Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 9, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 13 2018

Everyone's suffering amuses me

My own suffering does not amuse me though

What's up, fuckers!?

It's ya boy, Moe

I'm sorry, I just love that intro so much

Anyway, welcome back to Hot Lava

Let's see what else this game has in store for us

All right, yo!

Let's go ahead and do the next level

and I believe it's over there

Over hither!

We're gonna go to the middle school level

I've never tried it, I just kind of saw it

Aw, gee-whiz

It looks like it's in a lunch room or whatever

Let's go

I hope we run across some people



I didn't die yet

That's fine

Over here

Anything here? No? OK

Moe is a parkour master


Oh, please, don't kill me

Wait, where the fuck am I going, actually?

This is a nice kitchen for a school, actually

My kitchen kind of sucked

Heck, we weren't even allowed in the kitchen

Let's just go

Oh, shit!


That hurt!


Let's go up

Oh gee

What the heck is this shit?

I don't think this is...

Is this supposed to be a thing in middle school?


Wow, wow!!


Hold up


Oh shit

Shit shit shit!

No, we're staying here


This is scary

Like, what the heck?

Screw that, we're going in

Hold up

Please? Ahhh!


Go up!

Go up

Come on


Ah, I'm short!

Please go up





Or go-


Look, that's the cafeteria

This is cool

I haven't eaten in a school cafete-




OK, well

As I was saying

I haven't eaten in a school cafeteria in forever

I don't really eat lunch in school


This way

Gotta get my Pokémon cards while I'm at it

Where the fuck do I go now?


OK, I guess to the left

Oh, these are actually really sh-


Short platforms


Well, thank God I have good coordination!

At least in video games

Not so much in real life

Uh, where the fuck do I go? Here


OK! Poi-fect

This is a nice school, actually

I mean, besides from the lava and dying and shit


I guess, ah

I'm going the right way



This way, then that way


I regret my-

Oh shit no! I have to

start all the way here? OK

Which way do I go? Is it this way?

Yeah, I guess it's this way

Gotta get my Pokémon cards!

And what the fuck is this blue thing?



Aw, dammit!



No, wait, no!

Erase his name!

This other person is better than me by, like, 10 seconds or something

What the heck?

I think he cheated

I don't wanna do the gym

The gym's hard

All right, you guys

I'm not allowed over there

What the heck? I wanna go there with you guys

Move it




OK, well

Argh! Stop!

Nah! Stop that!

What are you doing? Stop!

Oh, shit!


Please help me! Oww

I don't know what happened


Let's not press any other button

OK, good

Let's take this slowly

Baby steps, everyone


Baby steps are done

Am I supposed to go up here?

I don't wanna go up here? No, let go

We're going here

We'll go down here

Oh, yes! Thank god, I didn't die this time


I was supposed to go here, right?

I would be...

OK, good

I would've been mad if I went the wrong way



Where the fuck do I go now?

This way, this way, this way, this way

Is this a chemistry class?

I hated chemistry


Oh! I'm-I'm being such a pro, yo!

Oh, what the fuck am I supposed to do there?

Why is it green?

Over here!

It's an art room!

I love art, though


OK, I hate art

OK, don't kill me, art class

Come on, I happen to be good at art...

Sort of... like, Photoshop art

Oh, OK

Let's go



I feel like I make goat sounds whenever I die or something

I hope you guys like goats

This way


Take the door



"I really want to die just because of this level"

I do, too... it's OK

I feel the same way

It has to be something over here

Can I... pipe?



Moe is using her surroundings

I'm smart, for once

Where the fuck do I go?

Aw, shit

Do I have to, like....

OK, got it



What's up motherfuckers!?


"too much FARTHER"

I don't know, ev-


Everyone's suffering amuses me

My own suffering does not amuse me, though


OK, I got an idea

Or, OK, never mind, I do not have an idea

OK, never mind, I have an idea


Is there something here if actually go there, or will I just die?





So there is a momentum thing going on



Stop making sounds Moe, what if people hear you?

Mmm… I'm sorry

Yo! Can I have a safe zone please?

Oh, thank god

Where the heck do I go now?

Here, here...






All right

Well, we're almost there

even though it's taken, like

10 minutes or something

Close to 10 minutes


Can I just jump from here?

Move it, please

I don't know why I keep saying please to objects

Oh, well

Get my Yu-Gi-Oh! cards

Or, Pokemon card

Oh! Here it is!

So, we're, like, right here!

Look, Mom! I did it!

Are you proud of me now?


I earned the "Lex Splorer"

And it only took me 9 minutes

It's my new best time!


Thanks, I feel like shit now

Well, gee-whiz

You got more levels, yo!

More levels to die in


I think that's-

Oh, someone's

Oh, it's that person who complained

OK, well, I think that's a good place to leave it off at

Hope you enjoyed the episode and remember to like and subscribe

Anyway, thanks for watching, everyone

I'll see you guys later


For more infomation >> Parkour FAIL - School of hell - Duration: 8:47.


Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle – Announcement Trailer | PS4 - Duration: 2:07.


For more infomation >> Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle – Announcement Trailer | PS4 - Duration: 2:07.


Cute Timo hungry eat food with mom | Timo try to get food from mom to eat | Monkey Daily 1686 - Duration: 11:01.

For more infomation >> Cute Timo hungry eat food with mom | Timo try to get food from mom to eat | Monkey Daily 1686 - Duration: 11:01.


Ted Cruz Supporters Expressing 'Alarm' As Beto O'Rourke Fever Spreads In Texas | Deadline | MSNBC - Duration: 8:06.

For more infomation >> Ted Cruz Supporters Expressing 'Alarm' As Beto O'Rourke Fever Spreads In Texas | Deadline | MSNBC - Duration: 8:06.


Hurricane Florence Begins To Lash Carolina Coast | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Hurricane Florence Begins To Lash Carolina Coast | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:45.



For more infomation >> THỜI SỰ VIỆT NAM VOA 14/09/2018 - KHÔNG LỰC HOA KỲ NGHÊNH CHIẾN 2 CHIẾN ĐẤU CƠ NGA | TIN TỨC - Duration: 29:29.


