Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 2, 2017

Youtube daily report Feb 14 2017

Today, we're gonna be talking about how to find a business idea.

Hey, and welcome back to another episode of Financial Style with Tish.

So I get this question a lot from several entrepreneurs.

And typically, you know, they're first getting started out and they're trying to figure out

exactly what to do.

A lot of times I hear, "I can't focus," or, "There's a lot of things that I'm good at,

how do I choose just one?"

And I totally get it, I totally understand it.

As an entrepreneur essentially you, you know, you have a lot of things that you're really

good at.

It's easy to get bogged down and not really know what you should offer as an entrepreneur,

especially when there are so many things that you're good at and there are so many different

things that you have skills and talents in.

I specialize in helping entrepreneurs just like you figure out exactly what talent that

is that you have, that you can offer.

So let's figure out exactly how you can find your very first business idea.

The first thing to do is figure out exactly what you're good at.

Now, you might think you're good at writing, you might think that you're good at singing.

::Singing off key::

But you might not realize that those are actually not your skills and not your talent.

What's really, really important is to figure out what you are actually really, really good

at, okay?

So that's the first piece of finding a really good business idea.

What you are better at than almost anyone else and what's difficult about this is that

sometimes, when you're really good at something, it's hard to understand that other people

are not good at it because what you find that comes naturally to you usually doesn't come

naturally to everyone else right?

So, for example, I'm really good at seeing a problem and seeing the solution to that.

It's just something that comes easily to me and I always thought that everyone else was

the same way.

That anyone else could see a problem and automatically think of a solution to it but that is that's

not the case.

And so that's the skill that I use with the entrepreneurs that I work with.

I come up with a strategy for them, I see the problems and I can immediately see the

solution and create a plan in order to make it through to the other end.

But that doesn't come naturally to everyone, so you've got to figure out what you are really,

really good at.

And it might take you actually walking around and just asking your friends and family and

different people that are in your circle like, "Hey, what are those things that you think

that I'm really good at?" or "What can you see that comes naturally to me?"

That's your first step and it's one of the most important pieces in the process.

Your second step to finding a really good business idea is to look for existing business


So there are existing business models out there that are already working.

There's no need for you to re-invent the wheel.

A business model is simply the way that a business brings in revenue.

It's all the things that they do in order to bring in revenue.

If you are...if you are really good at teaching people and you can actually convey the things

that you're doing and help someone else, you know, transfer what's in your brain over into

the other person's brain then you might be really good in teaching, in consulting, in

showing someone exactly what to do.

So it's important to understand that there are already business models that are out there

and it's important for you to plug-in what you do into an existing business model.

And finally, when you're looking for a business idea, it's important to test, test, test,


Don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to fall.

It's likely that you will fail and it's likely that you will fall.

It's likely that your first idea is not gonna be the best one and maybe your second idea

won't be that great as well.

But what's really important is that you understand that becoming a great entrepreneur is all

about being okay with failing and persevering.

So, what you're looking for when you're looking for a great business idea is the intersection

of what you're really good at, what you enjoy doing, and what people will you pay you for.

And once you find that spot in the middle, that's your sweet spot, that's your business


And that's when you will be successful when you take that business idea and you plug it

into an already existing business model.

So if you'd like to take your skills and you want to turn it into a viable source of income

then I'd love to have you join me in our Creating Coins Challenge.

I'm gonna show you how to take the skills you have and use them in a consulting capacity.

So especially, if you are someone like a graphic designer, if you are a health coach or a fitness

expert or someone like that and you'd like to take those skills and offer them in the

online business model, then I definitely want you to join me for the Creating Coins Challenge.

I will leave more information in the description box below on how you can get started.

Or if you're U.S. based, you can simply text CREATECOINS, all one word to 678-506-7543.

I'll text you right back and say, "Hey, thanks, what's your email address?"

You'll be able to type in your email address and that I will send you the information directly

on how you can join us on the Creating Coins Challenge.

There are so many actionistas in the Creating Coins Challenge right now that are just having

amazing breakthroughs and I'd love to have you join us as well.

So be sure to get in and I'd love to see you create a brand new stream of income from skills

that you already have.

Don't leave those skills on the shelf, offer them to the world.

And I'd love to see how you create coins.

So be sure to give this video a thumbs up if you liked it and make sure to subscribe.

I've got new videos coming every single Tuesday. And I'd love to see you here again next week.

In the meantime I look forward to your continued success!

See you guys soon. Bye.

For more infomation >> How to Find Your First Business Idea - Duration: 6:20.


My boyfriend does tricktraining with my horse in the snow! + ENGL SUBS | felinehoi - Duration: 9:58.

Let him kiss you. - How do I do that?

Touch your cheek. - Hmm, it's a little gay. Come on Marley, kiss!

Goodmorning! We're at the stables and it has been snowing!

I love it so much!

Oh, the wind blew right in my face, and now I'm crying.

The wind is pretty cold.

Sjoerd's gonna ride Marley! *You can see this the next video!*

For the first time.. No, you've been riding him once before.

When he was still at the farm, 3 years ago.

Aargh, it's so cold!



Snow! So we're first gonna make some photo's in the snow with Marley.

Nice ice.

Yeah, your Uggs are happy now.

Yeah, he needs to drink. - But not good for your Uggs.

Look how happy he is with some water. - But your Uggs.

This is pretty cute.

You wanna drink as well?

No thanks. - It's good water, nice and cold.

Oehhh, this horse is attacking me with its tongue.

He's licking Marley. Pretty weird.

Marley doesn't like it. Okay, bye horse.

I was holding my finger in front of the microphone. *As always, Sjoerd*

Come on, laugh!

He listens to me! Good boy, I don't have any candy for you.

It's so cold. We've been outside for 5 minutes and look at my hands.

Red and frozen.

Forgot my gloves, so that sucks.

*Sjoerd already did some tricks before, but I didn't film that. Not like he started prancing.*

Can I do some prancing? - Uhm, first some more other tricks.

First other things. Do the splits!

Yeah, go on.

Oh, you're so good!

Don't give him so much!

Well okay then, do it again.

Make him laugh!

Let him kiss you.

How do I do that? - Touch your cheek.

That's a little gay. Alright, Marley.. Kiss!

Okay, now you're gonna stand next to him...

And tap his shoulder.

Stand next to him first.

He's already doing it.

Do it yourself as well now...

Aaawh, so cute! Goals! Okay, other side!

Okay, make him go backwards a little first.

Good job. Now you can touch his shoulder.

You should give his head a little more space.

Sorry! Again? Yeah, again!

Now you can give him some candy.


Okay, how do I do the next? Just go WHAM right? - Yes haha

No no no no, don't do it like this. *WARNING:SAFETY FIRST. KEEP ENOUGH DISTANCE!*

Make him go backwards by moving your hand like this...

And you say 'Back'. - Back.

Marley, back!

Yeah like that. A little more, back.


One step in his direction and say 'back'.

Again, one step in his direction and say 'back'.

Back. - Good job.

Now you say 'stay'. - Stay.

And you take one step back.

Hahahaha, okay, take one step back.

You really have to make sure you have enough distance Sjoerd...

Yeah, go on then. - Okay, Marley.. Back.

Yeah, like that. Now take the tip of the rope...

Go backwards, put your hands up and say: 'op'


Go up!

Can I do it? - No.

I wanna try once more.

Distance first.

He's laughing again. Back, back.

Further back.

Okay, you do it.

Oh, I almost fell. *Always correct a horse when he walks through you*

You'd better hurry, my hands are freezing.

You wanna go on top of him?

Okay, he's going up high, so you have to zoom out.

Good boy!

See him chilling.

The command is 'smile'.

What? - 'Smile', and go with your finger over his upper lip.

Okay, next step. Move his left leg a little more to the front.

You do that by.. Oh, he's doing it already.

