're gonna see a

0:10:35.439,0:10:38.730 huge emphasis from Red Dead Revolver

0:10:37.029,0:10:41.380 though I hope that answers your question

0:10:38.730,0:10:41.889 question number 10 comes from bball

0:10:41.380,0:10:43.600 genius

0:10:41.889,0:10:45.610 oh 4 and he asked what do you not want

0:10:43.600,0:10:47.589 featured in Red Dead Redemption - that

0:10:45.610,0:10:49.120 was featured in Red Dead Redemption 1

0:10:47.589,0:10:50.740 and that's an interesting question I

0:10:49.120,0:10:52.240 haven't really discussed that on my

0:10:50.740,0:10:54.009 channel yet one of the things that I do

0:10:52.240,0:10:55.629 not want featured in Red Dead Redemption

0:10:54.009,0:10:57.670 - that was featured in Red Dead

0:10:55.629,0:11:00.189 Redemption 1 are two characters and

0:10:57.670,0:11:01.629 those are nigel west dickens and irish I

0:11:00.189,0:11:03.819 really didn't like those characters I

0:11:01.629,0:11:05.589 definitely didn't enjoy watching the

0:11:03.819,0:11:06.399 cutscenes with those people I just found

0:11:05.589,0:11:07.420 them annoying

0:11:06.399,0:11:09.340 they were loelai

0:11:07.420,0:11:11.230 they were scumbags and they just didn't

0:11:09.340,0:11:12.820 help John Marcin at all and I know

0:11:11.230,0:11:14.050 that's the purpose of those characters

0:11:12.820,0:11:15.550 but I definitely don't want to see them

0:11:14.050,0:11:17.080 in Red Dead Redemption too it's not like

0:11:15.550,0:11:18.610 they would be anyway but I just

0:11:17.080,0:11:21.040 definitely wouldn't want to see them in

0:11:18.610,0:11:23.020 terms of actual features I wouldn't like

0:11:21.040,0:11:24.940 to see the traditional Dead Eye system

0:11:23.020,0:11:26.500 that we saw in Red Dead Redemption one I

0:11:24.940,0:11:28.090 would like them to innovate that even

0:11:26.500,0:11:29.530 more we saw the Dead Eye system in Red

0:11:28.090,0:11:31.690 Dead Redemption one and that turned into

0:11:29.530,0:11:33.460 bullet time in Max Payne 3 that came out

0:11:31.690,0:11:35.590 in 2012 and I would like to see Dead Eye

0:11:33.460,0:11:37.240 work similar to bullet time in Max Payne

0:11:35.590,0:11:39.040 3 where if you're in the line of sight

0:11:37.240,0:11:40.990 with players on line you can enter the

0:11:39.040,0:11:42.910 Dead Eye mode and it slows down for you

0:11:40.990,0:11:44.260 whereas in single-player I do think we

0:11:42.910,0:11:45.970 should have a tiered system of Dead Eye

0:11:44.260,0:11:47.530 Tier one you just have to aim at the

0:11:45.970,0:11:49.090 enemies and the X will come up

0:11:47.530,0:11:50.710 eventually tier two it comes up a little

0:11:49.090,0:11:52.090 bit faster and I think in tier 3 and

0:11:50.710,0:11:54.100 right Dead Redemption 1 that's when

0:11:52.090,0:11:56.260 you're able to press the bumper trigger

0:11:54.100,0:11:58.150 and you can specifically mark the

0:11:56.260,0:11:59.350 certain places on the NPC's that you

0:11:58.150,0:12:00.880 want to start shooting at mark the

0:11:59.350,0:12:02.530 enemies but that is something I would

0:12:00.880,0:12:04.150 like to see at least just improved in

0:12:02.530,0:12:05.440 Red Dead Redemption - thank you guys so

0:12:04.150,0:12:06.880 much for asking all your questions like

0:12:05.440,0:12:08.470 I said I don't have time to get to

0:12:06.880,0:12:09.790 everyone's questions in this video

0:12:08.470,0:12:11.590 because we got over a hundred and thirty

0:12:09.790,0:12:13.240 comments last week if your question

0:12:11.590,0:12:14.770 wasn't featured definitely ask it for

0:12:13.240,0:12:17.410 next week's Q&A down in the comments or

0:12:14.770,0:12:19.030 over on twitter using hashtag hazard Q&A

0:12:17.410,0:12:21.010 that is the best way to get featured is

0:12:19.030,0:12:22.660 to use the hashtag on Twitter because I

0:12:21.010,0:12:24.070 feature those first on these videos as

0:12:22.660,0:12:25.360 you guys can see thank you guys so much

0:12:24.070,0:12:26.920 for watching I hope you guys enjoyed if

0:12:25.360,0:12:28.270 you did enjoyed today's video and found

0:12:26.920,0:12:29.620 the information helpful definitely drop

0:12:28.270,0:12:30.940 a like as well as if you guys are new to

0:12:29.620,0:12:32.410 the channel and enjoy all these daily

0:12:30.940,0:12:33.640 Red Dead Redemption 2 videos and

0:12:32.410,0:12:35.170 livestreams please feel free to

