Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 7, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 27 2018

one two three four five once I caught a fish alive six seven eight nine ten then

I let it go again because he bit my finger so the finger on my ride daddy

finger daddy finger where are you Here I am Here I am how do you do mommy

finger mommy finger where are you

brother finger brother finger where are you

Here I am Here I am how do you do sister finger sister finger where are you

Here I am Here I am how do you do baby finger baby finger where they were been

on the bed and the little one said so they all rolled over and one fell out

Johnny Johnny yes Papa eating sugar no papa

taking life no Papa open your mouth ha ha ha

Piper cake patty cake Baker's man bake me a cake as fast as you can

For more infomation >> Humpty Dumpty | + More Kids Songs | Funny Songs Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 3:26.


Jake Tapper Reacts To The White House Banning A CNN Reporter - Duration: 8:18.

For more infomation >> Jake Tapper Reacts To The White House Banning A CNN Reporter - Duration: 8:18.


Jake Tapper: It's Unpatriotic To Obstruct The Russia Probe - Duration: 9:19.

For more infomation >> Jake Tapper: It's Unpatriotic To Obstruct The Russia Probe - Duration: 9:19.


Dua Lipa Performs 'IDGAF' - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Dua Lipa Performs 'IDGAF' - Duration: 4:16.


Kany García - Bailemos un Blues (Official Video) - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Kany García - Bailemos un Blues (Official Video) - Duration: 3:50.


The Special Counsel Is Following Trump's Twitter - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> The Special Counsel Is Following Trump's Twitter - Duration: 1:55.


Trump on Tape: The Complete Collection of Cohen's Secret Recordings - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Trump on Tape: The Complete Collection of Cohen's Secret Recordings - Duration: 3:46.


Gartic Oynuyorlar Eğlenceli Kendine Müzisyen, Rammus53 - Duration: 36:46.

For more infomation >> Gartic Oynuyorlar Eğlenceli Kendine Müzisyen, Rammus53 - Duration: 36:46.


El baile de Begoña con 7 guardaespaldas tras patearse Sánchez, su marido, 36.600 € del ala - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> El baile de Begoña con 7 guardaespaldas tras patearse Sánchez, su marido, 36.600 € del ala - Duration: 2:12.


Jimmy Kimmel Fixes Odd Children's Book - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Jimmy Kimmel Fixes Odd Children's Book - Duration: 2:23.


Another Michael Cohen Audio Recording - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Another Michael Cohen Audio Recording - Duration: 1:06.


Аниме приколы | Anime COUB | Аниме приколы под музыку #68 - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> Аниме приколы | Anime COUB | Аниме приколы под музыку #68 - Duration: 7:04.


Audi RS 4 Avant 2018 - Maniobra de esquiva (moose test) y eslalon | - Duration: 1:51.

Audi A4 Avant. Moose test

The Audi RS 4 Avant is an effective car in the moose test. The electronic aids work nicely and with efficiency to control the movements of the body, which are always progressive.

The maximum speed at which we managed to make the maneuver correctly was 79 km / h

which is a remarkable value. With an Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio the maximum speed was 77 km/h

and the reactions were also satisfactory.

The RS 4 changes direction with immediacy.

The rolling of the body is small and the electronic aids allow a slight lateral sliding of the rear wheels

This gives agility to the vehicle but in any case allows the driver to keep a very high level of control.

In this attempt at 81 km/h,

the good sensations remain unchanged but the speed is too high to perform the maneuver without knocking down cones.


In the slalom, the Audi RS 4 is tremendously effective because the changes of lane happen very quickly.

The electronic aids intervene, again, practically unnoticed, avoiding sudden movements but without subtracting fluidity in the exercise.

For more infomation >> Audi RS 4 Avant 2018 - Maniobra de esquiva (moose test) y eslalon | - Duration: 1:51.


Lionel Messi vs Kylian Mbappé Transformation From 1 To 31 Years Old - Duration: 4:32.

Lionel Messi vs Kylian Mbappé Transformation From 1 To 31 Years Old

For more infomation >> Lionel Messi vs Kylian Mbappé Transformation From 1 To 31 Years Old - Duration: 4:32.


Yehya Reviews Mission: Impossible - Fallout - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Yehya Reviews Mission: Impossible - Fallout - Duration: 2:39.


Are house keys effective self-defence weapons? - Duration: 5:00.

Cut me as if you want to severe my fingers, as hard as you want to

At some point in your life you have very likely been told that if you ever find yourself in a situation where you have to defend yourself

using your house key is a good thing to do

today I'm going to be looking at a technique taught by a youtube famous self-defence instructor

and seeing whether or not it actually works

You dirty b*stard there want to kidnap her

she have a key and then press into it and cut it and then he will let go

so I'm going to be offering random people on the street $50 if they can get it to work

without further adieu, let's do it

hello gentlemen how are you going?


I have a proposition for you, I have a youtube channel and I take questionable self-defence techniques

and test them against resistance

I'm going to offer you guys $50

essentially all you have to do is take either my house key or your house key

run it across my hand as hard as you can, if I let go you get $50, if I don't you're back where you started

yeah nah I'm alright

You're good?

This is pretty much it then I gotta go to work


I'm good thanks

no worries all good, have a good day guys

while I walked through my home town trying to find someone who was willing to physically assault me I asked myself life's more difficult questions

like have those signs on the back of bathroom doors that tell you how to poop been put there because people have actually tried to poop while squatting?

I was sure that I was going to find out.

If you cut my hand and I let go you get $50

the only rule is it can't be a slow and steady cut because it's gonna have to be quick and fast

press as deep and as hard as you want to, as though you want to sever my fingers if need be

do we know if there's any serious arteries there?

Oh I have no idea, if I die I die

pick a key, feel free to examine it to make sure I haven't rigged it

no warning at any point in time scratch my hand as hard as you can

yeah right that'll probably bleed in a sec

it's hard to find someone who's willing to make me bleed

cut me as if you want to sever my fingers, as hard as you want to

so does it make you wanna let go?

not at all, if anything it's like *angry noise* like I'd probably just pick you up and slam you if you did that

well my hands are absolutely killing me but at least now we know whether or not this technique is viable for a realistic self-defence situation

the answer is a clear and definite no

in regards to what I recommend instead the best defence to getting grabbed from behind is simply situational awareness

now not everybody is going to be aware 100% of the time that is an unrealistic expectation

but in a specific circumstance where you do feel uneasy walking from your work to the car at night

yes, make an extra effort to be aware.

Anywhere where you feel unsafe, make an extra effort to be more aware than you usually are

Rich Dimitri has a great method of improving your situational awareness, you can find it in the video on this card here

In regards to how to properly use keys as a weapon

my advice is to hold them like this in a fist

that way you can grab or index here and just cycle through these hammerfists

Now Master Wong, if you are somehow miraculously watching this video

if the people who watch me have sent this video to you

[send the video to him]

then I ask you to do one thing, please pressure test the things you teach before you teach them

don't just think that something might work and then teach it as a viable solution

put your body on the line like I did today and find out whether or not it actually works

and if you're not willing to do that before you teach something, don't teach it. put your body on the line like I did today and find out whether or not it actually works

and if you're not willing to do that before you teach something, don't teach it.

so that's it if you want to see more of my content make sure not only to subscribe but hit the little bell icon

otherwise you may not get notified when I upload any new videos

and of course a big shoutout to the people on Patreon who do support me

It is the main reason I am able to do things like this and actually put my body on the line

it is the main reason that you are seeing a video every week because of these people that you are seeing on your screen right now.

so, you have them to thank

alright I will see you next week and have a good one

I feel like I should have something cool to say at the end of every video, like a catch phrase

I'll see you next week and don't forget to punch on

don't forget to kick guys in the throat

don't forget to get a cat, yeah, I think that'll do

adopt don't shop

For more infomation >> Are house keys effective self-defence weapons? - Duration: 5:00.


Michael Peña Talks Chicago Hot Dogs With Colbert - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> Michael Peña Talks Chicago Hot Dogs With Colbert - Duration: 6:50.


這些生肖,不出20天必有一筆財富! - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> 這些生肖,不出20天必有一筆財富! - Duration: 5:44.


Groundbreaking marks start of micro-units in Kakaako - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Groundbreaking marks start of micro-units in Kakaako - Duration: 0:54.


這些生肖,不出20天必有一筆財富! - Duration: 4:21.

財運是許多人非常關心 的一個運勢,因為財 富是養命之源,代表 著社會地位,生活品 質等。

財運是起伏不定的,不 同的月份財運也會有 所不同。

在進入8月中旬,這6 大生肖人的運勢最好 ,財運最旺!當然這 裡風水師也並不是說 其他生肖人的財運不 好,只是在12生肖 中,這6人的財運比 相比之下比較好而已!

