Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 9, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 13 2018

Thanks to Skillshare for supporting this episode, and this whole week, of SciShow. [ON-SCREEN LOGO].


Not to get too up-close and personal here, but right now, there are

3 billion pairs of DNA molecules inside each of your cells.

That's how many base pairs make up the human genome.

Together, they code for every single thing that makes us who we are,

as members of our species, and as individuals.

If you think of each pair of molecules as a byte of computer memory, it's a little

like fitting an entire person on less hard drive space than you'd need for an HD movie.

Turns out 3 billion base pairs is actually a pretty typical genome size for a eukaryote,

an organism with a nucleus in its cells.

But there are a few plants and animals with genomes so huge they

completely blow this number out of the water.

And we're not totally sure why.

So far, we've found 10 species with genomes of over 100 billion base pairs,

including a few lungfish, salamanders, flowering plants, and a fern.

Based on the giant genomes we know about, it looks like there's an upper size limit

of around 150 billion base pairs, and for good reason.

Beyond that, there are just too many problems involved in maintaining all that DNA:

the energy cost of making it, the need for really big cells to store it in,

and the fact that cell duplication takes a really long time.

But even 100 billion base pairs takes an enormous amount of maintenance.

And we're still figuring out exactly how and why these species ended up with so much DNA.

You might think a larger genome would allow for a more complex organism.

I mean, that's usually how it works with computer data.

But the organisms with the biggest genomes aren't especially complex.

As cool as it is that lungfish have both lungs and gills,

they don't need a genome 33 times the size of ours to code for that.

In fact, it seems like more DNA doesn't mean more unique genes.

Sequencing an entire giant genome is really hard,

so we haven't been able to do a lot of analysis so far.

But researchers have found that huge genomes contain a lot of repetitive sequences and non-coding DNA.

One way genomes balloon in size is polyploidy,

the accidental duplication of an organism's entire set of chromosomes during reproduction.

Most organisms, us included, are diploid, meaning we have two sets of chromosomes.

Duplication beyond this usually messes up animal genomes beyond repair.

But plants that end up with extra copies of all of their chromosomes can often manage just fine.

They can carry right on with the mutation, pass it on to their offspring, and continue to thrive.

Maybe because their structures are more flexible than those of animals.

An extra branch here or there isn't the catastrophe that an extra arm could be.

Some of these plants with especially giant genomes are actually octoploid.

That's eight sets of chromosomes!

Even though polyploidy isn't really a thing in animals, our genomes do have sequences

called transposable elements that frequently duplicate themselves and jump

from one spot in the genome to another.

Animals with huge genomes, like those weird salamanders and lungfish,

have probably built up a lot of sequences like this over time.

They eventually get deactivated if they're not being used,

but they still sit there and add to the total genome length.

Usually, genome expansion is balanced out by other forces that encourage downsizing,

like when a chunk of DNA is swapped out for a shorter segment from another chromosome.

In fact, even though a tiny minority of flowering plants have enormous genomes,

some scientists think that pruning the size of their genomes is what allowed

flowering plants to take over the world.

It made their cells smaller, which let them pack more equipment for photosynthesis into

their leaves and outcompete other types of plants.

So, rather than giving them an advantage, maybe these few species have

unusually enormous genomes because they just didn't have any particular reason to prune them.

For example, one group of plants that tends toward larger genomes,

the geophytes, store up energy in bulbs or tubers.

Think of a sweet potato or an onion, or a flower that grows from a bulb, like a daffodil.

Those energy reserves might be what enables them to synthesize lots of DNA without too much trouble.

As for what the deal is with those salamanders and lungfish…

well, scientists are still working on it.

We know some of the how, they build up DNA faster than they lose it,

and have lots of the kind of sequences that jump around and copy themselves,

but we're still figuring out the why.

Some researchers think salamanders built up a larger genome early on in their evolution,

and some of that DNA was later incorporated into the genetic code

for their more unique traits, like the ability to regrow limbs.

Which means it may have been worth it for them to keep their larger genomes around,

despite the energy cost.

But we have no idea if this is actually what happened.

Clearly, we still have a lot to learn about the species

that have ended up with more than their fair share of DNA.

But one thing's for sure: when it comes to genomes,

bigger isn't necessarily better, or more complex.

So, the next time you see an innocent-looking fern or an onion,

just remember: they're bigger, and a lot weirder, on the inside.

And speaking of coding for every single thing that makes a person a person or an onion an onion,

you want to learn more about coding?

Right now Skillshare is offering SciShow viewers two months of

unlimited access to over 20,000 classes for free.

And you can take classes like Creative Coding:

Animating SVG with Simple CSS Code taught by Aga Naplocha.

These lessons are super easy to follow, but also really high quality and entertaining.

The longest video is only 6 and half minutes and in 12 quick videos,

Aga explains everything you need to code for your own SVG animations.

We like partnering with Skillshare because they're all about making learning

fun and engaging and Aga's teaching style really embodies that.

We'll link to this class and the offer for two free months of Skillshare in the description.

Check it out and if you like it, she has a longer,

more in depth class on coding your own website. Thank you.


For more infomation >> The Mystery of the Biggest Genomes - Duration: 5:59.


Holy Crap! I Can't Believe I'm Doing This - Duration: 1:41.

Hey guys! This is probably a lot more exciting for me than it is for you...

Last week, I hit a million subscribers on Youtube.

I am really happy, but you could probably care less.

But I want to give back to you guys, and I already promised I would back in the instagram giveaway.

Maybe I'll do another crazy giveaway for our next milestone.

I'm a man of my word.

And I've got an even BIGGER giveaway for you now.

It's Huge.

30 of you will get access to a model pack of you choice from the Proko store.

10 will get a free course

5 of you will get ALL the courses and model packs

And 1 grand prize winner will all the courses and model packs, an original drawing, a Proko

skull, Aaand the Basics and Perspective courses when they eventually come out.

Sometime in the future.

If you want a chance to win, go to and sign up for the Proko newsletter.

I'll pick all the winners randomly from my list of newsletter subscribers on September 24th.

Winners will be announced via email.

Happy Hunger Games!

And may the odds be ever in your favor!

For more infomation >> Holy Crap! I Can't Believe I'm Doing This - Duration: 1:41.


OMG is this thing going to start!? Raptor 700 Motor Part 10 - Duration: 9:50.