Now stand on his left.

Lift his left leg...

Go on, lift it.

Get it by the foot.

But it's dirty. - Grab it, and to the grond, to the ground, to the ground.

Hahaha, okay. Get some candy in your right hand.

Okay, now you do the same again. Get his leg with your left hand. The right hand goes between his legs...

So you can lead his mouth to the ground.

Yeah! Foot to the ground, foot to the ground!

Pull it back, pull it back!

Haha, almost!

Favorite trick.

Watch it, he might kick you when you're in front of him.

Pas, do the Pas! Tick his shoulder

Haha, his head is so cute!

You have to say 'op' when you do the movements.

He kind of goes up... - Yeah, reward him!

I don't have anything left. - Oh, just stroke him then.

Down, down, down.

Yeah, that looks like it's gonna work.

You were so close! *Marley doesn't always wanna do this, unfortunately*

Awh, Ollie is on a mountain! Oh, he's coming down now.

Ollie, what are you doing?


What are you doing here?

How's life in the snow?

You wanna go to Marley? - Is this his BFF? - No, Ollie's the stallion.

Stallion? -Yeah. - A little one.

Look at his neck. -What about it? - That's stallion-like.

Why? - See the muscles! - Oh, right.

You coming Mar? We're gonna get you ready.

We just did something in the arena.. I'm not sure if it's gonna go well when I let them meet

Oh gosh, out of the way.

Okay, come on Mar. Come!

Oh, that went pretty well.

Awesome, Marley's being friendly to a stallion.

Come on, don't eat.

We just filmed some nice footage in the snow.

We're gonna get him ready now, because Sjoerd's gonna ride him.

We came here for that, but then we decided to do some trick training as well.

You'll see the riding in the next video!

Say bye! - Bye! - Bye!

For more infomation >> My boyfriend does tricktraining with my horse in the snow! + ENGL SUBS | felinehoi - Duration: 9:58.


Kaitlin Olson on Working with Kid Actors - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Kaitlin Olson on Working with Kid Actors - Duration: 3:26.


Kaitlin Olson's Husband Hates Valentine's Day - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Kaitlin Olson's Husband Hates Valentine's Day - Duration: 2:14.


170211 [ENGSUB] SEVENTEEN full reaction to their family video message VCR @ CARATLAND Day 2 - Duration: 9:43.

SC father: Please be happy always. Even I'm away from you, I know you can take care of yourself well.

SC father: Also, please smile a lot. Your mom, family and me will always be there for you.

SC father: Son, I love you. Thank you!

(?): I know that...if things go hard, I'll always support you, no matter what. (?)

(?): I love you always!

JS mother: Whatever happens, I will always support you.

JS mother: Our SEVENTEEN, our sons, all of you...

JS mother: ...thank you for being with each and stay together as friends until the end.

JS mother: Me, your mother, will always pray for you guys a lot!

J parents: (plz help me the Chinese trans in comment below!)

J parents: SEVENTEEN! Fighting!

J parents: SEVENTEEN, fighting!!

T8 parents: (plz help me the Chinese trans in comment below!)

T8 parents: Hang in there, Minghao! Fighting!

SK mom: Hello, SEVENTEEN! For our lovable Seungkwan-ie...

SK mom: You've came to Seoul with me to fulfil your wish,

SK mom: Eventhough it's hard, thank you for being safe and I love you.

SK mom: SVT fans, thank you for loving SEVENTEEN as who they are.

SK mom: Please give SVT more loves in the future, okay?

CARATs: Okay!

SK mom: SEVENTEEN, congratulations! Happy new year!

SK mom: Thank you!


DN dad: This is really my 1st time doing this type of things!

DN dad: Woo~

DN dad: SEVENTEEN, you guys doing so well!!

DN dad: In this 2017 year, I hope that...

DN dad: ~The time we faced each other~

DN dad: Please smiling always! I love you, son!

(idk what his dad singing TT pls tell me TT haha im so lost)

DN dad: If you have something you worry about, come to me everytime.

DN dad: *sings Dino's rap line in Boom Boom*

DN dad: Dino fighting! SEVENTEEN fighting!

DN dad: SEVENTEEN is Boom Boom! CARATs also Boom Boom!

VN lil sis: Oppa, please be well everywhere you go. I know sometimes it gets harder, please gain strength!

VN lil sis: Since your birthday is coming up,

VN lil sis: Your birthday also the same with Dokyeom-oppa,

VN lil sis: Please be happy! (??)

VN lil sis: Also, I want to say is...please eat well and take care of your body well,

VN lil sis: Mom and dad said that; "Since you're already an adult, please stop biting your lips."

VN lil sis: Goodbye~

WZ mom: Cue! Son, hello!

WZ mom: (Busan accent) Nice to meet you!

WZ: Your mom here...wants to say something to 13 of you,

WZ mom: (in accent) Don't give up! Whatever happened! (?) I love you all!

WZ mom: Until now, I forgive you, son. I'm very thankful...

WZ mom: Please be more prettier in the future!

WZ mom: Do you even know that?

WZ mom: I'm actually...very thankful and happy, the things that I want to say is...

WZ mom: Let's be healthy and happy together in the future!

WZ mom: Nothing to lose!!

WZ mom: Next is...

WZ mom: Since there's a lot of people came, please be grateful, let's be happy and thank you! I love you! Bye bye!

JH dad: Please be careful in the future and I hope SVT will stay together until the end!

JH dad: Also, our sons, we all the parents, are grateful with who you are now. (?)

JH dad: Furthermore, Jeonghan-ah, always follow what your heart wants! SEVENTEEN, fighting!

MG mom: Hello, Mingyu-ah!

MG mom: You already turned 21 y/o this year. I'm sorry I didn't meet you before this new year.

MG mom: I want to say that please do what pleased you in the future!

MG mom: Everyone likes you the way you are!

MG dad: Also, please be well!

MG dad: That's what we want to say to you,

MG parents: Mingyu-yah! Fighting! SEVENTEEN, fighting!

MG parents: CARATs, fighting! CARATs: Fighting!

DK mom: Seokmin, it's mommy~

DK mom: It's tough these days, right?

DK mom: If things got tough there these days, you can come to your mom anytime you want. (?)

DK mom: Don't worry about it~

DK mom: Your mom here...

DK mom: ...sees you being well there, I'm very thankful and I love you.

DK mom: It's always inside your heart, right?

DK mom: Also, our son, please don't worry about us and do what you truthfully wants; (?)

DK mom: If you have something burdens your heart, you can come home to your mom. Understand?

DK mom: Don't think negative things bcoz you can do it!(?)

DK mom: Please don't say you gave up on something before you do it; (?)

DK mom: I think you're not weak about this. (??)

DK mom: Last but not least, please don't get hurt, be healthy with your members. Think about yourself more.

DK mom: Lastly, I hope you can cherish the time with fans at this fanmeeting. Dokyeom-ah, fighting!

DK mom: SEVENTEEN, fighting! I love you!

WW dad: Sons!

WW dad: I know how hard it is for you to debut, thank you for being patience.

WW dad: Thank you Pledis for debuting him, thank you CARATs for all your loves,

WW dad: Because of your endless supports, they'll able to stand who are they now. (??)

WW dad: Please don't be hurt in the future,

WW dad: My charming son, please cherish this time now. I believe in all 13 of you...

WW dad: Also, for our CARATs...

WW dad: Please be healthy always. Whatever happens, please love and cherish Wonwoo-oppa the way he is.

WW dad: Also, thank you so much.

WW dad: I hope SEVENTEEN will stay forever now until the end and do what your hearts want to, (???)

WW dad: Last but not least, congratulation! I love you!

(Subs by Kang Kohie)

For more infomation >> 170211 [ENGSUB] SEVENTEEN full reaction to their family video message VCR @ CARATLAND Day 2 - Duration: 9:43.


