Thứ Bảy, 17 tháng 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 18 2018

Homo Ludens is an anthropological essay written in 1938

by the Dutch historian and cultural theorist Johan Huizinga,

in which he discusses the importance of the play element in culture and society

and argues that it is a necessary and primary condition

for the emergence of culture in the first place.

Hideo Kojima had stated his fascination with this idea several times in the past,

but with his new title Death Stranding, he intends this school of thought to take wings.

It doesn't only show in neat little nods

like Kojima Productions' new company's mascot being christened Homo Ludens

but even more so in the spiritual direction he takes with the core themes of his game.

In case you've seen it, you might remember how this was already a core thesis

of my last video essay on Death Stranding:


From the information we had at that point in time,

I was convinced that Hideo Kojima's plans with his new game were

- even for him - somewhat megalomaniacal:

I argued how his ambition is to... to take evolution... into his own hands

- and not just symbolically.

And Death Stranding is the vessel with which he aims to achieve that.

I highlighted how the titular Homo Ludens mascot is supposed to represent

the literal next level in human evolution.

How with Death Stranding, Kojima doesn't solely intend to break the fourth wall anymore,

but that he wants to shatter it beyond any semblance of repair...

The world we're entering in Death Stranding will not just be

a traditional virtual game space anymore,

unaware of the player's existence in the outside world,

but the bilateral communication and interaction between our world and... theirs

will be one of the central aspects of the experience as a whole.

A parallel universe into which we - the players, the Homo Sapiens

will transcend into and which we are going to permanently influence

with our actions by leaving our individual trails of ... handprints.

Now, when I say evolution, I'm not exclusively referring to

the Darwinian evolution of species through natural selection,

but the evolution of all life, matter and 'existence'

of which Darwinism is only one of the steps in the ladder of the history of the universe.

Homo Ludens is the evolution of Mankind through the means of 'play'

and Death Stranding is supposed to provide the space... the breeding ground... the habitat

for a newly emerged subspecies of Homini - the Homo Ludens.

So much for the central hypothesis of my last video-essay

within this half-hour long video, I've attempted to stitch together all the hints and clues

scattered around by Kojima and his team since the first reveal in June 2016

but no matter how convincing it may have appeared - remember that it's still a theory

and an unproven one at this point

Fast forward one year after the second trailer's reveal

and we finally got another, this time almost 8-minute-long story-trailer

and believe me, for someone who puts their unproven theories

out for everyone to see on the internet, such a reveal is always a little bit scary.

Not that I'd be devastated if one of my theories gets wholly debunked,

but there's always the risk that the revelation of new information

will stomp my conjectures in the ground.

But to my delight, this most recent trailer

- let's call it the "Explosions" trailer from now on -

pretty much right out of the bat, strongly corroborated my ideas

- the notion that evolution on a much grander, a cosmic scale

will be one of the core themes of the story and lore of Death Stranding.

The opening and closing narration by Norman Reedus

in which he mentions four explosions

is a recapitulation of the entire history of existence

by iterating the progression of the four seminal cataclysmic events

that result in one final event:

The Death Stranding Evolution Event

[Norman Reedus: "Once there was an explosion..."]

Okay, I know we're all eager to dig into the fourth and final explosion

mentioned in the trailer

the 'Death Stranding Evolution Event'.

But in order to understand and establish its significance within the evolution of the universe,

our solar system and life on earth...

especially in the context of Death Stranding

- let's be thorough and go through the other 'explosions' first:

Let's play Neil DeGrasse Tyson for a moment.

Our universe is vast.

It contains more stars than all the grains of sand on planet earth combined.

Our universe is also quite old.

It took roughly 13.8 billion years for all matter in the universe

to evolve into the present state.

So.... what does that have to do with the first explosion mentioned in the trailer?

[Norman Reedus: "Once there was an explosion..."]

["... a bang which gave birth to time and space.]

It is referring to, you guessed it, The Big Bang.

If we travel back in time as far as the universe is old

there were no galaxies, no stars, no planets... let alone life as we know it.

13.8 billion years ago, all matter in the universe was comprised

into a fraction of the size it is today

packed so infinitely densely, that nothing, not even light

could escape the enormous gravitational pull.

Our universe was in a state of 'Spacetime Singularity'.

In my first video on Death Stranding, I explained how one of Norman Reedus' dog-tags

showed the equation for the so-called Schwartzschild Radius.

The Schwartzschild-Radius describes the size an object needs to be shrunk to

in order to become a black hole.

To enter a state of spacetime singularity...

Simply put, our universe, 13.8 billion years ago, used to be... a black hole

a seed of a universe.

Let's keep this in mind for now, because this will be important later.

[Norman Reedus: "Once there was an explosion..."]

["... a bang which set a planet spinning in that space."]

The Big Bang was the birth of our universe.

The seed exploded, and its infinitely compressed matter began expanding outward

- ever expanding for hundreds of millions of years -

until its matter slowly began to cool off, form subatomic particles, electrons and atoms

that merged into gigantic clouds of primordial elements.

After about 9 billion years of rapidly expanding molecular clouds,

these elements eventually collapsed under their own gravity

and began spinning concentrically, heating up under the increasing pressure

and aggregating mass at the center...

over time, such an enormous amount of mass, pressure and heat

was condensed so tightly that a nuclear fusion was triggered.

This occurred billions of times in the universe

and such a reaction was also what caused the explosion that gave birth to our sun.

The leftovers of the solar nebula, a disc-shaped cloud of gas and dust particles

kept orbiting the protostar.

And gradually, big chunks of stardust began accreting

and over time their mass and therefore their gravity increased.

These rocky bodies would become the terrestrial planets




and Earth

Eventually, the sun cooled off and the earth found itself orbiting the sun

within the small circumstellar habitable zone of our solar system,

a distance where it's not too cold for water to be permanently frozen

and not too hot for it to evaporate.

The perfect atmospheric conditions for the generation of carbon based life.

But after its formation, it was still just a lifeless chunk of rock floating through space.

It was still missing the essential building blocks for life as we know it.

What it needed, was one more bang...

[Norman Reedus: "Once there was an explosion..."]

["...a bang which gave rise to life as we know it."]

The third explosion is a bit trickier,

because technically, it could point to more than one event.

How life - or as Norman Reedus deliberately distinguishes it "Life as we know it" -

originated on our planet is a question that people have been pondering for ages.

From religious tales over scientific theories to explanations that border heavily on sci-fi.

One leading hypothesis for the origin of life on earth - is Panspermia.

The idea that life as we know it did not originate on earth itself,

but was delivered from outer space.

Microscopic life forms capable of enduring the hazardous effects of space

- extreme heat, extreme cold and extreme radiation -

trapped in debris that's ejected into space after planets

and small Solar System bodies that harbor life collide.

According to the panspermia-theory,

an asteroid or meteorite harboring pre-biotic organic building blocks of life,

one day - roughly 4 billion years ago -

crashed into the lifeless chunk of rock, metal and water

that planet earth used to be at that point in time.

Due to the its ideal atmospheric conditions

the asteroid's passengers would find a home,

an environment in which they could survive, thrive and begin to multiply.

These proto-life forms were simple, single-cellular organisms,

but they harbored the life-seed to bring about the genesis of sentient life.


A thread-like chain of nucleotides, containing the genetic instructions

used in the growth, development, functioning and reproduction

of all known living organisms - the programming language of life.

Whenever these proto-organisms reproduced,

they would copy their genetic information onto its offspring;

but with every copy, tiny translation errors would lead to an altered,

randomly mutated DNA sequence.

It's an evolutionary lottery:

if the altered sequence would bring a physiological advantage for the organism,

it was more likely to survive and procreate than physiologically inferior species.

Natural Selection.

Fueled by the power of DNA combined with lots and lots of time,

it took another 3.5 billion years

until this evolution through natural selection reached a seminal turning point:

The Cambrian Explosion

Until then, evolution produced little more than bacteria, plankton and multi-celled algae

but eventually, around 541 million years ago,

a sudden surge of diversity and variety in life began developing at exponential rates.

In a timespan of 30 million years which scientists call the Cambrian Period,

all major animal body plans, from which all the species prevalent on earth today

eventually evolved, appeared in the fossil record, changing the biosphere forever.

The Cambrian Explosion is one of the major evolutionary events in the history of earth,

without which mankind in its current state would not have come to be.

It is as vital in the cosmic history of mankind

as all the other cataclysmic events described before

The Big Bang

The Birth of the Sun

the Accretion of the Earth

and the Insemination by Panspermia

So in this way, I do believe that both interpretations of "the third explosion"

hold equal merit, as both corresponding events are seminal cornerstones

in the ancestry of human life on planet earth

that can equally be regarded as fountainheads for Darwinian Evolution.

For our analysis, it doesn't even matter which one it is...

what does matter is their allegorical significance for Death Stranding...

because both cases firmly reinforce the notion that the Darwinian evolution of species

is one of the central chapters in Death Stranding's timeline of the evolution of Homo Ludens

a chapter that is about to be closed and put in the past when the final explosion occurs.

[Norman Reedus: "And then came the next explosion..."]

So here we are, with the questions "What is the fourth explosion?" still in the air.

I believe that all the clues necessary to piece this together have already been laid out.

According to Hideo Kojima "Something from another world arrived... stranded in our world"

And to go back to his famous "sticks and ropes" analogy:

"Most of your tools in action games are sticks.

You punch or you shoot or you kick.

The communication is always through these sticks."

"I want people to be connected not through sticks,

but through what would be the equivalent of ropes."

As I pointed out in my previous videos,

Relation is one of the major themes of Death Stranding

the notion that.. everything is connected with everything.