All right, so as you can see I have the Raptor pulled up here

and we're getting ready to dump this motor and I'm gonna do my best to just take this thing and

Muscle it in there the same way I muscled it out

I'm gonna pull the swingarm bolt at least drag it to the side because the back of our motor

goes in here and then this bolt slides right through the motor and

Then I'll see if I can line up this bolt down here

I might have to use a jack put it underneath just

To raise up the motor so I don't have to hold it while I put that bolt in and then the rest of the bolt

Should just fall into place

Alright guys, I got this thing all hooked up. I don't have the wires routed yet

And you know, I saw some finishing touches to do but I have everything together. I have the oil in there

I put the antifreeze in I don't the chain on there yet

I just want to see if the thing runs so I have the battery hooked up. I'm pretty sure I have all my

T's crossed and my eyes dotted I think it will start. So let's give it a shot. I

Knew this thing would start so that's an awesome sign right there

I'm gonna call it there for tonight guys

And I didn't want to leave it running because I'm gonna put an hour meter on it

I want to see exactly how much time I get out of this motor. So basically everything's done

I just have to tidy up all those wires and everything and put the plastics on and put the shifter on little odds and ends

Like that and then I can ride this thing man. So after that the plastics are suffer on there at all

I'm gonna put a graphics kit on it and that's gonna be it and I'm probably gonna get skid plates for it too because where

I ride

Up in the coal mines. And the last thing I want to do is bust a hole in my case

That would really suck if there all this work and there's not even a plastic factory skid on this thing

So definitely gonna get either a nice thick aluminum skid or one of those poly

Skids. I'm not really sure what I'm gonna get yet

But anyways guys if you enjoyed this video, please give me a thumbs up

Remember to check out my Instagram and my facebook page. My Instagram is Michael, Sabo

350 Facebook is a TV crazy 91 on my Instagram

I've been posting some before-and-afters and some pictures of me when I was younger and the stuff I used to work on

So make sure you check that out

Anyways guys enjoy your weekend and I will see you in the next one might be enjoy your week

I'm not sure when I get this finish editing

But anyway guys have a good one

For more infomation >> OMG is this thing going to start!? Raptor 700 Motor Part 10 - Duration: 9:50.









For more infomation >> CAPAZ DE LO MEJOR Y LO PEOR | GUERRERO CUP #10 - Duration: 8:20.


Kim Kardashian slams 'mom shamers' as North sports lipstick 2018 - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Kim Kardashian slams 'mom shamers' as North sports lipstick 2018 - Duration: 1:08.


Jasmina Alagič v Tvojí tváři jako známá rapperka: Povedlo se jí to? - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Jasmina Alagič v Tvojí tváři jako známá rapperka: Povedlo se jí to? - Duration: 2:49.


TIN TỨC 24H 14/09/2018 | TIN TỨC VIỆT NAM MỚI NHẤT TRONG NGÀY - THỜI SỰ HÔM NAY E4U - Duration: 20:43.

For more infomation >> TIN TỨC 24H 14/09/2018 | TIN TỨC VIỆT NAM MỚI NHẤT TRONG NGÀY - THỜI SỰ HÔM NAY E4U - Duration: 20:43.


GTA 5 RICH SCHOOL KIDS #1 (SCHOOL LIFE) - Duration: 12:28.

For more infomation >> GTA 5 RICH SCHOOL KIDS #1 (SCHOOL LIFE) - Duration: 12:28.


OBX locals stay behind to weather the storm - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> OBX locals stay behind to weather the storm - Duration: 2:05.


9-Year-Old Boy Falls From Apartment Building - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> 9-Year-Old Boy Falls From Apartment Building - Duration: 0:31.


Is 2018 another year of the woman? - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Is 2018 another year of the woman? - Duration: 2:21.


The Predator's Most Peculiar Prey | NowThis Nerd - Duration: 6:59.

Hey everyone, I'm Moose,

and as much as I love seeing the Predator rip the spines from hapless schmucks.

if you want to see the Yautja go toe to toe with some more dangerous game,

you need to check out the expanded universe.

In the 31 years since the first film debuted,

The Predator has stalked some of pop culture's most prestigious properties,

resulting in some of the most awesome and insane crossovers we've ever seen.

So stick around, because today, we're talking about

The Predator's Most Peculiar Prey

A lot of these crossovers come courtesy of Dark Horse Comics,

known for their licensed series like 'Terminator,' 'Aliens,' and most famously, 'Star Wars.'

Their Predator line proved particularly popular,

and after the success of their standalone stories,

Dark Horse was ready to unleash the yautja on

The DC Universe,

DC met with Dark Horse to discuss a potential crossover back in 1989,

but the smaller company decided to keep things 'in-house' with their own established properties first.

After the original 'Alien vs. Predator' comic became a massive hit in 1990,

Dark Horse returned to DC with a pitch to pit their hunter against the ultimate target:

The Dark Knight.

When the world's greatest detective tracks down a killer who's been separating victims from their spines,

he find himself at the losing end of an alien ass-beating,

but eventually stops the hunter from turning Gotham into a game preserve.

The Bat faced the Predator in two more miniseries,

and in a tag team with the big blue boy scout.

Superman was hunted in his own crossover, too,

where the Man of Steel was conveniently de-powered by a virus,

because all the stealth camo in the world won't hide you from X-ray vision.

And if the World's Finest team wasn't worthy enough prey,

the Predators eventually set their sights on the entire Justice League,

when a evil race of aliens engineered an army of yautja with the powers of the JLA.

Of course, now that they're about to become property of Disney,

I wouldn't expect to see Batman vs. Predator onscreen anytime soon,

but you can check out an amazing 2003 fan film called 'Dead End,'

that imagines how a back alley encounter between the yautja and the Caped Crusader would really go down.

Predators seem to have a lot of trouble with peace officers,

whether its a masked vigilante,

or Danny Glover as an LAPD detective.

That's right, butthead. Poop happens.

But what about prey who doesn't just enforce the law,

he IS the law?

I'm talking, of course, about

Judge Dredd


After the success of 'Batman vs. Predator,'

Dark Horse teamed up with a ton of different publishers in search of more skulls for the monster's mantle,

including Britain's breakout comic book character, Judge Dredd.

In Dredd's dystopian future,

the streets of Mega City One are policed by elite agents of order who serve as judge, jury, and executioner in one convenient package,

making them exceptional opponents for the glory-hungry hunters.

In the comic, Dredd teams up with the great-great-granddaughter of Arnold's character from the first film,

and together, they put their Lawmakers to the test against the Predator's plasmacaster.

The book was written by Dredd co-creator John Wagner,

and in keeping with the strict, realtime continuity of the series,

the Judge's encounter with the yautja are still considered canon.

And speaking of canon,

one of literature's most famous pulp heroes also crossed paths with the Predator,

the ape-man known as


When Edgar Rice Burroughs created Tarzan in 1912,

I doubt he'd have envisioned him facing off against an alien hunter with a face like a horseshoe crab.

But long after the author's death, Tarzan of the Apes lives on through countless new books, movies, cartoons and comics,

and once Dark Horse got the rights in 1996,

they wasted no time pitting the Lord of the Jungle against the Lords of the Hunt,

in 'Tarzan vs. Predator: At the Earth's Core.'

The clan of yautja put the Earl of Greystoke's formidable survival skills to the test,

and if you think Arnold going full Snake Eater was impressive,

you've never seen Tarzan of the Apes literally bash in a Predator's head with a rock.

Pretty hardcore stuff,

but that's nothing compared to the brutality on display in the world of

Mortal Kombat

The Mortal Kombat series is no stranger to crossovers,

and in the cameo-heavy 'Mortal Kombat X,'

the yautja unleashed hell on Outworld.

The DLC Predator is the perfect fit for the ultraviolent fighting game,

and not just because Cyrax and Sektor blatantly ripped off his design.

His entire moveset is filled with brilliant callbacks to the movies,

and his brain-splitting finishing moves make excellent use of the yautja's arsenal.


But if you can't pull off the fatality, don't despair,

every victory ends with you ripping the spine out of your opponent and placing it on your trophy shelf.