Video: Another system coming Wednesday - Duration: 2:51.























































































































For more infomation >> Video: Another system coming Wednesday - Duration: 2:51.


[ENG SUB] NCT LIFE MINI GAME "Seochon Date" with NCT DREAM - Duration: 1:52.

[MISSION: NCT DREAM, collect your food money]

[There will be a total of 3 challenge, everyone will have different food money based on the results.// Who will be the one who will have the most of them??]

Round 1 Look for something Find a tamburine

There are 3 things you have to look for.


[Don't know what it is, but first run!!]

[Telling to the dongsaeng he doen't have time]

[Dongsaeng who naturally follows his hyung]

[There will be a tamburine in a library, right...??]


I've found it! I've found it!

Ah! Haechan hyung is bad!

[ CHENLE: a child who found it (following his hyung)// HAECHAN: a sad child (who found it first)// RENJUN: a child who appeared (from nowhere)]

You came late!

Ok! Then let's decide with rock paper and scissors.

[Peaceful fight to obtain the tamburine]

Where did you find it?

[The food is mine// please give an easy question// I'll find it next time]

ROUND 1 Find a bolster

[Haechan & Chenle bolster cross]

Hello everyone, I'm Hae-dog

Ah really..!

ROUND 1 Look for a text book

The name of the textbook starts with ㅅㄱ

[Chenle (at the back): What? Tell me first! What book is it? (to Renjun in Chinese)]

There were many books here

Haechan: Something like "Toughts"

This can't be taken off!!

Ah, Jeno has found it~

[A 20 years old text book has met a 2000 boy]

Waah, I found it too!!

[Renjun fail!// NO "Three Kingdoms"]

[Chenle fail!// NO "Written"]

Oh~oh~oh~ I'm not the last~

[1 place Haechan// 2 plase Jeno, Jisung]

[To be continued]

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] NCT LIFE MINI GAME "Seochon Date" with NCT DREAM - Duration: 1:52.


Why Valentine's Day Is A Relationship Nightmare [GEN WHY] - Duration: 1:22.

-How do we feel about Valentine's Day?

-We love it! -It's stupid.

-Sometimes Valentine's Day can get complicated because it makes

things more serious than they actually are.

-otally, like I consider us like more as friends.

-We've been dating for like a year. -Yeah good friends.

-I don't need Valentine's Day to treat my girl. I like to keep things special and spontaneous.

-Isn't that what you said about Christmas.

Oh my god that would be such a good Christmas gift.

-Lets just keep things special and spontaneous. -Okay so sweet.

-This year I plan on celebrating Valentine's Day by waiting for someone to notice me.

-Spending Valentine's Day with a hook up is like giving a diabetic person candy.

-Yea you don't want to be responsible for them going into shock.

-I'm allergic to commitment!

-Ahh! This Valentine's Day we're going to have our annual sex.

-Oh we'll see, haha we'll see, haha we will see.

-Valentine's Day posts are really stupid they are so dumb everyone is just getting

red roses and steak dinners and cute little teddy bears.

-Stop. No. -But they have a picnic in February.

-Nope, nope. nope. -How do you even do that?

For more infomation >> Why Valentine's Day Is A Relationship Nightmare [GEN WHY] - Duration: 1:22.


World of Tanks Console - Introducing the Czechoslovakian Line - Duration: 1:07.

A new console exclusive map

Introducing the Czech line

10 New tanks

And a badass hero tank

Join the free to play phenomenon

Epic Battles Await

For more infomation >> World of Tanks Console - Introducing the Czechoslovakian Line - Duration: 1:07.


AMAZING Inventions Available Now! - Duration: 12:41.

Here are the most amazing inventions available now!

10 – EMILY – Robotic Lifeguard

Check out the Emergency Integrated Lifesaving Lanyard, or known more simply as EMILY.

I guess everything has to be an acronym!

This is basically a robotic lifeguard that has super powers...or something very close

to them anyway.

This remote controlled buoy can easily navigate strong currents and surfs at speeds of 22

miles per other words, way faster than even Michael Phelps.

This allows the buoy to reach drowning swimmers faster without risking an additional human


Made by a company called Hydronalix, EMILY is armed with a lighting system for night

rescues, a couple two way radios, a video stream so lifeguards on the shore can monitor

the rescue mission, a jet pump and enough handles to rescue eight people at a time.

If nothing else, EMILY might be proof that not all robots are evil and trying to take

over the planet.

Sometimes, they just want to save us from drowning.

9 - SeaVax

Simply put, we've gotta figure out a way to clean up the ocean.

There are all kinds of pollution floating around in the ocean which isn't exactly

a great thing.

Thankfully some people figured out a way to help alleviate this problem.

This innovation isn't QUITE out yet, but there are working prototypes out there and

I'd be surprised if it doesn't actually become reality.

First of all, let's quickly examine just how bad this problem is.

Scientists have speculated that by the year 2050, the ocean will have more trash than



The SeaVax, a wind and solar powered ship that can essentially act as a giant vacuum

for all the plastic crap on the ocean floor just might be part of the solution to this

daunting problem.

Sensors help detect trash and sonar technology protects marine and bird life from getting

caught in the 160 ft long vessel.

Its compacted cargo is then either collected at sea or returned to port for recycling.

Bluebird Marine Systems, a company based in Sussex, England, provided their proof of concept

in 2016 projecting that the SeaVax will be able to treat close to 90 million litres of

seawater each year.

Let's hope that this innovative vessel is out sooner than later.

8 - Language Translating App

Need to talk with someone who speaks a different language?

There's an app for that.

No seriously, there is.

Actually there are quite a few.

While you have stuff such as Google translator that have been around for a while, newer Apps

for phones are even more convenient.

Take Voice Translator for Android for example.

You can record a phrase and the app will translate it to a language of your selection.

This might come in handy if you're traveling abroad and need to be able to learn a few

foreign phrases.

Or it might be helpful if you encounter a local and need to converse with them.

There's also the iHandy for the iPhone.

This one is pretty straight forward.

You type a word or phrase into one box, pick the language you want to translate it to,

and voila, it makes translations for magic.

Sort of.

Anyway, this might sound pretty basic, but considering people used to need translators

or spend years studying a foreign language, this is one of those inventions that we almost

take for granted.

I bet this would have been very useful when they were building the tower of babel.

7 - The Knockout

Here's a really creative way to catch a buzz… different ways!

It's called the Knockout, and it's an interesting little device that turns your

beer bottle into a working bong, once you've finished your beverage.

Equipped with a mouthpiece and valve that are placed inside the beer bottle, all you

have to do is fit the mouthpiece snuggly over the bottle, flip it upside down, suck on the

mouthpiece, and it shoots beer down your mouth, pretty much just like shotgunning a beer.

You see that little pipe that sticks out?

What that does is it allows air into the bottle while the valve keeps it from escaping.

Once you're done guzzling down the beer, you now have a bong.

Fill the bottle halfway up with water, place a gram of whatever smokeable substance you

like inside the pipe, light it up, and've got a bong.

So in a nutshell, the Knockout is a very efficient way to get a couple buzzes going, and it's

probably up there in useful things for a great party.

6 - Bottleloft

You know how sometimes you run out of room in your fridge?

Maybe you stock up on a bunch beer and can't fit it all in there.

Well that's why someone created the Bottleloft.

The Bottleloft is a series of magnetic strips that allow bottles to stick to the top of

the fridge and just kind of hang out...allowing them to stay cool while freeing up plenty

of other space in the fridge.

These things will make sure your beer won't just fall off in the middle of the night.

The strips are made from super strong magnets and crazy strong tape, known as 3M VHB, which

is also what they happen to use on the wing flaps of commercial planes.

So yeah, it can handle your unopened beer, which will give you room to store something

with some actual nutritional value, or simply more beer.

Your call.

