Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Apr 19 2017

I have a friend of mine who's a very famous writer, and I'll leave him nameless for the

moment, but he writes very dark novels.

And when I first met him I was surprised he was so cheerful and I said, "How can you be

so cheerful?"

And he looked at me and he said, "I'm a pessimist, but that's no reason to be gloomy."

And that's become my own mantra in some sense, and it seems appropriate when you think about

the universe.

Because the universe first of all isn't here to make us happy, it isn't here to please

us and it doesn't give a damn what happens to us.

In the far future of the universe is likely to be miserable as I talked about in my last

book, and I point in my new book it could even be more miserable.

So in a purposeless universe that may have a miserable future you may wonder, "Well how

can I go about each day?"

And the answer is we make our own purpose.

We make our own joy.

We are here by a cosmic accident as I've tried to show, but it's a remarkable accident that's

allowed you and I to be here to talk, us to think and appreciate the beauty and splendor

of the universe.

So the fact that the universe itself may have no purpose doesn't affect our purpose, in

fact it's the incredible height of solipsism to assume that without us the universe doesn't

matter, and that if the universe is purposeless we don't matter.

We make our own purpose, and it seems to me life is more precious because it's temporary

and accidental, and we should take advantage of that.

And we have evolved brains and that allows us to ask questions not just about how the

universe works but how we should behave.

Now it's a long philosophical debate about whether you can get ought from is, and maybe

you can never get ought from is, and maybe reason is the slave of passion.

One thing seems clear to me: that without knowing what is you could never get to ought.

Or: To do the ought that you get to is silly.

If you don't know the consequences of your actions, which is really what science tells

us, then you can't assess how to behave.

And so understanding empirical phenomena plays a central role in leading a better life, it

seems to me.

And it should play a central role in public policy so that we as a society can make sound

decisions about how to act in the common good.

For more infomation >> The Universe Doesn't Give a Damn about Us | Theoretical Physicist Lawrence Krauss on Optimism - Duration: 2:23.


Necromancer Undead Army Pet Build (Diablo 3 2.6 beta guide) - Duration: 16:34.