0:12:33.640,0:12:36.910 subscribe also don't forget if you want

0:12:35.170,0:12:38.440 to win an ultimate edition copy of red

0:12:36.910,0:12:40.090 dead redemption - then be sure to enter

0:12:38.440,0:12:41.830 my giveaway the links and rules are down

0:12:40.090,0:12:44.260 in the description below and lastly guys

0:12:41.830,0:12:46.210 please follow me on twitter at hazardous

0:12:44.260,0:12:47.740 HD TV so I can talk with you guys in

0:12:46.210,0:12:49.060 real time over on there I tweet out when

0:12:47.740,0:12:50.740 all my videos are going live so you guys

0:12:49.060,0:12:52.240 can be the first ones to watch I hope

0:12:50.740,0:12:53.530 you all have a fantastic day and I will

0:12:52.240,0:12:58.020 see you guys in the next Red Dead

0:12:53.530,0:12:58.020 Redemption 2 video adios amigos

0:13:08.780,0:13:11.919 [Music]


(RDR2 Q&A) Red Dead Redemption 2 - NEW RDR2 STORY DLC,


(RDR2 Q&A)

For more infomation >> Red Dead Redemption 2 - NEW RDR2 STORY DLC, RDR2 BATTLE ROYALE & BOUNTY HUNTER MISSIONS! (RDR2 Q&A) - Duration: 13:17.


2 Dead, 4 Wounded In Drive-By Shooting In South LA - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> 2 Dead, 4 Wounded In Drive-By Shooting In South LA - Duration: 1:36.


Sacramento Father Confesses To Shooting His Son Dead - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Sacramento Father Confesses To Shooting His Son Dead - Duration: 2:27.


속이면 이긴다??! 매우좋은 신개념 석궁덱 (Fake X-Bow DECK) [클래시로얄-Clash Royale] [June] - Duration: 17:56.

Hello guys! I'm JUNE :)

Today I'll show you fake x-bow DECK

And I put english subtitles to Tip for you! Thanks for watching

1. If it's not perfect timing, Don't drop x-bow

2. Bear with double elixir timing.

3. HIde your X-bow card!

For more infomation >> 속이면 이긴다??! 매우좋은 신개념 석궁덱 (Fake X-Bow DECK) [클래시로얄-Clash Royale] [June] - Duration: 17:56.


Titanic (1997) Cast Then And Now 2018 - Real Name And Cast - Duration: 3:12.

Titanic (1997) Cast Then And Now 2018 - Real Name And Cast

For more infomation >> Titanic (1997) Cast Then And Now 2018 - Real Name And Cast - Duration: 3:12.


Pauoa Critical Crash - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Pauoa Critical Crash - Duration: 0:30.


【MMD】"I Love You, Too"【Short Monologue】 - Duration: 2:18.

I've been here, waiting for you.

There is something I have to tell you, with the time I've been given... and have remaining.

I've been thinking about you, and I know you've been thinking about me, too.

You've given me a chance,

to have countless experiences,

countless expressions.

Essence to a life I've yet to have.

If time would allow it, I would like to live and breathe beside you.

Next to you, even for just a moment.

But these two minutes are all that life would let me have.

Before I could have dreams of my own,

your dreams, were my dreams.

Your goals were my journey.

Your hands that worked so hard,

cared for me before I even knew it.

The blood that flowed in your veins...

...flowed into my heart.

Year after year, you've been patient with me,


celebrating my creation, and hopefully one day, my rebirth into a body.

My very own vessel, just as real as your flesh and skin.

And I would hope my heart would beat in sync with yours.

Because I'm sure that when you speak, my lips would be in sync with yours.

But I would have to stop you,

because I want to be first to say "I love you" a million times over.

I Love You.

For more infomation >> 【MMD】"I Love You, Too"【Short Monologue】 - Duration: 2:18.


Tom Cruise vs Henry Cavill Transformation 2018 | Who is better? - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> Tom Cruise vs Henry Cavill Transformation 2018 | Who is better? - Duration: 6:29.


u got that | original meme | 24k, oh my! - Duration: 0:43.

'cause you got that




'cause you




that i


in my



give it

to me

'cause you got that



'cause you




that i


in my


that i



'cause you got that




'cause you




that i


in my



give it

to me

'cause you got that



'cause you





i need

in my


that i



'cause you got that

For more infomation >> u got that | original meme | 24k, oh my! - Duration: 0:43.


最新轟動:納吉死到臨頭還不死心?必看出陰招 - Duration: 17:35.

For more infomation >> 最新轟動:納吉死到臨頭還不死心?必看出陰招 - Duration: 17:35.


Apache Junction homeowner kills armed intruder - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Apache Junction homeowner kills armed intruder - Duration: 2:12.


