Malayalam Motivation Videos
Dr.BM Muhsin
Advanced Listening Practice | Who am I? (education, qualifications, experience, etc.) - Duration: 9:10.Hi guys, welcome back to English with Max. This video is going to be a little different from my previous videos.
Some people have been asking me about my qualifications, my experience,
the languages I speak, etc. etc. So I thought I could tell you about that
and at the same time do a listening practice video. I'm actually doing two versions:
one is an advanced version and the other is the intermediate one. This is the advanced version.
If you want to watch the intermediate one, you can do so by clicking on the card above,
and I will also put a link in the info box. As I said, this is the advanced version so I will speak relatively quickly.
Like most native speakers I don't speak perfectly 100% of the time, and I'm not following a script,
so it will hopefully be relatively natural. For my other videos I don't write a script
and then learn it word-for-word, but I do plan them quite a lot and I also edit quite a lot.
If you are watching this for listening practice, I recommend that you first watch this without subtitles,
so you can just practise your listening and not your reading, and then watch it
a second time with the subtitles, so you can see if you understood everything correctly.
Okay, so I'll start after high school. After high school I, like many people, went to university.
I studied international relations at the University of Sydney, but I also studied French and German.
The degrees in Australia normally aren't very specialised, so it's quite easy to study several subjects
at the same time. I'd started learning French and German in high school, and I really liked them,
so I wanted, naturally, to continue with them. After my second year I took a break -
I deferred for one year - and I went to Berlin. I was lucky enough to get a scholarship to study for
one semester and then I just stayed on for another six months. While I was in Berlin I thought a lot about
what I wanted to do, you know, for work, and that's when I decided that I wanted to become
a conference interpreter. If you don't know what that is, conference interpreters are the people
who sit in the glass booths at conferences with the headphones and interpret (or translate) simultaneously.
It is quite a hard job, but that's what I thought I wanted to do. Becoming a conference interpreter isn't
the easiest thing to do. Normally you have to do a master's and there aren't that many universities that
offer these types of master's programmes. The master's programmes are normally quite difficult to get into.
The good ones at least have quite difficult entrance exams. When I say difficult, normally only 5, maybe 10%
of the people who apply are actually accepted. Those are the people who pass the exam.
And then even once you're in the master's, maybe only 50 or 60% of the people actually finish.
And not many of those people do the master's in two years, which is the length of time that that master's
is supposed to last. Anyway, I knew that it was going to be hard, but I thought: "Okay, I'm going to try."
After Berlin I went back to Australia for one semester, and then I did my sixth and final semester
in Paris on exchange. I went to a university called Sciences Po. It's not exactly a university, but yeah,
it's a higher education institution in Paris. If you're French, of course you would have heard of it.
It's like where all the politicians and presidents study. Um yeah, it's quite prestigious in France, but personally
I didn't like it all that much. Anyway, I stayed on in Paris for about nine months after that,
so I was in Paris for about a year and a half. And then I decided to go to Spain for a year and a half.
I hadn't learned Spanish before, but I knew that Spanish was really useful and I liked the idea of living in Spain.
So I moved to Madrid, and that's where I did my TEFL certificate. I had already taught a bit of English,
but it was very informal - you know, just like student jobs, tutoring, etc. After my course I started working for a few
different language schools. The language schools normally sent you to different companies where
you would teach English to groups of adults. While I was in Madrid I also started working in the office
of a language school. There I did level-testing, I put classes together, I interviewed new teachers -
that kind of thing. But I really missed Paris and I also wanted to do my master's in Paris.
So after a year and a half I went back to Paris, and I was planning to sit an entrance exam for one of these
interpreting master's the following year. So I worked and I studied, and then the following year I sat that exam.
And I failed miserably. To be honest I wasn't really used to failing exams because I had always been
quite a good student, so it was quite a shock to the system. I guess you could call it a humbling experience.
Anyway, I decided not to give up, but because you can only sit these exams two or three times, I decided to
wait one or two years until I was more ready before I tried again. So in the meantime I worked a bit in Paris
doing different jobs. I also did a master's in translation, which is why I sometimes translate on the side.
So a couple years later I resat that exam. The first time I only applied to one university, but this time I applied
to three different ones: two in Paris and one in Geneva. I failed two of them and I passed one of them.
Yay! So I finally got into an interpreting master's. I started the master's and it was going okay,
but then I got sick. Don't worry, it wasn't cancer or anything, but we think it was glandular fever.
And because I wasn't able to continue studying in that state, I decided to come home to Australia
for a little while. When I was home - that was in 2015 - I didn't have a lot to do and I had thought about
starting a YouTube channel. I had already had that idea for a few months, so I started English with Max.
After six months living back home, I went back to Paris where I restarted the interpreting master's.
However, about four months into it I realised that I no longer wanted to become a conference interpreter,
after thinking it for many, many years. I came to the realisation that I much preferred teaching English
and that I wanted to become an English teacher full-time. And that is why I am here talking to you today.
