Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 2, 2017

Youtube daily report Feb 17 2017

Have you heard of Bizarro World?

In the late 1960's DC comics introduced the idea of a Bizarro World, a world that

is opposite of our daily expectations.

As fans watch their favorite films they speculate on alternate versions of the plots, characters

or even the worlds these characters live.

These conjectures can create some weird theories that can change the way you look at some of

your favorite films, especially when they are a cherished kids film.

Make sure to hit that subscribe button and like this video as we introduce you to Screen

Rant's list of ten Theories That Turn Kids Movies into Creepy Movies.

Frozen, Tangled and The Little Mermaid

We know that Rapunzel and Flynn were at Elsa's coronation because we spotted them."

We know that the coronation takes place three years after the death of Elsa and Anna's


We also know that the films Tangled and Frozen were released three years apart.

From the architecture in Tangled we can say the movie takes place in Germany and the architecture

in Frozen puts us in Norway.

Did the Frozen parents travel to Germany for Rapunzel and Flynn's wedding but their ship

sank on the way there?

And in between Germany and Norway is Denmark, which is home to a famous mermaid.

Is the sunken ship that Ariel visits under the sea the vessel of Elsa and Anna's parents?

Mind blown!

The Rugrats Movie

The Rugrats Movie is based off the popular Nickelodeon children's cartoon, Rugrats.

The theory behind Rugrats is that the main characters are just a figment of Angelica's

tortured imagination.

Angelica has no emotional connection to family so she makes up these infants to belittle

and let her anger issues out.

If that's the case, Angelica needs to be put in a padded room and on a well-balanced

diet of happy pills.


WALL-E is left on planet Earth to tidy up the mess left by humans and he has spent the

last 700 years placing the mess into cubes.

This symbolic film about waste and the effects on humans is a joy to watch and people easily

fall in love with the main character.

One fan theory suggests that the reason the planet was without humans is because WALL-E

killed them all and he's cleaning up to repent for his sins.

This certainly would change the way we see WALL-E but we're pretty sure this adorable

robot didn't do this because he can't even harm a bug.

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

The beloved children's film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory has given generations

of kids the dream of visiting Wonka's factory.

But what if those dreams turned out to be nightmares?

Some say that Wonka is actually a cannibal and he's taking the bad kids and preparing

them for meals.

Augustus Gloop better hope that tube leads to safety or he's going to make a great

meal for Wonka, but let's be honest.

Wouldn't you take the chance of being eaten to be in that candy factory?

Toy Story and Toy Story 2

In the first Toy Story film Andy can be seen wearing a cowboy hat and then in Toy Story

2 the owner of Jessie has the same kind of hat.

It's theorized that Andy's mom was the original owner of Jessie and she passed down

her hat to her son.

If this is true, it is sad that Jessie has lived her entire life missing Emily and when

they are reunited Emily doesn't recognize her.

It's understandable for Jessie to not recognize her because she aged but Emily seems to never

shed a tear.

Luckily Jesse finds love with Buzz and has a new set of friends.

Wreck-It Ralph

In the film Wreck-It Ralph there's a fictitious arcade game called, Hero's Duty and the games

main heroine is Calhoun.

Calhoun's husband-to-be is eaten at the alter by a Cy-Bug and Calhoun quickly pulls

out a pocket chain gun and kills the Cy-Bug.

In the film we learn that a Cy-Bug takes the form of whatever they eat.

When a Cy-Bug eats Ralph's gun it takes the form of that gun and when a Cy-Bug eats

candy it becomes candy.

So Calhoun was actually shooting the love of her life while sporting a wedding dress.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Who Framed Roger Rabbit brought all of your beloved cartoon characters in one film but

one theory suggests the plot reflects on a dark period of American history.

This theory suggests toons are minorities that were being oppressed by whites in a reflection

of the Jim Crow era.

They are called toons in a derogatory way, being oppressed, kicked out of their homes

and Christopher Lloyds character tries to assimilate to human culture but cannot making

his character an Uncle Tom.

Or it's all about public transportation and a voluptuous cartoon character?


When watching Aladdin as a kid you can't help but sit back and laugh at the antics

of Robin William's Genie.

But when you grew up you might have wondered how the Genie knew Rodney Dangerfield or Jack


How does he know what a 1950's muscle car looks like or what an applause sign is?

One theory is that Aladdin actually takes place in the distant future, after a horrific

nuclear war.

The Genie even complains about the accommodations in his lamp.

Or maybe the Genie can time travel and that's why he's going to Disneyland at the end

of the movie.

Either way we loved William's jokes and wouldn't have it any other way.

Star Wars

Some will argue Star Wars is not a kid's movie but go check your shelf and count how

many Star Wars figures you have up there.

Then get back to us.

This theory suggests that the treasured characters R2-D2 and Chewbacca are actually traitors.

R2-D2 avoids getting his memory deleted and Chewbacca uses Han Solo as a pawn.

We're going to stop right there because we love those two characters and feel this

theory is traitorous and the person who thought of it needs to meet Lord Vader.

The Incredibles

Atlas Shrugged is novel by Ayn Rand published in 1957 about the philosophy Objectivism.

The Incredibles is about a married pair of superhero's who are forced to live mundane

lives after all super-powered activities have been banned by the government.

Mr. Incredible's talents are wasted in an office and his son Dash is forced to never

show his super speed.

Exactly what Objectivism is against.

The main villain Syndrome wants to give everyone the technology to be whatever they want to

be so everyone can be equal.

Once again being the essence of Objectivism.

This is a deep theory for a kids film and all we want to know if the plot of The Incredibles


There you have ten Theories That Turn Kids Movies into Creepy Movies.

Don't forget to subscribe to Screen Rant for more fun videos.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> 10 Theories That Turn Kids Movies Into Creepy Movies - Duration: 6:40.


NERF WAR MASTER 2 - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> NERF WAR MASTER 2 - Duration: 5:02.


Cowsep Stream Highlights EP 207: Friendly Fire - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> Cowsep Stream Highlights EP 207: Friendly Fire - Duration: 5:41.


Pope Francis Sides With Indigenous People In Dakota Access Pipeline Fight - Duration: 4:03.

This past Wednesday in Rome the Indigenous Peoples' Forum was held, sponsored by the

UN, during which Pope Francis addressed those gathered.

He said that anywhere in the world, when you have an issue that involves the use of land,

occupied, owned, or as the sole territory of indigenous people, that those indigenous

people should have the final say in anything that happens on that land.

While he did not specifically mention the Dakota Access Pipeline, it's pretty clear,

given what's happening around the globe right now, that that is what he was referring to.

The indigenous people in this case are the Sioux tribes of the Dakotas trying to protect

their sacred land, their sacred waters, their sacred burial sites from the construction

of the Dakota Access Pipeline, which is a completely unnecessary and poorly executed

oil pipeline.

This is not something that's going to create energy independence for the United States.

It's not something that's going to lower our gas prices.

It's not something that's going to provide low-cost fuel for American citizens.

It's something that's going to enrich the Dakota Access LLC company and Energy Transfer

Partners, the co-owner of this, a group that Donald Trump at least at one point owned stock


But the administration is hell-bent on taking away this land from the indigenous Sioux tribes

in the Unites States, and that is exactly what Pope Francis was referring to when he

spoke at this Indigenous Peoples' Forum in Rome this week.

He also went on to say, according to EcoWatch, that destruction of the environment is a sin.

That's an argument that I have tried to make a couple times over the years just strictly

in biblical terms to try to make appeals to the religious right, who seems to have no

problem destroying the environment, doesn't think that the environment's important.

If you go through the Christian Bible, there are numerous passages in there that talk about

protecting the Earth.

The Earth is God's domain, according to the Bible.

Any destruction that we do upon it is an affront to God.

I ask you this, so-called Christians: Why, if you believe that there is a divine spirit

that created this planet, that did it in seven days 6,000 years ago or however old you think

it is, why destroy it?

Why exploit all the natural resources here and destroy the planet, kill the animals,

kill the people that God created, according to you?