Predator even makes sense lorewise,

after all,

what prey is more worthy than Earthrealm's most accomplished fighters?

There's only one group of hardened warriors who could possibly provide a more thrilling hunt:

Archie and Friends

Over the last few years,

Archie Comics has brilliantly transformed their hokey, nearly 80-year-old characters into a multimedia empire,

by not taking things super seriously,

and exploring genres far beyond comedy.

Do you think I can use Jason Blossom's death as an excuse to get out of P.E.?

Don't joke about Jason Blossom.

Why? Sardonic humor is just my way of relating to the world.

But long before the Lynchian 'Riverdale,'

The ball began rolling with 'Archie Meets the Punisher' in 1994.

Still, as fearsome as Frank Castle is,

he's nothing compared to the Predator.

Unlike other series like 'Afterlife With Archie' or the revamped 'Sabrina,'

'Archie vs. Predator' is drawn in Dan DeCarlo's cartoony style,

which makes the exploding heads, impaled bodies and torn out spines even more unsettling.

Between the occult rituals,

interspecies surgery,

and Archie-shaped exosuits,

the entire miniseries is completely batshit in the best way possible.

Archie Andrews would go on to encounter even scarier foes like Sharknadoes and the cast of 'Glee,'

but since their encounter, the Predator has been lacking in fresh opponents.

I mean, who's left?

Scooby and the Gang?

Predator vs. Mario?

Honestly, with Disney in charge,

it might finally be time for that Boba Fett/Predator crossover the galaxy has been waiting for.

I'm not holding my breath for that one,

but no matter when the next crossover occurs,

there will always be plenty of plain old humans for the Predator to hunt.


For more infomation >> The Predator's Most Peculiar Prey | NowThis Nerd - Duration: 6:59.


What caused the collapse of Lehman Brothers? - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> What caused the collapse of Lehman Brothers? - Duration: 6:30.


Myrtle Beach is a ghost town because Hurricane Florence is on the way - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Myrtle Beach is a ghost town because Hurricane Florence is on the way - Duration: 1:10.


Ask Alabama: How the Florida Panhandle nearly became part of Alabama - Duration: 2:24.

The beautiful sunny Florida Panhandle.

It's the go-to spot for beach lovers,

Spring Breakers, and people who like to

throw mullets... don't worry about it. And

about 150 years ago it came within an

inch of being annexed by the state of

Alabama. "I once read that Alabama had the

chance to purchase Panhandle of Florida.

True or not?" Folks voted on that question

for Ask Alabama. And it is true the

Panhandle was very nearly purchased by

Alabama. So what happened? It's the oldest

song in Alabama history: political corruption.

In an early Reckon video we

covered how the borders of Alabama and

Florida ended up the way they are. Short

recap: the U.S. grabbed up this land and formed

the state of Alabama in 1819 back when

Florida was still owned by Spain. When

Spain finally gave up its land to the U.S.

the states around Florida were already

pretty set. However, for years after, hell

even when it was still Spanish land,

folks in Alabama and the Florida

Panhandle had called for the Panhandle

to be annexed by Alabama. A lot of

settlers in the Panhandle were from

Alabama families. And swampy terrain and

forests made traveling from the Panhandle

to the rest of Florida a real slog, while

the only thing separating the Panhandle

from Alabama were some small rivers and

invisible lines. So Alabama was eager to bring

their Panhandle brothers back into the

fold. And if the state ended up with the

lucrative harbor in Pensacola, that'

not so bad either. And in the aftermath

of the Civil War it looked like it was

finally going to happen. In 1868 an

agreement was reached between Florida

and Alabama to sell the Panhandle to

Alabama for $1,000,000. But as you can

guess if you've seen a map, something

didn't work out. Turns out a commission

was formed to figure out the nitty-gritty

of the annexation and those guys

apparently started living high on the

hog off taxpayer money. I can't say

exactly how much they spent ,but I can

say when Alabama lawmakers found out

about the Commission's quote "extravagant

expense account" support for the deal

fell through and it never happened. The

issue would be brought up a few more

times but once Pensacola got

connected to the rest of the state by

railway, the demand for annexation largely

went away. That's how the panhandle

narrowly avoided becoming part of the

state of Alabama.

A handful of corrupt politicians ruined

it for everyone. The more things change

the more they stay the same.

I'm Jonathan Sobolewski for Reckon.

Do you have questions about Alabama that

you want answered. The Ask Alabama team

is standing by. You can submit your

questions to and be

sure to follow Reckon by on

Facebook and Twitter. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Ask Alabama: How the Florida Panhandle nearly became part of Alabama - Duration: 2:24.


Inside an emergency operations center, Florence brings a flood of calls and worry - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Inside an emergency operations center, Florence brings a flood of calls and worry - Duration: 1:49.


HURRICANE FLORENCE: 5 p.m. Thursday update - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> HURRICANE FLORENCE: 5 p.m. Thursday update - Duration: 5:04.


Typical Loadout of a US Marine - Duration: 9:14.

In a book called "Soldier's Load and the Mobility of a Nation," Colonel S.L.A.

Marshall pointed at a troubling issue plaguing US combat troops: overloading of equipment,

hampering battlefield performance.

While the ideal US infantryman's combat load is not meant to exceed a third of their own

bodyweight, the recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq saw American infantry regularly carrying

loads that exceeded 120 lbs (54kg).

But what is all this extra equipment that the modern soldier is being asked to carry

into combat?

That's what we'll find out, in this episode of the Infographics Show, the typical loadout

of a US Marine.

First, overburdening is a serious concern for the US military, with several studies

having been undertaken on the combat effectiveness of troops carrying modern combat loads.

Without exception, each study thus far has shown that extreme loads critically lower

combat effectiveness, and in Afghanistan, the Taliban was known to refer to American

and British soldiers as "donkeys" because of how overburdened each soldier was.

In fact, NATO soldiers found it difficult to close with the enemy because of how much

more mobile the insurgent fighter was.

The US Army field manual on foot marches dictates that an infantryman should carry a fighting

load of no more than 48 lbs (21.7 kg), and a marching load no greater than 72 lbs (32.7

kg), yet modern mission-critical equipment regularly pushes combat loads to over 100

lbs (45.3).

So just what are US Marines carrying into combat nowadays?

A marine is not a marine without his weapon, and the American Marine is equipped with the

M4 carbine.

A 5.56 mm rifle, the M4 has a maximum range of 3600 meters, with a point target range

of 500 meters, and an area target range of 600 meters.

The M4 has a muzzle velocity of 2,970 feet per second, giving it tremendous penetration

power against body armor, and a sustained firing rate of 12-15 rounds per minute, with

a maximum cyclical firing rate of 700-970 rounds per minute.

Together with one 30 round magazine, the M4 weighs in at 7 lbs, 5 ounces (3.32 kg).

A US Marine's M4 is typically equipped with a PAQ-4 or similar laser for use with their

night vision, and an ACOG scope to aid with naked-eye targeting.

Always ready for a close-quarters fight, US Marines still carry bayonets for use in conjunction

with their rifle or on their own, along with the legendary Ka-bar knife.

On his person, a Marine carries a variety of gear.

Depending on climate, they are equipped with a suitable camouflage uniform made of extremely

durable and air-breathing fabrics.

