- Hi, I'm Poppy.
Do you like being famous?
- What the hell's goin' on?
Am I dead?
- You're on a show inside that person's telephone.
- Hello.
Well, this is new.
That's a pretty, pretty cellular telephone.
- Do you wanna be more famous?
- Why would I wanna be more famous?
I'm already really, really famous.
- All you have to do is say things people wanna hear,
and then people will re-tweet you.
- Okay, yeah, I can do that.
Seems easy.
- People like it when you say chicken sandwich a lot.
- Chicken sandwich.
Chicken sandwich, mmm, delicious,
delicious chicken sandwiches.
- Chicken sandwich.
- You said chicken sandwich too.
That's great.
- They also like it when you say delicious sauce.
- I like that.
I'm gonna tweet that now.
- Delicious sauce.
(phone notifications chiming)
- I'm going viral, Poppy!
I'm going viral, Poppy!
I'm going viral, Poppy!
I'm going viral, Poppy!
I'm going viral, Poppy!
I'm going viral, Poppy!
I'm going viral!
- Let it flow through you, Tom Green.
- I feel it inside of me, Poppy!
The throbbing pulse of the internet flowing
through my veins, Poppy, through my veins.
- The internet flows through us all.
For more infomation >> Internet Famous with Poppy - Tom Green - Duration: 1:42.-------------------------------------------
Internet Famous with Poppy - Satan - Duration: 1:34.
- Getting rich is fun in the future.
(loud poof)
- Oh.
Hey, Poppy.
- Satan, thank you so much
for being on my show.
- Are you able to call this a show?
- Well, it's on the internet.
- Does that make it a show?
- Of course.
What a lovely set they've provided you with.
- I brought you here to be more famous on the internet.
- Well,
I have to say with billions of loyal followers,
I am
just not getting the comments and likes
that I would like to get.
- What do you mean by that?
- I feel like everyone thinks I bought my followers.
- Did you?
- Yeah.
Well, some of them.
- Let's see, the first thing you need to know
is that gaining followers is easy.
- No, I'm listening.
- The second thing you need to know
is that money can't buy everything.
- But what content really tests the best
with audiences in 2016?
- Just post a video of an innocent person being murdered,
and enjoy the advertising revenue.
- Praise Jesus!
Making money on the internet is a beautiful thing!
- Satan, thank you so much
for being on myshow.
Internet Famous with Poppy - Brandon Wardell - Duration: 1:12.
Today, we are going to learn about why comedy is funny,
and how to use humor to make yourself rich and famous.
(Brandon pops into existence)
- Whoa!
Are you Poppy?
- Welcome to my show
- I love you.
I'm going to be able to write a hilarious bit
because of this random situation.
- Bits are my favorite part about comedy,
because they're a perfect way to tell jokes.
What's your best bit?
- Oh, my best bit?
I have one about going to a Justin Bieber concert,
and he makes everyone pray with him.
- Justin Bieber is a celebrity,
and if you talk about celebrities,
more people will think you're funny.
- Wow, I never really thought about it like that, Poppy.
I'm gonna tell more jokes about famous celebrities,
and then I, too, will be a famous celebrity.
- The truth is, most people have nothing to say.
And because of that, most people are unbelievably boring.
- Poppy, I love your videos,
because they make my brain feel funny.
- I love you, Brandon.
- I love you, too, Poppy.
I love doing posts and going viral.
- I love all of you.
Millions Wrongly Treated for 'Cancer,' National Cancer Institute Panel Confirms - Duration: 8:35.
Millions Wrongly Treated for �Cancer,� National Cancer Institute Panel Confirms.
by Edward Morgan.
A devastating new report commissioned by the National Cancer Institute reveals that our
40-year long �War on Cancer� has been waged against a vastly misunderstood �enemy,�
that in many cases represented no threat to human health whatsoever.
If you have been following our advocacy work on cancer, particularly in connection with
the dark side of breast cancer awareness month, you know that we have been calling for the
complete reclassification of some types of �breast cancer� as benign lesions, e.g.
ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), as well as pointing out repeatedly that x-ray based breast
screenings are not only highly carcinogenic but are also causing an epidemic of �overdiagnosis�
and �overtreatment� in US women, with an estimated 1.3 million cases in the past
30 years alone.
This week, a National Cancer Institute commissioned panel�s report published in JAMA online
confirmed that we all � public and professionals alike � should stop calling low-risk lesions
like DCIS and high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN) �cancer.�
There are wide-reaching implications to this recommendation, including:
Millions of women in this country have been diagnosed with DCIS, and millions of men with
HGPIN, and subsequently [mis]treated.
Are they now to be retroactively reclassified as �victims� of iatrogenesis, with legal
recourse to seek compensation?
Anyone engaged in a cancer screening will now need to reconsider and weigh both the
risks and benefits of such a �preventive� strategy, considering that the likelihood
of being diagnosed with a false positive over 10 years is already over 50% for women undergoing
annual breast screening.
The burgeoning pink ribbon-bedecked �breast cancer awareness� industry will be forced
to reformulate its message, as it is theoretically culpable for the overdiagnosis and overtreatment
of millions of US women by propagating an entirely false concept of �cancer.�
As reported by Medscape:
The practice of oncology in the United States is in need of a host of reforms and initiatives
to mitigate the problem of overdiagnosis and overtreatment of cancer, according to a working
group sanctioned by the National Cancer Institute.
Perhaps most dramatically, the group says that a number of premalignant conditions,
including ductal carcinoma in situ and high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, should
no longer be called �cancer.�
Instead, the conditions should be labeled something more appropriate, such as indolent
lesions of epithelial origin (IDLE), the working group suggests.
The Viewpoint report was published online July 29 in JAMA.
Fundamentally, overdiagnosis results from the fact that screen-detected �cancers�
are disproportionately slower growing ones, present with few to no symptoms, and would
never progress to cause harm if left undiagnosed and untreated.
As you can see by the graph above, it is the fast-growing tumors which will be more difficult
to �detect early,� and will progress rapidly enough to cause symptoms and perhaps even
death unless treated aggressively.
But even in the case of finding the tumor early enough to contain it through surgery,
chemotherapy and/or radiation, it is well-known that the minority subpopulation of cancer
stem cells within these tumors will be enriched and therefore made more malignant through
conventional treatment.
For instance, radiotherapy radiation wavelengths were only recently found by UCLA Jonnsson
Comprehensive Cancer Center researchers to transform breast cancer cells into highly
malignant cancer stem-cell like cells, with 30 times higher malignancy post-treatment.
What this means is that not only are millions of screen-detected abnormalities not �cancer�
in the first place but even those which can be considered fast-growing are often being
driven into greater malignancy by the conventional chemotherapy, radiation and surgery-based
standard of cancer care itself.
Our entire world view of cancer needs to shift from an enemy that �attacks� us and that
we must wage war against, to something our body does, presumably to survive an increasingly
inhospitable, nutrient-deprived, carcinogen- and radiation-saturated environment, i.e.
Cancer As An Ancient Survival Mechanism Unmasked.
When we look at cancer through the optic of fear and see it as an essentially chaos-driven
infinitely expanding mass of cells, we are apt to make irrational choices.
The physiological state of fear itself has been found to activate multidrug resistance
proteins within cancer cells, explaining how our very perception of cancer can influence
and/or determine its physiological status and/or trajectory within our body.
The NCI panel report opined:
�The word �cancer� often invokes the specter of an inexorably lethal process; however,
cancers are heterogeneous and can follow multiple paths, not all of which progress to metastases
and death, and include indolent disease that causes no harm during the patient�s lifetime.�
For more details on what our founder Sayer Ji calls the �Cancer Malignancy Meme,�
see his video presentation at the Mind Body Week DC conference, wherein he discuss the
�Rise of Biomedicine� within the context of the mind-body connection, and breast cancer
overdiagnosis in particular.
We must keep in mind that this proposed redefinition of cancer is no small academic matter, but
will affect the lives of millions of women.
Consider that every year, approximately 60,000 women in this country are diagnosed with DCIS,
a diagnosis so traumatic that it results in significant psychiatric depression 3 years
after even a �false positive� diagnosis.
For those less fortunate women, numbering in the millions over the past 30 years, who
were told they had �cancer� and needed to undergo lumpectomy, radiation, chemotherapy
and/or mastectomy, the NCI panel�s recommendation is a hard pill swallow after the damage has
already been irrevocably done.
So, what�s the solution?
There is a growing movement towards the use of thermography as a primary diagnostic tool,
as it uses no ionizing radiation, and can detect the underlying physiological processes
that may indicate inflammation, angiogenesis, cancer-specific metabolic changes, etc., many
years before a calcified lesion would appear within an x-ray mammogram.
Also, the mainstay of any truly preventive strategy against cancer is diet, nutrition,
exercise and avoiding chemical and radiation exposures � the things that we can do in
our daily lives to take back control of and responsibility for our health.
For related research read �Hidden Dangers� of Mammograms Every Woman Should Know About
ayer Ji is founder of Greenmedinfo.com, a reviewer at the International Journal of Human
Nutrition and Functional Medicine, Co-founder and CEO of Systome Biomed, Vice Chairman of
the Board of the National Health Federation, Steering Committee Member of the Global Non-GMO
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.
Internal Site Commenting is limited to members.
Disqus commenting is available to everyone.
N. Korea says test of new ballistic missile was successful - Duration: 2:14.
Our top story this evening...
North Korea has announced that its latest missile launch was the first successful test
of a new medium-to-long-range ballistic missile.
Its state-run media also says leader Kim Jong-un oversaw the test of the missile, which is
capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.
Kwon Jang-ho has the details.
The birth of a powerful new form of nuclear attack -- that's what North Korea's leader
Kim Jong-un called the successful test of its new ballistic missile.
The regime's state-run Korean Central News Agency announced the missile, fired on Sunday,
was a new type of intermediate-range ballistic missile... called the Pukguksong-2.
It said the missile was capable of carrying a nuclear warhead and uses a new type of high-thrust
The regime also released footage showing that the missile was fired from a mobile launcher
and performed a "cold launch," in which the missile is ejected before its engine turns
on and the missile takes flight.
