Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 9, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 11 2018


(upbeat music)

- Hi everybody!

Today I'm going to make really unique dish,

jellyfish, edible jellyfish.

There are tons of different kinds of jellyfish,

but it's edible, be sure.

But you don't have to worry about,

you go to a Korean grocery store,

they already precut and packaged it.

This is, in Korean, haepari.

So we are going to make haepari-naengchae.

In English, jellyfish salad.

This is my favorite dish,

probably you will say, "Oh Maangchi, always says it's her favorite."

Yes, I love many many different kinds of food.

Probably, you might have seen this kind of dish,

haepari-naengchae, when you go to

buffet restaurant especially,

it's like a mountain.

Always popular, it's my favorite!

I keep keep bringing and eating

maybe two times, three times

because I love the texture.

It's sliced, shredded, and salted.

Lots and lots of salt!

This is one pound package.

After washing it, it's going to be only five ounces.

Let's make really cold and refreshing,

delicious haepari-naegchae, together!

Let's start.

You see?

All this salt.

So let's wash.

Look at the salt.

Here you go.

I'm going to soak this in cold water for one hour.

One hour later, I will just blanch this.

One hour ago, I did it already.

You see?

Just now I start soaking

This is the one I started soaking one hour ago.

It's softer than this.

And I'm going to strain this.

Four cups of boiling water.

I'm going to add two cups cold water, why?

Because I wanna lower the temperature of this water

so that jellyfish is going to be nicely blanched.

Otherwise, jellyfish is so shrunk

and also it's will get really tough.

It's around 160 Fahrenheit, which is 70 celsius.

So what I'm going to do is I will just add here

and then just blanch for 10 seconds.

I turned off, there is no heat here.

One, two, three... 10.

Then let's strain this.

One piece is missing.

Look at this.

Now I'm going to rinse this in cold water and soak another hour.

I'm soaking this. Meanwhile,

I'm going to make Gyeran-jidan

and prepare something also, I have to make sauce.

First I'm going to make gyran-jidan,

yellow eggs strips and white egg strips.

Pinch of salt.

I'm going to turn on the heat.

When I make this egg garnish, it's really pretty.

I'm so surprised, so impressed, by your skills too.

You guys are making really nicely.

Egg white first,

it went through my strainer. This is hot.

I will just remove this pan from the heat.

And then,

cooking oil.

With the leftover heat in the pan.

This egg white is going to be slowly slowly,


Meanwhile, egg yolk.

Some stringy stuff, we just removed.

So that we will have some,

when I make these egg strips,

they will be all even color.

This egg white is half cooked,

but I need to cook a little longer.

Turn off.

Just over really low heat.

That's the most important thing,

so that you can keep the color white.

Egg white is very difficult to make

because you need to be very patient.



Same method, it's hot and I will just add one drop of oil.

and then turn off.

only maybe 30 seconds to one minute after

it's set on the bottom,

I will just turn it over.

I'm making sauce.

This is a gyeoja-garu, mustard seeds.

Korean mustard seed powder.

I always keep it in the freezer.

One tablespon gyeoja-garu,

and then one tablespoon water.

Same amount.

And mix.

This is very spicy.

Spicy and it makes the sauce really flavorful.

And also I will add lots of garlic.

When I lived in Korea I used to make this kind of sauce,

only using garlic so we called this garlic sauce,

but this one is half of mustard seed powder

and half of garlic.

Meanwhile my yellow egg is done, see?


And now.

It's sweet, sour, and salty.

First let's start with the salt.

Salt, one teaspoon.

I will add soy sauce, half teaspoon.

To make it sweet, sugar, one tablespoon plus one teaspoon.

And then, vinegar.

White vinegar, three tablespoons.

This is optional, but when you add honey,

one teaspoon, it will give really good flavor.

Stir this until well melted.


As long as you have this sauce,

You can just mix with any vegetables, and make a salad.

This is mustard garlic sauce we made.

And I will just cover and keep it in the refrigerator

Make it cold.

Now I'm going to take care of other ingredients.

We need cucumber and pear, this is Korean pear.

And this is crab meat.

We use these all together,

they will really really go well with that sauce.

But the most important ingredient is the haepari.

Haepari is jellyfish.

Half of this is enough. Then cut it like this.

It's about two and half inch long.

I'm going to make matchsticks.

Like this, until you seed the seeds, center.

See? You can see this.

And then this part, too.

Then here too.

And this one, eat it!


I'm going to bring my serving plate.

Serving plate should be kept in the refrigerator.

It should be really really cold.

Next, crab meat.

And then egg yolk and egg white.

Egg white.

This has to be really cold.

I will just cover this and then

put that back into my refrigerator.

(cheery music)

Now one hour passed!

So now, it's a little softer than before, good.

I'm going to strain this and also season it.

Now let me taste this.

to check just a little bit.

Can you hear the crunchy sound?

The texture, that's what I want!

Let's strain this.

I'm going to squeeze out the excess water

and put it here.

We've gotta season this.

Two teaspoons sugar.

And half teaspoon salt.

Vinegar, one tablespoon and mix.

Mix until all sugar and salt are well dissolved.

This guy's a sweet and sour,

crunchy something delicious.

So I will keep it in the refrigerator.

Everything has to be cold.

At least one hour.

One hour after, it's going to be chilled

and then we just mix this and pour the sauce and eat.

That's it!

(cheery music)

Before cutting my pear,

I will just make cold ice water,

about three cups.

Add about one teaspoon sugar.

And stir.

This sugar will stop the pear from going brown.

So we need a little bit of sugar.

And just peel.

See, one strip and done, okay!

My jellyfish is now cold, I will bring all everything.

And now, what we have to do is just arrange.

Jellyfish absorbed all this juice!

Before adding, I will add one drop of sesame oil.

So haepari-naengchae is done!

Just pour this sauce.

And pine nuts.

I need a small plate.

You serve this for four people

and then you need four small plates.

Mix first like this.

It's a spicy kick!

This is real delicacy!

Sweet and sour, refreshing, crunchy.

There's also spicy kick and pine nuts,

a little bit of pine nuts.

This is amazing.

Today we made haepari-naengchae, jellyfish salad.

Enjoy my recipe, see you next time.


For more infomation >> Jellyfish Salad (Haepari-Naengchae: 해파리냉채) - Duration: 14:44.


Death From 9/11-Related Illnesses On The Rise | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Death From 9/11-Related Illnesses On The Rise | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:58.