Also, depending on the type of enemy they may be facing, their uniform may be adorned

with a patch of infrared tape on the left sleeve for aid in identification with night

vision equipment; although, if facing a more modern foe, the tape will likely not be worn

as it could also be seen by the enemy.

A pair of tactical gloves, knee and elbow pads, and Sun, Sand and Dust goggles round

out the environmental protection equipment each individual Marine carries.

While available for decades, for the first time in history, US Marines are all equipped

with body armor.

Today's variant is known as the Interceptor Body Armor system and consists of a kevlar

weave vest with two ceramic inserts.

The vest itself is rated to stop a 9mm round, and the additional ceramic plate inserts are

each rated to stop 3 hits from up to a 7.62 mm round.

All together, the body armor and plates weigh a minimum of 16.4 lbs (7.4kg), but additional

inserts and modular add ons such as leg, groin and neck protectors, can vastly increase that


To protect their heads, the American Marine is equipped with the Advanced Combat Helmet.

Capable of stopping a variety of lower-end calibers, the ACH provides protection from

small caliber weapons and shrapnel, and unlike helmets of the past, is smaller and rides

higher on a marine's head to improve their ability to see and hear on the battlefield.

Each ACH comes with a night vision mount for quick and easy deployment of each marine's

personal night vision equipment, the PVS-14 or PVS-7.

As a monocular device, the PVS-14 is vastly preferred over, and is phasing out, the PVS-7

which covers both eyes; having one eye adjusted to nighttime conditions allows the Marine

a faster reaction time in case they have to remove their night vision, avoiding temporary

blindness as eyes slowly adjust to the total dark.

Both night vision devices work in conjunction with the PAQ-4 laser system to provide for

accurate fire even in pitch black.

On the Marine's body armor, each infantryman is typically loaded down with a minimum of

180 additional rounds of ammunition, bringing a total combat load to 210 rounds; 30 rounds

always loaded in their rifle, and the rest on ammo pouches worn on the body.

While most Marines wear the standard issue MOLLE load-bearing vest, some opt for personally

bought equipment that they may find more comfortable individually.

Along with 180 rounds of ammunition, American Marines will typically carry a minimum of

one fragmentation grenade, but might carry up to 6.

The M67 fragmentation grenade has a 4-5 second fuse and can explode steel fragments over

a 15 meter area, causing 50% casualties within a 5 meter area.

Varying on mission length and type, marines will at minimum carry 64 ounces of water in

two 1-quart canteens, as well as an additional 100 ounces of water worn on 'camelbacks' the

marine carries on their back.

A second bladder of water is typically carried inside the marine's assault rucksack, along

with two Meals Ready to Eat or MREs.

A folding knife/multi-tool, plastic flex cuffs for detaining personnel, a compass, a flashlight

and a basic first aid kit, round out gear typically worn directly on the body.

Inside a US marine's combat ruck though, you'll find additional equipment to support prolonged

combat operations.

This can include a 500ml intravenous fluids bag and delivery kit for emergency care, a

poncho and Bivy Sack to keep sleeping bags dry, additional socks and undershirts, a personal

hygiene kit, sling rope, and the all-important weapon cleaning kit to keep their rifle serviced

and well maintained.

If that's not enough, however, a US Marine may be deployed with an additional, 'main'

rucksack for long-term or extended operations.

This rucksack typically carries the marine's sleeping bag, even more undershirts and socks,

cold-weather gear such as knit caps and polypropylene underwear, additional MREs, and, of course,

even more ammunition- typically an additional 210 rounds.

While this rounds out the typical US marine's loadout, each marine can be equipped with

specialized support equipment.

Marines operating in urban environments may find themselves carrying a lock pick, bolt

cutters, collapsible riot baton, hooligan tool (ie. a specialized crowbar), and/or sledgehammer.

Most marines will also carry a collapsible entrenching tool, or E-Tool, no matter the

mission; basically a small shovel, the E-tool is handy for digging hasty fighting positions,

but doubles as a brutally effective close-quarters weapon.

Marines may also carry the M18 Claymore mine.

Named after the medieval era sword, the Claymore has been in operation since 1960 and features

a layer of C-4 explosive embedded with 700 3.2mm steel pellets.

Triggered either by remote or via trip-wire, the Claymore explodes in a 60 degree arc and

shoots steel pellets in a cone, 2 meters high and 50 meters wide, lethal up to 250 meters.

Marines may also carry the M141 SMAW-D Bunker Defeat Munition- a single-shot bazooka-style

weapon designed to destroy hardened bunkers or small buildings.

In a pinch, the M141 can be extremely effective against lightly armored vehicles, but would

likely be defeated by all but the thinner top turret armor of most modern tanks.

The American Marine is equipped for a variety of missions, giving US ground forces unmatched


Yet with heavy standard loads that don't take into account even more specialized equipment,

such as laser target designators or bulky communications equipment, US marines and soldiers

are increasingly finding it more and more difficult to keep pace with less equipped

and much more mobile enemies such as the Taliban.

While a variety of Department of Defense programs are currently looking at ways to minimize

the weight a US infantryman carries into battle, it's likely that the United States will continue

to ask its soldiers and marines to regularly carry over half their body weight into combat

for the foreseeable future.

So, how could US forces and their NATO allies lower the amount of weight they carry into


What pieces of equipment do you think could use replacing?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Also, be sure to check out our other video called Worst Punishments In The History of


Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Typical Loadout of a US Marine - Duration: 9:14.


The Good Place - First Look: Season 3 (Sneak Peek) - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> The Good Place - First Look: Season 3 (Sneak Peek) - Duration: 2:09.


Foods You Never Knew Carbs Were Hiding In - Duration: 6:36.

Low-carb diets are all the rage these days, but they're not as easy to follow as they


There's a lot more to living a low-carb lifestyle than simply giving up your beloved bread and


Carbohydrates are hiding in places you would never suspect, and giving them up the right

way might involve ditching some foods you previously thought were safe.

Here's a list of foods that aren't as low-carb as you might think!


By itself, yogurt isn't too high in carbs, even though it contains lactose, a naturally

occuring sugar.

Without any added sweeteners, plain yogurt contains about 11 grams of carbs per 8-ounce


However, additives can really pack the carbs into your so-called healthy afternoon snack.

Those delicious flavored yogurts can contain three to four times the sugar content of plain



Cheap, versatile, and chock-full of nutrients, beans are a staple food for millions of people

around the world.

But just because they're super good for you doesn't make them low in carbs.

Though beans have a reputation for packing a lot of protein, they're still a carbohydrate.

One cup of black beans has 41 grams of carbohydrates -- the same amount of carbs found in two slices

of bread.

That's a lot!

However, the carbs you do get from beans are usually pretty healthy.

Much of the carbohydrates in beans come from fiber, a carb which aids in fullness and slows

down the digestion of food.

So, beans may be suitable for some low-carb diets, as long as you consume them in moderation.

After all, there are plenty of great bean recipes.

"I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti."


Delicious, nutritious, and 100 percent natural, fruit is among the tastiest foods on the planet.

However, despite the fact that it literally grows on trees, fruit isn't always suitable

for low-carb diets -- no matter how yummy it may be.

Though fruit is still a healthier choice than a plate of spaghetti, its natural sugar content

can really pack on the carbs.