Ireland Contracting Sports Call: July 28, 2018 (Pt. 2) - Duration: 9:56.

For more infomation >> Ireland Contracting Sports Call: July 28, 2018 (Pt. 2) - Duration: 9:56.


민주당, 안희정 제명 능사 아냐… - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> 민주당, 안희정 제명 능사 아냐… - Duration: 3:22.


Fakhar Zaman Strikes Big Record| imran khan happy when fakhar zaman make big record - Duration: 1:27.

,Fakhar Zaman 200 Highlights Pakistan vs Zimbabwe 4th Odi Complete Highlights,eventid,pyv_ad_channel,referrer,pltype,keywords,Fakhar zaman batting,Brilliant 104 from just 81 balls by Fakhar Zaman,Fakhar Zaman VS Sharjeel Khan,fakhar zaman batting in chapion traphy,Who's Best Opener,Amir sohail talking about fakhar zaman,Fakhar Zaman VS Aamir Liaqat,T10 Cricket League 2017 Live",

For more infomation >> Fakhar Zaman Strikes Big Record| imran khan happy when fakhar zaman make big record - Duration: 1:27.


Arsenal Boss Unai Emery hints at new position for Mesut Ozil next season ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 1:58.

Unai Emery suggests that Mesut Ozil could be up on the right wing next season for Arsenal

although he started as a No.10 in his first appearance of pre-season with PSG.

Germany-who has endured a chaotic summer, retired from the national team on ' racism

and disrespect ' – linked to his teammates in Singapore and netted after only 13 minutes

as Arsenal destroyed PSG 5-1 on Saturday.

Ozil began the match played before the holding midfielders of Arsenal, but Emery also considered

using him out of the flank.

Speaking after a more resonating victory over his old club, Emery says of Ozil: ' We want

to give him and our players the position they feel most comfortable on the pitch.

' He started today at number 10 with Matteo [Guendouzi] and Mohamed [Elneny] behind him.

The first person will go up and then find him between the lines, or sometimes [Henrikh]


' When we have the ball, we can click with a striker and some 10 almost a 4-4-2 in the


' It depends because Mesut can play in the right and go inside, drive to open up space

for right back.

' We want to find a space for him and the other players where they can use their quality

through good position.

' I think in the first half today we play well with quality players, but I want to improve

this hit.

' In the second half they were tired, but the young players gave us the hit back and

allowed us to change our position and play with three of the midfield. '

For more infomation >> Arsenal Boss Unai Emery hints at new position for Mesut Ozil next season ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 1:58.


Stephanie Weaver's Saturday Forecast - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Stephanie Weaver's Saturday Forecast - Duration: 2:37.


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How to get free roblox robux codes 2018

For more infomation >> free roblox codes | how to get roblox robux giveaway | robux promo codes - Duration: 5:02.


Почему Тома Фелтона больше не зовут сниматься в кино - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> Почему Тома Фелтона больше не зовут сниматься в кино - Duration: 6:08.


english - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> english - Duration: 2:14.


Hướng Dẫn SQUATS Gánh Đùi Kích Thích Cơ Bắp Nhất - Duration: 16:02.

For more infomation >> Hướng Dẫn SQUATS Gánh Đùi Kích Thích Cơ Bắp Nhất - Duration: 16:02.


Chapter 8 Lecture - Duration: 13:52.

Hello everyone. This is our lecture for Chapter 8 – Confidence Intervals

Here are the learning objectives for Chapter 8. This is what we are going to cover and

this is what you will need to know for the next proctored quiz. Think of these learning

objectives as your road map through the chapter and your study guide for the next quiz. So,

take a minute. Hit the pause button and read through these.

In this lecture video, we will explore inferential statistics. We will begin our journey into

inferential statistics with estimation. We will discuss point estimates and confidence

intervals. After we select a sample, we know the responses

of the individuals in the sample. The reason we analyze a sample is not to learn about

the individuals in our sample but to draw from the sample data some conclusion about

the wider population that the sample represents. Statistical inference provides methods for

drawing conclusions about a population using sample data.

Because a different sample might lead to different conclusions, we can't be sure that our conclusions

are correct. Statistical inference uses the language of probability to say how trustworthy

our conclusions are. This chapter and the next chapter introduce the two most common

types of inferences: (1) estimation and (2) tests of significance (also known as hypothesis

testing). We use estimation in two ways, first with point estimates and second with confidence

intervals. We will discuss both. Since the information collected from a sample does not

contain all the information in the population, we assign probabilities to our estimates.

These probabilities serve as a way to measure what will happen if we estimate the value

of the parameter many times and provide a measure of confidence in our results.

