Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 9, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 1 2018

Let's move!!! General Dietl has requested the entire troops move in on Fjord at once!.

Sir! The Wilhelm Heidkamp has been destroyed!

Status of Kommodore Bonte?!

He is dead Sir!.

Yes Sir! Lieutenant.

What do you see up there Fernau!?

I don't see anything up ahead!!!

Yell when you see something!.

Yes Sir!.




For more infomation >> Battlefield V Band Of Brothers Teaser II Trailer - Duration: 2:26.


Top 5 Strange Things - Science Fiction Weapon - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Strange Things - Science Fiction Weapon - Duration: 10:07.


CUTTING PEOPLE'S HEADPHONES - Magic of Y on streets S01E05 - Duration: 9:17.

For more infomation >> CUTTING PEOPLE'S HEADPHONES - Magic of Y on streets S01E05 - Duration: 9:17.


Lullabies Lullaby For Babies To Go To Sleep Baby Song Sleep Music-Baby Sleeping Songs Bedtime Songs - Duration: 2:04:42.

Baby Lullabies

For more infomation >> Lullabies Lullaby For Babies To Go To Sleep Baby Song Sleep Music-Baby Sleeping Songs Bedtime Songs - Duration: 2:04:42.


ESP32 E-Paper Display Review ( Waveshare 2.9") - Duration: 6:37.

Dear friends welcome to another video tutorial!

In this video, we are going to learn how to use this 2.9" E-paper display with the ESP32 board.Let's get started!

Hello, guys, I am Nick and welcome to a channel that is all about DIY electronics


In this channel, I share everything about the projects I build to help you develop similar

projects or inspire you to start making things because it is easy, fun and creative.

Subscribe to the channel now if you do not want to miss any future video.

A few weeks ago, I made a video about this small 1.5" e-paper display and I built a

simple thermometer with it in another video.

You can watch those videos by clicking on the cards here.

I really like e-paper displays and when I discovered this big 2.9" inch e-paper display

I ordered one to test it.

The display costs around 23$, you can find a link to it below.

Compared to the 1.54" inch display which costs around 20$ the bigger display offers

better value for money, but still expensive for most projects.

The reason I like to use e-paper displays is that they have some unique characteristics.

E-Paper or Electronic paper are displays that unlike traditional LCD or OLED displays does

not emit light but reflect light.

It is like the ink on the paper.

This characteristic makes e-paper displays very comfortable to read, and they have excellent

readability under direct sunlight.

Another great thing about e-paper displays is that they can hold static text and images

for months without electricity!

Yes, that's correct, the display can show text and images even when it is off!

That makes e-paper displays ideal for low powered projects!

Unfortunately, there are some disadvantages as well.

The price of e-paper displays is still very high.

Another significant disadvantage is that e-paper displays take a lot of time to update, as

much as 2-3 seconds.

So, they are only helpful for static text and images and not animations.

Let's now see how to use this 2.9" E-Paper display with the ESP32 board.

The display offers a resolution of 296x128pixels and it uses the SPI interface to communicate

with the microcontroller.

You can use any 3.3V microcontroller you wish.

I prefer to use the ESP32 board which is inexpensive and very powerful.

I am using this DOIT ESP32 development board.

There is a newer version of the board, this one, which offers more pins, which works as

fine with the display as well using the same pins.

It is a 3.3V display so Vcc must be connected to the 3.3V output of the ESP32 Board.

The next pin is GND and it goes to GND.

The third pin is named DIN and it goes to Digital Pin 23.

The fourth pin is CLK and it goes to Digital Pin 18.

The fifth pin (CS) goes to digital pin 5, the 6th pin to digital pin 22, the 7th pin

to digital pin 21 and the last pin to digital pin 4.

That's it; we are now ready to load a sketch to the ESP32 and watch the display in action.

If we power up the project, we can see that it successfully drives the display.

I have loaded a simple sketch which at first it displays some text, and then some bitmap

images I have loaded.

As you can see, the display works fine and once every few seconds it displays a new quote.

If I unplug the board from power you can see that the display does not go blank.

It retains the bitmap image intact without using any power at all!

That's why I love e-paper technology so much!

Let's now go to the computer to see the software side of the project.

We are using the GxEPD library in this example.

As you can see, at the setup function I am displaying some text, and then I display some

bitmap images one after another.

The bitmap images are converted to data arrays using the Image2LCD software.

I will show you how.

Let's add another bitmap image to the project.

We are going to use a free image editor.

At first, we create a new document and we enter the resolution of the display here.

296 pixels width and 128 pixels in height.

Next, we design the bitmap file we want to load to the display.

I will create another Elon Musk quote file.

When ready we select File -> Save As and we save the file a bitmap file.

Now we have to load another software in order to convert the bitmap file we just created

to a data array that the GxEPD library can use.

We load the Image2LCD software.

We open the bitmap file we created and it appears on the screen.

We select vertical scan here, and we enter the resolution of the display here: 296 here

and 128 here and press this small button here.