5 - Futuristic Boards

As kids, we might have day dreamed about the distant future and imagined a world where

people zoom around on the Green Goblin, minus the hand grenades, hopefully.

BUT, we're not quite there yet, but we have made some serious advances towards that goal.

Take the ZBoard 2 for instance.

This bad boy is an electric powered skateboard that reaches speeds of 20 miles per hour and

has a range of anywhere from 16 to 24 miles.

As the world's first weight censored electric skateboard, a rider can control the speed

of the board by leaning forward or backward.

Lean forward to go faster, or lean backward to stop.

It's described by the makers as quote, "perfect for any trip that's too far to walk, but

too short to drive."

Known for being lightweight and portable, the ZBoards could very well be the new way

to make short commutes.

And then there's the Flyboard Air.

A Hoverboard that allows you to totally fly over almost anything.

Created by Zapata Racing, this Hoverboard utilizes four turbo engines with 250 Horsepower


Powered by kerosene, it can be controlled using a remote throttle.

In 2016 a video went viral of Franky Zapata, the CEO of Zapata Racing.

zooming around on the Flyboard Air.

The Flyboard Air seems to be the most extreme Hoverboard out there.

Other companies such as Lexus have Hoverboards, but it's still Zapata Racing that has made

ones that really flies.

But as Zapata himself pointed out, anyone brave enough to ride on the Flyboard Air should

have experience with Hoverboards, especially with The Flyboard Air's predecessor, the

Flyboard, which is a hoverboard of sorts powered by water-jets.

Whether or not it takes off as a viable mode of transportation, still remains to be seen.

4 - Kymco's Smart Scooters

You definitely know about smart cars and electric cars, which are definitely the future.

But what about those who don't drive cars, or want to be even more efficient?

Smart Scooters are making their presence known.

A Taiwanese company called Kymco has started what they call "The NooDoe Experience."

Basically they have created a new dashboard for scooters, which display info such as the

time, weather, a speedometer and a simple compass to keep riders going in the right


All of this allows riders to stay informed, while not taking their hands of the controls

or their eyes off the road.

It also connects to smartphones, so when the scooter is stopped, riders can see alerts

on their dashboard.

Riders can also customize their dashboard with color schemes, photos and all kinds of

interesting elements.

The super cool thing is that riders can connect with their friends who also are part of the

NooDoe System.

So let's say you're cruising around town on your scooter looking for your friend Bob.

You know Bob is on his scooter as well.

Thankfully, you're both on the NooDoe system, so Bob now appears as a blip on your Dashboard.

He's just a couple blocks away, and now you can catch up with him quickly without

having to pull over and call him.

Orrrr this is another useful way to stalk someone!

3 - Germ Killing Paint

In 2015 Sherwin-Williams came up with a plan to stop the spread of infections within hospitals.

According to a story by CNN, around 1 in 25 people will contract some kind of infection

or sickness while staying in hospitals.

This leads to serious illness and sometimes death, which of couse pretty much sucks.

But thanks to Paint Shield by Sherwin-Williams, that could maybe be a thing of the past.

Sherwin-Williams says that Paint Shield is unique because it doesn't just prevent the

growth of common bugs, it also eliminates more than 99 percent of germs while killing

common microbes in the process, thanks to the product's active ingredient, Alkyl Dimethyl

Benzyl Ammonium Chloride, or "quat."

EPA test protocols show that Paint Shield's antibacterial capability can last up to 4

years as long as the surface integrity is preserved.

Paint Shield is available in more than 500 colors and isn't limited just to hospitals.

This stuff could be useful anywhere germs are common, such as walls of medical complexes,

locker rooms, schools, and daycare centers.

2 - Exoskeletons

Imagine a suit of armor that gives you increased strength and endurance while allowing you

to stay limber.

Well, the Exoskeleton isn't a figment of the imagination, it's a real thing that's

being used today!

These wearable machines are powered by a series of motors and hydraulics to provide people

wearing them greater strength, endurance and protection.

They have many practical uses, especially in the medical field, such as helping people

without arms or legs in improving their quality of life.

It may even help medical professionals improve precision during surgery, or nurses to lift

heavy patients or equipment.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Exoskeletons can also be used in the military.

Since they add strength and endurance without limiting mobility, soldiers can use them during

missions while carrying heavy weapons or equipment.

It might even be useful for other tasks, such as on construction sites where workers often

have to lift heavy objects, or maybe even firefighters who have to work in dangerous


If Exoskeletons seem cutting edge, it's because they are.

But the idea goes all the way back to 1890 when a Russian dude named Nicholas Yagn designed

an apparatus to assist with walking, running and jumping.

But that was pretty basic; these days you have Exoskeleton products such as ReWalk,

which assists people with lower limb disabilities or Sarcos products and their array of Exoskeleton

arms and legs that allow people to lift up to 200 pounds with basically no effort.

And even Honda has developed Exoskeleton legs that has a seat for the user.

And that's just naming a few.

Dozens of companies have created products featuring this amazing technology.

1 – Bionic Eye As unbelievable as it might sound, there is

now a way to restore sight through a brain implant.

Also known as the Bionic Eye or the Retinal Implant, The Argus II from Second Sight aims

to help people suffering from vision loss.

Here's how it works.

A miniature video camera housed in the patient's glasses captures a scene.

The video is sent to a small patient-worn computer, the video processing unit, where

the video is processed and transformed into instructions that are sent back to the glasses

via a cable.

These instructions are transmitted wirelessly to an antenna in the retinal implant.

The signals are then sent to an electrode array, which emits small pulses of electricity.

These pulses bypass the damaged photoreceptors of the eye and stimulate the retina's remaining

cells, which transmit the visual information along the optic nerve to the brain, creating

the perception of patterns of light.

Patients learn to interpret these visual patterns with their retinal implant.

This basically allows you to see a visual representation of the world around you, which

supplements your own sight.

Now that's pretty impressive.

Here's what's next!

For more infomation >> AMAZING Inventions Available Now! - Duration: 12:41.


S. Korea, U.S., Japan hold video conference after N. Korea missile launch - Duration: 1:14.

Defense officials from Seoul, Washington and Tokyo held a video conference to discuss countermeasures

for North Korea's missile launch.

Kim Hyun-bin zooms in on the first trilateral meeting centering on North Korean provocation

since the launch of the new U.S. administration.

According to South Korea's defense ministry on Tuesday, the officials from the three countries

condemned North Korea's missile launch and agreed that it was a clear violation of UN


They also agreed that North Korea's missile program is a grave threat to the peace and

stability of Northeast Asia.

It's the first time the three have spoken since the inauguration of U.S. President Donald


Separately, Seoul and Washington agreed the U.S. would deploy strategic assets to the

Korean Peninsula during the allies' annual Key Resolve and Foal Eagle drills in early


"U.S. strategic assets can carry nuclear weapons, which can send a strong message to North Korea."

A South Korean military official said Tuesday that F-22 stealth fighters and a nuclear powered

submarine could potentially be part of the drills.

"The move is intended as a warning to Pyongyang that provocations will not be tolerated...

and that the allies are fully ready to counter its nuclear and missile threats.

Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> S. Korea, U.S., Japan hold video conference after N. Korea missile launch - Duration: 1:14.


BTS 봄날 Spring Day MV -REACTION - Duration: 7:08.

*Translation in progress* Please be patient :)

For more infomation >> BTS 봄날 Spring Day MV -REACTION - Duration: 7:08.


After Refusing Trump's Order, Starbucks Just Got TERRIBLE News That'll Ruin Them… - Duration: 2:23.

After Refusing Trump�s Order, Starbucks Just Got TERRIBLE News That�ll Ruin Them�

democrats shed huge crocodile tears after 109 of the 32,000 foreign passengers were

detained at U.S. airports this weekend.

