Chủ Nhật, 21 tháng 5, 2017

Youtube daily report May 21 2017

Hello I'm Daven Hiskey, you're watching the Today I Found Out YouTube channel.

In the video today, we're looking at where the at symbol came from and how it was decided

to use it in email.

Ubiquitous today, until its use in email addresses, the @ symbol was never really all that popular,

with this very fact being one of the reasons it was chosen to be used in electronic message

addresses in the first place.

So where did the @ symbol come from?

The earliest known example of @ is found in the 1345 Bulgarian translation of the 12th

century Manasses Chronicle, which gives a brief synopsis of the history of the world

up to the end of the 11th century.

In it, @ was used as the symbol for "amin" (amen).

No (presently) known surviving instance of @ occurred again for a little over two centuries.

Seemingly independently "invented," yet another early example, this time of a proto-@

(with just the outside swoosh, but lacking a defined center a), was used on a 1448 Spanish

registry, Taula de Ariza, referencing a shipment of wheat from Castile to Aragon.

The earliest example of a full @ used in such a commercial setting was discovered in 2000

in a letter written by a Florentine merchant, Francesco Lapi, on May 4, 1536.

In this letter, Lapi used @ to denote a unit of measure – an amphora (clay jar) of wine,

which is equivalent to about 1/13th of a barrel.

According to professor Giorgio Stabile of Sapienza University of Rome, the discoverer

of the letter in question, the flourish around the a for amphora was just one of many examples

of such embellishment of script found in Florence at the time.

From here, Dr. Stabile theorized it was Italian merchants who popularized the symbol, with

it traveling along with traded goods invoices and receipts throughout Europe.

However, whether it really was the Italians who popularized the symbol isn't clear.

For instance, also during the 16th century the @ symbol in Spain had progressed beyond

the aforementioned 1448 proto-@ into the fully developed one, being used as the shorthand

symbol for the unit of measure called an arroba, then equivalent to about 25 pounds or 11.3


(The arroba is generally thought to have derived from the Arabic ????? pronounced ar-rub, which

meant "a quarter.")

Whatever the case, from here @ evolved to mean in a commercial setting "at the price

of"- i.e. 26 bags of flour @ $1 (so a total of $26 for the purchase).

The symbol was also occasionally used in other contexts, such as used to signify the French

à at least as early as the 17th century.

It should be noted here that before the discovery of the 1345 and 1536 instances, it was generally

thought (and many still posit, including the Oxford English Dictionary) that medieval monks

were the ones that invented the symbol to use in place of the Latin ad, which meant

at, toward, by and about.

Lacking in any hard documented evidence pre-dating the preceding instances, the idea behind this

theory is that the simple expedient of combining the two letters (essentially an a with the

older ? form of the letter d) into a single, smaller mark would have saved time and materials

during a period in history where every copy of every book had to be written out by hand.

Many other such shorthand symbols were created for just this reason.

For instance, the ampersand (&) is shorthand for the Latin "et," meaning "and."

Another such classic shorthand was using "X" for "Christ."

The "X" in this case is actually the Greek letter "Chi," which is short for the Greek,

meaning "Christ".

Scholars began using this particular shorthand about a millennium ago.

In any event, the @ symbol labored in relative obscurity for several hundred years until

one fateful day in 1971.

In that year, engineer Ray Tomlinson was implementing his own version of a little program called


SNDMSG ran on the TENEX operating system and was, essentially, just one of many flavors

of single-computer email- in other words, an electronic mail system only capable of

sending messages from one user to another on the same computer.

While this might seem absurdly useless given the way people often use computers today,

back then programs like this were incredibly handy.

For instance, the AUTODIN system created in the early 1960s had a facility for sending

messages between users and, at its peak, handled nearly 30 million electronic messages per


MIT's Compatible Time-Sharing System (CTSS), also created in the 1960s, had a similar system

that allowed its numerous users to login from some terminal and, among other things, exchange

messages stored on this single machine.

Tomlinson thought it would be interesting to improve SNDMSG such that it could not only

be used for sending messages to other users who could login to the same machine, but also

be used to send messages from one computer to another via the budding ARPANET.

Tomlinson stated he just thought this tweak to SNDMSG "seemed like a neat idea.

There was no directive to 'go forth and invent email'.

The ARPANET was a solution looking for a problem.

A colleague (Jerry Burchfiel) suggested that I not tell my boss what I had done because

email wasn't in our statement of work.

That was really said in jest because we were, after all, investigating ways in which to

use the ARPANET."

While writing the code for this, Tomlinson had to decide how to designate that a message

should be sent to another computer on the network, rather than a local account.

He fatefully settled on @, a symbol that only made it on the standard keyboard in the first

place because of its usage in commerce.

Why did he choose @ over some other symbol?

For starters Tomlinson stated, "I looked at the keyboard, and I thought: 'What can

I choose here that won't be confused with a username?'

If every person had an '@' sign in their name, it wouldn't work too well.

But they didn't.

They did use commas and slashes and brackets."

That left just a few symbols to choose from that weren't being commonly used.

He noted that, at the time, "The purpose of the at sign (in English) was to indicate

a unit price (for example, 10 items @ $1.95)."


"it made sense.

[@] didn't appear in names so there would be no ambiguity about where the separation

between login name and host name occurred… [@] also had no significance in any editors

that ran on TENEX.