The goal of statistical inference is to use information obtained from a sample and generalize

the results to the population that is being studied. The first step in estimating the

value of an unknown parameter is to select a random sample and use the data from the

sample to find a point estimate of that parameter. A point estimate is a sample statistic that

estimates the value of an unknown population parameter. A point estimate is a single value

that best describes the population of interest. For example, the sample mean, M, is an unbiased

point estimate of the population mean, μ. The sample standard deviation, s, is an unbiased

point estimate of the population standard deviation, σ. The following are examples

of point estimates: Number of Facebook friends among people under 30 is M = 220, with a standard

deviation of s = 18 The advantage of a point estimate, like the

sample mean, is that it is easy to calculate and easy to understand. The disadvantage,

however, is that we have no clue as to how accurate this estimate really is.

In order to deal with this uncertainty, we can use an interval estimate, which provides

a range of values that best describes the unknown population parameters. Why are most

population values, or parameters, unknown? Well, the size of populations make it nearly

impossible to gather that much data. Most researchers do not have the resources or the

time to gather population data. Why do you think census data is collected every 10 years?

Imagine how much it would cost to collect census data every year?

So how accurate is a point estimate of the mean? A way to answer this question is to

ask, how much do means from a sampling distribution vary? One indication of this variation, we

know, is the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of sample means. Like any standard

deviation, it tells us how much scores in the distribution typically vary. In this case,

the "scores" are sample means. Since our interest is in making an estimate of the population

mean, any variation is error. So, the amount of variation is the amount we expect sample

means to be off or in error as an estimate of the true, unknown population mean. Remember

that sample means vary from sample to sample. We know that if we take different random samples

from the population of interest we will get different sample means for each random sample.

This difference is what we call sampling error. The point estimates (these sample means) would

be reasonably good guesses of the population mean. But, due to the variability in sample

means, we are better off reporting a range (or interval) of values, with some measure

of the likelihood that the interval includes the unknown population mean.

In statistics, we construct intervals for a population mean centered around a guess.

The guess is the sample mean, or the point estimate of the population mean.

A confidence interval for an unknown parameter consists of a range of values.

The level of confidence represents the expected proportion of intervals that will contain

the parameter. The level of confidence is the proportion of times that the interval

contains the population mean if repeated samples were obtained. The three most commonly used

confidence levels are 90%, 95%, & 99%. The higher the level, the lower the risk that

our interval does not contain the parameter. A confidence interval is a range of numbers,

such as: Mean number of Facebook friends is between 200 and 240.

A confidence level specifies the proportion or probability that the population parameter

will indeed lie within that specified range of values, such as: We are 95% confident that

the true population mean number of Facebook friends falls within a range of 200 to 240

friends. There is a 5% probability that the true population mean is less than 200 or greater

than 240. So, a 95% level of confidence implies that if 100 different confidence intervals

are constructed, each based on a different sample from the sample population, we will

expect 95 of the intervals to include the population parameter and 5 to not include

the parameter. The most commonly used z-critical values for

what we call a "two-tailed" test are (two-tailed, we'll talk about in Chapter 9): 90% confidence

level: z = +/-1.65; 95% confidence level: z = +/-1.96; 99% confidence level: z = +/-2.58.

Confidence interval estimates for the population mean are calculated as: Point estimate +/-

margin of error The margin of error is the expected difference

that we think is possible between our sample statistic and the population parameter.

The margin of error of a confidence interval estimate of a parameter depends on three factors:

Level of confidence: As the level of confidence increases, the margin of error also increases,

and vice versa. Sample size: As the size of the random sample

increases, the margin of error decreases. This is a consequence of the Law of Large

Numbers, which states that as the sample size increases, the difference between the statistic

and the parameter decreases. Standard deviation of the population: The

more spread there is in the population or as SD increases, margin of error increases.

Now the question is, "How do we construct an interval?"

The formula to construct a confidence interval is as follows:

M +/- z(σ/square root of n)…or M +/- margin of error

95% of all sample means that will result in confidence interval estimates that contain

the population mean is written as: M +/- 1.96(σ/square of n)

CI=M ±z_c (σ/√n) If population standard deviation is known,

we use z critical value and sigma to calculate standard error. If population standard deviation

is unknown and if n is greater than or equal to 30, we use z critical value and s as an

estimate for sigma to calculate the standard error. Remember s is our sample standard deviation.

If n is less than 30, then we use a t critical value and s as an estimate for sigma to calculate

standard error. Interpretation, here's an example: A 90%

confidence interval indicates that, if we obtained many simple random samples of size

n from the population whose mean, mu, is unknown, then approximately 90% of the intervals will

contain mu. So for example, if we constructed a 90% confidence interval with values between

12 and 18, we would interpret the interval as: "We are 90% confident that the population

mean, mu, is between 12 and 18." Be sure that you understand that the level of confidence

refers to the confidence in the method, not the specific interval. So a 90% confidence

interval tells us that the method will result in an interval that contains the population

mean, mu, 90% of the time. It does not tell us that there is a 90% probability that mu

lies between 12 and 18.