hey folks this is rhykker with another

diablo 3 necromancer video in this video

we're going to take a look at a

zoomancer build, a lagomancer, a petmancer

we'll take a look at the necromancer

rock and his big undead army and will

give the skill and build breakdown but

first our hourly reminder no release

date no price no sets and no items for

the necro have been released to beta yet

and also it is impossible to tell how

strong or weak the necromancer will be

until we get the sets and legendary

items could there be an echo support

build possibly could there be a necro

solo target dps build in the meta

possibly we don't know until the items

start coming out if you look at

literally any build for any class you'll

see that it incorporates items that are

specific to that class that buff certain

skills in some way either giving free

rooms or having cool down or some other

special effect that could only apply to

that class so it's absolutely unfair to

compare the power level of a necromancer

right now was not yet received his super

buff items so bear that in mind as you

see us playing through with this

gameplay what I'm using right now is a

legacy of nightmares built that's

basically the only set that

significantly buffs the necromancer

right now but obviously he simply cannot

be as powerful as other classes that

said the necromancer is being taken off

the beta as of the time of this

recording this is likely for some

retooling which is great there was

actually less than a week that the

necromancer beta was up before blizzard

took took the necro out of the necro

beta you can still play beta but you

just can't play the necromancer odds are

this is again to rebalance certain

things it's not clear exactly but we'll

find out whether necromancer returns and

that's good because we have uncovered

some bugs and some questionably balance

things no definitely imbalance things so

we're actually going to interrupt our

series where we do our full skill

breakthrough because it's not really a

point now in continuing to go through

skills that might be retooled so instead

we're going to showcase what's just a

really fun pet build will also have a

video showing off the

transmog ziff you will basically the

different armor sets that are currently

available so taking a look at the skills

here right away you're going to notice a

lot of placeholder assets don't worry

this is not Blizzard being lazy and

reusing art assets for other classes

this is just placeholder they're going

to replace it there's a lot of stuff

here that's placeholder what's important

is that we're able to actually play and

test things but there's a lot of various

things that have not yet been put in

different rooms for skills for instance

might have the same appearance again

there's a lot of placeholder so the

primary skill we're going with here our

generator is bone spikes path of bones

now in our generator skill overview our

primary skill overview video we explain

the three different primary skills we

explain how bone spikes path the bones

is probably going to be the best one for

a ranged necromancer with this build

we're letting our pets do most of the

work and while sometimes it will be a

little closer in melee we like to have

the option to fall back and generate

from a distance we don't have a lot of

defensive options in this builds I tried

to squeeze in as many pets as possible

so not having to use those dual sites

the grim site which is a really really

great generator in order to not have to

sacrifice any pets for more toughness

bumps is why we're going with bone

spikes passive bones the next skill

we're going with is skeleton mage

skeleton Archer now a skeleton mage only

lasts six seconds but you can

effectively have a hundred percent up

time on keeping your skulls and majors

up if you really try it for it and in

total you can have I believe five

skeleton archers out at any given time

and the reason we're going for this rune

in fact is that the skeleton archers

increase your attack speed every time

they hit this stacks up to ten times so

we can have a max of thirty percent

increased attack speed and this is going

to buff all of our pets so the skeleton

majors here serve the dual purpose of

looking cool filling up our skeleton

army and buffing our entire army now one

bug I need to point out is that the game

does not always display correctly how

many pets that you have out up in the

the top left where the portraits are

sometimes it accurately shows you how

many you have sometimes the icons don't

so it's a little tough right now to keep

track but hopefully this is a bug that

they're fixing with the next batch next

we've got revived purgatory revive is

our main damage dealer revive is

arguably broken and i believe it is

being fixed it's doing it's too strong

right now doing a lot of damage it's not

a terrible thing but it's a really good

skill at any given time you can have 10

it revived monsters following you around

in your army so 10 of these plus 5

skeleton majors our armies already up to

15 strong and again you can maintain

easily 100 percent of time on this 15 so

far with the rune we're taking purgatory

when I revive minions expire or die they

turn back into corpses meaning you can

just revive them once again that's how

we achieved one hundred percent up time

again the necromancer has a special

resource corpses any channel monster

dies it leaves behind a corpse and that

could be used with all of your corpse

kills revive is a corpse kill and a big

advantage over diablo 2 s revive is that

you're not just surviving one monster at

a time but you're reviving all the

corpses in an area so you can actually

mash survive your entire dead army at

once now revived minions operate in a

matter in which they are scaled relative

to each other so resurrecting a tiny

enemy versus a large enemy the large one

will be doing more damage than the

little one but they're not doing the

exact same damage that they did in life

they are going to be scaled to be

relevant next we have command golem DK

golem now our armies up to 16 your golem

is always there with you I believe this

is just a placeholder appearance for the

decay golem this looks like the blood

golem and we don't super care about the

damage that the golem is bringing the

real reason we're taking this skill is

for the rune which gives us as an active

ability the ability for the Golem to

leap and explode into 8 corpses why do

we want this for revive typically you

would have to wait to actually start

killing enemies in order to start

reviving enemies which again revived is

the brunt of our damage so here BAM


eight corpses that's eight revives to

start with and this also means that we

don't have to be as careful to keep

reviving our army of revives as they die

so as you're progressing through a rift

your revives will start timing out and

unless you're going slowly and

methodically and reviving them you're

going to quickly lose track amongst the

myriad of corpses you leave behind and

at some point you might realize oh shit

I didn't revive my army at some point

let's say you're just hunting for elite

packs then as you're skipping you're

going to start leaving corpses of your

revised behind so you can be a little

looser with your command golem it's a

cool down on 60 seconds so we're going

to do something to alleviate that a

little bit and again you'll end up with

one hundred percent up time on your 10

revives and then our last pet skill will

be command skeleton as a passive ability

with this skill skeletons just spawned

from the ground every two seconds until

you have a max of seven skeletons their

damage isn't very significant but what's

really cool about them is their active

ability command your skeleton minions to

attack the target and buff their damage

and attack speed for five seconds it's

really that ability to command to direct

them to a target this is the form of

direct pet control that we've wanted for

the witch doctor for years honestly my

only complaint is that you can't do this

with every single necromancer bed the

amount of damage that a skeletal minion

deals isn't very significant but when

you can focus them all on a single

target that's when it becomes more

significant any witch doctor player

knows that pets tend to just sort of

have a mind of their own and

frustratingly go off and attack the

wrong things so really being able to

command them all to focus on a target

not only does it help actually deal

damage but it also helps effectively

position your minions to serve as meat

shields for you you know for instance as

you're moving along a passage for

instance and you're skipping some

monsters your your pets are going to

kind of stay behind still on screen but

you've moved ahead of them at that point

you're trying to engage how to leap back

and they're fighting the little light

monsters that you're just like I'll skip

that already with command skeletons boom


zip ahead now you're protected from

those horrible aletta fixes and that's

really the signature of the pet

necromancer versus a pet witch doctor

it's the ability to more actively

control and direct pets this is the

epitome of that but all together you can

see that it's all very much more active

pet control even with skeleton mage for

instance yes it's only on a six second

timer but because you get to respond it

every six seconds you get to position it

where you want the the Golem yes it

operates very much like a gargantuan but

with a decay golem BAM you get to pick

where your revives spun by as well

reviving corpses you get to choose where

you revive spun and obviously the closer

you revive an enemy you revive a corpse

to an enemy the more likely it is to

attack that particular enemy rather than

an enemy half a screen away now I know a

big complaint from some people will be

out like most of the pets only lasts a

short duration think about the witch

doctor it is only thanks to items and

sets then we have a lot of this

permanent big army stuff so I would hold

off on waiting for the necromancer items

and sets before really making that call

at least in comparison to the witch

doctor at the end of the day in diablo 2

yes you could have a bigger pet army but

in diablo 3 your pets are more useful

also all things factored in now with

command skeletons were up to 23 pets

that you can maintain one hundred

percent up time on you can add in a

simulacrum it's another skill but it's

on a two-minute timer that give you two

additional pets so you'd be up to 25

total but you know simulacrum again two

minute cooldown you're not really going

to consider that part of your army now

the last active skill will look at here

is a curse it's frailty with the room

scent of blood we've spoken about

frailty before briefly in our previous

videos if an enemy has this curse and

drops beneath 15% health it just

outright guys this is something that I

expect to see retooled at face value

this may not seem like a big deal and

honestly for most people under most


really is not a big deal this becomes a

big deal because as has been experienced

throughout diablo 3 history anytime you

have something that deals damage that

scales with monster hit points it's a

bad idea why when you're getting to

greater rift 100 plus and it's taking

minutes to kill a rift Guardian being

able to just knock off indiscriminately

fifty percent of the health is

ridiculously powerful as is unless the

necromancer sets end up making it

completely shit powered odds are

necromancer's going to become mandatory

for greater rift groups and the room

we're taking here just allows curse

enemies to take fifteen percent more

damage from minions so it's a fifteen

percent damage buff overall as for our

passive skills we're starting with

extended servitude this gives us a

25-percent extended duration to our

raise dead and revived now i'm guessing

raise dead they mean skeleton mage but

you know twenty-five percent more time

on revive is another 2.5 seconds it's

not huge but the necromancer doesn't

have a ton of really great passives I

would love to see that increase to say

fifty percent duration extension next

we've got commander of the dead this

reduces by thirty percent the essence

cost of command skeletons and a

cool-down of command golem again you

know it's it's noticeable I suppose but

I would like to see that increase to

maybe fifty percent you know having that

command golem being able to activate

every 30 seconds versus every minute

will be very nice then mostly because we

don't really have other passes that

synergize super well with a pet master

builder going withdraw life this

increases your health regeneration by

ten percent for each enemy within 20

yards so that's for when we are actually

in melee I know this is at odds with

facing bone spikes path of bones but

again there's not a whole lot of great

passos and true swim right now once the

necromancer comes back to beta we'll go

over all the passives but I want to be

surprised to see some retooling

happening there now I've actually tooled

around on stream with some health regen

build and it seems you can actually

achieve with the right amount of synergy

with the right items some pretty crazy

amounts of life region which is really

awesome it seemed

will be more applicable for some kind of

support build so I'm interested to

trying out what kind of support builds

we can possibly build with a health

regen necromancer and then lastly we

have grizzly tribute you are healed for

ten percent of your life on hit when one

of your minions hits an enemy so given

we have what 23 minions that really adds

up the interesting thing about these two

passives and we kind of see this with

other necromancer skills and passes as

well is that it encourages you to

actually build for life for hit and

especially life regeneration and what I

like about that is that those are two

primary attributes now you're being

forced to make more interesting

decisions you know in large part the

primary attributes have mostly been

solved as of a long time ago things

change a little bit over time but it

used to be vanilla Reaper of souls you

had primary stat crit crit or rather

critten crit crit chance crit damage

were the end all be all be all end all

then primary stat was also very

important then of course he had

elemental damage which technically was

actually the number one and then at some

point cooldown started to make it more

prevalently into builds it made itself

an important stat for certain built able

to potentially replace some of those

other important stats now I'm not sure

if this will be the case but if we could

possibly arrive at a point where either

life for hit or probably life regen will

be competing for a primary spot it might

not be with those big damage debt so it

might replace something like vitality

that would certainly help out the

itemization game a little bit and that's

one issue if you will with diablo 3

currently is that itemization isn't as

deep as it was enjoyable to for instance

for the most part for most classes for

most builds you're always looking for

the same stats on gear pieces so

anything that really helps to shake that

up is welcome that's why i love thorns

bills when they started to become a

thing it was like wow this is suddenly

something that's completely different

statute you're looking for with that

about sums up this build do I anticipate

this to be one of the best bills in the

game probably not again we are aiming

very much for just having pets we're

just showcasing the biggest pet army

that we

could possibly have odds are if you're

pushing greater rifts you're going to

want maybe some more defensive options

here also again revived is getting a

heavy nerf and we still don't have the

items of the set so this is just a proof

of concept that you could get a full-on

pet build working you know I think I'm

able to do t11 with relative ease it

does require the legacy of nightmare set

but that's to be expected there's no no

bill for any class out there that does

not use any kind of set and can push the

11 and that wraps up this video leave a

comment with your thoughts are you

liking the pet necromancer stay tuned

for more videos including the different

armor appearances on the necro as well

as more skill overview once the necro

comes back to beta thanks for watching

special thanks to my twitch and patreon

supporters for making these videos

possible if you enjoyed this video

please share it check out these other

videos and subscribe to join rikers

raiders for more diablo content

For more infomation >> Necromancer Undead Army Pet Build (Diablo 3 2.6 beta guide) - Duration: 16:34.


Donald Trump Lost An Aircraft Carrier For Almost 5 Days - Duration: 4:11.

Do you remember last week, when Donald Trump told us on Twitter, that he was sending an

armada of ships to North Korea?

We were going to muscle out Kim Jong-Un, show him what the United States is capable of,

and if they even thought about testing a nuclear weapon, we were ready to strike.

That is what Donald Trump, the White House, told us.

We were ready to strike if they even thought about it.

Well, as it turns out, that armada wasn't actually headed towards North Korea, that

armada was headed down to the Indian Ocean, to do drills with the Australian Military.

Donald Trump didn't know that.

Donald Trump thought that this armada led by the USS Vinson Aircraft Carrier, was headed

to the Indian Ocean, and he thought for sure, that thing was headed to North Korea to show

Kim Jong-Un, what the United States was made of.

Essentially, he lost an aircraft carrier.

And this wasn't a mistake that was immediately righted by the Defense Department, they didn't

come to him immediately and say, "Hey, ship's not actually going to North Korea, it's going

the opposite direction.

No, no, no, no."

For almost five days, Donald Trump was living under the assumption that, that war ship and

all of the other war ships in that armada, were sitting right outside North Korea, when

in reality, they were thousands upon thousands of miles to the south west of North Korea.

Donald Trump didn't know that.

What's terrifying about this is, that as the Commander in Chief of the United States Military,

Donald Trump kinda needs to be aware of things, unfortunately.

And I don't blame the Defense Department for this whatsoever, I don't blame anybody other

than Donald Trump, it's his job to know things, and maybe if he spent a little bit more time

in Washington DC, he would have known that!

Instead, as usual, he spent the last weekend at Mar-a-Lago, not necessarily paying attention

to where his ships were throughout the world, or what country we were going to strike.

Hell, during an interview he couldn't even remember who the leader of North Korea was

during Bill Clinton's tenure.

He told reporters that Bill Clinton negotiated with Kim Jong-Un, who just a small child during

the Clinton administration.

And this man is in charge of the nuclear codes.

He doesn't know where the ships are, doesn't know where the guns are, or our missiles,

but he's in charge of them.

This is a story, while humorous, should terrify everybody in this country.

We have a leader who doesn't pay enough attention to know where our ships are going, or where

we're pointing our missiles.

We could be pointing them right back here at us on the United States, and this idiot

wouldn't know that.

He has to start paying attention, he has to take this job seriously, because when he doesn't,

he puts us all in harms way.