Many aspects in the trailers hint at this idea of interconnectedness,

like the mysterious handprints appearing out of nowhere

and leaving marks on the protagonist

the baby-canisters which appear to directly fuel the players with life

Moby dick appearing in two trailers and the Kojima Productions logo trailer

Aaand Metal Gear Solid 5

things like the rainbow, or circumzenithal arc that appears in the sky in the second trailer,

when the planetary constellation from the moon in the logo trailer

shows the ideal circumstances such a phenomenon to appear on earth.

And of course, the most obvious symbol for Relation:

the eponymous strands.

Black umbilical cords that appear to connect all... life and matter and existence.

We've also established that Relativity is another central theme.

Norman Reedus wears equations like the Schwartzschild Radius, describing black holes,

the Dirac Equation, which led to the discovery of Antimatter

and Einstein's Field Equations,

which is one of the cornerstones of modern theoretical physics...

And we've left our investigation of the first explosion with the idea that our universe....

was once... a black hole.

A seed of a universe.

But... what happened before the Big Bang?

What made this virtually infinitely compressed spot of spacetime... burst?

There are various theories about the birth of our universe, but some scientists

aren't so sure that we've ever left the inside of a black hole in the first place.

According to theoretical physicist Nikodem Poplawski,

we are still and have always been nestled inside a black hole.

Living in our own domain of spacetime,

nested within a mother universe that itself is only one of many universes.

And black holes may just be the passageways between them.

Or as Professor Michio Kaku calls them - umbilical cords...

"We need a theory that goes before the big bang

and that's String Theory.

String Theory says that (...) maybe

our universe is butted from another universe

leaving an umbilical cord."

String Theory is sometimes called "Theory of Everything"

because it attempts to model the four fundamental forces



Strong Nuclear Force

and Weak Nuclear Force

together in one theory.

In the 20th century, physicists began to apply its concepts to black holes,

finding that it finally provided a cohesive framework

to study and attempt to resolve the paradoxes of black holes.

Extremely simplified: String Theory suggests that...

everything is connected with everything

across space, matter and... time.

Now if you think about the fact that there are

an estimated 100 billion galaxies in our observable universe alone

and that at the center of each sits a supermassive black hole

with the mass of millions of suns, rotating at near light-speed

and sucking in matter with perpetual forces so intense that a bursting point

- another big bang -

is just a matter of time.

How many seeds of universes are strewn just throughout our own galaxy,

each one nesting a near infinite amount of galaxies and stars on their own?

"To see a world in a grain of sand"

When someone like Hideo Kojima writes a setting

whose lore is based on the principles of theoretical physics and String Theory,

you can expect that he and his writers will do their research

to grasp the matter several levels beyond the average layman

but that doesn't mean we should expect hard science fiction

with MIT level scientific accuracy.

The ideas we'll find in this game

will likely take theoretical physics as a jumping point

and and use their ideas... allegorically.

In Death Stranding's world

String Theory is what fueled the Death Stranding Evolution Event,

when humans found a way to traverse the connection between universes

through umbilical cords

through black holes.

At one point in time, humanity achieved a fundamental breakthrough

the apex of thousands of years of scientific progress,

turning theoretical physics... practical.

Humanity unlocked dimensional exploration,

the means to travel across parallel universes through black holes

and closing the gap between realities.

They formed an organization that would connect a virtually infinite amount of universes

that would build "Bridges" across the multiverse.

Each parallel universe unfolding after their own timeline of individual evolution

like a computer algorithm that ineluctably approximates their own apex of evolution,

their own Death Stranding evolution event.

But with an endless amount of realities to tap into

eventually there was bound to be a bad apple.

One day, something from another world arrived.

Something came from a mother universe whose inhabitants feed

on uncountable other realities

- hungrily and mercilessly -

consuming and devouring the lives and fates of souls across dimensions

inexorable like:


It's... it's us...

we're the something that came from that other world....

Our intrusion is the fourth explosion

we're the viewers,

the readers,

the listeners and..

the players.

We've been doing it for generations

we consume the fates and lives of imaginary people for personal gain,

pleasure, wisdom, enjoyment

through tales, make believe, through story.

We're the audience that assumes control

over the inhabitants of other realities through imagination.

In Death Stranding, this is happening literally.

We impact countless fates via

"minuscule strands of energy vibrating across 11 dimensions"

- that's how String Theory would put it

or how Death Stranding sees it: cosmic and eldritch umbilical cords.

As an audience, we've been tapping into the lives and fates of characters

all across the multiverse for millennia

and we've taken control over video game characters

from the comfort of our couch for decades.

If you think about it, that's what video games can be for many of us

a temporary escape to another reality.

In Death Stranding, humanity found a way to bridge these realities through science.

So in this setting, we're not just gonna be the invisible, godlike puppeteers,

hiding behind an impenetrable 4th wall for the actors.

Each one of us will individually, directly enter the world of Death Stranding

through our consoles and join in on the fight against the adversary.

Not just an avatar - literally you.

Norman Reedus: "And I was like alright!

And then he goes, he goes 'And they'll go play me?' and he goes 'No!

They'll BE you!'"

If you think about it, in the three trailers that we've seen so far,

we've had three characters who break the fourth wall.

And that is very much on purpose.

The first one is Guillermo del Toro

looking nervously into the camera, acknowledging the audience in front of the screen.

Now - Guillermo is not a professional motion capturing actor

his presence; and multiple remarks by himself, Kojima

and other members of Kojima Productions in the past

insinuate that this character is actually supposed to be Guillermo del Toro,

our reality's Guillermo del Toro

and he's aware of the outside world.

Just like a player is always aware of their surroundings.

Most of the time.

On his chest, he's wearing the Bridges badge.

Meaning he is a player who's entered Death Stranding's reality,

became a member of Bridges and joined the fight against the adversary,

the invaders of the Death Stranding Evolution Event.

Next up, there is Mads Mikkelsen's character

- it's been confirmed that he's going to be one of the game's antagonists -

likely the leader of the 5 monolithic floating figures seen in the other trailers.

He directs; no, he outright controls the skull soldiers via strands

that look suspiciously like electric cables

- like a player's connection to their video game characters

sending signals through the cable of their input device.

He looks us straight in the eye, fully and.. impishly aware of our presence.


Don't spill the beans!"

He's not a part of Bridges but he's part of the adversary

either invading Death Stranding's reality from "our" world

or from another, darker mother universe.

My guess is that the game will feature something comparable

to an invasion system from the Soulsborne series

in which the players will take on the role of antagonists as well.

One of the things that indicate that is that all the decives,

all the creatures, all the characters in some way are connected to strands

Like the planes, like the tanks, like the crabs and the whales

And many other things.

Everything is connected, everything is controlled.

But that's...

I can't prove that yet.

What we do know is that... Mads knows

he knows that we're there behind the screens.

And with that I mean Mads' character,

not Mads himself, because he seems to be quite clueless what Kojima is schemeing.

Just like Norman Reedus too and everybody else.

And lastly, the baby.

It is featured in every trailer so far

- but in the last one, we see it inside of Norman Reedus' belly.

Which finally puts the scars we see in the first trailer - on his belly - into perspective.

In this one, the baby gives the viewers a thumbs-up.

( well as horrible mpreg nightmares.. hrmph)

And this... is us.

The baby is a constant throughout all three trailers.

And if you think about it, it's present in one way or another all the time.

It is each player's incarnation in Death Stranding's world

and the characters we meet and play

They're aware of that.

It's our connection through which we take over.

Yeah, we're literally gonna be born into this world

the baby being the vessel through which our consciousness and intelligence

transcends into the bodies and minds of this worlds' inhabitants.

Yes, Death Stranding's "story" is more confusing

than Birmingham's Spaghetti Junction in the dark.

And this video might probably have made it even more confusing than it felt before.

I'm... sorry?

But if anything else - to me, this new trailer strongly reinforced the ideas

that I brought up in my previous videos

- the notion that we are directly entering Death Stranding's universe

to have a permanent impact on this world

through our thoughts, actions and interactions with it and its inhabitants.

In Death Stranding, humanity has found a way

to not only bridge a multitude of universes together

they also found a way to tap into our intelligence

and channel our thoughts into their reality.

Instrumentalizing video gamers into a collective consciousness.

Something... something...

Human .. Instrumentality...


Is it mean of me to jump off at a point like this?

Almost like a cliffhanger?

But who knows; maybe I'll come back to it in another video.

Who knows?

There are probably a plethora of ideas that are swirling in your mind right now

about how Death Stranding might implement these notions in practice

and I'll be frank - it's the same for me.

As convinced as I am that the eponymous strands in Death Stranding

will be something like an allegorical representation

of a multiverse connected through umbilical black holes

and as convinced as I still am that we, ourselves are supposed to become

permanently part of Death Stranding's virtual multiverse

there is literally no way for me to say with certainty

how these elements will be implemented into the actual game.

And that's fine!

Because as the maker said: We are already playing it.

The game that is.

We're already contributing to the collective consciousness,

are an active part of the Death Stranding Evolution Event

by sharing and our thoughts and ideas in this alternate reality like scavenger hunt.

So I'd honestly love to hear your ideas.

How will the game play?

How will Hideo Kojima rewrite the way we experience death in video games

incorporated in a science-fiction action open world game?

So by all means, participate in the comments.

I'm looking forward to it!

Before I go, I would like to thank everyone who supports my channel on Patreon,

without the help of my Patrons, I couldn't keep doing these videos.

So thank you!

And if you're thinking of helping out and pitching in for yourself,

I'd be very grateful

- so feel free to follow the link in the description of this video.

This month, I'd like to give out a special thank you to:

you to...

For more infomation >> The Death Stranding Evolution Event | Monsters of the Week - Duration: 30:49.