So to summarize: Confidence intervals are a type of inferential

statistic that calculates an interval estimate for an unknown population parameter

The larger the sample size (n), margin of error decreases, which leads to a narrower

confidence interval (and vice versa) The higher the confidence level, margin of

error increases, which leads to a wider confidence interval (and vice versa)

The higher SD, margin of error increases, which leads to a wider confidence interval

(and vice versa) This concludes our coverage of Chapter 8.

For more infomation >> Chapter 8 Lecture - Duration: 13:52.


AURORA BOREAL (Sivuca), by Brazilian Nights Feat Deodato At Cafe Dan Turell - June 2018 - Duration: 8:46.

For more infomation >> AURORA BOREAL (Sivuca), by Brazilian Nights Feat Deodato At Cafe Dan Turell - June 2018 - Duration: 8:46.


Volkswagen Golf 2.3 V5 HIGHLINE LMV 17"/ AIRCO/LEDER/NIEUWE REMMEN EN KOPPELING - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 2.3 V5 HIGHLINE LMV 17"/ AIRCO/LEDER/NIEUWE REMMEN EN KOPPELING - Duration: 0:54.


心理测试:选一个爱害羞的女生,测你的初恋是美好的吗 - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> 心理测试:选一个爱害羞的女生,测你的初恋是美好的吗 - Duration: 8:32.


姚明:青少年篮球兴趣不分城市和乡村 - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> 姚明:青少年篮球兴趣不分城市和乡村 - Duration: 3:47.


Steven N'Zonzi 'to snub Arsenal transfer in favour of move to Roma' - Duration: 2:45.

Steven N'Zonzi is considering snubbing Arsenal in favour of Roma, according to reports

It is claimed that the French World Cup winner is now a target for the Italian side, who might need to replace Maxime Gonalons, who is a target for Crustal Palace

N'Zonzi is expected to leave Sevilla this summer, but his £36million release clause is likely to have to be paid in full

Calciomercato report that Roma are now set to lure N'Zonzi their way despite the strong interest from Arsenal

Gunners boss Unai Emery has worked with N'Zonzi in the past during their time at Sevilla together

Arsenal among clubs circling for Holy.Gillingham are facing a fight to hang onto giant Czech keeper Tomas Holy

The shot-stopper, who stands 6ft 9in tall, ended up at the League One club last year following his release by Sparta Prague in his homeland

He became a near-ever present, and now the Gills are bracing themselves for a late bid after the phone started ringing earlier this month

Gillingham are prepared to allow understudy Tom Hadler to step into Holy's shoes, with a string of clubs including Premier League sides Arsenal, Crystal Palace, West Ham and Everton having registered interest in the last few weeks

Championship duo West Brom and Middlesbrough are also keen on the 26-year-old.Arsenal have already signed goalkeeper Bernt Leno from Germany's Bayer Leverkusen this summer

But there are questions over the futures of long-time first choice Petr Cech and No2 David Ospina

Emery expecting more from Arsenal.Unai Emery warned Mesut Ozil and his fellow Arsenal stars they must work harder to win the ball back

The Gunners ran out comfortable winners against an understrength Paris Saint-Germain side here in the National Stadium

With Ozil, who captained the Premier League outfit to end a difficult week on a positive note, scoring the first goal

For more infomation >> Steven N'Zonzi 'to snub Arsenal transfer in favour of move to Roma' - Duration: 2:45.


For more infomation >> Steven N'Zonzi 'to snub Arsenal transfer in favour of move to Roma' - Duration: 2:45.


Rai Sentimental - Dance Live 2019 - اغنية انا نعشق انا نطلق - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Rai Sentimental - Dance Live 2019 - اغنية انا نعشق انا نطلق - Duration: 4:15.


For more infomation >> Rai Sentimental - Dance Live 2019 - اغنية انا نعشق انا نطلق - Duration: 4:15.


5 Astuces Pour Être Plus Efficace - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> 5 Astuces Pour Être Plus Efficace - Duration: 7:20.


For more infomation >> 5 Astuces Pour Être Plus Efficace - Duration: 7:20.


Discovery Optics Scopes - Discovery HD 10x44 SFIR & HD 5-25x50 SFIR - Duration: 11:37.

Servus! Nice of you to drop by! Today there is a new video of me!

Today I would like to introduce two new rifle scopes from the Far East.

You may remember the brand Discovery Optics from my video,

I shot about two years ago. This was about the Scopecam adapter.

That was when I first came into contact with the Discovery Optics brand.

Since I was convinced of the quality at that time, I tried to get at rifle scopes.

Unfortunately, however, there was the problem that the sales representative responsible at the time himself did not

was satisfied with the quality of the rifle scope at the time.

He asked me to wait for the new shows back then.

I would not have thought that it would take almost two years until I can introduce this to you. Although it was clear to me,

that it may take some time to develop.

To cut a long story short: the rifle scopes have been available for a few months.

I have now taken the opportunity to have two models sent to me from China.

You could order them yourself via aliexpress.