如果沒有上榜,也不 要失望,因為每個月 每個生肖人的財運和 命格都是不一樣的, 說不定下個月你的屬 相財運會爆棚呢!

屬雞人天資聰穎,學習 力極強,經過多年的 打拼,他們積累了廣 泛的人脈,人緣頗好 。

從今天到8月中財運滾 滾來,不出20天能 成為富翁,富貴不愁 ,好運連連,貴人撐 腰,有望成為大富豪 ,他們有吉星庇佑, 在職場很受歡迎,極 得領導重視同事厚愛,機遇大漲!

屬虎的人工作上相當 努力,在今年的事業 上又貴人不斷,在未 來這幾個月,屬虎的 人會迎來良好的事業 運勢,工作上發展順 利,從今天到8月中 財運滾滾來,不出20天能成為富翁,富貴不愁,

良好的運勢好自身的努 力,讓屬虎的人財富 不斷增長,事業一帆 風順,未來幾個月的 財運接連提高。

屬鼠的人從今天到8月 中財運滾滾來,不出 20天能成為富翁, 富貴不愁,自身的事 業上發展順利,在投 資方面屬鼠的人有不 錯的眼光,

有很好的發展,在這段 時間屬鼠的人事業上 得到貴人的幫助,進 展更加順利,良好的 運勢讓屬鼠的人獲得 更好得到進展,命中 更是有財神相助,金 錢收穫持續提高,物質生活良好。

屬豬的人,人情練達, 謙虛謹慎,包容心很 強大,只為取得更大 的成果。

從今天到8月中貴人運 集中,富貴多得,同 時和意中人停滯不前 的感情也會更進一步 ,正所謂事業愛情雙 豐收。

如果能銳意進取,發揮 自己的潛能,事業上 就能一帆風順。

生肖羊的朋友,從今天 到8月中橫財難擋, 億萬鈔票湧進口袋, 有高遠的目光和遠大 的理想。

他們大多都吃了不少的 苦頭,四處碰壁,有 時候甚至懷疑起自己 的能力。

好在天無絕人之路,屬 於羊人的努力最終換 來了甜蜜時刻,不僅 在事業方面節節高, 而且還有貴人輔助, 財多福旺,富貴盈門 。

生肖鼠的朋友,從今天 開始到8月中橫財難 擋,到8月中生肖兔 就是因為有善緣,得 善果,開始在這段時 間裡行大運勢,發橫 財!

記得,只要在生活態度 上保持正面的思維, 絕對讓屬於兔的朋友 有一生富貴榮華可享 ,到時候錢多的都花 不完。

For more infomation >> 這些生肖,不出20天必有一筆財富! - Duration: 4:21.


Ford B-MAX 1.0 ECOBOOST STYLE Navi ECC - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 ECOBOOST STYLE Navi ECC - Duration: 1:11.


שליו מרציאנו - איש וכינור (קאבר) - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> שליו מרציאנו - איש וכינור (קאבר) - Duration: 4:27.


Roseanne Barr: My Tweet was Political, Not Racist | - Duration: 8:54.

Roseanne Barr: My Tweet was Political, Not Racist |

Actress Roseanne Barr sat down with Fox News host Sean Hannity Thursday, July 26th in her first televised interview since an offensive tweet prompted ABC to cancel her popular sitcom.

In the tweet, Barr referred to former Obama aide Valerie Jarrett, who is African-American, as an ape.

Before the interview aired, Hannity told Variety, "Nothing is off the table.

I think it's an opportunity for Roseanne to explain what had happened." Hannity devoted his entire program to the Roseanne Barr interview.

Here's what you need to know.

Roseanne Barr Stressed Repeatedly That the Tweet Aimed at Valerie Jarrett Was Meant to be Political and Fiercely Denied Being Racist.

In the first part of the conversation, she argued that the tweet aimed at Valerie Jarrett was meant to be political.

She said she was stunned that so many people saw it as racist.

Barr told Hannity, "I will always defend Israel… The tweet was about asking for accountability from the previous administration about the Iran deal.

That's what was in my head." Barr stressed that it hurt her to think that some people viewed her as racist, especially because she has African-American members of her family.

Hannity repeatedly brought the interview back to the May 29 tweet, asking how she didn't know that it was a bad idea to post it.

He brought up the fact that negative reaction to the tweet had been "universal." Barr responded, "I made a mistake, obviously.

It cost me everything.

I paid the price for it.".

Hannity then asked Barr to directly address Jarrett.

Barr said, "Let's talk about it.

Let's turn it into a teachable moment.

Let's talk about race… Don't assume you know what I meant… Let's try to find common ground." Barr repeated her claim that she did not know Jarrett was African-American.

Barr said she was focused on Jarrett's Iranian heritage, and that the aggressiveness of the tweet had to do with anger over policies in Iran and defensiveness for Israel.

Hannity asked Barr if she'd like to apologize directly to Jarrett, and seemed to be encouraging the actress to do so.

Barr eventually did.

She turned to the camera and said that if Jarrett was listening, "I'm so sorry if you thought I was racist or you thought my tweet was racist because it wasn't.

It was political… I'm sorry if you felt hurt or harmed.

And for that I apologize.

I never meant to hurt anyone.".

The interview also addressed Barr's health issues.

Hannity asked her if she had ever been institutionalized.

Barr responded, "Honey, that's like going to the beach for me, I've been hospitalized a lot." During this segment of the interview, Barr also stated that she does not "suffer" from multiple personality disorder, but that she enjoys it.

"I know I'm a creative genius… that part of your brain is very close to the madness.".

In the second portion of the interview, Roseanne Barr stated that she wants Americans to know who she is, and also mentioned President Trump.

She told Hannity, "I'm somebody who cares about civil rights.

You call me racist, and I don't accept that.

I know who I am… people who voted for Donald Trump aren't racist, and neither is Donald Trump.".

Roseanne Barr also claims she had a clause in her contract to protect her when she made controversial statements.

Barr says ABC was supposed to give her 24 hours to correct the mistake, but that the network did not allow that to happen.

She acknowledged that she felt bad about costing other people their jobs when Roseanne was cancelled, which is why she approved the spin-off of her sitcom.

The Fox News appearance was an opportunity for the comedienne to directly address a massive audience.

Hannity's program is the most popular news show on a cable network, averaging about 3.3 million viewers.

The Offensive Tweet Prompted ABC To Cancel Roseanne Hours After It Was Deleted.

On May 29th, Barr responded to a post about Valerie Jarrett, a former top adviser to President Obama.

Another user had accused Jarrett of covering up alleged "misdeeds" by the Obama administration.

Barr contributed to the thread:.

The backlash was angry and swift.

Barr's Roseanne co-stars were among those who condemned the comment on social media.

Hannity himself was among those who publicly criticized Barr for her post.

Barr apologized with another tweet, but the damage was done.

ABC called the tweet "abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values." Within hours, the network announced that it was cancelling the second season of the popular reboot.

In the weeks that followed, the network announced a spin-off called The Conners that would not include Barr.

In the weeks following the firing, Roseanne avoided media appearances.

Instead, she chose to express herself on her Youtube page.

In a video published July 20, she accused the "filter of the biased media" of twisting her words.

She claims the May 29 tweet was not intended as racist, because at the time, she thought Valerie Jarrett was white.

Barr says she told ABC that she wanted to go on a media tour to explain herself, but that the network was unwilling to give her that opportunity.

She claims all of this happened "because I voted for Donald Trump and that is not allowed in Hollywood.".

For more infomation >> Roseanne Barr: My Tweet was Political, Not Racist | - Duration: 8:54.


《遮天》即将开拍,胡歌饰演叶凡呼声高,狠人大帝她最符合? - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> 《遮天》即将开拍,胡歌饰演叶凡呼声高,狠人大帝她最符合? - Duration: 2:40.


Gartic Oynuyorlar Eğlenceli Kendine Müzisyen, Rammus53 - Duration: 36:46.

For more infomation >> Gartic Oynuyorlar Eğlenceli Kendine Müzisyen, Rammus53 - Duration: 36:46.


周冬雨王子文同穿大露背礼服,网友:一个天使之翼,一个比例惊人 - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> 周冬雨王子文同穿大露背礼服,网友:一个天使之翼,一个比例惊人 - Duration: 3:55.


Mithrain PUBG'nin Temsilcisiyle Konuşuyor - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> Mithrain PUBG'nin Temsilcisiyle Konuşuyor - Duration: 7:20.


✅ PHOTO Beyoncé s'affiche avec ses jumeaux… et ils ont bien changé ! - Duration: 3:06.