সফোলতার জন্য সার্থপর হতে হয় || selfish for success in life || success motivational video in bangla - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> সফোলতার জন্য সার্থপর হতে হয় || selfish for success in life || success motivational video in bangla - Duration: 4:28.


I Copied LGBTQ+ Icons' Instagrams for a Week… - Duration: 12:24.

So today i'm doing one of my favorite videos ever and this is such a freaking cool concept and i tweeted the idea i was

like hey would you guys be down for it

you're like yes i said

And like it all caps so i was me trying to sound like you hey don't send yeah yeah very hard i got lots of

hard yeses we love this community and this fandom

I'm gonna be reaching out to a ton of people that follow me on instagram at jesse paige and i jesse josh so i guess

if you want to enter that kind of giveaway thing though my time isn't that precious

All you have to do is follow my instagram that would be really cool i appreciate it give me validation please

Support your girl come on i look cute my instagram hopefully makes me look

And i can check if you're following i will be having an instagram also so i've been doing this series on my channel where you?

create instagram pictures and i was gonna do an in honor of like a ton of like badass

Bald woman in honor of the women's march but i also had the concept to do some

lgbtq+ icons in

entertainment yeah i just chose people that you guys tweeted me a ton and i decided to recreate their pictures and

Include a ton of funny banter while i in a new look because i thought this gayest video would be even better

Underneath the freakin rainbow so here we are where we belong

I'm gonna be doing a new video to know where i facetimed 10 of you guys and let's get this to

35,000 likes what if you freakin support this concept

too if you want to part two and three if i post all these sections for mainstream and four if you think that i'm a

good father for spoiling my kids its if you're new to my channel

It's that weird ops inside joke but it's not an inside joke at the same time because it's very real

I get said adoption papers every day please like the video

This is a lot of reasons but also i will do a part

To you if it gets to that only if it gets to that i'm watching you i see you there in the back yeah you

Yeah looking at your phone your brother's memes can wait we support wholesome lgbtq+ couples some daddies some mothers

non-binary, female male we are freaking open circle here i'm not wearing shoes

i've worn these pants three days in a row this is an air of acceptance

cool i love my people it's concerning

Also this video was supposed to be a collab with rebecca i lost all the footage i'm not sure if i'm gonna be able to

Recover it but she helped me to create a ton of these photos and i want to thank her a lot and we shared sheikha

The video we did on her channel just subscribe to her she's literally one of the nicest people ever and she's like oh he's so

supportive and sweet and


It's so great like a such great pride okay let's get started so i had a ton of photos i wanted to recreate from crucified

But i decided to go with this one it's one of my favorite photos of troy ever because it's so just

uh whenever i look at it i literally smile

He's in a rainbow sweatshirt which i had something literally almost

identical to that and he is carrying a puppy it's literally it's my whole branding troye sivan


Rainbows glitter on his face and he's carrying a puppy and it's just like the way he's looking at the puppy it makes me happy

makes me appreciate you know like the good side of life

bit wild


like guys

So for this one i borrowed rebecca's dog because i don't have a puppy

Don't remind yourself jesse and i took some glitter i always use this glitter in my face it's something i always do for my branding

And i had a white thread sweatshirt already above my hair in little braids

And i looked at the puppy and try to look, adorable and sure okay

So rebecca is about

To go and help me take detroit savan photo thank you so much i was telling her a little bit about him and

he's one of my favorite photos royce won't ever

literally like encouraged me to get glitter on my face so i'm gonna show you guys how i do

my glitter and stuff also but first i'm gonna get this mad shirt it's rainbow and it's cute it's cute

it's rainbow just like everything else in my apartment i'm about

To show you how we do glitter in my face let's go glitter with me okay i love the troye sivan

comfortable enough to really glitter and so on to this photo is literally my branding troye sivan plus glitter plus rainbows

amazing plus puppies he is blue glitter


So i'm going

to take maybe this glitter i think you can take these little bita gems if you want and you can just stick them

under your eyes

Or you can go all out and


can do glitter i'm gonna put it on later for the photo but you take the glitter and then i take eyelash glue or

this specific glitter glue

that comes with this brand go get glitter not sponsor please i wish

sponsor me it was like an actual like just the

Anime princess it's great i don't know like if i'd want to be an anime character or a disney princess more cuz those are definitely

goals of mine

in my life i don't know how that would happen but i think a disney princess cuz i grew up with that versus anime i

got, into later unless you can't like pokemon and so on

like my life falling apart hahaha

Relatable i'm gonna do intense

modeling cool emma jessie style that used to be my username on youtube now it's an inside joke if you're new hi

Okay, so now i am in my troye sivan sweatshirt oh my gosh i love it it looks so similar and what i love is

that his has blue and

I doesn't but my hair is the blue i love it i'm a literal human rainbow now oh my gosh i'm gonna add my

Actual glitter to it and now i have my sweatshirt on oh?

look at her obviously with the most effort into

This one because it's my favorite photo ever okay i'm gonna play some troy to get ready for this and i just envisioned a puppy

thank you lord and savior look at him watching over this apartment making sure everything's fine don't worry

Troye sivan is definitely someone i hundra's i want to take food in this video he's coming out video has helped so many people

and music he's incredibly creative and some music videos in particular

really focused on its own serious topics especially when it comes to things like coming out being

closeted etc i think i got tweeted twice upon the most and i

Got requested to do ruby rose a ton and again i don't have a puppy so rebecca help me out my queen this picture of?

ruby there are two dogs and

Helps two leashes it's so much harder than it looks ruby makes it look effortless

I don't understand i mean ruby makes everything with effortless room who makes looking that attractive look way too

effortless and very attractive wow did not look contractive we love

Self-deprecation so we started taking the photos with just me holding the two leashes and my hair is down

they, also wore an all-black outfit which is very odd for me i love colors in case you couldn't tell by the giant rainbow

Then i decided i'm trying to make my hair look more like rubies rubies

Hair is like literally i have wanted to cut my hair that short i will at some point in my life a lot of you

guys Have meant of short hair and i think it's so friggin cool i literally give you such admiration for people that i don't know

Like i know what it's like to like even just look about my hair color the people be incredibly judgmental i'll be like that's not

stereotypical pretty it's like i'm on the give a crap i feel cool and i think it's beautiful

freakin grooming makes me want to cut my hair that short anyway i

latest my hair a bit and made it look short and i think he looked really sick i kind of felt like an anime character

i literally felt like an anime protagonist give that crunchyroll when it sponsor me i

was with the two dogs never really got a picture that fully was as

put together as rubies but i was also requested to do some youtube couples and

Rebecca and i had done shane and ryland previously but we were going to do it again

I had to people were pressing

joy chris emma and daniel and i found this one photo of the two of them

Where joey has blue hair because i know he's also like a connoisseur of colored hair so i decided to

recreate that one with the blue hair they ever think hewitt is two cupholders

adorable i've been a stan

So we are about

To go and recreate connor franta with the little flag and be a blue sky the sky is

So pretty today oh my gosh i mean not as great as maya

bloom kidding please i wish we are going to recreate his photo who

actually remember when this photo was posted i don't know why i remember being 16 and

Seeing that photo i have to play hayley kiyoko because i didn't get to recreate her photo like

we're ready to karaoke

or something else done -

it's in our workout i'm getting a lead

we said this one would be easy i got a lot of options

They filming this yep hi oh that's cute hiding when i go up and down mm-hmm, he makes it look

So much cooler i look like i'm squishing my cheeks he's like no pressed against it

he's like it's nourishing my cheekbones you know versus i'm like right there i

look like trash really cute trash yes it works we got it

hey, so i try to dress like halsey as much as i could we're right here near the dumpsters you know just felt like i

belonged here i don't really like to talk about myself in third person it feels kind of weird

Anyways i don't you know normally use my formal name i'm a bad ego

Selfie she looks great my hair is like just somewhere shaded and meyers curls like hers so we're gonna try it no

for the basketball so like i kind of love this style of having

sunglasses and your beanie like actually like it palsy don't worry i won't come for your friend

such a serious expression so we're here and this side is like that and in her hair

Like spread out over here we got it and my arm hurts yay

pinic balls you gotta go with it i could have done it with my eyes closed hey

she recently tweeted like the best thing about she's bisexual and like being in a relationship with

with a male and how like people were essentially like

invalidating and questioning her bisexuality

because she's in a relationship

with a male but then like if you're a girl in relationship with a girl that like people are like but your

husband's you can never win anyways we love a strong female

Reiterated one of her photos is the selfie the boarded who is also part of the lgbt

community i thought it was really cute they're honestly both my queens strangers this is something legitimately

gately whatever i want to feel like i can conquer the world horsham means

relatable my brother and i have been like on a mean streak

recently it's taken a lot of effort at me started caffeine just because of my brother in the mean streak gonna do my research i

Don't know why i need to contribute that

So i lost my outro and i figured you know i couldn't not shout out my people of course so i'm gonna feature

your post thank you i'm always stalking you all not in a creepy way in a cute way i promise and

i'm gonna feed you some of your cats on screen thank you and

I think this video is great is it just like brings exposure to people they're really doing good in the world

and you guys really like my videos that are more than just entertainment and i feel like this is like the perfect

Example of real quality content that i'm proud of it's like entertaining but it's also just

some really cool people out empowering them yeah and i'll see you guys in the future

For more infomation >> I Copied LGBTQ+ Icons' Instagrams for a Week… - Duration: 12:24.