Hopefully you now feel like you know a little more about me, but if you have any comments or questions,
you can put them in the comments section down below. Remember to like and subscribe,
and don't forget that you can follow me on social media. I'll put the links in the info box.
See ya next time.
Dubioza kolektiv "Himna generacije" - Duration: 3:36.As soon as I wake up
I devour information
Newspapers, portals
daily dose of botheration
Bombastic headlines
Celebrities, crimes
Marriages, bodycounts
terror and accordions
Thousand "whys"
and not a single "because"
Who's gonna start a new war
Russia or NATO?
Every new report
blocks me completely
But I must stop worrying
I don't wanna limp cock
Glaciers are melting
Oh, dear mother
Who should we send to Eurovision?
Paranoia in my head
Does good news
exist at all?
Who is which blood type?
Will we end up swallowed by a black hole?
Sing: "It will get better"
while we wallow in mud
Fuck worrying
take care about your prostate!
This is the anthem of the generation
we worry for a living
This is the anthem of the generation
in the asshole of the civilization
This is the anthem of the generation
we worry for a living
This is the anthem of the generation
in the asshole of the civilization
Glaciers are melting
Oh, dear mother
Who should we send
to Eurovision?
Paranoia in my head
Does good news
exist at all?
Who is which blood type?
Will we end up swallowed by a black hole?
Sing: "It will get better"
while we wallow in mud
Fuck worrying
take care about your prostate!
This is the anthem of the generation
we worry for a living
This is the anthem of the generation
in the asshole of the civilization
This is the anthem of the generation
we worry for a living
This is the anthem of the generation
in the asshole of the civilization
Intermediate Listening Practice | Who am I? (education, qualifications, experience, etc.) - Duration: 10:08.Hi guys, welcome back to English with Max. This video is going to be a little different from my previous videos.
Some of my viewers have been asking me about my qualifications, previous experience, what languages
I speak, etc. So I thought I could tell you about that and at the same time do a listening practice video.
I'm actually doing two versions of this video. This one is the intermediate version
and I have also done an advanced version. If you want to watch the advanced video,
you can click on the card above. And I will also put a link in the info box.
The advanced version is basically the same, but I speak a bit faster and I use slightly different vocabulary.
If you are watching this to practice your listening skills, what I recommend is that you first watch this
without the subtitles, so you can really just focus on listening. And then watch it a second time with the
subtitles, so you can check if you have understood everything. As I said, in my advanced video I speak
relatively quickly. That's more or less how I speak in my everyday life. And in this video I'm going to speak more
slowly, but I'm still going to do it without a script, so it's going to hopefully still sound relatively natural.
For my other videos I don't write a script out and then learn it word-for-word, but I do plan them relatively well.
I think the best way to do this is to go chronologically, so I'm going to start
with what I did immediately after high school. After high school I went to university, or "uni" as we sometimes call
it in Australia. I went to the University of Sydney, where I studied international relations.
At the same time I studied French and German because in Australia the degrees aren't very specialised,
at least not in humanities, and you can study several subjects at the same time.
I started studying French and German in high school and I really liked them so I decided to continue with them,
but I wasn't sure if I wanted to just focus on languages. Anyway, after my second year I decided to take a break.
I deferred for one year and I went to Berlin. I was very fortunate. I received a scholarship
to study for one semester there. When that semester was over, I decided to stay another six months,
so in total I was there for one year. When I was in Berlin, I thought a lot about what I wanted to do with my life,
and in the end I decided that I wanted to become a conference interpreter. At least that is what I thought
I wanted to do. If you don't know what a conference interpreter is, those are the people who sit in the
glass booths at international conferences, and wear headphones, and interpret simultaneously.
Now to become a conference interpreter normally what you have to do these days is a master's.
There aren't many schools or universities where you can do this type of master's,
and if you want to go to a good school, you have to sit an entrance exam.
These entrance exams are rather difficult. On average I think about five to ten percent of the people who apply
pass the exam. Then when you are in the master's, it doesn't get easier. I think only about fifty, maybe
sixty, percent of the people who start actually finish. And the people who DO finish normally take
three or four years to do so. And that's a master's that is supposed to last two years.
Anyway, I knew it was going to be hard, but I thought I would give it a try.
After Berlin I came back to Australia where I did one semester (just four months),
and then I went to Paris to do my final and sixth semester. My university had an exchange programme
with - it wasn't exactly a university - it's a higher education institution that specialises in political science.
If you are French, I am talking about Sciences Po. It has a certain reputation in France. It's quite prestigious.
But I didn't really enjoy my time there to be perfectly frank. After my semester at Sciences Po, I stayed in
Paris for about another nine months. So I was there for about a year and a half in total.
Then I wanted to learn Spanish, so of course, I went to Spain. I lived in Madrid for a year and a half.