Next we deselect this checkbox and check this one.

Then we press save, and the software will create a data array.

Now, all we have to do is to copy this array and paste it into the BitmapGraphics.h file

like this.

Now we can use this bitmap image in the project.

If we upload the sketch to the ESP32 board once more, we can see, that it displays the

new bitmap just fine.


You can find the code of the project the Image2LCD software in the description of the video below.

I really like this e-paper display because it is bigger and it needs no power when it

is not updating.

I am thinking of creating a simple project with it.

If you are a long time viewer of the channel, you know that I love quotes.

So, I am going to build a simple device which will remind me of the new quote once a day

using this display.

It can be battery powered since the display will be updated once a day.

I think it will be cool.

Stay tuned!

I would love to hear your opinion about this e-paper display.

Do you like it, and are you going to use it in any of your projects?

Please post your comments below.


If this is your first time here, I would love to have you subscribed.

In this channel, I post videos about DIY projects twice a month.

I love making things, and I believe that anyone can make things, anyone can become a maker.

That's why I created this channel, to share my knowledge with the community and learn

from the community.

I hope you will join us.

I will see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> ESP32 E-Paper Display Review ( Waveshare 2.9") - Duration: 6:37.


Could Everything We Know About String Theory Be Wrong? - Duration: 5:53.

The elusive 'theory of everything'.

A theory that could resolve the most fundamental roadblock in our understanding of how the

universe behaves... and tie everything neatly up with string....

It's been 50 years since string theory was first proposed, and new work call into question

not only essential parts of the theory itself, but also our working understanding of the


Let's start at the beginning.

We have two primary ways to describe how all the 'stuff' in our universe behaves: one

big and one small.

The first is Einstein's theory of general relativity, which tells us how gravity interacts

with space and time to form the world around us.

That's the big.

Then there's the small: the Standard Model, which works on the quantum level.

This says that all matter is made up of building blocks called elementary particles*.

You can break us down into molecules, then into atoms, then into the subatomic particles

like electrons, neutrons, and protons.

Smaller still are those elementary particles, divided into two broad categories, quarks

and leptons, of which there are different kinds.


The standard model works mathematically in most cases, but it only incorporates three

of the four fundamental forces of our universe.

There's the strong, the weak , and the electromagnetic forces.

And then...there's gravity.

Gravity is the odd one out, the ugly duckling of the Standard Model, because it doesn't


Each of the other three forces has a carrier particle--photons carry the electromagnetic

force, gluons carry the strong force, and W and Z bosons carry the weak force.

But we haven't discovered a carrier particle for gravity, which we would call the graviton...

if we could find it.

This means the mathematical calculations of the Standard Model and those that underpin

Einstein's theory of general relativity don't match up with each other.

If we could find some way that they could work together, we'd have a theory of...everything.

It's this misalignment--and desire for unity--that gave birth to string theory.

So how does string theory tie our ideas of the universe together?

Instead of picturing elementary particles as distinct points, string theory posits that

all elementary particles can be pictured more like a vibrating string.

Each particle is technically the same string, it's just vibrating in a different way,

the way that a string on a musical instrument can play different notes ...including that

elusive note, gravity.

Ok that sounds pretty tempting.

Of course, there are issues.

The level on which we would be able to observe strings vibrating is wayyyy outside our current


Famous string theorist Brian Greene says we'd need to build a particle collider the size

of the galaxy to be able to directly observe strings in action.

Since observation is off the table, how about math?

Well, the math tells us something pretty freaky.

The equations that make string theory work require that the universe has at least ten


We're only able to observe four of these--the three dimensions of space with time as a commonly

proposed 4th dimension.

The extra dimensions required by string theory is where parallel universes start to come

into play.

Since strings are so small, the math tells us that they would not just be vibrating in

the large dimensions we know of, but in other tiny dimensions too.

If we know the shape of those tiny dimensions, we might be able to predict and then observe

properties of elementary particles--like their charge or spin--that would be attributed to

those extra dimensions.

Which would mean we're seeing evidence of the other dimensions!!

But the problem with that is that once scientists tried plugging in different potential shapes

for these extra dimensions, they found that most of them worked.

The more they tried, the more of them fit, which meant that they had wayyyyy too many

possibilities to consider and they lost hope that finding out the shape of the dimensions

could help us observe their existence.

Until, someone proposed that perhaps there wasn't just one right shape for each of

the extra dimensions--but they're all right in each of their own universes.

Meaning there are OTHER UNIVERSES.

Potentially over 10^500 others, each ever-so-slightly different from our own.

And yeah, I'm still talking about theoretical physics, not science fiction, although it's

a pretty thin line if you asked me.

That's where we all were up until a few weeks ago, when controversial new mathematical

papers may have blown all of this apart.

And this big upset involves dark energy.

We think we've observed that our universe is slowly expanding.

Our explanation for this is...dark energy.