When we have a sitting Pope coming out and attacking, well, not necessarily attacking,

but discussing the disgustingness of United States income inequality, United States environmental

destruction, the complete disregard for indigenous people, maybe we need to listen to him on

these couple issues.

Is the Catholic Church perfect?

Oh, God, no.

They've done some horrible things in their past, and probably still doing some horrible

things today.

But on these issues, maybe we could listen, because we do have an ally over there in the


He is standing up for people.

He's trying to clean up the mess of hundreds of years of Church abuse, but it's not going

to happen overnight and it's not going to happen in the next decade.

It's going to take a very long time, but at least they're starting to get on the right

track here.

We probably need to listen, because at the end of the day, if it comes down to Donald

Trump's word versus Pope Francis, I'm probably going to side with the Pope on these.

For more infomation >> Pope Francis Sides With Indigenous People In Dakota Access Pipeline Fight - Duration: 4:03.


The Sexiest "Star Wars" Song In Australia - @midnight with Chris Hardwick - Duration: 1:36.

According to Gizmodo Australia,

there's one song Aussies play on Spotify the most during sex.

Let's take a listen to the greatest song

to get you in the mood for going Down Under.

(Star Wars Cantina Theme playing)

-Yeah! -(laughter)

That'll make your...

that'll make your Force awaken.

-Oh, no! -Of course, Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes,

cantina band, otherwise known as the top song

on the Sexy Times playlist.

Which may sound weird to you,

but in Star Wars canon-- this is a hundred percent true--

this genre of music is called Jizz-wail.

-(laughter) -Uh, absolutely true.

Uh... J-I-Z-Z W-A-I-L.

-It's called Jizz-wail. -HANNAH: They saw it coming.

-Yeah. -Aah...!

Aah...! Hundred points to Hannah Hart!

They didn't hear that-- Hannah said, "I saw that coming."


-What...? -Very good.

-What...? -(applause, whistling)

Jizz-wailing is also a term for crying

while you masturbate to Bea Arthur

on the Star Wars Holiday Special.


So, comedians, what is a Star Wars sex move

that you would do to the cantina band song?

-Mamrie. -One in the Pink, Two in the Binks.

-Yes, points! Very good! -(laughter)

(laughing): Very good.

Oh, meesa... oh...

-(laughter) -Uh, Grace.

Jabba in the Butt.

-Yes, points. Very good. -(laughter)

-Hannah. -It's a crap!

-Yeah, points! Very good! -(laughter)

For more infomation >> The Sexiest "Star Wars" Song In Australia - @midnight with Chris Hardwick - Duration: 1:36.


Pasito Perron Challenge - Minecraft Simple Animation - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Pasito Perron Challenge - Minecraft Simple Animation - Duration: 2:26.


MainMan - "WWH" (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:56.

♪ The sky is falling Your mind is crawling

♪ With tiny thoughts that keep you down ignore the sound

♪ But when rains it pours And you know what's in store

♪ Those tiny thoughts that keep you down Ignore the sound

♪ The walls are falling Do not to stall it

♪ Those tiny blocks that keep you down Ignore the sound

♪ But when it rains it pours And you know what's in store

♪ Those tiny thought that keep you down Ignore the sound

♪ It's plain to see that there's a realistic choice

♪ You seem to be refusing, what your inner voice

♪ It's killing me to see you entering the void

♪ The sky is falling Your mind is crawling

♪ With tiny thoughts that keep you down Ignore the sound

♪ But when it rains it pours And you know what's in store

♪ Those tiny thoughts that keep you down Ignore the sound

♪ It's plain to see that there's a realistic choice

♪ You seem to be refusing what your inner voice

♪ It's killing me to see you entering the void

♪ It's plain to see that there's a realistic choice

♪ It's killing me to see you entering the void ♪

For more infomation >> MainMan - "WWH" (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:56.


Interview with Zara Larsson | Skavlan | (English Subtitles) - Duration: 14:12.

When my first guest had her first breakthrough at age ten

she already knew she'd be a superstar.

Now she's 19, and all has gone to plan. Welcome, Zara Larsson.

Thank you so much.

Can you remember, before you were famous, the first song you learned?

I'm sure it was a Carola song, I think, actually...

-Or maybe Whitney Houston. -Can you sing like Carola?

If I can do impression of Carola?

Oh, it was that good? Thank you!

-It's fantastic. -Thank you so much.

Carola is awesome, Whitney Houston is awesome.

Your rise to fame has been meteoric, seeing as you're only 19.

-But you've been around a long time. -I have.

You're seen on one of the biggest shows on TV in the US right now.

You got to open the Euro 2016.

Now you're releasing a new album. Do you still control your own time?

Is it easy to lose control of your time?

It's a bit like that, but that's because I have a tight schedule.

I have very little downtime, which is a good thing.

I'm very busy, I do a lot of things, a lot of fun stuff.

I love what I do, but I'm the type of person who is totally unaware.

Yesterday I was saying to my mom: "I've got something tomorrow, right?"

And well, here I am, today.

But I really don't know what I've got scheduled, and I love it.

-So you want it that way? -Yes.

-How far ahead do you think? -Two days, tops.

You make a lot of money. Do you manage it?


OK... Who is in charge of it?

-Mommy and Daddy. -That's good.

They keep an eye on it, and they wouldn't steal from me.

I'll probably be back here in 20 years and go, "Well, darn it..."

No, they would never do that.

Do you get like a fixed allowance?

Well, last night I called my mom to ask for 200 kronor for the movies.

But I mean, I still live at home, I don't pay any bills.

I don't have a car, not even have my license.

I have no expenses. I only spend money on fun stuff.

If I had access to all the money, there would be a lot of fun stuff.

I'd be like...

Have you bought anything expensive that you've felt good about?

Well, yesterday, actually, or the day before that...

I bought an apartment for my grandmother.

-That's great. -Well, you know, stuff like that.

That, to me, feels worth it.

So do you call your mom and say, "I need money for an apartment?"

No, it's all my mom. She asked me if I thought we should do it.

And I said yes, of course Grandma should have a little place.

-Has Grandma moved in yet? -No, it's a new build. Next year.

She'll be close to my cousins, my sister...

Right now she's all alone in my father's hometown.

I think this will be great for her.

-Was she happy to get it? -Very.

-I bet. -I bet she was, too.

I just hope she stays alive long enough to move in.

It would be a real shame otherwise.

You are 19, so you could have your driver's license.

-But you don't? -No.

-Would you be a good driver? -I know what you're getting at.

I'm getting at the fact that you have some experience driving.

Some, yes. I've got a license to drive a moped.

Explain this to me, because I'm not from Sweden.

-Only in Sweden do they have this... -Really?

-You don't have mopeds in Norway? -Yes...

Yes, we do.

Yes, people do have mopeds.

If you're too scared to ride a motorcycle.

But not this weird quadricycle, which looks like a car...

It does look like a car, but the max speed is 30 mph.

So I can go all over Stockholm, as long as it's not a highway.

And how's that working out for you?

So well that the manufacturer withdrew their endorsement.

I've been in a few accidents, let's put it that way.

You're more like a serial offender.

That's how you see it? I suppose, yes.

Those of you who are from Stockholm know the Klara tunnel.

-From City to the south... -Lots of heavy traffic.

And as with most roads, traffic flows both ways.

But one tunnel goes one way only, the other tunnel goes the other only.

So when you enter the tunnel, that's it.

And I of course managed to enter the wrong tunnel.

And this was... Let me explain!

This was late on a Tuesday night, there were no cars around.

And I had had my license for one day.

I was so happy, driving my little car.

I was heading home, but was unsure where I was going.

So I was like, "Right or left? Right or left?"

And there's a huge sign that says, "Right".

But I was like, "You know what? Left feels right to me."

-Well, you must listen to your gut. -So I enter the tunnel.

I'm driving in the right lane, because I know my stuff.

Then an oncoming car has to swerve and honks at me.

And I'm like, "What the hell are you doing in my lane?"

Then another car comes, and we crash into each other.

That's when I realize I'm in the wrong tunnel.

But everyone was fine. It could have been so much worse.