Shortly after arriving in Madrid, I did my TEFL course.
TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. So it's what you are supposed to do
if you want to become an English teacher. I had already taught English informally, but it was,
you know, the typical student job - tutoring or conversation classes. After I did the course I started
working for a couple of language schools. I didn't actually teach classes in the schools.
The schools would send me to different companies where I taught groups of adults.
After that I went back to Paris because I missed France, and I also wanted to do my interpreting masters in Paris.
The following year I sat my first entrance exam and I failed miserably. It was a bit of a shock because,
to be honest, I wasn't used to failing exams. I had always been a good student
so it was quite a shock to the system. Anyway I didn't give up. I decided to wait one or two years
and try again. In the meantime I did a translation masters and I also worked a bit in Paris.
If you don't know the difference between interpreting and translation,
translation is simply the written work and interpreting is the speaking. So this time I applied to three
different universities. Initially I just applied to one. I failed two of the exams and I got into one of them.
Yay! Finally! I started and then I got sick. Don't worry it wasn't cancer or anything, but I was pretty sick.
I got glandular fever and because I couldn't continue studying I decided to come home.
That was in 2015 and that was when I decided to start English with Max.
I had already thought about doing the channel. I had the idea since sometime in 2014, but I hadn't had the time
to do anything about it. So seeing as I had a lot of spare time, I thought, "Well why not?"
And then I went back to Paris. I was in Australia for six months,
I returned to Paris to restart my interpreting master's. However, about four months into it, I realised that
I actually didn't want to become a conference interpreter. After all those years
I realised that I actually preferred teaching English. And that, ladies and gentlemen,
is why I am here talking to you today. Now you should know a little bit more about me,
but if you have any more comments or questions you can put them, of course, in the comments section.
Don't forget to like and subscribe, and remember that you can also follow me on social media.
I'll put the links in the info box. See you next time.
Wow. these two are a couple now, wtf - Duration: 0:53.Come here
I don't want to see you cry
I don't want to see you sad or see you suffer, either
I always want to see you smile and I always want to make you smile
So, for that purpose, I don't mind if you hate me
that's why I decided
But it hurts
the truth is, I want to look after you more than anyone
But I can't
Dragon Ball Super Episode 92 "Vegeta Ready!"- Review - Duration: 8:11.Dragon Ball Super Episode 92 was a chill episode, but we all had a good time watching it.
Previously Vegeta went into the hyperbolic time chamber Lord Popo made it very clear,
that if Vegeta breaks it again, bad things will happen.
However, Vegeta dared to do something most wouldn't.
He disobeyed Popo's order, and broke it down again.
The entirety of what Popo did to Vegeta afterwards got cut due to censorship, and they just couldn't
show it to millions of kids watching DBS from around the world.
We do however hope to find out what happened in an uncut adult version later on.
Anyways, the training was necessary for Vegeta.
Because there was an issue of him getting a bit rusty due to missing some sessions for
being with pregnant Bulma.
So, he needed time to recover, but there wasn't any.
So, he made the perfect decision by training in the time chamber, and now we can expect
hardcore performance from him.
By the way, by breaking it, Vegeta also broke the same argument Buu fans kept bringing up.
Now, they can't throw Buu into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and wait for him to wake up,
as it's broken.
It can be repaired but it would take some time for them to do it, something they can't
afford right now.
You can keep making new arguments with ways to wake him up, but it looks like we are going
to get Frieza so let's just deal with it.
I find it funny how they were ready to go in the tournament, with 9 members before the
Frieza idea came up, but still no one mentioned Yamcha.
They are basically acting as if having Yamcha in the team, would be worse than having no
one at all.
I do think DBS is trolling Yamcha a bit too much these days, but I have to admit the way
they are showing it is funny.
It's safe to say now, there's no way Yamcha is getting in unless Frieza denies.
For those of you who don't want Frieza in the tournament, in that case we would have
to include Yamcha.
Now, you be the judge.
This episode will forever be a marked episode in the history of Dragon Ball, because for
the first time ever we see a Female Saiyan go super in this episode, and she is Caulifla.
We don't have any information of there being any other Female Super Saiyan in the past,
so Caulifla might as well be the first to achieve that in the history, but we can't
say that's 100% confirmed just yet.
Well, now you know the exact process of turning super, and it's quite simple.
Focus your energy or ki on your upper back, make sure to be totally angry and then just
let it flow, congratulations you are a Super Saiyan.
Of course the pre-conditions are that you have to be a Saiyan and one that is capable
enough to handle the form.
Cabe got the form quite easily during his fight with Vegeta, but the way Caulifla got
it appeared a bit too simple, but I guess it works.
Because Universe 6 Saiyans are insanely powerful, Cabe was almost able to match up with Vegeta's
base form.
It goes without a Saying they are stronger by many many times than when Goku and Vegeta
first got the form.