Queen of the South: Season 3 Episode 12 - James Tries To Break King George Out Of Custody (5/6) - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Queen of the South: Season 3 Episode 12 - James Tries To Break King George Out Of Custody (5/6) - Duration: 1:08.


Gondolas Removed from Skywheel in Myrtle Beach Due to Hurricane Florence - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Gondolas Removed from Skywheel in Myrtle Beach Due to Hurricane Florence - Duration: 1:55.


Un monstruo se acerca a la Costa Este - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Un monstruo se acerca a la Costa Este - Duration: 2:02.


La prohibición de la separación de familias habría animado más llegadas - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> La prohibición de la separación de familias habría animado más llegadas - Duration: 2:29.


Taking Care of the Pigs Basic Needs on the Ranch - Duration: 10:07.

Hi I'm Mike animals are what makes a

ranch and for us making sure that they

have all they need to live a happy and

healthy life while they're here is

priority number one today we're back to

confront more on the project list as we

take a look at what the pigs need on our

wyoming life

each year we raise a few pigs on the

ranch these pigs will eventually be sold

to our local farmers market customers

but before they get there our goal is to

give them the best life we can right

here welcome back to our whelming life

where we bring you what it takes to keep

a family ranch in Northeast Wyoming up

and running from animals to gardening

family to our beliefs and values it's

all right here as we explore the ranch

life and escape the ordinary this behind

me is the project list a list that keeps

on growing and growing this list is what

keeps me going many days on the ranch

it's not organized not categorized or

anything like that it's a list purely of

what needs done out here I had a few

questions about why not divide it into

groups or types of work and the easiest

answer I have for you is about as close

to laziness as we can try to get around

here many of the projects on the list

are added as I pass by things pop into

your head or you see a project that

needs done and boom it goes on the list

no thought required no analysis the type

of work or the time required or deciding

how to make it as complicated as

possible all that comes later as anyone

will tell you who has worked on a ranch

many much longer than I have sometimes

the simplest way to do things well

that's the best way to do things over

and over I've learned that overly

complicated thing just makes more work

but some jobs can be improved with just

a little bit of ingenuity today we're

gonna go from the very hands-on manual

way of caring for our pigs on a daily

basis to a bit more hands-off approach

don't worry though

they'll still need to be checked a

couple times a day mainly because

they're a bunch of troublemakers and

delinquents this year we have ten pigs

to raise here on the ranch

there are Hereford Yorkshireman and so

far they seem to be pretty good growers

pigs in fact will gain weight at a rate


a pound per day in six months time these

guys away over 250 pounds when they came

to the ranch

they weighed in at about 20 pounds as we

weigh one today we can see how much

they've go

pigs require a basic three things water

to drink food to eat and a clean living

area to make dirty that's about it

today we're gonna work on all three

starting with cleaning the stall where

they live

contrary to what you may have heard pigs

are actually quite clean animals they're

unable to sweat so they love to wallow

in mud to cool down I guess that's where

they got the reputation as dirty but in

reality they're actually pretty clean

we give them an oversized stall live in

and they choose which area of it to use

as a bathroom and as they grow their

stall will grow also giving them plenty

of room to move around in pig manure can

be composted although the modern belief

is that pig manure should not be used on

vegetable gardens pig manure can carry

parasites such as roundworm that can

actually survive the composting process

it can be used however for other

landscaping tasks we just choose to keep

it away from the vegetable gardens a few

populations are vulnerable to illness

from the pig manure including young

children pregnant women the elderly for

those with compromised immune systems

for us it's not worth the risk although

it won't go to waste

once we're done cleaning out the stall

we add some fresh bedding now this will

give them some delay on something to

keep them cool and hopefully reduce the

digging in the dirt that pigs like to do

that takes care of one basic need a

clean area to live and now we can move

on to food up until now we've been

feeding the pigs twice daily in small

containers now that they're getting

bigger we're gonna change out their

feeding regimen to a more free access

feed by using bigger feeders we can add

more food a few hundred pounds at a time

giving the pigs access to food

throughout their day and reducing the

amount of time that we have to spend

feeding them every day these feeders get

beat up pretty bad by the pigs but I've

kind of pounded out the dents and we get

them into the stall we attach a little

wall and then it's time to fill them up

the food we're feeding right now is

called show right team 18 feed this is a

mash feed as opposed to a pelletized


it contains 18 percent protein and a

number of different minerals that

figures require input in calcium

phosphorus and slam over time will

change their feet but this is what they

get for now last but not least it's time

for their water requirements pigs and

water can be a tricky combination up

until now we've been watering on a few

times a day adding water to a dish for

them to share but now that they're

getting bigger it's harder for them to

gather around and drink all at the same

time they now require a continuous water

source that they can use as they need

the tricky part is that they're going to

try to make a mess so we need to limit

that as much as possible we're going to

be building a pig watering system

similar to a drip system that Aaron uses

in the garden but utilizing 1/2 inch

stainless steel automatic Pig drinking

nipples when the pig bites down on the

nipple it's going to open the water flow

allowing them to drink kind of like the

water fountain in grade school but

everybody put their lips on trust me I

know last week I went in McKenzie and

Grace's school and I started to twitch

it's then that I remembered why they

bring home every single little bug you

can wash your hands all day long but

until somebody sprays some bleach on

that water fountain

terms are gonna run rampant here today

we're going to use PVC to attach four of

these Pig watering fountains together

then we run them to a hydrant for the


once it's all together then we can test

it any leaks and we're gonna have to

deal with them before installing it into

the pig stall as pigs could turn a drip

into a mud hole luckily everything looks

pretty good we're going to attach it to

a tube line floor so it has a nice solid

structure and after everything is sealed

up tight and we can put it in with the


and teach them how to drink from

and that's pretty much it for today what

you didn't see was in the middle of it I

got a chance to reconnect with an old

friend over lunch who I hadn't seen her

talked to in over a year so I went to

town sat down on a restaurant smelling

of pigs and oddly enough not a sideways

glance was thrown my way

the pigs themselves well they seemed

pretty happy pretty sure they're gonna

be happier once I'm out of here and stop

messing with them and I probably will be


a shower is definitely in my future

while rolling in the dust is in theirs

thanks for coming along each of the

things crossed off the project list

makes room for more and I better go

check and see if Aaron added anything to

it while I was gone please subscribe for

more from the ranch this week we'll be

taking a look at the vital functions of

the ranch as we get in and pull the

bowls out from the cows their job is

done and I'm sure they're ready for a

break all those ladies out there has to

be tiring until I see you again have a

great week and thanks for joining us in

our Wyoming life hey guys quit chewing

on my feet

For more infomation >> Taking Care of the Pigs Basic Needs on the Ranch - Duration: 10:07.