C'est un cliché qui reste encore gravé dans toutes les mémoires. En février 2017, Beyoncé lançait une bombe en annonçant sa deuxième grossesse

C'est sous un voile de tulle vert et devant une immense couronne de fleurs qu'elle posait, les deux mains sur son ventre arrondi, pour révéler la naissance prochaine de jumeaux

Une nouvelle qui avait comblé le monde entier et qui avait déclenché un tsunami de likes sous ladite photo

Cinq mois plus tard, c'est dans le même décor qu'elle avait montré les visages de ses deux merveilles baptisées Rumi et Sir

Et si elle prend bien soin de ne pas afficher ses petits derniers au-devant des flashs, la star vient de faire une entorse à sa règle

>>> Beyoncé enceinte ? La troublante vidéo qui sème le doute Né le 13 juin 2017, le prince et la princesse de Queen B font le bonheur de leurs parents, mais aussi de leur aînée

« Blue Ivy est une super sœur. Elle n'a que cinq ans mais ça l'a fait grandir et ça l'a rendue plus mature, affirmaient les parents de Beyoncé, Tina Knowles et Richard Lawson l'année passée

Elle est beaucoup plus calme. Elle a compris qu'il fallait qu'elle partage son royaume. » Un royaume que le couple Carter protège du mieux qu'il le peut, en ne dévoilant le visage des jumeaux que lorsqu'il le souhaite

Et malgré une paparazzade sur laquelle on pouvait apercevoir les bébés, la chanteuse et Jay-Z ont bien réussi à dissimuler leurs petits derniers

Mais un an après leur naissance, la chanteuse les a enfin affichés fièrement. C'est au cours de ses vacances en Europe – entre deux dates de sa tournée – que Beyoncé a pris la pose avec ses bouts de chou

Sur une photo postée par de nombreux comptes fan, on découvre la maman de 36 ans sur un nuage avec ses deux petits anges

Large sourire vissé aux lèvres, la superstar tient ses jumeaux dans les bras… qui sont devenus de grands bébés ! Et si la petite Rumi suit les traces de la diva en riant aux éclats devant l'objectif, Sir semble plutôt intéressé par autre chose

Nul doute qu'une simple Formation leur permettra de devenir aussi Irreplacable que leur chère mère.

For more infomation >> ✅ PHOTO Beyoncé s'affiche avec ses jumeaux… et ils ont bien changé ! - Duration: 3:06.


他与赵丽颖传过绯闻,却娶了大众情人沈佳宜,搭档孙俪创收视奇观 - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> 他与赵丽颖传过绯闻,却娶了大众情人沈佳宜,搭档孙俪创收视奇观 - Duration: 3:22.


赵丽颖代言微商品牌?深陷微商风波已不是第一次! - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> 赵丽颖代言微商品牌?深陷微商风波已不是第一次! - Duration: 3:35.


Women's Hockey World Cup 2018: Penalty corner blunders, midfield muddle cost India as they go down t - Duration: 13:06.

Alethargic India turned in a lackadaisical performance on Thursday, losing to the world's 16th ranked team, Ireland, 0-1 in their Women's Hockey World Cup match

It was a match the Rani Rampal-led side should have comfortably won, given the experience and talent in their ranks

Forget rankings, circle entries, shots on goals, the simple fact is India didn't show the requisite hunger to wrap it up

Ireland played full tilt, winning the mental battle on a day when the temperatures at the Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre touched 34 degrees

India showed tremendous promise in their 1-1 draw against Olympic champions England in their first match, and one expected the compact and solidity to go a notch higher against lower-ranked teams

But after the loss to the Irish, the display against England now seems an aberration

Ireland created history as they won their second game.Prior to this tournament, Ireland had never won two games at a World Cup

The win secures Ireland's place at the top of Pool B and means the second lowest-ranked team is the first to qualify for the quarter-finals

Ireland's win over the seventh-ranked USA should have been a warning.But after an initial burst of aggression by India, Ireland rotated the ball for long periods in all four quarters and dominated possession

The Irish, knowing India's penchant for runs through the middle where Rani Rampal, Vandana Katariya, Lilima Minz, and Neha Goyal could have strangled them out of the match, kept the flanks in full play

Time and again, they raced down the flanks, keeping the ball away from the Indians

If they couldn't break into the circle, they killed off vital seconds in the corners or rotated through the midfield

Ireland had prepared well and it showed in their defensive display too.It is in such matches that certain players raise the tempo of the game with their skills

Anna O'Flanangan, playing her 170th match, scored her 64th goal and single-handedly ran the Indian defence ragged with her angular runs down the flank and along the touch line

She was the reason why India couldn't score off their seven PCs.Her pace unsettled Gurjit Kaur and a desperate India had to use the direct hit by Deepika; it was like the modern artillery misfiring, so bring in the ancient cannons

After Nicola Evans had muffed an early opportunity, Rani Rampal created a PC against the run of play

But Gurjit took an extra second on the flick, enough time for a sprinting Anna Flanagan to deflect it

That run showed the coach and staff on the bench to immediately change tactics on the PCs

They could have gone wider or tried the indirect.Going wider would have meant that Anna had to run sideways and not straight at Gurjit

In the 13th minute, Ireland earned their first PC when Kathryn Mullan, the captain, was stick-checked in the circle

Shirley McCay's flick was powerful and right in the middle.Anna Flanagan made a run into the circle and stuck out her stick to brilliantly deflect the ball high into the goal

Ireland led 1-0 and the pressure was on.India hates chasing.Not that they haven't won going after a target, but the goal muddled their thinking

Rani should have become the playmaker, keeping Neha Goyal, Vandana and Lalresiami upfront

Lilima Minz, who carried the ball well, should have become the main playmaker.India, in the next three quarters, lacked a midfield master who could have given direction to the team

The midfield either lost the ball on the edge of the Irish striking circle or the pass was too soft

In the second quarter, India had six shots on goal to Ireland's two.Even the circle entries were more for India

On the PC front, both the teams had two each in this quarter.Gurjit stuck to the direct method to convert PCs, but it bore no result

After wasting three PCs, India were relying more on hope or a wicked deflection to get the equaliser

India's domination continued in the next quarter, but the Irish goalkeeper Ayeisha McFerran was in sublime form

She cut the angles and brought off a couple of good PC saves.Rani missed a couple, Neha failed to trap, Lilima's shot on the Irish goal was weak

India had seven circle entries, five shots on goal and three PCs, but no goals.The third quarter also belonged to Anna O'Flanagan who made the right flank her own

In one of the moves, she almost single-handedly went in from the right flank and after going past three players, almost scored but couldn't control her own momentum

India earned their sixth PC at the end of the fourth quarter.This time, Gurjit stepped back and let Deepika take the direct hit

It was defended very well, but the ball went to Navneet Kaur who made a complete hash of it

India had a God-sent opportunity in the dying minutes of the game, but Rani Rampal, after doing the hard work of snatching the ball from a defender, let loose a shot that McFerran saved by thrusting out her pad

At the end, Evans could have made the match safe but the ball that beat the Indian defenders ended up not being trapped by Evans

India had their seventh PC and Grace took a swipe, but Evans raced in and cleared the threat

Even in final minutes, with the Irish wilting under the heat, India didn't make a concentrated effort to get the equaliser

After the match, Anna Flanagan said she was "speechless".McFerran, the goalkeeper who made the victory possible, said, "It's a great day for Irish hockey as the women's team made it to the quarter-finals for the first time in 16 years

" Take a look at the stats and understand the disparity — India had 15 shots on goal, 27 circle entries and seven PCs

Ireland had 10 shots on goal, five circle entries and one PC converted.Ireland's chief coach, Graham Shaw, said

"I always believed we could push and win momentum.It's always difficult to execute it and I am glad they did

"In the end, a visibly excited Shaw said, "You could dominate games and still lose

"The reference was to the Indian side.Indian coach Sjoerd Marijne doesn't like commenting on the match

All he said was, "Ireland played well but I am also happy with the way PCs were created

"Speaking on the last match against the USA, Marijne said the confidence was there and that the last Pool games would be very interesting

A team that never won two games in a row now sits pretty on top of the table with six points, leaving others to play catch-up

Ireland have six points with a game against England in hand while England sits on second place

India and USA have a point each.England can go to a maximum five, and one among India and USA will gobble up the third spot

The fourth-placed team in the Pool gets eliminated.India came to the World Cup with lot of promise

The defeat against the Irish may be a blip or a tactical calculation gone horribly wrong

For more infomation >> Women's Hockey World Cup 2018: Penalty corner blunders, midfield muddle cost India as they go down t - Duration: 13:06.


IMMO / Comment améliorer son image de marque sur internet ? Conseil N°3 : la relation client - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> IMMO / Comment améliorer son image de marque sur internet ? Conseil N°3 : la relation client - Duration: 0:53.


For more infomation >> IMMO / Comment améliorer son image de marque sur internet ? Conseil N°3 : la relation client - Duration: 0:53.


Quand Meghan Markle embrasse le prince Harry après son match : un rare baiser en public - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Quand Meghan Markle embrasse le prince Harry après son match : un rare baiser en public - Duration: 2:21.