And there are lots of theories about what it is and how it behaves to make the universe

expand, but we don't have anything nailed down on that front yet.

These recent papers provide new evidence that the math of string theory may actually prohibit

the existence of alternate universes in which dark energy is stable.

Which means one of a couple of things: either string theory is wrong.

Or we're wrong about our universe.

Maybe it didn't explode in a Big Bang, it's not expanding, and it will eventually contract

in what some physicists call a 'Big Crunch'.

Or maybe there's an entirely new way of fitting the existence of dark energy into

our string theory calculations that no one has tried yet.

String theorists are divided about these new claims.

Many are not at all convinced of the papers' claims and think the existing theories work

just fine.

So while there are no hard answers, this latest work has sparked a renewed urgency to understand

dark energy, how it behaves and how it might inform our theories about the behavior of

our universe and the potential existence of others.

Still with us?

We know string theory often presents more questions than answers, but we want you to

keep untangling the universe with us, so subscribe to Seeker for more videos to come on topics

like this and let us know what you want to talk about.

And check out this video here on quantum retrocausality.

Thanks for watching, I'm Maren.

For more infomation >> Could Everything We Know About String Theory Be Wrong? - Duration: 5:53.


Nuovi Honda BF250 my 2019 su Jeanneau Cap Camarat 9.0 - Honda Convention 2018 - Duration: 3:05.

Ostia, Honda meeting, here to try out the new v6, six cylinders per engine,

250 horsepower, two engines on this jeanneau cap camarat 9.0

Let's go try it out and see how it performs,

especially these brand new 500 horsepower. Being that we are here at the Honda convention to test these engines

let's quit the chit chat and go and do it.

There's a choppy sea, long waves, not the best sea

to reach the top speed but a very difficult sea to test these engines under strain, on this jeanneau cap camarat 9.0.


safety cable strapped on to my wrist, put into gear, give a bit of gas and let's go have some fun. Follow me.

This video I could not have not done, in fact it's dedicated to Andrea and Andrea knows exactly who I'm talking about.

Cup camarat 9.0

a great boat, powered by these fantastic engines, brand new, six cylinders, Honda.

The engines were well bodied and great at reacting even with

this swell and these long and aggressive waves.

I had a lot of fun, we had a lot of fun navigating this cup camarat with 500 horsepower.

So, all the technical and commercial info can be found in the description down below,

to know more about these fantastic new engines, ready for sale by september 2018.

You will also find all our contacts, to contact us, book an appointment and come

see us soon, Barche Bellandi, lake Garda. From Ostia it's all, good wind and always look out for the weather.

For more infomation >> Nuovi Honda BF250 my 2019 su Jeanneau Cap Camarat 9.0 - Honda Convention 2018 - Duration: 3:05.


A dozen apartments damaged in Wyoming fire - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> A dozen apartments damaged in Wyoming fire - Duration: 1:22.


Инсульт и выкидыш: беременная Бледанс готовят к худшему. - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Инсульт и выкидыш: беременная Бледанс готовят к худшему. - Duration: 3:54.


치아 건강에 독이 되는 나쁜 습관 10가지 - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> 치아 건강에 독이 되는 나쁜 습관 10가지 - Duration: 5:38.



For more infomation >> DID I HIT MASTERS AGAIN, OR DID MASTERS HIT ME? - Cowsep - Duration: 10:07.


Jacques & Gabriella von Monaco: Schmuse-Auftritt in Tracht – daneben verblasst selbst Mama Charlène - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Jacques & Gabriella von Monaco: Schmuse-Auftritt in Tracht – daneben verblasst selbst Mama Charlène - Duration: 1:11.


Invisible Driver Behind The Scenes - Duration: 2:11.

(invisible driver) behind the scenes

-what the!

-there's no drive in the car!

(invisible driver) behind the scenes

bought a seat in a junkyard

and brought it to a junk shop..



grinding again

grinding again

time to fix the seat

but there's something wrong with fixing

needed hardwoods to fix it

preparing for filming at drive throughs

visited more than 30 branches for the video.

muscle strain..:(

For more infomation >> Invisible Driver Behind The Scenes - Duration: 2:11.


【整蠱】21禁!!! 二人共處一室強行被逼睇AV ??!! W/ Saya - Duration: 7:51.

For more infomation >> 【整蠱】21禁!!! 二人共處一室強行被逼睇AV ??!! W/ Saya - Duration: 7:51.


Neymar Will NEVER Be As Good As Ronaldo And Messi | The Comments Show - Duration: 8:12.

For more infomation >> Neymar Will NEVER Be As Good As Ronaldo And Messi | The Comments Show - Duration: 8:12.


Mercedes-Benz V-Klasse V220d 163 pk Automaat Extra Lang XL Dubbel Cabine Navi, Leder, Camera, Airco, - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz V-Klasse V220d 163 pk Automaat Extra Lang XL Dubbel Cabine Navi, Leder, Camera, Airco, - Duration: 0:53.