I think the backseat is a great idea.

-I'm sure your parents agree. -Yeah...

I know you come from a home where debate is encouraged.

You've debated a lot, especially with your dad, who's in the military.

I read somewhere you and your dad debate for hours.

-Definitely. -What do you discuss?

I mean, in my family, you know... I talk a lot - I really do.

But I've got absolutely nothing on my father. He has no off switch.

We have a lot of discussions.

But I can ask my dad a simple question and get a whole lecture.

He is very knowledgeable.

Is he what feminists like to call a "mansplainer"?

Tell me about it! So many times I've had to say, "Stop mansplaining!"

A simple question can lead to a 15-minute monologue.

But he's amazing and incredibly knowledgeable.

He's probably the reason I'm so interested in social issues.

I want to learn about our political environment.

We talk a lot about, well, feminism is a huge issue for me.

So that's great, to have been brought up like that.

You've been very outspoken about your feminist views.

And you have a very political voice, in addition to your singing voice.

-And especially on social media. -Yes.

You tweet roughly, if not more, then at least on a par with Trump.

-Yeah... I'm up there. -It does get to be a lot.

Do you ever feel...regret?

-Do I what? -Do you regret any of your tweets?

Like, "I was too harsh there."

There was this one thing that I had to delete.

And it was after I saw the first "50 Shades of Grey" movie.

In my personal opinion - it's not my type of movie - I thought it sucked.

So I tweeted, "If you like this, go here" - and linked to Pornhub.

-Which is... -But that's the only thing!

Which is one of many pornographic sites online. There are more.

Just to explain what it is.

-I should explain it? -No! I've explained it. No more!

-Please, no more about that! -OK. I personally didn't regret it.

But the label was like, "You're great on Twitter, say whatever you want."

"But stuff like that, maybe it's unnecessary?"

But when you say things like, "I hate men" - you get into fights.

-I get into fights. -Lots of grumpy men out there.

And you hear from some them. But you don't mean them personally?

Or maybe sometimes you do, but do you mean all men or...?

-Are you offended now? -No, I'm unoffendable.

Just kidding! Of course I don't mean all men, but this debate is boring.

I just mean that macho culture and men in general, in groups...

...are scary, unpleasant, and just annoying.

Exactly. And what happens when you...

When you voice an opinion like that, you get attacked by "trolls" online.

-Absolutely. -You get a lot of hate.

-Do you read it? -To a certain extent.

I think the more I am online, just like all kids today...

...the more I learn to kind of...

On Twitter, there are a lot of "eggs" for profile pictures.

Right, the ones that are...

Eggs are usually private profiles with zero followers.

-They're anonymous? -Exactly, very anonymous.

The ones who hide behind that are those who write the worst stuff.

It's easier to not be affected by them, because it feels...

You know? It doesn't feel real.

I'd have tweeted just as much or even more, if I didn't have my followers.

Like I said, I grew up in a very debate-friendly environment.

That's just what I'm like. I want to voice my opinion.

I want to be heard and seen, I want people to listen to me!

So when you debate and you go, for example...

"I hate all men." Does your dad agree?

He understands exactly what I mean. To get back to this irrelevant topic.

When I say "all men," my dad isn't offended, nor are my guy friends.

I have men in my life that I love and admire.

But it's constantly this... "Hey, not all men!" Yeah, we know!

But if you're not a rapist, or a wife beater, or a bully...

If that's not you, then don't get offended by it. That's all.

You know what I mean?

We need to understand what privileges we have.

I truly believe that there are privileges.

You're very privileged if you happen to be white, male, rich, cis.

So you need to check yours. What are my privileges?

I'm cis-gendered, with a body that conforms to ideals...

I'm straight, I'm white... I need to be able to see that.

-Thank you so much for being here. -Thank you!

For more infomation >> Interview with Zara Larsson | Skavlan | (English Subtitles) - Duration: 14:12.


Sesame Street characters make Oscar film picks - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Sesame Street characters make Oscar film picks - Duration: 2:27.


Behind the Megadeth stage - Council Bluffs, Iowa - Duration: 7:37.

For more infomation >> Behind the Megadeth stage - Council Bluffs, Iowa - Duration: 7:37.


Erik Morales "I don't know who Thurman is! Golovkin more complete fighter than Canelo! - Duration: 3:10.

No, its normal (being retired) I'm at peace, I'm very happy with what I achieved and happy

umm well I'm commentating, working with some young kids, enjoying my family. I have a beautiful two year old girl and I'm just very happy!

Ah man I still need more time to decide. They are young kids who are still starting out but you never know. Give me 6 months, we will see.

The Thurman vs. Garcia fight how do you see it?

I don't know who Thurman is, I'm not familiar with him!

Why would I tell you a lie, I'm not familiar with him

Ok then Golovkin vs. Canelo?

Its a very difficult fight that hasnt happened yet. As the two have looked they have alot of potential.

It's practically a even fight , we will see in the first round how they present themselves to be able to evaluate

I know thats difficult but until then, they look very even.

Who has the more advantages?

I think Gennady. Because his power, he has more experience, more technical capacity, even though hes very forceful

hes not doing it in one way, hes a more complete fighter

Canelo has a big chance to win with the way hes looked in his recent fights

For more infomation >> Erik Morales "I don't know who Thurman is! Golovkin more complete fighter than Canelo! - Duration: 3:10.


Collaring a Cat | Big Cat Week - Duration: 2:17.

RESEARCHER: We are putting radio collars in these cats

because it's a really good way to follow them.

The collar is not a problem for a jaguar.

They are quite light.

It's not the prettiest technology

but it's really, really efficient technology.

NARRATOR: First, Esperanza gets a full health check.

Jaguars have the most powerful bite of any big cat.

One of her canines is broken.

It probably happened during a hunt.

The team vet has also noticed something very exciting--

an indication that she might be pregnant or even nursing cubs.

[non-english speech]

NARRATOR: After only 20 minutes, the anesthetic

is starting to wear off.

200 pounds of big cat is about to wake up.

[non-english speech]

NARRATOR: She's so strong that her body is fighting the drugs.

The collar will drop off after a year or so.

But before it does, they will be able to follow Esperanza

closely, hoping to gather important new information--

especially if she does have cubs.

For more infomation >> Collaring a Cat | Big Cat Week - Duration: 2:17.


The Globalists Strike Back With A Major Push Toward A Cashless Society - Duration: 8:55.

The Globalists Strike Back With A Major Push Toward A Cashless Society

By Michael Snyder

Their agenda may be on the rocks in the United States at the moment, but that doesn�t mean

that the globalists are giving up. In fact, a major push toward a cashless society is

being made in the European Union right now. Last May we learned that the 500 euro note

is being completely eliminated, and just a few weeks ago the European Commission released

a new �Action Plan� which instructs member states to explore �potential upper limits

to cash payments.� In the name of �fighting terrorism,� this �Action Plan� discusses

the benefits of �prohibitions for cash payments above a specific threshold� and it says

that those prohibitions should include �virtual currencies (such as Bitcoin) and prepaid instruments

(such as pre-paid credit cards) when they are used anonymously.�

This new document does not mention what an appropriate threshold would be for member

states, but we do know that Spain already bans certain cash transactions above 2,500

euros, and Italy and France already ban cash transactions above 1,000 euros.


This is a perfect way to transition to a cashless society without creating too much of an uproar.

By setting a maximum legal level for cash transactions and slowly lowering it, in effect

you can slowly but surely phase out cash without people understanding what is happening.

And there are many places in Europe where it is very difficult to even use cash at this

point. In Sweden, many banks no longer take or give out cash, and approximately 95 percent

of all retail transactions are entirely cashless. So even though Sweden has not officially banned

cash, using cash is no longer practical in most situations. In fact, many tourists are

shocked to find out that they cannot even pay bus fare with cash.