For more infomation >> Quand Meghan Markle embrasse le prince Harry après son match : un rare baiser en public - Duration: 2:21.


Ms. Herr On Two Wheels: Heather Goes Flat Track Racing - Duration: 4:36.

We're out here at Turf Paradise on a beautiful sunny Saturday come hang with

me as I check out my first pro motorcycle race.

I made my way to Turf Paradise for my first ever Pro Race and lucky me had VIP access

Much love to Law Tigers for hooking us up with the VIP treatment.

We're gonna go inside and have some fun.

I enjoy sports I don't necessarily follow them,

but there's something incredible about being trackside and close up to the action

There you're no longer just a spectator because the experience becomes

tangible. You not only see and hear, but you feel the experience, taste the dirt

in the air, smell the fuel and the damp mud of the track, and feel the rush of

wind as racers pass.

And nowhere was that more true than at track entrance where

racers were scrubbing their tires going into turn one

Hi everyone. We're here up in the VIP box. This is our Ari with Law Tigers.

He's the one who hooked us up with this experience. Thank you so much.

Ari (My pleasure).

I have a question for you. This is my first time at any pro event

I've seen a couple of amateur flat-track races,

for anyone else who's new and never been, what would should they expect on their

first go? Ari: So you're gonna expect bikes going in excess of 130 miles an hour,

dust, grit, and in some cases the bikes may touch or you may get some accidents

hopefully no one gets hurt. It's dangerous though there have been

some fatalities in the years past so you know, we don't want anyone to get

hurt, obviously, but it's a dangerous sport. And generally these are pretty

close races and that's what we're hoping for. Heather: Cool yeah very cool well thanks

again for all of this.

One of the things that's really really

cool is a whole pit experience. You have the opportunity to meet the riders and the

teams; they're hanging out, approachable, accessible, happy to take a photo with

you, sign an autograph, and just chat for a bit earlier when I was walking up to

Jared's table to get his signature on my badge

it reminded me of being like a little kid and having this feeling again where

you go to an event and you go to a thing and it's so much bigger than you

imagined and you you can't even comprehend you may not even know

everybody who's there and how big of a deal they are but you're just excited to

be there and so you want these mementos and getting that signature like brought

me back to that kind of childhood joy and giddiness.

The funniest moment of the entire day; I'm standing with my back to turn one

during practice laps and trying to explain this concept I just learned of

backing it in. And I can see out of the corner of my eye a racer turns his head

from the track towards me and time just moves into slow motion as he's listening

to me explain this. So losing rubber along the way? This is all new to me!

Clearly I'm not going to be a race commentator any time soon.

Over the course of the day I had the opportunity

to interact with several veterans of the sport and all were happy to share their

knowledge and passion. One key theme kept popping up:

This is motorcycle racing at

its purest it's not a lot of hoopla you don't have guys jumping in the air but

you've got athlete's going head to toe on the dirt and the sports been around

for I think over a hundred years now so it's it's it's really what racing and

the motorcycle industry and sport is all about and we're just excited to be here.

So a few parting thoughts from my first day at a pro race

one the visceral aspect of it is amazing especially when you can be up trackside

and just hear the bikes see the dirt hear them scrubbing in the corners that's

awesome. I met a number of guys who have been racing, started racing back in the

60s and 70s, and the conversation about much of this sport fundamentally is

still what it was back in the core then and it's the seed it's the base for a

lot of motorcycle racing. I'm so glad I jumped at the opportunity to experience

my first flat track race if you ever get an opportunity to experience something

that's new for you in the world of motorcycling absolutely take it!

Thank you for following along on this journey. I'm curious do you document any of your

riding milestones? If so, let us know in the comments.

For more infomation >> Ms. Herr On Two Wheels: Heather Goes Flat Track Racing - Duration: 4:36.


For more infomation >> Ms. Herr On Two Wheels: Heather Goes Flat Track Racing - Duration: 4:36.


hajj ki fazilat aur ahmiyat by Maulana Tariq jameel - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> hajj ki fazilat aur ahmiyat by Maulana Tariq jameel - Duration: 10:12.


For more infomation >> hajj ki fazilat aur ahmiyat by Maulana Tariq jameel - Duration: 10:12.


CATARACTE : définition , symptome , chirurgie cristallin / Noura Marashi - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> CATARACTE : définition , symptome , chirurgie cristallin / Noura Marashi - Duration: 4:26.


For more infomation >> CATARACTE : définition , symptome , chirurgie cristallin / Noura Marashi - Duration: 4:26.


✅ PHOTO Beyoncé s'affiche avec ses jumeaux… et ils ont bien changé ! - Duration: 3:06.

C'est un cliché qui reste encore gravé dans toutes les mémoires. En février 2017, Beyoncé lançait une bombe en annonçant sa deuxième grossesse

C'est sous un voile de tulle vert et devant une immense couronne de fleurs qu'elle posait, les deux mains sur son ventre arrondi, pour révéler la naissance prochaine de jumeaux

Une nouvelle qui avait comblé le monde entier et qui avait déclenché un tsunami de likes sous ladite photo

Cinq mois plus tard, c'est dans le même décor qu'elle avait montré les visages de ses deux merveilles baptisées Rumi et Sir

Et si elle prend bien soin de ne pas afficher ses petits derniers au-devant des flashs, la star vient de faire une entorse à sa règle

>>> Beyoncé enceinte ? La troublante vidéo qui sème le doute Né le 13 juin 2017, le prince et la princesse de Queen B font le bonheur de leurs parents, mais aussi de leur aînée

« Blue Ivy est une super sœur. Elle n'a que cinq ans mais ça l'a fait grandir et ça l'a rendue plus mature, affirmaient les parents de Beyoncé, Tina Knowles et Richard Lawson l'année passée

Elle est beaucoup plus calme. Elle a compris qu'il fallait qu'elle partage son royaume. » Un royaume que le couple Carter protège du mieux qu'il le peut, en ne dévoilant le visage des jumeaux que lorsqu'il le souhaite

Et malgré une paparazzade sur laquelle on pouvait apercevoir les bébés, la chanteuse et Jay-Z ont bien réussi à dissimuler leurs petits derniers

Mais un an après leur naissance, la chanteuse les a enfin affichés fièrement. C'est au cours de ses vacances en Europe – entre deux dates de sa tournée – que Beyoncé a pris la pose avec ses bouts de chou

Sur une photo postée par de nombreux comptes fan, on découvre la maman de 36 ans sur un nuage avec ses deux petits anges

Large sourire vissé aux lèvres, la superstar tient ses jumeaux dans les bras… qui sont devenus de grands bébés ! Et si la petite Rumi suit les traces de la diva en riant aux éclats devant l'objectif, Sir semble plutôt intéressé par autre chose

Nul doute qu'une simple Formation leur permettra de devenir aussi Irreplacable que leur chère mère.

For more infomation >> ✅ PHOTO Beyoncé s'affiche avec ses jumeaux… et ils ont bien changé ! - Duration: 3:06.


For more infomation >> ✅ PHOTO Beyoncé s'affiche avec ses jumeaux… et ils ont bien changé ! - Duration: 3:06.


Une recette efficace pour guérir les troubles de l'estomac - Duration: 8:40.

For more infomation >> Une recette efficace pour guérir les troubles de l'estomac - Duration: 8:40.


For more infomation >> Une recette efficace pour guérir les troubles de l'estomac - Duration: 8:40.


✅ Affaire Benalla: Le groupe LR a déposé sa motion de censure - Duration: 1:58.

 Le groupe LR à l'Assemblée a indiqué jeudi soir à l'AFP avoir déposé sa motion de censure contre le gouvernement, annoncée mardi pour le contraindre à « s'expliquer » sur l'affaire Benalla

Une conférence des présidents aura lieu à 20h pour décider de la date du débat de cette motion, qui aura lieu la semaine prochaine, probablement mardi dans l'hémicycle, a-t-on appris de source parlementaire

 « Il est indispensable que le gouvernement (…) réponde devant la représentation nationale de la réalité des faits, de l'étendue des responsabilités et de la chaîne des protections dont a bénéficié Monsieur Benalla », justifie LR dans son texte de motion

« Cette affaire, qui a mis en lumière une confusion des pouvoirs à la tête de l'exécutif », justifie le dépôt de la présente motion de censure, indique le groupe

Une seule motion adoptée en 1962  Le groupe LR a reconnu par avance qu'il n'y avait « aucun suspense » sur l'issue de la motion au vu de la très large majorité LREM-MoDem

Le dépôt d'une motion de censure (nécessitant la signature d'au moins 58 députés, sachant que le groupe LR compte à lui seul 103 membres) ouvre un délai de 48 heures durant lequel elle ne peut pas être mise aux voix

Le débat sur la motion doit ensuite avoir lieu d'ici au troisième jour de séance.  Si elle est approuvée par la majorité absolue des députés, le gouvernement doit démissionner

Sous la Ve République, une seule motion de censure a été votée, en 1962, contre le gouvernement de Georges Pompidou.