South Valley neighbors on edge after three random shootings in a week - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> South Valley neighbors on edge after three random shootings in a week - Duration: 2:11.


Supper Angry! Kari angry Aiden tiny so much | Maria mom try to stop but he can't | Monkey Daily 1687 - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Supper Angry! Kari angry Aiden tiny so much | Maria mom try to stop but he can't | Monkey Daily 1687 - Duration: 4:23.


Share the Harvest - Farmers' Market Gives Back to the Community - Duration: 8:50.

hi I'm Erin every year we grow more

produce than we can sell in the market

gardens that's a good problem to have it

means lots of veggies for canning and

plenty of veggie scraps for our pigs and

chickens since 2015 we've had another

avenue for extra produce that helps feed

people in our community find out how we

share the harvest on our Wyoming Life

this summer we received $100 in RPO box

from a subscriber he had a simple note

for us take this money and donate

vegetables from your gardens to your

local food bank please make a video

about how anybody can donate excess

produce to their local food banks the

Gillette Saturday farmers market seeks

to build a vibrant and inclusive

community market that promotes

development of our regional food system

supports local farmers ranchers

producers and artisans and provides high

quality food to all residents of our

community that is our mission statement

the last sentence of our mission

statement is one of the most important

things that I have ever worked on in my


access to high quality food for all

residents of our community food is an

absolute necessity to life but it's

something that every single community in

the entire world struggles with in every

city in town you will find people who

are hungry sometimes it's obvious and

sometimes it's hidden it might be your

neighbor friend or family member and you

may have no idea the struggle that they

are going through every day to have

enough to eat a few years ago our market

started down a path to help people I

don't run the market alone and Megan is

the brains and creator of most of our

programs I'm Megan McManaman and I am

the co market manager of the Gillette

Saturday farmers market and I also

helped coordinate markets SNAP program

so sure the harvest is a program markets

started back in 2015 it was one of the

first projects I started working on when

Erin invited me to help her

managed to farmers market today invite

you or did I just tell you I think I was

falling and basically share the harvest

started with a simple mission of

reducing food wasted market but as we

develop partnerships with the Council of

Community Services and mrs. Coe

nutrition we discovered that food

insecurity is a real issue in our

community and so it the program kind of

morphed into tackling the issue of food

insecurity in Gillette Wyoming so sure

the harvest began with producers

donating unsold and excess produce to

our local soup kitchen Food Bank and

homeless shelter I'm from that I kind of

grew into cookware donation drives they

grew went to an edible garden planting

day and free little pantries and so

essentially the purpose behind the

entire program is that every week

vendors will donate that produce and it

goes to families in need

share the harvest a simple idea with a

big impact

there's always leftover photos at

markets I might wash 15 bundles of Holi

Robbie and come to close the market I

sometimes still have Khali Robbie's

still sitting on my table it's really

tricky to predict the market demand

every week before 2015 I always

struggled with what to do with the

leftovers of course some of it still

comes home with me and we eat a lot of

the leftovers

our chickens and pigs are also a great

ray for produce to not go to waste now

my leftovers can have a better use than

feeding our animals people in our

community can enjoy healthy fresh garden

produce every week and trust me the

animals still get lots of veggies

washing day always creates a ton of

scraps that now goes to the pigs and

chickens and leftover edible produce

goes to share the harvest this next part

is a little hard to talk about and I

really hate how selfish I sound and feel

in the early days of the program part of

me struggled with donating I've always

supported the program 100% and I knew

that donating was absolutely the right

thing to do but those veggies they were

my hard work they were months and months

of hard work and I was just giving it


every week since the creation of the

program if I've had leftovers I've

donated them but a small part of me that

first year struggled with it and then my

perception changed and my feelings on

the inside began to match my outward

enthusiasm for the program I don't know

exactly when the shift occurred but I do

remember starting to hear the feedback

that Meghan was getting from the council

people were excited for the veggies they

were thankful and they were grateful

then I started to think about how the

gardens impact my life now and how

Gardens impacted my life as a child in

the summer I don't really buy vegetables

from the grocery store

and once we started raising beef and

pork I don't buy much meat from the

grocery store either our grocery bill

goes way down in the summer when I think

back to my childhood I always remember

the garden almost every year we had a

garden I remember big bowls of salad in

the early summer and I remember picking

peas and shelling them and eating them

right in the garden I remember plates

full of sliced tomatoes with lots of

salt and pepper on them and corn on the

cob by my birthday in August I remember

the fall coming and my mom working hard

to can and freeze for the winter and I

remember opening a jar of canned

tomatoes in the wintertime and tasting

summertime in a jar just like most

families my family went through

financial ups and downs I remember one

year were trips to the grocery store

were fewer and the fridge in the pantry

grew emptier than I had ever seen it

between shopping trips we never went

without meals my mom made sure that

somehow but we were definitely less food

secure for a while but I remember the

garden always been a constant in our

life there were still big bowls of salad

and plates of tomatoes and jars of

veggies put away for the winter the

gardens created food security for us

Mike can tell stories of commodity

cheese and peanut butter during his

childhood but his family didn't have

gardens and there were none of those

wonderful fresh veggies available which

might explain why he's not a big veggie

either now it was once I remembered my

own story that my perspective changed

about donating instead of being a chore

and something that I felt somewhat

obligated to do it became something that

was necessary for me to do I needed to

share the harvest I could buy food for

my chickens and pigs and just give them

the scraps from washing day at the end

of the de Market Day if I can't eat or

repurpose what's left on my table it

goes to the Council of Community

Services no questions asked by 2017 our

vendors donated one thousand one hundred

eighty two dollars worth of produce and

baked goods to the council Community

Services that went into food bags to

feed the needy in our community in the

grand scheme of things one thousand one

hundred and eighty two dollars isn't

going to solve hunger in our community

but when it comes to food insecurity

every dollar every meal and every bag of

produce donated makes a noticeable

difference in one person or one family's

lives our donating doesn't end with the

gardens every year right before we

restock the freezers with our beef and

pork we clean out the freezers we take

unsold roast ham stew meat and whatever

else to the council often it's more than

a thousand dollars in beef and pork

sharing the harvest is something that we

can all do most community soup kitchens

food banks or homeless shelters will

take your excess produce find out in

your community where your donations can

go give them a call and arrange how you

can share your harvest

although we don't know the name of our

anonymous donor I want to truly thank

you from the bottom of our hearts $100

was a huge amount of produce it will

make an impact in people's lives more

than anything though I'm humbled that

our donor would help feed people in my

community that money could have been

donated to his local food bank but

instead it was sent to us and I hope I

have done it justice and I hope that I

have shared the message of how everyone

can share their harvest for more from

the gardens and the ranch make sure that

you subscribe Mike we'll be back on

Sunday and it's time to start the bowls

from the cows I hope today that you've

explored the ranch life and escaped the

ordinary and thanks for joining me in

our Wyoming life

For more infomation >> Share the Harvest - Farmers' Market Gives Back to the Community - Duration: 8:50.