Maui County Mayor Tues. Press conference - Duration: 21:14.

For more infomation >> Maui County Mayor Tues. Press conference - Duration: 21:14.


Cuando el estrés no nos deja almorzar en paz mientras trabajamos - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Cuando el estrés no nos deja almorzar en paz mientras trabajamos - Duration: 2:08.


Evacuación Cancelada en 3 Condados Costeros de SC - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Evacuación Cancelada en 3 Condados Costeros de SC - Duration: 1:12.


Remarks at a UN Security Council Briefing on the Situation in Syria - Duration: 6:54.

AMBASSADOR HALEY: I shall now make a statement in my national capacity as representative

of the United States.

I want to start by, obviously, thank all of you for your heartfelt condolences and wishes.

You are my brothers and sisters.

And I think it's why when we talk about something like Syria, we are all very passionate

about it – because we know what pain feels like and we know what suffering is and we

get frustrated when we see things happening that we can't control.

This session was called for the purpose of discussing the Astana talks for a peaceful

solution in Syria.

We welcome the opportunity to discuss the prospects for a diplomatic solution in Syria.

But let's not waste time with the disinformation, distractions, and outright lies that the Assad

regime and their Russian and Iranian partners constantly use to distort this conversation.

Let's talk about the facts on the ground in Syria.

This month already, the world has seen a clear military escalation in Idlib.

Russian and Assad regime air forces launched over 100 airstrikes.

They are using barrel bombs, rockets, and artillery.

They are targeting hospitals and medical facilities.

They are conducting ruthless "double-tap strikes" on civilian volunteers like the

White Helmets.

For those listening who haven't heard of double-tap strikes, that's when pro-regime

forces strike an area, wait a few moments for first responders to arrive, and then strike


It is a disgusting tactic of terrorists, not professional soldiers.

According to the UN, over 30,000 people have already been displaced by ongoing airstrikes.

We've heard a lot of talk today.

But we haven't seen any actions to indicate that Russia, Iran, and Assad are interested

in a political solution.

All we've seen are the actions of cowards interested in a bloody military conquest of


Turkey learned this lesson last week when they met with Russia and Iran.

Turkey wanted them to agree to a ceasefire in Idlib.

But Russia and Iran rejected Turkey's request.

And the Assad regime continued its brutal attacks.

The United States is long past taking Russia and Iran at their word that they are interested

in protecting civilians in Idlib from further violence.

No matter what type of weapons or methods are used, the United States strongly opposes

any escalation of violence in Idlib.

Every member of the Security Council should feel the same.

It's time for Russia to stop wasting our time when it comes to peace in Syria.

Russia and Iran have had every opportunity to demonstrate their credibility as constructive

actors in Syria.

But what have they done with these opportunities?

They created so-called de-escalation zones throughout Syria which they have cynically,

systematically, and ruthlessly violated.

In February they violated the de-escalation zone in Eastern Ghouta.

Then in July, Russia blatantly broke a commitment made by President Putin and President Trump

to uphold a ceasefire arrangement in southwest Syria.

Now, in Idlib, Russia and Iran are violating their last remaining, so-called de-escalation


These are not the actions of good faith parties of peace.

This is not how you demonstrate your commitment to protecting civilian lives.

And this is not how you convince the United States and other countries to fund reconstruction

efforts in Syria.

I repeat that it would be absurd for the United States and other countries to consider the

demands from Russia and its allies that the world should fund reconstruction efforts in

Syria as Russian airstrikes pummel Idlib in an escalation of a new military assault.

Russia, Iran, and Assad are demolishing Idlib and asking us to call it peace.

But here's the reality: Astana has failed.

It has failed to stop the violence or to promote a political solution.

We will know that the Assad Regime and its enablers are serious about a political process

for peace in Syria, not when they repeat empty promises, but when the violence stops.

When the airstrikes and the ground offensive stop.

When they allow the UN to deliver life-saving humanitarian aid to civilians and allow civilians

the freedom of movement to escape the impending siege.

When they work with us to pursue real terrorists, not to create more of them by targeting innocent


When we see irreversible progress occur through the UN-led Geneva talks toward a political

transition in line with Resolution 2254.

When we see Iran's influence over events in Syria completely extinguished.

We will not allow Iran, through the façade of the Astana Process, to hijack the future

of the Syrian people.

Iran's role in Assad's murderous attacks on civilians will not be ignored by the United

States and the rest of the international community.

I also want to reiterate what I said last week to the Assad regime and anyone else contemplating

the use of chemical weapons in Syria.

The United States followed through when we said that we would respond to the use of chemical


We stand by this warning.

Russia has the power to stop the catastrophe looming in Idlib.

They have the power to stop the killing.

They still have the power to match their words of peace with deeds by working in Geneva to

achieve a political transition in Syria.

We consider any assault on Idlib to be a reckless escalation of the conflict.

If Assad, Russia, and Iran continue down the path they are on, the consequences will be dire.

The world will hold them responsible.

And no number of Security Council meetings will ever change that.

I resume my function as president of the Council.

For more infomation >> Remarks at a UN Security Council Briefing on the Situation in Syria - Duration: 6:54.



For more infomation >> THIS IS WHAT DISNEY'S SECRET CLUB 33 LOOKS LIKE 🙊| Mar - Duration: 15:29.


Miles de indocumentados trabajaron en la recuperación tras el atentado - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Miles de indocumentados trabajaron en la recuperación tras el atentado - Duration: 2:20.


This Tea Can Be The Cure For Your Stress - Duration: 3:21.

In the modern lifestyle, no one can Avoid it: stress.

Whether because of work, social relationships, family or even transit, we are constantly

exposed to situations that may leave us more anxious and stressed.

You fool anyone who thinks that stress is a enemy of our health.

Stress is a natural defense to stimuli and is important for survival.

In the face of a dangerous situation, for example, we produce adrenaline and cortisol that leave

the body on alert, ready to to react.

For example, if someone is going through periods of pressure at work, the brain

perceives and responds with changes that will help the individual to complete their activities with


The problem occurs when this pressure is constant or persist for a long time, bringing

to the surface symptoms like feeling of wear, muscle tension, changes in sleep, appetite,

humor among others.