I was later reminded that the Multics time-sharing system used [@] as its line-erase character.

This caused a fair amount of grief in that community of users…"

The resulting format was loginname@host (and later loginname@host.domain once the DNS system

was developed).

And so it was that what is generally credited as being the first true network email, at

least as we think of it, was sent in late 1971 by Tomlinson.

Of this momentous occasion, Tomlinson said, "The first message was sent between two

[DEC-10] machines that were literally side by side.

The only physical connection they had (aside from the floor they sat on) was through the


I sent a number of test messages to myself from one machine to the other.

The test messages were entirely forgettable and I have, therefore, forgotten them.

Most likely the first message was QWERTYUIOP or something similar.

(Essentially quickly randomly typing gibberish on the keyboard.)

When I was satisfied that the program seemed to work, I sent a message to the rest of my

group explaining how to send messages over the network.

The first use of network email announced its own existence."

And the rest, as they say, is history.

For more infomation >> The First Email and the Origin of the @ Symbol - Duration: 7:12.


GERMANY VS. NETHERLANDS (by an American) - Duration: 6:07.

Mr. German Man and I went to Amsterdam for VidCon, and while there I noticed some differences

between Germany and the Netherlands.

So here it is: Germany versus the Netherlands, from the perspective of this American, who

lives in Germany.

Hey everyone! I'm Dana and you're watching Wanted Adventure Living Abroad.

Right off the bat, I noticed something very similar in Germany and the Netherlands, actually:

people riding bicycles.

Like, a lot of them.

However, if I thought that people rode bikes in Munich a lot, well then, yeah, people in

Amsterdam ride bikes a lot a lot a lot!

From what I saw, biking is even more of a thing there, something that I didn't even

realize was possible.

But there are definitely a couple huge differences in biking style.

For one, in Munich I see a lot of bicyclists wearing helmets.

Not all of them, but a good number of them.

In Amsterdam, however, I don't remember seeing a single bike helmet the entire time

we were. Not one.

Another biking difference that I noticed is that in Germany I pretty much only see what

I would consider "standard" bikes.

Bikes that look like bikes purchased in a bike store.

In Amsterdam, however, oh my God, I saw all kinds of biking contraptions!

The Dutch really seem to take the concept of a bicycle, take a standard bicycle and

then add on other seats, in the front in the back.

I saw all kinds of really amazing, one of a kind modified bicycles there.

Bikes that they transformed to fit their family, depending on how many children they needed

to transport to school in the morning; of what ages they were; and what was comfortable

for them.

Alright, so, moving away from biking now, another difference that I noticed right away

was restaurant prices.

Now, I don't know about other places in the Netherlands, but at least in Amsterdam

restaurants were pretty pricey.

Definitely more expensive than anywhere that I've been to in Germany.

And how does one pay for meals in those restaurants?

Well that's actually different too.

In Germany cash is king.

Cash is accepted everywhere that I've been to here, and I've also been to big restaurants

in Germany that did not accept any kind of debit or credit cards.

So just cash.

Whereas in Amsterdam we went to a restaurant right next to the convention center where

VidCon was taking place, and they would not take cash.

No cash accepted.

And I noticed that in a grocery store there was one lane marked with a huge sign saying

that in that lane, no cash accepted.

So yeah, that was really different from here in Germany, and it really surprised me.

Another difference that I noticed in the grocery store was the bread.

Oh the bread!

It's so fluffy in the Netherlands!

And a lot of the loaves had raisins in them.

I love that kind of bread.

Germany, I know you really pride yourself on your bread, but I'm sorry, I'm just not

a fan of dense bread.

I like fluffy bread like in the Netherlands, and I like baguette type bread with a hard

crust and a fluffy inside, but I'm just not such a fan of really dense breads.


And as far as the people go, something that I noticed in Amsterdam was how many people

spoke English.

It just really seemed to me like almost everyone spoke English.

In Germany a lot of people do also speak English, but it just really seemed to me like everyone

that I met in Amsterdam spoke fluent English.

And lastly, regarding friendliness and customer service, it was so crazy in Amsterdam, really

up and down from one person to the next.

So, here in Germany I would say it's pretty much in the middle.

From my experience, the servers at restaurants and sales staff at stores don't got out

of their way to be particularly helpful, but they also usually aren't just flat-out rude either.

In Amsterdam, we would go to one restaurant and the servers working there would be super rude.

I'm talking actually down right rude to us.

And then we'd go to the next restaurant or store and the server or the cashier there

would be chatting us up!

Making small talk, talking about the day, really going out of their way, above and beyond

to be friendly to us.

So it was just really crazy to me how different it was from person to person and place to

place in Amsterdam.

So my question for you is: what do you think of these differences that I noticed, and what

differences have you noticed between Germany and the Netherlands?

Please let me know in the comments below.

Thanks so much for watching!

I really hope that you enjoyed this video.

And also a big thank you so much to our patrons on Patreon, who help make these videos possible.

Thank you so much for your support.

If you would like to check out our Patreon page, you can find a link to that down in

the description box below.

Until next time, auf Wiedersehen!

Thank so much for...

In Germany, a lot of people also...a lot of people do also, not also do.

Similar in Germany and the Namsterdam...Namsterdam.

And the Namsterdam.

I don't know about other in the Nam...Namsterdam! In the Namsterdam.

I did it again!

Okay, so it's the Netherlands and Amsterdam.