After it was fired, the missile flew for 500 kilometers before falling into the East Sea.
North Korean reports also say Kim Jong-un ordered and personally oversaw the missile's
He is also said to have met with the scientists and soldiers afterward... to congratulate
them on a missile that was "100-percent" made with the North Korean people's wisdom, strength
and skill.
The South Korean government condemned the latest launch, underlining the significance
of yet another provocation.
"North Korea has sent a message that they have no intention of folding their nuclear
ambitions and will continue their provocations.
It once again stresses the seriousness of the military and security threat we are under."
Sunday's launch was the first of 2017 and it coincides with U.S. President Donald Trump's
meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the U.S. over the weekend.
Analysts are broadly interpreting the launch as a show of force to the two nations.
"It's been four months since the North's last missile launch, but this is another reminder
that the regime is continuing its nuclear weapons development,... despite the continued
pressure from the international community.
Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News."
A Mathematical Breakdown of How To Win The Bachelor [Eitan Explains] - Duration: 1:37.
-As America watches Nick Viall make his way through the Bachelor mansion genitals first,
the entire nation is left wondering the same question:
What are the mathematical odd that I can get some of that Bachelor D!
We broke down the demographics of every past bachelor winner so now you
know mathematically just how much you're not probably gonna get that D.
For starters, if you wanna take home Bachelor gold you gotta be young as hell.
Out of 19 seasons the average age of Bachelor winners was 25.57 with the oldest being 36.
But that's kinda a fluke if you consider the second oldest
winner was actually 28-years-old.
So get out of here, you 29 year old bachelor hopefuls!
You old sacks of gypsy farts can go die in a fire!
The second thing you need to win the bachelor is diversity.
Jk, you just have to be so white. Like, like, sooooo white.
Like, La La Land minus John Legend level white.
Since the show's premiere in 2002, 89% of Bachelor winners have been Caucasian.
That's 17 out of 19 winners. That's f*cking insane.
With the exception of Mary Delgado and Catherine Giudici every single Bachelor winner
has looked like every single wife in a Judd Apatow movie.
#BachelorSooWhite #LessWhiteForHarambe
Hair wise you don't really have any choices either.
Out of 19 seasons of The Bachelor 11 have been blonde with 8 being brunette.
So f*ck you, red heads.
So there you have it!
If you wanna win the bachelor you gotta be a 25.57-year-old blonde marshmallow!
God speed to the rest of us!
First Love Again | 다시 첫사랑 – Ep.50 [Eng Sub / 2017.02.13] - Duration: 34:27.
Let's go, mother.
How... Why are you here?
Let's go.
No. I'm not done talking to her.
Stay out of it.
Don't watch this mess and go.
So you know this is a mess?
- Let's go. / - No.
I need to get a response from Hajin now.
You and Hajin...
I said let's go home. You need to talk to me at home!
Please, mother. Let's go.
Do you want to see me lose my mind?
Hi, Hajin.
I'm going to the office this afternoon.
Can you meet up?
What's wrong with your voice?
Did something happen?
What is it?
You look so dejected.
Is it that bad?
- It just feels like it was in vain. / - What was?
I wanted to hide it over and over...
And over again.
But it suddenly blew up and came out all at once.
I was shocked and he was shocked.
And the effort I took to hide it to avoid hurting him...
Became in vain.
Do you mean Cha Doyun?
Did you forget I told you how I feel about you?
How could you talk about him to me?
I'm sorry.
But it's nice having someone to talk to, isn't it?
I'm sure it isn't easy to talk to Seyeon
or your mother about him.
I won't talk to you about him anymore, either.
That isn't what I meant.
Thank you.
Thank you for coming at a time like this.
It's really nice having someone other than family
who rushes over like this...
Because I don't sound good.
I need to get back. The office is a bit hectic.
Okay. I need to go, too.
I won't make excuses. It's exactly what you saw.
If I had known you and Hajin
would get mixed up again like this,
I would've stepped in and ended it sooner.
Don't you see why I'm doing this?
The rumors at the company and
your relationship with your father
are all because of Hajin. That's why I...
8 years ago.
Did you go to Hajin's home with sleeping pills?
Did you threaten her and tell her to die with you?
Is it true you threatened her and
made her break up with me by donating your kidney?
You said Hajin was like your daughter...
And loved her. How could you do that?
It's because I split you up that you're living well now.
I don't regret it.
Otherwise, you would've been removed
from your father's family register.
Then do you think you'd be CEO now?
Not a chance!
It was all for me?
That's right! It was for you!
You did it for yourself, not for me.
- Doyun. / - It was for your ambition.
Your vicarious satisfaction.
You needed me to compensate you for your rage
and pain from losing your husband.
I'm sure I needed to succeed
so that you could beat her.
You wanted to say, "I raised him well.
I turned him into a success. I won."
If you truly cared for me, you should've trusted me.
Rather than using me in your fight against that woman,
you should've considered my decision
and my feelings first.
That isn't true.
It wasn't just because of Hwaran.
I truly did it for you.
Why did I hang in there and not get a divorce?
The reason I put up with your father
and that wench's abuse
was all for you!
You know I didn't want people
to call you a divorcee's child.
That's why I hung in there!
You should've just gotten a divorce.
Even if you did, I'd still be your and father's son.
It was torture for me too,
to watch you suffer and endure.
If you had ended it sooner,
it would've been better for both of us.
Then you wouldn't have used me as an excuse
to remove an organ
from your body.
Oh, my gosh.
Doyun actually yelled at Malsun.
Hold on. What am I doing?
Hello? What is it?
Hey. Did you know too?
I just found out.
I know Malsun did all sorts of things
to get rid of Hajin before...
But she donated her kidney?
She's so frightening.
How did you find out?
I knew it. You did know.
It's a war zone here right now with Doyun.
My goodness. I've never seen him
yell at his mom like that before.
Come to think of it,
is that what you and she were talking about
when you talked about a kidney?
Why didn't I figure it out then?
I overheard you before.
I need to go.
That rude brat.
That's right. The chairman!
Mother, are you okay?
I'm sure Doyun will stop being angry soon.
You know better than anyone what a good son he is.
If I take all the blame...
For what happened with Hajin...
Can you finally live in peace?
Why are you asking me something so strange?
You don't need to make excuses.
I don't care either way.
As long as the two of you...
And Hyerin are fine, I'm alright.
I'll let you rest.
Hyerin, go to your grandma's room
and stay with her. Don't leave her side.
Your grandma fought with dad,
so she's in a bad mood.
- Okay. / - You just need to stay with her...
And make sure she doesn't get any strange ideas.
What strange ideas?
You don't need to know.
Are you sleeping, grandma?
I'm sleeping.
How can you answer if you're sleeping?
You're not sleeping.
Did you fight with dad?
I didn't.
Mother said you did. Should I yell at dad for you?
Hyerin. Give grandma a hug.
She donated her kidney?
The reason that she was in the hospital 8 years ago...
Was because she gave Hong Miae her kidney?
She's insane.
How could she give Miae her kidney of all things?
I told you she's frightening, didn't I?
I said I'd remove Doyun from my family register,
so she must've felt cornered.
She's insane.
I don't know what I'd do too if I'm cornered.
- What? / - Taeyun.
What will you do about him?
You're here.
This is the status of the foreign market.
You should review it before the next meeting.
Okay, I will.
Mr. Nam.
- Yes? / - Is everything okay...
With the CEO?
Do you happen to know where he went?
I can't reach him, so I was looking for him.
You can't reach him? At all?
Why are you here?
You disappeared from the office and
couldn't be reached.
Were you waiting for me here?
You couldn't even call me or ask me to come to you.
So why did you wait?
That's why...
I told you to stop. To give it up.
I said not to try to find out because it'll only hurt more.
Why did you have to find out?
We're the ones...
Who end up getting hurt.
Was it all...
Because of my mother?
Was that really everything?
Yes, it was because of your mother.
Did my mother...
Threaten you?
You should have told me.
You should've said something.
Why did you suffer alone?
It was obvious this would happen.
You'd be the one getting hurt.
So please, don't try to find out anything more.
Please let's stop here.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I said to rest. Why do you keep coming here?
It's better to be here when I have a cluttered mind.
That's true. It's better to work.
Let's ask Hajin about your kidney transplant.
She looks like she's playing dumb on purpose.
Stay quiet. Let me figure it out first.
I just can't trust that woman.
I'm going to ask and confirm for myself.
Ask who? Doyun's mom?
What is there to confirm? She's the one who said it.
I told you I don't trust her.
- Then? / - I'm going to ask Doyun.
- What? / - I'm going to see...
If his mom can say the same thing...
In front of her son.
Now that what I feared the most happened...
I actually feel relieved.
But can we get past this like nothing happened?
With my mom, me and Doyun.
I wish we could.
Why do you keep going to the restaurant?
I didn't tell her to.
That's right. I went because I felt frustrated.
Are you okay, mom?
It's nothing new that I'm a weakling.
Are you okay?
Of course.
If my project goes well,
I can really succeed at work.
Then Hajin's ex-husband has been
taken care of completely, right?
Yes. There won't be a problem.
I need to use him for something.
I need to find Chief Jang Yeongsu,
so keep a tab on where he goes.
Yes, ma'am.
Chief Jang Yeongsu is getting to me.
It's strange that he's hiding so well that I can't find him.
I'm going to work, mother.
I'm going to stay in my office for the time being.
I'm sorry.
Fine. Do what you want.
Whatever makes you comfortable.
Did you want to see me?
Sit down, punk. I have nothing to throw at you.
I put everything away. Sit down.
How long will you stay in the sales department?
I thought you'd beg me for
an executive position by now.
If he begs, you'll give him one, right?
Taeyun. Go on.
What? Am I the one begging you to ask or something?
Hey, can you really do a good job?
Of course! If you give him a chance,
he'd be at least as good as Doyun.
That's not right. I can't do it.
I could never be as good as him.
And I told you I won't live like him.
Why that punk.
Ouch, that hurts!
You're seeing someone, aren't you?
What? I'm not seeing anyone.
You definitely have a girl. I can tell.
I do not!
She must've put some strange ideas into your head.