So most of Europe is already moving in this direction, and now this new Action Plan is

intended to accelerate the transition toward a cashless society. The public is being told

that these measures are being taken to fight money laundering and terrorism, but of course

that is only a small part of the truth. The following comes from the Anti-Media�

The European Action Plan doesn�t mention a specific dollar amount for restrictions,

but as expected, their reasoning for the move is to thwart money laundering and the financing

of terrorism. Border checks between countries have already been bolstered to help implement

these new standards on hard assets. Although these end goals are plausible, there are other

clear motivations for governments to target paper money that aren�t as noble.

In a truly cashless society, governments would be able to track where everybody is and what

everybody is doing all the time. And in order to have access to the cashless system, people

would have to comply with whatever requirements governments wanted to impose on their helpless

populations. The potential for tyranny that this would create would be off the charts,

but very few people seem greatly alarmed by the move toward a cashless system all over

the globe.

Even in the United States there are calls for a cashless system. For example, the former

chief economist for the IMF wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal not too long ago

in which he recommended the elimination of the $100 bill�

There is little debate among law-enforcement agencies that paper currency, especially large

notes such as the U.S. $100 bill, facilitates crime: racketeering, extortion, money laundering,

drug and human trafficking, the corruption of public officials, not to mention terrorism.

There are substitutes for cash�cryptocurrencies, uncut diamonds, gold coins, prepaid cards�but

for many kinds of criminal transactions, cash is still king. It delivers absolute anonymity,

portability, liquidity and near-universal acceptance.

Over in Asia restrictions are being put on cash as well. Legendary investor Jim Rogers

commented on what is currently happening in India during one recent podcast�

The time will come when you won�t be able to buy a cup of coffee without being traced,

warns investment guru Jim Rogers. To control people, governments will increasingly seek

to hunt down cash spending, he adds.

�Governments are always looking out for themselves first, and it�s the same old

thing that has been going on for hundreds of years. The Indians recently did the same

thing. They withdrew 86 percent of the currency in circulation, and they have now made it

illegal to spend more than, I think it�s about $4,000 in any cash transaction. In France

you cannot use more than, I think it�s a �1,000,� said Rogers in an interview with

MacroVoices Podcast.

The reason why this is taking place all over the planet is because this is a global agenda.

The globalists ultimately plan to completely eliminate cash, and this will give them an

unprecedented level of control over humanity.

One thing that many fear may someday be implemented is some form of microchip identification system.

In order to access the cashless grid, you would need your �ID chip� so that the

system could positively identify you, but of course there are millions of people around

the world that do not intend to get chipped under any circumstances.

In the old days, you would be labeled a �conspiracy theorist� just for suggesting that they

may try to chip all of us one day, but in 2017 things have completely changed.

Just look at what is happening in Nevada. A bill has been introduced in the state senate

that would outlaw the �forced microchipping of people��

State Sen. Becky Harris said a bill to prohibit forced microchipping of people is not as far-fetched

as it might seem, because it happens in some places around the world.

Senate Bill 109 would make it a Class C felony to require someone to be implanted with a

radio frequency identifier, such as microchips placed in pets.

The idea for the bill came from a constituent, the Las Vegas Republican said.

If that sounds very strange to you, then you may not know that companies all around the

globe are already starting to explore this type of technology. For instance, a company

in Belgium called NewFusion has actually begun to microchip their employees�

In a move that could be lifted straight from science fiction, workers at a Belgian marketing

firm are being offered the chance to have microchips implanted in their bodies.

The chips contain personal information and provide access to the company�s IT systems

and headquarters, replacing existing ID cards.

The controversial devices raise questions about personal security and safety, including

whether they may allow the movements of people with implants to be tracked.

Technology like this often starts off being �voluntary,� but then after enough people

willingly accept it the transition to �mandatory� is not too difficult.

We live at one of the most critical moments in all of human history, and the globalists

are certainly not going to lay down and die just because Donald Trump won the election.

The U.S. represents less than five percent of the population of the planet, and in most

of the world the agenda of the globalists is on track and is rapidly advancing.

The globalists want a unified one world economy, a unified one world religion and a unified

one world government. The election of Donald Trump was a blow to the globalists, but it

has also made them more dangerous, more ruthless and more determined than ever before.

And in case you think that using the term �globalists� is a bit strange, the truth

is that even the New York Times is using it to describe the global elite and their global


We are in a life-or-death battle for the future of our society, and the globalists are never

going to give up until they get what they want. So now is not a time for complacency,

because the very future of our country is at stake.

For more infomation >> The Globalists Strike Back With A Major Push Toward A Cashless Society - Duration: 8:55.


Logan Movie Review - Duration: 10:16.


I - I knew that Logan was going to be brutal.

I hoped it would be brutal!

But I was not prepared that the deepest cuts

would be emotional...

For more infomation >> Logan Movie Review - Duration: 10:16.


Should i get extreme injector v3.6? - Duration: 6:57.

the link is


For more infomation >> Should i get extreme injector v3.6? - Duration: 6:57.


The Darker Side Of Empaths That Is Rarely Explored - Duration: 4:26.

The Darker Side Of Empaths That Is Rarely Explored.

By consciousreminder.

�Empathy is the most mysterious transaction that the human soul can have, and it�s accessible

to all of us, but we have to give ourselves the opportunity to identify, to plunge ourselves

in a story where we see the world from the bottom up or through another�s eyes or heart.�

� Sue Monk Kidd

Empaths are affected by the energies of other people.

With an innate ability to feel and perceive the emotions of others, they

are highly sensitive, sometimes to an extreme.

Being an empath can cause someone to be naturally giving, spiritually-

attuned, and an excellent listener.

But it can also cause someone to feel overwhelmed, constantly fatigued, saddened, and lost.

The dark sides of being an empath are rarely seen, but they�re important to understand,

especially if you are in a relationship with an empath.

The issue of Abandonment: An unfortunate conclusion is that often the mood swings

can be so erratic that others, unable to cope, simply flee.

The empath is then left feeling abandoned.

If this happens in the midst of the mood swings the Empath will

probably remember little.

The Empath, once the emotions from others clears, is

suddenly alone without understanding why.

Therefore it can be incredibly detrimental to their emotional health and self esteem.

The empath could never abandon someone in need.

Therefore they will blame themselves for others leaving them.

This makes their ability to express personal emotion

even more unlikely.

The spiritual aspect of being an Empath: Vivid and Lucid dreaming is usually

common with empaths.

Having highly vivid and detailed dreams they will often spend

a considerable amount of time trying to interpret these.

Empaths feel, not necessarily knowing why, that dreams are a reflection

or a link to their current and present emotional state.

Therefore not a mere jumble of irrelevant and meaningless images.

As such as well as sleep time dreamers most empaths are vivid and detailed


If the present moment in time is not stimulating or of interest to the

empath they will find themselves detached and lost in daydreams.

If an interesting thought or concept enters the empaths mind

they can spend large amounts of time exploring this in a daydream state.

For others this may appear to be detachment but in

reality the empath is far off, in their own world, exploring the thought and living it

as if in reality itself.

To love or not to: Just like everyone else, an empath dreams of falling love.

The dark side stems from the fact that even if they

do fall in love, they can never do so entirely.

They aren�t capable of giving absolutely every ounce of their heart to someone else.

If they did, the intensity of the passion may

become too much to handle.

Instead, they always keep a small part of themselves hidden

away from the rest of the world.

They constantly keep a guard up because it�s

necessary, even when they desperately want to

let it down.

For more infomation >> The Darker Side Of Empaths That Is Rarely Explored - Duration: 4:26.


Barefoot Running with Socks FYF - Free Your Feet - Duration: 5:52.

One of my goals for 2017 is running over 1000 Km barefoot.

Although I have ran 30000 Km as a minimalist runner,

running barefoot on certain ground types or weather conditions

can be a demanding effort for our feet.

or this reason, I wanted to try Free Your Feet socks.

It is a rather new product which the maker offers

for running on terrains you would run barefoot.

They are knitted of 46% Dyneema yarn.

According to the maker this is the strongest fabric existing,

15 times stronger than steel.

The 54% left is Lycra,

which allows some elasticity and adaptation to the foot.

Free Your Feet socks come in two versions:

one is low-tide and the other is high-peak, with a Swiss flag design.

The fabric has a dense and compact look.

