Thứ Bảy, 15 tháng 9, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 15 2018

you think anyone's ever done a juggling

trick shot off of a mine room before I

do not think so what is up everybody

welcome back to the channel

are you excited tomorrow September 12 is

Cassie's birthday and we are celebrating

with something pretty sweeps are going

to but we're not gonna tell you I'm

about to block that outfit not tell you

where we're going just yet so that what

you guys have a surprise too

and I also want you guys to take guests

along the way where we're going here's

me surprising Cassie the cat's what are

we doing for your birthday you look at

me and real quick hey check this out the

West app

no way yep we are going to and we're

staying at this hotel in the rainforest

so she was pretty pumped that was three

days ago

three years ago and now we're at the

airport and we'll be there before too

long so that is your first hint so if

you got any guesses just based on

rainforest leave them right believe in a

cover right now

so we've made it to our destination

incredible it's pretty incredible so far

it's dark so we can't really see that

much and I think in the morning we will

tell you guys where we are so leave a

comment right now where do you think we

are based on the hints we have given you

so far and will tell you in like five

seconds good night and good morning good

morning nuts

it is Cassie's birthday first of all

happy birthday very end of this video

we're gonna do a little giveaway for

Cassie's birthday so make sure you watch

it till the end so you're ready for us

to tell you where we are tell them tell

them tell them we are at the sleeping

giant rainforest lodge in the jungles of

the leaves it's so beautiful it is so

beautiful look at all that just outside

our window the resort has hooked it up

and they've got a lot of cool excursions

for us including today we are going to

some Mayan ruins they said maybe we'll

get to climb the ruins and do some

juggling which sounds insane here we go

all right so to get to the ruins we have

to take this little hand cream fairy

together cross river this is cool and

although why don't they just build the


we're almost there


oh gosh wow this is Axl this is Harrison

do you think anyone's ever done a

juggling trick shot off of a mine ruin

before I do not think so not at all

there's a first time for everything yeah

see here you throw

juggling balls is too easy so we're

trying to clip

we are about to go up the stairs it's 40

meters high and it's the top the second

tallest temple in the country did you

see that an iguana

you'd sees tail that scared me

here I was trying to get us this epic

shot of you climbing the stairs and then

there was a dragon staring at me what

really where the other one was way


and then

it was quite the hike up here but man it

was worth it look at this we're not

allowed to do any juggling up here for

some reason I don't know I guess they

don't let me drop stuff or fall and die

so maybe it's valid but we're gonna soak

it in

take this time to remind you guys you

can buy your Josh Horton juggling bags

or balls at juggling warehouse comm

we've made it to our horses

we're not moving our last thing we're

doing is a hike up to this gazebo at the

very top of the mountain long hike you

guys have seen us walking through the

jungle enough so let's just go to the

top and we made it look at this pretty

sweet but let's uh

gosh this place is amazing and we've

been here for a couple days now

and we're about to head home but we are

here for Cassie's birthday and it was a

good birthday I assume I want you guys

to help give Cassie a present for her

birthday I want you guys to subscribe to

her channel Yahoo

hope this I will be giving away a $50

juggling warehouse giftcard to one of

you that goes to her new video also more

believe stuff she's gonna have two extra

footage from this trip so more behind

the scenes of everything we've been

doing and it's really fun a tour of this

entire resort so go over her channel and

comment happy birthday that is today's

video thank you for watching this was

incredible thank you to vivo bullies and

sleeping giant rainforest lodge this

place is absolutely incredible thank you

so much for hooking it up with all our

awesome tours for just the wonderful

staff it's just been an incredible place

and you guys saw a little bit of what we

did here there there so much to do and

hopefully we'll be back we do Instagram

shouts every single video Cassie here's

one here's to Lois and juggling - oh

yeah videos every Monday every Wednesday

every Saturday so make sure you

subscribe yeah let's not go to the beach

let's go let's go to the let's go back

to the gazebo


For more infomation >> Surprising My Wife with DREAM BIRTHDAY TRIP! *Rainforest Resort* - Duration: 11:12.


Para la Federacion Galactica: Mensaje de la Humanidad Pidiendo la Asistencia - Duration: 45:12.

For more infomation >> Para la Federacion Galactica: Mensaje de la Humanidad Pidiendo la Asistencia - Duration: 45:12.


Star Trek: Martok's Cavalry Raid - Battle Analysis - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Star Trek: Martok's Cavalry Raid - Battle Analysis - Duration: 5:28.


BREAK THE PATTERN: Secrets Revealed | Law Of Attraction Collective Resonance - Duration: 9:34.

Of the tenants that are available to us

through these lost texts if we were to

go through all at least the 45 books

we're aware of and hone all the

information down into those four tenants

and I just shared those with you the

first one says there's only one of us

here we're unity by nature the second

one reminds us that that unity

consciousness is moving collectively

toward this rare moment in history the

third one reminds us that we have direct

access to the creative forces of our

world and the last one suggests that the

science of compassion may be the most

ancient science that allows us to

gracefully transcend the great

challenges of our life with grace well

two of those tenants I'd like to develop

further one of those it's the one that

says there's only one of us here that

our consciousness is holographic in

nature the term hologram means different

things different people do we really

understand the implications of what it

means to live in a holographic

consciousness when I say the word

hologram what do I mean by that

of the many definitions that we may choose for

a hologram perhaps one of the simplest

in the most eloquent may be as follows

that a hologram is simply a pattern a

pattern to this whole and complete unto

itself and at the same time it's part of

an even greater pattern that is whole

and complete unto itself while at the

same time is part of an even greater

pattern now this pattern can be

non-physical energy or it can be very

physical matter the cells of your body

are holographic in nature one cell has

all the information it needs to create

another one of you it is whole and

complete unto itself and it's part of an

even greater pattern you call your body

okay consciousness works this way we are

many expressions individualized of a

unity consciousness and what that means

and this is the

beauty of the hologram any place any

place in the pattern of a hologram where

you make one little change that change

is mirrored throughout the rest of the

hologram if you make one tiny change

it's mirrored throughout the rest of the

hologram perhaps a good example this is

a story that's told from the Spanish

journals when the explorers were coming

over looking for new routes into this

world in the 14 1500s one of the routes

took them around the coast of South

America and the Spanish galleons that

were making this journey sometimes

journeys took many months up to a year

they set ashore for supplies in a place

where the Spanish had never recorded

being before and they were met on the

shores by the indigenous people of that

area who apparently had never seen white

people before had never seen Western

technology before and fortunately for

this particular story one of the first

men to meet them on the shore was the

shaman of the tribe he was the holy man

so here the holy man of the tribe meets

the Spanish as they're coming ashore

they left the large ships out on the

water and they came ashore in smaller

row boats and however they communicated

in whatever language they were using the

holy man asked him where did you just

come from I mean they've been here for

years they've never seen people like

this coming up onto their Shore and

however they communicated in return the

Spanish said we came on this little boat

from that big boat with the wooden

planks and the canvas sails out on the

horizon of the ocean and the holy man

looked to where the Spanish were

pointing and he couldn't see that ship

the ship was there and it was of a

pattern that was so foreign to his frame

of reference it made no sense to his

conscious recognition he didn't

recognize it and as I hear this story I

often wonder how many times that

happened in our world in our lives how

many times do things happen right in

front of us

and maybe we disallow it because it

doesn't make sense in terms of our frame

of reference is it possible there's a

whole separate world going on here that

we haven't recognized because we don't

allow for it in our paradigm well

because this was a holy man because it

was a shaman he was fascinated by the

possibility that these people came from

something that he couldn't see so

another individual may have dismissed it

the shaman worked with it and eventually

what he said in the matter of moments he

says you know if I look out of the

corner of my eyes and I squint just the

right way and redefine the shape of my

eyeball I could begin to make something

out on the horizon and in just a few

moments he taught himself how to see a

pattern of matter that he had never been

exposed to before he taught himself to

see that that happened to him on the

shore miles away was his village and the

people in his village didn't have the

same experience that he had on the one

hand and within just a couple of days on

the other hand they too benefited from

his experience because they then were

able to see what was happening on the

shores how did that happen they weren't

witnessing with him on the one hand the

other hand they learned through his

experience the term we use today is

called collective resonance and what it

means to us is that every time one

person chooses a new way to respond to

the challenges of life each time an

individual chooses a new option that

person then becomes a living bridge for

all the others who choose to follow in

that person's path it's not about

imposing will on anyone what it is about

is that person now that chose a new way

that shows a new path they have created

a template of a new possibility very

close to the consciousness of all others

who choose to follow in that template

now becomes

more accessible to the next and the next

and the next the shaman on the shore he

chose to see a new way and through

collective residents others benefit from

his experience this is the beauty of the

hologram if we have a pattern perhaps it

looks like a snowflake pattern and that

pattern is whole and complete unto

itself and part of an even larger

snowflake which is whole and complete

and part of an even larger snowflake and

there is one place in each of these

patterns where there is a little pointed

tip and we take the tip off in one place

of the snowflake that tip no longer

exists anywhere in the pattern that's

the beauty of the hologram when a change

occurs in one place it's mirrored

throughout the whole it's mirrored

throughout the rest of the system what

that means to us simply is this here we

are on the threshold of a new millennium

creating a new paradigm a new way to

respond to the great challenges of life

we have lived in the world of polarity

where we have hated and feared and

judged and killed and we've always had

the tools to rise above that hate in the

judgment in the fear and the killing

each time one individual chooses a new

way to respond chooses something other

than hate chooses something other than

retribution that's a big one in our

culture now if you do something you've

got to get even you got to pay for what

you've done it's not right wrong good or

bad it simply is a path and there may be

the possibility of a higher path each

time one individual chooses that

possibility it makes it easier for the

next and the next and the next so we ask

ourselves are we choosing to carry

across this bridge into the new

millennium hate judgment warfare and

killing or do we choose peace

forgiveness compassion and love honoring

of the polarity that brought us to this moment

they hate the killing the judgment the

anger the warfare has served us it

served us well it trust us onto a path

so we would know ourselves in that way

and now were invited to heal that path and

to choose something new rather than

judging the path being angry at that

path and moving on that's the beauty of

the holographic model of consciousness

that is why there's only one of us here

we're all going through that doorway

together no one is left behind everyone

benefits from each choice that we make

as we birth this new millennium

For more infomation >> BREAK THE PATTERN: Secrets Revealed | Law Of Attraction Collective Resonance - Duration: 9:34.


The Untold Truth Of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese - Duration: 4:11.

Most of us can look back on our childhoods and recall eating bowls full of the iconic

blue-box mac and cheese.

Depending on who you ask, it's still the epitome of comfort food in adulthood.

And the craving?

It's real.

There's just something about that bright yellow cheese sauce that soothes the soul, but did

you know it's not the same as the stuff you used to love?

Does that make a difference?

Probably not, but it's still pretty fascinating to learn all sorts of trivia about this childhood


It might even make you love it more… if that's even possible.

Depression-era affordability

Kraft Macaroni & Cheese has been around since 1937, and that processed cheese was a game-changer

during the Great Depression.

The idea to box the pasta with the processed cheese as an easy dinner came about when a

salesman started selling pasta with a packet of Kraft cheese attached with a rubber band.

Inspired by that, Kraft began marketing the product as Kraft Dinner, with one box costing

only pennies.

Because of its affordability, long shelf life, and ability to feed a family of four, the

product flew off shelves and sold 8 million boxes in the first year.

World War II kept the popularity of the product going, due to food rationing during wartime.

Two boxes of Kraft Dinner could be purchased for one rationing coupon, and Kraft sold 80

million boxes in 1943.

"This is incredible!"

"You like it?!"

"That is such a relief because I worked so hard on it."


"I call it Mac's famous mac n' cheese."

The biggest fans in the world

Think you love this stuff?

You might not have anything on the average Canadian, because they're way more serious

about their boxed cheesy pasta than Americans.

They eat so much of it that they've made Kraft Dinner the top selling grocery item in their

country, with each person eating an average of 3.2 boxes each per year.

That's an astounding 55 percent more than Americans eat, and it's such a big deal it

even got a trendy new name and makeover in 2015: Now, Kraft Dinner is just KD.