- If I ever catch her, she's dead! / - What?
What? I really don't have anyone.
How can you kill someone who isn't there?
I'll make her pay for making you like this.
Do you know what a great opportunity this is?
Why do you keep ruining it?
Are you really not coming home?
Delivering underwear isn't really my thing.
Did you come to confirm something with me?
There's no way my mother asked you to do that.
And it's not like you'd do it even if she asked.
So you must've come for another reason.
Did you decide to suspect me about everything now?
Let's not do this.
I made a mistake too, but you weren't any better.
Do you plan to suspect me
and have us hurt each other?
That only makes things harder for us.
Hyerin's mother.
We've come too far for me to trust you.
I'll be respectful in front of others for Hyerin's sake.
Don't demand anything further from me.
He's changed.
I can't tell what he's thinking.
What an utter waste of money.
This is all a waste. A total waste.
A company just needs good workers.
Stop looking around and keep up.
I'm not looking around.
But who are we meeting?
There's someone I need to see.
I may collapse,
so be ready.
You should be mentally strong
so that you don't collapse.
Why are you worrying about collapsing already?
I don't trust my own body. What choice do I have?
It's Hajin's friend. Is she here to see her?
That's the $50,000 woman.
What do you mean, $50,000?
You know that woman who paid me
to kick you out.
The one that framed you and made you pay a fine.
That's her. I'm sure of it.
Are you positive she's the one...
- Who framed us? / - Of course.
I heard she was LK's CEO's wife.
I guess so if she is walking around here like that.
That woman is Doyun's wife?
Hey! Where are you going? You'll fall!
Where did mom go with Mr. Park?
She wouldn't have gone to see Doyun, would she?
Oh, no.
No! You need an appointment first.
You know me, don't you? I'm Hajin's mom.
Of course.
You know me too, right? $50,000.
I feel like
we have a lot to talk about.
What will they talk about that she's kicking me out?
I realize you've been playing me.
Hajin's friend?
I heard you're Doyun's wife.
- Why did you lie? / - Yes.
I'm LK Group's CEO's wife.
So watch what you say.
Fine. I'll watch what I say.
But to me, you're the wench
who framed us and killed our restaurant.
How dare you talk that way to me?
I'm glad I got you.
You did something to Hajin behind my back, right?
What did you do that she turned blue in the face
and ran after me when I said I was meeting you?
I thought something was up.
How dare you hit me?
If you care so much about your child,
how could you destroy her life?
I wasn't going to say anything.
How dare you?
You know why Hajin broke up with Doyun now.
It was because of your kidney transplant!
Says who? I don't believe that yet.
I'm going to make Doyun's mom say it
in front of him first.
There's no need to go to him. I'll confirm it for you.
8 years ago, you were at a hospital
near LK's headquarters.
What room were you in again?
I remember it was on the 6th floor.
You ruined your child's life just so
you could live and what?
You still don't know why
Hajin entered into a fake marriage.
What do you mean?
She was trying to fix the problems that you caused.
Because of your hospital bills and the money
you were scammed out of,
she took money from Doyun's mother and
entered into the fake marriage.
You were a nuisance to your child in your entire life...
And ruined her life, too.
You should've just behaved and stayed dumb.
Doyun's mother...
Gets sick at the thought of your family, so stop here.
Entered into a fake marriage because of me?
Did you think the money to fix your mess
and to pay the bills fell from the sky?
That was all from Doyun's mother!
Please just stay out of our lives.
I'm sick of you people too.
Mom went to see Doyun?
Yes. I'm scared she'll cause trouble.
Forget that. What if she collapses?
The truth is...
When Doyun's mother came the other day...
I know what she told you.
I need to go. I'll look for mom.
Why are you so pale?
Can you stand? Did you fight?
I heard yelling.
The number you have dialed is unavailable...
Why isn't she answering her phone? Where is she?
You still haven't found mom?
No. She's with Mr. Park,
so try calling him.
I'm sorry. Things are kind of crazy now.
Should I take Gaon with me then?
Yeji wants to see him too.
That would be great.
Let's go, Gaon.
The number you have dialed is unavailable...
Mr. Park, are you with my mom?
Where are you?
Is my mom okay?
Hurry home. Something's wrong with your mom.
We went to your office earlier...
Granny! I told you to stay put. Where are you going?
Hajin will be here soon.
Hajin? Why? Tell her not to come.
How could I face her right now?
What is it? I need to know what's going on.
She said...
I ruined Hajin's life.
How could it all have been
because of me?
I know I'm a nuisance,
but how could I have ruined my child's life?
No, no, no...
She broke up with Doyun...
And entered into a fake marriage because of me?
That's not a mom.
- It's better to just die. / - Hey, granny.
Yes, it's better to die.
How could I live like this?
How could I face Hajin and Seyeon?
Snap out of it, granny!
Put some strength into your legs and be strong!
You're spoiled because you have
someone taking care of you.
Do you really want to die?
Even if I die right now, no one would bat an eye.
But I do everything I can, not to die! But look at you!
If you die out on the street,
you have two people who'd run to you and cry.
You should be grateful and be mentally strong.
If you think your child's life was ruined because of you,
you should feel bad and hang in there even more.
Even if you're a burden, just stay with her.
Hang in there!
Are you okay?
I heard you came to the office.
Did you see Doyun's mother again?
How much did you find out? How much did you hear?
You know...
The kidney transplant...
Was from Doyun's mother, right?
My mom is so tough.
You heard that, but you're doing fine.
I was so afraid something terrible would happen...
If you found out.
I was so afraid because of that.
I'm glad...
You're hanging in there.
Do you think...
I'm made of porcelain or something?
I've been through all sorts of hardships.
That's nothing for me to be traumatized.
It's nothing.
That's right. It's nothing.
How dare that old bag hit me?
I should've held back.
How could I waste the best threat I had on Lee Hajin?
What will I get her with now?
Sit down.
Hajin will be here soon, so stay here until then.
Are you just looking at the pictures?
Or can you read Korean?
Gaon, I know you can talk.
Hajin said she heard you count.
So why won't you speak?
Are you really Jang Gaon?
Do you want to look at this picture?
This is the man who was at the motel with you, right?
The motel owner thought he was your dad.
That's why we thought you were
Jang Yeongsu's son, Gaon.
We were mistaken, right?
Jang Yeongsu's real son, the real Gaon...
Is this boy right here.
He looks completely different from you.
Why didn't you deny it when I asked...
If you were Gaon?
Who are you?
Did you come from?
(First Love Again)
Hyerin's blood type is wrong.
- What's your blood type? / - Why?
I'll come often.
Call me right away if anything happens.
What do I do?
I just can't face you.
There are no cabs here. I'll just drop you off and go.
Hajin's baby didn't die.
He's alive.
I can't face Hajin. I just can't!
Granny! Where are you going?
I told you not to touch my family!
Why did you break our promise?
L'histoire du Berry - Duration: 11:47.
Lazy Trader Review - SCAM? - Duration: 1:47.
Lazy Trader Review hey there if i could show you how to
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three-and-a-half years ago when I wanted
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wish that existed three-and-a-half years
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25 Minute Fat Burning Tabata HIIT Workout for Fat Loss - 50 Exercises At Home Cardio Workout - Duration: 26:18.
What's up?
It's your boy, Millionaire Hoy and today we have a killer 25 minute total body HIIT Tabata
workout for fat loss.
We have 50 exercises we're going to go through and we're going to help burn lots of fat.
We're going to kick butt and definitely get our sweat and our Fist Bump on, alright?
So before we get into this workout, make sure that you hit the LIKE button on this video
and definitely consider joining the BOOM!
Fist Bump family.
We have over 800 free workouts, that you can do right from home, here on this channel.
All you have to do is hiit the SUBSCRIBE button and we're going to go ahead and get right
into this workout.
We're going to hop right into this workout, so we have 50 exercises moves.
We're going to go for 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest - so this is going to fly
by very quick and we're going to have lots of fun and burn lots of fat, okay?
Before we do that, make sure you get a quick sip of water, put a big ol' bright JUICY smile
on your face, and we're going to do this entire workout without weights.
We're going to start off with the first move, it's going to be sort of like a warm-up, so
let's go ahead and get into it.
We're going to start off with Double Jump Jabs, so let's go ahead and kick off this
Go for 2 Jumping Jacks and 2 Jabs over.
Just warming up that body and getting ready to BRING IT!
Now the thing that I love about Tabata workouts is that it's only 20 seconds of work, with
10 seconds of rest in-between.
So you can really give your all for 20 seconds, then rest for that quick 10 seconds - before
coming back in and really burning lots of fat.
Also make sure that you look up at the modifications, if you need them.
The next move we're going to do are Light jogs.
So just jogging it out - getting that blood flowing even more, okay?
So, we're just going to come into it, real nice and light on those feet - and on those
Abs are locked in and swing those arms.
Breathe out.
Embrace this, because it's going to get crazy, but we're going to do this workout and have
a great time.
Have some fun and burn some fat.
Few more seconds.
Our bodies are starting to get warmed up.
Let's go ahead for Relay Sprints.
We're going to run and tap that floor for 3 and then come up for 8 sprints, okay?
You can see the previews right now.
Let's go ahead and get it... and we're running over - tap the floor for 1, 2... hustle over
and give me 3.
5, 6, 7, 8, back over.
2, 3, and up! 3 more taps.
That time is just going by really fast...
2, 3, and that's time.
Way to go!
Let's warm-up that lower body with alternating Lunge Squats.
Just squatting back and lunging left to right.
Chest is up - we're back.
Lunge on the left.
To the right!
If you need to modify, just squat it out and step into it - perfectly fine.... and breathe.
10 seconds here.... and back.
Last one.
Forward... and breathe.
Excellent job.
Now, we're going to get into a little bit more activity here.
The body is warmed up, let's go for Free Throw Burpees.
We're going to catch a ball, shoot, down into a burpee, over, and shoot.
So, we're going over.
Compound movement.
Push-up or not.
Other side.
Breathe it out... and over.
Keep those abs good and tight as you come down.
Grab that ball, shoot like a maniac, then come back down.
Buzzer beater, right there.
Way to GET IT!
