All right, welcome back. This is the continuation of my top 10 business
discoveries or learnings, big takeaways that I've had in 2016, as well as some
predictions as to what I see coming up in 2017 and beyond, in the transformation
space. And if you've missed any of the previous ones I've been doing,
we're doing one a day for the last 10 days of the year. And in the description of
this video, likely right above, you'll see links to the previous four
that I've already done.
So there was learning number seven, which I called "the era of elegance."
Sorry, that was the least elegant way I could possibly have said that.
The era of elegance and that was probably, I don't know, maybe my favorite one to
have recorded thus far. So you'll see the link to that one, above learning number
eight, which was when boring is better. Take a look at that one.
And learning number nine probably is the one that has the best immediate, like,
instant gratification to it, something you can do right away in your business.
I call it the easiest way to increase your sales conversion.
And you can take a look at that.
And learning number 10, I think the one that's had the best response thus far.
Of course, it's been, you know, it had the most days being live on Facebook
here. But learning number 10, I called "the rule of complexity."
So that one's been really well received, which they all have, so go ahead take
a look. I think that you'll find each of them valuable in their own right,
as will today's. So let's get to it, shall we?
So learning number six, I'm calling "let them shop." Let them shop.
So this is something that may find a bit surprising or maybe even frustrating
because I think it will go counter to what a lot of us have been doing in years past
and what a lot of us have been teaching others to do. But, you know, like anything
else, times change, strategies change, tactics change, context change,
markets change, countries change, everything's changing all the time and
definitely the Internet space. You know, anything online just changes so fast.
So let them shop. What am I getting at here?
Well, first of all, a couple of caveats to this one.
One is that this isn't...there's less learning I think to this,
just more of a... Meaning that this is less about what I learned in 2016.
There's a little bit of that. But more about projecting out to 2017 and beyond.
What do I think is going to be coming in the transformation space.
So a lot of speculation here, admittedly. But anyway, I'll give my take on it
and hopefully, it will certainly be of value.
And, you know, the other caveat to this one is that my speculation is going to be
very specific to a small community of us within the transformation space but
specifically those of us that serve other transformation leaders.
So a couple of years back, I coined a phrase that it seems to have taken off a
little bit because I've seen on multiple occasions now other people use it.
And I refer to our little industry here, I referred to it as,
"Coaches who coach coaches how to coach more coaches."
So yeah, those of us who coach... coaches who coach coaches how to
coach more coaches, that's the little industry that there we're in.
So I'm going to be speaking very directly to that small community, but it's very
likely that what I'm about to say will be relevant to you even if you are in
health and the wellness space or in love and relationships, or anything of that
nature. So I'll just speak to the trend as I see it, what happened in 2016, but then
I'm going to spend most of my time talking about where I see this going.
And this video will probably a bit shorter than the others.
Okay, so here's what I've noticed. Someone just... "Been waiting for this all day.
These are awesome and I have learned a lot. Thank you Justin." Thanks,
that was really sweet. Thank you. So, okay, where was I? Oh, yeah.
So what have I noticed? Well, there was a time, not all that long ago, where
transformation leaders had different pain points in their business.
Like, having to adjust their mindset to being able to allow abundance,
be able to ask for the sale or ask for money, those types of things.
They had pain points with regards to having not clarified their message or
their audience, what people call a "niche" or what we call a "specific audience."
They had pain points around not knowing how to package their offers to make it
obvious to people that they were solving a very specific need or a desire that they
had. They had a pain point where they weren't getting their message out to
enough people, they needed help in either building their list or getting a bigger
audience for live events, or speaking engagements or whatever.
So these are just some examples, like there is lots of them.
So all these different issues or problems, people that are attempting to build a
transformation-based business or service-based business, that they were
suffering from. Now, you know, what happened because of that, there's a lot of
us that jumped in and started to provide solutions, of which, I am one of those
people, my business partner, Callan Rush, of course. We've formed a company that
serves that market and there's many others. There's a lot of people that
provide solutions. And essentially, what it's been for the last little bit and
still continues to be, but I see it ending, it's basically been the Wild West.
It's like anyone can come in and put up a website or a shingle,
or whatever, and you know, say, "Hey, good news, I help coaches who coach coaches to
coach coaches" or whatever. "Oh, I can help coaches be more successful, make
more money, or get more clients, or holistic practitioners," or whatever.
They're helping transformation leaders to build their business, get more clients,
that type of thing. So anyone who makes that claim, can make a go of it.
And you know, it's been relatively easy. I mean, people that you don't even
necessarily need to know or be an expert, or achieve any level of mastery in regards
to what it is specifically you're teaching, and you can still, you know,
fairly easily make a six-figure income just because you say you serve these
people. And so anyway, I'm not trying to doom and gloom the space, to say there's
anything wrong with this or start pointing fingers or anything like that,
that's not what this is about. The point is, is that I see that that trend is going
to discontinue.
Meaning that it appears to me that we have reached, or maybe we're about to reach,
a saturation point where things will start to...the market will correct.