And here's the other part of the equation, suppose North Korea had done something terrible,

while that armada was supposed to be out there, and Donald Trump said, "Alright, go head,


Well the ships weren't there, we wouldn't have even been prepared to retaliate even

though he told us we would do that, because the ships were there, but they weren't ... This

man is a danger to the United States, to be honest he probably presents more of a danger

to the US than Kim Jong-Un does right now, because they can't even successfully test

a missile, and this man doesn't even know where our missiles are.

So I ask you, which one do you think is more dangerous?

A country that can't even launch a missile, or the idiot who doesn't know where his missiles


For more infomation >> Donald Trump Lost An Aircraft Carrier For Almost 5 Days - Duration: 4:11.


Justin Caruso - Talk About Me (Lyrics / Lyric Video) Ft. Victoria Zaro (Kuur Remix) - Duration: 3:48.

Talk about me

Talk about me

Talk about me

Then talk about me

If that's what you think

No, I just feel sorry for ya

I heard you whispering

And you say that I'm crying for ya

A monster dressed as a saint

How did I ever fall for that?

Oh, your mask of lies

Oh, you hid behind

Finding ways to curse my name

Now you're covering up your tracks

Oh I know I took the bait

Once again, went and set your trap

Talk about me

Talk about me

Then talk about me

If that's what you think

No, I just feel sorry for ya

I heard you whispering

And you say that I'm crying for ya

A monster dressed as a saint

How did I ever fall for that?

Oh, your mask of lies

Oh, you hid behind

Well your bullets ricochet

Tried to break down my confidence

For more infomation >> Justin Caruso - Talk About Me (Lyrics / Lyric Video) Ft. Victoria Zaro (Kuur Remix) - Duration: 3:48.



For more infomation >> HOW TO KNOW IF AN EGG IS FERTIL | TRICK TO KNOW IF CHICKEN IS ALIVE - Duration: 7:36.


6 Signs That She Is Not Interested In You - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> 6 Signs That She Is Not Interested In You - Duration: 3:37.


Current Transformer vs Potential Transformer -Difference between Current Transformer and Pot - Duration: 2:10.

Current transformers and potential transformers are devices that allow us to measure large

currents and voltages without causing damages to the measuring devices.

The main difference between current transformer and potential transformer is that the current

transformers use a step-up transformer in order to reduce current through its secondary

coils, Whereas the potential transformers use a step-down transformer in order to reduce

the potential difference across its secondary coil.

In this video we will learn difference between Current transformer and potential transformer.

If you like this video please subscribes our channel Learning Engineering.

Difference between Current transformer and potential transformer are given below in the

tabulated form.

The secondary of a Current transformer can not be open circuited on any circumstance

when it is under service.

The secondary of a potential transformer can be open circuited without any damage being

caused either to the operator or the transformer.

A Current transformer may be considered as a series transformer.

A potential transformer may be considered as a parallel transformer.

The primary current in a Current transformer is independent of the secondary circuit conditions.

The primary current of a potential transformer depends upon the secondary circuit conditions.

The primary winding of the Current transformer is connected in series with the line caring

the current to be measured.

Hence it carries of the full line current.

The primary winding potential transformer is connected across the line of voltage to

be measured.

Hence the full line voltage is impressed across its terminal.

With the help of Current transformer, A 5 amp ammeter can be used measure a high current

like 200 Amp.

With the help of potential transformer, A 120 Voltage voltmeter can be used to measure

very high voltages like 11KV.

Thanks for watching This video.

Don't forget like share and comment.

More update please subscribe our channel Learning Engineering.

For more infomation >> Current Transformer vs Potential Transformer -Difference between Current Transformer and Pot - Duration: 2:10.


Overwatch Getting a MAP EDITOR?? New CUSTOM Maps! - Duration: 11:58.

Hello, everybody!

Disciple here

with Overwatch Curios!

Modding and community-created content are commonplace in PC gaming and has even encroached

into the Console Gaming realm as well in recent years.

Blizzard is no stranger to the modding scene with its communities creating things like

thousands of World of Warcraft mods aimed to make the game interface more customizable

and suite the player's playstyle, and dozens of StarCraft 2 maps and custom modes that

breathe new life into the game long after the official content has run it's course.

Now, it seems like this legacy of high-grade, community made custom content is making its

way to Overwatch… eventually.

A custom map editor in overwatch would completely change the non-competitive, non-official aspects

of the game and bring a huge and varied stream of content to the game that the developers

wouldn't be able to match with their in-house teams.

Swarms of people would begin to develop their modding and map making skills for Overwatch,

be able to submit their creations, and play on them along side millions of other players

in the community.

The challenge is to bring these modders the tools and support they need to properly craft

their designs as easily and as streamlines as possible.

The potential benefits to Overwatch and the community are overwhelming when you think

about giving creative powers to the entire population and letting them run free with


Some of the best maps, modes, characters, and fun has been created by external modders

that had the right tools and the right vision.

Recently Jeff Kaplan went on record talking about how much the team would love to get

the map creation tools in the hands of modders the world over.

The development team has been talking about mod tools since well before release and they

are keeping to their word on how much they want to bring the toolset to life.

To quote the recent forum post, Kaplan said:

"We are extremely open-minded about releasing a map editor for Overwatch someday.

But because Overwatch was made with a brand new engine, this is not a small task or one

which can happen any time soon.

We have this on our long-term road map and believe heavily in user-made content.

But there are many challenges ahead of us and it will be a very long road before our

editor can be made available to the public."

This is almost direct confirmation that a map editor will EVENTUALLY be released, just

not for a decent amount of time.

These are very very powerful tools and, if properly executed, can give player enormous

creative potential for all sorts of things in Overwatch.

The maps we currently play on are all extremely detailed, well planned out, and cater to a

given ruleset in the game to ensure fair play and fun.

It's extremely easy to make a map or mode imbalanced and one-sided, just look at the

first choke point in Eichenwald for example, which is being changed in the next patch to

bring more balance to that particular area.

It's going to take a lot of creative thought, energy, and a balanced gameplay focus to create

really special and awesome maps that the whole community will enjoy.

However there are many challenges that both the team would have to overcome before getting

such a powerful tool into modders eager hands, but the possibilities are extremely exciting!

There are several shooters on the market that allow map editing and have some really great

maps to show for it.

A good example of a tried and true map type is a training area of some kind to train a

player or team against specific challenges.

A creator could craft a sniper-training map where AI enemies and bots move fast and sporadically

through corridors and around obstacles, and can only be killed by headshots.

Or perhaps a healing scenario where allied bots are taking lots of fire in a panic situation,

and it's up to the player to keep them alive for as long as possible and honing your skills

to keep a team alive . Perhaps a Pharah training area where she can only kill an enemy if she's

in the air and can land a direct hit, or even the opposite of that; where it's 6 Pharahs

and you have to kill them all while they are firing at you constantly.

Many of the maps have more open areas that are great for larger team fights, but perhaps

a close-quarters combat map might make for some hectic gameplay in a different form.

A busy urban city area with streets, alleys, and vehicles moving about in tighter areas

to force fights in close.

Or perhaps a skyscraper roof-top map that has players launching from roof to roof via

a custom made player cannon.

The possibilities are endless and only limited to the tools that are given to the modder.

Custom game modes would definitely be in the mix for modders allowing them to create maps

very similar to things you'd see in the arcade such as brawls and PvE events.

The Halloween brawl, Junkestienc's REvenge was particularly popular because players could

team up against waves of enemies and AI controlled heroes to try and conquer the scenario as

fast as possible.

Using this kind of AI control plus the map-to-map progression we see in Control maps we play

on now, can lead to a sort of mini-story driven map set.

You start off on one map with several waves of enemies, move on to the second map with

even stronger enemies and a different challenge, and then end on the third map with some more

waves a "boss"-like fight with a super pumped-up enemy hero at the end!

If it's possible to modify the in-game rule sets, modders could potentially raise the

player limit and test out things like 10v10 matches, or smaller sets like 2v2 and 4v4.

If the tools are strong enough, we may even see things like custom assets in the game.

For example, objects like trees, foliage, street signs, vehicles, building material,

full-size structures, etc can all be crafted using the tools' parameters and 3D and image

editing software to make Overwatch-esque custom graphics on custom models.

Perhaps atmospheric effects like weather and time of day can be created to give a map a

new dimension of challenge: Try fighting on your favorite maps during a rainstorm, or

heavy fog, or maybe a large-scale blizzard has fallen and covered some passageways in

snow, restricting their access, only to open up more verticality as you climb up snowy

embankments and ice-covered water sources.

The modders could change the colors and tones in the game world itself.

Like a black and white battle (sort of like the effect at the end of a hollywood map),

or night-vision green mode!

In Oasis, we've seen NPC Omnics as butlers and flying bots scanning things.

This could be extended to create human models that hang out in the environment and go about

their business adding even more immersion to the match.