We're going for Skater Flys.
Lunge, tap your foot for 4, sprint out with your arms for 8.
Let's go.
We're going 1, 2, 3, 4, tighten those abs, and drive those knees up.
Back down!
Keep that back flat here... and up!
One more!
Lunge - working those inner thighs.
So, I'm DEFINITELY warmed-up now.
Let's get down for some push-ups.
Trinity Push-ups.
To modify push-up left and right.
So, solid plank.
We're going over towards the left, with the left hand, then forward.
Come back... and over.
Come on.
Tabata, so it's just 20 seconds.
Bring it back.
Now we're just going to push-up from left to right.
Up! and breathe.
From here, Speed Jugglers.
Let's really get that heart-rate up and work on some HIIT cardio, okay?
So, knee, knee, heel, heel.
20 seconds, let's do our best.
We're up!
Go a little bit faster, come on!
Breathe it out.
Really drive those knees up.
Keep those abs tight.
A lot of people hate jugglers, but you can do them for 20 seconds.
We've just got 6 more seconds.
Come on!
Breathe it out.
There we go.
Love Taps, alright?
Now we're in it.
We're going to hop, tapping our heels for 4, then to the floor for 4.
So let's go, 1, 2, 3, 4, down to the left.
We're going 1... keep those abs locked in here, this is a great six-pack exercise...
and up!
One more side.
Bring it low.
2, 3, 4, and up!
We're already 10 moves in.
We're going to catch our breath here.
Front to Back uppercuts.
So, we're just going left and right.
Working on that core for 4.
Bring it back...
2, 3, 4, and forward.
Active recovery - so that you can recover from that HIIT.
Giving yourself a little time to breathe.
Bring it back for 4, 3, 2, 1.
There we go.
Now we're turning back up - Tri-Climb Hops.
3 Mountain Climbers, hopping up from a lunge, then switch.
Left leg first.
Let's GO!
1, 2, 3, up!... and down.
1, 2, 3, right foot... and down.
Come on.
We're soaring through the sky, like the Rocketeer - remember that old school movie?
Come on, we're up!
Last one!
There we go.
That'll give you some wings right there.
So, let's go for a striker combo.
Jabbing, then jabbing downward.
Left and right.
Starting up.
Let's go!
Bring it down.
Knees are in and out.
Then up.
You're getting enough time to breathe, but I want you to bring it when you can.
You can do this - and we can definitely do it together.
Come on.
Breathe it out.
There are our first beads of sweat - and it's beautiful.
From here - Stork Sprints.
Hopping down, tapping your foot for 3, sprinting for 8.
I'm going to hop to the left - your right.
Let's go!
1, 2, 3, come up for that sprint - High Knees.
Come on!
Working that Tabata HIIT right now.
Definitely working on Fat Loss.
Last 3 taps - 1, 2, 3... and the moves go by so fast.
We're already on 14.
Cowabunga Squats.
We're going to start by tapping our side.
Butt goes back, chest is up, down.
To the middle.
Up and over.
Tap that side.
Cowabunga dude.
Come on.
10 seconds.
We're working the entire body - total body fat loss workout, right now.
Tri-Tuck Burpees.
So, we're going to get down, 2 tucks on the ground, up to a tuck in the sky.
It's going to be tough.
Let's start with a tuck jump up top.
We're up.
Come down.
Wide knees.
Up!... and down.
Come on.
Thrust those knees up.
Really working on that six-pack here... and down.
Last one.
Come on!
I snuck in the one after the beep.
Alright, so let's get to the floor for Gravity Climbers.
8 Mountain Climbers, then come low, then bring it up.
Working that six-pack here.
Come on.
Get low... and up!
Just 25 minutes today.
Come on!
You're doing such a great job.
I'm going to keep going here... and breathe.
Man, talk about core work.
Let's catch our breath here, with a Cardio Circuit.
8 Sprints, Jumping Jacks, Butt Kicks, to Jumping Jacks.
Jog it out in the front for 8.
Turn to the side - 4 Jumping Jacks.
8 Butt Kicks.
I love it.
Feeling great, kicking butt, and having a good time.
We're going to jog here, until you hear that beep.
Get determined.
Scramble Jacks.
4 Jumping Jacks - scramble over.
If you want a real challenge - then do 2 Jumping Jacks.
Let's go.
1, 2, 3, 4, scramble.
Good form.
Feeling like a ninja, as we come down, burning fat, people.
Come on.
This is what HIIT is all about - challenging your entire body with your own body, getting
your heart-rate up, using that cardio, and kicking some butt.
From here - Squat Jab Combo.
I'm gettin gout of breath, but I'm loving every second of it.
Got my water bottle too long.
Chest is up and we're down.
Jab to the floor and up.
4 upper-cuts.
Down and up.
Come on.
You can do it.
Last one!
Give me 4, 3, 2, 1.
Way to get a spike there.
Super fat loss move coming up.
Great at burning calories.
We're going to hop up...
4 Donkey Hops.
Let's go - 1, 2, 3, 4, bring it into a burpee.
8 High Knees.
Keep that core clenched to really work on that six-pack there.
1, 2, 3, 4, in...
There we go.
From here - Standing Abs Twists.
We're not done with that Six-Pack yet.
Come on, we're working it for every exercise.
Hands behind your ears - let's go!
Knees are up towards those elbows... for 4, then hop for 4.
Back over.
Working that core with no crunches.
Give me 2.
Last one.
We're going to squat over for 4, tapping the floor, then sprinting for 8.
Come on.
We're knocking these out one at a time.
Let's go!
1, 2, 3, 4 squats, sprint... getting that cardio up for 8.
Then back over...
2, quick fat burning workout here.
Up!... and breathe.
Kicking butt.
So, let's turn all the way up, in this next Tabata exercise.
Clap Tuck Burpees.
2 Tuck Jumps, 2 Claps, into a burpee.
We're up! 2 Tucks!
2 Clapping Push-ups.
2 Tucks.
Come on!
You Got it.
Down!... and up!
Last one.
These 10 seconds are just enough time for you to catch your breath, but still keep you
challenged, okay?
Let's go into the next exercise move where we're going to catch our breath.
We're going to jab over for 4, sprint for 8.
Get that guard up and we're going 1, 2, 3, 4...
I got that 2nd wind.
Come on!
Back over...
2, 3, 4.
Abs are feeling great.
Last one!
Jog it out.
We're on move 25.
We're officially half-way through with this workout.
It's going by so fast.
I'm going to start spinning from my right, you go from your left.
We're down, forward, back, turn to the front... forward, butt is back, good squat.
One more to the right.
From there - Plyo Heismans.
More HIIT cardio, people.
We're going to CRUSH this Tabata workout.
Come on!
We're officially half-way through with this Tabata workout.
Chest is up, tap the ground, hop over for 4, sprint for 8.
I'm feeling this workout.
I was sick earlier this week, so this is the 2nd day I'm back on my feet and I'm able to
workout, so this is perfect for getting right back in shape.
From here - ISO Abs Push-ups, with the left leg only.
So, Do the mods if you need them.
Solid plank, left foot is off the ground.
Push-up, knee is in and out.
Really crush that core here and keep that foot off of the ground.
You're really going to challenge your chest, shoulders, and abs.
Control that foot forward and back.
A few more.
Last one.
I also felt that in my quads.
Now we're going 180 burpees.
You can add a push-up here, if you're crazy.
So we're up, down into a burpee.... over 180, and down.
Come on.
Bringing it!
Sweat is pouring and we're doing our best.
Last one!
How are you feeling right now.
Check yourself, okay?
We're going for ISO Abs Push-ups with the right leg.
It's going to be a challenge, but we got this.
Right leg is off the floor.
Push, knee is in and out.
Come on!
Really challenging for your core, your upper body, and fighting for balance.
Come on.
A few more.
Last one!
Struggling and fighting there, alright?
So let's go into Fly Sprints.
We're going to start from my right, your left.
Arms are out, sprint for 8... to the front.
Keep those arms straight out.
Talk about core work.
Less than 10 seconds.
You can do it.
Just 20 seconds.
This is Tabata.
What a challenge.
Let's go.
180 Lunges are up next.
Modify if you need to.
Lower-body craziness.
Starting from the right.
Switch Lung and turn.
So we're turning over like a clock.
Back over.
You got this.
Almost there.
Shake out those legs.
Now 1-legged Ballerina Burpees.
Fighting for air.
Left leg first.
Bring it in.
Hop it over.
Bring it in and switch feet.
Hop it over.
Come on!
Switch feet, hop, and breathe.
This is the time where we challenge ourselves.
Let's work this fat loss workout with Majesty Squats.
So, Curtsy Lunge towards the left, squat, squat towards the left, front, curtsy right,
back, to the right, to the front.
Come on!
Give me one more curtsy on your right.
Legs are on fire.
Fight for breath.
2 Push-up taps to a clap.
Push-up - left hand towards the right.
Right hand towards the left.
Clap it up.
Now we're going to go back to the right.
Switch it up!
Push from that chest, like you mean it.
Keep those abs locked in.
Come off of that ground.
Let's catch our breath here.
Criss-Cross Knees.
This is move 35 out of 50.
Just 25 minutes of work and we're sweating to get it in.
So we're going 1, 2, 3, 4 - 4 Knees.
Catch your breath here... and down.
I'm looking up for you right now.
Come on!
Back into it.
More than 2/3rds done with this workout.
So let's boost that heart-rate with hook-knee sprints.
2 hops, hook knees, shuffle over, sprint.
Let's go!
Hopping up.
Shuffle over.
Hook knees.
Come on!
Plyometrics work, using those abs.
Jog it out.
2 more hook knees.
Let's go.
Up!... and breathe.
That took everything in me.
So, we're going for Relay Climbers.
Come to the floor, 8 Mountain Climbers.
Let's go!
Run forward, tap the ground.
I know that this is a challenge, but we came here to challenge our whole body with this
This is how you burn fat.
This is how you BRING IT!
Last one.
Dog tired.
So, back to your six-pack.
Alternating side knees.
Right knee is over, left knee is in for 4.
Drive that knee in... and over.
Come on.
Burning fat.
I love Tabata, because it adds up.