Baño de sangre por un hispano que mató a tres personas | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Baño de sangre por un hispano que mató a tres personas | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:17.


DIY Sewing Needle Fishing Hook Tutorial - Duration: 7:09.

Today we're going to be making little tiny micro hooks

look at them

and we're going to be making them out of

sewing needles

really simple

stay tuned to learn how

Now, these don't have barbs

it's going to be a little more difficult to catch a fish with it

because it doesn't have a barb

it's-you just have to keep tension the whole time


but on the plus side this is much better for the actual fish

because the barb won't

you know, destroy its mouth

and it's a fun challenge

so I want to challenge people

to build these hooks out of the needles

and try and catch a fish themselves

so let's get started with the tutorial

you're gonna need

needle nose pliers

and another pair of needle nose pliers

First, I take my needle nose pliers

put it right on the tipy tip of this

and this all depends on how small you want this hook to be

but I'm showing you guys how to make the smallest one possible

I put right on the tip

and then I push it down like this


and I start to turn it inwards, like this

you see how it's angled now 90 degrees?

You see that?

[Erin] Mhmm.

[Brendon] about 90 degrees

and if it's not try and get it to 90 degrees

and then

after that

I hold on to the hook

with a bigger pair

and I'll continue to wrap it like this

against the actual pliers, just like that

and I'll twist it around just like that

see that?

you've gotta be careful not to go too much, it's easy to go too much

and then once you turn it

look at that

an offset hook right there

but that's the easy part

making the hook is the easy part

that's a little one, you can make a bigger one

by bringing it up a little bit more

instead of, instead of having it straight at the tip right here

bring it maybe a quarter inch up

make that 90 degree

and then once you have that 90 degree

you wanna bring that tip

you want to bring this tip to probably like right here

there we go

look at that one

a lot of different variations you can make


this one's a little bit more rounded

compared to like

this square bottom right here

i think the rounded ones would be a little bit better

um, okay now let me show you how I make the eye

this part


with these specific ones I can just crush the ball off

and the ball will come right off



this is the difficult part

This is what I have the most trouble with, is how do I make this eye?

Do you wrap it around like this one? Look at that

Should I wrap it around?

Should I just make a little standard loop like this?

Or will that not hold?

But then I realized that

I'm catching little, small fish on this

I don't need it to be that strong

a wrap is almost unnecessary

so I can just do a little loop

and I do that in a really similar way where I pinch it

and then

I roll it

I roll it around like that

you see that?

There we go!

Really simple

I hope I'm giving you guys some ideas here

again, this is not the only way to do it, this is my

my $1 DIY way to do it

so experiment with different ways

I think this one would work pretty well

um, now, okay for this small one

for the small one

you don't necessarily need the shank to be that long

so I'm going to crush this ball again

the ball comes right off

like, if you made-if you made the the loop right here

That doesn't look right, right?

You see how long the shank is?

and then the loop?

So what you have to do with this

is cut it off

give it a little bit of distance

so that it can make the loop

and then make the loop


I put my finger on this

and I turn it

there we go

look at that little hook

Now you don't want-you don't want a gap between the eye right there

so you're gonna have to wanna--

you're gonna wanna tighten that a little bit

and just give a pinch with the other pliers

there you go

and there you have it

home made hooks right here

There you have it, super simple to make, right?

I wanted to give you guys this idea, maybe it'll inspire someone to try it themselves and take the adventure for themselves

um, theses su--these little hooks are really easy to make

and it's--it's very rewarding to make your own hooks and catch a fish with your own hook

um, that's what I got out of the experience

if you guys try it yourself

let us know how it works

have you done this before? Is there a better way to do this?

How can I get a barb on here?

Can anyone answer me that?

Anyways, if you guys like the episode

subscribe and push that little notification bell

we publish an episode four times a week now

pretty much, so you don't want to miss any of that

hit the notification bell.

See ya, guys.

For more infomation >> DIY Sewing Needle Fishing Hook Tutorial - Duration: 7:09.


Another Epic Half Dollar Box Hunt - Part 1 of 2 - Duration: 19:56.

