on May 3rd I uploaded a half dollar hunt
video called mega epic best half dollar
hunt ever and quite honestly I never
thought I would ever find a box like
that again ever let alone two well four
months later today we found a few boxes
just like it this is part one of a
two-part video series
I couldn't squeeze all the content into
one cuz it's two boxes and they both
were epic this is the smaller of the two
boxes so be sure to watch part two after
this video sit back relax and enjoy
seeing some silver see if I can get this
box open maybe it's a good sign it
doesn't want me to look inside
I wasn't gonna even record me opening
this box because I haven't had any
Enders in a while and of course of
course the one time I don't record it I
hadn't even opened up this box yet this
is my grocery store pick up I haven't
even opened up this box but I figured
I'd crack these two boxes take a look I
never get Enders and what do you know
right off the bat we get a nineteen
looks like a 68 my favorite year ender
silver so what do you do now I'm gonna
flip them around and see if I got any
more Enders on the other side this is
gonna be a good box guys silver ender
silver ender silver ender we've got
three silver showin and that's a lot my
record box had nine silver and her
showing and this box has three let's see
if there's any Enders on that box
alright let's open this one live horse
you know the curse of the camera the one
box I don't open live for you guys had
an ender but hey it's gonna be fun to
hunt that's for sure see if I can get
this box open maybe it's a good sign it
doesn't want me to look inside you know
after last week from my grocery store
paint getting those brand-new 90 CDs
just happy to get a hunt going on oh my
holy cow a silver under here and a
silver under here let me get them
flipped around and see if there's any
more I'm already smiling
alright I'll be right back guys one
- and that's a 1964 three four five six
seven seven Enders on this box plus
three in that box this is going to be a
ridiculous two box hunt if we've got
seven Enders showing in this box you
know we got coins inside there and we
got three in that one so I'm thinking
the fattest part of the collection is in
this one and then we had some trailers
in that one unbelievable I'm going home
I was gonna hunt these quarters that I'm
picking up because I know you guys had
asked it for a quarter hunt but we're
doing half dollars so I'll be honest
guys I'm driving to a couple more chase
banks because I'm trying to fill up one
of the boxes of quarters that you guys
want so I get a couple of boxes to hunt
but I just wanna go home and of those
half dollars I'm not gonna lie but I'm
gonna stick to the plan let me go get a
couple of more hundred dollars into
quarters so that I have two full boxes
all right yes we'll stick to the plan
all right everyone we got him back at
the house and I wanted to just confirm
the Enders that I see and I think we
have a few less than I thought but still
great this was box number one from the
grocery store open in the car
I have flipped them all over we still
have the definite three Enders right
there in that middle band so this is
probably the continuation of the last
box into here and then it might have got
cold either way three confirmed Enders
I'm going to open this box first because
there's only three silver ends this is
the one that had I thought seven or more
and I'm gonna count all seven for you
but I think maybe a couple of them may
not be so starting from this end of the
box this one looks very suspicious off
color though so
you can't guarantee it but we have for
this one right here it's a 1964 under
90% we have another one right here a 67
so that's two confirmed with a
possibility with another one right here
you can't see the front but it's
definitely one so that's three with the
possibility I can see the date here it's
a 67 so that's four with the possibility
we've got another one down here so
that's five and that's a 66 and then
this one could be one as well it's also
got that rust tone but it's definitely
different than the rest so it's five for
sure possibly two more that we can see
so somewhere between five and seven
silver Enders one's a 90 percenter which
makes me feel right here which makes me
feel really good to know that we might
have a chance at getting a couple of 90
percenter the last time I had seven and
showing that we're silver that box end
up having 70 but only one 90 percenter
this is only five confirmed and actually
that last box we actually had two more
that ended up being end coins that were
silver so it ended up having nine I'm
not expecting to get 70 in this box
maybe we'll get 20 or 30 typically with
that many end coins shown that are
silver we should have more quite a few
more in the rolls
that'll be my second hunt this will be
my first time we'll start with this box
or record the we'll get into the rolls
and if I start seeing silver coins I'll
get on the tripod but for no matter what
this will be recorded on the tripod
because I can already tell it's gonna be
a good box let's start the hood unroll
three so we were over two so far toward
the end off starting to push them
through with my finger and look at this
definitely definitely a silver let's see
what we got here maybe and won't let go
beautiful 1968 so those that watched my
first mega epic hunt I had so many 1968
it was almost unbelievable so far in the
first three roles and I have to still
hunt this one now we've got a 68 40
percent IRR and the 2012 and I FC will
bring it back in and like I said guys
I'm not using the tripod on this one if
it starts getting heavy and crazy yeah
we'll use a tripod and we'll open all
the rolls live but not yet let's let's
all right guys rule number five we're
gonna have a couple of Silver's the rule
popped open ah me I'll tell you what I'm
gonna set the tripod up if we're gonna
have two silvers in an early role I'm
assuming we're gonna get a lot more so
let's go and take a look at what this is
I don't want to ruin this or discredit
this box by not filming it while I'm
opening 1966 Philadelphia two silvers a
1964 90 percenter Denver so so far we've
got an nifc and to 40% and the first not
even 5 rolls because I haven't finished