The footbed is covered with grip dots for better grip,

while the upper is completely smooth.

The inside is soft and comfortable.

They come with a little bag to store them after being used.

Let's begin this review talking about the fitting.

Free Your Feet socks come in many sizes.

The maker provides a measure correspondance table,

but from my experience, I would advise choosing a bigger size than the recommended by this table.

I say this because fitting the socks can be really difficult

and can take us several minutes.

Specially the big toe is very hard to fit in.

However, once they are on, these socks fit perfectly and I find them very comfortable.

They don't make any chafing or blistering after running with them on, even on the first use.

One of the most interesting features of the FYF

is that they provide an extra protection for our feet.

Dyneema fabric offers a high resistance to cuts, tearing and abrasion.

From my experience using them I have confirmed

that my feet are much less fatigued after running with them on

than when I run totaly barefoot.

Also, when stumbling or slipping

I have avoided some annoying bruise on my foot.

However, although FYF provide some protection, they are not cut-proof or puncture-proof,

so they are not in any way a replacement for footwear,

and you should not wear them on surfaces where you wouldn't run barefoot.

Dyneema fabric has a high thermal conductivity,

so they provide thermal sensation from the ground when running barefoot

and they dissipate the heat caused when running.

This fabric is also hidrophobic, helping to repel water

and dry quickly without gaining much weight when wet.

My main doubt before testing Free Your Feet socks for running was durability.

As you know, I run 100 Km weekly average,

so durability is one of the main points for me.

I understand this product is not comparable to running shoes,

but I want to know how long they can last.

The maker clearly states that using the Free Your Feet socks for running on hard or abrasive surfaces such as

asphalt, tarmac or pavement will drastically reduce their lifetime.

For this reason you must avoid these surfaces and run solely on soft grounds such as soil, sand, grass, etc.

Here you can see their condition after having run with them

on rather soft and wet grounds:

First wear signs showed up after 60 Km of use,

on the greatest impact areas of the footbed:

hallux, metatarsal and heel.

This wear was more noticeable on one of the socks.

After 80 Km the wear on the left sock finally produced a hole on the hallux area.

After 110 Km this is how they look like.

On the right sock there is no tearing yet,

although there is a more significant wear on the pressure areas.

As they are not shoes, despite the wear signs

the socks can still be used.

I have contacted the maker to tell them about this issue.

They have been thankful about the feedback

and they are already working on improving the FYF durability,

making them stronger for barefoot running.

I will keep you updated on these changes in my following videos.

So, would I recommend FYF socks for barefoot running?

It depends on the situation.

With their current durability, I would not consider them a good option for an experienced barefoot runner

who is quickly running lots of kilometers.

I think these socks would be useful for those who are new to barefoot running

and to help you get the right biomechanics during your transition to minimalist running.

They can also be advisable to run barefoot on certain adverse weather conditions,

such as mud, frost, snow, cold, etc.

Another interesting use would be as a complement for huarache sandals with cold weather or rain,

because they provide grip between feet and huarache sandals

and they are definitely more resistant than normal socks.

If you are interested in getting some Free Your Feet or looking for further information,

you can check the links in the description.

I hope you enjoyed this video.

If you did please give it a Thumbs up and share it on your social networks.

You can also subscribe to see my new videos.

Greetings and see you next time.

For more infomation >> Barefoot Running with Socks FYF - Free Your Feet - Duration: 5:52.


Storm Wreaks Havoc On Southern California - Duration: 2:12.




































































14 OR 15 FEET.


For more infomation >> Storm Wreaks Havoc On Southern California - Duration: 2:12.


Rhiannon Giddens on Austin City Limits "Spanish Mary" - Duration: 5:43.

(cheering and applause)

- [Narrator] Next, master interpretor and songwriter,

Rhiannon Giddens.



♫ There were three sailors, bold and true

♫ With cargo they did carry

♫ They sailed away on the ocean, blue

(tight string)

♫ For the love of Spanish Mary

♫ So deeply now were they concerned

♫ No longer could they tarry

♫ Swoon and swerve for the love of Spanish Mary


♫ In Kingston town of high degree

♫ The buffoon, the fur, the ferry

♫ All paid their dues and inquired to meet

♫ For the love of Spanish Mary

(the whole band playing)

♫ Beggar man, beggar man

♫ Tell me no lie

♫ Is it a mystery to live

♫ Or is it a mystery to die

(the whole band playing)

♫ I seek ye now to ask of you

♫ It was in Kingston town in

♫ They said they stalked, but not for greed

♫ But for the love of Spanish Mary

♫ I remember well, they came one day

♫ The buffoon, the fur, the ferry

♫ They asked of me what could I sing

♫ But for the love of Spanish Mary

♫ 'Tis not of me to top concern

♫ The rumor do I carry

♫ No fun like if you weren't were

♫ But for the love of Spanish, love of Spanish,

♫ Love of Spanish Mary

(full band playing)

(music dying down)

(cheering and applause)

♫ Beggar man, beggar man

♫ Tell me no lie

♫ Is it a mystery to live

♫ Or is it a mystery

♫ To die

(full band playing)

(guitar solo)

(cheering and applause)

For more infomation >> Rhiannon Giddens on Austin City Limits "Spanish Mary" - Duration: 5:43.


Time Lapse Shows Speed Of Water Build-Up In L.A. River - Duration: 0:20.





For more infomation >> Time Lapse Shows Speed Of Water Build-Up In L.A. River - Duration: 0:20.


"The Shack" Movie

For more infomation >> "The Shack" Movie


Kupuje Fiordeła (B - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Kupuje Fiordeła (B - Duration: 2:24.


Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost 100PK Style - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost 100PK Style - Duration: 0:54.


Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:43.


Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:44.


Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:44.


Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:44.


Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:42.


Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:42.


VW Touareg - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> VW Touareg - Duration: 1:10.


UNCHARTED 4: A THIEF'S END | Walkthrough Gameplay (PS4) - PART 2 (theRedFred) - CHAPTER 2 - Duration: 33:09.

UNCHARTED 4: A THIEF'S END | Walkthrough Gameplay (PS4) - PART 2 (theRedFred) - CHAPTER 2

For more infomation >> UNCHARTED 4: A THIEF'S END | Walkthrough Gameplay (PS4) - PART 2 (theRedFred) - CHAPTER 2 - Duration: 33:09.


VW T6 Multivan - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> VW T6 Multivan - Duration: 0:49.


acne scars ^ very easy and effective acne scars home remedies - Duration: 3:29.

acne scars from peski dark

hyperpigmentation marks to red spots to

be Prater's acne scars are among the

most dreaded skin care issues

luckily we've turned the dermatologist

to figure out exactly how to treat each

type of spot see which skin smoothing

products and tools they recommend ahead

where spots do come from

according to dermatologist sebaceous

glands which make the skin natural oil

are found under the surface of the skin

particularly on the face back and

shoulders spots occur when these glands

go into overdrive and produce too much


normally the oil flows out of the narrow

openings in the skin called pores but

when there's an accessible pores can

become blocked resulting in blackheads

or pimples you can see this activity on

the surface of your skin as redness and

inflammation when the normally harmless

bacteria and your skin get to work and

an infection sex in acne scar treatment

at home witch hazel which Havel can act

as an astringent naturally drying and

shrinking blemishes to get its benefits

poor witch hazel onto a cotton ball and

wipe your face each morning and night

acne scars treatment at home aloe vera

aloe vera known for its burn relieving

properties can promote healing fight

infection and even reduce scarring great

the gel from an aloe plant out with a

spoon and it's like to acne scars

acne scar treatment at home lemons

lemons at as an exfoliant skin lightener

and disinfectant to reduce the

appearance of scars and prevent new

pimples from forming on a clean face

down back nice cars with a cotton ball

or cotton swab gifting lemon juice then

rinse with cool water acne scar

treatment at home apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar contains milik and

lactic acids that can exfoliate reduce

red marks and treat acne scars mix equal

parts apple cider vinegar and water and

apply the skin with a cotton ball acne

scar treatment at home acidic foods

acidic foods like citrus fruit juice or

vinegar can flush pores dad a little

onto a cotton ball to help battle acne

scars gently slide the cotton on the

affected areas acne scar treatment at

home eating 3 fatty acids omega-3 fatty

acids have anti-inflammatory properties

that can improve acne scars get the

benefits from a taking a multi-nutrient

capsule containing fish oil or add more

salmon albacore tuna flax seeds and

walnuts to your diet

For more infomation >> acne scars ^ very easy and effective acne scars home remedies - Duration: 3:29.