on May 3rd I uploaded a half dollar hunt

video called mega epic best half dollar

hunt ever and quite honestly I never

thought I would ever find a box like

that again ever let alone two well four

months later today we found a few boxes

just like it this is part one of a

two-part video series

I couldn't squeeze all the content into

one cuz it's two boxes and they both

were epic this is the smaller of the two

boxes so be sure to watch part two after

this video sit back relax and enjoy

seeing some silver see if I can get this

box open maybe it's a good sign it

doesn't want me to look inside

I wasn't gonna even record me opening

this box because I haven't had any

Enders in a while and of course of

course the one time I don't record it I

hadn't even opened up this box yet this

is my grocery store pick up I haven't

even opened up this box but I figured

I'd crack these two boxes take a look I

never get Enders and what do you know

right off the bat we get a nineteen

looks like a 68 my favorite year ender

silver so what do you do now I'm gonna

flip them around and see if I got any

more Enders on the other side this is

gonna be a good box guys silver ender

silver ender silver ender we've got

three silver showin and that's a lot my

record box had nine silver and her

showing and this box has three let's see

if there's any Enders on that box

alright let's open this one live horse

you know the curse of the camera the one

box I don't open live for you guys had

an ender but hey it's gonna be fun to

hunt that's for sure see if I can get

this box open maybe it's a good sign it

doesn't want me to look inside you know

after last week from my grocery store

paint getting those brand-new 90 CDs

just happy to get a hunt going on oh my


holy cow a silver under here and a

silver under here let me get them

flipped around and see if there's any

more I'm already smiling

alright I'll be right back guys one

- and that's a 1964 three four five six

seven seven Enders on this box plus

three in that box this is going to be a

ridiculous two box hunt if we've got

seven Enders showing in this box you

know we got coins inside there and we

got three in that one so I'm thinking

the fattest part of the collection is in

this one and then we had some trailers

in that one unbelievable I'm going home

I was gonna hunt these quarters that I'm

picking up because I know you guys had

asked it for a quarter hunt but we're

doing half dollars so I'll be honest

guys I'm driving to a couple more chase

banks because I'm trying to fill up one

of the boxes of quarters that you guys

want so I get a couple of boxes to hunt

but I just wanna go home and of those

half dollars I'm not gonna lie but I'm

gonna stick to the plan let me go get a

couple of more hundred dollars into

quarters so that I have two full boxes

all right yes we'll stick to the plan

all right everyone we got him back at

the house and I wanted to just confirm

the Enders that I see and I think we

have a few less than I thought but still

great this was box number one from the

grocery store open in the car

I have flipped them all over we still

have the definite three Enders right

there in that middle band so this is

probably the continuation of the last

box into here and then it might have got

cold either way three confirmed Enders

I'm going to open this box first because

there's only three silver ends this is

the one that had I thought seven or more

and I'm gonna count all seven for you

but I think maybe a couple of them may

not be so starting from this end of the

box this one looks very suspicious off

color though so

you can't guarantee it but we have for


this one right here it's a 1964 under

90% we have another one right here a 67

so that's two confirmed with a

possibility with another one right here

you can't see the front but it's

definitely one so that's three with the

possibility I can see the date here it's

a 67 so that's four with the possibility

we've got another one down here so

that's five and that's a 66 and then

this one could be one as well it's also

got that rust tone but it's definitely

different than the rest so it's five for

sure possibly two more that we can see

so somewhere between five and seven

silver Enders one's a 90 percenter which

makes me feel right here which makes me

feel really good to know that we might

have a chance at getting a couple of 90

percenter the last time I had seven and

showing that we're silver that box end

up having 70 but only one 90 percenter

this is only five confirmed and actually

that last box we actually had two more

that ended up being end coins that were

silver so it ended up having nine I'm

not expecting to get 70 in this box

maybe we'll get 20 or 30 typically with

that many end coins shown that are

silver we should have more quite a few

more in the rolls

that'll be my second hunt this will be

my first time we'll start with this box

or record the we'll get into the rolls

and if I start seeing silver coins I'll

get on the tripod but for no matter what

this will be recorded on the tripod

because I can already tell it's gonna be

a good box let's start the hood unroll

three so we were over two so far toward

the end off starting to push them

through with my finger and look at this

definitely definitely a silver let's see

what we got here maybe and won't let go

beautiful 1968 so those that watched my

first mega epic hunt I had so many 1968

it was almost unbelievable so far in the

first three roles and I have to still

hunt this one now we've got a 68 40

percent IRR and the 2012 and I FC will

bring it back in and like I said guys

I'm not using the tripod on this one if

it starts getting heavy and crazy yeah

we'll use a tripod and we'll open all

the rolls live but not yet let's let's


all right guys rule number five we're

gonna have a couple of Silver's the rule

popped open ah me I'll tell you what I'm

gonna set the tripod up if we're gonna

have two silvers in an early role I'm

assuming we're gonna get a lot more so

let's go and take a look at what this is

I don't want to ruin this or discredit

this box by not filming it while I'm

opening 1966 Philadelphia two silvers a

1964 90 percenter Denver so so far we've

got an nifc and to 40% and the first not

even 5 rolls because I haven't finished

hunting it yet I'm gonna finish this

roll I'm gonna set the tripod up it's

gonna require a lot more editing with

the tripod because I have to have a

whole bunch of cuts and then delayed him

if I find nothing but it won't do this

box any justice if I do it this way who

wants to see me with an open road a

couple of coins so let me get this set

up and I'll be back

rolled number nine hoping for the first

silver since we put on the camera

boom oh that's a good sign I think I see

three you can see him shining like

reflectors let's check him out then a

beautiful sixty-eight Denver not the

beautiful 68 Denver this is very

reminiscent another beautiful 68 Denver

you know it's funny last week I couldn't

get any half stars of size brand new

ones which I thought was weird I did

think that was weird all of a sudden

this week I'm getting really nice almost

uncirculated 68 Denver's like I did

before it's like is there is there a

half dollar shortage and then the mint

pulls out some old stock if that's the

case shoot me a whole box of 68 DS

anyway a three silver roll roll number

nine they finished this roll and we'll

get on with the hunt rolled number ten

let's see what we got hoping for after

that last three silvers in a row give me

one I'll take one and we got one ask and

thou shalt receive another 68d huh this

is interesting is this I'm gonna move

these by years so we got 64 65 66 67 68

we'll put the NIF C's at the back

another silver at the box