Imagine battling on that same busy urban city area and watching NPC humans and Omnics running

for cover!

You could even possibly have interactive models that do things for you when you approach them.

Like give you a shield or nano boost -- NPCs that you fight over to control!

The tools would have to include sound and music implementation and be able to import

audio files directly from another program, as well.

If a user creates a new hero or item to put in the game, it would need to have the sounds

along side it to make it fit in the world.

Scripting would also be a big deal especially in PvE brawl type maps where AI needs to be

controlled and set along a path, or to appear at a certain moment during the fight.

So, the main reason we don't already HAVE a map editor and modding tools is because

the in-house tools are developed specifically for the internal team and Overwatch was created

on a brand new engine that Blizzard created.

This combo makes the learning curve on the necessary software very steep and hard to

manage for an average use.

Also, the user interface and specifics are tailored to the team at Blizzard and not for

general consumption by the end user.

Blizzard would have to devote time, resources, and lots of testing to create a set of tools

that are easy enough and intuitive enough for the average joe like you and me.

On top of that, the software would have to be robust enough to encompass all of the different

aspects of creating not only the map itself, but scripting any stuff on the map, importing

custom assets that would be created in various 3rd party programs, as well as have the ability

to upload and share to the community that would be playing it… all without huge technical

skill requirements and bugs.

That is a MASSIVE undertaking and is probably the biggest reason we won't see a custom

map editor anytime soon.

Either way, whether you are excited for a map editor, modding tools, and the modding

community that will form around Overwatch sometime in the future, the fact remains that

this is a HUGE step for the game and community and one that will ensure the game keeps a

stock of fresh, interesting content from both Blizzard and you guys, the fans.

How far the tools go and how much control you have over the assets is yet to be seen,

of course.

But even if the devs only let us play around with assets in the game and rulesets governed

by already established play modes, it would still be an immensely powerful creation piece.

Alright guys, that's it for me today.

How do you feel about the potential that a map editor brings into the community?

Would you be on board to try and create maps that millions of players would enjoy?

Let me know in the comments!

I really hope you enjoyed the video and if so, don't forget to like and subscribe to

help out the channel!

Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> Overwatch Getting a MAP EDITOR?? New CUSTOM Maps! - Duration: 11:58.


5 Signs That He Is Not Interested In You - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> 5 Signs That He Is Not Interested In You - Duration: 1:52.


Товары для Мужиков. 6 Крутых вещей с AliExpress - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Товары для Мужиков. 6 Крутых вещей с AliExpress - Duration: 4:13.


Honda Civic 1.8i V-TEC Elegance Navi Rijklaar!!! - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic 1.8i V-TEC Elegance Navi Rijklaar!!! - Duration: 1:02.


Comedian Iliza Shlesinger Talks About New Series 'Truth And Iliza' | TODAY - Duration: 3:37.























































>> YOU

For more infomation >> Comedian Iliza Shlesinger Talks About New Series 'Truth And Iliza' | TODAY - Duration: 3:37.


Дом 2 новости 20 апреля 2017 (20.04.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Дом 2 новости 20 апреля 2017 (20.04.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 2:54.


Honda CR-V 1.6i DTEC-E Elegance Edition Rijklaar!!! - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 1.6i DTEC-E Elegance Edition Rijklaar!!! - Duration: 1:03.


Wanted by the FBI: Top Ten Fugitive Bhadreshkumar Chetanbhai Patel - Duration: 2:01.

This surveillance video shows newlyweds Bhadreshkumar and Palak Patel for the last time as husband and wife.

The newlyweds moved from their native country of India to begin their marriage in the United

States—eventually settling in Hanover, Maryland, where they each took jobs at a donut shop.

On April 12, 2015, the couple was working side-by-side on the night shift.

Palak was on the phone telling a family member that she wanted to go home to India.

The pair's visas had expired.

With family still on the line, Palak and Bhadreshkumar walked to a back room, where Bhadreshkumar

stabbed his wife over and over again.

Anne Arundel County Police Detective Kelly Harding.

Palak was young, the scene was very brutal, and she died in a horrible way.

That's the kind of person that we're dealing with—that he could murder his wife and then

the next minute, just calmly walk away.

Patel walked to his nearby apartment, where he changed clothes and grabbed cash and his passport.

He then took a taxi to a hotel near Newark Liberty International Airport.

FBI Special Agent Jonathan Shaffer.

So then he checks into that hotel approximately 3 a.m., and then around 10 a.m. that morning,

he checks out of the hotel, gets in the hotel shuttle, where the driver says that he drove

him to Newark Penn Station.

At that point, we lose track of where he goes.

Investigators hope adding Bhadreshkumar Patel to the FBI's popular Ten Most Wanted Fugitives

list will bring in the tip needed to track him down.

I am certain that with the public's help, that we will finally bring him back.

An up to $100,000 reward is available for information leading to Patel's arrest.

Patel has ties to Kentucky, New Jersey, Maryland, Georgia, Illinois, and Canada.

Report tips to 1-800-CALL-FBI or

With Wanted by the FBI, I'm Mollie Halpern of the Bureau.

For more infomation >> Wanted by the FBI: Top Ten Fugitive Bhadreshkumar Chetanbhai Patel - Duration: 2:01.


2000€ SCHADEN!!! ENDE VON QSGSTUBE? - Duration: 8:05.


For more infomation >> 2000€ SCHADEN!!! ENDE VON QSGSTUBE? - Duration: 8:05.


Blaznivy april | Crazy April 19.4.2017 - Duration: 1:55.

When going out is not a matter of choice...

The weather is really enjoying this day :)


Again, I'm thankful to Aldi,

because I wouldn't go in this weather, willingly.

So, thanks to him...

I can overcome these challenges.

So I'm glad.

Have a beautiful day!

For more infomation >> Blaznivy april | Crazy April 19.4.2017 - Duration: 1:55.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 AMBITION AUTOMAAT NAVI / ECC / LM - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 AMBITION AUTOMAAT NAVI / ECC / LM - Duration: 1:01.


¿what's in my bag? tag - Duration: 4:21.

what was gonna say?


you already know, you always said it

that's not true... do you see my videos?


that noise sounds

i was about to...

i was in the climax!

hi! and welcome to this section of my channel that nobody cares but I record it because I don't have a life! :D

i have seen a lot this tag in which

the people show their purses or bags

becuase obviously the bag of a women is really interesting

here is my bag :)

is from a supermarket

and inside this bag I have...

my actual bag

and the brand is gucci

here you can appreciate the name

it cost me like $900

And i know you must be thinking that is really stupid to be caring a supermarket bag and inside my gucci bag but

I think is a really intelligent strategy because nobody will want to steal you a supermarket bag duh

the first thing we find in my purse is this

this pen

the truth is that it have been and amazing acquisition, is really practicall and you can put it in wherever part you want

I just love it

then I have my phone


wherever I go

and if my phone discharge I have another phone

that phone also can discharge so I bring another phone as well

and that one can also discharge or get lost so i bring another phone

and that can also discharge so i bring with me this one that is mostly to call my parents but you never know when you will need it, huh ...

and is one of the newest in the market duh

I know that there are a few ppl bringing bags to put the trash and not throw it in the streets

and I really like that the country is changing that aspect

but personally i don't like trash bags, i'm more a trash can person

just because for me is more flexibel and is better than carying bags and bags

I also carry some books, just for when Im stuck in the traffic and I don't want to get bored, so I wanna get a lot of knowledge

and I can read then in the car or in the bus

and I also have my mp3 because obviously who am I, without my music

you can even put your own cassette

sometimes I bring a friend with me just in case I need a distraction

i also bring a lot of liquid to drink

a nutritionist says that you have to drink 2 or 3 liters of liquid

so to be energetic I have a lot too

I also like to bring my gym bag

because sometimes I don't have time to go to my house so

i just prefer to take it with me, is practical

just because I like a lot photography I love to take with me my professional cameras

to take... this ones are a little bit more vintage photos

And last but not least I take my make up, for a retouch

is just a tiny part, the other part stays in home

aand that all I have in my bag

Well my friends I hope you have like what's in my purse

that you can take it as and inspiration for making your own bag or purse

don't forget to give it a like and subscribe pleaseee

comment what you think

And I see you in the next video

with more ideas

if I upload

For more infomation >> ¿what's in my bag? tag - Duration: 4:21.


اس شادی میں اس خسرے نے یہ کیا کر ڈالا آپ خود ویڈیو دیکھ لیں - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> اس شادی میں اس خسرے نے یہ کیا کر ڈالا آپ خود ویڈیو دیکھ لیں - Duration: 4:47.


Previa A Todo Ritmo | Enganchado Bolichero ATR 2017 - Duration: 20:50.