Not in the Namsterdam.

For more infomation >> GERMANY VS. NETHERLANDS (by an American) - Duration: 6:07.


VARTALO - Duration: 6:03.

Hi! Today we're going to talk about my body, how I feel about it and how that has changed throughout time.

It was 2012 when I started to hate my body

I thought it was disgusting, ugly and extremely fat

Yet I weigted 10 kg less than I do now

This hatred started when instead of growing height I started to grow weight although I ate the same way

But that's completely normal when your puberty ends and your body starts to be more feminine

I'm blessed with pear shaped body so my thighs and butt are more wide than my upper body

So I look like a pear

My dream body doesn't have any figures so I hated my own like hell

Since then I started to avoid situations where I would need to show skin

I stopped wearing jeans and wore skirts instead so nobody could see the shape of my lower body

Skirts did hide figures well

I was so ashamed of my body I felt like I couldn't live in it

I tried to start losing weight many times It even started to be an obsession

Luckily I managed to stop it before it got too serious

But I can tell you that the thought of that you have to lose weight to look good in your own eyes isn't a good feeling

My goal was to lose at least 10 kg's

I thought that I would be more happy, desirable and good looking

The thing that I'm most sad about is that whilst I was so busy hating how I looked

I missed so many chances to live my life and make memories

All the times my friends were at the beach together, I didn't go

When they arranged sauna parties I sat somewhere with my clothes on or didn't go at all

because I didn't want to put myself in a situation where I needed to explain why I didn't go

At the cottage I didn't go swimming although I felt hot and sweaty

Everybody else ran to the water from the sauna

It was very warm and pleasant but I just sat there

I couldn't show anybody what I truly were

I have lately learnt to love myself but it has been a long road

Loving yourself isn't easy when all the time you are shown how you should look

You have to learn not to listen

I wan't to tell you a story about a situation that started my journey to accept my body

Me and my friend were looking jeans for her

She tried on a pair that I have always hoped I could wear someday

She looked so good in them

Somehow I ended up trying them on and they didn't look even near the same on me

But she said I looked on in them

I looked myself in the mirror and I realized that yeah, I don't look like you but I still look good

It was a really weird thought in my mind after all the years of hatred

I ended up buying the jeans

It's easy to be hard on yourself because you have to live with yourself every day

In this body and in this head

You should look at yourself like you look at others

I leant to look at myself in the mirror without crying

I learnt to look myself realistically This is how I look, this is me

These are my hands, these are my legs

And what ever I decide to do with them they will always be mine

My happiness isn't attached on my weight Even if I was that 10 kg's lighter I wouldn't be happier

Atm I weight more than ever in my life

And I finally dare to like my body

I accepted that I may not love every square centimeters in my body but I can still live with them

Of course you can aways change yourself I have tattoos and cut my hair like I want to

Some may take plastic surgery

Of course those affect your self-confidence

Do changes because you want to do good to yourself and be healthy

Not because you hate something so much that you have to change it, that's just escaping

I don't have to look like everybody else or what others want me to look like

I can look just like I want and what I am

This video is for me and my body

And for you and your body

Get to know your body and how it works

Have fun with your body

Take your body outside

Smell the air and feel it on your skin

On your very own skin

Because that's your body

You breathe in it You live in it

It will always be your body, enjoy every moment in it

Love yourself

For more infomation >> VARTALO - Duration: 6:03.


Shark Vs Dinosaur Animation Movies For Children 3D Dinosaurs Vs Shark Battle For Kids Shark Cartoons - Duration: 56:37.

Shark Vs Dinosaur Animation Movies For Children 3D Dinosaurs Vs Shark Battle For Kids Shark Cartoons

For more infomation >> Shark Vs Dinosaur Animation Movies For Children 3D Dinosaurs Vs Shark Battle For Kids Shark Cartoons - Duration: 56:37.


Colors Spiderman Superheroes For Kids Funny - Duration: 3:02.

Colors Spiderman Superheroes For Kids Funny

For more infomation >> Colors Spiderman Superheroes For Kids Funny - Duration: 3:02.


A Certain Future - Duration: 3:15.

Back in 1981, a successful businessman named Eugene Lang

was asked to give the commencement graduation address

to a group of 61 sixth graders who were graduating from their school.

And he wanted to step in front of this group

and he didn't want to say the normal,

"Well, just work hard, keep your nose clean"

kind of advice they'd probably heard a million times.

He decided to do something a little bit different.

He stood in front of these 61 young men and women

and he promised to pay for their college education.

All they had to do was get there and he would,

and he would keep them going.

He would pay for their entire college education.

Now, this was, this was in East Harlem

and in this particular school, if you went back a number of years,

less than 10% of the kids had ever gone on to college

or even graduated from high school.

And so he wanted to change things.

He made them that wonderful promise.

And so years later, then, these kids were seniors in high school.

They were still all seniors in high school.

Not a single one had dropped out.

In fact, many of them were near the top of their class.

All 61 of them ended up graduating.

58 of them decided to go on to college

and Eugene Lang paid for every last penny

that it took to get them there.

It's, what we saw there is an illustration of the power of knowing

that something is going to be worth it.

and God gives you kind of a similar thought to carry with you through life.

In 1 Corinthians chapter 15,

it's known as the great resurrection chapter,

the Apostle Paul spends a lot of time

assuring you that heaven is your home,

and that not sin, or Satan, or that, or anything in all creation,

can keep you away from it.