MY MORNING ROUTINE! (Vlog) - Duration: 9:01.

what is a CACCI crew today we are coming at you with a morning routine

yes your guys's favorite but we're gonna be switching it up a little bit so I'm

gonna be doing in vlog style you guys love our normal morning routines so I

decided why don't I do it vlog style you guys always normally see Peyton in the

morning routine but you guys all know that she's not here so I'm just gonna be

doing it by myself and show you guys my everyday morning routine and yes you can

hear that I'm a little bit congested and my nose a little nasally right now I am

sick but it's okay I'm still gonna push through it and do today's morning

routine cuz I'm getting better I feel a lot better than I did the past few days

so you guys gonna get that music in the background right now can't you listen

that's what helps me sleep at night even if I'm not sick I have to have that

music on every night and it's a little infuser that I put essential oils in and

they all have different meanings to them and like things that help you that's

what I have it in right now called breathe in I love it I'm obsessed

with it an excuse that sorry I have to take that

stuff because I'm sick oh my god bed right now

it's a little bit more bright

watch my face let's do you have to wash my face with

money because I did yourself it's really bad the skin if you guys want to check

out my I have to do no this is grid that I'm washing my face in the sink area but

it's my favorite place to wash it I don't know I just because oh just

because this sink is a little bit bigger so I like to use this thing but I'm

gonna be setting this down and you can watch but first things first is I wash

my face and I'm using the road amp fields and it's an acne treatment sulfur

wash this I'm making eyes I already told you guys I I had an acne video that I

did so you guys should have checked at all and he said that just check it out

but not right now so I give this and this really cleared my skin up really

really well like it was the only product that actually worked on my skin cuz my

skin is really really sensitive and then what I guess is my vending planet brush

that they sent me came with a different cup of brushes also I'll show you them

so they have this brush which is for the face they have this brush which is a

smaller one if you want to get in like smaller areas same type of brush then

they have this one I'm not really sure this one's for your face or your foot

but I would never put this on my face because my face is really sensitive so

if I did on my face I'd probably break out just with my skin type so I usually

just put this on my foot my calluses my foot if I do have any

also this one use for your face a party use this one for my face also I forgot

almost to tell you guys you guys can use this one on your body also so if you

have like bacne

so you guys all know that I do have big cheese and so

what I do is I get

okay so I'm running a little bit late right now because I have a hair

appointment so I'm just gonna do my makeup real quick and then I'm gonna

have my mom make me breakfast right now

this makeover started I usually like to reuse my eyelashes


now it is time to pick up the outfit yeah see you guys so you see this I do

need a bigger closet a way bigger closet so I just kept it super casual put on

black leggings this cute booooo-whoo letter and then my Nikes it's gold my

jewelry box do cute little chain now that I showed you guys my outfit I am in

a rush and I'm gonna get on the road right after I eat hey did you make me

some breakfast glare B looks great what do you make me so it's like an avocado

mixture with like lime onions and pepper and all that good stuff and then some

dough yo he's about to be like me we're gonna be twins not go on hair both of us

I didn't want to pull on Twitter and Instagram to see if I should do dark or

blonde and all of you guys voted blonde so I'm going blonde I probably tried

dark probably next winter so yeah all plugs here that I hope stay with right

here so it doesn't damage it because last time I did it it really fried my

hair that's why my hair is a lot shorter than Peyton's can I have my shirt leash

that's gonna help me with my wellness you know a little bit wellness stuttered

and it has apple lemon and extra ginger in it I'm so excited to my hair done

right now important this is Reyes

and what is this one this bomb here so if you guys wanna get some farm hearing

of the bomb here


For more infomation >> MY MORNING ROUTINE! (Vlog) - Duration: 9:01.


How BTS treat J-Hope! #HAPPYJHOPEDAY - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> How BTS treat J-Hope! #HAPPYJHOPEDAY - Duration: 10:02.


3 Ways A Screenwriter Can Improve Dialogue by Daniel Calvisi - Duration: 4:39.

Film Courage: In what ways can a writer improve their dialogue? Daniel Calvisi: Listening practice, I mean just

keep writing keep rewriting have actors read it out loud I mean they don't have

to be professional actors but just you and a friend read it out loud listen to

how it flows I think that can be really helpful

I like that listening where are we listening listening to how people talk

listening to interesting people around how they talk and then once you write

your dialogue read it out loud you know do a table read with friends or your

writers group or just even if you read it out loud yourself find it interesting

that a lot of times people certain people end their sentences with right or

you know like and they they continually do that is that important because even

though that's not you know if you can get actually irritating after a while

but there's certain people that that's how they sort of they always want

validation for what they're saying so it's right right and women do that a lot

and I must say that about my own gender so we do a lot of right right because we

want people to know that they hurt us and they got what we said do we infuse

things like that into a script or is that become too repetitive well you want

each character to sound unique to themselves you know ideally if you

covered up the character's name and read the line you would be able to tell that

it was that specific character because they should have a specific voice and

yeah if you have a character who needs validation and every sentence you know

ends with right or is that okay or good then you would write that you know but

in listening to how real people talk it doesn't mean you're transcribing it

exactly you know people don't talk like they're in a movie but so there is a

certain amount of you know dramatic license that you have to use but you can

write to cinematically you know you can write to theatrically

into too much like your characters are on stage and that can come through on

the page and that can really hurt your script

can you give me an example of that I find that interesting cuz I've

definitely seen that in films where it doesn't feel real good well I would say

to writers that do that a lot would be Aaron Sorkin and David Mamet but that's

their style and they've been around for years and they can get away with it you

know and they write produce movies so when we go see an Aaron Sorkin or David

Mamet film we know that that's the style of dialogue that they're going to employ

it's gonna be a little bit more poetic a little bit more about speeches a little

bit more you know stage ii but we know that about their style any writers that

have impeccable dialogue where you you just feel like they're real people and

you're in a restaurant overhearing someone in another table have an

interesting conversation that's a good question

i like i like paul thomas anderson any of the any of the Best Screenplay

winners of recent years you know they all have really great scripts I would

say Diablo Cody sometimes can get a little bit too too stylized or stagey

but in general I think she has a really good really good voice for her

characters are very distinct and it's just important to find an interesting

way to express an idea even if it's a simple idea an example that would be in

pulp fiction there's a moment where Bruce Willis character goes to buy some

cigarettes and he says to the bartender he says one pack of red apples and the

bartender says filters and he says none and that's just a really cool fast

interesting exchange there as opposed to five lines to explain what brand of

cigarettes he wants and oh you know what how about no filters in those cigarettes

you know because it's very Norrish feel it's very you know clipped and dark and

tight and it's just filters none and that just gets the the idea across


For more infomation >> 3 Ways A Screenwriter Can Improve Dialogue by Daniel Calvisi - Duration: 4:39.


Five Montreal-Vegas connections - Duration: 1:31.

5 Montreal-Vegas connections

Celine Dion has been a permanent fixture on Montreal's St-Laurent strip since 2012, as part-owner of the city's famed Schwartz's Deli.

She's also been a permanent fixture on the Las Vegas strip since 2003, holding a pair of residencies at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace.

CFL quarterback Anthony Calvillo enjoyed a decorated 16-year career in Montreal...

But originally got his start with the CFL's now defunct Las Vegas Posse in 1994.

Georges St-Pierre is undefeated in four title fights in his hometown of Montreal, winning UFC 83, 124, 154, and 158 at the Bell Centre.

GSP is also undefeated in four title fights in Vegas, winning UFC 79, 94, 100, and 167 in the Nevada metropolis.

The Cirque du Soleil is one of Quebec's most famous exports, having performed in over 271 cities worldwide -- but still headquartered in Montreal.

The circus troupe has been a permanent fixture in Vegas since 1993, and has already played at the home of the Golden Knights in January 2017.

In the mid 1900s, Montreal was known as the Sin City of the North thanks to a former red-light district which houses today's Quartier des Spectacles.

Vegas remains the original, and better known Sin City of course, with an average gaming budget of $619 per visitor (among gamblers).

Just don't forget to bet on red if you're in town on Saturday.

For more infomation >> Five Montreal-Vegas connections - Duration: 1:31.


Trump Official Calls Russia Evidence 'Incontrovertible' | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Trump Official Calls Russia Evidence 'Incontrovertible' | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:18.


How to use Mirai pad - Duration: 1:03.


Here it is!

The Mirai pad.

What's that?!

A tablet?

This is a pad only precures can use.

It can be used for various things.

It can be used even when Hugtan is in trouble.

It's a very useful device!


If I had known that useful device, I'd have used it right away!

It can't be helped.

I'm out of it due to lack of sleep.

I'd clean forgotten it.

How to cheer Hugtan up...

This one?

There is something that makes her feel better.

One more light?

It's moving?

Like that,

I want

To jump again.

For more infomation >> How to use Mirai pad - Duration: 1:03.


How The Russians Used 'Information Warfare' to Influence the Election | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> How The Russians Used 'Information Warfare' to Influence the Election | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:07.


[Sub][TURN 19] Cardfight!! Vanguard G Z Official Animation - Choice of the Jester - Duration: 26:25.

Noa, we're going to get you back.

For Arata and Makoto, but especially for you!

Stand up, my avatar!

I ride Blaster Blade!


A two-against-one tag team fight.

Whichever side gets 9 points loses.

Our damage is added together.

The turns go: Kai, Noa, and then me.

Then it goes back to Noa.

I can only attack the fighter who had the previous turn.

Any fighter can use board interference skills like retiring and locking.

Ride the Vanguard!

Dragonic Overlord "The Destiny"!

Now, dance in the palm of my hand.

Cling to hope, speak of the future,

pour all of your delight and despair into my cup.

This is the time of the feast!

Arata... Makoto...

Turn 19 Choice of the Jester


Star-vader, Chaos Breaker Crisis.


Darkface lost.

And Zoo's Zeroth Dragon fell into your hands.

