hi I'm Sarah from sarahtypes.com i'm
going to show you how to create your own
custom brush in procreate
to make sure this brush is completely
custom I just made some doodles
using some pens i already had I just
kind of drew something that I thought
might be a good shape so feel free to do
whatever you want and what I did next
was just scanned them brought them into
Photoshop and then i just saved them all
individually and make sure there is a
little bit more contrast between the
black and white and just saved them out
separately so that i can upload them to
procreate using dropbox for one example
to show transparencies i layered two
brushes and changed the opacity of the
top brush, you're going to want to open
procreate on your iPad pro and create a
new project and then you're going to
want to open your brushes and click on
the plus icon on the top right you'll
then have a new untitled brush which i'm
going to rename as test brush so now you
see shape and grain the way this works
is shape is basically the outside
container of your brush and whatever
goes inside is the fill and this is
where your grain is going to show so i'm
going to upload the shape first by
pressing on the shape section and you
can grab them from your pro library if
you didn't scan in any, you can just use one of
the shapes they have or you can upload
your own like I showed you
I'm just going to upload it from dropbox
once you select the brush it's going to
show up in your brush palette and then
you're going to want to select the grain
a good grain to have is something that
has a seamless pattern you can find
these online if you don't want to create
your own i just googled seamless
textures and
try to find something that would work so
I grabbed one of the textures that is
basically just lines across
just going to
insert that now
ok so now i have my shape and and grain
and one thing you can do is you can
invert the colors by pressing two
this will toggle between where the paint
is applied so if you have black in
the center as i do that's going to be
your brush but if you invert it so is
black around you're going to get the
brush color around the black
basically full white is full transparent
full black is full-color, anything
in-between will have a different
opacity, just to exaggerate this
tutorial I'm actually going to invert it
so you see the color in the square
it will just kind of emphasize everything
that i'm going to show you in the
tutorial but you probably want it to be
this way where you have the black brush
in the middle and you can invert the
grain as well and you can also rotate
these images and that gives a different
look to the brush as well you can see it
in the preview above just to check to
see you all which looks best
i'm going to show you what our brush
looks like, currently it's not very pretty
it's kind of just a square blob but
we're going to go through all the
settings to figure out how to make it
look better
i'm also going to change the grain to
solid you can grab that from the pro
library to scroll all the way down you
can see a blank square
I'm just grabbing that to show you how
the brush looks, so the first thing we
look at is spacing, this is the gap or the
space between each stamp of the brush
basically just that shape that we
uploaded with space in between each of
its occurrence
streamline makes your brush more stable
and a good example of that
going to grab a bush that I already
have here this from pigeon letters
see this really beautiful fluid
brush I turn the streamline down
can see that in
ok go back to my brush and just
show you more settings
jitter is the
distance your shape is offset from
itself the higher values will spread the
shape out so you can see here with
something smooth and then later we'll
take it and move it to a different point
so unless
you want a messy brush, you can add
a little bit so it gets a little bit of
that rough edge or if you want smooth
brush to go down, stroke taper is
the beginning and the end where the
brush is tapering off
I leave the taper off for the beginning
usually want to the brush to be full
and then the end you would
usually want to taper off these are also
tapers, the opacity is how
much the brush tapers off the end
as far as the opacity goes
going to have more opacity and if it's
all the way none
you have no opacity so it's going to be
complete point so you do usually want
some opacity
you have a max can be the most papers
and if you have a minimum you're going
to have liked the least it's going to be
not really paper anymore you'll have
some of the ingredients but not that
point so we move on to shape this is
adjusting the shape the cosmos not the
green but what the grain is living in so
it's scatter will change the orientation
of your brush
and it allows for a messy look so
depending on the way your brushes is
where the scatter will change the brush
and a rotation is how your brush react
to changing direction and direction of
your pen
there's you see here help move around
soliciting it you play with depending on
how you want your brush if you turn on
randomized this is going to change the
initial shape when you your pen hits the
page whatever that breast stroke looks
like it's going to change every time
your head hits the page so i like to
keep it off as most i'm not really sure
that's how you pronounce it but this is
for brushes where the direction of the
brush is the same as the pen so a good
example is a traditional calligraphy pen
so if you're going this way this is wade
it definitely changes how your
breaststroke going to look and so if you
turn this on and allows the shape to
follow the angle of the Apple pencil
that's great for Italy black-letter
calligraphy for example in the grain
section we have movement and this is
where it either nears the pattern across
the breast stroke or it applies it as
like a stamp repeatedly so right now is
that's where applied the Staffie leak
and the movement and smear you can't
really see it in this example but other
examples if it will be more obvious and
skill is the size of the grains so again
you can't really tell with this screen