Take this into consideration the next time you find yourself reaching for a bunch of


Peanut butter

Even though it's widely considered to be healthy and packed full of energy-providing nutrients,

peanut butter does have its share of carbs.

Luckily for the peanut butter lovers of the world, more than half the carbs in the sticky

snack come from fiber.

So as long as you don't eat half a jar in one sitting, peanut butter is actually a smart

carb choice.

However, not all peanut butter is made equally.

Many peanut butter brands might have added sweeteners in their recipes, making the carb

count shoot through the roof.

If you're living a low-carb lifestyle, you'll have to be a savvy shopper and search for

natural peanut butter with no added sugars.

Too much sugar, you know what to do.


That's fine."


Jerky is often thought to be a great go-to snack for low-carb dieters.

After all, meat has always been a reliable, carb-free snack, right?

Unfortunately, these cured meats often contain a whole lot of added sugar, making them a

no-go for low-carb dieters.

"We make our own beef jerky.

That's what we do.

And now that's all wrecked!"!

Plus, jerkies tend to not be as filling as actual fresh meat because most of the appetite-suppressing

water content is removed in preparation.

Before you know it, you'll have eaten a whole bag of beef jerky -- and you'll have

all the carbs to show for it, too.


The condiments section of the grocery store can be a minefield, even when you're aware

of the ingredients.

As harmless as certain condiments might seem, these tasty food items are often packed with

added sugar -- even if they don't necessarily taste very sweet.

Some of the worst offenders are salad dressings that claim to be low-fat or fat-free.

Many times, these low-fat products have actually just swapped fats for other ingredients that

are far from low in carbohydrates.

"Yeah, I could eat a whole bottle too…"

Chances are you're safe with mayo, but definitely read the labels on any ketchup, and salad


While barbecue sauces are pretty much out, many hot sauces are good to go -- like Tabasco,

which is free of carbohydrates.

And while mustard is a safe bet, honey mustard is unfortunately a no-go.

Life just isn't fair.


Meat is an essential part of most low-carb diets — it's protein-rich, super flavorful,

and very satisfying.

But just as jerky has hidden carbs you might not be aware of, other meat options can, too.

Meatballs are an exception to the low-carb rule.

These guys can have carbs, as most meatball recipes call for breadcrumbs or torn pieces

of bread.

So when it comes to meat, stick to what you know is safe for your diet -- or get in the

kitchen and whip it up yourself!


Cow's milk is nourishing and chock full of calcium.

But just because it's essential for growth and development doesn't mean it's safe for

low-carb dieters.

"I see you're drinking 1% - is that cuz you think you're fat?

Cuz you're not; you could be drinking whole if you wanted to."

You'll likely be surprised to find that milk has about 12 grams of carbs in a single

cup, making the beverage relatively high in its carb count.

But if you can't imagine yourself having your morning cup of coffee without a splash

or two of milk, don't worry -- heavy cream or coconut milk makes for a deliciously creamy,

low-carb alternative.


Sushi, as it's generally served in the United States, is fish served with seaweed, rice,

and other various ingredients.

As long as you avoid the inauthentic fried varieties and mayo-based sauces with added

sugars, sushi can be pretty good for you.

Not only is it a tasty way to include more fish in your diet -- most sushi is also very

low in fat.

However low in fat it may be, sushi is not low-carb.

Sushi rice is usually seasoned with salt, vinegar, and sugar -- driving the carb count

even higher than that of regular white rice.

If you're looking for a low-carb sushi alternative, try ordering sashimi -- a slices of fish served

without the carbo-load of rice.

For more infomation >> Foods You Never Knew Carbs Were Hiding In - Duration: 6:36.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 Ambition Xenon / Ecc / Parkeersensoren v+a / Navigatie / Telefoon / Cruis - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 Ambition Xenon / Ecc / Parkeersensoren v+a / Navigatie / Telefoon / Cruis - Duration: 1:12.


[DISCOUNT ✂️] Holy Stone HS100 FPV RC Drone Unboxing & Review | Best Drones Under $300 - Duration: 9:24.

Holy Stone GPS FPV RC Drone HS100 Review

it is available here we have it the

hardest own HS 100 this is a Joan has a

video this is for the camera little

things and we got two sets of propellers

right here Amy's embrace me wish you the

battery right now we have charged it

there you go and you have the micro USB

for charging the battery right here you

get extra set of London yours patella


and over here this is like a thank you

booklet you have a pen

pretty nice job you see it's like an

emergen hey this is where you threw the

battery porridge on the shirt for to

change the angle of the camera nice

padding here it's a nice gene can't wait

to test it well nice feature here the

remote let me tell you that the battery

is built-in you charge it over here with

via micro USB here you lift this up so

you can fit your phone for pretty large

phones well I put the propellers now you

will tell you here Adi wrecking the size

a and B you go ahead and put B right


let me get this card extra bar free once

longer flying time free you just need to

share your awesome fly experience by

running and honest an awesome product

review then contact us at battery at

holy song calm that way you get a free

extra battery for this job instructions

to install the propellers so you can see

the detail on the propeller right here

is for the propeller then the spacer

ring flip string with the screwed and

then the cap let's do that

propellers spacer Rosie for this crew

along it and then skirting let's put a

cap on it beautiful also charge the

remote til it's green and we need me so

the cops already comes with it and

gigabyte SD card already integrated on

the camera let's go ahead and for the

battery run

let you get right there turn around

let's see hide us another mode by

pressing for 2 seconds

if you see the camera over here is for

the Advil

all right so download the app baby

barcode reader for Android and open link

it will go to HS DPS Pro you stop

alright so this is my first time ever

sitting on a quadcopter you go ahead and

connect to the Wi-Fi it's connected so

checking for updates on the app go to

enter device wow he's pretty cool nice

so this is P how it looks you could take

photos here the video with a follow mode

time point to take off and land from the

app let's see how

my job

I am


recording now rocky takeoff

all right I'm gonna show you how to do

comm-pass calibration I will do this

only when you first get it because the

germ must come from far away it tells

you here connect to that's all we're

doing holy stone we're here now let's go

to the app now it's got the drone so

long to calibrate the compass there's

the one o'clock and learn a plot and

it'll break you see that keep it in the

level pick up the jump from the back I'm

Holy Stone GPS FPV RC Drone HS100 Review

gonna take your body in one full circle

so I'm guessing like this

all right there pop already came careful

ask it stop it and now from the bottom

of the face down this another the same


this is different lights I'm gonna get

started there you go

For more infomation >> [DISCOUNT ✂️] Holy Stone HS100 FPV RC Drone Unboxing & Review | Best Drones Under $300 - Duration: 9:24.


《中国好声音》,你欠谢霆锋一个道歉 - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> 《中国好声音》,你欠谢霆锋一个道歉 - Duration: 2:32.


180913 薛之謙將不參與《新舞林大會》總決賽錄製 - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> 180913 薛之謙將不參與《新舞林大會》總決賽錄製 - Duration: 0:26.


Técnica Para Memorizar Textos #tecnicasdememorização - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Técnica Para Memorizar Textos #tecnicasdememorização - Duration: 1:41.


Soms is het lastig zakendoen in Singapore...(voor sommigen) • #Z60 - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Soms is het lastig zakendoen in Singapore...(voor sommigen) • #Z60 - Duration: 4:12.