That makes it three to three.

And here, 4 to 4.

What are you scheming?

You went to the trouble of bringing us to this place, and a tag fight at that...

I'm surprised.

This is about our relationship.

All I did was prepare an appropriate venue to reflect that.

I have no interest in crushing you one by one.

Despite this, I take my hat off to you, Aichi Sendou and Toshiki Kai.

Your karma scattered the chaos of Reverse all over the world.


He's been persistently crushing my rear-guards alone.

He's making it so I can't do a Counterblast,

while scoring damage off of Aichi's board...

Whatever he's plotting, there's only one thing we need to do!

I ride Blaster Blade Exceed!

Stride Generation!

Holy Divine Knight, Gancelot Peace Saver!


I know you can hear me.

It got through to me, too.

I remember it from then...

It looks like it'll take some time for the virus-damaged areas to be fully restored.

Right now let's focus our resources on the Zeroth Dragon defense system.

Where are Aichi and Kai?

I'm searching for them with everything at our disposal, but...

Blast it! I swear we'll find them!


You two go to where they disappeared with Noa.

When it happened to Ibuki,

Chrono slipped in through a crack in the spatial distortion and saved him.

I'm positive your voices will get through.

The real Noa is waiting there!

We'll save them all!

Misaki, please take over here!

Leave it to me.

Whatever your plot is, we won't let it happen!

And you're going to return Noa Hoshizaki!

Listener of prayers, and the vanguard as his strongest sworn ally huh...

Quadruple drive!

Critical trigger!

No matter how many times the darkness tries to squelch it,

a light rises and sways even the fate of the world!

You two really are worthy.

You'll be marvelous sacrifices for the cause of leading Relics,

the Citadel of Nothingness, to the world!

This is where they disappeared.

Yeah. I sense it, too. Just up ahead...

That's where Noa is!

Gastille and Darkface created Relics, the Prison of Souls.

The souls trapped inside were worn away by the power of nothingness

and became vessels for Gyze,

but the essence of Relics is a bond of nothingness

driven in between the two worlds by Gyze's power.

Even though the Prison of Souls was destroyed, the subspace remained.

It will swallow up souls that shine bright with powerful imagination

and be reborn as the Citadel of Nothingness.

So that's the reason you brought us to this space and challenged us to a fight?!

I'm the last remaining Apostle.

Some of the Zeroth Dragons were stolen from us and locked up in a cage.

But that's nothing.

That body is already host to the six Zeroth Dragons,

and the awakening of the Dragon Deity of Destruction, Gyze, is a foregone conclusion.

Through Relics, the Citadel of Nothingness,

that power will be spread all over the world.


When you two lose, the world will meet its end!

Death Star-vader, Chaos Universe Alththani!

Stride skill!


Alththani's skill!

Lock two of your rear-guards, Toshiki Kai.

If you can't do that, I get to draw two cards.

Alththani gets +2000 power.

And then I call!

Skill activated!


To be honest, whatever Gyze has planned for the world,

whether everything will be destroyed or not, I couldn't care less.

I just want to see you two writhing in despair

after your futile attempt at preventing it!

That's why I'm here!

To me, you're excellent playthings!

Even if you search for power, fall into nothingness yourselves,

cling to each other, dispel the darkness,

and try to return to the path of light,

I won't let you get away.

Perfect guard!

The two of you have overcome everything.

When that glorious hope changes to despair,

the nothingness born of that moment will resurrect Relics!

We've made many mistakes.

I don't deny that.

After all this time, I don't intend to ask for forgiveness.

But... guided us.

It's walked with us all this way.

Our Vanguard!

You'll never sever our feelings for it again!

That's right! No one will take away my feelings!

After all, I met them!

They went that far...

They got that strong...

They searched for me!

No matter what happens or whoever stands in our way, we share the same fate!

Arata! Makoto!

Did you hear that?!

Yeah, from right over there!


I'm here!

Arata! Makoto!

The Summer Triangle!

Let's go home... together!

Yeah! Let's go home!

We're coming to get you! Right now!


Arata... Makoto!

Noa... is that really you?


I heard you guys calling me.

Thank you, Arata... Makoto...

Well done.


Arata! Makoto!

You slipped out of my irons,

only to grasp despair with your own hands, Noa Hoshizaki?

Then see it for yourself.

The destruction of the world!

You're the one who's gonna be destroyed!

Chaos Breaker!

Destiny's skill activated!

I choose one circle other than the Vanguard circle,

and put it in the Drop Zone!


Aichi's board opened up!

Stride the Generation!

Supreme Heavenly Emperor Dragon, Dragonic Overlord "The Purge"!

I understand fighting for someone's sake, and fighting side by side with a friend...

...because I saw nothingness with my own eyes!

I do 1 damage to your Vanguard!

I'm not alone!

I attack your Vanguard!

No guard.

Triple drive!

I got a critical trigger.

I give the power to Glow Heater,

and the extra critical to "The Purge"!

A double critical!

The moment you challenged us to a fight,

the chances of your mad ambitions coming true dwindled away!

8 damage!

At this rate, you can take down Chaos Breaker in one go! Kai!

Glow Heater Dragon attacks your Vanguard!

Guard! Intercept!

The end.

Or maybe the beginning...

With the cost the same card as my Vanguard...

...I put all of my future on the line...

All hopes, the end of despair...

...devour my future and manifest!

Star Gate's Zeroth Dragon!

Ultimate Stride!

Zeroth Dragon of Destroy Star, Stark!

Skill activated!

Even if this unit has already attacked, it doesn't rest,

but during this turn, it can attack up to three times!

Sing to your heart's content!

Of hope!

The future!

Dreams and love!

Damage check!

I got a critical trigger!

My Vanguard gets +5000 power!

I am the one who will mow them down!

If everything in the world rejects destruction

and searches for the future...

...I'll shatter everything!

I'll spread destruction!

We won't let you!

We won't let you end the world!

Because the three of us are gonna enter the next Under 20!

Come and get me!

Darn it! His Vanguard still has two more attacks left!

The damage is 8 to 8...

Dragon Deity of Destruction!

Your longstanding desire will soon come true.

Are you happy?

Then someday I'll mow down that happiness, too!

Perfect guard!

Everything is my plaything.

Everything will dance in the palm of my hand, even while searching for hope!

Come from the future and protect us!

Generation Guard!

Little Sage, Marron!

Skill activated!

Superior call!

+5000 shield!

On top of that, guard!

They pulled through!

Yes! They blocked Zeroth Dragon's attack!

Stand and draw!

Stride Generation!

Divine Knight King, Alfred Holy Saver!


I retire Iron!

Alfred's skill!

Exceed gets +3000 power!

And a twin drive!

This is our Vanguard!


Twin drive!

I got a critical trigger.

Critical trigger!

I give all of the effects to Exceed!

I've always admired you.

That hasn't changed, even now.

In the vast reaches of space,

you stick to what you like with strength and confidence.

One day I'm going to grasp it, too. You'll see.

Damage check.

No trigger.



Thank goodness! Thank goodness, Noa!

Arata! Makoto! Thank goodness! Thank goodness, Noa!

Yeah! You're safe and sound!

Sorry I made you worry about me!

Truly wonderful.

Friendship and tears.

Victory and relief.

Confidence in grasping the future.


I still have a means of crushing all of it!

How pleasurable it will be!

You lost, Chaos Breaker Dragon!

Prattle on as you like.

Now your diffride is broken and you're in astral form, so there's nothing you can do!

You guys really are adorable.

I've had enough of playing games in this subspace.

As a reward for entertaining me so much, I'll kindly give you despair!

Take my soul and initiate Relics, the Citadel of Nothingness!

Gyze, I'll give you a toy!

Play with it however you like!


Now my diffride is broken and I'm in astral form,

so there's nothing you can do to stop me!

Yes, that's the look!

To the very end, you're all in the palm of my hand.

What is that?!

Severe spatial distortions are increasing all over the world!

This behavior is... Relics!



All of the systems have crashed!

Don't tell me it's still...

Communications are down!

Among the corrupted files is something coupled to Relics's reboot!

It's another virus that was hidden!

I can confirm a massive structure in subspace!

It's materializing in real space!

Listener of prayers, with your five senses,

you can perceive the power of fate that connects the two worlds.

From here on, what will be reflected in your eyes: hope or despair?

We're not going to give up!

I swear we'll protect this world!

In this world, and on the planet Cray too, all of our comrades feel the same way!

You don't have any power now!

So get lost, Chaos Breaker!

Turn 20 Dragon Deity of Destruction, Gyze So get lost, Chaos Breaker!

Turn 20 Dragon Deity of Destruction, Gyze

For more infomation >> [Sub][TURN 19] Cardfight!! Vanguard G Z Official Animation - Choice of the Jester - Duration: 26:25.


13 Russians Indicted with Charges of Interfering in 2016 U.S. Election | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> 13 Russians Indicted with Charges of Interfering in 2016 U.S. Election | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:58.


How To Use The Spiritual Power Of A New Moon To Right Your Wrong - Duration: 5:03.

How To Use The Spiritual Power Of A New Moon To Right Your Wrongs From Last Month

By consciousreminder

It�s always the full moon people look forward to � the culmination of all the powers that

be, the spark that lights our wildest instincts, the last shove of energy that takes us over

the edge. With that round, glowing rock hanging over

our the sky, everything feels more magical, even if you don�t believe in magic. But

what about when the moon decides to take a hiatus? The night becomes a thick shadow without

the moon�s mystical gleam but the stars pop through the darkness much brighter.