In other words, power was overflowing they just never faced the emotional pressure or
knew the correct method of doing it.
Now, after getting the knowledge they are able to do it with only a little effort.
I am really liking this Caulifla character the way she talks, the attitude and looks
of course, but we have another one here yet to be explored.
It's Kale who was hanging around there, and Caulifla called her out, and will be training.
Now, we know this girl has exceptional potential, and upon training she will get a berserker
form that we currently know as 'The Legendary Super Saiyan', a form made popular by Broly.
We just got the first female Saiyan, and now we are getting a new form introduced to one,
things are getting quite refreshing.
Hard Challenge awaiting Master Roshi though, he just eliminated his only weakness by working
with Puar's young gal form, but in front of the likes of Caulifla and Kale can Roshi
really control himself?
Even on a serious note, that is a legit weakness for Roshi to be worried out in the Battle
Royal, just like see few episodes he got off guard with Yurin due to his pervert side,
which ultimately led him to get under the spell.
For those of you thinking, who cares what Roshi does, it's not like he is going to
make a difference among all these ultra powered, but like mentioned over and over again.
This tournament isn't all about power, but skills and techniques.
Master Roshi is extremely good at these sectors, and has high battle intelligence due to his
Just like Goku points out once again, while convincing Krillin to participate, that Universe
7 not only need powers but also needs quick thinking style fighting skills of the likes
of Krillin.
Similar to what he displayed few episodes back when he battled Goku.
Krillin, Tien,18 and others also found out the real reason of the tournament, and that
they are on the verge of potentially getting destroyed.
Of course all of them gets pissed off not mainly because of the destruction, not even
because of the prize money but mainly because Goku was hiding something this important from
I loved the Goku-Krillin confrontation that eventually ended with a joke.
I still do think it made no sense for Goku to hide it.
Knowing 100% that they would eventually find out, most importantly they could have trained
harder, overall I am disappointed with how they utilized the time.
I was kind of expecting, all 10 of them training together and strategizing at once.
Although the Piccolo-Gohan training session was cool, I think others could have done way
I like how Beerus walks up, and right away threatens Krillin, he put it in very simple
words, Krillin will participate, survive till the end and win.
Imagine if Krillin was the last man standing for Universe 7.
That would be the greatest shocking moment ever, and since it's a team battle it can
be logical in ways that others dominate while he just keeps surviving and puts an end to
an half beaten opponent at the end.
I would pay to see that happen.
One thing DBS is doing well ahead of the tournament is going through Universes apart from 7.
The buildup part in this case has been excellent.
We get the follow up to Universe 11, where we see the caring side of The General and
even Toppo.
However, we move on and get the first look at some of Universe 3 fighters, this Universe
is adding a lot of refreshing value to The Dragon Ball Universe.
For a series that has been running for so long, it has to be careful about not being
repetitive, and bringing in characters like The God of Destruction Moscow is really helping.
We don't yet know if all the fighters of this Universe is going to be machines or robotics
but it seems to be that way, but the good thing about this Universe is they are able
to modify their robots on par with the requirements of the Battle Royal.
Like this one has claws that will prevent from falling down, and this will be a huge
advantage for them.
However, they are being a bit to systematic, and I think someone will break the system,
but before that point they are probably among the toughest in the battle royal.
So, overall this episode was quite enjoyable.
But The next episode has us even more hyped up, as Frieza will be returning, he looks
intense the trailers, and we will be talking more about that later in Episode 93 preview
Well, that's about all for now.
Comment your thoughts and opinion down below.
See you in the next, Dragon Ball Super video.
Reinventando el gobierno a través de la tecnología . Conferencia por Philip Lader - Duration: 13:54.Technology and Inequality
Reinventing Government through technology
Senior Advisor of Morgan Stanley and Trustee of Fundación Innovación Bankinter
Fruits Vegetables Colors | Learn Turkish Language - Duration: 16:07.Hi kids! We are learning colors together with fruits and vegetables. Are you ready?