It starts off easy, but you really get into that fat burning zone.
Tri-Step Burpees.
3 Step Heisman, to 1 leg burpee.
Going to the right.
3, down, in and over!
Come on!
Down and up!
Every move we do, we're getting stronger every single day.
The work is not in vain.
Back Fist Sprints.
This is move 40.
Just 10 more moves after this.
Elbow Back Fist.
Come on!
Jog or sprint.
Elbow... elbow and up.
Let's bring it.
Sprint it out... and breathe.
From there - Plyo Inchworms.
Tuck Jump, walk into an inchworm, clapping push-up, back into a tuck jump.
Do what you gotta do for that 10 seconds.
We're tucking, right hand first... clap, back, up, tuck, left hand... down.
Come on.
Walk it back.
Final tuck.
2 seconds on the clock.
Tri-Jab Tucks.
3 Jabs to a Tuck Jump or 3 Jabs to a Knee.
Let's go!
1, 2, 3, tuck.
Come on, baby.
Land softly on those feet.
If you gotta modify, I totally understand.
This is crazy.
Come on.
Last one... and breathe it out.
Lungs are on fire.
Cardio is through the roof.
This is how we work it, people.
The next exercise - Pike-Tap Push-ups.
Come on.
20 seconds of Tabata, people.
Here to burn fat.
Push-up, opposite hand to opposite foot.
Reach back through those abs, as you exhale back.
Come on.
Work it.
We're so close to the end.
There we go.
From here - Agility Sprints.
4 Agility Ladders on the floor, sprinting for 8.
Are you ready?
Chest is up.
Let's go!
2, 3, 4, I'm fighting here.
Fighting to get to that Fist Bump, so we're not going to give up... even if we need to
modify or sit a few rounds out.
Keep on pushing.
Man, this will clear up your sinuses.
So, 5 more moves after this.
8 Jugglers forward, then 8 back.
Really dig through.
Let's go!
5, 6, 7, 8, I'm up in your area.
Let's go back... and forward.
Bring it back.
Fighting here.
5 more moves - about 2 and a half more minutes of hard work.
That's how we work out.
From there Toe Tap Kicks.
Right hand, left foot only.
Chest is up, touch that toe, and kick.
Come on.
You're doing great.
Kick like you mean it.
Still using those abs.
If you're struggling, modify people.
You can make it through.
There we go.
Other foot..
So this time, left hand taps right foot.
Kick it with the right.
Let's go.
You heard that beep.
We're down.
BOOM, baby.
Fighting through.
Pushing for this fat loss workout.
Working this tabata from home.
No need for a gym.
No need for equipment.
No weights at all.
Just our own body, sweat, and will power.
Breathe it out.
Giving you an extra second there.
Now let's go down.
1-2-3 Abs Burpees.
3 levels of thrusts on the floor, up to a Burpee.
Let's go.
We're going low, medium, high, hop up, back down.
Low, medium thrust, high.
The whole time, I want you to keep those abs rock solid.
Hop up, 1 Burpee, back up, breathe.
From here, Brisk Sprints.
So this is the 2nd to last move.
If you're still standing, you're fighting hard.
Let's breathe it out and just Brisk March.
Collect your mind, catch your breath here.
We're going into the final move.
Then after that, we're going to get our Fist Bump.
Make sure that after you get that Fist Bump, that you stretch your body, by following the
stretch in the cards after doing this workout.
10 seconds.
Duck Lunge combo.
So, we're going to do 4 Tuck Jumps, 4 Donkey Lunge Hops over, then we're going to come
down to 4 claps.
Let's go.
We're up! 1!
Final move...
3, 4, down.. and we're going 1, 2, mini burnout, 3, 4, down.
Clap it out.
1, 2, 3, 4, down.
Let's go!
1, 2, 3, 4, Tuck Jumps.
Let's go.
Come up.
Give me that Fist Bump, because you worked it... and...
Way to ROCK this Fist Bump, homies.
You just CRUSHED this workout.
Definitely go ahead and hit the LIKE button on this video to let us know to do more videos
like this - and leave a comment down below, so that we can know how you CRUSHED this workout.
If you want to support us, you can do that by joining us on Patreon, people - or you
can leave a one-time donation down below - in the description, so we can make even more
I'm going to go ahead and catch up with you all.
Until next time, it's your boy Millionaire Hoy.
Take care and peace out.
The Youngest Serial Killers Ever! - Duration: 13:30.
Did The Judges Lie New Report Finds 72 Terrorists Came From Countries Covered By Trump Ban - Duration: 5:11.
Did The Judges Lie New Report Finds 72 Terrorists Came From Countries Covered By Trump Ban.
by Tyler Durden.
The federal judge who halted President Donald Trump's travel ban was wrong in stating that
no one from the seven countries targeted in Trump's order has been arrested for extremism
in the United States since the 2001 terrorist attacks.
In fact, as a new report finds, 72 individuals from the seven 'mostly Muslim countries' covered
by President Trump's "extreme vetting" executive order have been convicted of terrorism since
As AP first reported, during a hearing in Seattle last week, Judge Robartasked a Justice
Department lawyer how many arrests of foreign nationals from the countries have occurred
since 9/11.
When the lawyer said she didn't know, Robart answered his own question:
"Let me tell, you, the answer to that is none, as best I can tell.
You're here arguing on behalf of someone that says we have to protect the United States
from these individuals coming from these countries and there's no support for that."
And now, having denied President Trump's appeal, claiming his policy "would cause irreparable
injury," would cause irreparable injury, it seems the entire premise of the seven "mostly
muslim" nations' mostly-peaceful, non-terrorist ways are in doubt as The Center for Immigration
Studies shows that...
A review of information compiled by a Senate committee in 2016 reveals that 72 individuals
from the seven countries covered in President Trump's vetting executive order have been
convicted in terror cases since the 9/11 attacks.
In June 2016 the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, then chaired by
new Attorney General Jeff Sessions, released a report on individuals convicted in terror
cases since 9/11.
Using open sources (because the Obama administration refused to provide government records), the
report found that 380 out of 580 people convicted in terror cases since 9/11 were foreign-born.
The report is no longer available on the Senate website, but a summary published by Fox News
is available here.
The Center has obtained a copy of the information compiled by the subcommittee.
The information compiled includes names of offenders, dates of conviction, terror group
affiliation, federal criminal charges, sentence imposed, state of residence, and immigration
The Center has extracted information on 72 individuals named in the Senate report whose
country of origin is one of the seven terror-associated countries included in the vetting executive
order: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.
The Senate researchers were not able to obtain complete information on each convicted terrorist,
so it is possible that more of the convicted terrorists are from these countries.
The United States has admitted terrorists from all of the seven dangerous countries:
Somalia: 20 Yemen: 19
Iraq: 19 Syria: 7
Iran: 4 Libya: 2
Sudan: 1 Total: 72
According to the report, at least 17 individuals entered as refugees from these terror-prone
Three came in on student visas and one arrived on a diplomatic visa.
At least 25 of these immigrants eventually became citizens.
Ten were lawful permanent residents, and four were illegal aliens.
These facts stand in stark contrast to the assertions by the Ninth Circuit judges who
have blocked the president's order on the basis that there is no evidence showing a
risk to the United States in allowing aliens from these seven terror-associated countries
to come in.
Finally, we reminder readers that while Charles Kurzman, a sociology professor at the University
of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, says his research shows no Americans have been killed in the
U.S. at the hands of people from the seven countries - Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria,
Sudan and Yemen - since Sept. 11, it's not quite right to say no one from those nations
has been arrested or accused in an extremist-related plot while living in the U.S.
23 percent of Muslim Americans involved with extremist plots since Sept. 11 had family
backgrounds from the seven countries.
So Judge claims ZERO but in fact the number is 72...
Those darn 'alternative facts' are such trouble... or is it racist, sexist, mysoginist, and bogoted
when the liberal judiciary is fact-checked?
Internet Famous with Poppy - DJ Andrew Luce - Duration: 1:35.
- I'm Poppy.
(loud poof)
Oh, hello.
What's your name?
- Um, Andrew Luce.
- You look like you make electronic music.
- Well, yeah, I happen to be a DJ.
(upbeat synthesizer music) Whoa!
- Do they play your music on the radio?
- Well, not yet.
- If you get on the radio, you'll be a lot more famous.
- Okay, well, how do I do that?
- All you have to do is keep doing
what people like over and over again.
- Oh, that seems easy.
I know how to copy and paste.
- Electronic DJs copy and paste
better than anyone else on the planet.
The only part of the song
that people care about is the drop,
so make a drop over and over again.
- Why didn't I think of that?
- Because I'm Poppy.
(upbeat electronic music) - Hey, this is really easy.
Wow, I can't wait until I'm more famous like you, Poppy.
- Being famous is really fun, but everyone still dies.
- Wait, what?
- Forever.
You never get to come back, even though everybody tells you
that you get to live forever in Heaven.
- Can I leave now?
- Fame is important because it validates our existence.
- Please, can I go home?
I really don't wanna do this anymore.
- Everybody wants to be remembered,
so some people dress up as a cartoon character
in pursuit of likes and followers.
Top 5 Green Cars to buy in 2017 - Duration: 3:09.
Green cars were once all about saving fuel – often via oddly shaped, spaceship-like
Not anymore.
When it comes to motoring recommends green cars category, it is clear that the green
car has come of age.
We start with the Tesla Model S, a car that's done more for the image of green tech than
any other.
Offering supercar-rivalling performance and inherent practicality, the Model S starts
at about $120,000 plus on-road costs, and features a range of up to about 500km.
Drawing amps from a lithium-ion battery mounted low, beneath the floor, the Model S produces
anywhere from 235kW to 515kW in the case of ultimate twin-motor P100D.
Then there's the BMW i3.
A vehicle for those who don't want their enviro-consciousness to go unnoticed, the
sub-4 metre i3 is eminently practical, offering clever storage solutions and seating for four.
The i3 is available in both pure electric and range extender forms, the latter using
a two-cylinder motorcycle engine to extend the car's range, sipping on a claimed 0.6L/100kms.
If non-descript is more your go, then there's the Audi A3 E-Tron.
