Musically Comedy videos
Show Me The Money777 [1회] ′최은서′ @ 래퍼평가전 | REACTION! - Duration: 6:02.-------------------------------------------
Show Me The Money777 [1회] ′디아크′ @ 래퍼평가전 | REACTION! - Duration: 5:58.-------------------------------------------
Youtuber Filip Grznár popsal své milování se dvěma ženami! A byly v tom i drogy… - Duration: 3:59.-------------------------------------------
미국영어 VS 영국영어, 어떤게 더 잘들리나요? Feat. 다니엘 래드클리프 (해리 포터) [한글 ENG CC] 진저영어 영국 - Duration: 3:35.Hello. It's Jinger.
Harry Potter is well-known worldwide
and you think everyone would know
about Daniel Radcliffe.
But it's not true.
Nylon, the big magazine company
in America, he visited there.
They asked him
to work as a receptionist for an hour
to see how people react.
It was hilarious.
So I wanted to share it with you guys.
Not everyone is a fan of Harry Potter.
I can understand.
Or they thought he looked just like Daniel Radcliffe. Lol
Daniel Radcliffe used
Does that mean anything to you?
It's a common expression among native speakers.
It isn't always translated
Things you already know
have a meaning to you.
Do you know about it?
This is another meaning of the sentence.
I just remembered a story.
The gentleman living across the street
he is a designer for scarves and accessories.
When he was in Italy
he saw a lady with a beautiful scarf.
He wanted to have a look at it.
So he went to her.
Then the man next to her
seemed to be bothered
and said "No autograph."
The gentleman was puzzled and said
I don't know who you are.
The scarf that this lady is wearing
is beautiful and I would love to have a look.
Then the lady burst out laughing and said
Say hi to him.
He is my boyfriend, George Clooney.
George Clooney is famous
but he is sometimes too arrogant.
It happened before George Clooney got married.
I wish this kind of thing
happens to me too!
It might have happened but I may not have noticed.
You can get a chance only when you are ready.
I may not have notice the face of a celebrity.
Does that mean I need to remember more faces of celebrities?
My name is Jinger.
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I will be back with more videos.
영국 레전드 여가수 만나러 갔다 지렸습니다(소름돋는 라이브) - Duration: 7:05.I need your love
What are you waiting for
Love me like you do
Lo-lo-love me like you do
Adjusting the camera
My father is bald
My grandpa is also bald. So I'm prepared for that..
Ah.. you set up your mind..
Are you losing your hair?
Happy to see a comrade
A guy who tells you about English
I saw Ellie Goulding
We're in Seoul
She's an important celebrity
On our way to see a world star
She is..
You're the light, you're the night..
The singer who is famous for the OST of Fifty Shades of Grey
Ellie Goulding
Now we're headed for Ellie Goulding's live concert!
She's in South Korea from 6th of Sep to 8th
I'm also visiting Korea..
Youngalnam's visit
It is just visiting
Ellie Goulding sang that OST
In Calvin Harris's album 'Motion'
She also featured the song 'Outside'
Oh, please sing it
Are you looking forward to it?
Oh yea. This is my first time to attend a world star's live concert
So I asked some people
Have you heard of Ellie Goulding?
But nobody knew
For me, many people recognized her as soon as they listened to her music. They said, "I know that song!"
Normally, people know the song but they don't know about the singer and the title.
Yea, she's got so unique voice, people easily recognize her once they listened to the song
Anyway, let's head for the concert hall. We will show you guys her concert.
We have some things in common.. I traveled from the opposite side of the Earth..
Are you mocking me?
Nah, nah
Self-deprecating, right?
Okay let's go to the concert place!
I got a ticket under my name
Universal Music Korea gave me
I'll fully enjoy the today's performance
Entering the hall. Where is our seat?
Seat number 16, 8th row, second floor.
The ticket price is quite expensive
Cool, cool
(In the concert hall)
I guess... This concert hall has seating for about 5000 people maximum
Yeah, probably?
We feel like... what do you think of the stage there?
The stage looks very dreamlike
Ellie Goulding has very dreamlike voice, right?
I lost. She got more subscribers.. better passport...
What about the colour of passport?
National defense colour...(khaki)
isn't it more stylish..?
Sorry, I finished military service..
Reminding me of army experience..
She came a long way.. she's like VIP
I'm going to appreciate her songs calmly and peacefully
I will stay calm and peaceful for today
(Calm and peaceful)
She sings as if she is whispering
(She is so cool)
(Trying to calm down myself)
Should watch this live
(No difference between the digital track and live performance)
(She covers all types of genre; she's an all-rounder)
(The best hit song of Ellie Goulding)
(My favourite karaoke song)
(It's like dream)
(Two Ellie Goulding fanatics are so happy)
The live performance just finished
An hour and forty minutes passed so fast
It was so fun
She sings very well, much better than I expected
I usually listened to her songs on Youtube
The digital track is pale in comparison her live song
Amazing voice, amazing
It is impossible to describe. Must watch it live
Love me like you do.. what a beautiful lyrics, isn't it?
Thank you very much for today's live concert
Thank you, Universal Music Korea
Thanks, my personal coach who accompanied with me
F'n great saying?
Amazon Delivers Literally Everything - Duration: 2:15.-------------------------------------------
8号と3号 アナザーエディション その2 [Splatoon GMOD] Agent 8 and Agent 3 Another Edition part 2 - Duration: 2:09.Something smells good.
Oh, good morning.
I made breakfast. Would you like to eat it ?
Yes. I want to eat it.
I hope you'll like it...
I'll eat it.
Please help yourself to it !
Good !
Really ?
Yeah ! This is so delicious
I'm so glad.
You can also cook ! You're amazing !
No, not at all...
I should cook breakfast like you.
Don't you usually eat breakfast ?
No.I throw it together and don't eat it because I'm not a morning person.
Have your boyfriend cook it ?...
I don't have a boyfriend now...
How long don't you have a boyfriend ?
For 3...4 months...?
I'll go out soon because I have a plan this morning.
O...Oh, yes...
It was a great breakfast. Thank you.
I never thought he would ask me that suddenly.
But it's difficult for me to tell him that I have never had a boyfriend...
I'm sorry for lying you, Agent 8.
I might have asked her a strange question...
But it's my chance because she doesn't have a boyfriend now.
If I could know why she broke up her boyfriend, I could make her love me.
Oh, The message from Agent 8.
Does she think it strange that I invite her in a raw ?...
No way. This is a immediate matter. What if she is made a girlfriend by someone but me ?
"If you'd like, will you come to come over to my house tonight again ?"
I lied to him this morning. It's awkward to go to her house tonight...
"It's difficult tonight."
"When can you come to my house ?"
Wait. Why does he want me to come soon ?
"Why do you want me to come ?"
How should I reply this message ? I cannot convey my feeling to her at this time...
"Because I want you to taste my food. I'll enter a cook contest. "
I see. In that case I should go soon.
I can do tomorrow.
I was able to play her...
But I lied that I would enter a cook contest...
I had to become able to cook great food today...