For more infomation >> Previa A Todo Ritmo | Enganchado Bolichero ATR 2017 - Duration: 20:50.


TOUR EUROPEO 2| SBC [TUTORIAL ECONOMICO]| Fifa17 - Duration: 10:18.

For more infomation >> TOUR EUROPEO 2| SBC [TUTORIAL ECONOMICO]| Fifa17 - Duration: 10:18.


2408 VENICE AVENUE N LEHIGH ACRES - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> 2408 VENICE AVENUE N LEHIGH ACRES - Duration: 0:34.


For more infomation >> 2408 VENICE AVENUE N LEHIGH ACRES - Duration: 0:34.


♪ Sur Mon DO - New original song - Duration: 4:34.

Music and video by Armanesy

Huge thanks to Aymeric

Thank you for watching!

Don't forget to subscribe by clicking on the logo!

For more infomation >> ♪ Sur Mon DO - New original song - Duration: 4:34.


For more infomation >> ♪ Sur Mon DO - New original song - Duration: 4:34.


J'ARRÊTE ... - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> J'ARRÊTE ... - Duration: 1:45.


For more infomation >> J'ARRÊTE ... - Duration: 1:45.


54 Arduino allarme casa antifurto - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> 54 Arduino allarme casa antifurto - Duration: 3:56.


For more infomation >> 54 Arduino allarme casa antifurto - Duration: 3:56.


Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse Estate 200 135kw 7G-TRONIC BUSINESS ELEGANCE PLUS - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse Estate 200 135kw 7G-TRONIC BUSINESS ELEGANCE PLUS - Duration: 1:03.


For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse Estate 200 135kw 7G-TRONIC BUSINESS ELEGANCE PLUS - Duration: 1:03.


Как общаться с мужчиной. Нужны ли ограничения внутри отношений? - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Как общаться с мужчиной. Нужны ли ограничения внутри отношений? - Duration: 2:36.


For more infomation >> Как общаться с мужчиной. Нужны ли ограничения внутри отношений? - Duration: 2:36.


Москва (ВДНХ → Тверская улица → Лубянка → улица Петровка → Красная площадь) (05/2016) - Duration: 57:08.

For more infomation >> Москва (ВДНХ → Тверская улица → Лубянка → улица Петровка → Красная площадь) (05/2016) - Duration: 57:08.


For more infomation >> Москва (ВДНХ → Тверская улица → Лубянка → улица Петровка → Красная площадь) (05/2016) - Duration: 57:08.


Je suis pas venu ici pour souffrir ok ? #BUZZ - Duration: 0:08.

For more infomation >> Je suis pas venu ici pour souffrir ok ? #BUZZ - Duration: 0:08.


For more infomation >> Je suis pas venu ici pour souffrir ok ? #BUZZ - Duration: 0:08.



For more infomation >> ZERATOR RENCONTRE YOOKA LAYLEE ! EP02 #CokeTV - Duration: 4:55.


For more infomation >> ZERATOR RENCONTRE YOOKA LAYLEE ! EP02 #CokeTV - Duration: 4:55.


BMW 3 Serie Touring 320iA Centennial Executive Model M Sport Km-stand: Indicatief (Demo) - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 320iA Centennial Executive Model M Sport Km-stand: Indicatief (Demo) - Duration: 1:03.


Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-Jet Active Airco, Radio Cd - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-Jet Active Airco, Radio Cd - Duration: 0:59.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 350 LPG-G3 - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 350 LPG-G3 - Duration: 1:06.


Black Sails || Allegiance - Duration: 3:48.

Fuck Benjamin Hornigold

His king...

And their partners.

This war isn't nearly over.

The war would be fully

Undeniably and maybe unstoppably underway.

And lead an impossible army

Into an unwinnable war.

And win it.

Civilization is coming.

And it means to exterminate us.

We must unite behind out king.

We have no kings here.

I am your king.

My name is John Silver.

And I've got a long fucking memory.

A story is true...

A story is untrue.

As time extends

It matters the less

And less.

A man puts a dead thing in the ground

He expects its to stay there.

The stories we want to believe...

Those are the ones that survive

Despite upheavel and transition

And progress.

The end is about to begin.

Those are the stories that shape history.

Long John Silver's story

Is a hard one to know.

Strife is good.

Strife makes a man strong.

For if a man is capable of conforting death daily

Functioning in the face of it

There's no telling what else that man can do

And a man whose limits cannot be known

Is a very hard man to defeat in battle.

If I were you I would assume the worst.

You know who I am.

What you cannot know is where I come from

What I once was.

If you knew that, I imagine you would have made different choices today.

I wonder if you can help me locate an old friend of mine.

I returned to go on the account as I know it.

I returned because in this place I believe I can find the man necessary to do so.

Any particular one man.

His name is Charles Vane.

I wonder if he's still here.

They brought me here today to show you death.

And use it to frighten you, into ignoring that voice.

But know this...

We are many. They are few.

To fear death is a choice.

And they can't hang us all.

Right now..

The time calls for dark men, to do dark things.

Today there will be vengeance for the death of Charles Vane!


In every sense of the word.

He's brilliant.

Prepare to be boarded!

The number of times I have followed you blindly

Backed you with a men blindly, put men in the fucking ground!

Good men, friends, because you said "I know the way"!

I may not have understood it, I may not have support it, but I did it!

And goddamn it, right now you are going to return the favor!

They're coming!

Eastern battery, open fire!

Take cover!


For more infomation >> Black Sails || Allegiance - Duration: 3:48.


Good Wednesday afternoon April 19 2017 - Duration: 1:56.

hi YouTube Theresa live here from

Savannah Georgia I just wanted to say

good wednesday afternoon just wanted to

say good wednesday afternoon to you guys

I'm gonna put on my shoes and socks here

and yep that's what I'm doing right now

I'm getting ready to go somewhere and I

just felt like I wanted to share it with

you guys and I wanted to tell you good

Wednesday afternoon too I combed my

hair and so yeah I don't do that very

often but I just wanted to give you a

little vlog here telling you what i'm

doing right now on this wednesday it's

what is it not long after noon maybe

twelve forty or so something like that

but yeah and i totally love the ceiling

fan up there yeah i totally love this

ceiling fan it's so pretty i love that

little cracked look at it it's um have

character in it yeah i don't know what

it is we got it from lowes and so i

totally love that ceiling fan and the

color of the light it's a cream

color I like it better than the other

ones that we have so yeah and they're

old though now they're like 11 years old

so maybe just maybe one day we'll be

replacing them I don't know but yeah I

just wanted to do a little quick blog

this tell you guys good Wednesday

afternoon I hope I said afternoon did I

say morning I don't know but um yeah

please follow me and ring my bell for to

get notifications and emails and

comments and things like that I would

appreciate that very much thank you so

much i'll see you guys soon peace love

and avocados

For more infomation >> Good Wednesday afternoon April 19 2017 - Duration: 1:56.


Justin Caruso - Talk About Me (Lyrics / Lyric Video) Ft. Victoria Zaro (Kuur Remix) - Duration: 3:48.

Talk about me

Talk about me

Talk about me

Then talk about me

If that's what you think

No, I just feel sorry for ya

I heard you whispering

And you say that I'm crying for ya

A monster dressed as a saint

How did I ever fall for that?

Oh, your mask of lies

Oh, you hid behind

Finding ways to curse my name

Now you're covering up your tracks

Oh I know I took the bait

Once again, went and set your trap

Talk about me

Talk about me

Then talk about me

If that's what you think

No, I just feel sorry for ya

I heard you whispering

And you say that I'm crying for ya

A monster dressed as a saint

How did I ever fall for that?

Oh, your mask of lies

Oh, you hid behind

Well your bullets ricochet

Tried to break down my confidence

For more infomation >> Justin Caruso - Talk About Me (Lyrics / Lyric Video) Ft. Victoria Zaro (Kuur Remix) - Duration: 3:48.


Dacia Sandero 90pk TCe Stepway Laureate Automaat | Camera | Navigatie | Res. wiel | metallic Nieuw M - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Dacia Sandero 90pk TCe Stepway Laureate Automaat | Camera | Navigatie | Res. wiel | metallic Nieuw M - Duration: 0:54.


The Universe Doesn't Give a Damn about Us | Theoretical Physicist Lawrence Krauss on Optimism - Duration: 2:23.

I have a friend of mine who's a very famous writer, and I'll leave him nameless for the

moment, but he writes very dark novels.

And when I first met him I was surprised he was so cheerful and I said, "How can you be

so cheerful?"

And he looked at me and he said, "I'm a pessimist, but that's no reason to be gloomy."

And that's become my own mantra in some sense, and it seems appropriate when you think about

the universe.