Canadians are also responsible for a good chunk of the worldwide mac and cheese consumption,

eating 1.7 million of the 7 million boxes sold each week.

They do love their KD!

"Ooo, cheese.

Oooh, cheese!"

"He's gone a bit wrong."

Is it toxic?

A 2017 study of boxed mac and cheese had people swearing off one of their favorite comfort

foods due to the presence of phthalates.

But should we really worry?

Phthalates are a group of chemicals that get into foods during the manufacturing process,

and a small study found that 29 of 30 cheese products tested contained phthalates.

Powdered cheeses contain about four times more than natural cheese, but even though

certain phthalates have been banned in children's products since 2008, it's probably not as

bad as it initially seemed.

In response to the study, Kraft said, in part,

"The safety of phthalates has been assessed by the US Food and Drug Administration and

other authorities, such as the Centers for Disease Control.

The trace levels found in the one limited test of mac and cheese are well below any

level of concern.

Hundreds of servings of mac and cheese would need to be consumed daily over an entire lifetime

in order to exceed levels determined as safe."

Enjoy away!

Just maybe not a hundred boxes a day.

What's the white stuff?

If you've ever made Kraft's microwavable Easy Mac, you might have noticed a white powder


It's not the cheese powder, so what is it?

The package reads,

"Note: You will see loose white powder in pasta.

This is necessary for proper cooking."

That just sort of makes it more mysterious, but Kraft says it's nothing more than modified

food starch included to prevent the Easy Mac from boiling over in the microwave.

It also acts as a thickening agent, but since it's commonly made from corn, wheat, potato,

and tapioca, that's something to keep in mind if you have allergies.

If you do, just stick with the stovetop stuff.

Secret switcheroo

So, did you notice when they changed the recipe without telling anyone?

In what Kraft called "the world's largest blind taste test," it was revealed in March

2016 that the company had overhauled their original mac and cheese recipe to remove artificial

flavors, preservatives, and dyes.

But the change actually took place in December 2015, and by the time they let us all in on

the secret, they'd sold more than 50 million boxes without anyone noticing.

The recipe reformulation came in response to consumers' desire for simpler ingredients.

That classic yellow color is no longer achieved with yellow 5 and yellow 6, but paprika, annatto,

and turmeric.

Well played, Kraft.

"Word to your mother."

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese - Duration: 4:11.


How to Do Implicit Differentiation (NancyPi) - Duration: 14:17.

Hi guys, I'm Nancy

and I'm going to show you how to do implicit differentiation.

What is that? Well...

up until now, you've probably been doing

explicit differentiation, which is just the normal kind of differentiation.

Explicit differentiation is when you just have a normal "y =" function.

y = some x expression

so it's a function explicitly in terms of x

and you probably already know how to take the derivative of something like this

you would just use the Power Rule...

differentiate with respect to x...

and your derivative, or dy/dx...

would just be 2x.

But what if your function is not written as "y =" some expression?

Well then you have to use something called implicit differentiation.

So if your function is not written as "y ="

but is instead written implicitly as a function of x, something like...

x squared plus y squared equals another term or a number, 16...

you can't do the normal explicit differentiation, you have to use

implicit differentiation

which is basically just a special kind of the Chain Rule.

So let me show you the steps, the main steps for implicit differentiation.

OK, so these are the two main steps for implicit differentiation

It's really always just these two.

The first step is to differentiate both sides with respect to x, so...

take the derivative in terms of x, but...

the difference is that if you differentiate a term that has y in it

you will need to attach a dy/dx to the term, multiply the term by dy/dx.

For instance, say that you wanted to differentiate, with respect to x,

a term, a y term...

like 2 y squared.

First, you can just use the Power Rule to differentiate normally

the 2 y squared would give you a derivative of 4y...

But because this term has a y in it, you will need to tack on, or multiply

a dy/dx at the end

Why do you do this?

Well, the short answer is that it's a form of the Chain Rule

because there is an outside function

the 2 y squared that you use the Power Rule for, and...

the way I've always thought of this is that technically there's an inside function

this y contains some x expression

the y is made up of, or composed

of x's or some x expression, so you will need to multiply by

an inside derivative to take care of that inside expression

and the inside derivative is dy/dx

so you can think of it that way.

The second step is then to just solve for dy/dx

that means get dy/dx alone on one side so that your expression

looks like dy/dx equals something.

Now there are some tricks

algebra tricks that you may need

to do this, and I'll show you those so you can manipulate it

to always get dy/dx equals something, as your solution.

So let me show you how it works

OK, what if you have a function like this

that doesn't start with "y ="

it's written implicitly in terms of x...

so it's a great candidate for implicit differentiation

in fact, you have to do it that way

The first thing is, just differentiate both sides with respect to x

So, for the first term, x squared

The derivative of that would just be 2x, using the Power Rule...

move on to the second term, y squared

remember I said to be on the lookout for terms with y

well, in this case, since there's a y in this term, you will need to attach a dy/dx

to the derivative, so first...

take the derivative using the Power Rule. The derivative of y squared is 2y

that's the derivative of the outside function

but because there's a y in this term

and y contains some x expression, potentially...

you will need to attach, or multiply, this term by dy/dx.

This is the difference between implicit and explicit differentiation, the normal differentiation.

Moving on, you do need to differentiate both sides of the equation, which may not be something you're used to

but if we look at the right-hand side, since we just have a constant, a number, 36

the derivative of that would be 0, as it always is for a constant

so we just write 0.

Alright, that was the first step. Differentiate both sides in terms of x.

Remember, the second step is to then for dy/dx. Get it alone.

So if there are ever any parentheses, you'd want to distribute or multiply out to get rid of them

There are none in this case

We just, we need to get the term that has dy/dx alone on one side

you need to subtract out any terms that don't have dy/dx

so we'll need to subtract the 2x...

from both sides, and we have 2 y dy/dx

equals negative 2x

In order to get dy/dx alone on the left-hand side

you'll need to divide out anything that you don't want there

namely, we don't want 2y

so we'll divide both sides by 2y. Those cancel...

and we are left with just dy/dx on the left-hand side, which is what we wanted

equals negative 2x over 2y, which can be simplified by dividing the 2's

as negative x over y

which can't be simplified any further. We have only dy/dx alone on the left-hand side

so we're done. This is your answer

for dy/dx.

OK, what is you have a function like this one?

It's a little more complicated. You'll need to use the Product Rule and the Chain Rule

but it starts the same way

Take the derivative of both sides with respect to x

The derivative of this first term, sin x, is just cos x, as you probably know

There are no y's to worry about in that term, so we just write cos x

we're going to subtract some derivative of this term

Alright, this term, x squared y, has a y in it

so that should set off your y detector.

You'll need to multiply by dy/dx at some point in this term.

Since it is a product, x squared times y

you will need to use the Product Rule. People often forget this part

and the easiest thing to do

is to use parentheses around what you get with the Product Rule.

This will make your life easier, and you will get all the right signs for your terms.

So subtract, open parentheses, using the Product Rule for x squared y

we have the first function, first function, x squared

times the derivative of the second, derivative of y is 1

But because this is implicit differentiation, we multiply by dy/dx, so it's

1 dy/dx, which is dy/dx

using the Product Rule we add the derivative of the first function. The derivative of x squared is just 2x

times the second function, y.

We're not taking the derivative of y, so we don't need to tack on a dy/dx.

It was just the function itself, y.

Close the parentheses, you're done with the Product Rule

move on to the next term, so we're adding

the derivative of y is dy/dx

and that equals the derivative of the right-hand side, derivative of 10x

with respect to x, is just 10

OK, and you're done with the first step.

Alright, we move on to the second part of this problem

which is sometimes more involved. Finding dy/dx

and getting it alone on one side, so...

if there are ever parentheses in your expression, first thing is to get rid of them.

That means distribute the negative sign, expand inside the parentheses

so you have cosine of x. You're going to distribute the negative so you have minus x squared dy/dx.

The minus applies to the second term as well because of the parentheses. That's very important. People forget that.

minus 2xy, and we still have these other terms, dy/dx plus dy/dx equals 10

Alright, no parentheses left

The next thing you want to do is get it so that you only have dy/dx terms on one side

this term, you can keep on the left side. This term, you can keep on the left side

but cosine x and negative 2xy

don't have a dy/dx in them, so you want to get rid of them

move them to the right-hand side

that means subtracting them off or adding them so that they move to the other side

in this case, we subtract cos x and we add 2xy to both sides

and that leaves us with...

Great, you only have dy/dx terms on one side

In order to get dy/dx alone, it needs to appear one time on that side

there's a trick to make this happen. It's not immediately obvious

but the trick is to factor out the dy/dx from both terms

I know you know how to factor

see, the value in that was that now

you only have dy/dx appearing one time in this whole equation

and it will make it very easy to get it alone, because

this negative x squared plus 1 that you don't want on the left-hand side, you can just divide out

like you did in the last one

and your final answer is dy/dx, alone on one side

equals 10 minus cos x plus 2xy, all over negative x squared plus 1.

That looks like a mess, but that is exactly correct. You have x's, you have y's

so this is your answer for the implicit differentiation, dy/dx.

Great, so now let me just warn you

about a few things that tend to trip people up

sometimes so that you can watch out for them.

One is that people forget to use the Product Rule sometimes

this looks really innocent, you might think that you could just write 2xy

or treat y like a constant.

No, you have to use the Product Rule, like here....

and yes, it makes it messier, but you will get the right answer.

Another thing that trips people up, they forget to factor

if the dy/dx appears more than once, toward the end.

And then one other thing that might confuse you is sometimes dy/dx

is instead written as y prime. It's the same exact thing, just different notation.

I hope this video helped you figure out implicit differentiation

'cause I just did a bunch of calculus

and it's not my job.

If it did help you, please click like or subscribe.

For more infomation >> How to Do Implicit Differentiation (NancyPi) - Duration: 14:17.


【ハムスター】紙袋で覚醒した!腹筋崩壊爆笑トレーニング大公開!おもしろ可愛い癒しHamster awaked in paper bag! Hilarious training !ASMR - Duration: 1:33.

Daily upload!I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> 【ハムスター】紙袋で覚醒した!腹筋崩壊爆笑トレーニング大公開!おもしろ可愛い癒しHamster awaked in paper bag! Hilarious training !ASMR - Duration: 1:33.


GRIMDARK – Terrible Writing Advice - Duration: 11:56.

HERO: A prophecy!

Doom approaches should this video be sponsored by Skillshare?

In the grim darkness of the far present of fiction writing, there is only cliches.

And a whole lot of grit.

Modern audiences demand gritty stories.

I mean they must given how many tickets the Dark Knight sold.

Therefor all writers should become well versed in writing in a dark tone, or Grimdark as

it is commonly called on the internet.

Grimdark is great to write because all a writer has to do is write normally and just make

everything dark, like plastering the color black over everything.

Don't worry, you'll know if you miss a spot.

Speaking of which, this soothing gray background?


I killed it!

You should feel bad.

It's all black now, eternal darkness forever!

What's this?

Whimsical music!

That's gone too.

Another victim of Grimdark.

Happy, smiley avatar that references a grossly out of date meme?


This is Grimdark!

It's frowns and brooding from here on out.

Be thankful I can't do the gravely voice or I would have killed that too!

All of the things you like about Terrible Writing Advice?

All dead!


My sarcasm will most definitely not be coming back!

Just like this kitten!

Isn't this kitten cute?

You should get attached to this kitten!

Oh no!

It's dead.

You should feel bad!


I tricked you into getting attached to a character before killing them without any warning.

I am sure that trick will keep working forever.

I need to kill some other things.

That's what audiences like now!

Lots of dead characters!

I wannabe like George double R Martin.

I am sure his success is entirely based on how he kills his characters rather than his

stellar characterization.

Characterization in Grimdark stories should be as bleak as everything else.

Our 'hero' should be completely amoral.


I meant morally ambiguous.


Same thing right?

Exploring themes of moral ambiguity works great when our protagonist makes everyone's

lives objectively worse and behaves like 13 year old sociopath on a power trip.

The protagonist should lack any kind of redeeming quality.

Like having our 'hero' slaughter innocents because of his character flaws.

That will be shocking after the 4000th time.