There�s something calm about this time, something renewing, as though nothing is expected

from us and we�re allowed to simply �be.� There�s a reason behind that tranquility

and the spiritual meaning of a new moon is in fact just as important as that of the full

moon. Because the Earth, the sun, and the moon are

all perfectly in line, the tides are at their highest and their lowest during both the full

and new moon. Both of these moons are the most defining phases of the lunar cycle and

even water (the element that governs our emotions) is transformed by its stunning energy. To

put it simply: The full moon is all about completion and the new moon is just the beginning,

always with our eternal spirit in mind. A New Beginning

Think of it this way: The new moon is a birth. As the waxing phase journeys on, the moon

grows and matures until its reaches its ripest point: the full moon. As the waning phase

recedes our moon, turning it into a thin crescent, then dissolving it completely, that birth

has become a death. Each lunar cycle, we are continually reincarnated.

Our spirits are filled with strength, ideas, power, and courage as the full moon builds

and then as it dissipates, we are relieved of that power. It�s during a new moon that

we can ruminate on our decisions, on our experiences, and rejuvenate ourselves so that we can start

all over again. The new moon is symbolic of the second chance

we are given over and over again. If everything went wrong by the time of the full moon and

we made every mistake we could have possibly made, the new moon gifts us with a clean slate.

This is why the new moon is the perfect time to meditate, journal, organize, and plan our

next move. The new moon�s purifying energy is there to aid us in our reflection.

A Ritual To Clarify Your Intentions On a new moon, it�s always a good idea to

write down your intentions for the upcoming month and ask the universe for assistance

in realizing them. Spells and rituals that are about beginning again, banishing the old,

and moving on are always best if done on the new moon. While you can always cultivate your

own ritual, here�s a simple one that�ll do just the trick. You�ll need:

Sea salt Sage leaves or a sage smudge stick

1 White candle Pen and paper

Any herbs or essential oils that you love (optional)

The ritual: First, light the sage and allow the smoke

to wash over your body and to cleanse your space. Once the smoke has filled every corner

of your home (or at least the room you will be performing the ritual), open a window to

allow the negative energy to escape. Then, draw yourself a hot bath and pour the

sea salt, herbs, and a few drops of the essential oils into the water. Take time to relax. Perhaps

shut your eyes and imagine a while light surrounding you, removing all the toxic thoughts, feelings,

and attitudes from your body. Once you are finished, think that as the water disappears

down the drain, your negative energy goes with it.

Now, sit at your altar (a table works), light the candle, and write down your intentions

in a positive manner, as though they�ve already been manifested. For example, you

would write, �I am a beautiful, hard working painter� instead of �I won�t be impatient

while I�m painting.� The wording here is very important; any negative words like

�can�t�, �won�t�, or �not� will obscure your true intentions.

Once you are finished, take time to meditate on your intentions then let the candle burn

all the way through. Tape the paper to your mirror or keep it on your bedside table so

you�ll always be reminded of them.

For more infomation >> How To Use The Spiritual Power Of A New Moon To Right Your Wrong - Duration: 5:03.


BOMBSHELL REPORT: Look Who Approved Russian Operatives U.S. VISAS To 'Interfere' With Election! - Duration: 5:22.

BOMBSHELL REPORT: Look Who Approved Russian Operatives U.S. VISAS To 'Interfere' With


The latest news in the Mueller FBI investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential

election has been released.

Special counselor Robert Mueller has dropped close to twelve indictments on Russian operatives

because he has evidence they interfered with the 2016 presidential election.

However, there is no proof or allegation that the White House administration colluded with

these Russians.

These Russian operatives who were allowed into the United States, their visas were approved

by none other than former Secretary of State John Kerry.

The Gateway Pundit reported,

"After sixteen months of investigations and over a year-and-a-half of the FBI and

Obama administration spying on Donald Trump, his family, his business, his campaign, his

transition team and his administration — Special Counsel Robert Mueller dropped an absolute

nothing-burger today in announcing charges against Russian operatives who sullied the

US election process.

The Mueller Special Counsel has yet to look at Saudi donations to Hillary Clinton or Clinton

campaign collusion with Russia.

The Mueller Special Counsel has yet to look at the "hacked" DNC servers or have not

attempted to contact Julian Assange from Wikileaks.

The indictment today contained the same Russian Facebook ads that were released in November

2017 by the House Intelligence Committee.

Mueller and Democrats want you to believe these Russian Facebook ads flipped the election

to Donald Trump.

But at least half of the ads are pro-Hillary.

And Russia claims half of their paid ads ran after the election and 25% never ran at all.

Facebook announced previously the Russian ads comprised .004% of their advertising during

the election.

Then there's this.

The Kerry State Department approved the visas for the Russian operatives to travel the US

in 2014 through 2016 and attempt to interfere with the US election process."

The Daily Beast reported,

"Multiple sources familiar with the Senate intelligence committee's investigation tell

The Daily Beast that Republican and Democratic staffers there have spoken with numerous people

who worked in the State Department under then-Secretary of State John Kerry.

Tom Malinowski, who was Kerry's assistant secretary of state for Democracy, Human Rights,

and Labor, told The Daily Beast that he spoke with Senate investigators.

He said the meeting was informational and conversational, but didn't elaborate.

Committee staff have also spoken with Jon Finer, Kerry's chief of staff at State,

according to a person familiar with that conversation.

Both Democratic and Republican staff attended.

Staffers spoke as well with Victoria Nuland, assistant secretary for European and Eurasian

affairs, according to another source.

Nuland is a favorite target of Russian state media, which leaked her phone calls in 2014.

And Carter Page, the Trump campaign adviser-turned-FBI counterintelligence surveillance target, blamed

her for "fomenting" efforts that ousted former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

Yanukovych, incidentally, was one of Paul Manafort's many controversial clients.

It isn't surprising that Trump/Russia investigators would chat with former Foggy Bottom officials.

The department's diplomats have long tracked the Kremlin's efforts to expand its regional

hegemony—often using violent and illicit means.

Malinowski, Nuland, and Finer all worked at high levels in the State Department while

the Kremlin's meddling efforts were underway.

Nunes, meanwhile, has promised to release information about the State Department's

potential role in the distribution of the Steele dossier.

"We are in the middle of like whole phase two of our investigation, which involves other

departments, specifically the State Department and some of the involvement that they had

in this," Nunes told Fox News in his first interview after the release of his controversial

memo on surveillance of Page.

"That investigation is ongoing and we continue to work towards finding answers and asking

the right questions to try to get to the bottom of what exactly the State Department was up

to in terms of this Russian investigation.""

This entire investigation has been based on the assumption that President Trump and his

people colluded with the Russians in order to win the 2016 presidential election.

However, out of all the charges and indictments, there has been no finding to that effect.

Manafort and Papadopolous have been charged but they were bad actors all along.

Even when they weren't associated with the Trump administration.

As President Trump has noted, this is the biggest taxpayer scam there ever was.

While the Russians have no doubt interfered they have been doing it to other countries

too not just exclusively in the United States.

Yet, Democrats have made it seem as though this is something that it is not.

Instead of wasting federal tax dollars on this investigation the money should be spent

on veteran benefits, lowering prescription drug prices, federal employee salaries, pension

benefits and more.

The American people don't deserve to have their hard earned money wasted on something

like this.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BOMBSHELL REPORT: Look Who Approved Russian Operatives U.S. VISAS To 'Interfere' With Election! - Duration: 5:22.


Russians Say Evidence of Election Interference is 'Blabber' | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Russians Say Evidence of Election Interference is 'Blabber' | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:50.


Significant Earthquakes Hit Mexico and Wales | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Significant Earthquakes Hit Mexico and Wales | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:15.


Students Call for Action After Florida School Mass Shooting | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Students Call for Action After Florida School Mass Shooting | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:59.


Travel Vlog - Winter in Iceland 🇮🇸 (ep.4/6) - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Travel Vlog - Winter in Iceland 🇮🇸 (ep.4/6) - Duration: 4:32.


TRUMP White House Says TRUMP Will Not Sign Democrat RINO Amnesty - Duration: 2:22.


White House Says TRUMP Will Not Sign Democrat-RINO Amnesty Bill � Would Give Amenesty to 5-10

Million People

Democrats and RINOs are determined to pass a massive amnesty bill to change the course

of the nation forever.

The Trump White House said Thursday the president will veto the bipartisan immigration bill

by Senate Democrats and RINOs.

CNN reported:

The White House said Thursday President Donald Trump would veto a bipartisan Senate deal

on immigration that would create a pathway to citizenship for nearly 2 million undocumented

immigrants and allot $25 billion for border security.

�This amendment would drastically change our national immigration policy for the worse

by weakening border security and undercutting existing immigration law,� the White House

said in a statement.

�The administration is committed to finding a permanent, fair, and legal solution for

DACA,� the White House said.

�But this amendment would only compound the problem by encouraging millions of additional

minors to be smuggled into the United States.

We need to solve the problem, not perpetuate it indefinitely.�

Conservative Senator Tom Cotton called the Schumer plan a HUGE AMNESTY.

Senator Tom Cotton: Schumer bill is a disgrace.

Huge amnesty of 5-10M people, including PARENTS of DACAns.

Phantom border control.

No chain or diversity reforms.

Directs DHS to deprioritize enforcement for illegals NOT YET IN COUNTRY.

Call your senator this morning & ask to vote no!

For more infomation >> TRUMP White House Says TRUMP Will Not Sign Democrat RINO Amnesty - Duration: 2:22.


Miss Fortune Montage 4 - Best Miss Fortune Plays | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:19.

Miss Fortune Montage 4 - Best Miss Fortune Plays | League of Legends Top

For more infomation >> Miss Fortune Montage 4 - Best Miss Fortune Plays | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:19.


Unbanned: The Legend of AJ1 | Official Trailer HD | Los York Entertainment - Duration: 1:01.