Heavily based on the regular 1.4 TFSI A3, the E-tron adds a 330Nm electric motor, bringing
a fuel claim of just 1.6L/100km.
The fundamentals of Audi A3 handling carry into the electrified version.
Having a combined 150kW and 350Nm boosts fun factor too, as well as making the A3 e-tron
an effortlessly easy city car.
The BMW 330e is cut from the same cloth.
The petrol-electric 3 Series is ultra-economical, while still offering classy driver appeal.
In battery-only mode, the 330e offers a claimed 40km range, thanks to a lithium ion pack beneath
the boot floor.
When its battery is depleted, the 330e draws on a perky 135kW 2.0-litre turbo-four mated
to slick eight-speed automatic.
The fuel claim sits at just 2.1L/100km combined.
The Mercedes-Benz C350e delivers similar class, handling and features.
It combines a 2.0-litre turbo petrol engine with a lithium-ion battery-powered electric
The resulting 205kW and 600Nm endows the Benz with a perky sub six-second sprint to triple
figure, while allowing it to sip on a miserly 2.6L/100km.
Independent counsel questions Samsung chief again over bribery allegations - Duration: 2:09.
The independent counsel team investigating the massive corruption scandal gripping Korea
summoned Samsung Electronics Vice Chair Lee Jae-yong for a second time.
Our Hwang Hojun has the updates from the independent counsel office.
Swarms of reporters and protesters packed the entrance to the building where the team's
office is located,... all trying to get a glimpse... or at least shout things... at
the so-called prince of Samsung... who was protected by an ample police presence.
Lee Jae-yong arrived on Monday morning, but answered no questions,... offering only a
single comment before taking the elevator.
"I will again faithfully tell the truth during the special prosecutors' interrogation today."
In all, three high-level Samsung executives are being questioned as suspects this evening,
including Vice Chairman Lee... as well as Park Sang-jin and Hwang Sung-soo.
In the team's afternoon briefing, the independent counsel spokesperson, Lee Kyu-chul, was unusually
cautious on giving details about the vice chairman's interrogation.
However, he did confirm that the team will review whether to seek arrest warrants once
all the questioning is done.
"We will examine everything regarding the suspects, as if we're back at square one,
and then decide whether to arrest them or not."
Samsung is alleged to have given huge donations to entities controlled by President Park's
now-jailed confidant Choi Soon-sil, in return for favors, such as political support for
the controversial merger of two Samsung units, Samsung C&T and Cheil Worldwide,... a move
seen to have cemented Lee Jae-yong's succession as head of the group.
Lee was first questioned a month ago... when the team grilled him for 22 hours straight.
The prosecutors then requested a warrant for his arrest on charges of bribery, embezzlement,
and perjury, but that was rejected.
And according to observers, that's exactly why the independent counsel team is being
extra cautious, because if a second warrant request is turned down, the probe would be
dealt a serious blow... with only about two weeks to go until the team's initial mandate
expires at the end of this month.
Hwang Hojun, Arirang News.
S. Korea says North's new Pukguksong-2 is upgraded SLBM - Duration: 1:30.
The South Korean military has offered its assessment of North Korea's latest missile.
Kim Hyun-bin brings us the defense officials' take on the level of threat the regime's possible
upgrades poses to the region.
South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said on Monday that the mid-range missile North Korea
fired on Sunday, the Pukguksong-2, appears to be an upgraded version of its submarine-launched
ballistic missile.
"This is an upgraded version of the SLBM on land.
North Korea has also developed a launch pad that is capable of conducting a cold launch,
which is used to launch missiles from submarines."
South Korea's defense ministry also affirmed North Korea's claim that a solid fuel engine
was used to launch the missile.
Experts say that compared to liquid fuel, solid fuel engines take less time to fill
and the fuel can be stored for a long period of time in the missile.
They also say that when this type of missile is attached to a mobile launch pad, North
Korea could launch it at any time and from any place, making it harder for Seoul and
Washington to detect the missile before launch.
"There is a reason North Korea prefers solid fuel.
Liquid fuel is difficult to inject and takes a long time.
Solid fuel engines are more combat proficient and it would be hard for Seoul to use the
Kill Chain system to launch a pre-emptive strike ."
North Korea's Pukguksong-2 mid-range missile, launched Sunday, flew 500 kilometers before
landing in the East Sea.
Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News.
U.S. experts offer analysis of N. Korea missile launch - Duration: 2:03.
South Korea, the United States and Japan have requested an emergency UN Security Council
meeting to discuss North Korea's ballistic missile launch.
Meanwhile, it's hard to know the intent behind North Korea's missile launch, so our Connie
Kim turned to two North Korea watchers for their analysis.
Two U.S. experts have weighed in on North Korea's latest missile launch, which happened
just three weeks after President Donald Trump came into office.
Ken Gause, a senior North Korea analyst at U.S. think tank CNA Corporation, characterized
the Sunday launch as a purposely restrained message,... and said North Korea was testing
Washington to see the nature of the U.S. response and whether it would represent a shift in
strategy from the Obama administration.
However, Robert Manning, a senior analyst at the Atlantic Council, another U.S. think
tank, said it would be a mistake to see Pyongyang's missile and nuclear tests as mere provocations.
He characterized the launch, and the North's efforts to develop missiles and nuclear weapons
over the past 35 years, as a North Korean version of Eisenhower's "massive retaliation"
nuclear strategy of the 1950s to compensate for shortcomings in conventional military
Washington hasn't yet taken any individual action since Sunday's launch, but South Korea,
the United States and Japan have requested an emergency UN Security Council meeting to
discuss North Korea's ballistic missile launch.
In addition, U.S. lawmaker Cory Gardner, the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee
on East Asia and Pacific Affairs,... has called for a secondary boycott of Chinese companies
that do business with North Korea.
Existing UN Security Council resolutions on North Korea ban any kind of launches using
ballistic missile technology.
On top of that, China's foreign ministry has expressed its objections to the launch.
"Regardless of the motive, the launch is being considered as a grave provocation and North
Korea is expected to draw international condemnation at a closed-door meeting of the UN Security
Council slated for Monday in New York.
Connie Kim, Arirang News."
Trump's Handshake - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) - Duration: 1:53.
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Khởi My xót xa nhìn Kelvin Khánh té dập môi trong Alo Alo - Duration: 32:18.
How to download any video fast and unlimited - Duration: 2:23.
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Disney's Moana
Little helpers for the pope. Cartoons about the children. children's cartoons - Duration: 11:34.
Top 5 Secrets to the Sexiest Valentine's Day Night Ever - Duration: 2:30.
Top 5 Secrets to the Sexiest Valentine's Day Night Ever
Top 5 Secrets to the Sexiest Valentine's Day Night Ever
Top 5 Secrets to the Sexiest Valentine's Day Night Ever
Top 5 Secrets to the Sexiest Valentine's Day Night Ever
Top 5 Secrets to the Sexiest Valentine's Day Night Ever
Top 5 Secrets to the Sexiest Valentine's Day Night Ever
Top 5 Secrets to the Sexiest Valentine's Day Night EverTop 5 Secrets to the Sexiest Valentine's Day Night
Top 5 Secrets to the Sexiest Valentine's
Day Night Ever
Top 5 Secrets to the Sexiest Valentine's Day Night Ever
Top 5 Secrets to the Sexiest Valentine's Day Night Ever
PSL-2017 | Peshawar Zalmi vs Lahore Qalandars - 6th Match Full Highlights hd - Duration: 12:26.
PSL 6th match Peshawar Zalmi vs Lahore Qalandars full highlights hd
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lahore qalandars vs Peshawar Zalmi 6th match full highlights
pakistan super league 2017 full match highlights
Cars 3
For more infomation >> Cars 3-------------------------------------------
U.S. experts offer analysis of N. Korea missile launch - Duration: 2:03.
South Korea, the United States and Japan have requested an emergency UN Security Council
meeting to discuss North Korea's ballistic missile launch.
Meanwhile, it's hard to know the intent behind North Korea's missile launch, so our Connie
Kim turned to two North Korea watchers for their analysis.
Two U.S. experts have weighed in on North Korea's latest missile launch, which happened
just three weeks after President Donald Trump came into office.
Ken Gause, a senior North Korea analyst at U.S. think tank CNA Corporation, characterized
the Sunday launch as a purposely restrained message,... and said North Korea was testing
Washington to see the nature of the U.S. response and whether it would represent a shift in
strategy from the Obama administration.
However, Robert Manning, a senior analyst at the Atlantic Council, another U.S. think
tank, said it would be a mistake to see Pyongyang's missile and nuclear tests as mere provocations.
He characterized the launch, and the North's efforts to develop missiles and nuclear weapons
over the past 35 years, as a North Korean version of Eisenhower's "massive retaliation"
nuclear strategy of the 1950s to compensate for shortcomings in conventional military
Washington hasn't yet taken any individual action since Sunday's launch, but South Korea,
the United States and Japan have requested an emergency UN Security Council meeting to
discuss North Korea's ballistic missile launch.
In addition, U.S. lawmaker Cory Gardner, the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee
on East Asia and Pacific Affairs,... has called for a secondary boycott of Chinese companies
that do business with North Korea.
Existing UN Security Council resolutions on North Korea ban any kind of launches using
ballistic missile technology.
On top of that, China's foreign ministry has expressed its objections to the launch.
"Regardless of the motive, the launch is being considered as a grave provocation and North
Korea is expected to draw international condemnation at a closed-door meeting of the UN Security
Council slated for Monday in New York.
Connie Kim, Arirang News."
For more infomation >> U.S. experts offer analysis of N. Korea missile launch - Duration: 2:03.-------------------------------------------
N. Korea says test of new ballistic missile was successful - Duration: 2:14.
Our top story this evening...
North Korea has announced that its latest missile launch was the first successful test
of a new medium-to-long-range ballistic missile.
Its state-run media also says leader Kim Jong-un oversaw the test of the missile, which is
capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.
Kwon Jang-ho has the details.
The birth of a powerful new form of nuclear attack -- that's what North Korea's leader
Kim Jong-un called the successful test of its new ballistic missile.