Even though our hero does as much if not more damage than the villain, the writer will still

make the story demand you root for him even as he slaughters orphans along with the couples

who were about to adopt them.

Why have positive traits to stand in contrast with the setting and tone when our protagonist

can have the worst aspects of both power fantasy and the anti hero.

Why does our protagonist behave so horribly?

Because he's morally ambiguous.


He's deep and complex.

I am sure the audience will buy that!

If not, then… uh oh.

I need kill off another character to distract everyone.

Here is a puppy!

Isn't the puppy adorable.

You should get attached to this puppy.

Oh no!

It's dead.

You should feel bad.

Now that our 'hero' is brooding after his latest warcrime, we should also darken

the villain.

Normally here at Terrible Writing Advice, I advocate all villains be one dimensional

cardboard cutouts with zero backstory, motive, or explanation as to why they commit their

loathsome acts.

For Grimdark, we will need to deviate from this a bit.

Our villains should have a nuanced and believable backstory with characterization that really

allows the audience to connect and understand them in a fundamental way.

The writer should then be shocked and frustrated at the audience's connection with the villain

so to compensate, the writer should make the villain commit atrocities so horrible that

even an episode of Terrible Writing Advice can't make funny.

Some might worry that this sudden shift will irritate audiences and break their willing

suspense of disbelief to see a previously established sympathetic character suddenly

decide that infants make for a great sandwich spread.

We'll that's their problem!

This is Grimdark!

No one should be happy!

Now what about secondary characters?

In Grimdark, there are two types of secondary characters.

The first is people so reprehensible and amoral that the audience is left wondering why they

haven't been burned at the stake, much less arrived at a position of power and authority.

They exist solely to be murdered by the hero.

The second kind is people so innocent, pure, and naive that the feel completely out of

place in such a dark story.

They exist solely to be murdered by the author.

All nice characters are killed without exception in a Grimdark story.

Kind of like everyone else really.

Just kill everyone to be safe.

That's dark.

Make a few suffer a fate worse than death for good measure like they must suffer in

agony forever, they never die of old age, but keep aging, or they have to read this

book more than once.

Oh wait.

I forgot something.

Can't kill off all of my characters just yet.

First I have add something essential to any Grimdark story.

Our Grimdark story needs a lot of elements; death, destruction, fates worse than death,

a complete lack of self awareness, a brooding, oppressive tone, and most of all, A LOVE TRIANGLE!


Even in the eternal darkness of a Grimdark story, there needs to be a romantic subplot

shoved in there somewhere.

Who wins the love triangle?

It doesn't matter because everyone dies tragically anyway.

With our characters all set, to die, the writer is free to develop a Grimdark setting.

Human societies are built upon mutual cooperation and complex social systems.

Grimdark societies are built upon mutual exploitation and social systems that don't function at


Is it a science fiction setting?

Then it's a horrible unsustainable dystopia.

Is it urban fantasy?

Supernatural monsters will munch on normal humans like popcorn but still remain hidden


Or have all of our superheros become monsters.

That's what we loved about comics right?

To see our beloved heroes who brought joy to our childhoods turning to bloodthirsty

psychopaths because… comic book logic.

Fantasy is great for Grimdark because any criticism lobbed at the setting can be dismissed

by saying it's 'historically accurate'.



I watched it in a movie once!

A Grimdark setting should present life as so awful that the reader seriously wonders

how people even get up in the morning or wonder why absolutely no one has thought of a way

to improve conditions.

Why don't people band together and try to fix things?

Because Grimdark!

Why hasn't an external, better system supplanted the current, barely functioning one?

Because Grimdark!

How does such a woefully inefficient system manage the logistical nightmare of endless

total war?

Because I just murdered baby seal!

That's why!

You should feel bad!

Don't forget to fill the setting with factions as awful as the characters.

No need to consider or discuss exactly how these factions rose to power in the first

place or how they maintain their hold on a society despite having an approval rating

that slips into the negative.

Nor should any of the factions make even token efforts to improve things.

They should all be brutally repressive regimes founded on fear and terror that have inexplicably

stayed in power for centuries.

Just base them on the Nazis like in the Evil Empire video.

I hear those guys had a long shelf life.

Tying in each faction's ideology with the theme of the setting or showing how each faction

gradually descended into its current state just isn't bleak enough for Grimdark because

it could accidentally give the audience hope that the story might get good.

Best to crush that hope early.

Just like this… um… crap.

I'm running out of cute animals to kill and I think the audience might be starting

to see through that trick.

Don't forget to darken the other parts of the setting.

Everything powered by Cotrivium?

It's made out of ground up widows.

Macguffin everyone is fighting over?

Turns out it is actually powered by pure evil.


That's energy harnessed from the souls of the damned.


You have to travel through Cuthulu's back lawn.

Crude oil?

That's made from ancient dead creatures.

Don't forget to add a dash of cosmic horror.

The universe itself is out to get the characters just as the writer is out to get the audience.

Remember that Grimdark is all about wearing down the audience by killing off characters

and making things so hopeless and jaded that they just don't care anymore.

Drowning everything in inky darkness is the best way to handle Grimdark.

Never should an author use contrast or humor to take the edge off.

Just keep lumping on more and more endless blackness until the whole thing becomes a

twisted parody of itself and one huge joke.

Then when everyone is making fun of your setting just double down and keep going into that

dark void.

And if a writer gazes long into the Grimdark, Grimdark also gazes into you.

And then it tries to sell its merch.

HERO: We will never let you have this video's sponsor, Dark Lord!



Blah blah heroic defiance blah.

I am in a hurry.

JP keeps bugging me about the length of these 'character skits' as he calls them.

I don't know what he's on about.

I am the Dark Lord!

I am the epitome of conciseness, the very form of succinctness.

I never ramble.

I move with terrible and evil purpose in all that I do.

I do not repeat myself nor do I fall into repetition.

I am always to the point!

Um… what was I doing again?

HERO: You were about to steal this video's sponsor, skillshare and inadvertently set

into motion an ancient prophecy that will doom the entire Terrible Writing Advice cinematic


DARK LORD: I don't know what a cinematic universe is but it sounds like it will make

a lot of money.

Unless you're DC.


How did you get so powerful?

Dark Lord: Money.


Dark Lord: Speaking of which, now at long last I finally possess Skillshare.

By tapping into the ley line network called the internet, I can access this vast store

of collected knowledge.

They have 20,000 classes in writing, design, business, technology, and more.

HERO: Yeah, but you are forbidden.

Dark Lord: Foolish mortal.

I need but a simple spell called a Premium Membership?


That's an odd name for a magic ritual.

Regardless, with this Premium membership, you can have access to unlimited high quality

classes and gain ancient knowledge and power.


First I shall absorb Susan Palmquist's class on Writing Point of View.

Now I can jump into any character's head!

Now I shall take a class on the Unity Game Engine.

Surely that will allow me to construct an engine that can unify the world under my iron



Dark Lord: Yes!

Soon I will send my forces or through the magic portal link in the description


They shall gain 2 months of Skillshare for free.

And maybe finally they will learn something useful rather than lazing about the dungeon

all day long.

HERO: Why do you keep explaining all this?


Are you not supposed to do that?

That's what they said to do in villain school.

Now cease your stalling.

Nothing you can do will stop me now!

IMPERIAL TROOPERS: Hut hut hut hut IMPERIAL TROOPER: For the empire!

IMPERIAL TROOPERS: Hut hut hut hut DARK LORD: Son of a

For more infomation >> GRIMDARK – Terrible Writing Advice - Duration: 11:56.


7 Surprising Benefits of Cumin Seeds That Will Leave You Shocking - My Simple Remedies - Duration: 4:46.

hey guys welcome back to my channel my

simple remedies today I'm going to show

you seven different effective ways that

you should be using cumin seeds at home

number one to improve digestion cumin

seeds are known to strengthen a sluggish

digestive system if you feel

uncomfortable after a meal and feel as

though your body isn't digesting food

properly we have a remedy for you by

drinking cumin seed tea three times per

day you can improve your digestion

process the recipe is simple simply take

one cup of water and add one tablespoon

of cumin seeds to it bring the water to

a boil strain and enjoy your cup of tea

three times a day

the second benefit of cumin seeds it

helps beat constipation cumin seeds are

high in fiber which boosts the activity

of gastrointestinal tracts basically

what that means is you'll be more

regular and you'll be able to go to the

restroom easier simply put cumin seeds

are a natural laxative in order to

utilize cumin seeds as a laxative to get

rid of constipation simply roast one

tablespoon of cumin seeds until they

turn a deep brown and grind them into a

fine powder mix the powder with water

and honey and consume it on an empty

stomach every day benefit number three

cumin seeds actually have the ability to

relieve asthma and cold symptoms due to

their antibacterial and

anti-inflammatory properties cumin seeds

are an awesome home remedy for colds and

coughs in order to utilize cumin to kick

that cold simply add one tablespoon of

cumin seeds to a glass of water bring it

to a boil also add some chopped ginger

to the remedy boil properly strain and

drink this twice or three times per day

benefit number four is specifically for

pregnant women the properties of cumin

seeds help in relieving constipation and

improving digestion for pregnant women

in a safe way

they also help with dealing with common

symptoms of pregnancy like nausea or

constipation for this recipe simply take

a glass of warm milk and add a half a

tablespoon of cumin powder and a

tablespoon of honey to it mix well and

drink it every day benefit number five

cumin seeds can help you get a good

night's sleep if you're not able to

sleep well cumin seeds actually contain

a compound called melatonin you've

probably heard of melatonin pills before

but they can be a bit costly cumin seeds

contain them naturally and are a more

affordable way to get your daily dose of

melatonin to help induce sleep all you

have to do is mix a half a tablespoon of

cumin powder with one tablespoon of

mashed banana have this paste right

before sleeping this will help you get a

good night's rest the sixth benefit

we're going to talk about today is a

remedy for glowing skin a face pack

containing honey and cumin seeds can

help get your skin glowing and smooth

honey is a great anti-inflammatory while

cumin can prevent dryness in order to

prepare this remedy simply mix four

tablespoons of turmeric powder 1/2 a

tablespoon of cumin powder and one

tablespoon of honey

after you apply this face mask allow it

to set for 10 minutes before washing it

away with warm water you can use this

face mask two to three times a week we'd

also recommend following up with a

little bit of jojoba oil after washing

the mask off your face for our seventh

benefit we're gonna talk about how cumin

can help you achieve long shiny locks

cumin can help you get long lustrous

tresses in no time for this recipe

you'll need a 3/4 glass of water one

tablespoon of cumin powder and 1 egg

yolk mix them together and it will form

a smooth paste apply this paste onto

your hair and allow it to dry wash it

off with water you can use this remedy

once per week or once every two weeks

for optimum results

we hope you find all these tips and

tricks to be useful let us know down in

the comments below if you decide to try

any of these remedies for yourself also

be sure to give this video a like and

subscribe to my channel my simple

remedies thank you so much for watching

For more infomation >> 7 Surprising Benefits of Cumin Seeds That Will Leave You Shocking - My Simple Remedies - Duration: 4:46.



For more infomation >> TIN NÓNG TRONG NGÀY 16/09/2018 - CHỈ CẦN 1 HÀNH ĐỘNG NHỎ NÀY Mỹ LIÊN MINH CHÂU ÂU D.ỘI B.ÃO LỬA NGAY - Duration: 46:24.


Most Terrifying Ghost Stories - Duration: 8:43.

Bumps in the night!

Just the sounds of your house settling, right?

But what if they're not?

What if those bumps in the night are coming from someone, or something otherworldly?

Today we take a look into the supernatural, in this episode of The Infographics Show's

Greatest Mysteries, . The Most Terrifying and Baffling Ghost Stories.

As technology evolves, so do our ghost stories, and our first ghost story comes from the realm

of cyberspace.

First reported in 2014, an Australian man began posting on Reddit strange happenings

concerning a dead girlfriend's Facebook account.

Two years prior, Reddit user Nathan's girlfriend Emily was tragically killed in a high-speed

car crash.

On September 4th, 2013, he suddenly received a message over Facebook messenger from Emily's

account, saying simply "hello".

Nathan received no reply when asking who was logged into her account, but thirteen minutes

later Emily replied once more with "hello".