And I'm not just like...I don't profess to have a crystal ball or I'll say that I
have some magical strategic mind that figures this stuff out. I just look at have other industries grown and evolved over time and just seeing
that, "Oh, wow, this industry is doing the exact same as all the rest have,
you know, and here's what's likely coming next." So I see this period
discontinuing and there will be a correction of sorts, I think as early as
2017 but, you know, I could be wrong. Maybe it takes a bit longer, we'll see.
Or perhaps it's already started.
So now because of this Wild West phase, transformation leaders have a new problem
and this has been going on for probably a couple of years now.
Now, a very real problem is overwhelm, but specifically, it's overwhelm of
choice. There's so many claims, so many offers. There's just so much, so much
out there to serve what really is a very small marketplace.
And so that can know, it's a very real problem that people have
especially if they're being exposed to different potential mentors and they seem
to be friends, and they support each other, but one teaches something one way
and another one teaches it slightly different. Well, which is it?
You know, it's causing a different layer of problems.
And then, you know, there's this extra frustration that exists in the
marketplace. Again, it's my opinion, what I believe that I've observed,
that people, transformation leaders, are feeling the frustration but I don't think
they've quite caught on to exactly why it exists or what the cause of the anxiety
is. But there's this interesting situation where that these solutions that we have,
so, I'm putting myself in this bucket with everyone else, so if it seems like I'm
picking on anyone, it's not the case, I'm one of these individuals, has solutions
for this marketplace.
Now, the consumers, in this case, the transformation leaders who may want to
take us up on our offers, they are only made aware or given the opportunity...
Well, not only, but for the most part, they only have the opportunity or they're
presented with these offers on the timeline or the schedule of the provider
as opposed to the consumer. So let me be clear on what that means.
So let's say that I have... Okay, earlier this year, Callan and I did this big
launch, it was back in May or June of this year, for this program called
"Maximize Your Impact: The Optimized Webinar Sequence."
We're teaching people to build these evergreen campaigns, etc., etc.
Well, my point is, is that, for the transformation space, that was the window
in which they were exposed to that opportunity. It was on our schedule,
not theirs. Meaning, that had nothing to do with whether or not that was the very
thing that they needed at that moment. They may have. Or they may have needed it
a few like 5 or 6, or 7 months ago and now they have this feeling of regret
or something...that's not quite the right word, but something,
"Oh, you know, where were you 6, 7, 8 months ago?"
Or they're having to speculate and say, "Oh, you know, here's this amazing offer,
they've done such a great job on these videos and the price point seems totally
amazing, especially when they compare it to this other big number."
And there's all this urgency and bonuses, and all this. But then it's like,
"Well, I don't need it right now, but you know what? I might need it
3, 4, 5, 6 months down the road." So now we've got this interesting kind of
a dilemma. If that was like every so often, that would be fine, but the space
is inundated with that, constantly. So then that's causing more of this
frustration and anxiety.
So what do we do? And again, this isn't about being right or
wrong, it's just the maturity of the space. We're still in that Wild West
phase. That's how the Wild West works. And so like I said, you know,
I see this hitting a saturation point so I think that the context is going to change.
So what do we do about this? Where are we going from here?
Well, I see this happening or changing in a couple different ways. And you know,
hopefully it doesn't seem... As I'm saying this, you know, I'm in my head, I'm always
thinking like, "Oh."
You know, sometimes I hate saying things because I'm worried about how they're
going to be misconstrued or that people are going to use it, you know,
as if the narrative that I'm going on here is going to support some belief or fear
that you may already have. What I'm not doing right now is trying to be
doom and gloom or shame the idea of launches or promotional calendars,
or anything like that. You know, there's a lot to be said for offering something into
a marketplace where there's a pent-up demand for it.
There's a lot to be said for that. I definitely will continue to create that
and to leverage it in my business. So I'm not trying to say that there's anything
wrong with how it is that we're doing it or, you know, or that those things won't
work in the future, because most of it will.
However, so we've got a couple of these very real problems where people just
have the overwhelm of choice and they're not able to get what they need necessarily
in the order or on the time that they need it. So I believe that,
most markets if not all markets are, in the end, they're consumer driven.
So I see that the reason why I'm predicting that the changes that I am is
just because it actually serves the consumer better. So it makes sense that
that's the way it will go.
So here's how I see it going. One thing is, you know, you've probably been taught
and from us or from anyone, about all of your...make sure that your offers are
very, very specific. And something that, you know, it's a very one problem to one
audience, and you offer that know, you specialize in that very thing.
Well, that has been misconstrued a little bit because people forever and a day have
been interpreting that, even people that teach it, frankly, think that it means
that that's the nature. Like that your business has to fit that criteria.
It does not. Your offer, any given offer has to fit that criteria.
But what's going to become more and more appealing in this marketplace of
serving transformation leaders and likely whatever market you're serving too,
so definitely take a look at this. What's going to become more appealing over time
is the idea, that's why I call this, this video. "let them shop," is the idea that
people can find a home or a community where they can get all of their needs met
within that area of their life or their business. Meaning that,
yeah, you'll still work all the time to get them in with a very
specific offer, but once they're there, they get introduced to this breadth of
offerings that they can get, kind of a la carte, on their own terms,
more or less.