My VERY FIRST IMPRESSION of Silkygirl Matte Junkie ( MANADO SUB ) - Duration: 6:10.-------------------------------------------
What does choleraic mean? - Duration: 0:34.-------------------------------------------
Illustrator Cliff Text Tutorial - Illustrator Text Effects - Duration: I have an illustrator cliff text effect
tutorial for you all to follow along
with it's very simple but a supercool
Illustrated text effect
welcome back to tutorial graphics and
with graphic design content hope to I'd
agree weekend I'm in the process of
moving me again so things were a bit
hectic here I'm also thinking to do my
very first live stream this week so let
me know if that something you guys want
to see anyway or with the illustrated
Texas cacciatore or create a new
document in Illustrator and then type
out your text and then create the
outlines of the text grab your reader
tool and press Shift + C on your
keyboard and then will be beta to hold
down shift and click and drag to create
a perfect horizontal line across your
text and in group you tags and delete
the bottom section and select let's do a
shapes and hit command G or ctrl G on a
PC to group everything together then
with the tank selected we're going to
select the free transform option they
can edit the corners so that the tank
seems to be on a flat surface like Sarah
we're up the rectangle tool press M on
your keyboard and then make a rectangle
across the entire word and send it to
the back can change the color to any
color that you want to use for your
illustrator text effect
contains text layer two wipes with the
pen tool make a line across the bottom
of your text and then grab the white
arrow tool a key the direct selection
tool and directly into the line to the
edges of the artboards
make sure the line runs perfectly along
the bottom of your text
once you've done that and use the pencil
again to continue the line around the
artboard and make a triangle shape at
the bottom a gradient fill to the
triangle you select the triangle by
clicking off of the artboard and then
use the eyedropper tool to select the
color of the background it will click
the color in the color palette and then
highlight the color code and hit command
C or control C on a PC to copy it now
select the gradient triangle and in the
gradient window that will click one of
the color cells make sure it's set to
RGB here and then paste in the color
code do the same on the other side of
the gradient tool and in the same color
cell go back in and change it to CMYK
and put up the black slider a little bit
using the pen tool click the corner text
and hold down shift to make a perfectly
straight line vertically like there
I forgot to draw a guide from the rulers
on the side you didn't have the
realization in command are and they will
pop up using a ship to make straight
lines finish the path to make the shape
back up to the cliff text you can use a
direct selection tools editor path
speed things up you can hold down alt
and see see this icon appear and then
click and drag to duplicate the shapes
then use the recollection tool to edit
them use alt on your keyboard to
duplicate the bottom right triangle move
into place we need to bring it to the
front to make our illustrator text
effect complete take the direct
selection tool and they did the triangle
so that it fearfully fits on the outward
use the eyedropper tool to copy the
color over the background you have just
a few finishing touches to make now
we're going to add a lighting effect on
the bottom triangle duplicate the shape
and then place it over the top add a
gradient fill and then change both sides
to white I make one side of the gradient
0% opacity and the other side set to
something like 20%
you can go back and change the color of
our gradients any stage I'm making the
cliff face a little darker than before
I'm Ashley I want to change the shape of
the text I bleed down to a gradient
and they have it the illustrator cliff
text back tutorial complete
I hope you all followed along and found
it helpful if you did lemon in the
conversation below I can share this
video if you really did enjoy it and
subscribe my 5 graphic design uploads
per week until next time design your
future today peace
Killer Blizzard - Duration: 44:08.-------------------------------------------
[Karaoke]Lk Mưa Phi Trường , Con Gái Bây Giờ | Minh Tuyết Johnny Dũng , Tú Quyên Hay Nhất 2017 - Duration: 14:12.-------------------------------------------
Big Data en economías en desarrollo, por Mick Yates - Duration: 3:18.Technology and Inequality
Big Data in developing economies
What is the contribution "big data" to developing economies?
What are the chances of "Big Data" in developing countries?
you think the institutions are properly addressing the current education system?
대한민국 최악의 프레임 종북과 빨갱이의 탄생 꼭 들어 보자 - Duration: 26:14.-------------------------------------------
Reacciones políticas: una dosis de realidad. Conferencia por Vicky Seifert - Margolis - Duration: 21:05.Digital Health December 2016
Policy Reactions: A dose of Reality
CEO & Founder at My Own Med
Economía Colaborativa y Emprendimiento en países en desarrollo, por Niti Bhan - Duration: 15:36.Technology and Inequality
Sharing Economy and Entrepreneurship in the developing world
Do you think that anyone is able to choose entrepreneurship as a way of life?
Human Centered Strategy for the Informal Economy
What kind of support is needed for people who don't choose the entrepreneurship's road?
What can we learn from developing countries in terms of innovation?
How can we create a Sharing Economy in which the user manage the platforms?
How should we regulate the Sharing Economy, joining both quality and access to the service?
How can be the tech solutions improved in developing countries?
Ramadan Pide - Duration: 3:54.Materials- 2 tabelspoon sugar and 1 desertspoon salt
Materials- 2 tablespoon oil and fresh yeast
Materials: 1 glass water and 1 glass milk
Materials: -5 glass flour
For above:1 table spoon yogurt and 1 egg yolk
Mix water, milk and fresh yeast. And wait 5 minutes to ferment.
Mix oil, salt and sugar
Than add 5 glass flour and knead it until thicken. Wait 1 hour for ferment.
Knead 1 minute fermented dough. Than separate it 2 pieces
Lay Baking paper to tray and sprinkle fine with flour.
Mix 1 tablespoon flour and half tea glass water. Stick your hand and spread the dough.
Mak nail mark and cover with clothes wait 10 minutes
After 10 minutes make nail mark again and wait 10 minutes more!