moving on to roll number 12 why is it

when you know there's silver in the box

the rolls feel heavier maybe because

they are

boom three more in that role for sure

let's see what we got in here where do

you know 68d brand-new almost nether 68d

almost uncirculated and another 68 D

what's up with these 68 DS that appears

to be all in the roll

possible and IFC right here 2001 and one

right here

98 all right that now makes ten Silver's

in the first 12 rolls

oh now the next roll is a silver ender

roll number 13 and we've got a 68 denver

ender so we should have our 11th silver

for sure hopefully he's got some buddies

with them a lone ranger and it's an

ender but I'm not gonna argue it's

another silver coin

it's a dinged-up silver coin but it's a

68 d silver number 11 rule 15 the end is

silver hopefully he's got some friends

the last sender we only had the one coin

in the role that was silver and that may

be it as well for this one let's see

what we got here 1968 D what do you know

twelve silver coins fifteen rolls

Rolle 17 you can find some silver in

this role what we do looks like we have

a 40% for sure possible 90 or it could

just be a uncirculated 60 ad that we're

finding let's get the 40% first that is

definitely a 68 and the other one man

that shiny 68 d so that makes 14

Silver's and 17 rolls

moving on to roll number 18 looking for

that Silva we found it at least one more

got to be a 68 judging by the condition

in color it is and I don't think it's

been circulated long that's silver

number 15 roll 19 see if we can get

silver number 16 out of here

we will it's not a beauty but it's in

there right smack dab in the middle it's

a 68 d silver number 16 though we'll

take it

all right roll 24 we do have an ender on

this one for sure don't know the year

I'm gonna guess it 68 because of the 16

summers we got so far we've got 14 68

166 and 164 hopefully he's got more than

one we're starting to fall below par

after kicking butt so much in the

beginning looks like the only the ender

again and it's not a 68 it's

66 Philadelphia it's just good to see

another date that's silver number 17

well 26 hoping to find some silver in

the second half of the box and we have

one all right that's a good one it's

gonna be a 68 new probably it is

beautiful 68 D silver number 18 roll

number 27

kind of Silver Streak continue hit dies

and the very second from the end coin

saved the day on the roll I thought it

was toast but we got one ooh and it's a

64 64 Philadelphia 90 percenter two of

those now sweet we're all 29 no silver

in the last roll let me get some in this

roll we do looks pretty new another nice

68 d I think that's silver 2020 Silver's

in the first 29 rolls roll number 30

nice to see some more silver right and

we do another nice 68 d silver 21 rule

32 since asking for silver last well

didn't work

we'll just keep quiet on this roll see

what we find

I don't think we oh no we do we do have

silver right there another 68d silver

number 22 roll number forty or forty

rule out of the 50 rolls in the box

it's definitely slowed down and we might

be at the end of our silver score on

this box which would make sense because

maybe the box was packed the back way

coming forward I just have it reversed

and we got into a collection and that's

why this box has a lot more Enders maybe

there's a lot more silver too so I don't

mind it slows down that's fine we we've

already got 22 Silver's in the box so if

we get any more to be a bonus

alright everyone finished Hood in that

box a half dollars and it looks like

true to what I thought

after all the Enders happened we got

really cold the second half of the box I

believe the second half was actually the

first half and how it was loaded so it

was pretty much no collection until

right around the midpoint then all the

collections started happening that's why

we got hot that's why this has more

Enders I think we're gonna have a lot

more silver in that box although you

can't get mad at 18 1968 and 266 s so

basically a full rule of 40% and then a

couple of 90 percenter in the boxes well

if can go wrong with that

three n IRCs and a seventy four DWI

verse not in great shape at all I might

toss it back but I it's hard for me to

toss back variety coins in any condition

at the end of the day because of the

length of this video I'm gonna have to

make it two parts I'm gonna assume this

video for that box will be longer so

combining it it might be an hour and we

don't want to do that this is part one

I'll be releasing part two pretty much

within the next 24 hours as well and

we'll see how that goes

in the meantime hope you enjoyed the

video if you did I'd appreciate a thumbs

up and as always happy hunting and

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Another Epic Half Dollar Box Hunt - Part 1 of 2 - Duration: 19:56.


Water Levels Rising As North Carolina Residents Brace For Impact Of Hurricane Florence - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Water Levels Rising As North Carolina Residents Brace For Impact Of Hurricane Florence - Duration: 3:23.


Live Confidently. - Duration: 0:31.

Our best-kept secret for healthy hair is satin.

And Grace Eleyae is bringing satin

to everyday fashion.

Now you can take hair protection with you wherever you go

and with these hair protecting products, no one has to know what's going on under

your Satin-Lined Cap.

Our secret can be your little secret.

Live your day, with confidence.

For more infomation >> Live Confidently. - Duration: 0:31.


Live Confidently. - Duration: 1:29.

What if I told you there's a solution to 90% of your hair struggles?

Our best-kept secret for healthy hair is satin,

and Grace Eleyae is bringing satin to

everyday fashion.

From your morning routine

to your early morning runs,

now you can take hair protection with you wherever you go.

You can say goodbye to frizz, tangles

bed head because you won't have to risk your delicate strands on drying cotton

pillowcases, or harsh hat fabrics.

And with these hair protecting products, no one has to know what's going on under

your Satin-Lined Cap.

Our secret can be your little secret.

With Grace Eleyae's moisture retaining designs you can check your hair woes off

your list of worries.

Live your day, with confidence.

For more infomation >> Live Confidently. - Duration: 1:29.


Stunning Dream Farmhouse Style Tiny Home by Big B's Tiny Homes - Duration: 5:34.

Stunning Dream Farmhouse Style Tiny Home by Big B's Tiny Homes

For more infomation >> Stunning Dream Farmhouse Style Tiny Home by Big B's Tiny Homes - Duration: 5:34.


REALLY late July + August vlog ☀️ - Duration: 15:18.

For more infomation >> REALLY late July + August vlog ☀️ - Duration: 15:18.


Ford B-MAX 1400cc 4 cilinder motor ..Trekhaak , Airco, 4x elektrische ramen, Bovag garantie - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1400cc 4 cilinder motor ..Trekhaak , Airco, 4x elektrische ramen, Bovag garantie - Duration: 1:04.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 Ambition Urban/ Night Pack Navi - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 Ambition Urban/ Night Pack Navi - Duration: 1:06.


▷ Distancia entre dos puntos en el plano cartesiano CON RAÍZ - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> ▷ Distancia entre dos puntos en el plano cartesiano CON RAÍZ - Duration: 10:11.


Ferris Company Roasted Salted Cashews Grab 'n' Go 24p... - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> Ferris Company Roasted Salted Cashews Grab 'n' Go 24p... - Duration: 10:02.


For more infomation >> Ferris Company Roasted Salted Cashews Grab 'n' Go 24p... - Duration: 10:02.


HE PEED UPSIDE DOWN! (completely missed) - Duration: 7:15.

He peed upside down, He peed himself, Peeing while doing handstand, Enjoy!