If you feel stressed, we have good news.

Do you like to drink black tea?

Researchers concluded through of a study that this tea has the capacity

of lowering the level of cortisol in the blood, hormone responsible for stress, relieving


The study observed 75 people, who were divided in two groups.

One group had tea while the other took tea. a caffeinated placebo with similar taste.

All participants were submitted to stressful situations and had the level of

of cortisol and blood pressure monitored.

In the group that drank black tea, there was a significant difference in cortisol levels,

with the placebo group.

Japanese scientists are also attentive not only for the overall benefits of

tea, but for specific components that make the tea taste and aroma excellent

allies of health and well-being.

A study was conducted to determine the effects of two types of black tea aromas

in physical and psychological stress.

The Japanese researchers concluded that the group that inhaled the aroma of black tea presented

levels of chromogranin-A, biological marker used to measure levels of

of stress.

So the next time you drink tea black, before taking a sip, remember to

Inhale your steam for a few minutes!

This simple habit can help not only to lower their stress levels as

also improve your mood.

For more infomation >> This Tea Can Be The Cure For Your Stress - Duration: 3:21.


Tomorrow's Sydney: Sydney Metro Northwest (Extended Version) - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Tomorrow's Sydney: Sydney Metro Northwest (Extended Version) - Duration: 1:12.


Los equipos de rescate se preparan para el peor de los escenarios - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Los equipos de rescate se preparan para el peor de los escenarios - Duration: 1:03.


Tri vs. Team USA: por el orgullo de decir qué país tiene la mejor juventud de la Concacaf - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Tri vs. Team USA: por el orgullo de decir qué país tiene la mejor juventud de la Concacaf - Duration: 1:19.


Hundreds Mourn Mac Miller at Public Vigil Held in Pittsburgh Park He Named His Debut Album After - B - Duration: 4:11.

 The people of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, honored one of their own with a heartfelt tribute on Tuesday

 Hundreds came out to mourn Mac Miller's death at Frick Park Blue Slide playground, the favorite childhood hangout he named his 2011 debut album after

 "Mac deserves to be sent off with an evening of celebrating his life, discussing his struggles, and remembering his stories; most importantly for his iconic work that brought joy into the lives of everybody who listened," said Nightfall Records, a local record label that organized the five-hour vigil for Miller, who reportedly had a net worth of $9 million

 "This entire day is about Malcolm and showing the love our city has for him," the label added

 The rapper, born Malcolm James McCormick, was found dead in his Studio City, California, home on Friday

A source told PEOPLE that Miller went into cardiac arrest after an apparent drug overdose

The official cause of death is yet to be determined.  For the memorial, many decorated the park's famous blue side with candles, flowers and the black and gold colors of the Pittsburgh Steelers, Miller's favorite NFL team

Several local artists drew portraits and murals of the local musician throughout the park

 The evening at the park, which is two blocks from Taylor Allderdice High School where Miller attended, also shed light on addiction and mental health as nonprofit organizations were invited to attend and speak, according to event organizers

 The first single off Miller's Blue Slide Park album, titled "Frick Park Market," was among his highest charting singles

 Blue Slide Park debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 chart and sold 145,000 copies in its first week, making it the first independently-distributed debut album to top the chart

 "I was literally walking to Blue Slide Park and the album was almost done and I was walking to get some last-minute inspiration," Miller told MTV in 2012

 "No matter what happens in life, no matter where you go, where you're off to, what happens with the park, that slide will always be blue

That will always be Blue Slide Park no matter what," he said. "You can go to New York and live for 10 years and become a huge business mogul and then come back to the 'Burgh and no matter how much money you got, that slide is still blue

"  And on Tuesday morning, in honor of Miller, Pittsburgh Public Works painted a fresh coat of blue paint on the famous slide

 Tributes from celebrities poured in after Miller's death. Miller's ex-girlfriend Ariana Grande broke her silence on Saturday with a black-and-white photograph of Miller gazing up at the camera

 Miller's mother Karen Meyers also mourned her son's death on Instagram with a photo of the pair smiling at a Pittsburgh Pirates game

 On Monday, Los Angeles County coroner's spokeswoman Sarah Ardalani confirmed to PEOPLE that Miller's autopsy was completed and his body was released to his family

For more infomation >> Hundreds Mourn Mac Miller at Public Vigil Held in Pittsburgh Park He Named His Debut Album After - B - Duration: 4:11.


Razones Por Las Que Avengers 4 Te Encantará - Duration: 10:46.

For more infomation >> Razones Por Las Que Avengers 4 Te Encantará - Duration: 10:46.


Smart Backpacks Mod 1.12.2 (The Best Backpack You Ever Seen) - Duration: 5:55.


For more infomation >> Smart Backpacks Mod 1.12.2 (The Best Backpack You Ever Seen) - Duration: 5:55.


To Be Honest... WE'RE SICK OF THESE 18 THINGS! - Duration: 8:35.