Last time make nail mark
For doughs above mix yogurt and egg yolk.
Shed black sesame and sesame. Cook it 200 C degreec until it blushes.
5/28/2017 - Duration: 39:31.-------------------------------------------
Nghi án CÔ GÁI trẻ BỊ người yêu B.Ắ.N TRÚNG ĐẦU , NHẬP VIỆN nguy kịch - Duration: 3:15.-------------------------------------------
Fruits Vegetables Colors | Learn Turkish Language - Duration: 16:07.Hi kids! We are learning colors together with fruits and vegetables. Are you ready?
Baa Baa Black Sheep Collection of Funny Songs Nursery Rhymes For kids - Duration: 11:45.baa baa black sheep have you any wool
yes sir yes sir three bags full one for
my master one for my Dame one for the
little boys will be standard
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty
Dumpty had a great fall all the king's
horses and all the king's men couldn't
put Humpty together again rain rain go
away come again another day
bang bang watch the same rain rain go
away hum happy birthday to you happy
birthday to you happy birthday dear
friend happy birthday to you
we go together and now you decide
anything a bit about the zio little
brother your uncle Jack I don't work for
the UM twinkle twinkle little star how I
wonder what you are up above the world
so high like a diamond in the sky
eeny meeny miny moe catch a tiger by the
toe if it hollers let it go eeny meeny
miny moe do you know the muffin man the
muffin man the muffin man do you know a
man who likes to sing with me hand
well oh he loves to sing that let's sing
at lunch
sing at my school in assessing that
margin like the scene with me
we go ahead upon a I love them and I
gotta go elsewhere bullshit over their
Stern we're going over on the other
house on one potato two potatoes three
potatoes four five potatoes six potatoes
seven potatoes more eight potatoes nine
potato Stan potatoes all one two three
four five six seven eight nine ten
animal body bag body bag that around
batty bat batty bear touch the ground
body bag body bag
jump up high buddy buddy right that's
the sky yeah it'll be my music and the
step and way the girls behind me a qubit
you spider crab underwater Salvage now
came the rain and washed the spider out
out came the Sun and reach deep sea
beaches spider if my body spout again
mommy finger mommy
we will some device come round and round
round and round round and round the
wheels on the bus go round and round all
through the town the motor on the bus
goes zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom
zoom zoom
the motor on the bus goes zoom zoom zoom
go to the town on the bus goes
beep-beep-beep beep-beep-beep
beep-beep-beep the horn on the bus goes
oh to town the people on the bus go up
and down up and down up and down the
people on the bus go up and down to town
the wheels on the bus go round and round
round and round round and round the
wheels on the bus go round and round all
through the town
he's fully had a dolly who was sick sick
sushi hold for the doctor to be queen
weak weak dollar easy Ratatat yeah you
get a dolly and he shook each time and
straight nice unable to shrink to beg
you wrote a paper for if you feel feel
I'll be back in the morning yes area we
will gotta go yeah yeah you gotta be a
bit about this yeah yeah we're uh Patti
LaBelle Joanna
Joannie journée Papa eating sugar no
papa telling lies
open your mouth Humpty Dumpty had a
great fall all the king's horses and all
the king's men couldn't put Humpty
together again huh it should be too
spider crab underwater salvage nothing
to read and wash the spider out out came
the Sun and dried up all the rain it
should be a spider crab bad spot again -
lets go swimming one day over the hills
and far away mommy got said quack quack
quack quack but only four let's go away
we go away we go go johny johny Papa
eating sugar no papa telling lies
open your mouth
mooom compared your singing school
daniels head east a local place honey
girl glad your city hey happy birthday
to you happy birthday to you happy
birthday me friend
happy birthday to you do you think a
nice guy now I wonder what you want
up above the world so high like a
diamond in the sky
daddy finger daddy finger where are you
here I am Here I am how do you do mommy
finger mommy finger where are you here I
am Here I am how do you do brother
finger brother finger where are you here
I am Here I am how do you do sister
finger sister finger where are you here
I am Here I am how do you do baby finger
baby finger where are you
CB e RG h RG k l m n o p q r s t u rate
ever you each ng
finger daddy finger where are you Here I
am Here I am I miss you mommy finger
mommy finger where are you
Here I am Here I am I love you brother
finger brother finger where are you
Here I am Here I am I missed you sister
finger sister finger where are you
Here I am Here I am I love you baby
finger baby finger where are you
Here I am Here I am I love you
Illustrator Cliff Text Tutorial - Illustrator Text Effects - Duration: I have an illustrator cliff text effect
tutorial for you all to follow along
with it's very simple but a supercool
Illustrated text effect
welcome back to tutorial graphics and
with graphic design content hope to I'd
agree weekend I'm in the process of
moving me again so things were a bit
hectic here I'm also thinking to do my
very first live stream this week so let
me know if that something you guys want
to see anyway or with the illustrated
Texas cacciatore or create a new
document in Illustrator and then type
out your text and then create the
outlines of the text grab your reader
tool and press Shift + C on your
keyboard and then will be beta to hold
down shift and click and drag to create
a perfect horizontal line across your