Per Nathan, only he and Emily's mother had access to the account, and so he immediately

assumed it may have been her.

Her mother denied logging into the account, and yet the messages kept coming.

Nathan eventually realized that the messages were being cobbled together from previous

chats, and so he assumed that it was nothing more than a very ill-timed bug on Facebook's


Then one day Nathan received a notification- Emily had tagged herself in one of his photos.

The notifications continued coming in, with Emily tagging herself in the remote corners

of the photo.

Eventually Emily even started leaving messages on the photos, always made up using snippets

of previous messages or posts from when she was among the living.

One day though, Emily used her first original word when messaging Nathan- "FRE EZIN G".

In a following message, she used her first original sentence: "ust let me walk".

That message terrified Nathan, as he explained that in the collision, the dashboard had crushed

Emily, and she was severed in a diagonal line from her right hip to midway down her left

thigh, with one of her legs found under the backseat.

The cyberhaunting didn't stop there, with Emily shortly after her last message posting

a photo- a photo of Nathan taken from behind a half-closed door showing him reclining at

his computer.

From here Nathan's story takes a bizarre twist, as he disappeared from Reddit shortly after

the photo post.

Users derided the entire story as a made-up ghost story and most agreed, until some investigative

users began to dig into the date and general location Nathan provided for the car crash

and discovered a story about a car crash that seemed to match Nathan's description- except

there was no mention of an "Emily" listed among the victims.

What there was however, was a "Nathan" listed as deceased.

Elaborate and expertly crafted hoax, or the first verified cyber-haunting?

We'll let you decide as we move on to our next terrifying ghost story.

'The Entity' is, according to Martin Scorsese, one of the scariest horror films of all time-

and based on the 1974 true story of Doris Bither.

A single mother of four, Doris Bither overheard paranormal investigators Dr. Barry Taff and

Kerry Gaynor discussing paranormal activity at a bookstore, and invited them to her home

which she believed was haunted.

After an initial interview, Doris revealed that she had been sexually assaulted multiple

times by three violent entities- with her teenage son trying to intervene once, only

to have his arm broken after being thrown across the room.

Initially skeptical of the claims, Dr. Taff and Gaynor began to believe after Doris showed

them a multitude of bruises across her thighs and body.

Neighbors backed up the claims of violent haunting, telling the investigators that they

had often seen apparitions moving around inside and outside of the home.

Doris' children had seen them so often that her youngest child had even dubbed the most

prominent, and evil one- 'Mr. Whose-It'.

During the investigation, Doris was asked to summon the spirits, which she began to

do by yelling and cursing at them- at which point a greenish fog materialized from one

corner of the room and the torso of an unidentified male was briefly visible.

High speed photography did not capture the fog, but did capture an unexplained streak

of bright light directly over Doris' head just as the greenish fog began to materialize.

The presence of the investigators seemed to agitate the spirits, who according to Doris'

eldest son, Brian, would take their rage out on the family, slapping, biting and even throwing

them around the house.

In the end, the investigation into Doris Bither's haunting yielded little hard evidence aside

from some unexplained light phenomenon on several photos.

While these might be explained away as film errors or reflective airborne particles, their

timing during the alleged manifestations and the 30+ investigators who all corroborated

the sightings make them a little hard to easily dismiss.

The physical evidence on Doris' body however was even harder to dismiss, with Doris showing

extensive bruising after each physical attack.

Thirty years after the haunting, Brian Bither and Doris' other children all continue to

maintain that their mother had indeed been haunted by three supernatural entities, and

even physically assaulted by them.

If just another ghost hoax, this family is certainly dedicated to their tall tale.

Next is the inspiration for another terrifying Hollywood film- the Enfield Poltergeist, made

famous in the 2016 horror film, The Conjuring 2.

In 1977, Peggy Hodgson, single mother of four, heard loud noises coming from her daughter's

bedroom one night.

Rushing into the room to tell her daughters Margaret and Janet to go to sleep, she discovered

the children huddled in a corner and crying out in terror.

The girls shouted that a dresser had begun moving toward the bedroom door by itself,

as if barricading the children inside.

Skeptical, Peggy dismissed the story until suddenly the dresser moved once more in the

direction of the door.

When Peggy went to move the dresser back, it would not budge.

The terrified family fled the house, asking their neighbors for help and phoning the police.

Upon arriving, once police officer testified that she saw a chair move across the room

by itself.

With paranormal activity intensifying over the next few weeks, Peggy reached out to the

Daily Mirror and invited them to send a reporter to investigate the home.

Sitting with the family for hours, the home was perfectly still- until the reporter finally

got ready to leave, at which point he was hit by a Lego brick directly above one eye,

the mark of which stayed with him for days.

The Daily Mirror immediately called the Society for Psychical Research, who sent investigator

Maurice Grosse to the home to begin to catalog the paranormal activity.

During his stay, Grosse documented over 2,000 incidents of supernatural activity, including

furniture tipping over, cups filling with water, unexplained voices, and levitation

of objects.

It was at this time that the haunting intensified, with the alleged poltergeist starting to speak

through one of the young girls.

Entering a trance-like state, she would start speaking in a deep, scratchy voice, identifying

herself as Bill Wilkens.

Researchers would go on to record several hours of interviews, during which the demonic

voice can be heard responding to some of their questions.

The paranormal activity would continue for 18 months, even garnering the attention of

famous- or infamous, depending on your point of view- exorcists and paranormal investigators

Ed and Lorraine Warren.

The two would walk away convinced of the authenticity of the haunting, though the SPR investigators

did conclude that a small amount of the phenomenon was being staged by the two youngest daughters.

Interviewed thirty years after the infamous haunting, Janet Hodgson admitted that they

would occasionally fake some of the events to see if the investigators would catch them,

which they apparently did.

Janet still maintains however that the bulk of the paranormal activity was authentic,

and the Society for Psychical Research would seem to agree.

Perhaps most chilling of all however was the discovery that a Bill Wilkens had indeed lived

in that same home, and died of respiratory failure in the living room.

So, do you believe in ghosts?

Have you ever seen one?

Tell us about your terrifying ghost stories in the comments below, and let us know what

other weird, otherworldly, and paranormal subjects you'd like to see us tackle in our

Greatest Mysteries series!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called Most Evil Kids That Ever Lived.

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Most Terrifying Ghost Stories - Duration: 8:43.


'Conquering one shelter at a time': Celebrity chef José Andrés feeds people after Florence - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> 'Conquering one shelter at a time': Celebrity chef José Andrés feeds people after Florence - Duration: 1:46.


You Can't Polish A Nerd - the latest show from Festival of the Spoken Nerd - Duration: 2:18.


Hello, London!


There we're performing an infinite chain of high fives!


It's Matt Parker!

Bring in the pie!


Oh. Um... Let's put it...

I hope that's cleared that up for you.

Get back here, you!

Who's going to check with a microscope?

This guy.

This is the low point...

..of the show!

It's our "TV scientist", Steve Mould!


Look, it's non-ionising radiation.

All right? So, the worst thing you'll get is a burn.

That's a better fact!

They should have put that in the book. That's amazing!

What I've done is I've attached a couple of wheels to a drill.

MATT: If this is the biggest laugh we get all night,

you're in so much trouble.

Like that!


That's my new jam.

The rest of the show is just this.

Put your hands together for Helen Arney!

Thank you very much. (HUGE CHEER)

♪ We are currently cruising at 1.3 million miles an hour ♪

— AUDIENCE: Woo! — Six Helens!

♪ 500,000 bananas ♪

— That's half a megabanana. — Yeah.

♪ Argon, krypton, neon, radon Xenon, zinc and rhodium

♪ Chlorine, carbon, cobalt, copper

♪ Tungsten, tin and sodium ♪

Oh, my God!

♪ You can't polish a nerd

♪ But you can recursively roll one in glitter ♪

What will they think of next?

For more infomation >> You Can't Polish A Nerd - the latest show from Festival of the Spoken Nerd - Duration: 2:18.


The Purge (TV Series) | Season 1 Episode 2: Lila Makes A Move On Jenna (3/4) | on USA Network - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> The Purge (TV Series) | Season 1 Episode 2: Lila Makes A Move On Jenna (3/4) | on USA Network - Duration: 1:12.


Can Cold Showers Really Improve Your Health? - Duration: 4:12.

Thanks to Skillshare for supporting this episode,

and this whole week, of SciShow.


If you follow any productivity gurus,

then you've probably heard how you need to take cold showers in the morning.

After all, not only can they wake you right up,

but you're also promised a myriad of health benefits

and everybody loves a good healthy life hack.

But whether these claims are actually true is still kind of a gray area.

Also, I have to say, as someone who grew up in Florida

and now lives in Montana,

a cold shower is different depending on where you live.

So before you jump in that agonizingly cold shower,

let's look at some research.

One of the biggest problems with studying cold showers is that…

well, people really haven't.

Instead, most health claims are implied from studies of cryotherapy

using cold water or air to treat a condition

or from things like people who repeatedly go swimming in cold water.

But cryotherapy is really carefully controlled,

and those swimmers often stay in the water for over an hour,

so it's hard to apply this to your quick rinse before work.

Still, that doesn't mean there's zero evidence for cold showers,

because there is.

It's just not very strong.

Like, take the claim people make

that those showers improve your immune system.

In 2016, a study published in PLOS One

wanted to see if taking a quick cold shower in the morning

would reduce the amount of sick days someone took from work.

For 30 straight days, more than 2300 subjects took either a warm shower,

or a warm shower that turned cold for 30, 60, or 90 seconds at the end.

On average, subjects in all three of the cold shower groups called into work

29% less than the warm shower group

roughly the same as one less sick day per month.

But we don't know why,

since the research team didn't measure any biological markers.

Many of the participants did say they felt an increase in energy

and continued taking the cold showers after the experiment,

but that's not enough to close the case.

It's possible that their white blood cell count increased

like what's been shown to happen with cold water swimmers.

But again, a 90-second rinse is a lot different from an hour in the water.

Many people also swear that cold showers can boost mood.

But the results there are maybe even weaker.

A 2008 study in Medical Hypothesis gets referenced a lot

as evidence for cold showers as an antidepressant,

but it's not really all that convincing.

They hypothesized that cold water

would activate your sympathetic nervous system

the system that does things like increase your heart rate

and stimulate the release of endorphins which would elevate your mood.

But it only had three data points, one of which was the author of the paper,

and none of them had symptoms that would diagnose them with depression.

Plus, the biological markers they expected to change

were never actually measured, so really we don't have any results to go off of.

To be fair, the author did mention all that in the paper.

But alas, the blogosphere still holds onto that antidepressant claim

even though the article wasn't that powerful.

The thing here is, you can't placebo a cold shower:

you know if you're getting one.

So it seems like cold showers get a lot more credit than they deserve

based on the evidence that exists.

A short one probably won't hurt you, but hey, let's do more research

before we start making claims about reality and our bodies.

Seriously, if you're looking for a research project,

this sounds like a good one to try out.

Couldn't be that expensive, it's cold water.

So, even though cold showers might not be the key

to making you more productive,

the CEO and co-founder of Skillshare, Michael Karnjanaprakorn,

is really productive and shares his systems for productivity

in his class Real Productivity: Create Your Ideal Week.

He provides a simple framework to prioritize

and accomplish what's important to you in the immediate and in the long term.

We'll make sure to link to it in the description.

All these week, we've been sharing Skillshare classes

we think SciShow viewers will appreciate,

but even though the week is coming to an end,

this offer from Skillshare is still available.

Skillshare is offering SciShow viewers 2 free months

of unlimited access to their platform of over 20,000 classes.

Click on the link in the description to sign up,

and let us know in the comments what classes you take!

We always love to learn new things.


For more infomation >> Can Cold Showers Really Improve Your Health? - Duration: 4:12.


FLORENCE: Saturday 5 p.m. update - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> FLORENCE: Saturday 5 p.m. update - Duration: 7:36.


Los 10 Mejores goles en la historia de la UEFA Champions League | Resumen completo - Duration: 20:41.

For more infomation >> Los 10 Mejores goles en la historia de la UEFA Champions League | Resumen completo - Duration: 20:41.