The fake news media isn�t covering the fact that Obama banned Iraqi refugees for six months

in 2011 and Democrats didn�t say a damn thing.

Starbucks Corp CEO Howard Schultz said that the company plans to hire 10,000 refugees

over the next five years.

According to Bloomberg, Starbuck�s CEO Howard Schulz said that the company will hire 10,000

refugees over the next five years in response to Trump ordering a suspension of refugees

into the U.S.

Starbucks is in direct conflict with the immigration ban and will do �everything possible to

support and help them to navigate through this confusing period,� said Schultz.

If Starbucks decides to hire employees based on nationality that is against the law.

That violates U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission rules, according to The Gateway


According to the EEOC: �Under the laws enforced by EEOC, it is illegal to discriminate against

someone (applicant or employee) because of that person�s race, color, religion, sex

(including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or

older), disability or genetic information.

It is also illegal to retaliate against a person because he or she complained about

discrimination, filed a charge of discrimination, or participated in an employment discrimination

investigation or lawsuit.�

*** Share this all over Facebook if you will join the Starbuck�s boycott!

Comment �BOYCOTT STARBUCKS� below this article!

Let�s make it known that we the people don�t want your fru-fru-fru drinks anymore!

For more infomation >> After Refusing Trump's Order, Starbucks Just Got TERRIBLE News That'll Ruin Them… - Duration: 2:23.


New Books Preview: February 14, 2017 - Duration: 6:19.

On the floor again, just can't wait to be on the floor again.

Hey guys. Amanda Nelson, I'm the managing

editor Book Riot and I am back on the floor,

which as I'm sure you figured out by now

means that it's time for another look at

new books for our new books preview. I get on

the floor down here because I'm

surrounded by my piles of book mail

that I get throughout the week. And so I

picked out five that I think will be

interesting to you that you should keep

an eye out for. And so let's just dive right in.

Right, the first one I wanted to show you

is Amberlough. This is by Lara Elena

Donnelly. And it just looks like cabaret,

right? Which is why I wanted to show it to you.

And the insert confirms my cabaret,

suspicions? I don't know. It says, LeCarre

John LeCarre who wrote like Tinker Tailor

Soldier Spy meets cabaret in this debut

as a gay double agent schemes to protect

his smuggler lover during the rise but

fascist government coup.

Ah! OK so this is already out, this

comes out, or came out February 7th from

Tor so you should be able to go ahead

and go pick it up. Amberlough is the

Stiletto sharp tail of an intelligence

agent caught between corrupt handlers,

a rising fascist regime and his

doomed passion for the notorious

star of a sizzling underworld night club.

If you put David Bowie, China Mieville, and

Shakespeare in Love into a blender you

might get something like this.

Well there you go. So if Weimar, Germany and

cabaret and queer literature and fantasy

and dystopia novels ring your bells,

you might want to go check this out.

OK while I'm on a Tor kick, oh

I'm so excited about this. OK this is Miranda and Caliban.

This by Jacqueline Carey and this comes out

today, also from Tor. Jacqueline Carey, I'm sure I've

talked about her on this channel before, is

my favorite writers epic fantasy. She

writes the Cushiel's Dart

um, series, which is here. So there you go.

And this is a retelling of The Tempest from

the point of view of Miranda

telling the story of her and Caliban as children.

And it closes I think with the the actual

with Tempest of play. So Jacqueline

Carey retailing Shakespeare.

I'm all the way here for.

That cover's amazing. So you can pick

this up today. So go check that out. OK this is

the one that I'm probably most like, ahhh

about. Into the Water by Paula Hawkins

who wrote, as I'm sure you know, The Girl

on the Train. So if you've been waiting

for the next book from Paula Hawkins, this

comes out May 2nd. This is from Riverhead.

And so with this one, a single mother turns

up dead at the bottom of a river that

runs through town. Earlier in the summer

a teenage girl had met the same fate.

Left behind is a lonley 15 year old girl who

finds herself in the care of her mother's

sister, a beautiful stranger who has been

dragged back to the place she

deliberately ran from. Hmm.

So murder mysteries, you know, I guess. Yeah.

Secrets can pull you under. Duh Duh Duh.

I expect a lot of gaslighting because Paul Hawkins is really good at

writing gaslighting. If you read Girl on the

Train, then you will know all about that.

A new novel of psychological suspense

about the slipperiness of truth in one

family drowning in secrets. Well written

copy Riverhead. So yeah I haven't read

this yet. I'm probably going to start today

or tomorrow but I just wanted to let you

know that this is coming. May 2nd. Girl on the Train fans.

Look out. OK from Graywolf coming

out July 11th. So this one is a little bit

in the future. The Art of Death by Edwidge

Danticat who is a famous Haitian writer.

I think she's from Haiti. Claire of the Sea Light is

probably one of the most well-known books. So this

is part memoir, part consideration of how

writers write death. So it's

personal reflections of

Edwidge Danticat from the experience

watching her mother die of cancer and

also look at other writers have dealt

with death. So if you're a fan of this

particular author or you're a writer

interested in how other artists handle

that sort of thing, then do look out for this.

Graywolf does nothing but spectacular

nonfiction. They're one of my favorite

publishers. I know a lot of readers out

there don't particularly pay attention

to the publisher of the books that they're reading.

But if you're trying to read more books

from independent presses or presses that

you really really smart stuff all the time,

Graywolf is who you should be paying attention to.

So that is coming out July 11th. OK and

the last thing that I wanted to share

you is -- just a title -- it's called

Milena, or The Most Beautiful Femur in

the World. This is by Jorge Zepeda Patterson.

And this comes out from Restless books on

May. In May. Sorry, couldn't find the publish date.

The publish date just says May 2017. So you

can keep an eye out for that. A pulse

pounding international political

thriller about sex, power and information. All right let's see

what we've got here.

This is Restless book's first

thriller. This is a great small press. They

do a lot of work in translation and this

is the first thriller that they've done. So

this is cool. The author

of this book is a journalist from Mexico

who spent more than 20 years reporting on

crime and corruption in Mexico before

deciding that the only way to get at the

more fuller more horrifying truth is by

turning to fiction.

All right, yeah. So this book, Milena, or The Most

Beautiful Femur in the World is an epic

racing, racy, terrifying tale of human

trafficking, prostitution, corruption,

money laundering, internet privacy, and the

all too common intersection of politics

and organized crime. So the book is about a

girl named Melena who is a young woman

from a poor Croatian village who's only

like goal is to get out of this village.

She's kidnapped and forced into sexual slavery.

Years later she sent to Mexico where she

becomes a lover of the country's largest

newspaper owners who vows to free her before

he dies in her arms. Terrified, she flees

but not before arming herself with the most

powerful weapons she can find, a black book of

secrets. That sounds awesome. So check that out in

May. Milena, or The Most Beautiful Femur

in the World by Jorge Zepeda Patterson.

OK, that's it for this week's

new books preview. If you've got your

own interesting book mail that's come ,that

are you know books that are coming out

in the next couple of weeks or months,

then let me know in the comments below.

And I'll talk to y'all later.

For more infomation >> New Books Preview: February 14, 2017 - Duration: 6:19.


【Life Noggin】你真的需要交朋友嗎? (中文CC字幕) - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> 【Life Noggin】你真的需要交朋友嗎? (中文CC字幕) - Duration: 3:28.


S. Korea's acting president denounces N. Korea's ballistic missile test - Duration: 1:50.

South Korea's acting president has denounced Pyongyang's missile test,... calling it a

grave provocation that threatens peace on the Korean peninsula and in Northeast Asia.

Song Ji-sun shares with us his remarks.

Chairing the weekly cabinet meeting on Tuesday,...

Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn said North Korea's attempt to further advance its missile technology

must be strongly condemned... as such a test is a direct challenge to UN Security Council

resolutions and warnings from the international community.