Lũ Lớn Cuốn Trôi Một Cửa Hàng Tạp Hóa Lớn Tại Mai Sơn / Sơn La - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> Lũ Lớn Cuốn Trôi Một Cửa Hàng Tạp Hóa Lớn Tại Mai Sơn / Sơn La - Duration: 5:30.


Trucks for Kids - Excavator CAT working with Truck, Dump Truck, Modified Truck for Children - Duration: 6:52.

Trucks for Kids - Excavator CAT working with Truck, Dump Truck, Modified Truck for Children

For more infomation >> Trucks for Kids - Excavator CAT working with Truck, Dump Truck, Modified Truck for Children - Duration: 6:52.


How to look like "CRAZY RICH ASIANS" even if you're broke AF - 8 tips - Duration: 10:58.

For more infomation >> How to look like "CRAZY RICH ASIANS" even if you're broke AF - 8 tips - Duration: 10:58.


【 志祺七七 】尷尬癌直達末期?「尷尬」到底對人來說有什麼意義? - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> 【 志祺七七 】尷尬癌直達末期?「尷尬」到底對人來說有什麼意義? - Duration: 7:00.


A dozen apartments damaged in Wyoming fire - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> A dozen apartments damaged in Wyoming fire - Duration: 1:22.





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For more infomation >> NEW SONGS 2018 🔜 ALAN MARVIN 🔜 IT SAID 🔜 FEAT. ALINA RENAE 🔜 ENGLISH SONGS 2018 - Duration: 3:48.


SØSUM GRØN SCENE 5/ - ON A COCONUT ISLAND, by Jensens Jazz Serenaders - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> SØSUM GRØN SCENE 5/ - ON A COCONUT ISLAND, by Jensens Jazz Serenaders - Duration: 5:00.


How to get a free 7 day 7 night quota on all Indosat cards (DIAL CODE) 100% Work No Hoax - Duration: 6:22.


For more infomation >> How to get a free 7 day 7 night quota on all Indosat cards (DIAL CODE) 100% Work No Hoax - Duration: 6:22.


samsung galaxy s12 trailer | SAMSUNG GALAXY S12 CONCEPT | samsung galaxy S12 official | khan4u - Duration: 3:02.

amsung galaxy s12 trailer


samsung galaxy S12 official

For more infomation >> samsung galaxy s12 trailer | SAMSUNG GALAXY S12 CONCEPT | samsung galaxy S12 official | khan4u - Duration: 3:02.


沈騰當爸曬兒子,卻鬧出笑話,網友:《西虹市首富》後繼有人 - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> 沈騰當爸曬兒子,卻鬧出笑話,網友:《西虹市首富》後繼有人 - Duration: 3:14.


《快乐大本营》杨洋王丽坤勇闯江湖夺"宝剑" 魏大勋徐海乔叱咤马栏之巅展歌喉 - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> 《快乐大本营》杨洋王丽坤勇闯江湖夺"宝剑" 魏大勋徐海乔叱咤马栏之巅展歌喉 - Duration: 5:33.


李健"行走的段子手"稱號果然不虛,每一句話都教科書式高級有趣 - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> 李健"行走的段子手"稱號果然不虛,每一句話都教科書式高級有趣 - Duration: 4:47.


延禧攻略全员上快本,聂远缺席真相曝光,大猪蹄子果然名不虚传 - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> 延禧攻略全员上快本,聂远缺席真相曝光,大猪蹄子果然名不虚传 - Duration: 3:14.


N NING 空耳 || JUNGKOOK - Euphoria 有鳳梨阿 - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> N NING 空耳 || JUNGKOOK - Euphoria 有鳳梨阿 - Duration: 3:52.


For more infomation >> N NING 空耳 || JUNGKOOK - Euphoria 有鳳梨阿 - Duration: 3:52.


lag ja gale hayat n murat - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> lag ja gale hayat n murat - Duration: 4:16.


For more infomation >> lag ja gale hayat n murat - Duration: 4:16.


Words You're Saying Wrong LEARN ENGLISH LIKE A NATIVE - Duration: 7:25.

Hello everyone Anna English here and

Little Baby English and today we are discussing five very simple

very common English words that many of you


Before we get started

This video has been very kindly sponsored by Skillshare a learning platform that provides

thousands of different types of courses and we're going to be giving away lots of free subscriptions at the end of this lesson.

So to find out more about Skillshare and that giveaway stay to the very end.


Let's have a look at those

mispronounced words. Number one

the or


This is the most common word in the English language

and even the most advanced English speakers will make the mistake of when to use the and when to use

thee. now bear in mind it is a TH so both versions have to be pronounced with the tongue between the teeth

always when you see a TH stick that tongue out

With this word we have THE or

the alternative THEE

We use THE when the following word begins with a consonant

sound, the

post-office, the television, the teacher,

the student, and

we use THEE when the following word begins with a vowel sound for example, the

orange, the astronaut, the engineer.