when you're sick of everything

sick of everything

pet peeves

annoying traits

things we hate

things we hate about life

you know what tingles my please no

definitely not just judge everything

somebody else does everything so

probably don't what's the worst and they

just doing it as a group of people nice

to meet ya okay so just sitting around

with a group of friends and you're

talking about one person yes you're they

don't talk to themselves about this they

talk with their friend my god Becky

she's so extra he's so extra she's so

extra you're like a cheese pizza without

cheese stupid problem is I'm okay with

this judgment stuff well at this point

don't care you're irrelevant by in my

life if you're judging me first I don't

get it a second the wrong

some people try to tell you how to live

your life but it's my life you think you

know how to live my life better than I'm

not I live my life we think you are

you know fact a simple it's simple thing

yeah I'm going to subway

I want a be empty right yeah and they

say is you're gonna be LT is better

thank you has anyone ever told you oh my

god you should thank Becky listen if you

mean bet you want to get frisky and

things don't do it back this accomplish

trying to like ever better with Becky

did I get it well most of the time it's

not is anytime please look back there

you go out the day before you are pasta

from the Cheesecake Factory but they

bring the whole tub right you know how

they do and then you take it to a go box

to eat it tomorrow put in the fridge you

wake up and it's gone you usually are

the one that eats it so personally I

hate it when I open the fridge and

something I want is expired like I'm

about to eat cereal the milk is expired

man no no you're just really sensitive

when it comes to expired food it's


it has mold on it I can't sense it it

it's mold it's gonna be tough are you


yeah you want to be in a relationship

yet but everyone sucks it's not my fault

I can't find anybody as perfect as me

they see lower your standards how about

raise your qualities yeah dude dude the

worst is whenever you finally find a


Animal Planet just found a companion by

the companion you've been singing and

talking for four months but you don't

have a companion you finally found a

bull thank you together seeing each

other talking for four months but you're

not officially sad

there was no school yet well then you

start thinking about what army bro like

and what do we do like if you go to the

smoothie place one bully please yes got

the juice it up what are you dumb like

if you guys go to Jamba Juice right are

you a one smoothie with too strong or

two separate smoothies you know you just

face up at the cashier Friesen hates

this idea radio music radio music I just

hate what radio does to music I'm

driving home and I need the same song

twice on one station and on any other

station which means they probably play

that song 140 times a day come on kiss a

fan and I'm here so you only think that

you are in bed and now I switch to it

wanna fight but now I am now and it's

literally continuing yeah I know I can

say 97.1 is that you might be going side

that's why I like songs that are not on

the radio if you want to listen to

awesome songs today were sponsored by

Air Corps listen to his songs amazing

not on the radio not over-clean

when you're in the shower and it's all

hot and nice and then it starts getting

colder colder and it's freezing and now

they're gonna shower you're just jumping


you know like you you can't do anything

they're just dying and then you're back

when you go back okay oh you're not too

hot you move it like one centimeter and

it becomes Antarctica this way you're

almost better back then I don't want to

deal with this so he put it back exactly

where you started from when you go shout

out another person's house and you're

like why is I'm gonna just how what


oh I hate when I go out let's say I'm

going to cap it I see a police part I'm

on the red line Oh Oh papi like there's

no way you're an emergency right now

you're sitting inside the whatever cost

of eating drink a cup of calm like it's

right there

but you have the same urgency as I have

like Josie this your car you can't just

park there I've never seen a cop use a

turn signal in my life you know what

tingles my Pingel oh my my cyclists on

the road okay I'm fine if I have to go

around the bicyclists they don't stop at

stop signs they don't stop at red lights

they don't do anything they know you're

on the street with us not only are you

going slow you don't have to wait until

this Court passes to go around but you

don't stop back when you have an old

iPhone I have the six the ten is out

when the ten comes out the six becomes

like one there's times Ramon 7% and my

phone just you know I hate more

what when you're tired the whole day you

just like I just want to sleep he's on

his leave yeah yeah you going back

finally got asleep think I'm not tired

you know what I hate what when you take

a picture you like dude why I look so


no post honest around slideshows of the

same place two different poses like you

know we pose as I try and look I get

that one anything miss leave it in the

comments below cuz we want to know we do

got a few comments you're in there

saying we make your day better we boost

your mood we love that that's what we're

here for

if you're having a bad day turn on Eric

and Gary that's why we do what we do

until next time

I hate when people act I get one doesn't

poop man not pool

no no it's kind of easy

For more infomation >> To Be Honest... WE'RE SICK OF THESE 18 THINGS! - Duration: 8:35.


For more infomation >> To Be Honest... WE'RE SICK OF THESE 18 THINGS! - Duration: 8:35.


Hit Rock And Roll Collection - Best Rock n Roll 2018 - The Most New Rock n Roll - Duration: 52:31.

The Best Rock And Roll All Of Time,Hit Rock And Roll Collection,Rock love Song,Rock And Roll,rock n roll music,rock and roll music,50s rock and roll,Rock And Roll Collection,love rock and roll,i love rock and roll,Rock n Roll to Dance,rock and roll,dance rock,rock and roll music,rock n roll songs,best rock n roll songs,top rock and roll songs,rock n roll of all time,blues,best rock and roll,rock'n'roll,classic rocknroll,classic rock and roll,rock n roll,rock and roll to dance,

For more infomation >> Hit Rock And Roll Collection - Best Rock n Roll 2018 - The Most New Rock n Roll - Duration: 52:31.


For more infomation >> Hit Rock And Roll Collection - Best Rock n Roll 2018 - The Most New Rock n Roll - Duration: 52:31.


Hit Rock And Roll Collection - Best Rock n Roll 2018 - The Most New Rock n Roll - Duration: 52:31.

The Best Rock And Roll All Of Time,Hit Rock And Roll Collection,Rock love Song,Rock And Roll,rock n roll music,rock and roll music,50s rock and roll,Rock And Roll Collection,love rock and roll,i love rock and roll,Rock n Roll to Dance,rock and roll,dance rock,rock and roll music,rock n roll songs,best rock n roll songs,top rock and roll songs,rock n roll of all time,blues,best rock and roll,rock'n'roll,classic rocknroll,classic rock and roll,rock n roll,rock and roll to dance,

For more infomation >> Hit Rock And Roll Collection - Best Rock n Roll 2018 - The Most New Rock n Roll - Duration: 52:31.


For more infomation >> Hit Rock And Roll Collection - Best Rock n Roll 2018 - The Most New Rock n Roll - Duration: 52:31.


Most Popular Rock And Roll Songs Ever - Best Rock n Roll 2018 - New Rock n Roll - Duration: 52:31.

The Best Rock And Roll All Of Time,Hit Rock And Roll Collection,Rock love Song,Rock And Roll,rock n roll music,rock and roll music,50s rock and roll,Rock And Roll Collection,love rock and roll,i love rock and roll,Rock n Roll to Dance,rock and roll,dance rock,rock and roll music,rock n roll songs,best rock n roll songs,top rock and roll songs,rock n roll of all time,blues,best rock and roll,rock'n'roll,classic rocknroll,classic rock and roll,rock n roll,rock and roll to dance,

For more infomation >> Most Popular Rock And Roll Songs Ever - Best Rock n Roll 2018 - New Rock n Roll - Duration: 52:31.


For more infomation >> Most Popular Rock And Roll Songs Ever - Best Rock n Roll 2018 - New Rock n Roll - Duration: 52:31.


Greatest Hit Rock And Roll Songs Ever - Love Rock And Roll - The Most New Rock n Roll - Duration: 52:31.