【中譯字幕】 情熱ファンファンファーレ 【デレステ/CGSS】 - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> 【中譯字幕】 情熱ファンファンファーレ 【デレステ/CGSS】 - Duration: 2:08.


Mercedes-Maybach S600

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Maybach S600


For more infomation >> Mercedes-Maybach S600


The House - New Trailer

For more infomation >> The House - New Trailer


For more infomation >> The House - New Trailer


Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8I-16V DIFFÉRENCE 2 airco,climate,cruise,controle - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8I-16V DIFFÉRENCE 2 airco,climate,cruise,controle - Duration: 0:55.


For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8I-16V DIFFÉRENCE 2 airco,climate,cruise,controle - Duration: 0:55.


Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6I-16V CARACTÈRE **Klantenvertellen 8,7** - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6I-16V CARACTÈRE **Klantenvertellen 8,7** - Duration: 1:17.


For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6I-16V CARACTÈRE **Klantenvertellen 8,7** - Duration: 1:17.


NERF WAR MASTER 2 - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> NERF WAR MASTER 2 - Duration: 5:02.


For more infomation >> NERF WAR MASTER 2 - Duration: 5:02.


"Good Spirits" - Watch on A&E

For more infomation >> "Good Spirits" - Watch on A&E


I Am Legend 2 (Officially Announced for 2017) - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> I Am Legend 2 (Officially Announced for 2017) - Duration: 3:55.


Mets righthander Zack Wheeler 'feels good,' expects to be back on the mound this weekend - Duration: 4:03.

PORT ST. LUCIE — Zack Wheeler was smiling and joking around in the clubhouse Friday afternoon. After a scare with his surgically repaired right elbow slowed down his start to spring training, he said he "feels good" and expects to be back on the mound this weekend.

"I threw today and it felt good," Wheeler said. "We'll go from there."

Wheeler, who is nearing the second anniversary of his 2015 Tommy John surgery, played catch on flat ground for the second straight day Friday. Tuesday, after throwing his first bullpen session of the spring, Wheeler felt tenderness in his elbow, causing the Mets to raise the caution flag on his start to spring training.

"Not much about this," Sandy Alderson said when asked about his concern level with Wheeler's recent bout with tenderness. But the Mets GM admitted there has to be concern about his overall recovery. Generally, pitchers are back from Tommy John surgery in 13 to 18 months.

"It's something he's got to get through," Alderson said of Wheeler's journey back to the mound. "He got to find his way."

Wheeler last pitched in the majors Sept. 25, 2014 in a 3-0 loss to the Nationals. He felt elbow discomfort through the end of the 2014 season and over the winter before he was finally shut down and required Tommy John surgery during the 2015 spring training.

His surgery was complicated by a tear in a tendon in his elbow as well.

His rehab has been marked with setbacks from having to have surgery to remove a stitch a year after the initial surgery, to an irritated nerve and a strained flexor muscle. Wheeler was expected back in the middle of the 2016 season, but only made one minor-league rehab start.


David Wright

(Howard Simmons/New York Daily News)

David Wright is expected to take his final test in his rehab from neck surgery Sunday. The Mets third baseman has not thrown a baseball since surgery to repair a herniated disc in June. The Mets' plans for him will hinge on how he responds to throwing and gets through spring training.

Wright has played just 75 regular-season games over the past two seasons because of major issues with his spine.


Dominic Smith, the Mets' first-round pick in the 2013 draft, showed up at the Tradition Field complex Friday having trimmed down quite a bit. The first baseman, who is expected to start the year in Las Vegas, had ballooned from his draft-day weight of "around 195" to about 258 pounds at the end of last season.

"I was just uncomfortable toward the end of the year. I was tired and my legs and knees hurt," Smith said. "I wanted to change my regimen, eat healthier.

Not just go on a diet, but change my lifestyle, have a clean healthy lifestyle."

The loss of bulk should help Smith's durability, but the Mets are hoping it won't affect him developing more power. He hit 14 homers last season for Double-A Binghamton, after just six in Class-A the year before.

"Every year when you go into a season, you are looking to improve in every category," Smith said. "I think where I am at right now with my body and mechanics, those numbers should improve."

And Smith knows starting the season in the hitter-friendly Pacific Coast League will help as well.

"It's going to be my first year there and I am looking forward to playing in that ballpark and that hitting environment," he said.


Jose Reyes is the Mets only obvious lead-off hitter, but the Mets do not have a definitely plan to keep him in the lineup every day. Right now, they plan to use him to rest Wright, who is playing with spinal stenosis, Neil Walker, coming back from surgery for a herniated disc in his back, and Asdrubal Cabrera, who had knee issues last year. He will also be an emergency center fielder.

But that is not enough to keep him in the lineup every day, leaving them scrambling for a part-time leadoff hitter.

"I don't know what I'm going to do if he's not in there, but I want to get him in that leadoff spot as much as we can," Collins said. "I've told him that's almost impossible to do unless you have the (designated hitter) where you can give those guys a day off and play everybody. I want to get him as many as I can.

"I'm not sure how any guy will respond being a part-time player. We're going to certainly — as long as we know we've got at-bats for him each week, be it four games a week or three games a week — we've got to get him in that lineup."

For more infomation >> Mets righthander Zack Wheeler 'feels good,' expects to be back on the mound this weekend - Duration: 4:03.


Russian spy ship Viktor Leonov leaves Connecticut coast, spotted near Virginia - Duration: 1:35.

The Russian spy ship previously seen loitering off the coast of Connecticut has found a new place to anchor.

The vessel, named Viktor Leonov, is now positioned northeast of Norfolk, Virginia, ABC News reported.

The ship was spotted Wednesday 30 miles south of a Navy submarine base in New London, Connecticut. It spent about 24 hours there before it set sail. By Thursday morning, the ship was seen loitering 75 miles northeast of Norfolk.

Although the ship has become a source of concern for some people, officials said there is nothing to worry about and the spy ship is operating in international waters and gathering information about U.S. Navy submarine operations.

The Russian spy ship, Viktor Leonov, is now loitering off the coast of Virginia.

(Desmond Boylan/AP)

"It's lawful (and) similar to operations we do around the world," Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis told reporters on Friday.

During a press conference Thursday, Donald Trump joked about the ship's lurking presence — which some might say is trailing the President who is currently in South Carolina — saying his critics probably think the "greatest thing" he could do is shoot the ship "right out of the water."

"Everyone in this country's going to say, 'Oh, it's so great,'" he continued. "That's not great. … I would love to be able to get along with Russia."

This isn't the first time Viktor Leonov was seen loitering in international waters near the U.S. coast. In 2014 and 2015 the ship was seen near the submarine base at King's Bay, Georgia.

According to CBS News, the ship is expected to eventually head in the direction of Cuba.

For more infomation >> Russian spy ship Viktor Leonov leaves Connecticut coast, spotted near Virginia - Duration: 1:35.


Phoenix man who said cops forced him to eat marijuana files $3.5 million claim against city, poli... - Duration: 2:50.

A 19-year-old Phoenix man who said officers forced him to eat the marijuana they found in his car during a traffic stop has filed a $3.5 million claim against the city and its police department.

Edgar Castro, 19, was pulled over for having broken headlights and speeding just before 4 a.m. on Sept. 13 when officers spotted the drugs in his vehicle, according to the claim filed by David W. Dow from Dow Law Office.

The officers also ticketed him for driving without a license and suspended plates — all of which were eventually dismissed — and forced him to sit on the curb while they towed his vehicle.

That's when Officer Jason McFadden approached him with two options: he could either go to jail or eat about a gram of marijuana.