There's a Bug on You! - Duration: 2:43.-------------------------------------------
Почему он не расплавится? Как этот солнечный зонд выдержит температуру Cолнца - Duration: 4:31.-------------------------------------------
It's Almost Like Trump Doesn't Mean What He Says - Duration: 1:49.-------------------------------------------
Одесский юмор! Анекдот дня из Одессы! Анекдот про любовников! - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Beto O'Rourke: We Don't Need A Wall - Duration: 7:40.-------------------------------------------
[선택극장] 당신의 인생을 맞바꿔드립니다.|빨간토마토 - Duration: 7:52.-------------------------------------------
Gina Mangieri reports from Happy Valley, Maui - Duration: 11:51.-------------------------------------------
Martha Stewart Saves Time With Pressure Cooker Meals - Duration: 8:26.-------------------------------------------
Global Map: Season 10 - Duration: 2:02.-------------------------------------------
鹹魚翻身的5大生肖,財運一旺到年底! - Duration: 5:22.-------------------------------------------
Barack Obama had one secret plan to fundamentally transform America.
It was an illegal abuse of power that he imposed during his final years in office.
But Attorney General Jeff Sessions shut it down with one swift move.
When Obama imposed the illegal DACA amnesty, conservatives howled that he shredded the
constitution in a naked power grab to pay off a Democrat voting constituency.
Donald Trump campaigned on overturning this lawless executive order.
In September, he made good on his word and terminated the DACA program that granted amnesty
to so-called "DREAMers."
Liberals sued and offered a tortured legal argument that as the executive, Donald Trump
had no grounds to overturn an executive order.
They tried to harass the administration for documents that contained privileged communications
between the President and his staff.
But attorney General Jeff Sessions and the Justice Department won a major victory when
the Supreme Court handed down a unanimous decision in the administration's favor.
Breitbart reports:
"Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Wednesday won the first legal battle at the Supreme
Court over DACA.
The unanimous decision threw out orders by a federal trial judge and the Ninth Circuit
appeals court requiring disclosure of sensitive government documents – papers which may
include communications with President Donald Trump about the decision to end the amnesty
Two amnesty programs for illegal aliens were operating when President Trump was inaugurated.
The first was DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), concerning illegal aliens brought
to the United States at a young age, which covered 800,000 people.
The second was DAPA, which broadened DACA's terms to cover at least 4.3 million illegal
In November 2015, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit held DAPA was illegal.
The Obama administration appealed that decision to the Supreme Court, but after the unexpected
death of Justice Antonin Scalia, the justices tied 4-4 on the case in October 2016, leaving
the Fifth Circuit's decision in place…
… On Wednesday, the Court issued a 4-page unanimous per curiam opinion in favor of President
Trump, explaining:
In the District Court litigation [the plaintiffs] argue that the Acting Secretary's [Elaine
Duke's] determination to rescind DACA in the near future is unlawful because, among
other reasons, it violates the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) and the Due Process Clause
of the Fifth Amendment, including the equal protection guarantee implicit in that Clause.
"The Government makes serious arguments that at least portions of the District Court's
order are overly broad," the Court continued.
The justices went on to instruct the lower courts on which issues they needed to resolve
before persisting on seeking this sensitive material.
"In any event, the District Court may not compel the Government to disclose any document
that the Government believes is privileged without first providing the Government with
the opportunity to argue the issue," the opinion continued.
The Supreme Court vacated (i.e., threw out) the Ninth Circuit's decision, and sent the
case back to the lower courts to carry out the justices' directions.
Although this is not a final decision on the lawsuits, the Supreme Court's unanimous
decision on the first aspect of the litigation to reach the nation's highest court is an
unmitigated victory for President Trump and Attorney General Sessions on the hot-button
issue of DACA."
This victory makes it likely Trump will ultimately prevail in the courts.
We will keep you up to date on any new developments in this story.
Facebook has greatly reduced the distribution of our stories in our readers' newsfeeds and
is instead promoting mainstream media sources.
When you share to your friends, however, you greatly help distribute our content.
Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your
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Thank you.
Jerry Springer Show (September 12, 2018)chillin with strippers... - Duration: 6:49.-------------------------------------------
September TBR - Duration: 6:07.what's up everyone I'm Melissa Elise and
you're watching Melissa Elise TV welcome
to my September TBR video this is
actually the first time I've done one of
these but I'm hoping to do more going
forward and you probably noticed but
this is a change of setting I am
shooting from home today I hope you guys
don't mind but just to give you guys a
little bit of background or setup into
how I pick my TBR list for each month I
do set a goal for myself to read four
books which I know is actually rather
low but sometimes I'm really busy and I
could barely get through to so four is
my main goal and if I get to fit in
another than great and I pick four
different subjects or genres topics
because there's so many things that I
love to read about that I can't just
pick one and so I want to cover all my
bases I'm currently working my way
through the ultimate AP English
literature list which ranks books based
on how long they've been on the AP list
and I don't actually go in order though
I'm just picking ones that grab my
attention but the end goal is to read the
whole list so whichever ones I skip now
I will go back and read later and then
I'm also reading a best-seller as well
as if you follow my Instagram you guys
know I love history so I read a history
book a month and then finally I'm
working my way through a series and
obviously once I finished a series then
I move on
No okay so the classic novel that I'll
be reading this month is Ernest
Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises which
follows Jake Barnes and Lady Brett
Ashley during the post-world War one
generation and the transition from the
wild nightlife of the 1920s specifically
in Paris to the bull fighting rings of
Spain and one of the main themes of this
book is disillusionment and this might
sound funny or weird but I love stories
about waking up to the real world
so I'm super excited about it and have
already started it now at first I wasn't
sure that I liked Hemingway style but
it's growing on me
and I'm already really invested in the
characters this is also Hemingway's
first novel and the first time that I've
ever read any of his work so I'm triple
excited about it the bestseller that I'm
reading this month which also is my book
club pick for September is My Year Of
Rest And Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh
and this story's about a young woman who
is 26 years old which is actually how
old I am though I don't think I'm gonna
find many similarities between me and
his character because the young woman's
name is Reva and she
spends a year on what has to be an
illegal combination of drugs that her
psychiatrist actually prescribed for her
and I would question that psychiatrist
is license and ethics but Reva has lost
her parents and is living on the
inheritance of their money she also has
education and had a job but once she
starts taking these drugs she just wants
to sleep as much as possible and I have
started it and I like the writing style
but it's a bit darker than I'm used to
but I am interested in where the story
goes and I picked it because I thought
it would be an interesting juxtaposition
next to The Sun Also Rises kind of a
cool companion read I think that
hopefully they will both end well and I
won't be depressed after reading them
both my history book picked this month
is the history of the Kings of Britain
by Geoffrey Monmouth and that's pretty
self-explanatory but I picked this book
because last month I read a book on
Celtic myths and King Arthur appears in several
mythological tales so I wanted to read
more about him and this is actually
credited as the first biography of King
Arthur and Merlin and the first half of
this book goes through the first ten
centuries of British history and then
the second half focuses two centuries on
primarily Arthur, the round table and
Arthur's demise my final pick this month
continues my read through The Vampire
Diaries series and this one is Moonsong
which is book 9 in the overall series
but book 2 in The Hunter series if
you're not familiar with the books
you've probably heard of the TV show
series starring Nina Dobrev and Ian
smolderholder and Paul Wensley my
personal favorite Stefan forever but
the books have more characters more
supernatural elements and even more
crazy love triangle drama and there's
ten books in total but they're broken up
into like three different miniseries so
the first half has four books and that's
just called The Vampire Diaries and then
the second is called the return and that has three
books and then the last three books are
called The Hunters
so after Moonsong which follows Elena
Gilbert and all her friends to college
with her current vampire boyfriend
Stefan Salvatore and his vampire brother
Damon I will only have one more book
left but there is a spinoff series
called Stefan's diaries though I'm not
100% sure I'm gonna read that one
because there's six more books in that
series so these are the four books on my
September TBR list if you have read or
are reading or plan to read any of these
definitely let me know I would love to
hear what you thought or major we could
do funny reading and I'm always open to
suggestions so if there's a book you
think I would love or should read a
review let me know in the comment
section thank you guys so much for
watching and I'll see you at the end of
the month for my wrap-up video
if you enjoyed this video be sure to like
comment and subscribe and go ahead and
hit that Bell so you'll never miss a video
Drake - In My Feelings (Sylow Remix) [Lyrics] - Duration: 4:17.Drake - In My Feelings (Sylow Remix) [Lyrics]
con la a: asexual, asexuada, antisexual, arromántica, agénero [CC] - Duration: 7:15.-------------------------------------------
The Last Man on Earth | 1964 - Best Quality - Horror/Sci-Fi/Monster: With Subtitles - Duration: 1:26:46.Another day to live through, better get started.