Because the universe first of all isn't here to make us happy, it isn't here to please

us and it doesn't give a damn what happens to us.

In the far future of the universe is likely to be miserable as I talked about in my last

book, and I point in my new book it could even be more miserable.

So in a purposeless universe that may have a miserable future you may wonder, "Well how

can I go about each day?"

And the answer is we make our own purpose.

We make our own joy.

We are here by a cosmic accident as I've tried to show, but it's a remarkable accident that's

allowed you and I to be here to talk, us to think and appreciate the beauty and splendor

of the universe.

So the fact that the universe itself may have no purpose doesn't affect our purpose, in

fact it's the incredible height of solipsism to assume that without us the universe doesn't

matter, and that if the universe is purposeless we don't matter.

We make our own purpose, and it seems to me life is more precious because it's temporary

and accidental, and we should take advantage of that.

And we have evolved brains and that allows us to ask questions not just about how the

universe works but how we should behave.

Now it's a long philosophical debate about whether you can get ought from is, and maybe

you can never get ought from is, and maybe reason is the slave of passion.

One thing seems clear to me: that without knowing what is you could never get to ought.

Or: To do the ought that you get to is silly.

If you don't know the consequences of your actions, which is really what science tells

us, then you can't assess how to behave.

And so understanding empirical phenomena plays a central role in leading a better life, it

seems to me.

And it should play a central role in public policy so that we as a society can make sound

decisions about how to act in the common good.

For more infomation >> The Universe Doesn't Give a Damn about Us | Theoretical Physicist Lawrence Krauss on Optimism - Duration: 2:23.


Volvo V60 2.0 D4 R-Design 181 KW Trekhaak, Xenon, Leer, Navigatie - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 2.0 D4 R-Design 181 KW Trekhaak, Xenon, Leer, Navigatie - Duration: 1:00.


Bitcoin Questions & Answers by Andreas M. Antonopoulos | Merkle Conference Paris - Duration: 43:58.

For more infomation >> Bitcoin Questions & Answers by Andreas M. Antonopoulos | Merkle Conference Paris - Duration: 43:58.


2005-2014 Mustang GT, GT500 Ford Performance Adjustable Shock & Strut Kit Review & Install - Duration: 4:06.

Hey, guys, Stephanie with, here with the review and the install of the

Ford Performance Adjustable Shock and Strut Kit for 2005 to 2014 GT and GT500 Mustangs.

The Ford Performance Adjustable shocks and struts can either be used with the stocks

springs or with a set of lowering springs, while most other options out there are better

suited to be used with lowering springs.

This means that they can be paired with the stock springs for those of you out there that

are looking to keep the stock ride height and ride quality, but that want a little bit

more performance handling.

Or they can be paired with lowering springs that have both ride height and handling performance


Either way, a set of adjustable shocks and struts like this kit here, can really change

the way a car handles.

To be clear, of course, these shocks and struts will complement Ford's racing springs and

sway bars, but to be perfectly honest, any set of adjustable shocks and struts will always

compliment other supporting mods like springs and sway bars.

What's nice about these is that they'll still have an impact on handling performance without

the help of other supporting mods and it's really good news for those of you out there

that aren't looking to run lowering springs.

Ford does have some specific recommendations though if you're looking to get the most out

of this kit.

Your supporting mods will include a set of lowering springs, an anti-roll bar, and a

strut tower brace.

The exact items will change depending on if you're shopping for a GT or GT500, but the

exact product numbers are listed on the product page if you're interested.

These were designed to fit the 2005 to '10 GT and the '07 to '14 GT500.

They will also fit the 2011 to '14 GT Mustangs if they're used with Ford performance upper

strut mounts, which are sold separately.

These are adjustable components and what that means is that you can adjust the rebound and

dampening to make it stiffer or softer.

And these are all on-car adjustable, so you can do this without having to take things


Your adjustment points are gonna be right here at the top.

The cool thing about this is if you have a streetcar that you wanna take to the track,

or the strip, or autocross with, whatever it may be, you can have one setting for street

driving and another for performance driving.

When it comes to price, you can expect to pay a touch over the $800 mark for these shocks

and struts.

For a set of adjustable shocks and struts, this is pretty close to the competition.

The KONI Yellows are adjustable and are less expensive, and close in performance to this

kit here so they're always an option if you don't want to spend this much.

And the install here is going to be your normal shock and strut install which should take

about four hours to complete.

I'm gonna call this a two out of the three wrenches on the scale.

You will need a spring compressor, and a lift would help you out here as well, but the job

can be done on a jack and jack stands.

You need to get down to the spring and strut assembly, so everything like the wheels, the

brakes, and ABS lines need to be moved out of the way, so you can pull the assemblies

out of the car.

You have to unbolt the calipers, and slide them off the rotors, and tie them up, so they

aren't hanging on the brake line.

Then you can unbolt the strut at the knuckle.

Next, you can unbolt the strut at the strut tower.

You can then slide the strut out of the car.

Once you have the fronts out, you can remove the spring from the strut.

You wanna compress the new spring so you can install it onto the new strut, and bolt it

down into place.

Once the spring is on the strut, it's ready to be installed back into the car the same

way you uninstalled your stock ones.

Slide the strut into place, bolt it down at the strut tower, and then at the knuckle.

After that, your calipers can be reinstalled.

Once you're done with the fronts, you'll start the rears off the same way, by removing the

wheel and dropping the brake system out of the way to access the factory shocks.

You may need to drop the rear sway bar out of the way because it may interfere with your

access to the lower shock bolt.

Once you remove the rear sway bar, you'll have access, and you can unbolt the rear shock.

The top bolt you'll tackle next which can be found by moving the trunk liner out the

way on the bottom and the sides.

You'll also support the differential housing during the next process.

Then lower the jack just enough to remove the rear springs.

At this point, you can reinstall the new shocks and your springs in the reverse order using

the same torque spec, and you're good to go.

Just remember that you will need a full alignment after the install to realign your car, and

get everything back in spec.

Wrapping things up here with the Ford Performance Adjustable Shock and Strut Kit.

This kit fits 2005 to 2014 GT and GT500s, and you can check it out more online right

here at

For more infomation >> 2005-2014 Mustang GT, GT500 Ford Performance Adjustable Shock & Strut Kit Review & Install - Duration: 4:06.


قصة مؤثرة باللغة الفرنسية رائعة مكتوبة ومترجمة (متمنياتي) Histoire touchante avec sous-titres - Duration: 2:46.

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The Market for Egg Donation: Donor Selection (HarvardX) - Duration: 12:14.

SPEAKER 1: Well, let's switch over to talk about eggs,

and I'm going to ask you some of the same questions

and also to draw some contrasts.

You've already been doing that to some extent.

So the first is just to say, tell us about the kind

of women who become egg donors.

SPEAKER 2: So, again, in my interviews with egg donors,

I found two groups of women.

So the younger college students who were interested in being

donors to make money in order to pay for their education.

There was also a not insignificant number

of young mothers who were in their late 20s.

They had had children of their own.

They might be staying at home, and being an egg donor

allowed them to contribute to somebody else having the joy that they

had experienced with their own children, as well

as to make some money without having to work a 9:00 to 5:00 job.

SPEAKER 1: And what are the criteria for being an egg donor?

You kind of suggested earlier that they're not quite as

stringent as being a sperm donor.

SPEAKER 2: Like sperm donors, egg donors are providing a bodily substance,

and so they're subject to some of the same screening mechanisms.

So they have to provide the three generations of family health history.

They're doing genetic testing.

They're doing contagious disease testing.

They're doing blood testing.

But the difference is, in addition to the height and education requirement

that I talked about before, one of the expectations that isn't really

written down anywhere is that women donate for the right reasons.

And so for women who call an egg agency and say, well,

I'm really interested in laying my eggs for some cash-- that's

a quote from one of the people I interviewed-- those women would not

be allowed to continue, because they're not doing it for the right reasons.

And, again, we have these expectations of femininity,

where women are going to be helpful, sort of naturally

caring, wanting to help people have children

that are suffusing the expectations for donors in this area.

So those motivational expectations really exist for egg donors,

and they don't at all for sperm donors.

SPEAKER 1: So it sounds like there's a real gender

difference between sperm donation as employment, make some quick cash;

egg donation as help build a family, do it for the right reasons,

very deontological.

Is that kind of what you found in your research?

SPEAKER 2: Yes, absolutely.

And it's not only something that affects how the egg agencies and sperm

banks operate.

I mean, it's how they're recruiting people.

It's how they're screening them.

It then affects the donor's experiences.

So women walk away from egg donation with this narrative of,

I helped somebody, and I made $5,000 or $10,000.

And so women can feel good about what they've done and helped

make this contribution.