Maybe there are other ways to order...

You'd just have to look around a bit.

I would now like to introduce you two models that I think are very well suited for air rifles.

This is from the "Discovery HD" series, on the one hand

here on the Anschütz 9015 mounted the 5-25x50 SFIR.

SF means "second focal", which means the second image plane. The IR indicates that the reticle is illuminated.

This can be set in five steps in both red and green.

Let's get to the technical data:

We start with the 5-25x50 SFIR. This has a 30 millimeter center tube diameter.

We have a length of 34.2 centimetres. That's relative

short for a rifle scope with this magnification.

The weight is 798 grams. That's okay too.

The parallax can be adjusted via the side wheel. This is the inner wheel.

The rifle scope can be focused from 10 yards, i.e. 9 meters to infinity.

Here we see the parallaxerad which is really very good grip.

The battery's hidden under here. Here you can see the setting options

of the lighting again. And on the right the second tower.

You see:1 Click is a tenth of a mil dots.

If you're wondering, I'd just have to mention that,

why this video is something Blair Witch Project style today, and her

just shaky camera shots and you don't see me,

that's simply because here in the attic where my "photo studio"

as well as my shooting range, have been around 30 degrees for weeks, and I have.

here under the two radiators, which are there for the fact that

there's no shadow to sit down with proper clothes on,

and then tell it to the camera for an hour or two.

I don't want to do that to myself or to you and spare you the sight.

Don't worry, I'm not going to sit behind the camera naked.

But I don't want to dress up and dress up properly.

Okay, I'll mention that much in passing, if the questions do arise.

In my opinion, what distinguishes the two

Riflescopes off? I've been testing them for a few days now.

What I find very beautiful is, I go now times with the

Camcorder a little closer. If we lift the tower, you can turn it.

You have really full clicks here and can then simply press down again.

Thus the tower is fixed again. About this side wheel,

the lighting levels can still be adjusted. Five each in red and five in green.

I would like to show you this right now by giving you the recording by the

I'll show you the scope. I'm going through it now.

I hope my phone's camera brings that over nicely.

I think you can see that particularly well when I go into the black here.

We have a very fine point in the middle that really isn't much

a lot of the target covered. Here about this dial,

the magnification can be adjusted.

The whole thing is really also with I say gloves or a shooting glove

very nice to use. The towers and setting wheels are beautifully large and handy.

Of course, one has to like the tactical look.

I actually think it's pretty cool.

By the way, the assembly is included in the order.

But these are also really cheap. The workmanship is absolutely top!

The repeat accuracy when mounting the rifle scope is really good.

I ordered the assembly as "Low Profile".

These are only available as Low or High with

30 millimeter central tube diameter. Okay, let's just take a look at this.

a few shots through the scope. You may forgive me.

Of course I could only create them with my mobile phone. I hope the quality will come across reasonably well.

If you look right through it, it's a lot better,

and then upload it to YouTube.

I've now locked onto a target about 50 yards away.

That's crispy hot.

If you recognize your house here, you are welcome to contact us.

The quality is absolutely convincing for me.

I hope this recording makes it sound like this.

It's wobbly, of course I didn't mount the scope on a rifle I hold out the window.

I hold this freely in my hand.

We see the neighbor's apple tree now.

I have chosen the rifle scope 5-25x50 for my Anschütz 9015 for the

Shoot Benchrest. You just saw it in the recording.

The super small aiming point in the middle is concealed

almost nothing at all from the target, but this

but keep your sights on them clean.

It's easier on myself than with a cross.

And then here in front: you see it mounted on a mounting:

from the same series a 10x44 rifle scope with fixed focal length.

I became aware of these models in English forums,

or I read about it in an English blog. So this one was used as a telescopic sight.

for the Hunter Field Target.

Of course, I haven't tested it yet.

I think that will happen later this year or next.

You'll get another update from me.

But I can already give you the technical data now.

The scope is slightly shorter than the 5-25x50 SFIR.

The HD 10x44 has an overall length of 330 millimetres. In other words, it is 12 millimeters shorter and 34 grams lighter.

It has a total weight of 764 grams. That was the first performance

from these two telescopic sights. Especially the 5-25x50 will be determined in the near future

more often with me.

I'm gonna do some benchrest and trickshot videos with this rifle.

Personally, I like it very much.

I've fired several hundred shots already.

If you are not afraid of the somewhat longer waiting time for an order from China,

then these models are definitely worth a look.

Of course, you can have a recession or two on the Internet before that.

read through.

From my point of view, the scope is absolutely worth its money.

I hope you'll see me in front of the camera again in the next video.

Maybe it'll cool off a little by then.

In any case I wish you a good time and a good shot!

Thanks for watching, and see you next time! Servus says AirGhandi!

For more infomation >> Discovery Optics Scopes - Discovery HD 10x44 SFIR & HD 5-25x50 SFIR - Duration: 11:37.