The Best Rock And Roll All Of Time,Hit Rock And Roll Collection,Rock love Song,Rock And Roll,rock n roll music,rock and roll music,50s rock and roll,Rock And Roll Collection,love rock and roll,i love rock and roll,Rock n Roll to Dance,rock and roll,dance rock,rock and roll music,rock n roll songs,best rock n roll songs,top rock and roll songs,rock n roll of all time,blues,best rock and roll,rock'n'roll,classic rocknroll,classic rock and roll,rock n roll,rock and roll to dance,

For more infomation >> Greatest Hit Rock And Roll Songs Ever - Love Rock And Roll - The Most New Rock n Roll - Duration: 52:31.


For more infomation >> Greatest Hit Rock And Roll Songs Ever - Love Rock And Roll - The Most New Rock n Roll - Duration: 52:31.


Hit Rock And Roll Collection - Love Rock And Roll - The Most New Rock n Roll - Duration: 52:31.

The Best Rock And Roll All Of Time,Hit Rock And Roll Collection,Rock love Song,Rock And Roll,rock n roll music,rock and roll music,50s rock and roll,Rock And Roll Collection,love rock and roll,i love rock and roll,Rock n Roll to Dance,rock and roll,dance rock,rock and roll music,rock n roll songs,best rock n roll songs,top rock and roll songs,rock n roll of all time,blues,best rock and roll,rock'n'roll,classic rocknroll,classic rock and roll,rock n roll,rock and roll to dance,

For more infomation >> Hit Rock And Roll Collection - Love Rock And Roll - The Most New Rock n Roll - Duration: 52:31.


For more infomation >> Hit Rock And Roll Collection - Love Rock And Roll - The Most New Rock n Roll - Duration: 52:31.


$5M Texas Lottery ticket sold in Houston - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> $5M Texas Lottery ticket sold in Houston - Duration: 0:37.


Jellyfish Salad (Haepari-Naengchae: 해파리냉채) - Duration: 14:44.


(upbeat music)

- Hi everybody!

Today I'm going to make really unique dish,

jellyfish, edible jellyfish.

There are tons of different kinds of jellyfish,

but it's edible, be sure.

But you don't have to worry about,

you go to a Korean grocery store,

they already precut and packaged it.

This is, in Korean, haepari.

So we are going to make haepari-naengchae.

In English, jellyfish salad.

This is my favorite dish,

probably you will say, "Oh Maangchi, always says it's her favorite."

Yes, I love many many different kinds of food.

Probably, you might have seen this kind of dish,

haepari-naengchae, when you go to

buffet restaurant especially,

it's like a mountain.

Always popular, it's my favorite!

I keep keep bringing and eating

maybe two times, three times

because I love the texture.

It's sliced, shredded, and salted.

Lots and lots of salt!

This is one pound package.

After washing it, it's going to be only five ounces.

Let's make really cold and refreshing,

delicious haepari-naegchae, together!

Let's start.

You see?

All this salt.

So let's wash.

Look at the salt.

Here you go.

I'm going to soak this in cold water for one hour.

One hour later, I will just blanch this.

One hour ago, I did it already.

You see?

Just now I start soaking

This is the one I started soaking one hour ago.

It's softer than this.

And I'm going to strain this.

Four cups of boiling water.

I'm going to add two cups cold water, why?

Because I wanna lower the temperature of this water

so that jellyfish is going to be nicely blanched.

Otherwise, jellyfish is so shrunk

and also it's will get really tough.

It's around 160 Fahrenheit, which is 70 celsius.

So what I'm going to do is I will just add here

and then just blanch for 10 seconds.

I turned off, there is no heat here.

One, two, three... 10.

Then let's strain this.

One piece is missing.

Look at this.

Now I'm going to rinse this in cold water and soak another hour.

I'm soaking this. Meanwhile,

I'm going to make Gyeran-jidan

and prepare something also, I have to make sauce.

First I'm going to make gyran-jidan,

yellow eggs strips and white egg strips.

Pinch of salt.

I'm going to turn on the heat.

When I make this egg garnish, it's really pretty.

I'm so surprised, so impressed, by your skills too.

You guys are making really nicely.

Egg white first,

it went through my strainer. This is hot.

I will just remove this pan from the heat.

And then,

cooking oil.

With the leftover heat in the pan.

This egg white is going to be slowly slowly,


Meanwhile, egg yolk.

Some stringy stuff, we just removed.

So that we will have some,

when I make these egg strips,

they will be all even color.

This egg white is half cooked,

but I need to cook a little longer.

Turn off.

Just over really low heat.

That's the most important thing,

so that you can keep the color white.

Egg white is very difficult to make

because you need to be very patient.



Same method, it's hot and I will just add one drop of oil.

and then turn off.

only maybe 30 seconds to one minute after

it's set on the bottom,

I will just turn it over.

I'm making sauce.

This is a gyeoja-garu, mustard seeds.

Korean mustard seed powder.

I always keep it in the freezer.

One tablespon gyeoja-garu,

and then one tablespoon water.

Same amount.

And mix.

This is very spicy.

Spicy and it makes the sauce really flavorful.

And also I will add lots of garlic.

When I lived in Korea I used to make this kind of sauce,

only using garlic so we called this garlic sauce,

but this one is half of mustard seed powder

and half of garlic.

Meanwhile my yellow egg is done, see?


And now.

It's sweet, sour, and salty.

First let's start with the salt.

Salt, one teaspoon.

I will add soy sauce, half teaspoon.

To make it sweet, sugar, one tablespoon plus one teaspoon.

And then, vinegar.

White vinegar, three tablespoons.

This is optional, but when you add honey,

one teaspoon, it will give really good flavor.

Stir this until well melted.


As long as you have this sauce,

You can just mix with any vegetables, and make a salad.

This is mustard garlic sauce we made.

And I will just cover and keep it in the refrigerator

Make it cold.

Now I'm going to take care of other ingredients.

We need cucumber and pear, this is Korean pear.

And this is crab meat.

We use these all together,

they will really really go well with that sauce.

But the most important ingredient is the haepari.

Haepari is jellyfish.

Half of this is enough. Then cut it like this.

It's about two and half inch long.

I'm going to make matchsticks.

Like this, until you seed the seeds, center.

See? You can see this.

And then this part, too.

Then here too.

And this one, eat it!


I'm going to bring my serving plate.

Serving plate should be kept in the refrigerator.

It should be really really cold.

Next, crab meat.

And then egg yolk and egg white.

Egg white.

This has to be really cold.

I will just cover this and then

put that back into my refrigerator.

(cheery music)

Now one hour passed!

So now, it's a little softer than before, good.