Is that all it has been since I inherited the world?
Only three years.
It seems like a hundred million.
Yeah, I own the world. An empty, dead, silent world.
More of them for the pit. Every day there are more of them.
They live off the weak ones and leave them for the pit.
K-O-K-W calling. Come in.
K-O-K-W calling.
I'm on international frequency. Come in.
They can't bear to see their image.
It repels them.
I need more mirrors.
And this garlic's lost its pungency.
There was a time when eating was pleasurable.
Now it bores me. Just fuel for survival.
I'll settle for coffee and orange juice this morning.
But first there is my life to consider. I'd better replace that garlic.
I need more, lots more. Better stop off and get them.
I can't afford the luxury of anger. Anger can make me vulnerable.
It can destroy my reason, and reason is the only advantage I have over them.
Got to find where they hide during the day.
Uncover every one of them.
Now, where did I finish off yesterday?
Madison Street to 31st Avenue.
Eleven kills over three years.
And there's more than half the city I haven't searched.
They are perfect.
Just wide enough to keep the flesh apart so their body seal can't function.
How many more of these will I have to make...
before they are all destroyed?
They want my blood. It's their lives or mine.
I still get squeamish.
Wait. That garlic.
I better put it back where it belongs.
I can't live a heartbeat away from hell and forget it.
I'm out of gas. That means one more stop I'll have to make.
I can get rid of them later.
Right now, I'm out of gas.
They're still fresh.
But I'll take only what I need. They've got to last.
They can wait, too. I've got my life to worry about.
Those mirrors have to be replaced before dark.
Square blocks to search. How many of them still exist?
How long will I have to keep up this search?
I haven't much time left. It'll be dark in an hour.
And now 12 long hours before the sun will rise...
and drive them back to darkness.
Morgan, come out.
Come out.
Robert, help me!
Another day.
Another day to start all over again.
God, how I miss you.
The sun's already set. They'll be everywhere!
It's Morgan. Get him.
Do you hear?
Do you hear, Morgan?
Three years.
Three years!
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
Yes? No. My makeup. My hair!
- Where is everybody? All I can see is... - Hi, Ben!
I can hear children, but I can't see any children.
Uncle Ben!
Look at Uncle Ben!
- What did you bring me? - Open them and see.
- Come. - Are all those for Kathy?
Take a look at this.
- It's highly theoretical, Ben. - Theoretical?
Do I have to remind you that theory is the beginning of solution?
"Is Europe's disease carried on the wind?" Is it, Ben?
- It could be. - And if it is?
It isn't, Virge.
Is that what you really think, or what you'd like to think?
I cannot accept half-baked theories that sell newspapers.
I'm a scientist, not an alarmist.
You're whistling past the graveyard.
Is that a commentary on my work at the lab?
- We both know how hard you've worked. - I'm sorry.
I just can't accept the idea of universal disease.
Uncle Ben, you promised us card tricks.
All right, Kathy. Who can resist that face?
All right. Card tricks.
Is it possible this germ, or virus, could be airborne?
Anything is possible, Virge.
The best brains in the world have been running through this thing...
with a fine-toothed comb.
The germ is visible under a microscope...
but it's not like any bacilli I've ever known.
In what way?
It can't be destroyed by any process we've been able to uncover.
But with the whole world trying, there must be a solution.
Mommy, when are we gonna cut the cake?
Right now our problem is to cut that cake.
- Mommy. - Coming.
The wind wake you up?
It always does.
How do you feel?
- I'm all right. - Don't get up, honey.
- I'm not sick, I'll make your breakfast. - You don't have to.
I'll be all right. Go on and read your paper.
All right.
Sweetheart, look, if you don't feel well, please go back to bed.
I'm just a little tired, that's all.
I wish somebody would find a vaccine.
It's all we're working on at the lab.
Maybe you better not send her to school today.
All right.
- Do you think you should go to work? - I have to.
Bob, I'm so frightened.
Everything's going to be all right, sweetheart.
- Well? - The bacilli are multiplying.
That kicks the bone marrow theory in the head.
This specimen shows a higher white count...
than when I put it on the slide.
Those cells are still living, Dr. Mercer, off one another.
There has to be an answer.
You've heard all communications are ended outside the continental limits?
Yes, I heard.
That leaves it in our laps. So we keep trying. Where's Cortman?
He should be here by now.
You two stay on this virus theory until I decide it's exhausted.
- Yes, sir? - Morgan will fill you in.
All right, sir.
And what did the great man of science have to say today?
- More of the usual? - He's trying, Ben. Just like the rest of us.
And nothing works.
The streets are swarming with truckloads of bodies...
that they're throwing into that God-awful pit.
And the dedicated Dr. Mercer goes on...
with his plodding, unimaginative approach.
- You have a better idea? - Maybe.
- At least it involves imagination. - Ben, it's as simple as this.
An unknown germ is being blown around the world.
It's highly contagious, and it's reached plague proportions.
And you don't believe some of the dead have come back?
Let's get to work.
And why are they burning the bodies? Why don't they bury them?
Because it's the best known way to control the contagion...
to keep the germ from spreading.
That's what we've always believed, at any rate.
- You'd prefer us to believe in vampires? - If they exist, yes.
There are stories being told, Bob.
By people who are out of their minds with fear!
Maybe, but there are too many to be just coincidental.
Stories about people who have died, and have come back.
They're stories, Ben, stories.
And why are the infected people always so tired in the daytime?
Why can't they stand the sunlight?
Why are they only seen at night?
Come here.
- Look. - I know as well as...
- Now, is this bacilli or isn't it? - It doesn't alter...
And this bacilli is found in the blood of every infected person, or isn't it?
To show me germs is not to refute these stories, Bob.
The point is, if there are vampires, they exist in spite of these germs.
Come on, let's get to work.
Until further notice this station...
will continue its around-the-clock coverage of this national disaster.
And now we switch you to the state capitol...
where His Excellency, the Governor...
is speaking from the executive mansion.
Further, I have in conjunction with the Federal Government...
declared this state to be a disaster area.
The public health is dependent on the bodies of the deceased being burned.
You must notify the Health Department immediately...
if you have a plague victim in your home.
Under no circumstances should you gather publicly.
In view of the dire emergency that exists...
Anything new?
No, nothing new.
Mommy, where are you?
Mommy, I can't see.
- I'm going to call the doctor. - I said, no.