And then he ends the chapter

with this very, very wonderful promise

that we get to carry in our hearts

every step until we get there.

He says,

In other words, you know that your work for the Lord,

whatever it is, is going to be worth it.

And how is he able to make that promise?

Well, like Eugene Lang paying for college,

it costs something.

I don't know how much money he had to spend

in order for all of those children to attend college.

But when you, when you walk into the streets of gold in heaven,

God will have paid so much more.

It will be because he was willing to have

the life, his only son, come to an end.

It cost him tears.

It cost him pain.

It cost Jesus a lot of ripped skin

and the weight of your sins.

But it cost you nothing.

In other words, every morning as you roll out of bed,

you get to know one thing.

That it's going to be worth it.

Your future is certain.

And when you remember that, every day of your life,

when you remember that God's greatest

plan was simply to find a way to be with

you forever and walk with you every step

of the way.

And you really are ready for anything this world might bring.

This is the time of year when there are a lot of graduations happening.

And so the series this week is focused on giving comfort,

and encouragement, and guidance, to those who are graduating.

If you have any bits of wisdom, or comfort, or encouragement,

that have been passed, that's been passed

along to you that you'd like to share with others,

leave them in the comments below.

We'd like to be inspired by what has inspired you.

We'll see you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> A Certain Future - Duration: 3:15.


Dinosaurus Vs Dinosaurus Kartun For Children Film Dinosaurus Kartun Full Movie Dinosaurus Kartun - Duration: 1:03:47.

Dinosaurus Vs Dinosaurus Kartun For Children Film Dinosaurus Kartun Full Movie Dinosaurus Kartun

For more infomation >> Dinosaurus Vs Dinosaurus Kartun For Children Film Dinosaurus Kartun Full Movie Dinosaurus Kartun - Duration: 1:03:47.


[Din] Dos金庸群俠傳1996-懷舊遊戲 #2 - Duration: 28:07.

For more infomation >> [Din] Dos金庸群俠傳1996-懷舊遊戲 #2 - Duration: 28:07.


Queen Elizabeth Reportedly Retiring in 2017, Prince William Will Inherit Throne - Duration: 2:50.

Queen Elizabeth is retiring in 2017?

It has been reported that the 90 year old royal will be retiring in February 2017 and

passing the crown to her grandson, Prince William.

There is a lot of speculation over Prince William taking the British throne and his

wife Kate Middleton being elated.

However, the question that arises here is whether the nonagenarian royal is actually

abdicating for her grandson.

Earlier in October, two websites reported that Queen Elizabeth is abdicating in favor

of her grandson.

The websites claimed that she was retiring and passing on the throne to Prince William,

instead of her son Prince Charles, the heir apparent, Snopes reported.

The websites 1ndependent and Da1lyMail confirmed that the British monarch is set to retire

on Feb.6, 2017.

The queen ascended the throne immediately after the death of her father King George

VI in 1952, according to Wikipedia.

Next year will be the 65th anniversary since she ascended the throne.

The websites claimed that she will pass on the throne to William during the time.

However, the story is a complete hoax as the websites are fake news sites.

They spoof the name domains of legitimate news sources and do not publish factual stories.

They should not be confused with the real Independent and Daily Mail.

Queen Elizabeth has not announced of taking retirement from public life.

She has also never said of skipping Prince Charles in the royal line of succession in

favor of Prince William.

She is the oldest and longest reigning monarch in Britain and the first to enter her tenth


In July, there were speculations that the queen handed her duties to Kate and William

and went into semi retirement after her official birthday celebrations in June.

�Elizabeth couldn�t wait to show the world Kate and William are capable of leading the

nation when she abdicates by year�s end,� said a royal insider talking to Globe.

Meanwhile, rumors of abdication have been quashed time and again on her behalf by her

family, the Royal Household, and constitutional and royal historians.

�I don�t think it�s even a thought,� the Duke of York said in 2015, according to

a report in IBT US in April.

tell us your thoughts in comments below.

thanks for watching.

please like,subscribe and share my videos.

For more infomation >> Queen Elizabeth Reportedly Retiring in 2017, Prince William Will Inherit Throne - Duration: 2:50.


Facts: The California Sea Lion - Duration: 3:04.

California sea lions are highly intelligent and very social animals.

that can form groups of over 100 individuals on shore.

These pinnipeds are fast and agile swimmers,

reaching speeds of up to 25 mph (40 km/hr).

They are also surprisingly agile on land, and able to gallop

for short distances.

The California sea lion reaches 5.5 (1.7 m) to 7.5 (2.25 m) feet long.

And can live up to 30 years.

They live along the coastlines of western North America.

Their bodies are insulated by thick layers of blubber.

Males can weigh 3 to 4 times more than females.

Some males reach over 1000 lbs (455 kg).

California sea lions consume a variety of prey such as

Pacific sardines,

Northern anchovies,

and red octopus.

They are also notorious for taking fish from commercial

fishing gear.

These sea lions will voyage out on feeding trips for 1 to 10 days.

Dives are normally about 100 ft (30 m) deep, but they have

been recorded diving over 1000 ft (305 m) deep for food.

When diving, they can remain under water for 10 minutes by slowing their heart rate.

When in large feeding groups of 500 or more,

they are able to work together to herd large schools of fish for feeding.