I'm going to strain this and also season it.

Now let me taste this.

to check just a little bit.

Can you hear the crunchy sound?

The texture, that's what I want!

Let's strain this.

I'm going to squeeze out the excess water

and put it here.

We've gotta season this.

Two teaspoons sugar.

And half teaspoon salt.

Vinegar, one tablespoon and mix.

Mix until all sugar and salt are well dissolved.

This guy's a sweet and sour,

crunchy something delicious.

So I will keep it in the refrigerator.

Everything has to be cold.

At least one hour.

One hour after, it's going to be chilled

and then we just mix this and pour the sauce and eat.

That's it!

(cheery music)

Before cutting my pear,

I will just make cold ice water,

about three cups.

Add about one teaspoon sugar.

And stir.

This sugar will stop the pear from going brown.

So we need a little bit of sugar.

And just peel.

See, one strip and done, okay!

My jellyfish is now cold, I will bring all everything.

And now, what we have to do is just arrange.

Jellyfish absorbed all this juice!

Before adding, I will add one drop of sesame oil.

So haepari-naengchae is done!

Just pour this sauce.

And pine nuts.

I need a small plate.

You serve this for four people

and then you need four small plates.

Mix first like this.

It's a spicy kick!

This is real delicacy!

Sweet and sour, refreshing, crunchy.

There's also spicy kick and pine nuts,

a little bit of pine nuts.

This is amazing.

Today we made haepari-naengchae, jellyfish salad.

Enjoy my recipe, see you next time.


For more infomation >> Jellyfish Salad (Haepari-Naengchae: 해파리냉채) - Duration: 14:44.


Renault Kangoo Express 1.5 DCI 75 EXPRESS COMFORT BTW Stuurbekrachtiging PDC APK 13-10-2018 Inruil m - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Renault Kangoo Express 1.5 DCI 75 EXPRESS COMFORT BTW Stuurbekrachtiging PDC APK 13-10-2018 Inruil m - Duration: 1:04.


How To Get SEO Clients By Using Free Apps As Bait ( FREE CLIENT FUNNEL ) - Duration: 8:10.

alright alright alright alright

everybody. what we're gonna do today is

talk about how to get SEO clients using

mobile apps. as bait yes I said it I said

it right and you better believe it

you're gonna use mobile apps as bait so

what I'm gonna do you don't have to have

any coding experience or anything like

that I'm going to show you well I'm

going to tell you how to create mobile

apps for free so if the link in the

description you'll get all of the

step-by-step and everything of how

you're gonna do this but basically you

can create a mobile app out of these

people's website very easy to take like

five to ten minutes alright and you want

to tell them this now listen closely you

should have a pen and a pair now it's

not just that they're gonna be getting

because there's people calling them

about mobile apps and blah blah blah

blah blah remember you want to be unique

alright so you're not gonna just call

them talking about hey I built you a

mobile app is something else that comes

along with it

alright so because everybody carries

their phone around with them 24/7 so if

they have their phone on them 24/7 and

you you have an app that is downloaded

on their phone that means you are with

them 24/7 that means you can send them

push notifications to remind them to

call you about setting up a reservation

for the lunch special or the dinner

special or or the new movie that is

coming out you can send them update so

for that so basically you want to sell

them on the push notification system the

follow up system that comes the

messaging system that comes with apps

just having a nap you can tell them you

can send out the daily specials you can

send out the best offers every day

whatever the rush-hour freaking what

does it count happy hour specials blah

blah blah you can set up the push

notifications for them so it's just a

way of being with their local customers

and turning them into recurring or

regulars alright so basically you say

here I build you a free app they're

gonna say well I don't need this what

the fuck can I do with that

you're you're going to literally say it

is a look I'm not charging for this even

though I could've charged two grand

you're going to use this app to turn

every single person that comes in here

and to a regular they're gonna buy how

the hell am I gonna use an app to do

that you're gonna say I'm going to give

I mean you're going to give free drinks

to everybody that comes in they're

winning that with the app downloaded

alright so when a person comes in there

you give them a little sticker or a

napkin or having on a brochure download

the app to get free refills to get free

drinks on a certain day or some crap

like that so they have to keep it on

their phone because if they want the

free drinks they have to show you that

they have it downloaded when they come

in you see what I'm saying this is how

they become regulars so what's gonna

happen is you're gonna program the push

notifications to go out and breakfast

lunch and dinner showing the best

specials right before they go on their

breaks to go get something to eat they

will get a message telling them to come

back to the restaurant or if there's

another type of local business whatever

that specially is if it's a gym it'll be

talking about hey you haven't clocked

into the gym your membership card hasn't

been clocked in in a couple of days are

you losing your goals and all that blah

blah blah we also have resistance bands


it's just another way of being able to

stay in contact Constant Contact

remember out of sight is out of mind so

you want to talk about the push

notification system you want to talk

about the follow-up turning them into

regular turning them into keep

increasing the length of time the

retention rate of their customers and

clients that's what you want to talk

about I build you a free app to increase

the retention of your clients to turn

every person that comes in here into a

regular automatic do you understand what

I'm saying do you understand what I am

saying if so then in the comments I want

you to say hell yeah I understand what

you're saying so basically what I'm

going to do is I am going to show you

how to build the apps for free or I'll

be like I have somebody from my team

build an app for free how about how

about that that's nice right I'm a very

nice guy

okay so yes you want to have you want to

give them the app for free

alright so how you gonna get paid well

you can get paid when the customer

becomes a regular redeems one of the

coupons or something like that or you

can tell them in order to you wanna you

want to give them a demo of it that's

when you'll get paid so you give them

the app for free and then you tell them

about the system they're not going to be

able to keep up with this system and do

it on their own and do it every day and

send out the messages and scheduling it

all of that so you tell them about the

system prove that it works have a couple

of the customers come in and download

the app and redeem it for the drinks and

blah blah blah and come in for lunch and

blah blah blah and then they'll pay you

I miss you that I promise you that it

will increase the retention rate of

their customers our clients great

alright so in the description there is a

link and it will lead you to a landing

page where you

to get the exact funnel I use the

clothes over 37 SEO clients in less than

five weeks you heard it right over 37

new SEO clients payments are ranging

between 2500 to $10,000 each

you understand what I'm saying in five

weeks okay so this is why you want to go

to the link in the description you're

gonna get the email swipes for free

you're going to get the app built for

free are taught how to build it for free

you're gonna get the exact funnel that I

use to get these clients for free you're

gonna get the follow-up you're gonna get

the system to get them the results

because that's what's important that's

how you keep your retention rate

learning how to get them the results

right so you're gonna get all of those

goodies for free when you go to the link

in the description don't hesitate sign

up by the way I'm about to drop some

more videos I'm gonna be turning these

out so you guys if you're new to the

channel make sure you subscribe like

comment let me know you're new and I'll

say what's up to you I will say what's

up to you if you say was up to me by

subscribing alright but the best thing

you could do the smartest thing you can

do is go get these free funnels so that

you can start getting your clients and

stop just watching YouTube videos okay

alright talk to you in the next video

For more infomation >> How To Get SEO Clients By Using Free Apps As Bait ( FREE CLIENT FUNNEL ) - Duration: 8:10.


