hey folks this is rhykker with another
diablo 3 necromancer video in this video
we're going to take a look at a
zoomancer build, a lagomancer, a petmancer
we'll take a look at the necromancer
rock and his big undead army and will
give the skill and build breakdown but
first our hourly reminder no release
date no price no sets and no items for
the necro have been released to beta yet
and also it is impossible to tell how
strong or weak the necromancer will be
until we get the sets and legendary
items could there be an echo support
build possibly could there be a necro
solo target dps build in the meta
possibly we don't know until the items
start coming out if you look at
literally any build for any class you'll
see that it incorporates items that are
specific to that class that buff certain
skills in some way either giving free
rooms or having cool down or some other
special effect that could only apply to
that class so it's absolutely unfair to
compare the power level of a necromancer
right now was not yet received his super
buff items so bear that in mind as you
see us playing through with this
gameplay what I'm using right now is a
legacy of nightmares built that's
basically the only set that
significantly buffs the necromancer
right now but obviously he simply cannot
be as powerful as other classes that
said the necromancer is being taken off
the beta as of the time of this
recording this is likely for some
retooling which is great there was
actually less than a week that the
necromancer beta was up before blizzard
took took the necro out of the necro
beta you can still play beta but you
just can't play the necromancer odds are
this is again to rebalance certain
things it's not clear exactly but we'll
find out whether necromancer returns and
that's good because we have uncovered
some bugs and some questionably balance
things no definitely imbalance things so
we're actually going to interrupt our
series where we do our full skill
breakthrough because it's not really a
point now in continuing to go through
skills that might be retooled so instead
we're going to showcase what's just a
really fun pet build will also have a
video showing off the
transmog ziff you will basically the
different armor sets that are currently
available so taking a look at the skills
here right away you're going to notice a
lot of placeholder assets don't worry
this is not Blizzard being lazy and
reusing art assets for other classes
this is just placeholder they're going
to replace it there's a lot of stuff
here that's placeholder what's important
is that we're able to actually play and
test things but there's a lot of various
things that have not yet been put in
different rooms for skills for instance
might have the same appearance again
there's a lot of placeholder so the
primary skill we're going with here our
generator is bone spikes path of bones
now in our generator skill overview our
primary skill overview video we explain
the three different primary skills we
explain how bone spikes path the bones
is probably going to be the best one for
a ranged necromancer with this build
we're letting our pets do most of the
work and while sometimes it will be a
little closer in melee we like to have
the option to fall back and generate
from a distance we don't have a lot of
defensive options in this builds I tried
to squeeze in as many pets as possible
so not having to use those dual sites
the grim site which is a really really
great generator in order to not have to
sacrifice any pets for more toughness
bumps is why we're going with bone
spikes passive bones the next skill
we're going with is skeleton mage
skeleton Archer now a skeleton mage only
lasts six seconds but you can
effectively have a hundred percent up
time on keeping your skulls and majors
up if you really try it for it and in
total you can have I believe five
skeleton archers out at any given time
and the reason we're going for this rune
in fact is that the skeleton archers
increase your attack speed every time
they hit this stacks up to ten times so
we can have a max of thirty percent
increased attack speed and this is going
to buff all of our pets so the skeleton
majors here serve the dual purpose of
looking cool filling up our skeleton
army and buffing our entire army now one
bug I need to point out is that the game
does not always display correctly how
many pets that you have out up in the
the top left where the portraits are
sometimes it accurately shows you how
many you have sometimes the icons don't
so it's a little tough right now to keep
track but hopefully this is a bug that
they're fixing with the next batch next
we've got revived purgatory revive is
our main damage dealer revive is
arguably broken and i believe it is
being fixed it's doing it's too strong
right now doing a lot of damage it's not
a terrible thing but it's a really good
skill at any given time you can have 10
it revived monsters following you around
in your army so 10 of these plus 5
skeleton majors our armies already up to
15 strong and again you can maintain
easily 100 percent of time on this 15 so
far with the rune we're taking purgatory
when I revive minions expire or die they
turn back into corpses meaning you can
just revive them once again that's how
we achieved one hundred percent up time
again the necromancer has a special
resource corpses any channel monster
dies it leaves behind a corpse and that
could be used with all of your corpse
kills revive is a corpse kill and a big