Their predators include killer whales, sharks,


and feral dogs.

Both males and females will become sexually mature by

4 to 5 years of age.

A mature male can be identified by the crest on top of it's head.

Males are polygamous, and around May, during their breeding season, they

will establish territories that can include up to 14 females.

Males will aggressively defend their territories.

Females have a gestation period of 11 months

and can produce 1 pup per year.

Most pups are born from May to July.

Pups are nursed for 1 to 2 years.

Newborn pups are dark brown.

Their color later lightens after a few molts.

Molting, a process where a seals fur falls out

and then new fur grows, takes place once each year.

During the 19th and 20th centuries,

California sea lions were hunted intensely.

Now they are protected from hunting by the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972

and their numbers have rapidly recovered.

Their population is estimated to be around 300,000 individuals.

However, they are still threatened by fishign net entanglement,

starvation from lack of food, and poachers.

For more marine facts, click the subscribe button!!

For more infomation >> Facts: The California Sea Lion - Duration: 3:04.


MOUSE and TURTLEDOVE | Cute Animals | Learn Turkish Alphabet - Duration: 3:30.


Run, kids, run

Come back now

F f

A a

R r

E e


The mouse is one of the fastest animals.

It has sharp nose, rounded ears and long tail.

Mouse can feel smells from miles away. They usually live on the fields.


Run, kids, run

Come back now

Ü ü

V v

E e

Y y

İ i

K k


Turtledove is a migratory bird, similar to a perch.

The turtles come to our country in April and live in Trakya until September.

When the weather starts to cool down in September, they migrate to warmer regions in the south.

Children, by subscribing to our channel

you'll see our new songs and stories before anyone else

Bye bye!!

For more infomation >> MOUSE and TURTLEDOVE | Cute Animals | Learn Turkish Alphabet - Duration: 3:30.


Britain's Got Talent no golden buzzer child singer - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Britain's Got Talent no golden buzzer child singer - Duration: 2:01.


MAUS LIVE ZERSTÖREN! | Handcamchallenge #6 - Duration: 4:57.


For more infomation >> MAUS LIVE ZERSTÖREN! | Handcamchallenge #6 - Duration: 4:57.


Airsoft Tech #4 | CM 045A v3 gearbox break down & trigger jam fix (1/2) by Airsoft Reviews Hd - Duration: 18:17.


welcome to a new episode of Airsoft Reviews HD

today we give you important information about the trigger jam problems at AEG's

for that reason i have here a CYMA (CM) 045A

and this AEG has that specific problem that we will try to fix

by yourself

for the CM 045A review check the link in the discription

so this is the CM 045A which we will disassemble in order to fix the trigger problem

as we said before its the CM 045A AEG, an AK repilica

and as i will saw you in a little this AEG has problems with the trigger action

the trigger does not respond properly

specifically the auto option does not work after a few rounds

while in semi option the AEG works without problems at all

so lets install the battery to see the problem

so you will understand the problem

first of all lets install the battery on the AEG

and then i will show you the problem on this AEG

the battery goes on the top of the upper receiver and under that compartment

push the rear button and pull up the cover

under the cover you can see the wiring and the tamiya connector

there is no enough room for batteries and the only option is a stick type battery

this is a NI-MH 8.4 volt battery with 1600mah capacity

i will connect the battery

but before that you must know that testing an AEG indoors is not recommended

just before this video shooting i have checked that my AEG has no bb in the hop up unit

before testing an AEG check always that you have removed the magazine

you can build a carton box filled with paper or other boxes so you can shoot safely in the box to clean it

so there is no need to go outdoors, especially if there is not enough and safe space to do this job

so let me show you the problem with the trigger jam

this is a common problem in AEG's

my friend that owns that airgun said me that the rifle works perfectly in semi function

but in auto function the trigger jams

and he is right

the trigger will not fire even if i apply as much force as i can

if i move the fire selector to safe and then to auto again

the airsoft gun shoots again 3-4 rounds and then jams again

while in semi function the rifle works again perfectly

we need to completly disassembly the AEG to fix this problem

and of course we need to disassembly the gearbox mechanism

for that kind of work some basic technical knowledge is necessary

if you are not sure and confident, avoid this action and ask for professional help

anyway i will show you what should you do and i hope that you will make it

if you can trust yourself i think that this is not so difficult job

first of all and before we will start, you will need

you will need 1. an allen key set 2.

a screw driver with bits set

and some screw drivers of different sizes and patterns

if you don't have a bits set, get some small screw drivers too

now we are ready to start

before starting, check in GBB's that you have removed the mag and in AEG's that you have removed the battery

and the magazine too

now i will show you how to disassembly the CM 045 AEG

for the AK's the first part that always remove first is the pistol grip

you will need a cross screw driver to remove one screw at the buttom of the grip

when the screw is removed

pull up and remove the grip

under the pistol grip you will see the motor cage with the motor

i will open again the battery cover

here there is the dummy bolt mechanism

press forward and turn 45 degrees this part

then remove the special spring

again in this point push forward and turn 45 degrees to remove

in v3 gearboxes the removal from the body is not so easy (like in m4's)

you will need to remove all the front kit to realese the gearbox shell

also two screws hold the hop unit tightly

look in this point the two hop up unit screws

the nozzle goes inside the hop up unit and so you have to remove the hop up unit to release the gearbox