For more infomation >> ✅ Affaire Benalla: Le groupe LR a déposé sa motion de censure - Duration: 1:58.


For more infomation >> ✅ Affaire Benalla: Le groupe LR a déposé sa motion de censure - Duration: 1:58.


✅ PHOTO – Marine Lorphelin canon, elle donne ses astuces anti-cellulite et assure que « toutes les f - Duration: 1:39.

 Actuellement en vacances en Colombie après une année estudiantine couronnée de succès, la Mâconnaise continue de répondre aux questions de ses admirateurs sur Instagram

Alors qu'elle profitait d'une plage des îles du Rosaire, un admirateur lui a posé la question suivante : « Comment fais-tu pour ne pas avoir de cellulite (ou la minimiser) ? » La réponse de la belle ? "Toutes les filles en ont, rassurez-vous !!! Le mieux pour la minimiser : le sport !!! Une alimentation saine et vous pouvez aussi utiliser quelques produits sur les zones touchées

Des huiles essentielles en massage avec une ventouse !!" Le 21 juillet, Marine Lorphelin avait prouvé qu'elle n'avait pas de gros problèmes de cellulite en publiant un cliché face à une énorme cascade naturelle au milieu de la jungle amazonienne

 Tous ceux qui aiment Marine (et ils sont nombreux) sont ravis de la voir se détendre après une année compliquée. Dans la soirée du 1er janvier dernier, dans une station de métro proche du cours Albert-Thomas, à Lyon 3e, Christophe, son compagnon avait été agressé

Alors qu'il se promenait avec elle, il avait reçu plusieurs coups de couteaux le blessant gravement au visage et à la main

Son agresseur, un admirateur dérangé, avait été appréhendé peu après.  Crédits photos : Bestimage

For more infomation >> ✅ PHOTO – Marine Lorphelin canon, elle donne ses astuces anti-cellulite et assure que « toutes les f - Duration: 1:39.


For more infomation >> ✅ PHOTO – Marine Lorphelin canon, elle donne ses astuces anti-cellulite et assure que « toutes les f - Duration: 1:39.



have parking for cars free of charge

restaurant and bar

on the beach you can rent a deckchair now we know how much it costs

prices are nowhere written how much isi three euros

too six and cheaper today said tomorrow will be more expensive on the beach is not

not very clean that you are upset we will go a little further

it's cleaner there I raked my place practically

cleared where we are Lying on bags cleared only because

unpleasantly of course this beach does not lie that's how I said

on the far side of the beach we have a reindeer Well, of course not to compare if you saw

my reports about the beaches Langkawi beaches of Carabi Spain addition

of course in Greece are not very clean beaches

side of the pine forest so beautiful

birds sing, but we're like this settle here on our bags

and under your own umbrella saving what you will do

9 euro per day for sun loungers and umbrellas we have two weeks here and count it will be

€ 130 quite a sensitive amount of sea

warm bath do not want transparent water

this is the transparent water I stand

I passed a hundred meters here stony is the bottom and stones

beautiful but not suitable for swimming let's go see what's next

The transparency of water is removed

hello friends today is very hot float

water transparent warm chic fish no

today the people have increased pioneer camp

located near

see what a clear sea everything is visible here a little bit there are hedgehogs

we float in coral slippers on bought

store globe is very comfortable so convenient

I walk up to beach them

many hedgehogs are found

whole colonies

near to us the pioneer camp of 200 people probably

now they will be here every day and us like it less and less because

see what happens in the water and on the beach

had with our place

people playing someone is riding a boat someone is going to half have already taken away the children

there was much more

such fun to me





Leerdoelen training presenteren of spreken in het openbaar! - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Leerdoelen training presenteren of spreken in het openbaar! - Duration: 0:43.


For more infomation >> Leerdoelen training presenteren of spreken in het openbaar! - Duration: 0:43.


VIDEO. Le Tour de Thomas Voeckler : "Arnaud Démare a répondu présent" - Duration: 5:41.

 Nouvelle étape de montagne pour le peloton. Vendredi 27 juillet, les coureurs, toujours emmené par Geraint Thomas en jaune, vont parcourir 200 kilomètres au départ de Lourdes en direction de Laruns

Arnaud Démare s'impose enfin   En attendant le départ de cette 19e étape, la journée de jeudi a surtout été marquée par la troisième victoire française depuis le début du Tour

Arnaud Démare s'est imposé au sprint. Une victoire qu'il est allé chercher explique Thomas Voeckler, consultant cyclisme de franceinfo sur cette Grande Boucle

"Il a eu un passage des Pyrénées et des Alpes compliqué. Il a terminé deux fois troisième sur ce Tour de France

Son équipe était articulé autour de lui, c'est-à-dire que tous les coureurs étaient à son service

Il a répondu présent, il a été digne de la confiance placée en lui par sa formation

Coup de chapeau à Arnaud Démare qui s'est imposé comme le deuxième vainqueur Français sur cette Grande Boucle", après les deux victoires de Julian Alaphilippe

 Une victoire méritée malgré l'absence des plus grands sprinteurs  Arnaud Démare s'impose alors que certains spécialistes du sprint sont déjà rentrés à la maison

Pas de quoi atténuer le goût de la victoire, selon notre consultant. "Il faudra lui poser la question, mais je pense qu'il s'en fiche complètement, parce qu'il a eu les ressources pour passer les massifs montagneux, ce qui n'a pas été le cas des autres sprinteurs

Pour rappel, sur le dernier Tour de Suisse, il avait gagné une étape devant tous les favoris, donc il a largement mérité sa victoire

"Accrochage verbal avec André Greipel  Avant cette première victoire d'étape, Arnaud Démare avait une grosse pression sur ses épaules

L'Allemand André Greipel, spécialiste du sprint, l'avait accusé de s'accrocher aux voitures pour franchir les cols

"C'était un climat assez lourd", estime Thomas Voeckler, "avec des accusations d'un des cadors du peloton du sprint

André Greipel s'est excusé, parce que ce sont des accusations sans fondement et Arnaud Démare a apporté la preuve qu'il n'avait pas triché

Ça fait causer mais c'est de l'histoire ancienne". Selon notre consultant cyclisme, ArnaudDémare a su faire face à la pression sur ce Tour, notamment au sein même de son équipe

"L'ancienne FDJ a eu un nouveau sponsor qui est Groupama. Il y a des gros moyens financiers en jeu

Le coureur jouait très gros cette année, et il doit être sacrément soulagé."Favori sur les Champs-Élysées ?  Après sa première victoire d'étape, Arnaud démare espère certainement briller une nouvelle fois d'ici la fin de cette Grande Boucle, mais Thomas Voeckler modère

"Le sprint à Paris est quand même particulier, il faut se méfier. Ce qui est sûr, c'est qu'il sera libéré par cette victoire

"  L'ancien pro rappelle qu'après une victoire, ce n'est pas toujours facile de rester concentré, "attention à cette étape du jour, elle est très compliquée

 Et après avoir gagné, on peut, psychologiquement et même inconsciemment, se relâcher", conclut-il

  Sujets associésCyclismeTour de France 2018SportsA lire sur Tour de France 2018 : Le topo de la 19e étapeLa championne de snowboard Ellie Soutter meurt à 18 ansLigue 2 : Le Havre et Lorient, deux ambitieux déçus à la conquête du Graal

For more infomation >> VIDEO. Le Tour de Thomas Voeckler : "Arnaud Démare a répondu présent" - Duration: 5:41.


For more infomation >> VIDEO. Le Tour de Thomas Voeckler : "Arnaud Démare a répondu présent" - Duration: 5:41.


【Vocaloid Original】 M:y life has no meaning 【Rin Kagamine English】 - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> 【Vocaloid Original】 M:y life has no meaning 【Rin Kagamine English】 - Duration: 2:47.



For more infomation >> BMW 7 Serie 740D High Executive M SPORTPAKKET/INTEGRALE ACTIEVE BESTURING/SURROUND VIEW/21"ALU. - Duration: 1:14.


Scrapbook Wedding Layout a Moment in Time papers - Duration: 17:00.