The regime's state-run Korean Central News Agency announced the missile, fired on Sunday,
was a new type of intermediate-range ballistic missile... called the Pukguksong-2.
It said the missile was capable of carrying a nuclear warhead and uses a new type of high-thrust
The regime also released footage showing that the missile was fired from a mobile launcher
and performed a "cold launch," in which the missile is ejected before its engine turns
on and the missile takes flight.
After it was fired, the missile flew for 500 kilometers before falling into the East Sea.
North Korean reports also say Kim Jong-un ordered and personally oversaw the missile's
He is also said to have met with the scientists and soldiers afterward... to congratulate
them on a missile that was "100-percent" made with the North Korean people's wisdom, strength
and skill.
The South Korean government condemned the latest launch, underlining the significance
of yet another provocation.
"North Korea has sent a message that they have no intention of folding their nuclear
ambitions and will continue their provocations.
It once again stresses the seriousness of the military and security threat we are under."
Sunday's launch was the first of 2017 and it coincides with U.S. President Donald Trump's
meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the U.S. over the weekend.
Analysts are broadly interpreting the launch as a show of force to the two nations.
"It's been four months since the North's last missile launch, but this is another reminder
that the regime is continuing its nuclear weapons development,... despite the continued
pressure from the international community.
Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News."
For more infomation >> N. Korea says test of new ballistic missile was successful - Duration: 2:14.-------------------------------------------
L'histoire du Berry - Duration: 11:47.
For more infomation >> L'histoire du Berry - Duration: 11:47.-------------------------------------------
25 Minute Fat Burning Tabata HIIT Workout for Fat Loss - 50 Exercises At Home Cardio Workout - Duration: 26:18.
What's up?
It's your boy, Millionaire Hoy and today we have a killer 25 minute total body HIIT Tabata
workout for fat loss.
We have 50 exercises we're going to go through and we're going to help burn lots of fat.
We're going to kick butt and definitely get our sweat and our Fist Bump on, alright?
So before we get into this workout, make sure that you hit the LIKE button on this video
and definitely consider joining the BOOM!
Fist Bump family.
We have over 800 free workouts, that you can do right from home, here on this channel.
All you have to do is hiit the SUBSCRIBE button and we're going to go ahead and get right
into this workout.
We're going to hop right into this workout, so we have 50 exercises moves.
We're going to go for 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest - so this is going to fly
by very quick and we're going to have lots of fun and burn lots of fat, okay?
Before we do that, make sure you get a quick sip of water, put a big ol' bright JUICY smile
on your face, and we're going to do this entire workout without weights.
We're going to start off with the first move, it's going to be sort of like a warm-up, so
let's go ahead and get into it.
We're going to start off with Double Jump Jabs, so let's go ahead and kick off this
Go for 2 Jumping Jacks and 2 Jabs over.
Just warming up that body and getting ready to BRING IT!
Now the thing that I love about Tabata workouts is that it's only 20 seconds of work, with
10 seconds of rest in-between.
So you can really give your all for 20 seconds, then rest for that quick 10 seconds - before
coming back in and really burning lots of fat.
Also make sure that you look up at the modifications, if you need them.
The next move we're going to do are Light jogs.
So just jogging it out - getting that blood flowing even more, okay?
So, we're just going to come into it, real nice and light on those feet - and on those
Abs are locked in and swing those arms.
Breathe out.
Embrace this, because it's going to get crazy, but we're going to do this workout and have
a great time.
Have some fun and burn some fat.
Few more seconds.
Our bodies are starting to get warmed up.
Let's go ahead for Relay Sprints.
We're going to run and tap that floor for 3 and then come up for 8 sprints, okay?
You can see the previews right now.
Let's go ahead and get it... and we're running over - tap the floor for 1, 2... hustle over
and give me 3.
5, 6, 7, 8, back over.
2, 3, and up! 3 more taps.
That time is just going by really fast...
2, 3, and that's time.
Way to go!
Let's warm-up that lower body with alternating Lunge Squats.
Just squatting back and lunging left to right.
Chest is up - we're back.
Lunge on the left.
To the right!
If you need to modify, just squat it out and step into it - perfectly fine.... and breathe.
10 seconds here.... and back.
Last one.
Forward... and breathe.
Excellent job.
Now, we're going to get into a little bit more activity here.
The body is warmed up, let's go for Free Throw Burpees.
We're going to catch a ball, shoot, down into a burpee, over, and shoot.
So, we're going over.
Compound movement.
Push-up or not.
Other side.
Breathe it out... and over.
Keep those abs good and tight as you come down.
Grab that ball, shoot like a maniac, then come back down.
Buzzer beater, right there.
Way to GET IT!
We're going for Skater Flys.
Lunge, tap your foot for 4, sprint out with your arms for 8.
Let's go.
We're going 1, 2, 3, 4, tighten those abs, and drive those knees up.
Back down!
Keep that back flat here... and up!
One more!
Lunge - working those inner thighs.
So, I'm DEFINITELY warmed-up now.
Let's get down for some push-ups.
Trinity Push-ups.
To modify push-up left and right.
So, solid plank.
We're going over towards the left, with the left hand, then forward.
Come back... and over.
Come on.
Tabata, so it's just 20 seconds.
Bring it back.
Now we're just going to push-up from left to right.
Up! and breathe.
From here, Speed Jugglers.
Let's really get that heart-rate up and work on some HIIT cardio, okay?
So, knee, knee, heel, heel.
20 seconds, let's do our best.
We're up!
Go a little bit faster, come on!
Breathe it out.
Really drive those knees up.
Keep those abs tight.
A lot of people hate jugglers, but you can do them for 20 seconds.
We've just got 6 more seconds.
Come on!
Breathe it out.
There we go.
Love Taps, alright?
Now we're in it.
We're going to hop, tapping our heels for 4, then to the floor for 4.
So let's go, 1, 2, 3, 4, down to the left.
We're going 1... keep those abs locked in here, this is a great six-pack exercise...
and up!
One more side.
Bring it low.
2, 3, 4, and up!
We're already 10 moves in.
We're going to catch our breath here.
Front to Back uppercuts.
So, we're just going left and right.
Working on that core for 4.
Bring it back...
2, 3, 4, and forward.
Active recovery - so that you can recover from that HIIT.
Giving yourself a little time to breathe.
Bring it back for 4, 3, 2, 1.
There we go.
Now we're turning back up - Tri-Climb Hops.
3 Mountain Climbers, hopping up from a lunge, then switch.
Left leg first.
Let's GO!
1, 2, 3, up!... and down.
1, 2, 3, right foot... and down.
Come on.
We're soaring through the sky, like the Rocketeer - remember that old school movie?
Come on, we're up!
Last one!
There we go.
That'll give you some wings right there.
So, let's go for a striker combo.
Jabbing, then jabbing downward.
Left and right.
Starting up.
Let's go!
Bring it down.
Knees are in and out.
Then up.
You're getting enough time to breathe, but I want you to bring it when you can.
You can do this - and we can definitely do it together.
Come on.
Breathe it out.
There are our first beads of sweat - and it's beautiful.
From here - Stork Sprints.
Hopping down, tapping your foot for 3, sprinting for 8.
I'm going to hop to the left - your right.
Let's go!
1, 2, 3, come up for that sprint - High Knees.
Come on!
Working that Tabata HIIT right now.
Definitely working on Fat Loss.
Last 3 taps - 1, 2, 3... and the moves go by so fast.
We're already on 14.
Cowabunga Squats.
We're going to start by tapping our side.
Butt goes back, chest is up, down.
To the middle.
Up and over.
Tap that side.
Cowabunga dude.
Come on.
10 seconds.
We're working the entire body - total body fat loss workout, right now.
Tri-Tuck Burpees.
So, we're going to get down, 2 tucks on the ground, up to a tuck in the sky.
It's going to be tough.
Let's start with a tuck jump up top.
We're up.
Come down.
Wide knees.
Up!... and down.
Come on.
Thrust those knees up.
Really working on that six-pack here... and down.
Last one.
Come on!
I snuck in the one after the beep.
Alright, so let's get to the floor for Gravity Climbers.
8 Mountain Climbers, then come low, then bring it up.
Working that six-pack here.
Come on.
Get low... and up!
Just 25 minutes today.
Come on!
You're doing such a great job.
I'm going to keep going here... and breathe.
Man, talk about core work.
Let's catch our breath here, with a Cardio Circuit.
8 Sprints, Jumping Jacks, Butt Kicks, to Jumping Jacks.
Jog it out in the front for 8.
Turn to the side - 4 Jumping Jacks.
8 Butt Kicks.
I love it.
Feeling great, kicking butt, and having a good time.
We're going to jog here, until you hear that beep.
Get determined.
Scramble Jacks.
4 Jumping Jacks - scramble over.
If you want a real challenge - then do 2 Jumping Jacks.
Let's go.
1, 2, 3, 4, scramble.
Good form.
Feeling like a ninja, as we come down, burning fat, people.
Come on.
This is what HIIT is all about - challenging your entire body with your own body, getting
your heart-rate up, using that cardio, and kicking some butt.
From here - Squat Jab Combo.
I'm gettin gout of breath, but I'm loving every second of it.
Got my water bottle too long.
Chest is up and we're down.
Jab to the floor and up.
4 upper-cuts.
Down and up.
Come on.
You can do it.
Last one!
Give me 4, 3, 2, 1.
Way to get a spike there.
Super fat loss move coming up.
Great at burning calories.
We're going to hop up...
4 Donkey Hops.
Let's go - 1, 2, 3, 4, bring it into a burpee.
8 High Knees.
Keep that core clenched to really work on that six-pack there.
1, 2, 3, 4, in...
There we go.
From here - Standing Abs Twists.
We're not done with that Six-Pack yet.
Come on, we're working it for every exercise.
Hands behind your ears - let's go!
Knees are up towards those elbows... for 4, then hop for 4.
Back over.
Working that core with no crunches.
Give me 2.
Last one.
We're going to squat over for 4, tapping the floor, then sprinting for 8.
Come on.
We're knocking these out one at a time.
Let's go!
1, 2, 3, 4 squats, sprint... getting that cardio up for 8.
Then back over...