And, in contrast, the sperm donors I interviewed

felt as if they had been milked for a resource they could provide.

They felt a little bit alienated and objectified as sperm donors.

And so that's the last thing I expected, having started

this research, interested in these gender comparisons,

to walk away from this research, thinking,

wow, you know, sperm donors get kind of a bum deal.

They, too, are helping people create families.

They, too, are making a huge difference, but nobody

is writing them thank you notes or giving them gifts or telling them

how wonderful they are.

SPEAKER 1: And it's interesting, because it's

a little bit of a flip of the typical gender narrative,

right, in that the men are being treated as a piece of meat, as kind of objects,

rather than partners, whereas the women seem to have-- on the one hand,

it flips the gender narrative.

On the other, I guess it reiterates a gender

narrative about caregiver and warmth and altruism versus work, right?

SPEAKER 2: Exactly.

SPEAKER 1: Say a little bit more about the payment and the recruitment.

So you'll hear in many courses on bioethics,

they'll show you an ad run in the Harvard Crimson or another newspaper

at a college campus, saying, this tall, this SAT score, this ethnicity,

and then promising a very high amount of money,

it would seem, for egg donations.

Is that the way it typically works?

How are they paid?

How are they recruited?

SPEAKER 2: So these advertisements that you're mentioning really

get a lot of attention, but the standard issue, first time egg

donor who's going through an agency can expect to make $5,000 or $10,000

for that donation.

So this is something that is changing right now.

So there was just a lawsuit brought by egg donors against the American Society

for Reproductive Medicine for price fixing,

for setting these expectations for what a good amount of money

is for egg donation.

So this will be interesting to see as we move forward in the next couple years

how that affects the prices of egg donation.

SPEAKER 1: So this case was settled, actually.

It was an antitrust case, and the solution

was to remove the recommendation from the American

Society for Reproductive Medicine to pay between $5,000 and $10,000.

So as you say now, without this recommendation in place,

it's possible prices in the market will fluctuate or change.

But the typical egg donor, you say, the first time through can expect in the US

to make between $5,000 and $10,000.

SPEAKER 2: That's right.

SPEAKER 1: And where do egg brokers-- and you've used that term,

and maybe we should ask about that.

Do you use the term brokers or agencies with eggs, which we typically

don't use that term for sperm.

What are these entities, and how do they recruit women?

How do they find women?

SPEAKER 2: So this, again, is an interesting, historically infused

difference in the language that's used.

So the idea that there are banks of sperm,

and sperm donors are paid-- Kara Swanson has written a really interesting book

about the history of that bank language.

And, in contrast, egg agencies really grew out

of fertility agencies, the idea of adoption agencies,

and so that language of agency versus bank,

again, sociologically, is coming from the industry,

and I think that we need to pay attention to it.

And egg agencies think of themselves as matching recipients and donors

in the same way that adoption agencies match recipients and donors.

Several egg agencies also grew out of surrogacy firms, originally,

and so there's sort of a historical timeline through which these

technologies emerged and built on each other or didn't.

The thing that's interesting to me is that, when egg donation started,

they didn't look to sperm donation as a model.

They looked to surrogacy, or they looked to adoption.

And, again, I think that's because we think of eggs and sperm

as different kinds of bodily goods.

SPEAKER 1: And it's interesting, because the market, too,

has supply meet demand, but in a very impersonal sort of way,

whereas the agency seems to be a much more artisanal kind of way

of matching people.

SPEAKER 2: Right.

Well, and that ties in also with the technology itself.

So egg donors still typically do provide fresh donations.

And so, in egg agencies, you're matching one woman with one recipient.

They're cycling together in order for the egg donor

to produce eggs right at the time the recipient is ready to receive them.

And that's very different from the logistics of sperm banks, where

the donor's coming in and producing a bunch of samples,

which then get frozen and then sold to a lot of different clients over time.

And so it still is a one to one relationship, for the most part,

in egg donation, although that, too, is changing.

As egg freezing becomes possible, people have now started up egg banks.

And I think that technological shift is going

to be interesting to follow to see if egg banks start looking more

like sperm banks.

SPEAKER 1: And one of the questions will be

whether the current gendered set up of the work

follows from gender stereotypes.

Does it follow from the technology, right?

We have, in some ways, a bit of a natural experiment on this question.

SPEAKER 2: Precisely.

There will be a dissertation to be written there, yes.

SPEAKER 1: How many egg donations does a typical egg donor do?

So you've told us sperm donation is kind of a relatively middle or long term

service, employment, regular thing.

I take it egg donation works very differently.

SPEAKER 2: Well, again here, I don't have any statistics to offer you,

because we don't have any way of knowing how many egg donors there are,

how often they donate, how many children are born.

Egg agencies typically limit women to five or six cycles,

because they are concerned about the long term

effects of young women undergoing fertility medications in order

to produce eggs for the recipient.

However, they've really pulled that number out of the sky.

We have zero longitudinal studies about the long term

effects of women who undergo egg production, either to be a donor

or for their own in vitro fertilization cycles

or now for those who are freezing their eggs for later.

And I think this is an absolutely crucial point about this market,

and one of the things that I think is the biggest scandal about this market

is that we have been doing IVF since 1978.

There has been plenty of time to run those studies,

and we have some retrospective data asking women who later developed

problems, were you an egg donor?

Did you do IVF?

But we haven't tracked women over time, which is

the gold standard of medical studies.

So I actually think that women who undergo

egg donation, women who choose to be egg donors, can't actually give

informed consent, because we don't have the risk information to give them.

And I think it's a really important thing

to think about, especially as we hear stories about egg freezing

being this technological solution to women's biological clock.

These are risky medical interventions that we don't actually

know all the risks of.

SPEAKER 1: One thing that's interesting here

is to separate IVF, going through all this to produce your own offspring,

versus what you might think of as a medical procedure.

OK, there are risks, but there's also benefits.

You'll have a child-- versus doing this egg freezing,

where it's about a potential future use you may never need,

versus doing it for third party donation where you are subjecting yourself

to these unknown risks for the benefit of another person

and for financial benefit to yourself, and whether we should think

about those categories differently.

SPEAKER 2: Right.

Well, and I think we have an ethic and a law in this country

that women have reproductive choice.

They have reproductive agency.

So this is not an area that I would say there

should be a governmental decision about who should

be allowed to do these things or not.

However, I think that we need to have a much more direct conversation

about what we know and what we don't know

about the risks of reproductive technology.

SPEAKER 1: And here, the risk profile is radically different on the egg

side and the sperm side, right?

SPEAKER 2: Absolutely, yes.

So this is one of the questions that I always

get about the study is, can you really compare sperm donors with egg donors?

And, certainly, sperm donors are going in, they're

masturbating in a small room, they're handing that sample over to a lab tech.

They don't really encounter any direct physical risks of that procedure,

in contrast to egg donors who are taking on these unknown medical risks

and injecting their bodies with fertility medications

and going through outpatient surgery, all of which does carry a risk.

At the same time, I think that, if taking

those biological, technological differences into account,

we can still look at the language around these different markets

and see the expectations that are placed on the donors.

So just a thought experiment-- we could think of sperm donation

as a gift from one man to another, in which men

are making this huge difference in helping people have families.

It's technologically possible to pair one egg donor

with a number of different recipients who are cycling at the same time.

But that's not how we've organized those markets.

And so the gender differences that we see

across egg donation and sperm donation really

aren't reducible to technology or biology.

Absolutely, we have to take biological differences into account,

but they don't provide an explanation for why these markets look different.

SPEAKER 1: And one thing that's interesting is the law

and regulation of these areas tends to treat the two more symmetrical.

As you've said several times, very little law and reproductive technology

in the United States, one of the things that

makes us an outlier, but also a market for inbound medical tourism.

But what law we do have, for the most part,

for example, allowing or forbidding compensation,

treats the two markets symmetrically.

But I hear from you that there's actually

big differences in the markets that might have a role in how

we ought to think about regulating.

Is that kind of right?

SPEAKER 2: Well, you know, this is a point

at which maybe I differ from the legal scholars

in the room on reproductive technology.

So I think that when people hear about these markets,

or they hear that we don't know about egg donors and sperm donors,

one of the things I think it's really important for us to have

is some basic data about the size of this market.

How many people are participating?

What are their experiences?

I am much more reluctant to get involved in the business of regulating

this market, and that's because I think about the really long and terrible

history of government involvement in reproductive decision making.

And I think that we have to proceed extremely cautiously.

We don't have a good history of this.

Nobody has a good history of government regulations of reproduction.

And as in France, you can actually write discrimination into the regulations

whenever you think about sort of using democratic processes to do that.

So it's one of the places where I have not come to a firm position on this.

Do we need more data?


Do I want to go out and start regulating these?