For more infomation >> Soms is het lastig zakendoen in Singapore...(voor sommigen) • #Z60 - Duration: 4:12.


Cheb Adjel 2018 _ Bghitha Fi Dari ♥ -_- ♥ أغنية ولا أروع الشاب للعجال - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> Cheb Adjel 2018 _ Bghitha Fi Dari ♥ -_- ♥ أغنية ولا أروع الشاب للعجال - Duration: 5:06.


For more infomation >> Cheb Adjel 2018 _ Bghitha Fi Dari ♥ -_- ♥ أغنية ولا أروع الشاب للعجال - Duration: 5:06.


Relief For Denture Wearers

For more infomation >> Relief For Denture Wearers


Holy Crap! I Can't Believe I'm Doing This - Duration: 1:41.

Hey guys! This is probably a lot more exciting for me than it is for you...

Last week, I hit a million subscribers on Youtube.

I am really happy, but you could probably care less.

But I want to give back to you guys, and I already promised I would back in the instagram giveaway.

Maybe I'll do another crazy giveaway for our next milestone.

I'm a man of my word.

And I've got an even BIGGER giveaway for you now.

It's Huge.

30 of you will get access to a model pack of you choice from the Proko store.

10 will get a free course

5 of you will get ALL the courses and model packs

And 1 grand prize winner will all the courses and model packs, an original drawing, a Proko

skull, Aaand the Basics and Perspective courses when they eventually come out.

Sometime in the future.

If you want a chance to win, go to and sign up for the Proko newsletter.

I'll pick all the winners randomly from my list of newsletter subscribers on September 24th.

Winners will be announced via email.

Happy Hunger Games!

And may the odds be ever in your favor!

For more infomation >> Holy Crap! I Can't Believe I'm Doing This - Duration: 1:41.


Cantale - Jose M. Marmol - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Cantale - Jose M. Marmol - Duration: 1:58.


Hamsters eat stick vegetable for the first time【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:34.

Othello,Come on

it's a stick carrot ♪

Is it tasty?

Eat fast! ! !

It seems to be fast turning

You really liked it! !

From here it's slow mode ♪

Yam Yam


Yam Yam


It's delicious


This is too long


I am clever ♪

Please change


Yam Yam



Is there no more?

I wanted to eat more ...

There is not it really?


There is nothing

it can not be helped

I'm going home

Daily upload!I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> Hamsters eat stick vegetable for the first time【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:34.


Rush Limbaugh Thinks Hurricane Florence Forecasts Are Climate Change Propaganda - Duration: 4:09.

I know a lot of people right now are absolutely terrified of what Hurricane Florence could

do to the east coast of the United States.

The heavy winds, the massive storm surge, the predicted flooding that is going to take

place, and the secondary flooding that they're predicting is gonna happen after the rain

hits the mountains and then all flushes back down.

But don't worry, folks, because according to Rush Limbaugh, all of these forecasts for

what Hurricane Florence is going to do, that's just climate change propaganda coming from


That is what Rush Limbaugh told his listeners this week.

Now I'm going to read you this full Rush Limbaugh quote.

This is from a transcript of his program.

You can find the link in the description of this video.

Here it is.

"This is, they tell us, one of the most powerful hurricanes this far north ever.

And of course, why is that?

Well, that would be sea surface temperature.

And why is that warmer?

There you go, climate change.

It's being accepted as a non-argumentative fact.

I don't care what meteorologist you watch or read, website or what have you, all of

this seems to be acknowledged fact.

So we're keeping an eye on that.

Also these things have become very politicized, as you know, folks.

Hurricanes and hurricane forecasting is much like much else that the left has gotten its

hands on, and they politicize these things.

For those of you asking, what's the politics of a hurricane?

Climate change is the politics of hurricanes.

So we don't have to worry about anything, because this is just politics.

It's Democrats getting in there and trying to get us to care about that bad old climate

change, that Chinese hoax that's out there.

Don't worry about the forecast."

Over the years, we've talked about a lot of dumb things that have come out of the mouths

of those on the right, but this is like Alex Jones level combination crazy and stupid,

coming out of one of the most popular Republican talk show hosts in the country.

Now I've got to be honest, I had forgotten that Rush Limbaugh existed.

We haven't heard too much from this nut job since Donald Trump came into office because

he's not the only nut job around anymore.

We have Trump.

We have Hannity, who's gone even crazier, Tucker Carlson, who's gone full white nationalist

now, Laura Ingraham, Tomi Lahren, Shapiro, Sertavich, all those other nut jobs out there.

So, Limbaugh's got to fight, get a little bit crazier than usual in order to actually

retain his audience.

But we've seen this happen before.

Now, back in 2004, 2005, this same kind of scenario played itself out.

We had a lot of little upstart right wingers in this country, and in order to gain the

very limited attention that was available, they each had to start saying crazier and

crazier and crazier things.

That's when Ann Coulter was really big and Michelle Malkin was trying to take over as

the new right wing queen of hate.

It didn't work out so well for her.

Most people have forgotten she existed.

But that's what Limbaugh's trying to do here.

Yes, he is a climate change science denier, but he knows if he wants to hold onto his

base, to his crowd, to his audience, to his contracts, he's got to get crazier because

if he's not crazy enough, they're just gonna go listen to Hannity.

They're gonna go watch Tomi Lahren.

They're gonna follow whatever crap it is Ben Shapiro is doing today.

So, you have to out-crazy the person before you so that you can keep your audience.

We've seen this scenario play itself out on the right before.

It's playing itself out again right now.

But what is important is that these people are so desperate to maintain an audience,

that they're actually willing to put people's lives at risk with Hurricane Florence, like

Rush Limbaugh's doing here, because he just wants people to think that he's the craziest

of the crazy, and therefore he is the one worthy of their attention.

For more infomation >> Rush Limbaugh Thinks Hurricane Florence Forecasts Are Climate Change Propaganda - Duration: 4:09.


Fan Asks Mike Rowe What He Thinks Of Nike Kaepernick Ad, Left Silent By Brilliant Response - Duration: 5:55.

Nike's recent ad featuring football player Colin Kaepernick

– known for starting the trend of kneeling during the playing of the National Anthem

– has caused a huge stir and a great amount of controversy.

People on both sides have been weighing in with their thoughts about the ad, but one

voice was noticeably absent: that of actor and television host Mike Rowe (known for such

shows as Dirty Jobs and the CNN series Somebody's Gotta Do It.)

One fan noticed Rowe's silence on the subject and asked what he thought about it, and Rowe's

thoughtful and poignant response is one all of America needs to hear right now:

Nike's free to celebrate whomever they wish, and Kaepernick is entitled to his opinion

– kneeling, standing, or lying down.

But if I was going to put someone's face on a billboard – someone who epitomized

bravery and sacrifice – I might have gone another way, especially this time of year.

I might have gone with this guy – Tom Burnett.

Tom's last act on earth was one of the most courageous things imaginable.

And his last words to his wife, Deena, are among the most inspiring I have ever heard.

Those exact words are at the top of this page, and the bottom.

They were spoken seventeen years ago, under conditions I hope to never experience.

I will never forget Tom's last words.