Virge, there's nothing they can do.
- But we can't just let her lie there. - This way she has a chance.
If you call a doctor, he'll report it. Do you want that?
Mommy, help me.
- How can you be so sure... - Blindness is one of the symptoms.
You're not to call a doctor under any circumstances.
No one is to come into this house. Now remember that.
Mommy, where are you?
I've got to pick Ben Cortman up on the way to the lab.
No one is to come into this house.
Now remember that!
No! Please!
Please don't let him be buried in the pit.
Please, for God's sake. Don't take him away like this.
You can't!
- Who's there? - It's me, Ben. We're late.
Ben, what's the matter with you?
Nothing. And I'm going to keep it that way.
- Look, let's talk about this. - There's nothing to talk about.
You think I'm out of my mind. You laughed at me and my theory.
You might be one of them.
Look, you're ill. You ought to see a doctor.
No doctors.
You take care of your life. I'll take care of mine.
Now get away from here.
You understand? Get away from here!
If you're looking for anybody but me, forget it.
- Are they all gone? - That's right.
Is there any hope from the latest reports?
No, not yet.
But believe me, Morgan, we'll find an answer.
When, Doctor? We need it right now. I need it!
You're the only one who wasn't afraid to come here today.
What's going to happen, Dr. Mercer?
Is everybody in the world going to die before someone finds the answer?
No, I don't think so.
I don't deny that there's some strange evolutionary process going on.
But mankind won't be destroyed.
The fact that you and I are working here today...
is evidence of that.
All right. Let's roll.
I called a doctor. I had to.
I told you not to call anyone.
Bob, she was blind.
She couldn't see.
She kept reaching out her hands, and groping for me.
And all of a sudden she was gone.
And they came...
and I tried to stop them. They took her.
I saw a truck out there.
Was that it? Was it?
I'm sorry, lady. There's nothing I can do.
Let that truck through. Get out of the way.
Get back, folks. Nobody's allowed out there.
Please, all of you. Get behind those lines.
Look sharp there. Move. Move along.
Make way for that truck. This way.
Hey, you, mister! Come back!
Did this truck just come in from Market Street?
I said, did this truck just come in from Market Street?
Mister, I don't know.
Hey, you don't belong in here. Get out.
- I said get out! - I want my daughter.
A lot of daughters are in there, including my own.
Bob, I can't see!
I can't see!
I won't let them put you there, Virge.
I promise.
I won't let them put you there.
Let me in.
Who is it?
Who's there?
We're going to kill you, Morgan.
Do you hear?
Do you hear, Morgan?
If Cortman thinks he can get to me by destroying my car...
his wits are getting dull.
This convertible would be nice.
Probably handles well.
But I can't think of comfort.
There was a time when I shopped for a car.
Now I'm looking for a hearse.
This station waggon will have to do.
It's alive.
Wait. Don't run away!
Come back here.
Don't run away!
Come back. Come back here!
Wherever he is, I've got to find him.
If I have to search every street, every house, every alley...
every inch of this town, I've got to find him.
Come back!
Hey, boy, where are you?
Where are you, pal? Come here.
They're dead.
They've been staked.
These are made of iron. Not wood, like mine.
Someone else is alive in this world.
But where are they? Where are they hiding?
How many are there? Where did they come from?
Why haven't I seen them?
This is Robert Morgan.
If somebody can hear me, answer me.
For God's sake, answer me!
This is K-O-K-W calling.
Answer me.
So you finally decided to come back.
Good boy.
Oh, no.
Don't worry, boy.
You're going to be all right. Yes, you are.
There now, we've got you all cleaned up.
You're gonna feel better.
Gonna put you down here now and you can rest.
Got you all cleaned up.
You know they're out there, don't you?
You poor driven thing.
Everything's going to be all right.
Nobody's going to hurt you.
Everything's going to be all right.
All right.
You're going to get better.
We're going to have lots of happy times together.
You'll see. Everything's going to be fine.
What's the use?
I'm not going to hurt you. Can't you understand? Wait!
I'm not going to hurt you. Wait.
I couldn't be out here in the daylight if I was one of them.
You know that they can't come out until sundown.
Do you want to come with me, or do you want to face them?
- You feeling better? - Yes.
- Would you like a cup of coffee? - Thank you.
- You seem very well organised here. - Yeah.
My name is Ruth Collins.
I was married.
I lost my husband.
You are alone?
- You were married? - Yes.
A daughter.
What are you doing?
Please, stop! Stop it, please!
You're making me sick.
Why do you turn away?
- You are infected. - No.
Infected systems are allergic to garlic.
- You think I'm one of them. - You will be.
You've made up your mind just because I...
You can't change the facts by talking.
Facts? What facts?
That I got sick?
I've had a sensitive stomach all my life.
I saw my husband killed. Torn to pieces, right in front of our house.
I've been wandering ever since.
Hiding at night. Not eating more than scraps.
Sick with mourning, sick with fear, unable to sleep.
Then you shout at me.
You chase me across the field, hit me...
drag me to this house, and to top it all...
when I get sick because you shove a piece of reeking garlic in my face...
you tell me I'm infected.
- Where are you going? - Let me go.
You can't go out there. It's almost sunset.
Let me go, I said.
In a few minutes the streets will be full of them.
- I don't care. - At least let me give you a blood test.
Don't touch me.
You must be hungry. I'll fix you some dinner.
- You know, you should eat. - I can't.
- You seem used to them. - As much as anybody could be.
I'm not frightened of them anymore, if that's what you mean.
I protect myself against them, but only because there are so many.
Individually, they're weak.
Mentally incompetent, like animals after a long famine.
If they weren't...
they surely would've found a way of breaking in here a long time ago.
Come out, Morgan.
Hear that?
That's Ben Cortman.
- He was my friend. - Your friend?
He was like a kid brother.
If I could find him and destroy him...
But you said he was your friend.
When I find him I'll drive a stake through him, just like all the others.
But you lived through all this. Do you know why?
Perhaps I was chosen.
That's a laugh.
Or perhaps it's because a long time ago when I worked in Panama...
I was bitten in my sleep by a bat.
My theory is...
that the bat had previously acquired the vampire germ.
By the time it entered my blood...
it had been strained and weakened by the bat's system.
As a result, I have immunity.
It's only a guess, but it's all I have to go on.
You don't think that I'm immune, do you?
It's a simple matter to find out whether you are or not.
What will you do if I am infected?
Cure me?
You don't have to answer.
I know as well as you do...
it's incurable.
There might be a way.
If not of killing the germ, at least of containing it, keeping it from spreading.
If I had the equipment, the time.
Which you don't.
You are one of them.
I was. And without that injection, I'll be one again.
What do you mean?
- You found a solution? - That's right.
Exactly as you said it could be.
I take that for it.
What is it?
Defibrinated blood, plus vaccine.
The blood feeds the germ...
the vaccine keeps it isolated...
and prevents it from multiplying.
We've had it for some time now.
There are quite a number of us.
And I thought you were alone.
I was going to cure you.
- Does that amuse you? - No.
Now, I want the truth.
I want all of it. Why are you here?
To find out if you know any more than we do.
You know far less.
We're alive. Infected, yes. But alive.
We're going to reorganise society.
Do away with those wretched creatures who are neither alive nor dead.
Start everything all over again.
And you want me to join?
You can't join us.
You're a monster to them.
Why do you think I ran when I saw you?
Even though I was assigned to spy on you.