I get much more nervous when we talk about that.

SPEAKER 1: Fair enough.

For more infomation >> The Market for Egg Donation: Donor Selection (HarvardX) - Duration: 12:14.


An Introduction to Commodification Arguments and Objections (HarvardX) - Duration: 9:08.


I. GLENN COHEN: So in the last segment, we

heard about a hypothetical about selling embryos.

And I asked you to tell me what you think.

Well, now we're going to hear a little about what my students think.

Now that we've discussed a little bit about hypotheticals in this area,

we're going to really delve into better understand what

are the moral limits of the market.

What things should or should not be sold?

So today, we're going to be joined by a bunch of my students

who are going to tell you a little bit of what they think about these issues.


LUKE: I'm Luke.

TORI: I'm Tori.

DOROTHY: I'm Dorothy.

NATE: And I'm Nate.

I. GLENN COHEN: Let's start with a list of things

that in a just society people debate whether they should or should not

be sold.

And you've often hear these discussed probably in the media.

These are things like surrogacy, sperm, eggs, babies, kidneys, ICU beds, votes,

Nobel prizes, sexual services, something like prostitution, and the ability

or the obligation to serve in the military.

So I'm going to start by asking my students to pick one of these

that they think shouldn't be sold.

And we'll hear what they think.

OK, so who wants to start?

Who can tell me something on this list that you think shouldn't be sold?

Yeah, please.

SPEAKER 1: I don't think Nobel prizes should be sold.


SPEAKER 1: Because doing so I think would take away

the inherent value that we put.

I. GLENN COHEN: The idea is that a Nobel Prize has a certain value.

What's that value like?

SPEAKER 1: I think the value is that it comes from merit.

So if somebody wins a Nobel Prize, it's because we think that they deserve it.

And if they're able to buy or sell it, then that takes away the merit.

I. GLENN COHEN: Exactly.

So the idea is that if a good has a certain value,

a certain social meaning, and we might corrupt that social meaning

by making it buyable or sellable.

Who can take another one on the list and give me

an argument why they think it shouldn't be sold?


DOROTHY: I don't think ICU beds should be sold.


So why shouldn't ICU beds be sold?

DOROTHY: I would be concerned about whether the beds would

be available for the people who actually need them if they're being

sold to the highest seller or bidder.


So you're concerned with the distribution.

And the claim is that there'd be an unfair distribution of the good

if we allow it to be sold.

It would be sold and allocated based on ability to pay

rather than based on a more moral form of allocation.


Anyone else have one they want to pick out?

Please, Luke.

LUKE: Yes, I'd be very concerned about votes being sold.

I. GLENN COHEN: And why would you be concerned about votes being sold?

LUKE: It seems like that would open the door to corruption

in the democratic process where whoever had the money

to buy an election essentially could.

I. GLENN COHEN: So kind of an externalized cost, right?

An externality here, but also a corruption of the meaning of the good.

A vote is meant to be a registering of one's preference

or one's belief in a candidate.

But instead, it would become a chip to be traded.

And that would corrupt the way in which we think elections ought to be handled.

Other ones.

What about prostitution for example?

NATE: I was actually going to talk about babies.

So that's a little different.

I. GLENN COHEN: No, please.

NATE: I don't feel comfortable with selling babies

both because of the sense of kind of monetizing a baby.

It seems difficult to swallow.

And also it would create a situation where people who can pay for babies

would then have the babies.

And that doesn't seem like that's the way

that we want to allocate who gets to have babies in our society.

I. GLENN COHEN: So one perspective is that it

would corrupt the social meaning of how a child is valued.

A child should be valued not as a commodity, but something else.

The other claim is one about unfair allocation and distribution.

But focusing on babies again, are there any other kinds

of objections we might have to the buying and selling of babies?

Do we worry about exploitation, for example?

Is anybody worried about that when it comes to babies?


DOROTHY: Well, I would be worried that the babies that are bought and sold

would be different than in like a non-market scenario.

And what babies were most desirable would

be different from the babies who are available for adoption now.

I. GLENN COHEN: Excellent.

So the idea would be a market for babies might attach certain value.

Some babies would be worth more than others.

You might say that's a kind of eugenic concern, right?

A concern about valuing people based on their traits,

and going for kind of perfectionism, rather than giving them

the kind of respect they're due merely as a person.

What about prostitution?

Let's return to this example for a moment.

What, if anything, is wrong with prostitution?


SPEAKER 1: I would be concerned with prostitution

that poor women would be forced into it because they

have no other alternative economically.

And that would seem wrong.

I. GLENN COHEN: Excellent.

Right, so the idea that the seller-- a lot

of these objections that we've talked about so far

have focused on the good itself.

It's being corrupted.

It's being unfairly allocated.

Now we've shifted our focus to look a little bit more at the seller.

And the idea is that the seller is being wronged or harmed in such a way.

And in your mind, is this about exploitation?

Is it about coercion?

Is it about undue inducement?

Tell me a little bit more about what you are afraid of in this situation.

SPEAKER 1: I think it's both coercion and exploitation.

I think that a circumstance could arise where

a woman would be forced into prostitution because a deal is

too good for her.

She could be paid too much.

In the alternative, it could be that a woman needs money and therefore will

accept a very low amount of money to be a prostitute.

I. GLENN COHEN: So the concern about too low an amount of money

is a little bit about exploitation.

She's paying too little.

When you're talking about being paid too much, you're thinking a little bit more

about undue inducement, or kind of overcoming her sense of what

her desires are or should be.

You wanted to say something.

TORI: I just wanted to say that as we think about prostitution, shifting

the focus to the seller, I also wonder whether there's

the potential that there's actually somebody

else selling-- we're saying women here, it could in theory

be men as well-- into prostitution.

So that's to say that the person whose entering into prostitution

can actually be simply the commodity as opposed to also being the seller.

I. GLENN COHEN: And the idea here would be that there is someone like a pimp--

TORI: That's right.

I. GLENN COHEN: --who's pushing them.

And that may be a little bit more like coercion, right?

Someone else forcing them to do something

that may not be in their interest.

TORI: Right.

I. GLENN COHEN: What about surrogacy?

So this is something we'll actually talk about in the course.

And all the things you've said, all these arguments, we'll see shortly

are perfectly applicable in this context as well.

But what about surrogacy specifically?

If you think about surrogacy, what worries you

about a market for surrogacy?

In the United States, in many states, we permit

people to sell surrogacy services.

Elsewhere in the world, that's a big no no.

In much of Europe, that's forbidden.

Is there anything that concerns you about selling surrogacy services?

DOROTHY: I think I would be concerned with rights that the seller has.

I guess there's different kinds of surrogacy.

If you're like biologically related to the child, if you're not biologically

related, and what rights you have as that gestational carrier with

regards to the child after they were born, or even with regard to actions

you take for your health while you're carrying the child.

I. GLENN COHEN: So the concern here is that being in a market relationship

might alter the way in which you think about your relationship to the child,


One famous article suggest that we're asking women

to basically repress their feelings of maternal attachment

and love for the child they're gestating.

But you also suggested that it may alter your behavior

in ways that are different.

If you're carrying your own child, you might behave in one way.

Whereas if you're caring for profit, you might behave in a different.

Yeah, please.

LUKE: With respect to surrogacy, you might

think that putting a price tag on this service

would actually cause some people to react negatively to it

and not want to participate in the process.

I. GLENN COHEN: Exactly.

So the idea is we currently have a certain distribution, a certain level

of the good or service provided.

When you attach a price tag to it, there is a concern

that you might crowd out people.

People might be turned off knowing it's for sale,

and therefore no longer provide it.

In this case, the idea is we've got a pool of altruistic surrogacy going on.

And the concern is that there may be individuals

that if we allow for sale surrogacy, they would no longer participate.

Yeah, Nate.

NATE: And also, I think that it would create a situation where people would

have a reason to kind of look out and rule over,

in a way, the autonomy of other people.

Because for those nine months, the person

with the long term interest in the child is not

the person making the short term interest that would affect the child.

I. GLENN COHEN: Yeah, so one way of characterizing this--

there's many ways of characterizing that point.

And one way is to say that you think this woman is making a decision

to be a surrogate.

She's being shortsighted.

She thinks she knows what she's getting into.

But she doesn't.

And this is a concern about justified paternalism.

The idea is that we need to help her not make a bad choice.

And for that reason, we're going to prohibit

the buying and selling of the good.

Although notice that that objection might say,

well, isn't that true of altruistic surrogacy as well?

Maybe we should forbid all of surrogacy.

Well now that you've heard from my students about the kinds of objections

that people might raise to the buying and selling of a number of goods

and services, including those relevant to this course,

now we're going to take a step back and look at those objections a little more


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