text and in group you tags and delete
the bottom section and select let's do a
shapes and hit command G or ctrl G on a
PC to group everything together then
with the tank selected we're going to
select the free transform option they
can edit the corners so that the tank
seems to be on a flat surface like Sarah
we're up the rectangle tool press M on
your keyboard and then make a rectangle
across the entire word and send it to
the back can change the color to any
color that you want to use for your
illustrator text effect
contains text layer two wipes with the
pen tool make a line across the bottom
of your text and then grab the white
arrow tool a key the direct selection
tool and directly into the line to the
edges of the artboards
make sure the line runs perfectly along
the bottom of your text
once you've done that and use the pencil
again to continue the line around the
artboard and make a triangle shape at
the bottom a gradient fill to the
triangle you select the triangle by
clicking off of the artboard and then
use the eyedropper tool to select the
color of the background it will click
the color in the color palette and then
highlight the color code and hit command
C or control C on a PC to copy it now
select the gradient triangle and in the
gradient window that will click one of
the color cells make sure it's set to
RGB here and then paste in the color
code do the same on the other side of
the gradient tool and in the same color
cell go back in and change it to CMYK
and put up the black slider a little bit
using the pen tool click the corner text
and hold down shift to make a perfectly
straight line vertically like there
I forgot to draw a guide from the rulers
on the side you didn't have the
realization in command are and they will
pop up using a ship to make straight
lines finish the path to make the shape
back up to the cliff text you can use a
direct selection tools editor path
speed things up you can hold down alt
and see see this icon appear and then
click and drag to duplicate the shapes
then use the recollection tool to edit
them use alt on your keyboard to
duplicate the bottom right triangle move
into place we need to bring it to the
front to make our illustrator text
effect complete take the direct
selection tool and they did the triangle
so that it fearfully fits on the outward
use the eyedropper tool to copy the
color over the background you have just
a few finishing touches to make now
we're going to add a lighting effect on
the bottom triangle duplicate the shape
and then place it over the top add a
gradient fill and then change both sides
to white I make one side of the gradient
0% opacity and the other side set to
something like 20%
you can go back and change the color of
our gradients any stage I'm making the
cliff face a little darker than before
I'm Ashley I want to change the shape of
the text I bleed down to a gradient
and they have it the illustrator cliff
text back tutorial complete
I hope you all followed along and found
it helpful if you did lemon in the
conversation below I can share this
video if you really did enjoy it and
subscribe my 5 graphic design uploads
per week until next time design your
future today peace
Простой рецепт кулича пасхального на сухих дрожжах - Duration: 3:07.-------------------------------------------
Простой рецепт блинов - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
Nghi án CÔ GÁI trẻ BỊ người yêu B.Ắ.N TRÚNG ĐẦU , NHẬP VIỆN nguy kịch - Duration: 3:15.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Nghi án CÔ GÁI trẻ BỊ người yêu B.Ắ.N TRÚNG ĐẦU , NHẬP VIỆN nguy kịch - Duration: 3:15.-------------------------------------------
MuInSession - Hey, Avogadro (CC) - Duration: 2:52.Hey Avogadro, give me a mole I need just enough gas to fill a cubical hole
It's got 22.4 liters inside Temperature and pressure, you gotta be my guide
Avogadro~ Avogadro~
You got the number you see You saying P V equals n R T
You know a hot gas is gonna wanna expand That's why the volume and temperature go
hand in hand
But now the pressure goes up when you shrink the volume down
It's called an inverse proportion It's kind of turned around
But now you know How it all goes
Hey Avogadro, give me a mole I need just enough gas to fill a cubical hole
It's got 22.4 liters inside Temperature and pressure, you gotta be my guide
Avogadro~ Avogadro~
You got the number you see You saying P V equals n R T
I know that R – has got ya confused It's just a number we pulled cause of the
units we used
Don't got to learn it – you can find it in a book
Or you could put it in your memory so you don't have to look
I'm heatin' up that gas in a box of fixed size
The problem is I don't want my pressure to rise
What do I do? The only number left is n I gotta lose some gas – that baby's got to vent
Hey Avogadro, give me a mole I need just enough gas to fill a cubical hole
It's got 22.4 liters inside Temperature and pressure, you gotta be my guide
Avogadro~ Avogadro~
You got the number you see You saying P V equals n R T
Each molecule of gas, is like a little rubber ball
Bouncin' back and forth, puttin' pressure on the walls
The temperature will tell, how fast they gotta move
And if you do the Newton math, you get the Avogadro groove
Hey Avogadro, give me a mole I need just enough gas to fill a cubical hole
It's got 22.4 liters inside Temperature and pressure, you gotta be my guide
Avogadro~ Avogadro~
You got the number you see You saying P V equals n R T
For more infomation >> MuInSession - Hey, Avogadro (CC) - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
Fruits Vegetables Colors | Learn Turkish Language - Duration: 16:07.Hi kids! We are learning colors together with fruits and vegetables. Are you ready?