you have to remove this pin to seperate the front kit from the AEG body

use a screw driver and a rubber hammer or a pin remover to remove the pin

i have removed the pin

and now just push forward and remove the front kit

now i can handle the airsoft gun more comfortably

as you can see the hop up unit can be moved

so the nozzle is free to move and the gearbox shell can be removed from the body

now remove this two screws that hold the hop up unit in a plastic block inside the body

use a small phillips screw driver to remove the screws

unfortunately the AK disassembly is much more complicated than the m4/m16's

and this is one of the most important facts that made me having a bad opinion about AK's

but i will be honest because i never liked them that much

stay tuned in our channel and very soon we will upload an v2 (M4 AEG) complete disassembly guide

now that i have removed the screws lets remove the hop up unit and the barrel set

after removing the screws pull up and remove the barrel from the body

next i will remove the bolt cover

just pull it back and push it up to remove it from the body

now the only thing that left to remove before we can remove the gearbox is the fire selector

just unscrew the fire selector screw with hand

some other brands have phillips screws or allen screws with a small cap that cover the screw

there are many small parts, so be careful not to lose anyone

if you are not experienced, get a plastic case to put in there all the parts

also you should take some photos of each part before disassembling it so you will be able to re-assembly it

now i can remove the fire selector

and in a few seconds we will be able to remove the gearbox from the receiver

i will remove now this small cylinder from the fire selector

and now push the gearbox out of the receiver carefully

try not to apply to much force to avoid any damage

make short steps and watch if there are parts that will fall

the gearbox is pretty tight in the receiver so i will put more force but i should be very careful

its very tight so you must be patient

ok its out and i think that the fire selector mechanism is very close to the receiver so it is very tight in the body

i have removed the gearbox mechanism from the body successfully

no we will disassembly the gearbox and we will review the internals and after that

we will try to fix the trigger problem

some external parts from the fire selector fall during the removal from the body

first of all i will remove the external parts like this one (part of the fire selector)

then i use to remove the motor cage and after that i will disassembly the gearbox shell

remove the wiring from the motor with hand or with a small screw driver

be careful and try not to damage the motor connectors

if you brake the connector you will destroy the motor

next remove the motor cage screws with a phillips screw driver

the red paint on the screws is Thread-locking fluid that holds the screws tight

your hands will be dirty during this work, because of the grease inside the gearbox on moving parts

especially this one is very dirty because it seems to have too much grease from the factory

in compination with the dirt from the use, the gearbox shell is too much dirty

i will remove the second screw from the motor cage

and now i can remove the motor cage

i will leave it in side

now i will remove the fire selector part and then i can disassembly the gearbox shell

we have to remove this part so the gearbox shell can open

this part connects the fire selector plate with the outside lever

and in a while we will talk about the trigger problem

also we have to remove this metal slide that holds the gearbox shell and the wiring

i will remove firstly the selector part

use again the phillips screw driver to remove the screw

then use a flat small screw driver

a pull up the first part to remove it

and then remove the second part from the other side

and now i will remove the metal slide

i will use a big flat screw driver

put the screwdriver right here and push it forward

pull it up a bit to slide it over the safety pin

and slide it forward

be careful not to harm the wires

i almost forget that in v3 gearboxed (most of them) there is a small cover in the rear of the trigger

that small plastic covers the sector gear

my fingers are not small so i will use a flat head screw driver

now as you can see the sector gear is visible

and now we can remove all the screws that hold the gearbox shell in place

my hands are filled with grease as you can see

i will start with the front top screw

the second one

now on the 4th screw

we are done with that screw too

now i have removed all the screws from the gearbox shell

and now we can open the gearbox mechanism

take a flathead screw driver

and place it...

in the hole that does not exists!...

most of the gearbox shells have holes where you can place your screw driver to hold the spring guide steady

that one does not...

i will try to lift the one side to make space so i can insert my screw driver to hold the spring guide

so i have lifted the gearbox shell and now i can place my screw driver in

with the screw driver i will hold tightly the spring guide while during the procedure of the disassembly

the spring is compressed even when the piston is in the front and we don't want the gearbox to open violently

(thats what happened with me 7 years ago!...)

the screwdriver now holds the spring guide and i will try now to remove the upper side of gearbox

move the spring guide to the back to decompress the spring

a few seconds more and the gearbox shell will open

it seems like it is stuck

look how much grease does it have

now i will remove the tappet plate spring

the screwdriver set left on the spring guide...

push up the spring in this point and remove it

now i will remove all the upper system of the gearbox

this system includes the spring guide, the spring, the piston & piston head, the cylinder head and nozzle

and the tappet plate

while in the lower gearbox there are the gearset, the trigger and the switch assembly

you can find valuable information for the switch in previous episodes of Airsoft Reviews HD

i will remove the gear set now

the anti-reversal latch is a very important part

because if you connect the wires in opposite terminals of the battery the motor will not be able to turn

and it will save you from destroying internal parts

now i will remove the sector gear, the gear that takes most of the stress in the mechanism

and the second gear is the lower gear

also there is one more part here and this part has to do with the trigger jam problem

this part is called "cut off" and this part pulls back the switch teeth in every shot in semi function

the cut off has an instant connection with the sector gear

as you can see there is a small teeth that looks like drop

let me focus so you can clearly see it

when the sector gear circles, this teeth pulls up the cut off

now i will clean the parts and the gearbox shell


For more infomation >> Airsoft Tech #4 | CM 045A v3 gearbox break down & trigger jam fix (1/2) by Airsoft Reviews Hd - Duration: 18:17.