"The North Korean regime must realize that its provocations erode hope for peace on the

Korean peninsula.

It will only isolate itself, and drive the international community to unite toward denuclearizing

North Korea."

Hwang also ordered the foreign and defense ministries to closely coordinate with South

Korea's allies and the international community, so North Korea abandons its nuclear and missile


He said the military should maintain firm security conditions based on a strong South

Korea-U.S. alliance... in case of a follow-up provocation.

The emerging presidential hopeful, who's leading the polls among conservative candidates but

has deferred to say whether he will run,... also touched upon domestic issues.

He spoke on the government's efforts to rein in the spread of foot-and-mouth disease...

and called on the National Assembly to help foster the so-called fourth industrial revolution

movement by approving related bills.

Song Ji-sun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> S. Korea's acting president denounces N. Korea's ballistic missile test - Duration: 1:50.


Independent counsel mulling arrest warrant for Samsung heir apparent Lee Jae-yong - Duration: 1:59.

Turning our focus to the investigation into the massive corruption scandal gripping Korea.

The independent counsel team is mulling an arrest warrant for Samsung heir apparent Lee


The team is also expected to seek a 30-day extension to give itself more time to complete

the investigation.

Our Hwang Ho-jun reports.

Lee Jae-yong returned home in the middle of the night after 15 hours of questioning -- his

second interrogation by the counsel.

In Tuesday's briefing, the counsel's spokesperson gave few details about the session, but he

did say,...

"The independent counsel will round-up the interrogation results and decide whether to

re-request an arrest warrant within a day or two."

The team initially requested a warrant for Lee Jae-yong's arrest on charges of bribery,

embezzlement and perjury after his first questioning session about a month ago, but that was rejected

by the court.

And according to observers, that's most likely why the independent counsel team is being

extra cautious because if a second warrant request is turned down, the probe would be

dealt a serious blow.

With time running out, the independent counsel also hopes to question President Park Geun-hye

herself, but the spokesperson did not answer questions about how it plans to proceed on

that front.

He did, however, confirm, that the team will need more time than it was initially given.

The independent counsel had recently been asked in writing by the main opposition Democratic

Party of Korea and the minor opposition People's Party... about its stance on a possible extension,

to which the spokesperson said the team had replied that one would indeed be necessary.

Exactly two weeks from Tuesday, the independent counsel's initial mandate for the investigation

expires.While it's still unclear whether it will seek -- or be granted -- a 30-day extension,

the team says it will continue to do its best, as a matter of principle, to get to the bottom

of the corruption scandal.

Hwang Hojun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Independent counsel mulling arrest warrant for Samsung heir apparent Lee Jae-yong - Duration: 1:59.


UN Security Council condemns N. Korea missile test - Duration: 2:28.

The UN Security Council has denounced North Korea for its latest provocative act.

The regime's first test launch of the year is considered a more serious threat than previous

ones,... as the missile's solid-fuel engine enables a faster and more stable launch.

Connie Kim has our top story.

The 15 members of the UN Security Council wasted little time before unanimously adopting

a press statement on Monday calling North Korea's ballistic missile launch a "grave

violation" of multiple UN resolutions.

"The members of the council stressed the importance of working to reduce tensions in the Korean

peninsula and beyond.

The members of the council agreed that the Security Council would continue to closely

monitor the situation and take further significant measures in line with the council's previously

expressed determination.

Thank you."

The meeting was requested by South Korea, the U.S. and Japan early Monday, Korea time,....

following the North's firing of a ballistic missile that traveled 500 kilometers before

landing in the East Sea.

"The UN Security Council expressed concern about the North using resources to pursue

its ballistic missile development,... when the basic needs of North Koreans' are going


The council urged the North to stop violating UN resolutions and abide by its obligations."

The Security Council does not issue a press statement following every North Korean missile

launch, so watchers say this shows how seriously the international community considers this

latest threat.

Even so, most analysts doubt it will have much effect on the North's ambitions.

"UN Security Council Resolution 2087 was issued following the North's ballistic missile test

. But aside from that, resolutions have only been issued after nuclear tests.

It could make the North think that ballistic missile launches are not much of a big deal."

The Pukguksong-2,... the missile launched on Sunday, is considered even more threatening

than others in the North's arsenal,... as it's believed to have a solid-fuel propelled

engine that enables a faster and more stable launch, making it harder to track in advance.

"As this was North Korea's first ballistic missile test since President Trump was sworn

in,... further measures and warnings against Pyongyang are likely to be announced in the

coming days.

Connie Kim, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> UN Security Council condemns N. Korea missile test - Duration: 2:28.


Mercedes-Benz® S-Class

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz® S-Class


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B250 4-Matic Prestige Aut Pano'dak Camera ECC Led - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B250 4-Matic Prestige Aut Pano'dak Camera ECC Led - Duration: 1:47.


Stone Age beauty salon! Cartoons for children. Entertaining cartoons - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Stone Age beauty salon! Cartoons for children. Entertaining cartoons - Duration: 3:33.


Elsku Stelpur // Dear Girls - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Elsku Stelpur // Dear Girls - Duration: 5:03.



For more infomation >> CROQUETAS DE JAMÓN EN LA PANIFICADORA DE LIDL - Duration: 2:41.


Mercedes-Maybach S600

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Maybach S600


For more infomation >> Mercedes-Maybach S600


S. Korea's acting president denounces N. Korea's ballistic missile test - Duration: 1:50.

South Korea's acting president has denounced Pyongyang's missile test,... calling it a

grave provocation that threatens peace on the Korean peninsula and in Northeast Asia.

Song Ji-sun shares with us his remarks.

Chairing the weekly cabinet meeting on Tuesday,...

Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn said North Korea's attempt to further advance its missile technology

must be strongly condemned... as such a test is a direct challenge to UN Security Council

resolutions and warnings from the international community.

"The North Korean regime must realize that its provocations erode hope for peace on the

Korean peninsula.

It will only isolate itself, and drive the international community to unite toward denuclearizing

North Korea."

Hwang also ordered the foreign and defense ministries to closely coordinate with South

Korea's allies and the international community, so North Korea abandons its nuclear and missile


He said the military should maintain firm security conditions based on a strong South

Korea-U.S. alliance... in case of a follow-up provocation.

The emerging presidential hopeful, who's leading the polls among conservative candidates but

has deferred to say whether he will run,... also touched upon domestic issues.

He spoke on the government's efforts to rein in the spread of foot-and-mouth disease...

and called on the National Assembly to help foster the so-called fourth industrial revolution

movement by approving related bills.

Song Ji-sun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> S. Korea's acting president denounces N. Korea's ballistic missile test - Duration: 1:50.


For more infomation >> S. Korea's acting president denounces N. Korea's ballistic missile test - Duration: 1:50.


S. Korea, U.S., Japan hold video conference after N. Korea missile launch - Duration: 1:14.

Defense officials from Seoul, Washington and Tokyo held a video conference to discuss countermeasures

for North Korea's missile launch.

Kim Hyun-bin zooms in on the first trilateral meeting centering on North Korean provocation

since the launch of the new U.S. administration.

According to South Korea's defense ministry on Tuesday, the officials from the three countries

condemned North Korea's missile launch and agreed that it was a clear violation of UN


They also agreed that North Korea's missile program is a grave threat to the peace and

stability of Northeast Asia.

It's the first time the three have spoken since the inauguration of U.S. President Donald


Separately, Seoul and Washington agreed the U.S. would deploy strategic assets to the

Korean Peninsula during the allies' annual Key Resolve and Foal Eagle drills in early


"U.S. strategic assets can carry nuclear weapons, which can send a strong message to North Korea."

A South Korean military official said Tuesday that F-22 stealth fighters and a nuclear powered

submarine could potentially be part of the drills.

"The move is intended as a warning to Pyongyang that provocations will not be tolerated...

and that the allies are fully ready to counter its nuclear and missile threats.

Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> S. Korea, U.S., Japan hold video conference after N. Korea missile launch - Duration: 1:14.


For more infomation >> S. Korea, U.S., Japan hold video conference after N. Korea missile launch - Duration: 1:14.


UN Security Council condemns N. Korea missile test - Duration: 2:28.

The UN Security Council has denounced North Korea for its latest provocative act.

The regime's first test launch of the year is considered a more serious threat than previous

ones,... as the missile's solid-fuel engine enables a faster and more stable launch.

Connie Kim has our top story.

The 15 members of the UN Security Council wasted little time before unanimously adopting

a press statement on Monday calling North Korea's ballistic missile launch a "grave

violation" of multiple UN resolutions.

"The members of the council stressed the importance of working to reduce tensions in the Korean

peninsula and beyond.

The members of the council agreed that the Security Council would continue to closely

monitor the situation and take further significant measures in line with the council's previously

expressed determination.

Thank you."

The meeting was requested by South Korea, the U.S. and Japan early Monday, Korea time,....

following the North's firing of a ballistic missile that traveled 500 kilometers before

landing in the East Sea.

"The UN Security Council expressed concern about the North using resources to pursue

its ballistic missile development,... when the basic needs of North Koreans' are going


The council urged the North to stop violating UN resolutions and abide by its obligations."

The Security Council does not issue a press statement following every North Korean missile

launch, so watchers say this shows how seriously the international community considers this

latest threat.

Even so, most analysts doubt it will have much effect on the North's ambitions.

"UN Security Council Resolution 2087 was issued following the North's ballistic missile test

. But aside from that, resolutions have only been issued after nuclear tests.

It could make the North think that ballistic missile launches are not much of a big deal."

The Pukguksong-2,... the missile launched on Sunday, is considered even more threatening

than others in the North's arsenal,... as it's believed to have a solid-fuel propelled

engine that enables a faster and more stable launch, making it harder to track in advance.

"As this was North Korea's first ballistic missile test since President Trump was sworn

in,... further measures and warnings against Pyongyang are likely to be announced in the

coming days.

Connie Kim, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> UN Security Council condemns N. Korea missile test - Duration: 2:28.


For more infomation >> UN Security Council condemns N. Korea missile test - Duration: 2:28.


Citroën Jumper 30 2.2 HDI L1H1 - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Citroën Jumper 30 2.2 HDI L1H1 - Duration: 1:13.


For more infomation >> Citroën Jumper 30 2.2 HDI L1H1 - Duration: 1:13.


Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 PureTech Feel ( Navigatie - Parkeersensoren - Airco) - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 PureTech Feel ( Navigatie - Parkeersensoren - Airco) - Duration: 0:43.


For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 PureTech Feel ( Navigatie - Parkeersensoren - Airco) - Duration: 0:43.


Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 PureTech Shine ( Navigatie - Panoramadak - Climate Control ) - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 PureTech Shine ( Navigatie - Panoramadak - Climate Control ) - Duration: 1:46.


For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 PureTech Shine ( Navigatie - Panoramadak - Climate Control ) - Duration: 1:46.


Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 PureTech Shine ( Navigatie - Panoramadak - Climate Control ) - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 PureTech Shine ( Navigatie - Panoramadak - Climate Control ) - Duration: 1:32.


For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 PureTech Shine ( Navigatie - Panoramadak - Climate Control ) - Duration: 1:32.


Citroën C3 PURETECH 82 FEEL EDITION NAVI (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 PURETECH 82 FEEL EDITION NAVI (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:45.


For more infomation >> Citroën C3 PURETECH 82 FEEL EDITION NAVI (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:45.


Citroën C4 Picasso PURETECH 130 S&S FEEL AUTOMAAT (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Picasso PURETECH 130 S&S FEEL AUTOMAAT (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:29.


For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Picasso PURETECH 130 S&S FEEL AUTOMAAT (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:29.


Citroën C4 Cactus PURETECH 82 ETG5 SHINE NAVI *NIEUW - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus PURETECH 82 ETG5 SHINE NAVI *NIEUW - Duration: 1:38.


For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus PURETECH 82 ETG5 SHINE NAVI *NIEUW - Duration: 1:38.


Citroën C3 PURETECH 82 FEEL DOT NAVI/AIRCO (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 PURETECH 82 FEEL DOT NAVI/AIRCO (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:45.


For more infomation >> Citroën C3 PURETECH 82 FEEL DOT NAVI/AIRCO (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:45.


Citroën C1 VTi 68 S&S SELECTION AIRCO/BLEUTOOTH (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 VTi 68 S&S SELECTION AIRCO/BLEUTOOTH (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:22.


For more infomation >> Citroën C1 VTi 68 S&S SELECTION AIRCO/BLEUTOOTH (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:22.


Citroën C1 VTi 68 S&S SELECTION AIRCO/BLEUTOOTH (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 VTi 68 S&S SELECTION AIRCO/BLEUTOOTH (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:28.


For more infomation >> Citroën C1 VTi 68 S&S SELECTION AIRCO/BLEUTOOTH (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:28.


Citroën C1 VTi 68 S&S SELECTION AIRCO/BLEUTOOTH (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 VTi 68 S&S SELECTION AIRCO/BLEUTOOTH (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:32.


For more infomation >> Citroën C1 VTi 68 S&S SELECTION AIRCO/BLEUTOOTH (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:32.


Citroën C1 VTi 68 S&S SELECTION AIRCO/BLEUTOOTH (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 VTi 68 S&S SELECTION AIRCO/BLEUTOOTH (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:30.


For more infomation >> Citroën C1 VTi 68 S&S SELECTION AIRCO/BLEUTOOTH (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:30.


Citroën C1 VTi 68 S&S SELECTION AIRCO/BLEUTOOTH (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 VTi 68 S&S SELECTION AIRCO/BLEUTOOTH (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:32.


For more infomation >> Citroën C1 VTi 68 S&S SELECTION AIRCO/BLEUTOOTH (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:32.


Citroën C3 PURETECH 82 SHINE NAVI/CONN.CAM (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 PURETECH 82 SHINE NAVI/CONN.CAM (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:44.


For more infomation >> Citroën C3 PURETECH 82 SHINE NAVI/CONN.CAM (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:44.


Citroën C3 PURETECH 82 S&S ETG SELECTION NAVI/PARK. (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 PURETECH 82 S&S ETG SELECTION NAVI/PARK. (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:45.


For more infomation >> Citroën C3 PURETECH 82 S&S ETG SELECTION NAVI/PARK. (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:45.


Citroën Grand C4 Picasso BlueHDi 120 S&S EAT6 BUSINESS (NIEUW) *RIJKLAAR* - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Citroën Grand C4 Picasso BlueHDi 120 S&S EAT6 BUSINESS (NIEUW) *RIJKLAAR* - Duration: 1:24.


For more infomation >> Citroën Grand C4 Picasso BlueHDi 120 S&S EAT6 BUSINESS (NIEUW) *RIJKLAAR* - Duration: 1:24.


Citroën Jumpy New M Blue HDi 120 S&S BLEUTOOTH AIRCO *NIEUW* - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Citroën Jumpy New M Blue HDi 120 S&S BLEUTOOTH AIRCO *NIEUW* - Duration: 1:53.


For more infomation >> Citroën Jumpy New M Blue HDi 120 S&S BLEUTOOTH AIRCO *NIEUW* - Duration: 1:53.



For more infomation >> The LEGO NINJAGO Trailer


Citroën Jumpy New M Blue HDi 120 S&S BLEUTOOTH AIRCO *NIEUW* - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Citroën Jumpy New M Blue HDi 120 S&S BLEUTOOTH AIRCO *NIEUW* - Duration: 1:53.