hunting it yet I'm gonna finish this
roll I'm gonna set the tripod up it's
gonna require a lot more editing with
the tripod because I have to have a
whole bunch of cuts and then delayed him
if I find nothing but it won't do this
box any justice if I do it this way who
wants to see me with an open road a
couple of coins so let me get this set
up and I'll be back
rolled number nine hoping for the first
silver since we put on the camera
boom oh that's a good sign I think I see
three you can see him shining like
reflectors let's check him out then a
beautiful sixty-eight Denver not the
beautiful 68 Denver this is very
reminiscent another beautiful 68 Denver
you know it's funny last week I couldn't
get any half stars of size brand new
ones which I thought was weird I did
think that was weird all of a sudden
this week I'm getting really nice almost
uncirculated 68 Denver's like I did
before it's like is there is there a
half dollar shortage and then the mint
pulls out some old stock if that's the
case shoot me a whole box of 68 DS
anyway a three silver roll roll number
nine they finished this roll and we'll
get on with the hunt rolled number ten
let's see what we got hoping for after
that last three silvers in a row give me
one I'll take one and we got one ask and
thou shalt receive another 68d huh this
is interesting is this I'm gonna move
these by years so we got 64 65 66 67 68
we'll put the NIF C's at the back
another silver at the box
moving on to roll number 12 why is it
when you know there's silver in the box
the rolls feel heavier maybe because
they are
boom three more in that role for sure
let's see what we got in here where do
you know 68d brand-new almost nether 68d
almost uncirculated and another 68 D
what's up with these 68 DS that appears
to be all in the roll
possible and IFC right here 2001 and one
right here
98 all right that now makes ten Silver's
in the first 12 rolls
oh now the next roll is a silver ender
roll number 13 and we've got a 68 denver
ender so we should have our 11th silver
for sure hopefully he's got some buddies
with them a lone ranger and it's an
ender but I'm not gonna argue it's
another silver coin
it's a dinged-up silver coin but it's a
68 d silver number 11 rule 15 the end is
silver hopefully he's got some friends
the last sender we only had the one coin
in the role that was silver and that may
be it as well for this one let's see
what we got here 1968 D what do you know
twelve silver coins fifteen rolls
Rolle 17 you can find some silver in
this role what we do looks like we have
a 40% for sure possible 90 or it could
just be a uncirculated 60 ad that we're
finding let's get the 40% first that is
definitely a 68 and the other one man
that shiny 68 d so that makes 14
Silver's and 17 rolls
moving on to roll number 18 looking for
that Silva we found it at least one more
got to be a 68 judging by the condition
in color it is and I don't think it's
been circulated long that's silver
number 15 roll 19 see if we can get
silver number 16 out of here
we will it's not a beauty but it's in
there right smack dab in the middle it's
a 68 d silver number 16 though we'll
take it
all right roll 24 we do have an ender on
this one for sure don't know the year
I'm gonna guess it 68 because of the 16
summers we got so far we've got 14 68
166 and 164 hopefully he's got more than
one we're starting to fall below par
after kicking butt so much in the
beginning looks like the only the ender
again and it's not a 68 it's
66 Philadelphia it's just good to see
another date that's silver number 17
well 26 hoping to find some silver in
the second half of the box and we have
one all right that's a good one it's
gonna be a 68 new probably it is
beautiful 68 D silver number 18 roll
number 27
kind of Silver Streak continue hit dies
and the very second from the end coin
saved the day on the roll I thought it
was toast but we got one ooh and it's a
64 64 Philadelphia 90 percenter two of
those now sweet we're all 29 no silver
in the last roll let me get some in this
roll we do looks pretty new another nice
68 d I think that's silver 2020 Silver's
in the first 29 rolls roll number 30
nice to see some more silver right and
we do another nice 68 d silver 21 rule
32 since asking for silver last well
didn't work
we'll just keep quiet on this roll see
what we find
I don't think we oh no we do we do have
silver right there another 68d silver
number 22 roll number forty or forty
rule out of the 50 rolls in the box
it's definitely slowed down and we might
be at the end of our silver score on
this box which would make sense because
maybe the box was packed the back way
coming forward I just have it reversed
and we got into a collection and that's
why this box has a lot more Enders maybe
there's a lot more silver too so I don't
mind it slows down that's fine we we've
already got 22 Silver's in the box so if
we get any more to be a bonus
alright everyone finished Hood in that
box a half dollars and it looks like
true to what I thought
after all the Enders happened we got
really cold the second half of the box I
believe the second half was actually the
first half and how it was loaded so it
was pretty much no collection until
right around the midpoint then all the
collections started happening that's why
we got hot that's why this has more
Enders I think we're gonna have a lot
more silver in that box although you
can't get mad at 18 1968 and 266 s so
basically a full rule of 40% and then a
couple of 90 percenter in the boxes well
if can go wrong with that
three n IRCs and a seventy four DWI
verse not in great shape at all I might
toss it back but I it's hard for me to
toss back variety coins in any condition
at the end of the day because of the
length of this video I'm gonna have to
make it two parts I'm gonna assume this
video for that box will be longer so
combining it it might be an hour and we
don't want to do that this is part one
I'll be releasing part two pretty much
within the next 24 hours as well and
we'll see how that goes
in the meantime hope you enjoyed the
video if you did I'd appreciate a thumbs
up and as always happy hunting and
thanks for watching
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