Ziyed/Shakira - Spring/Hay Amores (VIDEO) - Duration: 3:27.

I live under your skin

I hope you know I'm here to stay That you won't have to feel alone

No more for a second As I call you home

I live under your skin Like the Magdalena River

Melting Into the sea You feed me with power

Oh my love in my eyes you'll always shine Time will turn us better like wine

That's how you raise a man with feelings Feelings of love

Oh my love after the sunset you'll be the light

I live under your skin Making waves of burning magma

Ready to rouse eruption Out in this ocean

You fill with your beauty

I live under your skin And I remember loosing air

When I thought that I had lost Lost you forever in a stranger's shelter

Oh my love in my eyes you'll always shine Time will turn us better like wine

That's how you raise a man with feelings Feelings of love

Oh my love after the sunset you'll be the light

And if autum turns roses to dust I will grow on your skin, another spring

Let me bring again From under your skin

A new season of sping

For more infomation >> Ziyed/Shakira - Spring/Hay Amores (VIDEO) - Duration: 3:27.


Florida Vlohg #1 (Vlohg #3) - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Florida Vlohg #1 (Vlohg #3) - Duration: 3:33.


New Traditionalist - Duration: 42:37.

For more infomation >> New Traditionalist - Duration: 42:37.


Bimoud - Download.mp3 (Prod. LaPildora 💊) - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> Bimoud - Download.mp3 (Prod. LaPildora 💊) - Duration: 6:29.


[MMD] Undertale sans 匿名 龍砲 High Range Test (有CC喔 - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> [MMD] Undertale sans 匿名 龍砲 High Range Test (有CC喔 - Duration: 1:30.


California Dreamin' - Duration: 41:39.

For more infomation >> California Dreamin' - Duration: 41:39.



Hello everyone and

Welcome to a new tutorial Ebm

Computers well today I will teach

a program that is free and portable and

we will leave to add keys

our multimedia keyboard are already

many keyboards that bring such

Key to raise and lower the

Remove the volume volume switch from

song back, but if our r

keyboard does not have it because we can

well do with this program we are going

online and we will go to this

page I leave the link in the

description of the video and let's go

where it then put download

we will download and let's open well

then I got there and I will

run directly to see it or

so I can extract

well and now here's me

out is very easy to use because it

All I have to do here is

choose the option that I want to play

pause replay and pause whatever

then assign a key or


Let's assume I come here you

I say for example I want to make

play or pause as I say add


then I can come here and say

he normally would for a mixture

for example control + j

it would give him here and have him

I accept and then choose from here

the player that I use and

I looking for here I want to tell the

windows media player for example and so

because I'm dialing a little that

here I would say that the

application starts with Windows because

Otherwise it will not work and little else to

just end the only thing that would

to have is an open program and

That work has already

then it is a very good choice if

our keyboard does not have how they

here they are almost all

VLC players etc

all who are in

the market very well here because the

Today's video if they liked me can

give like you can subscribe to my channel

already they know below where it says

Subscribe and so they will be

informed of the video or videos that we got

daily you can follow me on networks

social and websites Ebm

Garret computing and Ebm

any comments or suggestions or

request put me under I

I answer all very well thank you very much

and even video tomorrow

For more infomation >> HOW TO ADD MULTIMEDIA KEYS TO YOUR KEYBOARD - Duration: 3:01.


White Rice Versus Brown Rice - Duration: 1:24.

Hi Guys!

Welcome to our channel, Health Hatch.

Today we are going to learn a little more about which rice is better.

Whether brown rice or white rice.

So, let us understand the basic difference between the two.

The only difference is the processing.

So, originally what we get is brown rice which after processing becomes white.

So, what we lose out on while the processing is fibre and Vitmamin B complex.

So, brown rice is better when it comes to fibre and Vitmain B complex.

High Fibre means better blood cholesterol levels, high fibre means better blood glucose

levels and high fibre makes you feel full and this aids to weight loss.

However, this does not mean white rice causes weight gain.The only reason why white rice

is bad or we have labelled it as a "bad carb" is because the standard serving size of white

rice does not suffice us and we end up eating more than the recommended allowance.

And when compared to brown rice, which one standard serving size fills us up.

And hence, we consider brown rice better than white since it is whole grain and whole grain

is known to improve overall health.

Please this video with your friends and family whom you think they really need this.

Also, please do not forget to subscribe to our channel and do not forget to press the

bell button.


For more infomation >> White Rice Versus Brown Rice - Duration: 1:24.


Facts: The California Sea Lion - Duration: 3:04.

California sea lions are highly intelligent and very social animals.

that can form groups of over 100 individuals on shore.

These pinnipeds are fast and agile swimmers,

reaching speeds of up to 25 mph (40 km/hr).

They are also surprisingly agile on land, and able to gallop

for short distances.

The California sea lion reaches 5.5 (1.7 m) to 7.5 (2.25 m) feet long.

And can live up to 30 years.

They live along the coastlines of western North America.

Their bodies are insulated by thick layers of blubber.

Males can weigh 3 to 4 times more than females.

Some males reach over 1000 lbs (455 kg).

California sea lions consume a variety of prey such as

Pacific sardines,

Northern anchovies,

and red octopus.