I hope you wo not either.

Transcript of Tom's Last Calls to Deena six: twenty seven a.m.( pacific time) First

cell phone call from Tom Tom: Yes, yes, just listen.

Our airplane has been hijacked.

It's United Flight 93 from Newark to San Francisco.

We are in the air.

The hijackers have already knifed a guy, one of them has a gun, they are telling us there

is a bomb on board, please call the authorities.

He hung up.

Tom: My seatmate.

Do you know which airline is involved?

Deena: No, they do not know if they are commercial airlines or not.

The newsreporters are speculating cargo planes, private planes and commercial.

No one knows.

Tom: How many planes are there?

Deena: They are not sure, at least three.

Maybe more.

Tom: O.K….O.K….Do you know who is involved?

Deena: No.

Tom: We are turning back toward New York.

We are going back to the World Trade Center.

No, wait, we're turning back the other way.

We are going south.

Deena: What do you see?

Tom: Just a minute, I'm looking.

I do not see anything, we are over a rural area.

It's just fields.

I' have gotta go.

six:fourty five a.m.

Third cell phone call from Tom to Deena Tom: Deena

Deena: Tom, you are O.K. (I thought at this point he had just survived the Pentagon plane


Tom: No, I am not.

Deena: They just hit the Pentagon.

Tom: (tells people sitting around him "They just hit the Pentagon.")

Tom: O.K….O.K.

What else can you tell me?

Deena: They think five airplanes have been hijacked.

One is still on the ground.

They believe all of them are commercial planes.

I have not heard them say which airline, but all of them have originated on the east coast.

Tom: Do you know who is involved?

Deena: No Tom: What is the probability of their having

a bomb on board?

I do not think they have one.

I think they are just telling us that for crowd control.

Deena: A plane can survive a bomb if it's in the right place.

Tom: Did you call the authorities?

Deena: Yes, they did not know anything about your plane.

Tom: They are talking about crashing this plane into the ground.

We have to do something.

I am putting a plan together.

Deena: Who's helping you?

Six fifty four a.m.

Fourth cell phone call to Tom to Deena Deena: Tom?

Tom: Hi.

Anything new?

Deena: No Tom: Where are the kids?

Deena: They are fine.

They are sitting at the table having breakfast.

They are asking to talk to you.

Tom: Tell them I will talk to them later.

Deena: I called your parents.

They know your plane has been hijacked.

Tom: Oh…you should not have worried them.

How are they doing?

Deena: They are O.K.. Mary and Martha are with them.

Tom: Good.

(a long quiet pause) Tom: We are waiting until we are over a rural


We are going to take back the airplane.

Deena: No!

Sit down, be still, be quiet, and do not draw attention to yourself!

(The exact words taught to me by Delta Airlines Flight Attendant Training).

Tom: Deena!

If they are going to crash this plane into the ground, we are going to have do something!

Deena: What about the authorities?

Tom: We can not wait for the authorities.

I do not know what they could do anyway.

It's up to us.

I think we can do it.

Deena: What do you want me to do?

Tom: Pray, Deena, just pray. (after a long pause)

Deena: I love you.

Tom: Do not worry, we are going to do something…

Let us never forget!

Do you think Rowe's reminder is important for all Americans to hear?

Then share it!

For more infomation >> Fan Asks Mike Rowe What He Thinks Of Nike Kaepernick Ad, Left Silent By Brilliant Response - Duration: 5:55.


Kim Kardashian Says She Used Makeup toBribe' Daughter After North Shows Off Epic Contouring Skills - Duration: 2:51.

 Like mother, like daughter!  Beauty mogul Kim Kardashian West is passing on her skills to her daughter North, 5, and she showed fans the evidence in her Instagram story on Thursday

 In the series of videos, North has a face full of makeup, from light foundation on her nose to dark eye shadow, bronzer, and a gray lip

Kardashian West filmed her using a brush and her hand to attempt to blend her look (with mixed results!) and captioned the clip "Contour Queen," adding the crown emoji

 The reality star has two other children with her husband Kanye West: son Saint, 2, and daughter Chicago, 8 months

 Kardashian West also added another clip of North modeling a bright red lipstick, which the KKW founder identified as number six of her new Classic Blossom collection, which drops Friday

 As North flashes a smile, Kardashian West tells her, "Thanks for being the best model for me

"  But the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star was quick to shut down mommy shamers before they even had a chance to criticize her for letting North wear makeup

 "Relax," she wrote over the video. "It's coming off in a few mins. I just needed a bribe to get out of the door … you feel me?!?!?!"  North might be used to being in front of a camera, both on her mom's phone and the set of her family's show, but she only just learned why her mother is a celebrity

 In a radio interview with Big Boy on Real 92.3 in August, Kardashian West recalled the time North asked: "Mom, why are you famous?"  "Oh, okay, okay

I'm going to have to explain this right now," Kardashian West said of her eldest child's surprising inquiry

 However, she was quick to answer North's question.  "I'm like, 'We have a TV show

' And she was like, 'Oh okay.' That was the first time she was like, 'Oh!' " the mother of three remembered

For more infomation >> Kim Kardashian Says She Used Makeup toBribe' Daughter After North Shows Off Epic Contouring Skills - Duration: 2:51.


Hit and Run Accident Testimonial - Duration: 0:31.

I was driving.

Someone smashed into me and then they just drove off.

I knew I needed a lawyer, somebody to help me out.

After calling Jim Adler, he got my medical bills paid for, my car was

fixed immediately.

The time that I took off of work was reimbursed to me.

I wasn't expecting to get as much as I did.

My life is better because I called Jim Adler."

Jim Adler: "I'm Jim Adler, The Texas Hammer®.

I know how to get you all the money the law says is yours."


For more infomation >> Hit and Run Accident Testimonial - Duration: 0:31.


Beth Diederich: Master of Education in Literacy Education `18, University of Missouri - Duration: 1:39.

My name is Beth Diederich and I have just completed my master's in Literacy Education.

I needed online. I completed the entire program in Santiago, Chile.

There was not an option to attend any face-to-face classes at all.

I needed one hundred percent distance learning and got that.

There were so many times where professors were willing to just understand the position I was in.

Because it's Northern and Southern hemisphere, the seasons are flipped.

My summer courses would be while I was in a full semester or

while they were starting a semester, I was in summer and didn't have any students

and professors were always willing to work with ways to make the assignments possible,

regardless of whether I was teaching or not at that time of year.

The classes offered serve so many different interests and also age level of the students.

So throughout the program, I realized how much I was interested in struggling readers, for example,

so the more interested that I became, the more classes were available.

I've gained quite a bit of confidence in my own discipline.

It's opened my world to the amount of research and literature that's out there

and the professional community only supports that curiosity.

If a student was similar to myself and hadn't experienced online learning before, you know,

trust that you'll have the discipline and, not only that, because of the community, you're not isolated.

Honestly, I was incredibly satisfied with the program,

and with what the instructors had to offer,

what peers had to offer, it was great.

For more infomation >> Beth Diederich: Master of Education in Literacy Education `18, University of Missouri - Duration: 1:39.


SoCal Stories | With a Cause - Marlee Matlin - Convo - Duration: 4:39.

Before I did the Children of a Lesser God film,

I did not grow up watching the Oscars.