Something different is happening here

The shoes defied everything

It gave a voice to the voiceless

Who the hell does he think he is?

Phil Knight was told

it would be the death of Nike

to have a black man as the face of your company

This was one of those holy shit moments

You haven't seen nothing like that

Everything changed

It made everything in the World more colorful

It's hip hop, It's gospel


It's rock N roll

Skate culture, street wear

It's everything!

The shoe changes lives

It's gotta be the shoes!

Money, it's gotta be the shoes!


It was about a red pair of shoes

Yeah it is the shoes!

Why'd the shoe get banned?

Oh my goodness, well we screwed up now

Just the fact that they were banned, outlawed

It rose like a phoenix

He violated the rules

Nike was really pissed off

It was much ado about nothing

No one really is right

It kind of exploded


It was too much

Well we're gonna do it anyways!

There has to be some kind of unification

Became lore

It changed the World...


And then, everybody wants the shoe

For more infomation >> Unbanned: The Legend of AJ1 | Official Trailer HD | Los York Entertainment - Duration: 1:01.


Block B's Zico And AOA's Seolhyun Revealed To Have Broken Up - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Block B's Zico And AOA's Seolhyun Revealed To Have Broken Up - Duration: 1:27.


BOMBSHELL REPORT: Look Who Approved Russian Operatives U.S. VISAS To 'Interfere' With Election! - Duration: 5:22.

BOMBSHELL REPORT: Look Who Approved Russian Operatives U.S. VISAS To 'Interfere' With


The latest news in the Mueller FBI investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential

election has been released.

Special counselor Robert Mueller has dropped close to twelve indictments on Russian operatives

because he has evidence they interfered with the 2016 presidential election.

However, there is no proof or allegation that the White House administration colluded with

these Russians.

These Russian operatives who were allowed into the United States, their visas were approved

by none other than former Secretary of State John Kerry.

The Gateway Pundit reported,

"After sixteen months of investigations and over a year-and-a-half of the FBI and

Obama administration spying on Donald Trump, his family, his business, his campaign, his

transition team and his administration — Special Counsel Robert Mueller dropped an absolute

nothing-burger today in announcing charges against Russian operatives who sullied the

US election process.

The Mueller Special Counsel has yet to look at Saudi donations to Hillary Clinton or Clinton

campaign collusion with Russia.

The Mueller Special Counsel has yet to look at the "hacked" DNC servers or have not

attempted to contact Julian Assange from Wikileaks.

The indictment today contained the same Russian Facebook ads that were released in November

2017 by the House Intelligence Committee.

Mueller and Democrats want you to believe these Russian Facebook ads flipped the election

to Donald Trump.

But at least half of the ads are pro-Hillary.

And Russia claims half of their paid ads ran after the election and 25% never ran at all.

Facebook announced previously the Russian ads comprised .004% of their advertising during

the election.

Then there's this.

The Kerry State Department approved the visas for the Russian operatives to travel the US

in 2014 through 2016 and attempt to interfere with the US election process."

The Daily Beast reported,

"Multiple sources familiar with the Senate intelligence committee's investigation tell

The Daily Beast that Republican and Democratic staffers there have spoken with numerous people

who worked in the State Department under then-Secretary of State John Kerry.

Tom Malinowski, who was Kerry's assistant secretary of state for Democracy, Human Rights,

and Labor, told The Daily Beast that he spoke with Senate investigators.

He said the meeting was informational and conversational, but didn't elaborate.

Committee staff have also spoken with Jon Finer, Kerry's chief of staff at State,

according to a person familiar with that conversation.

Both Democratic and Republican staff attended.

Staffers spoke as well with Victoria Nuland, assistant secretary for European and Eurasian

affairs, according to another source.

Nuland is a favorite target of Russian state media, which leaked her phone calls in 2014.

And Carter Page, the Trump campaign adviser-turned-FBI counterintelligence surveillance target, blamed

her for "fomenting" efforts that ousted former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

Yanukovych, incidentally, was one of Paul Manafort's many controversial clients.

It isn't surprising that Trump/Russia investigators would chat with former Foggy Bottom officials.

The department's diplomats have long tracked the Kremlin's efforts to expand its regional

hegemony—often using violent and illicit means.

Malinowski, Nuland, and Finer all worked at high levels in the State Department while

the Kremlin's meddling efforts were underway.

Nunes, meanwhile, has promised to release information about the State Department's

potential role in the distribution of the Steele dossier.

"We are in the middle of like whole phase two of our investigation, which involves other

departments, specifically the State Department and some of the involvement that they had

in this," Nunes told Fox News in his first interview after the release of his controversial

memo on surveillance of Page.

"That investigation is ongoing and we continue to work towards finding answers and asking

the right questions to try to get to the bottom of what exactly the State Department was up

to in terms of this Russian investigation.""

This entire investigation has been based on the assumption that President Trump and his

people colluded with the Russians in order to win the 2016 presidential election.

However, out of all the charges and indictments, there has been no finding to that effect.

Manafort and Papadopolous have been charged but they were bad actors all along.

Even when they weren't associated with the Trump administration.

As President Trump has noted, this is the biggest taxpayer scam there ever was.

While the Russians have no doubt interfered they have been doing it to other countries

too not just exclusively in the United States.

Yet, Democrats have made it seem as though this is something that it is not.

Instead of wasting federal tax dollars on this investigation the money should be spent

on veteran benefits, lowering prescription drug prices, federal employee salaries, pension

benefits and more.

The American people don't deserve to have their hard earned money wasted on something

like this.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BOMBSHELL REPORT: Look Who Approved Russian Operatives U.S. VISAS To 'Interfere' With Election! - Duration: 5:22.


Building Up (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 1:39.

Then Let us no longer judge one another,but rather resolve never to put a stumbling block

or hindrance in the way of a brother.

Let your good be reviled.Pursue what leads to peace and to building up one another.

It is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumble.Have

patience and self denial.We who are strong ought to put up with the failings of the weak

and not to please ourselves;Let each of us please our neighbor for the good for building


Let your good be reviled.Pursue what leads to peace and to building up one another.Let

your good be reviled.Pursue what leads to peace and to building up one another.Let your

good be reviled.Pursue what leads to peace and to building up one another.

Glorify God the father.Be imitators of God.Love God.Those who preach the gospel should live

by it.Seek the good of others.No one should seek his own advantage but the advantage of

others.Whatever you do do it for the glory of God.Whenever you eat Christ Body do it

in remeberance of him.Something when you drink his blood.When you do so you proclaim the

death of the Lord so take it all the time.

Let your good be reviled.Pursue what leads to peace and to building up one another.

For more infomation >> Building Up (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 1:39.


Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


n yosiki のライブ ストリーム - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> n yosiki のライブ ストリーム - Duration: 5:20.


For more infomation >> n yosiki のライブ ストリーム - Duration: 5:20.


BMW X4 2018 : DÉJÀ UNE NOUVELLE GÉNÉRATION ! - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> BMW X4 2018 : DÉJÀ UNE NOUVELLE GÉNÉRATION ! - Duration: 5:19.


For more infomation >> BMW X4 2018 : DÉJÀ UNE NOUVELLE GÉNÉRATION ! - Duration: 5:19.


Eminem - River ft. Ed Sheeran

For more infomation >> Eminem - River ft. Ed Sheeran


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse ML 450CDI AMG DESIGNO V8 306Pk Grijs Kenteken MARGE - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse ML 450CDI AMG DESIGNO V8 306Pk Grijs Kenteken MARGE - Duration: 1:21.


-올림픽- 서이라·임효준, 男 1,000m 준결승 진출…황대헌 실격(종합) - 뉴스 - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> -올림픽- 서이라·임효준, 男 1,000m 준결승 진출…황대헌 실격(종합) - 뉴스 - Duration: 3:52.


♠︎K-Ty♠︎ The Love-Struck Kitty Won't Be Discouraged! ll 恋スル猫ハクジケナイ!【ENGLISH COVER】 - Duration: 5:00.

Patting on by, it's a kitty I am purr-suing you through every street,

Cat-astrophe would fall if you tried to ignore me!

How is this paw-sible? you can't Seem to hear me meow -

I jump, I pounce, I leap Fur-get about them and notice me <3

Am I meowing up the wrong tree?

Can someone help me Make us reality?

I won't accept this loveless truth I wanna be with you

I hope that you do, too Dear god, please hear my meow, I meow

Can someone help meow-t?

I am paw-sitive that something about me has changed

I am purr-fectly human, but my love is the same

In this meow-ment I knew That my dreams had come true

Gone are the pointy ears and tail, off I go!

Off I go! Off I go! I'm a kitty no more!

Off I run! Off I run! To the place where you are!

I can see you right there I no longer feel scared

Love is blind but I'm feline fine as I call out...

I will meet you someday and say, "Hello there!"

I said with a smile!

When I compare both our hands now Weird how they look both the same:

I want to hold yours tight I feel as if my heart could explode

You hold your hand out towards me, I wanna touch it but

I think about the consequence Can I make a selfish move for once?

If we touch, the magic fades away It'll be hiss-tory

It's kitten down in stone

Still I want to Hold you tight

I want to be your light And though I wish I might

Oh god, I'm sorry My future's in your hands…

I hope you understand…

Suddenly, suddenly, it came from down the road

You gonna be roadkill, and I swear all time slowed

Humans don't have nine lives!

I'd give up one of mine!

With a kitty like pounce I pushed you back away!