I read my horoscope my horoscope said

yeah try something new today start with

all the places in the world

gary has had the same hairstyle for

decades now we're gonna change it up to

give him a new hairstyle

now what okay now you can take your

selfie pose - I have an Instagram waking

instrument no ISP full of butter do

suppose dude my first picture actually

with fire

yeah posted one eternity later I finally

got it 35 minutes later at least okay

have you ever done the leg over your

head post no watch this

what okay but what am i a jellyfish like

usually piece upside up but have you

ever peed upside down we're gonna do

record me pee you can't come in okay


you get to play yeah oh let's smell it's

all this thing on Instagram that you're

gonna have to try right now okay this

see well my fingers are gonna break I'm

not flexible my fingers you got this new

language I've ever been cured at the

same time

here's Jerry's Instagram don't comment

on his latest Instagram post that we

just made how amazing you looks with

that hairstyle how you should keep it if

your news subscribe until next time

leave a like

have you ever belly-flop on the floor Oh

For more infomation >> HE PEED UPSIDE DOWN! (completely missed) - Duration: 7:15.


For more infomation >> HE PEED UPSIDE DOWN! (completely missed) - Duration: 7:15.


The World's Smallest Muscleman

For more infomation >> The World's Smallest Muscleman


Montana Congressional Delegation secures $8.7M grant for Missoula Airport Construction Project - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Montana Congressional Delegation secures $8.7M grant for Missoula Airport Construction Project - Duration: 1:22.


I'm A Chicken Nugget Song - Duration: 1:53.

I'm a chicken nugget


Chicken nugget

I'm a chicken nugget



(I always feel like somebody's watching me)

Me too!

(I always feel like somebody's watching me)


I always feel like somebody's watching me!

Me too!

I always feel like somebody's watching me!


I always feel like somebody's watching me!



I always feel like somebody's watching me!



I always feel like somebody's watching me!








For more infomation >> I'm A Chicken Nugget Song - Duration: 1:53.


San - Feels like I´m dead - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> San - Feels like I´m dead - Duration: 1:32.


Veg Food Fest & Activism - Duration: 8:09.

Hey guys and welcome back to our channel

we've had a pretty eventful weekend and

start to the week there was a lot of

food and things to see at the Veg Fest

and quite a bit of activism a lot of

activism so I don't know where you guys

are watching from but if you're from

Toronto the weather here has been

terrible it's been so cold and wet it

was raining all day yesterday summer

basically gave up and left allergies

like crazy anyways there's been a lot of

tea drinking and our friend actually

brought from where from the UK I believe

I don't know if you guys have tried it

before but it's really good the Bengal

Spice from Celestial Seasoning so a lot

of tea drinking

I made some Churros the other day I

actually put the recipe up on this

channel if you want to check it out I

think it was make sure to check it out

awesome awesome recipe so on Friday we

went to go pick up our friend Joshua

from the airport he stayed with us for

the weekend we attended Veg Fest

together and we've actually vlogged it the

last two times that we've been I didn't

here we'll show you a few clips now

want to kind of vlog the whole thing but

He is a global Animal Liberation activist, a mentor and

a speaker please join me in welcoming Joshua Entis

If you could just turn to someone and give them a hug

I hope everyone is enjoying Veg Fest so far

this is my life

sadly because of everything that I have

to deal with and I have to see but

happily because I feel like I'm on the

right side of history and I'm fighting

for justice and for compassion for all

living beings on this was a great

it was a great turnout we met a lot of social media

friends was really cool to hook up with

them and put a face of the name yeah

yeah it was a great time this year we

were there like till late it was dark

the CN tower was lit up it was

beautiful I'm pretty sure there were

more people this year than years past so

it's a great thing to see so we would

come home watch some movies we took him

all around Vegandale checked out

Mythology a couple times and I don't

know if you've seen my previous videos

where I talk about how we have a whole

block now called Vegandale and it's

amazing checked out a couple stores

Gabriel got a new wallet I got a new purse

Gabriel got a new t-shirt we actually on

Monday attended an all-day vigil we went

early morning to Burlington where you

got that t-shirt yeah it was actually at

Fearman's pork factory and it's where

about 10,000 pigs a day die and

they're only up to six months old yeah

so that was very crazy we also did a

couple clips of that as well tonight you

guys have an idea of what it's like hear you go

so the pig vigil was from 8 a.m. to 3

p.m. it is really well organized it's

with the Toronto Pig save save movement

if you guys want to check them out I'll

leave all their stuff down below so we

took a little break and then we drove

over to Brampton where they do at the

chicken vigil those from 6 p.m. to 9

p.m. it was at the Maple Leaf Lodge it's

one of the actually the biggest chicken

slaughterhouse in North America where

they kill about 500,000 a day half a

million chickens a day we never got to

see any trucks come in while we were

there but there was still a really good

size of animal rights activist it was

still raining and we actually have maybe

a few clips that we'll roll now too



so now after that very long weekend that

we had it was a lot of fun stuff and a

lot of really sad stuff that

unfortunately goes on every single day

and now I have to actually go back to

work and it's a little tough it's a

little tough trying to live in this

world where it's like everything is so

you know perfect and even though you

think things are not perfect we are way

better than how other people or other

living things have it we really wanted

to share how our weekend went and if you

ever want to get active or curious to

know more like I said I'll leave

everything written down below or send us

a message to ask us we would be happy to

give you the information and talk to you

more about if you want to see a little

more I always post on my Instagram you

can follow me under Meyer dairy free or

you can follow Gabriel IMG Silva and I

guess we will see you at the next one


For more infomation >> Veg Food Fest & Activism - Duration: 8:09.


【UTAU Original】First Love【Amane Cha-Cha】+UST and BANDCAMP! - Duration: 3:59.

There are certain things that can't be understood (sae chira jek kenen grasp)

Like how words weigh more than a ton (cha vos eya grayan ton)

Like how hearts can break like bones (cha eriya ken roru cha hon)

On the other hand, certain things can't be forgotten (anso, chira jek kenen noro)

Like the moment eyes truly meet for the first time... (cha momo vijo yuyoka yure momora...)