I didn't. I just wasn't interested.

It wasn't until I got the Children of a Lesser God role

that my life changed.

It pivoted.

Of course, I was nervous,

but I kept my cool.

I sat in my seat and watched the awards happening.

There were awards after awards,

and when it was my turn,

Bill (William Hurt) walked to the stage.

He had the envelope in his hand, and I watched him.

My heart... I don't even know where it went.

It was beating in and out comically.


I watched as he opened the envelope,

and to my surprise, he signed my name.

I had no speech prepared.

I really wish I did.

I approached the stage, very shy,

and people applauded loudly and energetically.

It was really... an amazing experience.

I can still feel it.

The hearing Hollywood people, a lot of the critics,

they all said, "Why did Marlee Matlin win? How?

It was a pity vote."

What they meant to tell people was,

"She's Deaf. She played a Deaf role.

So how is that great acting?"

I was floored.

New York Magazine did a follow-up, too, saying,

"That Deaf Marlee Matlin (they used the label Deaf)

will never work at Hollywood ever again."

It's a one-time thing. That's it.

There'll be no opportunities after. Nothing."

I was speechless. No way.

And then... they asked me

to present the Best Actor award

at the Oscars next year.

So I did my thing.

I used my speech to speak

the names of the five nominees.

The next day, again, people brazenly criticized me.

Not from hearing people, but from the Deaf community.

I was absolutely confused.

"What did I do?"

I had no idea, honestly, no idea at all.

"Wh-what did I do?"

I was young. I was 22 at that time.

Very young!

I found out later it was because I spoke.

It was because I didn't sign.

I didn't know.

Oh... so they thought I was trying to send a message

to hearing parents--to hearing parents of deaf babies

that it's better to speak, not sign.


Honestly, it just never registered in my mind

to do that, or I wasn't even aware of doing that.

Of doing the political stuff.

I was naive.

I was still thrown off. "What do you mean?

I don't get it?"

I-I was just a girl from Morton Grove,

Illinois, in Chicago

who went to a mainstreamed school

who spoke and signed.

It was SEE (Signing Exact English) at that time.

I did not know anything about Deaf history.

I was never taught that.

NO one even offered to approach and sit me down

and explain what Deaf culture was all about.

No one did!

I had to find out myself the hard way.

It... It was a really difficult time in my life

for a good 10-15 years.

Yeah, so...

I shut out the Deaf community

for the most part of the 10 years.

I did not go to any events.

I wasn't invited to a lot of them either.

I wouldn't say the whole Deaf community shunned me.

No. Not all of it...

but a big portion did.

The Deaf people shut me out, too.

So I had to take the punches and move forward.

I did my thing.

I am slowly

opening my mind and heart

to pick up on what Deaf culture is all about.


Deaf education.

I learned to trust.

I learned to forgive.

I learned to just be patient.

I'm proud to be a part of the Deaf community.

I really am.


I love you.

For more infomation >> SoCal Stories | With a Cause - Marlee Matlin - Convo - Duration: 4:39.





Intro - QUANTUM Life Coaching - Duration: 0:36.

Hi, my name is Joshua Vlahos quantum life coach and I am so excited for everyone on this planet right now because the energy here

Is increasing which means that things are happening faster than they ever have before now what this means for you

Is that you now have the potential to change the course of your entire life if you know how with the proper training and techniques

Persistence and support, you will achieve your goals of more money more health more love and more passion in your life

Now my coaching is not one size fits all and is tailored to your desires

So Please fill in the form below and let's talk about where you are in life now and where you want to be

I'll talk to you then

For more infomation >> Intro - QUANTUM Life Coaching - Duration: 0:36.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5:Golden Wind PV (Narancia Ghirga) - Duration: 0:19.

People should work for people like him

TV anime JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind

On live October 5

Ill Protect you guys. I'LL PROTECT YOU

For more infomation >> JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5:Golden Wind PV (Narancia Ghirga) - Duration: 0:19.


STOP - Duration: 4:30.

(upbeat music)

- Morning.

Who signed up for a 31-day challenge already?

Which challenge are you doing?

Are you a newbie doing Shelley Says So

for the very first time?

Or are you coming back for another round of it?

Like, you thought you did it all last year,

what more could we possible cover?

And I know the feedback from last year's clients that did it

and their friends that did it was

A, how much fun it was, how much of a good time they had.

But also all the amazing things that they were able

to implement and change on habits

that just set them up at the beginning of the year

for all these amazing new things for the rest of the year.

And also just the level of awareness and education

that we can't possibly do in our sessions.

And it just goes above and beyond and it plants ideas

that then we can nut out more if you're interested in that.

But it just very, it's just a whole bunch of challenges

that you get to have fun, you've got the Facebook support,

and I love going on the Facebook group, it is so much fun.

I don't necessarily take my summer holiday

at this time anymore, because I am on Facebook

and there's no digital detox going on.

It's not 100% a break because I get hooked,

I loving seeing all your great feedback.

Anyway, what I wanted to share with you today was one of

the great tips, and you will have seen them in clinic,

in our reception area on the table, we have got

Emily Mason's post cards that she's kindly printed for us.

And on there you'll see her STOP, her acronym called STOP.

And you're probably thinking what the heck,

what does that even stand for?

So I just wanted to share it with you

cause I just think it's magic and I've loved being able

to incorporate it in client sessions

and really get you guys on board,

because we're all about being parasympathetic

as much as possible and little things

that we can incorporate into our lives.


S, slow down.

Doesn't sound that hard, but let's be honest,

for a lot of us slowing down can be hard.

With that, though, then the rest of the

S is sighing and smiling.

So we're all just gonnna do a sigh.


And now we're gonna smile.

You might need to fake it to make it.

But, just sighing, the act of sighing and smiling

switches you straight away into your parasympathetic.

The part that I love about that

is you can do it any time, anywhere.

It can be dramatic, it can be not so dramatic.

You might see me doing it in client sessions with you

or you might not even notice the amount of times

that I am doing it throughout the day.

Cause it's something simple that

just flicks you into your parasympathetic.

The T is treat yourself as a toddler.

What does that even mean?

If you've got a toddler or a child

you'll 100% know how committed you are to your child.

You are anticipating every single need.

You wanna need when they need to sleep,

what they need to eat, what you need to give them next,

do they need stimulation, do they need quiet time,

do they need rest, do they need to go to bed early.

How many of us anticipate our needs like that?

I know that I can often override my needs,

I know on the invest bank I 100% forgot about

everything to do with me and what I needed

and just focused on the end goal.

So let's try and treat ourselves.

What would we do if we were our child, if we were a toddler.

How different would it be?

O, that's our senses, so observe, look into our senses.

So that's our sight, our smell, our taste, our touch, and

sight, smell, taste, oh.

Sight, smell, taste, hear.

What we can hear.

That was the last one, that took me a while.

So we can do that while we're eating, we can do

that while we're walking to work,

on the bus, in the evenings at home.

It doesn't need to be anything extreme, right?

That's easy.

And then our next one is to root ourselves,

to get our feet connected into the ground.

So really, to stand on the ground, and ground ourselves.

Easy, right?


If you haven't got a postcard already,

get into the clinic and have a look.

And incorporate these things into your life.

(upbeat music)

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