Okay, so try to bear that rule in mind and make sure you're using the correct version of this word.

Number two



It's pronounced exactly the same as this word


you have that SH beginning Shh and we have this O R sound in the middle or


Anna are you sure it's pronounced like that? I'm

Absolutely Sure

It's pronounced like that. So

practice making that big round vowel sound or

Not curling into the R and giving me a nice SH fricative at the beginning


Number three is the word of


what I often hear is this Vvvv

This voiced fricative sound

being reduced into an

unvoiced fricative sound, a fff

Sound so I hear off off

instead of of of

always make it nice and strong so a cup of tea

a cup of tea please, not a cup off tea

Piece off cake would be wrong. We'd have a piece of cake, a piece of cake

It doesn't have to be long and it doesn't have to be stressed. It just has to be voiced

vvvv, okay, so not breathy

Vvv and for those of you who struggle with that V sound make sure that your bottom lip is clearly touching your top


It was a day of adventure

She was a teacher of English, it was a piece of cake

Number four some


This has a brighter vowel sound than many of you use. I often hear some

Som it's a very subtle difference but to a native ear we will hear it

So a and o, this is the difference. We're looking for. We want a nice bright. A, o

It sounds very close to a, but don't go that far. Oh, it's like you're about to say up

Up. Um


That's the vowel sound we're looking for so you might use the same vowel sound in mum



Mum gave me some. mum gave me some yummy food.

Mum some yum. mum gave me some yummy food

number five a very common word work


Now this sound is problematic for so many of my students at least

90% of my students struggle with this sound and this particular vowel sound

Appears in many words that we often see like her girl

shirt world word

The trick to this long vowel sound is a relaxed tongue and almost a relaxed jaw as well

It's a very flat

relaxed vowel

Look how my mouth is doing nothing

My tongue stays completely relaxed I

Don't pronounce the letter R. I just make the sound



Okay, so try this sentence for me. I'll do some of the work


I'll do some of the work




trying to learn a skill by yourself can be

Well very difficult

but never fear

Skillshare is here skillshare is an online learning community which offers

thousands of classes in all sorts of topics including languages, design, business,

photography, and much much more.

So whatever you're into Skillshare can help with its affordable learning

You can take an online subscription for less than $10 per month

And if you go for Premium Membership, then you will have access to even more


classes with expert teachers

Now for the first 500 people who are quick off the mark and click on that link in the description box below you

Will get two months subscription

For free that's the first 500 people to sign up using the link below

So what are you waiting for? Let's improve our skills together

So there you go five commonly mispronounced words which you will no longer

mispronounce. If you liked it give it a thumb and don't forget to subscribe. See you soon.

For more infomation >> Words You're Saying Wrong LEARN ENGLISH LIKE A NATIVE - Duration: 7:25.


For more infomation >> Words You're Saying Wrong LEARN ENGLISH LIKE A NATIVE - Duration: 7:25.


Nuovi Honda BF250 my 2019 su Jeanneau Cap Camarat 9.0 - Honda Convention 2018 - Duration: 3:05.

Ostia, Honda meeting, here to try out the new v6, six cylinders per engine,

250 horsepower, two engines on this jeanneau cap camarat 9.0

Let's go try it out and see how it performs,

especially these brand new 500 horsepower. Being that we are here at the Honda convention to test these engines

let's quit the chit chat and go and do it.

There's a choppy sea, long waves, not the best sea

to reach the top speed but a very difficult sea to test these engines under strain, on this jeanneau cap camarat 9.0.


safety cable strapped on to my wrist, put into gear, give a bit of gas and let's go have some fun. Follow me.

This video I could not have not done, in fact it's dedicated to Andrea and Andrea knows exactly who I'm talking about.

Cup camarat 9.0

a great boat, powered by these fantastic engines, brand new, six cylinders, Honda.

The engines were well bodied and great at reacting even with

this swell and these long and aggressive waves.

I had a lot of fun, we had a lot of fun navigating this cup camarat with 500 horsepower.

So, all the technical and commercial info can be found in the description down below,

to know more about these fantastic new engines, ready for sale by september 2018.

You will also find all our contacts, to contact us, book an appointment and come

see us soon, Barche Bellandi, lake Garda. From Ostia it's all, good wind and always look out for the weather.

For more infomation >> Nuovi Honda BF250 my 2019 su Jeanneau Cap Camarat 9.0 - Honda Convention 2018 - Duration: 3:05.


For more infomation >> Nuovi Honda BF250 my 2019 su Jeanneau Cap Camarat 9.0 - Honda Convention 2018 - Duration: 3:05.


[FORTNITE] SOLO TOP 1 ?! - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> [FORTNITE] SOLO TOP 1 ?! - Duration: 7:11.


For more infomation >> [FORTNITE] SOLO TOP 1 ?! - Duration: 7:11.


Roll-N-Lock A-Series Install - Duration: 11:09.