Like first love (cha joeriya)

The corridors of an empty house are always lonely (korido no nai hase eryaya owen'yoka)

Yet I feel lonelier in your company (she, mor'owen en to kopanya)

Even then, I'm missing something without you (she, nefine pojek nevita)

You fill the gap in my heart, (tu kofira eriya-nond,)

but with a different kind of emptiness (vita defy kin owen tachi)

Is it better or is it worse? (morary ou sorary?)

I want what I don't need (i vishovi doenen nid)

For better or for worse, (mojory ou sojory,)

how can I let go of what I don't have? (ken I leren vat don'aven?)

For more infomation >> 【UTAU Original】First Love【Amane Cha-Cha】+UST and BANDCAMP! - Duration: 3:59.


Testimonio de Kimberly, de México - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Testimonio de Kimberly, de México - Duration: 1:00.


Testimonio de Laura, de Colombia - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Testimonio de Laura, de Colombia - Duration: 0:57.


Testimonio de Holmer, de Indianapolis - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Testimonio de Holmer, de Indianapolis - Duration: 2:52.


Tips on Learning Korean with Theresa || Korean Interview - Duration: 12:18.

Hello, everyone! My name is Natalia and I'm your Korean language study buddie~

I am not Natalia~

We would like to collaborate a lot in the future~

Today I would like to introduce myself

to you all and speak about how I learned Korean.

I'll go ahead a try an introduce myself get started~!

I'll go ahead a try an introduce myself get started~!

I'm calling Natalia now~

Will she answer?

Right now

it's 12:20 pm in Japan.

Could it be about 10 pm in the US?

This is unexpected, huh?

I'm in the middle of filming right now.

Natalia: Oh, are you?

Yeah! I'm filming, but..

I forgot the questions,

can you send them to me?

Natalia: Yeah! I think I still have them.

You have them~

Natalia: One sec~

*Random karaoke session to Havana*

Natalia: I just sent them!

They're here!

Okay~ I'm going to finish filming and then give you a call~!

Natalia: Okay~

Okay~ Talk to you later~

Okay~! The questions have come in!

Why did you start learning Korean?

Let's see~

Why did I start learning Korean?

In the beginning, I was learning Japanese.

While learning Japanese,

I fell in love with the men that appeared in anime.

While reading books or

watching anime,

I found that I really liked flower boys.

But, I'm originally from Jamaica.

In Jamaica there really aren't boys like that!

Since there are literally none,

I really..

thought I would only like the boys in anime.

Tears even came out of my eyes!

I didn't like any of the boys in real life.

I thought I would only like 2D men for the rest of my life!

I cried a lot.

But then my friend introduced me to K-Pop.


While watching K-Pop,

I thought, "what is this? These types of boys actually exist!"

For the first time, I felt that I could like actual guys.

It was so interesting! So interesting that I started watching it.

I started listening to K-Pop and watching K-dramas.

From that moment, I felt that I needed to learn Korean!

Because I became interested in the language.

That's when I started learning Korean.

Basically, I'm learning Korean because of boys.

When did you start learning Korean?

I started when I was 15 years old.


It's been..

5 years.

Now that I think about it..

Now that I think about it,

it's been 5 years.

What books or websites did you use when you first started learning?

And, do you regret using them?

I used Talk to Me in Korean

from the beginning of my studies up until now.

Even now, I don't use many books.

Even though I use some here and there..

If I had to recommend a resource for beginners,

I'd say TTMIK is perfect!


I don't regret it!

When I was learning Japanese,

and when I was learning Chinese

I regretted a lot of things.

When I was learning Korean..

I don't regret anything from

when I first started learning Korean.

I don't have a single regret!


is really the best!

The best!

Why are you studying Korean now?

Firstly, I want to achieve level 6 fluency!

I want to be achieve a score of 6 on the TOPIK!

So~ Right now~

So~ So~ So~

In October,

In October of this year,

I'll be taking the TOPIK.

In one try,

I want to get a 6!

And I want...

to be able to read a book.

I read books now, but

it's a little awkward.

It's not comfortable at all.

So, I want to improve my Korean abilities

so that I can read a book.


I want to work with TTMIK!

Even though I've filmed a video with them before,

I still want to work with them.

Hyunwoo, please accept me!

Have you talked the Test of Proficiency in Korean?

As I mentioned before, I haven't taken the test yet.

I plan on taking it in October~

If you're curious about how I'm preparing..

or how I do,

please visit our channel~!

Please visit our channel~

Please show our channel lots of love~!

This question isn't about Korean, but~

what is your favorite Korean food?

This is a really hard question for me!

I really really like Korean food~!


I like it to the point that I feel a fire in my heart!

The passion I have!!

I really love Korean food!

If I really have to pick one..

Yangnyeom Chicken?

Or Kimchi Jjigae?

It's yangnyeom chicken or kimchi jjigae.

I pick both of them!

What is the funniest Korean expression you've heard?

"Don't sell an eye."

"Don't sell an eye."

It means, "don't cheat on me."


"Only look at me."

It's a cute expression girls use... "Don't sell an eye."

Don't.. Don't.. Don't sell an eye...

It's so weird!!

Can you even sell an eye?

It's just really weird!!

What books or resources are you currently studying with?

As I mentioned before,

I don't really use books..

But, right now~

I'm using this, "HOT TOPIK" reading book.


I plan on taking the TOPIK.

If I weren't preparing for the TOPIK,

I wouldn't have a current favorite.

Korea University of Foreign Studies' level 4 textbook is a good one.

Their level 5 and 6 books are a little more..

If you're not taking classes

I want to recommend Korea University of Foreign Studies'

level 6 textbook for self-studiers!

It's really good~!! Like really good!

Do you have any advice you could offer to our viewers?


You can't be perfect at a language!

So, don't think you can be perfectly "fluent!"

If you acquire the ability to have a conversation, then tell yourself you're fluent!

Being able to converse in a foreign language is great!

So don't be too disappointed in yourself.


Learn native, natural Korean~

If you want to learn native Korean,

watch "아는 형님." (Variety Show)

If you aren't advanced in Korea,

if you're a beginner..

watch "Playful Kiss!" (Drama)

Watch it a lot! Watch it over and over again!