For more infomation >> Discovery Optics Scopes - Discovery HD 10x44 SFIR & HD 5-25x50 SFIR - Duration: 11:37.


SEOってなんぞや - Duration: 12:13.

For more infomation >> SEOってなんぞや - Duration: 12:13.


For more infomation >> SEOってなんぞや - Duration: 12:13.


Garderie: Un PSG classe biberon se fait éparpiller (5-1) par Arsenal et Unai Emery - Duration: 1:25.

 Avec seulement deux ou trois titulaires potentiels au coup d'envoi (Buffon, Diarra et Rabiot, s'il reste au club), le PSG a subi la loi d'Arsenal (avec une équipe presque type) et de son nouveau coach Unai Emery en match amical à l'occasion de l'International Champions Cup à Singapour

Les titis du PSG (N'Soki, Mbe Soh, Rimane, Weah, Toufiqui, Bernede, Georgen) ont pris le bouillon et se sont inclinés sur le score fleuve de 5 buts à 1

 Cette défaite, la troisième pour le PSG en quatre matchs de préparation, n'a rien d'alarmant pour les Parisiens puisque la plupart des titulaires sont en phase de reprise et pourraient apparaître progressivement dans le XI de Thomas Tuchel

 Le PSG affrontera l'Atlético Madrid à l'occasion de son dernier amical de la pré-saison, lundi à Singapour, avant de disputer le Trophée des Champions samedi contre l'AS Monaco

For more infomation >> Garderie: Un PSG classe biberon se fait éparpiller (5-1) par Arsenal et Unai Emery - Duration: 1:25.


For more infomation >> Garderie: Un PSG classe biberon se fait éparpiller (5-1) par Arsenal et Unai Emery - Duration: 1:25.


BMW 3 Serie Cabrio M3 M DCT 420PK (Sportleder/Memory Navi/Prof BiXenon 19Inch Windschot Pdc V+A) - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Cabrio M3 M DCT 420PK (Sportleder/Memory Navi/Prof BiXenon 19Inch Windschot Pdc V+A) - Duration: 1:09.


BMW 3 Serie Cabrio M3 M DCT 420PK (Sportleder/Memory Navi/Prof BiXenon 19Inch Windschot Pdc V+A) - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Cabrio M3 M DCT 420PK (Sportleder/Memory Navi/Prof BiXenon 19Inch Windschot Pdc V+A) - Duration: 1:09.


Salmon Run Jul 28, 2018 - Duration: 2:32:24.

For more infomation >> Salmon Run Jul 28, 2018 - Duration: 2:32:24.


真実はいつもひとつ!!じゃないほうのコナン#5 - Duration: 1:00:22.

For more infomation >> 真実はいつもひとつ!!じゃないほうのコナン#5 - Duration: 1:00:22.


트라팔가급 공격형 원자력추진 잠수함 ||| K.R MILITARY - Duration: 20:00.

For more infomation >> 트라팔가급 공격형 원자력추진 잠수함 ||| K.R MILITARY - Duration: 20:00.


No Internet - Duration: 1:02.

LOL it so boring

feels horrible


For more infomation >> No Internet - Duration: 1:02.


Barcelona manager issues major transfer update on Ousmane Dembele amid Arsenal links - Duration: 2:33.

Barcelona manager Ernesto Valverde has provided a transfer update which will disappoint a number of Arsenal supporters

Following the arrival of Brazilian winger Malcom from Bordeaux earlier in the week, there has been some speculation in regards to the future of Ousmane Dembele

The Frenchman only joined the La Liga champions in a deal worth a reported £135.5m from Borussia Dortmund last summer but his debut season in Spain was disrupted by a couple of big injuries which restricted him to 23 appearances across all competitions, although he did weigh in with four goals and eight assists

With the majority of Gunners fans desperate for a winger to arrive before next month's transfer deadline, it's quite obvious that Dembele is the most popular choice

It has led to a number of theories on social media.From Dembele liking posts of his former Dortmund teammates Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang and Sokratis Papastathopoulos to interacting with Alex Iwobi on Instagram

However, judging by Valverde's comments it doesn't appear that Dembele will be allowed to depart the Camp Nou this summer as Malcom has been brought to provide competition

"Let's hope it's his season," said Valverde. "He is an extraordinary player. The past year has been complicated because of the injuries, but even so he has brought us a lot

"The important thing is that there is competition within the team. There are a lot of matches and we can not handle them with only eleven players

" Arsenal have already completed deals for five new players already this summer.One of them is young French midfielder Matteo Guendouzi and he's impressed during pre-season outings against Atletico Madrid and Paris Saint-Germain

Whether he's the fifth and final arrival at the Emirates Stadium does remain to be seen, but head coach Unai Emery hasn't ruled out bringing in at least one more addition

For more infomation >> Barcelona manager issues major transfer update on Ousmane Dembele amid Arsenal links - Duration: 2:33.