Hi I'm Gerry from Gerry's Craft Room and welcome to my channel

In this video I'm going make a scrapbook layout with the FabScraps a moment in time

papers If you are new here don't forget to click

the subscribe button I start with cutting out the circle from the

paper I use a knife but you can also use scissors

and use the fussy cutting technique I cut around the flowers and some leaves not

all of them because some are very detailed and fine

And I will add flowers under and on the paper later

By the way I added the products I used in the description box below

so you can check that out if you like

I'm going to sand the edges of the pictures

to get a white edge, I've done a video on distressing

So if you like to see more distressing techniques I will link to that video above

I'm going to tear the edges of the paper and distress a bit more with my scissors

And I tear some v-shapes and crunch them up a bit

I have a piece of cardboard that I cut a bit smaller than my paper

I'm going to tape the paper to the cardboard to create some space to tuck away flowers

By the way I make sure my pictures don't touch the cardboard to be on the safe side

in case it's not acid free

I have a border to tuck under the paper with the little hearts

Now I'm going to look where the pictures need to go and tape them to the base

I'm going to make some different flowers first flower I bend the petal around a stick

And crunch up half of the petals

After drying I use a ball tool to shape the petal just pressing a bit on the middle of

each petal Then I flip the flower over and push it down

in the middle of the flower

I do this with all flowers And then I glue them together

I use Daily Art gloss gel to glue the pearls in the hearts of the flowers

The second flowers I just shape with a ball tool first on the back and then turn it over

And press in the middle

And then I glue them together and finish with a pearl heart

Here you can see the flowers from the same die set

and the different look you get

Then I have another shape flower I spray them

with water and dry them

Then I fold them and then crunch them up and

twist them and let them dry

After drying I open them up

I push them down in the middle and then glue them together

I finish them also with a pearl heart, I use pearls for all the flowers

because I like the look of the pearls with this paper

for the next flower I crunch up the complete petal I bend the petals around the stick and

hold it in the round shape while I crunch them

this way you get a nice rounded crunched petal

after drying I glue them together and finish with a pearl

the next flower I fold the petals and then I curl both sides around a skewer

and again I glue two flowers together

and for the last flowers I shape the petals with a ball tool

and then I pinch the tips of the petals together

Now I have all the parts I want to use I'm going to glue them to the page

I also cut some Ivy out of the same papers and I just move the pieces around a bit

To see where I want them before I glue them in place

now I'm making a layout with these papers but if you see something you like a part of

the layout a technique, a flower or anything else you

can also use that on a card in a journal or on a mixed media project

just use whatever you like best

my scrapbook layout is done

If you like the video give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends

and I'll see you in the next video

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Scrapbook Wedding Layout a Moment in Time papers - Duration: 17:00.


Humpty Dumpty | + More Kids Songs | Funny Songs Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 3:26.

one two three four five once I caught a fish alive six seven eight nine ten then

I let it go again because he bit my finger so the finger on my ride daddy

finger daddy finger where are you Here I am Here I am how do you do mommy

finger mommy finger where are you

brother finger brother finger where are you

Here I am Here I am how do you do sister finger sister finger where are you

Here I am Here I am how do you do baby finger baby finger where they were been

on the bed and the little one said so they all rolled over and one fell out

Johnny Johnny yes Papa eating sugar no papa

taking life no Papa open your mouth ha ha ha

Piper cake patty cake Baker's man bake me a cake as fast as you can

For more infomation >> Humpty Dumpty | + More Kids Songs | Funny Songs Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 3:26.


자동차를 즐기는 이색적인 방법, 드워프 카 - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> 자동차를 즐기는 이색적인 방법, 드워프 카 - Duration: 3:02.


Ms. Herr On Two Wheels: Heather Goes Flat Track Racing - Duration: 4:36.

We're out here at Turf Paradise on a beautiful sunny Saturday come hang with

me as I check out my first pro motorcycle race.

I made my way to Turf Paradise for my first ever Pro Race and lucky me had VIP access

Much love to Law Tigers for hooking us up with the VIP treatment.

We're gonna go inside and have some fun.

I enjoy sports I don't necessarily follow them,

but there's something incredible about being trackside and close up to the action

There you're no longer just a spectator because the experience becomes

tangible. You not only see and hear, but you feel the experience, taste the dirt

in the air, smell the fuel and the damp mud of the track, and feel the rush of

wind as racers pass.

And nowhere was that more true than at track entrance where

racers were scrubbing their tires going into turn one

Hi everyone. We're here up in the VIP box. This is our Ari with Law Tigers.

He's the one who hooked us up with this experience. Thank you so much.

Ari (My pleasure).

I have a question for you. This is my first time at any pro event

I've seen a couple of amateur flat-track races,

for anyone else who's new and never been, what would should they expect on their

first go? Ari: So you're gonna expect bikes going in excess of 130 miles an hour,

dust, grit, and in some cases the bikes may touch or you may get some accidents

hopefully no one gets hurt. It's dangerous though there have been

some fatalities in the years past so you know, we don't want anyone to get

hurt, obviously, but it's a dangerous sport. And generally these are pretty

close races and that's what we're hoping for. Heather: Cool yeah very cool well thanks

again for all of this.

One of the things that's really really

cool is a whole pit experience. You have the opportunity to meet the riders and the

teams; they're hanging out, approachable, accessible, happy to take a photo with

you, sign an autograph, and just chat for a bit earlier when I was walking up to

Jared's table to get his signature on my badge

it reminded me of being like a little kid and having this feeling again where

you go to an event and you go to a thing and it's so much bigger than you

imagined and you you can't even comprehend you may not even know

everybody who's there and how big of a deal they are but you're just excited to

be there and so you want these mementos and getting that signature like brought

me back to that kind of childhood joy and giddiness.

The funniest moment of the entire day; I'm standing with my back to turn one

during practice laps and trying to explain this concept I just learned of

backing it in. And I can see out of the corner of my eye a racer turns his head

from the track towards me and time just moves into slow motion as he's listening

to me explain this. So losing rubber along the way? This is all new to me!

Clearly I'm not going to be a race commentator any time soon.

Over the course of the day I had the opportunity

to interact with several veterans of the sport and all were happy to share their

knowledge and passion. One key theme kept popping up:

This is motorcycle racing at

its purest it's not a lot of hoopla you don't have guys jumping in the air but

you've got athlete's going head to toe on the dirt and the sports been around

for I think over a hundred years now so it's it's it's really what racing and

the motorcycle industry and sport is all about and we're just excited to be here.

So a few parting thoughts from my first day at a pro race

one the visceral aspect of it is amazing especially when you can be up trackside

and just hear the bikes see the dirt hear them scrubbing in the corners that's

awesome. I met a number of guys who have been racing, started racing back in the

60s and 70s, and the conversation about much of this sport fundamentally is

still what it was back in the core then and it's the seed it's the base for a

lot of motorcycle racing. I'm so glad I jumped at the opportunity to experience

my first flat track race if you ever get an opportunity to experience something

that's new for you in the world of motorcycling absolutely take it!

Thank you for following along on this journey. I'm curious do you document any of your

riding milestones? If so, let us know in the comments.

For more infomation >> Ms. Herr On Two Wheels: Heather Goes Flat Track Racing - Duration: 4:36.


Holy Spirit - Francesca Battistelli (Cover) - Duration: 3:22.

There's nothing worth more That could ever come close

No thing can compare You're our living hope

Your presence, Lord Holy Spirit, You are welcome here

Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for

To be overcome by Your presence, Lord There's nothing worth more

That could ever come close No thing can compare

You're our living hope Your presence

I've tasted and seen Of the sweetest of loves

Where my heart becomes free And my shame is undone

Your presence Holy Spirit, You are welcome here

Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for

To be overcome by Your presence, Lord Let us become more aware of Your presence

Let us experience the glory of Your goodness Let us become more aware of Your presence

Let us experience the glory of Your goodness Let us become more aware of Your presence

Let us experience the glory of Your goodness

For more infomation >> Holy Spirit - Francesca Battistelli (Cover) - Duration: 3:22.



Hi friends, this is Anna Chi with you and today I'm gonna be making a pool with sand for my lil hamster. I want to make this pool in the form of a beach and for this I took such colors.

For making a pool I took such a rounded glass container. First we need to glue it with adhesive tape so that we can draw on it with 3D pen.

Now using yellow filament, I'm making a framework for the pool. It will be the main color because it will be the sand.

I remind you once again, that I'm using PLA filament which is absolutely not harmful, because it's made it from natural products.

Now, we can apply the first layer, I'll draw with short lines, just like I drew a water-melon house for Alfy in the previous video. If you have not seen this video yet, make sure you check it out.

We'll apply one more layer of plastic to cover all the gaps so that the pool becomes stronger.

Now on the yellow sand we gonna be drawing small waves from two different colors - Blue translucent one for the upper part of the wave and dark blue for the bottom

In order to make beautiful waves it is better to first draw them with a pencil, and then fill it with 3D pen.

Inside the pool, I applied another layer of yellow to cover all the flaws. And in order to ensure that our pool for hamster doesn't look too simple, I decided to draw some palm trees which we will fix inside the pool. First we'll draw the trunk of the palm tree I chose brown filament for this. In order to make our figure look voluminous,

First we need to make a framework and then apply several layers of molten plastic and align everything.