Edgar Castro filed a claim against the City of Phoenix after he said police officers forced him to eat marijuana during a traffic stop.


Castro turned to another cop there, Officer Richard Pina, who also urged him to eat the marijuana, according to the claim.

A third officer, who left the scene to assist with another call said he heard McFadden laugh and say "Oh, we should make him eat it," according to the claim.

After refusing the request several times, Castro consumed the drugs while the officers watched. Then he asked for their supervisor.

A sergeant arrived on the scene and told Castro the incident would be investigated. He passed the information along to Lt. Jeffrey Farrior, who did not immediately look into the offense.

This undated photo provided by the Phoenix Police Department shows Michael J Carnicle (left), Jason E McFadden (middle) and Richard G Pina (right).

Farrior was demoted to sergeant for failing to take proper action while Pina, McFadden and a third officer also present, Michael Carnicle, resigned before they could be fired.

Phoenix Police Chief Joe Yahner condemned the alleged behavior of his officers, each with less than a year on the force.

He told CBS 5 the allegations against the men were "compelling, appalling and extremely unprofessional," adding they would have been fired if they hadn't resigned first.

The claim further alleges Castro received threats on social media and was the victim of cyberbullying due to the publicity surrounding the incident.

Phoenix Police Chief Joe Yahner said the officers involved would have been fired had they not resigned first.


In a press conference several days after the traffic stop, Castro alongside local civil rights activist Rev. Jarrett Maupin demanded justice, saying the mere dismissal of the officers wasn't enough.

"The Edgar Castro matter is black and white. there is nothing gray about it," Maupin said in a statement Friday. "Four officers quit their jobs before they could be fired for breaking the law.

They violated Mr.

Castro's civil rights, forced him to eat a dangerous amount of an illegal and controlled substance, and abused the power of their badges to terrorize and damage this young person of color and his community."

The City of Phoenix and its police department has 60 days to respond to the claim, otherwise Castro and his attorney will file a civil complaint.

For more infomation >> Phoenix man who said cops forced him to eat marijuana files $3.5 million claim against city, poli... - Duration: 2:50.


Immigrant father protected under 'Dreamer' act denied release by federal judge - Duration: 2:42.

SEATTLE — A federal magistrate on Friday declined to release a man arrested by immigration agents last week despite his participation in a federal program to protect those brought to the U.S. illegally.

Magistrate Judge James P. Donohue said in U.S. District Court in Seattle that Daniel Ramirez Medina must request a bond a hearing from a federal immigration judge and should get one within a week.

Ramirez's arrest last week thrust him into a national debate over the immigration priorities of President Trump.

Some saw the detention as the opening salvo in an attack on former President Barack Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, while federal authorities suggested it was simply a routine exercise of their authority.

Lawyers for Ramirez had asked the federal court for his immediate release, and dozens of people demonstrated in his support outside the courthouse.

"It worries me that our current president is creating worry in our community," said Antonio Amaya, who brought his two young children to the rally. "I brought my kids here because it's important to teach my kids that the struggle needs to continue."

In documents filed Thursday, the U.S. Justice Department said there was "no legal basis for a district court to consider any challenge" to the detention of Daniel Ramirez Medina, 23, in part because his case is pending in immigration court.

Court documents filed by the government said Ramirez admitted to having gang ties when questioned by an immigration agent. His lawyers called the allegation false.


"Mr. Ramirez did not say these things because they are not true," Ramirez's attorney Mark Rosenbaum said in statement.

The court documents also said Ramirez had a "gang tattoo" on his forearm, but Rosenbaum said the agents misidentified it. He said it reads "La Paz BCS." La Paz means "Peace" in Spanish and is also the capital of the Mexican state of Baja California Sur, where Ramirez was born, he said.

Ramirez is father of a 3-year-old son who is a U.S. citizen, his lawyers have said. He worked on farms picking fruit in California before moving to Washington, and he twice passed background checks to participate in the DACA program— most recently last spring, they said.

Immigration agents found him earlier this month when they went to an apartment complex in the Seattle suburb of Des Moines to arrest his father, identified as Antonio Ramirez-Polendo. Ramirez-Polendo was deported eight times between 2000 and 2006, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said Thursday, and served a year in prison in Washington state for felony drug trafficking.

The DACA program — referred to as "Dreamers" by supporters and derided as "illegal amnesty" by critics — has protected about 750,000 immigrants since its inception in 2012. It allows young people who were brought into the country illegally as children to stay and obtain work permits.

The Department of Homeland Security said in a statement Ramirez was being held at a detention center in Tacoma pending deportation proceedings.

About 1,500 immigrants granted DACA status since 2012 have had it revoked have had it revoked because of criminal convictions or gang affiliations.

For more infomation >> Immigrant father protected under 'Dreamer' act denied release by federal judge - Duration: 2:42.


Former NFL running back Trent Richardson arrested on domestic violence charges - Duration: 1:57.

Trent Richardson has been out of the NFL for two years and now it looks like it will stay that way.

Richardson was arrested in Hoover, Al. on a third-degree domestic violence charge on Thursday night, reports. A woman was left with scratches and bruises on her face following the incident.

Hoover police responded to a 911 call for a reported domestic disturbance at the Hyatt Place Hotel at 8:04 p.m. A second call came through at 8:05 p.m. about yelling coming from one of the rooms at the hotel.

Hoover police Capt. Gregg Rector told officers arriving on scene came in contact with Richardson and the woman and determined the two were arguing earlier at a Walmart. At some point their argument turned physical, which led to the woman being left with bruises and scratches.

The name of the woman has yet to be released. She was treated for her injuries at the scene.

Trent Richardson is expected to be released from jail after he posts a $1,000 bond after being arrested on a domestic violence charge.

(Hoover Police Dept.)

Richardson is in Hoover City Jail with a bond set at $1,000. He's expected to be released when he posts the bond.

Richardson was a first-round draft pick in the 2012 NFL Draft by the Browns, who took him with the third overall. The former Alabama running back was a force for the Crimson Tide in college and was part of two National Championship teams.

His professional career never really panned out.

After a strong rookie season where he rushed for 950 yards and 11 touchdowns. He'd only play two games for Cleveland in 2013 before being traded to the Colts in 2014.

Richardson never found his footing in two years with the Colts and no team has placed him on their active roster since.

Normally domestic violence charges for NFL athletes are a death sentence. Former Ravens running back Ray Rice was never given a second chance in the league after his incident and Greg Hardy played one year with the Cowboys before teams started to stay away.

For more infomation >> Former NFL running back Trent Richardson arrested on domestic violence charges - Duration: 1:57.


Penn State frat where pledge died in fall is being shut down - Duration: 1:04.

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — Authorities are shutting down a Penn State fraternity where a pledge was fatally injured in a fall down the stairs.

The university said Friday it'll be at least five years before the Beta Theta Pi chapter might be allowed to regain status as a recognized fraternity.

The fraternity's national office says it's closing the chapter.

The school is also maintaining an alcohol ban at social events at the main campus in State College for the rest of the spring semester and stopping fraternity recruiting until it can ensure effective anti-hazing measures are in place.

A Penn State University student walks across campus in front of Old Main on main campus in State College, Pa., Thursday, July 12, 2012.

(Gene J. Puskar/AP)

Police say 19-year-old Timothy Piazza, of Lebanon, New Jersey, was one of 14 pledges present Feb. 2 for a pledge acceptance ceremony.

Help wasn't called until the next day. Piazza died at a hospital Feb. 4.

For more infomation >> Penn State frat where pledge died in fall is being shut down - Duration: 1:04.


Marine veteran arrested after explosive devices found in Denver hotel - Duration: 1:30.

A long-term guest at a Denver hotel was arrested in Los Angeles after authorities found explosive devices in the room he left.

Adam Hayat was arrested at a Holiday Inn near Los Angeles International Airport Thursday on unspecified charges and is expected to make his first court appearance Friday afternoon in California.

The 35-year-old, from St. Louis, will face charges related to devices found at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Denver, a law enforcement source told the Daily News.

A message about the devices was also found.