Because I was so terrified of what I'd heard about you.
You're a legend in the city. Living by day instead of night.
Leaving, as evidence of your existence, bloodless corpses.
Many of the people you destroyed were still alive.
Many of them were loved ones of the people in my group.
I didn't know.
- Is there any way you can get out of here? - What do you mean?
They're coming after you tonight.
That's why I was sent here. To prevent you from resisting them.
I'm supposed to keep you here until they come.
- To kill me? - Yes.
Your new society sounds charming.
The beginning of any society is never charming or gentle.
And you pretended to be shocked at my violence.
What are you waiting for?
Why don't you go on and use it? Get it over with. Use it.
Now you know.
What are you going to do?
- What are you doing? - It's already done.
You see? It worked, Ruth.
The antibodies in my blood worked.
My blood has saved you, Ruth.
Do you know what this means? You and I can save all the others.
We won't be alone. We'll never be alone again.
You are sure?
Don't be afraid.
Where are you going?
I have to tell them you're not a threat to us.
- You can't go out there. - You can save us all.
When they come, there won't be time for explanations.
They'll come to kill.
For God's sake, Robert, let me go. Please.
Ruth, look. Tomorrow.
Please. Robert.
Tomorrow, Ruth. Tomorrow will be all right.
Robert, no.
- Robert. - Yes, Ruth?
- What if this doesn't last? - But it will.
I've already checked it under the microscope.
Wait, I'll show you.
I'll prove it to you. I'll check it again.
Ruth, just take a look at this.
This'll prove it to you.
There's no change. I've double-checked.
Get away from her.
Ruth, are you all right?
Run, Robert!
Run! They've come to kill you, Robert.
Up there!
There he is.
Wait, you don't understand. Wait!
Get him!
Surround the block. Move!
This way. Hey, over here.
This way. Cover all sides!
Stand back.
There he is! In the church!
Hold your fire!
All of you.
All of you, freaks. Mutations.
Hold it.
You're freaks.
I am a man.
The last man.
They were afraid of me.
They didn't know.
Don't cry. There's nothing to cry about.
We're all safe now.
All safe.
B&E SHOW ** No Mercy Edition** ..wat een ellende.. - Duration: 4:36.-------------------------------------------
W league'18-Super League FoCuS(O) vs Lawliet(N) Game 2 【Cast: TH000 feat Infi】 - Duration: 23:46.NE players now are tactical changeable
so it's hard to say who will win for sure
Unlike Life, he will win when he is stronger
and he has no solution when he is the weaker one
like Lawliet, Moon,
they are the same
we can't make sure for the result, depend the tactics their use
all of them are tactical changeable
he didn't win against Moon always, he lost sometimes
he defeated by Moon with Beast Master too,
I think the win rate of him when playing against Moon is not bad
the win rates of Moon are same when playing against all the Orc
50% or 40%
I think the win rate of Moon is low when playing against Fly
this is out of doubt, Fly is really good in game theory
the win rate of Moon is really low when playing against Fly
for Moon vs Lyn
Lyn is very powerful, but the win rate of Moon is not bad
so you will feel Moon is very good when playing against Orc
this is because all the NE nowadays are playing with tactical changeable
they are not playing stable (they will drop last two players)
all the NE are playing high IQ school
so the result of them is unstable
if all the NE are playing like Colorful, Life, Remind, the result will be easier to guess
GSC and WGL Month races, this kind of tournament aren't in my data
TH lost to Focus in the Month race too
Don't argh, this is true Yes, this is true
last year
have you forgotten?
there are twice in my memories (Yes)
results from this kind of tournaments isn't in my data
in my opinion, Month races are similar to platform of Netease
these are not in my data
Fly is great, the win rate of against NE and UD are really high
I think the reason for you guys is the process of the game
Fly's BM has his daily life always (BM daily life=Dead)
and these incidents give you a lot of deep impressions
if you look at the win rate, his win rate is not low
(Who?) Fly
versus who?
the win rate are similar when versus whoever, especially UD and NE, he has high win rate
but, he always lose because of BM daily life, so this make bad impressions to audiences
a lot of people judge players with impressions, not the datas
the process will make your image different
if you lose after beautiful process, the audience feel you can win even you have lost 10 games
if you lose with bad process
the audiences will feel you are noob even your win rate is 50%
UD is too few (Reading audiences chat)
BM is here to steal the Ogre Magi
UD is too few, but we have no method for that (What is he doing?)
he used two Wind Walks
he bought two Circlet only, he didn't steal the Ogre Magi
(but Lawliet didn't start with one Moon well) he is going to suppress in this opening
let's take a look for which trees that Wisps are harvesting
Wow, seems like
the Wisps have felt that BM is coming
of course, NE saw double Circlet
this opening is bad for Focus
I think Focus want to counter the opening of Lawliet that start will one Moon Well
but Lawliet start with two Moon Well in this round
and he protect his Wisp perfectly
BM isn't able to cut on them (Yes, there is no dead of Wisp, even a cut)
For Focus, it doesn't matter if BM killed two Wisps successfully
however, he got nothing here
it's really hopeless (And the level 3 creep will be robbed)
this opening is hopeless for Focus
this opening and this map
I feel it's 20% left only for Focus's win rate
the game theory in the opening looks GG to Focus
Oh, this Wisp is still alive
Right here...
NE don't have third and fourth Moon Well, so he train three more Archers (Orc don't have dust)
two more if talk properly
because BM is here, so NE isn't dare to build the Moon Well
I think is acceptable, BM isn't get nothing here
he let NE isn't dare to build the new Moon Well and train two more Archers
seems like BM didn't get anything here
in fact, BM did something in NE base (I think BM...)