Hey it is Kyle from Midwest Aftermarket,

and today we're gonna be installing the

Roll-N-Lock A-Series tonneau cover. What

are you doing, man? You got to be more

animated. Okay. That's not how I talk. I

moving my whole body. Anyway... Let's do

this install. Gosh. First of all if you

have a plastic drop-in liner you're

gonna have to do some cutting. All the

instructions are going to tell you

exactly where to cut so it makes it easy.

Don't just go cuttin' willy-nilly. You could

lose an appendage that way. An important

one. First we're gonna start with the

housing bracket there. Look at how sexy

that is. We're gonna take ourselves a

bolt, and we're gonna be putting it

through there. Okay, and then we're gonna

take ourselves a washer. Pretty

self-explanatory there. Ooh!

Through the inside, and then we're gonna

take the threaded tang. Yes, that is the

name for that piece there. Yeah! Putting

the washer on. All right. Beautiful.

Sexy. Look at that. Look at that,and then

we're just gonna be putting the retainer

on right there. Look at how easy that

goes on. Man, you're a champ, Cory. First on

our truck we're gonna be popping off

this cover here just with an average

regular kind of boring flat-head

screwdriver. Then we're gonna be taking

the threaded tang and putting it through

the hole right there. The Tang through

the hole.

Look at Cory's forearms: truly the

forearms of a married man. Next you're

gonna be grabbing a couple of adhesive

strips. They're from the M bag and

putting those on top of your... Oh yeah,

putting right there in the corner. Okay.

Put it down tight, Cory. Use those big old

fingers of yours. Sausage fingers.

Anybody else hungry? Next we're just

gonna be putting the canister on the

bulkhead here, and obviously this seal is

gonna rest on the bulkhead, and this end

here is gonna rest on the brackets. Good

job, Cory.

Now we're gonna be building this bracket

here. You're just gonna be taking one of

these L brackets and taking that bolt,

feeding it through, putting a washer on

that bad boy right there.

Then grabbing the threaded tang. Yeah

Cory no stranger to the threaded tang.

Multiple children.

Only one looks like the milkman.

Now we're gonna be popping off this

little circular cover here; it's a cute


Hi! Oops! Oopsie-doodles. Then we're just gonna

be putting the threaded Tang through

once again because the bracket's gonna be

resting there. Yeah make note of how Cory

tightens the bracket with those hairless

forearms. Obviously Cory shaves most of

his body for aerodynamic purposes. Maybe

romantic purposes. We don't know; it's a

personal question that I've yet to ask,

but make sure that you do not tighten it

down completely. You want to have a

little slack there and be loose for when

you put the rail on. Next we're gonna

be putting the rail onto the truck here.

Now you see these little clamps: that's

gonna wrap around the edge of your bed

there, and there's gonna be a locking

mechanism as well that's going to be on

the top of the canister in the middle.

So make sure you unlock that, and when

you do so that's going to allow you to

slide that rail on into that canister. Oh


There we go.

Next we're going to be threading our

bulb through the smaller tang; however,

before we do that, we're going to be

putting it through the hole on the rail

that is closest to the canister. Might

take a little bit of doing to push that

through. There you go, Cory. Use your big

tool there, big guy. All right. Mm-hmm...

Sometimes it takes a little bit to get

that in there. Just like a man, though,

wantin' to push it through. Didn't even

take that rail out to dinner. Tell it it

was pretty. Okay, gonna put that

smaller tang there. Beautiful, Cory. Look

at you. Next you're gonna notice you have

two different kinds of bolts. You have

the larger Kyle sized bolt and the

smaller Cory sized bolt. Now the

smaller Cory bolt is going to be going

into the bracket that we have already

installed on the back of the bed here.

Now make sure that the rail is lined up

straight and that bottom bolt's gonna be

threading through and securing the rail

through the bracket onto the bed just

like that. The smaller Cory bolt can be

hard to work with, after all it's not

that big. As a matter of fact it's

hilariously small.

Next you're gonna be sticking your

larger Kyle sized bolt into this bracket

here towards the middle of the rail.

Gonna be using that Allen wrench to just

squeeze that guy on in. There it is. Shake

it. Turn it. More than two turns and

you're playing with it, Cory.

Now we're going to do the same thing on

the other side. Also make sure that when

you're putting on the brackets

everything is loose or only finger tight.

We're going to tighten them all up at

the end of the installation. Now make

sure that you slide the rails all the

way back so this piece will contact the

tailgate when you close it. Look at how

sexy that is. Now that we have the rails

in place we're gonna put the rear

tailgate bar on. Cory is gonna center it

up with the tailgate closed. Then he's

going to drop it down gently and use

these self tapping screws to mount the

bar. You tap those screws, Cory. You tap

them. Now Cory's going to test out

closing the tonneau cover to make sure

everything is lined up before he

finishes installing the tailgate locking

bar. I hate it when things don't close

the way they should.

Oh, look at how perfectly that closes. Ah!

Are your nipples as hard as mine?