Trump Thinks Getting Impeached Will HELP Him In 2020 Election - Duration: 2:38.

Just when you thought Donald Trump couldn't get any dumber, a new report from Axios came

out this week that says that Donald Trump has been telling his very close associates,

people inside the White House, that if the Democrats impeach him, that's actually going

to help his changes for reelection in 2020.

Now, there's an important distinction to make right here.

I have said in the past that if Democrats attempt to impeach Trump and fail to do so,

yeah, that's going to help him in 2020.

But that's not what Trump is talking about.

He's not talking about the Democrats trying and failing to impeach him.

He is saying if he actually gets impeached, that's going to help him win again in 2020.

Does he not understand that if he gets impeached, it's going to be for crimes that are a lot

more serious than what Bill Clinton got impeached for?

Not to mention the fact that Bill Clinton didn't have to run for reelection after he

got impeached?

Yes, his approval rating went up after that somehow, but he didn't have to run again.

I seriously doubt that if he did, he could have won because that would have been the

central issue of every campaign.

Even local campaigns for mayor would have roped in the president's impeachment to the

Republican candidate.

Impeachment would be a death knell for your political career.

It's not something you'd overcome.

Not to mention the fact that if you do get impeached, depending on what the crime is,

there's a good, strong chance you would likely be removed from office and therefore ineligible

to even run in 2020.

Now, again, I do concede if the Democrats try and fail to impeach the man, he's going

to cruise to victory in 2020, unless they put up the strongest Democrat we have ever


So far from the current crop of candidates, it's not looking like that's going to be the


So, they better hope that whatever they're able to impeach the president on, if they're

able to, that it's something that would guarantee a removal from office, because if not, Trump

could be right.

He could sail to victory.

But if impeachment does in fact happen, then Trump is 100% wrong and absolutely delusional

about his chances of winning again in 2020.

I don't think any president who actually goes through the impeachment process and gets impeached

stands a snowball's chance in hell of winning the Office of the Presidency a second time.

For more infomation >> Trump Thinks Getting Impeached Will HELP Him In 2020 Election - Duration: 2:38.


Speed Force Symbol FINALLY Explained & Bart Allen News REVEALED - The Flash Season 5 Episode 1 Promo - Duration: 7:26.

you're saying our daughter from the

future yep kind of stuck here now

anybody know what to do

I made a big mistake this man is hiding

in the shadows you guys beat him it

beats me we're supposed to omen because

the timeline changed

I need to know in the future what

happens to me the flash all-new episodes

Tuesdays to burn have a great day okay a

nice beautiful girl and ralph's if he

doesn't offer her a delicious crustacean

buffet mm-hmm she's too smart for me

self-awareness from Ralph did me I think

there's hope for you yet that's a

stretch that will refreeze room

what is good YouTube Warstu here with a

video on the flash season fine so we are

less than one month away from the flash

season five coming back and it looks

absolutely fantastic let's hope season

five can do what arrow did in season

five and have a fantastic season so CW

drop they're absolutely fantastic image

of Nora and Barry Allen it's been

photoshopped quite heavily but it

doesn't pretty cool seeing the lightning

bolt and the Speed Force around them it

does look pretty cool so episode one is

called Nora

they dropped about 20 images last night

and it looks pretty cool it's still hard

to tell if the nor Allen suit looks good

because we see it in a lot of different

lighting but you can't really give an

opinion about the suit until you see it

in person or until you see the first

episode but the Emlyn on their chest is

a lot smaller than I actually thought it

was really gonna be so we see Barry

Allen in the season 1 suit we know this

because it's quite baggy the new suit

seems a lot tighter it's a lot brighter

and obviously this because the season 4

suit got damaged in the season 4

accident in the satellite part for some

reason these suits always get damaged

each year so they can upgrade the suit

but it's unclear where the suits coming

from because we did see in the first

comic-con trailer that Nora Allen said

I've got a suit and she pulled out the

flash ring then everyone's like oh my

god now these images are quite cool so

we get a look at gridlock who isn't

cicadas sorry we're not gonna meet

cicada in these images at least so the

villainous gridlock is actually a bar

Allen at Easter Egg technically because

he first appeared in impulse like in bar

Allen's first issue which was called

impulse which was issue one now in the

comics he does have energy absorbed get

a behind-the-scenes look at Barry Allen

fighting him what it looks like before

we sit in the big screen

i overlay the clip right now so you can

see it so you can clearly see it's

fighting it's kind of funny if in theory

he could still Barry Allen and noir on

speed because essentially cicada is

going to wipe out all the matters and in

theory take their powers if you wanted

to I guess you could say it's unclear

exactly what cicada powers is gonna be

but essentially he's gonna have the

power to drain metahumans

which is gonna be interesting it's a

very different take I hope to see

gets a bit dark so it's gridlocked so in

theory you could say they are giving you

a cheeky wink behind the camera that

Nora Allen is actually Bart Allen in

ways because she's active so many

different ways she's been funny she'd

been quirky she's been a bit full-on

like before we found out who she

actually was you could say she was

playing a lot of different characters

but she's the closest thing we're

actually gonna get to Bart Allen anytime

soon the factions of Future the fascist

barons Dora is she the CW's version of

bar Allen I don't know guys but she's

looking very convincing we don't know

yet if we are actually gonna get the

twin brother or twin sister and what

spin the gun upon it it would be quite

interesting if Don Allen did turn up or

my theory if dawn Allen turns up in the

twin sisters that will be a interesting

spin but what's interesting about these

images it's actually Nora Allen's suit I

mean like we've been talking about the

Speed Force symbols on this channel for

a long time and obviously the Speed

Force symbols show everywhere in season

four obviously on the thinker's face nor

are not now we know a name on Nora

Allen's notebook and now they actually

turn up on a suit you can clearly see it

under her arm you can clearly see it

through our leg what are they it's

interesting I hope they don't just do a

kind of brush to rug oh it's a language

from the 24th from the century that I'm

actually from I really hope we get a

detailed explanation but at least we

know we're gonna get an explanation of

the suit now we've actually seen it on

her so sing interesting in what an image

it is we see Caitlin at a crime scene

which is kind of interesting because

obviously rouse of private investigators

you can understand why he's there

Cisco is Barry Allen's kind of tech guy

on crime scenes but why is she there

it's kind of interesting we know she's

more the scientist more of the kind of

logically thinking person who tends to

be kind of based around science so no

idea why she's actually there but I'm

actually quite looking forward to this

season and it looks like Joe is gonna be

doing more detective work as we see him

working on the computer with Barry and

they clearly is a CCPD logo on there so

they want you to know that he's doing

some investigative work and obviously

the centric of the first episode it's

gonna be Barry asking what what happened

why are you here where am I in the

future so it's gonna be interesting

because she's gonna have to say

something what she did because in the

latest trailer we got there was a pretty


line where she goes well you did beat

cicada well you were supposed to so

obviously something's happened with her

coming back in time and they're gonna

have to try and fix it throughout the

whole season we do know that she's been

introduced a team flash hence why the

first episode is called Nora so

technically she's a young speedster from

the future

so Barr Allen confirmed no not really

but I guess you could say she's a

variation characteristic wise off Bart

Allen now no I'm not done a lot of Flash

content on this channel recently but now

the flash is coming back we're gonna be

doing a lot more CW flash arrowverse

Justice League DC based content so

careful for spoilers if you don't want

that kind of stuff but anyway I do give

spoiler warned so I will be doing a lot

more flash on this channel as the

channel is based around the flash I mean

the flashes in my logo for good take so

and so's arrow so yeah we'll be doing a

lot more flash content obviously during

the summer we can't do as much because

there is really much talk about but now

we've got a lot to talk about on a lot

of different theories so guys let me

know in the compost down below what do

you think the Speed Force in was

actually mean I mean it's clearly to do

with how they defeat cicada originally

we all thought is how they were gonna

defeat they think are the speeds of all

symbols or elements that but now we know

they're from the future it's obviously

going to have something to do with

what's gone on or the future I mean the

most logical reason would just be it's

it's the Speed Force of language from

the future but it's really unclear it's

really hard to work out what's going on

I really do love the graphics at the CW

did publish but suddenly these suits

it's really hard to tell because a few

days ago I don't know if you actually

seen it I will overlay the image right

now we've got an image of Nora Allen and

Barry Allen side-by-side in the new suit

and Spiritist it didn't really look that

good but it's really hard with a

lighting until you see the real images

it's really hard to work out what is

really going on so guys let me know

everything eating down below please like

subscribe and comment like you always do

and I will catch you in another video

very soon catch ya later

For more infomation >> Speed Force Symbol FINALLY Explained & Bart Allen News REVEALED - The Flash Season 5 Episode 1 Promo - Duration: 7:26.


The Untold Truth Of Justin Trudeau - Duration: 5:56.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a lot more than just easy on the eyes.

He's a progressive, liberal feminist who isn't afraid to march in a pride parade, personally

welcome refugees into his country, or even make fun of himself during the campaign for

Canada's highest office.

He's also something of a real-life "Most Interesting Man in the World," hailing from a well-connected

political family before spending time as a snowboard instructor, nightclub bouncer, teacher,

and social activist.

But what other interesting tidbits can we uncover about Canada's 23rd prime minister,

who also happens to be the man who said he wanted Meryl Streep to play him in a movie

about his life?

Here's what you don't know about Justin Trudeau.

Born to do it

With his election to Canada's top executive job, Trudeau made history as the nation's

first second-generation prime minister.

"Merci mis ami...Thank you"

His father, the late Pierre Elliott Trudeau, served as Canada's prime minister from 1968

to mid-1979, and again from 1980 to '84.

According to Vice, it was only after his father's death in 2000 that Justin started to think

seriously about a career in politics.

"I am incredibly proud to be Pierre Elliot Trudeau's son.

And I am incredibly lucky to be raised with those values."

Not just a pretty face

Trudeau, who holds bachelor's degrees in literature and education from McGill University and the

University of British Columbia, respectively, pursued an engineering degree in 2002, before

quitting just two years later.

But that doesn't mean Trudeau is lacking in math skills.

The prime minister made headlines in 2016 when he delivered his thoughts on quantum

computing, to an audience of journalists at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.

"A quantum state could be much more complex than that, because as we know, things can

be both particle and wave at the same time."

But it wasn't just everyday joes who were impressed by some fancy jargon, experts in

the field applauded him, too.

Dr. Michele Mosca of the The University of Waterloo, told Motherboard,

"He doesn't say anything wrong.

He conveys the essence of what quantum computing is, and why it might be more powerful.

It's understandable, and succinct."

"Don't get me going on this or we'll be here all day.

Trust me."

Bust a move

From dancing the bhangra [BUNG-gruh] in 2013, to getting his groove on to traditional Indian

music, Trudeau's happy to leave it all on the dance floor.

The man who's been dubbed "the sexiest politician in the world" also boogied down at Toronto

Pride in 2016.

"I've been coming to this for years and it's sort of frustrating that it has to be a big

thing, it shouldn't be a big thing that the prime minister's walking in Pride Parade."

He's the first prime minister to ever dance at Pride, let alone attend it, according to

The Guardian.

And of course there are many more examples of him shaking his thang, including a shimmy

backstage with his wife before a speaking event.

A bromance with Obama

The seemingly genuine friendship between Trudeau and former U.S. President Barack Obama began

shortly after Trudeau's election victory, at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit

in 2015.

"This house gets to see a bromance up close...Although I still think dude-plomacy is more accurate,

but I'll get over it."

According to ABC News, it was there that Obama gave Trudeau some chummy advice on his future

as prime minister, saying,

"I had no gray hair when I was in your shoes seven years ago...If you don't want to gray

like me, you need to start dyeing it soon."

Trudeau later returned the jab during his 2016 visit to D.C., joking,

"May the special connection between our two countries continue to flourish...and may my

gray hair come in at a much slower rate than yours has."

Legalizing it

The Liberal Party leader spearheaded legislation for the legalization of marijuana, a major

policy shift that has caused no small amount of controversy.

"We will soon have a new system in place, one that keeps cannabis out of the hands of

our kids, and keeps profits away from organized crime."

But, politics aside, perhaps part of the reason Trudeau advocated for weed to go legal (which

it will, in Canada, in October 2018) is because he's a casual user.