2, quick fat burning workout here.
Up!... and breathe.
Kicking butt.
So, let's turn all the way up, in this next Tabata exercise.
Clap Tuck Burpees.
2 Tuck Jumps, 2 Claps, into a burpee.
We're up! 2 Tucks!
2 Clapping Push-ups.
2 Tucks.
Come on!
You Got it.
Down!... and up!
Last one.
These 10 seconds are just enough time for you to catch your breath, but still keep you
challenged, okay?
Let's go into the next exercise move where we're going to catch our breath.
We're going to jab over for 4, sprint for 8.
Get that guard up and we're going 1, 2, 3, 4...
I got that 2nd wind.
Come on!
Back over...
2, 3, 4.
Abs are feeling great.
Last one!
Jog it out.
We're on move 25.
We're officially half-way through with this workout.
It's going by so fast.
I'm going to start spinning from my right, you go from your left.
We're down, forward, back, turn to the front... forward, butt is back, good squat.
One more to the right.
From there - Plyo Heismans.
More HIIT cardio, people.
We're going to CRUSH this Tabata workout.
Come on!
We're officially half-way through with this Tabata workout.
Chest is up, tap the ground, hop over for 4, sprint for 8.
I'm feeling this workout.
I was sick earlier this week, so this is the 2nd day I'm back on my feet and I'm able to
workout, so this is perfect for getting right back in shape.
From here - ISO Abs Push-ups, with the left leg only.
So, Do the mods if you need them.
Solid plank, left foot is off the ground.
Push-up, knee is in and out.
Really crush that core here and keep that foot off of the ground.
You're really going to challenge your chest, shoulders, and abs.
Control that foot forward and back.
A few more.
Last one.
I also felt that in my quads.
Now we're going 180 burpees.
You can add a push-up here, if you're crazy.
So we're up, down into a burpee.... over 180, and down.
Come on.
Bringing it!
Sweat is pouring and we're doing our best.
Last one!
How are you feeling right now.
Check yourself, okay?
We're going for ISO Abs Push-ups with the right leg.
It's going to be a challenge, but we got this.
Right leg is off the floor.
Push, knee is in and out.
Come on!
Really challenging for your core, your upper body, and fighting for balance.
Come on.
A few more.
Last one!
Struggling and fighting there, alright?
So let's go into Fly Sprints.
We're going to start from my right, your left.
Arms are out, sprint for 8... to the front.
Keep those arms straight out.
Talk about core work.
Less than 10 seconds.
You can do it.
Just 20 seconds.
This is Tabata.
What a challenge.
Let's go.
180 Lunges are up next.
Modify if you need to.
Lower-body craziness.
Starting from the right.
Switch Lung and turn.
So we're turning over like a clock.
Back over.
You got this.
Almost there.
Shake out those legs.
Now 1-legged Ballerina Burpees.
Fighting for air.
Left leg first.
Bring it in.
Hop it over.
Bring it in and switch feet.
Hop it over.
Come on!
Switch feet, hop, and breathe.
This is the time where we challenge ourselves.
Let's work this fat loss workout with Majesty Squats.
So, Curtsy Lunge towards the left, squat, squat towards the left, front, curtsy right,
back, to the right, to the front.
Come on!
Give me one more curtsy on your right.
Legs are on fire.
Fight for breath.
2 Push-up taps to a clap.
Push-up - left hand towards the right.
Right hand towards the left.
Clap it up.
Now we're going to go back to the right.
Switch it up!
Push from that chest, like you mean it.
Keep those abs locked in.
Come off of that ground.
Let's catch our breath here.
Criss-Cross Knees.
This is move 35 out of 50.
Just 25 minutes of work and we're sweating to get it in.
So we're going 1, 2, 3, 4 - 4 Knees.
Catch your breath here... and down.
I'm looking up for you right now.
Come on!
Back into it.
More than 2/3rds done with this workout.
So let's boost that heart-rate with hook-knee sprints.
2 hops, hook knees, shuffle over, sprint.
Let's go!
Hopping up.
Shuffle over.
Hook knees.
Come on!
Plyometrics work, using those abs.
Jog it out.
2 more hook knees.
Let's go.
Up!... and breathe.
That took everything in me.
So, we're going for Relay Climbers.
Come to the floor, 8 Mountain Climbers.
Let's go!
Run forward, tap the ground.
I know that this is a challenge, but we came here to challenge our whole body with this
This is how you burn fat.
This is how you BRING IT!
Last one.
Dog tired.
So, back to your six-pack.
Alternating side knees.
Right knee is over, left knee is in for 4.
Drive that knee in... and over.
Come on.
Burning fat.
I love Tabata, because it adds up.
It starts off easy, but you really get into that fat burning zone.
Tri-Step Burpees.
3 Step Heisman, to 1 leg burpee.
Going to the right.
3, down, in and over!
Come on!
Down and up!
Every move we do, we're getting stronger every single day.
The work is not in vain.
Back Fist Sprints.
This is move 40.
Just 10 more moves after this.
Elbow Back Fist.
Come on!
Jog or sprint.
Elbow... elbow and up.
Let's bring it.
Sprint it out... and breathe.
From there - Plyo Inchworms.
Tuck Jump, walk into an inchworm, clapping push-up, back into a tuck jump.
Do what you gotta do for that 10 seconds.
We're tucking, right hand first... clap, back, up, tuck, left hand... down.
Come on.
Walk it back.
Final tuck.
2 seconds on the clock.
Tri-Jab Tucks.
3 Jabs to a Tuck Jump or 3 Jabs to a Knee.
Let's go!
1, 2, 3, tuck.
Come on, baby.
Land softly on those feet.
If you gotta modify, I totally understand.
This is crazy.
Come on.
Last one... and breathe it out.
Lungs are on fire.
Cardio is through the roof.
This is how we work it, people.
The next exercise - Pike-Tap Push-ups.
Come on.
20 seconds of Tabata, people.
Here to burn fat.
Push-up, opposite hand to opposite foot.
Reach back through those abs, as you exhale back.
Come on.
Work it.
We're so close to the end.
There we go.
From here - Agility Sprints.
4 Agility Ladders on the floor, sprinting for 8.
Are you ready?
Chest is up.
Let's go!
2, 3, 4, I'm fighting here.
Fighting to get to that Fist Bump, so we're not going to give up... even if we need to
modify or sit a few rounds out.
Keep on pushing.
Man, this will clear up your sinuses.
So, 5 more moves after this.
8 Jugglers forward, then 8 back.
Really dig through.
Let's go!
5, 6, 7, 8, I'm up in your area.
Let's go back... and forward.
Bring it back.
Fighting here.
5 more moves - about 2 and a half more minutes of hard work.
That's how we work out.
From there Toe Tap Kicks.
Right hand, left foot only.
Chest is up, touch that toe, and kick.
Come on.
You're doing great.
Kick like you mean it.
Still using those abs.
If you're struggling, modify people.
You can make it through.
There we go.
Other foot..
So this time, left hand taps right foot.
Kick it with the right.
Let's go.
You heard that beep.
We're down.
BOOM, baby.
Fighting through.
Pushing for this fat loss workout.
Working this tabata from home.
No need for a gym.
No need for equipment.
No weights at all.
Just our own body, sweat, and will power.
Breathe it out.
Giving you an extra second there.
Now let's go down.
1-2-3 Abs Burpees.
3 levels of thrusts on the floor, up to a Burpee.
Let's go.
We're going low, medium, high, hop up, back down.
Low, medium thrust, high.
The whole time, I want you to keep those abs rock solid.
Hop up, 1 Burpee, back up, breathe.
From here, Brisk Sprints.
So this is the 2nd to last move.
If you're still standing, you're fighting hard.
Let's breathe it out and just Brisk March.
Collect your mind, catch your breath here.
We're going into the final move.
Then after that, we're going to get our Fist Bump.
Make sure that after you get that Fist Bump, that you stretch your body, by following the
stretch in the cards after doing this workout.
10 seconds.
Duck Lunge combo.
So, we're going to do 4 Tuck Jumps, 4 Donkey Lunge Hops over, then we're going to come
down to 4 claps.
Let's go.
We're up! 1!
Final move...
3, 4, down.. and we're going 1, 2, mini burnout, 3, 4, down.
Clap it out.
1, 2, 3, 4, down.
Let's go!
1, 2, 3, 4, Tuck Jumps.
Let's go.
Come up.
Give me that Fist Bump, because you worked it... and...
Way to ROCK this Fist Bump, homies.
You just CRUSHED this workout.
Definitely go ahead and hit the LIKE button on this video to let us know to do more videos
like this - and leave a comment down below, so that we can know how you CRUSHED this workout.
If you want to support us, you can do that by joining us on Patreon, people - or you
can leave a one-time donation down below - in the description, so we can make even more
I'm going to go ahead and catch up with you all.
Until next time, it's your boy Millionaire Hoy.
Take care and peace out.
For more infomation >> 25 Minute Fat Burning Tabata HIIT Workout for Fat Loss - 50 Exercises At Home Cardio Workout - Duration: 26:18.-------------------------------------------
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Let her know
That she's a beauty
And don't forget to say
Exactly why
'Cause every guy can say the same thing
So if you take your time
To show her your heart
Tell her why you care
And show her why you dare to do so much
Just to be in her life
If you really love this woman
Would you do her every plea
And if you really love this woman
Would you cry on bended knee
And if you really loved her this much
If so
You've got to let her know
Buy her gifts
Though there's no occasion
And do it just because
She makes you smile
Take her places she's never been
Make sure you're never late
'Cause you know that she'll be
Making you wait
Be patient and have faith
'Cause when you see her
It will be worthwhile
If you really love this woman
Would you do her every plea
And if you really love this woman
Would you cry on bended knee
And if you really love her this much
If so
You've got to let her know
And It may seem like guys just don't
Do this anymore
But if she's going in your car make sure you open up her door
So long as she feels the same as you
And you know that the time is just right
Be the first to take her hand and make sure that it's never tight
If she's your baby
Love your woman
And do her every plea
Won't you love your lady
And cry on bended knee
When you start to love her like that
I'm sure that she'll let it show
If you love her so
You've got to let her know
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