Now we're going to be putting the

canister cover on. Drop it down into the

slot and slide it back and use the black

bolts to secure it on each side. You also

have to have a protective plate on the

inside that you're gonna need to install.

This seals the canister and protects it

against the elements: earth, wind, fire, and

a whole bunch of other 70's bands. With

the tailgate closed you can turn the

locking mechanism to lock the tonneau

closed and to unlock it, you just turn it

back. Cory is going to demonstrate again

as you can see the Roll-N-Lock cover

opens smoothly, closes smoothly, and is

ribbed for your pleasure.

That's the Roll-N-Lock cover for you.

Sleek, sexy, dependable, American. And

that's gonna do it for the installation

of the Roll-N-Lock A-Series tonneau

cover. If you'd like to pick this bad boy

up you can do so at

or you can pick up

the phone and give us a call. No. Cory. I--

Cory, I can tell you're doing a bad job

from in here. Open this up. For the love of...

Cory. Okay.

What's gonna happen if something happens

to me? Okay. I'm training you to be my

understudy here, Cory. You're very


You suck, Cory. Hey, what are you doing? Hey,

Cory? All right, this is the Roll-N-LOCK!

The tonnea u cover is locked, Cory! Oh, I'm mad


Well, if I don't die in here, I'm gonna

get you.

For more infomation >> Roll-N-Lock A-Series Install - Duration: 11:09.


For more infomation >> Roll-N-Lock A-Series Install - Duration: 11:09.


Tasty and simple? So it is a plum for the winter !!! - Duration: 1:36.

Plums for the winter

Ingredients: plums of different varieties - 1 kg; bags for freezing

Cut the plum in half

Remove the bone

Clear all the plums

Put the plums on the board


Bon Appetit!

For more infomation >> Tasty and simple? So it is a plum for the winter !!! - Duration: 1:36.


For more infomation >> Tasty and simple? So it is a plum for the winter !!! - Duration: 1:36.


samsung galaxy s12 trailer | SAMSUNG GALAXY S12 CONCEPT | samsung galaxy S12 official | khan4u - Duration: 3:02.

amsung galaxy s12 trailer


samsung galaxy S12 official

For more infomation >> samsung galaxy s12 trailer | SAMSUNG GALAXY S12 CONCEPT | samsung galaxy S12 official | khan4u - Duration: 3:02.


For more infomation >> samsung galaxy s12 trailer | SAMSUNG GALAXY S12 CONCEPT | samsung galaxy S12 official | khan4u - Duration: 3:02.


తమ్ముడి ఇంటికి వెళ్లి పరామర్శించిన చంద్రబాబు ! | Nara chandrababu naidu brother ramamurthy | Rohith - Duration: 1:15.

Copy rights

For more infomation >> తమ్ముడి ఇంటికి వెళ్లి పరామర్శించిన చంద్రబాబు ! | Nara chandrababu naidu brother ramamurthy | Rohith - Duration: 1:15.


For more infomation >> తమ్ముడి ఇంటికి వెళ్లి పరామర్శించిన చంద్రబాబు ! | Nara chandrababu naidu brother ramamurthy | Rohith - Duration: 1:15.


Chú Hề Mini cùng sinh nhật bạn Đồng Phần 3 . - Duration: 7:17.

For more infomation >> Chú Hề Mini cùng sinh nhật bạn Đồng Phần 3 . - Duration: 7:17.


For more infomation >> Chú Hề Mini cùng sinh nhật bạn Đồng Phần 3 . - Duration: 7:17.


Kicking World Camps

For more infomation >> Kicking World Camps


Apink - I'm so sick (COVER) - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Apink - I'm so sick (COVER) - Duration: 3:19.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 3.5 ML350 4MATIC AUT - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 3.5 ML350 4MATIC AUT - Duration: 1:09.


CUTTING PEOPLE'S HEADPHONES - Magic of Y on streets S01E05 - Duration: 9:17.

For more infomation >> CUTTING PEOPLE'S HEADPHONES - Magic of Y on streets S01E05 - Duration: 9:17.


Words You're Saying Wrong LEARN ENGLISH LIKE A NATIVE - Duration: 7:25.

Hello everyone Anna English here and

Little Baby English and today we are discussing five very simple

very common English words that many of you


Before we get started

This video has been very kindly sponsored by Skillshare a learning platform that provides

thousands of different types of courses and we're going to be giving away lots of free subscriptions at the end of this lesson.

So to find out more about Skillshare and that giveaway stay to the very end.


Let's have a look at those

mispronounced words. Number one

the or


This is the most common word in the English language

and even the most advanced English speakers will make the mistake of when to use the and when to use

thee. now bear in mind it is a TH so both versions have to be pronounced with the tongue between the teeth

always when you see a TH stick that tongue out

With this word we have THE or

the alternative THEE

We use THE when the following word begins with a consonant

sound, the

post-office, the television, the teacher,

the student, and

we use THEE when the following word begins with a vowel sound for example, the

orange, the astronaut, the engineer.