"I have been in my past a very rare user of marijuana.

I think five or six times that I've taken a puff."

He described one instance, telling HuffPost Canada,

"We had a few good friends over for a dinner party, our kids were at their grandmother's

for the night, and one of our friends lit a joint and passed it around.

I had a puff."

A real life romcom

Former television host Sophie Grégoire Trudeau met her future husband in the '90s.

And the pair later reconnected in 2003 at the Mercedes-Benz Grand Prix ball, where,

according to McLean's, Justin noted,

"We laughed, we joked and there was a definite chemistry between us."

"I'm gonna sing for you tonight."


"So clear and so bright."


It was all straight out of a romantic comedy.

Sophie played hard-to-get after Justin initially snubbed her, but she finally agreed to a date.

Then they sang the night away in a karaoke bar, and afterward, Justin walked into a pole,

because he was quote, "punch-drunk" on romance.

Not cinematic enough for you?

Well, according to Express, at dinner on their first date, Justin told Sophie,

"I've been waiting for you 31 years.

You're going to be my wife.

We're going to have a family together."

They did just that.

And the couple now has three children.

Prime minister of ink?

While he's certainly not the first world leader to do so, Trudeau might be the only current

world leader who's gotten inked.

His tattoo of the planet Earth inside a Haida raven received a lot of social media attention

on the night of his election victory in 2015, according to BBC News.

Sociology professor Michael Atkinson told the news outlet,

"He speaks to a generation of people who are looking for something different in terms of

leadership and their sense of self, style and approach to civic engagement.

His tattoo is a good indicator of the man and what he represents."

"Because together I know we'll keep building a country that makes us all proud."

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Justin Trudeau - Duration: 5:56.



For more infomation >> TIN NÓNG TRONG NGÀY 16/09/2018 - CHỈ CẦN 1 HÀNH ĐỘNG NHỎ NÀY Mỹ LIÊN MINH CHÂU ÂU D.ỘI B.ÃO LỬA NGAY - Duration: 46:24.


Opel Insignia 1.6 CDTI ecoFLEX 136pk Start/Stop 5D Business+ - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia 1.6 CDTI ecoFLEX 136pk Start/Stop 5D Business+ - Duration: 1:13.


BMW 3 Serie Touring 318D CORPORATE LEASE BUSINESS LINE (136pk) Navi/ Climat /Cruise /Elek. pakket /B - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 318D CORPORATE LEASE BUSINESS LINE (136pk) Navi/ Climat /Cruise /Elek. pakket /B - Duration: 1:11.


Mazda 2 - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Mazda 2 - Duration: 1:05.


VW Caddy - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> VW Caddy - Duration: 0:50.


Skoda Karoq - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Skoda Karoq - Duration: 1:09.


Skoda Karoq - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Skoda Karoq - Duration: 0:54.


Audi A6 - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 - Duration: 1:08.


Kia Optima Sportswagon 1.7 CRDi 141pk DynamicLine (DEMO) - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Kia Optima Sportswagon 1.7 CRDi 141pk DynamicLine (DEMO) - Duration: 1:08.


圈圈聚焦:蘇青元氣?羅雲熙快本?徐靜蕾資源?女星刻意蹭流量? - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> 圈圈聚焦:蘇青元氣?羅雲熙快本?徐靜蕾資源?女星刻意蹭流量? - Duration: 2:18.


《好声音》评审搞事情?李健,我尊重评审,但和我的想法差别很大 - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> 《好声音》评审搞事情?李健,我尊重评审,但和我的想法差别很大 - Duration: 2:01.


「NINE PERCENT」「新聞」180915 尤長靖中國新說唱助力演唱《飄向遠方》高音驚豔 - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> 「NINE PERCENT」「新聞」180915 尤長靖中國新說唱助力演唱《飄向遠方》高音驚豔 - Duration: 0:27.


Argentino de Merlo - Central Ballester en VIVO l Primera D (FECHA N° 3) l Fútbol D Mi Vida - Duration: 37:45.

For more infomation >> Argentino de Merlo - Central Ballester en VIVO l Primera D (FECHA N° 3) l Fútbol D Mi Vida - Duration: 37:45.


For more infomation >> Argentino de Merlo - Central Ballester en VIVO l Primera D (FECHA N° 3) l Fútbol D Mi Vida - Duration: 37:45.


Most Terrifying Ghost Stories - Duration: 8:43.

Bumps in the night!

Just the sounds of your house settling, right?

But what if they're not?

What if those bumps in the night are coming from someone, or something otherworldly?

Today we take a look into the supernatural, in this episode of The Infographics Show's

Greatest Mysteries, . The Most Terrifying and Baffling Ghost Stories.

As technology evolves, so do our ghost stories, and our first ghost story comes from the realm

of cyberspace.

First reported in 2014, an Australian man began posting on Reddit strange happenings

concerning a dead girlfriend's Facebook account.

Two years prior, Reddit user Nathan's girlfriend Emily was tragically killed in a high-speed

car crash.

On September 4th, 2013, he suddenly received a message over Facebook messenger from Emily's

account, saying simply "hello".

Nathan received no reply when asking who was logged into her account, but thirteen minutes

later Emily replied once more with "hello".

Per Nathan, only he and Emily's mother had access to the account, and so he immediately

assumed it may have been her.

Her mother denied logging into the account, and yet the messages kept coming.

Nathan eventually realized that the messages were being cobbled together from previous

chats, and so he assumed that it was nothing more than a very ill-timed bug on Facebook's


Then one day Nathan received a notification- Emily had tagged herself in one of his photos.

The notifications continued coming in, with Emily tagging herself in the remote corners

of the photo.

Eventually Emily even started leaving messages on the photos, always made up using snippets

of previous messages or posts from when she was among the living.

One day though, Emily used her first original word when messaging Nathan- "FRE EZIN G".

In a following message, she used her first original sentence: "ust let me walk".

That message terrified Nathan, as he explained that in the collision, the dashboard had crushed

Emily, and she was severed in a diagonal line from her right hip to midway down her left

thigh, with one of her legs found under the backseat.

The cyberhaunting didn't stop there, with Emily shortly after her last message posting

a photo- a photo of Nathan taken from behind a half-closed door showing him reclining at

his computer.

From here Nathan's story takes a bizarre twist, as he disappeared from Reddit shortly after

the photo post.

Users derided the entire story as a made-up ghost story and most agreed, until some investigative

users began to dig into the date and general location Nathan provided for the car crash

and discovered a story about a car crash that seemed to match Nathan's description- except

there was no mention of an "Emily" listed among the victims.

What there was however, was a "Nathan" listed as deceased.

Elaborate and expertly crafted hoax, or the first verified cyber-haunting?

We'll let you decide as we move on to our next terrifying ghost story.

'The Entity' is, according to Martin Scorsese, one of the scariest horror films of all time-

and based on the 1974 true story of Doris Bither.

A single mother of four, Doris Bither overheard paranormal investigators Dr. Barry Taff and

Kerry Gaynor discussing paranormal activity at a bookstore, and invited them to her home

which she believed was haunted.

After an initial interview, Doris revealed that she had been sexually assaulted multiple

times by three violent entities- with her teenage son trying to intervene once, only

to have his arm broken after being thrown across the room.

Initially skeptical of the claims, Dr. Taff and Gaynor began to believe after Doris showed

them a multitude of bruises across her thighs and body.

Neighbors backed up the claims of violent haunting, telling the investigators that they

had often seen apparitions moving around inside and outside of the home.

Doris' children had seen them so often that her youngest child had even dubbed the most

prominent, and evil one- 'Mr. Whose-It'.

During the investigation, Doris was asked to summon the spirits, which she began to

do by yelling and cursing at them- at which point a greenish fog materialized from one

corner of the room and the torso of an unidentified male was briefly visible.

High speed photography did not capture the fog, but did capture an unexplained streak

of bright light directly over Doris' head just as the greenish fog began to materialize.

The presence of the investigators seemed to agitate the spirits, who according to Doris'

eldest son, Brian, would take their rage out on the family, slapping, biting and even throwing

them around the house.

In the end, the investigation into Doris Bither's haunting yielded little hard evidence aside

from some unexplained light phenomenon on several photos.

While these might be explained away as film errors or reflective airborne particles, their

timing during the alleged manifestations and the 30+ investigators who all corroborated

the sightings make them a little hard to easily dismiss.

The physical evidence on Doris' body however was even harder to dismiss, with Doris showing

extensive bruising after each physical attack.

Thirty years after the haunting, Brian Bither and Doris' other children all continue to

maintain that their mother had indeed been haunted by three supernatural entities, and

even physically assaulted by them.

If just another ghost hoax, this family is certainly dedicated to their tall tale.

Next is the inspiration for another terrifying Hollywood film- the Enfield Poltergeist, made

famous in the 2016 horror film, The Conjuring 2.

In 1977, Peggy Hodgson, single mother of four, heard loud noises coming from her daughter's

bedroom one night.

Rushing into the room to tell her daughters Margaret and Janet to go to sleep, she discovered

the children huddled in a corner and crying out in terror.

The girls shouted that a dresser had begun moving toward the bedroom door by itself,

as if barricading the children inside.

Skeptical, Peggy dismissed the story until suddenly the dresser moved once more in the

direction of the door.

When Peggy went to move the dresser back, it would not budge.

The terrified family fled the house, asking their neighbors for help and phoning the police.

Upon arriving, once police officer testified that she saw a chair move across the room

by itself.

With paranormal activity intensifying over the next few weeks, Peggy reached out to the

Daily Mirror and invited them to send a reporter to investigate the home.

Sitting with the family for hours, the home was perfectly still- until the reporter finally

got ready to leave, at which point he was hit by a Lego brick directly above one eye,

the mark of which stayed with him for days.

The Daily Mirror immediately called the Society for Psychical Research, who sent investigator

Maurice Grosse to the home to begin to catalog the paranormal activity.

During his stay, Grosse documented over 2,000 incidents of supernatural activity, including

furniture tipping over, cups filling with water, unexplained voices, and levitation

of objects.

It was at this time that the haunting intensified, with the alleged poltergeist starting to speak

through one of the young girls.

Entering a trance-like state, she would start speaking in a deep, scratchy voice, identifying

herself as Bill Wilkens.

Researchers would go on to record several hours of interviews, during which the demonic

voice can be heard responding to some of their questions.

The paranormal activity would continue for 18 months, even garnering the attention of

famous- or infamous, depending on your point of view- exorcists and paranormal investigators

Ed and Lorraine Warren.

The two would walk away convinced of the authenticity of the haunting, though the SPR investigators

did conclude that a small amount of the phenomenon was being staged by the two youngest daughters.

Interviewed thirty years after the infamous haunting, Janet Hodgson admitted that they

would occasionally fake some of the events to see if the investigators would catch them,

which they apparently did.

Janet still maintains however that the bulk of the paranormal activity was authentic,

and the Society for Psychical Research would seem to agree.

Perhaps most chilling of all however was the discovery that a Bill Wilkens had indeed lived

in that same home, and died of respiratory failure in the living room.

So, do you believe in ghosts?

Have you ever seen one?

Tell us about your terrifying ghost stories in the comments below, and let us know what

other weird, otherworldly, and paranormal subjects you'd like to see us tackle in our

Greatest Mysteries series!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called Most Evil Kids That Ever Lived.

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Most Terrifying Ghost Stories - Duration: 8:43.


For more infomation >> Most Terrifying Ghost Stories - Duration: 8:43.