They are also notorious for taking fish from commercial

fishing gear.

These sea lions will voyage out on feeding trips for 1 to 10 days.

Dives are normally about 100 ft (30 m) deep, but they have

been recorded diving over 1000 ft (305 m) deep for food.

When diving, they can remain under water for 10 minutes by slowing their heart rate.

When in large feeding groups of 500 or more,

they are able to work together to herd large schools of fish for feeding.

Their predators include killer whales, sharks,


and feral dogs.

Both males and females will become sexually mature by

4 to 5 years of age.

A mature male can be identified by the crest on top of it's head.

Males are polygamous, and around May, during their breeding season, they

will establish territories that can include up to 14 females.

Males will aggressively defend their territories.

Females have a gestation period of 11 months

and can produce 1 pup per year.

Most pups are born from May to July.

Pups are nursed for 1 to 2 years.

Newborn pups are dark brown.

Their color later lightens after a few molts.

Molting, a process where a seals fur falls out

and then new fur grows, takes place once each year.

During the 19th and 20th centuries,

California sea lions were hunted intensely.

Now they are protected from hunting by the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972

and their numbers have rapidly recovered.

Their population is estimated to be around 300,000 individuals.

However, they are still threatened by fishign net entanglement,

starvation from lack of food, and poachers.

For more marine facts, click the subscribe button!!

For more infomation >> Facts: The California Sea Lion - Duration: 3:04.


How to Make a Mexican Bean Toast-Mexican Bean Toast-Beans on Toast-2017 - Duration: 3:06.

How to Make a Mexican Bean Toast-Mexican Bean Toast-Beans on Toast-2017

How to Make a Mexican Bean Toast-Mexican Bean Toast-Beans on Toast-2017

How to Make a Mexican Bean Toast-Mexican Bean Toast-Beans on Toast-2017

How to Make a Mexican Bean Toast-Mexican Bean Toast-Beans on Toast-2017

How to Make a Mexican Bean Toast-Mexican Bean Toast-Beans on Toast-2017

How to Make a Mexican Bean Toast-Mexican Bean Toast-Beans on Toast-2017

For more infomation >> How to Make a Mexican Bean Toast-Mexican Bean Toast-Beans on Toast-2017 - Duration: 3:06.


安東尼帕迪亞:我是Gay嗎?(Am I Gay?)【中文字幕】 - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> 安東尼帕迪亞:我是Gay嗎?(Am I Gay?)【中文字幕】 - Duration: 4:55.


Бритьё и Очищение лица 2 в 1: Деньги на ветер! # Мужской уход - Duration: 8:05.

For more infomation >> Бритьё и Очищение лица 2 в 1: Деньги на ветер! # Мужской уход - Duration: 8:05.


For more infomation >> Бритьё и Очищение лица 2 в 1: Деньги на ветер! # Мужской уход - Duration: 8:05.


beep beep i'm sheep asdfmovie10 song | LilDeuceDeuce 中文CC字幕 - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> beep beep i'm sheep asdfmovie10 song | LilDeuceDeuce 中文CC字幕 - Duration: 2:19.


Facts: The California Sea Lion - Duration: 3:04.

California sea lions are highly intelligent and very social animals.

that can form groups of over 100 individuals on shore.

These pinnipeds are fast and agile swimmers,

reaching speeds of up to 25 mph (40 km/hr).

They are also surprisingly agile on land, and able to gallop

for short distances.

The California sea lion reaches 5.5 (1.7 m) to 7.5 (2.25 m) feet long.

And can live up to 30 years.

They live along the coastlines of western North America.

Their bodies are insulated by thick layers of blubber.

Males can weigh 3 to 4 times more than females.

Some males reach over 1000 lbs (455 kg).

California sea lions consume a variety of prey such as

Pacific sardines,

Northern anchovies,

and red octopus.

They are also notorious for taking fish from commercial

fishing gear.

These sea lions will voyage out on feeding trips for 1 to 10 days.

Dives are normally about 100 ft (30 m) deep, but they have

been recorded diving over 1000 ft (305 m) deep for food.

When diving, they can remain under water for 10 minutes by slowing their heart rate.

When in large feeding groups of 500 or more,

they are able to work together to herd large schools of fish for feeding.

Their predators include killer whales, sharks,


and feral dogs.

Both males and females will become sexually mature by

4 to 5 years of age.

A mature male can be identified by the crest on top of it's head.

Males are polygamous, and around May, during their breeding season, they

will establish territories that can include up to 14 females.

Males will aggressively defend their territories.

Females have a gestation period of 11 months

and can produce 1 pup per year.

Most pups are born from May to July.

Pups are nursed for 1 to 2 years.

Newborn pups are dark brown.

Their color later lightens after a few molts.

Molting, a process where a seals fur falls out

and then new fur grows, takes place once each year.

During the 19th and 20th centuries,

California sea lions were hunted intensely.

Now they are protected from hunting by the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972

and their numbers have rapidly recovered.

Their population is estimated to be around 300,000 individuals.

However, they are still threatened by fishign net entanglement,

starvation from lack of food, and poachers.

For more marine facts, click the subscribe button!!

For more infomation >> Facts: The California Sea Lion - Duration: 3:04.



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I'm princess Sonya

Welcome to the world of fantasy

Are not you scared?

Are you ready for miracles?

Be sure to subscribe to the channel "Princess Sonya"

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