(should buy a tele-staff here)
he can cancel a lot of thing if he buy it
he can creep immediately if he use tele-staff on his Grunt
he didn't play with flexible, I didn't see he did that
he is wasting his time now
like Lyn, he will buy tele-staff sometimes
yes, if he buy it, he can go cancel some buildings
then, use tele-staff to NE Gold Mine at the bottom left and creep there
I feel the Grunts were AFK now
and if he buy his tele-staff, it's similar to he rob the tele-staff from NE
you can keep your BE BS
Creep here immediately, creep here with three Archers is easy
Scroll of Beast
(Scroll of Beast) BR is going out now
it reach the Mercenary Camp
Scroll of Beast is useless generally
Lawliet is not going to suppress now
In the tournament nowadays, we can't use item to stuck the BM into the base
I didn't see any tournament allowed to do this now
Me too, even in Korea, but we can use staff on Zeppelin only in Korea tounament
AWL allowed players stuck the BM wit item? (No)
we can use staff on Zeppelin only in AWL
Stuck BM with item is more exaggerating than Staff on Zeppelin
Stuck BM with item
this skill may make the player win directly in most situation
I think Staff on Zeppelin doesn't effect too much
Staff on Zeppelin only use very few times
however, for stuck BM with item,
you can use it every time, for playing against every race
the only required thing is summon BM as first hero
you can use it to against to all of the races, NE, HU ,UD
this skill can make your BM get into the place that he isn't able be there
for example
if you surround your base with flabbier
then you can use fewer buildings to surround your base
and players can use this skill to let the BM get inside
I think this is a bug in the game, because
items are occupying some land
so, if there are more than 100 items on the land, and we can't walk through on them
if the items put together and intensive
I don't know
The items are occupying place
when you put them on the land
it's very weird
I feel this setting should be a bug
this Berserker, do Orc have Ensnare now? Orc are stucking the Berserker
Orc failed to kill he, they kill an Archer only
An Archer and a BR
Do NE have the staff now, maybe Beast Master is going to buy now? (I think this fight is good for Orc)
An Archer, a BR, and a Talons
now Focus need to go for shop control
NE can't go out from his base before the they have Cyclone
Focus make the situation better a lot to him in this fight
stuck hero with Ivory Tower
use this skill to let the hero come out from base is allowed
of course this is a bug, but this bug doesn't effect a lot
You have to use some resources to let your AM come out
yes, the first point is we use resources
Second, this action isn't offensive
this is similar to BM
uses Wind Walk to save the surrounded hero, this is allowed too, because
this action isn't offensive
I think, this kind of skills
are just Trivial matters
but BM can get into a surrounded base, he is able to end the game there
(Yes) the main problem is this action may cause GG directly
if your BM save the surrounded unit with Wild Walk
or use Ivory Tower to stuck your hero out from the base, these don't matter
just trivial matters
if BM is able to go into the place that he can't go, this may kill you
Like on TM, HU's Peasants are low in HP after they creep the Laboratory
then we surround the base, and damn, your BM come in my base
it much be WOW
that's why the tournaments ban this bug
all we said just now are bugs, the tournaments just ban the bugs that make the game imbalance
they will looks the effect of the bugs
we have so many bugs in this game
stuck hero with Ivory Tower is acceptable
of course, this will effect the situation a few times, but the possibility is so low
and this is a passive action
sometimes we have to do like this
these problems are not about property, but the severity
yes, in fact we ignore a lot of problems
we care about the severity
In fact, this is just like
lose the game purposely
Organizer only take charge of them when this action relate to money and gambling
these habits are too f**king...
sometimes, we judge the players lose the game purposely is a personal judgment
for example, if a player is really out of state today, and play with so bad, and lose the game
How do you know if he deliberately lost the game?
but, if he joins a gambling, and he buys that he will lose the game
of course we will know he loses the game purposely
even a stupid know that too
but sometimes, we don't know...
he may out of state today (this fight, NE is good in tactical formation)
and the Healing Ward is in a good position
the Healing Ward is healing so much HP,
I think Focus is too impetuous here, he shouldn't choose to fight here
just let NE keep staying in their base, why he...
but he has nothing to do now
he may expand or do something else, this choice has big problem
he will lose this fight here
maybe he saw NE don't have TP, and he want to turn over this game immediately in this fight,
let's see that do Orc have the chance to kill the DH
Focus is a honest man
DH! DH is in danger! What the hell, DH may die later, do NE have the staff?
No they didn't (No)
Speed Scroll, TC is running, NE are turning back to kill TC
TC! Seems like he alive with Healing Salve (DH dead)
Focus has earned in this fight
he killed DH just now
and BM can keep killing now
Beast Master may die too, Focus may turn back in this game (No, no, no)
I think NE earn in this fight, even DH dead
how is this possible?
Look at the supply, Orc are 49
NE are 50 too
Beast Master will die here (unless they kill Beast Master here)
here is the new Talon, I think they are not able to kill the Beast Master
Yes, they are not, so NE earned in this fight
Focus has two Healing Scroll, why didn't he use them?
I think he wasn't able to micro in time, he want to transfer the Invulnerability Potion just now
BM has be surrounded, but I don't think NE can kill this man (Yes they can't,)
(they have to run as soon as posibble)
if not the Beast Master and Tinker will die when Orc army return, then will be GG
he use the Beast Master to keep the surrounding?
huh? huh? Oh, Critical Strike
Orc have Heal Scroll, oh my, Beast Master and Tinker have to die
Lawliet can run away originally (He is dreaming)
There are many Raiders (This round is so)
transfer the Invulnerability Potion (so unaccountable)
Wow, Focus is too greedy,
he use the Ensnare on Talons
and he let them go?
Yes NE have run away
Raiders are faster than Tinker
they are buffed by TC Aura, they can chase him forcibly (let's see than is Tinker going die here)
Eh x4, NE use the staff on him
Just now, Focus was too greedy
he want to kill one more Talon
after DH revival, Orc will lose the game, in the fight just now
NE have earned unexpectedly
(sigh) Focus is so cute
he can let the hero go away just now
unexpectedly he use the Ensnare on Talons
Beast Master will die here (The talon is speechless)
Tinker is level 3, and DH...
Are NE going to buy DH in the Tavern? No
But they can, they have enough Resource for a hero
let Beast Master revive in Altar, but they need to buy DH in Tavern now.
a Wisp is going to Tavern. (Orc want to keep fighting with Heal Scroll)
Can Orc keep the Domino effect?
Orc want to keep fighting in this moment, two heroes of NE aren't here
just run away, go leveling your TC until level 5, you can't end the game here
and NE buy a hero from Tavern
if Focus can let the TC become level 5, he can win this game
he wants to kill the DH, but the Raider doesn't close enough
oh come on, don't keep doing this, you can't kill this DH
this DH is pretty tanky
DH and Raider are same in speed, you can't kill him
Altar isn't here now (He can't kill DH even he Ensnare on DH)
you don't have the Invulnerability Potion, how you kill the DH?
Go to creep as soon as possible, let your TC level 5 then you can win the game.
Lawliet wants to play until the Gold Mine collapse
right now
after Gold Mine collapse then the Orc don't have golds anymore
NE's heroes are very high in level, 4-3-3
they won't afraid even TC is level 5
I think they will afraid, but Focus wants to fight again (sigh)
just a bit, but not very afraid
two Heal Scroll here, he is going to fight now (TH sigh)
What is he doing?
now is the night time, and they are staying in home with two heroes
and NE didn't use the water a lot from Moon Well just now
I feel he is here for shop control only, he didn't want to fight now, not that fierce
he is expanding
now, Lawliet can buy Beast Master from Tavern and drink water from Moon Well, then go to take a big fight
maybe not a big fight, he may stay here, let TC have to stay and not to leveling
and stay until Gold Mine Collapsed
if he want to fight, he have to cancel the expansion
then stay here and keep the TC here, don't let him go leveling
NE bought Beast Master from Tavern, because they don't have Altar just now
for the coming fight, Focus's army is not healthy, and TC hasn't level 5 yet
so Focus can't keep this expansion
he need to give up this expansion and leveling TC to level 5
give up the expansion and creep this Mercenary Camp
but he can't train units until 60 supplies
and the experience...Eh?
Lawliet is not anxious to go to cancel the expansion
we need Boots of Quel'Thalas here
I think Robe of Magi is useful too
Seems like TC is able to creep until level 5, they haven't creep the Laboratory yet
and there are two level 3 creep left at the camp 3-3-3
TC will become level 5 if he creep with TC only
just cancel expansion after you came, this is just for delaying
they have to creep Laboratory as soon as possible and creep with TC only
I think he isn't dare to creep with TC only, his opponent is so close
Focus hesitated just now, he wanted to creep at first, but now he is going to base running
(He is afraid that Lawliet came if he go to creep) Is he going to fight now?!
(Why he choose to fight now?) I am really speechless, your TC...
and he still choose to fight on this topography?
what wrong with him?
this fight let me recall the game that you played with Fly
No, no, this topography is worse than that game
No, no, that game is worse, I am serious
Really? I think they almost the same
Why he still go to fight on that topography?