Okay, so try to bear that rule in mind and make sure you're using the correct version of this word.

Number two



It's pronounced exactly the same as this word


you have that SH beginning Shh and we have this O R sound in the middle or


Anna are you sure it's pronounced like that? I'm

Absolutely Sure

It's pronounced like that. So

practice making that big round vowel sound or

Not curling into the R and giving me a nice SH fricative at the beginning


Number three is the word of


what I often hear is this Vvvv

This voiced fricative sound

being reduced into an

unvoiced fricative sound, a fff

Sound so I hear off off

instead of of of

always make it nice and strong so a cup of tea

a cup of tea please, not a cup off tea

Piece off cake would be wrong. We'd have a piece of cake, a piece of cake

It doesn't have to be long and it doesn't have to be stressed. It just has to be voiced

vvvv, okay, so not breathy

Vvv and for those of you who struggle with that V sound make sure that your bottom lip is clearly touching your top


It was a day of adventure

She was a teacher of English, it was a piece of cake

Number four some


This has a brighter vowel sound than many of you use. I often hear some

Som it's a very subtle difference but to a native ear we will hear it

So a and o, this is the difference. We're looking for. We want a nice bright. A, o

It sounds very close to a, but don't go that far. Oh, it's like you're about to say up

Up. Um


That's the vowel sound we're looking for so you might use the same vowel sound in mum



Mum gave me some. mum gave me some yummy food.

Mum some yum. mum gave me some yummy food

number five a very common word work


Now this sound is problematic for so many of my students at least

90% of my students struggle with this sound and this particular vowel sound

Appears in many words that we often see like her girl

shirt world word

The trick to this long vowel sound is a relaxed tongue and almost a relaxed jaw as well

It's a very flat

relaxed vowel

Look how my mouth is doing nothing

My tongue stays completely relaxed I

Don't pronounce the letter R. I just make the sound



Okay, so try this sentence for me. I'll do some of the work


I'll do some of the work




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So there you go five commonly mispronounced words which you will no longer

mispronounce. If you liked it give it a thumb and don't forget to subscribe. See you soon.

For more infomation >> Words You're Saying Wrong LEARN ENGLISH LIKE A NATIVE - Duration: 7:25.


We are TABBERT - CSD 2018 - Duration: 1:48.


I am TABBERT - for over 30 years now.


I'm part of TABBERT for 32 years, so I am TABBERT.

TABBERT is a Caravan-Manufacturer my parents used to have...


I thought they were circus trucks.

These are clichés some still believe.

That has changed.

Much has changed - i'm very surprised.

We liked the PEP very much.

It's quality made.


Our TABBERT still works perfectly after 30 years.

TABBERT is a mix of healthy luxury and camping.

TABBERT feels comfortable and stable. Everything works, no shaking or rattling at all.

TABBERT is special, yet grounded.

TABBERT is THE caravan.

For more infomation >> We are TABBERT - CSD 2018 - Duration: 1:48.


Підготовка контенту | Заняття 6 | Підготовка зображення: прості редактори - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Підготовка контенту | Заняття 6 | Підготовка зображення: прості редактори - Duration: 2:34.


[ENG SUB] 180831 현실남녀2 | Real Men and Women 2 - Leeteuk frustrated by Eunhyuk - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] 180831 현실남녀2 | Real Men and Women 2 - Leeteuk frustrated by Eunhyuk - Duration: 2:36.


How to update msi Motherboard bios - Duration: 4:19.

today I be showing you how to update

the BIOS on the MSI motherboard so first

thing you need to do is know your

motherboard audio open cpu-z and go to

the motherboard and here is the model

type this model here is your bios

version this is 8.4 however it updated

it so first thing you need to do is go

to the msi website type in multiple

Morial search it here opened and here go

to right here on support in the support

download and install here is the

download this is 8.4 I already ordered a

Polish we in point this is a newer

version so up I already downloaded it so

this is a file ok once you download this

file what you need is a UCP Drive so

first thing in first if you have a USB

Drive I show up on the hard drives like

this this doesn't work so get another

USB driver from friend or son ok

secondly use this kind of Drive stash of


storage ok here then download the HP USB


storage for motto here is the zip and


don't zip both of them toll of all of

them he had the balls files what the

pile and lick balls right click and

extract upon the bosom in one folder

okay let's open it

okay this is it in this file this is HP

fun so open the HP file select a USB

Drive Oh Matt quick do being selected

those and my case she really does a lot

and start okay once it's done talking

now we just made beautiful sweet right

and then extract the BIOS folder you

downloaded it is a zip file extract that

open it copy these files to the sweetest

past it so one semester

so I agree okay and this is already

updated but you updated again so just

click update sorry my recording has

stopped because my pc just restarted and

installing the new by this version so

make sure you didn't unplug the flash

drive okay and the bias will flash and

that's it that's how you update your


For more infomation >> How to update msi Motherboard bios - Duration: 4:19.





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