It was not immediately clear why Hayat went to Los Angeles, or what the alleged motive behind the devices was.

His father Dr. Sultan Hayat, a cardiologist in St. Louis, told KMGH Thursday that police in Colorado told him that his son had run up a $10,000 bill at the hotel since late December and had purchased weapons.

Adam Hayat was arrested near Los Angeles International Airport.

(© Fred Prouser / Reuters/REUTERS)

He said that Hayat, who has been estranged from his family and is homeless, is a former Marine who has struggled with mental illness including post-traumatic stress disorder.

His tours of duty included time in Japan, Korea and Iraq.

The younger Hayat himself told the Riverfront Times in 2011 that he was angry at the backlog of disability claims at the Veterans' Administration, and that he had lost his job as a waiter after having breakdowns.

He is expected to face federal charges in Denver rather than California.

For more infomation >> Marine veteran arrested after explosive devices found in Denver hotel - Duration: 1:30.


امبراطور البحر الحلقة 51 والاخيرة مترجمة للعربية حصرياا - Duration: 1:10:45.

For more infomation >> امبراطور البحر الحلقة 51 والاخيرة مترجمة للعربية حصرياا - Duration: 1:10:45.


حلقه جديده من سلسله تحديات | تحدي ماذ يوجد في فمي الجزء الثاني شربته خل شو صار - Duration: 17:08.

For more infomation >> حلقه جديده من سلسله تحديات | تحدي ماذ يوجد في فمي الجزء الثاني شربته خل شو صار - Duration: 17:08.


VW T6 Multivan - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> VW T6 Multivan - Duration: 0:49.


Fantasy Baseball: Finding speed in late rounds - Duration: 6:30.

One of the biggest obstacles that has Fantasy owners in a frenzy this preseason is finding speed. Billy Hamilton used to be one of the most vilified players in Fantasy Baseball, but now his ability to regularly steal 50 bases has become a rare commodity and his ADP is soaring. According to NFBC ADP, he is the 12th outfielder being taken in drafts, and he was the third pick of the fourth round in the recent 15-team LABR Mixed League Draft.

With the overall decline in the number of stolen bases in recent years, I have no problem with you attacking the category earlier than you have in the past. It makes sense.

However, if you get to the later rounds of your draft and you realize that you've neglected stolen bases, all is not lost.

The following players should be available for you in a typical 12- to 15-team Fantasy Baseball draft, and all are capable of stealing at least 15 bases this season.

Jarrod Dyson, OF, Seattle Mariners, NFBC ADP 269.90

Dyson has stolen at least 30 bases in four of the last five seasons, while largely playing in a part-time role. After posting a career high .340 OBP in 2016, he is expected to bat leadoff for the Mariners this season, and that should give him the opportunity to help Fantasy owners in the runs category. Although he's had issues hitting left-handed pitching, Dyson has still maintained a respectable .260 career batting average.

Obviously, his biggest asset is his speed, and with an 85% career stolen base success rate, he certainly knows how to make the most of his quickness.

He's available very late in drafts.

In the recent 2017 LABR Mixed league draft, Dyson was taken with the last pick of the 16th round.

It's hard to predict exactly how many at-bats Dyson will get this season, but he's very likely to get enough playing time at the top of the batting order to once again exceed the 30-steal plateau.

Tim Anderson, Shortstop, Chicago White Sox, NFBC ADP 165.94

Anderson posted a .283/.306/.432 triple slash line and stole 10 bases in the 99 games he played for the White Sox last season. The 49 bags he swiped for the White Sox's Double-A affiliate in 2015 is proof that Anderson has enough raw talent to become a premiere base stealer. However, Anderson will need to do a better job of getting on base if those elite stats are going to carry over to his big league career.

In typical rookie fashion, he swung at too many pitches outside of the strike zone last season.

If he works on his plate discipline and learns to take a walk (3% 2016 walk rate), Anderson's OBP should improve, and so should his stolen base totals.

Batting second in the White Sox lineup with Jose Abreu and Todd Frazier hitting behind him should allow Anderson to help you in the runs category, as well.

He did demonstrate some moderate power in the minor leagues, but before that translates to the major leagues, he's going to have to lower last season's 54.3% groundball rate.

Anderson should be there for you in the 13th to 14th round of a typical 12-team Fantasy draft.

I expect an approximate .275/.325/.400 triple slash line with 25 to 30 steals for the upcoming 2017 season.

Cesar Hernandez, 2B, Philadelphia Phillies, NFBC ADP 300.77

Hernandez, who was a perennial 30-steal commodity in the minors, is expected to be the Phillies' lead-off hitter this season. He should help you in the runs category, and if Hernandez can replicate last season's 10.6 walk rate and .371 OBP, he should also have plenty of opportunities to steal bases. In order to take advantage of those opportunities, he's going to have to improve his underwhelming 62.7 career success rate on his stolen base attempts.

He won't hit for power, but Hernandez has hit for average throughout his professional career.

I'm also encouraged by the fact that his plate discipline improved as last season wore on (15.7 second half walk rate).

Drafting a middle infielder who has the potential to provide you with upwards of 30 steals in the 20th round or later represents some good value.

Rajai Davis, OF, Oakland A's, NFBC 209.27

Davis is thumbing his nose at Father Time. At 35 years of age, he still had the fourth-most stolen bases in baseball (43). Davis continues to find a way to consistently steal bases, despite having a pedestrian .314 OBP.

He is expected to start the season as the A's lead-off hitter, and given his 2016 87.75% stolen base success rate, he still should have some Fantasy value based on where he can be selected in drafts.

Davis may not lead the AL in stolen bases this season, but he could steal upwards of 30 bases.

Kevin Kiermaier, OF, Tampa Bay Rays, NFBC 190.97

Kiermaier is well known for his above-average defense, but he is slowly starting to make a name for himself based on his offensive skills, as well. Injuries limited him to just 105 games last season, but Kiermaier posted a career best fly-ball rate (37.6) and hard-hit rate (31.4), which led to a career high in home runs (12). In addition, he also stole the most bases (21) in his major league career.

Given a full season's worth of at-bats in 2017, Kiermaier has some modest upside.

He could steal another 20-plus bases and also provide you with moderate power with home run totals in the mid- to upper-teen range.

Cesar Hernandez

(Brett Davis/AP)

Ender Inciarte, OF, Atlanta Braves, NFBC 195.31

On average, Inciarte is selected in the 17th round of a typical 12-team draft, but with his ability to help Fantasy players in the batting average, runs and stolen base category, he can potentially play above his ADP. He got off to a slow start due to a hamstring injury last season, but Inciarte batted .341 and had a .396 OBP after the All-Star break. Overall, he batted .291, scored 85 runs and stole 16 bases.

Inciarte's a player who often gets overlooked in drafts, but if he remains at the top of the Braves order and maintains his above average contact rate (90.3 in 2016).

He could be a potential sleeper this season.

Travis Jankowski, OF, San Diego Padres, NFBC 291.17

Jankowski stole 30 bases last season in what amounted to a part-time role. Unfortunately, although projects him to bat leadoff for the Padres, with a .173 career batting average against lefty pitchers, there's a chance that he could end up being used as part of a platoon. Although he hit just .245 last season, Jankowski's 11% walk rate helped bump up his OBP to .332 from .245 the prior season.

We know he can steal bases.

He stole 71 of them while playing for the Padres High-A affiliate during the 2013 season, but based on his potential playing time, Jankowski may be best suited to be owned in leagues that allow you to make daily changes to your Fantasy lineup.

Ben Revere, OF, Los Angeles Angels, NFBC 343.06

Revere missed the first month of the 2016 season due to an oblique injury and never got on track. The career .285 hitter played in just 103 games, batting just .217 and swiping just 14 bags. Revere had previously had five straight seasons with 22 or more stolen bases and at just 28 years of age, Revere still has fresh legs.

His issue might be finding regular playing time with the Angels.

If he's given 400 plus at-bats, he still has the potential of stealing upwards of 20 bases.

If you have any comments or questions regarding this article hit me up on Twitter @joegallina. Good luck this season!

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