I am f**king speechless
I think he is crazy
and he is not leveling this TC now (sigh)
maybe he think he can't Wave on the target
the TC is close to level 5
and he didn't choose to creep in front of his home, but come to fight, I am really speechless
and now, he can't creep...
he can't creep anymore, NE is coming
it's terrible
but he is lucky, NE is not coming now, TC is able to creep until level 5
I think NE is waiting for the collapse of Gold Mine, the Gold Mine is going empty
and wait for the attack from the Orc
NE is not coming, and what item he get?
Is that a Greater Mana Potion?
there are two more level 3 creep, he may creep all of them and heal up his army
and Gold Mine is going empty
he used Heal Scroll just now, did he typo? (Who?)
Lawliet (Of course this is a typo)
Did I see it wrong?
Level 5 TC
but TC doesn't have great items
Clarity Potion and Mana Potion are enough (if he has great items he will be strong, like Greater Mana Potion)
TC needn't items, Clarity Potion and Mana Potion are enough
hit! hit on them! Phase Shift!
Bat Rider didn't hit in time
this Phase Shift is so good
Oh, Dragon Gods are coming (Dragon God = Faerie Dragon)
it's over, this tactical formation is too bad
and this Wave didn't make a big damage
The Walkers aren't dare to Disenchant because of the Mana Flare
Does DH have items for survive? Yes he has Invulnerability Potion
but DH is low in HP, it's ok
Seems like Orc still can fight in this formation
(Heal Scroll) DH may die here, he has been Ensnare
DH will die here
Orc will win if DH die (Orc will win if DH die)
staff! Ooooooh (Ooooooh)
NE usee staff after Orc Wave on DH
but NE don't have the TP, and DH doesn't have the tele-staff, Tinker die!
what a big earn in this fight for Orc
Beast Master may die here too
TC has one more Wave, Beast Master will die
Beast Master will die even he use the Invulnerability Potion now
he is slower than Raider
the formation is so bad for Orc, level 5 TC is so strong (This game is so...)
(I think I can't understand this game anymore)
(my fishball...) level 5 TC is so strong
win with this formation
What wrong just now? Can someone explain to me?
DH was walking in the bad position just now, he was low in HP after a few second
he was going too deep
I think NE still have to stay at the intersection and fight with patient
Orc don't want to give any chance again, and Moon Wells are empty now.
and Orc may
not expand, Pillage is enough
the crucial reason is staff and tele-staff, DH doesn't have tele staff
DH can't return immediately
this Wave looks so normal, his Wave is not accurate
it's hard to do that
in the fight just now, Raiders was in the good position
Yes, and Walkers and Orc's Heroes were hitting on DH successfully
the Talons dead just now were killed by Raiders, what wrong with this Wave?
TC doesn't have Mana anymore [(sigh) yes]
kill DH forcibly, no they can't , this game may turn back again (Kill Beast Master x2)
Beast Master die
good, fall back now (Cyclone on TC, or BM)
keep the Orc units
it's hard to say who will win right now
buy a Heal Scroll again
kill BM (BM will die)
(TC want to transfer to items, BM die) he wants to perish together with DH
TC, Cyclone on TC, and kill BM
all of them have to die
Critical Strike? No, and DH level up, level 5
TC have to die too, this game has turned over (He has the Heal Potion)
turn over again (turn over again)
Why for again?
TBS game (TBS=Turn-based strategy)
what the hell...
It's turn over, turn over
Oh my god (This is)
this game is so interesting
his Wave is so Buddhist-like[1]
his Wave hit DH only
the first Wave didn't make big damage too
the first Wave hit two Talons only
this tournament is so...
I really can't understand, really, I can't understand
hi bro, let me go down to the bankrupt area
haha you are going down? (Yes)
who will you play with later?
For more infomation >> W league'18-Super League FoCuS(O) vs Lawliet(N) Game 2 【Cast: TH000 feat Infi】 - Duration: 23:46.-------------------------------------------
Police dispatcher recovering after brutally beaten while on the job - Duration: 4:35.A woman has revealed the horrific injuries she received after being brutally beaten while working a police dispatcher
Barbara King, from Mississippi, was the only dispatcher on duty Wednesday when Stacy Clark entered the Clarksdale Police Department building and asked for property that had been left there
He then attacked her for no reason at all, leaving her with a bleeding brain, a broken arm and her face covered in bruises
Scroll down for video RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next Gigantic 30lb tabby cat Meatloaf dies just 19 days after
Taxi driver is stabbed in the stomach at Chicago O'Hare. Share this article Share Clark accused the dispatcher of lying to him
King attempted to reach another officer, but they were all on patrol. Clark then began beating King, hitting her several times in the face
Clark has charged with aggravated assault. He was given no bond in a hearing Thursday, and the case was bound over to the grand jury
Police say King tried to reach officers, but they were all out on patrol at the time of the attack
Luckily, she had the strength to dispatch officers to help her.'She tried to get away from him by going outside,' Police Chief Sandra Williams said, but she couldn't escape him
Williams says the department now has security measures in place, but didn't say how Clark got inside the police department when the doors were locked
The assault was relentless with Clark continuing to beat King until officers finally arrived and pulled him off of her
King also suffered several fractures to the face and has already undergone the first of several facial surgeries
It's unclear if Clark has a lawyer. This case is under investigation by the Clarksdale Police Department
Meanwhile, some people online have aired their frustration as to how King's case has been dealt with
'Something needs to be done in a town where a person can walk in off the street and do this to a POLICE Officer!' wrote Ann Brasher Garner
'Neither the Mayor of Clarksdale or the Police Chief have contacted Barbara King's family
This family needs justice and this is not one of the times we need to let it get swept under the rug, as has happened in Clarksdale Mississippi before!'
For more infomation >> Police dispatcher recovering after brutally beaten while on the job - Duration: 4:35.-------------------------------------------
Lukas Gradam - Love someone Trap - Duration: 3:33.on days I wake up and I pinch myself
you're with me not Superman and I'm
scared I'm still scared that is
gee coz you still look perfect as days
go by even the worst burns you make me
smile I'd love the world is fake a burst
because when you you open up when you if
you somebody and you're not afraid to
lose them you probably never love
someone like I do you probably never
love like I do
when you say you love the way I'll make
you fail everything becomes sorry don't
be scared no don't be scared
cause you're
and you still look perfect
these days go back even the worst ones
you made me is fine
I loved the world he gave us time
cuz when you
you open up y'all
you may grow
and you're not afraid to lose and you
probably never loved someone
thought it'd be hard to find
wonder found
cuz you
me something to lose but when you love
someone you open Oh God when you love
someone you make
For more infomation >> Lukas Gradam - Love someone Trap - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
Lip Balm Nasıl Yapılır? - Evde Çok Kolay Lip Balm Yapımı - Dıy / Kendin Yap - Duration: 5:04.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Lip Balm Nasıl Yapılır? - Evde Çok Kolay Lip Balm Yapımı - Dıy / Kendin Yap - Duration: 5:04.-------------------------------------------
Warranted Success Presented by onX Hunt-------------------------------------------
Ford 12 M 1300 sedan - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Za kulisami Overwatch | Dźwięki Pusan - Duration: 1:55.-------------------------------------------
Superstition and New Project with UNLIMIT - Duration: 1:00.Those of you who have read my most recent blogpost
have probably seen that my favourite colour is red
and that's because I'm really superstitious
and red is number one, at least here in Denmark
When you then talk internationally, it's gold.