advantage over diablo 2 s revive is that
you're not just surviving one monster at
a time but you're reviving all the
corpses in an area so you can actually
mash survive your entire dead army at
once now revived minions operate in a
matter in which they are scaled relative
to each other so resurrecting a tiny
enemy versus a large enemy the large one
will be doing more damage than the
little one but they're not doing the
exact same damage that they did in life
they are going to be scaled to be
relevant next we have command golem DK
golem now our armies up to 16 your golem
is always there with you I believe this
is just a placeholder appearance for the
decay golem this looks like the blood
golem and we don't super care about the
damage that the golem is bringing the
real reason we're taking this skill is
for the rune which gives us as an active
ability the ability for the Golem to
leap and explode into 8 corpses why do
we want this for revive typically you
would have to wait to actually start
killing enemies in order to start
reviving enemies which again revived is
the brunt of our damage so here BAM
eight corpses that's eight revives to
start with and this also means that we
don't have to be as careful to keep
reviving our army of revives as they die
so as you're progressing through a rift
your revives will start timing out and
unless you're going slowly and
methodically and reviving them you're
going to quickly lose track amongst the
myriad of corpses you leave behind and
at some point you might realize oh shit
I didn't revive my army at some point
let's say you're just hunting for elite
packs then as you're skipping you're
going to start leaving corpses of your
revised behind so you can be a little
looser with your command golem it's a
cool down on 60 seconds so we're going
to do something to alleviate that a
little bit and again you'll end up with
one hundred percent up time on your 10
revives and then our last pet skill will
be command skeleton as a passive ability
with this skill skeletons just spawned
from the ground every two seconds until
you have a max of seven skeletons their
damage isn't very significant but what's
really cool about them is their active
ability command your skeleton minions to
attack the target and buff their damage
and attack speed for five seconds it's
really that ability to command to direct
them to a target this is the form of
direct pet control that we've wanted for
the witch doctor for years honestly my
only complaint is that you can't do this
with every single necromancer bed the
amount of damage that a skeletal minion
deals isn't very significant but when
you can focus them all on a single
target that's when it becomes more
significant any witch doctor player
knows that pets tend to just sort of
have a mind of their own and
frustratingly go off and attack the
wrong things so really being able to
command them all to focus on a target
not only does it help actually deal
damage but it also helps effectively
position your minions to serve as meat
shields for you you know for instance as
you're moving along a passage for
instance and you're skipping some
monsters your your pets are going to
kind of stay behind still on screen but
you've moved ahead of them at that point
you're trying to engage how to leap back
and they're fighting the little light
monsters that you're just like I'll skip
that already with command skeletons boom
zip ahead now you're protected from
those horrible aletta fixes and that's
really the signature of the pet
necromancer versus a pet witch doctor
it's the ability to more actively
control and direct pets this is the
epitome of that but all together you can
see that it's all very much more active
pet control even with skeleton mage for
instance yes it's only on a six second
timer but because you get to respond it
every six seconds you get to position it
where you want the the Golem yes it
operates very much like a gargantuan but
with a decay golem BAM you get to pick
where your revives spun by as well
reviving corpses you get to choose where
you revive spun and obviously the closer
you revive an enemy you revive a corpse
to an enemy the more likely it is to
attack that particular enemy rather than
an enemy half a screen away now I know a
big complaint from some people will be
out like most of the pets only lasts a
short duration think about the witch
doctor it is only thanks to items and
sets then we have a lot of this
permanent big army stuff so I would hold
off on waiting for the necromancer items
and sets before really making that call
at least in comparison to the witch
doctor at the end of the day in diablo 2
yes you could have a bigger pet army but
in diablo 3 your pets are more useful
also all things factored in now with
command skeletons were up to 23 pets
that you can maintain one hundred
percent up time on you can add in a
simulacrum it's another skill but it's
on a two-minute timer that give you two
additional pets so you'd be up to 25
total but you know simulacrum again two
minute cooldown you're not really going
to consider that part of your army now
the last active skill will look at here
is a curse it's frailty with the room
scent of blood we've spoken about
frailty before briefly in our previous
videos if an enemy has this curse and
drops beneath 15% health it just
outright guys this is something that I
expect to see retooled at face value
this may not seem like a big deal and
honestly for most people under most
really is not a big deal this becomes a