but if you have something to do with
circles it would just make that even
larger and the reason why you can't help
this green is because it's like so we
change this to let's see watch beautiful
ok so we have that there and we go back
to green and you can still haven't seen
it you see here it starts to change a
little bit
that's because it's getting larger and
smaller and doom is when you can
the grain consumed with the brush shape
so with this doom here or you can just
cross is locked so it's not going to
zoom when you remember shape or you put
all the way up he'll just follow side so
it'll follow whatever you do rotation is
the same as what I mentioned for the
last rotation and filter on applies
anti-aliasing which is smoothing of the
edges similar to photoshop whereas if
you have it off going to be a little bit
more jagged plastic balls is what
affects the length of the stroke you can
see here even though you made take a
stroke that long it's going to end like
a third of the way through so i
generally don't have that on and then
dilution is how much water is in the
brush and this is only available we have
blades off and charge is also only
available when you have glazed off and
it's how much pain is applied to the
brush if you have ways on then you can
use a cumulative and slow cumulative
build up a stroke is made and flow is
the amount of paint applied to an area
every time the Russian lead opacity
variance for speed is if you're going to
make a brushstroke really fast that's
going to be a lower past eat i was
slower here after year over here so it
got smaller when I was faster and then
with opacity to turn this all the way up
so we meet where was slower more solid
faster it's morning but Leslie so for
the pencil pressure is insane
so speed we covered boxes now pressure
so the more pressure you have will
affect the opacity so more fresh I have
moral paint later i am the more
different parenting
sighs same thing going
light light hard hard hard so till 12
change the angle of the brush filter is
how your pencil tilt and how it affects
the brush so it will affect it with the
angle the velocity and the side
generally I i do leave this off and
oriented i have a dream and so that the
breast stays the same even if you turn
this in a vertical / horizontal like
four drivers is landscape still going to
keep the same brush and then slide women
max this is help the biggest you want to
brush the go so i only want the best to
go back big you will not go any bigger
no matter how hard how hard i press or
how large an express brush same at
minimum I'm allowing the minimum of
really really tiny but if you go this
then the minimum like that being no
matter how depressed I like have a
minimum and then usually around summer
there if not the most for max but these
names highly to allow her all of the
different variations
copy know the frontiersmen using most of
color and I'm the lightest better than
so after changing oh thank you can see
that it's turning into somewhat of a
brush it has some characteristics of a
brush but it's still very square brush
and that's because when we inverted the
shape we made the outside black which
would make the color be on the outside
that's y square but just to show you i'm
going to use one of their overall
brushes and you can tell you can see
that it the middle was black and now it
looks more like a regular brush has that
rounded oval shape
ok so we've gone over the settings which
was a lot to go through i know so now
let's get into making actual brush first
thing we're not show for you is the
transparencies so i'm going to put that
brush that I made where i overlay the
two brushes and made one more opaque
going to load that in and show you what
that does
you can see as I'm drawing around the
edges that you have that kind of fuzzy
glow and that's from having a lighter
black around the edge now i'm going to
upload one of the brushes i made that
was more of a solid black in a circular
shape gonna grab that one I'm going to
clean it up so I don't have any of the
different shades of black and white i
wanted to be very crisp I want the brush
to be solid black and then the outside
to be completely transparent i'm also
going to just clean up around the edges
of the brush with my razor Jules once
i'm done cleaning up i'm going to go
into the layers icon and i'm going to
copy that layer and then going to go
back into brushes click on my shape
stores and then click on clipboard to
paste that brush that I just copy as you
can see it's not very black and that's
because the background was transparent
because i had merged a white background
black therapy ways to do this
what I did was put them in a group and
then click on flattened so I'm just
going to copy this layer again and then
paste it from clipboard in my brush
shape source and i'm going to invert it
so the black circle is where my paint
will be now you can see that have
something that looks more like a brush
and what we created before
smoke contains the grain this time i'm
just going to use something from the pro
library i'm going to grab the circular
one and now you can see that adds a
little bit of texture to the edges and
for the next little bit i'm going to
play around the settings until I get a
brush that I like
so there's a little bit of a sharp-edged
pointing out and some of my strokes
we're going to my original brush again
and just softening out one of the edges
and I'm going to do the same thing just
copy that layer and then paste it back
into my brushes but you gotta brush you
like you can even go in and kind of
optimized it even more just use the top
preview area right something that would
be actually what you'd be doing in your
project and then play around settings
and see how it changes
that's that you should be able to create
your own brush now I have some links
below the brushes that I've made if you
want to download those and also an
article on my blog to my favorite
appropriate brushes you can find online
so check that out
thanks for watching you have any
questions leave a comment down below and
subscribe for more tutorials
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