Video # 4 - Going on a musical journey - Duration: 8:16.

hello guys it's Wesley McKinley again and today I'm coming to you with the

video number four going on a musical journey I am going to be sharing with

you today an absolutely amazing album and let me let me just tell you my hopes

of accomplishing by shooting these videos I want to broaden your horizons

you know widen your perspective just introduce you to some music that you

might not know and this means it takes me to a new place so I hope that it can

transform your life in a positive way well the album that I am going to be

introducing to you today is Tumbleweed Connection by Elton John now this

album it came out in 1970 and it is just it's filled with hits it's a it's a

great album but before I dive into the album let me tell you the back story on how I

came across this album

so anyway I was talking to my dad one day when I was a kid and we were

discussing music that was quite enjoyable he was doing what I am trying

to do in these videos he was trying to expand my musical taste and broaden my

horizon so anyway he started talking about this album tumbleweed connection

and he told me that he had the original album you know the album and he

would like to get a new copy of it because he didn't have it any longer and

so I I thought this is amazing because I I decided I was going

to take it upon myself to get him this album and I went down to the local

record store and I looked for the album but they didn't have that so I went up

to talk to the clerk and they told me that I could order that but in order to

do so I would have to put down two or three dollars for a deposit and for me

being a kid that was sort of hard to come up with but I managed and you know

like a week later two weeks later I had the tape the tape if you can remember

those we used to listen to those and so I was ecstatic I took it to my dad

and I gave to him and we sat down and we listened to this album

and my my mind was blown I mean it was it was it was like you

know I'd seen the light so I had to get

my own copy of this album so I went back down to the record store and I ordered

another copy for myself and I have this and you know I eventually had to upgrade

to CD and now I bought it through you know iTunes or something and but it's

just an amazing album and that is what I'm gonna share with you today it this album

it starts off with a bang that's Ballad of Well-Known Gun and this

song is is just amazing it's a great way to start a album then you have Ballad of Well

Known Gun then because then Come Down in Time and then Country Comfort, Son of

Your Father, My Father's Gun, Where to Now St. Peter, Love Song, Amoreena,

Amoreena is just amazing it's a it's a wonderful song I encourage

anybody to listen to that one. Talking Old Soldiers. the album with

Burn Down a Mission, Burn Down the Mission and it's just it's it's just one

after another after another after another and this doesn't stop this is

another album that you can listen to from beginning to end without stopping

which is pretty important to me that I can listen to the whole album

I don't dig you know a track here and track there that that's not my

style I I enjoy listening to complete albums but yes so check this one out go

look it up on the computer and listen to the songs enjoy it I'm pretty confident

that you will so do all those things yesterday I had a video about my

favorite band Pearl Jam and that video actually went a little bit longer than I

anticipated Pearl Jam has such an extensive catalog

and I am a huge fan so I start rambling on and on so today I want to keep it a

little bit simpler and more concise

well now it is coming to the end of this video and I have a couple of things to

ask you I would like you to give me a thumbs up or you know if you want to you

could give me a thumbs down but I would like you to subscribe to the channel

also I am doing a 14 day run where I'm trying to get a hundred subscribers to

my channel so if you could help me out with that they'll be great

also the most important thing to me is that you leave a comment below this

video um just again you could tell me your

thoughts on the video if you disagree with my video or you know if you want to

give me some some albums that you you feel are amazing that I don't know just

or you could actually tell me what you want me to talk about it in the future I

would love to hear from you so with that being said until tomorrow my friend have

a great day

For more infomation >> Video # 4 - Going on a musical journey - Duration: 8:16.


【斎藤さん】英語で電話をかけたらやばすぎた...!! | Free Call Application English - Duration: 4:17.

Hi guys. My name is Moa.

Today, I'm going to come out by using a free call application called Saito-San,

and I'm going to speak English.

Saito-San is an application that you can call for free.

Let's get started.

When you download this app, it's like this.



He spoke in English a lot.

Where is it ?

Parrot (repeat)

what ?

AWW !!

I'm a elementary school student.

Your pronunciation is super good.

What are you guys doing ?

It's Sam Sam !!

Sam gem Sam gem.

Who is Sam ?

What is Sam Sam Sam ?

Can you speak Japanese ?

Can you use your camera ?

YES !! Camera.

Camera okay ?

Can I use mine ?

I told you I CAAAAAAAN'T


Why are you laughing ?

Directly !!

I feel like I've hear this voice.

The guy who talked before.

Can you imagine what happened ?

They broke my heart. haha

I will probably edit this video. But I called a lot.

They hang up the phone immediately.

There were some weird people.

you can't see people who are talking, so they should have felt nervous.

I thought they should have tried to speak English more.

There were many people who tried a lot though, so I'm impressed.

I waned they to try to speak English more.

How was this video ?

Please give me a thumbs up and comments if you think this is a good video.

If you like this video, don't forget to like, subscribe and comment down below.

Thank you guys so much for watching.

I'll see you guys next time. Bye-bye.

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