I Am Not A Robot - Duration: 0:49.

I thought everything was ok .

Why does everyone misunderstand me ?

I am very sad .

I just want to make you happy .

Why you wanna hurt my heart ?

I am not a robot .

( FOLLOW iT-08864jo. )

I am ...

For more infomation >> I Am Not A Robot - Duration: 0:49.


Poetic ASMR - Channel Trailer - Duration: 3:02.

Welcome to Poetic ASMR.

This is an ASMR channel.

ASMR, or Autonomous sensory meridian response,

is a tingling sensation occurring at the back of one's head,

on the scalp, and at the upper spine.

ASMR can be caused by numerous triggers.

Whispering, tapping,

[tapping sounds]

crinkling sounds,

[crinkling sounds]


[purring sounds]

brushing sounds,

[brushing sounds]

the sound of crackling fire.

[sound of crackling fire]

These are just some examples of the many different trigger noises and sounds at your disposal.

On this channel, I will read poetry and other literature (such as fairy tales) to you.

As background sounds, I will use different triggers.

I hope you enjoy my videos and wish you a good night.

Good night, good night, good night, good night.

For more infomation >> Poetic ASMR - Channel Trailer - Duration: 3:02.


All About Blake Lively's Striking Berry Eyes and Braided Updo for Her A Simple Favor Premiere - News - Duration: 4:16.

 Every time Blake Lively steps out for a press tour, she gives us endless style and beauty ideas

And now, for A Simple Favor, we're getting all the suits, all the manicures, and now, all the braid and makeup inspiration

 For the past few weeks, the star has been channeling her character's corporate-yet-cool style in a series of high-fashion power outfits

And her beauty — courtesy hairstylist Rod Ortega and makeup artist Kristofer Buckle — has followed suit

 "In my whole career, this is a first — working with someone who is only wearing suits," Ortega tells PeopleStyle of Lively's recent looks

"It's different for me artistically, because I'm used to doing big, wavy, full hair on Blake

This forced me to do more simple, relaxed hairstyles, since the silhouettes are much straighter than a flowy dress

"  Both pros note and that her look Monday night was specifically inspired by a modern Marlene Dietrich, who had power suits as a staple in her wardrobe

 For the premiere, though the duo "had been leaning towards a more natural makeup look to complement the suits," for the premiere "it was time for some more glam," says Buckle of her makeup

 "When I saw what Blake was wearing I thought a prominent eye would be a good choice, and she thought the same," Buckle tells PeopleStyle, adding that they typically decide on her makeup look in real time

   "She styles herself so of course she also has opinions about her makeup. She trusts my instincts, and I want her to be comfortable, so we keep an open dialogue while I'm working

"   So he ended up going for a berry-toned smoky eye, adding a pop of color to her outfit, which he says had a "glam '70s feeling

"  The pro created the smoky look, which he says Lively "loved", using pomegranate and copper shades from the Kristofer Buckle Premiere palette, in order to create a metallic-yet-modern feel

On her lips, he went with the Giorgio Armani Rouge d'Armani Matte Lipstick in 500, a matching pink hue

 For her hair, Ortega opted for a braided ponytail. "Blake isn't in black that often, so I wanted to keep hair nice and sleek," he explains, adding that the process was collaborative

 "I did a quick braid as a test run, and took a picture to show her what it looked like (below!)

She said, 'Oh yeah that's great,' after seeing the picture! Because she liked it, we went with it

"  To create the look, which Ortega says was "very detailed" in the back, he first created a braid going down from the top of her head, before – pulling the hair out and adding smaller, individual braids, intertwining them around the main braid

He then used the T3 Cura Luxe hair dryer to remove any flyaways, in order to achieve a sleek finish

For more infomation >> All About Blake Lively's Striking Berry Eyes and Braided Updo for Her A Simple Favor Premiere - News - Duration: 4:16.


He Lost his Favourite Toy | Splashing in Muddy Puddles - Duration: 7:42.

I'm looking a little bit tired this

morning because I am it's really cold

I'm wet today

we're staying in our jammies watching

the leaves dress but I do can I are

still in our jammies and it's like 10


I'm fully intending to have a nap when

the kids have a hot today so I stand up

my jammies I have a cozy day and I'm

just about to make a hot chocolate I'm

just gonna make one big one

fresh air cuz I don't know what the kids

will like it or not but I'm making it

with rice milk um I haven't tried that

before so we are going what are we doing


yeah we've got I'll cut her well he's on

apart from daddy daddy's got his shorts

off cuz he's our day

lovely legs act no I got my my hiking

boots on

but the rest of us hover where these

autumn are all wrapped up nice yeah yeah

are you gonna go in the muddy buttons


swish special splash Oh excellent

I haven't warned about you

they said that

not God

Something About You


your eyes you said you touch is all a


now I can't live without you


this about




but there's a bit of a problem

Edea what's the problem what happened

i lost my lightning mcqueen

lightning mcqueen the BMX park said you

want to find it


lately these people are think I'm really

weird Bush with the pair last time I've

seen as was living down the hill when he

was on his boat and then he picked up

she would lead so let's see for the

fight bitch poopy Tony

quick scan of the area there is mr.

McQueen not a bother him back at the

house now safe then see his reaction of

the crack when a gentleman didn't mind

it's not good news

I was trying to test them on if it's not

you happy any today

For more infomation >> He Lost his Favourite Toy | Splashing in Muddy Puddles - Duration: 7:42.


Pixelmon "Let's play" #1 - Duration: 10:00.

I'm sorry for how bad this is.

But I do still enjoy Pixelmon

I'm sorry for the lag

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