That that's going to become more appealing, that they come into your
fold, into your business or my business, and then once we're in relationship,
once they're an active client and they get to know our culture and what we're up
to, there's some breadth of offerings. There's like a catalog of different
solutions and they get to pick and choose what's going to be absolutely ideal
for them on a timeline that's going to work for them.
So this idea of a one-stop shop is going to become more appealing in the future.
In our space, that hasn't been an appealing offer for people.
But I see it going, I see it becoming more and more appealing, moving forward.
And the other thing is, you know, to consider, and this is something...Callan,
I see you made a post about "Tony will like this one."
I assume you're talking to Tony Pennells.
So there's a piece of this that actually came out of a conversation with
him. Anyway, a gentleman named Tony Pennells, if you check out a website
called That's one of his websites. And so Tony Pennells is a
student of mine but he's also become... I've become a student of his as well,
one of those, kind of, symbiotic type dealies.
A really smart dude, he lives in Perth, Australia.
Anyway, so we were having a conversation, I don't know, it was sometime in 2016 and
he was telling me that in his observation, that different markets,
part of a maturity often...that there's a point where if you look at medical
industry and, you know, find like investing is another area where,
over time, when you've got all of these different solutions,
there becomes a point where, before you get access to all these
solutions, there's a point of entry where you have like a session
with a person or an assessment of some kind, and you...
So someone gets to know, "Okay, what are your specific needs?"
And then you get a prescription. You get a diagnosis.
Then you get sent off to specialists.
And so I'm not sure exactly how that's going to look in our space but I could...
I see that could potentially be a part of it. So if you're looking at moving forward
and going wider with regards to the offerings that you have for however it is
that you specifically serve your market, one of the things that you may consider,
this is going to tie in nicely with the number one learning from
2016 when I get to that.
But if there's some way that you can actually find out what the specific,
what the unique needs are of each buyer or each potential buyer, on their way in, so
that you could give them some direction instead of overwhelming them, again, with
your whole catalog of offerings over time. If you gave them some direction with
regards to which ones you recommended, based on your diagnosis,
what is it that you'd prescribe for them.
So yeah, that's my prediction for where our little industry is going here in the
next little bit. This idea of having a breadth of offerings to let them shop,
let them customize exactly how it is that they want to be served by you so that they
can get their unique and specific goals met. Whether, you know any area of their
life, any area of their business, however it is that you're serving them,
start to widen it out, start to...
And there are some people in our space, you know, those of us that serve
transformation leaders, those of us that are coaching coaches to coach more
coaches, there are some of us who are well set up to take advantage of that,
I think, because they've already been accumulating that over time.
But there's a lot that aren't. And I think that...I hate to be...
I don't know, this may be perceived as negative.
But for those who either don't believe me or that, you know, think it doesn't really
matter, it's not that big a deal. I think that in the coming years,
that the results in their businesses will be evidence of ignoring this trend.
In other words, I think they'll have to work harder and harder,
and harder, and do more things just to maintain, never mind grow.
So, anyway, that's my take, I don't have a crystal ball here. Just because I say it,
it does not necessarily make it so. But yeah, it's definitely how I see the next
little bit going and definitely how we'll be, or have been already,
modifying and building out our business as we move forward.
So yeah, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
If this provoked you in any way, shape or form, positively and negatively,
any ideas, anything that you think that you can add to your business
to start to widen out the scope, verticals, if you will,
please leave a comment below, I'd love to hear.
And other than that, watch for tomorrow's video, I'll be onto number five.
Now, tomorrow I'm going to have a guest on here, likely a lovely,
talented, beautiful, young woman that you've likely never met before.
Very unlikely that you will know who she is until I introduce her to you.
And she's really doing amazing job at adding some value to a big learning that
I'm frankly quite excited to share with you. So watch for that tomorrow.
Or the easiest way to make sure that you get notification that that one starts is
by liking my page.
So there should be a link somewhere. The page is supposed to be called
"Justin Livingston - Lucrative Luminary Training."
There was a miscommunication. So one of my team changed it to
"Justin Livingston - Playful Genius."
So whatever you see up there, just click on that and make sure you like the page on
Facebook. We'll give you a notification. Paul is asking, "What time tomorrow?"
It's going to be, I think, around 1:00 p.m. Pacific or maybe as late as
1:30, something like that, 1:00 to 1:30 Pacific Time, we'll get started.
Thanks so much for watching again. Any questions, comments, any ideas that you
had that this provoked in any way, shape or form, please leave a comment below.
I'll be going through them and responding throughout the day.
And if this was of any value to you, please give me a like, a heart,
I really like the wow ones, that's the one with the wow that goes across,
you can hit me up with one of those. That would be awesome.
Yay, thank you. Yeah, those are my favorite, the wows.
You're welcome Denise, thanks so much for watching. And I'll be on here again
tomorrow. And thanks for watching as well, Callan. I see you've been sending me lots
of love there. Thank you very much and I will see you tomorrow.
Oh, you already have it, so...
She's not the guest though. Someone else is. You'll have to show up to see who the
guest is. Okay? I'll see you tomorrow.
Until next time, be brilliant. Bye.
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