In the same way, we'll draw the leaves for the palm tree in green. I'll be making six leaves on the palm tree- Four larger ones and two smaller ones.

I'm adding a light green shade on the leaves.

All the pieces of palm trees are ready. Now, using the 3D pen with the brown filament, we'll join the leaves to the trunk.

In exactly the same way, we will make one more palm tree just a bit smaller one then join them with each other and fix it inside the pool.

I'm also making a small ramp applying two layers of plastic so that Alfy can comfortably climb to the pool

Now simply join it to the pool and that's it! Everything is completely ready.

Well, that's how our bright summer pool with palm trees turned out in which Alfy can bath. I poured special sand for rodents and now I'll put it in Alfy's cage.

Wow, such a big swimming pool for me!

Alfy I see that you really like this pool.

I really like it just that I don't enough space in my house.

I know that the cage isn't enough for you, but bear it for a while; very soon you'll have a big new house with lots of space.

Friends, if you want a continuation of the video with Alfy and want to see what else I do for him, then be sure to hit the likes, subscribe to the channel and don't forget to click the bell notification to not miss out any videos

And let's think together what else we can make for my cute hamster.

That's for today! Thanks for watching, till next time, bye!

For more infomation >> DIY SWIMMING POOL FOR HAMSTER - Duration: 4:49.


BEST PLACE TO FLY FPV IN FRANCE (Part 1) - Duration: 11:23.

For more infomation >> BEST PLACE TO FLY FPV IN FRANCE (Part 1) - Duration: 11:23.


HOW TO DRAW SQUIRTLE | Pokémon Drawing and Coloring for Kids | Blabla Art - Duration: 10:24.

How to draw Squirtle, Pokémon

Don't miss any Blabla Art episode


For more infomation >> HOW TO DRAW SQUIRTLE | Pokémon Drawing and Coloring for Kids | Blabla Art - Duration: 10:24.


蔣月惠事件的反思/林燕明 - Duration: 6:17.

For more infomation >> 蔣月惠事件的反思/林燕明 - Duration: 6:17.


드론 이착륙 가능한 린스피드 ΣTOS 콘셉트카 - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> 드론 이착륙 가능한 린스피드 ΣTOS 콘셉트카 - Duration: 2:16.


주문생산 현대 코나 아이언맨은 뭐가 다른가? - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> 주문생산 현대 코나 아이언맨은 뭐가 다른가? - Duration: 3:22.


Terminally ill BBC presenter writes touching memoir for son - Duration: 7:33.

Terminally ill BBC newsreader Rachael Bland is desperately trying to complete her memoir so that her toddler son can read it when he's older

She hopes her son Freddie, just two-years-old will use the book – For Fred - as a way to get to know his mother as he grows up without her

Rachael, a Radio 5 Live presenter was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer 2016, and it has since been confirmed to be incurable

RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next 'I scooped up my son, dashed home and then had to break my

Mother-of-two, 38, who FAKED that she was dying from cancer. Share this article Share She told The Times: 'I'm writing it for him as an adult, to come back to through his life

'He's not really at an age where he's going to remember very much about me. I just wanted to get everything down in my words so he gets a sense of who I am, my sense of humour

'She said she started For Fred last week but has already completed 12,000 words and is looking for a publisher so that readers touched by cancer might find some inspiration

The brave journalist has also started recording series two of the podcast and hopes to return to Radio 5

She said: 'With the podcast, we're trying to get the conversation going about cancer and try to make people less scared of it

'Even in this awful situation, facing a terminal diagnosis, good things can still come of it, and you can still live and enjoy life

'She has also published a picture of herself when she got married.The 40-year-old wrote: 'Looking back on my best day as I struggle to have a shower and wash my hair without my oxygen tubing

'I may not look quite as polished on the outside - or be wearing such a fabulous dress

But inside I am just the same but a little bit stronger.'  The post has been liked hundreds of times and attracted scores of supportive comments

'An inspiration xx,' wrote one of her Instagram followers. 'Just stunning ❤❤❤❤,' gushed another

Rachael, who lives in Cheshire with her husband Steve and Freddie, has had several rounds of chemotherapy since her breast cancer diagnosis

She also had a mastectomy in July 2017 and many sessions of radiotherapy, as well as trialling pioneering new drugs

Rachael has been a BBC presenter for more than 15 years and previously spoke out about the devastating call she received telling her the cancer had spread

'I was at the ice cream farm with Freddie and some of his little pals. My heart raced as I answered it, knowing a phone call did not bode well,' she wrote on her blog

'Then came the words 'I am so sorry, it's bad news. The biopsies have come back showing the same cancer is back and is in the skin'

'I watched my little Freddie innocently playing away in a tyre in the barn and my heart broke for him

'I scooped him up and dashed home and then had to break Steve's heart with the news that my cancer was now and therefore incurable

'She added: 'I feel a bit like a grenade with the pin out. We are waiting and hoping

'Rachael has documented her battle on her emotional and inspiring blog, 'Big C Little Me

Putting the Can into Cancer', and her podcast, 'You, Me & the Big C'.Thousands of listeners tune in to BBC Radio Five Live to hear her weekly discussions with Lauren Mahon and Deborah James of the highs and lows of living with cancer

WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF BREAST CANCER? Around 55,200 people are diagnosed with breast cancer in the UK each year

One in eight women develop the disease during their lifetime.Around 15 out of every 100 breast cancers (15%) are triple negative

 The symptoms of triple negative breast cancer are similar to other breast cancer types

Symptoms can include:a lump or thickening in an area of the breasta change in the size, shape or feel of the breastdimpling of the skina change in the shape of your nipple, particularly if it turns in, sinks into the breast, or has an irregular shapea blood stained discharge from the nipplea rash on a nipple or surrounding areaa swelling or lump in the armpitSource: Cancer Research UK

For more infomation >> Terminally ill BBC presenter writes touching memoir for son - Duration: 7:33.


有建設就一定有破壞!潘孟安1452字長文:推動公共建設我概括承受 - Duration: 11:01.

For more infomation >> 有建設就一定有破壞!潘孟安1452字長文:推動公共建設我概括承受 - Duration: 11:01.


AcaWriter for accounting - Duration: 4:27.

Accountants deal with numbers so they don't need to worry about writing, right?

Wrong! Accountants make their living from creating and communicating information

on which powerful decisions are made. We are information merchants and in the

digital age with increasing automation and software to handle the numbers, our

ability to communicate through our words is becoming even more important in the

workplace. So journalists produce news articles, fiction writers produce novels,

accountants? Our main form of written communication is a Business Report. So

how can you go about producing high-quality written communication in

your business report? Some of the basic stuff you probably already know. Make

sure you use headings and subheadings, write an executive summary and use

software such as grammarly to check your spelling and grammar. Another strategy is

to focus on refining and using something that we call your 'rhetorical moves', which

is another way of saying writing strategies or signals that make your

text persuasive and clear. For example, a rhetorical move might be to use evidence

to support an argument, to open up a topic or to wind down to a conclusion.

When it comes to writing business reports there are a few rhetorical moves

that are particularly important. First are summary statements and these clearly

signal to your reader what you intend or what is intent or goal of your report.

These summary statements should be at the beginning of your report and if

necessary at the beginning of your paragraphs like topic sentences. They are

important so that a reader has a sense of what you'll be covering in the text

to follow. Second, business reports inform readers by providing background

information and previous work so it's important you're writing signals where

the information has come from. You can do this by using appropriate referencing as

well as mentioning in text if the statement you're referring to is

according to the organization, media commentators, industry reports or

elsewhere. Third, business reports often provide a particular perspective or

stance. This is because it's not sufficient just to rehash what has been

said elsewhere. A good report will also help reader make sense of it. So you

might take a stance on what is the most important issue,

what has been overlooked, what is the key problem or what the solution might be

What you take a stance on will depend on the aim of the report and this is

where it's good to read your assignment instructions. The key thing is for your

writing to make clear the central argument or point the report is trying

to convince the reader about. Once you've mastered these basics of business

reports: summary statements, background information and perspective and stance,

then you can start working on more sophisticated rhetorical moves that are

really going to make your report stand out. For example, you could start to

practice ways to use emphasis to draw your readers attention to your reports

key ideas, you could highlight novel improvements to existing ideas, or you

could use contrast or mobilize alternative viewpoints to show the

complexity or tension or critical insight about a particular issue.