Citroën Jumpy New M Blue HDi 120 S&S BLEUTOOTH AIRCO *NIEUW* - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Citroën Jumpy New M Blue HDi 120 S&S BLEUTOOTH AIRCO *NIEUW* - Duration: 1:51.


Are you geared up for the board exams? - Duration: 0:52.

My exam strategy is mainly going through the NCERT.

Because if you have your NCERT in your hand, you're done with 80-85% of the syllabus.

I started preparations very early when my

school started its syllabus

I sometimes call up an old friend and just

talk to him about how my preparations are

going or something like that

I don't find any subject tough, I just find

subjects to be time-consuming. They need

dedicated effort

Study for 25 minutes without any distractions

Keep a timer on your phone or look at the

watch and don't do anything else except

studies and then take a 4-5 minutes break

and get back to studies just after five

minutes. You need to have focus studies rather

than long hours

For more infomation >> Are you geared up for the board exams? - Duration: 0:52.


How to Find Your First Business Idea - Duration: 6:20.

Today, we're gonna be talking about how to find a business idea.

Hey, and welcome back to another episode of Financial Style with Tish.

So I get this question a lot from several entrepreneurs.

And typically, you know, they're first getting started out and they're trying to figure out

exactly what to do.

A lot of times I hear, "I can't focus," or, "There's a lot of things that I'm good at,

how do I choose just one?"

And I totally get it, I totally understand it.

As an entrepreneur essentially you, you know, you have a lot of things that you're really

good at.

It's easy to get bogged down and not really know what you should offer as an entrepreneur,

especially when there are so many things that you're good at and there are so many different

things that you have skills and talents in.

I specialize in helping entrepreneurs just like you figure out exactly what talent that

is that you have, that you can offer.

So let's figure out exactly how you can find your very first business idea.

The first thing to do is figure out exactly what you're good at.

Now, you might think you're good at writing, you might think that you're good at singing.

::Singing off key::

But you might not realize that those are actually not your skills and not your talent.

What's really, really important is to figure out what you are actually really, really good

at, okay?

So that's the first piece of finding a really good business idea.

What you are better at than almost anyone else and what's difficult about this is that

sometimes, when you're really good at something, it's hard to understand that other people

are not good at it because what you find that comes naturally to you usually doesn't come

naturally to everyone else right?

So, for example, I'm really good at seeing a problem and seeing the solution to that.

It's just something that comes easily to me and I always thought that everyone else was

the same way.

That anyone else could see a problem and automatically think of a solution to it but that is that's

not the case.

And so that's the skill that I use with the entrepreneurs that I work with.

I come up with a strategy for them, I see the problems and I can immediately see the

solution and create a plan in order to make it through to the other end.

But that doesn't come naturally to everyone, so you've got to figure out what you are really,

really good at.

And it might take you actually walking around and just asking your friends and family and

different people that are in your circle like, "Hey, what are those things that you think

that I'm really good at?" or "What can you see that comes naturally to me?"

That's your first step and it's one of the most important pieces in the process.

Your second step to finding a really good business idea is to look for existing business


So there are existing business models out there that are already working.

There's no need for you to re-invent the wheel.

A business model is simply the way that a business brings in revenue.

It's all the things that they do in order to bring in revenue.

If you are...if you are really good at teaching people and you can actually convey the things

that you're doing and help someone else, you know, transfer what's in your brain over into

the other person's brain then you might be really good in teaching, in consulting, in

showing someone exactly what to do.

So it's important to understand that there are already business models that are out there

and it's important for you to plug-in what you do into an existing business model.

And finally, when you're looking for a business idea, it's important to test, test, test,


Don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to fall.

It's likely that you will fail and it's likely that you will fall.

It's likely that your first idea is not gonna be the best one and maybe your second idea

won't be that great as well.

But what's really important is that you understand that becoming a great entrepreneur is all

about being okay with failing and persevering.

So, what you're looking for when you're looking for a great business idea is the intersection

of what you're really good at, what you enjoy doing, and what people will you pay you for.

And once you find that spot in the middle, that's your sweet spot, that's your business


And that's when you will be successful when you take that business idea and you plug it

into an already existing business model.

So if you'd like to take your skills and you want to turn it into a viable source of income

then I'd love to have you join me in our Creating Coins Challenge.

I'm gonna show you how to take the skills you have and use them in a consulting capacity.

So especially, if you are someone like a graphic designer, if you are a health coach or a fitness

expert or someone like that and you'd like to take those skills and offer them in the

online business model, then I definitely want you to join me for the Creating Coins Challenge.

I will leave more information in the description box below on how you can get started.

Or if you're U.S. based, you can simply text CREATECOINS, all one word to 678-506-7543.

I'll text you right back and say, "Hey, thanks, what's your email address?"

You'll be able to type in your email address and that I will send you the information directly

on how you can join us on the Creating Coins Challenge.

There are so many actionistas in the Creating Coins Challenge right now that are just having

amazing breakthroughs and I'd love to have you join us as well.

So be sure to get in and I'd love to see you create a brand new stream of income from skills

that you already have.

Don't leave those skills on the shelf, offer them to the world.

And I'd love to see how you create coins.

So be sure to give this video a thumbs up if you liked it and make sure to subscribe.

I've got new videos coming every single Tuesday. And I'd love to see you here again next week.

In the meantime I look forward to your continued success!

See you guys soon. Bye.

For more infomation >> How to Find Your First Business Idea - Duration: 6:20.


22 - Do not fear the censorship of men - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> 22 - Do not fear the censorship of men - Duration: 5:39.


23 - In the hands of the potter - Duration: 9:48.

For more infomation >> 23 - In the hands of the potter - Duration: 9:48.


Lego Skeeball Machine ( GIGANTIC ) - Duration: 5:07.

Hello guys! Today i will show you a Giant Lego Skeeball machine!

Hi everybody, if you want to see more creations like this- subscribe to my channel!

For more infomation >> Lego Skeeball Machine ( GIGANTIC ) - Duration: 5:07.


NEW CARS GTA 5 ONLINE - Duration: 14:04.

For more infomation >> NEW CARS GTA 5 ONLINE - Duration: 14:04.


GROOT Dancing Figure from Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 Movie! - Duration: 5:20.

Groot Dancing Figure from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Movie!

This is Sammy and Baby Groot from TottyChoCho!

I'm really excited to show you the latest Hasbro toys from the upcoming

Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 movie!

It's coming to theatres soon!

I'm so excited to show you my favorite character, BABY GROOT!

It's baby Groot, let's check out the box.

This is Dancing Figure Groot.

He is 11.5 inches tall.

He can dance to your music.

What do you think he says?


It takes 3 AA batteries.

And it's for ages 4+.

I'm 6 so... HAHAHAHA!

The button to make him dance is disguised as a leaf.

Baby Groot also lights up when he dances.

Here is Baby Groot, isn't he SUPER CUTE?

I'm going to show you baby Groot's features.

Behind his leg is an On /Off and Try Me switch.

This is off, This is TRY ME mode, this is ON.

If you want to hear him sing and dance in try me mode, you need to press the secret button.

This leaf is the secret activation button.

Do you want to see what happens when I press the button?

Dancing to "Come A Little Bit Closer".

I'm going to show you how to pose his arms.

I like the details with the leaves and the branches.

And this leaf sticks out.

His skin has the texture of wood.

Baby Groot also has another cool feature, he can dance to YOUR music too!

You need to hold this button down for 15 seconds - that's how you enter "Music Detection Mode".

Let's see if baby Groot would dance to a song I made.

"I am Groot…"

Let's sample all Baby Groot's music.

Baby Groot's eyes light up.

That was our Baby Groot review.

If you liked it, give us a THUMBS UP.

My little baby, rock on the tree top…

If you fall…I will not catch you - LOL!

What kind of a lullaby was that?!


We will be back real soon with a review for all 7 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Marvel Legends 2017 Figures!

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