For more infomation >> Fruits Vegetables Colors | Learn Turkish Language - Duration: 16:07.-------------------------------------------
Techno Info 4.0 Trailer - Duration: 1:36.-------------------------------------------
Megaman Perfect No Damage Walkthrough - Topman - Duration: 3:32.Today I'm gunna walk you through a perfect run of Mega Man 3.
Top man is a good place to start if you want the easiest time making it through the robot masters.
You have to wait until the nut and bolt completes itself before you can destroy it.
If you don't mind being careful you can trigger enemies one at time before moving forward
so you don't get overwhelmed.
Jump shoot to take out the sneakers, or whatever the hell you wanna call that guy.
These bolts are positioned in a way where I recommend you run.
The bottom is quicker and probably easier but I was able to beat this level on the first
try so who cares.
You need to position yourself on the edge of the ladder so you can shoot the fat dood.
And remember to jump off to the left so you avoid the remaining tops on the bottom.
The lead designer Keiji Inafune said this is least favorite game of the series, probably
because it was rushed to release.
And you can see that in the slow motion and flickering sprites that occur.
The slow-mo isn't much of a bother and helps you out more often than not.
I imagine it would have ran smoother if the game had been pushed back a month.
You should be familiar with how to taunt the hard hats by now and if not go check out my
other walkthroughs on this channel.
This is probably the toughest part of the stage and it isn't so bad.
Mentally prepare yourself for the slow motion that occurs whens jumping over the cat's balls
and use it to get as many hits in as possible.
Always slide to save time.
I'm shooting for no reason here because I was able to do this level blind, so I didn't
have every part memorized.
Mega Man 3 is a little easier to beat with no damage than Mega Man 2.
At least the robot master stages anyway.
And this part isn't tough I'm just being too cautious.
This cat is easier than the first cuz his balls bounce off screen.
Prepare to take out this metool right after he walks off his platform.
This second slide can be tricky.
Get in a rhythm of taking out the tops.
Shoot and slide immediately after, then jump shoot the next and continue up the steps.
Run forward and go for the first flying platforming.
The jumps aren't too bad if you start off on the good foot so all you really want is
to make the first jump and you should be fine.
Topman is one of many mega man bosses that are too ridiculous to be considered threatening.
And that's good.
I like how the creators don't take the story too seriously.
Jump over, turn around, and put in as many hits as possible, then slide away right before
the tops home in.
He's invulnerable when spinning and you can hear the bullets reflecting.
He's one of the easiest bosses and it's a good way to get comfortable with the slide
Thanks for watching, and start a dialogue in the comment sections and share this video
with the intelligence agencies.
MuInSession - Hey, Avogadro (CC) - Duration: 2:52.Hey Avogadro, give me a mole I need just enough gas to fill a cubical hole
It's got 22.4 liters inside Temperature and pressure, you gotta be my guide
Avogadro~ Avogadro~
You got the number you see You saying P V equals n R T
You know a hot gas is gonna wanna expand That's why the volume and temperature go
hand in hand
But now the pressure goes up when you shrink the volume down
It's called an inverse proportion It's kind of turned around
But now you know How it all goes
Hey Avogadro, give me a mole I need just enough gas to fill a cubical hole
It's got 22.4 liters inside Temperature and pressure, you gotta be my guide
Avogadro~ Avogadro~
You got the number you see You saying P V equals n R T
I know that R – has got ya confused It's just a number we pulled cause of the
units we used
Don't got to learn it – you can find it in a book
Or you could put it in your memory so you don't have to look
I'm heatin' up that gas in a box of fixed size
The problem is I don't want my pressure to rise
What do I do? The only number left is n I gotta lose some gas – that baby's got to vent
Hey Avogadro, give me a mole I need just enough gas to fill a cubical hole
It's got 22.4 liters inside Temperature and pressure, you gotta be my guide
Avogadro~ Avogadro~
You got the number you see You saying P V equals n R T
Each molecule of gas, is like a little rubber ball
Bouncin' back and forth, puttin' pressure on the walls
The temperature will tell, how fast they gotta move
And if you do the Newton math, you get the Avogadro groove
Hey Avogadro, give me a mole I need just enough gas to fill a cubical hole
It's got 22.4 liters inside Temperature and pressure, you gotta be my guide
Avogadro~ Avogadro~
You got the number you see You saying P V equals n R T
Fruits Vegetables Colors | Learn Turkish Language - Duration: 16:07.Hi kids! We are learning colors together with fruits and vegetables. Are you ready?
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