Don't watch it once, watch it many times!

It's time for me to go~

It was nice to become friends with all of you!


Natalia is very good at Korean!

So, please show her channel lots of love~

Don't forget to subscribe.

If you've fallen for me, please check out my channel and subscribe!

See you next time~

For more infomation >> Tips on Learning Korean with Theresa || Korean Interview - Duration: 12:18.


2018 Fall Parade of Homes - KARE-TV - 9/13/2018 - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> 2018 Fall Parade of Homes - KARE-TV - 9/13/2018 - Duration: 3:03.


EATING COCONUT WORM (ココナッツワーム) - Kluna Tik ASMR Dinner #31 | ASMR eating sounds no talk - Duration: 4:12.

please click SUBCRIBE

For more infomation >> EATING COCONUT WORM (ココナッツワーム) - Kluna Tik ASMR Dinner #31 | ASMR eating sounds no talk - Duration: 4:12.


Sobre mudar suas escolhas (SUBTITLES available) - Duration: 7:56.

Hi! How are you?

My name is Catarina Marcato

and today I'm talking about

not knowing what to do with your life

Seriously. I am.

I'm gonna tell you the reason

why I didn't go to college for Dramatic Arts in Brazil

I've already posted a couple of videos on

how I started my career, how I went from singing to acting

There are already many videos in here

so if you may

go there, check it out,

and than come back here

to watch this one, ok?

Let's go!

As I said, I've always loved performing.

Singing has always brought me glee,

that brought me joy

But if I tell you guys all the things I've

wanted to do in my life.

You guys... Really.

I wanted to be a biologist, a chemist

a volleyball player.

But like, I really wanted. REALLY wanted

But my parents didn't want me

training like, 3 hours a day

I'd have to quit Theatre and Choir.

Look at my face who was willing

to quit Theatre and Choir

I wouldn't quit for nothing

Anyway, volley didn't happen

it remained as a hobby

and brought really wonderful people to my life

that added up so so much.

But also,

volleyball taught me very important things

it taught me discipline,

it taught me resilience, it taught me faith

and team spirit

I don't even know how to put into words

the importance of those things for a person.

So wow


Moving on!

I decided I wanted Dramatic Arts

on my first year of High School

I talked to my parents and

they didn't say I couldn't do it

Because they knew I was good at it and that

I loved that more than anything

But they talked to me

as two parents concerned with

the well being of their daughter

with a point of having a stable job,

stable income

Anyway, all that scared me

I chickened out, and decided

to study Psychology

And I did! My plan was to

keep singing as a hobby, leave it aside

and to specialize in Psicodrama

which, for those who don't know,

to REALLY sum it up for Chrissake

it's an area of Psychology that utilises

improv as

a therapy method.

So beautiful.

And I studied Psychology for a year and a half!

Until July 2016, when

I came to New York for the Musical Theater

Summer program at New York Film Academy

(which I'll always call NYFA

cause it's shorter, faster to speak)

Someday I'll tell you guys how

all this happened, how I ended up here

But anyway, when I came

I realized that

I couldn't, it couldn't be

I didn't want Psychology for my life

Psychology wasn't the profession that

would make me wake up every morning

with a huge smile on my face to go to work,

that would bring me self-realization


It's a field I respect a lot

I loved studying that

I have 2 psychologists in my life:

my mom and my aunt

I love the profession, it's beautiful


there was always something missing, you know?

That wasn't what my heart wanted

And I was aprehensive!

Guys, I was super aprehensive of dropping out

I'd done it for one and a half years

I couldn't spend all that time of my life

and not finish college

And that's exactly why I did another semester

when I came back

'cause it wasn't possible that I wasted my life

I threw those years aw(...)ANYWAY

GUYS this is the lesson

I wanna tell you today:

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay not to know what to do

It's okay if you choose something

and later on you change your mind completely

It's okay.

If you're going through the same thing,


it's fine, ok?

It's normal

It's all good

Nothing happens vainly.

I'm a person who really really believes in that

Everything happens for a reason,

everything adds on to our lives,

everything comes to make us grow.

And studying Psychology ended up

helping SO MUCH with acting

because I understand people better

OF COURSE I only studied for 2 years

but it helped me to understand people,

to understand personalities.

It helped with character development and

character interpretation.

A simple example is

a villain.

You can't treat a villain as that

I'm gonna play a villain, I can't think "he's bad"

NO! The villain doesn't think he's mean.

You make your choices for your life,

you think that they're the best for you

You're doing what you truly believe in,

nobody thinks "I'm gonna do this

'cause it's bad", right?

So Psychology helped me to understand

the reasons why a character is the way it is,

why he thinks the way he does,

why those beliefs, anyway.

I'm really summing it up, but

it helped my A LOT. A LOT.

Also, the time I spent in college

made me much more mature

and independent

which was extremely important later

for what would be the greatest adventure

of my life: moving to New York City

Like, WHAT?!

That's what I wanted to tell you: it's okay

to change paths

Nobody deserves to do what they don't like

or what they don't love more than anything

in their lives, ok?


Easier said than done, but

when you do that which you love

that translates into your work.

A teacher that loves what

he's teaching,

isn't that the most precious thing

in the world?

That happens with any other job.

When someone does what they don't love,

it's always a bit borderline,

it'll never be 100% of what it can be.

And you'll never be 100% happy


so be happy

Nobody deserves to be unhappy.

Do. What. You. Love.

That's what I have to say

more than anything in life

because I have no regrets. None.


I have no regrets

I'm very happy as I am,

I'm very happy with

the decisions I made.

I'm very happy that I chose

after all those things

to be a performer.

That's all for this week!

You know: if you have any

questions please leave it down here.

Ask anything you want,

don't hesitate to ask,

it'll be a pleasure to help.

And that's it!

See you next week! XO

For more infomation >> Sobre mudar suas escolhas (SUBTITLES available) - Duration: 7:56.


What can I do to make money? - Duration: 2:37.

again in case you missed it. Pay

attention it's gonna be in the

description but it's

Thanks for watching and

I'll see everybody at the top.

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