And that leads me to my newest project which we have with UNLIMIT
where I've been allowed to design a bag which I can bring with me every day
Which has gold details.
At the moment we're talking a lot about Tokyo and working towards the Olympics in Tokyo in 2020
So now we're making some bags that hopefully will be really cool
and also will bring us luck because there's gold on them.
I think it's so fun to be in this team with UNLIMIT because they understand me with this superstition
I also think they think I'm a bit crazy, and that's probably true
but they're very considerate and try to do something with these products so that I "dare" use them
instead of being scared of using something with silver.
A little bit stupid, but that's our next project and it's really exciting!
Bakersfield Mass Murder: the timeline of events - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
Nuvo Aqua Flow Brush pens & WOW embossing powder Mixed Media card - Duration: 5:07.Hi I'm Gerry from Gerry's Craft Room and welcome to my channel
In this video I'm going make a mixed media card with Nuvo aqua flow pens
and WOW embossing powder and I use a few fun techniques with stencils
that are super with the aqua flow ink I start with drawing lines with a water brush
on the water colour card then I sprinkle on embossing powder and shake
off the excess
I remove a bit with my finger where the lines
are to straight or thick
adding a bit more in the spaces that are open
and then I melt the powder
it's important not to wait to long with melting
because the water will hold the embossing powder
for a bit but not too long
I start by adding some water with a water brush
to make the colours flow and then I start adding the three colours from the set
by the way I added the products I used in
the description box for you and if you are new here don't forget to subscribe
and blend every now and then with the water brush
I squeeze the pen when I want to add more colour
and when blending with the water brush I use the colour that I pick up with the brush
to spread it out in other areas
and now we take it a step further the ink
from the pens reacts to water so let's use a stencil
and spray some water like two times a mist will be enough
you don't want to flood it because then you get a mess and then you don't need a stencil then
and then blot it with kitchen paper and you
see the pattern appear now there is still water on the stencil so
lets flip it over to make a ghost print and press it down with the kitchen paper and
you get another fun print and lovely texture
then I squeeze out some ink and make circles with the pen cap
I blot it to make sure the circles aren't too dark
I really love the fun layers you get this way
I cut the word 4 times and glued them together to create dimension I do that often
it's a fun way to make your die cuts pop
I added a layer of the same embossing powder on top
and I glue it to the card I put on an acrylic
block for some weight to make sure it sticks
I hope you liked the video don't forget
to like, share and subscribe and I'll see you in the next video
thanks for watching
Flight Jacket & Field Jacket Cambio de Varillas (Stem Interchange) OAKLEY PRO TIPS - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
HOW TO DRAW PIDGEY | Pokémon Drawing and Coloring for Kids | BLABLA ART - Duration: 10:16.How to draw Pidgey, Pokémon
Don't miss any Blabla Art episode
Subscribe! :)
Jerry Springer Show (September 12, 2018)chillin with strippers... - Duration: 6:49.-------------------------------------------
Drake - In My Feelings (Sylow Remix) [Lyrics] - Duration: 4:17.Drake - In My Feelings (Sylow Remix) [Lyrics]
September TBR - Duration: 6:07.what's up everyone I'm Melissa Elise and
you're watching Melissa Elise TV welcome
to my September TBR video this is
actually the first time I've done one of
these but I'm hoping to do more going
forward and you probably noticed but
this is a change of setting I am
shooting from home today I hope you guys
don't mind but just to give you guys a
little bit of background or setup into
how I pick my TBR list for each month I
do set a goal for myself to read four
books which I know is actually rather
low but sometimes I'm really busy and I
could barely get through to so four is
my main goal and if I get to fit in
another than great and I pick four
different subjects or genres topics
because there's so many things that I
love to read about that I can't just
pick one and so I want to cover all my
bases I'm currently working my way
through the ultimate AP English
literature list which ranks books based
on how long they've been on the AP list
and I don't actually go in order though
I'm just picking ones that grab my
attention but the end goal is to read the
whole list so whichever ones I skip now
I will go back and read later and then
I'm also reading a best-seller as well
as if you follow my Instagram you guys
know I love history so I read a history
book a month and then finally I'm
working my way through a series and
obviously once I finished a series then
I move on
No okay so the classic novel that I'll
be reading this month is Ernest
Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises which
follows Jake Barnes and Lady Brett
Ashley during the post-world War one
generation and the transition from the
wild nightlife of the 1920s specifically
in Paris to the bull fighting rings of
Spain and one of the main themes of this
book is disillusionment and this might
sound funny or weird but I love stories
about waking up to the real world
so I'm super excited about it and have
already started it now at first I wasn't
sure that I liked Hemingway style but
it's growing on me
and I'm already really invested in the
characters this is also Hemingway's
first novel and the first time that I've
ever read any of his work so I'm triple
excited about it the bestseller that I'm
reading this month which also is my book
club pick for September is My Year Of
Rest And Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh
and this story's about a young woman who
is 26 years old which is actually how
old I am though I don't think I'm gonna
find many similarities between me and
his character because the young woman's
name is Reva and she
spends a year on what has to be an
illegal combination of drugs that her
psychiatrist actually prescribed for her
and I would question that psychiatrist
is license and ethics but Reva has lost
her parents and is living on the
inheritance of their money she also has
education and had a job but once she
starts taking these drugs she just wants
to sleep as much as possible and I have
started it and I like the writing style
but it's a bit darker than I'm used to
but I am interested in where the story
goes and I picked it because I thought
it would be an interesting juxtaposition
next to The Sun Also Rises kind of a
cool companion read I think that
hopefully they will both end well and I
won't be depressed after reading them
both my history book picked this month
is the history of the Kings of Britain
by Geoffrey Monmouth and that's pretty
self-explanatory but I picked this book
because last month I read a book on
Celtic myths and King Arthur appears in several
mythological tales so I wanted to read
more about him and this is actually
credited as the first biography of King
Arthur and Merlin and the first half of
this book goes through the first ten
centuries of British history and then
the second half focuses two centuries on
primarily Arthur, the round table and
Arthur's demise my final pick this month
continues my read through The Vampire
Diaries series and this one is Moonsong
which is book 9 in the overall series
but book 2 in The Hunter series if
you're not familiar with the books
you've probably heard of the TV show
series starring Nina Dobrev and Ian
smolderholder and Paul Wensley my
personal favorite Stefan forever but
the books have more characters more
supernatural elements and even more
crazy love triangle drama and there's
ten books in total but they're broken up
into like three different miniseries so
the first half has four books and that's
just called The Vampire Diaries and then
the second is called the return and that has three
books and then the last three books are
called The Hunters
so after Moonsong which follows Elena
Gilbert and all her friends to college
with her current vampire boyfriend
Stefan Salvatore and his vampire brother
Damon I will only have one more book
left but there is a spinoff series
called Stefan's diaries though I'm not
100% sure I'm gonna read that one
because there's six more books in that
series so these are the four books on my
September TBR list if you have read or
are reading or plan to read any of these
definitely let me know I would love to
hear what you thought or major we could
do funny reading and I'm always open to
suggestions so if there's a book you
think I would love or should read a
review let me know in the comment
section thank you guys so much for
watching and I'll see you at the end of
the month for my wrap-up video
if you enjoyed this video be sure to like
comment and subscribe and go ahead and
hit that Bell so you'll never miss a video
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