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For more infomation >> Jamul Casino - Neares Casino in San Diego





Make $1000 A Day Online | The Secret Is Out | What You Need To Make $1,000 Per Day Online - Duration: 7:42.

what's good YouTube and returning life

gamers you in a building with Joe sexy

as hell

uncle MOT and we're bringing you the

life gains money today making money how

you can earn some extra money how a lot

of people are doing it in this new round

we call the digital Nomad life and we're

going to talk about and some of the

things I've done but first y'all know I

got to put on the plus seven glasses of

sexy as hell

work on skilling up my craft bringing

you a more informed YouTube experience

something better to look at the +7

glasses are sexy the hill are in shop

life Gamescom check the video

description video is sponsored by HD

IPTV services check them out and my wife

she's doing a YouTube channel for those

that have kidney issues and all that

it's in the video description when I

first got into this YouTube thing I

didn't know what to expect I didn't

believe I could build an audience I

didn't believe that there was such thing

as making $1000 per day until I looked

up 12 months later and I was actually

going close to that so ladies and

gentlemen the recipe to be making $1000

a day is not that hard but the work is

the hard part so first of all if you

want to just make money doing the online

thing you have to garner an audience and

I mean not just going to audience but

garner that audience on one platform

because as hard as hell trying to learn

how to do them on all platforms so I

mean is maybe you start a blog on

something you love and you have

experience on you start doing YouTube

videos you start instagramming maybe you

are sexy as hell like me you look good

and you can put a picture up and it'll

get you three thousand views and maybe

bring you in 50 new people maybe that's

your a platform or maybe it's a Facebook

Facebook group that's a platform that's

how you gone

audience and you give that audience free

content you have to be solving a problem

for them or entertaining them meaning

that you are creating something where

they they come to you and they are

willing to spend time out of their day

dealing with you either they're learning

or they're being entertained so those

are the ways you grab a audience and for

those of you knows just like I don't

know nothing I don't understand nothing

ladies and gentlemen you can't be

breathing on this planet and not know

nothing I guaran-damn-tee you some of

you fellas watching this video get to

the damn barbershop and you the number

one professor in the barbershop you

translate that to a blog to a video to

an Instagram post to Facebook and you

build that audience and you have just

completed step one of being able to make

money because when you start getting the

large enough audience people come to you

wanting to sell products which brings us

to my next point when you get a large

enough audience and you can start

selling or offering products you know

start offering those products or

services that help solve problems for

your audience so let's just say for

example you're someone in Fitness like

me and you use coffee or green tea or

Carnap or something to help with your

physical fitness off of that to them as

a way to help them get to their fitness

goals or if you do like I do and you

have partnered up possibly with IPTV

services or some stream service maybe

you are an affiliate for sling trying to

offer your poor cutters a better product

off of that to them and they'll buy it

from you they'll buy from you because

you have gave them all this free content

they've gained your trust and you're

trying to help them and they want to

help you back by you know invested in

whatever it is you're doing long as it

works for them now if you want to get to

a thousand dollars or more a day you're

gonna have to hustle hard and possibly

you're gonna want to sell higher ticket

items meaning things that sell for $80

or more $100 or more versus something

that sells for $20 so just think of

I'm not saying not to $20 items because

they all work you know anything that you

believe in that you can sell to your

audience that you know help them you

sell it no matter what the number is on

it but if you want to be doing thousand

dollars a day a bigger ticket item is

going to help because you can sell

something that's 100 dollars 10 times

you've got your thousand dollars versus

if you sell something that's 50 dollars

it's gonna take 20 times you sell

something that's 25 dollars it's going

to take 50 times a day so consider those

things but more importantly when you're

you've got the audience you've got the

product you also need some kind of email

marketing system and I've tested out a

few of them and I'll go through those in

another video but don't worry about the

email marketing system because ladies

and gentlemen I just got that and I've

been doing YouTube for three years have

made six figures in YouTube and never

had an email marketing system think of

the email marketing system is icing on

the cake but what you really want to

make sure is that you are sincere about

the products and services you are

pushing you've used these products and

services you believe in them and you

know that they can help your subscribers

get from point A to point Z and in a

work form you have to be sincere about

that because you've gotten the trust of

everybody and if you wind up using

something that works for you and the

company goes out of business or the

company does something dirty to somebody

just be honest with your audience and

tell them it has not been your

experience with the company you're very

sorry and now you might be done with the

company as well because you feel that

deeply about your audience and ladies

and gentlemen that is the recipe to get

into $1,000 online now is it easy no I

told you it took me a year before I

could even start marketing products

thinking about making money online and

then over the course of time it just got

easier and easier and easier to the

point where you'll start turning down

offers because you don't believe him I

mean offers that could make you a lot

money but you don't want to use them do

you haven't use them and you just don't

believe in them

and you want to give your clients and

your subscribers and customers quality

so those are the things that I would say

will help you get to a thousand dollars

online a day and anytime you got

questions and comments leave me a

message I'm here to help you and that's

gonna do it for this video don't forget

to like my video comment and subscribe

go get yourself a life game and check

that video description box ladies and

gentlemen because I've got life game

products down there that help make life

easier for you from IPTV - my wife is a

doctor helping you with blood pressure

kidney problems fat loss issues - male

genitalia issues everything is in my

video description box to help you make

those life gains go down there and check

it out and until that net sexy as hell

video I'll see you

For more infomation >> Make $1000 A Day Online | The Secret Is Out | What You Need To Make $1,000 Per Day Online - Duration: 7:42.


【ハムスター】紙袋で覚醒した!腹筋崩壊爆笑トレーニング大公開!おもしろ可愛い癒しHamster awaked in paper bag! Hilarious training !ASMR - Duration: 1:33.

Daily upload!I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> 【ハムスター】紙袋で覚醒した!腹筋崩壊爆笑トレーニング大公開!おもしろ可愛い癒しHamster awaked in paper bag! Hilarious training !ASMR - Duration: 1:33.


BMW X6 M 4.4 i Automaat Schuifdak #Full Options# - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> BMW X6 M 4.4 i Automaat Schuifdak #Full Options# - Duration: 1:09.


DIY Fall Room Decor - Duration: 7:20.

Hey everyone welcome back to my channel today I

have a DIY fall room decor video for you

yes I am back with the DIYs next week's

DIY is actually going to be a Harry

Potter themed one so stay tuned for that

or subscribe if you're new here but

today I'm doing three fall themed DIYs

these are all pretty easy to do and

fairly inexpensive so I really hope that

you like them let's get on into this

video The first DIY is this simple rope

basket all you need is a hot glue gun

and some rope

basically all you want to do is wrap the

rope around itself and just hot glue as

you go so I'm just going to hold this

piece here add a dab of hot glue and

then pull the rope tight around it and

I'm going to continue to do that until I

get the size that I want to you can go

as big or as small as you want to so

once I got to the size that I wanted I

started to tilt the rope upwards so that

it would create the basket shape and

then eventually I was hot glue on top of

the rope underneath and you want to keep

going until you get your basket as high

as you want it and then you want to

create some handles or not if you don't

want handles you don't have to create

them but I basically just looped my rope

around held it there and then hot glued

to the rest of the piece on and did the

same on the other side so you can be as

creative with this as you want you can

go as big or as tall and as skinny you

can make it whatever size and shape that

you want I just thought this was a

really cute and simple DIY that is

really easy to do and I like to store my

cards and my keys in baskets like this

just so that I know where they are at

all times

so that is it the first diy

For this next DIY I am creating a

triangle wreath I have these sticks some

leaves succulents and you'll also need

hot glue so all I did was create my

triangle shape with my sticks these

sticks I think are actually bamboo

sticks from the baking section at hobby

craft I just wrapped some string

around my sticks tied it off and then

secured it with a dab of hot glue and

then folded it over the rest of the string

and pulled it really tight and then cut

any of the excess off and then what you

want to do is grab a piece of cardboard

and cut a triangle shape out of that and

then you just want to go ahead and start

either hot gluing your succulents on if

the stems come off or you can just poke

them through and then hot glue the rest

or trim them off if you don't mind

getting rid of the stem completely I

kind of wanted to keep a few of mine so

I just hot glued the stems down I

added some leaves just because I didn't

have that many succulents I think it

would look a lot better if it was all

just succulents but I do think it's

really cute with the leaves too so it

works out just fine you want to go ahead

and cut any excess cardboard off if you

have any I had a little bit so I just

trimmed that up once you have that all

done you just want to add some hot glue

to the bottom of the cardboard and then

press that onto the sticks

I also flipped this over and added some

more hot glue to the back just to make

sure that it was super secure and then

that is your final wreath you could also

hang this on the wall but if you do make

sure to balance it out because it will

be side heavy just use a hook or

something like that but that is the

final wreath I think it looks really cute

this last DIY is my favorite you'll need

some thread, a needle some fabric and

of course some filling all I did was

trimmed my fabric so that I had a square

piece then you just want to go ahead and

fold this in half and then fold it

half again so you end up with this

folded square then you want to go ahead

and round out the edges so just grab a

pair of scissors and cut it so that the

edges are round I actually clipped mine

altogether to be able to do this just

because it kept sliding all over the

place so once you have done that make

sure not to throw away the fabric that

you cut off because you're going to use

it a little bit later on but you just

want to open up your piece of fabric and

grab your needle and cotton then you're

just going to be doing a running stitch

I believe it's called you just want to

poke the needle through one piece of the

fabric and then out of the other side

and just pull it and you want to

continue that stitch all the way around

once you reach a certain point you can

start bunching it up so just pull your

thread and push the fabric backwards and

this is just going to start to form the

pumpkin you want to continue to do that

all the way around and then once you get

it pretty much done you want to add your

filling into the middle just stuff it as

full as you would like but make sure you

don't do it too full otherwise it's just

not going to work of course then you

want to go ahead and secure this off so

you just poke your needle through one

side of the fabric and go through the

other side of the fabric and just pull

it tight and continue doing that in a

few different directions until the hole

is closed to form the actual pumpkin you

want to poke your thread through the

center of your plush and all the way

through to the bottom and pull this

tight and you want to do this as many

times as you think you need to create

your pumpkin shape you just pull it

tight so that it starts to form like the

indents so that it actually looks like a

pumpkin so you just continue this

process all the way around and then you

want to grab a scrap piece of fabric

that you had

from earlier and roll this up and sew it

all together and then put this in the

center and sew this onto your pumpkin so

that it creates the stem for your

pumpkin and then that is the final plush

pumpkin I love this thing so much I

think it looks super cute and you can do

these in all different sizes and in all

different colors I think these are super

cute decor so those were my three fall

themed DIYs I really hope that you

enjoyed this video I hope that you're

glad that I'm back with the DIYs I'm

actually planning a few DIYs coming up

as I said next week's DIY is Harry

Potter themed so stay tuned for that and

yeah I really hope that you enjoyed this

video if you did please make sure to

give it a thumbs up because that helps

me out a ton and subscribe if you are

new to my channel thank you all so much

for watching I'll see you in my next



For more infomation >> DIY Fall Room Decor - Duration: 7:20.


Sleepover Vlogg || SWofia - Duration: 15:51.

Now we're going to a sleepover

How am I gonna get everything with me?

It feels like I'm moving out.



Now let's just hope I didn't forget anything

I will hurry

Ok that's good, bye


Ok so Ebba is taking a shower

So then I guess I'll just sit down here.

Looks like I've been thrown out of my home

oh gosh

No I'm not going in the elevator alone.


I hate going in the elevator

We'll walk instead

and she lives at the top floor

No wait does she?

I don't know.

Is it here?

Or is it at the top?


I forgot what floor you live on



Look who's on TV!

Wait you can't see


This looks so good!

I'm gonna try sound like myself

Look I'm on TV

What are you searching for now?


Are we gonna watch you?


Your old YouTube channel

I forgot that

Now we're gonna watch Ebba's

YouTube channel


There you are!


There's me just walking around

What was that jump?

"Ebba is hitting the notes"


we're watching...

What's her name Ebba?


Some election


Very interesting

Look that's me when I'm vlogging!

That's SO me

when I vlog

and that finger too!

That IS me when I vlog!

Tv: "welcome to the vlog"

I haven't said welcome to the vlog!


welcome to the vlog!

oh whoops

Ebba you can't

Now I have to censor

How long do you think we will stay awake?

We can talk bulls*t

That's so fun when you have a sleepover


"hiding because she doesn't have pants on"

What are we gonna do now Ebba?

Idk I'm gonna wipe the table

Ebba show your gifts

These are the gifts

I got this from Sofia


and that

This is hand sanatizer, I wanted to get some more

And then from Mickis I got


and this toilet bag

And then I got cases from Sofia

I got this case

this case

this case

this case

and this case.

and this case I got a long time ago

Now the time is

10:30 PM

We've had pizza

Then Micki ela (?) was here

We haven'd done that much.

When my phone gets 20% I thought we could have a live

Yeah we've had a live also

on Ebba's instagram

and then on mine.