You can get feedback on your use of these rhetorical moves from a program

developed here at UTS called AcaWriter. You input your text into the

program and it will analyze your writing and identify where you've actually used

certain moves. You can then modify your text and put it in the program and run

the feedback again. The program won't pick up everything so you'll still have

to use your own judgment. It's just like when you choose to ignore grammarly

suggestion about American English because we know here at UTS that we use

Australian English. When you're reviewing your feedback from from AcaWriter

think about what is and is not highlighted by you in your writing and

if there's no highlighting then you need to go hmm have I actually used that

rhetorical move to clearly signal what I'm trying to communicate, and if you

have used certain rhetorical moves have you been explicit enough, because if

AcaWriter doesn't pick it up maybe you'll reader won't pick it up either. Using

AcaWriter can help you ask the right questions when you're reviewing your

writing so that you can develop your written communication skills, produce

high-quality business reports, and ultimately have the power to influence

decisions based on your accounting information.

and to clearly signal early yep I'm gonna have to just do this bit

For more infomation >> AcaWriter for accounting - Duration: 4:27.


Shwe Htoo - 8 Days 8 Months 8 Hours [Eng Sub / Eng CC] - Duration: 4:11.

Translated by Urban Subs

My thoughts are not like the normal people's

I am gazing the clock's hands

Are you still mad at me, babe?

It's a heavy rain outside

I don't have strength to heal my broken heart

Now, there's is no difference and just hate me

My lips are smiling but my heart is still crying

My eyes are still pretending for the tears from my heart

I want to get you out of my head but

How do I live with the memories of you that leave a scar in my heart?

How do I live?

How do I live?

How do I live with the memories of you that leave a scar in my heart?

Do you know I worry about you?

Where are you and whom are you staying with?

In this situation, I am praying for you

Don't forget to be religious everywhere you are, my love

According to our Buddha's sayings, you will bear the consequenses of past sins

So, you should have sympathy for everyone

I can be Angulimala for the ones who are pointing a figure at you (Angulimala - A cruel brigand who killed many people and cut their figures)

In a place where is full of strangers,

I still want to hold your hand and face the difficulties like in the past but...

My lips are smiling but my heart is still crying

My eyes are still pretending for the tears from my heart

I want to get you out of my head but

How do I live with the memories of you that leave a scar in my heart?

How do I live?

How do I live?

How do I live with the memories of you that leave a scar in my heart?

How do I live?

I was never in a relationship after we broke up

These are my last words which are only referred to you

I bought everything you want by stealing money from my parents

I don't care where are you from

And I am a faithful guy

my mouth speak no lies and tell you "I really love you"

I would dare to swear if I lie, I would get struck by lightning

Now, I am remembering those happy moments

Do you know? My dream was to be her husband!

Come back to me

I bought a perfume you like

The balcony

I painted the balcony with the color you like

The Fortune

I will just get rid of bad lucks

I can visit your friends with you even I am not free

You and me are like a railway and a train

Do you think you are fine without me and challenge the life?

My love was like sunlight for you

and spilled over you

Your body won't get warm up because I threw shade on you

And I didn't care anything but this

My lips are smiling but my heart is still crying

My eyes are still pretending for the tears from my heart

I want to get you out of my head but

How do I live with the memories of you that leave a scar in my heart?

How do I live?

How do I live?

How do I live with the memories of you that leave a scar in my heart?

Thanks for Listening

Please don't forget to subscribe our channel "Urban Subs" for More Mm to Eng Translated Videos

For more infomation >> Shwe Htoo - 8 Days 8 Months 8 Hours [Eng Sub / Eng CC] - Duration: 4:11.


Fans outraged by Subway menu change - Duration: 7:49.

Subway is giving all of its subs a massive makeover, with a new menu being trialled across its restaurants in Australia

The new trial is a substantial shake-up for the restaurant chain, with new cheeses including crumbled feta, natural cheddar and mozzarella replacing processed cheese options

New proteins including authentic streaky bacon, carved turkey and leg ham, rustic chicken and a new and improved diced steak, made from 100 per cent Australian beef are also on offer

Subway has also created a vegan sub for the first time, with smashed falafel to meet the needs of those on a plant-based diet

Gluten free wraps and rye bread with an ancient grain topping are also on offer with new salads

The restaurant chain has also expanded its range of sauces to offer habanero hot sauce, blue cheese dressing, pesto mayo, smoky BBQ sauce, tzatziki, seeded mustard, cranberry relish and tomato chutney

We set out to find the best steak sandwich on offer in WA.The West AustralianVideoWe set out to find the best steak sandwich on offer in WA

New menu items being made also include: Buffalo Chicken with Blue Cheese Dressing; Greek Lamb with Tzatziki; Mediterranean Chicken with Pesto Mayo; Smashed Falafel with Tzatziki and Turkey & Bacon with Cranberry

But the axing of some of Subway's popular ingredients have now sparked a social media backlash from customers

Subway fans have flooded the company's Facebook page with complaints about the removal of carrots, Old English Cheese and pickles

One person wrote: "Found out today is the last day for carrot and Old English cheese and pickles are already gone

Today is my last subway meal RIP Subway" Another wrote: "I don't understand why you would get rid of carrots! Most kids love carrot in their subway and when your child will only eat a cheese & carrot subway (still pay for a full price sub with only 2 fillings) it's very disappointing! I'm all for new menu's but seriously losing a staple like carrot is ridiculous! Keep the basics for the kids so the adults can try the new menu

You'll lose a lot of families, just saying!" Other Subway fans were pleased with some of the new additions, but agreed that others should stay

On fan posted: "Just tried your new trial menu at one of your stalls for my usual Monday sub

How dare you take away my Old English and Pickles. They're the first 2 essential ingredients in any sub

And don't be touching the Chipotle. My god, the Chipotle stays. PS: Nice touch on the Habanero sauce and Feta

Classy." Subway's Director of Marketing, Kate Brody, said they were paying close attention to customer feedback

"We've discovered that some guests are super picky about their pickles! Or are crazy in love with carrot," she said

"We haven't made any decisions yet on which ingredients will win their place in our restaurants -- in fact, we'll be holding a poll on Facebook to see the reaction -- and we're monitoring all feedback, whether in-restaurant or within our Facebook community throughout the trial

We're just as excited to see the results as our guests. "We're seeking as much feedback as possible to ensure that if we add or remove any ingredients, we know exactly how our loyal guests feel about it, and any future menu developments are guided by what our guests are telling us

" She said that the new menu items were Subway's way of making their menu more modern

"We know Australian palates and preferences have changed over time, and we're excited to hear directly from our guests so we can end up with a great balance between the classic Subway favourites, and on-trend, innovative flavours," she said

Subway fans can find the new menu at these locations this month. The menu trial continues across 100 locations in Australia and New Zealand until the end of August

NSW: Lindfield, Castle Hill Supa Centre, Gordon, Homebush DFO, Kellyville Plaza, Kings Langley, Macquarie Centre, Quakers Hill, Rhodes Waterside, UWS Parramatta, University of NSW, Bathurst St, Sydney, Blaxland Rd, Campbelltown, Galeries Victoria, Subway Circular Quay, Subway Haymarket, Subway Minto Mall, Subway Rosebery, Sydney University, Taren Point

VIC: Burwood One, Beaconsfield, Benton's Square, Cowes, Dandenong Plaza, Frankston, Frankston South, Hallam, Vermont South, Warragul, Spencer Street, King Street, Crown Casino, 40 Exhibition Street, Southgate, Southbank Freshwater Place, Elizabeth Street, Tarneit North, Victoria Harbour, Werribee Plaza, Ballarat

QLD: Springwood, Toowoomba, Albion, Loganholme, Crestmeade, Everton Park, Northlakes: Service Station, Morayfield Supa Centre, Harbourtown, Richlands, Gateshead, Cameron Park, Greta, Heatherbraem Kotara Westfield, Kurri Kurri, Lake Munmorah, Lakehaven, Singleton Hwy, GreenHills

SA: Glenunga, Adelaide Airport, Adelaide Myer Centre, Colonnades, Flinders University, City Cross, Munno Para, Rundle Place, Westlakes

WA: Perth Train Station, Bassendean, Gateway, Kewdale, Lakeside Joondalup, Mirrabooka, Northbridge, Southlands, Woodvale, Merredin, Aveley

WHAT'S NEW (as part of trial): Bread Gluten free wrapRye BreadProtein Leg hamCarved TurkeyDiced Steak (improved)Chicken Strips (improved)Homestyle ChickenSmashed FalafelStreaky Bacon (Aussie beef)Cheese Natural CheddarCrumbled fettaSalads Chopped Cos BlendSun-dried TomatoSauce Habanero Hot SauceBlue Cheese DressingPesto MayoSmoky BBQ SauceTzatzikiBuffalo Sauce (marinade)Seeded MustardCranberry RelishTomato ChutneyDry Peppercorns (grind)Rock Salt (grind)Herb Seasoning (grind)Zesty Spice (grind)WHAT'S OUT: (as part of trial) Bread Honey OatProtein HamTurkeyDiced SteakChicken StripsSeafoodCheese Pate TriangleSwiss cheeseOld English CheeseSalads Iceberg LettuceCarrotPicklesSauce Hot Chilli SauceSweet Chilli SauceThousand Island DressingTomato Sauce

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