big deal because as has been experienced
throughout diablo 3 history anytime you
have something that deals damage that
scales with monster hit points it's a
bad idea why when you're getting to
greater rift 100 plus and it's taking
minutes to kill a rift Guardian being
able to just knock off indiscriminately
fifty percent of the health is
ridiculously powerful as is unless the
necromancer sets end up making it
completely shit powered odds are
necromancer's going to become mandatory
for greater rift groups and the room
we're taking here just allows curse
enemies to take fifteen percent more
damage from minions so it's a fifteen
percent damage buff overall as for our
passive skills we're starting with
extended servitude this gives us a
25-percent extended duration to our
raise dead and revived now i'm guessing
raise dead they mean skeleton mage but
you know twenty-five percent more time
on revive is another 2.5 seconds it's
not huge but the necromancer doesn't
have a ton of really great passives I
would love to see that increase to say
fifty percent duration extension next
we've got commander of the dead this
reduces by thirty percent the essence
cost of command skeletons and a
cool-down of command golem again you
know it's it's noticeable I suppose but
I would like to see that increase to
maybe fifty percent you know having that
command golem being able to activate
every 30 seconds versus every minute
will be very nice then mostly because we
don't really have other passes that
synergize super well with a pet master
builder going withdraw life this
increases your health regeneration by
ten percent for each enemy within 20
yards so that's for when we are actually
in melee I know this is at odds with
facing bone spikes path of bones but
again there's not a whole lot of great
passos and true swim right now once the
necromancer comes back to beta we'll go
over all the passives but I want to be
surprised to see some retooling
happening there now I've actually tooled
around on stream with some health regen
build and it seems you can actually
achieve with the right amount of synergy
with the right items some pretty crazy
amounts of life region which is really
awesome it seemed
will be more applicable for some kind of
support build so I'm interested to
trying out what kind of support builds
we can possibly build with a health
regen necromancer and then lastly we
have grizzly tribute you are healed for
ten percent of your life on hit when one
of your minions hits an enemy so given
we have what 23 minions that really adds
up the interesting thing about these two
passives and we kind of see this with
other necromancer skills and passes as
well is that it encourages you to
actually build for life for hit and
especially life regeneration and what I
like about that is that those are two
primary attributes now you're being
forced to make more interesting
decisions you know in large part the
primary attributes have mostly been
solved as of a long time ago things
change a little bit over time but it
used to be vanilla Reaper of souls you
had primary stat crit crit or rather
critten crit crit chance crit damage
were the end all be all be all end all
then primary stat was also very
important then of course he had
elemental damage which technically was
actually the number one and then at some
point cooldown started to make it more
prevalently into builds it made itself
an important stat for certain built able
to potentially replace some of those
other important stats now I'm not sure
if this will be the case but if we could
possibly arrive at a point where either
life for hit or probably life regen will
be competing for a primary spot it might
not be with those big damage debt so it
might replace something like vitality
that would certainly help out the
itemization game a little bit and that's
one issue if you will with diablo 3
currently is that itemization isn't as
deep as it was enjoyable to for instance
for the most part for most classes for
most builds you're always looking for
the same stats on gear pieces so
anything that really helps to shake that
up is welcome that's why i love thorns
bills when they started to become a
thing it was like wow this is suddenly
something that's completely different
statute you're looking for with that
about sums up this build do I anticipate
this to be one of the best bills in the
game probably not again we are aiming
very much for just having pets we're
just showcasing the biggest pet army
that we
could possibly have odds are if you're
pushing greater rifts you're going to
want maybe some more defensive options
here also again revived is getting a
heavy nerf and we still don't have the
items of the set so this is just a proof
of concept that you could get a full-on
pet build working you know I think I'm
able to do t11 with relative ease it
does require the legacy of nightmare set
but that's to be expected there's no no
bill for any class out there that does
not use any kind of set and can push the
11 and that wraps up this video leave a
comment with your thoughts are you
liking the pet necromancer stay tuned
for more videos including the different
armor appearances on the necro as well
as more skill overview once the necro
comes back to beta thanks for watching
special thanks to my twitch and patreon
supporters for making these videos
possible if you enjoyed this video
please share it check out these other
videos and subscribe to join rikers
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