Shouldn't you put on pants so you don't have to hide all the time?

I don't want to have my pants on

You don't want to?

Why not?

Do you usually walk around without pants?

eeeh, yes

I don't because my family...

yeah but in my family it's only a dog and my mom

and Ebba.

and in my family there's three guys.


it doesn't really feel comfortable

We can put on hand sanitizer


it smells so good

It does?

Yes it does smell good!

I didn't think it would smell so good


Then I succeeded with the gift

Little things like this are so much needed

"people usually say the opposite but ok"

Now I have to censor again

Are you sure you're not gonna wear pants in the live?

Like what if you...


I'm trying to come up with an instagram caption

Here we have a nice picture of my eye

I need a good instagram caption

I'm gonna write this to a specific person

Is it...

Did you put on glasses for the live?

I'm not used to seeing you in glasses!

Before when you had them on in school and took them off it felt weird, but now

now it's the opposite

Hey live

How many are watching your live Ebba?

I had 9 before

Can some * come in you stupid

Have some patience!



"there Ebba said something even more improperly


Did you hear what I said?


What did you say?

I'm not gonna save this live

No but I'm gonna save this video

I look pretty smart in glasses


people do


I do

not everyone

you don't for an example

This is good!

What is this song??

Should I have "turns out I don't want new, I want you?"

Nooo, that can easily be misunderstood

Now it's Sofia who has love problems

"it's so my turn"

When you sleep in

when your last breath

yea wait when I die you mean?

Then I'm gonna put a camera on your grave

oh thanks

But that means you think I'll die before you

But that's a nice thought Ebba

YES I want a...

My gravestone is gonna be a

you know a film


and it says


Ebba I just figured out how my gravestone is gonna look like

This is my best idea ever

It usually says what film it is...

then it's gonna say

my life, that it's like a movie

that sounds great


What do you think that cost?

nah not that much, I'm dead so you'll have to pay for it

What are you doing?

Who are you asking?


No not Alex

Sorry no wait

I have to apologise

What are you doing?

Say it again, not Alex

What are you doi

Ok, go!

You start

What are you doing?



What was I gonna say?

Not him

Not him

and then you were gonna say sorry


Right, I mean sorry

No I can't send this to him

What do you usually do on sleepovers?

Did anyone notice how we did the exact same motions?

This is what we do

Now we're gonna find a really good caption

Update, now I found a much better caption look

What does it say?

That was a nice rhyme so we'll take that one

Everyone go and like this picture

And comment that you came from this video

if you did

probably no one but

but IF you did

write "came from the sleepover video"


"now we're gonna brush our teeth"

oh no

I forgot water


I forgot to wet it so it was so dry

Now it is

12:45 AM

and Ebba said that she would


take a little nap

And that was 45 minutes ago

For once I'm not the one falling asleep first

I don't know if you can hear what I'm saying

This clock is so annoying



we'll put it


how do you turn this off?

"why do you have so many lamps Ebba?"


Good morniiing

So Ebba fell asleep yesterday

as I already told you

I filmed a little bit

You should've woken me up!



That's a little disrespectful

Then Ebba woke me up at 6 in the morning

And she just "Sofia, my phone where is my phone"

I woke up and said "wait Sofia is my phone charging?"

It was 6 in the morning

It was because I got panic since I've never charged my phone over night

So I laid there and thought about anxiety

Oh no

I dreamed about food I think

And then...


I finally woke up, I thought...

wake her up with a cat toy cause I didn't have a feather

but she woke up by herself

So that wasn't needed

Now we're gonna eat breakfast cuz I'm really hungry!

This was nice but I'm not gonna send it to Alex

"do I look like a mini or Ebba like a giant?"

What are you doing?

Sometimes you don't understand what Ebba is saying, you just gotta pretend like you're on it

You're only gonna have one?


You can't just have one Sofia!

Here's my breakfast

She only has cheese and bread!


She thinks I don't have any butter

Wait who has been here?

You sat there yesterday

Didn't you clean the table?


Do you eat in your sleep?


Noo whaat

"Ebba cleaned the table yesterday and now it looks like this before she's had breakfast"

Now I'm gonna pack my stuff

That's sad


Look I was so smart so I just brought my whole cover from home

We've gotten a question

Oh right

We asked people to ask us questions on instagram

Is that the only one?


Hey you have to fold it , you can't just...

Then help me

I can't fold things

You just take it like this


put it down in your bag.

This is sad

You can't go home Sofia

Or I'll follow you home!

Yeah but it's not gonna be very fun for you to just watch me film and edit

But I always have fun at your house

You do?


I'm gonna film a video

Yeah I can sit next to you and distract you!

Yeah but I just have to film this video cuz it's going up today

Now we're at my place

I'm gonna film a video to Simply Sofia

That's why I

put on makeup, other than that I have nothing to do today

But Ebba came with me!

Where are you Ebba?


And she's just gonna wait while I film and edit

But I'll try to be quick, so let's start!

Behind the scenes

This lighting was good!

Ok we're not gonna play ukulele

Are you gonna start now?

Yes I just need my script

A script?

It should come from your heart Sofia

Not a script

This is my script

Actually it comes from my heart since I wrote it myself

It's just so I will remember everything

Soon the new iPhones will be out


Yeah, they'll announce them next week

So there will maybe be an iPhone X Plus?

I hope so!

Are you gonna buy a new one?

I answered that in my Q&A, have you watched that?

You can tell me

Yes I'm gonna buy a new one

And do you know what I'm gonna do?


You're sick are you gonna


Are you shook? You can't tell anyone!

It's a secret

top top secret

Are you serious?

Yes I'm serious

and it's lunch!

Now I'm finished filming the video

I did good right?

Yes you were good and didn't disturb me Ebba

Now it's like 3:30 PM

I have edited since 12, but now I'm done!

whoops, hey

we woke her up

Both my parents are asleep

We're gonna go out and have ice cream

Now we've had ice cream

We just felt like we had to balance it out with something salt

because it was too sweet

Are you gonna end the vlog now that I'm going home?


Now Ebba is going home

Matching song also


Wait why did I unbuckle?

You can move to the front Sofia

Right, that's why

I did have a thought behind it



Thanks for an awesome weekend

Thank you too!

Thank you for the gifts

I'll see you


For more infomation >> Sleepover Vlogg || SWofia - Duration: 15:51.


Wakey Wakey... Reaction - Duration: 3:34.

Drop like on this video if you guys enjoyed

Comment down below your thoughts in your opinions about the video. Make sure to subscribe

With social indications on so you stayed on fight on every single video also follow my social media

So they tuned for updates for incoming videos. Thank you

But guys your betta crabs here welcome back to another reaction so we'll be reacting to


By don't hug me, I'm scared

So this is number

Number two or a second on trending and

I love the series and I miss it and

I'm guessing that they're gonna continue it

I'm excited

To see the series to see this new series. It's been two years since

That since they last made it or upload it and it's like

It's like a trailer I mean well but

Whatever we're gonna see what's it all about or credits girls, do don't hug me

I'm scared without any thread do let's begin


Clay hill oh

It's that burden

It's the right guy

I guess that is like the

For clips from the fun new episodes



I'm actually

really excited

To see the series it looks so interesting and I missed two characters

It's just been a while and I missed the characters

And so other than that guys I hope you guys enjoyed this was like the shortest video ever

Well, no, duh


I mean not this video what I was reacting to the on my channel the most

shortest reaction video ever

On my channel. So other than that guys I hope you guys enjoyed make sure to LIKE comment subscribe to notifications

so you stayin gonna find on every video so

Yeah, I will see you guys in the next video. Goodbye, everyone

For more infomation >> Wakey Wakey... Reaction - Duration: 3:34.


Toyota Yaris 5-drs 1.5 Aspiration | Climate control | Cruise control | Navigatie | - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 5-drs 1.5 Aspiration | Climate control | Cruise control | Navigatie | - Duration: 1:13.


Liverpool news: Graeme Souness reveals the 'menaces' after Tottenham performance - Duration: 3:02.

 Roberto Firmino bagged his side's second goal during the second-half, while usual threats Sadio Mane and Mohamed Salah caused the Spurs defence problems throughout the match

 Goals from the Brazilian and Georginio Wijnaldum secured Jurgen Klopp's men all three points, despite the last-gasp efforts of Erik Lamela, pegging one back for the Lilywhites

 The victory extends Liverpool's winning run to five games, meaning they have still won every game so far this season

 The Reds have spent most of the season at the top of the Premier League table, but dropped to second after Chelsea's impressive 3-1 win against Cardiff

 And ex-midfielder Souness believes Liverpool will still be vying for the title come the end of the season

 He said on Sky Sports: "The result does not flatter Liverpool, it flatters Spurs

 "Liverpool were fabulous, really impressive. The front three were a real menace. "Any manager who wants to win the Premier League will be impressed with that Liverpool performance today

"  Firmino, Salah and Mane have formed a formidable partnership at the spearhead of Jurgen Klopp's attack

 Last season's Premier League Golden Boot winner Salah has netted twice this season, while Senegalese international Mane already has four goals to his name

 Firmino also took his tally up to two with a simple finish this afternoon. Klopp will have been less pleased to see him forced off in the 74th minute however

 The striker was replaced by Jordan Henderson, after Jan Vertongen appeared to poke him in the eye

 The German admitted he was concerned about his player after the game, and revealed the Brazilian was in discomfort following the incident

 "I'm not sure, but there may be an injury with Roberto, we don't know exactly in the moment," the Liverpool boss told the club's official website

 "It's something with his eye, we will see. I didn't see it back. I only saw the situation from around 60 yards

I have no clue what exactly happened," he added. "But it's something with the eye and for sure in the moment it's not comfortable for him

We will see."

For more infomation >> Liverpool news: Graeme Souness reveals the 'menaces' after Tottenham performance - Duration: 3:02.


Machine Gun Kelly's Crew Beats Up Actor Who Called Him A 'P***y' Over Eminem Feud - Daily News - Duration: 3:07.

After an actor called Machine Gun Kelly a 'p***y' over his feud with Eminem, the rapper's bodyguards allegedly attacked the man who had to be hospitalized for severe facial injuries

   Machine Gun Kelly's feud with Eminem took a violent turn when the rapper's bodyguard's allegedly beat up an actor who called MGK out for starting the beef

The fight began on the night of Sept. 14 in Atlanta when MGK and his crew were in a restaurant bar and the actor named Gabriel "G-Rod" Rodriguez walked up to them with his phone out and started recording, police told TMZ

 In a video obtained by the website, G-Rod can be seen pointing at the "Bad Things" singer while saying, "I'm gonna say it because it has to be said, you're a pussy for going for family!" G-Rod was reportedly angry about how MGK called Eminem's daughter Hailie "hot" when she was 16, starting the beef with the "Lose Yourself" hitmaker

G-Rod, who has had roles in shows like Ozark, Power, and The Walking Dead, told TMZ that he was especially upset because he's a husband and father of three

   Machine Gun Kelly appeared to shove G-Rod and turn the phone away in the video, which ended there

G-Rod claims that that's when five of MGK's bodyguards got involved and MGK allegedly started challenging him

G-Rod claims the rapper shoved him and said the bar manager immediately sided with MGK and kicked G-Rod out of the establishment

 The actor claims that two hours later, he was walking toward a Hampton's Inn that was across from the bar when MGK and his crew allegedly started yelling at him from outside his tour bus

G-Rod says he went into the hotel lobby, and the musician kept at him with all of his bodyguards following

G-Rod claims he then told them he'd fight each one of them individually if they were looking for a fight, but instead, he claims all of the bodyguards jumped him at once

 Cops who have seen surveillance video of the incident told TMZ that one guard body slammed G-Rod and then three others began punching and kicking him in the face

G-Rod said MGK wasn't involved in the altercation at this point. G-Rod has already hired a lawyer and intends to file a lawsuit against the rapper, he told TMZ, however he added that he would "drop the lawsuit if we both sign waivers and meet in an octagon and go man-to-man without goons or weapons

" Police are currently investigating this case, and G-Rod is in the emergency room getting treated for severe facial injuries

 HollywoodLife reached out to Machine Gun Kelly's representatives for comment.

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