Oh my god, oh my god, that car barely missed There's no way, there's no way I could

get out of this I'd have tabby a fool

To think I could go on When my feline features sprouted back on

My secret's out, so I scampered away Say goodbye, that's it for today

Ah, the magic is fading quicker than I thought And I haven't told you that you've stolen my heart

Oh, Purr-ting is such sweet sorrow

My romeo, Ah

But I remember the day that you saved me from the dark

I will never forget it, and now I disembark To finally tell you how I'm feeling -

To say I love you!

[la la la]


[la la la]

I am paw-sitive that something about me has changed

I am purr-fectly human, but my love is the same

Gotta pounce while I can While I still have the chance

Let's see this love-struck kitty try at romance…

"I'm in love, I'm in love, yes, I am in love with you!"

"I love you, I love you, yes, I swear that I do!"

And though you don't recall That's still fine by me

'Cause just being here makes this stray happy

Yeah, I know, yes, I know, I'm a hy-purr-crite, too,

And I can't count on magic to make magic come true

Just remember I'm here That I'm always with you

So don't look for me and get lost, okay?

There's no need to find something found, 'Cause I'll always be in your heart!

I will meet you someday and say…

"Until next time!"

I say as we part!

For more infomation >> ♠︎K-Ty♠︎ The Love-Struck Kitty Won't Be Discouraged! ll 恋スル猫ハクジケナイ!【ENGLISH COVER】 - Duration: 5:00.


IELTS Speaking 2: Describe an occasion when you received a positive comment - Duration: 3:34.

Hi guys! Welcome back to my channel!

I apologize that I haven't been uploading videos regularly

but hear me out guys

the main reason is because I've just moved to a new place

so there was tons of paperwork

packing, unpacking, cleaning… involved

On top of that, I have a full-time job

so yeah

there was a lot on my plate last few weeks

Besides, my place was such a mess

that I was too embarrassed to show you guys

Anyways, those are my excuses...

I'm back now with another interesting IELTS speaking topic

Are you ready?

Let's get started!

Last Sunday, I went to a park with my family

because it was a gorgeous cloudless day!

Everyone was just chilling and hanging out together by the lake

and I was resting under an enormous tree

falling asleep

All of a sudden, I heard some kind of movement near by

and it really startled me

With a boundless imagination

I was thinking whether it could be

a squirrel?

a giant spider?

or even worse

some kind of poisonous snake

I stood up like a shot

Turned out, it was a cute little puppy

He was trying to dig into our food basket

and was completely unaware of me staring at him in amusement.

After watching him for a while,

I realized that he was there all by himself

His family must be worried sick

and they're probably looking for him all over by now

Without giving a second thought

I asked my brother to keep an eye on the puppy

and in the meantime, I set off to look for his family.

I honestly had no idea where I was heading to

but I was definitely keeping my eyes peeled.

Fortunately, after a short walk,

I saw an elderly man walking toward me.

He seemed miserable and also was on the look for something.

his eyes darting this way and that

I asked if he was missing a puppy.

After hearing that I had seen his puppy,

his face lightened up and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He said I had just made his day

and he really appreciated everything I had done to help him out.

It feels astounding when you are able to help someone.

When my family was having lunch together later that day

everyone told that my face was beaming with happiness.

Here are some similar IELTS speaking topics for you guys

I think this really is an inspiring and wonderful topic

because being thankful and expressing gratitude

is a very important part of being happy in life

like Ralph Marston said:

That's all for today

I wanted to say that I really appreciate you guys

for taking time watching my videos

I hope you all enjoyed it

I'll see you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> IELTS Speaking 2: Describe an occasion when you received a positive comment - Duration: 3:34.


BMW X4 2018 : DÉJÀ UNE NOUVELLE GÉNÉRATION ! - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> BMW X4 2018 : DÉJÀ UNE NOUVELLE GÉNÉRATION ! - Duration: 5:19.


Tips Setting Diafragma di Lensa auto dan Lensa Manual - Duration: 8:25.

This is to show the difference

setting the diaphragm in the auto lens

and diaphragm settings in the manual lens

hello guys, so in the video this time we will discuss Diaphragm

what is a diaphragm?

What are the effects and effects for photos?

ok, lets start it

What is a diaphragm?

The diaphragm is the same as the aperture,

the opening and f

If the camera symbol f

So what if we change the diaphragm settings for the photos?

Diaphragm effect to determine the intensity of light

or exposure

and diaphragms also affect depth of field


how to / change the setting of the diaphragm?

I have 2 lenses, kit lens / canon standard

and pentax manual lens

why are there 2? This is to show the difference

setting the diaphragm in the auto lens

and diaphragm settings in the manual lens

because the settings are different

ok the first we try to change the diaphragm settings in the kit lens

if the lens kit how very easy

this i'm using canon camera

if in camera canon you can press Av button

keep on scrolling this

well this has entered the diaphragm menu.

The numbers change right ... from small numbers to large numbers

If in other cameras

just the same way, you look for the diaphragm button

now we try setting the diaphragm in the manual lens

how can not pass the camera but we set in the lens

there is a round to adjust the diaphragm

we turn it

like this

looks right?

Larger shrinks the diaphragm

ok guys, I explain a little how the diaphragm works like

so if we put the number f in the largest number, 22 for example

the aperture of the diaphragm becomes very small

if we turn to the smallest number f

in the number 1.4 bigger openings

f in the smallest number in the 1.4 aperture this width

very wide ..

effect produced when small f with this wide openings

incoming light from outside, sunlight or incoming light

more and more

well it makes our pictures become brighter

for you guys who photograph in the dark room

you can use small f

so that the incoming light more so our pictures can be brighter

on the contrary, if the smaller openings of incoming light are also getting smaller

so the light is not too over. It's for use during the day when it's blistering

maybe you can reduce the diaphragm

so that the opening is smaller

and not too much light into the camera

so the image is not over exposure

if in a bright place but still want to use small numbers f

you can set the exposure triangle there ...

you can set the speed may be in high speed

so the light is not too bright

or the iso is lowered at the smallest number of 100

another effect of the diaphragm's

Depth Of Field

depth of field is the focus area in our pictures / photos

In photography there is a depth of narrow field

width depth of field

depth of narrow field for example like this

You see it? Just a little area that focus in the picture sharp narrow space

F small large openings

sharper space getting narrower.

So the less the focus area, the more background blur

if width depth of field for example like this

Can be seen

The whole picture or the whole area of the photo

is all focused, nothing is blurry

F at large numbers

the aperture of the diaphragm shrinks

the sharp space becomes wider

narrow DOP is usually for a photo of a particular model

or photograph which does specialize only a particular object that focus

If the image is wide DOP is usually used for landscape photos or landscape photos

Ok guys, now we try to use small and f large f as what the result

So you know what the difference is

let's go!

Ok guys first we try photo at f 10

with the setting speed is 1/125 and iso 400 at noon

Like this photo result using f 10,

iso 400 and speed 1/125

correct exposure, not over and not under exposure

With this setting produces a medium DOP

The object in front of all focus, the back slightly blur

Now we reduce the number f in the number 3.5

With the same setting that is at speed 1/125

and iso 400

what results in during the day like this ? We'll see

Like this photo result using f 3.5

speed 1/125, and iso 400. In the afternoon

this result is over exposure really

In order to reduce the over we can set

By reducing the iso at number 100

We try if use iso 100 results like what

After we minimize the iso to the number 100

lighting results so fitting

Not over again

So it looks like a diaphragm effect for photo lighting

The smaller number of f makes the photo become brighter

And in f3.5 the focus area is less,

tighter DOP

Compared with f10

So basically if the use of small and light f is too over

You can lower the iso or you can speed up

So that the picture is not over exposure

Ok now we try in setting f22

With the same setting as before

speed 1/125, iso 400

We'll see what the results are

Very dark ..

Iso increased

The result with f22

speed 1/125, iso 400 the result is very dark

If we want to increase the exposure by still using f22

We can set the iso we increase again

or we lower the speed so the picture remains bright

so that more light comes in

let's add iso to 1600

like this result of the photo if we use iso number 1600

the picture is so bright

seen if the image in f 22 DOP so wider

so not just a tomato that focus in the photo but

the background behind is also more focused than

the use of f3.5 and f10

ok guys finished video this time

video about the diaphragm

hopefully after seeing this video you can

maximize the diaphragm

hopefully this video is useful

like if you like this video

comment if you have any questions

and please share this video

so that other friends also know

the info about the diaphragm

and do not forget to SUBSCRIBE

to update the latest videos next

ok, bye .. see you in the next video ...

For more infomation >> Tips Setting Diafragma di Lensa auto dan Lensa Manual - Duration: 8:25.


Whatsapp Shayari | Karle Pyaar Karle | Shayari Status for Whatsapp - Duration: 0:24.

Shayari Status for Whatsapp

For more infomation >> Whatsapp Shayari | Karle Pyaar Karle | Shayari Status for Whatsapp - Duration: 0:24.


Building Up (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 1:39.

Then Let us no longer judge one another,but rather resolve never to put a stumbling block

or hindrance in the way of a brother.

Let your good be reviled.Pursue what leads to peace and to building up one another.

It is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumble.Have

patience and self denial.We who are strong ought to put up with the failings of the weak

and not to please ourselves;Let each of us please our neighbor for the good for building


Let your good be reviled.Pursue what leads to peace and to building up one another.Let

your good be reviled.Pursue what leads to peace and to building up one another.Let your

good be reviled.Pursue what leads to peace and to building up one another.

Glorify God the father.Be imitators of God.Love God.Those who preach the gospel should live

by it.Seek the good of others.No one should seek his own advantage but the advantage of

others.Whatever you do do it for the glory of God.Whenever you eat Christ Body do it

in remeberance of him.Something when you drink his blood.When you do so you proclaim the

death of the Lord so take it all the time.

Let your good be reviled.Pursue what leads to peace and to building up one another.

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